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BAG111YAN, G.V.-I VASIL'YrV.-T.-G-,I-GORBrMO,-G-,L.I HIM;CHEV, Yu.F.; 'X~~ Oil and gas fields of Siberia. Neftega.z.geolo i geofiz. no*ls4o-9 165. (MIRA 1815) 1. Gonudaretvennyy geoloolcheskiy komitat RSrSR L Vaesoyuznv nauchno-iosledovatelitkiy Institut prirodnogo gaza, AMIMMUMS, X,M, s kDqAWTl BOB, BMW Of OUltivatift of lkoomla In Azerbaijan. lsw.AX Asorb. M nosW143 A 055o (MMA 9t6) SHAKMUZAROT, NIkolay Semonovich. PrInisell uchastlys: ABRAKUN. S.A.; IMAGIXOT, Me; E2gygWjSSrj-NMI=OT. GeAs: NWCKTAN# I.As MMAYAYSIA, So# red.: *UMIIMTVA, S., tekhnered, Elbe gorso-garobekh Autonomous Provinos) Nagorno4arsUkhakels av ouns 8:~~, Is Olast's Beta, Aserbaidthanskoe gosAid-vot 1960* PO (KnA 13 t 12) 1. ParM.makretarl Nagorno-KorabakhakoCo obkow lommunisticheskoy psrt1I Aserbadshaus (for Mokhassarov), (Nesorno-tstabsM Autonomous Provinos) IOCRAROV, V.A.; KOWSOV, S.K. - mm~~ I W"teless fabric layout for gar*ent cuttings Legepromo 17 no,804-45 Ag 157. (NIPA 10110) 1,Dirsktor sayoda Nos3i (for Kocharov). 2,lachallr4k skspe- rimentallnego teekha (for lolosov). (0awnt cutting) DOFIYCH&Vt Yo. A. 1, DMUMA A# _!MUM I Pros and oons of pimorlsolm, Test, ders, I "as uo.305~-39 0620 (MIRA 250 1. Doormstologlahasksys gmppa ANN SSSR pri chlone-kamspoodents P. Ushevnlkovo. (MSTARD GAS) (PSORIASIS) X-- . PACHADZHYAN, KhoB,j NALBANDUN, N.A,; ;GARORAN, A.A. Physical properties or, polynet'hylsothacrylato, DokI. AN Arm* SSR 40 noo3sI45-150 165, (MIRA M12) 1, TSentraltnays, nauchno~isslsdovatellskaya fiziko-takhnicbeekays, laborstorlys AN ArmSSRa 2. Chlen-ko"espondent AN Ar%ISR (for Kocharyan). Submitted Tuly 12, 1964. RAPIAN, Yu,A.; SQ11WAN74b, DaIxindeince of tho X-rA7 d1frractirri Inage or the thtckmces of specimens or high wlecular cotp-runds. ro'#:) AN A--.. o"M 41 no* 49216-220 lt~i 4; T%,u ."ll) I* lVentrwOnaya flalko-taUnicharlaya ska ,ya laboratorlya All' Amlanskoy SER t Yerv*vLwikly graudaT- stvw,iiyy mniversitet. 2. Chler.-kerre-spandomt A-If A-.-myanskoy SSR (for Kocharyan)* NADGERIYEV, M.K., doteentj KOCFMGAROY, A.,A., kand.mad.nauk; SHISHLOV, V.I. Problems in the diagnosis and treatnent or suppurative d1resses of tho lunge# Sav.wd. 28 no,,12ill.-IS D 165. (MIRA M12) 1. Klinika obahchey khtrurgii (say. - dotsent M.K.Nndger1yev) i klJn1ka gospitallnoy torapll (say, - doteent S,G,Sallmov) Blago- veshchanakogo seditsinskogo Institute. Vell'bekov, A. A. rr,,' Locharova. Sh. scir~vitifit- in tInc- Amie-ft' A7ertaydzh. neft. k~4z-vc, 11,4~*, -v. 12, 1 April (Lf-,topis 'Z.'-~urnal 'InykL 5t-aVy, '--). 1'!, 1Y4~#). ABRAMIANj 1,Aol KOCHARTAllf A,As Almiltansous siorodstermination of carbon, hydrogen, and mLIfUr in orjwdo compounds. Isv. AN Arx.M.0".nauki 17 no. 31 301-305 164. (KERA 170) 1. Institut organicheskoy khWi Ali ArRYanAQY Me Ylt, TARAYA.N, TAI )6,KTAX-,g X*G*-, IOOHAAJ AAwmkJWmw,i room- Nopertiss of trivalent mmWansec 1xv, AN An. 331 br, kbla, nauk 10 no,2rI05-115 057, (mm lOtl2) gosudarstvam" usimaltet in, rX, Molotm, Macaw,") SOV/137-59-1-2123 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, jq59. Nr 1, p 278 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kocharysin, A. 1. T-ITLE. Determination of Aluminum by the Chirkov Method in the Presence of Titanium (Opredelenive alyurn-iniva po Chirkovu v prisulstvii. titana) in Armenian PERIODICAL- Sb. stud. nauchn. tr. Yerei-ansk. un-1, 1458. Nr 8, pp 197-203 ABSTRACT- In order to eliminate the impeding influence of TO+ in the electro- metric detprmination of Al. the authors propose first to reduce the Ti4~ to T13+ with powdered Zn. B. M. Card 1/1 KANTBLYAN, M.G.: =WAN, T.T.j TIGANTAN. A.G.; ZDCRUM. A.M. Alectric comductivity of concealb-ated sodium amd potassium hydroxide solutions, their cartemiates, and. N&OR-09 mixtures at Z5*C. Isv. AN Arm. 82R. Ser. IM Ink 6 U&J6173-79 JI-Ac 155. (X= 9:2) LVdatchookly lastitut AS Army takoy BU. (Sodium WroxIds-Ils atria proporties) (Potassium bydroxido-Blectric properties) ji- USSFI/Mysical Chadstry Odutlow. B.U Theory of AcIds WA 11ases Abe Jour t IRefamt 12tur XhitAya,, No 2,, 1"7, 3913 tvithor Mawelyan Hoots KM7fth T.Irs.. Yelpayan A.O, i Kochu-pn A9M Inst A&daw of ftlences Armenilm SSR Title Effect of Tagwrature on OvAjotanca of Concentrated Solutions of Hydroxides wit Omrbomt*s of Sodium tuA Orl g Pub t Isv# AN AftOtp- sw,, fit*-tzteco, ytsteistv. t takhne n.,, .1956, 9, No gj 3-12. Abstract The ap"Ific cloctric coMuctIvIty of eoncentrateci SOW- ca,.ibonates tions of hydroxl?,es awl of softim cuut potas- slum wore dotercinW. within the tonparature Interval of 25-8r# At hlfjh torTamtwes mto of wvwent of Um+ oM K+Ione in concantratal solutions of Baal arA OR to about the sain, Aich Via authors Wlain on the basis 03rd 1/2 171 JDDCr k 0 TO ,M&--4 ""Mwmft~ vAnomms dopollts of Ambm Am"Ala (in Ar"a"m with 9=00.7 Ilk lussIQ. *Isv.AN Ara.M,Sst.sauld no.8123-37 147. (" 9:6) o"&) ZDCURUN. A. To. --l #&Ms of tho Aromian S.G.R. as row materials for the Sloas industry, ImAN Ars.SIM.Ser.FM 1 no.5t339-3" 148. (=& 9:8) 1. Institut goolodahooklA sank Akadeall mak Arapaskor M. czhmda-%Ad) 4 KOCHARYANP A.Ts. All-Union oonfarence -of pol*Sists and series of probless for the Institute of G#ojogloal Salsaces. Isi. AN Arm. 33R. Nauki o sent 18 no,504-76 165. (MIRA 1829) A I M "Pil RIM ANUN 'g& I 1"A I r, A, GABRILOVICH. A.B.,- TIIMAO TJ.; KOCHARIYa, D.3, *1~ 111 01 !, 111 ll 1 Iffect of soratlon upon tht propagation of dysentery bacterloVwCe, Zharsaftro'blol.epid,l i=nn., no.4:80 AV 134. (nAA 7s3) L Is lostovskago-no-Som lustituts spidentologil I nikroblologlia (Dysentery) (Baoterlo~) xocRARuN. I., insh.1 LIMIAROVAO R., insh. proolsion cost PromeArse 4 uo,12j43~-48 D 061. (KMA 15s2) tZia-Prealsion caoting) 0 - .; KOO wo loot larly riPening T"Iety of wh"t abWo" 1),v bytridisation. lsvU Aru.MM.Set.n"M no.?s33-58 147. fKTJA 918) 1. Inatitut pastiki r"toaiy Akmdftil nauk ArmMskoy SM. (VM&t) ("ridimtIon, TeCoUble) Chereater In Itenee in vbest pollinated with sexed pollen (In Armenton witb In Rmolul bm. AN Arm. MR. Stol. I sellkbos. neuki 1 no.2455PIUI,48., (MM 938) (VMW UMM) 42454. UmwledO'vanlYo Suoystv V Pabonitay Frlopylenti Swelyup7litaybereb IologlYs. 1%89'90. 5t S. 70-.77 Variability of heredity In vagetativo mejore-pus;4a hybrids Cin Aftinjau'vIth sumavy In ku~I&Qo V*J, AN Am. MM 9 09,51 ft-214 148. (MMA 9 110) (line crops) ftbridisation, Togetable) BATIIW, 0.0.; KWHUUN. 2.O. A vegetative hybrid Iketv"n the melon &M the pumpkin. ItYAN Arms su.siol.1 sellkhol.nawd. 2 no.1197-100 149. -(WAA 9 1 s) 1. Institut genstiki I selektsil r"Unly Akadesit sank Anownskoy an. (TM C"S) (GROVING) EWRAUXAN. 2.G. Affect Of mixed wheat pollen on the produativity of the ear. 1xv. AN Arm*$=. Mole i sellkhos* nauki 2 no,3:299-301 149. (MMA 90) (vHuT sinDING) ZDC I I WSHCHW, Z.T. "Nowm5guaw -- Sow data on the 'biolo&7 of tomato fertilization [In Armenian with summary In Russian]. Isv.AX Ars.882,31ol.1 sellkhos.nowd 7 jacjs 93-90 Xr '54. O"MoW (fertilization of plants) MAL 9:8) KOCHARYAN., Etma-~GegMVM (Observing QA aftereffects on plants of pollination with varieties of pollen] Masledovenis prisnakov rostanii,pri opy- lenii =Ooliu pylltay. grevang Isd-vo Alad.nauk Arulanskoi, mo 1956. 83 P. (KMA 15t 6) (Fertilization of plants) I* Z ASTAN# T.G., ALAWITU. P.M.; BUTAX)TUIT, K.5.1 TASITAUDDY, B.Ta.; iiTT73# V.I.: MMIN. F.7.; DfkUASM, 9#1*1 tARiLLWY9 J*A#;JQGQAjA".A.; IRM11T. 'S.N.; LMBZW, M.N*; NLMUTV# Z.X.; MIDMS, &Pog SHCRMILITAN. P.0.-. 11RISTOT, V.S. Suki&3 'Ifromvich Yameortaul obitumT. I%v.AX SSU. Sor.g"g. no.5sl43-144 8-0 136o (NMA gill) (Yanasertan. Suktom 2fromovicb. 1881-1956) : 1- --riF :-- i -.- - - I - -. - - T~ -- - ZOOKARTAN O*A,--- Subdivision of the Armez4n C.S.R. Into economic reclons NauohetrWW,, 58 t 11U139 156. !MM 1017) 1. Ufadra ekononicheskoy goo"ll. (Armenia-4oonoula geograpbr) --- "The Economic and Agricultural Zoninf-, of Armenia" row posw1w lit an zbtor-WVOMIW ew""We an 1XV141" the UM law seaumde WOOMI ).-I) wwwwa Irt Onsmt (IV, Ak wMk ~v 44"; X9% OMw -.0voodstddys, IL A. STEPANYAllp L.A.., red.; ARMUNYAN., A.B.p red.; BAGDASMAN, A.B.p p"fp doktor geogr, naukp Slay, rAuohqry red.1 DAVTYAXp G.B., rodol HAMROBYA149 O.M.s red.; KUWKIffAIl,p A.O.,p red.; UXCHYAN, SaSop red*; URUMV, V.Vo.p redel SHAMMM, Mot rod*; ALLAKMWW., G.O.p kand, olconoto nauk san g3zr, nauabnogo red.; ARMIMAN, N,Kh.p akademikp rod.1 VAIWARp L*Ao# kande geogre naukp redel DULIYAN, S.M.9 kand. geogr, sauk,, red,; UMAX# S.T., rod,; ZOGRABYAN, L.N.9kand. geogr. raWcl red*; QgjjABjAH,,--"Aop profev redol PMSYAN# KhoPes prof*# doktor geogr. naukp red.1 RUTICUUMAp Mop starshly red.1 SAVELOp A.I?.p tskhn. red*; YAROSHEVICHp K*Ys.j tekbn. red. (Atlas of the Armenian Soviet Sociialist Republiol Atlas Arsianskoi Sovetakoi. Botsialistichaskoi Real,-ublikio Erevang Akad. nauk Armian- skoi SM; glav. upr, geodes. i kiLrtografii NO I Oil SM, 1961. M p, (KVA 1512) 1e Minakaya kartogroLflobeekaya Nbrika Glavnogo -upravUniya geodesil i kartografil Hinisterstya po1cqjIi i okhrarq nedr SSSR (for Uruwv). 2. Akademiya usuk AruWanskoy SSR (for Arutyunyan). 3. Chlen-korrespou- dent AN Arigauskoy SSR (for Teretq=) -(Armani&--44ap;) 0 P""ots for d&voloping Transaim"sia. Vop. geog. no.57t226-235 162o (KIRA 15:10) (TransaawasU-Indumtries) KQ=AMMN#_OL St t Water Me-Wth Sol (8tes) -- "ApproximtIons by ams of 7. ratioml functions vith a given mmber of poles". Yerevan., 1w. 11 pp (Min Higher Iduo tSM,, Yerevan State U), 1!i0 copies (XL, Ito P, 19-59, 117) nauRuNt M& -- .-;~ Ch 'a generalization of laurent jud lowisr "rise; bm. AN Moo go. Ser. flog-mto awk 11 no,3.93-14 158. (NDA IUO 1, TorsTmokly sudarstvomW udmroltoto - =or "rise) (Panotloug An&Wlo) 1UTHOR# Yocharyan, ass* "-0V22-41-4-7/11 TITLEs On the A=porozi~ma~ ;oxima, n by Ra,ional Functions in a Complor Domain (0 priblishenii ratutonalfnyml funktsiyami v kompleks- noy ob2asti) PERIODICALi lavestlys, Akademit nauk AriVanakoy SSR, Seriya f1siko-mate- maticheskikh mszk, 1958, Vol 11p Nr 4, PP 53 - 7e (USSR) ABSTRLM The author considers the f-)llowing ~robloas 1.) The best approximation of functions of a complex variable bjr rational fraction* 24 Series exp&uions of the functions in terms of rational fractions. Here t~e fraotions possess poles in given point note and It is apprrocimated and expanded along curves or in domain$ which are free of poles* The paper was written under guidance of Dshrbashranl, member of the Academy of Scionoss of the Armenian SSR, arid starts directly from the ,rnumerous investigations of Dzhrbashyan [Rof 1,2,41 - � I contains estiatations of the do 74 ations between the function on the unit cirols, and the part'jal sums of its Fourier series In terms of rational functional whereby It Is admitted that Card 1 2 the set of poles possesses points of accumulation on the unit On the Approximation by Rational FlanctlonD in a SOV/22-11-4-7/11 ~Complex Domain ASSOCUTIONt SUBMITTEDs circle. � 2 gives estimations of best approximations by rational fractions for functions which are analytic In the Interior of a Jordan domain, the boundary of which satisfies certain conditions, and w.hich are continuous in the whole domain. Analogove conside rationa are carried out for continuous funationa which are only ITIvan on a 4losed Jordan curves In � 3 the author carries out under certain restrictions the estimations for the deviations of the partial sums of the series In terms of base systemeof rational functions (2*0 Dzhrtashyan lRef ij ). The approximation is carried out In the closed domain or on a --lased curv#. For the transition from the circle to art grbitrary Jordan domain the author uses the method of Allper Lfte f 8] - The results are valid for multiply connected domairies � 4 -presents inversion theorems on the ;apprroximations by rational fractiones The paper contains one lemma and 43 theorems* There are 9 references, c of which are Soviet, and 4 Americans Yerevanakiy gosudarstvenzyy universitet (Yerevan State University) March 18? 1958 Card 2/2 or o AUTHOR: TITLEs 35302 8/022/62/015/001/002/007 D237/D301 A_zCJM=AU#_a___Z_ On the optimally-weightod approximation by means of rational functions on the whole real axis PERIODICAL% Akademiya nauk Armyanskoy $8R. Izveatlya. Pia-iko-mate- maticheskiye nauki. v. 15, no. 1, 1962, 73-86 TBXT; Let p(x),> 0 be an*evenjunction, defined, continuous and mo- notonically increasing.over - x ('+ aj, and let lim p(x) = + 60. x-400 Let L 25( x)7 be a class of functions f(x)'defined and measurable on the whole axis (-00, +co) for whioh e-p(x)lf(.)12 ,.ot k - 01 1, 2 ...) by any complex sequence and IRn(Z) the associated system of rational functions of the type Rn(z) n(Z) n + ac k) where Pn(Z) a polynomial of degree mot higher than n. Then, the following theorem, communioated to the author by M. M. Dzhrbashyan, holdes If Card 2/ 6 S/022/62/015/001/002/007 On the optimally-weighted D237/D301 00 2ill dx = + 00 Vo JmQL + 00 (2) 2 z 1 +1 k=O is satisfied simultaneouslyg then th-s system R n(Z)j of rational functions is complete in the class L /D(xl7. ~he author investiga- tes the relation between the order of vanishing of best approxiza-. tions by the functions of the type (1) and differential -properties of the approximating function, and gl.Xes the solution of the con- verse problem of the beat approximation, obtaining the estimation of the order of growth of jRn'(x)j if eup e-p(x) IR n(x)I < "' 00 -00(x(+Qo Card 3A On the optlmally-weighted 0/02Z/62/015/001/002/007 V237/D301 by the method of M. M. Dzhrbashyan. t1he main theorem stated and proved by the author in Theorem ls Let a rational function Pn(z) R.(z) = n n (z + 'Ak) k=0 (3) satisfy the condition IRn(')l 4 'P(X)l - 00