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4NMU"IlMiKO, 11-M-; Doterrinat'On Of flOtst'tc-lll tho an.t:1-! fAf ~',Ip n f n j r b; b1 i I Doll, I V 0 C~ 3 3 -- Umn(Mo P.T.0 lob., - - I . Devolopmest of am pul"rivatku eqaipwat at the Cber"TW Plaot(brw I awe. Surgowshimstrossle 4 noo9s46:0 038o (MM U111) (ChismovAto-Killina mobiwry) ~Wibr,v JA SOURCS CODE1 UR/0137/65/000/012M31/VD31 AUT110F( t Knyshev# E- At Xwwg- A* ?.I JbibinAteynt Ye, AO ORO v- none TITIZu -Optixm conditions -fir- Loirronigbigg from e ommsrat3l niobito pentoiddo r4 _aMeSs Reff - Ah'. Retallu F#Iys~' Albs.._ 12Y228 11iF~SOWCE1_'Sb*_tr6_ KIki-Aah0sko t-da rorrospia vyp# It 1965# W73 TOPIC TAGS: niobium alloy# iron alloy, niobium, compoundp metal melUngs slag# ,Mtal extraction UMIATIONS The Authoro-:-fitudled the- effoots. which the_q%zantlty .of reduoing agent In thevaharge an well as the slag and metal com- position have on the-teohnIcal-and economic indices of alum-othermle Fe-Nb meltino# It I* found that maximum Kb oxtruotion (85%) is reached when A fed to the charge to 110% of the theoretically re- 2ulred amount* Live was added to the nharge In quantities up to 0% of the Nb2O to study the effect or slag composition. Maximum Nb extraction 489,2P was reached with the addition of lime to the charge In quantities-of 25-30% 0t the Rb 0 * A further bioreose In Ilse concentration lower# the speolfig goat of the process and ireduaes the extraction of Vb*- Maximum extraction of Nb Into the (96%) was otworved. with the addition of Fe or* to the charge STASTMT, K,; OWBARDY, P.; ZATC'n IT , I., ratsionalizator: WTSIMMIY, 'T. I TOWT11# As; IMORST, L; SOMSOM. M. Vby are the suasstione of Dnepropetrovsk metal workars~- realized? Isobr.1 rate. no,11:24-25 9 158, omat 1 :12) 1, Dnepropstrovskly motallurgichaskir savod in. Fst~ovskoao (for all except Shteyagart), 2. Starshly Insho B ro Isobretateley I ratelonalisatoray sayoda, (for Stas)%kovlo. 3. Zamestitell predeadatelya. savodsk2JUL mitatit (for Chubarov). 4 Zamstitell sakretarra, t no koaltitirAW F-Aa9nSkiy)J..g"4It6I# knaumni st lobe skogo sonsa. molodeshi UkraltW (for Toloylk). So4r;d91i j gasety OTAbuna setatlurgag (for %swebay). 7. Spetstall brraqwAnt shurnala, mlsobrotatell I ratsionallsatorO (for Shtey (Dnepropetrovsk--3fficiancy, IndustrialFT ACC Nko M035928 BOUROR CODEt UR/0413/66/000/020/019 ,AMMORt Arinushklnp L# So $ Dmov'v V, 1, I_Mnkev,_ V, A, / Moskovskiy,#,.."! IV, D,/ Polinovsklyp A* Yu,/ Sharovp YU, As !0ROt none TITM Pump unit.for two-olrouit fuel systems for power plants ISOURCRI Ixabr*t@nIya#,prcmjshl*zmyy& obrastoyp tovarnyy* shakl# no,20,. 1966,v 194 -TOPIC TAGSt VWP.#7&ei eyotem, !~,,ruei reed systm 40 4W" bf -Thb proposed pump unit consisto of a pump with a low pressure circuit and a pump with a high pressure circuit, To improve Ito er-w ficiency and to decrease the system's size and weight,, the 1mpollers of both pumps are mounted on a common shaft and an annular colleator i4a ositioned between the impellers; the_4Mactor Is connected by ducts o the low pressure pump outlet duct and to the high pressure pump itnlet.cavity,p In'order toImprovo the antioavitional characteristics r of the unit,~& ;' fl6n of this unit In made so that the fuel by-oas from the high pressure circuit rinig througha duct-whiob, In positionel tangentially to an annular-chamber located at the unit Inlet. (see". pua)* OrIg. art. hass I figure. SUB CODRI 21/ SM DATU O55M0t63/ F analir oftmber; TO- Inlet CWd 212 MSHRY.Ta. Ygr an early Achievement of planned output* Kast.ugl.4 no-835 A 135. (NLU 8: 10) 1, Brigadir navalootbo7shablkav shaMty no.21 Imeni Xbrushchava treats, Sovetakagoll Stallaskoy oblasti tDonets Bamh--Coal sines and sining) -L ILOA46 _Mfi(a) UR/0148/65/000/0081001316071f- r3/0070' ACCESSION NR AP5020918 AUTHOR: Itolukhin I Arkhangel'skiX, V.; KnZshev,.Yu. V. Mastertw, V. A. J'f' 5 TITL;B-. E'rimental stu4 of the inechsintes of rolling bimetal 14 SOURCE: IVUZ. Chemaya met r a, no. 8, 1905, 73-79 gnu gfY AM TOPIC T bimetal, mew rom sheet instal, aluminum copj?!r metal 01~kMnc ITRA This study In the rolling of bimetal was conducted to provl& inform, r at on for selection of_pkoper thicknesses of the Initial metal sheets to give the required relative thickness In the final bimetal. The effect of the initial ratio of sheet thicknesses and the effect of total thickness on the strain and force parame- V- ters of the rolling process were e""m Ined using bimetal of aluminum AOOO and electrolytic copper of equal thickness to make up sandwiches 2, 3, 6. 10, 15 and20mmthfck, and using sandwiches in which'the aluminum: copper thickne" varied from 0. 13 to 0. 70. Deformation Irregularities are reduced as the total thickness Is reduced to 0 win The anomalcius Increase in irregWaktiss btlow z 170h-M ACCESMON NR: APS020978 this thickness was attributed to the greater deformation of aluminum im-Com son to copper as shoot thickness is reduced. The pressure of the rolls'li on coover than an aluminum of equivalent thickness, and specific pressures .&M AIMUM-ot"an W thes-abotu-M-mmAhic"s-t-he thickness of the copper Sheit *-6 -7 -74 In -a 0 mm sandw &1s- A e" r - ii do -the sheet -do aluminum: copper atioreachii-6-24-7 do button of torque between the rolle for,bimetal over 5 mm ick was examined,,'-,, but further study is required for thinner birnetals.- The forw rd slip on sluminut" is always greater than on, copper when rolling bimetal, and as the Init f0mal to Increased from 2 to i3 m md-the slip on -copper- to reduced to zero. _1 easuzit -its- ments of the contact are betweea the metal sheets and the rolls showed that length Is determined by sandwich thickness, the amount of reduction. per pass, and the ratio of the mechanical properties of the sheets and their thicitnesses. Because of the complexity of the. effects associated with the deformatioi of bims- and td friction force diagrams Is re- W, furtherstudy of the ap-Obtfic pressure iquired. Orig, art. hams, 5 figures 1- 17 oh-66 ACCESSION NX-. AP5020976 . ASSOCIATION!, . Mookovskiy tuoutut st&U _i opiavcw Iggl too ism katituts for 8 -- and AURys) 4q, fs, - ENCU 00 prB SIM NR REP SOV.# 002 OTHER: 000 Yt-, lo 0j .40a Irmo) ACC MRs "jooSSSs JD/HW/JH CM: tM/0143/63/000/010/OM/OM imkiZl A., V., Kmyshev Tfs, Vj NaststW, I.- A. Abiet IP* ORGI Moscow Institute of steel sod Allort 01oskovskly I titut stali I splavow) TMXs Cartala features of the rolling of bimistal strI7 tail -1965, 80-83 SMMs DOO -Cbsmyi'ii4 109 YIN$ =M TAOSs--blaistaIg-metal- Alminmo, -Copper, yield strangth'- p sat 6- 4efoamation ABSMCfs &cduction to -ar" during rolling was lovestil W for a 40 sm wbk Al P AVON - - ----- Strip as 8 fUG4tIOU Of the initial 810-CUG-L-CR IPZ* arti*660 "eb, metal (&-*-,uodifLdA by PrOUSISAVY POODIDS Or malmaltogy-ond the rate of their strain bardsmInS during rolling. Owing to prolWaSTY peening the Initial ratio b6twoon'the yield points of CU 414 Alla Ar ins -0*8 (peened All All sweated Cu) and 17 (passed Cal somled AI)o The distffirvultollk of total reduction to oves, between the layers of the stripp the total Old man gait pressure, the Iftear pressure per unit width of the strip, ths distribution of pressurt om the are of contact with the roll and the length of that are# sad the torque on the roll* were investigated is a rolling sill with Cwd -- 1~1 IVISFAW.~ffff -GIA- 14F 1'. 117714 M-; K I Y 0 G,S,j A,K.; KNMS~Vl Clio N*A* F'olA toAs of new rripellarts atainst Tv rli~i',tcel In a hot clirats, 1(-.l Trudy Astr, zar-s no,91192-196 .'.~ (mr.A 18110) INYSH f4ethodologloal vork vItb "sobtro &M Instructom Prof*-Ukho 6br# 22 no.3s26-28 Mr .165, 1. Direktor vehabn&-hroo-rogo kombinate treata, "UnVwd!xtroy* Olivaage upravlaniyapo~atroitellstvu v rayonakh Severnogo Kavka" Hinisterstvo gmodskogo I sellskogo stroitellstva R". AM POMI Bmmrst:321TION GOV/24W Smsboys TA,o XoP. DyWer, X.I. ftbalawwo S.N. TWWMWTO Md. TOA. -gm lye RAI$ ".tobj 8*00 'Title, v6p) f IL (luddis"took) t. V.JL Sormlims ZL ZL of TWO 4 Obip v66. Vda ~0A. Owovs. PUKPOOlt,' D" "t;elia is UUM" for pstrelaw palm MA "ginewing eta- donts 1A schools ~br- ISAMLAS ftA f4i "tin"rim Permannal eftood. 06vo ihe ki5et"I" wi proattaid sqpoats of ex- plafttary drilling, Xquipment sod methods we &#"r:i%wA md their offact- Data an oil drill1as tools and modUary oq%dpwnt Include speemostlow and d1safts a N.P. MVW*r pr*parod the abapter an meamwoment In dUmmytional drIllIng Including the deflection of Wrebolos. NJ. 11kolig" aftitritmW the data on r*taz7 and twA*-drI1Un8,p 0 d A 4.041 all* 0~ am in -00 'Jim VMS,= 8, A, (Vpl (0041). me. 1949. 2,;-.10). so oirm, bol-Immutut at tastagrod *00 tbermomolor "p"I&Ily edgpW to %be 40110160 Of 4 loppmr The twnmmtor to mmtw in a *00 P"t"tift twtoddth bablits so rittod witb a br"# :60 4 v "P- "Is d1m'1ww Of Ab* Sb"tb Wd of 09 cap Is.30 *.so, the eap b" ** 0 tM for* of a tromw 00" (6W SWO)s 5 none to dionstor at #As 00 000 SOP# md Vw tUdmed at as wall@ at the OMP It about I mW .400 00w that of the Uvat IV 3 10.11, A alyor of Vapor pmvid#s elootple g ass set Immalation bewsm spoo ad vial%, TM4aing consists of as ass Somp v1" 0405 some Is 414mour %mvmd in a slues laver logo It OW #Is* of Alsh to ftual tb the inner eane of us road a vapor am ASN ft 21400 at a -Imer tkvw tm O&P is sorowd to the bikkolito t PiPs * On the otber sid of tM pkpkls a trr"s mf f I into the Isttar If sale an 010"A8 pipes to utich three olor siallar pipes a** Ilk be mdd*d soussanti"ll't 61" & total length of 3 9. Tbs thermoset r lbtrOdUO" ISU 61020 at 2.5 m. Zen&. gona the paper cone an less "so ~--n I ~1* RAW ;;;Alo us 0 0 yff at a 4 slit too u 0 10 nj; Poe *#)*1***** 0,00**0040 0 1 11 0 * * 0 *eo 41 0 Is 0 0 f4s, '000 99 a 0 0 a 0 0.9 a 0 40 0 0 t 004 0 0 so, 00 00 so vnw mrs the 1 so of dapper vb* of roojqu~ww Us OW at 160ce lu Sett" f t f i 00 *0 s-eere *able o 4 a. r ""me o 0 tw "I is ocow"d with tw bmp loe lomob, tu spouse of " em Is Qo7l *,Dw fM OCIS "MIPMOS t0 OwAad Of so in a wooden *a". 1% lastmont Is a threowraw owl the pw"Ift of of 00 madlog 1#;* 0#20s to Nowied t7 two dry 0#1280 ublob do mt nod so O-V A more efUm tbom 2 3 tbws per year. Tiosto ob-iod tbo Isatment roploe~r 00 00 to be ftitablo for mumimt ot tomporetwoo between -A*S'C. &W *$5o9*C* 00 00 00 00- s0 00 of 00 to 00 99 '00 00 '00 sib #0 00 00 400 of so lit, I me to I lit Ila 2 I&C IGNAT=s G.F., lush.1 n=, YG.16v 125h.; LUWs B-L, lush*; RUBINSIRMs Y~.A.v luxhe; 491~9 ~ZoAo, insh. Toohnology of wklv4 hl&-zdtwog*vj oarbon-freel forrochrovirm 17 the aluminotbersto method, Stall 20 no.9:M7-818 8 160, 1. (NIU 13 19) V2SAisir PWtvsy9viohj YURCHUX# V.I..p kwWa into nmkt otvo red.j VAUOMA, V.A., rod.1 MMYTICM, A*A*# takhn, red* Our confident atepal T"rdoi postup'lu. Kisvp 1961. 45 p. 0bobaboafto po r&Wvstranam1iu politlobeakikh i =ma 1 snanli Ukrainakoi SSH, Ser.19 no*20) (MIRA l5s2 Onepropetrovsk-Steel intlustry) (3fficiency, Ind al) - Am 07111- IFT -'Inn FOLUMUSs P*Ioj GUN, O.Uej XOTUMp V,A.; KNMHEY Tu T Caloulating forces and deformUons in the reduction of 1,&-qmtod solids. chernowto 3 no.6s7l-75 162, (KIM 150) lo Mookovskiy inatitut stall. (Lauinatsd metals) (Forging) S/148/62/ooo/oo6/002/005 E081/9435 AUTHORSt Polukhin, P,I,, Gun, G.Y&,, Masterov, V.A., Knyshev, Yu&V# TITLE: Cale-Ulation of the stresses and strains during the prossing of layered bodies 'PERIODICALs Izvostiya vysshikh uch bnykh zavedeniy. Chornaya metallurgiya,.no.6, 19;2, 71-75 TEXT: The problem considered is the pressing out between dies of a material consisting of n layers of different substances (Pig.1). taking into account hardening, friction betueen the layers, and *hear forces in the external zone. 'The work corresponding to the two latter effects is evaluated and, using the method of undetermined multiplierso formulae are derived which enable the specific pressure and tho state of strain in the material to be calculated. A nomographic method of accomplishing the calculations is outlined. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATIONs ~Ioskovskiy institut stali (Mosoow-Steel Institute) SUBMITTEDs January 10, 1962 'Card l/) il K14-i ~li!4V Ivan Vikltlch- 11u;N1 I Viadlmlr ~.atvuyevlch; NLI'A WIMO 9 7., ~t'r' ;ii`I [Sproute of the new, the comznivt wqyl Paroatky rovohop kommistychnobos Dnipropotrovelk, ftmlpropptrovs Ike ktqzb- kove vyd-vo, 1961. 51; p. (MIRA 1700) Power workers motor the trade# Prof -s*kh.9lkr. 12 no*12:8-9 D133. (KM 913) (Blectric ooglnoorln&-S%Wy wA toacbsig) OThe use of radium and radioactive oobolt to treat cancerous for- mations on the eyelids.* Ylin Health Ukrainian SSR. SharIkov Medical Inst* XharIkove 1?56. (DIssertations forthe Degree of Candidate Ln Medical Science) Sot Knizhaya letopial, No. 16, 1936 XWOUP Sermant 2w ins.; IMZP Josef" ma im. - --------- 9th Intormtlowl Slootronias coWtss in Reno, June 18-2h, 19"0 Pra4a tel*km 35 fitt. 361 no,303-100 Mr 163, I* Nouitet do Spraw Toobnlki, Waresava, SOV/96-~9-10-20/22 AUTHORSt ~ot A.P. (DrJeah.Soij and Kagan, Y&.A. (Gand.Teoh.fti.) TITLEs Booi ~Revlev - IStandards for the Design and Calculation. of ftel-pulverising Installations'. Gosenergoizdat 1958. 159 pp. PERIODICALS Teploenergetika, 11959, Wr 10, PP 93-94 (UNH) ABSTRACTs The matefial contained In this book is much needed by designers but it has not been very carefully dravn up and edited, More information Is required about the design of large shaft mills. There are 1 table and 6 Sovint references. Card 1/1 MDOR, 0yorgynot Ar. KO Mra r~ Device for processing signals from IndustrIal measuring instr,MwAs using counting toobnique, YAr93 autout 12 11064/5il34-139 164i , 1. Central Ressaroh Laboratory of Heasuring To-chnIques. I:i Vlpllwl zlIMA "I 0 . A=MHTArlo XDj MUDOVMH, To.A.;-Z-OBA. A.G. - Fluting inalfued sectims of roll grooves -by disk k=rllng. Xot&.Uurs 9 no.,5s34-35 W 164, (XM 17t 8) 1. Isaakiyevskiy metallut-gicheskiy "Yod. JIML 0- [Koba, 11.1 'S'aba"Isd Production Of thrOO-st*P ceramic block@, Bill. I"A. 10 io*9117-18 2 1600 (NIRA 13t6) . 1- Pradesdatell Y&VOriYSk*T "shkolkhoxnay stroltelloor orguls. AtIll Llvovskcw.obl"ti, (Building blocks) USIONTSITO 341 ADBA a., bat H.] t 110 ~Lfa Arched livestock buildings are being built br productIon-Uns wthodso gills bud, l0,jjoOUj?-&jO.j 1600 (KM 13122) 1. awc"Oditell grappy Sektora tokhaologil L orpmIzateli stroltelletva Akadeall stroitelletya I arkhttektury MU (for t1slontsev)o 2* Inko- -woditall moveta Wor N"hkolkhosuoy stroltollnoy orgulsatell, L'yovskor oblastl (fov lobs)# . (Zwov bovlno#--Ywu buildings) (Collective farma-Intarfarm cooperation) NMI a. Exotas it. t%* of block@ in rural construction. 4 no#205-37 162,, mat* i kaurtro 1517) GOOPMUOG) (Cowdes) R03 1" 1 WON&I AMN V IL NEW N "44 T. t. NM- on ON a IT j's 3 It's s" i 3 J st i lit fis ,I Aj 9:08:4 ad, do 15(2) AUTHORSs Yanpollakayat A, A.* NoUg 0. A, TITLEs Automatic Control of the Dosing of the lass on the Press .819-143 (AVtomatichaskoye regulirovaniyo satypki massy as press* U-143) PERIODICAM Ognoupory, 1959# ST 31 PF 115-120 (U33R) ABSTRACTs On the Press MI-143 the Pressing effect is transformed by -the prose rods and the tensions foraing in then are characteristic of this force. For measuring the tensions in the rods sitozsoa*t*ra or* used which are fastened to the opposed rod surfaces sit can t~* aeon frox figure 16 The extens*eoters are connooted ty a non-4quilibriua bridge whieh is fed by diroot-currout of oonstant voltage, The un- balance-voltage of the atusuring bridge in its operation on an electron hmoli-fier with a high input impedance can be computed from -the formula U 1,25 !Alt qhors aR denotes the -variation of the 2 bridge rosiftencet I the current strength of the bridge supply and 1.25 a gonstants. Figure 2 shows the simplified scheas of the auto- mation-dosing of the mass and detailed descriptions are given n*xt, Figure 3 gives the prose carves., The scheme of the measuring bridge in shown an figure 4 and Us basic scheme of the relay connecting Card 1/2 block an figure 5o An expaximental device was tried an a press SW-16 SOV1131-59-3-5110 Automatic Control of the Dosing of the Use on the ftose SK-143 of the.Borovicbskiy kowbinat (Borovichl Kombinst). The tensions in theproes rodep the current strength of the press alectroaotor and of the signals of the outjrQt relay were oacillogrsphioally record- ed (Figs 697tand 8). At the same time the pressed products were examined to to weight and strength. Figure 9 shows the measuring and weighing results of tLe unworkeid press material with hand and automatic control of the sass dosing. By the automatic control of the mass dosing the un1fornity of the products is increased and the work of the pressmen rendered more easy.- There are 9 figures and 6 references# 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt VassoyumM institat ognouporov (All-Union Institute for Isfruttri*4 card 2/2 aw-ma ... .... .... ... NMI G.A. insh. Device for a contimous remona of dust from a oplow conso Masla-9droprom. 28 ao.,7t"n fit. (KML ISM) 10 KmnWa skly missloshiram Ambinat imeni VIV. luybyahm, (94par.&toIro (YAchines)) ~(Sumllovor seed) YA14# V.M., Inah, GOLOSKOV, 341. Investigating stresses in f ramejo of hydraulic prove housings, Trudy Inat. omew, no.35tl37-158 t6.1. (MIRk 17:12) 2. VS4l'OYuznYY iftti tut uporov (for Koba). 2. Laningradskly zavod Pmetalilat" (for OoloskovT. a -7- AMOItt tr~am-jAt--P. (MOsaw ktaWJ". (Moscow); Xobs.,_It_-Q* (Moscow) ORW -TI TM Study- __;b4-Vi4aIWUsA to the (Istmetion- of -IIqMid M104tv" by: the- SOURM uo...3p 196% 93-98 11V 6bta- ilax.7m"# *~ri 6t -oUsitrometbsne and of a uftronmthvid~- -"I charges stop touis mixture (75s25 the. previoual' described eloctromatnetic method (A~ -Dramlai- X. 941,-8164dolw.-~ MIC& To detormln* the effect of the sit* of. the j' 1964 #2). recording wire, which is'lorAted within the explosive charge in the alectromaratic method, the Intsiottlos~-Ofs'det6istiou wave with a plate of aluminum foil (0.035 as thitk) and wl th a adca plati-O I(e 4 04 an thick) in vit rose than* and at trome - - mixtures was Sto4ted-ust -'a deto- moc- btkftd- both- tb4- sluminaw-asid the *Ica nation delay of - 494t-043,1 nags -vo ocity: Prafftes ui -chi -electro tic method with wir" 0#031-aftd---~-- _.-_O ZZ am thick I -uL -1xistm iniffiltiop tons mixtures also Aand a d4to-', n;tion delay of'orbout OoI7 Usic. in the case of !h0*060.035 ma vivo, which is to good 4.0 ACC Nks AP6004431 ~ob ta-:~d Asroesiont 4ith- the value t a by the photographIc massuresionts With the. 0 22 recording viroo the det6dition-delay was OAS usec. This difference Is probably due OD the diffecince In t1a intensities Pf , the shock waves leaving the wires. The asse v*6. locity in the anock wave behind the thin viva is greater than behind the rW,ck wiree Thus, the recording wire creates a discontiouttl dividing the combustion prodUcte nd the unperturbed explosives ?be own velocity to the unperturbed explosive behind the shock wave may be calculated from the use velocity of the combustion products ad ' the shock adisbat of the explosive. 7b* calculated value of the mass velocity behind- the shock we" (u a 1686 ka/sec) 'is close to the value obtained from the aleetto"t, notic-ally recordel 01"a *aUcity profile (u1 - 1.62 ku/sae). Extrapolataid to the Initial was velocIty -ra e.Ordiol point, Ul a 2.04 ku/sac. The siass velocity obat?ly decreased from the iditiai saxiss point toa certain break point after which the ds_~ crease became st"dyo velocity at'ths. brook point was u2 - 1.31 ka/sec. The time frou the initial recording point to tEm sharp break point is the total reaction time v* and estimated to bo,squal to about 0.4 see for the nitro than-acetone uLxmw tures The width of the'risition sons say be calculated when T * Is known: a = TWO-Q, Vher* , D is the detonation velocity and G to tke averap m"s velocity. Yor the altromothafie-scotooo sixtiore (73s.25)o V - 5.75 ko/sec and 0 1.77 ka/secl thus. 1.6-mim,- OcIgw art-i'l-hass- 4-figuires and I forlmulso- (M) _7 ft"S/ Ono-WI 0141 on 111PS 003/ ATD -rWS I M WDS: 19/ 'SM DATSfr 0i /0 4., ~=N A. 7~. MDBAv I-Le M MM &D.s YAM9Vv P.A. -WHIgh froqueney syston eiverlmisit placing *Vr in energy of 100 W*O Report, submitted to Us Intle OW4rence an High goargy ftalas and Welear, Structure# Oenevaq &dtserlaW, 25-Feb-2-Mar 1963 r W(e) ATIM Aemstoo mts Anocim AUTH01ts Val0ter A. f--s a4rwro"v. Tv. N.; vaoina. I. Yt ivanow v. r. ftttnko Vtj.; x j_L.A F= - I b=- L Aft To-Unma.A&-b- 1 6 00 A. TITL91 ?he apparatus of Ace- ame Ukrainian SSRj for eol=Rictraft bgtm Ith 4*mrgles of M a NO ftv for" 031-' jiirblviti-cii-tho scattering of eloctrom on-Yelootm SOUMMs Intornotionol Conference on High Energy Accelerators. bibs*. 1961. Trudy. 166MD6we' Atcm1idet`s'I96is-9f$$;fti TOPIC TAM hlSh energy accelerator, high energy pleases particle home panic" lphysices charged particle beam 1ADSTMCT t Work an coUldbS electron boom In the ftyalootedial"I Imatitate. luadevy of Soloome, Ukrablam $11s was begum to 1140. The eximumm of l1mear islactron accelerators foam bale for the lattlation of SO& wavok. At the ft"t stove It wao d~41486 to stop at electron Starage devloms of IN N" Gnarl slow it was found that oven at such comparatively smaU emealLes of the bomme lcwd 1/9 IACMSSIO 111 XRs ATSOO?9n many problems can be eol~ed. The most comblent 06 vp design Is a $yet** of r6ce-tradw with & common linear section In which the collision Of the two b040 LO affected. A distinctivo property of the Institute's storage device to the great ! Uength# of the linear sections, equal to SO and 90 ca for a ra4lus of nvvlution tof 50 cm. The great length of one pair of linear sections in each of the rings was iselected In prder to provide for measurement of the minima aftle of scattering. 19alection of a small radius of rovolution was 4" to the requirement of atialaum toquillbrium dimensions of the beam and to On tendency to have a not too long time for damping of the be&% oscillations. , To locallse, this resion of Intere"lon, the boom crbIts are distorted In the vertical Via" by ovens of two '"Intersectlor magneto that create a ho"Seneoin field In the radial direction. 7%o mepaets are, arrang" In tho common Ursear o4ocnion. The length of each of.the 'InUrsectine MUM 0 on# and the magnetic field strength to up to 00 oersto4a. The w4gmte defleat the oVillbrium orbit bj .1 im from the medlan plow. The quadromits 'have a constant 04014tio field lodes of Pea 0. 4 29. The coupled magnsto Am the section that to fop both orbits he" aerc~ Crediestj the Indevi to the re"Ime Ing sections Is villa 0#460. The stablUty ofthe Instititte's oystes Is charecteris- *4 by a diagram showing flold to&* a In the quadvants veto the field Wei at In the amiplad aspetso Tbi to of stabLUty and rescumee Us" of am Cod -2/1 A L 47312-65 47312-, IAC=101 CCCUION Nks ATS007022 VT ordere a ordere an Indicated In the diagm and discussed. The "lactod op4ratifti pant 1-t at a waxisum distance from the resonances; In this eA" the frequencies of bate. tron radial and vertical (axial) oscillations an respectively equal to v a 1.14S& v m 0.6156. The Internal dimensions of the vacuumm chaeker were 100 n %0 J. The dtorisining pr6bloo here or" the conditlons governing the beam Input Into the storage device. The beso Is fed to an Inflector tbrw4h a uMtlc channel. The Initial condition@ are so chosen that tf* beam can by-pas In the f fret six reva". 1utions the Inflactor set a distance of 2.2S ce frow the equillbrive ortit. TM behavior of the storage device to the fLnt six revolutions to described. In came. the trailing edge of the uSnetic field "a late for throo revolutions of the particle@ In the storage device, the Introduction of,parlicles Into the chamber an &Aso be prolonged In the coures of three revolutions. In order to capture perti- ciao In the storage device It to necessary to create with the belp of Infle~ sagnets a wagnetto field strength of IIa low cersteds, IIt* 2W 06. a The systes of tolerances to evaluated on the assumption of the following paremates ftr ,the LWA-ko"I width do 046 met h f nightboo.p cot w4plardiveros"I rimiw &y a 2*10 0 and verti"I by a $110 . rrollainary wasurownts Indicate Owt tbJA data am be r*&LLs" U tWes" of 66 test1twte's mpg -to. IM requimmft M Cord Ift to 4?312-65 ACMS81CK Ills ATS007t2l the stability of the magnetic field of the Infloetor ant AN 1/11 10%, Allifoll a 3%O Taking Into consideration the Indicated quantities, the maximm values of the curvature of the radial betatron oscillations will be equal respectively to P a 2.1 ca. P a 4.1 to. According to computations. the equilibrium dimensions of Age beau mmt% a s 0.04s awl a a 0.2 to. Due to the quantum no.tuations In syncbrvtr,on mdlatfons the loniftudinal dimension of the particle bunch equals 40 em for a gap voltage of about 1.5 kilovolts. The man energy expanded on an electron per tivolution, takint into account the coherent radiation, Is equal to 1220 electron-volts. The time of oscillation damping smounts to 100 use. Alter- nate Injection of the beam of Olectrai to the ring Is effected by thme sectm sagnsts with double foaming. The introduction of a beam turned away ftoni the so- celorator and with Uro Initial conditions Is so4ured by the application of a cy- lIndrical, magnetic shield with a shielding coefficient varied along the lengtb AU the magnets an supplied with poweV rpm scums that have a ourres st"Luty of at least 0421. The report also 41seMses the 1W&Mw ah&WWr# voltap" laseristm and a low other aspects of the qWwatot Orig. an. bm 5 figghs, 2 tabU*6 Im ATM7922 IXCLI 00 ra ON us I OW -SMASOM, Aitrty lostfavlah; XCMA 9 redsktor; LSYCHICUO, 0., takhatchnly redaktor [Production capacities of tadustrIal enterprise* and sethods for their efficient no*] Tyr*bW*bi patushmosti pro~Wslovykh pidprylowtv i %hU&ft M& retsionallsoM vykarystannia. 4tv. DarzhvA-ve pout.lit"7 an, 1"?. 46 P. (MLRA 10:10) OWNTUMrs Yladlmir floofoyeviahl IOU, N., red.1 LLPCMW, I*, Jokbi6 i9&, TVaMM= soomW In ftU 6ml4mW] Roskvlt'ek=axMW Wajjwt~ kol Ift Mvq Dortb. vyd." polit. III-r), URU, 19S$o (14 MU no) SIMMOT, Timoffy Vasil IYOVIA: EbtudswWW, ZML.-H-LL -red.; rs& [Transportation and amunications In the Ukralm durim the, "Tenf-year plan] ImIlipori I'svilasok Vici*14 v Bourrichtel. Xylv# Dorsh, Vd-vo~pojjte 'lit.ry'TMUj -1960. 102 Pe (Ukrolue-Commicstion and traffic) I *&MAO! 11 ON I I I oil WIN I'l 7 t'j, = M EM !ONROTITTANOTI, I.T.1 WOTKIT, L.M. Effstavalkyi, L.K.11 OZININTO 1.1.1 BUBOTWO, TO. Evauvenkoo 11.10 bred,; NODA 0 X, ,red, t laPITMAO I#, E?Olttioal Goonosyl taltbook] Polityabms okonoulial pidmabn*. Persklad 2 3 perer, L dep, roolielkoho vyd. 1959 raim. Xylve Dersh.vyd-vo polit.lit-ry V=j, 1960, 606 V, (Ktul3t7) 1. Akadealra usuk VSU# Zlyov. lastitut okenomWe KARAKOZj Ivan ITAMIGhl NOUs Map redes KUIKINp loop tekbN redo (Nov to use t1w prodootlm rands of an enterprise to a better advantogol ShIlW* kmobsbobc vykoryoU=la vyrobmpbykb fondly pldpx7iometvao Xylvp Dersbe vyd-wo polite 21t-.ry MWj Me 35 pe (KOA Us 10) (Industrial usacommut) Em RISPIA.- -GFA-Wmm= I R MEC I MIT 'M~ RYZBXOV9 Ivan Iyawylabp kands skoname nauk# starshly zwuobzqy motre; FMII No, redal GATR=5# D. [HaM2*tsl,, DJO tekba, red. (Production Awdo of IsdustriAl *~terprl"sj "%Wchi fanV pro- iWalvqkh pidpryientwo 4ivp Dershe vyd-wvo pollt. lit-ry, mm, 1961., 37 P. (Km 14M) 1. Institut okowalki AN USSR (for RysMov). BONDAMKO, V.V... ioktor ekon. nauk oty. rod.1 KOAb X.F.1, red.; LISOVETS 1', 0. m, Gysmt4,,,6.m.J, tokin. red-.----- (Probleves of labor produativity statistics In irAlustry and agriculture]Pytannia statystyky produktyvnosU pmtsi v pro- myslovoati I silfalkonu bospottaretvi. Vyd-vo AN URSR 1962. 302 pt (KIPA 11M 1. lkademiya nauk URSRI Kiev. Imtytut skonoulky. 2. Zavodu- yushchly otdolon statlatIkI Instituta skonomiki kkademH nauk Ukr.SSR (for &mdarwft)* -(ProductIvIty accounting) - 4'-lTvM-q'wApmdRQR WMMAY-iEK RO~v ~JC$Aq N~Yov red.; filacam, Toro ( I p tokbn* red, [Tbs oal2 of beam Upul XAi*JW k3rchAtti sbirWk aut*j. Wvp Dersh. vyd-vo poUt. Ut." UMO 1961. W9) (Agriedtwo-SAbor pvdwuvitr) ,jMAI Nole (Jayev) . w - - comeatlon botwelft lod"tria trainize MA the stuo of folowe in the IsdoldM s6h"Is- POllt$Mm-*W&- n0-3120-22 Mr 159. , (MDU 1214) (80IM"tuO and tesohlu) IOU# PaDso podpolkovalk maditsinskoy slush'by Seneltivity of the skin to ultraviolet rays In chronic Cutritis ard peptic ulcer* Toonowdoshure nos3s86 139. (MIRA 22:6) (MMUVIOZW NA"--PMIOZWIC" 2VM) (WOPACH-DILMAM) ow ~a. mmm~!&'Uv, n .47, LF w, , wwqe t v during 2D Ym of the ftUmb Poolels IMPULA& Visda lsk# is "A Mad 114 is" 1 .650 KOU,.Stsnisl&wj_VWOLOVS%T, Vanan k case of agmulocytools after pyramidme. Vied. lek. 18 no. 2107-99 15 N 1 65. 1. 1 OddsWu Ukasnego 82pitala Vojskowogo v Kieleach (Ordynatort drs sod. S* Koba). XORAt Stanislaw History of bealth service in the ammty In Dole* rogim in = century* Vlad. Isk,, 18 no.2lsSuppl,*87-M 15 X 1 65, On certain infectious diseases in Kielce and Intthe OQUnty of Kielce i = century. rbid.t Suppl,,t9l-95 1 65o AUTHORt Bayer., Pqz,ard,, Phnielowskij, Jerzy andKoba, Teresa TITLE: ~ A 14 Channel Pulse Amplitude Analyzer with Counting Utachment ~(14-kanalovy analizator amplitudy z przyst- awka liczaca) PERIODICALt Nukleonika, 1959, Vol 4. Nr 1,, pp 87-91 (Poland.) ABSTRACTt A description of the equipment with a block-diagram (Fig. 1) of the analyzer and the counting attachment Is given. Furthermore the equipment Is Illustrated with and without the Case. The range of application is out- lined In brief. Analyzer - 14 ohanne13; width of channel gate - 2~p5plO V; impulse amplitude - 16-171 V; width of impulse - 1-5 micr setaration time -,2.5-5 micro-see.; ; i i stability-of discr m na or - � 50 mV- workini conditions -V I V 6 EL O .A; size - 570 x 360 x .23 , 900 0 mm. pecification.. or counting attachment: scaling factor total count stor- age 999999; resolving time numerator about 0.1 see; size - 560 x 340 x 840 mm. There are I layout andt Card 1/Z photographs. KOBA,V.G.,, Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Concerning the IKJ problem of the tudy of -devices for the =eis from the fruitt of 958,, 20 Pt3 'wit .~mel on. Saratovs, I h (vin of Agr usm. SarAtov Agr Inst) 150 covies XLj 50-58s 125) ULIYANOV, Alsksey Fedoravicbs doktor tokbn. naal IOUs- Vlkt&r-- 'El~rl ~sw"Iolbl,~kawA, taklm, nauki LOOMWO-R., r*d.; INOVA.M., Vap tokbno redo [Ovoran meebani"tion of livestock faml KomplekwAla wida. nisatsiia v shivoUmdat". Samtovp Saratovskoe knisbo" isd-vos 1961. 261 p. 2514) Oram mobanisauon) PARSHINO TU.A.j XORAp V.I.) SHMOO A.L. Rengto safety device for placing the neutron source in the log" tool of tho,STP-4W2-57 apparatus* Sb*r.luch.rats.predl. t 2: 51-53 16)* (MIRA 17:55 Is Olavnoyv upravlonlys geologil ~ okhrany vedr prJ Sovete Ma4mirrm A, L I /.-I AN SIPM. Doklidyp Ti 154i ra. 4, 1964, &M tap ti*-Ijr dr ln##rt rlfl 771, ?M7-65 ACCE"SION HRf AP40IM5 houre at 200-40W6 It vag fo%b-A ttAt -,~ojyvjftv,' Id &IcM ft, 4mar-frows a '3haft.-O in 110 Lecular suuatum at J=, T"'# migsta concentration or &Uph&tjc.cQaj_ugatsd double bdfsdn-, miaiattm -YA I - j -Mg- I- -n - - - -VI -T wp-paruw tSI-iftit e Ctl ft n ~"r n- r. B at 300C V-7- y .1 ta t4 a lc~~."ers ar_~n* -,r 2 lkq i L) 0, lou"'e bonda. the maximum rosi5t vity activati-vn o-.orFy of ;,,a -roauctp i a spparent ~y as hTc'&)rdarn or ;-,r-vinyL aicanol am a~,san -tra- try r~ rv', -oo I -CC! ^-!ON Vgoj;CyUt-,W MUChW-i8sledc ratA I mki r j"tj t,4t mart, vo, ~rirhngrv A li- c a r cn .4 rave 1 ",t_ e )I- a1 r0 -r- QvU, Sow" e r-1 4i 3LT-;&'4-AiTlTzbs :26S~p63 IML - do SuB CO-LIr.9 0c, Ge !-A)VI 005 CT i ER 005 OR171HERG 0 H. Five pion isespin vave, functions, Bul Ac Pol mt 11 n9. nt701-706 163, 1, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Wversity,, Wareav and University Institute for 11heerstical Physics# Copenhagen# KOBAV Z. On the angular mostatum veight factor in the statistical-theory of matiple partialis production. Pt. I. Bul Ao Pol mt 9 no~3# 211-216 161. 1. Institute 0fr Nuclear Research,, Polish Acadexq of Solememp Warsaw. Presented by L. Infeld. 1OBA, Zirc, On the anplar, momentum velght factor in the statistical theor7 of m1tiple particle production, Pt, 2, BA A* Pol mt 9 no,5095.401 061, 1, Institute of Nuclear Research.* Polish AcadmW of Scismcesp Warem, Presented b7 L, Infeld, 33784 P/045/62/021/002/005/007 B137/S102 0 AUTHORSi Kobal Ziro, and Krzywickl, kadrsej TITLEt Remarks on the "effectiva tnrget mean" PERIODICALs Act& Physics Polonics, Y. 21, no. 2, 1962, 153 - 174 TEXTj The authors Investigate the *effective target mass" as defined by N. 0, Birger and Yu. A. Smoro4in (Zh* sksper. toor. fis., 11, 1355 (1959)) an to wholtar or not this experimentally measurable quantity oan give ~ certain information on the collision mechanism and the high (some Gov) and superhigh ( N102 Coy) energy ranges. It an Incident particle (nucleon or pion) is assumed to 3ollide, not wiVA the whole target partiol* (nucleon),, but only with a samll part of It (e.g.. a virtual pion in the cloud) with an effective mass m# this uantity a0 can be written as M* (P(O - po~ coo QN) whcre (1) Indicates a quantity In the 0i I laboratory system# and Z' denotes nummation not Including the recoil target nucleon. The invariant quantity x2 w A2 . 72 A 2 plays an Card 1/3 0 33784 P/045j62/021/002/005/007 ,Remarks on the "effective target ve, B137/B102 essentialrole in the field-thoorstioal treatment. 4 and 40 denote respectively the enjrgy and momentum tr&nsfor between two groups-of particle#. Sine* %Z to noteasy to det4raino experimen tally, the authors derive the following relation between x and a*# x a a*/Ys where y0 is the Lorentz faOA6r donn*cting the so-called 8 system with the laboratory yet;& $-system or ainimum-nomentua system is charaoteriz:d b "441e 0 Ol I.*#, the energy transfer between two groups of particles vanishes. A method for determining x from measured values of a* is given. 'Th* effective target mass is examined firot within the.frame- work of general kinematic relations whio:h are indepohdont of any Inter- action moohantemp then from the poij;t of view of the one-pion exchange theory. The ratio of the effective target uses to the whole mass of the target particle Is related to partial inelasticity in a system moving In the direction of incidence. A method for determining the mirror In- elasticity from the measured recoil somer-tum is given. A quantum-field theoretical investigation of the target mass on the basis of -the one-pion oxchan4e model without and with pole approximation (where the **rose Card 2/3 nut Ziro lkr" -pion ways Amtloft; mtbw of %ffective .'L.k- mmntva&* Act& phploa Pal 22&%ppl*slO3-125 7.14 .. is Iftutute for Warsavo S/05W63/000/OOZ/015/070 AO59/A1O1 AUTHOR: Kobs, Ziro Tl=: Three pion wave functions. Method of "effective angUlar momenturP PERIODICALs Referativnyy dwrnalt Fizika, no. 2, 1963, 17, abstract 2BI12 ("RePt. Inst, badah Wrow. PAR", 1962, no. 320MI, 30 Pp, ftlishl sunnaries in Polish and Russian) TEM The system of three pions A, B, and C is examined from the purely kinema,tic point of view. A method of construing wave functions in configuration space is suggested, having a given tat-&I momentu, total orbital mowmUo, Wd parity in the C-eyetem, and prescribed symmetry properties. An assembly of orthonormlized flunctions Is introduoedt (pq2/R2)VM1(Wt) x x (sin 0), (008 41 PPL) (ID) J (pH) L 1+L+2v+2' who" a (1/ n2 (2A o~ and are the solid angles Card 1/2 SIOW63100010OZ(01!VO70 Three pion wave functions. Method of... A059/A1O1 of vectors a and t, respeatively, 0 a amtg t/s; R2 S2 + +02, 2 U2 + V2 where u and V_ are Momenta Canonioally Conjugated with 'a WA a" nor- malized Jacobi polynomials# The now quantum number U m 0, 1, characterizes the distribution of ths"total relative momentaie P between the parts u and Ys the less V, the more symmetrical the splitting. The value A - I + L + 2v Is de- noted as the effective orbital momentum. The -states ?,with a fixed,41fors a subspace invariant to the grouP 33 of pentutatLons of particles A, B, C between each otSer. From the wave functions S, turths:p wave functions with given total momentum, its projection, and A are constmod, which also form a subspeas In- variant to transformation& of the group 43i A table of these fumtIone Is Pre- sented which correspond to a given irreducible representation of 33 (with as well as a table which gives the number of conf1guration functions with Aw and 6, wA a table of laospin fumtions of~ +)me pion$. The method *an be Snow ralized to a system of four &:A more plons.' 14. Braun [Abstracter's notel Complete translationY Card 2~12 GUNMOo M.) COB&$ Z. "-o"Momoomw FOW-PiOn VaV% fUnDUMN. ActS, Oysiod, Pal 23 no.4i501-526 Ap 063. le .Institute for Hadlear Romearah.. Warsav. KOUIDZEj Aeon Alsksoyevich [People of Zemo-Kedi on -the now road) (Zemokedtt .T na novom puti. TbUiBi. GOO.Izd-vo uSabehota Sakertvelolj 1963. 65 pe (MIRA 1715) saw problew.concerning the carbon dioxide supgy of tenet blogeocenopess Problems skol. i ftsiol. Iss. met. no.2t6l-AX 16" (NIVA i8vU) 1. Imningmdelays, ordena. lanim lesatekhnicheskeya ake4ad3a iftni CHO Kiroft, KOBAX. K. 1. T"-", ".-. - -, Carbon dioxide concefitraticin in the ground 1%yor of air in forest blogeoemoses. '.%vdy That. blol. UFAN SSM no. 43, 199-201 165 (RDU 1911) 1, IAMingradskaya losotokbnloheskays akademiya imenj S*H, Xirova. KOBAK* X.; AMIT*tNOTS P. SPSOUDS up NOChADISation of water supply on liveslock far" of collective and state farvm* Sillebud. 10 no.10-4 A '60. Mrsize-Vater supply, lural) (KIRA 130) AUTHOR: Kobak, V,O* soy/io6_59-7.6A6 41TM G-4an of "Two-sided* Diode Limiters PERIODICALs Blektroovyast, 19391 Nr 7, pp 40 - 44 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Although two-sided dioda amplLtud* limitors, I.** limiter* 'which clip the top and bottom of signals, find wide application, no detailed anAlysishas boon sad* from which engineering formulae may be obtained. The author therefor* considers four two-sided diode limiter circuits and produces design f6roulao for them, In the first-two circuitso whiah the author calls "Type AN circuits* the first diode is the lower limiter and the seconddLods is the upper limiter (tigure I&)* In the second two circuits - Type B, the diode connootions are ehanged roundl the, first diode is the upper limiter and the second the lower limiter, In the anslysIsl it Is assumed that the internal resistance of the diodes,in th*.oonduoting direction is constant and , equal to 91 1 in the reverse direction, the resistance is cax%tj;dqb, assumed infinitse The static limit thresholds are deteimined* MIMI-- r DonIign of "Two-sided* Diode Liniters sov/106-59-7-6/16 In a dynado regime, the results obtained are distorted somewhat, due to inter-electrode capacity. (This problem was investigated in the work of &.Y*. Zhabotinskiy a" Yu, L. Sverdlov - Rof L) A Type A circuit (which limits positive polarity signals) and its characteristic in shown in YiVwt 1. For this oircuito the following conditions must holds 20 > 'ORX2 ~ 'UBX2 > 0 (1) itI > R 2 (2) When 'j.., V (diods JI closed) and assuming thatt exi Ri Rt R19 R2 (3) 1 then the following relationships are obtained3 Design Of -*Two-OALdedw Djode Limiters BOY/lo6-39-7.6/16 x0(4 + b) BXI VBblxj '= - a * b 4. 2ab where A W.Ri/a b n+ R2/0 When VBX > Vft2 (diode JI 2 closed), then, USx2 "-'UBbJX2 0 41- 20 CA7 d9j4T UBb1x2 (6) b soy/io6-59-7-6/i6 Design of "Two-sided"Diod* Limiter* whoros Ri The symbols are as indicated in rigure i. For design purposes, these relationships are -ro-&rr&nged into the form of Itqs (7) and (8). Thei value of c detormines the transfer coefficient of the limiters k W.'UBblx2 IUBblxl UBX2 UW which can be written a$$ -2) + 1 b Design of "Two-sided* Diode Linitorx SoV/106-59-7-6/i6 The procedure for applying theso.formulao to the computation of the element values is thou given* Those design formulso, can be applied to the reverse diode connection circuit (Piguro 3&). Only formula 41) to alterod to the -forms VB%2 I%` U11.1 The Typo 0 circuit diffore from the Typo A in that the first diode limits at the upper level and the second at the lower level. Such a circuit Is obtained from the circuit of Figure 3s. by changing the negative voltage 0 to 0 Positive TA1110 4,3 * This gives Sroator flexibility ~o since a positive sign&l can'be limited at the upper level -and a negative signal at the lower level, depending on the relationship of the elements* Possible characteristics are show in Figure 4 (1 and 11). When U., < UqxjL diode is open and .1. closed, When U ex ~. UBx2 soVio6-59-7-6A6 Design of *Two-sided* Diode Limiters the convers* is true. For nornal.operation, the following oo"itions.must be ft1filled., So > USX2 USX, so > UBz2 > 0, loss, '2AO (12 (13) The d"isn, foxuulao doduo*d for thiazircuit are similar to thoso for thooircuit Type A (Xqp 4-8), except-that -UBxJL and U,.2 are interchanged and also UJ5blxl and UBblx2 are wutu&lly interchanged. .The resulto of experimental neasuremonts.aro Sivon In Table 1. 2853h 3/106/61/000/007/001/004 A055/A127 AVIMBSt Andreyev, Yu. A,, Kabak, TITLEs Properties of the double-T bridge, taking Into account the offset of the generator and load paramoteri PERIODICALs glektrosvyazl, no. 7, 1961, 3 - It TEM: All previous publications dealing with tht, .ropertiesof the double-T bridge, and taking into acoamt the generator impedance and the load, are limited to particular cases, The authors of the present article examine the most'general case. After a brief recapitulation of the main formulas of the double-T 'bridge when the generator Impedance and the load are not taken Into account, the authors present a general analysis of the loaded bridge. The formulat Slvlnig the xoro-ba- lance condition w4 the tuning "umay wean tkw son, two, " In the atto of the norawdod brid4o. To 40tormine trwasIsslon faftor T, the author SIvos the following formula (dawlwc, boing the relative datuning, and Y - 6- 1& the Son- eralIzed relative datuning)t I uInjo DI Z D D ZT I z D T .U + + 0 1 Fl- v :." -1!2) (5) outp y ZT y zi y Card 14 3/106/61/000/007/001/004 Properties of the double-T bridge,., A055/A127 whorei 16+0 . +0491) ZT " R 7 =(3n D1 ro-I -A _n D2 _n n being any positive number (0 -4 n 4 oe) o~ Rl/R2 and C2/C I The balawt con- ditions of the bridge characteristics are detemined, in the general case. by the relations I Re T (6) Re T W (6) Im T (6) Im T The analysis of the possible ways of oonneating the double-T bridges reveals that, from the point of view of -their use in selective tube (or transistorized) axpli- f lore, the most int*r*stlr4S connection is that shown in Fig. 4. In this *"*, C roprosetits the trarisfor capacitance from the anode of a tube, 0A is detersined by the anode load &M the Intorma 'tube. resistancet R, In the hput resistance of Card 2/7 a tube, and Cl serves mUl to balance the bridge eh&raoteri *tics , The authors analyst the conditions (relating the paratwtors of the generator, of the load and of the bridge) to be satisfied for the symmetry of the amplitude-phase character- Istias of the circuit of Fig* 4, Thom an five variants of these conditions, The most exacting condition let RIC, - nflg*nCgenj A101 RlClj RICI - NCO ROT - (I+D)N*nRl (8d) The transmission factor in given by the following expression, whichever of the five note of conditions Is satinfiedt T TM (9) 21 Y I - ki + I- d2 In the case of conditions (801 Card 107 28524 3/106/61/000/007/001/004 Proportion of the double-T bridge... A055/A127 042 TM 8+2 at dl To (10) 2 nTM where 0~ - The frowency charaoteristio of the bridge, in the general R1 R2' case examined by the author, to ITI TM 0 0 (21 . Y- V (V- 1, The Phase characteristics areY041 Ated according to formula, arc, t9& Y 2 Usina (9), it is easy to plot the amplitWe-phaso characteristic of the bridge In the complex plane. This charsoUrktic consists of two superposed olmumforene*s. The 4-factor of an AC selective system Is determined, in the general case, as the Card 4/~ 11514 $/j06/6j/0W/oo7/ooj/oc* Properties of the double-T brid6to.. A055/A127 steepness of the frequency oharsaterletio et the tuning f requoncy. As applied to the case of formula (9), the Q-faotor Ist d T 151 - -0 (12) C, 4 dY YOO d I After examining several particular cases (for Instance, the came of a symmetrical brIdge system 81 a R2 - ft C - C - C), the authors draw the following conclusions 12 to the prQV*ki*s of ths loub s-T bridge, considering the effect of generator and load parameters. 1) The double-T bridge (in real systems) posq~w4ynfttrlcal amplitud#-phase characteristics only when is definite relationship exists between the parameters of the generator, of the load &W of the bridge. 2) Symmetrical characteristics or the bridge art obtalned only If the load and the generator in- ternal impedance are both either purely resistive or purely capacitive, or when they are both resistive -capaol tIve, Any nixed case leads to unavoidable asymmetry. 3) The selectivity of a selective amplifier with a double-T bridge in much worse, at & great dotuning, than it was generally supposed. There are 7 figures and 7 referencest 4 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Savint-bloc. The refer*nc,)s to English-lan- guage publications read as followas Cowles, The parallel - T resistance-capacitance, network. Proc,M, 1952, no. 12S Buckley, Parall*l-T netwurk. "Wireless Engineer". Card 5/7 PrOPertlOs Of the double-T bridge... 28524 3/106/61/OW/W7/001/004 AOWA127 19%. no. 71 Yosiro 0ono, Design of p&ftll*j_T resIstance_c&p&01t&ncq Proo.1n, 1955, no. 5. network. SVMITTEDI D*Osmb-*r 12, 1960 (Abstracter's notez The following Subscripts &M trAulated In the text and for. mulae; I (load) stands for HI son (generator) stands for r or Card 6/7 finri Tocbril-'.~ nn In ti;,~ '-~,,lx loll `A7* Tulr 191,4,, rxtkcv, Fv1,1-.V) s Vo 1. 10 -o, 7,0 m-tklkh ffo-Takh p3lienIts gruzii. Soobi~ich akal. ra-A~ grat. SSF, 1949. 111% 4. c. M-44. a. 237-W~ - Bibliagr: 7 nazv. 30: LET7Fi3t No. 35, t949 77 M-n NOBAKSMS, A. 0, lobaWse. A. 0. - Oft thwry for the roduction of nanw"s addes to Jlh0ig A eowwwrative oclUctim of train"at1cm dmUoated to the 25U and"r"ry of the lutitUfAs (ftss pouteft, ift-t in. Xtms# No Wo 7bilials We P. 431A43# (Resixw in Owrglan) 60s V-52401, 1?0 D". !04 (Istopb 'Mmn*l IMM BUt47p Not 23v 2949). AIDIMM, Ili#A,j 1!~~ a double T-mMped bridge Ath c*=UWftUoz to the *ffoats at the partmeteft of tbo gonomtor and load. Zlo*m#TIAWI 15, no*70-11 A 'Us O= 244) (&14g* vircults) (Slectric netvarks) 0, up Itol Otter*& VI ~blll It q 'Pose 0 00 I 'P~~ to '003' 10' 00 ;vow val'al, It. 1962t at 0&401~ --rop"o ljouble 29 ots.00 to 00 9TOS'S as f 91 oo. 0 VVIS CP 66VOCIS gts.0k too .% o 0-19 C.496 'atterl, to tic larw Lxtp .W Slettrooll o0owe' .40" oe'& 'PV I . 'AtlW 1400% so ols 406 atolc 11AW %ve 0 &,Oat 0. 01010'% ti-ev a . % lrtl, .Me .,,op is a 03 ivevelft coo t J'l 00-14 0 t's ~4&1 Ot &A6 %'" Si'60 040 4 %at Sol.0 4 OA -, ttod% IF tol'& % to 0 so 666 SAO lu 0 ~14 t OWTS %46 0 4SL. VI . JSepx V4. "0 %to% 0AS -W* so &ro SA - I Us 9~A Wlar 'W 'Pata 06a Y!90~~. 'e'r 1 00 Itior w0 64 oft vitl awl vV041 to Ve *,I* Ao t Jap Otto &ta 0 It 0 tiool GO* as Oda /13 33696 ~s/iO6#4/000/002/002/010 itiers with Possibilities offored,by 001- _ . . , ~z into tm opurier alrouit ssible WAP Of InvoAN &Otor r,r dltfgrsnt acabina tho .&u4wor examine& five V* L ollblifl4stion f WrIllings +'h* av*rW 1.000 he dotif"drAs' end do+ it VOIUV 'Of tions or Z arA of th'I Out" a is to 9. 3, 0 at a, 1112, 3. 4. Ight oosbUlAtOng rs" 9 1 " - ~l the" 4. jo~bildl , Y4 ..'. 14 for ooh of noxt to the amw six (giving Xto athor Pass** so d*ftao a light formau ~~. "0 a dback alroult. , flat Six OtIvoll) arg thus OWN throolpolop in the too 10&t,on faotor for 014 "IGUI&W -Tfb:ldp is used 96 thf ISAIS 0 'WA sastar lawl" so fo"PASS. 1W also forsolso giving, in this 4 (610 MA dig =80i'all"Ca"t when 2 to insertad into Combinational' i.o., Ixii toll S. P't UN, *rA of the &rtlGl0P ,Pllftatlon f&OtOr IX91 for Surs ng Practical r0-. th, sealar AM 6to explifier, is shown 11 " .0 ,At i.01torestl - the OsiddlS" Of I disot" of four of tt in tr* food poprodU048 +-b'b uners with 4 dbl* T-brldP +.he author i slootive am -,are 6 figures, &M 9 JZ&4tJonS Of ons-sup a mosis di&VAAIO 'h*" Llh-lenfuagg "forsn"'I al and brlofll discussss '4klet-bloc- asipliflerso 9100- book circuit- 7 80,viot-blOlcl and 2 non- ?WMIJ, e1 - T JRC Selecti irs end 2014"t'-s" rqlf*renoogt wet liard. tAndsholf, job The Soviet aut'" ripmeno VU.J. R.Ya. Be reads ILS f oll tort v- 35, no tranio arA Radio Wafilm arol outkilki, mentioned In the artiolo card 2/3 ANDREYEV Turly AlsksandroviahL KOBAK V rjX-_O&)4rovIchj MICHURINp V.Z.O kand. hWjn-au!;ttS*ni*-R-jAPiTMP M.A., rod.j TSALt R.X.j tokba. rod. [Double T-shaped brIdges iz selective snplifisrs]DvoixWe T-obrasqo sooty v isbintell-10h uallitellakbo loningradp &OProtcls, 1962. 10) P. (KM 1519) (AmpUflorsq Blectron-tube) (Bridge circuits) (microwave Journal, 1960t no. II)o by Go 0. Bachnun et &I, (Microwave -ToUi"i#-. cow I A UPCI 6211 391,1512-,4 ACC NR: AP7004340 1963, no@. 2-3), and by other researchers. The model performs a reciprocating (minuooidal-law) motion along the signal -transmission line. The required tuning requency can be determined from this formulat TM - 4,4 - the required pass- Here: T i'band of the receiving channel let 2,2 r reciprocating -motion period; rb - motion amplitude; FOR amplifier resonance frequency: 60 ro /a r.., ~ equlvalent'Q-f~ctor ofthe f requoncy- selective amplifier. ;k wavelength. A numerical example Illustrate* the use of the above approximate formulas. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and ~ 10 formulas. SUB CODEI 09 SUBM DATE: none ONG REF: 005 OTH RZO: 003 1CWd z/z