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MOT07, S. A., K urmov. A. S. FaicTCA) S. A.) KOITAKOV. A, S. Buildings prefabricated large panel construction of industrial enterprises. Stroi. T)rcn,. 30, No. 3, March 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Ace essions, Library of Congress, -August 110,52 Uncl. BARDOVSKIY, V.Ya.; KOLPAKOV, A.V. Use of the induced activity method to define ore zones in holes in a fluorite deposit. Vop.rud,'g6ofiz. no-3:85-86 161. (IMIA 15:8) (Radioactive prospecting) (Fluorite) JD V,,07o/66/011/00"/0511/0519' ivl- - 1F.11 CODF--- tr o-6'7 2;hdanOv 0 G. ~,~,o246C tCG IjIL'. A o1pawr 0 Ici 60 sud" I ra n f J-~~4w' (IJOSICOVS a0 KU% ILA. state scow by cryc'tale 01110 &diation f 1405sbauOt r cring 0 66, 53.1-53.9 'ITLF Sc&tt v. 3.1 19 crystal 1; ita-aog, raf Va 1106 atomic st.,eturov Kr effect, gamo& scattering, tion Oi the AOr -ca M3 14ossba the appli TOPLC TAGS is analysis Of ta, b-31 nuclei of &t0 analys theoretical tbLoorY stractur, ttoring Of quan of crystals 5 present a napt SCa tructvxo . ciev%tly ath9r .0so Uffi ospocia3ay x f the ato'do s 5 A,35TMCT: f ct and t w Dloasurolnont of Vahlo, ?I ion 0 r'ystallc baxior ~e f ~,to t., JnvOstlga is sholin ho a basis Of 01 %-J- that Z70 , stablish the c Ve IL 'i a and it )ssiblo to 0 tal data vhich c,a6n is sho' in is ro owe r'a tho 3s it ix xporimOn IVJOWIDI - ~kLcds and In Of the , ons vkak4 The 0 a To .316 not f reflect' , otho are is I "'Plicatod Vambor 0 uor atO056 aguor-atolv c0 n Wssba t1le YOssl otlier 8tract"re-ana which contai by avaritagoo Of rajts 9A analYsis at ~structurai analysis mbinGs the a it also sbauor %Qthod' Cox r 11exibill-W- Xos I Us & greate addition cod 1/2 09459-67 'ACC NR:'Ap6024664 biological oryr .tanine objects. Although there are still exp cult'08, it Is concluded that many orimental diffi- and diffraction there are grounds for assuming Mossb to takG their place among auor scattering other diffraction methods of atruc ;analy"' . Orig- art. has: 4 figures and 18 fomulas. tural SUB CODe: 20/ SUBM DATS: - ~14SGP65/ ORIG REFO 001/ OTH REF; 015 Card 2/2 ~,YC, SHUGAL,Te.G.; RYABOY. O.K.; BOCHAWYA. T.V.; KISLYAIC, L.K.9;IKOBELIKOVA, A,K,; LIKOV, A,D.; WMUMNA. O.To; SHLX907A, T.G.; TAGUF"AO Ye.l.; ITANOT, N.Ao; R7RIK, I.P.'; KHQWXVA. P.Te.; ImInUT-TAIWAO, A~So; MLOVA9 M.Ie; RAXOT. INN*, ried,; KARCHIROI, V#Ao, red,,, KOLFAKOV B T., red.; MINA, V.,N., redo; KHMIYEV. A.M., takhn, [Soviet commerce of the R.S.P.S.R.; a statisticai mmlall sov~t- i3kaia torgoviia v RSJSE~- atatistichaskii abornik. Moskva, Goes' dtat. ind-vo, 1956. 342 p; (Mm litlo) 1. Rmeoia (1917- R.80F.S.R.) TSentralluoye atatistloheekoye upravlenlys. 06 rcial statistics) X0 FaASE I WOK EaUTTATION 751 RSFSR Toentra.11noye statisticheskoye upravieniye RSFSR na 40 let; stat.Otieheskiy d-bornik (Me RS' SINR Daring Forty Years; Statis- tical Data) Moscxw, Izi-qu "Sovebskaya Rossiya", 1958. 222 p. 25..0M copies printed. Gen. Ed.: Kolpakov,, B.T.j Ed.: Xbrobov, Pol.; Tech. Ed.: Yusfina, N.L.; Chief, Central tatiaTT-ca=dministration of the RSFSR. FUBFOSE; Tb1s book is designed for the non-specialist reader interested in statia- tical data on the kissian Soviet Federate& Socialist Republic (ESPSR). COVERAZE: The present statistical abstraot vas prepared by members of the Cent ial Statistical Administration of the FMR under the direction of its head, B.T. Kolpakov. ItIs purpose is to shcrr in a popularized presentation, the Republiela achievements chiring thi years of the Soviet Administration, Comparisons are made between data obtained for 1913 (on the basis of the then existing boundarlez) and data based on the RSFSR's present boundaries, which now include Tannu-Tava, The RSFSR During Forty Years; Statistical Data 751 the Kaliningradskeys, oblast 1, and Southern Sakhalin. The period covered is from 1913 to 1956 and figures for 1956 are given most3,y in percentages of the 1913 data. In additiaa to data on various items for the Republic as a whole, the abstract providea similar information for eadh one of the autonomous Soviet socialist republics within the PSFSR. Most of the tables are aA.,companied by commentary of an explanatory nature which point out and emphasize the achieve- ments made. The book is accompanied by 16 illustrated supplements showing by bar graphs the production and development of various parts of the economy In 19139 1928, 1940, 1945, and 1956. TABLE OF COMMM! Fo~reword 3 RSFSR In the Brotherly Family of Nations of the USSR 5 Territory of the R M R 7 Population of the RSFSR 7 AUTHOR: Kolpakov, B. , Chief of the .%4-Ml TsSU SOV/2-56-11-2/18 TITLE: -Union Census Must Be q.T4ried Out in 'an Exemplary The All Manner (Obrazteovo provesti 1*mDyuznuyu perepis' naseleniya) PERIODICAL: Vestnik statistiki, 1958, Nr,ll, pp 10-17 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The forthcoming All-Union -iziti-iki;i in Jsnuary 1959 ia supPosed to show the enormous economic -wtil cultural changes$ Which have taken place within the 1M91bt Union during the past twenty years. The outcome of Me census will provide the Communist Party with the #tzi*i4;f*iry data for calculating the control figures of Soviet *1-1*1444ic development during the next 7-Year Plan, which will *wAaar a period from 1959 to 1965. The author mentions the ottmost importance of the pre- paratory work (the division of 4rie country into census districts, census test,taking, 4,1e selection and training of efficient census taking and general information for the masses about the importance and significance of the forthcoming census) and his hope that certain Card 1/2 SOV/2-58-11-2/16 The All-Union Census.Must Be Carried Out in an Exemplary Manner deficiencies will be eliminated in due time. There is 1 table. ASSOCIATION: TaSU RSFSR (The RSFSR Central Administration of Statistics) Card 2112 UVAROV# Y,S#,.otv, za vypusk,- I otahahiy red.; DIMINA. V.H., red.; d. Clational economy of the R.S.F.S.R. in 1958: statistical yearbook) Maradnoe khosialetvo AS= v 1958 godu;' sta- tisticheskii ozhegodnik, Koskva, Goe,stat.izd-vo, 1959. .507 (VMA 12:9) 1. Russia (192)- U.S.S.R.) TSentrallnoye statistichaskoye upravlenlys. 2. Nachallnik TSentrallnogo statistichaskogo upravleniya pri'Sovete Kinistrov RSFSR (for lolpakov). (Russia--Economic conditions-Yearbooks) KOI,PAKOVq B.T*p red.; DBWA, Y.N., red.; PYATAKOVA, U.D., [The R.S.P.S.R. in 1959; conclee, statistical reference book] RSYSIt v 1959 godu;.kratkii statistichaskii, spravochnik. Itookwa. Gosatatizdat TaSU 6SM, 1960. 222 p. (HIRA 13:8) 1. Russia (1917- H.s.r.S.R.) TSentrallnoys statistichaskoys upravlaniye. 2. Machallulk t3entrallnogo statiatichaskogo upravleniya R6791 (for Kolpakov). (Russia-Statistics) KCLPAKOV, B.T., red.; MINA, V.K., red.; CEMMOTA, Yu.S., red.; -PTATAKOVA, N.D., tekhnered, (National economy,of the R.S.F.S.R. in 1959; statistical yearbook] Narodmoo.:khoziaistvo B&M v 1959 godu; statisti- 11 k. cheskii eshagodp, Koskvs, Goastatizdat TsSU SM, 1960. 599 P. (KERA 14:2) 1. Russia (19Z3-, U.S.S.R.) TSentrallnoye statiatichaskoye upravleniye..' 2.-IfachallnikTS antrallnogo statisticheskogo -.(Russia--Zconomic conditions) ,WAKOVL 13.Tj_s-red.; MNIJUj VA. v red* izd-va; CSUPROVA7 YuoS., red, izd-va; KAPRAIA)VAp A.A., tekhn. red. [National economy of the R.S.F.S.R. in 1960; statistical year- book] Naroduoe khoz:Laistvo RSFSR v 1960 godu; statisticheskii ezhegodnik. Moskva, Goastatizdat TsSU SSSR, 1961. 571 P. (MIRA 14:9) 1, Nachallnik TSent-allnogo statisticheskogo upravleniya pri Sovete Wnistrov RSFSR (for Ko2pakov). (Rua sia---~hatistics) XLYUCHEROV, A.P.; KDNMTIYJV,, S.N.; Frimimali uchastiye: GUSMV, F.V.; UDOVINHO, V.G.; PMROV, G.A.; BURKSER, V.Ye.; SHRONIN, I.A.; KUDRIH,:Ye.A.; GALAKWATOV, S.H.; ZIMINA, L.P.; SHISHARIN, 3.11.; EDNDYURINA,-R'V;; EURMISTROV, K.A.; SHUMN, I.A.; SIMONSM, F.N.; GORSHILOV, Yu:T.;-XOIW0V. B.V.; GUS&ROV, A.K.; BOLOTOV, P.G. Heat insulation'of open-hearth furnace crowns. Metallurg 5 no-11 14-17 N 16o. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Nizhe-Tagiltakiy,metallurgicheskiy kombinat. (Open-hearth furnacee-Design and construction) (Insulation (Heat)) AI&l BELOPOLISMs H*I?oj CHMORUK,, S.G*;_&OLFAKQY4-D---A-j- Hydrathermal synthesis band Y.-ray study of THffbTiO6 t"6 amqvmdae DoUq AN SSSR. 1/+7 noJI1667-688 N 162t (HIM 1502) 1. Toesoyuznyy vauabno-lasledovatellskiLy geologicheskir ingtitat* Predstavleno akademikon N V EblovzM6 (Rare earth UtZ;; Idde) (X-ray arzotal-lography) (Niobium compounds) KOICUIP A.I.; BFT,(IPOLI.O,KIY, M.P.; CERNORUK, S.G.; KOLPAKOV, D.A. Artificial priorite, Zap. Vses.min.ob-va 93 no. 2:205-207 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Vsosopiznyj, nauJ-ano-issledovateII-s'kiy geologicheskiy Institut (VSFGFI). KMKMVO M.P.; ~AKOVV Day*, glavuyy vrach. Treating osteoarticular~ltuberaulosis with antilbiotics. Probl#tub, no 89-90 W-Je '53. 1. Gorodskoy detakiy kcstnotuberkulzen7y sauatoriy NO-7 *Serebryann BorO. (Bones--Tabermlosis) (Joints-Tuberemlosis) (Antibiotics) i Bari m Rtis BN 39P Gwtormw KOIPI%KOV, 1). 34061. Voprosy organizatsii i oplaty truda v kblkhozaleh. (07ozorlittera-tuny, ,pushch. obl. izd-vard). Vooro-,y ekonoraiki, 1949, 11o. 10, s. 94-102 vy Sri: ILnizhuaya, Letopis', Vol. 7, 1955 ROLPAKOV, D. S. 3503. X01SARN, 6: 96chetanil Obshchastvannykh i Interasov v Xolkhozakh. m. Coskulltprosvitizdat, 1954. 4 s 22am (B-Chk!i--). 36,000 ekz. ir.- (54-57390) P 338.lik. SO., Knizhnoya Latopis'. Vol. 3, 1955 KOLPAKOT Dmitrii Sergeyevich (Sources for an Increase in labor proftetivity on collqetive farce] latocbniki ros,ta proizvoditellnosti truAa vIkolkhowakh. CI(oakva] Nookovakillrebochii, 1956. 91 pi (kRA 9:12) (C41lective farms) KOLPAKOV, D. 4OLPAXOT,.D, Theoretical problems In connection with the method of calculating labor producti Ity on collective farms. Top.akon. U003:76-86 W 157. OWA 10:7) (Idbor product, y) (1grioulture-1conamic aspects) Thermoregulatory reflex In psoriasis. Test.derm. I yen. 8-14 Mr-Ap '57. 31 no.2: (MIRA 12:12) 1, Is Novosibirskogo gorodskogo koxhuo-venerologichookogo dispausera (nauchwYe.rukovoditeli - ohlon-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. P.V. Irdshevnikov I kand,blolonauk A*V* Loginov). (PSORIASIS, physiol. thermorefulatory reflex) (RULN, in various dis. thermoregulatory reflex in psoriasis) EXCERM MEDI'~A See 17 Vol 5/2 Public Health Fab 59 618. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF MEDICAL EXA11,11NATION ROOMS IN DETECT- ING GONORRHOEA AMONG WOMEN (Russian text) - Koleakov F 1. and 5 a v i n y k h N . M. - VESTU. VEN ER. DERM. 1957. 3116 (47 -50) 2200 women out of the contingents of medical examination rooms and 500 patients seeking medical advice,on the grounds of inflammatory affections were subjected to examination in a search for effective methods of detecting gonorrhoca. Gana- rrhoea was reve%led in 66 cases, comprising 3% to the total number examined. 30 patients out of 66 considered themselves as healthy. two had had gonorrhaea in the past. 22 had suffered from inflammation of the uterine appendages and had been under gynaccological surveillance for a long time. 14 (26%) patients were affected with asymptomatic gonorrhoea, the remaining 40 (74%) with ch-.-onic gong- rrhoca. Effective application of clinical and laboratory techniques in medical examination rooms will increase the detection or gonorrhoea by 3-4 times. Bac- terloscopic examination of women In prophylactic inspections proved effective, ~!XIII' 17) X01PAKOV. P. I. Some data on dispensary services for syohills patients In Novosibirok (with, summary in Anglishl. Vest.derm. I van. 32 no.l.*57-60 Ja-F 158. (MIRA 11:41) 1. Iz Movosibirskogo goradskogo kozhuo-venerologichaskego dispRusera. (SYPHILIS. ther. outoatient ther. (Rue) KOLPAKOV, F.'I. Problem of dispensary treatment of patients with occupational diseasse of the skin.2drav. Roo. Fedisr. 3 no.3:25-30 Hr 059. (MIR& 12:4) I..Iz Novosibirskogo gorodekogo koahno-venerologioheakogo dispensers. (glavW vrach T. 1. Tolpakov) i kafedry ko%hTWkh i venericheakikh boler.ney (Zav. - prof, A. K. Yakuboon) Novosibirekogo meditsivskogo inatituta. (SKIN--DISMSES) KOLPAXOT. 7.I.; SATIRM, N.M. liperience In active detection of gonorrhea In women, Testoderu,l ven. 33 no.4:60-64 JL-Ag 1.59. (KIRA 12:11) 1. Iz Novosibirskogo gorodskogo kozhuo-venerologichookogo dispausera (glavnyy vrach M. .1ralpakov) I kafedry kozhnykh I veneri3haskikh bolezney (cay. .- prof. A.K. Takabson) Novosibirokogo maditsinskogo inatituta. (GONORRBPA, diaguosis) -~ KOLPAKOV. P. I. Dispensary care for patients with occupational skin diseases* Zdrav. Roo, lrbdar~ 4 no.l:-18-22 Ja 160. (NM 13:5) 1. Is Ildvosibirstogo gorodskogo lcoshuo-wenerclogicheakogo dig- paneeras (SUN-DISUSIS) Reflex vascular reactions of the skin in patients with occupational, dermatoses and typical eciamao. Vast.darm. i van. 34 no,2:34-39 F 160. (HIRA 13:12) 1. Is Novosibirskogo gorcdskqgo koahno-venerologichaskogo dispansera. (OCCUPATIOM MMKATITIS physiol.) -(10.23MA physiol, (SKIN blood (VASOROTOR SYS M physiol.) ?AKOVv F. 1. Skin diseases in certain Wustrial plants in Omskt Testederme - i ven. 35 no.301-54 Mr 161, (MIAA 1424) 1. Iz kafedry kozbnykh i venericheakikh belemey (sav. - prof. G.G. Kondratlyev) Omskago gosudaretvamogo mefttsinBkogo insti- tuta imeni M.I. Winina (dirt - prof* I.S. Vovitskiy) (MM-SKIN. -DISEMES) KOLPAKIDV, F.I., dotsent OccUpAtional dermatoses caused by chromium and a histo- chemical method for determining its permeation through the skin* Vest.derm. i von. no.9:49-54162 (MIRA 1647) 1. Iz kafedry kozhnykh.i venericheskikTx-..'bolezney (mv. -dok- tor med. nat* B.A.Teokharov) Omskogo' rieditsix1skogo: instituta imeni M.I.Kalinina. (CHROMM.-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (OCCUPATIONAL DISEASM) KOLPAKOV F.I. (Onsk) Skin perwabilitV for nickel compounds. Arkh. Fat. 25 no.6.-38-45 163. (WRA 17:1) 1. Iz kafedry koshnykh i venericheskikh boleaney (zav. doktor mod. nauk B.A. T~okbarov) Owskogo-maditsinakogo inatituta. KOLPAKOV, FIL Histochemical method of determination of nickel in body tissues and the toxicity of its transdermal introduction, Farm, i tok-s. 27 no*3067-369 W-,Te t64. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Kafedra kozhnykh I. venericheskikh bolezney (zav, - prof, B.A. Teokbarov) Owkogo meditsinskogo instituta. KOLPAKOV, F.I., dotsent preparat4o:ls in preventing '~he peme- Role of protective ext~'rnal tration of ehromium and nickel through the skin. Vest. dorm. i van. *118 no.938-13 S 164- (MIRA 1894) 1. Kafedra kozhnykh i irenericheskikh bolezne-t (zav. - prof. B.A.Teokbarov) Omskago maditsinskogo instituta. VAS.,V:UP Fel- rtaro&..,,7 audlrrx (g.Suzdall,. Obl=ti, b1 = c tj ),j KuPAI7"OV, -G. '(S.Staraya llapia., o Readers ask questions.lell their eWriences and make suggestions. Most. pTom, i khud. proMl 2 no,6:25-Je 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Starshiy mekhanik fabriki No.59,. g.. Moskva (for Vasillyev), . 0'16=factures) cow JIIIAI G.A.; BIRMANO A.$. "WQ66W Bilateral ectopio presionc7, Akush.4,,gin- 32 j2o.6:74-75 M-D 156. (MMA 10:11) lo Iz khirurgicbeekogo otdolentya (nach. - zaaluzhennyy vrach RSISR kandidat meditsinskikh nauk G.A.Kolpakov) zholezno-dorozhnoy bollnitsy Bernsula. (PRIGNAVOY, MRAUMINN) XOLPAK~OV ,~Gp -, kondmecl.nauk, saslyzhenyy vrach RSPSR*,, GAYWO. G*Pep anrkolonauk A case of echinococcosis of the spine. Ortop.travm. i proteze 19 no-4:63-64 JI-4g 058 (Kin U:11) 1. -,% khirargichealcogo otdoleniva (nach - G.A. Kolpskov) shelemnodoroshnoy boll nitsy g, Banaula i ktif edry b iologii (zav. - G.P,, Gayeub3) Altayokogo meditsinelcogo instituta. (SPM, aisi, achinococcogis (Rug)) (BOHINOCOICCOSIS case reports spine (ftg$) XOLPAKOVy_.Grigor,A.y_ 1~qty!~ypyich, inzh.; GOLOVKO, N.V., inzh.., retsenzent;_~A:~ONkf~~",~"A.P.., inzh., retsenzent; [Electrical equipment of plants of the coke IV-product industry] Blektroobonidovania koksokhimicheskikh zavo- dov. Kiev, Tekhnika,, 1965. 305 P. (MIRA 18; 6) ylz~ KOLPAKOV, G.i., kandidat tekhaicheekikh nauk. Principles of ventilating schoolrooms. Gor.khor.Hook. 25 no.6-25-26 Je '51. (mm A lo: 9) (Schoolhouses--Heating and ventilation) .~ --'~ -,; , ; -:- . !~L~PAK KOTITISHVILI, G,,A. Pump-operated heat-supply system at the TSkha3.tubo health resort. Yod.i ssn.tekh. no.8t6-8 Ag 060. (IfIFA 13:7) (TSkhaltubo--Health resorts,:Ioatoring places. etc*--Ileating and ventilation) KOLPAKOV., G.V kands tekhn. ank; VOROWINA, T.V.,, red. izd-va; --FAUMA, G*Dap tekhn, xed. [improving the microclinate during severe suimaer heatpluch- shenie mikroklimata v iasliviiakh letnego pereirreva. Mosk7a,, r~- 4~,4-wn 14+-~ ~ .+-4+-- n"lrt%4+. 4 KOLPAKOVJ G,V... kand,tekhnenaWi~ Uti.lization of hot-spr.11mg water as a source of' beat in citiesm hm1th resorts., and inOistrial enterprises of Krasnodar Territory# Isal.po mikroklim.nase:.11.,meat i. zdan.i po stroi.fiz. fto.1:7146 162. (MIM 15-.9) (Krasnodarlemitory-Springs) (Heating) BEIIINER.. Yu.I.;,EOLPAqy,, G.V* Developing a plan for the integrated meebrnization of production in the manufacture of petroleim apparatus. Muh. i neft. obor. no,32316- 29 164. (MIRA 18%:L) 1. Vsesovuzny-r proyektno-tekhnologicheskiy institut Khimnefteappazeturyo ,.,kand. tekhn. nauk KOLZga, GLV Geotbarmal energy and mothods for using it. Vod. i san. -Lekh. no.305-37 161+ (WRA J,ull AUTHORSt i Kolpakovq I*Aas Smyslovp V*I*q Yudayevq B.N. 3-6-15/29 A'JTLEs On the One-Year Post Grcduate Course (0 godichnoy aspiranture) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly, 1957, # 6, pp 66 - 67 (USSR) ABSTRACT% The article expressem dissatisfaction with the lack of students at tbapostgradtiate instructors' course. Instructors of higher educational institutione,who have sufficient expe- rience in their chosen clipooialities, have shown capability for soientifio-researoh work and have passed the minimum of exami- nations for a candidate's degree in their practical workv may, take this course. This type of scientific worker generally can finish the roaaarch and successfully defend his disserta- tion in a single year. The higher educationAl institutions of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education, which have 25,000 scientific-pedagogical workers not holding a scientific degrees have sent only 240 persons to this poet-graduate course. The Vu.zes of the Ukra- inian SSR Ministry of Higher Education employing more than 5,000 instructors without a degree have sent only 24 persons to the course. Participation of the Vuzes of Siberia, the Par . East, Central Asia is also very poor, The Omsk Machine Buil4~- Card 1/2 ing-, the Tomsk Construation-Eagineering- and the Novosibirsk On the One-Year Post Graduate Course 3-6-15/29 Electrical-Engineering 4,'notituton (Omskiy mashinostroitollnyv, Tomskiy inzhenerno-stroi.tollnyy-I Novosibirsk elekbrotakhniches- kiy institut) did not'sond a single instruotor in 1956, although many of their workers hold no degree. The Ministry's plan for 1957, provides for 2tOO0 participants in the 3-year course and 400 in the one-year oou,--se. The latter number could be doubled if the Vuzes were more active. ASSOCIATIONs personnel Idministration, USSR Ministry of Higher Education (Upravleniye Kadrov Kinisterstva Vysshego obrazova-Aiya SSSR) AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 2/2 ------------ 331" S/12o/61/000/006/010/041 E135/E435 kbo AUTHORt Kolpakov, '16 0 F 0 TITLE: -'A-, disgital comparii!ion c,ircuit and binary reversible counter. using. seintc-onductor triodes PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnikii eksperimenta, no.6, 1961, 61-64- TEM. A binary reversible colunter and a digital comparison circuit are described. They'are built up,of logical circuit'. elements of the pulse-potential type,. The circuit, elements have all been describe&previously-. The binary reversible counter- has five stages and can receive pulses at frequencies up to 250 k~~/s. The digital comparison circuit distinguishes the greatest of a series of numbers that are admitted to its input circuit and records thin greatest number,,,. The numbers are fed'into the .input circuit in succession In the form of a series of pulses4 The circuit contains two registers X and Y , each of four' binarystages. 'A comparison cycle consists of the following ,stages. Register X ~recoras initially a number remaining'froin a previous comparison cycle., Register Y is set to zero and the next number is recorded on it. Then a trigger pulse causes the Card;1/2 -ACCN 1C_Aj6b'3 4-2'2-9- SOURCE CODE: UR/0120/66/000/005/0127/0131 AUTHOR: Kolpakov, 1. F. ORG: Joint Nuclear Research'Institute" Dubna (Ob'yedinennyy institut yade issledovaniy) TITLE; K semiconductor integral'.amiplitude discriminator of nanosecdrid-pulses SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenia, no. 5, 1966, 127 Wr: -131, TOPIC TAGS: pulse amplitude, electric vibrator, nanosecond pulse h -is"' ABSTRACT: An integral amplitude discriminator of nsec pulses is described-whic- designed for use in experiments with faim scintillation counters. Tunnel~diodes'of_.'. the 31301G type are used for pulse discrimination and shaping. Atunnel diode is alga, used in the univibrator as the thresholo. pulse i element. The discriminated input amplitudes range from 0.25 to 12 V. Wh.i!n the pulse amplitude is increased beyond the~established level, its dependence on the discrimination threshold becomes non-" linear. Because of this fact and to el-'Lminate repeated triggering of the discrimina- tor in the presence of strong input signals, a limitation is sat on large pulse ampli- tudes. The threshold characteristics o1: the discriminator were. measured with 10-neec. pulses from a mercury generator. The integral nonlinearity of the threshold did not exceed 0.9Z at temperatures ranging fron + 20 to + 60 C. In this case, the thermal.,.. -ACC NR, AP6034279 coefficient of the threshold voltage was 3.4 mV/deg. The discriminator circuit, whose dead time was below 40 nsec, has two outputs. With a 100-ohm load at the first output the pulse amplitude was 6 V, polarity was negative, and duration at half-height was 10 nsec; at the second output the pulse amplitude was 3 V, polarity positive, and duration at half-height 8 nsec. The discriminator, which requires a inaximum power supply of 3.8 W, was successfully used in experiments with the sychro- cyclotron of the Joint Nuclear Research Institute (Ob'yedinennyl institut yadernykh issledovaniy). In conclusion, the author takes this opportunity to express his gratitude to B. S. Krasno'borodov for assembly, adjustment, and-assistance in evaluat-' ing the characteristics, and to A. V. Kuptsov for assistance in the measurement$ Orig. art-has. 4.figures. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE.- 120ct65/ OTH REF: 001 Card 2/i . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ AW - -- - -- ~ --- --~4 ~_, _4/tbb- 'Oft OOM4 ACCE-5610N UR: AP5004004 8/0089/65/018/001/0048/3052 A T7, IRS vMakb i~ 4 K Ivi ~v~ alp *W~ Det,-:irmd nation of the nettron and gwma irradiation doses absorbed by polymer materials 'S, no. 1, 1964, 48- 52 Atomnaya energ3ya, V. 1.'v:;S., neutron irradisti-oit, gamma irradiation, radiation dcse,. ad,,sorbed dose, polymer _W': A procedure and reau*.ts ire presented for I-lie calculation mma- i. r. - ad'ated p( ;:-'s9 absorbed by some neitrort- and g& :)iymE ~_S, 7 7-he elementaiy composi on of tb.Oiea:f~et-i-a on rhe dose a unit volume tilied with one Materia'L F~ted ~"Or_ the frequently encountered "mistru in biology, and -.Jso "or quhista,-ices li'ke pqjyjLthy,&ne, 13; +-pea of rubber, teflon, and other common )ollymers. Card 7- . . . . . . . . . . . ACCESSION Hl~i presente8 for tho fhesit al-_ ahd tant-tioutmi dof;ml ob9arbid e. subfmancoes, normalized to a unit n eu t r r)r; f ',-i Y, r t is as - a notitron pavoing thiouqh a polymer oxptritencea only oac ..("I 1-i ~i I an TTio vamma radiation for 4j)y o no u nrnf~l r i tcui 'he c a I r' k! 1 .4 t e1 !"'I"Ig the Value determ: Vnr another ~d viriant -)y thV rAtio L I B - 11) the mass coefficients of truit absorpt~_or. of 0o -wc matoria' -hG case of thermal-neutron irridiation the dose i.,. calculated fiam a L-crmula that takes into accou it the cross sections ,-'or the differ- ent reactions occurring with tharmal and fact neut::ons. For most. th-.e absoebed fast-neutron dose is much la..-gel.- than the cor- responding quantity for thermal neutrons, with the exl:eption c-,,f C ant rho authors thank aininq_a IREge amaint of fluorine. for a valuable discussion of th- w-)r