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CHOWBAY. T.T.: KOLISHIM7. D.G. --- -I Coumarine of Ouldlum dublum (Sobktthr.) Thell. Dokl.AM SM 133 no-1:233-235 JI l6o. (HM& 13:7) 1. Kharlkovskir nanchno-iseledovateltakiy khimiko-farmatsevti- cheekly institut. Predstavlauo akademikom A.I. Oparinym. (COURAIN) (OHIDIUH) Ka4ISSARENKO, N,F.1 CHMMOBAYt V.T.;'AQLSag~~D.G~.. Cardiac glycosides.of4guaUaria keiskei Mig. Med. prom. 15 no.l: 3.2-16 Ja '61. (RIM 14: 1) 1. Kharlkovskiy nauchfiomissledovatellskiT khimi a-farmatsevticheskiy institui. (GARDIAC GLYCOSIDES) REZNICHENKO- A,,A.; TROPP, M.Ya.; KOLESgg Recent data oil the bufadienolide composition of ffellaborus pi;Tpuraseens W. at K. Helleborus caucasims.A. Br. Mad. prom. 15 IV, no, 3:15-17 Mr 161. !(MM 14:5) 1. Murskovskiy nauchno-issledovatell.skiy khimiko-fexmatsevtic:heskiy instittLt. (CARDIAC GLYCOSIDES). MAKAREVICHO I.F.; TROPP, M.Ya.; KOLESNIKOV, D.G. Chemical study of a now cardiac glycoside from wormseed mustard* Dokl. All SSSR 136 no. 3:617-620 Ja 161. (MM 14-2) 1.-Kharlkovskiy nauchno-issledovatellakiy khimiko-farmatsevtiche- skiy institut. Predstavleno ak-ademikom A.I. Oparinym. (CARDIAC GLYCOSIDES) (WMISEM MUSTARD) 14MYUTINA,, N.F.,a KOIESNIKOV., D.G. Flavonoids of paronlp fruit (Pastinaca vativa L.). Dokl. All SSSR 142 no.51ng3_1196 F 162e (KIRA 15:2) 1, Kharlkovskiy nauchno-isoledovatelliliLI:Aximiio-farmatsevtichookiy institute Predstavlono akademikom AJC~=inymo (Plavonoids) PROKOPENKOS A.P.; CHEIRIOBArp V.T.- DADALIS V.A. KOUSNIKOV; D.G.; Production of Raunatin preparation from Rauwolfia serpent' roots. Fed. prom. 15 no.12:25-27 D 161. N~ 15:2) 1. Kharlkovskly nauchno-issledovatellskiy khimika-farmataevtichask-4y institut. (RAUWOLFIA) MAKSYMINAO N.P.; KOIMNIKOV9,DIIGO Filrocoumarins in some i7pes of Faatinaca sativa. Ned. prom. 16 no.2:11-14 F 1620 (KERA 15:3) 1. Kharikovskiy nauabno-isaledmteltakiy khimiko-farmAteav- ticheWdy inatituto (PARSKES) KOVALEVP A.F.; TROP?p M.Ya.; K Antbraglycosides and aglycons from the cortex of alder buckthorn (Rhamnus frw)kula L.). Mead. prom. 16 no.3:7--13 Mr 162. (MA 15:5) 1. KharllcovsUy nauchno-issledovatellskiy khimiko-farmatsevticheskiy institut. (BUCKTHORN).-. (AGLYGONS) (GLYGOSIDES) LITVINENKO, V.I.; MMYOTY11A, N.P.; KOLESNIKOV, D.G. Production of alpolyamide sorbent. Mled,prom. 16 no.3:40-43 Mr 162. (HIRA 15: 5) 1. Kharlkgvskiy nauchno-issledavateliskiy khimio-farmtsevticheakiy institut,,'--, (SoRmts) (POL)RU=) MWIRVICH, I.F.; TRQFPj,"M.Ya*;--KDLESftMOV, D.G. Erytbriside, a new cardiac glycoside from Fa-ysiumm cheiranthoides L. Mad. prom. 15 no 7:38-43 Jl 161. (RMA 15; 6) 1. Kharikovskiy nauahno-issladovatellsk:irkhimI o-farmateevticheskiy inatitut. (CARDIAC GLYCOSIBES) KWISSARENKO, W.F.; ZCZ) I.G~; CHEITTOBAYp V,,T.; KOISSITIKOV, D,G~. Coumarirw of mrrLtp fruito, and their taxoncciy. Hiokhimiia 26 no.6v980-983 lf-D 1616 15:6) 1. Rosew,ch Ghmo-llllanuai~.eutii Institute, Kharkov. (CCUMIN) (COW PARSNIP) . ............... KOLESNIKOVI, D.Gej- KOWSAREIIKO.. N.F.; CHMOBAY, V.T. Coumarins from Heracleum sibirlouat Med. prcm. 15 no.6:R-35 Ja 161., (MM 150) 1. Khartkovskiy nauchno-isoledovateliskiy khimiko-,%rmat- .sevtiches.kiy institut. (COUMUN) (PARSNIPS) SPIRIDOMOVP V.N.; MKOPEM, A.P.; KOLESNIKOV, D.G. Phytochemical. study of the horsechestnut, Report No. 1: Isolation of the total amount of flavonoids from the leaves. Mediprom, 16 no.4:14-16 Ap 162. PIRA 15:8) 1. Kharskovskly nauabno-isaledovatellskiy kbimiko-farmatsevticheskly institut. (HORSECRESTNUT) (FLAVONOIDS) KOHISARENKOO N.F.; CHERNOBAY, V.T.; KOL&SNIKOV, D.G. Cardiac glycoside from luonvallaria keiskel Riq. Report No.3! 7-9 3163. Mod prom. 17 no.9: (HUM 171-5) 1. Khartkovskiy naucbnc-issledovatel'skiy khimiko farmatsevticheskiy institut. GVOZDYAK, P.I. (Hvozdiak., P.I.);_ KOUSNIKOV, D.G. (Kol.,~)snykov,, D.H.) Hydrolysis of cardiac glycosides by enzyma of the fungus Aspergillus oryzae. Farmatsev. zhur. 18 no.4:70-75 163. (.%JTRA 17,17) 1. Kharlkovakly nauchno-isaledovatellskly klilmiko-farmatsevticheskly inatitut. KOMISSARENKO, N.F.; CHERNOBAY, V.T.; KOLESNIKOV, D.G. Keioside, a new flavonoglycoside of the lily-of-the-valley (Convallaria keiskei Miq.). Dokl. AN SSSR 158 no.4:904-906 0 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. KharIkovskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy khimiko-farmatsevti- cheakiy institut. Predstavleno akademikom M.M. Shemyakinym. KIIINPUM"T, P.P.; CHEITIOBAY, V.T.; KOLFSNIKITIj D.G. Flavono' I vompo-unds of the ordinary tanny (Tana~Tvtum Vulgara L 1). Zhur. ob. kh-3-m. 34 no*122-4108-4M D 164 (MMIL 1821) 1. IG-,arlkovskiy nauchno-Issledovatellskiy khimiko-farmateavti- cheskiy institute I&II.; KOU!~TTKIN, D.G. Ntlw Ratn, ~;ferol glym.- o hono ~heatnut (Pescr~dws hy- u owltarill"k %huro ob. jKt'L-,'. 3"+ nool'cljl.28-%1~129 .0 164 1. Vnarlkovskiy nauchno-.!~i,-; edovateltskL-~ kidriko-offarrat3ev- tloheskly Institut. N-T-; C-HU101-Ay, V.T~; Taaoncjm~ iLnd biochemistrY Of s0mc 5-11,11ciPs Or thP 0 r Is Crcliry~-, arl.0nd. KC-Ch. Poki. ,',N SS3H 162 no.6t1423-142L") re 165. 18,-,) V 1. Kharlkovski n a tic hno-Iss le d nj~,j y Yhir-ilkir.- C m. t~iwu, ichvifikiy I TISU *III t . III h7d t-tod '22 MWREVICH9 X.F.; MILF.9"M Vq, D,G. Cardanolides of.Yk7simuz cheiranthaJ des L.. seeds. Flim. prlroC so%d. no.5t363-364- 165,- (KMA IBM) I., Kbarlkovskiy nauohno-isoledavatellakly khim.4.ko-farMataavU- chookly Itat-Iltut. Submitted June 16, 1965. ACC NRo AT6036933 SOUKE colsi Mv=0/66/00(j1QCWvQU0iQU-:s AUTHORSt Domonis, 1. H.; Kalliga, G. P.; Mayor, A. A.; Yazorakiyo M. L.; Xozlow, N. L; Xoloanikov, E. 1. ORG: none TITLE; Same data on the eloctroconductivity of zirconium dioxide stabilized with calcium oxide at a temperature range of 600-10M*c SOURCEi Nauchno-tokhnicheakaye obshchostvo charnoy rAtallurgii. Noskovskoye pravloniyo. Vysokoognoupornyye zaterialy (HIZUy rofractory materials). Yzs~ow, Izd-vo Notallurgiya, 1966, 110-115 TOPIC TAGS: zirconium compound, calciun oxide, high temperature ceramic material, semiconducting caramio material / n*TU 606-59 zirconium dioxide ABSTRACT: Electroconduativity of domestic 99.15% rAwe zirconium dioxide (RETU 606-59)1 siabilized with CaD (8-17.5%) has bean investigated at temperatures from 600 to 1000C. The sintoring and stabilization processes woro combined in one firing. The changes in electroconduativity with temporature and with the content of stabilizer arc summarized by Figs. I and 2. It was established that the highest spocifiG also- troconduativity (2.64-3.03 x 10-2 &%m7lcm7l) at 10MG was exhibited by materUls containing 12.5% of W, regardlesa of the type of compound vved to introduce the Card 1/3 ACC NIh AT6036933 to 12's Is n y of Fig. 2. Sloctroconductivity as a Fig. 1. Specific oleatroco rductivit samples containing a stabilizer in the function of CcO content. Stdbilizor form of CaCO3, as a function of tampers- in ko= *f.CaCC~ (1) and CaZrO3 (2) ture:. 1 - 8 mole 0 of CaO; 2 - 10%; 3 - 12.5%; 4 - 15h 5 - 17.5% Card 2 ZENSKOVO I.F.; KOLESNIKOV, E.r.; NiviN, P.I.; PANOVA, L.N. Selecting the activated carbon for the adsorption of carbon disulfide from the air of viscose manufacture tinder 'fluidized 'bed" conditions* Khim. volo1r. no.2:57-62 164. (HIRA 170) 1, Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institA po, proaWshlenntoy i sanitarnoy ochiatke gazov (for Zemakov,, Koleanikov). AVILOV-KARNAUKHOV,, BA; BATUR09 V.I.; BAKHVALOV, Yu,A.; BOGUSH, A.G,; BOLYAYEV, I.P.; GIXIS, A.F.; DFCZDOVq A.D.; KATALOVO G.M.,,- KLETHEM07t V.V. KOj!kS KALOV, D. I. Professor Efim Markovich Sluellnikovs 1905- on his 60th birthday* Eaektrichostvo n0,9.#89 S 165, (MIRA 18t10) P1472 5/144/61/000/002/001/004 E031/E135 AUTHOR: 99021-8-M~,q.Xj_ E,,._V. Assistant TITLE: The So lution of Boundary Value Problems for Harmonic Functions in n-plv_ Connected Domains by Simulation of".Greents Function PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vyssbikh uche,~nykh zavedeniy, Elektromekhanika-, 1961/fNo.- 21 PP. 3-17 4 TEXT: .-Generally electrical simulation may-be attempted throughout a region or~at seleeted,points in the region. In either case the solution may-be-simulated in -a geometrically.similar region orsimulation may be achieved by auxiliary functions. While there are drawbacks to the former method, the latter is usually simpler and it is this approach which is adopted in this paper. The method described has..the added advantage that from a single measurement on the models boundary,problems.for varied and arbitrary boundary conditions solved in a given domain. Consider 'first the internal birichlet problem. Greenlis function is' represented by an electrical potential due to a wire carrying a charge of unit density if-the potential on the boundary is held at Card 1/ 5 t U00VU solution of exterior problems is usually achieved by reducing them to interior problems by & transformation but there is the problem of simulating the influence of infinitely distant regions. Solutions are called regular if they tend to a constant at infinity and their simulation does not present great difficulties. For irregular problems we must introduce a circle with the boundary ?o and centre M (inside the boundary L of the given Card 2/5 91472 S/144/61/600/002/001/004 E031/E135 The Solution of Boundary Value Problems for Harmonic Functions in n-ply Connected Domains by Simulation of Green's Function problem) surrounding the given domain, and having a sufficiently large radius. Then a conformal transformation which is an inversion with centre M is effected before solution of the problem can be simulated. The problem of a conducting cylinder of given cross-section carrying a given charge per unit,length is used to illustrate the method. The solution can be giv'en a matrix formulation. If the solution is required at points, Mi, then in terms of points Pi on the boundary we can write the solution vector an ui =: Oij u(Pj), where Pi The method is particularly ef'fective if several p=roPb(A1em?s'L hMavje) to be solved for a given domain because the matrix is fixed and one can effect the matrix multiplication for each problem on a digital computer conveniently. The Neumann problem is approached in a similar manner, except that in place of the vector u(P), we have the vector Zu(P)/3n. The mixed problem is a combination of the two cases discussed. In many cases it is required to find only the normal dertwative on the boundary of the domain. Card 3/ 5 S/144/61/000/002/001/004 E031/E135 The Solution of Boundary Value Problems for Harmonic Functions in n-ply Connected DomainsIby Simulation of Green's Function one method is to find the value-of the solution at points near the boundary by the above method end-determine an increment 6un,. so that the normal derivative can ,be approximated by tl_~un/ _An. An alternativeis to solve the Neumann problem for the conjugate function. Finally the problem is discussed of a hollow conducting cylinder inside which are placed a conducting cylinder and a dielectric cylinder. The conducting inner cylinder is surrounded by a layer of dielectric. The problem of calculating- the field consists either infinding-the potential at given points or in finding the normal derivative along all boundaries. it is solved by setting up a system of linear Algebraic equations. In conclusion it is stated that the method described is particularly effective when the required function is iw~estigated in a bounded domain (determining the maximum electric field strength or the maximum induction of a magnetic field) and when it is necessary to solve many problems for the same domain. Card 4/5 S/l44/6l/ooo/oo2/ooi/oo4 E031/E135 The Solution of Boundary Value Problems for Harmonic Functions in n-ply Connected Domains by Simulation of Green's Function Problems more complicated than the traditional first and second boundary problems can be solved by the method. There are 3 figures and 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Kafed.ra.elektricheskikh mashin i Apparatov, Novocherkaoskogo politekhnicheakogo inatituta. .(Department of Electrical Machines and Apparatus of the Novocherkassk Polytechnical Institute) SUBMITTED% December 21, 1960 AUTHORS: Tozoni, O.V_, Candidatc- of Technical Science", Dotqenf..; MilebilikOV. S.D_ Assistant- Sinel'jiikov. Ye.r4., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professorl Kolesnikov, E. Assistant All Elo6tro-in n rAt~n Ima III a TITLE _tp_qrAtor for Solving- Dirichlet and Nei Problems in a Strip PER10DICAL:Izvestiya vyssh1kh uchebnykh zav(--deniy, Elektromekhanika, 1959, Nr 12, PP 18-25 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Dirichlet-Neutran boundary value problems arise in the calculation of fields in linear media. Analytical and numerical methods of solution appear to be unsatisfactory in rr aciice and simulation is therefore considered. The conventional approach has a number of disadvantages. -For example, in Fig 1 a harmonic.function is modelled by the potential V of the current field in a conducting sheet. The potential and its gradient are measured with the probes and potentiometer. The sheet is usually metallic, with an insufficiently high surface resistivity. A better method is that of' leig 2 itj whicli the hArisignAc fmw t ickq -t4 r-o d h Nl,- v V i~ - i:.- _6~ lilt, 4%.olr-otl by ~N -I p oc ~04 1 ri-tagii,,st ic .1oo I, - probt~ connecttd to _80VOtl Y c-e- The new- method has,,the following. disadvantages7 for each new problem a special model must be made by skilled effort.,- high ac curacy i.- demands careful sett-ing of the boundary values and this requires precision rheostats, an. estimate of the accuracy. in any regi.Lon is difficult., I-Iowever, the use of conformal trans forizia t ion enablC-s. these.drawbacks to be avoided and a general-purpose simulator has-been,evolved. in 1956 a triethod of confortoally representing a: skugly -or- doubly-conne-C ~'Ckd region. within- an -infinite -I)trip wa-s developed iit- the Novooherkasskiy Polytechnic Institute (Ref 1,2,3). The Dir-ichlet problem theribecomes,Poisson-s integral (Ref 1~ 2), The pr oblem. is still a-difficult one but the.. authors'developatent, the Electrointegrator., allows a sufficiently accurate numerical solution. The Card 2/4 electrointegrator is intended chieflyfor finding, at- th sov/144-59-12-3/21 An*glectrointegrator for Solving Dirichlet and Neuman's Problems in a Strip arrangement is intended for calculations of the. fields in unsaturated .-m-ach-ines. -.-,-In, the' appendixthe roblem, p_ solved, of.~.find ng't e:'ra ial component* of 'in ctio h du n in: the 6r'ma ure,,.o ~A)l a _-,04~66.-Mach.iii~ (F '9 Fig _'th '-Ais ri u iot- 81 ows e -of t is scalar magnetic potential eilong the rectlingle for both rotor T2 and stator ~pl, rig 6 is the distribution of induction along the edge of the armature.. under a main pole, compared with experimental findings (shown dotted). There are 6 figures, 2 tables and 4 Soviet references, ASSOCIATIONtNovocherkasskiy politeklinicheskiy institut (Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institut SUBMITTED; July 26, 1959 Card 4/4 sA44/62/000/Olt/001/003' D`230/D308 AJTHOR: :F -ov, Erio Viktorovich, Aspirant ~qlesnik TITLE: Calculation~of first derviatives:of.harmonic func- tions by means of an electric 'Simulation of thd source function PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Zlektro- melchanika, no, Ill _1962'v 1211-12224 TEXT: The problems discussed-are: W determination of the derivatives inside,a, domain ko e boun-.,A- r harmonic-functions,'whon dary'values are giv -,cn (first.boundary problem); (ii) determination .-Of the derivatives inside the domain for hvrmonic functions, whose normal derivative at the boundary is iven (second boundary problem);' 9 (iii) detertaination of tangential differences of harmonic functions at the boundary if their.normal derivatives-at'the boundary are giv- en (first inverse problem); Qv) - (second inverse problem) determina- tion of the'normal derivative at.the boundary for harmonic functions :whose tangential differences (or boundary values) are given. The _Gard 1/2 S/141i /62/000/011/001/003 Calculation of _ first deriva~ives~... D230/D3O3 method is sami- analytical and requires-an experimental determin'a- tion (Vqith the aid ofelectric measurements on a model of the dom- ain cut out of conrlucting'metal foil) of the system of coefficients' * describing the , geometric properties of the domain considered. The, resulting accuracy of the solution is 1-3%. The application of the thod is illustrated by two examples. There are 7 figures and 3 me - t-bles. ASSOCIATION: Novoctierltasakiy politekhnicheakiy inatitut. (Novo- cherkasak Polytechnic InstAtute). SUBMITTED.-I -J j: S A Card 2/2., I` I to I "I i . KOLESNIKOV, Frio Viktorovich, aspirant. Determination of integral electrical parameters of asystem of parallel wires with random cross section. Izv. VYS. ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 6 no.10:1131-1140 163,- (MMA 17:1) Kafedra teoretichaskoy i obahchey elektrotekhniki Novocherkasskogo politekhnich6sk0go instituta. KOLESNIKOV, Rrio Vikorov ich, aspirant Electrical simulation-of conformal mapping onto a circle. Izv. vys. ucheb,. Eav.; elaktromakh, 6 no.32:1299-1295 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1, Kafedre, teoratichaskoy i obshchey elaktrotekhniki Novo- charkasakogo politakhnicheskogo instituta. ,18414-Zl_ L ACCESSION HR: AT30033S2 S/2943/63/000/001/0114/0135 AMOR: Kolesnikov, E, V. TITLE-. Conversi f boundary conditions of Neumann and Dirichiet problems.for, on 0 the Laplace equation SOURCE: blatematicheskoye modelirovaniye i elektricheskiye tsepi; trudy Seminara po metodam matematicheskogo modelirovaniya i teorii elektricheskikh tsepe , no. Kiev Izd-vo AN UkSSR, 1963,.114-135 TOPIC TAI~'S: Dirichlet problem, Neumann problem, approximate solution, partial differential equation ABSTRACT: Often there ariseo--a need and the same harmonic. function- in a--: simple analytic expression- a Dizichle't prob- connecting the boundairy conditiont of -this lem with the boundary conditions of a Neumann problem. Besi4ea the fact that problem has numerous applications pet se; it.often arises as*an intermediate stage!_ in Droblems with conjugate boundary conditions of the type + 0q j. 4 ~T V W, C ard 1/3 L 1841.4-63 ACCESSION NR: AT3003352 + where is defined on some plane region D+ of arbitrary connectedness and on. its complement D' with respect to~the*entire plane. The conditions of conjunction! are given along the boundary L .(n is the normal, d~ is the differential of the. J arc) and one or both functions or +, q)- are harmonic. The first step of the siu-!, 0 tion of such problems can be the determination along L of the values ') n For example, introduce the operators and K such that ZVI OT (2) :2 Mnau". Sihua' from ((1J)) onim aftmwim 7 -H + K7 A X, d;j7: .(3) from which one can find the function if the operators K K have suf ri- ciently simple form. The author gives a method.for approximate finding of the. i, Card 2/3 KOLESIMOV., BrIa Viktorovich, kand. tekha. nauk Determination of an equivalent radius in calculatinb the electrical parameters of long lineso rzv,,o vyse uchebo zave; elektromekh. 7 no*9.-1057-1059 t64 (MIRA 1891) - 1. IspolnyquaboMy obywannosti zaveduyuhabogo kafedroy too- Oretichookoy i obahohey elaktrotekhniki Novocherkasokogo poli- tekbnicheskogo inatituta* KOLFA9.111KOVt- tekhn.nai 1 Review of O.V.Tozoni's book '!Mathematical models for calculating electric and magnetic fields." Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; elektromekho 7 no.11:1398 164. (MIRA 18:3) KOLESNIKOV, ErIo Viktorovicho kand.fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk ----Carc-ura7Efon ~ofthe capacitr-ce, of a two-wire line a Lick dielectric pad. Imvys.ue4p~.zav.; elaktromekh. 7 no,,32:14-10- W3, 164o (MIRA 18:2) 1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy teoreticheskoy i Obshchey elektrotekhniki Novocherkauskogo politakhnicheakogo instituta. KOLESNIKOII~ Frio Viktorwich,kand. fizika-matem, nauk Electric modeling of a conformal reflection of nraltiply connected regions on regions limited by circumferences. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; alektromakh. 8 no.5s495-500. 165. OURA 18:7) 1. Zaveduyu3hehly kafedroy teoreticheskoy i obshchey elektrotekhniki Novonberkasskogo politekhnicheskoga Instituta. ~6013N23 SOURCE CODE: UR/0105/65/000/909/OWi/ Oi AUTHOR: Avilov-Kaiiiaukhov., No; P,3~uro, V* I.; &-ikhva1ov,, Yu. A.; Bogush,,A. G.; Bolyayev, 1. P.; f3i~iv, A. Fol Drozdov, A. D.; Kayaloy, G."iC.s- Kleymenovo V. KA~inikov'_;-r- V.: Hajoy, ORG: none TITLE: Honoring the 60th birthday of Professor Yefim Markovich Sineltnikov SOURCE: Elektrichestvo, no. 9, 1965, 89-90 TOPIC TAGS: icademic personnel, electric engineerinq personnel, computer research ABSTRACT: Professor Sinellnikov,was born 11 May 1905 In Yekater-.. Inoslav (now Dnepropetrovsk) In the family of a clerk. Following' his graduation from the Khar1kov Electrical Engineering Institute i'ln 1930 he was appointed chief Technical Division on Eleo- trio Drive at the Kharlkov Electrical-Machinery Plant. Subse- quently he~was appointed 'research engineer at the Vollte-,Plant and later on transferred to Moscow, to the-Institute-of Experl%- mental Xediolne, while-at the same time he continued his.studiese in 1946 he started working-as"a senior scientifla researeher'at the All-Union Electrical Engineering Institute., Since September .1953 Professor Sinel4nikoy han been working at the Novocharkaosk Polyteohnia Instititee At present he la head of the Chair of L 22425-bb ACC NRt AP6013623 Electrical Machinery, Apparatus, and Computers and Mathematical Devices. He has been Instruftental in establishing the computer laboratory at thia.inatitute# where research is being performed on the-problems of utilizing computer engineering In the design and calculation of eleotromagnetio, meohanioals, and thermal pro- -esses in electrical machinery and evipmente since 1958 Professor' Slnollnlkov has been Coordinating Editor of the journal Elektro- Imechanika (Sleotromeahanies) - one of the series published under. tne aegis of Izvestlya Vypshikh Uohebny)Eh Zavedeniy (News of High- er Schools). Yefim Markovloh*ia moreovar's prominint educator and the holder of many social honors and consultant to a series of Industrial enterprises. For his great merits 'as an eduoator -and for his solentif.le coewributions he has been "arded,_ths Order of Labor Red B=ero Orig. art, hasi 1 figures [JM1 SUB CODEt 09 SUBH none 20153 S/029/61/0001'005/001/002 DOWD113 AUTHORS: Kolesnikovt F. and Bloshteyni Ye., Engineers TITLEs Difficulties in.manufaoturing spiral bevel gears have been overcome by rolling instead of cutting PERIODICAL: Takhnika molodezhi;~ no. 5, 1961, 3-4 TEXTa The article,deals with the manufacture of spiral bevel gears and re- views the advantages of the rolling process over other methods. Casting will not do because of the porosity of cast metal, and gears have to with- stand large dynamic loads. Stamping will not always yield accurate and uniform dimensions of the gears. It requires also expensive presses and- tools with exceptional cutting qualities. The prevailing method of uachin-, ixLg spiral bevel gears on special gear-cutting machines causes a waste rate of nearlY 54 of the expensive alloy steel in the form of chips. The me- thod of hot gear rolling is not new but was not used for spiral bevel gears heretofore due to the lack of a suitable rolling machine guaranteeing an unfailing accuracy of the pairts. The Moskovskiy avtozavod imeni Likhachavas (Moscow Automobile Plant imeni Likhachev) in cooperation with the Nauchno- issledovateliskiy institut tekhnologii avtomobillnoy promyshlonnosti (Scien- card 1/4 ^o153 S/020/61/000/005/001/062 Difficulties in manufacturing D030113 tifio Rooearch Institute of Automotive Engireering - XIITANrto-orom) have now develoDed a new method and'a mohine for rolling spiral bevel gears (Fig. 1)o The machine includes an induction ring heater that heats the Sear blank unifozmly, a gear shaping tool that presents a mirror copy of tho gear to be- produced, and sy:nohronizers orstraight-tooth bevej. gears. The synchroni- zera are mounted on the-same axis of rotation with the gear blank and tool and have the same ratio. Scale formation on the hot blanks is prevented by shielding with endogas. The operator places the blank and starts the ma- ohine with a push button* The blank-in the annular heater becomes red hot in 20-30 see, and a time relay gives the command for.the retraction of the heater and feed of the spindle with the rolling tool. Gas supply into the rolling zone starts simultaneouslyq~and the gas flame over the blank pro-, teats the siirface fTom oxidation. The format ion- -of --t e e:th -on--th e -blank - -is-- _-gradual -but- --,apid.--- -The-ent ire.-rolliKg- pi66`4-ss lasts less than 2 min. The flame disappears at the end of the process, and a mechanical "hand" carries the ready gear to a table. The gear surface is completely free of scale. and the finish is good.. The now method will be applied in various branahes of the maohine buildine industryo A production'line at the Moscow Automo- bile Plant imeni Likhache7 already includes such semi-automatic gear roiling Card 20153 S/029/61/000/P05/001/002_ Difficulties in manufacturing D034/Dl!3 m,ichines. The expGriment4l plant of the.NIITAvtoprom has produced the first machines for other plants.-. Theestimated metal economy throug~h eliminated motlal losses inherent with geav cuttinG is'4TP#. Tho machine denign was de7roloped at-HIITAvtoprom under the direction of the exper~mcntal 6nCiiwer, Candidate of Technical Sciences V~ V. Yakimanskiy; the chief desiGner was 1. 1. Kirichinskiy; engineer N. A. Shlyapin headinU the Technological Depart- men~ conducted the experiments. 1. N. Sbklyarov, head of-thlb design office at the electric-heat shop of the Moscow Automobile Plant imeni Lil:hachev, contributed to the develowent of the induction ring heatine, system. 'Ehore are 3 figures. Card 3/4 20153 S/029JOoo/005/001/002 _N34/-DI13- LA. "Im tuccrepem. IMA fit Fj: - Machine for hot rollingdpiral bevel geare Card,4/4 1)ifficultiGs in manufacturin-p KOLFSNIKOV F. inzh. (Pe='.); POPOV, N.; rrLIKODVCRSKIY,, P.; =ii~p Ae (g. Chimkent) ifith the alid of volunteers. Sov. profsoiuzy IS no.21t9 N 162o (HM 15:11) 1. Rabotnik'-Tamtovskogo oblastnogo boveta professionallayU SoyUzov (for Popov), 2.-,Predsodatelf obahchestvannogo ekonomichookogo sovete Onezhakago tretktornogo zavodap g. Fetrozavodak (for Velikodvorskiy). 3. Ifeahtatayy korreepondent zhurnalalSovetakiye profsoyuzyu (for Vengerov)i (Technological -innovations) XMIXOT-i nadimir Afanaslyevich; RMqKT. leonid Andrayevich-, KALIXSRM. Petr Aodreyevich; Fgasuggy, F K.,, redaktor; PUMEMO, S.I..# t6kmia,heskty iedaktor [Go aqral overhauling of oil an4 gas wells in the Grosay Oil Adminl4tration f lelds] Opyt kapitalif nego remonta neftio lv~ I gazovy'kh akwazhin na prozyslakh ob"scliuantia %rozueftl .0 GrozVi, Grosdouskoe ka-vo. 1955. 53 p. CNIcroftlm] (MLRA 10:4) .(Oil.welle) (Gas,, Uptural) AIMUM, Ivan Tasillyevich.; XQWWKMI, VA.., radaktorl PIKOHERKO, Sol' tak6ichaskly redaktor (innovators wA inventors of Grotny petroleum refineries] Ratelonalt- .zatory i isobratatell obwedinentia wGroxneftosavAr-16 (Gro%aytj(;r4c- nenskoIa lm-vo. 1955.81 po (Kioroif 11tal (HLRA lot4) (arozm-Petroleum angineertug) . . . . . . . . . . SIMHAB19.' Petr lus'nich: IWLESNIKOT. VA.. radaktor; BABICHEVA. V.7., takhatcheakly redaiet'~o [Hermetic sealing on oil fields during the production of oil and gas) Germatizataiia as neftapromyelakh pri dobyche nefti i gas&. Grovnyt. Groxneaskee ka1zhace tad-vo, 1956. 47 p. (ICLRA 10:10) (Petroleum engineering) ,064 A~M'd ZFALYABOVSHY. Aleksandr 111arionovich.- KOMBIKOVs F.M., rad.; BABICHRU# V.T., tekhaered. (wayo of increast'qg the manufacture of petroleum products; practices of personnel In the GrozrO7 plant of the *Grocaef tozavod" Petroloun Trust] Puti Uvelichenita vyrabotki aefteproduktoir; in co to raboty kollaktiva Gioinonskodo nef temselocavoda obOedinentia 'Conef to- zavedy.0 (Groztril Grozaaaakoaknichnoe tzd-vo,, 19,56. 60 p., (Grozw-Pstrolsum products) (141RA 11-3) -,-----,-DOROGOCHINSKlr,----Uivik-ZinoT!-ye#qh--LYUTER,-Alek-sandr--,Valentinovic-h; MwFOVA" Yev i G .1 REKHVMHVILT Antonina Nikolayomm; d.; NZIMERKOU, N.T., (911 gases'in the Chachen-Ingush and other economlo regions of-tha Northern Caucasus ]Neftianye' gazy Chacheno-Ingushakogo i dragikh skonomichaskikh ra-4onov Severnogo Kavkaza. Groanyi Checheno-mvingusbakoe -; knizbnoe izd-mvb, - 19600 - 259 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Caucasus, Northern-Gas, Ratural)~ KOLESNIKOV, F.U. Mechanization and automation of the automobile indmtry in Western Burope. Blul.tokh.-okon.inform. n0-7:82-87 160, (MM 13:7) (A=ope. Western-Autoiobile irdastry-Technological innovations) (Rurope, Wastorn-Automation) AITv P 1144 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 22/25 Author Kolesnikov, F. N. V Title : lum mWerpose rignal es as an important means of increasing labor production Periodical : Heft. khoz., v. 32, #l!, 89-90, N 1954 Abstract : The activity of six brigades is in Improveing methods and instruments and increasing production of drills, bits and other cutting tools is outlined. The brigades are composed of engineers, technologists, machinists and other skilled workers in various.positions id machine'-building and tool- making shops., Institution : Baku Machine-building Plant im. Kirov of the Ministry of Petroleura Industry of Azerbaydzhan SSR Submitted : No date KOLSSNIKOV, F.H~.-f--o-, Diamonds in the industry of capitalist countries. Mashinostroitall no, 5s42-43 My 164. (MIRA 17:7) I- KOLESITIIKO-Vp F.N.-, i-nzh-.-- -- -I-,- - -- . -- --- .-- - . -- - - - -I-- -- - - - - --11 I I*eh-anI%mti6n of materials handling at an automobile plant. Mekh. i avt6m. proizv.17 no. 3:48-51 Mr 163. (MIRA 170) i(OLESNIKOVI -G-.- A. 111,1'ethod of calc,,.lation of the distribution of "he :-,-irculation on short wings."' In this paper the dalculation is considered of thin short winCs with any shape in the 6rizontal projection for small incidence angles and low flying speeds. The wing is substituted by a system of discreet joined vortices with an intensity which varies in the longitudinal direction, A formula is derived for the speed in the direction normal to the winr which is induced by the vortex system. A system of integral equations is given Cor the circulationwhich was obtained from the accurate. fulfilment of the conditions of flow on certain lines of the surface. The obtained system of integral equations is dolved by introducing the in erpolation polynomial for the IfUnction -sll-cosP) and by satisfying the above mentioned boundary condition for a finite number of cross sections. The results of calcii1ations are given for seven different wings (Figs. 15-35) and the obtained results are compared with experimental values. Comparison of the cal- culated results for annumber of examples with experimental ones indicates that even for four joined vortices and fifteen sections, in which the boundaxy con- ditions are fulfil-led, veri satisfac"ory remilts are obtained, i.e. for small incidence angles the characteristics calculated by the here described method differ from the experimentally determined ones b.,f 2 to 10%., the accuracy of the exnerimental values beinq 5%, (First ptiblished in 1949). Synnosium. of Theoretical Work on Aerody~amics, Oboronriz, 1957, 3,000 copies, Uentral Aero-Hydrodynamics Inst. imeni Prof. N. Ye. Zhukovskiy. v--n4*2 W~-,M KROMICHEV, VQA.; SAHDYLFMO,, V.A.; KOROBMI, G.I,,, inzh.-makhanl AWEHIYEV, I,M.; KDLESNIKOV, G.A. Letters%to the editor* Pat I i put.khoz. 5 no,4:,J+7 Ap 161, 14 0) le Dorozbnyy master at* Magnatity, Oktyahrlskoy dorogi (Cor Kromichev). 2. Zameatitell nacballvika cliataatsli puti,, at. Belorechezzakaya,, Severo-Uvkazakoy dorogi for Samoylenko)* 3. Stantsiya Ilelorechenakeyas Severia-Kavkaukoy dorogi Mr Kdrqbaalt,)., 4e Nachallnik otd4la ~utl do-rogio stantaiya Bogotol,, Krasnoyarokoy dorogi (for Artemlyev). 54 Machallnik alushby puti tresta. Snexhinantratait., g. Saezlmoye (ror KoUanikov). (&W=ads) USSR J General Problems of, Pathology. Allergy. Abs lour: Ref -Zhur-Biol-wo No I'llt -195.8; 51512. Author.- 4oIggAikov,--' G*.' _~Ff Inst Nw6- giVGU."~ Title Intradermal Allergio.Test:in Primary Diffuse En- oephalomyelitis and.Mult.iple Solerosis. Orig Pub:2h..nevr atol I paikhi trii. 1957, 57,, No 3, op a Abstract-An inactivated,,suspeasion of- 'brain tissue. of rats j..,J4faated,;with. the virus of human acute en- w ~cephalcmyelitis (k)"., was injected into the skin.- - Tr of the forearm in doses of 0.2 ml, 'he _forG_ -hand 0-4 2 ml of arm Of th6'-~sebon_d biain suspensidii of non-infooted rats was injeoted. The results of the-test-wereread within 24-46 hours. The reaotion wasoonsidered positive when the redness GROMASHUSKATA, L,,Lo, kand,med.nauk, EDLESHINT, O.F*, Mysv). Inorganic phosphorus In the carebroapinal fluid in poliomyelitis* Trach.delo no.losl&1-3.043 0 158 (KIRA 11:11) 1, Inatitut Infektalonvykh bolesney AM SSSR* (PHOSPH(MUS w THE Boy) (aMMOSPINAL PWM) (POL10mr."IS) PLESNIKOV. G.F., Cause of poliomyelitis In a rural area, Fed., akush. I gin. 20 no.5:16 158. (Km 13:1) 1. Institut infektaloufth bolazuey ANN SSSR (direktor - chlen-korres- pondent AMN SSSR prof. I.L. Bogdanov). (AROGOBYCH PROVINCE-VOLIOUMITIS) ------ ------ KIRICHINSMAt I.A;,-, KOLESHIKOV, G.F.; KRASNOV, B.G. ClinicaDaspects ofeerous meningitis 4aused by Coxsackie viruses, Zhur. nevr. i psM. 60.n0-3:273-279 160. (14IRf, 14: 5) 1. Institut infektsionny4i bolezney (dir. prof. I.L.Bodganov) A~N SSSR i 1-ya Hikolayevskalfa gorodskaya bollnits'a (glavnyy vrach K.F.Timoshovskayp). (COXSACKIE VIRUSES) (HIKOLAEV-MNINGITIS)- KOLSSNIKOV, G.F., MOROZKUP N-L,, prof.-' DITENBINDER, Ye.A. SWBODMIYUK, M.I. (Kiyev), Differential diagnosis of influenza. Vrach. delo, no.1:132-1.16 Ja 162* .15-12 1, Institut infektaionny1ch boleme A14N SSSRS KOrJ=IKOV,, G*Fq, kand*mednauk Characteristics of Ohinor"I disease in a childrerale home caused by Us Coxsackie Bl virus* Pediatriia 42 no,5t 27-33 W63 (MIRA 16tU) 1. Iz Instituta. k1bernetiki (direktor - akad, V.H.Glusbkov-) AN tkrSS11p liysiv, KOLESNIKOV G.F.; GRIGORIYEVA, L.V.,; POTULOVA, Ye.K.; SHCHIROVA, NX.; GORBULLEVA, Z.V.; GAZAR:O, R.N. Characteristics of the clinical aspects J- the course of Bornholm disease caused by Coxsackie virus B3. 28 no.4:52-56 Ap 165. (MIRA 1 !6) 1. Institut kibernetiki All UkrSSR (dir. - deystvitelinyy chlen A-11 Ukrainnkoy SSR V.M.Gluahkov) Ukrainskiy nauchno-igsledovatelf- skly institut kommupAllnoy gigiyeny (dir. - prof. D.N.Kalyuzhnyy). i. Luganskaya ob:Lastnai~.--sanitari.o-epidemiolbgicheskaya-l'ijtants~yit~ (glavnyy'vrach xorp'sulyvv" G. I. "StudS4ng the Effect of the -INdrogenating Conditions of Sunflower Oil on the Glyceride Composition ahd on the -6~sicall Properties of Edible- Hydrogenated Fats.". - Cand Tech Sci,,Krasnodar Inst of the Food Industry, Krasnodar, 1954. (RMUMP'No, 23, Doe 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Educational Institutions (12) SO: Swn. No. 556, 21+ Jun 55 SOLN r,--G-- -1---l lIffeet of the activity of bydrogenation cata.17ste on the formtIon of solid iscolele acids* Izv*vyseuchabowavo*,piahch.takh- "zLo.S: 48-52 15,30 Xrmnodarskly institut pishchavoy Promyshlewizati, kafedre, takhnolo i zhiropererabotkiv e0ine and fate) (Oleic acid)- (Cetalysts) KOLBSNIKOV, G.I.,- MINAKOVA, G.D. Studying the kydrogenation of cortonseed~ oil in the fo&V- state. Izv.%-j9.ucheb.zav.- plshch.tekh. no.4t77-83 162. (MA 150-1) 1. Krasnodarskiy institut pishchavoy promyshlennosti, kafedra tekhnolog!Li plastmass. (Cottonseed oil) (Hydrogenation) KOLESNIXOT I PODDUBNYYO T. 1. the acid composition of the products of oxidation,of furfurolln the gas phase.. Izv. vys. uchab. zav.t pishch, takh. no.5:40~-42 '62. (MM 15:10) 16 Krasnodarskiy institut*pishohavay proMahlannosti, kafedra. tekbnologii plo-stichaskikh mass. (Ohro'matographia analysis) (Puraldshyde) ARKHAROV) V. I.; ~qW141KO.Vj G. M.; MWONOV~ S. A. Gas Cbromatization. of Iron andSteel Products "Texco" Files ITEIN, 3rd Seriee (Ilia Stvuggle agEtinst Corrosion), No. 210/10.. 1943 SYIWV. A A. KOZMXQTt,Q4, aer-polkovalk, redalctor; STRILI- gi~OVA,'w~'g;.t~7ok~h"ni"ch'.eokiy redaktor. [Ground photography] Ilazo-mme fbtograf Irevanle. Isd. 3-0. tapr. i dor. KoskV86, Toon., Lad-vo Toennoko Hinisterstva SSSR, 1952. 390 Cmicrofilm] (HIBA 8:1) (Photography) VOROIIOV, A.A. landldat tekknichaskikh nat1c; KOLESPIKOT G.Ho azhewr- -polkovni-k, redaktor;, KMIKILT, _[Zlemen to 'of thetheory of aut ozmatin cow-Ar:ill Zlemenv toorit avtc, matla-haskogo regulirovaniia. Ind; 2-ei, perer*i dap. Koskvs, Vce=" lzd-vo Minlaterst-ra obo--ony SSSR, 1954. 47o P. (mm 8:5) (katomatiC3 PAUGHENKOVt GA; KOIESNIKOV, I.M.; KOLESNIKOV, GA Thomodynamlo calculations of the realkylation reaction of ban. zone with diisopropyl-benzene in the gas phase. Trudy MINKHiGP no.37:24-29 162. Studying the kinetics of the realkylation reaction of benzene with diisopropyl-benzenes in the presence of an aluminosilicate catalyst.~ Ibid.:29-38 16~. Kinetics of the reaction of benzene realkylation with diisopropyl- benzenes on aluminosilicate catalyst. Ibid.:119-51 Thermodynamic calculation of the dealkylation reaction of dilso- propyl-benzenes, in the gas phase. Ibid.t56-62 Kinetics of the dealkylatiod of diisopropyl-banzone in the presence of an aluminosilicate catalyst, Ibide:63-76 Kinetics of coking on an aluminosilicate catalyst in the dealkyl- - ation of diisopropyl-benzenes. Ibid.-.77-79 (MA 17:3) pe w &-0f. - . t 9.- *1 4L it. a r & 00 Olt 4~v VIC