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1w, 2.5000,5.4700,10.0000,24-5300' 77337 SOV/57-30-1-16/i8 AUTHOR-. Kogarko S. TITLE: Amplification of Compression Waves During Interaction With Flame Pront PERIODICAL: 'Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol 30, Nr 1. pp 110-119 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Shchelkin (DAN SSSR, 230 636, 1939), Zelldovich (Teoriya azob,.Izd. AN SSSR, 1944; ZhTFXVII, 3 7' goreniya 9 @1 194 ZhETF) 21) 117t, 1951), and Sokolik (ZhETF, 21, 1164,z ig5l)'already investigated th6or'etically and experi- mentally the condensed wave and its amplification when such,a wave is produced in'front of a fast burning gaseous.system. Nevertheless, many problems are left unsolved, The'author investigated the origin and ampli- fication-of compression wave-s during combustion of- '' hydrocarbon-@ir*mixtures in a spherical container and tried to-supply,a qualitative explanation. The Experi- mental Setup and Method.- The,experimental setup is on Card 1/8 Fig.,l.', The differential-indicator could register Amplification of Compression Waves During 77337 Interaction With Flame Front SOV/57-30-1-i6/18 pressure variations with a sensitivity of 25@30 mm Hg ger 1 mm. on the film in an interval of I to 2 kg/c@2 atan arbitrary pressure inside the chamber. Mixtures are introduced'into the chamber after removing air. Ex- perimental Results. At.low pressures between 0.5 and. 2 200-kg/cm the burning is completely normal for arbitrary variation of CL between 0.4r.- and 1.3" The pressure varies smoothly during the entire com@ustion process, sound is h ard during the explogion. At pressures above 2 kg/cm one observes changeg during the combustion process at certain compositions of the mixture. Fluctuation of pressure starts taking place, and one hears a metallic sound. Th6 intensity of oscillations and of sound increase with the increase In pressiire. Experiments with Benzene, A Rhotograph taken with an Initial pressure of 8.0 kg/cm`@ and Ct = 0.78 s@owed the fol owing behavior: From 0 to 1.9 kg/cm rise in p2sure, the pressurp in- # g/' 2 Card 2,, creased smoothly. Between,2.5 and 3' k et a, weak p - !@@jntF l; -p@gr Pig. Card 3/8 Amplification of Compr-ession Waves During 77337 Interaction With Flame Front SOV/57-30-1-A/18 Fig. 1. Diagram of the experimental setup: (1) Ex-' plosion chamber; (2) differential indicator; (3) photorecording device; (4) tuning fork; (5)'light sources; @6) aperture for photographing the, flame, front; (7 electric heater. Caption to Fig. 1. pressure wave isborn which thqn increases in ampli- tude between 3.3 and 4-3,kg/cm@@. The rise continues above this value of the additional pressure. The. recording of each subsequent pressure mdximum is After the wave passed twice through the zone of flam6,-The author denotes the amplification of the wave after crossing twice t@e flame front by K2. In the'test just described K. -1.49. The author verified that, the registered variations were -not variations of.the average gas,pressure but gen@ine reflected waves. Figure 5 shows reaults for K and the minimum values Card 4/8 of overpressure A P at which one starts observing Amplification of.Compression.Waves During 77337 Interaction With Flame Front' SOV/57-30-1-16/18 compression waves., starting temperaturg was always t - 65 0 and Initial pressure 8.0 kg/cm@@. Tests.with Aviation.Gasoline. Results were similar to those With benzene. Tests with Artificial Shock Wave Created Behind-the Wavefront. To study the behavior, of waves at concentrations which do not generate Waves by themselves or waves too weak to be registered the author used PbN6 placed inside the chamber in a. paper bag,'to produce an artificial shock wave., The bag would ignite a few tenths 6f a millisecond after the passage.of the flame wave, and for a PbN6 aoove-a'certairi-critical value,@the author achieved strong artificial pressure waves which then increase in amplitude until the end of the combustion period. :At the same time, the time of the combustion after the artificial explosion is shortened from 4 to 9 times, depending on the strength of the shock wave- explosion. Discussion of Results. The author reasons that there cannot be.any amplification of the wave Card 5/B neither in,front of the flame front, where the gas is, M Amplification of Compression Waves During 77337 Interaction With Plame Front- SOV/57-30-1-16/18 14 U - 2 'Vig, 5. Coefficient of amplification K and the mini- mum pressure at which the first pressure wave is observed versus the mixture composition U for a ben- Card 6/8 zene-@air mixture explosion. 1V md 4. RR -IR -t-FA-040,t-? Amplification of Compression Waves DurIng Interaction With Flame Front Card 7/8 77337 SOV/57-30-1-16/18 still inert, nor behind it, where it is inert aZain. It can happen only inside the flame front and at the expense of the reaction taking place there. The mechanism of this amplification is described in the paper by.Kogarko and Skobelkin (DAN SaSR, 120, Nr 6, 1958). Due to disturbances of the thermodynamic equUibrium of chemical reactions by the wave crossing the rlame, one obtains raises in temperature and -pressure inside the zone'of burning which bring about ,the amplification of waves. This amplification should be:,proportional to the speed of reaction and consequently to the chemical composition -of the mixture. Experiments agree with this conclusion. According to the theoXy, the amplification inside the plane should take place under any circumstances. -Nevertheless, in case of nonturbulent propagation of the flame front the region of amplification is much smaller than the ,region of damping of-the wave, and the wave is then.' damped. At a certain critical value of certain para- meters, turbulence takes place allowing a true build-up Amplification of Compression'Waves During 77337 Interaction With Flame Front. SOV/57-30-1-16/18 of:amplitudes. This was also observed by the author.. There are 7 figures; and7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Chemical Physics AS USSR (Institut khimi- che8koy fiziki.AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: February-11, 1958 Card 8/8 zm gx "go @ 0- t @i AQ rN, NOR" -0- I WE-- NO RAN U, 'Y 83563 8/02q/60/134/001/015/021 BO04/B06O 0 0 AUTHORS: Kogarko S, X j, Sovikov, A. S. TITLE: 3tudy of Compression Waves in the Combustion of Gas Mixtures PERIODICAL: @Doklady,Akademil nauk SSSR, ig6o, vol. 134P No. Is pp. 125 .127 TEXT: By way of@introductio*np the authors outline their theoretical considerations: If a d6nipreselon wave &risen in the zone of chemical reaction# temperature and density of the reaction mixture-.riset'.and the reaction rate is'spedup. The temperature rise is quicker than the dissipation of the-energy released additionally from the reaction zone. The consequence is a pressure rise in the rsaotion.sons and the ap, pearance of additional waves which intensify the primary compression Wave.'These.views were confirmed by',experiments which were conduoted by means of methane-oxygen and-nothane-air mixtures inglass tubes 10 as in diameter. Ths.oompression wave was recorded on a rotating photofilm by@ means of.& piezoelectric quartzindioator and a cathode-ray oscilloscope,' 83563 Study of.Compression Waves in the Combustion 8/020/60/134/001/915/021 of Gas Mixtures B004/B.060 The formation and intensification of compression waves were observed in mdthane-oxygen.mixtures with a mothano'content between 7.5 and 53%. On a decrease of the methane.content from 9.1 to 6.7% the maximus amplitude,. of the compression wav* dooreases,repidlyt and no further intensification of the primary compression wave takes,place, on a further decrease in the methane content. Fig. I shown the compression wave In CH 4 + 202 + 802 and CH4 +@ 202 + 8N2$ Thereac tion rate drops1n the latter case, and the compression wave is very weak. With a view to studying the influence of the frequent passage of the oompression wave through the reaotion'zonst .experiments were conduoted+in.tubse of different lengths (Table It Fig*-2). The maximum 'amplitude+beoomes smaller when the tube is shorten- ed. There is a'oritioal length at which the amplitude vanishes. For CH + 20 + eo this length is 42 am. There are 2 figures, I tablet and 4 2 2 3 references: 2 Soviet and I Germanol ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fisiki Akademii nauk 5SSR (institute of Chemical Mysics of the Academy of Sciences USSR) 3/180/61/000/004/020/020 3071/tI80 AUTHORS: and@Bastvichq V*Yao (Moscow) T ITIZ i On'the Mechanism of-combustion of sprayed liquid fuel in a turbulent flow PERIODICALt-Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. 6idileniiyo takhnitheakikh nauko'.Metallurgiya I toolivo, no. 4, 19619 137-142. -TZXTs It was shown'in the authors' previous work (Ref.2s V.Ya, Basevicho SM. Kogarko$ Izve AN SSSR9 OTNj tn*rS*tika i avtonatika# 19599 No,21-P$13) that combustion takes place according to a diffusion mechanism-in respect of fuel droplets. This mechanism would be violated if-part of the fuel was ovoporatedin the xf1lame zone without . immediate combustion, thus leading to an ac cuumlation of fuel In some part of the flame zone. in the above mentioned work the possible amount of the vapour phase was assessed from the difforence in the amount of the liquid phase and the - amount of combustion products. This assessment is liable to arroral therefore in'the pr*xent,work the authors made an evaluation of vapour concentration in the fla me zone of atomised fuel and Card 113 28881 S/180/61/900/004/020/020 On tha-sechaniss of,combuortion of tO7l/Zl8O 1) ther-,mechanism-of;combuation is diffusive in,respect of fuel drops.-'--No disturbances of,this sechanisms'leading to an accumulation of fuel'vapour in the fliame xono, were observed. 2) If fue I- - va-pours fori in front of the - f lame zone they -burn sithor:by-a simultaneous dirfusion with-oxyten towords-the combus,t*an Zone-Or fuel drops, or-they form an-independent zone of coubustlon. 3) In weak mixtures, a preliminary -partial *Yaporatian:-af this fuel is.parminxible -only-if- it leads to the forma-tlo-n of an i-nde-pand*nt -combustion zone, an othervi-q* the *vaporwted -fuel 'cannot@ be-.completely burned. There--sax 7 --figures, * 1- table, and 5 references t - 3- Soviet -bloc and 2 now-Soviet-bloco The English 1@nguage roference-reerds-v Ref.1-r-C. Graves,. M. Gerstei-as- Some &s-p*ctv`of --combustion of 23 @London, 'liquid fuels Combustlon-Res,- anO"Revlew i --P* Butterworths-@Sc. Pb6,' 195 5. ASSOCIATIONvInstitut khluichemkoy fiziki AN.SSSR (Institute -of Chemical Phisics, AS USSR) SUBMITTEDt January i6, 1961 Card 3/3- 28882 5/180/61/000/004/020/020 On the--mechanism of combUttiOll Of Z071/3180, 1) the.-mechanism of combustion in diffusive In respect of fuel drops, -No disturbances of this mechanism, loading to an accumulation of fuel'yapour in the flow* sonol were observed. 2) If fuel-vapours form in front of the-flam* zone, they burn-- either by-a simultaneous diffusion withtoxygen-towards-the combustlan zone of fuel drops, or they form an.In4opondtnt zone of combustion, 3) In weak mixturost'a proliminorry-partial. evaporation Of the fuel is permissible only *if it leads-to the formatlon of an independent combustion zone, an,otherwiq* the ovaporwted fuel cannot be-completely burned* There-are 7 figures, 1 table and 5 roferenctat 3 Soviet-blot and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The Znglish language reference roads-v Ref.1s C. Graves, M, Gersteiz. Some aspoetv-of--combustion of liquid-fuel, Combustlon Rom. and-Reviews, p,23.-Landons Butterworths:Sc. Mot 1955. ASSOCIATIONs Institut khimichookoy fiziki AN SSSR (institute-of Chemical Physical AS USSR) SUBMITTEDs January 161- 19,61 Card 3/3 S/057/61/031/002/009/015 "up 0 B020/BO56 AUTHORSs Kogarkoj' Sp Hog Ryzhkovp D* Lo TITLEt Investigation'of the amplification of compression waves in combustion PERIODICALs'. Zhurnal tekhnicheekoy fizikis v- 31, no# 2, 19619 211-216 TEXT; It was the purpose of the present.vork to study,the possibility of amplifying compression waves formed during combustion in a closed volume, In combustion of mixtures of fuels andair, enriched in oxygent at re- o duced pressure, The experimental arrangement used is described in detail in Refs 2s. For measuring the pressure change in the vessel during com- bustiori and the compression.waves, an optical and mechanic differential indicator and.a piezo quartz indicator with an eigenfrequency of about 25 ko/seo was used,, The piezo-quartz indicator was connected to the cathode oacillograph 340-1 (EHO-1), on whose acreen also the change in pressure in the-exploaion vessel was recorded on the photographic films The fuel content LA in the mixture was varied within the range of 0,56 to 1#75. The'reoulte obtainedby studying the amplification factor Card 1/6 89163 S105Y61103110021009101511 Investigation of the amplification its _B020 B056 of the compression waveffix2for the Initial pressure PO 760 ma 39 during the oombustion of benzene in nitrogen-oxygen,mixtures having a varying oxygen content'in'dopendence on the composition of the mixture-are given in Pigs 3, Fig- 4 graphically shows the investigation of the change in 2 K in dependence on initial pressure during the combustion of benzene in nitrogen-oxygen mixtures1aving an oxygen content of 40 and 45%. Fig. 59 by way of oomparlsonp graphically shows the dependence of K2 on the com- position of the mixturo o4 for benzene and hexane during combustion In a nitrogen-oxygen nixture'at 0 40% and an Initial pressure of 760 mm Eg. . 2 From the results obtained it follows that:during relaxation in the com- bustion zonep temperature aid pres Iure rise, The amplification coef- fioient of the compression waves K risee.considerably with an increase of the oxygen content andt at 450 it attains a value of about 1*65; the 2 highest value, of X is found during the combustion of a mixture with a. composition varying between 0"06516 DCA 0*750 Compression waves occur and are most easily amplified during the combustion of enriched fuel Card 2/6 S/057J61/0@1/002_ VOO/d, 0 giti6n.@:df_ths amp B020/BO56 so -65 011 7 5) ""With-. a., given,.pxygon 00 1 M A0. utent in t 2'. 2' 101i :tu oq,the-high*ai%`o@o,mbudtio* @t in mixtures is attained--vith n 4 0.90 1@4-95-@ @-@At'6on@taiit -combustion -temperiture within the rs, e i vestigate'&,@n- which deieity :the mixtiLre change'sp X2-c a., of rly-liftedzil ridibig &j 'Gity. !jhe @zplification coeffici6nt -@@--the,,60mpresiio,h w'aves. n I the combustion..of various fuels in the 'same,X'a. 2 9mix@e with" 40% 6@-deonds -on the--ohemidal structure of ih@ fueL' h e rii -are ''S61 trill T ' - 5 Xigure a an 0 00 d:2 references. 6S ..0 IA. 3:ONs-,~-,-lXn6tittAt~:khimiclieskoy~~fitiki AN:$ t e 6 SSR, Moskva (Insti, ui; -Physics 7the' AS USSR' Moscow) Chemical of 27'1'i, 1960 anuary T T_ bard" @/6 26546 5/076J61/035/00.8/010/P16 V00 Bilo/BIOI AUTHORSt KoRarkof Be Me$ and Basevicht V. Ya. (Moscow) TITLEs Model of.the.combustion zone of a turbulent flame PERIODICALi Zhurnal fizioheskoy khimii, y. 35, no. 8, 1961, 1794 1798 TEXTs None of the various planar and spatial model representations-of the combustion zone of homogeneous mixtures in a turbulent flow:ia uni- vereally accepted. The authors established that the honresotiv-e mixture in the combustion zone had a temperature near the initial temperature# which was a point in favor of a planar'model... Objections were raised ag ainst this statement. Locording to.Ye'. S. Shchetinkov et al. (0 turbulentnom gorenii gomogennoy amesi, Oborongiz, 1956, p. 31) a perturba- tion of planar combustion is probable. An attempt is made here to explain the observations by the planar model,'and the effect of the feed of com- bustion products upon the.luminosity of the turbulent flame is'examined. The system'shown in Figs I consists of an air compressor, electric heater 1# mixer for fuel feed 2t B20 and 00, feed 3, and sealed combustion chamber 4 with quartz side walls,in which the two-dimensional flame flare Card 1/6 V!, _q !Wl- 0-k-P 26 6AI S/07 . 110351006101010 Model of the ooabu at ion is stabilized by means of two hydrogen burners. The luminosity was recorded from a major distance by soon$ of a Photomik1tiplier with a light filter. The other system (11) was similar to (1)y but an auxiliary burner for the.oombustion.of so-so fusIN was in the place of 21 and the mixer was in the place of 3, The combustion chamber *&a open and a directional two-dimensional flare burned at the wedge-shaped stabilizer, The luminosity was determined both photogiaohically and photometrically. in acoordano* with the authors (Ref. Ili. Isv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekhn. nauk,' energ. i avtom-.,-No-'3s 138 - 1449-1960)9 the maximum of darkening in a certain cross section behind the stabilizer was taken as the measure of intensity. Consumption was determined by diaphragms and pilot tubes, and the szoese-air a ves,additionally determined by chemical analysis-a:nd the temperature of the combustion products. The relative light yield of the flame per unit of converted fuel at various velocities of flow Y of w W gas ,-40d _..- @.% L. __@_ 00 initial tomperatire) with turbulence degree @Md. (25 12 % was measur;7M!) .(Fig. 2). The drop of the rqjjktive light''yield ,"(a a 5.63), and -no with a rise of velocity was caused by the poor mixture turbulent flame-property was responsible for it. The opposite was established in case of air-hydrogen mixtures. A drop of intensity in- Card 2/6 26A6 .5/076j6l/O35/008/010/016 Model.of theloombustion... silo/Blol system II was caused by smalladditions of resotion-products of the propane-butane flame with equal excess-air coefficients to sower gas. A@ quick -rise of intensity,was established on (II)by addition 'o'f reaction products of the hydrogenflame with free atoms and radicals- In MO, C02 and E20 were added to the fuel mixture I a 002 addition @ 30% of its amount in the combustion products had little effect. 0 - 12% Of H20 addition reduces the maximum luminosity by 10 - 15%. The authors have shown that an addition of combustion products of the diffusing hydrogen flame augments the luminous intensity of the turbulent hydrocarbon-air flame. Here, additions of reaction products of the hydrocarbon-air flamel reduce the lumin'ouo'intensity. Thuep the action of the combustion prod- ucto depends upon the ratios active radical particles (A) versus stable reaction products (11 0) (B). (A) raises the luminous intensity,.while (B) Thil also entails a rise of the relative light yield with an increase of velocity in case of hydrogen-air flames,'and the drop of it in case of hydrocarbon-air flames. Since the feed of activu radical particles of the hydrogen flame raises the propagation volooity of the flame-in the turbulent flow# a feed of reaction products cannot be Card 3/6 26546 .8/076'/61/035/008/010/016 Model of the oombustioa..G BIIOfBIOI expected to raise the velocity perpendicular to the surface element. With equal propagation velocity of the turbulent flame$ a feed of higher odnoentrations of active particles into the hydrooarbon-air flame caused in many cases a lesser relative velocity rise than a small feed into the hydrogen-air flame. Divergences among the lines of maximum luminous intensity fortome radicals and excited molecules are explained as followas the initial mixture intermixes with the combustion products$ amount to < 10% of the fresh mixture. Thus, different actions of reaction products Jon the luminous intensity of radicals and molecules effects separation in*the zone of luminous,-intens ity maxima. Stable (H 20, CO 2) and unstable combustion produate-effect extinction. The dissimilar change of the relative light yield with a rise of velocity at different wave- lengths, espeoially with 02 and.0021 point to a stronger mixing at-the beginning of -There are 5 figures, 2 tables, and 11 referenoest.6 akrdot-lim.wA5 non-Boviet-bloo. The threemost important references to English-language as follows's Ref. 3s M. Summerfield et al-P-Jet-PropulaiOnV31F 377P 1955- Ref. 61 J, H. Grover et &I., ARS Journal, 31, 275v 1959. Ref. 81 Rs,.R. Johns Jet Propulsion,,Rl, 169, 1957- Card 4/6 26546 8/076/61/035/000/010/016 Model of the combustion, Bilb/B.101 AS SO C IA' I ,, 'I jAkademiya nauk SSSR Institut khtmioheakoy f iziki g. Moskva (Academy of Solenoseq USSR, Inatitute.of-Chomical Physics# :LIOFJCOWJ SUBMI I December 14 1959 Fig. 1. Scheme of burners Card 5/6 @@t NOMINEE' (84% vm@"' un -TwAr 28292 S/076/61/0,5/010/011/015 Bi o6/B I 10 AUTHORSt Kogarkoj,S. M.v Mikheyev, V. V.#-and Basevich, V. Ya. TITLEs Effect of active particles of combustion products on the limits of inflammability in a turbulent flow PERIODICALs Zhurnal fizioheskoy khimii, v. 35, no. 10, 1961, 2341:- 2347! TEXTs In continuation of earlier.papers on the effect of active particles (0, H, OH) on spontaneous inflammation, stabilization of flame, and rate of propagation in a turbulent flow (Ref. 1-t S. 1. Kogarko, M. I. Devisheyo V. Ya. Basevich, Zh.,fiz. khimii# U, 2345, 1959;.Ref. 21 S. M. Kogarko.9, M. 1. Devishev, V. Ya. Baseviohp Dokl. AN SSSR, 127, 137, 1959; Ref. 3, V. Ya. Basevich, M. I. Deviehevp S. MO Kogarkoj Izv. IN SSSR, Otd. tekhn. n., No. 3, 138, ig6o), the authors studied the effect of active particles formed in the combustion products of hydrogen and hydrocarbons (0' H (atomic), OH) on the limits of inflammability of fuel gases in a turbulent air flow. Fig. 1-shows the scheme of the experimental plant. 2 The tube had a rectangular section of 40 by 70 mm . No initialconcentra- tion of active particles was to occur at-inflammation in the experiments Card 1/4 -M Z 28292 3/076/61/035/010/011/0 Effect of aotive.partioles ... _B1o6/B11O in which hydrogen was burnt in burner 2. The distance between burner 2 and ignition point (2006 mm) allowed recombination of the active particles before reachingthe ignition point. In the combustion in burner 3 which was only 40.0 mm distant from the ignition point, the active particles reached the ignition point. The concentration of active mti- cles could-be changed by.introduoing surfaces with different coats quartz,, carbon black, graphite, potassium tetraborate) between burnirand ignition point. The degree of turbulence of flow.was 7 - 10%, scale 3 - 5'mm (Ref. 3, see above). In-a series of experiments, a butane-propane mixture was burnt with air instead of hydrogen. This required a special burner. In most caseso the ignition of fuel gases was initiated by sparks of an energy of 0.02 joules with an electrode spacing of 1.8 mm; in some cases, for cpmparison, by a burner or heated body. n-butane, a mixture of 77% n-butane and 23% isabutane, hydrogen, and-sewer gas (mainly methane) were used as fuel gases. In the vxperiments, the upper and lower limits of inflammability and flame stabilization of the fuel-air mixture were-determined by corresponding regulation of fuel supply. These studies showed that in all cases (ignition-by sparkp by a burnert by a heated bodyl different temperatures; different flow rates; different fuel gases) an increase in initial concentration of active particles led Card 2/4 'A '00.@ ploV 3A MV A _g. @Rp@Q N41 ". , T4p::7 .5 4 28292 S/Oj6/61/035/010/011/05 Effect-of active particles. B100110 to a considerable decrease of the lower-limit of inflammability of the fuel-air mixture. This extension of limits of inflamability inorea Isea with rising concentration of active particles and can be explained by the rise of reaction rate in,the initial stage of combustion. The-upper-limit- of inflammability was not changed by the active partioleab It is assumed that the. r4ason therefore was only an insuf f ioient concentration of aotiv*e particles and the low range of flow rates (10 _'50 M/seo) at which the experimenta were carried- out:. There is. no reason to assume that the upper limit of inflammability is -not increased by the effect of active particles, In;the combustion of hydrocarbons obviously fewer 40tive partioles,are. formed than inAhe combustion of hy4rogeno since in the former ca'se,the limits of inflammability of'fuel gases are hot so wide. The concentration change of active particles in the flow by introduction of surfaces with different costs changes,th6.limits of-inflammability according to.the probability of recombination of active p3rtioles on-the introduced surface, 0 -by b In the case of igniti n urner the limits of inflammability are,higher, than in the case.of spark ignition and are still considerably widened by introduction of active particles. There are 8,figureas 3 tables, and 6@ Werenceso 4 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet, The two references to English- Card@ 3/4 WP-Lli-,V.W= PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR.- Dokladyj v. 140,'no- it 1961, 165 167 -TtXT: The'au'thors determined the minimum, pressure at which a spontaneous expansion of the 'reaction. zone Of C2H2 throughout the volume of the gas: ,still takes place. They pointed outthe technical importance of the, boundaries of the reaction zone, :especially in' the case of C H The 2 2- .decomposition of acetylene at different Initial pressures was studied in a, steel tube-of 1500 mm length and 160 mm.diameter. Four plexiglAss'vindowo in the tube'served for observing the expansion of the reaction zone. The expansion along.the tube, was photographed. A steel tube of 20 m length. and 400 mm diameter served for control tests. The acetylene decomposition was initiated either with coil by discharging a capacitor in'the acetylene space studied, or by combustion of a small quantit of explosive in a rubber-container. The experimental dete.rmina- Card 172, 27882 8/026/61/140/001/021/024 Pressure limit,.of a spontaneous B1.30/B101 tion of the minimum pressure did not depend on the igni.tion applied.' It, was shown that a spontaneous expansion of the reaction zone in acetylene still takes place at 0676 at- The deviation of this -lower value from: .,those given in.the literature.(1635-1-40 at) is due to the insuffi*oient ignition used by other scientists. An expansion rate or reaction of 30 m/800 was measured in.the 20-m-tube.' There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION:. Institut,khimicheskoy Fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics,of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: April 5# 1961# by V. N. Kondratlyev,,Academician SUBMITTED: March 31P 1961 'Fig. 2.-. Dependence of.the initial pressure -limit of acetylene on.,the energy,-of ignition spark in the tube.160. mm in '.-diameter@' Legend: (a) 'a:tm;'; (b) joule. aid 2/2 @'i ga "C' Q -4@vl 30724 S/020/6i 141/003/012/021 iPyoc B1 Oi /B1 I AUTHORS. Baoevich, V6 Ya., and Kogarko, S. M. TITLE: -Effeot.of oxygen atoms on-low-temperature burning PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 141, no- 3, 1961, 659-661 TEXT: The study is based on the assumption of a uniform mechanism for atomic and ordinary flames, and on the importance of the initial. concentration of active oenterso The.effect of atomic 0 on the velocity of flame propagation at low pressure was Investigated. Furthert it should be established,whether the. lower pressure limit of burning can be lowered to the.range of atomio-flameo,.-.The oxygen atoms were obtained by glow discharge, and entered-the reaction v easel through a 4 mm nozzle. The fuel gas, industrial propane + butanel entered the reaction vessel through an annular clearance (width I MM) concentric with the nozzle. Ignition occurred in the reaction vessel by an electric spark, energy -10-45 Joules. A net of 15 p thick wire was attached before the nozzlet thus causing recombination of the 0 atoms. Recombination heat and gas temperature were m easured with a thermocouple (diameter 0.2 mm). The gas Card i -MM Ta T-M"2 W.Qt `X QR@N ON Mr U@ a Rill '01N 30124 8/020/61/141/003/012/021 Effeat-of oxygen atoms on. BIOI/B117 was,sucked,from-the reaction vasse.l.through a receiver by means of a fore- pump. The visible velocity of *-flame propagation was photorsoorded through a alit. Tests; were made,. .. M with glow 4isoharg'e switched of f 1 (2) with glow discharge switched on# and a net before the nozzlej partial or total recombination occurred;, this was observed -,with the aid of the afterglow of N021 forming fromN2 residues in the oxygen, and the thermocouple., recordingl temperature 6f the"thermocouple joint with maxim .um discharge, current (i?,