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22)48 S/049Z61/000/002/006/012, @D242/U301 Seismic.abser-vations... .by.noting..the.-agreement.of,.their-observ'ations.-with'those made,..Hallett and..Mirnyy stations duriug -the-earthquake- of .Deeember-9 ' 11957 and nbt'con- sider.the neighboring.,areas-of.,the.Atlantl'c.,and.Indian-Qceans par,t--.of.., the@Zast.Antarctie.@Platform...-There.are 6.figur6s, 1 table-and.s.references.*.,4-Soviet-bloc and-l...uon-Soviet-bloc. as follows:-F.-F- Evison,.C Z.- Ingham-and.R. H. Orr: Thickness of the Earth's P@ust inlCa;ctic. Nature j. 183,. No .1, 1959. ASSOCIATION::Akademiya.-nauk-SSSRO Institut,,fiziki..zemli (Academy of~Scietices-USSR,.Institute-of-Physics-of the Earth) SUBMITTEDt.. September.19, 1960 Card 6/6 m I -27-,-44-4 Ak Y. 0 G A 811VEMAYA A G. C-reactive protein in the cerebropplual fluld and blood serum-In infectious paychoseso Zbur* nevr. i pglkh. 65 no-6:883-887 161,i. .I --tA 18;6) Kafedra psikhlatrii (zaveduytshchiy - prof. D,S. Ozeretakovakiy) I Laningradskogo medltsinakogo instituta Im. Pavlova i kafedra palkhlatril Voyenno-maditalnekoy ordona lAnina akadomli Im. Kirova, Leningrad, - I - - - V@111--X-@M M3, ;w -Ywb,. '" ,mZtu5iiiF -F@w@qi !" Q -,I YIF'@ -------- ---- XOGAND ShbL-. lake vegetation of Tashans Province. Ixv.AN Turk.MM no.5.-63-69 (mm 9. 1. Institut biologil AM Turkmeaskoy &M. (Tasbaus Province--Aquatic plimts) 11 k, A MUll M.-V M% 111 15011 ;IRIINIVE, WR UWR/Soil Science, -Physicel and Mordeal Properties of Soils# Abs Jour Hof Zbur Diol-, No 22, 1958, 100012 Author Palotskaya) L.N. , -JAvrov). A6F.) AZpn, Shlo Inst Title The Pre-31cm 010 Porvue Takyr Crust Formations. Oric, Pub Po,,hvovedoniye.- 3.958, No 3,, 34-41 Abstract Experimantal investi@ntions by the authors in the Univeratty of Diolo(@7 in TurkmenSM indicated that the fornation of pores in takyr crusts takes place as a re- sult of physico-chemical _processes occurrin(: in avie- cous nediun ofa carbonated bacLt;round at contrasting temperature conditi6as.peculiar to deserts. Porosity of the.takyr crusts is caused by C02 liberated during Vic- decomposition of the Ca and Na.hydrocarbonates in the pracess of crust desiccation when the soil soluti3a is being heated. , A, prelirAnary decomposition of the hy- drocarbonates by prolonrod boilinC of the w@ter Card 1/2 24 USSR/Soil Science Physical and Che,-dcal Pr@@perties of Soils.. Abe Jour Rof,Zhur Diolij, No 22, 1956o 100012 suspensimand rew@ax of Cpnerated CO pore formations are not nAiced& Carbon ,dix*ddo of a gioloGical oriLln in the formation or takyr-crust porosities plays a sub- ordinate role on aicaunt of the General suppresion of biol.:)Gical processes in takyrs. V,N. Sukharova Card 2/2 , Or"ifW I - @ --- - -, g @.- @, -, II - 41 R -'i' - i@rya, m i -. -.. ;q , t, - 1 KOGAN Sh It Trud A R Overgrowth of the Karakum Canals: 7 Gidroblol 14t176-183. 163. Algae in reeervoirg-of the Turkmen S.S.P. Ibid.s184-200 .(MIRA 176) 1. Institut, botaniki AN TUrkMeilskoy SSRj Ashkhabad* RUM" yptp- P k-op@ ggg--w -, PW' @44 V R A P50 17187 AUTHM. Kog'an .TITLE: First congress of the All-Onion Hydrobiolovical -,c@ciety SOURCE: AN TurkmSSR. Izvestlyd. Seriya biologicheskikh nauk, no. 3, 1965, 90-93 -TOPIC TAGS: biology, bionics@ biologic ecology ;.P'@_IWACT The AII-UnionAy@ was I 1?1j 7 @"It io not hol-I 1. 5r s t -i_.-,@sand attendEd this me.-tii@g convenecl 7 plenary sessions ind I Iy mp s _m -f -?a,. and oceans, biological resources @@Id@., 37' 7!-@-101',F- 111,11,irohi@,Iogy, wat,-r vn'@ - T, r' a IK e a n'l 1 !f-7- -gag isms irr! t' er @i rq j-@ _j I at ed cw : n i i and physic iLogical aspects of hydrobiology; (7) re-orslr-j-tion c)! the Tauna ani flura ?s )f water; (9 ) engineering @@ylr,@' ; n1 -)gy In Card 1/2. - -11 '@ '_e)13 A-ESSION MR: AP5017067 P;i-r- -xi,@e)logv 10) primary prod,iction and -@r-!lu@t i-n Ir v -1 -gd@lisms' --ill u;It ic @'T q 'A k IN @nqt itut botanin! A.Y Turkmens'r,_@', A@l -@xki%n r K OC-. AN S. KH, DECEASED R 411 P 10 @l --- -: 7t.PuRrMirs oil 4 1 4 0 a to "T A lot a 0 9 a 0 a a Ar a Is 0-0 Was; J 0 A AL-A -10 . j two c 000 of utbtm A. V. 1 #b j . . Ito- i em ts. 00 9111.3 1 . 001 kill I S-T- -t. .... ............. 304 0 l w f 6 U IQ die, IV a % IF 1 lit MISS fti 0. a 1 9 N 9 A S 3 6 If 11W 0 0 0,111111111 9,1111 0 9, 111 1 @ e o * 0 , 0 0 0000 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 n .0 14 _*. 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 a 0 010, 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 o 0 I I .@ -l"i, 'I-i@ RE ; ,- -, V"; @ .1 @ - * 431"M 1 A@4 "I @111 1 1110 171 -@7 - - - t, U.1-- - I M OP -REM @*_7W 7@ Alf in LtflL7 VAIN VAR. IL V. Limid- a' -PON mumsyl d ed r od ma 4 6 i L 2 Is " , I l t oomw strip s&" L --------- ow d 111164" "it elf "0 024411 am a" all A 561@iw 041,10 as1 0. 4. sp, it it it 'IfIV a s 8 "d a a it I ff IN 0- 0 10-0-0 -* 0 Its 10 1 1 " 0-0- -ILS a A'A a 0 01111110jr-- / :@f 1 5 .:If. -. . ......... Agw e",g-9 KOGANO S.M., red.1 WNSKIT, P#A#, (Traffic regulations In cities and on roads of the Uzbek G.S.R.] Pravila dvishentia po uliteam gorodov I dorogam Vabakskoi SM. Utvarzltdeny postanoylanism Soveta Ministrov Usbekskoi SSR no-784 ot 16 dekabria 1937 g. Vvedeny v daistvis a 1 lanvaria 1958 g. Tashkent,,Goooizd-vo Usbakskol SSRj 1958, 9? p, (MIRA 13:2) (Usbaki.etan--Traffio regulations) BIM IMM, Boris Is4MIch professor; KOGAN, S.K. j, rodaktor; PIMASOTO Is,* taktinicho'skly'rodaktiio', [study on tbo history and development of e'urg'ical services for the population of Usbokistan) Ochork litoril'i kasvitiia, khtrurgiabookol ipomoshchl naselo@liu Usbekskol SER. Tashkent, Oos.izd-vo Usbaksk6i Sao 1956. go p . (MA 10:4) iUsbaki stan-Surgery-NI story) 16(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2061 Baranenkov, G. S.p Boris Pavlovich Demidovich,4Y. A. Yefimehko, S._& Kogan, G. L. Lunt&, Ye. F. Porshneva, Ye. P. Sycheva, S. V. Frolov, A-.Ya. Shos-T k, and A. R. Yanpol'skiy Zadachi i.upraihnenlya po matematicheekomu anallzu dlya vtuzov (Problems and Exercises in Mathematical Analysis for Vtuzes) Moscow, Fizmatgiz, 1959. 472 p. 4 :0,000'capies printed. FAJ. (Title page)s Boris Pavlovich Demidovichl Tech. Ed.s K. F. Brudno; Ed.'(Inside book): N. At Ugarova. PURPOSEs This book is approved by the USSR Ministry of Higher Education as a textbook for students of vtuzes, especially correspondence students and. evening students specializing in mechanical engineering. It way also be used for independent study. Problems and Exercises in Mathematical (Cont.). SOV/2061 COVERAGEs The book Is a collection of 3193 problems on higher mathematics (excluding analytic geometry) arranged in systematic order for,vtuzes. At the beginning of each chapter a short theoretical introductiont necos- sary formulas# and solutions of more important typical problems are given. Answers are given for all problems*and for the more complicated ones hints and drawings are provided, making the book more useful to correspon- dence students. The a'uthors,give special attention to the more important parts of the subjectg'such aeg calculation of limits, differentiation and integration technique# construction of graphs, application of differen- tial and integral calculus, seriest and solution of differential equations. Chapters covering these subjectsp therefore tontain more problems than the others. The authors thank Docent S. N. Kuzlmint Docent Ye.A. Lubny- Gertsyk, Instructors N. V. Sakharov, G, V. Tolstova, and L. Z, Yudelevichs Professor A. P. Yushkevicho Docent I. N. Bronshteyn, Ye. A. Soboleva, the Moskovskiy energetichoskiyinstitut (Moscow.Instituto of EnergetiLs) Vsesoyuznyy zaochnyy inzhonerno-stroitollnyy insitut (All-Union Civil Engineering Correspondence Institute)9 Docent R. S. Gutert and N. A. Ugarova, editor of Fizmatgizt for help in preparing the book. There are no references. BARANENKMt O.S.1 DEMIDOVICH# D.P.; V.I.; JIOGAN S M.; LUNTSp G.L.; PORSMMAp YOOFO; UU11 Ap Ye P ; novv@'@ W. R.7a.; YANPOLISIM# A,R*O'*l TGANT40'NoAtp -red.; SHOLYANSMp MA.p red,; BRUDNOt' X.F, ptoldm, red, [Problow and exercises in mathemiLtioal ana3ypis for shools of higbor education) Zadaohi i upraoblieniia po matematiobookomu ana- li= d3la vtuzm-,Izda2.ot i0pre Moskva, Goo, izd-vo fislko'- - matela. Ut-ryg 1961., 472 (KUtA 24, 8) (Hatbomatical analyoi#-Problemot exeroiaost otop) I'R I @ MTIWGOFg Fedor Pedorovichp prof.: XQ NURAXATBTA, A.Zol, reds; M(ANSKIYg_?,,Aop takhredo ElPsy0hosets and pay;4q ohanpe In opidemlo snosphelltial olinical aspeots and coursaj Paikhosy i pulkhichaskle ism*- nenlis pri apidemlohaskom 6ntsefallteg klinika i toohanis. ------- --- _:VsUkekol`_89M- 1q60*:-_326- (KIRA l4t2) (MUSALITIS) (WWAL EURM) LIVINSON, L. I. -, _XMAL-14. "daktor;,DMIDOTA, L.F.j, tokhuichookiv rodaktor CTho experlenc6 of Immovators In the RTashtskstillmosh* p4ntl Cvyt nawaibroy zav"oU Oftebtskstilloash.0 fashksnt,'Gos.@ikd-mvo Uzbek SSR, 199@. 28 p. (HLRAi (Tashkent-Textile machinery) WE up-mmm"'m mum, MY It k OF -'@ IRS-, 19 F! KOGAN. SON*, rodakt6ri IMMIDDIAS WN, takhatchooldy rodaktor Min castiog$ proaticoo- of the Ifoshoollmah I a4d Tashkent .0icaystor plantel Arkov6s litlel is opyta sayods Olsobselfwahl i Tashkentskego okokavttoftego savods. IsoWntp Gostisd-vo Usbekskol M 1936. 4# p. (mm 10:7) FUIM, Valentin Andrayevich; IOW, 8.14*#, redaktor- RMKLTULLI]i, 7.9* tekhnichaskly.redaktor roagem, blastIng of white oast.1ron In.tbe forsbearth of a cupola furnace; practice of the *TasheallwashO.and *Usbeksellmashw plants] Produvka belogo chuguna kislorodom v kopilinike v4ranki; is opyta savoda "TasheellmshO I. "UsbeksellyAsh". Tashkent, Goo. Isd-vo Usbekskoi SSR. 1956. 54 P. (HI2A 10:6) (Cast Iron-Ketallurgy) (Cupola fuzmaces) -, HIM- 'Itg -'555 RM 4 'GPM LIBYBNSON, Uou 4.9.,, redmktor@; MnWA, L.I., takhnichaskikh ro"ktor CRalsing the toohnologtool level of "ohine coustraction; the preatice of th@:wT&ohtokmtII."m@h8 plant] Povyshouie tskhnologic)%nostl kon struktsii; is ap3rta sayoda OTashtektoillmashoO Tashkent, Gas* Ixd-vo Usbakskoi WR, 19560 26 p. (Jaft 10: 1) @R MMURP. Wigwam GARTMAN. V.A.;. GRUZAT, A.T., 1: IMILLOTO G.A.; JUL, 8 x redaktor; BAKRUTULLIN, P., tekbnicbeekly redaktor ECentrallsed drying end cleaning of raw cotton at procusmat stations] Opyt teentrallsovannoi sushki I oobletki khlopIcs-- syrtask ne sagotovitel'afth punktokbe Tashkent, G G.Lsd-vo -6) UsSSR, 1956-@ 32.p,, (Mi 10. (cotton), @J InN PRAYS pjUkb@4A lqbj-gR=GHUK, N SHISTERI-Grigoriy Aronovlcbj-AQ0AKj_S*w v of Ways of-videning the'raw material souroes for the bristle and brush ligustrys Noike-obuveprome no*8:11-13 Ag 162. OML 15t8) (Broom and.brush industry) (Fibers)' RITAX, 'A:.V. ".-mlopient avid locati rt r4trolew-. reflning anterpriaeo# Seft.khoz. 41 no.8t3,-5 Ag 163, (MIRA l71.10)@' -ijiF NO III ON q_ a-waawwabmumonw- vowwwwanowwwwww4p ACCUSION IM: ArW.IM3 6 /6@/000/002/0 .7 AMCFW S Do A. (Koscpw); Kagarko SSAO (moo-COW) TITrZ j @jdvsAjSjti6d" yet city -and cirstfc@at-:, 0 P -acety 'on Ascomposition in,vertical tubes diametirs.for' ure 1 0 SaMs Zbwfta VdXUOACV SOMMAW 1, telftidwsk6r fisiki p no. 20 IAI, 1611. TOPIC'TAW f dec rmi a - ItIon ;nOmp, ocetylene Ilawf fum iur,916". JACOMplete 'j@a' Aid-opgoitiong-flame pvopaga;lou#.@cri Leal dLametar t I t see Y 0 _V.or ace tylene.dow"ItLon flames in 50.1= 21i namma veloai* A diameter vertiml tubes vas detswined uning the measurtumt tAcbnlqufts IWIIvICwI3F emjIployea- by the - authors (Nor"LIUMM skorost' p1mcni raspeda -chistogo afteUlanso Dokl. AN SWRO 1,963j, to 3,500 no. 6)o V&b&es of U and apparent velocity V (LWS/A vhere 0 tube a secticnal.,ares; A - f2mw surra4w area) am platted versus pressure (in atm). In the pressure ronge 2*5-5.0 ats the magnitudes at V are shown to be 2*5 t1mes larger.tho those revafted. br Go A* CUMIDVV A4, Re N&Up no A@Aoa M and A* He Otraker (Doe n,q a or eastyle" and wthyl acitylatielp 8-th 'i SYMP016 (latern)* Cadmat.0 29fts, Be ItIamM, PO' 50% 510)- TMO diffftwee may be V9 AUTHOR: Ivanov, B, A. (Moscow); KogaE@@_S-,,J4,- (Moscow) ORG: none 'V TITLE: Concentration limits of flame Ain jropaLft@@on acetylene-oxygen SOURCE: Fizika goreniya I vzryva, no. 4, 1965, 84-8'f TOPIC TAGS: flame propagation, combuotionp acetylene, Ignition limit, propul'al.on ABSTRACT: Previous work had shown that at atmospheric pressure there in no up;er concrntration limit for flame propagation in acetylene mixtures with air and oxy gen. This work deals with the experimental investigation of concentration limits of fla= propagation in acetylene-oxygen mixtures in relation to pressure. The follovin,g experimei.tal arrangermnt was used: Card 1/3 ACC NR, to osewoscope Fig. arrangement I - Experimental vessel;@ 0, 4' 2 - ignition electr6dea; 3 - toniZation C%Mter; 4 - resi8iance--5 - ele,- T To hIgb- trostatic volt' meter; rositTl; Oltage uource 6 a CaPacitor ---tometei- Card 2/3 20768-66 ACC NR, AP6011508 400 Fig. 2. The dependence of the limiting Ica pressure of flame propagation on the composi- tion of the acetylene-oxygen mixture.- foo T 16C f.4 0 Z. 20 40 60 so I?,$ W It was found that acetylene-oxygen mixtures,have a well-pronounced lower concentra- tion limit. There is no upper concentration limit, since flame propagation is poszible in pure acetylene up '.o a lbriting initial presaltv of 0.65 abs. atm. The value of the lawer limit determined in this work coinc..@,es with that determbied previously for atmospheric pressure ' The dependence of the ignition energy on mix- ture composition., and electrode gap are discussed. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 1 table. 1V51 SUB CODE: 21 GUBq DATE, 27MAy6@/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF, 002/ ATD FRESS, Card IA !i36.46 ACC Ng: A_P6010i_5i'_ SOURCE COM Uk/0076/66/040100.1761441OTil) AU11HOR: Basevich, V. ya.; Institute of Chemical P@Jaica, Academy of Sciencea SSSR (Institut adalchesk6y Fiziki, Akademif nauk SSSR) TITLE: Discharge tube as a source of atomic orLgon 6 SOURCE: Zhurnal fizich"kay khimii, v. 40, no. 3, 1916, 744-746 TOPIC TAGS: oxygen atom, oxygen'$ radical, combustion, propulsion ABSTRACT., Until now, flowdischarge tubes for generating atomic gases have been empirically developed to -yield' a maximum of atomic gas. In the present study an equation describing the concentration profile in a glow discharge tube was solved to ebtain an expression for the oxygen atomwconcentration as a function of tube length, oxygen concentration, power in-p-W-F, @an Wfusion coefficients. The results showed that tile maximum concentration of oxygen atoms is obtained aL an optimum length of the discharge tube. A further Increase in tile tube length increases only "he electric power consumption, but does not Increase the oxygen atom concentration. Orig. art. has: 8 formulas and 2 figures. 1PV) SUB CODE: 21/ SUBM DATE: 2lApr65/ ORIG REP: 0011 On( REP: 005/ ATD PUSS NVI & 9! Card I BARANENKOV, G.S.1 MIDOVICH9.B.F., YBFIYZNKO, V.A.; XOGAN S M LUNTS, G.L.; PORSHNEVAp Ye.F.; SYCHEVA, S.V.; SHOSTAKj R.Ta.; YANFOLISKIY, A.IL; BAYEVA, A.P.# red.; BRUDNOO-X.F.p tekbn. red. (Problems and exercises in mathematical analysis] Zadachi i uprazbneala po matematichaskomu analizu dlia vtuzov. Pod red. B.P.Damidovioba, lzd,,4., ispr. Moskva, Fitmasgisp 190 472 p. (MIRA 16:.10) o W to* MI@A 1831.0) rt; re institilta (r-,ktor Imme Ibex. interaction of spin waves with vilbrations of lattices. Fliamt*'* .3'280-182,156.. (WA& Otli) 1. Xoskovs#iy, goevAarsti.rihm uxiivirsitst Imul XoT.Lononovoy'se 14ttlce theory). (Forrosimenstion) 67306 AUTHORS: X* SOV/161-'A-8-11/32 Bonoh-BMevioh#1# Lot Kogant Sh. - TITLE: On the Theory of, -the Electron Plassa in Semiconductors PERIODICAL:' Fizika tverdov@tela, 1959olVol 19 Nr 89,pp 1221 - 1224 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Pirst,- preri@ii,@VA_pers -are briefly centioned, Although Us-, an--.- eats of -the- a.ohwi@ier- e,quatioIn offers no principal diffio-ultitof p its practioal @potup. is I more difficult than in the.general-case sinae.iii.~geiiiral,,-interaotion energy has to be considered not only In q4ihtii@jiveraging but also in statistical averaging. Thereforej ths,jpres ,ent,paper isconfined to an approximate@, ' : polari.r problem, The v*#6.i operatorg the mass -operator, and @ the zation operatoil are.expanded in.series acoordingto the coup.., ling oonstant,,h6wever, in consideration of.only the first non- vanishing - terms @Xnowledge of the "free". Green function (0) (zly) I T Fermi is sufficient (y))> given by for-oaloulating,-D The symbol > means aver Ing over the:@- 1 canonical aseembly,in the"nondisturbed system, 1 -and @ denote the Fermi operators; x,,j the pointa in four-dimensional,.Spacel of of the spin.indioess Por-simplioityp the above formula is Card 1 An explicitly written down only fornon-degenerate zones* A4) SO/ 9 -5/40 AUTHORSi kensht yn 4-': x Volt ogan# Sh, M. TITLEt Influence of-th'O@Iliumination on the Adsorptive Capacity.and Catalytic Activity',of Semiconductors PERIGDICALi Izvestiya kkademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheakikh nauk, 1959P lir gl,PP,1536-1545 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The adso4tive.capanity of -a semiconductor is expressed by the, number N of the molecules adsorbed with the gas on the surface under conditions of equilibrium. This number varies at irradit- tion.with rays'which-may be absorbed by the absorbent. The fo'l- lowing studies .1 in-this,field "are quoteds.Terenin (Refs 2j6), _ Myasnik6v_(Rsf;5)j Psheshetskiy (Ref 5), Solonitsyn' (Refs 6t7)1,'- Kiselevv@Krasillnikov*.Sysoyev (Ref 8)..-k variation.of N can be.,,.ohanging the pressure in the adsorptionepace@ when-turiing irra-diation-on and off. In this case photo-ad- sorptioA and photo-desorpt.ion may occur,, irradiation, however, canlalsoremain inactivel'The conditions for the possible.. three veactions are@ mathematically developed by means of the electron- theory of semiconduators. 'Adsorption and desorption may ocou.r if Card 1/3 light,,oauses a chemical change of the adsorbent$ an apparent sov/62-59-9-5/40 Influence of the Illumination on tho.Adsorptive Capacity and Catalytic Activity of Semi conduc tors-', -chemical chafige.Vif light causes a change in the adoorbed- molecule. Tho.olectron-theoretical investigation is carried out,- on thoexample of' an-aocep-tor gas and free lattice electrons. -It,,. was further, "sumed that@adsorption is represented by, solidly bound paitiol.9-9 and desorption only by weakly bound particl#e. The'dapaoity 'ON" may be expressed by the-probability, *ith% which' a particle" is- in a solidly bound. state. on tho@ surface:10f -Ahe --mole 0419. Irradiation, causes a--change in 7) .1 Photoadoorption-.oocure with " increase of -t), de-edrptloh-with i dedreaoo@lof V(Fig 2). Value y io-introduoed, which represents the ohange of i of y > I an adelirptionfln case- of n t rp1jon ocoura; when y - 1, however, the surface ro- ,Y e d6so i -main w-ine.ative.- Final lyi uncti __y__*e_oalcul&ted as a f on of the change of the' free electrons and holes- -of surface-lattice. This function is'Aependent on frequ Ionay.and-in-, tensity of the: irradiated light. V. Ye. Lashkarev (Rot 13), V. P. Zhuze, and S. M. R@vkln (Ref 14) are mentioned. There.:ars.,,.. -and 21 references, 1,5 of which are Soviet., gures, Card 2/3 o (31 AUTWORSs KPgant. Sho M*g Sajidomirskiy,, V. B, SOV162-59-9-33140 TITLE:, Chemiaorption'on.Defeots of Semiconductor Surfaces PERIODICAL: Iz*ostiva-Akademiii,nauk:~SSSR& Otdeleniye khimichookikh naukl 19590:Nr 9p pp 1681-1683 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper'.a statistical calculation of the adsorption* of atoms on defects-of semiconductor surfaces is carried out. ... Defect contras are contras of adsorption for gaseaq and can localize a hole or an electron of the adsorbent. The specialcase of adsorption of acceptor gases on acceptor defects is'investiga- ted. For this# there are 4 possibilities: (1) There Is neither an' electron nor a gas molecule at the centre of defectp (2) the centre of defect is charged,the adsorbed molecule is missing, (3) both electron and molecule are adsorbed at the centre of defect,-(4)- . .'a neutral@molecule is adsorbed at the cantre of defect# the eleotron-is-missing. The calculations of-the concentrations of neutral (N0 'and charged defects (Nj-L)t and neutral and charged A _@adsorbed molecules_@(No and N-) were carried out by means of Card 1/3 Gibbet partition function for a system of a variable number of -Cho. sorption on Defects of Semiconductor Surfaces SOV162-59-9-33140 particles# Furthermorej the, dependence Is in*estigated of-the, probability' of adsorption@(X) on P., the Permi potential of-the surf ace at. given chemical potentialjA, for's, defined temperaturo T and an assumedlooncentration of defects N From this it is-seent that if (f-.- fo) * (f- - free energy/contra of defeat with'charged moleoulet fO -, free onergy/centre of defoot with neutral molooula)o an expression determining the'olectron level of a charged adoorbod.'- moloculo,.io smaller than f- (free anorgy/charged defeat) the gas remains an ordinary acceptor gas, if f- is larger, howevert:the gas behaves like:,& donor. Thus an acceptor gas at an acceptor- -defect may rea at like a donor gas. A specified acceptor or donor level cannot be-produced by the molecules adhering to the 'surface.- Card.2/3 Chemisorption on Defebte, of, Semiconductor Surfaces SOV/62-50 -9-33140@ This@ca 9 is-interpreted, by means of the-anomaloug-obaW i n the work'tunotionin adsorption of oxygen to.garmaniumo The probability of,adiorption of an acceptor gas increases with@ increasing concentration of acceptor impurities in the catalyst. There are 7 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Moskovskiy gosudarst-ionnyy universitet im. X. V. Lomonosova f izicheskiy fakul.' tot, (Moscow State University imeni Me re*- Lomouosov# Department of Physice).Institut fizicheskoy khimii' Akadezii nauk BSSR (Institute of Phynioal Chemistry ofthe Aoademy of 80ioncest USSR) SUBMITTEDt March 31 1959 Card 3/3 5M SOV/76-@3-1-2 AUTHOR: Kogan, Sho Us IF TITLE: The Statistics of Adsorbed Particles in the Electronic Theory of Chetisorption (Statiatika adoorbirovannykh ohastits-v. elektronnoy teo'rii.khomooorbtail) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheako khimiij 1959, Vol 33, Nr 19 pp 156 16o-(USSR@ ABSTRACT: The electronic theory abows (Refs 1-4) that chemisorbed particles of the same type can b ebound to the surface by .various bonds, F, F. Vollkenshteyn (Ref 5) mentione.three binding types-q *-and - i.e. a,"weak"# a "strong" ,acceptor,-.and "Arong" ro;or,bond. A successive statiati- cal calculation of the absolute concentrations NO) W+1 and N- has so far not been mentioned In publications. In the paper under review the absolute and relative concentrations of the adsorbed particles (molecules# atoms) with.various types of binding to the crystal surface (with a varying number of particlew) were calculated by the Gibbs method. The calculation was carried out according to the electronic Card,1/2 theory of chemioorption. An energetically homogeneous surface The Statistics of Adsorbed Particles in the Electronic S07176-33-1 44Y45 Theory of Chemiaorption is aosumedt@ i.e* with a4sorption.centero of-tho name type.'. Following the statistical calculation a comparison with earlier results (Ref 6) was carried out and three individual'. cases wereexplained. To determine the nurface charge the:- electrostatic potential 1,, of the equation (19) is calculated by Poieson's equation The oaloulation scheme described can be ,used analogously for ;olving other statistidal taeks of-the electronic theory of cbemisorptiong in addition to the case mentioned above of adsorption centers of the same typewith' three bondso.There are 10 reforences, 9 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskly Cosudaretvannyy.universitet im, U, V, Lomonoeova (Moscow State.University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUUITTED - July 4, 1957 Card 2/2 5W SOV/76-33-5-2.6/35 AUTHORSs Kogan, Sh.-M SandomirskiyVV. B. (Moscow)@ -TITLEt The Adsorption teat in.the Electronic Theory of Chomisorption .(Teplota adoorbtaii v elektronnoy teorii khemoso'rbtsii) PERIODICALs Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 33, Nr 5, pp 1129, 11,33 (USSR) ABSTRACTI The dependence of the adsorption heat on the surface potential (or occupation of.the surface) of a semiconductor adsorbent is investigated. The value q mathematically d:erivedis the mean value of.the differential adsorption heats of the various- 'adsorption centers and charge states,of the adsorbed moleoules.,@Igoreover, the,energy of the electron level of the, adsorbed molecule is deduced and it is pointed out that the.adsorption,heat of a charged particle equals the sum of the adsorption: heat of the neutral adsorbed particle$ and the'snergy of the electron level as calculated from the Fe,rmi level. The investigation of an energetically inhomo- geneoue surface with slight occupation of the centers shows Card 1/2 that,tho differential adsorption beat decreases with in- The Adsorption Heat in the Electronic Theory of 5.0V/76-33-5-26/33 Chemisorption creasing occupation,* There are 2 figures and 7 roferencesq 5 of which are Soviet, ASSOCIATIONs Moskovskiy gosudaretv Iennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Uoscow State University imeni U. V. Lomofiosov),Akademiya na'uk SSSR Inetitut fizicheskoy khimii Moskva (Academy of: Sciences of the.USSR Institute of Physibal ChemietrytMolsoov) SUBMITTED: November 11, 1957 Card 2/2' 5 (4) AUMORS i Sandomirskiy, Ve Bav SOV/76-33-84/39 TITLEj On the Calculation of the Adsorption Isotherms in the Electronic Theory of Chemosorption PERIODICALs Zhurnal fisiobeakoy khimii, 1959t Vol 33, Ur 8, pp IT09- 1714 (MR) ABSTRACTs In a previous paper (Ref 1) several expresstone for the concen- tration of neutral and charged adsorbed particles were.obtained on the basis of statistical considerations t in the prepen :case i; a-pattern for calculating the adsorption otherms (Al)*within' the framework of the electronic theory is suggested*' A nuzaber of concreteIoases serve as an illustration. The adsorption (A) of an acceptor gas at the surface of the plane-parallel lumina'of@ a, semiconductor *(S) is observed and - the following factors are assumedt 1) The thiolmess of (B@ is much greater than the'Debye line of the shieldi 2) The (A) at the (8) surface is haterogeneapp kinds of (A) centers, the alectronst 11 i.e. there-are different , howeVero being bound in no other way than by the, (A). 3) The completion of the various (A) centers is slight ("narrow heterogeneity). Considerations start with the case in which the-. adsorbed molecules do not dissociate. Then some specific cases: Card Ib are discussed which correspond to different Fermi levels. For the On the Calculation of the Adsorption Isotherms in the SOV176-33-8-4139 hectronic Theory of Chemosorption case of.a heterogeneous aurface without non-adsorbed,eleetron lov4ls,,a general expression of (AI) in'the coordinates and II/P (P a pressure in the gaseous phaseq N - number of, (45 centers) for n0degenerated (3) with-& random distriVution of. A'Or tic levelvAn (S) Was'obtained. From this ganeralform.of (Al the correspondlLAg'.expressions for the above-mentioned, in4ividual: cases are obtained, the-(AI) being of the Henryp Freundlich-. type and logarithmic (AI)o It was found that there-in no specific- connection between the (S) type and the form of (AI)o It is shown,tbe calculation of (AI) in the electronic theory of chemotorption the remote effect of the Coulomb interaction between the adsorbed partioles-is automatically taken into account. Thera are 7 figures and 4 references, 3 of which are@ Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Akademiya,nauk BSSRInsti tut fizicheskoy khimii,9osk:v& (Academy of'Sciences of the USSRf Institute of Physical Chemistry, Moscow). Moskovskiy goeudaretvennyy universitat im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V, Lomonosiov) Card 2/3 RR'. IRM-10B."I'M MAN R @31'1' it 24(5) SOV/2o-126-3-24/69 Kogan, She Us TITLEs On the quarvtum@Temperature Functions of Green (0 temperaturzykh kvantovykh funkt4akh Grina) PERIODICALs D'oklady Aka4emii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 3, pp 546 - 549 (USSR) ABSTRACTj The usability of Green's quantum functions when applied to the many-body problem was-demonstrated by a number of papers (Refe 2-11), For quasi-olosed systems of Fermi particles with. electromagnetio'interaction they are of considerable importance.' Green's single-particle function given in formula I(I) is described as temperature function. It differs from the usually used (vaouuz-@funotion., but goes over into-the latter with T --@ 0 . The Fourier torm of Green's function is written down. in space coordinates, and the latter are then put into a shape that makes it possible to deduce-a relation between it and the spectrum of quasi-particles. It is shown that the decrease of the Green function has exponential character. In order to obtain the equatiMof motion of a system of Fermi particles with electroda netio interaction by using Green's temperature functio-UP Card 1/2 equation is used as a basis. Two Green's functions are IMM On the Quantum Temperature Funatione.of Green BOV/20'-126.3-24/69 obtained.h-erefrbmg which show the, dependence on temperature. In concluaiIon, formula (14) is developed which, proceeding from the thermodynamical potential, connects the thermodyna- mical function with Green's function. The author finally thanks Academician N. N. Bogolyuboy for the attention he'devoted to this work.Thero are 21 references, 17 of which are.Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Mo itet im. M. V. Lomonosova (,,:kovekiy gosudaretvennyy univers scow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) PRESENTED: February 16, 1959g by N. N. Bogolyubov, Academician SUBUITTEDt February 2, 1959 Card 2/2 5M AUTHORSt losant Sh, M ' Sandomirskly, Ve B, BOV/20..127-2-39/70 TITLEs n Theory of Chomosorption on the Real.Surfios. of a Bealoon4uctor PERIODICALt Doklady,Akideziii nauk SSORP.1959t Vol 1279 Nr 29 pp P7479 (USSR) ABSTRACTs On the basis of.experimen'tal date availablev measurements of@ ' sA.sorption (Rafe 1-3) and measurement of@th6- work1unation'in sot (R6f 09 the following rules may be, derivedt (1) field off ' the k6&sursd,'oooupati6hs'of the surface, by adsorbed molecules, in'whiah sarked..ohanges of.the work function occur ( -kTat 13 -2 T' -teiulailly' lie -above r-yIO @ am 1 (2) the*dependence- of*the-*ork function change Ion Oc cupation in usually lineart sometines logarithmic (Ref 3)1 (3)-the maximum change of the. Worle function mostly amounts to rvO*3 ev (12kT at T 3000K)o When assuming the whole change of the work funation.;o-bo dependent on the surface charge in adsorption and a consequent curvature of.the surface energy sones, it may be easily.proven Card 1/4 that the surface charge d (expressed in electron charge units)t On the Electron Theory of.Chemosorption on the SOY/20-127-2-39/70 Real Surface of--& Se,miconduotor at which the change in the work function attains the measured 9 10 2 valust amounts to'about 10. ft 10 om@ . When computing the charge at which the curvature of energy zones attains 093 evt one obtains-foi I A110 12 on -2 9 To clarify this oontradiotiont -two assumpti6ns are investigatedi (1) the "idealized" surfaoeg defined as a surface# in which all the electron states are. -oauned by gas adsorption. This aNsuoption presupposes that -the 1'evels.of the adsorbed particles be permanently above the Fermi level* This is not,very probable and is in contradiction with certain electronic oonoopts'oonoerning oitalysis, Thereforep, there only remains the second assumption of the "real* surfaaer defined ass, surface' exhibiting a great number of states which are not caused by gas-adgiorption. The following is derived from the oharge-density (Equation 1) and equation (2)-for the electric neutrality of the crystals du/dN- - (S + dR/du) (du - ah&ngeLof the work function, N' n concentration of1he charged adsorbed molecules, S - d 6/dul, R a space charge per surface unit). To evaluate a possible value of 3 the following is aseumed as the simplest model of a surface energy ipectrums Card 2/4 the states independent of adsorption N are uniformly., distributed S On,the Electron Theory Iof Chemosorption on the BOV/20-127-2-39/70 -Real Surface of 4 Semiconductor over the widtkzo of the forbidden sone, the Fermilevel lies at,& distance from the boundaries of the forbidden zoneq whiah i@ great in comparison to,kT, 'Under the aes=ption 8 NSWAG $o-ft/du the following is derived by integration of equation.0b S Au . Ir, viz a linear dependence of the change of the work function on occupationp-in conformity with experl- mental Otao,lhe value of S may be.evaluated therefrom* By utiliiing the experimental data per reference 3 one obtains 3 4%f 1011 1013 cm -2 and NS f:br 10 13 1015-om72. The authors thank S.Z* Roginskiyp Corresponding Member AS USSR9 and Fs Fs. Volikenshtsyng.Dbotor of Physical and Mathematical Sciencesp and all those attending the.seminar of the catalysis laboratory of the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the AS USSR for discussion of the results obtained. There are 7 referenosep 5-of.which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Moskovskiy gooudarstvennyy univereitet im. M*V. Lomonosova 01080ow State University imeni X, Vo Lomonosov) Card 3/4 U POM I BWK_MaW1=O5__BOV/3921-====-@@ Akadmiya neuk 0002 lustitut tizicheskoy kh's4i Problainy kinstiki I katallsa. (t] 10t Fisika I flz:Lka-khlmiya kstaUza- (Problems of Kinetics and Catalysiso (volol 10i Physics and Physico- Chemistry of Catalysis) Moscow., lzd-va AN SSSR) 1960* 461 p. Zrrst4 slip Inserted& .2,,600-coples printed* Edirat SoZo RogInskLy,, Cortespow1ing Xmber of the AcadsvW of Sciences USSR,, -and OvV9 Krylov, Candidate of Chemistry; Nde of Publishing House: AoLe Bankvitser; Tech., Ides GA, Astaftyevae PURME: - This collection of articles is addressed to "icists and chmists, 4 and to the cemeamity of scientists in general interested in recent research on the "ice -and physical chemistry of catalysis. C OV MOM Ths ar+Aa2A@ in tun, collectiowvtre read at the confe O*on the Physics and Physical Chemistry of Catalysis organized by the Otdal MAmIcheakikh nauk M BOOR (Section of Chemical Sciences, Academy of Sciences LIGSR) and An& Catalvaia-- Iftnt_t the Academic Council on the problem, of "the scientific bases for the selection Of cat"too" The Conference was hold at,thelastitut fizicheskoy WWII AN BOOR (Institute of Physical ChOmIstry of the Al ,USSR) in Moscow or the great Volums. of material * pres@ jMarch 20-93,,1"8! zted at the confess 0" may papers not published elamftre vere Included in this collection. The conrerence decided nort to publish the discussion materials 'Papers by the following authors vere excluled and replaced by a brief authaft abstract: 7*7* Vallkenshteyn, 118@r_ face Charge of a Sadcooduator-During AWsorpticn% M.M. Kagan and V.D.- .. Sandm4rokly, tim vapors. ShJG Kbgsn@ -08tatimtIcs of Adsorbed Particles in the Electron Theory of OiZsorpiion@j F.F. Vol"keubtayn and She me KOPAJ F,Fo VollkMhtoyn and VoDe Bandadrsidyj O.Ae Korsuncvskiy; A&M, Rubinshtept V,Mo Akimar and AsAo OUWduj L*Kh* Froydlinj VeNe Fillmonor and D*S. Bystrave The following two "3% to-not appear In any form In this collection become the authors did not forward the abstreets requested: Mole Temkin# Eel* ftybing and A9lo Ge1'bshteP;1* Kinetics of tat ,_"is of.the VaporTh"o Hydration of Acetylene by Electron Ve*w Acceptori"I'AAe-ftbushkinp wSpeatroscopla luresti- gation of the Btructure'of the Molecular d9qpwmx at Boron Trifluaride with Nitrogen and Oxygen4ontaint" MolecoUsqJAdresses to the conference by Be Kho T*WUu*w@,1amWY&.Bo G*r*khovat$kiYj a" Inaluded In the fois of brief cammi- cations* They cover the results of recent experimental research vhich could not be considered-disouslon, material., A nwA*r of 1japers. and conemications,