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TOISTIOVAo T.S Separation of sixtures,of the higher alcohols and Wrocarbone ty the extraotion method, Zhur,priklAhis, 35 no,IOS2333-2335 -0 162* (KMA l5sl2 (Alcohols) (Hydroo0bani) (Extraction (Chemis til K Mr V-5 %01 -A 'MIR L PAX, T.A.1 KOGAMp I.S. MethoId of checking and calculating equilibrium conditions in tem=7 system bor reducing then to binary system, Part -.4. Zhur.fts.khis. 36 no.8tIO21p.1631 Ag 162. (KIRA l5s8) 1, Gosudarstveww inatitut,prikladnoy khinii. (48tests (Miiidstry)) (Phase rule and equilibrim)' IN g-17- Min M, rku M-11 -1, '@i R .1- 1 @ . I @: . ..:" ." VIP, 1 -1 mg ma -3/076j63/037/00'1/007/0?9 BIOS B186 AUTHORS: Pak, To A Kogaht V. sni ad) - ngr TITLE: Calc4atlon-of the liquid,- vapor 'equilib rium in'threi component systems with two liquid phases. VI @PPIODICAL: Zhurna fiziohesk.oy..khimii, vo 37'," no Is 1963!@,63-67 tEXT: :Using the-.-Duhem'-- Maigulis'e4'uationg for binary liquid system'' the 'equations X1 Ig as ftas) /xs)*- (XI /x dJg (3): ,(zs/XIY7- VS/ (xl xJ'd Ig J (4) are derived for the activities' a of.two- liquid phdoes - in a ternary system., xil and@ x11 are the molir,fractione of thb I th component in the,, Card 1/2 WM _WM@ZFW A nl -3/076/63/037/001/007/02"' calculation of the liquid.-i. @1108/B166 ii Solving theee'@e'quations together with the equation quid phases. 0 0 alp 0, a by successive P plal + p2a2. + p3a3 gives the values of. 2 3 approximation$ With these it.,is possible to calculate the molar fraction- -9 0 Yi ofltfi@ components in thevapcr:@yi - piai/P (i - li213). P is the_ total presoureg the po are the vapor pressures of the pure substances t'4., -equilibrium te perature. The applicability.of the formulas was tested.o@,- m the ternary systems othanol'-dichloro ethane-water and n-propanol - water..,.,,!! n-propylacetate. The calculated and.experimental.results are in P4 agreement. There=are I figure and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy institut priklad y khimii (State Inst te-'- no itu of,Applied@Chejaistry) "F SUBMITTED, 141 1961. July Card 2/2 BUROVAS G.V.; XOGANP V.B., NEMMOVO mos. Solubility of C hydrocarbo no in polar substances and their 5 mixtures.- Zhur. prikl. khim. 36 noo5t988-994 My 163. (MDA 16 8) (Hydrocarbons) (Solubility) P WWIX@ 5,A 157-@@:. ACCESSION NR: AP4043766 S/0080/64/037/008/1776/1786 AUTHOR: Komarova, Ye. G.; Kogan, V. B* TITLE: quilibrium fft'-liquid-vapo in the system U.-haptane- Investigation of e r :-nitromethane-nitroethane SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 37, no. 8, 1964, 1776-1786 TOPIC TAGS: heptano,'nitromethane, nitroethane, chromatography, paraffin, nitro- paraffin, helium ABSTRACT: The authors have developed a design for an instrument based on the use.of- gas-liquid chromatography for determining phase compositions. The design was tested during an investigation of equilibrium between the liquid-phases and vapor in a three-component system at temperatures of 20,40 and 700C. The reagents used in this investigation were purifibd of admixtures by way of fractional distillation on a, column measuring.1.2 m in height and 18 mm in diameter. The column was topped by'&@ cap in the form-of W mm wire.spirals. An-elfective separation of components was achieved through the use of solid paraffin applied on diatomite bricks at axatio .of L-.4, in the capacity of a atationary phase.' Spiral, glass chromatographic col- umns with length# of 2-3 m and diamtera of 4-5 mm were used. %to separation Card 1/2 s-mm, mg, 4 .120 MINW ACCESSION NR; AP4043766 temperature was 99.5 tO.30.C. Helium was used as a carrier gas. Registration di- vices included a cataromatric@indicator and an EPP-09 electronic potentiometer. The,,"' obtained experimental data was verified by means of strict thermodynamic corrals- tions. The chromatographs were interpreted by introducing standardization coeffi-' cients. Heptane was a comparable component with a coefficient equal to L' -,The authors concluded that the experimental data obtained on the equilibrium liquid- !liquid-vapor, agree thermodynamically with each other. Thus the simple design of the instruments make it possible to obtain reliable results on the equilibrium be-@ 1tween liquid phases and vapor. Orig.'art. has: 6 figures and 6 tables. ASSOCIATION: none b SUBMITTED: 12Nov63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: OC NO REP SOV; 005 OTHER: 004, 2/2 Cord Z111@,1_1Pz1P_WaRr11Ur N 016@"@AT IRA 01 MISM MEMO BUROVAP G.V.; KOGAtL-N&B.1 NEWSOV, M.S. Uquid - vapor.equilibriu'm In the quaternary and ternary systems formedby C5 hydrocarbons and separating agents. Zhur. Priki. k.him. 38 no.1:121-128 Ja 165. Relation between solubility and effeeUvoness of separating agents used In the processes of.extraction rectification. lbld.s128-134 (MIRA 16t3) 1. Vvesoyuznyy nauchno-issledavateltskiy institut sinteticheakogo kauchuka imdni Ub'adeva. 04, m mr,12 0- M -mm", . '11-1@"@`1-1`11'-' 111MOMP on'"Ps-, ~~l-l~'-~I'll~1--l~~~~,.t-~,-~;~,i--"Ii~- 111-0110 0 OVER`-- ISM C -tl '; g -M W @ I.V#Ds, OGORODNIKOVv S.X. SrMOVA, E.V.1 KOGAN A-, selecting.& T -31quid partition chrmatograpby for JOO,Of gas DOPeratloi agent for the extraction rectification of metbrlohbtomilaue kixturso. Zhurpriki.khim. 38 nons2609- 2611 9 165, (MIRA M12 10 Submiits.dlpril 22v 1965,: . . . . . . . . . . 'tA 7. K, ACC NR. A.P6000009 ZVOQ80/65/038/011/2609/2611 .P @ AUTHOR: SlvtsoVa, Z.V.; Kogan,_ V.B.; 01 odifikov, S.K. ORG: None cb TITLE: Use of &98-liquid distribuling chrnm aftg=WV1 in the choice of a separation agent Cor extraction rectification for mixtures of methyl- chlorosilanes 71ffd- SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy khImil, V.38, no,if, 1965, 2609-2611 TOPIC TAGS: chromatography, reatiftcation, allane ABSTRACT: The experiments were performed on a gas chromatograph with a detector operating on the principle of heat concTi-iiitivity and an automa- tic recording device. The chromatographic column was 2.5 aeters long and 4 mm In diameter. It was filled with previously calolned brick Impregrated to the amount of 20 weight percent with the separation agen belnE tested. Preliminary tests showed that the brick did not absorb methylehloroallanea. The carrier gas was helium. The testa warG run a a temperature of 25.00. Based on the experimental results, the article gives a table showing caloulated values of the relative volatility coefficients. It was found that a. majority of the substances tested greatly Increased the relative volatility of silicon tatrachlorldes L 10784-66 ACC NRI A16OFMOO9 me thyldi chloros I lane$ trinathylohlorosilane, me thyl trichloroal lane, and, to the greatest degree,, dimethylohloroailane. A study was made of the temperature dependence of the relative volatility coefficients of the methylehloroallanes for the most effective separation agenta. Results of the tests show that with an Increase in temperature the relative volatility of the compments of the mixtiAre decreases. Orig. art. has: 2 formulas and 2 tables. SUB OODB: 07/ SUBK DITS2 121.pr65/ CM10 RU: 001/ OTH RV: 014 Card 2/2 oa b9ATiqAVA ACC NRs Ap6oooolo .J,fSOURCE CODE: UR/0080/65/038/011/26IT/2618 vy , AMHOR: Tolstova. T-. S. Y@ogan, V. B..9 Skorokhodova, V. L. ORG: none ' TITLE: Liquid-vapor equilibrium in attrgbentene-nitromethane and nitrobenzene-mitro- ethane systems SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, V. 38, no. 11, 1965, 2617-2618 TOPIC TAGS- nitrometh mistry property, ,pethane, nitrobenzene, pbysical che or e d va liq uilibil roi)ert CHCM(C jk CQwjtj1PjUAj j q p i p ys .@@ ABSTRACT., This paper presents for the fJrat time data on liguid-vapor oullibrium in systems consisting of nitrocompounds: nitromethane (10-90 molfl-nitrobenzenes and nitroethane (10-90 mol%)-nitrobenzene. It was round that the activity coef- ficiento for nitromethane and nitroethane are approximately equal in mixtures or analogous composition: 1.259-1-023 and 1.24-1.014, respectively. Orig. art. has: 4 tables. SUB CODE. 07 Sum DATE: 15Nov,63/ ORIG REV: 003/ OM MW: 001/ ATD PrMS:. , 1 .Card 1/1 tn)c: 541-127 RelatIon between tba-mulfuratlen and fracture tectonles..Isys AN -S3SRo Ser'- goole 23 neoUS97-109 11 158, OaU 12il) lolustitut goologil AN TuikmBSI# go-Ashkhabad* (Bulfuration) (Geology, Structural) WEE AUTHORt x0gant V.@D. SOV/11-5's-11-8/14 TITLE: On th C' 1 9 tiono of, Sulfuration with Fracture T t 6 onn 0 Go oilios 0 avyaz a treshohinnoy tektonikoy) PERIODICALv Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR9 Seriya goologioheakaval 1958, PP 97 109 (USSR) ABSTRAM Detailed studies of the sulfur bearing layers in the Gaur-' dak (Turkism SSR) deposits ahowed.that the sulfuration process was closely oonnicted with the system of fractures in the caloareous-anhydrite stratum of the deposit. These fractures were filled with epigenetic sulfur in the Quater- nary Period.,...There are 3 tablest 4 charts, I graph, and . 8 Soviet references, ASSOCIATIONt Institut'g eologiii-AN TurkmSSR, g. Ashkhabad (The Institute. of Geology of the AS of Vie Turkmen SS.H, Ashkhabad) S:UBMITTED: August.14t 1957 1. Geology 2. Geopbareles 3. Sulfur--Geology 4. Geochemistry-@ Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Xoganq V. D. SOV/20-125-5-41/6i'@: MTLE. On the Genesis of Native Sulphur (K genezieu samorodnoy eery) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR) 1959, Vol 125, Nr 5, PP 1103-1105 (USSR) ABSTRACT: There are various Views concerning sulphur geneaie (Rafe 1-4 Of and othe re Am6ng._ them-,- -the-- f ormati-on'of -,alphur- depovitsby,_ __ _ - - _ _' - M i6oti U i n 0. a4d@;tlhe substitution of-gypsum by sulphur an : gyp8 calcite:in'situ is-alloted a significant place (W 3). The- investigation of.sulpbur ores cited by the author and the con- taining rocks of Gaurdak make it possible to approach@-the - solution of this problem from the other standpoint. It was determined that the accessory minirals of the limestones and the gypsumalanhydrites) deviate from each other (Table:i). The sulphur occaXrence of Gaurdak can be divided into 2 approxi- mately equal large groups. 4 Grains of.wellformed'crystals of sulphur intergrowths of the latter (0-5 - 1 mm to'2 -.5 cm * and largorip along with poreo, caverns and fractures which are commonly filled with calcite. Characteristic is that sulphur predominantly lies in the lower part of the cavities$ calcite Card 113 however, in the upper part. 11)(oo called dispersed oco=ences.) OROS tZ@17 ;g'r Ft V M Ram I On the Genesis of Native Sulphur soy/20-125-5-41/61 the fine grained.oulphur (tenths and hundredths of a mm) forms, a fins Intergrowth with calcite. These occurrences usually form vbich,are resinesce and thin stZata nt of those in gypsum anhydrite. There- are no differences of opInion ooncerning1he epigenetic character of the firit group (Rafe 1,21 4-7). The genesis of the second group remains unexplained, The following assumptions were madeto clarify this problem: if one part of -the sulphur deposit was formed by gypsum replacement, the:other. by replaoomont.of,limestone, then.1) the accessory minerals,of. the:first group@must be equal to tLe accessories of the. gypsums. @2) the acceneoriao of the second group_of sulphur deposits must be equal to@the, accessories of the limestones. In,order:,to verify thi assumption the insoluble residues were obtained from gypsu:, in-Write and various ore and limestone types'. Most of the acoessory,minerals oonstitilte only tenths and hundredths of a percent, with the exception of gypsum# in4drite,. colestine, quartz, 'iron sulphide# and iron hydroxide. Table i shown the results of the comparison. The data show the conItaining rooks (gypsums) anhydriteep limestones). The-sulphur occurienoos cah be-divided into 2 groups according to the Card 2/3 aocessory,minerals: A) with a relative slight total quantity On the Genesis'of Native Sulphur SOV'/20-125-5-41/61 accessories with greater variety. Here belong most of the' -dispersed do posit: (however# not all)' and individual samples of the first grou . B) a higher total quantity of accessories (chiefly colootine and sulphide) with a relatively slight variation of different minerals. Here belong a large part of thi'first group 4nd.a part of the beconds The material quoted showstin addition to other thingik (Ref 2),-that at least a part of the disperseUdepo it originated by a direct replace- Mont .(definitely'motasomat:oio) of -the anhydrites (via gypsum). by.oulphur,, This-replacement ensues both from micro-fractures of the stratification and by tectonic micro-fracture a. There are 1 table and 9 referencess 7 of which.are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut geologii Akademii nauk TurkmSSR (Tnatitute- of Geology of. the Academy of Sciences of the Turkmenskaya SSR) FRESSWD: December 269 1958, by No M. Strakhov, Academician SUBMITTED: December 15, 1958 Card.3/3 HIR M-:1 IBM IROWS", ffrKE"I'DRI. P-MAN f 292943-6@-' EWT ( 1 IJP(c) 00 NA, SOURCE CODE! UR/0181/66/o(DR/co,,i/looB/iol2 AiT7MRS: Kogan, V. G.; Tavger, B. A. :ORO: Gorlkiy State University iM. N. 1. k2PAcb-evp1ciY,(Oor1kovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) ;TITLE: d Superco "Jctivi@j In thin nondegenerate semiconductor film 'SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 4, 1966, 1008-1012 TOPIC TAGS: superconductivity, semiconducting film, semiconductor carrier, semiconductor band structure, carrier density, zritical temperature. JABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work by one of the authors I(Tavger, with V. Ya. Demikhovskiy ZhETF v. 48, 748, 1965), where It was ,shown that conditions for realization of superconductivity in semicon- iductors can be improved by preparing the sample in the forn of a thin 'film. The present article considers the superconductivity of a many- val le y semiconductor film. By using a model in which the electron a ta tes lie in a two-dirrieneional Brillouin --,ne and the phonon spectrum is the Same as for a bulky sample, the authors investigate the dependeme of 'the appearance of superconductivity on the tbickness of the film, on i Card -IZ2 ACC NRs AP6012454 1,the carrior density, and on the depths of the impurity levels. '11he results show that the superconductivity region has two critical .11mit."'Lng Itemperatures, and that there is no superconductivity from zero tempera- ture to the lower critical temperature. This means that In this temper-. lature interval the electron attraction does not lead to Cooper PILiring. .The critical terTera'Uures depend strongly on the difference between the depth ol' the donor levels and the energy gap. 'When this difference Is zero, tne lower critical temperature vanishes. With decreasln@,, thick- the lower critical temperature Increaseo and the higher cr,' tical Lt.,mperature decreases. The authors thank V. L. Bonch-Bruyevich for valuabllp remarks, B. T. Geylikitian and V. Z. Kresin for usetul d1s- V. Ya, Demikhoyakiy for contInuous ir, ttie work a:.@i a discuasion. Orig. art. has: 1 f1gure arid 14 formulaa. CGDE: 201 SUBM DATE: 23,Tui65/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REF: 00@ KOGAN, V.G, ..JAVROVSKir, V.A. Capillary- model of highly- disperse and porous bodies as applied to filtration phenomena, Koli.shur, 27 no.3083-387 My-A 16 0 ()CIRA 18:12@" I In' titut radiotekhniki i elektroniki AN SSSR, Moskva. Sub- ;Itted" July 22.0 1963- =A y1fid GA LMSXff, Ylktor. Milftylovich; ZRABOTINSKIT. Tdae.@' redattor, TUFARK s N,A -tskbiicheii Ljr rMaktor [Collection of Pro@lsul.on-quauAum mchouical ffbornik sadmoh PC krantoy-ol makhanike. - Nos'I'Va, Goa. tsd-vo teMmiko-teorst. lit-r7, 1956..14.3$ p. (MM IOA) (Quantua:theory-Froblems, exercise*, $to.) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1242 Akademiya nauk SSSR. -Inst-itut'atomnoy energii Fiziki plazmy i problem& upravlyayqmkh termoyadernykh reaktaiy, t. 116, (Plasma Physics and the Problem of Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions, t. 2) (Moscow] Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1958* 355 P. LOW copies%printed# Reap. Ed*::,T,,eontov1oh, N,A.., Academician, PURPOSE: -This collection oontains.proviously unpublished work of members-of the-Institut atomnoy energil (Institute of Atomic Energy) of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. It is intended for scientistaAnterested,-In this field. COVERAGB: This 4'6ok In the second of four volumes of previously unpublished work of members - of the Institute of Atomic Energy during the period 195ift58. The exploitation cards on'the other volumeo in this series have been released under the numbers 1241,1243, and 1244, Card 1/1$ '-,'@:kIeComa -Physice:and @th4,,Pr6blest .(Cont.) sov/1242 @-.TABLE OF CONTMM: .8hafranov'.'Plasma Filament "BragInekiy S 1. and. V. Do With ,,S*-I*,,:&nd'AiBo Nigdal. -Processes In a Plasma Braginskiy , -:.Column- During-Ra@14 -Inarease- of@ &: Current 7 -7 ,20 k@y,,. SM, V.D. Shatrazovo.,- Maeu Filament in Bragins . n'' tud the ft*pe ce (ir Ischat Inal Magnetic Field 2 'passagwot-14no-DWrents Through Plasma In -the.-Presence.,of A LonaltudirAl Waretiolield 81 Arsimovich,,,;* L.A. Magnetio Fju@t in &'Cor4pressing Cylinder 87 tsimovich'. I@Alysie,@-of -the'lquation.of Compression of a A r @L.Ai - Filament In the Presence of an External Kagnetio Field .101 Card 2/(N Nor- IM O - ON ROFM 9q, nr,,@YAI@e --. - I PON 11 KDErAN. V IN"I I. Bm. a =1TATzoN SWIM Almdem@y. -BSOR., Zn*titut atoonoy energll 7146 -Viazmy i troblem-upravl7*74kql*.tornopd*rnykh reaktOlys t. - M. (f]Asma ftysLas and the-Trobles:,of Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions, T--3) (Moscowl Izd-vo AN SSSR# 1958-- 369-p* -3,pOOO copies printed. -Reap.-Ed.t :Leontovich,, X#Asj Academician. PURPOSEt :This collection c6ntains,previously u npublish*d,work-of members.of the Institut atomioy energil (Institute of Atomic Energy). of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. It In Intended for scientists Interested In-thlatleldt -COVMIAGZt This book In the third of four volumes of previously unpublished work-of the members of the Instituti of Atomic Energy durIng the period.1951-0. That w*loltation cards on the. other volmes dA this series hav* been released-.vider the numbers 1241, 1242L, And 1244. CAN, 1/0, Ilassa"11hyalcis iMi-the PrOb1d* (Ocnts)v SOV/1243 TABLE:. OF COXTZNTSs Budker G.X@ Thera(Muclear.-Reaotions In a System With Nagnetta PiQ; (Xlrror�L On the Question of Direct Transformation of Nuclear Energy Into Electric Energy Audksr, Gor; - Some Problem -06nneated With Spatial Stability of a Ring cultraht in .Plasma :32 Belyayev.,-S''T.,,,-and G.1* Budker. Multlquantus Recombination in an Ionized Gas Belyayev, S.T. Kinetic Rquation for itareried oases in Strdng*'Fields 50 Belyayev, S.To Kination of an Xonix*d Gan In a Strong Magnetic Field Card 24 Plasma-Physios and the Pr6biez,;(Conto). SOV/1243 BabikovO V#V.,,t,.and.Vol.-tagftiA-Radiant Heat Lose of Donse 44h-tftp*r&t%15F,* 'Plasma 86 Kogan V.1'. Recombination Radiation of Hydrogen Plasma 99,@ Trubnikov, B"A. Slectromagnatio Waves in Relativistic Plasma. in. the .Pr,eqenoq of - a 1.4agnetio Field Xudryavtaev, ViS. Distribution Funotion of Electrons in a Plaoma Situated Xn a Magnetic Field 114, TrubnIkov., B.A-0., and A. Ye, Bazhanova. Magnetic Emission of a Plasma Layer 121-- Volkov, T.F, The-11roblew of Zecompozi-VdUmi of an Arbitrary Disoontinuity in a Continudiis Medium 148 Card'3/9 -3 LYWAIWV) Va Ve AUU MAUMP VO 16 "Radiant Beat Losses of -a Dense Ifigh Temperature Plasm." (Work carried out In IL955), pp. 86-98. "The Physics of Plasmas; Problem of Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions." Vol. Ti@,- 1958) published by lust. Atomic Energyj, Aced. Sci. USSR. re". ed. M. A. Leontovich., editorial vork V. I. Kogan, Available in Library. "wirldm". @tm.]v j@.@ YMAN, V. 1. "Recombination Radiation of Hydrogen Plasma." (Work carried out in 1956); pp. 99- 1030 "The Physics of PIANM8; Problems of Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions." Vol. I= 1958, published by Inat. Atomic Energyp 4ado Sai. USSR. reap. ed. M. A. Leontovich, editorial vork V. 1, Kogan, ;vailable in Library. pffi g-N; F-fi-M' :-Pt 31-P. ol*af,@@,TU ON, 11 RIK eM )XIN - - - - --- -- - - -- - - - - --- - - - -- - @- -- Y.()Wl--V. @ 0 - - - - -- - - - KOGMp Va I. "The Velocity of Equilibration:& Plasma" (Work - 1951),- -pp. 130-137- the TemPeraturOs Of Charged Particles in a rha physicsIof Plasma; Froblame of Control-led ThOrmOnuclear Reactions." Vol. is. 19581 Published by Inst. Atomic fterg@r.. Acad. Sci. USSR. resp. ed. M. A. Leontovicho editorial vork V. 1. Kogan. Available in rAbrary. KOMp Y. 1. and HIODALO.A. S. "The.Blectron TikpsratUre DGIMOdeInee of the Spectrum of the BremstraUmi or a Plasma" (Work - 1951)j (and revorked in Preparation for publication); pp. 172-177. "The Phoyies of Plasmas; Problem of Controlled. Themonue leer Reactions;" Vol. 1. 1958t -published by Inst. Atomic Norgy, Acad. Sci, USSR. resp. ed. M. A. Leontovicbp editorial work V. 1. Kogan. Avallable In Library. 0WOM top- -dV M WRI ANJ aviolt: Xoganp V. I# 89,2,11135 TITIZ: Electron Temperature and the Degree of Ionization in the First Stage of a Powerful Pulsed Discharge (Blektronnava temperatum i-stepen' ion nizatBii*.v nachallnoy stadii moshchnogo impul'snogo razryada)e PERIODICAL. Atomnayu Energiya, 195P, Mr 2, pp, 178--U0 (USSR)$ ABSTRACT: For hydrogen the magnitudes mentioned in the title are represented by, means of formulae) ionization taking place by a kind of electron men chanismi If the discharge takes place in the course of some As at from 0.05 t6"2mm tory hydrogen has in this special case., not the time to change over to any stabletstate. Therefore the thermodynamic description is no lbngerap@licable to the connection between electron temperature, and degree."of ionization. As a basis for the description of the relations the author assumed that the Velocity of ionization (*h) is about proportional to the numa ber of photons emitted per second, Furthermorej the'number of ionization acts j al te is c cula d by means of a vean".'Palmerquantum as a function of Lectron energy E, The following'magnitudes Are then calculated it there is a Maxwell distri- Card 1/2 bution 'of electron v' the temperature T.: Electron Temperature and the Degree of the,First 89-2-4/35 Stage oll. a Fmmrfu1,PaeeA Dischorge. a) The intensity of ionization < Ir bl) ThetotalAntensity of.Palmer lines T-e These two values are shown in form of a table toeether with for To N 0 to 3oo, eV* There are 2 tables, and 6 referencess 2 of which are',51avic. SUBUITTED: November U., 1957i AVAILABIE: Librar y of Congress. .Card 2/2 1. Fileotrone -Ionizing effeots 2a Hydrogen-Ionization 3. Gas disaharges-Properties AUT.11ORS: i3orzunov, 1.10 A# @@,oganj V. T.' Orlinskiy,, D. V. 89-2-42135 )f 'femperaturo-and the jogree of Ionization in t, nu Ira t, @tage of a etwerful IAilsed iAncharge (Otsenka elektronnoy temperatury i stepeni lonftataii v nachallnoy stadii moshchnogo I=* pul'snogo razryada), PEatIODTCA L,: Aomnaya Energiyao 1958, Nr 29 PP* 18o.163'(USSR). Ai;-_ Tit-KCT In a glass tube of a diameter of 18.5 om and a distance betmeen the. electrodes of 97 cm the discharge takes, place. As source of current a charged condenser battery of 35jLF was used. In all experLments the til Me current in 0 _@Xi= of the first half period attained about 25o kk, ,w apparatus for the registration of the radiation of discharge a Us- 0-vacuum photo-tube was used which had an integral sensitivity of 4o @tk/Lumen. 'rho distance between the cell and the discharge tube was nly -cm being eyposed-O The signa -33oo mms-6f the diLaharge tube:o -2o ' from thophoto@wtube were,directed to the deffector plate of a two b am, oscillographo Ylith,hy&ogen: pressure value., of Op3j Oj5P 1PO and 200 Hg, (initial,,prossure) the corresponding oscillograms were made* The experimental data - measured intensity of radiation in thevisible part of the spectrum-express the fo2.lowing: (,ard 1/2 a) 1.7ith a given initial pressure T changes only little within a lone Estimtibn nf Zlectron Temperature and the Degree of Ionization 89.2-12135 in the First k5taee of a powerful ALUed. Discharge, interval,$.that is to say.9 within the range in which a salient point is to be expected in the current curve* b)' Ylith increasing initial pressure Te reaches a value of about 4ev at 0.,1 Hg'and a value of about 205 eV at 2 mm Hg, c) The degree of ionization averaged with respect to the gas-discharge cross-section-amountas as'regards the salient point to to some pern c centa. There are.4 fivures, 2 tables) and 3 Slavic references. BUL@dj-PLD: September. 11 1957. A'-j ii I 'aLE'. Library of Congress* Card 2/2 1, Bleotrona-lonizing effeat4-Betimation 2* Hydrogen-Ionitation 3* fts disoharges-Proparties @..@-AYTHOR: Kogan, N. I.# SOV/413-22-6-19,128 TITLE: On t he Theory of the Broadening of Spectral Lines In the Plasma (K teorii.ushireniya spektrallnykh liniy v plazme) PERIODICAL: Izvostiya kkademli, nauk SSSR, Seriya fizicheHkaya, 1958p' Vol* 22, Nr 6, Pp. 714 717 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Thetheoretical results obtained with respect to the increase, of the broadening of spectral lines as a result of the Stark effect are derived, in which 'connection the excitation of the atom electric fieldp which is due to the acoumula- tion of a large number of m,ov,ing-charged particles, is,takon@.- Into account. Only in such a scheme is it possible rigorous- ly to apply the ratio between 'the statistical and the colli- sion method for the purpose of calculating the increase in width, which has hitherto been investigated only on the basis... of successive collisions of the atom with various perturbs- tion particlese This binary model is all the more adequate to the phenomenon, under investigation the greater in the radius of the inter-.' Card 1/3 action foroes.of the atoms and p6ticles. In the theory sug.-'' SOV/48-22-6-19/28 An the Theory of the Broadening of Spectral Lines in the Plasma gested it is'.aseumed that 1) not ofily.the Ions but also the electrons can be classical- ly des oribedp' 2) that Ithe position of the charged particles is reciprocal- ly- not correlated, 3) tfiat the-pertubing field is homogeneous throughout the entire,extenVof theatom, and 4) that the-int-eraction of the field with respect to the atom is adiabatic. -On @the basis of these assumption's it'followe thata, Fourier- expansion of the wave takss-p@aoep which adlzrosponds to the radiation of the pertubing equivalent oscillator, bywhich' the ahape is obtained for any Stark component in classically' 4diabatio approximation. There are I table and 10 refereness, 5 of which are @oviets ASSOCIATIO14: Moskovakiy innhonerno-fizichookiy. inatttut Card 2/3' ON 1 2.041 'Offin all 20-118-5-16/59 AXTRO9 Kogan, V, L TITLICt On the Theory of Spectral Line Broadening in a Plasma (K teorii ushireniya spektrallnykh liniy v plazme) PERIODICAM Doklady Akademii lauk SSSR'1- 1958, Vol. 1181 Nr 59 PP-907-910 .(USSR) ABSTRACTi The present paper reports on the results of the theory of the- broadening of spectral lines due to the Stark effect ' the perturbation of the radiating-atom by the electric field of a totality of a great number of moving charged particles being taken into consideration. Only such a system permits rigorously to investigate the relation between the statisti- oal theory and the collision.theory. This binary mo@el is the better adapted to, phenomenal, the greater tbe'radius of the interaction forces of the atom and the partiolese The following assumptions are zade@n the here proposed theory;' It is possible to describe ionaas well as electrons in a Card 1/3 classical manner. Their spatial distribution at a given mean On the Theory of Spectral Line Broadening in a Plasma Card 2/3 density is random* The perturbing field In homogenous and it acts adiabatically on the atom. On these assumptions the wave train emitted by the perturbed equiva:lent oscillator is represented by a Fourier series. This then furnishes the form of any arbitrary Stark component in a classical adiiLbatic approximation.-1 foimula is written down for theAntensity distribution of the Stark components. An expression for the just mentioned intensity is written downg taking into oonsi- deration only thoLionse This goneralized,statiptical-approxi- mation supplements the usual correction for the thermal move- ment of thsionse Then the intensity distribution of the Stark oompon*nt.for the quasi-binary case is written down. In thisoase the totality of the ions moving within the framework of theadiabatic model essentially redfices to the static Stark splitting of-the line by the mean field. The principal effeoto that is to say, the splitting; can. also be determined immediately. The results found here speak in favor of the unfoundednese of the often made assertion that.the broadening effsot'of electrons is small compared with the effect of ions in the linear Stark effect, The here found.expression is roughly speaking - the result of the superposition of two effects the displacement caused by 20-D, "-16/59 On the Theory of Spectral Line.Broadening in a Plasma ions, In the quadratic'Staik effect it is sufficient to take into consideration the perturbing particles of one type. Finally the admissibility of the initially given assumptions As examined* There are 12.reforenoes, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONi Moskovskiy Inshenerno-fisichaskiy inatitut (Moscow Institute for.Ingineering Physics PRESZNTZDt December 49 19579 by M. As Leontovichp Memberp Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTEDt December 39 1957 Card 3/3 -0-811 M 1: 21M [ All AMOR:' SOV/2.0-128-4-is/4_ TI TITLE: The Role of the-Radiation of Admixtures in the Energy Balance of a Plasma Cord PERIODICAL:, P1 Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 128f Nr 4P pp 702-705 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A Onelof the possible onergylosses of hydrogen or deuterium plasma is the radiation connected with the.existenoo,of:- admixturos. This radiation prevents the inurease of the' electron temperature and there are threetypes of thie'ridia- tion: the bremestrablung (free-free tran 18 itions), recombina-' tion radiation (free - bound transitions),-and Iiine-radiation (bound - bound transitions)-. At low temperatures the'line radiation is preponderant. Under conditions prevailing in.. this case of a rhrefied-plasma the temperature dependence of the effective rate of ionization Z f the admixture atoms off 0 is obviously,no,t determined by the Saha'formula.-The present paper u"lts of the important work by 0. Knorr (W-2) to estimate the'role of the admixtures' radiation. Card 1/4 in the energy balance of a concrete plasma system. It concerns g The Role of the Radiation of Admixturoo-in the Energy SOV/20-1284-18/65 Balance of a Plasma. Cord' in this case a cord which is heated by the magnetic field of the.current passing through it the jo@lean,heat. a The author.first discusses the role of a quantitatively, small admixturein theenergy balance of the plasma cord The temperature..,of,the ions and of the electrons is assumed,, The energy balance equations are written .down and explained. In contrast to its separate components the summary intensity of the admixtures' radiation'varies only very little within the temperatureAnterval investigated, There is a table with the values of different quantities appearing in the above-mentioned equations. When the admix- ture content is above 0.01 to 0.1%o'the admixtures have the main role in the radiation of the plasma. The natural measure of the role of the,admixttres in the energy balance is the ratio of the emitted energy to the Ohmic heat. 0 in valid, whereby N*@- %a n Qradiation/Q@oule critical ..i.e,the number of atoms of admixture per unit length of the cord. An expression for the ".critical" number of admixture- atoms per unit written down; a denotes the radius Card 2/4 of the fil:amente In a given admixturep N1 crit is of constant g MAE' W,_ lann The Role of-the'Radiation of Admixtures Inthe SOV/20-128-4-18/65 Knergy Balance of a Plasma Cord order of magnitude in the entire temperature interval examined#,The part-of energy carried off by radiation of the admixtures.depends under the present conditions on the absolute number of admixture particles in the crone section of the cord. The hitherto existing deliberations are than goneralized,to the case that the contribution of the admix- tures:In the cord-is not small* Thin case can be realized only in't stationary cord when there is,a low number of hydrogen ions in-tbe cross section. Finally the author gives, several conclusions; main conditions for the usability of, the results ofthe present paper areq(in addition to the previously described'aaeumption) a sufficient rarefaction of the plasma and.a sufficiently long discharge period. The upper limit of,tbe given'by the postulation that the excited*-4on-in the admixture has to be able to extinguish by the time of the next electron impulse. The author exMsses acknowledgemente to L, A, Artaimovich, M. A. Leontoviaho and S.I. Braginskiy for discussing the present. paper.-There are 1. table and5 referencee, 3 of which are Soviete' Card 3/4 Gas of- Charged, (or Gravitating) Particles PERIODICAL: Doklady Akaaemii nauk SSSR. ig6o, vol. 135, No. pp.-1374 1377 TEXT: The present paper was read at.the Second Confe.rence on Magneto- hyd-rodynamios hold in Riga in June 1960. Various characteristics of the multiple scattering of charged particles in a gas, whi-zh are usually cal- oulated according to the scheme of pair pollisions, contain integrals @hat diverge logarithmioally.for large distances Q. In the introduction$ papers are discussed, in which Q ' was investigated. The part played by max fluctuations of the, micro.field,in the determination of Q has hitherto max found little attentiong and who re it has been taken intc acoountf.errore have been committed. The scattering of a particle in a gas ia investi- gated here. Prooeeding from the square of the transverse increment of Card 1/3 'EMN." 87401 The Fluctuating Microfield and Multiple S/02o/60/135/006/016/037. Collisions In a Gas of Charged (or Gravitat- B019/BO56 ing) Particles At At-v the momentum.of this pa'ti '(Ap 2q' 4-T 'an r ole 0 0 0 expression Is obtained for the correlation coefficient which depends only on T, with the help of which the square of the trane- verse increment of the partiel a momentum: 2 2 2/,,ro) 1/2(v,/v )Oxp(_v2/v2) 8nn(q0q1 0 0 2 2 (9) is obtained. As follows from + a disoussion-of this result, conelderation of the effect of gas particles upon the test particle does not af feet the "binary" character of the scattering formula. In other words, mazy collisions "imitate" the pair oollisions, on the average. The part of the maximum length in'(9 is played by the quantity v At. As follows from a discussion of (9@, this expression may formally applied in' tho, range -c 1.1-rgoo I for a trin Card 211 - " , W "I - -,- '- , -- .. 1 -4-1 "1 - - I - .'.'I , , rill"'r-affl, W-MW,@,G @Tly @ : @@ I - : , , ',& MINE . -. k -1 1@ I I I I , - - 01, . i 0211,11. lp - .-VI, K J 9 r -NIS, Wwv@ IRIJ Az@&_ .4 apt, --.Loa ota iforso A the foll o - - #@ -- L 3530-66 EWT(d)/E11T(1 tWT(M)/F_EG(k),VEPA(w)-2 @P(C) AT 01@1 # 010-7boo O63/W�/ddg7j ACCESSION NHt AP501 5 A. Kh _@M%ORS:_ ArDfov, Khalikov, ff,- ki fLogan, p TITLE: Registration of secondary-electron currerM'Mh a set till counter (by the method of meai3ur-f-h-g-W~--Yo-Ta-l-Cuff-6nt) SOURCE: UzSSR. Izvestiya. Sertya fiziko-matematicheakikh nauk# no. 3, 1965j 29-3-1 ,TOPIC TAGS: secondary electron emission, scintillation counter, ;measuring apparatus !ABSTRACT: A method previously investigated by the authors (Izv.. 'AN UzSSR, seriya fiz.-mat. nauk.. 196.5. no. 2J. 16) for the measure- imnt of secondary-emission currentAfty counting the current pulses produced at the output or a pTFoT_omultipl1er when the secondary elec- trons strike a scintillator, to improved In the present Investiga- tion by using an oscilloscope to ifecord the total current from the photoinultiplier output and by bombarding the target with a modulated primary ton beam. The equipment and the experimental procedure are Card, -1/2 L 3530-66 !ACCESSION NR: AP5015452 idescribed in detail. Although the results are still tentatives It Is 15 concluded that the sensitivity of the method (up to 1 x 10 amperes .is higher than that of an eleotrometer, and the method offers also advantages of higher speed and insensitivity to a strong light back-'@ ground. A shortcom@ng of the mthad 18 the need for a high vacuum (on the order of 10-q m Hg). brig. art. has: 1 figure. ASSOCIATION; Fiziko-tekhnicheBkiy institut AN t1zSSR (Physicotechni- cal Institute, AN UzSS.R.11 PY145, - SUBMITTED: 02jun,64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NP NR REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 001 Card ARTFOVI U.A.I_KOGAN, V.I.t KHALIXOV, AoXh* Use of a aointl1lation counter In recording a stream of secondary electrons when ntudylng secondary Jon"electrrn emission with the aid of the pulBe counting method, 1mr. AN @Z. SSR. Ser. fiz.- mat. nauk 9 no.2116-22 .165,, (MIRA 18:6) 1 Riziko-tokhniabeekiy.Inatitut.AN UzSSR. go Is . '34. - W-1 v @ ml@,--w . 0 pvp@ I = - m 14 ;- IN I I ME MM@ L 2$372:f& EPF(n)-W"A(h)/Ou(i)A-M.(f)AWG(s) Y.JP(C) AT ACC NRs AP50264yn SOURCE CODE: up,/OM/65/Y4/00.-t/M8/lOU AUTFOR: Abram Kogan, V. I V. A. OW: none TITIZ: Study of a,tbdto volum *f-MgM ius SOME% AN SSSR. Dokls4s v. iAt no. 196% woe-iou TOPIC TAGSt inhawgeneous plamp plasm radiatlon,, spectral energy distrilr-ttion ABSTRACT: The authors show that when detandaing the losses to reMation fr4mk a fini-te volume,of -witlIF-olmItaneouivallinaned f or tho nonequillbrius pqpul&@ tion of the levvls- and thw-reebtorptibn @ of- the radiation., there to no need fdr a rigorous approach rich as @ufisd by Be ftst (ft@sluu of Plasm Dynamics (Clauser., ed.), 1960, p. 30).. and that it Is sufficient to determine the integral flux of the out- going quanta, for vhIch simple and convenient formal solutions can be obtained* Thle conclusion Is demonstrated for a tito-level plasm In a finite volume. The dapendence of the number of quanta emitted on the dimensions of the system Is determined for bath radiation proportional to the volume of the plasm and the radiation proportional to the surface area. Limiting formulas are presented for three types of radlation ccming uniformly from the entire volume# surface (Planck) radiationp and Instantaneous volume rMiation. The approximate ranges of the parameters of the three types of rediation are indicated. This report was presented by Academician M. A. laontowich. Orig. art* has-. 1 figure and 13 formulAws SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DAT%t OSMO/ opm Rat oo3l oTH Rv: oo6 MC 1 535.2 Card 'd ACC NRt AIN5034752 SOMM CODE 66/17q/oo5/ajA4/l&7, AUMOR: Vasillyov,, A. Pe;:K06an,@--v. ORG. none TITLE i Contribution'to"tbi the .olt@"O:f indiati -on irarisport in plmma SOURCE: AN SSSR..Doklady,, v. 1761 noo'.5p 1966, 2044-1047 TOPIC TAGS:, transport eq@ition.,.r_adiation energy, Integral equation., approximatiw methodo plasma radiation, ABSTRACT: The authors discUss'l-dIfficiulties involved'in solving the radiation-tranapor@ equation,, connectoO primarily with the hot that'the kernel of the intearal *qUation for the transport of resonant; radiation does not decrease sufficiently rapidly. ith- w -distance) making this:@equationdirr4duoibld to 4 7diff6rential form0 Physically' this makes the radiation-transport'squation~~'different from diffusion equations and @npos_ sible to solveby a diffusion approxl@ztfon. Xt is shown that this Is not always-the case, and that the total frequency -,redistribution 'occurring during the rea-radiation act does not by itself lead to the non-diffuse nature of the radiation-transport pro- cesse 'The analysis Is carried out for ionization equilibrium between an Impurity in a plasma of -finite dimensions, using a simple model of a hydrogen-like atoms vhose electron can be either at a single discrete level or in a continuous spectrum. It is' further postulated that in all-types of radiation the transport is accompanied by com- plete redistribution of.the frequencies during the re-radiation act. The causes,of Card .1/2 UDG: 535.2 @7 J F ARG034800 SOURCE. CODE UR/0398/G6I000/008/A016/A0I'G i AUTUOR: Kogjn, @.Vj A thin stub wing in a unbounded flow SOURCE: Ref.:zh. Vodnyy transport, Abs. BA94 REF SOURCE: Tr. :.Le.ningr# in--ta" vodn. tiansp., vyp. 81, 1966, 40-49. TOPIC TAGS: thin wing, stub wing, ship, vortex, -flow analysis, flow characteristic'. ABSTRACT: An attempt to mad e, to, evaluate. the effect of the boundedness of flow on the linear partof a transverse h@drodynamic force and its moment for a stub wing. . Such a problem can be encountered when studying a ship's stability in shallow.waters. Fjs taken as < 0. 2. A simulated ship hull is considered'as a thin rectangular. wing and the free surface of the water is considered as a solid screen.: The problem of flow around the wing situated between two walls amounts to that of the flow around an infinite grid,of stubs. The wing is replaced by a system of bound vortices. Two cases are examined: a circulation is of constant 1/2 UDC: 629.12:532 card KWANjj V.:Kh- loganp V. Kh. #On the pro'blem of foreign substances in-the Wart#* SbOrnik nauch rabot eyakogoppitaUy i Xafedry, obahchey chirurgii (Irkut. ob. otd. zdravookbraneniyas Irkuto goo* zed. in-t),,-(Irkutsk)s 1948, p. 20-29 50t U-2888,, Let,-Via Zhurnallnykh Statey, No. lp 1949 '00 "1 N 'Owl RU., KODAN9 V. XR. Kogans, V. Kh. *X-ray diagnosis of bullet wounds of large joints," 3 Ot U-28889 Letopis Zhuraallnykh Statsys, No. Is 1949 R, MGAN -I(h "I-Ray Obsei-vationo of Gunhhot Wounds of the Lungs and Pleura." Thesis for degree of Dr. Medical Sci. Sub 10 Jan.50, Central Inst for theAdvanced Training of Yhysicians Su="Y 71, 4 Sep 52. Dissertations ftesented _fqr Decree ja Science sa Engineering @Ln .Moscow in 19JO. From Vechernypl MosiLvat Jan-Doe 1950. 77 tWAS. T.Kh-; EIZU"11k, VASIUNSKIYO Intra-trach"I Penicillin thoraff (it Pulmonary Supparatio4so Sovet.'med, 16 noo :715-8 July 1932. (CUM 22 14) 1. 11potessor for vasilevskirl; Doctor Medical Sciences for Kogan., g. of the Ro$pitsl Therapy Clinic'I'Yaroslavll Medical Institute* Uk V, ;P- Apiis gt@ Z g 1- gOgN 1.00,111-11; W-61 KHRROV, V.Ko;. AKOSOVA# X#Xo;. 7ALKWo P.Ko', professor, !aveduyushchly;- low V#Kho dotsent, saveduyushchly, Treating eczema by X-ray irradiation of tho'higher centers of the central nervoua system. Vest.rintsi rad. no.2.-16-19 Mr-Ap '53. (MM 6%6) 1. Wedra koshnykh i V'enerioheskikh bolesney Taroelavskogo maditainekogo insiituti (for Mu)yrov, - Amosova andlalkan). 2. DLf edra rentgeno'14li Yarceinvokogo miditsinskogo instituta' (for Khmwr6v. Amosova and XoVLn)- (lossma) (Nervous system) (X-isys-Therapoutio use) I g2'.1 g 1 gq- Al R I IMN WS, 04 S1263/62/0W101 1/02M 1007/1207 AUTHOR. Kogan, V. Kh. and Semikolennyth, A. N. TITLE: Device for the graphical recording or 7.rays PERIODICAL: Reteratlynyy zhurnal, otdel'nyy vypusk. 31 Imeritel'naya tekhnika, no. 11, 1962, 64, abstract 32.11.469. "Med. radlologlya", v. 6, no. 12, W. 56-58 TEXT: Brief description is given of a device for y-topography designed in the radiological faculty of the Yaroslavskiy meditsinskiy institut (Yaroslavl Medical Inititute); the device. represents a scintillation-sensing element electrically connected with a 5-2 (B-2) typo unit and mechanically, with a scanner. A photomultiplier of the 03Y 19-M (FEU 19-M) type is also included in the circuit. The sensing element has a lead shielding and a conical-channel collimator. A thin lead filter for scattered radiation was mounted in front of the scintillation sensing crystal. Each pulse from the scintillation-sensing element, transmitted through a scaler to an electro- magnet is recorded on paper tape by strokes of the magnetic armature on carbon paper. The device desc- ribed, has been used for X-ray records of a thyroid gland, after the patient received a radiation dose of 25 to 50 mir.Tocuries of 1131. There are 3 figures. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.) Card III W411'0151211'@k V M n R N --- - ------ -Y. Xh. Prof@ Review of the book by A.H* Rubasheva. "Partial X-@ra-y diagnosis .of diseases of the bones and jointsouN.,Kho Kogan Veatn. rentgen, i.radiol, 39 noe402-84- JI-Ag'63 NM 17t2) .. .. , - '-f- - r,. @ I @ -- - , - , - ARBATSKAXAq -TuaDs; PSTROT, D.1#j FISIMM, R-YA*S C=OVA# M.S. Studying patients in the first stage of hypertension with an initial cerebral myiilrome in connection'with their working conditions* 2hure nevre I paikh, .56 no.61:472-477 o56. (MLRA 9:8) 1. lafedra mahabno-tru&ovoy.ekspertity (sav. prof, 1.1.30golspov) TSentrallnogo institute usoveishenstvaVanlys, Trachey I TSentrallmy institut ekspertizy trudomposobnoott I trudovogo ustroyetya Invall4ov (dIrs,- profs O,,I,Sokol'nikov)#.Xomkva- (HYPUTUSIOUP -complo funote'dlsords of brain intelegraphars,,determo of clin. manifest.") funate d1sords In telegraphers with hypertension, determ. of alias. mattif sate) (OCCUPATIONAL. DI cokebral funct. disordo in telegrapbers with bypertenslou,,daterm of olino.manifeet.) IOWP VOM. ftw mthoCof'**gWfftimg it 00?Wulm moment of a single-rotor aP$riOcUO 0*00=PWO, Infom abor. TSNMW no.74i Sudomb. i eviasl no.'19.932-40' 1@62. (MIM .1616) 6 (7) AUTHOR:- Kogan, V. S.-, Senior Engineer TITLEi The Experience of the7Moooow Automatic Subscriber Telegraph. Exchange With Fully Automatic System" (Opyt raboty Mookovskoy stantsii ATA po polnoivtom'aticheakoy aisteme) PERIODICALs Vestnik avyazi, 1959, Hr 4, PP 14 16 (USSR) 7- ABSTRACT3 All Moscow telegraph subdoribers may establish fully auto- matic connections, equipment of their correspondents in other.t W -to an automatic subscriVertblo- 9 ns,io connected graph exchange. An automatic metering device developed by TsNIIS performs the tariff classification. The calling subscribers must be well acquainted with the signals used with the-different squipment, since the exchange of the -oubecriber~tilegraph,:netvork-,are built aoaording@-to differ ent systems. of the Moscow exchange train the subscribers to distinguish the different signals. The.lack of automatic responders reduces the efficiency of the automatic system, but recently Soviet industry beganthe production of AST-2 automatic responders for the ST-35 Card 1/2 apparatus which may also be used on the STA apparatus with