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KOLESOV ZENKGVP LD,; SKURATOV, S.M. St=dard enthalpy of:the formation of tetrafluoroethylene. Zhur, fiz. khim. 36 no.lt89-92 Jrx 162, (Kft 16:8) 1. lloskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, im. M.T, Umonosova, TamokhiAtcheskaya laboratoriya im. V,F. Luginina. (Ethylene) (Enthalpy) N N KOLESOV V P.; PAUKOV, I*Ye.; SKURATOV, S.M.; Prinimali uchastiyes SHI-YMI; ;-VREGIN, E.AG Variation of the isobaric and isothermal potential in the polymerizaLtion of lactame under standardized conditions. 2hur. fizi khim.:.,36 n0,4:770-779 Ap 162. (MIn 15:6) 1. Moskovskiy - sudarstvennyy universitet'imeni Lomonosova. 90 (LaAams"Therm'al properties) (Polymerization) SEA, KOIESOV, V P.; ZENKOV,, I.D.; ALEKH N, S.P.; SKURATOV, S.M. Hermetic calorimeter with magnetic stirrer. Zhur. fiz. khim. 36 no.4:910-912 Ap 162. (MM -15t6) 1. Hookovskiy gosudaretvannyy universitat imeni Lomonosova. (Calorimeters) !~Ov, V.P.; MPYTYNOV, AJL; SHTEIMER, S-M.; SKIWTIOV9 ~i-M- Standard enthalpy of formation of 1,1-difluoroethylene and trifluoroetbylene. Zhur. fiz. kbim. .16 no.9:2078-4'081 S 162, ( M,, 17 t 6) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy wnlveraite~ irteni Lomonosova. xoixsov~ V.P,, ZENIKOV, I.D.- SKURATOV, S.M. St-andard enthalpy of formation of chlorotrifluororciethane and dichlorodifluoromethane. Zhur. fiz. khlm. 36 no.9;2082.,2084 S, 162. (MIRA 17-6) 1. Iloskovskiy gosudarstvenn~-/ univeraitet Jmeni Nmonosova. SEREGIN, E.A.; KOLESOV.. V.P.; BELIKOVA, N.A,; SKURATOV, S.14.; FLATE, A.F, Heat capacity at low temperatures and thermodynamic functions of endo- and exo-2-eyano-bioyclci--(202,1)-haptane. DOkl.AN SSSR 145 no.3:580-583 Jl 162o (MIRA 15:7) 1, Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M*V,Lomowsova, Predstavleno akademikom B.A.FAzanskim. (Bicycloheptans) (Heat capacity) KOLESOV, V.P.; SEREGTII,-..E.'A-; SKURATOV, S.M. Adiabstic,caloriuster.of small volume.for the determination of true heat capacities within the temperatare-range of 12 to 3400K. Zhur. fizo khim..,* no.31647-651 Mr '62. ~HIRA 17:8) 1, Moskovskiy gosudarstvanMy universitet imeni Lomonosova. K_QJ_E,SOII V.11 MARTYNOV, A.M.; SKURATOV, S.M. 4-t~~ Standard enthalpy of formation of 1, 1, I-Ii-Irifluoroethare. aur. fiz. khim. 39 no.2,435-437 F 165. (MIRA 1894) 1. Moskovskiy gosadarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonogava. KOLESOV V P ZENKOV,, I.D.; SKURAMV,, S.M. Standardenthalpy-offormation of chlorotrifluorootbylene. Zhur. fiz.khim. 37 no.1:224-225 Ja 163. (MM 17:3) L Nbskovskly gosudaretvannyy universitet imeni 14monosova. SKURATOV, S,H.;~~Omsov T0p0 Second All-Unton Confarence,on Calorimetry~ Zhur,fiz,khim. 37 noJO: 2379-2383 0 1.63, (MIR& 11:2) SKURA'10V, Sergey I-Iikhaylovich; KOLESOT, Viktor Petrovich; VOROBIYEV, Adollf Fedorc~ifc-h-,--SO'KOWV,-T.A.7,'--ziiu-cbn. red.; KOROBTSOVA, N.A... red. (Themochemistry) Temokhimiia, Moskva,, Izd-vo Mosk. univ, Pt.l. [General data on thermometry and calorimetryl Obshchie svedeniia o termometrii i kalorimetrii. 1964. 301 P. (MIRA 17: 5) KOLESOV, V.P. Second All-Union Conference on Calorimetryi Teplofiz. vys. temp. 1 no.2:323-325 S-0163. ;~ (MIRA l7s5) SNOMIN, E.A.: GOROSHKO, N.N.; KOLESOV. V.Po: BMKOVA; N.A.; SKURATOV, S.M.; kATE, A.F. Heat capacity at low temperabires and the thermodynamic functions of endo- and exo-2-methyl-'oicyolo-(2,2,1)-heptanes. Dokl. AN SSSR 159 no.6tl381-1384 D 164 (MIRA 181l) MEDVEDEVI V.A.; YUNGMAN--p VOS VOROBIYEV~ A.F.; GURVICH, L.V.; REV; S DEMO, GOA., I~'KIY, L.A. ;jOLESOV. V.P.,; GALICHMO, G.L..-'KHODNIEV, Yu.S.; ZOV, G.A.; SOKOLM V.B.; 6ROKEOV,.L.W.; MONAYEIIKOVA~ A.S.; KOIHAROVi, A.F.; VEYTS, I.V.; YUIUOV, G.N.; IIAUNKOV, G.G.; IIIPWOVA, N.L.; GLUSRKO, V.P.g abAemik, otv. red.; MHHULOV~, V.V. re4d.3 WAPETIYANTS, M.Kh., red. (Thermal constants of substances; reference book in ten numbers] Termiolieskie konstanty veshchestva; spravochrdk v desiati vypuakakh. Moskva, Vo.l. 1965. 14.4 p. (MIRA 18.-7) 1. Moscow. Vsesoyuznyy institut. nauchnoy i tekhnichoskoy informateii. KOIESOV, V.P.; ZENKOV, I.D.; SKURATOV, S.M. Standard enthalpy of formation of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol. Zhur. fiz. khim. 39 no.10:2474-2476 0 165. (MIRA 18 - 12) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. Submitted July 13~ 1964. BELOUSOV, M.S., kand. ekon. nauk, dots.; VORONIN, M.G., kand. ekon. nauk; DIRIDUKOV, G.S., kand. ekon. nauh-p dots.; KAMKSHANGVq P.I., kand. ekon. nauk; LOM-SQ-V,,,-,V..,S.I.KUPRIYENKO, A.N.,, kand. ekon. nauk,- PENIKOV, Ye.G., kand. ekon. nauk, dots.,* SOLONEVICH, F.F..,Prinimal uc~Astiye SMORODIN, M.80; MUKRINp N.A., rotsenzant; FEDOTOV, G.N.p ratuanzent; STARCHAKOVAI I.I.p red.; KIRMZOVA, N.Sh., red.; MELRISH, D.M., telkhn, red, (Accounting in commerce) Bukhgalterskii ucbet v torgovle. (Ely] M.S.Belousov i dr. Moskva, Gostorgizdat,, 1963. 528 p. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Prepodavateli kafedry bukbgalterskogo ucheta Moskovskogo instituta narodnogo khozyaystva im. G.V.Plekhanova(for Belousov, Voronin.. Dundukov, Kanqshanov, Kolesov.. Kupriyenko., Penlkov., Solonevich). 2. GlavrWy bukhgalter Soyuza potrebi- tellskikhobshchestv RSFSR (for Fedotov). 33002 S/641/61/000/000/029/033 B102/Bl3e AUTHORS: Yermakov, S. M., Kolesov, V. Ye., Marchuk, G. I. TITLE: A numerical method for solving the Sohr6dinger equation with a blurre4d potential SOURCE: Krupchitskiy, P. A., ed. Neytronnaya fizika; sbornik statey. Moscow, 1961, 314- 323 TEXT: If square-well potential or oscillator potential are assumed in shell-model calculations, the problems can be solved analytically. -The results, however, will be in vorse agreement with experiment than for blurred potentials. A method is described for calculating both the nuclear energy levels and the crone sections. The potential V(r) can be any shape, and have a zero singularity. In scattering problems it may be complex. In the usual way the boundary-value problem 'Pu Lr) + B (r) u (r) x2u (r), dr2 U(O)=O, U(( Card 1/ 6 33002 3/641/61/000/000/029/033 A numerical method for solving... B102/B136 is assumed to have a non-vanishing solution, and B(r)~ -U(r LO (2) U (r) ~ Zis V (r). X2 21n JEJ, E