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I&VANTMKIY# H.I., professor; XDLESSIKOV, H.M, Upertmental justificatioa for myoplosty In surger7 for hematageatc ostoomyelttlee Ortope# travmo I protec, 1? no.1:24-26 Ja-P 156. Wft 9 . 12) 1. Is kafedry Fakulltstakoy khirurgit (zav. - prof. H.I.Lovantovskly) I k3factry operatlynoy khtrurgii (save - dotes A.K.Silantlyev) Owcalov- .Skogo maditainakogo institute (dire - prof. I.I.Iositayn) (OSTICONTRUTIS . hematogenic, exper.- musc. plastlos in) (KUSGIAS. surge exper., in hematoge:ic osteomyelitis) Moclifications In thenervous system of the respiratory traat In ithooping cough. Pedlatrila 39 no-2:58-63 Mr-Ap #56. (MM 9.-B) is-lz kafedry patologi chaskoy anatdmti (wav, ablea-korreepondent ANN SSW prof. A.I.St*ukov) I .9bakovskogo ordena Lenina meditaln- skogo Instituta. (vRbOPWG COUOH. patholog7o neries of rasp. tract (RUBD (RwPlRiTORY,TR&CT. innervation, p*tjiol.'in vhooping cough (Rua)) FUTINTSEV, A. K.; KOLESMIKOV,, N. wv Tobacco fermentation in the- btilk state and the Increase of labor productivity. law vyw.-uthdb. saiv.; ish-h takh. no,5: P 1245 1620- Nal i5:10)-, 1. Krasnodarskiy inatitut Oishchavoy proMahlennosti, lCafedra, skonomiki I organizataft proisvodstva, (Tobacco curing) 7-A us c ar.:-Rbysic~`.M. ti De~a 11 Dec:. 51 20 (600) ~3 4. Isotopes 7. Theory of isotopic displacement. ~okl. AN SSSR Otd. tekh. nauk no.l. 1953 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953. Unclassified. USSR/Nuclear Physics Double decay FD-500 Card 1/i Pub. 146-rr/18 Author Kolesnikov, K. N. Title : Mixed double decay-~capture processes Feriodical : Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 24, 246-247, Feb 1953 Abstract : Letter to the editor. Computes probability of double beta-decay wit out neutrino interference. Finds probable life for Z = 50 about. 10 9 years. Indebted to Prof. D. D..Ivanenko. 9 references, including 6 foreign. Institution : Moscow State University Submitted : October 4, 1952 KOMSNIKOV, N. P"b. 43 88/97 ~f 3r All 33SR. Ser. fiz. 18/12, 295-296, Nfar-Apr 1.954 n-t exceed tar Physica reriuaicai -~f w.,c I e A r per 9 irv e 9 Dokl. AN SSSR, 97, Ed. 2, 233 236, JiLly 19c4 Nuclear periodicity is analyzed. The a-,a-',Irsis waq made by study-ing stab- 11itV curves of thA Z and T. Tho c,,,7-v,~9 w-r-- --7-!!'I-.;-'td, Dr~ ~he !~A31~' Cf a,.a :,,ncernmg Ir,.e ener" -r-fermce-9. -,raD~,3, D--A;71,!i, 1, I~Vmofiosov 5tate Lhiiversity, Mmr-ow. A. ik. T.,ebedev, Karcn KOLE3NIKOV, R. H. Kolesnikovq H. N. "The JuMmude of the Density of Distribution of Nucleons on Certain Nuclear and Atomic Effects." Moscow Order of Lenin State U im-eni M. V. Lomonosov, Moscov., 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate In Physico- mathematical Sciences.) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 23, Moscow, June 1955, pp. 87-104 Ko i-e-S iv t ko V, N. N, Ms R/Nuclear PiVsics - transuranic FD-1831 card 1/1 Pub 146-16/25 Author : Larin, S. I., and Kolesnikov, N. ff., Title : Reutron sub-shell in the region of the transuranic elements Periodical : Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 23, 243, February 1955 Ab9tract The authors remark that at the prbsent time the existence of neutron or proto n shells or sub-shells have not been established in the region of neutron numbers N greater than 126 and atomic numbers greater than 02. Only individual ty.the possible existence of weak subshelas have been made in the case of N-i46 (N. Kolesnikov, DAN SSSR, 97, 233, 1954) and Z-92 (V. A. Krartsov, DAN SSSR, 78, 43, 1951). They state that new data on the properties of the isotopes of the transuranic elemerrLs, including 99 and 100., permit one to discuss again this problem. Trairteen references. Institution: Moscow State University Scubmitted September 30, 1954 A do./- Ca IV I K 0 V" T'llysics Spontaneous fission Card 1/1 Pub 146-17/25 Author Kolesnikov, N. H., and Larin, S. I. Title Probability of spontaneous.fission and beta-stability Periodical Mhur. eksp. i tecr. fiz. 26) 244-245, February 10,55 Abstract Theprobability of nuclear7fission depends upon the effective height of the potential barrier (i.e. upon the critical energy of fission), and also upon its width. Here the authors wish to call attention to the fact that the maximun, stability relative spontaneous fission coincides sufficiently accu- rately with the maximum, of beta-stability in isotopes of one and the san-_ ele-,.:ent, as shown e.g. from a consideration of the graph of the dependence c~f log tau (logarithm. of probability of spontaneous fission) upon Z2/A. They thank Prof. D. D. 1vanenko. Eight references, only 1 WSSR (N. N. Koics- nikov, DA11 SSSR, 107, 233, 1954). Institution: Moscow State University Submitted : September 30., 1954 v 7, k--:-LzL &,)I e s a I K- v o? 7,A - ,c it rcwnrdiae- a nuclear midol I L(a - AN 56,'xi 1001 , 37-40 . Jan - I i 19.55 ki,,~ i e a r n~,dleis (stiell . I -dri-.. FA:-t: a- -isge,4 x mx-,del .--.f the nr i5 F-ag ~~ e. o t e d i n c rd e. r YP.-7 ffi--LL! t~IeB n trio j*.i,:)n )f jd nu- -~)serv, -- e a,~ ~ a,, Le aa . - L 5 6 v a.d I f i ;~Ij t . ons k mos tly .1~, excited 6tatlep -," Eir mc-vine Independently (the filliniz of aner;;-j lev.-als and shellF, Is d *i~,ro-u6h A self at' e a 4 _f the r~,q tatj movements. :::a P-1 Y , c a an e a t a d di&t:-.rti--ns of the wp-7,~ ~~,d J. existenct: of ! ~! '7P.-t.9i n ~,-,mbpr Cf nu-,;Iegr gr 1 -7.0 r Z~ tY7132 e7pnt-~- re farences 7 :~:l i Dn Ft. V. Lomonosov Moscow State UrLiversity Presentel-- byi Academician A. A.Lebedav, September 27, 1954 i~6 S~ Atis*,I -a I are rlec,- '~oo staListica.1 Lheoi7 vf a nucleus. Howev6r, the thrnrz-f 1-s -r with 17 Category t USSPAhtc Isar'. Physics Elowantary Partioloo Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Fizikai ~Z,7r go 5897 Author- Ivenanko Dii Itist Moscov.sta_tot Unmv 118 #,Y.W- Title Binding Eherd Q:C Hypornucleto Orig Pub iZhi oksperim. i teor, fiziki,~ 1956,- 3o, No 4, fto-801 Abstract tThe- binding -energy and the stability of hypernuolai, in. in, vastigated. An analyaip~oftha exporipental date available at present time leads to th6 conclusion thatt (a) the bidding energy-3 a mZ*tq. Verticia in hyparnualei does not..depend noticeaWl-on the spin ~atid.on the isotopie spin of the core the. molaus- minus thezN-0 particle, and incrias'e-, approximately-linaarly jith increasing masa numb6r A,-. b 1ho -I _0 -article and the. nucleon N i8 same- ntel-action betwech -th6,2\-(] what weaker, -than, the HN interactlon. -pexticle, o1mmg0a oo re~ potenti ni-iriAh-atthe -i-adif -6-f _fh_q little the- t~kre t6rthan thWof the NN forces theauthors explaln-~ are no V. Card 1-1/2 -- ----------- 0 V Category : USSRINUclear Physics Structure and Froperties of Nuclei c-4 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Mike, No 1, 1957)z(o 489 Author Kolesnikov, N.N. Inst IWA-0 rMUTFUUversity, USSR Title Properties of the Eaergy Surface of Heavy Nuclei. Orig Pub Zh. eksperim. i teor. fiziki, 1956, 30, No 5, 889-899 Abstract A detailed study is made of the properties of the energy surface of h"Vy nuclei, separately'for each of the four types of parity of the nuclei. _41ong with refining the known empirical laws avA the parameters of the energy surfaces, it is shown that under the some values of mass numbers A, the masses of the nuclei reach minim= values at different values of Z, depeimUng on whether Z is odd or even, and that the curvature of the isobar I~zrabdlas is independent'of whether Z is add or"even, and is ap- parently somewhat greater in the ase of nuclei with oven A. The character of the shells N a 126-and z = 82 is -explained. The results are compared with the usual equations for the binding ewrgy. Card k v-, C~ 4 AUTHOit TEODOROVICH N.V.$ KOLESNIKOV R.N. F&, - 274 TITLE Tke Part Played by`TH-e-TE7ee_Part1cle Forces in the Three-Body Problem (Polltrakhohastichnikh ail v zadache trekh ail, -Russian) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperin. i Tooret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol 32, Nr 2, pp 392-393, Received 5/1957 Reviewed 6/1957 ABSTRACT Indications 6xistfor the fact that taking account of the tkrae-particle A .Lorces amproves the agreement between theoretically computed eaergy values or light nuclei and the experiment. On the occasion of the con- putation of the distribution of the threa-particle forces the authors confined themselves to the three-body-problems: a) to the computation of the binding energy of H3 and He3j b) to the computation of the cross section of the scattering of neutrons by a deuteron. For reasons of simplicity the non-centrality and the dependence on spin of the two-particle nuclear forces are not taken into consideration. The authors chose the f0llo;A-ng sum as an operator of the total aRergy of tritium: *xpt,2.rjjj . & U_ f + (Vaaaam). -i 137 and mr 0 4 1 (m electron mass). With the help of the Dirac equation the authors derive an equation for the determination of the level energy (1), which agrees with the one obtained by 1. M. Pomeranchuk and Ya. A. Smorodinskiy (Refo 1). A second equation is given for the determination of the critical number Z or '. Zor depends only slightly or. r0: for ro = 12,10-13cm it is 178, for r0 a 6.10-13 it is Card 1/2 Electron Levels of Atoms of Superheavy Elements S/056/60/039/01/23/029 B006113063 - 172. Furth;armore2 they study the nature of the discrete levels near the edge of the continuous spectrum E w m (Z > 137) (when L --x, +m, X tends to zero). When 6< -m and Z > Zor , there exist quasi-levels, the occurrence of jef which is explained by the example of a potential well of the radius r 0 and the depth U. An expression is also given for the level width. Pinally, the authors thank Professor D. D. Ivanenko for his discussion of the results of this work. There are 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Ijosoow State University) SUBMITTED: February 28g 1960 Card 2/2 - --- ------- 38877 S/18 62/000/C03/002/012 B 111 YB 112 OTHORS Linkin, V. M., Kolesnikov N. N.- TITLE: Particle interaction in nonlinear electrodynamics PERIODICAU: Moscow. Universitet. Vestnik Seriya III. Fizika, 17-;6 astronomiya, no. 3, 1962, ILEXT: It,is shown that the interaotion, in nonlinear theory, of a point 7 like particle with an extended one, approximately coincides with the V interaction in linear theory between two particles having distributed charges and magnetic momenzs. Procec-dinE from the invariant I = I fp,,f,,V1 where f j is an antisymmetric tensor' ;f the electromagnetic 1 6,c IL I field, the.tagrange function L(I) - &(I)f f is set up, where 16it F.V AV (I) = 2L The Maxwell equations then are 01 f f V JAUXQ XQ xv = 0 where P E(L)f The enerey momentum tensor H is )A )LV Card 1/4 S/18 62/000/003/002/012 Particle interaction In... B1 11%112 determined in the same way as in the linear theory. H DE+ HB). -0 44 ~ (1/6R)( If, i-n the linear theory E D1 is written for the electrostatic field,. "E D then D Q'dv' in the nonlinear theory. Since 2 F(D 0 r D 2- -it follows that e e 3$ r r r d S p, dvl ~p'du' e-VS P E D r3 holds for sufficiently large r. In the linear theory, Q (1~) is that charEe distribution which produces exactly the same field E, as is produced by the charge e in the nonlinear theory. For the dipole field an* asymptotio representation is given in large distances, a concrete solution of which is possible only bYL:-14COeS sive approximations. For the nonlinear Card 2/4 S/188 62/000/003/002/012 Particle interaction in... Bill B112 interaction between a point-like and an extended electric charge, the following is derived: I eV pt (ri) dut P (PI)dV'). (31) W" -4, S S I Ri )(ev S1 ns-rl I The interaction of two dipole moments is subject*to considerations similar to thos.e which hold for the electric charges. 4hen the simultaneous electric and maEnetic interactions are taken into consideration, a linear theory is obtained only in those ranges where 1I I ID 2 - H21 < liol. Fig. I shoWs the curve of lill for D = e/r 2 and H - ~k/r3. If the experimental values of e(and ~L for the electron and proton are usedv r(e) - 2.3-10-11 am and r P), 5-i0-14 CM are obtained. Hence it follows 1 1 that 1101 is larger than the maximum of 11 1. Therefore, the proton like Card 3/4 S/16 62/000/003/002/012 Particle interaction in... B 11 lYD112 the electron can be calculated linearly if it is point-like, e.g. if it does not interact with a meson field. For the energy H 12 we have H D D" dv + dv 12 4n 1 1 2 1 2, which corresponds to the interaction of two particles with'distributed charres and magnetic moments in the linear theory. There is 1 figure* ASSOCIATION: Kafedra elektrodinamiki i kvantovo teorii (Department of El'ectrodynamics and Quantum Theory~ SUB""ITTED: June 6, 1961 Fig. 1 4 Card 4/4 40108 S/040/62/026/004/002/013 1)409/D301 AUTHOR: Kolesnik ;f0scow) TITLE: On the stability otia free rigid body with a cavity filled by an incom 7essible*viscous fluid PERIODICAL: Prikladnaya matema~ika i mekhanikap v. 26, no. 4t 1962, 606 - 612 TEXT: The sUfficient conditions are obtained for the stability of the circular motion of the center of mass,,~_nd of the relative equilibrium of a rigid body with a cavity, containing a liquid. The stability problem is solved by V.V# Pumyantsevls*method. The rigid body and the liquid are considered as a single mechanical system. The problem is considered in the following approximat-ion:'the force function U is expanded in series in x/R, y/R; z/R and only the first two terms of the expansion are retained, (H is the radius vec- tor of the fixed system of coordinates 9, T,., Itt). The equaTions of motion are set up'v as well as Poisson's equations for the direction cosines. The stability of the undisturbed motion of the system is investige,ted with respect to the variables Card 1/3 S/04 62/026/004/002/013 On the stabtlity of a free rigid D40VD301 q, r; P, PI P"; YV T29 T3; K2xv K2y? 1C2 '-1t9 (3.2) z where p, q and K are relatcd to . theImoment off'viomentum of the Sys- tem, P and y are direction cosinei~~of the coorpinate axes, V and q~ are related to the spherical coordinates ~, OZt ~ of the center of mass.. The equations of motion admit a particular solution-which cor- responds to motion Of the system along the..circular orbit R = RO ra" ,with constant angular velocity wt so that the principal cent axes of the system are located along the tangent, the radius-vec-SCol, bind the binormal of the undisturbed system. Thereby the liquid is at rest with respect to the body, i.e. the system moves IiI-:e a u .Single body. The function W of the variables of the problem, is considered; this function is constructed by Chetayev's method, as the sum of the first integrals of the equations of motion. By Sylvester's criterion of positive-definitoness for the function 'N, one obtains the sufficient stability7conditions C ;PI A B (3-11) where A, 3v C are the principal moments of inertia of the system. Card' 2/3 ---- -------- LINKIN, VJM.; KOIESNIKOV, N.V. Particle interaction in nonlinear electrodyn-amics. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 3i Fiz., astron. 17 no.3:17~26 Ifly-Jo 162. (MIRLA 15:6) 1. Kafedra elektrodinamiki i kvantovoy teorii Moskovskogo universiteta. (Nuclear reactions) (Electrodynamics) 4h95L 'S/04 63/027/001/041/043 Krylova, A. P .'and :Kandybarovi Vo K* AUTHOM KoleanJkgY,_JL. TIT LE: Beta-stability of heavy elements PERIODICAL: Akademiy.6, nauk SSSR. Se r iya fizicheBkayaj v. 27,. no.- 1,* 1963, .132-136 TEXT: This paper aims~to show that'the overall b6ta-deoay time, T varies regularly within limited regions of a nuclear system. Heavy,nuclei (Z> 87, N > 133) with about the same deformation are the examples. Except for very low,(z - z log for a nucleua'(AIZ) decreases roughly P linearly with,increasing log(z - z )..I. z is the.atomic numb .ek of a' fictitious isobaric nucleus (A,Z _~_whiah ie, at'the energy thrieshbld of beta-deoay where 0., A similar law-was also found for electron u , . e can be,explained if'the fo'lloving is assumed-, ca t re Th as results the major contribution comes from 'a' (or a few*) transition to.the ground.or a slightly excited level of the final,nucleus, having (among Card 1/2 S/049/63/027/001/041/043, Beta-stability of heavy BIOS/BI80 the other single-partiole levels) the lowest.forbiddenneas, (2) the reduced probabilities of beta,tranBitions in the's.'region considered vary within narrow limits. These assumptions are confirmed by comparing estimates with experimental results for nuclei of all four types of parity.--This paper was read at the 12. Annual Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy, Leningrad, i4nu~ry 26 - February 2, 1962. There are 3 figures. The most important ing~lish-languagelre;erenoes are: R. L. Lessler, M. Michel. Phy4. ~Rev., lie, 263 (1960).;#K. Way, M. Wood. Phys.*Rev.,' 92, 120 .54) C' (lqr J Card 2/2 KOLICHUMIKIII, A.11e; KOLLSNIKOVs II.N. Phenomenological analysis of the binding energy of hypernuclei. Izv. vys. uoheb. zav.; fiz. no.4:19-25 163. OURA- 16:9) 1. MoDkovskly gosudarstv(3nnyy universitet imoni Lomonosova, (Nuclear forces) d ) /RDS A ED C /A /ASI-;, A C /3,,~ r . -4 /1 -4/ P-7 Pk-Fl~o4/ AUTNOTIf 11tv of a Newcoraar, field, 3! ms a '.1y:-~)SCOpe with a a:-, :e eic *0 7, is given as a ri-g-13 :~~,~y :,ended i-n a Newtonian fla'-, 0" a a aroscope cunszt~ing of a a:-"' ro'-:-5 w os o Ti. AP arla- C~' equaL;--'s r-scvj:~a a --;~n I lelcl of forces. Orig. art. has- lb formulas, LS-I;CCIATIONt aona 09FW~63 DAT.~, ACQ: 15). ENCL 00 No ~'EF SO; OT HER: 000 -ACUSSION NRz AP3001770 S/0188/63/000/003/003Z/0043 AMIORs Kolesnikovs N. N.; Grigorlyev.1u. P. 1ITLE-. On the theory of isotopa.sWlts. SOUME: Moscow. Universitat, Vestnik. Seriya 3. Mika, astronomiyap no. 3. 1963# 32-43 TOPIC TAGS: isotope shift,, nuclear. volume affect, band spectrum ABSTRACT: A now relativistic formula for the-nuclear volume effect to be u3od for. investigations basod on the isotope shift in line spectra. has boon derived on the ba'#c of a rewritten solution of the Dirac X1 and X2 radial function equation...The t1atment mde possible the replacement at the Wilets formula with a more accurate one which takes into account the alterations of the electron uave function. The re- sults obtained may be generalized to cases of nuclear densities which are neither restricted to finite distances nor spherically symmetrical. Orig. art. hast I table and 4 figures. Card 1/2 KOLESNIKOV, N.N..; KRYLOVAp A.P,; KANDYBARGVp V.K. -"Bet&-Z~htaiability of heavy elements, .17.v, vys, uchebe zava; fiz. no-5% 151-155 163. (MIRA 16-.12) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Loruonosova. _NRf____AP403757_8_____ ii/6056/64/046/005/1648/1652 AUTHORS: Kotesnikov, N. N.1 Vedrinskiy, R. V. TITLE: Hypernuclei with two particles and their decay SOURCE: Zh. eksper. i teor. fiz., v. 46, no. 5, 1964, 1648-1652 .TOPIC TAGS: A particle, 7aypernucleus decayg AA interaction, global isymmetry, two particle decay# three particle decay ,'ABSTRACT: Theoretical arguments are presented in favor of-the existence of bound states df two A particles with nucleons, assuming no.repulsion center in AA interactions. A condition is derived for the energetic impossibility of the decay of a hypernucleus with emission of a A particle, and the order of magnitude of the binding.' ~1'' ~energy is estimated on the basis of global symmetry. It is shown I;! 'ithat a correlation.should exist between the directions of emission J,of the pions produced-in thin decay of such systems. The successive 'Cam. ACCESSION NR: AP4037578 'meson decay of light hypernucleL with two particles is considered':- ,'for the case when the first decay is either two-particle or three-D ,particle, and the cross sections are evaluated for each case. Angu7.i lar and-energy distributions are estimated for some of the latest f ,published data. OrLg. art. has:i 9 formulas. ,:ASSOCXATIOU: Institut yadernoy*fiziki Moskovskogo, gosudarstvennogo ;unLversitata (Nuclear PhyaLce InstLtute, Moscow State UnLvers ity) ;~UBMTTTED: lWul63 DATO ACO: 09Jun64 ENCL: 00 ..rNR REP SM, 003 OTHM: UB CODE: GP NP 0.10 2/2 Card ...... ...... ...... DLUP/SSD/A?ArL/i~SDt S/'O~i~,/6"/-047/00.5/1740'1741 .:.:ON NR: PLP 50003 24 Eolesn ixPY' $. N Vedrinskiv, R. 'V. Disinteqration of H 3 in Coulomb Fiell4l and' pickup of A A ;2s by hea-..ry nuclei eksperimental'noy i teoreticlhf-skoy fiziki, v. 47, _~)64, 1740-1741 -~S: rticke -11sirizegration, tritium, landda particle, Da.- "Leld, pickup reaction kLaCx A prelimi n-allY., --study was made of the diaintagration of '-I eCoulomb field of heavy nucie-,. __7n of the small -3:).ergy ofAH 3, it is assumed that i,-3 Coulor-0b disii;tegration when it is located at: ~anqe J;_s,:ances from the so that the two-body app-oximation -an be usad and ON NR: AP 5 O-O-Q 3 :uz6x:6n uan F54 ArsutN -1 4 The calculated value d section is found to be quite ia.--jo. and to increase at decrease at high energies, and thus have a maximum. ~a estimate yields a maximum cross section of 150 barns for 2,-,- an energy of 4.5 MeV. It is s1hown 4urther that the hyper- ~'Ase~ can be captured by t~-e nuclel with appreciable proba- For silver at primary AH energy of 15 MeV the correspond- section is -1.5 barn. Orig, art. haix: 2 formulas. 7 ;D 71.1 Moskovskiy gosudarstvenny*y univer-sitet oscow versity) 14FEAD64 EATCL: 00 NP NR REF SOV: G-3 OT HER: 005 - - ----- ---. VEDRINSI'iy) R.V.; I ~~ " - , Splitting of hypernuclei in a Coulomb field. Vest.Mosk, un4 Ser. 32 Fizap autrong 20 no*201-80 Mr-Ap 165., (MIRA 181 15) 1. Kafedra kvantovoy teorii Poskovskogo universiteta. L 4403-66 EWT(m)/~~____. SOURCE CODE: UR/0367/66/003/005/0QIP6/09501 AUTHOR: Kolesni~ov, N. N.; Vedrinskiy, R. V. ORG: lr~,stitute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University (Institut yadernoy fizi-k-I Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta TITLE: Interactions of light ~ ype rnucle 1i and lwnbda-iaarticles with nuclei SOURCE: Yadernaya, fizika, v- 3, no. 5, 1966, 946-950 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear emulsion, particle interaction, Coulomb field ABSTRACT: The disintegration of light hypernuclei in the Coulomb field of heavy n4clei is investigated in the law and high energy approximations and also in the quasiclassical case. The cross-section of he process is sensitive to the value of the hypernuclear binding energy BA. For AH~j where BA is anomally small, the cross-section can become very large, so that the Coulomb disintegration must be taken into account when analyzing~.A' tracks in photoemulsion and in the production of hypertritium. The probability of A-particle capture by heavy nuclei, with the forma- tion of heavy hypernuclei and emission of nucleons, is estimated. Orig. art. has: 14 fonnulas. [JFRS: 36,7121 SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: 13Jul65 ORIG,REF: 007 OTH REF: 003 Card L 04555-67 __EWT(O)jf_~ W R. WP66i~~28 AUTHOR: 1(41221~pyjj."'~(Kosccw) IORG: none S6URCE CODE: UR/0040/66/030/003/0589PS93 6 TITLE: Regular precession of a free gyrostat&l I SOURCE: Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, v. 30, no. 3, 1966, 589-593 TOPIC TAGS: missile guidance equipment, inertial guidance systemi gyroscope component ABSTRACT. The regular precession of a free gyrostat is considered in the presence of a central Newtonian force field. A fixed Cartesian coordinate system with the origin at the source of the gravitational field and a coordinate "stem with axes coinciding with the principal axes of the gyro are selected. Given the three principal moments of the gyro, equations with forcing terms from the gravitational potential are derived to give the motion of the gyro. The equationm thus obtained are specialized to the case where two of the principal moments are identical. The equations are simplified and written in terms of Euler angles. Three different possible regimes of regular pre- cession are identified. These regimes are discussed separately and it is observed thal the conditions necessary for the existence of regular precession of the gyrostat coin- cide with those necessary for the regular precession of one rigid body. Orig. aft. has: 10 figfes SUB CODE: SUBM DATE: l7May65/ ORIG REF: 006 Card 1/1 32058 3/182/62/000/001/004/004 D038/Dll3 AUTHOR: Kolesnikov, N.P. TITLE: Oft the assessment of the drawability of thin-sheet metal according to mechanical test results PERIODICAL: Kuznechno-shtampovochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 1, 1962, 16-17 TEXT: The article deals with the behavior of a metal possessing a maximum modulus of 3trengthening and great plasticity in deep drawing of automobile chassis parts. To assess the deep drawing and stretch forming properties of metal, it is advisable to consider uniform elongation, sometimes referred to as critical, homogeneous or stable, and not total elongation. The ASM uses the uniform elongation,for the classification of parts produced by deep drawing, andIMT9045-59 (COST 9045-59) is used for the optional speci- fication of the uniform elongation. The following standards are mentioned: rOCT 1497-42 (COST 1497-42), ('OCT4986-54 (COST 4966-54) andrOeT914-56 (COST 914-56). It is stated that, there is no standard method for this as- sessment. The author concludes that (1) the existent choice of the calcu- lated length of thin-sheetu specimens for tensile tests is not sufficiently substantiated; (2) the calculated length of the thin-sheet specimens should Card 1/2 32058 S/162/62/000/001/004/004 On the assessment af ..... D038/D113 be a multiple of the width of the working piece; (3) the determination of the uniform elongation on the existing equipment by a calculating inethod should be based on the tensile test results of the same specimen; (4) a multiple of 8 Z.- 10 for directly measuring the absolutely uniform elongation of a ruptured specimen is recommended by the author; (5) the multiple cho- sen for a specimen similar to that uuggeated by the author, was recommended by J.C. Wright (Ref, 4: Quantitative Assessizient of Deep Drawing and Stretch- Forming Qualities, Sheet Metal Industries, September, 1961) and by G,A. Smirnov-Alyayev and V.M. Rozenberg (Ref. 5: Teoriya pla3ticheskikh deformatsiy metallov CTheory of Plastic Deformation of Metals), I.Tasligiz, 1956). 08Kn (08kp) steel specimens 0.83 mm in thickness were used during tests. There are 5 referennes: 3 Soviet-bloc and 2 non Soviet-bloc. The English-language references are: The Selection of Sheet Steel for Formabil.- ity, "Metal Progress", August 151 1955, and J.G. Wright, Quantitative As- sessment of Deep Drawing and Stretch-Forming Qualities, "Sheet Metal Indus- tries", September, 1961, Card '11/2 S/182/62/000/008/002/003 D040/D113 'Col AUTEM: esnikov, N.P. TITL:;: The effect of anisotropy on the drawability of steel when ex- truding parts of complex shape P-lUODICIL: Kuznechno-shtwnpovocImoye proizvodstvo, no. 8, 1962, 18-19 1;.%Terifiient3 with longitudinal and transverse specimens cut from 6 different grades of rolled sheet steel were conducted to study the effect of pla~;tic anisotropy on drawabi-lity during P-ctrusion. The study was conducted because thQre are '-'4uW rejects when extruding elenients)sucli as trwisiAssion casin-s. Uniform deformations in length, width and depth wbre fourvi according to a method developed by M%Sh. ForMulas showing the'stress-strain relations wore derived in accordance with theories developed by Mill (The Matlio-matical Theory of Llasticity, 1950) and A.D. Tomlenov ("KuznecImo-shtarapovochnoye proizvodstvoll, no. 4, 1962). The experimental data, including the strains and stresses measured in 1.0 cuid 1.5 -= thick steel and the stress-strain re- lations, arc tabulated. The drawability greatly depends on the anisotropy, Card 1/2 S/182/62/000/008/002/003 y ..... D040/D113 The effect of anisotrep and amean aaii;otropy factor should not be used in calculations. Generally, the results confirm Hillts'and Tomlenovts data. There are 2 tables. Card"2/2 KOLESNIKOV) N.i. Strained state caused by deep extrusion. Avt.prom. 28 no.8:34-36 Ag IM. (MM 160) 1. Institat mashinovedeniya AN SSSR. (Strain and stresses) (Factmsion (Metals)) KOLESNIIKOV,, R.P.- Calculating the stress-deformation state in drawing con- sidering the,effeat of anisotropy. Kuz.--shtami Proiav. 5 no.9tl5-19 S 163. MIRA 16.11) sll36163100010031002100 0193/2383 AUTHORS:' Kirpa, I.G., Kolesnikov, N.P., Pankin, V.A. and Shishkint YU02ro TITLE: Investigation of the energy and force parameters in' the rolling of aluminum-clad copper A PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye metally,.no. 3. 1963,.6o --65 TMM: The experimental specimens consisted of copper plates'!~ 320 - 570 mm wide and 414 - 560 mm long, enclosed between two 1 ,I, slightly larger,aluminum plates, the whole assembly being held I together by two rivets. Four types of the sandwich were used in the tests with an Al-Cu-Al thielmoss ratio of 2.56:9-7:2.56 mm, 1-4:9-7:1.4 mm, 2.56S5.'75z2.36.wm. and 1*4:5-75:1-4 mm. The cold-, rolling experimnents were conducted on a four-high reversible stand. 284D with working and backing rolls of 620 and 1 370 mm in diameter, respectively. Formation of bond between the sandwich components was ensured by giving it a reduction of 65 - 75% in one Ipass. In a few cases the same reduction was attained in two passes. Them. following parameters were determined in each experiment: roll pressure; current in the main motor; voltage in the main motor, L Card 1/2 5/136/63/000/003/002/004 Investigation of .... E193/E383 driving current; main motor speed; -temperature of the metal aft rolling. The'strength of the bond between the Cu core and Al cladding was determined by bending tests; in addition, tensile tests were conducted on test pieces out from each specimen. Conclusions: 1) the maximum roll force recorded was 1 140 tons,$. i-ee 330,0' of the force permissible for the stand 284o. 2) The roll force under conditions of steady rolling was 950 tonse 2 3) The average roll pressure varied between 25A and 48.1 kg/mm. 4) Comparison of the experimental data with values calculated from several known formulas showed that the formula due to Rokotyan gave results in closest agreement with the experiment.. 5) The strength of bond.and the mechanical properties of the final product were not significantly changed by effecting the required reduction in thickneAs in two instead of in one pass. This means that a wider range of the existing rolling equipment can be used for the fabrication of Al-clad Cu, There are figures and 4 tables* Card 2/2 - --------- KOLESNIKOV, N.P. Method for determining the uniform elongation of sheet metal. Zav. lab. 31 no.9:1127-1.129 165. (MIRA 18:10) i;,_ L Kolesaikov, N. P. Miranskaya, Ye. D.; 0atreyko,_I-A-' _WrFOR: IcskovichCL ~jautkin, N. I.; Tkachev, P. N. ORG; none TITLE: DcU-drawabili~y of sheet steel produced by continuous casting SOURCE: Kuznechno-shtdmpovochnove preizvodstvo, no. 11, 1965, 19-24 TOPIC TAGS: continuous casting, cast ateel, mretal stamping, metal drawing, Azoww"ti=e sheet metal, rpu:(J cz4,~ ABSTRACT: The article presents the results of an investigapica of the properties and stampability,of cold-rolled sheet t;teels ~08fvlp ,~nd 081)!;,' produ~:ed by On tcontinuous castiag methad. AS compared wi~ii-~teel obtained front conventionally caat at-the-, pri q~ - - - -- Ear nj&--sho;t- pc-thii~h_ Disn1acement-Hator- Vehicle- to -6hii -deep drawing - al', intri-cli-tel-y- sGi-ed tomotive body parts the - Specime n_s:were_--.subjtpctad to mechanical tests and metatto- aphic examinations which--ohowed that Sheet'ateel produced by continuouscasting Imeets the requirements of the standards for quality structural sheet steel and that its ferrite grains are of a sufficiently small size to favorably affect the quality of the surface of elementa during their deep drawing. Stampability under production Card 1/2__ _UDC.* 62LUL3 ACI: NR. A2 6009169 conditions was determined during the drawing of a number of components of the Ifoskvich! car: an analysis of the stress-strain diagram during drawing escablished that the plasticity margin of the metal is comparatively high during the embossing of most of Aow6v~crankc seif.-T14- dep- rawin-g- e: -crankca se - involves.: I ~values- of the plasticity- tuargin'in- &-numb--r -:of: secturs:of the component and in- some cases the embossing culminate-& In-total exhaustion of the me-tat's plasticity. C(moar-ed with steel deriving from conventionally caat ingats,'~fie propoit ton of G'iafec'Uve c_'omp_on`ents- fabricated from steel produced by continuous casting was appreciably lower. These findings point to a satisfactory stampability of steel produced by continuous casting and the possibility of using this steel for the deep drawing of elements fabricated irom metai meeting the (lower) requirements of the All-Union State Standard-GOST. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 3 tables. SUB G6E: 11, 13/ SUBM DATE: none/ OELIG REF, 005/ OTH REF: 000 Card 2/i-,\m)j --ACC N i Ri -- - ------ --- -~SOURCS_-CODEI. AU-IHOR: Kolesnikoy,-.& __P. -UR10032/66/032/012f"04/1S65 ORG: none ~TITLE: Method for evaluating the anisotropy of sheet-metal ductility ISOURCE: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 32, no. 12, 1966, 1502-1505 JT6PIC TAGS: sheet metal Iductility, anisotropic medium IABSTRACT: A simplified method for a quantiItative evaluation of the anisotropy of 'ductility in metal sheets has been developed. As in earlier methods, the evaluation lpf.anisotropy is based on the coefficients of anisotropy calculated from the reduction fof-width and thickness in longitudinal specimens resulting from uniaxial stretching., Becau se a precise determination -of the thickness reduction with the new method is ...~-;~difficult, the coefficients of anisotropy are calculated from the elongation and 1..reduction of width occuring in the zone of uniform deformation. A simple monogram -used for further simplification of the anisotropy evaluation. The method 'was ,used on production scale in plant laboratories and proved to besimple and reliable. Orig. art..has: 2 figures and 1 table. SUB CODE; 14/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 001 11-1-KOMNIKOV, POGOSTAN, G.M. Carbon chain polymers and copolymers. Report fio.l: Synthesis nud polymerization of 4-aikoxyatyrenes. Izv.AN SSSR. Otd. khIm. nauk. no.2:227-231 P 153, (HIRA 11: 4) 1. Institut alementoorganichaskikh aoyedinsniy BY SSSR. (Styrene) (Polymers and polymerizAtion) KOLFSHIKOV, U.S.; SOBOLEVA. T.A. Synthesis of ethylene copolymers. Izv.AU SSSR. Otd. khim. nauk. no.2:242-243 F 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Inatitut elementoorgnnicheakikh soyedineniy Ali SSSR. (Ethylene) (Polymers and polymerization) KOLB,SNIKOVg U.S.; KMSHAK, I.V.;- SUPRO, A.P. S~mthesis of polyary-lenalkyle. Report No,6: Nfeet of the ratio, of the initial Compouente bu the development of copoly0ondeneation process of benzene and chlorobenzeno with 192-dichloroothano' AN SSSR Otd. khi'm. nauk no,-5:605-613 W 158. (Km 11:6') 1. lmtitut elementoorgatichaskikh 9oyedineniy AN SSSR. (Benzene) Oftbane) (Condensation produote (Chemistry)) MIESMEDV, H.S.; KDRSHAX, Vj.; SMIRNOVA, T.V. Synthesis ofpolyarylenalk;rls, Report ffoo9: Synthesis and rearylatiou of fluoro- and chloredipheny1methanos. AN SSSR..Otd. khim. nauk no.9: 1IL23-1126 S 1580 (Km u: 1-0). 1,01noti tut elementoorganichookikh soyedinenly AN SSSR, (Methane) (Arylation) SOV-3-58-10-4/23 AUTHOR: Koleenikov, N.S., Chief of TsK VLKSM Section Controlling WorW-k-motig-tNi-W-cademic Youth TITLE: An Active Participant in the Creative Work of the People (Aktivnyy uchastnik sozidateltnogo truda naroda) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vysshey shkoly, 1958, Nr 10, pp 26 - 32 (USSR) ABSTRACT: On the occasion of the Komsomol's 40th Anniversary the author gives a description of the Komsomol's history, its aims and activities. It enumerates the obligations placed on the Komsomol by its 13th Congress in respect to its edu- cational work among students, assistance to be given to the working and village youth in entering higher schools, etc. There are 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Otdel po rabote sredi studencheskoy molodezhi TsK VLKSM (Tsk VLKSM Section for Controlling the Komsomol Work Among the Academic Youth). Card 1/1 USSR /Soil Science - Cultivatical Improvement. Erosion. J-5 Abs Jour Rsf. Zhur - BiolcgiYaj 110 17, 1958, No- 77461 Author Koleanikov H. T. Inat Title Basic Requirements of Irrigatirta Systems with Watering by Syrinklin Orig Pub Mterialy po proizvodit. allam Uzbekietana, 1956, V7P- 5, 106-109 Abstract No abstract given Card -1/1 11128 3/05616?104 3/004/011 /00611 1002/Blao AUTHORS i Zhitnikov, It. A., Kolesnikov, N V., Kosynkbv, V. I. TlTLE.: Paramagnetic reconance in free silver atoins trapped in non- 0 polar med-la at 77 K PERIODICAL; Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki,_ yo io. AQU)s _1962~'_,1186- _--i1 A~_h- th 1. f trau n oil- -i't be menour .ped Irty roge n rogen a om ements viere made vii th -cm i- b4nd radionpactroscopo with rf mod%%Intion (975 ko) of tho parmanont magnetio N -old, a cylindricnI H resonator and an automatic r'ecordine device. The oll specimens were prepared in the radlospectroscope cavity' by vacuum evapora- tion of the silver from a molybdenum coil and a paraffin from a glass I heater with condensation on the bottom of a 77 oK quartz Dewar flask. The 107 log Ag SAg ratio was 51-9148.1. The experimental results are given in Table I H and H are the maenatic field strengths -for the first and sec- 2 Card l1qr-S oss" /056/62/04 3/004/b 11/061 6102/BI60 Paramapnetic resonance transition. These values were used to calculate 4v and the Land' ond e -factor by 9j V &V 0H. !J V AV (I+ (I + XS,) il = (9.1 gl) PH / hAv. xs gj).PH, / hAvs, X (g _gj)PH1&,*J is a dimensionless quantity proportional to the magnetic field, g, so -h1AI, the nuclear gyromagnetio ratio, A is the hyperfine inta6 action constant, /A, the nuclear magnetic moment, anddU - Y2(21+1)A, the y level for H-0, hyperfine uplitting of the atontic ground _5tate enerp is Bolir I amaEneton.' As there is little dift_e~rence between thedv and values 91 for trapped and free silver atoms, - the trw-pped- atoms can be treated as free ones with slightly perturbed electron shell;. The die material has "little effect on the spectrum. The two different tynes of spectra of the trapped 0 silver atoms show that at 77 K they are in two different places J~n thaparaffin structure. At room temperature they witbdraw and the paramagnetic resonarce vanishes.complately and irreversibly. There are 4 figures and 2 taloles. Card 2yj ACCESSION NR:' Ai400Z933 S/OZ86/63/0061018/0015/0()ISI~-w ~:AUT OR: Zhitnik4vo R* A,; KolesaLkov, N, V, -TITLE: Production process for metals in finely divided colloidal. for Im. Class 12. iNo. 157336 SOURCE: Byul. izobret.ktovara* zaakov, no. iS. 1 ~639 15 !TOPIC TAGS: colioid metal d1spersl,oa, high malting metal, organosol.1 par affin, colloidal metal ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for, a process for'- producing metals :in finely. divided colloidal form b Vilcuum vaparL- zation and settling into an organLe solvent (paraffin). In order to pro iduce stable orgaaosoLs'of high-meLting metals the uietaL-vaporizLng davice is pLace'd- above, the organLe -4olvamt su face, r i.i-ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: ISDed6L DATE ACQ: 13Dec6 F.NCL%' 00 1:�UB~ CODE: CH No REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000,.., Card! 71 - I j -)44 o Zhit nikov R. A. Koleanikov N. V Kosygkov, V. I -zs in media at 77'~K 7-hurnal eksperimental Inoy i tc!oreticheskoy fiziki, v. 44, ~~reVIOUp investigations a r a mA 6-n ot i c m !3 In n-! -n,~oci; the 3.: r P:,F, ri, w a S e i I'l. le Media M 3 r,,y ~19 -Ir tf.-. en'. we-,. ~-cm bind) za g ar a c 2,.~ ra cy of 3J. "i J ria ce Q 13 tn OC L G 5 1 C E b M. Oard 1/2 irtTIF" L,3nd., Fi~iko-tekh nicheskiy i n, t t MAY Atom Inatrix P ~!W? t b) Pf NR: AP40440'92 R, A.; Koleanikov, N. V. --- ------- for preparing finely dispersed cotllo -1,d a I metal s pribor,,r* i tekhnika eksperin-P--rita n.,:), 4. ,Llo,*dal metal, colloidal hiv-h rnt: r A rnuthod is reported of prepar.:.k r,-!A' (C-0 1-4 -, T-R?Ir -,, :'a-J.~e)A-letals b~ evaporattrig.' thc torr) pa.,affin. Glass Me vapor oil the wjrfac(~ of ~lt~c rically- a a Enclosure Is containing paraffin 2 t L -L,- 3. Tubular furnaca 4 a -Vh(.50 vapor A modificzation of the cr.; prepare colloidal ... lures. 4~!CtC-reSonance exper;mants. A.",' SSf7- F 1 z i ko - te, khni che s ki %i AN FS-QR) 18 i --jl6 3 H-, LF NO SUV~ C) THEIR: OOZ ZHITNIKOVp R.A.; KOLESNIKOV# N.V. Methods of trapping free atoms in various medi.q at the tempera- ture of liquid nitrogen for conducting studir-s with the aid of paramagnetic resonances Prib. i tekh. eksp. 9 no.3tl89-192: My-Je 164 (MIRA 18:1) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR. ZH-,'T-NTKOV, R.A., KOLESNIKOV, N.V. Mothad for obtal-ning finely dispersed colloidal metals. Prib. i tekh. ek-3p. 9 no.4;180-181 JI-Ag 164. (MIRA l71N) 1. F!ziko-tekhni,,heEjkiy instit-ot AN SSSR. - I I -iii AP4C 18-105 3 3 16 R. A., Kolesnikov, c resonance of f r-:i r,--; ig e1tempe ratu.,-t-,s tell, V. 6, paramagnetic rt~snrar-r-~-. -emperaturp re!;--,ar~, at on :D s ~i .,o 1, iu--,,,orS on Of --J(:)I-J cni I -i r rn ed i a )6-'; v. 44i 12) and' I 1: le I. wn rk a r i In th f ~ a t d o E r --i I i,i us ces t J_ e s ar u r- a J les, ca 3 KOLESNIKOV, N.V.) Jn2h.; PERCHKO V.Z., kand. tekhn. nauk Methods of evaluating the reliability of marine automatic control . equipment. Sudostroenia 30 no.9:471-49 S 164. (MIRA 17:11) ACCESSION NR: AP4012527 S/0056/64/046/001/0089/0098 AUTHORS: Zhitnikov, R. A.; KolesniXove -N._ V. TITLE: Paramagnetic resonance of free gold and silver atoms trapped, n different media at liquid nitrogen temperatures SOURCE: Zhurnal eksper. i teorets fizo, V. 46, no. 1, 1964, 89-98 TOPIC TAGS: gold, silver, free atom, free gold atom, free silver atom, trapped gold atom, trapped silver atom, paramagnetic resonancej,~,-,,:~ i -trapping in polar medium, trapping in nonpolar medium, polar matrix, i -',~~I`nonpolar matrix# undecane, water, heavy water# ethyl alcohol, spin lattice relaxation, saturation, hypprfine interaction, paramagnetic' resonance line widt~h, anisotropy of interaction, atomic shell dis- tortion ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of'studies of the trapping'and- stabilization of silver atomi at liquid-nitrogen temperatures in non,~! Card J/ '~_ACCESSION NR: AP4012527 polar and pol trices (ZhETF v. 42, 1186, 1962 and v. 44, 1204, ar ma The paramagnetic resonance of gold atoms trapped by conden- sation at -liquid, nitrogen -temperatures in- p6l :ar media (ordinary and "I Theavy water, ethyl alcohol) and in a nonpolar one (undecane) is in-. I'vestigated. Paramagnetic resonance of silver in undecane is als o i vestigated for comparison. It is concluded that neither saturation,-. L Tspin-lattice relaxation, replacement of protons by deuterons, nor .',-hyperfine interaction of the trapped atoms with the nuclear moments ,.:of the matrix make a considerable contribution to the line widths, which are determined in ~practice by the inhomogeneity and anisotropy 4 of the interaction forces...It is also concluded that, of all the ...matrices investigated, water produces the smallest disturbance of the shells of the trapped atoms and ethyl alcohol the largest.. Orig.; art. bass 3,figures, 2 formulas, and 2 tables. 1 v ASSOCIATI.ON:~ Fiziko-tekhnidheskiy institut im. A. F. 1O.Efe AN SSSR (Physicotechnical institute AN SSSR), rd 2/5 c, c ACCESSION NR: AP4041050 S/0120/64/000/003/0189/0192 AUTHOR: Zhitnikov. R. A.,.J~ojg~sAikov, X~ _V' TITLE: Methods for capturing free atoms by various media at the liquid-nitrogeW, temperature in paramagnetic -resonance studies SOURCE: Pribory* i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 3, 1964, 189-192 it TOPIC TAGS: param4gnatic resonances atom capture, radiospe ctros cope* atom capture by condensation 1! ABSTRACT: The capture and stabilization of free Ag atoms in both nonpolar i(paraffins) and polar (water and ethyl alcohol) matrices, -at the liquid-ritrogen :J; temperature, were studied. Also, the paramagnetic - re a onance spectrIL of these ~A captured atoms were investigated. The condensation method was used for the capture, and the specimens were produced directly in the resonator of a radio- spectroscope. Tvre-ou' to (sketches supplied) are de.scribed: with heating and 7 ACCESSION NR: AP4041050 with cooling the capture medium, depending on the vapor pressure of the medium" at room temperature. For low vapor-pressure substances. the beat results war [2 obtained with thin (0. 1-0* 3-mm) specimens condensed within Z-3 minutese 10rig. art. has; Zfigtares. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy Institut AN SSSR (Physico- Technical Institute, AN SSSR) X -1044 SOUTICE COM UR/01207~5/000/005/67236/05~ AUM"LOR: Zhitnikov R. A Kolesaikov, M. V. OR(Ir Phya fee -Engineering institute, AN SSSR, 1,eningrad (Piz Iko-tekhnicheakly institut TITLE, A method for tehip6r~~tutd-iiiLV~titititi6ii;~~ctiii~ing the study of the paramagnetic resonance oUfre4!-atomg--stAbWzed SOURCE- PrIbory 1 tekhqfka eksperimenta, no. 5, 1965, 23G-237 VZ/ TOPIC TAGS: low iemperature phenomenon, paramagnetic 'resonance, atom, atomic physics ABqTRACT: An earlier study of free atoms stabilized at liquid nitrogen temperature was -It ~~',i!17`ng a soecially designed and constructf?d cf,,vice _)6 ', No 3, 139), 1 OITF. H di :.,-r~';uw ~n Icmperature above a -~ertaln value, he stahiliz,-fi aLoms begin to s- appear as a result of diffusion and reaction with the substance. of the matrix. To study such maximum temperatures at which the stabilized atoms are still. able to exist, the study of pprarnaFnetic resonance spectra must be carried out in a wide range of temperatures. The 7 1. 1 -t ~i~~Lu describes a method for the 2ooLlag and smooth temperature control in a device Wr W e 20 to V t. te par-amagactic resonwe Investigation of gtabilized attomg. ITie cooling in th IOOK repon is carried out by helium vapors, and fr. the 95-300K region by nitrogen vapors. The device ia capable of maintaining these temperatures within +ZK. O-L-ig. art. has; 2 figurm Card 1/2 UDC: 536.48 P,2-im6 ACC Nk: AP5021VI11% SUB CODE: NP, TD SU13M DATE: 3IJul64 ORIG RE F: 002 Us AP501W2T U11/0181/65 IW7/004/1 Zhitpikxm, R. A.1 Kolesaikov, 1. V. Li C:) -a--?-mMnetia resonance of free atoms of tha &Ikali metals Fla, K, and M, in a moleeul&r mtrix at lipid-q~r2gtn teLwpSra Ytzika tyerdogo tela, T. 7# no. 49 1965, u57-22,6i paraxo4pe"..1c reeons e. free atom, &Dmli aitet!~jj atabill zed. atoms natrix, bypezfine splittIM ibe authors had previously investigated the free mtoms of Au, Ag, and in different molecular matrices at liquid-nitrogen temperature A. u86' 1962; Y. 44s 1963; and v. 46, 89, -964; m -r. 6, 33o7, i the present article they re-~~ a slzdlax stut* of &IJakii-ovetal atoms In molecular matrices at, iiqxdd-nitrogen taTerature, The suples vith 3 1 z ed atoms of the klkali-aetals vere yrepaxtd directly in the c&Yity of --pectrosoope by. simItameously condensing a laeam o-1 atoms and be=ene i -;urfa-ae cooled vith liquid nitrogen. Tht appaxatub.and thet pr"edura of.