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KOLWN1KOV, G. u. Plastic Deformation of Illuminum Monocrystals in the 'Oirst Moment after. the Application of Load. Leningrad Pbysico-Technica3. Institute, 1946. SO: U-1837j, 24 April 52. 1UTHORS3 TITLEt PERIODICALt 695o2 Kiselev. Zoloanitayn. N. I. S/020/60/131/04/016/073 B013/BO07 Calculation of Inclined Shock Waves in Magnetic Gas Dynaaics\ Doklady .Akademij nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol 131, Nr 4, PP 773-775 (USSR TEM The tanGOntial component of the magnetic field behind the front of an inclined shook wave can be calculated from the cubic equation (1), 2 1 U2 h3 + h 1-(2-k) u x)] h2 + Ix 2x - a 2Mx) (k+l)h 2y ly (1- 27 2y V2 (VI I 2y Ix IX) 2 - (k+I)V 2 h uIX) . 0 . The intensity of the compression shook is ix ly Ql('- ;2- Ix determined by the Mach number Hijach - Ux/Vx and by the parameter V2 - a2 Mach The amount of the velocity component u 1y which is parallel to the front has no influence on the compression shook of the field. By means or linear and brok linear substitutions it is possible to obtain cubic equatio'ns from aqua ion I Oni, t Card 1/3 Vol"' 69502 Calculation of Inclined Shook Waves in Magnetic Gas S/020J60/131/04/016/073 Dynamics B0131B007 which areIused to determine thevelocities U2.' u2y and the density Q2 . The aocelerated shook waves are described by that branch of the roots of these cubic equations which has a positive real part. These ahock waves pass over in- to the inclined shook waves of non-magnetic gas dynamics if the field strength tends to zero. The delayed shook waves (which vanish in perpendicular fields) are described by Vie branch of roots having a negative real part. With MMach = 1 the afore-mentioned equation (1) is solved by the rotational discon- tinuity h2y = -hly . Figure I shows u... as a function of u2x , The energy of the magnetic field is higher than or equal to the internal and kinetic energy of the gas. Whereas the field strength behind the front varies in a monotone manner, the dependence of u2y on u 2. has the character of a hump the peak of which corresponds to a certain "resonant slope" of the magnetic field. In solving the problem of a piston, the collisions between the inclined shook waves and their reflections from the wall are the moat interesting kinds of behavior in the neighborhood of the "resonant slope" of field strength. These considerations also permit an explanation of the prominences in the neighbor- hood of sunspots. By means of the results obtained here it is also possible to V/ Card 2/3 KOLOSNITSY111 N.I. Some evaluations of it pulse plasma accelerator. Vest. Moak. un.Serj:F!iz,astqon. 17 no-4:18-23 JI-Ag 162. (14=1 15:9) 1. Kafedra statis tieheskoy fiziki i mekhapiki Mookovskogo universiteta. .(?lasma (Ionized gases)) (Magnetic fields) L ~)6 5 6 4,7 w00- :C NRi AF6029777- SOURCE CODE; UR/0294/66/004/004/052410530 HOR: Kolosnitsyn, N. I. All-Union-Institute of Electromechanics iVsesoyuzW institut elektromekhniki) LE: Theory of.magnetogasdynEimic flows : Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur, v. 4, no. 4, 1966, 524-530 TAGS: magnetogasdynamics, MUD flow, conductive fluid, plasma physics BSTRACT.- The author simplifies the method proposed by Stanyukovich and Kiselev Stanyukovich, K. P., Kiselev, M. I., "Collection of Works of the Conference on New 'echnology", Moscow, 1964, p. 276) for integration of a system of magnetogasdynamic ,quations in the quasilinear approximation with regard to finite conductivity and in- uced magnetic fields. One-dimensional flow of a conductive fluid is considered assum- ng a given rate of flow, and given magnetic and electric field intensities. It is zsumed that the conductive gas is ideal and that the conductivity is a function of hermodynamic parameters. Viscosity and thermal conductivity are disregarded. The lin tations of the method proposed by Stanyukovich and Kiselev are established and the 'irst quadratures are found for constant-density, quasifrozen, constant-velocity, iso- hermal, isobaric and polytropic flows as well as for flow at a constant Mach number nd in a channel with a constant cross section. Flow with a constant Mach number is of Card 1 TJDC: 538.4, Co MISIIKCVICH, Grigoriy Iosifovich; KOLO.1-21ITSYN . V.., red. [King in a steel crown) Koroll v stallnoi korone. Sverd- lovsk) Sverdlovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1963. 151 p. (MIRA 17:6) i GOLOVKO, Viktor Kazimirovich I , inzh.-gidrograf; ARKHlPOVA, N.P., I kand. geogr. nauk, retsenzent; SrEPANOV, M.N.,, kand. i geogr. nauk; -KOLOWITSYN, V. p red. (Lakes of our territory] Ozora nashego kraia. Sverdlovok, Sverdlovskoe kilizlinoe izd-vo,, 1963. 134 p. (MIRA 17:7) .MDSHKDI p A.,M.p doteent; BYSTROVI S.G., zhumalist; ADAWVy V.V.p doteent, kAnd. iotor. naukp retsenzent; KOLOSNITSM , V.., red.j PALIMIIIA, 11., tekhn, red, (Alapayevok] Alapam)r. Sverdlovsk., Sverdlovskoe knizImoe izd-vo,, 1961. 125 P. (Imu 15:4) 1, Sverdlovskiv ped agogicheskiy institat (for Moshkin). 2. Urall- aldy gosudaroftekaVy univerOLUt (kor Adamov). lpayevok-History) (Alapayevsk-Econor,ic conditions) (A NIKITIN, P.; RUBBTSOV, N.; KOWSNITSYN V. red. (The city of mineral fibers; outline history of Asbest] Gorod gornogo lIna; ocherki po istorii Asbesta. Sverdlovsk., Sverdlovskoe knizhnoe,izd-vo,, 1963. 217 p. (MIRA 17:4) MMMIOV,, Anatolly Alekseyevich, prof.p doktor geologo-miner. nauk; KOIA)SNITSM, V., red.; SAKEYNI, Yu.., tekhn. red. (Stories about rockslNovelly o kanne. Sverdlovsk, Sverdlav- skoe knizbioe izd-vo, 1960. 210 p. (113RA 15:8) 1. Sverdlovskiy gorMyAmwtitut (for'Malakhov). (Ural Notmteins-Rooks) KOSHKIN2 P.P.., krayeve.d; SHINALOV, Ye.L., dotsent; red.; PALIMINA, N., tekbn. red. Kan7shlov. Sverdlovsk, Sverdlovskoe knizhnoe 12d-vo, 1961. 131+ p. (Mira 15:8) (KauWahlov) GOLaVKO, Viktor Kazimirovich; KOLOSNITSYLIL V., red.; CHERNIKMV, Ya., tekhn. red. - [Along the banks of the Ural rivero]Vdoll beregov ural'skikh redk. Sverdlovsk, Sverdlovskoe, knizhnoe izd-vo,, 1961. 129 p. (MIRA 15:8) (Sverdlovsk Province-Rivers) n' Aleksandr, ADAI~'OV, V.V., kand. GORLANOVJI.G., prepodavat - P KA2AII17 7 -zi6, nauk, rotne~zont; !MAGIVA; G.A.~ ]-and. ist.nauk, retsbIr- zent; BOROW111, Ye,A., ZAVAROV, S.I., red.; POPGV N.Ye., red.; iiOGOZHK]2,'j VJI.., red.; SILEtSK1191, T,IT,., red.; iiAIKO, A.N.9 red.j KOLOSITIVVI, V.p redaLtor; MANSUM.",j E., tekhn, red. (Revda stories; from the history of the Revda Hardware ~Inufaetur- ing and Metallurgical Plant]Revdinskie vyli; iz istorii Revdinako- go metiznometallurgicheskogo zavada. Sverdlovsk, Sverdlovskoe knizhnoe izd-.vo, 1960. 154 P- (MIRA 15:8) 1. Sekretarl Rovdinakogo gorodskogo, korpiteta Kommunisticheskoy partii flovztsicogo soct (for Silennklkh). Revda-Me lurgical plantTs- SHUKSTOVA, Z~~da; KOIDSNITSYN, V., red.; CHERNIXHDV, Ya., tekhn. red. (Starry heavens]Zvezdnoe nebo. Sverdlovsk, Sverdlovskoe knixbnoe iad-vop 1962. 185 p. (Astronomy) (mrRA 1614) CHERNOUSOV, Yakov Mikhaylovich, prof., doktor geol.-Miner. nauk; MALAKHOV, A.A., prof., doktor geol.-miner. nauk, retsenzent; - XLWSKjSZt-V-,-xed.; GOLOBDY-OVA, L., tekhn. red. (Academician A.P.Karpinskii) Akademik A.P.Karpinskii. Sverd- lovsk, Sverdlovskoe kni7shnoe izd-vo, 1962. 105 p. (Karpinskii, Aleksandr Petrovich, 184M%O :7 KOLOSNITSYNA, G.R.; MARTYNOVA, O.M. New Jurassic Ijapsyche (Mecoptera, Paratrichoptera) genus from Eastern Siberia. Paleontabur. no.4:162-164 '61. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Irkutskoye geologichoskoye upravleniye i Paleontologicheskiy institut AN SSSR. (Siberia, Eastern--Mecoptera) KOLOSNITSYNA-, G.R. New remains Of Jurassic insects inthe Irkutsk Basin. Trudy Lim, inst. 4:1"-150 164. (MDU 17: 11) M I' L 0 0 111 41,41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 41 0 0 a a a 41 a 64 4;049 AAL --A it lit 14flflul Alto #Itfj.v~ll ~~ll t JJ RotailbmW Spedftc 11"t 0-0 mannal mod" of vfbmtmm Z -4.6 00 FdPtOck1ft MQkCvUC PRIM 60 PAY4". U.S.S.R. a. 1. 00. 1"1, 19ii: too Mgt".-Ttjo a'Atbar -00 f MAUA10 of ILM ocom and bmaw makcwe, .00 wttb 0 vim toAa 9 Ao D.S. 00 G 00 00 00 so 00 00 z too zoo AS, '90 f.T *ItALLW MCAL LIT1111, WIt CLaSAIMAIMA % 00 0 19 4 .1 W 40 9 A '3 34 It P( ko a 6 04 a u a IV AD ls~; to f(. 411111116 it 0 0 0000,000 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9~0 0 000 0 0 0 see 0 40 of* 6 JU4_-'.~,NSK!y# Ye.,inhener Cutter-loaders In f'oreign countries. i`,izt.ugl. 6 no.6:2R-31 Je 157. 10:0 (1kining TmAchinery) - 1. KOLOO.'Ov, A. 2. USSR.(600) 40 Irrigation 7. Transformed earth. Smana, 29 No.22, 1952*-- 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, FObrua'7 1953. Unclassified Av Quality of houschojj t-lsr'v-r-?c vacm= cleans-rci. Tekh. teat. 4 no.4-..,14-16 Ap 165, (11,91VI 18~6) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iss~,c,tiovatiillcki-y ttek:lhnlicheskay esivAiki. KOWSOVI A, Reproduction of capital assets in ind#Lmtxy ("Capital assets of socialist industry" by P. G. Bunich. Reviewea by A. Kolbsov) Vop, ekno* no*4i=-116 Ap 161e (MIRA 14-3) (qapital) (Btmichw P.G.) 0/nB4/63/000/003/004/004 A004/A126 AUTHOR: Kolosov, A. TITLE: Reserves for increasing the production capacities in mechanical epgineering PERIODICAL- Referativnyy zhurnal, 35. V oprosy tekhnicheskogo progressai, organizatsii proizvodstva v mashinostroyenii, no. 3, 1963, 9, abstract 3.35-46 (Plan. kh-vo, 1962, no. 9, 3 - 12) TM: An examination of 42 mechanical engineering plants of RSF-SR in March and April 1961 revealed that, during the first shift, 17.6% of machine tools and 24.1% of forging and pressing equipment were not fully utilized, while 25.7% of machine tools and 32.3% of the forging and pressing equipment did not operate over the whole shift. During the second shift, more than 30,19 of the machines re- mained inactive, even at plahts where the production equipment was highly charged.! On the whole, the production equipment was being operated only 60 - 70% of the production timmat which corresponds to an operating time of each machine tool of 4 - 5 hours during one shift. It is expedient to organize a full-value two-shift Card 1/3 S/284/63/000/003/0011/004 Reserves for increasing the production capacities in... A004/A126 work-, without night shifts, which would result in a considerable increase in pro- duction of the mechanical engineering industry. Measures are being taken at a number of Leningrad Plants to bring the shift utilization of the main equipment to 1.6 - 2. The second shifts are manned with operators obtained mainly by re- ducing the number of workers employed with auxiliary and fitter and assembly operations. The production capacity of these plants could be increased by 2%, while expenditure was rather low. The most important expenditure was necessary for the construction of foundry shops and metal structure shops, and also for extending the,capacities of cooperating plants supplying accessories and semi- -finished products. Calculations reveal that an increase in shift utilization from 1.7 to 1.96 at 14 plants of the Gorfkiy Sovnarkhoz will yield An increase of the gross output by 28.2 mill. rubles for 1962 - 1964 at a capital investment of 3.4 mill. rubles. There is a certain disproportion betweenthe assembly shops and the blank production shops. From 1958 to 1960 the output of all mechanical engineer- ing production increased by 25%, while the rise in the production of blanks amounted to 19% of steel castings, 16% of cast-iron castings and 15% of forged items. Moreover, the existing production capacities of initial-product shops.are utilized only insufficiently owing to the small production batches. The author Card a/.n84/63/000/003/004/004 Q1 a Reserves for increasing the production capacities in... A004/A126 points out the necessity of a higher specialization of foundries and forging and pressing shops. There is I table. N. Prikhod'ko -.KOLOSOVp A.1 UTKIM, R. Credit aide the imereasO of industrial productive capacity, Dan. i kred. 20 )to.12:17-22 D 162. (MIU 16: 3.) (Naoh.inery industry-Finance) MM -IM I'M ia IM-WIN v ,7 f KOLOSW rovich; SIDOROVA, L.A., redaktor; KAPUSTINA, ;-0' redaktor; PATROVA, H., tekhnichaskiy redaktor. [Work in mathematics outside of clasq of the upper grades] Vneklasonala rabota,po matemstike v starshikh klassakh. Hooky&, Goe.uchebno-pedb~gog. I.vd-vo Minleterstva prqnveahcheniia RSFSR. 1955. 63 P. (MLRA 9:1) (Mathmatics-Problems, ftercises, etc.) , Ale"q_g!~ksaS4~~?!ich; SIDMOTAI, I.A., red.; KRETS, I,G,,, -- EA'book for extracurrimder reading on mathowtics for ninth grade students] KMga dIls, vmkIessnago chteniia po mate- matike dlia uchashchikh la 11 klases. Kaskya, Gos.uchebno- pedagog.W-vo X-vs vrogv ISM. 1960 231 p. (KM 13:5) (Nathematles.-Study and tea;hing) 3ODS, Handrik W.; KOLOSOT, A.A. g[transk-,~&l. redaktor; MUOVIOR. L.A.0 [trans2&t;rj",8FMWVW,MMLMW# M--.De, redaktor; GNSM, L.Vot redaktor; KORNIIOOTI B.Iv, takhn icheskir redaktor. [Network anal7sis and feedback amplifier design] Teoriia tsepei i proektirovanie usilitelei a abratuoi eviazliu. Ferevod a angliiskogo i red. A.A*Kolozova i L4* Meerovicha. Moskwa, Goo. izd-vo inostrau- no! lit-ry, 1948. 641 p. (KWA 8:5) (Radio eircuits) (Amplifiers, Electron-tube) (Telephone lime) MOA Ivor Amplifiers" "Holee Bands of Mull Istage Resonance AxaplIf tats AO,A. Xolos-,7, 4 pp ,,~~k Ak Nauk SSSRv Vol LXII, Tio 4 Oitea, 'mathematical method of calculating the nolise 'ban& for airy n=ber of stages. Sets up a tabis shovil~g propcrticn of noise band to reAeption~ band. 'Cancludes that the noise band of single- circuit amplifier with a large mamber of stages exceeds its receptiozk, band only by a few, percent 33/49TIO4,. US /Rr~dio 'Contd" ~Oct 481 SR in: ~tte case fhere the degree of lrreg~aexlty, In t. 1 the limits of 11 e -reception band is, taken equal, to the.sqaaro root of 2 (3 oleclbels),. Submit~~ by Aca& B. A. Vvedenskiy 20 Jai 48. 3j 149T MOSOV, A. A. Authort Koloso,;,, -A. A# Tit3a: Vie xesonAlnt systems mul resonant explificra. Umm-myne slateuy i rezon- ansnye usiliteli.) 560 p. citys PVb1ishein Staic Printing Heme of Literature pertainin.g. to tfie probIms corinected vith comunication and radio tecbnique. Date: 1949 Available: Llbrar7 of Conaress ,Ratmc6s Ibnth 1y Ust of Nscian Acessiorv$ Val. 3) 110. 4y F., 239 Call 1-110-- TK7872.A5K6 Sif0ject-Z 1. AM, MOSOV., A, A. KOLOSOV, A. A. Kolosov, A. A. defended his DoctortB dissertation in the Moscow Electrical Engineering Institute of Communications, USJ'R, on 29 June 1950, for the academic degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences. Dissertation: "Resonance Systems and Resonance Amplifiers". Resume: Kolosov examined the problem. of the maximum-frequency band which can be obtained at a given degree of amplification in different types of tune amplifiers. He proved that for any type there is a maximum band for any given degree of amplification, as well as a maximum degree or amplification for a given band which cannot be exceeded, no matter how many stages are used. For maximum amplification there is an optim= number of stages. Kolosov examined the question of selecting parameters for multistgm amplifiers, starting -rom stability of the band width and the magnitude -.-)f amplification at the initial tuning frequency. He established a value for acceptable deviation of capacitan- ces from their average value. He determined analytically the noise band of a multistage amplifier. Kolosov presented for the first time appropriate formulas to replace inconvenient graphical constructions. He investigated amplifier stability from the point of view of feedback, as well. as the problem of minimum amplifier noise faetor. Official Opponents: Profs. Yu. B. Kobzarev, N. N. Krylov, and .'.N. I. Chistyakov (Doctors of Technical Sciences). SOt Elektricheetvo,,. No* 7* Moscowq AuguBt 1953s PP 87-92 (w/29MO 16 Apr- 54)' ;! fj& , Y 2 AUTHORS: Kolosov, -4/16 _A,A,_Xas1P-nnikov, L.N. TITLE: The Stabilization of the Fre 7 en_7 of the Quartz Generator by I Means of a Spectral Line (30 N , H Qtabilizatsiya chastot tv m3 kvartserogo generatora posreds 8 (3,3)NIILH pektral'noy linii V PMIODICAL, Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta,Seriya fi%Dd i khimii*) J3 , -1958, Vol. 10 Nr 2 , PP- 38-4-9 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the-present paper the method worked out by the authors for the stabilization of the frequency of a quartz generator by means of the microwave of absorption in gasems ammonia is described. In order to stabilize the quartz generator the microabsorption line (3-3 1 ma mercary column was chosen. 1i' ~%3ppl ) at a pressure of 0-2 Th ication of gaseous ammonia, is justified by the fact that the line (3-3) is well known and is easily accessible within the maiofrequency range. Besides, it is of high intensity and can therefore easily be observed in the small absorbing gas cells. Thanks to the exterior fields, the displacement of the spectral Card 113 line is quite insignificant at normal conditions, and the insta- The Stabilization of the Frequency of the Qua flu. 54-10-2-4/16 Generator by Means of a Speotral'Une (3,3) N %3 bility of the order of 10-10 caused by it can be disregarded. Modern metbods make it possible to obtain great stability of the shape of the'line. ?or the purpose of stabilization a scheme of the automtio sAjuatment of the frequency of the quartz generator wu used (fig. i). The fo 'nowing factors influence the operational stability of the scheme: i.) Stability of the shape of the line. 2:~ Stability of the amplification coefficients of the amplifiers. 3 Starting stability of the multivibrators. 4.) Modification of the shape of the modulating signal. 5.) Modification of the feed voltage. The stability of the 'Oha a of the line depends on the pressure in the gas cell (table 15. As already mentioned, the at&- bility of the amplification ,coefficients of the amplifiers lit- flueno a the operation of the scheme. If anode feed is modified by 17a, shi 'ft of I microsecond ocaurs, which corrqaponds to a de- terioration of relative instability of up to 3-10 (. The change of the shape of the line also manifests itself in the accuracy of operation of the. system. If the frequency of the absorption line is more towards the end of the sinusoid, the line will change with respect to time. It vas founcl by calculation that the most favorable point of operation is near the turning point of the Card 213 sinusoid and that the permitted displaoement is within the limi-ts The Stabilization of the Frequency of the Quaj]~ 54-lo-2-4/16 Generator by Means of a Spectral Line (3,3) N "3 of + 50- In practice possible displacement was found to be greiter, and deviations from the order + 300 are permitted. This may be explained by the fact that the modulating signal slightly differs from the sinusoid and has a longer linear part. In the case of a linear displacement by more than '.,-he half distance from the center, the recordings of the phase detector are modified by 0.2 V. There are 8 figures, and I table. SUBMITTED: December 24, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Quartz generatws--Frequency-Stabi3.ization 2. quartz crystals -.4pplicationts Card 3/3 Gmutiov, Yur!y lvanovich; Nl-~UNOV, F.V., doktor tekhri. nauk, re-tsenzent; '11,10ZIMM-VELOV, B.N., kand. takhn. nauk, retsenzen-u-. ARMBERG, N.Ya., red. rSolid-state semi conduc, to v net,."orli-sl Poluprovou-inikovye fver- L dye skherr* . I!o---kva. .'~ ~vetsko,-~ oadio, 1965, 503 p (MIRA 1;:,q) ACC N& -AM5012954 Monograph UR/ 16gov, Angrey Aleksandroyj h -ov., Yurly Ivanovic 10 (Professor); qqrkq-n IN uitall(Poluprovodnikovyye tverd Semiconductor solid-state cire yye skhemy) Moscov, Izd-vo "Sovetskoye radioj," 1965. 0503 P, illue-v biblio. Errata slip Inserted. 13#600 copies printed TOPIC TAGS: solid state' physicop semiconductor theory, semiconducting material, PN junctlonp Integrated circuitg circuit design,, electronic engineering, solid state, solid state device -PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book presents systematized data on golld state circuits based on semiconductors. The text describes the-elec- tronle principles of solids, the physical processes taking place In semiconductor materials, the application of these processes In design- :-ing integrated and functional solid state circuits, And the technology of constructing such circuits. The book Is intended for engineers working in the field of radio electronics and electronic engineering, as well as for students at radio engineering inst1tutes. The,material used in chapters XIV Atid XVIII was prepared with the aid of 1j.Kono- -nQ-y and NA.Avaygy. Thetauthors thank F.V.Lukint Dr. of Technical Sciences,, and B-N-.MOZXeViklM Candidate of Technicai Sclonc**# for their va K"Slomments On' the manuscript'. -Ccwd 1/3 upci 621.A2,8 Acc Nits AK5012954 TABLZ~op COMM labioldgedis ..Foreword 3 ..Introduction. Main trends In the microolalaturlsation'Of MlW n -6 electronic equipme t Part 1. Elements of the theory of 001145 Ch. I. Crrtalline solids 23 Cho II.* Energy levels of atoms - - 34 Ch. Ill.. Chemical bonds 61 Ch.. IV. Band theory Of solids TT Part 2. physical processes In semiconductor solid circuits, Ch.-..V. Electrical conductivity of-semiconductors 118. Ch. VI. Statistics of mobile carriers 138 ch. VII. Current In semiconductors at nonuniform carrier, distribution IL58 Ch;,'VZII. Physical @ones in tho.p-n junction 178 Cho 114 Physical mnomeha In semiconductors of interest,for the development or solid-state circuits 201.1 2/3. RYSKIN, M.Ya.; TSVETKOV, I.T.; 141TROFANOV, S.I., prof., rukovoditall rabotyl Prinimali uchastiyes BAKHTEYEV, N.Ye.; KOLOSOV, A.A.;.SMDLYUK, L.P. Combiped filtration of fluxes and copper concentrate. TSvet..met. 36 no.1206 D 163. (MIRA 17:2) AN ;R ROMP gmb- My& ~' 0 ~ gm A BULIBA, V. So; KOLOSOV. A. A. "DIN-10 lamp appliance for diathermocoagulation in neuro- wd general surgery. Xhirurglia, Moskva no-7:76-80 July- 1951w (CIML 21:1) 1. Zagineers. 2. Of the Department of Blectromedical Apparatusee(Head -- Engineer V* So Bullba), Scientific- Research Institute of Instruments and Equipment (Director I. A. Antonov).. LIVENTSN', Nikolay Mitrofanovich, doktor meditsinskikh nauk, kandidat tekhnichoskikh nauk; EDWSOT,A.A., redaktor; POPHYADUKHIN, K.A. tekhnicheskiy redaktor~- (Electrical medical (pbyetotberepeutic) equipment; installation, operation and maintenance] Elektromeditainakaia (fialoterapevti- cbeekata) appratura (ustroistvo, ekepluatataiia i remont); rukovoastvo dlia fiziotekhnikov. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo meditsinakol lit-ry, 1955. 325 P. KRA 8:10) (3L3CTFDTHMOI0JTICS--APPRA!rUS AND IMTWKWS) C, LIVBHSOII, -A.R.; KOWSOV, A.A. Apparatus for ultrahigh - frequency impulse therapy. Ked.prom, 11 no.8:49-52 Ag 157. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Veasovusnyy,-nauchno-iosladovateliekly institut meditainakogo instrumentariya i oborudoveniya. (DIATHIRKY) (IIACTRIC APPARATUS AND APPLUEES) AUTHORS- Li~.renson, jl~, Kolosov, A, 30V/107-58-10-25/5,q TITLE: Electronic Medical Apparratuas (Elektronnaya meditsinskaya ap- paratura) PERIODICAL; Radio, 1958, Nr 10, Pp 23-26 (ussH) ABSTRACT: The author describes the chief groups of electronic apparatus used in medical practice; they are as follows: 1) electuron- ic apparatus for functional diagnosis, This includes elec- 11rocardiography, vectorelectro card ioTr apby,, phonocardio- graphy, measurement of the frequency of the pulse, electro- encephalography and gastrography; 2) low-frequency pulse apparatus4 Low-frequency pulse currents aro widely used in diagnostic and therapeutic practice; for example, in order to cure complaints connected with a disease of the neuro-muscular system it is necessary to establish the cliaracter, degree and location of the disease., For this purpose diagnostic methods are used based on the ability of tissue to be excited by the passage of an electric current through it; the reactions of the tissue to the electrical irritation (in this case a direct current, single pulses of varying duration., and periodically a pulse current of varying duration and frequency) can be Card 1/3 studied. Low frequendy pulse currents are also used for Electronic Medical IApparatus 73011/107- 58 -10 ~25/55 .L therapeut-Lical purposes, such as electrical stimulation of the muscles, artificial respiration, etc; 3) high-frequency physiotherapautic apparatu~!~ Some ferms of h-f therapy are classified acco--ding to th.? frequercy of the h-f generators used, for example diathermy, inductothermy, uhf therapy and microwave therapy. The author adds that for rarning up muscular ti3sue vhen usirgy uhf therapy, a new electrode has been sugGested.. taking the form of an oscillatory circuit separate from the apparatus itself. With this method use is made of the magnetic field of the coil of the circuit, which generates the greatest amount of heat in the muscular tissue due to the eddy currents formed in it, In this manner 'tile , doctor caii localize the effect of the h-f energy by chousing one or another electrode. The author also mentions that pieces of equipment used for contact dilathermy are usually universal as re.-ards impulse, Hnd are also used in electro- surgery for the cutting and ccajulation of tis3ue. In such cases the equipment is provided with special electrodes. The frequencies allotted by the 1"inistry of Communic~itions for h-f physiotherapy are given'. they are 1~06259 13-56, 59, 152, and 2375 me; 4) supersonic apparatusz k brief de- Card 2/13 scription of the principles of tile therapeutic use of ultra- _71ectronic Medical Apparatus SOV/107-58-10-25/55 sound is given, in particular its use in stomatology and dia- gnoois, ae follovas, 17hen tho super3onic method of drilling tooth is employed, with a cuttlziC Point of 1i,5 x 1.5 inm and an oscillat;n& froquency of 220 kc, the num')er of strohea of the cutting elements reaches 9,000,000 at a sDeed of 0.03 m per min. In diagnosis use is innade of the ref.Lection or ab- sorption of the supersonic waves depending on the dan3ity, atiCi-L la Vy and uniformity of the tissue3~ e There are 4 photographs. A3SOCIATION: Laboratoriya elektronnykh meditsinskikh priboro-i i apparatov IR-III ',aIJ.[O (Laboratory of Eftectronic fledical Instruments and Apparatus of the VNII 117IiO) Card 3/3 KOLOSOV, A.A.; LIVSKSON, A.R. Use of ultrasonics in stomatology. Ned. prom. 13 no.5:15-23 W '59- (KERL 12:7) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-ionledovatellskiy institut maditsinekDgo Iinstrumentarlys. i oborudovaniya. I (ULTRASONIC WAVA-THURA UTIC USX) (DIMLL IMS?A3WT5 AID APPABATUrb) ~, I ~M 11 1 1 KgIDSOV, A.A. Use of ultrasonics in stomatology. Med.prom. 16 no.6:30-33 Jl 162, (KMA 15:12) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut meditainskikh instrumentov i oborudovaniya. (ULTASONIC WAVES-THERAPEUTIC USE) (DENTAL INSTRUMENTS AND APPARATUS) KOiMOV, A.A.; DEMIDOV, G.Ye.; KUZNETSOV, A.P. Apparatus for removing dental calculus by means of ultrasonics. Med. prom. 17 no.9:53-58 9163.- (MIRA 17:5) 1. Veesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut meditsinskikh instrumentov i oborudovaniya. KOLOSOV. A.A.% YEGOROVAp D.V.1 MUDOV, G.Ye. Portable apparatus for ultra-high frequency therapy. Red. prom. 17 no,,604-59 J9163 (MIRA 17 t1,) 1. Taeaoyuznyy naucbno-issledovatel'skiy institut meditsinakikh instrumentov i oborudovaniya. KOLOSOV., A.A. Application of ultrasonics in stomatology. Nov. med. tekh. no.2:75-77 162. (MIRA 17M) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchnv~-issledovatellskiy institut meditsin- skikh instrumentov i oborudovaniya. ., P, . v --~ : jj.- 't r "-! --: V, %'V.; G. ie. % - - ~- , . . .. I , Lr.- I , . I Portable appa~ratus for ultrahigY--.'rcqunncy thp-rapy. T-.-i--dy WITIM10 no.3:35-40 163 (MIRA 3.8:2) .m HOMSMVLA.A.; DEMIDOVI G. Ye.; RUMETSOV, A.P. Apparutus for the removal of tartar with the aid of ultrasonio waves. Trudy VNI11410,no-3i79-86 163 (MIRA 1W) [Some problems of the production og the means of production in industries of the U.S.S.Ro; author's abstract of a dissertation] Nakotorye voprosy vosproisvodetva osnovrqkh fondov v pronwahlon- nosti SSSR; avtoreferat dissertataii. Moskva, Moak* fin. in-t M-va vyeahego obrazovaniia SSSR# 1958. 14 p. (MIRA 31+t7) (Capital) K!~~Osqy A!2kfiAndn-F=JjrJi; SHISHANKOVP V.S.P red.; ROTOVA, R. S. red. izd-va; VORONINA, R.K.0 tekhn. red. (Reproduction of public capital] Vosproizvodstvo obshchestven- nogo kapitala, Moskva, Gos,izd-vo, "Vysshaia sMola," 1961. 921~. (MIRA 151 (Capital) KOLOSOV, Aleksandr Fomich._,Prinimal uchastiyet IVANOV, Ye.A.p nauchnyy sotr.,- LEPNIKOVA, Ye., red.; KIRSANOVA, I., mladshiy red.; KORNIU)VA, V., tekhn. red. (Capital as&&t&7and,tWr role in the socialist reproduction of the means of production (using industry as an example)) Oanovnye fondy i ikh roll v aotsialisticheikom vooproisvod- stve (na primere promysUennosti). Moskva, Sotsekgiz, 1963. 245 p. MIRA !6:7) 1. Sektor osnovnykh fondov Gosudarstvennogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo ekonomicheskogo instituts, Gosplana SSSR (for Ivanov). (Capital) HOW , ~eod, 5~onom. nauk; BOCIIAROV, VJN. Vat-minlogy for analyzing -the utilization of tho capital assets of the textile induatry. Tekst. prom. 25 no,51'14-79 M~r 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Vedushchiy ekonomist 1411 SNKb SSSR (for Bocharov), BOCHAROV V.N.; DUDAYEVA, L.M.; YEVDOKB40V, V.M.; I~OLqEll KRASOVSKIY, V.P.; LUKIYANOV, E.B.; MUSATOVA, V.A.; 11OV1KOV, M.S.; SUKHOVANCHENKO, G.P.; TABELEV, V.V.; TOLKACHEVq A.S.; CHERTKO, V.F.(deceased]; SHTANSKIY, V.A.; PAK, G.V., red.; SELESNEVA, A.D., mlad. red. (Structure of capital investments in the U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A.; analysis and methods of comparison] Struktura kapi- tallnykh vlozhenii SSSR i SShA: analiz i metody sopostav-. leniia. Moskva. Ekonomikag 1965. 250 P. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Moscow. Pauchno-isaledovatellskiy ekonomicheskiy insti- tut KLMOV, Tu.M."; CHIKIN, V.V.; ANISMOV, N.I.; BAMOV, I.K.; VINOGRADOT, Tu.V..; 4VRILOVo AJ.; GAUKHM, L.A.; GOLOV, A.P.; GOLIDWo L.S.; GMMUIKOV, G.-I.; YZFIMOV, A,N.; ZALUTSKIT, K,So; ZAYTSWA, Me; OITRYUs A,1,1 KAMWITSKIY. V.6.; XUWOT, I.A.; XOVAIP* . _A...711 KRIYOV, A.$.; KRUmOV, R.M.; N.I.; NOTAIXTSKIT, X.A.;_KW�pYj LIVITAS# A.G., MALYGIN, K.A.; XORALSVICH, Yu.A.; MOTUNT, A.B.; N3SMOT. X.V.; NIKOLIMT, A.T.; OBLOV. G.K.; CaLOT. Ta.L.; PARMMT. V.N..-. POLUXOT. A.S.; WBIN. V.I.: SUNIM, X.R.; MRIGIN, I.A.; TA KO1W. K.7.; TRUBNIKOV, S.V.; CHEWSMA, L.1,; CHMOKOV, N.-Te.; SHAKBIMG, V.K.; STMILIN. S.G., akademik, red.,; ANTOSMOVA, L., red.; MIKABLYAN. X.i red.; MMIN, Tu.,, [Dictionary of the seven-year plan frou A to Z] Sloyarl somiletki ot A do IA. Kookwas Gos.izd-vo polit.lit-ry, 1960. 397 p. (MIRA 13:7) (Russia-1conomic policy) It ~ T---, - - - .KOLOSOV,-Al,pkAandr,.-GerAj3ixpyich,- TITOV, Konstantin Sergeyevich; - FRMAN, Tama a Iosi~8 MIROSHCHENKO, S. I otV. red. (Turnover tax on food products] Nalog s oborota po pro- dovollstvennym tovaram. Moskva., Finansy, 1965. 22) P. (MIRA 18:5) 1 "Investi&tion of Rational Methods for Manufacturing Diapozitives and Negatives for Oftset t 15 C Printing." Thesis for degree of Cand. Technical Sci. Sub 30 Jun 1/0, Yoscow Polygraphic Inst. Summary 71, 4 Sep 52, Dissertations Presented for Degrees in Science and Engineerin in Moscow in 1950. From Vechernyay Moskv I Jan-Dee 1950. ,4q1PSOV,,,,Aaksandr. Ivanovicb; LAVRENTIYEVA, Anna Georgiyevna; SINYAKOVs N.I.,, red.; STRELKOVA, A.W., red.; PANKRATOVAp M.-A.,, tekhn, red. [Tecbnology of printing in two books] Tekhnologiia po- ligraficheskogo :iLzvodstva v dvukh knigakh. Moskva, Is- kusst-vo. Vol.1 .Fgeparation of griftted forms I Izgotovlenie pechatnykh form. 1963. 487 p. (MIRA 17:2) 0:02,41MRS R-Sma $I U U if to a v f if a a If At ff at' a it U a A-1111 0 1A I.-Il. t- 4,10-11 pit nw wevem *wml call as StAVA&td fac the imum"al volt. A, K. Kak*vv. $'mrsayw4ad .00 Na, 100, 131 7(in Fs~mlj CA 741)(HKO); A. C. A. 34, 25; IS. fh~ ItAkmiag MA111 hawr Well koteml 141 in' i"1104mrimll ill eclis tv! VVIV funst, V. "I. f., To avAd let witiag tA the v%talpt"Cuts during tfaustwgtat~lu, 16 't rmbo& Kalb 6 btfat with an "IM. IjwA1 vwblli"~w t. Boo hum ths, Its ill pt"C' TUC wk-ctluly(c of 740. cd;O, .3 V.41i. clontahm is mustil tout tkfiatitt- mt, of II'Mr. o( the zoo so Miff Of 0.404 N. Tht 1111,S0, il I'VVINI, 11Y 11k' roe jr PW1fKJd.,Mi%b tht &MU. U UM&MC lig til Ilk- tuixf. If# tommat uALuka. In wahing dw ligA). zoo so With vold, %An. It 6 flems"pr Ift &I, 11tv, wwl~. -4 I its (Ow washistp and jo cm-c wv~ttitijc tvlKst tltmmiKii, -00 44 W-t"ll k~ 16.0111g. 1. 0.1 ty atill its Opt R407=1 bdivicl. Ow Ow SO bigber " concu. rcsWit iM the f4jruisj~m s4 jj,% ill Oh, 0 ILTX%k Wilt. L"tealk" CILauffrAlf" too 0 Room il~siiv- 4.4. Idno4a .0 ia#4wj "40 cme art Oa I so U NO I V I . I . , . , . , , , "IV w a tv alat saftif Ica a w a No" 1 #A& %logo V: 0 a 0 All 0 0 0 0 oie 41, 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 09 O!o 0 6 0 41 a 0 0 * 0 0 0 SHRAMKOV, Te.G.; GORBATSEVICH, S.V.-, KOWSOT A.K.- DFDTKOV,, I N.-, RDZHDIMINSICATA T.B.; SHIROKOV, K.P.; &6~~~Osxly, B.;~ Metrological activities-in the field'' or electric and magnetic measure- ments..Trudy.VNIIM no.33-:66'93 '158'0 (MIRA 11:11)' 1. Rakovaditell otdola elektricheskikh I maknitnykh ismereniy Veesoyusitogo nauchno -lowledovateliskogo iastituta ustrologii Iment D.I. N~ndelWA (te(ftr Shramkov). ctric measurements) (Nagiietic measurements) ARUTrmv, V.O.; GORBATSVICH, S.T.; SHUMOT, re.G.; 3URWN, G.D.; KOWSOT, AJ. X.T.Malikov; obitnazy. Ism.tekh. no.4:61 lip 160. (MIRA 13-.8) (Kelikov. Kikhail hdoseevich. IM-1960) ~ 8/115/60/000/008/013/013 8/11 3/60/000/008/013/013 B019/B063 B019 3063 AUTHORSt Arutyunov, V 0., Kolosov, A. K., Chernyshev, Ye. T.9 Shramkov, Te: G., Ya_novsEry-, TITLEs A. N. Boykol(Deceas.ed) PERIODICALi lzmaritel,naya takhnika, 1960, No- 8, P. 63 TEXTs Aleksey Nikitioh Boyko# Senior Collaborator of the Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellakiy institut metrologii im. D. 1. Ifendeleyeva (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Metrology imani D. I. Mendeleyev) died on May 20, 1960. The son of a farmer he was born in 1885, and he completed his studies at Peterburg Politekhnicheakiy institut (Peterburg Polytechnic Institute) in 1914. Ie worked at the Fiziko-tokhnichookiy inatitut (Institute of Physics and Technology), from 1918 onward at the Glmvnaya palata mar i vasov (gain Bureau of Weighte and Measures)p and finally at the All-Union Scientific Houcarch Inatituto of Metrology. During the years of development of the Soviet instrument- building industry he was in charge of the production and control of permanent magnets at the factories imeni Koznitskiy, Krasnaya Zarya, Card 1/2 KO=Vp A.K.; CHALOVA., Ye.A. International comparisons of the national standards of the volt for the period 1939-1959. Trudy lipte Kom.' stan.d.,, mar i izm. prib. no. 52: 5-34 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metrologii im. D.I.Mendeleyeva. (Electria standardt) KOLOSOV, A.K.; SVETLAKOVA, L.F.; CHALOVA, Ye.A. Study, of nonsaturated standard components at increased and de- oreased temperatures. Trudy inst. Kom. stand. mar i izm. rib no.67%12-27 162. 17:11) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metrologii imeni Mendeleyeva. M' GLAGOLVIA, Ye. P.; GRADSKAYA, N. N. L KOLC~~C;, -,'ULLrR, V.V.,-, SAVUSHKINA, A.S.; CHALOVA, Ye.A. New small-eize e.m.f. meters. mot-r. nIo.4t4-6 164. (miru 1113) IMOSOV, A,,No; BMYff#.X~Z77;; NOMOT. S.P*, red.; GUMMI. G.X,, tethn~ red* lftolog7 of the co=on luopean hare (Lepus suropmus WI, Biologila saAwras". Kiookm, lzd-vo Nook. ob-va ispytatelei prirody, 1947. 100 p' (16~tsrlaly k pormanliu fanay i flox7 S SL Otdal soologichesidig noe'9)o 114) (Stavropol Upla]A-Ewes) LAVROV, Hikolay Petrovich; RAUKOV. Sargey Pavlovich: Jr2LOSff-- A*Kt If. P.m. prof., red.; BILSHIO. L.S., red.izd-va; YOKIdffl- [Biology of game animals and birds in the U.S.S.R.) Biologila promyslovykh zverei. i ptits MO. Pod obahchei red. A.K.Koloso"* Moskva, Izd-vo ftntrosoiuza. 1960. Z36 p. (KIRA 14:z) (Gone and game birds) ed 40- 1MVP SJOI -NAMVt S.P.; DQMISKATAV W-Md"V' r .vat MURAWAO T.A.9 t4khnw red. --IMMWO Clegg 0redi ImAr (Biology of Commercial animals 4m the U.S.S.R.] Biologiia M-o- mplovykh mroi OSSR,-Moskyap Goo. itd-vo *V~sshaia. shkola " 1961. 379 P. (MIRA 114W AGame and game birds) YAKOVLEV, Konstantin Konstantinovich; LAZAROVIGH, Gutman Solomonovich; wWZQU. retsenzent; USHAKOVA, G.V,, reteenzent; KORBUT, L.V., red.; SOKOLOVA, I.A., tekhn. red. (Analyzing the economic activities of meat and dairy industry enterprises] Analiz khoziaistvennai deiatellnosti predprilatii miasnoi i molochnoi promyshlennosti. Moskva, Pishchepromizdat, 196). 173 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Meat industry) (Dairy industry) _K"gSO-V,._A,jqkucy ItAkly~ylovich, prof.; UVROV, Nikolay petrovich, prof.; NAUFbV -86rig-6-Y-Pavlovich, prof.; FETROVSKAYA, L.P.y red. [Biology of commercial animals of the U."~.S.R.j Biologiia promyslov.vkh zverei SSSR. Perer. i znachiteltno dop. izd. Moskva, Vysshaia shkolat 1965. 508 p. (VIRA 18:6) PONOMAREV, B.V.., red.; KoIDSOV, A.F.0 red.; MA4ONTOVA, 17.14D tekhn. red, ........................... [Mechanization of accounting and calculating wor *k in coro.- merce; conected articles on exchange of practice-]Mekhani- zatsiia ucheta i vychislitellnykh rabot v torgavle,-'sbomik statei po obmenu opytom. Moskvap Gostorgizdat, 1962. 78 p. (KERA 15:9) (Russia-Commerce) (Machine accounting) STATSENKO, G. P. - red. ; MAMONTOVA, N. N. 0 tekhn. red. (Collected norms for sanitary work clothe$ for trade workers] Sbornik norm sanspetsodezhdy dlia rabotnikov torgov1i. Moskva, Gostorgizdat. 1962. 159 p. (mim 16:5) %Clothing, Protective) -0 9 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 9 a 0 0 I lil Jull I,, F, 11 NOPUTS #At* (Qf AU SWI100 SW qo ba 11, Kit. 91VIA, (MIS A diiiVIIA-11 jurpti. 044ned ~'O 0 :0 06 .3, 0 jI 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0:0 )v k as 0 a of a of a 0,110 Ifery. A. S. 'e7' IN Pldf~ 11 by miltilwa. A a A 1 0. S L A MICTALLOGICA& LIMPATLAI CLASWICATICAl $so*, fl~lvlv. !1. Got op I' %ivIdara U &V D 11 All- A S I U-1 0 v bl'-l 0 9 v old '"0 0" 'D, 0 0 '1 of 1 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 * 0 0 0 0 :10 0 0 9 0 v * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 ei 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 * 0 0 Oi A 0 -_00 as 0 woo Of 00~f 1-4-4 _0_0 $#of*$ 0 0 40 0 it 0 IN, lit '40 11, _1 l0 A l ost V. S. Ly&w. see a god A U_ 41M Fcb. of --so 1 : -00 goo 1 ell 9001 Z; 00 ZOO use oil. 0 egoo IM" 11"alkwo view 60-41" V so b u 0 At va a ; ; ; ; ; ; I a, I ; A ; I i ; i L I a fm a a V I ev 0 a a 3 1 V at 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 a 0 0 0 Cis 0 0 0 0 0 a 4 6 a 0 0 a C. 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *40 0 0 0 0 leo jov He A* 7. Polarization Curves of Cadmium-1ron Msetrodes Having an Active Iran Corponento A. So 161449v ( shines i949s 23t 1239-12461 C. Abe.$ 1950v 44m 1029) The equilibrium potential Cd/od-* and the stationary potential of iron, both in 4*-wR at 25@c. and referred to the k/%0 electrodej, are -0-91 and -0.96 Voj, respectively. The oxidized ced- aim electrode in 4*-XOH is reduced In contact with ironj thereforep 04 reaction Od** Fe a Od + F644 must be considered In cadmium-iron electrodes* Anodic polarization curves of cad2dum-iron electrodes in 4N-NWH at small show plateaux corresponding to the ionization of iron, Ionization of cb-bdum, oxidation of To+* to Fe***, and evolution of oxygen, wbweas at high code iron =d cadzdun are ionized simultaneously. Cathodle-polarization curves at any code show plabumn corresponding to the discharge of. cadodunji discharge of Iron, and liberation of hydrogen. The length of the plateau shows the wftant of patticipation of the corresponding metal in the electrode pro- cess, for iron it is little dependent on the ratio cadzidum:iron when this varies from 0 to 6. The cadmium-iron electrode aeons to be a mechanical mixture of cadmium and iron or their oxides* ;0V .A.$ KROGIUS. Ye.A. KLYMMA. N.G.; FORTUNATOV, A.V.; LIVOV, A.L. In menory of N.V. Shishkin. Zhur.ob.khla. 26 no.3:937-938 Kr 156. (MMA 9: 8) (Mdahkin, likolai T"illevich. 1891-1954) (BtlilloV&pbq--Cb*uistry) -.-KOLOSOVL-A,S,- Isotherm of the system MgSO4 - ~~,4 - H20 at 25* C - Trudy nim.-aet j inst.Za -Sib.fil*AN SSSR no.12-.-P9-;38 -158. ~ (MERA 14:6 T;Zesium sulfate) (Calcium sulfate) ---- ------------ I -- -.- - - I I--.- I--------.-----I----- KOLOSOVO AOS. System la, Mg, Ca //804 --H2O at 2500. Izv. Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.3:67-75 '59. (KM 12:8) 1.Xapadno-Sibirskly filial Akademii nauk SSSR. (Solutions (Chemistry)) '.~-,-MPRSHKOV, I.N.; SCLOVIYV, T.K.; MIIMO, G.M.; KOLOSOV. I.S.:, MILEVSKATA, A.G. Calcium content of natural salts of Krasnoyarsk Territory. Izv. SO, otd. AN SSSR no. 10:36-46.-,6o. (MMA 13:12) 1. Institut obahcheyi neorganicheakoy kbimli Imeni N.S. Xurnakova I Xhimiko-metallurgicheskiy institut Sibirskogo otdeleniya AM SSSR. (Krasnoyarsk Territor7--Calcium salts) AVDEYEVA., T.I.; KOLOSOVO A*S.j*, LILEYEV., I.S. Optim conditions for the loaching of aulfatpLalmatone sinters. Trudy Kbim.-met.inst.Sib.otd.AN =R no.,I$:61-73 ;060* (Mm 14:6) (Leaching) (Almim) KOLOSQY-,-~, Work of the salts oommission, Izv,Sib,otd*AN SSSR noe6t132-133 161. (KERA 146) (Siberia--$alto) KOLOSOV.9 A.S. The system CaSO Na2SO4 - %Cl - H20,at 25 0. Izv.Sib.otd.AN MR nool2:Z!V 16.1. (Him 1513) 1, Khimiko-meta3-lurgiebookiy institut Sibirokogo otdoleniya AN SSBR, Novosibirsk. (System (Chemistry)) ITIKOIAYEV, A.V.; VASIOVASKAYA, A.G.; KOLOSOV., A.S.; NIKOLISYjIYA, Yu.P.; MUM G. Potaosium of the upper horizons of salt deposits of the Kansk- Taseyevo region. Dokl. All S!-;SR. I" no..6:1369-1372 Je 162. (MIM 15:6) 1. Inetitut neorganichookoy khImii Sibirskogo otdoleniya Akademii nauk SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Kikolayev). (Krasnoyarsk Territory--:LPotassium salts) KOLWOV, A. J. Dissertation defended for the degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences at the Joint Academic Council on Chemical Sciences; 3iberian Branch "Equilibria in the Sistems of 3odium, Sulfate--Aaepesiwn julfate-Calcium Sulfate-Water, and Calcium Julfate-Sodium -~ulfate-Jodium Chloridejdater at 25P C. and Problems of Formng Thenardite and Glauberite.11 Vestnik Akad., Nauk, 1 .4, 1963, PP 119-145 NIKOLISKAY.A,,Yu.P,; KOLOSOV A.S .Lndfcations of potasaium potentia! in the louth of the Siberian Pja,U,'o-,.-m. Gleol. i geofiz. no.13/~"-.61 165. (MIM 18-.6) 1. Khi-c,4-kc~-.retil'4.urgichesk'~Y institut Siblxskogo otd,eleni-ya AN SSSR, Novosibir3k. KOLOSOV. V` OMINNEKO, Teniamin AatonovIchq inshenerv T-Aaaksaman TrIastiIevich inzhener; POKCHTSBY. A.D., otvats ven-rqy redaktor.-SMMM&.4%4~9. redsk-tor isdatellstva; KOROVINKOVA. Z.A., takhnichaskiy redaktor Ofew shields for working steep and flat seams] Novye shchitovya perakrytiia pri razrabotke krutykh i naklonuykh plastov. Moskva, Ugletakhizdat, 1957. 167 p. (MW 10:9) (Coal mines and mining) OKHRIMIKO, V*Ae, aspirant; NOWSOV, A,V*, aspirant Mining medium thickuseso steeply pitching seams in Kuznetsk , Basin with the use of KVKP shields. Nauch. trudy HGI no.1841-58 '57- (MAL 1139) (Kuznetsk Basin-Coal mines and mining) -1 KOLOSOV A.Y. Use of rocks disebarged from mines as raw material for mine filling. Trudy Inat.gor.dela.Sib.otd.All SSSR no.1:511--62 '58. (MIRA 12:11) (Mine filling) w KOWSOV, A. V. Efficient orgnnizntion of rock dumping by mines of the Prokoplevsk- Kiselevsk region of Ruznetsk Basin. Ugoll 13 no.4:31-34 Ap 158. (Kuznetsk Basin--Coal mines and mining) (MIRA !1:4) (Waste, Disposal of) KOLCS07" A. V.., Candidate Teoh Sci (dies) -- "Invostigatbn of the rock poured out onto the terraoes of coal mines in order to use it as support material in the working of large round seams". Wecow., 1959. 18 pp (Min Higher Educ USSR,, Moscow Mining Inst im Is V, Stalin), 150 oopios (KL,Iqo 23, 1959, 166) LINDUAU, N.I.; KOWSOV,-AV., red.; IVANITSKIYp I.Lp red.; PANKINAp N.V..q 9R9. red, [Baisio technological trends in the expamion of the Kuznetsk Coal Basin during the years from 1959 to 19651 OanavWe tekhnicheskie napravleniia. razvitiia Kuznetskogo ugollnogo basseina v 1959- 1965 godakh. Moskva, H-vo vyesbego i arednego spetsiallnogo obra- zovaniia RSFSR, 1959, 54 p. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Moskovskiy gorW institut, " Stalins. (for Lindenau). (Kuznetsk Basin-Coal mines and mining) SONIN, S.D., prof.; KOLOSOV, A.V., karKi. tekhn. nauk: IIJSFCIIIIKOI A.A*O gorn. inzh; MALI -OG.G.; RESHETNIK, G.I. Preliminar-j results of the testing of hydraulic filling equipment and techniques in mining thin flat seams. Ugoll 36 no.9,:14-17 S t6l. (MIRA 14.9) 1. Moskovskiy gornyy institut im. I.V.Stalina (for Sonin, Kolosov, Yushchenl:o). 2. Glavnyy inzhener tresta. Kirovugoll (for Drogall). 3. Glavnyy inzhener shak-hty no.1-2 "Novaya Golubovka" (for Reshet- nik). (Hydraulic mining) 86802 1060 S/i42/oo/000/003/017/017 q#9 0/0 E192/E482 AUTHORS: Sazonov, A.I. and Koldsov A.V, TITLE: Calculation of. the -W-n-gle of Rii-dio Refraction at Small Elevation Angles' PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiotekhnika, 196o, No-3, pp.4og-412 TEXT: The refraction error at small elevation angles can'be determined as (Ref.6) where 4a is the angle of full refraction which is equal to the- difference between the incidence angle Y2 at the point!of observation and the incidence angle V, at the point where the object is situated. Consequently, for determining the refraction error it is necessary to know the change of the angular -coefficient of-the norrinl to the phase front during the of radio waves in a non-homog~eneous medium or the trajectory of a ray. ~The equation for the trajectory is in the form (Ref-5) Card 1/4, 86802 S/142/60/000/003/017/017 E192/E482 Calculation of the Angle of Radio Refraction at Small Elevation An S-1 es du X- (2) 0 I/iF+-Pr+- -U9(U) Eq. 8w where x and y are the distance and the height In normalized ~units and h, a* dt -j-2Sq. 9 -h (A) where e is the permittivity of the troposphere and aN Is the equivalent radius of the earth. On the other hand, the arameter p is defined by p Card 4 _X. 86802 ........ ... s/i42/60/000/003/017/0'7 B192/E482 Calculation-of the Angle. of Radio Refraction at Small Elevation Angles P- C03 7 1 Eq. (B) where y. is the z enith angle. By solving Eq.(2) for y Yl and y 0, it is possible to determine tan yl and tan y 2 The difference of the tangents of (pl and Y2 is then determined and the final-formula for a is ' Y1 + Y19(yd _ - (5) -Eq . T 2d' IM + v) (5) J Me d- I Eq 2 Card 86802 s/i42/60/000/003/017/017: E192/F,482 Calculation of the Angle of Radio Refraction at Small Elevation* Angles and is the central angle. Eq.(5) was checked experimentally',- -at the wavelength of~3.2 cm. The experimental results together .~with the calculated values are indicated in 2 tables. By comparing~,, the results, it is found that in the case of increased t1normal" and.",. negative refraction the calculated results are in good agreement with the\experimental data. In the case of super-refraction, there*_.;., is a considerable discrepancy between the experiment and the calculated values. There are 2 tables and 8.Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Ionosfernaya laboratoriya Sibirskogo fiziko- tekhnicheskogo instituta (Ionospheric Laboratory of the Siberian Physicotechnical Institute) SUBMITTED:. July 2, 1959 Card 4/4