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ZAKHAROVA, Te.V.; LYADai, K.P.; KOCIMr'y ,-- -,I yej, Pulsation of the flame none In blAot fiirnaz# air praboatars. I2v.vys.ucheb.z&v.S ohern.met. 9 no.61156-159 165. (MRA 1818) 1, Ko=un&rvkiy as t&ll arg totes k-ly savodl Ka=unarskly gormmt&Uurgi- cheskiy institut I "vskiy- politakhnicheakly 1natitut, KOCHOP V.S.; GRANKOVSKITt V.1.1 KOMTKOV, Te.A.; DIstribution rogenoratorso 149-154 164. ?AKIIAI-OVA, Te.v. or combustion products In op*n-hearth furzace lavo rpo ucbsbo xavoj chorno met, 7 no.10: (NDU 17111) .1, Xlyevskiy politekhnichaskiy Inatitut i KomurArokly metal- lurgicheakly savod. ACC NR, AP6034042 ' -'--'-,SOURCE CODE: UR/0103/66/000/010/0033/0042 AUTHOR- Gavel. Y&. (Praguo)t Kochqth9x-_~S._(M*sc*w) ORG: none TITLE: Calculation and simulation Of one class of tault-detection repairable systems SOURCE: Avtomatika i talemakhanika, no. 10, 1966, 33-4Z TOPIC TAGS. system reliability, repairable system :ABSTRACT: A system intended for receiving (recording) some arriving met aged'is! considered. The operable condition of the system is monitored by issuing pe:todic checking signals. The messages form a stationary Poisson florw. The monitoring system itself may be either perfect or liable to failures. The mathematical e. actation of message loss and the mean time to first failure are calculated (general' .'forrhulas derived) for both variants of the monitoring system. Both cases were also hililated at the Prague Institute of Theory of Information and Automationt ChSAN; 11 Al ~~the simulation verified the formulas, The simulatox is represented by its block diagram only. Origo art, has: Z figures, 34 formulas. and 6 tables. SUB CODE; 14 / SUBM DATE; Man66 / ORIG REF: 003 / OTH REF: 001 S/P44/631000/001/0431053 A060/AOOO AVMR Kochetkov, Ye. S. TIME3 Hatimators.or the simpler statistical oharacteWsOcs of stationarY stochastic processes ract IVIOO MUODICALs Referativoyy 4wrrAl# Matematikaj no' 1, 1963, 26, &bst' (in collections *Avtftat, regultroyanlye i upr.0, Moscow,' AN SSSR, 1962o 375 381) TEXTt 7he author given a general presentation of the facts known from the. papers of Grenander and Rosenblatt as to the fact that, under some conditions, the estimators for the regression coefficients, obtained by the method of least squares, have a dispersion which, as the realization Increases, Is axymptatically equal to the minimal dispersion of non-displaced linear estimators (Markw esti- mators). An approximate method is proposed for solving the integral equation to find the beat non-displaced estimator, which consists in the replacement of the correlation function by the 6-functIon with some oogfflotent. In conclusion some recArks are made on the applicability of the proposed methods to the osti- Card 1/2 S/Okk/631000/002/043/053 Estimator* of the simpler alltiatical... A%WAOOO mation of the correlation function of a stationary "4s&. V, P. Plsarm*o (Abstracter's notes Complete trumlation] Card W2 KOCHFTKOV# U.S. (MDakva) .I..,.,. --- ~ Calculation of the relAability of restorable system with consideration of the restoration tin, Avton, I toles, 26 no.5091-W Vq 165* (MIRA 19#12) 1. Sutwitted VArch 16g 1964. PSM I SM XXNAKtIAZM Abodowlya amk SAM 2moUtut atbamstlkl 1 tolimokbialklo * P.. Smats sup ow Control) magov, I*&" m Inserm. vdw o""s pruud. I 260h.idli 1&0' to "O"re ftetw or ftebatoal So"goos, Gf publumag RwW", Too 21 GrIf"'Y"I 14.1, 1. X. MUM, this b"k lb ift""" tw "Ifutifte ros"rab, Amwe" With WASON&Ueft. Msums T" J* a 'Bou"t"S somou" or pagive do ,"a *f Wo lasts, U" tho AIAR and Asedw of &1e@&" tu $A. h, t: be SA Al W solvatifts ad -WA Gamsel Is off"144 stle" "I SOy/Sut The Grusloo an SA seven "stlemso 1"1041" Iw lorwt" o" sontrol "Sta"j, Prows ofttr*4 sea shmon-ate and, 10080 4=464 saidas Low 41roults saa tuato suto- fash Ar"Oo an lWatlenec warouses an gives all t" ad of VAN I* AVIQUTX OWMM MA &Upvw on 0;6; ;;;;We sear o"ret"a of "M eog systems arm" "4uw of assume toots with 41 Autcoatia ReVA#tIon (Oontj BOV16012 Roxcrynklys A,.L, Contactless pulse-code telemetry systes 342 Silayevj V, No A-programming computer for automating t"o-aasting Ilino ype) machine composition 349 Tenenbaum,# L. A, Meat of flapper speed on the charac- toriatics of a nossle-flapper type valve alexant 3W PART V, STATISTIOAL NIMMS IN AUTOKATION Gadzh:iyev# No YU, Optimal retuning of the carrier fre- quencies of useful signals and noise studied in the light of games theory 370 hetkov,p Ye. 8 Istimates of the simplest statistical a ara roe of stationary random processes 375 Nappelfbaum, 1, L. Detection of a useful signal against a background of non-Gaussian noises 382 Card 9/12 - - -. - -- -- - - -..- - : , . - . . . .1 ~-r ~ ~- 3/271/63/000/001/010/047 D413/LJ303 X"11C Rochetkov, Ye.S. of the ajn7~les;t at,-.tja#.-jcal characteria- ties of stationary randen procenqes &"ZaICD'LCAL: r-eferativrWy thurnal, Awtamatika, telemekhanika i vychialitallnAya te'4:anika, no. 1, 1963, 36 abstrAct u.9 to SSSRV 1962, 3,;5-301) T=a: The author contaiders the settinZ u-.) of limar into- ,gral unbiased estimatca of tho nathc--,iatical expectation and correla- tion function of stationary random procansec with continuoua tit=, in of one realization ou tlicoc procesnes. It is astaut-.ed that nothin- is known about the process iciv.,ati-ated exccpt the fact tilat it has a continuoun and li-aited wx~ctral density, accurate !;nowledge of vlldch is not required. art', given of the calcu- lation of integral estimates, the quality of all the estimates in question being determined by their wan-aquare deviation from the Card 1/2 S/2-n-/65/000/001/016/041- - - atimates of the aimpleat D413;l-,3Ol3 c timated paramater. 3 referencon. Ibstracter's note: CoWleta translation2 F "Jard' 2/2 ACCESSUM NXt AP5022901 UK/01031(5/026/000/1410/1411 621.3.019.3i62.50 AUTHORI .Mchetk~j, Va. S.. ftscov) TITIZ: An ;anslyota of restorable, detection system* SW=o Avtm&tLka i telankhaaftse v. 26. a*. 8, 1963. 1410-IA17 TOPIC TA481 detection system, statistical analysis, signal detection, random process, sigsial Interception ABSTRACT: The,statistical characteristics of detection systems capable of re- storation after breakdowns have been studied. Such systems or* fully described by. the reliable operation time tc, breakdown search time to, and the restoration (*a- change) time tt. Tho rad4om quantities tc# to, AM tr At* 4$8u"4 iade##ndeat &M are given by their probability distrLbutions. The system intercepts a 1poissou flcr4 of signals each of vbicb to at sorw time accwpted by the system with a probability p and is lost with & probability q -a I - p it the system operates at the instant of sivwl application while the loss probability is I if the system is inoperative. The present author 1) finds the distribution of the number of signate lost by the system in the (00 t) time Interval; Z) finds the number of the sub- !'Card--1/2_ L 2215-66 ;ACCESSION NRI AP5OZ2981 :1 stitutions of the system over the same interval of time; and 3) established srA studies the loss function representinS the totality of lost** caused by the VAMO :acceptance of a portion of the signals Wause of exchanges in the system sn4 In ~thn equipment u"d for the organization of checks of the system. amoulte og the ;Investigation are applIcable to the cast when signals checking the good vatkLae !order of the system form a stationary P)isson flow as well as wbea they sirvive peviodically from the stawt of oporatiom of a new systemuntil a failute Le ob"r* ~ved. Ocit, art. host -48 formulas and figures. ASSWIMION I -- Non* - - - 7 suBmrmD, omtsy(A -.911CLi 00 SUB cow s NO RIF SOVI 004 CrMJU~ WO Dp I W HITKOVo Tu.A. (Nukva) oPt'su" "Prox'"U" e't & SOU6ft-wavO 019MI. law. AN S=. Tokho k1bo noo6s16-24 11-D 163- WRA 17t4) L "4-M EWT(ri),/EWP(Y)/F*P(k)/FWP(h)/IVP(l) Vic ACCNR-, XP6006755 SOURCE CODE: UR/0280/65/000/005/0013/0022 AUTHOR: Kochetkov, N~u. A. (,Mosco" 011110: None TITLE: Applicatlon of the Pantry&& mediod to the iniresuption at minimax problems in control processes SOURCE: AN SSSR. IzvesUya. TekbnieheMWa kiberneUka, no. 5, 1965, 13-22 TOPIC TAGS; optimal control* automatic control theoryt differential equation s"tamt -=4 1 * ~ehl*= DYAMMIC 13tTVFM I 0rVMCr-'#A1 0 0,40/A"& j0 ajjtrj#f FAM1104- A13STRACT: This article is devoted to the selection of optimsi mintmax controls& dynamic systems. The author proposes that the function of a ied by the ordlm*y differential equation system: -tIMMSIUMIUMA, where x,, xn tire phase owrdinates, x0to Ow quantity whtch 6ftes the quality Card 1/3 LZ L 30344-66 ACC NR.- AP6005755 x0(uov). This Enuality should bo satisfied In any correct point of the functions u(0)(1) And V(O)(Q. Orig. art. ban: 59 formulas. SUBCODE: /~,OR/SUDMDATEt'gSApr6g/ORIGRZFs 003/OTHREh 002 ACC _" -At lawn ;X1 VIV WV= Is SGS101 0 so A, IClorbealwo so ILI Newdlaso it. 1.1 XftMtjWvP TV, T. *T=t 'Device for trawaitting mad autosatically rallsterial Information (can eqedrant to ope t1M* Class 74, was 136872 t $Mas tsobre p V=iW*hlwwyyo obrestay. tovamyye saski# no. 19, 19"0 7a 133-134 or IMUT it a callptr systsug industrial autmationg Industrial instrusent, dt A AUMOn, Am r Oirtificate boo been Issued for a device for transwittial and sawastically to taring Inforastlas frou "vipmet In opetattem. The device "Oldsto of else C-Julft ousnation awnterso telephone numetical selectors# equip- im t oduc Not-ctuditim t sduesTog intetval stamens and on electrical--circuit cesnutator, _nte u raw the discrete utoestic suneation of taquip"Ut downtlaso the counutator, which = Ir 0 a to In ths, forMILO a relay scanner, Is tonsected thmugh the ionally closed contacts 0 of thei UMMI-188 of the Interval scamer's rAse pain botmew the power &Wply on. 864 thO into Oo brushose t1w contact leads off of the identical air of vhLch an cometted to the slactrio-pulas. susestim tares 23N&7"1 1- CW4 JA J g WM;V"'~1_JY11,_J, R~ WERM When one reambors his dutlegg Swo prorsoluoy 4 no,qj5".56 s o,56,, (KIAA 9t10) I# PWsedslell sh12ishchno-bylovoy koolooll tookhowago k=ltetok shersto- pryadilluor fabriki lunt fAllafta. 1. KO=K(YlAq A. 2. USS (&)U) 4, Para-AMnomaUcylid Acid 7* , lonOPhOr*814- With para-minawaUcrUe said (?ASK) an a wthw for treat. Ing tuberculosis of the lArynx, Letv, PSR Zino Akad, Vost.'s 11, 1951 9. NonthIl List of basian Aecealloms, Library of Congress. janua" 19S3. Uselassifled. IW232 AUTHORS: Andriyonov, K. A, VWrym T. V, Nudelmas L N., Kbumauk"ll. L M., Kochettem A. C. and Ch"alkom A. 0. TnU: Dinwth*lln4kblwWl##- its optbesh sad a audy of its rewim wM dbodim few Of PERIODICAL: Zbwml obJwW %Mmik v. A no. 7, IM 2307-2311 TEXT: RuctMe of awthyl chloride WM stanom chlodk In tW V of spoW metAlc'coppa Sir" dimethyl-tirrdichlotide (1) and methyl-tWirkbiodde (11) secordisS to the Kkm Zito + 2CHCI - (CHj),Wj + SeQb 2SnO + 3CHsO - CHjSoOj + SuOt + CHjCHj- The reaction Iskes p1m betwm 2500 asid 3304C,- the *W of the u c MW the rstlo betwm I OW It in the mKtion prodwa am tempemwe depwdut. At 2J0*CmsWy dimdkykbWkh6d& Is reaction o(dinwhyt tko-dkhlovidu wid dktk*tbWkWcMu *a disodium Wu of d pkadwu the molocular weiSht o(wbkb exaWs 3WO. Them Is I ftem ud 3 t&bkL The feftftyu 181 madc L Kochowj Smith.). Am. apim Soc. 7$.4143 (1"l). SUBMITTED: hly 5, 1%1 Card 1/1 s -* -0 *COUM a DymmUry in QLUM With %Maio AsitiagN Sove MW*I look, "W Prqwdntic CMldnate Clinioq IP*&Atries isevitys Imnt me4 lot, KOCHII=VAj AsOo Anglog"Phy 'a P"tmsdlsrcs*fo (A*U=UM) Trudy TSIV 2s92-106 161, a (laws-Disusss) (KM ISOC KOCHMOVA# A.0.1 ZAGNITKOYSUU# Z,X. cunloal "Poets am morpbolo f PrLwry towro and 078ts of the sediasumm. Trudy ?STU 2sl2t!1305 61. (MM 1518) (MTs) r (MEDIASTIM.TWORS) XOCMMOVA A. G, Ingiopflimovapby in the dlip"Is of tho adddl* lobe vjra~e XhirArgiia 39 noe7sU5-120 J1163~ (KIM 16&12) I* Is 2-y'kafoft klinlaWskay khiiwgii (say, w pmrs B,K, Wipov) "eutraltnago instituta usomrsbanstvamlys rmchey na bias Oorabkoy boltrdUy N*950 (glaynyy vrach 0,PNusm) mog1kya, - - --- ------- - - KOCH-MOVA, A.G. Angiography In the daIgnosis of JwW d1season, Trudf TSM 66#lU-*221 '*~ . 164. OaRA ist 5) STEPANMAp T.V.g kand. md, naaki XCCIETII(NA, A.-,-'#. ................., Bronohomopic, bronchographic and angicgraphi(- in m aiddle lobe syndrow. Trudy TSIV CW51-162 164. (MIRA lPs5) L.3o; MOOEMNA, A,G.j F=H)E:,rMIAAYA, A.I.; . -77STIA, AGG, Anglogrstphy in b~rAgn pulmonary tuvwv. Pvo.MU &1:31.1v-1116 16). (MI RA IS 13) 1, it kared" klintehokoy kbirurg-ti (Z4V. Prol'o I LI kArodra rentgenOlOS11 (zal, frckf, Inatituta usovorshen8tv9"Mys vrachevy, Yubileyr7-,- ntorrorc prof. S. 272-75. 30. Lato-As Statay# Vol, 37, IYO, "I j LdAA4f- KOCHICTKOVA'dt-& : ?*gtar Mod Sci (diss) -- "The state of the trachea mW 0-mm"M - bronchi In t~berculosls patients with Ineffectual collapse therapy", Rigs, 1958. 13 pp (Acs.' Sci Latvism SSR;, Inst of 11spaTivental Mod), 220 copies .(KL, Mo 6, 1959, 1") Country . UM Cotasory: Wtivated Plants - OmIns Is J~uri Vo 11., AuUor i Huny,, Yo.I.; IAktIciwv.-., Dody, 0.0 4 Inst i Kubansk A(MICUMMI Inst. Titla s The Itreat of PhomphoraboaterIn an t1w Corn If1oIA- Ort." tub t8b. stud - nduc* n . rabot. lCubmak. a. -k;i - la-t, 1956 (1957), vyp, 1, 157-1" Abstract-. The yield of cobs increased by 12.1 contnarsA.G. vith Ube truatzent of the foods of VIR-42 varlety of corn vitli a double do@* or phosphorobactorin. The cobs moro I"p wid plucV. and : 1/11 1. KOCMrOVA, A.P. 2. USS (60) 4-1 Infants-Dissases ~ I ' 7. Catamesis folloving infant tolicoses. Top.pedlat. To. 6 1952. 9. -Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Wel. f ~-. 4 . Dis:,ertatlons "Investiration of Indium CorpmMe at Increased Goa J reasures v-rd Increased Temperatures." Catd Chew 5el, Izot of GenAral &nd lrorr&nlc Chemistry Unni. H. S. Kurnakov, Acad :;ci 1MR, 28 Ysy 54. Votberrquys P;oskvap l'-:0scow, 19 May 544 SOj SUN 294P 216 Nov 1954 17 (T i"14 A '1! 10 1 A lot A no A 11 A OVI# Aa~#I "&)Xiwo Too* Real resistance of aaim compounds of gallium, IMIM. am tumum. Shuretworgekbim, 2 ao*9#2(*3-eob8 2 157. (NnA 10112) (Calliva) (InHum) (Thallium) (Amino eoqpowds) 5im E~Tll EDCHEMVAO A.P.1 TXIIEVs V,O.j OILTAWV, o,N, -I-- Cmpoimdo of ftl.Uum vith Clolnes Zbur, neorg. khloo 6 no4slW-2585 Jl 161o (KIPA 24s7) 1(oftillum COMPOWAS) (olyclue) 8/090JUJI 47/0031019/0)2 AUTHORSs Koohotkova# A. P., Tronev, V,O,q Ollyarovp O.S. TITLS: Complex indlus compounds of lowest valencles. Synthosis and study of the properties of the annoniates of indium monohalides PERIODICALt Akadestys nauk SSSR.' Doklady, v.,147, no. 5, 1962, 1006-1089 TEXT: The reaction of 'indlus monobalides with &moat& was studied In three states of aggregation: The reaction with gaseous IM 3 under a pressure of 3 - 4 ats (t.VOOC) Yields adducts of the composition InX-219,# where M . 1, 'Dr, At 2 - 2,5 ats, one NO, moleaufs adds to the monohalides, The ~ss and d1agoonlates-art bl'aak substance- a%lah in resultino qonoas2on a , soll d form are inso blo in water# nitric and hydrochloric &aide, They k disproportlonate lot metallic In and In IIX under the action of vaterp of and dissociate into InM and NB5 under the action of aolds, goiting . Card 1/3 8)~20,162/147/005/018/032 Complex Irldium compounds of lowest 0.0 1 17/B 186 120 - i500C and 6f'InPr'NH to i450C 'calses their simultaneous 1n1-MH 3t0 5 u dissociation Into InM and Ng,'and disproportionotion into 21n not and the corrtspond,ing InV05NNY Zxbtfi*rm1o effect* obs~rv'od at 60 - 700C ani r 40 - 500C indicated transittoa into the sort stabl* orystallint form of the compounds studied# since the composition andiproptrties roasintd unchanged. When the pressure is inor*as*4 to 6-8 &tat or If liquid NO 3 to used, disporportionation yields grayish black Ing-2XR3 products. InV3 'NH3were synthesized undirr the same oonditlqns and studiol th*rmo- graphically to prove the composition of those products. Thus# trihalides yield Ing,-61483, Thermograas showed the decomposition of these products down to Ink3OxHp and fusion of metallic rn. The presence of Ina*t -in this reaction was also proved by X-ray analysis. The reaction of In not with NH3 sets In at the molting point of indium, and shifts to the right in the thor~ograa a.t higher temperatures. -The last exothermic effects at Card 2/3 9/02 $21147/005/010/032 Complex Indium compound'$ of love$% '00 11 Ilya 166 345 and 27000 correspond to the fusion of son0halides containing $Sall amounts of In and ansontates OfTIn 111, which do not take part In the reaction. Conclusions The reaction of XnM vith $9 3 causes either addition or disproportionation# according to the conditions. Th* only products are wonoammonlates and disamonUtes. Compounds containing a larger numb r of WHI molecules Were not obtainso ovIng to disproportions- lion of In I into ne and to III at higher seeants, pressur*s# There art 2 figur:s and I tattoo ASSOCIATIONt Inatitut obahchey.1 avorgantoblookoy khimil In. X*S. turnakova Akadomit nack 8382 (Institute of General and Inorganto Chemistry lasni 118. lurnakov of the Academy of Scionave USSR) PRUNICTSDs July 16, 1962o by I&I. Chernyayaw, Acedemiclan SUBMITTEDI July 4, 1962 Card L45hi 8/02 62~147/006/022/014 AUTHORS: Kooh*tkoyAj__A#P#q Troney, V, 0., 011yarov, 0. N. TITLEt Complex loi-valency indius *ompounds. Synthesis and study of the properties or indium dihalide smain** PERIODICALt Akademlya nouk 3839. Dokladlyq ve 147# not 69 19629 TEM Complex oompounds having 6111 3 soleaul*s (room temperature) and 8 NH bolloules (slightly below 60C) or* formed from In I and In Dr 3 2 4 2 4 molecules with gaseous Nit at a pressurej'of )-4 ats by a synthesis 3 method demoribed earlier (DANt 1471 no.5 (1962)). Theo* compounds disproportionate already when synth*sisings In 2H&14 06WH3 + 2113 0. InNal,29H 4 InHal #6XH,, or when heated to 60 - 850C In an Inert atsos- 3 3 ,phore with the separation of 2 KH3 soleaults from the 0osrpl#X compound .having 8 99 molecules# and with formation of In Rai 6KHY FUrther 3 2 4' Cord 1/3 3/020 62/147/006/022/0)4 Complex low-valenoy indius compounds ... B14471101 1 conversion is different In 1.041des and trcstdost 6111 4 Oct InI + InI + IM witH an exothermic effect 120 In2Br 4' 6NH InDr-993 InDr:*5193 with an exothermic effect at 850c. Immine compounds of trivalont In dooospost and react with Ingal y1eldi;6 d1halides as final products. Under exposure to air or water, metallic indium in formed. Complex compounds containing 6 and a NX 3 molecules are stable in an Inert medium. These resultsq justify &$$using a diner structure with a metal - metal bond# in which In Is tetravalent. On disproportionation the binding electron pair to shifted toward an In &too. The kind of "In* determines the bond strength and thus also the tendency to disproportionate, This will sake It possible to determine %be valenoy of indium In oospl x compounds with the formal valency of 2. There are I figure and I tlso' ASSOCIATIONj Institut obahahey I neorganishoskay khteli is. II.S. Kurzakm (Instituis of 0aneral and Inorganic Chemistry Issal X.S. Xurnakov) Card 2/1,4 0102016-11147100610221034 Complex low-valeacy indius compounds ... B14413101 PAZSSXTO July 16s 19621 by If It cheftyarovt leadestaian SVBMrPTn July 4# 1962 45161 8/07fi-l'U'3/008/003/019/020 B1 177B186 AUT11OR31 Tronevv 7. 0.0 Oilyarov, 0. No TITLEt Compounds of indius vith glyatne PERIODICAL, Zhurnol ntorgantobookoy khimti# v. 0, no# 3# 19630 172-774 TEXT., Glyolne compounds of Indius vith the formula 1n(0lH)3.00lnC13_n (n - 0#1#2t3) and of the compositions ln(018)20'C'20 and InG13 were synthesized by the method described for gallium (Zh.neorgan. khIaII, 6, 158) (1961)) and investigated. Their structure Is similar to that of the corresponding gallium aoupwande and their htst resistance Rlso, increase# analogously due to ring formation, Decomposition of 1n(GlH) C1, starts below the melting point of glyalne (255 C) at t600C. 3 0 :)ecomposition of In(01H),0101, occurs at 255-265 C1 and that of Inal only at 2050C. Indium-nitrogen bonds are unstable In triglycinate and trlglyoino chlorides subjected to the action of gaseous ammonia uvJ~r Card 112 9/07a 63 008100~10191020 Compounds of Indium vith glyalne WNW preanure. In this respoott I",y differ from the corresponding gallium compounds. There Is i figure* SUBMITTED: August 16s 1962 Card 2/2 ISTWg Al*ksmAr Bomenoirichl GAIAX210501, A.A,, red.t IOCWZCTA, otv. sa vypwkg UMLUWA,, R.Aos tekhn.iv-f,-e [UsInIl synthetle varnIsh and point In construatian] Priva- nento miatotiahmskM loca soaWkh materislay v strol- tollst", Naskvs# 1959. " V. (Nookovskil 4w mmahno- taMmIalookol propops4yo brodevol apA prolayodstva, thrlist Stroltellstvo 00000 (min 13810) (paint) lVarnish ond wornishing) IMIMTURAs, A.S.# otv, sa rypust (Materials of the Sointifte T*cWeal Conference 01sproving the orpr4sation of the construatim of residential, cultural, ard public buUdIMs.%t*rI&4 Xavcbn*-tekkd*b*sko7 kcafe. rentaii 'So"rehmsWevaMe organisatell shillsbobwCo I kull- turm-bytorvolo, strottoltstva#8 Koseowj 1961, Moskmal Plock. gorotd-nis Ob-va yo, r&qw,, po2lt., L nmobn. --m I R-qM# 1962. 115 ps (KMA 15 s9) Is Hauchno-tekbn1oheskaya kmforenUiya O$mrW*nA"vu#e orgmisatsil shilishohnogo I kul*t4am*47tmgo, stroltol'stva," moseovs 2961" (Comft=Uon lidustry) I III.I - I - 1. '.. -- 6 r I i . i, ,1 38226. KOCIL-TYOVA. A. S. AhM MMOUMM. A. S. I Methkolkhotryy nsqml krupwgo rog&togo skate yaroslavakoy parody. Trudy Vvegoyvz. opyto stantsti shivatrovadstvao v3rp. 1. 1", s. 5-26 COUNTAYtUSSR CATMORYS i3a. J-OunIAiD16%. .40. 194 240. 871LAt AUTHOR U"Uo r as~,Sclentific Rbrearch In3tivite or" Fa IL dMtikht ~ bf Carot in In Forage Uants of Us YIAPLA"V~Zsk~yKrays_ 01M, PUB.t13yul,,, nauchriow-tekk-n, Inrome Dallmvozt. in-,ta kh.t 1957t 31 31-33 AS3TRACT I Carot n~'.cIontent was &Ptermined, in different local varietlev, of zl:dver and 4*Y'bean3 during different ,,tages of developrtInt, 'It vus foud thh% C3rc&.iA& content of differpnt varlatl,69' ir, not the sme. In clover the c,irottn content Incroases frov, tht bul-rormut Ion stage to tt~e stdrt of flowtring and Is tLen ek-reasee, by tYe tive or full Uooming, In shaee tLe cArotIn" Is better -,.res4rved than in hay4drying of grass In windrows dccreaseu loss of carotIn by 45~, in comparlson with drying in swuths. A. A. 6hchibryat CAaD.t 4,4 IWMrf YA, A.B., kmA*s~l'skekbosMstvsWkb maulc Ralsltg young stock *Mar Costrollel conditions In the ftr Rest. ZbOotbovoutva go 66#9176aft 3 ISS. (xm 11210) L Vallsovosteabe" umbso-telledolatellskly institut sollskop kbosymystva., (Aritiva 7WTltory-calves) AXWAJW IKA., VASILMVAP TOY* XWZL'PU* Z-1s; KH&MAJU HVILI,, L.M.; 4zihg~ 0 A.G. Preparation of dLuetbrI tin dLehloride &W sto4y of its oil vith disodi= salts of dlmUWIsilonms, ZbtLr.ob.kh1sr!;u noo7t2307-2311 A 0629 (WA 15 M (Tin organic eo"p=da) (Silmms) =Wftpalc CbMIStry - ftftWU *Wale QWwImU7,q 2-2 Abet :owmis Went ftw - *Amipp xo 190 1956j, 6A& Autborl Sidarovas 2, 0.0 1"W"togms so NO# %U" Titlet Cycloswissift cc Armtlo CagmAs. IX. Pascua at I cy4obexual with bm"o pwiOdicall Me obsb*4 MU"t IVA# 96p No 10 191-197 Abstracts On coodommatim of 1-*mloyalshommi (1) with C626 in promemos of AlCl=pls**-WU&rLly robictim at I to (13). Um ccosts4 at i,3.(ni) *Dd Is -(V) phWicycladualme A"Wom to A1013 *to vater, MMI C02% w4 bal so dfwt ~ft come of'roictloo. Vith rem Is obiSIDOOV and ~c7olobouwo (T)l with AlDr3 YISId *f .;a &ad iv 26-43% that of n 301-37$. PW&wtlm of I to n by Actloo of AlM3 takes pUce also Is &be&* of C696 in is*-octam (80,, 11 houri), yis3A 95%. Yho CW **I lp 0.037 mol AlC13 :n loo a' Card 212 M&.4 Z4".- f UNR/gLarobiology - AnUblosis and Synblosis F-2 Antioblotics Abs Jourt Raf Zhur -PI011-i go 189 19589 811+39 Author 1 90"StmYst MYO Inst I Title t Distrl~btloa.6f Antagonistic Foras of Genus Penicillium In 80118Pf the Suropean.Part of the Soviet ;h~bP. Orig Pubs 8 It, Hook* -V.aIs to pr1rody. Otd. biolg 6129 NP1439 W-811 Abstreatt A study"vas'c~uctod W tM distribution of fungi-antagonists genus Pentaillium In soils of different geographic4l zones: Transpolarp Moscov region - not-charnozem belt Barstoy region -- chernosem sollaq sub tro leal soils Card 1/2 (Batum district) of Caucasus, ;nd grazil. 19 rmkzM,,I.T.. kandidattiolostaiwakikh muk; PUMUMNUU9 1.1p.. kwAU&j 0101681MUM MAk, flou wA role of anublottes it She goll. AntIbloilki 6 so4s).18 053, (KLU 6in) (AntIblotics) (Sell sicroorpstafft) 0 USSR/ificrobiology. Antibiosist and Symbiosis# 7-2 Antibiotics, Abs Jour Rot. Zhur-Biologiyao No 10 1957, 515 Author S* F. Gauze, Oe L. Popovaq G. V. Kochatkova Inst Title i Now Method of Selection of the Producer of Albomycin Orig Pub s Antibiotiki, 19569 1, No 1. 18-20 Abstract : When a suspension of spores of Actinomyces oubtropicust the roducer of albomycin, is-~subjected touma-violet lighto in the subsequent seleotion it was not possible to isolate strains with a greater productivity of albomycin (1) then those Isolated from the initial culture, No results were obtained also in the attempt to derive a more active variant by Card V3 USSR/Microbiology. Antibiosisq and Symbiosis, P-2 Antibiotics# Abs Jour t Ref, Zhur-Biologiye, No lt 10,57, 515 Abstract subjecting the suspension to the action of 1-0 - view of the fact that I contains iron (11) uA actinomyces are highly resistant to 11 in the nutritive mediumt an attempt was made to find out whether any connection exists between the increased resistance to 11 in the medium and the incroased synthesis of 1. In concentration of 0,02 to 0*08% of Fe this connection wan not established, Furtter the effect of Streptomycin (111) on the Aevelopment of actinomyces in a solid medium was studied, In concen- trations of Ill in the medium equal to 509 1009 and 200 garma/ml a single Card 2/3 USSR/Microbiology. Antibiosis, and Symbiosial P-2 Antibiotics* Abs Jour s Ref. Zhur-BiologiYa, NO 1, 195?9 515 Abstract colony has grown fZ0111 9ooo, 20,o,00 and 40,000 GPOrGS re8P40tiVelY- Streptomycin resistant variants which freely develop in 15o gamma/mi vatied considerably in their morphological and physiological properties. A change in the color of the myceliUM was observed in 15 cAS08 out of 200. In a t=all number of strains of 524 streptomycin resistant forms the formation of .1. exceeded by 150 to 200 ereent the formation Of 1. from the Mtial culture, and this index was maintained by a n=ber of generations. Card 3/3 ir run t"Ail "Formation of Collmycln in Cultures of Act1nooWces fradlao spiralis,," by F. G. Oauzep G. V. Kochatkoya, T. P. Preobrashenskays) and N. 8. Peymr) Institute of the Search for Nov Antiblaticap AcadwW of Modica Scleuc*s UM AntibiatiXii Vol Is NO 5P SOP/oat 56p yp 4-8 P- IX, This vork describes the culture of Actinomyces fradiae vari spirall &&d the formation in the culture of colimycUj ow of the neoWc tk group Ot antibiotics. ColloWcin is now being successfully applied in the theraw _104tdZU WA tbA"JAM -------------- ~~,,~."-;~Bynthetic media vith 4norasnIc nitrogen and starch. The rose-color --lVaelia are the more aatlv* producers of colimycin. The formation at in the culture to accompanied by the autolymis of the mWe" i~*" a rise in the concentration of saint nitrogen in the madlum. TI* of starchp SIVerinsp SlUcose, and fursale aeld to the mdl~** .,stimulates the fonation of a- M. e and lactic acids inhilAt fanof #U& QC t 7777~ ,~H m , ; * . K ,I ~ . WUP, P-11,05, IN Mmlw- USSRIVirolojq - Dectortal Viruses (PMG*), Abe Jour s Bet Zhur Diol,,, No 6o log, 23781 Author S Omuse, 007#1 luxiotkowi 0 V,,j Pmtrazhonsjmym~ TpP,,o Karim, ye".F.7-TWYO~"Ow'" "p- 3(.A.s Popmo O.L. Inst I . Tiltie Actinophmaps as Test-ftJocts In a Search for ALti-Virus AntiblotIce , Orit; Pub s Us LiGiyefty,, Ipidemlols, m1kroblol, I imml-, 1957,P 1, No 1, 53-38 Atstmet i Tie ability vas studied of 1000 cultures of Actinocovess isolated frm soils of various popaphic locations, to suppress Mour cultures of bacteria and six various Acti- nophm3,es, or ifteh four vere Polyphaasso it was daterulm nod that about one-half of the tested ActlnoWos are able to suppress one or several Actl See in the ex- perizient. ActimpliaCes were suyMosed by Actinoopes with antibacterial activity as vall as by Actin.-mces Card 1/2 USSR/Wiroloay - Bacterial Viruses (magoo). Abe Jour i Hof Zhur Diols, No 6, 1959, 23781 vh1ch did not possess antibacterial activity, It use noted that Aotinom"oo tibia to suppress a combLation of 4 Actinophaps (no 2671, 2761, 250# old 3087) vm f3%UA U06t frequently; those ActimpbeGes turn out to be Wst convenient test-objoct In a selectlem 5r A4tino- Wces of cultures vhich produc* mintivirus uitlitotlcs, -- l Rautenslitayu Card 2/2 OMizo, I, A- Q-V-; FaUSALMMSUYA, T.P.1 XW-MiA. S.S.; SYNDIWIA* 9,Al PMU, O,L. I Ne use of matimobMse In the search for mintivirml antibiotics. J# Fog, poldmoo pfths 1 no*1:63-69 1937. Is Institute for Antijl3tlas R*"arch of the AasdomW of Medical Seteo"s Whe vasevalt" %move satlood"es# in research on antiviral antibloti4s) (A"tmoss antiviftle no* of matirm9ages to research) (RAC"Itopwil stotiaoy4wme In research on antIvIml antlblatles) cro. Kay 59 1215. INFLUENCE OF CERTAIN SALTS ON IXIFFVSION. IN AGAR AND OM .A4,TIOACTERIAL ACTIVITY DIP COUMYCIN (Russian text) X 0 1. kova G..Y_ trad. for Invest. at New Antibiotics, USSR A -IA MM WM. Wo-wow - ANTISKMKI 1967. 4 (53-M) Illus. 3 Antibacterial activity at tollmycla in a fluid medivin was detef mined. It was found that raising the pit to 8.0 incromsed its activity itpinst Maph. surms 33 tin** W virtually did root chantle activity aptast Z. coil. Activity messwed by the npring- nwiW using D. mytold" as test,,orgWas Mowed thaki diffusion al preparation in Apt Increased ah*t it"Ilan ofeblorides at I~ No and Co. Diffusion tweii in- VrOsst with falling of coneemrallons of Wts VP to a certain hatil. With further raising of conceniggUon the son" become smaller. Similar decreased activily due to influence al the" salts W" shown llicklics method using $9f t&1 dilAIM4. The preor"o, of phosphates in tM moldvIe"Impalts diffusion in agar and decreas- ell activity measured by the method of "rial, dilwHom. Plakifill, MOVOW (S) r GAVU. 007.1 X~M J61, #I Ull 0 1 Jo I KMIRA. U.S. sv~ 0--rao-i-POMA, 0*76 st%W of the lablillaft pff"4 at actimmostes *a met [with Noma" in Skllshb Nkrobloloclis 26 00,687294"m (NIVA 11 lutitut po Isyskmalp wvyl& astibloilkov AIN lung xftkva* (NI=Wuo=m I IOotlao"6049, 101b. off. on hatisaphave 10GEMOVAs Oslo -- - --Mdmm- .Distribution of satedoolatio tons of ~ of the Pau realoinim In soils of the Urop"a part of the 916viet Valon Ewith spry in I218110ble, JimIJ01P. Otdobial. 62 40,3177-81 157. (=A lose) ~MIIOIAMV) (BOIL MU204MUNISM" (UQMU& AMOONUM) .I USM/Idcroblology - Oaer&V WeroblobSys Variability F Ar4 5VrW# I. Abe Jaw t Rot, Ow Did,, Ib 22,0 1"90 Author : dMu"A (1111rel IC00CAkMA GOV., lftmimireft, O.D,, last t AS UM Title ft Ufthaxi"I Vd"ts in last CaUs with Lqmired Orl C., Pub Do Me As liw' I"? U?) No 1, 138-1k1 Abstract Mr*g&h the UtIOU Of trY"flAVLM (3,641=100-10- a*thyI&GrMLW*hI*rI4e)# oo#jb*r or ultraviolet ~ftys ou the -p)Ac&W - ram at ftedws srs **raw size, Pws- tov bftMp *train AN-2, blochwAfti o4ants vith i%Vai- red respiration vere obtained.' This property is firmly trausld#44 *.a tutmn purations wA Is retainad vith reseedino to the 0oune of am Wnus. IM tqAinMA Card 1/2 V. j,/Jtt&AnO#ti ItAgiStentA Yr*rctt of mcneslum mulfato ar.,,i dimdrol on tt* rat*. of blotd t~ag"14ticm W on arterial prewvire foil-virg experimntal ~.vrpoprot,hromblr-mle. Nsu-zh. tnviy :AmW 21t2j)~'I'j 162. OCRA I'Yt5) 1. la kafelry farmakologii Saaarkandskcgo meditsinskago InstItutA Immut flavlo". AZDFOV# 1.9., prof.; KOCHVMA# O,V. Onsmod,r) affect of jvPerplas on the process of blood wagulatiou mW arterial prelosurs. Vraeh.delo no.3&130 Wr 163. (=A 16 M.) i 1. Wedrs, farmaImlogil (uv,, - profo,loge.Akopov) Zabanskogo medItsinskogo InstItuts. (MACO-MAGMATION$ (am mmm) (maw=) GAUM, (it yo I KV~11~-Mlvh , r,.V,, I B-IBIKVVA , Y.V. I ~ , . ~ ~ -1 1. -11 -- Stddy of mutoitits -.1th oximtIon defloloncy In NcljA'us subtlllja . L~vkl, AN 155 nn, 501U-11irl Ap 164. (;,AAA 270) 1. InstiVit pr, Istakanlyu vykh suitiblottkow ON :WMIs 1'r,4JiL%vl"no nWeAkom AeAtIrshent-tski2o GAUZEj, G-.F.I.WW?W , DAt" 4,-, ,_, _ A,, GV.l VLAOIKMOVAO G.B.; IAY Some characterlstlos of the mutants of Staphylo-co-ccus afermentans vlth a respiratory defect. Kikroblologita 32 no.2060-265 Mr-Ap 163, (MIP4 170) 1. Inatitut po Isyskanlyu novykb antiblottkoy WS RMETKOVio O.V.1 XUDINOVA, M.K,.; ZIMMOIA, L.r.1 BIBIROVA, H.V. Scme phystoloSical charaatoristles of Staphylococcus and Bacterium paraooll mutant.* vith an cmidation d9foot. Mikrotdologlis 33 no.0587-592 Jl--Ag 064. (". -A 18 13) 1, Institut po Ityakanlyu novykh antiblattkoy AM SSSR. Sam--rkandekoito rAditaInskero !nstl L -31-58-66 M(l)/TWA(J)/9WA(1.,)-2 A ACCESSIM NRz AP301W29 MV, AMORs Gauxe, Go Y.1 Koch*tkovaj So V.1 Bibikoval He Vo Tr=t investigation of mutants with an oxidation dofoct In bacillus subtUIS SOUXEs AN BSSR. Dokladyj Y, 155, no. 5, 1964, 1184-1187 TOPIC TAGSt bacteria, genstics, antibiotic ABMACTI A now method was develoW for produainS mutants of Bacillus subtilis 169 with snail colonies and a respiration defect, based an the mutagenic action of 5-fluorourseLl. Most of the moll mutants obtained Waco unstable, splitting out tells of the original form, with large colonies$ however. q0table mutants that did not revert to the original fora after repeated reinoculations were obtained. Optimum 5-fluorouracil content for the Wye- tion of stable sut*ntol 250 micrograms per milliliter. Dotezainations of tho rappiratory quottent, studes of the effects of substances thst selectively Interfere with nuciele sold synthesis (mitoeytin C, sctinouyct.n C, tr"aflavin deg~!nol),jrotoia synt hosts. tstracyclint#,. chl9,rswph*ntc91)j 4rA.- 'vR L 315" AC=101( NR: AM19329 the synthesis of the cellular subrand (penicillin), and investigations the synthesis of the ansyme bou-Salactosidase in the coils of these &Lcro- organims, Wicatsd that D. subtilis, mutants with an oxidation defect act. Uy rafractorinoss of the respiration tto effects of t,o chavacterLzed 'exogenous glucose, a selective sensitivity to the action of puroff"Ln specLfic inhibitor of the eaneludng stages of protein synthesis -- and a Iloss of the ability ter the induction of betA-gatactosideso. In view of these properties, the authors recommend such mutants as test objects for the search for now antibiotics that selectively supprooo protein syntboois to the WtAkfitl Call. Orig. art. has$ 3 tables. A3=1ATIO'H: Institut Po,1XyWUW'1yu iwvykh antibiotikor Ak&dtoii Wditaiawdkb inauk 555R (Insti.tute for the Search for Now Ant1biotter, Atadv~q f Gal SURKITTED: 17oct63 WCLI 00 SUB COM t LS NR PEF SOV: OrM 007 JPRS Ca'J 212 A'- -J- L ?416g-66 ,tCC NP, Af-`_1015102 A no"aa. . v AXT H(R s K* A Docout) qtk2U0QA T..(Canfldsto of mWical *31%ow (P'.J: DowtMent of Pharmsoology# (Kafedre foudolocu M 'Amarkandskogo seditains go inetitu-t-&T- 'AITLEt Effect of sphyllire b7drachlorido on blood rve9rzr* wd oftcalstion is oxperimental h 1 XXffjjVL% *' t, S0MCZs Meditsinakly shurnal Usbeldetstwo no. 5j, 19639 52-54 TOPIC TAGM blood prossur*# drug affo*tq dogg blood AMUCT t stable and pronanoO hypertension was Induced In 12 ;d098 with daily In4sotland of I al of pituttrin. Blood COSGU16.0 tion time Increased an &V*rG&S of 69X over the initial le-7el Ok7- ,168% In come eases)l plasma recalolfication time Increased an Average of 135%. and tolerance of plasma to b-sparin, by 1)2%* --At the- hajWto (_ th *--experigent&% -illness six 4a" utre SIv*n - daily Intravenoms Inj -ationis of a 5% solution of aphyll1ne hydro- chloride In a dose of 0,01 Smas per kilogram. Blood pressuro and blood coagulation were chocked every 3 days, After as lIttle as 3 days aphylline hydrochloride lowered blood pressure, but 6-s Injeotions were necessary for nornalization. Ton days after com- pletion of -_ Injeotions.the hypotensive affect of sphylline hydro- chloride was found to bo pmNagat in an dep, The &uth*" 000- Card 1/2 L =21 Elff (1) RD SOM= COVE: VR/O242/65/0W/0ll/0W00;l1 ACC Nki )y6H 95' AUTHOR: Konovaloyal V- A# (DOCent)l KoChAjWU46 0. V. (Candidate of medical sciences); 1 4 $,Arkislyana R.-G. ------ 1. ~ fy aAra"A Mml4gml TnX%j (Kafedra farmakololli ORGI Department or- Fawmacolo IV. SazarkaMskogo xeditsinsk0g* TITLE; Pharmacology of the alkalol trin SOURCE: Heatsinskiy shurnal Usbekistanal, no. Ilp 19651. 21 TOPIC TAGSt pharmacclogyp alkaloid, blood pressurot bloodp nervous systex drug ABSTRACT: , QuIzolisidine alkelolAs of the series C studied to clartlyi the relationship betveen structure end The olksloULs t vere obtained from tb* Chair or Pharmacology and from the Problems Labo~rstfrr of - the Chemistry of Natural Compouads* Tashkent State University. It vas, psVviowly!, established tb4t the 0 IQ44 =1400 0031"4 from the, asatissis plant (Am- basis sphylls. L.), to olo"I eAstbitiat, _ dowi by clinical tests. It excit"! uterine motor function and Increases blood coagulation. During experimental bypertonio, apbyllin ebloro"rete smalfests bypotensive octl*a# foollIttetts normal blood pressure and blood vagulstion. Apb7lliuic sold has so aseath"ta properties. It Inhibits trawmission or impulses frce the vagus nerve to the heart in tote# and It blocks mom tsq~ulses to %be coronary SM41ton of the veg" nerve In Isolated frog heart. Aoyllinlc s.#14 vookess Uw toxic action at - - - - - - -~ --- .entlabolluesteraaw subatanes a. nutbore comfivated-taittal lbarmscologleal, r#-' search 9u the qatoollsidi" 0111aloll fttrtap obtelwA ftft the 69pbara pl"t Sophora no CA%alit i,,NtLLIVportur,,1,1:~r,5fjihylUn. It %ins established that matrfn a me roper so, a , U, 1) 1 ~!Bd CM s " TE 15Deo ACC Nib MOU9% SWR3 COMI UR/0220/65/03VOCWs/0740/0742 AUTHORt A29MIJIDMI Go To OW 2 none TITM L)Litiaal review of the book%aroblolockcal rmtrol rwf' the activity Pt ibiotIMOOMikrobiologicheakLy kontrolt aktiynosti antibiaticheskikh pnparatoy') ty V S DmitriZ!va &:A So No Samenov 'Heditainal, Moscows 363 papso 3sOOO copies SOU=t Mikrobiologiys, v. 341 no# 4,, 1965v 740-742 TOPIC TAM antibiotics penicil1ino streptaWaino t*tr"yalir*, &Uaqvin, necwsin, v1tamin, microbiology ABSTRACTs - The book is the first Soviet practical reference In wtdch the ',results of the scientific researah Investigations conducted by the author* i" scientific research institut4s wA laborAori" idth regard to the 4ppliestion of microbiological arthods in the study of the activity of lantibiatics are presented. A list of vorks written by Soviet suthors an the subSect (about 260 titles) is prvmidedo The book consists of amis general chapter, 15 special chaptersp and Ahres appuAices, Methods used to determine the antibacterial activity of antibiotical a method of successi" dilutionti in liquid or solid culturv P:medinj and a method for the diffiolon" f antibiotic solutions in an agar medium an dosalbed In detall In the guieral chapter. Partivilar attwM=l is given. to titration methods for the differtat, antibiotics Fourteen Oh%Pten of the book are devoted to descriptim of the indivi&wl antibloticep awrig then the PenicdUinsp strMACWtins sKibioties of the neoWein gr*ups cal nature of the prspamtions# their antibacterial spectrum of action, medi-f cal applications and characteristics of their unit activity an described In detail- methods of the deterKimtIon of activity of each antibiotics methods of the pr"raticn of test mdturss ire given. In chapter 15,, the final chapter of the books a general schem# for the preparation of bacterico. logics.1 sod - is provided* In addition to the infornation on the preperstic of the bacteriological media alreW provided In the preceding chaptersp methods of the preparation of a panorsatic meat hydrolysate zrA a pancreatic hydrolyests of the penioulu mWeelium A" described. Thre* appendicesp 1) vossols ad their processing, 2) preparation of uvrking standard solutionsp Lnd 3) tables for calculating the biological activity of antibiotics and comentrates of Vitamin 012 complete the book. Scow parts of the book are criUdIsed by the reviever, Weverthelesep the author writess the book Is a definite contribution to the science of w specialist 4"ad In tJw search for- am intibioti4s# wid their - wW applicationd. WD CMI SM-DAT11 -IBUIS.1 C.4 2h BERNSnM, M. Kb.; YABKO# T&A,; ZAYCNCqKOVSKIT, I.D.1 VISHNETSIATAP M.D.; LSV, M.Y.; SIRIS, As"; KOCHMOYA, T*To; VASILITRYA, M. To. I --- I - R- Too-Wts sad* from theraosotting and tbarsopl4stic polymors. Kash*-otwo pros., 7 nos 10s,91-22 0 145 (MIRA 19$I) KOCIIETKOVA, L. 1. Kochetkcrya, L. 1. - *011 V&POr-Mme Protection of Iron from Auospberic Corrosion tyl MthsnolAvifle and Seversl layers of It.9 Moscow State Poftecrical Inst imeni V. I. Lenin. Floscow, 1956 (Dissertation for the Dn"* of Owdidate in Chervical Sciences). Sot KnUhnays lostopiol, No. 100 1956, pp 116-127 SOV/137-58-IZ-Z4869 Translation from: Referativnyy shurnal. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 12, p 124 JUMIR) AUTHORS: Balezin, S. A. o Beskov, S. D., Kochetkovs, L. 1, TITLE: On the Mechanism of Atmosphtric Corrosion and the Protective Action of Volatile Inhibitors (0 mekhanizme atmoofernoy korroxii I xashchit- nom deystvii letuchikh ingibitorov) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Mosk. gos. ped. in-ta. 1957, Nr 99. pp 10q-127 ABSTRACT: By the method of radioactive t:racers an investigation was carried out on the adsorption of vapors of monoethanotamine carbonate (1) (con. taining in the carbonate group a radioactive C 14 isotope) on reduced Fe and an FeO, FeZ03, Fe304, and Fe(014)3 which had been previously held in atmospheres with various moisture contents. -it was established that there is no adsorption in pure Fe. In a dry atmosphere there Is no adsorption of I on F*0 and FeZO3 either, though some absorption of it is observed. Under theme conditions formation of an adsorption layer In observed on re304 and FO(OH)3only; this layer in time becomes desorbed (upon removal of the specimens from the atmosphere saturated with I). In a moist atmosphere- the sorption increases and the desorp- Card I /Z tion decreases with an Increase in the relative humidity. The highest SOV/137-SS- 1244869 On the Mechanism of Atmospheric Corrosion and the Protective Action Icont.) sorption values are observed at a 100% humidity, when liquid-droplet condensation takes place. Under these conditions there is a complete absence of desorption of the compound adsorbed. From a comparison of the character of the adsorption of I and C07 under the above conditions a hypothesis is set forth that the mechanism of the action of I is related to the formation on the oxidized moist surface of the metal of a film of Fe carbonate* with I adsorbed on it or with the formation of complex compounds, intoluble in water, of Fe hydroxide with amine and carbonic acid. The protection with aminine nitrites presumably follows the same pattern. The authors assume that the greatest protective properties would be afforded by the volatile salts of amines, the acid residue of which forms insoluble compounds with metallic oxides. Bibliography: 30 references. V. P. Card 2/2