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mwwchemiml Ttdmlov- ftmolutlaas. Vitamins. Abs JWrI.A*f ZhUr-Aines No 94p IWj U03- Author : atefthm, X.i"Imefti- D-O' Donsvp R.p ROODS.-L Inst, I ~ ~, - - I . . ~ I i Title The IblatiodoMp betwow the Ifflatency of an AcU" Prindple wA the Ibthod at Drying ct PlAnt Plaw Ibtertal. Orig Pubt Ob. tr. Wash. Z*d. In-t-plovdiv., 1955, (1%7), 10s 165-179- Abstruets TM imestlastIm for the ftter.Amtim of the optl- am eandition for vacum drying wdiciml but by "veral laboratory nelmda in ragut to tbo nativity of the native principle vu carried out. The dvaltSm or Qw menta" sstoW erA a list of the nmdts from datexulmatims wA the pk4umaeoutiml Lmstior.- Cut 1/9 ra-ULGA R I A r P. rLycnEv, i. rvnv and iv. rrn%vov, oi N-am_,(,cology (KaEedrA po f4makoloolyr.) Head (rukovoditcl) Doctrit P. rtyclfrv, and Chair of Ifistology and Fnbryology (Katedra 1,o histr4oglys I embriologiya) 14,ad Docent D. STANISIMV, lledic4l Collv,,,je, Novdiv. "Effect of Cheese on Intoxication with Sodium Arsetate And Tttr"chlorome- thane in ExperimvnLal Aninals." Sofia, Eksperinentaln-i MeditstnA I 1~~f~1211ya. Vol 2, !,o 1, Jat,-Y.4r 63; rp 32-38. Abstract 4'Ln-lish surs=ry modified!; Study In mice, Culnea pLj;S, rats and dogr fed I of 2 tyres of cbcts~ for I weeks tLer. oizoncd w"th A'.'a arsenste r.o. cr =14 1-c" c)lccsc -tyro 63 contains casein and 1-% curds and had rrcviously been found by authors to have "potent 1,rotectivc effect in rarathlon polsonlng*"i this cheese sigaiflca..tly protccted from histopathologic changes, Also Increased hepatic glycogen It TaLS and dogs* Two tables; 6 Soviet And 6 Bulgarian (incl. I unpublished* and I thesis.) J X=MHO X.V.j ak"onik; WM=MlXp A.A.$ "eldkj 3ODUlMj S-Up Mkk%Uikj TRAFMIUN V.A. akadmik; STArDMIlp V.N., UU L jmt,p$1kb4ftUj - Wai;a)j JPAU=p 3.1 AFMDVVICH# BUD",, D OVMWTO V.,So# "amik Salome the WrderUM of fainusy. Tekhjw, .31 no,112 of WM 2070 %36 (KIM 161h 14 President AN SM (for 1024701a 2e paoiant AN OU (for etwolvw)a 30 *wbaotavWdy w1va 1t,*tj,.AftWA (for ZOOS)* 44. Presment Yomirmy roderaton nuebmth rawaikov Ow PausW* KCFM, Anflusince of tia meahomilad deffl-W of !'i.%9 sj,l~-nilg Irr-anes or the basle technical ani oomm'-. Takstillra pran 14 no.ls9-15 1614's A, Kafthine E',,"troteonnical ry and XOKN' AL. R. The 5th Vol=@ of the Chief Management (of this Administration) of Geological Deposits and Xining Studies. Mining, 11107tNov. 54 c ~' XCENj L& R& Now Data ~about tio Upper lo"ne Age of the OWsocene" Coal BeariN Basin In the Southwest of Dulgariat Miww Delo (Y.Ining)l 1200iflob 5F I POWMAMIA. A. I ITAIMMA. S. Cliftle&I tbeftV of wbooplog covo. Omm, I* Ot I gradeks larottolevan totaftg& .0 gorlla (01, Iskm No Uos). (VWMW 00tion, ellue &"to & now, (%I)) Conference for the study of practical wasures to aid the radiotherapoutic centers of the less developed districts* Ned. red. 8 noolOslOO-103 0 163. (MM 17s6) VIUV, ?.I 102N, M.1 ZHIUAZKOV, 3.0 MM, T.0 nlCMI, 9. Con dyspepsW, (spidsatel"I"I and Clinical ana2yals). Nauch tr. visab, sod. Inet. Sell& 42 no.21l5-27 163. l..hv&taveu ot Prof. P. Terbev# rukoroditel na Katedrata po,qddmd logila, I Infektaloul bolestl. MCKWCOU CMI IXMTION) DISPMIA) (WANT XMITION DISOMMS) 100, Pow- The 45th Sesolon of the InUrrAtivul labor Comforensoo Trod teent 3 no'81 71." 161, (Intonational labor Organisation) J~ I KDEX Pop* Forty Uyouth lutv=tionallabor Conftranco, Trud tmoul 5 no. 9s 77-81 063o z ~la pe. ? pt, i lt 70~ K ~g KOBNO Papa 1. " - international Prepantory Tedmieva Confersne* an Uploy- sent Pollor, Trud tand 6 no,, lt 7le-76 164o 1, , L! ~ ]'., _:' i-0-1, ~ ~ 7... 4, r ~ XMNO Pope *Fwu"-Koth lbatism at the lat4rutioul LOw Coahrows. Trud towd 6 so.20119;7-2 064. )L UtAUFFe 14.1 LUMA, X-C I TRVaWq A. 1 MUN, 2. 4"W-ItIfIt"F Observatlaus an dysentery In infants, furrome mode. Sof 1& 5 &o.?s 59-71 M46 Is Is INtP (dinktort date* Aso7ikay) I gradeks detska bolultw4 Bafit&. (014, 10mro UNdievs) i IM (tat.-arsher po namobata ob"to d*tor po media sonki ID.1bodabUtuava) MUMVo UOIUAITI In Isfant &W childj MMOVA, I. t TOMOVP I Asol ICU Atiolomy of Chroldo 6611US1 pr*IWM37 GommadeSSIGUO Suva 0 mod.. soft& 5 40.9165-91 IVA. 1. is jainiksta po gmtro-starologlia pri HUL. 01rektort profs M"have 11M Dirakton 114slaWhisy I RIMP. Direktort Drelski (Mtlt$s ettoloff wA pathopnests.) ilRt VJWAJM/Getwm1 Problens of Pathol,,W. L=nlfty. ~U Abs Jouro Ref Zhur-Dlal., no 8, 1958j 37041. Author 'Khadsidimova, D., Trifonova, A., Vmzilova, L., Inst pl~ ~ Title The Effect of the Mervoits systen Upon pornmticn ef Agglutinins. Orig Pub t Tr- Piespubl. n-i, in-tft Spidecdol I cdcrebiol., 1955, 2, 1-15. Abstract: StimflAtion of the CHS Vith caffeine (0-05L/kg every 6 hours subcutaneously during I or several days) after a single injection of typholdp paratyphoid B mA dysentery and triple vacelas# produced an Increase In the aWutinLns titer. Card 1/1 Generai Weroblo Logy. Al,.-. Jour : ReC Zhur Blol., 11o,5# 1YY8, 19348 Auth~r : Trifmova, Ymeuovj Kom Im t : - T I c ! Variability of Dysentery Bnatoria Un4or the Influenco f~i* Po,yvalent Phage, : Tr. Respubl. n.-I. In-t epldemLol . I mLkroblol., ---956P 311 , : No abstract4 C"I%t i/I wit Im"afAl $Oft&o SAAMM 86 lo IbPAPf Up VP n44 but *A r"W" hv*r 4"ll" orldimum ft" a""" ftur.0 si Bar& Bulgaria Academia Degree not give-2 The Oksug HospitAl In Xurdshall. (0krutbria bolnitsa, Kurdzhali). Sofia, ?sdiA.U=, supplement of Sar"wma Keditsin&, No 3. lW2-9'pp "Treatment of Children Suffering from OWotrophy" Maw K*au- I H-17 Ap3lifttimp Fa-t 3- DtU61, Vitfildr-9, W-Motles. Abe Jour: lhf..~eat. Mutm&l MAkyss No 100 1958, 335U, Author v KM inat TWO Ccutrol Method or Process of Analwas Productlon. .=A.:Iir& -Orig M: ftZ, w . (Se!A, 1955.- 5.- No 5o 23-27. Abstract: No abstract, out 64, "64 06 ABS, J=* RZOJM*l lb*24 1959.10* 79> &Q. Op #' Oulgrarlar institutis for Phars2zolojW TITLE- The Colorimetric Dotormination of Atophan Okni Sodium Atophan 16,4- (1-9-0 ABOVACT 180 6C9,M. 222 11 t'BUWARTX C&t Category i ftPtasl Tipabnology. Pburmactuticals. vitamins. Abs. Jo Abs. J6ur t Rat Zhur-KhIvAp,,No Ih,, 1959,no 50731 r Author j-!PtjjV.j vinial W. I(MUtute I Title I colorimotric twf1minstion Method of "AAeothe- sine".In Pharmaceutical rr#parstlans orij Tr N-t Ju-t fatstl# 19670 it 158.1599 24;oZelys, 1968 "' 8 No 1 27-31 Abstroot, t Per the vUrfose, of elimination of'obortcoolugs to tho existing mothodso a new-osthod for the dotorrAnallon of *avo#Sh*sino" and novocalue to eomplox pharmaceutical preparations wow dovolopeds 14, to ba&44 on-eb.-tractoristic color resoUo" tbat the above -compounda to" vith a-dImst%y2aWiaobOut%l4*b.rIo. It* reaction -takes place as the result of lutoraction of th oldobydei and smine Rroupol that yields a stable yellow.colortago, tho intensity of which is Carat 1/3 KOIXO Dah.T. (Cohout 4.0.1 (Dolift) On deriM4 aM uftofAU*uw7 Markov obains. Tear. veroitt. L *a prime .7 oo*4#410-4X 162, (X[jtA 15111) Is M&+AomUwa luoUtutes TooMologloal %dverolty,, Dolt%, (Narkov prooomoss) IMHIVA, A., I NINOO M. I XM, V. FolArograpblo amlysts of some bydrazine derivatives of the side of loonlootinlo acid# Isy Inst khim BAM 7,27-40 160. (ZZAI 109) .1. Mauabnoitaledovatelski famtsevUelwoki institut. (Polarograph and polaro (I"resu0s) (ImoniasIdTpby Ito% r4q i j ft%p~-A A* Discussion an the artic 1e of :, Swta mad L, Ruslaksp OControva lbsencel. Fmcami lak, U no.8085-386 0 162. Zavo&I sdrayoUdake oU-sdlsko AUO n*Pep, WD OM trahs,-V"bod. (ABS=MIM) (Mut J.) (RMICKAO L.) lonlop 1. 1 um"119 .R. I MMANDTP S. (Irakow) Attempt at usUg the ring rosetion test (AM) In Ub*Mtm7 ObsGURS of market milk. Aces nauk roln wet 70 no.2/4:215-216 160 (nu 2039$ .(YAlk) ZMG,t Irewl WMMMt SUMalaw(trakow) critorla for mMUry eft2utlom or abeep al2k choose, on the basis of tsluaf Its produotlam cycles, 1"s muk ro2n vot 70 so 2/4s 43&4". 60* Ow 20tgj (Shoop) (clod") Tho pnlicimyelitis Vitus type I jr, VIC c it-Aividuali tnd in thqlr vnvlr ;,rzeg'Ao epldmlolo 11) r ri, I W7-ICO 165 is ',' '4fJ9W4&k'tj "Me!lf W ;lr,.4~rwle ~2'7rCctc,rz doe* dre Y. hil#A). VILUIA Alakawidirm. *I" the t*part%ort of C>I4*ztoIvtj jZa. kIqd 5144MOIGAOMY) of thq-7z! OAAI%wo-*) oa.AI44 lilrieny State tnotUsAte of Xyglenqj, Dir9attri ?"I Dr P. I=. Vffcxlo HS44 of th4 Deput."Wim j. MIRZTfUll 1 0, *n-. T. :Opinviez, V. UIPRUX, V. toa=UXA. X. Limp . ?ruA, Lumule J. -Auxulal, $4 ?L:.XA, 1. Rettivicz 7 Occu. 410A, 3. 2201UNIA1, to I&VISMOIA all of tho ;k1*440j4. wadtkie tt4ejs battaft 1 14 1 1 pleinq -- V03twodstic 10-1819 a, "P lo NOPOWUl A OtWit, ULM W ZV SISILI: 91 Ow. nc-mm, 1: slam 2 1. MICOVA It. YXV--OIA of tho vewtamts of J10110470 ItIm twents 104411&1y Ba t4lbr.'a yelitil) at tho VSSZI M. O!n tt, ua P6116* 0".UAI at a to- rts4nt at Tlro2off (UXU4 vuve I at =1 =40ters Sit g Mr De P. pAznwcxzt so Awax (roman . No iw-.VCLM (UrsWe so 690178TA (Lodi), V&-.ICSM 1"0V), It- X4- XOM (W-1-p-Sik-wTof Vo MI aid at As 340INIZA of the PM 11124f0ty of 2"Mization with the Attan"ted 73110 Time 1/2 ;Mgwl WolAs Type I Chat and Typ 3 V Fos" XV1. n 4. f 3" attreats MOO *, fasit0h IAn%%J-V %MMOL7 An 6tme-Ittax, 61 IMA "I auvireloglool WAIJOIS of W116,1Y411US4 in NIVA was *Ad* within 6 weeks attor *4%rletion at 6r&l Ive"lla. tIOA With polio vi"I ty" A Chat and type ~ v rox.rim"Iti. PtIOAS WO IA 1959 And 1540 show the SOSPICS ASMT Of Kopr&WO.I'# atton"ted OMI Tooolne type I Chat. TbO Strain 3 V for is I.Adiestod as a lathostnio ono "a its uhasruin sat t tound bY 106stleationa In 190 bat boon aorifirua. "Noal 2 disews; 9 Wanness, 2 Polish the rest V*&U tat U12 IT"'It"VIV PANORA , 04 NAM Q AM VLEVU, 1%,*4t* of the Gj (2411" t state $two wy 2"I"d 111614lival rl"raotorl ?"r tr J. to 1106- With %he 00 Gam. 'to JOWMIZOI VjjLLjjjrjjCZf H. WALYS10- A Ii. UMMII 14,1. T. WOMMO: S. Imo mv= G DO 20"m i1= , kattalIj 1 5 v h am "laws 101011108a r4stwo 9"1t I. Lotus): UZI 36,61ta"exideato no SZOM lihm, I?= It. Slim a. Winn Z. a. strx"t 2AS", A. 92mcclant sports" It. iiAtj*tA all of '64 0 as PO'Llo. no Chom Gist, 1 Seat of tilt*$ at Ve or .Itts) H. Gait (Leas) we, She V~9&rtS"% CA-r ABS, JCU.1. . i RUhImes go# 21 1959, Noe ?4288 AUT3011 IScuerots, Z** 7stro, Joe and Koenig, P. IFST. tkluzgsrjan Academy of saieacoi-- TITL,' ICatalyst Studies$ 1.016 lovestication of mixed -Catalystse Part to Study of the Activity of Mixed Nickel -mapeeinn rormate Cat4lysts 0110. PUB. tAtta Chia Aca4 Sci Hung, 17, No 4, 419-437 (1958) Magyar Tud AkAd Kan ".ud 06st Xoozl, 10, No 3, 329, ASSIUCT IThe activity of prev.ously described ($to Uhnis 1955# No 15* 31270) catalysts has been studied In the hydrogenation of a series of cospounds bantA14*hyd#, aaot*net avetaphenona, boaxopimmome, bentyl cyanide). Catalysts containing 20-50 ool % Ni were found to exhibit the grestetat. activity. In a number of cas the sp*citio activl*ty of the catal4st (Xi ::) bile exese4s the activity of Raney XL Catalysts by a factor of 5. At *I-tvated pressures (30 sto) (1958) 42 1=100 ftdolf I OMMNM- motoroyals r*pair st bwoo Auto lwtw 16 ne.21s2l 6 3 16)o PQXCW. Mel -1 1 -OWAIMAs Sol POVOWA. 1. Treatment of Infectious Mpatitis with huw-radish. C".2sk.oask. 90 no,11038-341' 16 Her 1951o (CUM 202?) I* Of Ow Internal Dspartmmt of Vw State Reeanal g6splud In ftelcee ;,-~ 1-11 If ~ f-, CT V I). i jklk&_ pCom. Idles$ ftims wA*I shmawla, WWI PONMA, fts"Olmat NOW parow"n of :4*90SIMS aou*pgr In laroctims b"atists. C", lako easko One,6442-1 4 Pob 55. 10 2 Word 0"o obve., a~* I ftsial. ."eksaftime with isfoostow b"atitts.) (WATMI$ 111-3011 0 dowliastions spilswo J"k* --j- -111k) CUMAK v 9. 1 KOIPPZ,, Mt ~, ~, studies an tho us# of *old holaw-In dyestuffs. Fr%agl vloklen 17 no. 2ift-85 P-163, 1. I&bofttorlum tolarystycim,, 7Aklady Frmyslu BRvolniamp Boruta, 2glarso XWM Research an Uw lama** of "rifts mdilkifta of gurus DonerishmA* .same" and the omtm% of attrito and al%rate In thme p-I OOSPMM MMA. (PoUldo letm Owpodarow) Wansmat PoUnd. Vol. 119 age 7/80 hly /A*#* NmtMr List of Ust ftroPoft AeossolaWs (ZW) LCp Vol. 9,p noa I# Jane 190 5X, 0 E %E toru N T Xy iPOUND CATZGORI iCbmical Teet-nolomy. Chtnical, ProAueta &n4 Their A"lleatlon*. J*aod Induntry A03. Jvjp.. AZZMA, 0 1~0. ',)3 19 5") 1 -, 0. F1 3 q4 I AUTHOR Koo -in*. Brocryn miki t T, T L,. Chloride C6nttnt In 0# Vuseles of i1ftm With the Arterial Injection of Brine C 11". :-"J 9 .3Pry*m. anotywety, 1967, 11. No lit 473-470 AD-'#rRACT I In tbo sallinp of bass, oomloyinp injoetion of an 8% brino inte, the &rtpries, the NsCl content In IndivIdual muscles courrizes 0'.5 - 446,%, In the shortly tri--nofl htma, the okyorso 0 Koo) content is lower. An it resnIt of this It is roe*.m*n4*a that 0.9 - 1.0% Pore brine be injoeted,in the latter ty-to haf-P. For tbo obtainment ofAinifers aoilt*4 -,raAuetot )-*no #oust he kent in the ctirine brine for some CAR:)% POIAND Urbars and ZAUWSKI, Stanislawl Chair of meet 1KOEFRA, Ateff"I SZCZVANSKA ice (K&t4dr& TochnoloSil M1094 Technology 4--t-guperior school of Rural Mon= swo Head (Kierotmik) Prof Dr Stefan KD19PPRj USTIAws Coosa Moste" "Effect of Packaging on the Pffst"StIOft Of Proton Patty Lublin, :MoftcM-.!L*tUZM1ZJMt Vol 21, lo lit mov 651 pp 6?S.679* dTj Stidy of 3 types of WSPORS Paper to Abstract (ftelish suwmry modifto ant bold over preserve goose meet in replar refriSerstioni grease-proof parcbm 3 moothat polyethylene over 40 Saranotype wrap over 6 months6 Various 0140048 to detat"ine state of proservat.too were also studiods Tbree graphsq 5 tabless 7r r WOWS A416 r4m I smut.. a. u I 6,14W 1044466. J.. lime. A.. afall"lotp, J.. 646* Sol ss*ft $"Otoomwitst V1,1041941 94"44"" #044 164 "W'Dow"Ift. 4ams"M a " as 164*444*0 to# 1116 0100# MO 0 401904144 16606"S# f fass 00"004, 48. M4~069. 4 #"4W 4W.4pho .0 S, "OW 4 NP it"o I So $AM*. 1 " , Ot I P. $#Ill. "Ill# ft 44 6 "PA. ftv efoavaieffloo Mull "a asmos. 0 SOP a%. 41*0. 0- 0 1461016 06 0" I"ooo". ILI &.4 116VAL - 1W. seem J. - #04 privil. a. : . UNIOwbospoo. AM; "a 14,060"s %soosow*606 at 44% It no.*~ Cb~NIBUT- pwal"Isat VMWAIO Abe Jourl Mf Mr-DISIAs NO M MIAS UM' Ituadav Soo"# AA me"U* vials" ftsentp p M"f ftibut .rut I Title I - eal numum jW&. radina D~t~2IdW4Ljan at AIVNL=u Vith xylawl 094WO oris Pat am. UM# Iffle As No Owtva"I as oomitifts at tative romation at Al douto trAo-tausessue sold (1)s as VOU of %M amation at reverse t1tra- UGG at the ex"Osive I Aft Vb( 0 bmt MA lb(jk4~ Vith of anufaucs"Do"Mus" card 1 2/4 rMHOWAKWAUdWo Cb"StI7, Amayels at Za"ago Abe Jour s Hot U#Ar.Mdxdnp No.92, IM "tm, crow (11) von studied, It vas saVUdwd that a quantitative IAMOUefi -at AIIJ + vIth I Uk*s VI&OS COIY 10 & V083dY &Qid MUvmt balm the pS at t1w sUrt at Al salt *tr6Iy*Imj a mrs *,ad sodium Is not an obsuals, IM Presence or Put ammu at wItmI salts reauts in a Sim fOMttan at Vis A &Aht* With 1j, but the tom. tIon am be aocalented by boiling Qs solution. lbs IMW Uatt at VI at the mar" t1tratica at tb* I exosse to a Utt" lova tba 3, n is news"a to buffer the titntion sabAlow vith __ I I IsseUtradne or Uw aostate burftr solu. UCO, vMfh I$ OIPGGI&W 120atant at tb4 Mrs. card 914 =CWSL40YAKIA institute of ftral"I OboulaUT 0 the C"OMSIGT&k Asedsay of Soletiosso Pratao (for sLUT Pre4uss aguession.At g1johoslink Omidja OOMAM;uumo 19636 pp P37-16739 mpnp&mtlomk of 3o4-P01096MAG and lu bitra-led Speatroa.0 mr., A. wPowibilllty for ec3n-jw in the ccmtrucLicn of loarri,;0.31 C'.1,J) Mcz:lill, 3-XPALZA v (Upr="Lardo 'La Xur, 5-,r;et) -#c1 10 No I J-wn 19.54 501 got Zur~,, ~ -.z,. A--cez,31cna TA3t VOI ~ Nc~ 7 A-., 19~4 9 1 ~?Yvrl'.~!!.MP ~ -, Vi~ ".!" X(XVj A. (Sofia)l DASKAUNAt S. (Salik) Aetivation of.stu&mts durtng the lesson ch the heating of eleatrio ourrent oonduators in the Sth grade., Mat L fis Bulg 6 : no.3t"3 YV-je 163. Ang. Skin dloeave morbidity In the DI&Lriat of Kula In 19%-1961, DervAto vener Botis I no,303-37 162,, 10 Is fttodratA PO kDshnl I venericheaki bolestl pri Vlll,, Sofila (rukcrv4 n& Utedrata prof. L. PoM). TOLAY, Iv. i USOIs L I tM, A. 1. CUNO, Y. L Clinical and roesteenalo4loal OvemSions to syphilis with oessous opLatfestation, Burreme m*C, Soft& 6 &o&9z35-" 195?. Is Is bulgarvicats bolatua v Swela ocl. lakars 0. Mitraw. (SYMBAO cool. 'bons lesions. z-rar diaa.) (BOU DISMASO ettal. and pathogen. ISSIOUS IA syphillso X-M di".) KOW~O D. YOE';t DIVI-LU. Vehebnik F* sgradottrAtoletvo, Ar. 1. birs na stmitehilta technik-Mll. I-Arodna pr)",Otap 1954- 1 P,4 r, -(Tt*xtb)ok f-jr, tA.Aldlnj! cnnstruction; for the Ist cquraq In technival schools. Illos.) a).- Yonthly I let of Eaat Eurof "h Accesilon, (EvEAL), 1.4C, V,,-,l . 4, 9, sort. 195% uncl. XMI D. 40 aperlowes of RedosUv Andrmw# Hwo of soelallst labor. P. 3 (KMIVIMAX IDURI Vole, 61 No* Ss~ No 1955.) 30t Mmthly Ust of Ikst Swopon Ae"sstcno (UAL)o wo Vol. 4. go. go Sept. 19550 0" ~ KMO maltur On a better labor "9e systes tor Ow "obanicians and toebuialasm In fandni. Trod towd 4 na.94143 162. VI-I", i:vy D. The Fight Against -Workers' Accidents During HS"03ting" P. 9 0148=11rM Zemedelle Vol- 4j go. 3/40 1953j, Sofiya) SO: Monthly Lint ofust zuropem- Accessions) Vol* 3j Mo# )p Library of Congress, Marchp 19540 Uncl, rli~R;t 11P Imm, N, I R? XC R01.11" 6-1il-11-1 ;i;.- KOEV 0 D. OComparative studies of the affect of resin produation on the technioal quality of the spru*oj results from one year's study of resinous opme treemst -P. 40.t (USNEA FROWKL=Wp Vol. 3, No. 8, 1954p Sofiya# Bulgaria) 301 Monthly List of Zest turopean Acoessions, (&-UL.) LC, Vol. 4p go. 6p :une 1955, Onol. kOXV, Do XUAY, Do Superior quality of oil-productLrV; seeds. Vol. 5. No. 10, 1956. Ij"A ?ROMI SgLaOST TXCMI()LWT Sof il&,~ Ilulgaria So: Lost Zuropobn Aecossloo, Vol, 6. go. 3, March 1957 .OF/, D. 1. 4nr-'Llmctnr station Im Polm'd Tri-kvmAi ism"lonal fmrt-rar~eAr for the hch seoor"' t1nc. in 1)55, i~- 5* 11 VOL* 79 no* Is Jan. 195' 3orvA, we UST EMCKWI AC=IM13 L= M 59 no.70 uly 1')56 From the "rionee of BOW Dowl4shlovs front-rw*ing threshing machine owator for 1955. P., 9. KUMNIZIUK ZMM Vol, 7# No. 6a Jum L056 So* last lumpean Accessions t"t Vol. 5# No. 9 S"Aw*ers W KCRV D. KWI, D. Feclanical gatherinc of Corn- Vol. 79 $0. 9# Sept. 1956. PAShINIZIMNO ZINMUS Sofils, BuIVris So: test European,Accessions Vol. 6. No. 2, Nbriary 1957 vw XOEW D. Better coordination in the work of the tra,.-tor, and field-workor brIvw&s. P. 1p (Mashinisiraw ZwAdell*) Val. 89 no. 2,, ]F*b. 2957, Soflat BuiWis 301 Monthly Index'of East lurop"n Aeossions (IZAI) Vol. 6,, No.11 Wmebw 1957 N KOEV AORICIJLTW Periodicals HAVI-IM TRVM. Val. 5, 1957. xov, r. The winov for basketry as a source, for nroductag tanning viaterials, p. 175. Monthly Lint of Ust Suropean Accessious (MI), tC. Vol. 9, go. 2 February 1"9, unalass. Ton Years of ft1tartan stbnocrap1w. P. -443- UVWMA NA STIOnUMUA UffrMl 8 KMW - Vol. 2. 1955. Softie# Bulgaria SDUAC91 gast Surapean Acoessims 218t, (Vxj Litrm of conmess! Vols 6. -No. 1. Janum 195? 40 Is Air. IN 113f Is mat talus lash, - - -94"mmoo BtarAwtisation in tho Ust ;0 yom, Ratolmall mtells. U A0.91w) 144 L Dirsotort UsUtuto of SUMardisation, Measures &W Manuring Ustramts. 'i how, fur. ~!- fl q"l I iqt Ion t4 ,!MVj !!~dl* ut us improve the work I* " sation *A Wroslisatlorle PAtstanallisatalla 13 noo6sW * .1, Direktor na Institute po standaftsataliag markl 1 lame telbd Uredl, N Uffe MWAO rwyo 9. $&ties is artheinsts pl"t~s of mplA polys~A adiso zo.5010- slialma 3131900 Igo Is Itevolikesodis Ismilwo vjj*kUl`j dAtfe (AdM201"two I mmt,* rVia pou"ritatics) K(ZV TMKOV Ratko, irsh, Bqulpwnt for the autmeation of brdr*Uwrml proco"Log of asak stavas. DoTmebot pros 5 no.10D-22 A-Y '62# 1. Olaven Inshoner no. Dorsbayno Industrialao prodpriatis, O&r*dr- tora*# panad1wighteo I. MON. No; CHMMVA, no U"legical and spiddsiologi-Al aUdlov Pat=:,-tyrtlx manias Isve a1kroblol, lbst, (Soflla) J61r.-U 164 N: t t1v TIW- _V Higher Nedleal Institute# Department of Infootious Diseases MI-VAt"re, Pe Infektaloval bolesti) Direators No X"va Sofia# Zao&jains No I' 2966,g pp 13-22, OPathom6mls, ollnioal manifestations and troatsient of Ze Coll infootlons In obildhood.0 cc-authom re Bakaloy AS loon - TORETMWAJ 11.1hoj VWXLI,, V01-1 W-1-mt- bUrtation of betereeWs ad sibberoMm 4urbc Uw formUm of mto a0 shooU In wMov eattinpo ML AN IM 10 m**21 4U-4" J& 163. . I CKM 1612) I* batitut flslologU metwly la, K*A. ftalryamm AN SM Predstavlwo Wmdoalkm A.L. Zws~w.IF" (WO206"Us asid) (MUMV1112) (Plut mttlap) TURFTSKAYAg R&Kh.1 KOF Elm, - Dynaldes of-min AM LMSbitor chanpo In grooti and ot!olat*4 bean cuttings In the proceem of root formationo Loki, AN SSSR 164 no.1t219-222 S 165. (KMA ISO) I* Institut fisiologli rantenly Is* KeAo TlwAryaz"a AN MR. SubrAttod August 17, 1964, Pilsffi ~ftll fil wimmIn, UA , A.L. I We 14- Air,..*soled aftigenters, .(Metrigafttism fts.prom. so.1.106-39 1 156. (W& 9tU) &M refricarettag mehisery) 7 FT-T ,,, ~ I I " - . MULlY. A.1"; XHMOMICH. LTO'; U9. I.M. -m-"w'A4mw Kass transfer 00CUrISC In fils.sed drop absorption, Tra4y YXII no.0159-163 054. (XM 9:1) (Absorption) IIIALIT9 A.L.1 KOF9 I*X# Study of the d*9orbers of oil absorption apparatus. TrWY % operation of VNIIGAZ no.l2tl5&138 161.. (KUU 1511) - I . ~ (Sorption) (Gasoline) MEASIED xTF, M,.T- 7A OOMM04069 of 0 0 e 0 01C. 10W 4- 6 a lot 100 000 do# as# 40 0 00 Ap wwl~a wa rob, IN 06,f), 00 40 IT ca 01we *Mn boo ,'a#-4 ':-'; 1-11 1- .-1 .11~ .#- 4 use f too 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 04 0 0 t~t 7440000::1,45#6:000000 000*000*0100000 090000 -0-4 0s 0 0~ I I A.,, iamb. 1 ns NArSHg M. Ile IrIns misgU-softl j*rgW wA premsbg malt In the fftV sbovefter an aod4out. Mashis"tr*4nilb DO 5&Lp-ja " 162. 10A 16d) 1. Teplwos~#tr*tt#l'V7 SITId Ilk- QrVabrlokoy r*v*IyuUilv (Forging saahl ry-Naintenanam and repair) 30954- KOFAM(No L F- ftemommowspow~ koronornaya nedostatoohmst', Do Stat. dardVa Ift-ta in. sklitasovsk,:Pgo. DoklAd M& Mauch. sos:sii In-tas Dek. 1946 g]. T eb: Yoproor ostroy vmti*i ey kliniki. K., 1949p so 7-15 ZMANOT. LTj RNVN=g #*(I* Produolog apyrogento distillod water# Troobodelo 00.1081062 0 137. Wu lo 112) Is Kiyevokuys gorodakers atmAtIl" pereliveove krovi, (lWATU* Difflum) SHUIUMNAs G*Lol KOPIUMV0 I.T, DistrLbution Of t6 ssrolcglof.l properties of the blood ft,, X and X factors among the donors of Kiev. Trudy Kiev. naucb.-Isslo Inst, ;or*], krovi i nootlosh, Mir, 3sllt~-160 161, (MIRA 17M) 2, XiyevsUya gorodsk4ya Dtantzt)a perelivanlya kroA, XGFAliOV, X.F. Gooeb4mical 01"DifictUon of hydrocarbon gasoe. Trudy KY Pill 279-298 159. (HIIRA 160) (*dr*wbwwe,-N=snel&tur*) T'Yl UFO=# X-9-1 IWANOVP XAXMW. Z.A.; Corrosion Of the wpipmt UW In ps acodameate fisUs, on,* prom, 8 noold4o.17 963 (KM 27M "USUAYAl 060aboalstry Sam 1A lbo"Go MIS ot the We 2n* x1p TRU 80.31190400 160. (KIU 13011) (bus uwuod--,Pmoo jktuml) ZDAMT, ". sn"Atios am aww"ruil" Of a" from "ads-- 0 9 flol", QW.VM0 5 8007150-52 060. (MU 13 t7f (age Natural-ptPou"s) IWAM, M.F.; TUOMADOYA, O-N. (Moskva) Uynestrol and folliculto for trosting peptic ulcers. Klio.wd. 3 EI-e-343 no.02 SupplastaottIS-19 Jo 15?- (KIU 11t2l 1, Is 3-Y t*rsOsvttchaskqy kefodry flentrallooKo Institute usover- shenaftoventya vracher i terspovttobeskoy khatki Institute bout *11fosovskago (sav. kafodqy - derstwitollWy chlan AM 859k prof, Aog*KryWmv Cdoo"sou usuchityy rukavoditoll - doktor maditstaskikh nauk 84.9olverev) (MTtC UWIR) (MNOL) (XMOIM) ABRANDY. J,L: 10YANDY, 8.1, , 3. --WA.. ft-~ ---, XwSlous of 41&VWjpbospbory2 MIJAes wltb phospbItes, Tm4r Mal mo.15AS-70 150. (publ. 151] (KM 12112) (Pboevboryl balld*~) (Pbomftltes) Effect of decreaeW voltage In *I*aW* lines an the "ration of el*otrlc a 211moold po 131, WITIOMMIL (Mintaterst" Strojimetvir htm# voi. no Do. 4p ipr. 1956, F= LO Vol. so No. 10 Oct. 1956 KOFANOV, V. wDetermination of resistance losses in power lime by wears of voltage deolvans' Emmmms Praha,, Czechoslovski## Vol* 9p no* i Mamh 1959 Monthly Ust ot gut Surepsan Acoessions Inds3t (ESAI)i Ubra:7 ot Congreseg Vol. 8) no. 8. August 1959 Unclassitiod ACCWSION NRs AP4014409 5/6114/64/000/001/0041/0043 AUTHOR: TITLEt Liquid sumpensions A# heat-transfor agents SOURCE: Enorgomashinostroyonlye, no. 1, 1964, 41-43 TOPIC TAGS: liquid suspension, 'heat transftre hydraulic resistance@ turbulent flow, heat transfer *Sent. liciuld suspension heat transfer agent, chalk water suspension ABSTRACT: Data published In Soviet and Wost*rn literature an suspensions of solid particles in liquids acting ws a heat transfer &gout is compared and evaluated. The author's experimental results on the hydraulic resistance of an Isothermic flow of a suspension !-i a tube are presented for Reynolds number values between 10" and 101~ - Based on the authort.s earlier published for rna" ("Inshenerno-fixichaskly shurnal AN SM," 1962, Y. S. no. 6). a set of curves C,,d Accrmm NRi "4014409 is presented for calculating am heat transfer coefficient of liquid suspensions of various solid particle*. T.1-ooretically, the addition of any solid powder increases the heat transfer ot tAe liquid. The addition of a powder that has a high therziW.conductivity, a hiSh heat value, and a low specific gravity way double the heat-trander coefficient. Orig. art. hass 3 figures and 16 fornmW# AS,150CIATIONt nam SMUTTED: 00 DATE ACQs 147464 ZNCLt 00 SUB CODE: PRO ZE NO Rzr SOVI 008 OTHZRt, 005 C"d Z/z _W0 V - 38058 ,/62/000/006/003/Oil 3/170 C" AUTHORt, Kofanovt V, It 717 LE i Equation for the heat transfer of liquid suspensiont ?ZRIODICKLi Inshenerno-fisichookiy shurnall not 6, 1962,,27 - 51 '&'ZXTi Tho'author analyzed general differential equations describing flog: and heat transfer of an Inhomogensous, Incompressible It ido Tho analy-- is yielded the relation Hu -, 7 (Rol Pri r/1-rl I a 0 d /a,) (201 a PI/P2 1~u2, 2 for the heat transfer of liquLd suspensions with forced convections The monotonically changing function F can be approximately described by the ussel% equation Hu B(R*)a(pr)b(* d r/1-r)*( Pi/P2) (01/02) *(d2/dj)f (25) for the individual sections, The experimental results obtained from the above relations by the author, and the authors mentioned below, torre- 3ponded, with an accuracy of t 10 %, to the equxtion O's 0,4(r/i '5(dvd,)0.02 (26)~ .u - 0.26 Re Pr -r)oao'5(p,/p2)0' "(*1/02)0. The quantities mentioned were oh&Aged in the following rangess Card 1/2 31170V62100010061003101i 3quation for the heat transfer of ... 3117/ 138 3u 100 700; Re 4000 20,0001 Pr 1#5 401 r 0 0.21 PI/02 0" 0.71 cI/a2 2 101 d 2/di 14 220000. Thera is i figur*., The English-langmp referencies ar'is 0. F. Bonilla, Jr. Cervi, To J. Colvonq and So J. Van# Chem. Eng. Prog# Symposium Series, 49, no- 5* 127t 1953; Co-Jr, Orr,and J. X. Dallavalle Chem. Eng. Prog. Symposium Series, ~50, no. 9g 29# 19541 A. P. Uiller and B. I# Moulton Trend in Engineering, no. 40' 19561 J. J. Salazons and U. Newnan Ind. and Ing. Chem., 47, no. 2, 28), 19556 ASSOCIATIONs Vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishcho In,, Fe So DausanAg go 0.10skya (School of Higher Technical Education ineni, No So Bauman, Moscow) SUBLUTTEDs January 15# 1962 Card 2/2 IKOAWV# To lop Luba imushr am brdmus rosiouses or the now or a uvdd nspossim in pipme IsploomMUka 10 no.ji" Mr 063. (CIA 26#4) L MosbmkWe vroob"s tokhmialwokep isMUsbaboo VASIIMIKO, Alakney Niko3Ayevich, kand, tokbn. naukj DRYZHAKOV, Urgenly Vaslllyovlch# dots,; 1,SAYEV,, Sergey Ivanovicbg 10 kando tekhn. rAuki XOWWCHUIO likolq Karpovich, kande tekho, nauk# datool KOFAXOVp IvaWTICkI assistentl XRUTOVj *ViUlly AVAnWICn# V""tQXM4-iW&I) prof.1 MIROM, Boris HlkhVlovieh, kand. tekbn. ruak; NICHATULIN, IskaWor flioutulovichs dokt4r tokba. naukg prof.; NOSOV# Mikhail Yssillyevichp prof.1 SWOYLOV, Mikhail Sergsyvvicbp assistoutj VWSH, IgorlPavlovich, kand. tekhme nauk# profol MOStCYV# Viktor 1-tanovichp kand, t-ekbns nauk; SHIMMO Isvpniy Viktorovichp kand, tekhn, naukI YUDAYTV, Boris Rikolayevich# kands tokbno neukj dotsel WITHIN., 16102 dots., kard. -MUaMpfl; M-,Vs A.M.9 doteep retsenseutj T A., ro(I G.I., red, (Problems in teeWoal thermodptamice and heat transfer) Sbornik sadach po toUnicheskol termodIvvWke I teplopere- dacheo [By] A,,N,Vaollsnkc I dr, Floakyaj, Vysshala vhkola 1964. 369 p. (MIRA l7s4i 11 plepodavat"434 Vmktiv kafedry termodinualki I teplo- peredachi Yookovskogo v-yeabego takhnicheakogo uchillshcha (for all except Kutyring Shvedayp Tupitsym,, Pufayeva). 2. Yo- skovskly aviatsionvqy institut (for Kutyrin,, Shvodov). I t ~ / /7/T 0 KA t V UM / VirOlOW. twici4ifriftl Virus" (PkSP4) Abe Jow I Raf Xhur - Hiol.~'ffo 2j 1958.0 v0 "i9al Author s Kraxillnikov, NA.,, Kofanerat H#Dj Inst t ACL40M Title I Effect of Antibiotics an Fbages Ori 9 Pub I Antiblotiki, 1957s 29 No I,* ~-10 Abstract iOver 500 antinamycete cultures wore tested,, belonrW to dif- ferent, groups aitd speciso,,,for the ability to produce subs- tances which possess an antlphap activity with re"at to a number of bacterlophares and octirmphareq. Nearly 90-9e% of actinamyoete cultures tested inhibited ono or another actino- phage p and - U% b** torlophares, Omer& I sechanims of ac- t1nomycete anUphare activity ban.4,cally resemble the necha- ni=s or their antibacterial proportieso Card 1 1/2 to r-l-al-V I ruses -(wages) Abe Jour: Faf Zhur-Diol., No 14, 1958# QW3, Author Pautenshtepp Ya. I..j Kofanm, N.D. Inst TItle On the loolatlon or Actlaq~s from the Soll. Orl S Pub: M1krobiologlyaj 1Mp 26, No 3, 315-322. Abstract: In the Isolation of actinophages from black earth soil the met favorable results vere ob- tained by Introducing the experimental soil into flasks contolning a flabbroth and vith a subse- quent maintenance of the fleak cin a shaker for 40 ho= Malutownce or fluks vith the soil on the a r for more than 48 hre. led to a sudden decrease or the quantity of Isolated phaps. By maintaining the flasks vith the soil in a stationary cam 1/2 ZOMWTAZD, A.1.1 XaWWA, N.D- Method for tho WINLry sol"tion of AotinaVves inhibiting cancer oellso Antiblottki 3 ao.504 5-0 'IS- (KIU 121U) Institut:Mkro'bloladl AN 5=- (OTTOTWO m-mm I, antitletic isolated from Actinowests selection of aative strains (fts)) Anticancer, Prod AottsoVesso selection of aott" Wains (ACTIVOOM, prods of anstamer antibiotics, selection of satt" strains (k0)) 3OV1109-3-7-4-12123 ALITIfOR.. 10fowft"&r. TITLE: News Item The Interdepartmental Seminar on Cathode Electronics ( Ehronika: Uezhduvedomstvonnyy seminar po katodnoy elektronike) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1953, Val 3, Hr 7, pp 973-975 WSSR) ABSTRACT: The 8th Session of the Interdepartmental Seminar on Cath- ode Electronics took place on the 3nd Marehl 1958 in the In- stitute of Radioonginearing and Electronics of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, Six papers werv read and discussed. D. 0. Bulyginskiy delivered a lecture on Mao olectron tem- perature of )D-cathodes" while B. V. Bondaranko spoke on "The characteristics ana the measurement of the thermionic constant A". A paper by 1. 1. Gofman dealt with "The inves- tigation of field emission of SO for tho purpose of oompar- ing the experimental data with the theory pronsed by Stratt- on". 0. B. Voroblyeva delivered a lacturn on The problema of fatigue in complex photo-cathodes*. The lecture or V. 11 Fomina reported on the investigation of induced conductivity in thin filua of k12031 3e, US and Sb2S 3 and gave some Card 112 experimental data, L. H. Dobretsov read the paper of SOVI109-3-?-22123 ep&rtmentel Seminar on Cathode Electronics News Iteml The Interd U, Ve Gomoyunovaj wbich was concerned with the 0pulse inves- USation of the 860cndary emission of thin lay ra of Ha0l. 1. Cathode#--USM 2. 11mtrontoe-USM 3. Soientif to reports Card 212 .30V/109-4-6-27/27 AUTHORSt Gortkovo V*A,, TITLZ: Inter-dopartmental Seminar on Cathode Zl*ctron1CA (13th Meeting) (Mezh4uv*4omstvannyy seminar po katodnoy oloktroniko) (13-e xas*4&n:Lyo) (Now Item) PZRIODICALs Radi.otekh"ka i elektronikas 1939, Vol 4, Nr 6, pp 1067 - 1068 (USSR) ABSTRACTo The meeting of the seminar took place on February 2. 1959, at the Institut radlotakhniki L olektroniki AN SSSA (Institute of Radioonginoering and Sloctronics of the Ac.Sca, USSR), The following lectures wore delivered and Aiscussods . 'M#1# Tolinson - "Investisation of the Field Xmission of Dielectrics Containing Admixturss"; AsIo Krokhina - "Destruction of the Dielectrics Subjected to Ion Bombardment and HeatinS"t V.A. ShreduAlk - *Dependence of the Work Function of the Thin-loyar Cathodes on the Coverage Region"; Card 1/2 Inter-departmental Seminar on Cathode 21*ctron. be Meet A.Ve Rumyantsev - ."Influence of the Temperature ProcessinS on the Work Punction of the Compounds Having HiSh KoltinS Points"* Tho report Sivas comprehensive sum"aries of the lectures presented* Card 2/2 f I SWA6A.L 114WO 041 $be 0%446 All-WIL4611 IffidIIIIIJILMA WMAa MISIXAM kdf#Os*iw%sM i OUlkitsfilks'. 19". Vol 1. 0* 1. rp 6,64-410 Mal A1011111"I "I& fQ0f*t4MQ4, took Died* to llood&~ free 81-441% flasooor 1911 wits too g4flidtfalles, at Soviet 0*400410,1m, "d $"*to "*o $bow". soo"" 4aflowlawl. to. th4oal* posploo. "Paste a" 4"4&001 ovmiata. no Stairs" of tows-ote~ Was &*64able"Al V""Laosir. I" repave O"Olots at I~ obetroots, of Is$ tape#* it I sawo sa"400a, 004 is* 0"4#00# of 6:4404*4 at 460 p lostorevide. to Devotes goto protest#* to %be 00444" M401*9404 p"w4loo, at "kids dool"i 9646 *1640to* orp4sos o" s4ruelm S propoe,%$** *6 soldwo o%tto*9 1$M04 aloot"16.41"Sod,& 6:1144*4, Of -pose% tiel4e. as Adlisti-S olortmass "to #is 06$04. A roosts as su V"Olo* of 00060004"tor astbodoo we#* da"o, is 460 *Oq*ten *a tbovot"" of lav"s wave at 00"aalked to tba ovation as go" ps 0 d4m *&to dww amilml toe,$. 14 FAPWG gotil p0446*444 as tm 0"4146 0660#400. Tee, *oaties as ClOad Is pavere smesatisal Page* Is*ld swissfo* of bialk a""64 0 9"" all&414,1401 of -0000000" fee 000=66"4#0" 416 of 04, us so 10044114W Off Ilse" as uw 90614 6"400 *$*a as**"* of p"A"Sof ead vasidess pse:.* ft4s, *I oomforsom* diose"see isesoot*4 $be 4-4wo 1~0 a" cord VIA statiess am&**ded, at *to" leads plame. ram