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Klokn or.-F. Permanent and dignified home wAst be provided for scientific- technological socistlese p. 253. INZEM.M. STAYBY. (Ministerstro stavebnictvi) Praha. Vol. 4. no, 6. June 1956, Sourcet EFAL IL Vol. 5t no. 10 oct. 1956 Staticks tabulky, 5, prepracovans a roystrono vyd. Praha, Stajni nakl, tachMeks literatury, 1954. 433 p. (Techni*y pruvoduces 9v. 19, 17) LStatic tables. 5th rev, and anle ed, bibl.p Indsjr/ SOMEs Fast European List (VAL) Library of Congress, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1957 KLOIKO-ZPCr..'! 1, YU. F. 2691,4 luale Dovanie Fazovykh Raynovedle Binarr4lkh Sictems At saw ft on-Fluomntent Fenantren-nuarantenp Flurarel-Flurormantan I Haftalin-Faantrvn. (Socbahch.2) Zhumal PrIkI, XhinUj 1949s Noe 8,# S. $48-52, rOt USTOPIS 110- 34 1~ 09V6 -6 V4T(m)/EWP(t)/ZTI/EWP(k) JJP(0) JD ACC We "7002300 SOURCE CODES UR/0133/66/0001001/0046/0049 AUTHOR: Dubrov n, As Set AG!LkWaLM. A.1 ~hsstskov# So S.; Klokotinat L. OROS Chelyabinsk Scientific Research Institute of ?%tsllurV and ChOISAUS1. electromstallugleal C=b!PK (diolyabinakly nole Institut metallurali 1 Chelyabinskly elaktro tallurgicheskly kmbinst) TITLES Optimal conditions for malting forromolybdenum SOURCES Staltv no* 19 19669 "-49 TOPIC T&CS1 iron alloyq molybdenum plloyp metal netting ABSTRACTS The optiml average tuperature for melting forromolybdamn in '1050-19%P0 in vhich the boating Process in determined to a large degree by duration of the procoaso Cortrol of pr"oss rate and,, emsoquentlyp process temperature for metallo- .thermal malting of ferromolybdonum can be achieved by changing size of charge components. Grinding farrosilloon to less then 04,1 m helps to accelerate the process siA to reduce consumption of aluminum by a factor of 14-2- Maximum extraction of nollbdamn Into an Ingot of suitable natal (up to :97.5%) and a significant lowering of the sawmt of tailings are sivailtansoasli., 'during grinding of the Ganditicas of the "Itinx prec"41 Card 112 7 1 Z7 4 7 jr- "7 L og16q.67 FKdc-"NRi- AP7002300 are.Insured at A, toncentrate partial* also 'to forrvoillcon particle sise rstf* 6f 145,1076, Orige arto bast 4 f1jurest S famulam and I tables tJ'PXSI 35g5261 SUB COM It I SUM DAW mam 0110 WWI 006 OU Uri 002 Card 2h *at L 273-0h-69 WT(vj)/tWP(t)/W P(a) JD/JG 0/0020/64/158/00VAIS3/1 ITHORt ..A. V. WokodM, L K. N. AL - -1- n#e!!L I -A, TITLEt Th4, belialot af-In6lyt"to 04 the prodwIs of Its dissociation &U*W- ---------80'URCVt A N- SM. tkMW- -V*- 168 ,no., 5.1964, 1183-1185, and insert fielog 1). -,-TOPIC TA01i -sintered molybdenite$ mal deftM---- yb ABSTRACT' Dalldioh molybdenite 0000setraw *a bee" fixf, 77 w"C 1 to 7 hra.-- 3TMM-HX inif&G-0iiii-te 1170-1200, 1460-1620, 1470-1650, ISO-1650 0-- MW 1500-1700C, using slund= SM Maly-, tUdyrof *0 1460hanISM of Mal ~-:. Ate thermal disaodadoc bdenum crualbles, In &-a ybder tntered prjdacts, found,to be in different stages at dec Ition. wet 8 omp" m1croscopt 3ally. chemically and with the use of it-ray structural analysis. Thermal composiUott of molybdenite to Uo2S (owul to be complete in a reducing atmosphere at 760 mm ant 1500C, was Intensif!"Vy high-vacuum, at lower kmveratures. The Map* - beg&A to dL toocifte at temperablM in c=c" of 1500C at atmospheric pressure AM it' 1250-1300C at I mmHg. Tho samples malted as the Mo/S ratio V. Cord. OEM- 27, V.; Rumimms A. (at* Ushkentskoy sbelsmy dared); SXMTM9 A* (T&rVsUv11)S mo7ov to, (?a") MY #2&;A_~ CHISTYAWV,, M. (TWU ps"lak BuTatsk"s AS131) mAmm 1. ob2"tt I AUMWjj Of in"Sh== ;;Jii;ko (Sgwlymkg Hookwoksp old.)j HilAIWO V, IC;.IpW=k) Readers$ letters. Posh,delo 7 no,9:31 S161, (MIRA 24ill) (?Ire prevention) XLOXDV,, A. I SFMEIe.Vt A. The plant was saved* Poshdolo,9 noo2s19 F 163, (KEM 160) "Ji BAB'IKHADIYAO V.I.t kando made nauk; KWKOV, A,K, &perience in organlaing control of the mortality-or mothers* Akush, i gin, no.6sU2-125 K-D 163* (MIRA 17112) 1e GlAvM akusher-ginekolog Chernigovskogo oblastnogo otdala %drs. vookhranenlya (for BaWthadlya). 2* Nachallnik oblastnogo byuro sudabnomedit4sinskoy ekspertizy, Chernigovsk (for Klokov). KWXOV# AsLe Sipirialmoo of imstigations of the function of the cardiopulmonary bystep ir. early dinnosit of asbostomis, Sm rAd., 24 noo 10sW ml cy 16o. (WRA 13 t12) L 14 1,11alk gospitalluoy ftkulltstskoy terapiL (save - profs MON* yap skiy i dotsent V.D. Dubdu4n) Yaroslavskogo mediUinp- skog Ins tuta i kafodry prohosionallaykh bolemay L gigi7s1w 0 0 pertiscy trudosposabnosti. (say. - prof. 1.0. : ~77&nd Imningradskogo instituta usavershenswovanip ymbeye S? DISZASSS) (CARDICIVASCULAR SYSTEM) KLOKOVIJA. L. Cand Med Sci - (digs) "Significance of functional disorders of the pulmonar heart apparatus in early diagnostics of asbestosis. Leningrad, 14-61. 17 ppi (Leningrad State Order of Lenin Inst for Advanced Training of Physicians imeni Be He Kirov); 300 copies; price not given; (KL, 5-61 sup, 203) __XU%OV, A*N,, inshsn6r, mUltiparposs &ttachamts vork experience of the Zolsom Textile Machinery Construction na.At* Pr#Isvo-tokhe Inform* 20*3147- " $%, (KWA 1013) (Machine tools-Attachments) Al 112-1-708 Translation froms Reforativnyy Zhurnal.* Blektrotekhnika,, 19,57,, Mr ls, 119 (USSR) AUTHORt Klokov, B. K. TITIZ,. Nomograph for the Determination of the Hmber or Turns and the Current of the Magnetizing Winding In Tests of ArvAture Cores of Electric Machines (Nomogram& dlya opredelenlya Ohisla Vitkoy I toka namagniohivayushohey obmotki pri ispytanii serdeohnikov slektriohaskikh mashin) PERIODICALa Sbornik rate., predlozhenly. M-vo elektrotekhn. prom-sti SSSRJ 19550 Nr 58,, pp. 14-15 ABSTRACTs It is proposed to determine from the nomograph the ampere- turns of the magnetizing winding (of armature cores of electric machines) in relation to selected feeding voltage. The arose-sootional area or the armature core and Its average diameter must be known. The magnstIzInA current Card 1/l can be determined from the nomograph wIth a +15% accuracy. D.N.M. I- (", K 112.2-3282 Translation from: Beferativuyy 7Aunolp SlaktrotekbuiJap 1957, Nr 2,, p. 110 (UM) AVMR: laokoy,, Do No TMZ: A Device for Vindina Double Coils of the Split-Windin Stator of RI&b Voltage 32actric Machines (PrIsposoblie" " mamotki dvoynykb sagotovok katusbek razzissoy abootki &+Atora vrookovollftykbelektrfabeskiM mashiu#iWosed by Vo~ P. RUsov) (AmAlozhe" V. P. ZU*ova) PERIODICALs Obo rats. predlazbenly. X-vo elaktrotekbn. prom-sti SSSR,, 19550 Nr 58, pp. 93-24 ABSTRAMS Mw device facilitates quick winding and coil forming of hIgb-vo1ftp electric machine split-vinding stators do" repairs. Tbe coil forms are vound an a removable former set up w7former boazA. the fbrmr board Is set In movement by a pedal-switch-actmted drive. 2he former Is febricatod from a model of the old coil vinding or calculAtions. to. A. y&. Card 1/1 1w1OT, D.K., Insh. On the level of test v*2tag*s during change of rod vindinge In high-voltage eloctric mathines. Yest.slaktropron. 28 no*8:"-67 Ag 157. (R12A 10s 10) 1,Syuro kontrolplektrichaskikh whin Toesopanogo slaktro- tokhnichookogo treat&* (Illectric machine#) AUTHORS: Lopukhinal Yelona Yl013ay,97naq Cand.Tech.Sai.q Lecturerp and Klokov Bor13 K0nstanbinoj!1nft,._ A3pirant. TITLE: Dotermination oftlie Parameters~of an Induction Motor with Non-magnetic Hollow Rotor by Nearis of a Phase Rotating Amplifier (Op-.edeleniye paramatrov asinkhft=OY mashiny s nemagnitnym pclym rctorom s pomoshchlyu fazovrashchatelya-usilitelya) PERIODICALi Izvestiya washilth uchebuykh zayedeniyj Blektromekhanilm, 1959,11 Nr 7, pp 42-56 %USSR) ABSTRACTs It in very difficult to calculate the parameters of an induction motor with hollow rotore It Is accordingly impoztant to be able t3 determine experimen- tally the parameters of the equivalent cir%-.uit shown in Fig,20 Unfortunately tho3e,parameters are not constant ',At'. depend on tho saturationg wla speed and the 4(imparature of the ma-chine. methods 0: determining these jmramete7s that hav6 boon desjri*jrid hitherto either ,.,*quiro that the machine be diszaatlod or have other disadvantages, This ai-ti.cle doeir.-Ilbes determination of Card 1/6 t~~o parame`%-Pars by moan3 -,f a phasu zotatpirng amplifier desurlbod In the of &ah-~ aix7. Hupp Transactions SOV/144-58-7-5/15 Determination of the Parameters of an-Inexuction Motor with Non- Magnetic Hollow Rotor by meanD of PA Phase Rotating Amplifier A.J.H.N. 'Icl, 71t Part 3 1952. Tl~-e phase rotating amplifier is described in appond;x i the phase rotator sarves,to adjust the phase of tho culput voltage relative .to the !mptt voltage so that tha aquipmen", can be used for powir msasuwomer.-**,. The irstrilmon.- is a further davelopment of tfalf ;sod by fthr are Eup-; it is k0 descril~sd as a -i-xzit diagrur. given in Fig 10 and the e.J-43txent 'n describ,,~A in appendix 2. method o~! a L In viav of the spaiial feat-ares of mac*,:.ino3 with honov ron-magretic rotor3 t,-Ae p2-:,.--9c~u:-j Co3cribed by Suhr was medift9e. and rwi forar-iia vorA Io-.J-vcd for maeilnes of t'lis t*/pe, The Wsli of the is the equivalent .-,ir.o,-Uit of asingle--base ma,-hire :;how-.,% :Ln Fig 41.P- and the zi%plifyinc assump,~ions made !- %be v.:,rk are stated. The sim?lified from the criginal a:"d sJmpI4M-irg asattmptions is given in Fle 2t. The pu:-am-3-1-ors of equivalwt., circuit are f*rzriA two tests; synchronous Card 2/6 ne---IctA 9-nd- short F)r 11-Uzze -5uto co.-Iditions i "'Q 3"U11 rJT&V%9r simplified "'.Avalen" SOV/144-58-7-5/15 Determination of the Parameters of an Induction Motor with Non- Magnatia Hollow Rotor by means of a Phase Rotating Amplifier as shown in Pigs 3 and 1Prom the synchronous no-load test there may be determined the mutual reactance; the leakage reactance of the stator winding and the referred rotor resistance at double frequenTj . The basic equations used in determining the parameters in the synchronous no-load test are equations (6) and (10); the carrespo vector diagram is given in Fig 5a. The voltage ad to the control winding during short circuitols given by.expression. (11)i see also vector diagoam 5b. When the nc-load and short circuit test results are available expression (11.) may be used to determine the active resistance of the rotor, Tests can then be made using the phase rotating amplifier and a wattmeter to determine all the Impodances entering into the three main equations (6), (10) and (11), The phase rotating amplifier can be used to measure power whilst taking practically no power fzom the measured circuit. The test airouit used is shown in Fig 6 and Card 3/6 a series of equations is then given for the various determinations that have to be mad3a Tre Valuee SOV/144-58--7-5/15 Determination of the Parameters of an Induction Motor with 1(on- Magnetic Hollow Rotor by means of a Phase Rotating Amplifier required for detanb*g the characteristics of the equivalent airouit of the hollow rotor machine are found from two testst synchrowAs no-load and short circuit with single-phase supply. In carrying out the tests it is necessary that the stator temperature should be the samG in all cages and that the nc-load and the short cir4uit tests should be carried out at the same current equal to the synohronous no-load a-:rrent at rated voltaga, The tests are all made on a test bench a sahematic oircuit diagram of which is givon in Fig 7. The test procedure Is descritod. Te illustrate the method numerical test results are gi--en for a hollow rotor motor typo ADP-362 with a useful output of 19 W on a 110 V supply. Tests were made at both normal and double frequencies. It is concluded that the active resistance of the ro-1-so:? is not much affected by the frequer4y and ttarefcr4, 11, is aften sufficient to Use the equivalSU para&tn-s obtainod f%,om a single Card 4/6 s'Y'Ac:hrOr0t.S r.0-10-nLd t4st, The equivalent, circuit cbtained for the m-c-tor OP-36:: is shown In Fig S. The Determination of the Parameters of an Induction Xotor with Non- Magnetic Hollow Rotor by means of a M39 Rotating Amplifier correctness of the results may be judged by comparing the mechanical characteristic calculated from the experimen- tally determined equivalent dircuit with that determined experimentally. This comparison is made in Fig 9 and the agreement is shown to be very satisfactory; the greatest difference between the torques is 8% and the starting torque as calculated differs from the experimental value by only 0,5%. It is concluded that the method can be used to determine the parameters of the equivalent circuit without dismantling, the machine$ that the aocuracy is high and hardly any power is drawn from the measured aircuiti the synchronous no-load mid short circuit tests are easily usable; the necessary formulas are very simple and the method can conveniently Card 516 SOV/144-58-7-5/15 Determination of the Parameters of an Induction Motor with 1(on- Magnetic Hollow Rotor by moans of a Phase Rotating Amplifier be used to investigate the influence of various factors on the parameters.of the machine. There are 12 figures and 8 references, 6 of which are Soviet and 2 English. ASSOCIATIONs Kafodra elaktrichaskikh mashin Moskovskogo enargatithaskogo instituta Mair of Electrical Machinery, Moscow Power Institits) SUBMITTED: May 22, 1958 card 6/6 KAGANOV, low Mendelovioh; XWKQY,-A.~&j nmw)MW red.; KLMIKOVO V.N.p red,. 1 BAMOVA,, 11,14. toklm. red. [Tabnology of rwdm wWingojTskbnologUa voypVkh obootak, Mookwas Proftakhisdat.. 1962. 139 p. (MMA 158 8) (Slootric machinery-Windinga) MAMORMSM I Ivan Aleksandroviobl SIDWEVIA, Semen Mstvoyovlcbj *Ls nauchno red.1 SDROKINA,, H.I., red.1 NMBUNAj LAO tskhn. red. (Mechanization of winding,, insulating,, and stamping operations in the mamfacturo of asynchronous motors] Mekbanizataiis, otootochno-isoliatsion:Vkh i shtm"- voob3Vkh rabot pri proinodstva asin1throni7kh elektro- dvigatelsi, Moskvaq Proftakhisdats 1963. 109 p. (MIRA 17il) XLOXOV. Boris Konstantinovichp starshiy prepodavatell Pleture of the leakage field of the air gap of an electrical machine, 1xv. vys. ucheb* sav.1 elektromekh. 6 no.lOtll98-lM 163. (MIRA 171l) 1, Kafodrs. olektricheakikh mashin Momkovskogo energeticheskogo inatItuta, XOY;OiTV,, Alekaandr Serfiteyellch, lnzhj NAMOV, Igor' IsikolayevIch, inzt.; KLOKOV, b.K.8 rAucht.. red.1 SlLl%T3T,hOVICP, O.A., Md. -- - biar.dbook for beginning electrical zs~--hlnavy winding reptirmn) S1,ravortmik soladogo o'cootchika alektrictw- skikh mashin. lzda2,.. lapr. I doF. Honkva, VysshaAa shkCIRO 1964. 399 P. 18i1) i!~~ (OSHRMIAPM) in Mordovia. ftiroda 50 no.5t22? W 161. Thader4m (Kmi 3415) (N*W*vla-Tbund*r*torw) 'KIA)KOVI G.No (as Hamolayevo,, Rybkinakogo rayma, Mordovek*7 ASS) Unusual developewnt in plants* . Priroda 51 nz,,.S%228 Ag 162o (mm 1519) (mamovevo,"gion-Pumtop no"rlng of plAnte) (14molayevo 3Ngion-Aboolsolm (Botwq)) - I ~& + - . f T -ZJ4t . -- I - ~ . - -- - - - . - . . - I . - . - , - - - - - I - - -- - - - - . . I - . . . , . . . - . . . . I . . "The Geometrical T-Victil6s of a Cuttin~, Tool fiW du ' ,16ilinCtonalti ra Jn Drillite Extremely 11-~rd Sttir~i I Tnatruv~rjt V6. )~, Hrs. 7-1-L, Bt, 52G5cjCI9 I . A-WOV, - F. k 1wZOT. I.Te The MAX to the land of long-distance commicatlon. Test* eviasi 17 U00100-10 0 '570 (MIRA 20:11) 1. zamsetitel, ministra asi SM. Telsoomimication) KU)KOV, I.V. Yestures of the aut4mation of telegraph communications using a systm of direct connections. Vjet. sviad 21 no.ltl-2 Ja 161. (KIRA 15 15) 1. Zamestitall simistra snasi SSSR. (Telegraph) (Automatic control) -A& Am= row at A P9W9" SAnO6/fA/OW/OU/00OLAOO04 !AvrwRi Rok", to Vol NO 3;L TITLE: Forty-&* Von rMwe of screlet oommunicatio" ~SOURCEI TUMNAM7424's ISO* 110 19"s 1-4 TOPIC TAGS 1 001 Ondeation not""to tole~ sys"Of tolephan* aysten, ~ TV "Stm :ABSrRAC?e to 1039 tins *401444 loncest an'rlend tolophom link 18,6W km) S'_ Ichannel system began its operation botwoon Moscow srA Mabarovatr. A 12--channal link was pvt tn operation botween Moscow and Lonin",ed to 1941. Durirr tha lost ton r year* the total Length at' long-dtstam* links grow Crcm 2.2 to 9.7 million kilo- matars. In 1061 alone. lol mile to of ewnimication links went Into operetion. w~ioh to equal to the tongth -at the total n#twork tristing t.. 11951. Tw-o4--,=dr*diw twvnty million ling-distowe 0*11~ tt-k pie-no in 1960. 'rho tolerreph aorvtoo 10 eq,Apped with stdt-etop dovioes with autonatied tritnoducing *yet-w-_ (411'rt-,t 6owliftci code tmautatioal., TM oomplote lone-dietanda etch*"* to pro--4s"4 eut-c--kienily I;ir!r-ftsing th* S!ftot4noy and traANr opeod4. The r1rat photo-t*14grrkphi,~ rao ta- i I ink we# a@ ltabtishsd betwoon Woozov and LAninVrftd in 1929. &L th- pve~sent Use& Mosoov is corm atwsd by photoatelographle links with all prirolpal ottiox of th,* 10-wlot Ropublies to 1!1th_G3 Other-9iatores, Tho nunb*r oir urban tolophow 1edbs--rib*r# roteisa SA stilliotio7- 8i"MtY-#1x I *f all ths tolophono stations ire Maeo-wo Umingridi and Kjow skrc~ tlrs&4 ct4_ tnt- an Itutm&t1o !dialing systvn* Khwimv W111 b# inoorporated **on. Radio progrom ars raceir" br 79 nil. rooeiveri . Tolovtctm J# tranvaitw by NO pow-erful totovtoto-ft ttatteam# and 270 weak relsy stations covering a territory inhabited by go wdl. Po"Lo. Pro- rraint- cLre reostr4d on 11 all* television sets. Ir the future, magn,,Ttically shielded a-3&rial ambles Niould be IM-0d to tbo tussle Itnir ror t-r tie. r, a ^rS %,-ial &rt also Improviament* in rolitted *quirownt, the so--plettin if dottgnt and P-Auotiun Of doemmioation links oUlising oull 4t"wter K-,V)O ooortal eabloo, the Aeve,.ament or a tmo-poie #yet" utilising a no axiti uwbio, and the inarwased ujm of synthetic rttj as tM plastic& fil #Jac* oV afttly motallic oowpo=*nt#* fttw* urban end othor islophom twtmwkv *III be equipped vtth the ATSK 100/MO WA On A =M1 00 S= one.`. IV ow `7. wo F" S"t (W ,71 t 1, ~! ~~; CT T 5 -'~Jj t ILL- 110OWY X, CaXlecti-e bras tOrpnizational-firAncial structue of the collective form.' L. Yo. norentlym Reviewed by 1. Klakov. KoMd prolm . 12, No. 8, 1952. 9, 14onthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, woxgmbst iqp_njjp Unel, ColpOVAOye.g.; KWjOVO I.? rs"Mor; TSVWZOTA, V.A., rodektor; SOXCLOYA, N.N., tolfwal-SINW49daktor EOrosn fallows aid raw crops to precede winter crops] ZmrAatye pary I asparowye predabseSvennikil aboralk statel, Pod red. I.P.Klok&vm. Moskva, Ooss Isd-vo selkhose It%-W# 1956# 159 p, (Mm 91u) OWtation of *rope) ILOIOVI I.?* reeding MA Ifeedits Mito Crop rotations for foodo Kormo lox& 30 Xo. So 1952, Nontbl,y -Lid gj luagin AtegsAigns 14brary of Congress. Deteabor 1952.. MOUAU171ltD EL'OKOV, I.? URAJIOYI More$ redol OwnrSHO, YGOO&I rodol liRgAt Y,N,g teMoredo ECrop rotationd Sevooborotyl abornik ststal. Kooky$$ Goselsdovo, sellkhos.lit-rYs 1959o 285 ps (xm iM2) (Rotation of crops) KH A' SOV , Serpy ;a rgoy#~vll~~h; . B. rlo A ! - ~- - KLZKOV Vlkf 11 I-AVIOV4 f~ GMUTA, ls'~Zjo dotc. ~ft- , . - - A nt. , W ofer. IwIr-stsenzent; VIVAtEv, I*Aop otv, red, lKining] Gortire doloo Yorkva,, Nedra, 1964. '~`6 P. OMURA is:3) IMM, I.L.. skadmike sIA-wra. red.188188KIN. Wile. red- Ildmalys: IIOBWT,, T*,Go, doktor'bl*2*nw*# prof.rede; VASILICSIM, lot#. red,- MRSMA, 0.0.t red.t GRIOORIM* U.S., red.: OXMi T-I-s red.: DOMIXIM, P.I., red.; ILIIISZffA. I.A.. red.; U-7-u- red.: KUPUTAWYA. L.A.. rid.; LIVERSKII, I.A., red.; KWOPOKM. SITTs laVal re4ol PCONDINNAt Ye.G,, red,; POMv M.G., red.; POYARKOTA. AI;, red.t 5 #-Yealo, redel TSTZWO SeL. redel C71oi-a of the U.S.04-3 J%ora SSU. Mostm. Isa-vo AkDd. =wk Usit. (JaRk 1217) I# Chlen-korres"ndent All OSSR (for IbImhkIn). DDMDV. Ts.G., 4oktor Hol.mak, profel USILI W''T. lefol OCW=TAq SeGot 0210MITU9 TuA,; W=19 Telel DOROTXM. P,I&I XL013U&U, LAO; MWOTO; V221UWTAO Wel LINCHVMYg 1491 ADVOYMMORIG AfTS1 XMINDTA. Yes0*1 POTOT* N#O-j FOYAWTAs A.1#1 SHINMM# Ysol,S "TXLW. Nolo: BMSHKIN, B,Ko# redo Isdanlyal SWMAP AX, tektmorede EDlootrisdonslZoo6rIsdams. Moskva. Isd-vo AkM.nmuk SURO 29Sge 775 P. (Akademila muk SM.Botanichaskil Institute Flora SS8Rj TOI-93) (DlootyUdons) (XM 33 s 4) KWKOT. N.Y.. professor. Sw and little known speeles of the genus Centaur*& Lo from the Ukrainso lauk.up.liew.un. 7 no.6t67-83 148. (KM 9110) (Ukralma-Thistlo) Compilers: KWKOV, M. V.; MkLEUVI V. P.; ~WAVIYEV, 0. A.; PCT =-IW'iA, Ye. G.; MYAMVA, A. I.; PROKHAIJOVp Ya. I.; SHISMaN, B. K.; ORWYNEEFIG, Ye. I.; YtMEPCHUX, S. V.-' AFAHMOYLEV, K~ S.; BORMOVAp A. G.;,VASILYEV, V. X.; OORBMVA, S. G.; ILIN, me M.; KCRAWV, V. L. (Acad.)j Editors: SKWHKIH, B. K.; DOBWV, Ye. G. Flom of the WSR) Vol 15, Moscow -Leningrad, 743 PP,,(I-ro Book W-22202, 7 Apr P E60KOTo N.Y. Botany - Ukraine Detervilmation of now species of plants described in volvow three of 071ora of the Ukrainian O.S.R.8 Ylora VISI 3i4O5-W lfjO. t - MonthlyList of Mosian Ageogslons, Library of Congress. July 1952. UNCLASS1711D 2. U7MR (600) 4. Ukraino-4urine& 7, Genus Jurinen Cons and Its role In the history of flora of the Ukrainian SSR; ~ranol4os IIJIn grmMs botishure Mrs) 8 noel# Mle Abril 9. Monthly List of Russtan Accessions, Librm7 of Congress, 1953, Uncl. noloy. X.Y. ... womb MOWT"W - Buckwheat familY (Polygonacese, Lindl.). Flora UM 4sl90-259 152. Mraine.-Imakwheat) (XLU 7t12) "J,. rthv=.,Iu IDT-1- Pink fstally (Caryaptqllscoao Juse.). Ylora UM 4:422-646 132. Mraine-plas) (K= 7:12) icuoT.Al-T. Addendum 2s Diagnosis of On Plant sPecise described In volum 4 of 171ors, of the VItrainian Flora UM 4s650-660 t32.(X= 7,12) (Ultra hs-botany) ORIN$. 1.0.; JUMI, N.Y. Now spool** of hawthorn, Cratasgus Helenao Orrnj ot tlok. sp.u.o from the lower Dnioper *and#. Not.sbar-Eukr.J 9 no.2:56-61 152. (KLU 6:11) 1. Instltut 7jotaniki. Akadeall =kuk Ukrainalkol RSR. (Datoper Valley--Hawthorn) (Hawthorn-Datepor Valley) low ondesto speoles at the bome faullY. Bot-ztmr.[Ukr.) 9 20~3:U-83 '52, (MU 641) 1, Chernl"tolkyy dersbamy unt"raytot, Zafo&a systomtow r"2yo, luty- tut bot&nW Akadentyl nmk Vcrayinalkoyl VSR, Viddil Vshobyft mUso (Stiahoods) KLOKOV, N.V. -A_ wwwi mswwmmw A study on saw oritIcal speoles of lotus. 245-149 153, Bot,mat.Oorbo,131 (XLRA 712) (Lotus) umov, N.Y. %a bow" Som Ukralulan Astragalus, l5tI30-154 133o (KLILA 7 12) Mraine-Fabacs") (TaUce"-ftralos) KUKOV, N.Tl ,V ~t-- . - -N'-- ~, Nov species of the pnu Onosma L. Botmt.oarb. l5s229-247 153. (XLRA 7: 2) (Borasinace") SAROF,D.Wo, redaktorl XCIM.N.L. professor, doktor b1ologichulkh hauk;, XIMOV.N.Yot professor# doktor biologichnikh nauk; VISTUIMA,O.Do -ZKuSM"IoIo,CIohnIkb n=kj URBARICH,Aol., kaMidat biolociahn4kh nouki IRIINSIZAiNo8o, tekhredAktor lose f-mally, A. L-Urbarieh and others. Plors UM no.6:5-300 054. (MM Bill) 1. Diysniy chlen Akedsmil nauk URSR (for Zeray) (Ukraine-RoseO ZIROV,Detes rodaktor; XMUF#Nol., professor, daktor bioloetchnikh nank-, IMUM,N.To; professor, daktor biologicbalkh amak; TISTULUA40*Do 'HIEM logichnikh sank; U-RMlIMI,A*l., kandt"t blologlohnikh ut&i nnwi'KA,VJ. 0 takhredshor Logue family. A#13apbarich wA others. Ylora UM no.6$301-573 154. (MM asu) 1, Dlyanly ahlon Akadeall nauk URSR (for Zerow) (Mmaine-leguainavas) KLOKOV,N.T. Nov species of the game Thyma$ L. In the U.S.S.R. Dot. mat,Gorbs nool6t293-3113 154. (Nm Big) (ray") KUKOT.M.Y. - Now somiss of dead nettle. Bot.mat.Garb, no.16:319-320 154. (Dead nettles) (MM 8: 9) EUKCN IN IT a ~M-Mqmpwwoww low Ukmlnl&A Compoolt"* Botenst.Gerb. no.16:355-368 054. (KM 8:9) (Ukndn*.-Vormwood) Mmine-Ya"ov) BAUQMITO B.TeD Sow observations on Oftld* to plants of the Mcralulas 2.8.26 ria Vefti- nlan].Edoktor biolodabaskift niWd Klokov. N.V.. od. II.BJ61korWi. got.shur. 39 mo~2126&269 Xr-Ap 154. 716) EMOTO N.T .J.. *VWP "allre ncts tM 71U . Okraine-fturgo) 4-176 1 '55 -WAA 987) XTMTO~ N'TO Violet family Ylom tam 71"7-381 135, (w" 937) immains.-Tiolats) ---XIOZDI. N.Y. Disposts of maw plant species described In voluma 7 of 071wa V=11. Plars, UM 7s62"36 10. (MRA 9: 7) (Ukraine--lotwW) XLOIW MAO jkr"IAUG SPHLOG the geaua polomoal= L. Sot.ust.Gorb. Vt 273-323 155. (mm 91 J) PlumbWSMOS" 14adl, nom URSI W28-180 057. norov, m,v Addon" voe6t za~mis of now plant speolse 4oscribed In Vol* 8 of the Oplors ums T-n-Utinl. nom UM 8021-528 157. (MIRA IlsO KL"ovs NOT* - . I .-. .-1 1 Met survejr of tb* gonus Nolittla L, B*t, gat, Qqrb, latMo217 1$7, (mint (Botalw)) (=A tip. *0 ~ ~ rMKOV. it. 1". Steppe species of the Count AsperulA L. lot, mt. Otrb, 18192$-230 157, (MM IOW (HadAer) 1=0v# Has Avopmw spirAls tr" to the flora of the U.S.S.R. Dot.nst. derb, 19t274.314 059, (MM 12 s 8) (6pindle tree) KOIDRATM9 Yovgwdy Miko2ayevich tlondrstyukp II.M.];. nMOV 9 V --l- dcktor biole smuk# oty, rodel WVAL'q V.A.# rod.1 MATTINMI, 0.0.0 teklm, redo (Vild coWerm of tbo Ukraine) Dykorostuchl kbvoini Ukrairq, Wvt Vy&mto Akad, mk URN# 1960. US p. (MM UM (ukralme-conifer") XLOKOT, N.V. The mint family (tablatse Juss.) SUra " 9s5-364 10-NM 13s2l) . (ukralim"Int (Botww)) 111401wo NOT# WtICA1 OWY Of higher Putts In the flora of the Ukrainian B.Sox. and Its methodological foundations, Ukr, bot. shur. 17 00-51103- 212 160, (KMA, 13t12) (Mralne-Potanical reammah) ALL40M,-JLT,---- ~ becles of ths, gsaw 06rispermus L* occurrixg in tho AdoW Valley md other habitatu Bot.mat."rb. M90-136 160, I(Bw"d) (MM 132 7) UDIOV, Kjos ymf.9 dokt biolog.nauk I ~ VAdder familyOkbiao"b Sue.). rura MM 10-.90-U9 161. (3CDA Us3) a- I . . (Oknd no-AmMer) k7KW=V9 X-V4 pvt. daktor blolog. nauk kaocess of now JAmt speelso'dooWbod In "1o 10 of NIUM V.Ikj~lov I (in Utial, nm MU 10145"75 9610 U13) KL"mo Mat Xw Wcr&4tdan papWonaosous plantse Bat. sat. Gerb. 22t233-742 161, (mm 34110) (Vkr~papilionacq") AFANASIYEVq D.1a.1 RUUMCH, A.I.J[Sarbaryoh, A.1.11 ZIROV# D.Liaked.; juznv"~ OKSIMM P.r.fdoe"sod)l SHCHITKOVSUU, V.L.(ShchItJdv*'k&v Y.L.); snosuux,, A.P,g red.- lekalkograf I SKMUAU I II.Po(ftutskal N.P.], rod.1 XADUH&VION, 0.~D.tK&Ushevycht O.O.)p tokkn. red. jawsian-Ukrainian diationary of botanical terminology and nos"clAture) PAwIIs'kco-vkraUs'kyI slovrjk botanichwi terminologii, I nouenklatury. Xytv,, Vyd-va Aked. nauk USRS, 1962. 340 P. (MIRA 164) 1, AW*"y& nauk Ukr, SSR (for Zerov). (Botany-Ilictionarlos) (Fassalan luguge-Diationarlos-Ukral4an) BMISOVAg A*G*; ILIIII M.M.1-Aulm. N.Y., UNMSKIY, I.A.1 POMIMNA, Yo.0.1 SOSPOVSKIYO D.I.; ~ .I I TAMWRYAN 0.0.$ KKAPAM, A.L.1 TSVEWp NXI CHIRkPAWVt S.1.1 SHOSTAMilf, S.A.,j BOBROV, Ye.G., doktor b1ol. nauk,, prof., red. towel SHIMINO D.K., md, isd, Ideceased1l SMRMA, AsYs$ tokbn.,red, Ass Cynareas mW Mistisimm.) Kolena Cynarops i Mutisl*". ttknt 1963, 653 6 (Akadenita nauk SSSA. Botanicheskil Institut. Flora SSSR, vo4~W* 16M)~ -XIOZDTI_xo shoreve OPMAing US NAS-200 tm* with three trallorso Avt*tr&s~V&34 noo2s2O-Zl 7 156. (N=A 9s 7) 1*28-ya Avtokoloom (wourtruake-Imllors) S=TAXOVqA,s tokhnik-stroitelli DIXIT# V.1 TUMASUNP inshtner-stroltel'I POPOO F., insh. It"ders' lettersa Bell, stroie 15 ao,4%27 Ap 41. (WU U36) 1. Sellkhosinspektalys, Orohanskogo raymay Kariyakoy AM (for Bhootakor), 2aftedmadatell kolkhosa imeni liravr-169=17MOP rayans,O Rostovskoy oblasti (for DWy). 3. gWkr*tert partiywy orpnizatsil kolkhosa Imeni Kirm 'Yogorlykakoca raymp 1"tankoy Oblastl (top Tvmfym)# 4# SallkhozWpektsin Kharollskogo rayma# Prixor*ogo kraya (for ZUkov)o (him bdl"4) KILCIrcv, R. I. 17M1 KWK070 11. T. -- Olmestigativit of the Performance of glectrIc Tractor Cables," Sub 20 May S '20 M wW Vr&M,, (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Toch*'.oal Sciences), 501 V*qhqT-n!Zx I'los!M1, JAvAuary December V52 KLOKOVP N*I.j k4pd. tekbn. nauk Calculations f*r mehanical. distributors of feWs. Trakt, I sellkhosmesh. no.5#28-29 W 165. (MIU 1M) RUBTSIT, L.N.1 KAMTA, D-1*: PDRIT, lol.1 RATIT, Tu.O.; IWKOV, P*V*; wMe. X.D.1 TITSBUY, A.N.1 UACUMj V.I. Toung blast ftrwwo op*r&tors am exeMseag work praett"o. Notal- lurs asAW-10 D 1566' (MM 10:1) L.Xastor davionvoy pechl no,? Nopiteprokoge ustallurgichoistogs koubtuats, (for 4atteov). 2,Xastor dousanoir pedhi no.? Magnitogersko- go vietallurgichookogo koubluats, (for Urpsta), 3.Xastor Kapitopr- skogo ustallurglebAskogo 1coubtuats, (for Norov)* kPososhchsik motors. Kusnotakep astallurgichasksco koubtuats. (for Rayer)o 5.Xotor v*Ua- lurgichookogo savoda Imal Sorova (for nok-ov), 6.Kastor votallfargl- chookoge savoda twat Petrovokop (for thosbus)o 7, Master Chmovskoge motallurgichookego savods, (for 14,soyov). So Plaster Nakeyevokoso n- tallargichookogo sawods, (for ruebaske). (Upitogorsk-Blast furz&cos) CAMP S.# Insh. Device for checking and classifying resistors. Radio n0,10128 0 163. (KIRA 16, n) XWMV. V., lush. --------------- Transporting eilleato bricks In sorte*, Ma strol. Mosk. I uo&2t19-21 #58* (Nlu u$9) (Bricks-transportation) SEREMAYOV# V.# mayor; ILLOIKOV, V.# kapitan, Instruktor Great achievements of the Comnist Youth I*aruers. lowi.Voorurh.. Sil I no.607-39 Mr 1~1. (HIRA 14:8) 1. PomoshcHik nacMl*nika politupravlonlya po kowso-mol'skoy rabot* (for Serebryakov). 2, Kousonol'skly otdel politupravlenlya (for Klokov),, (Russis~-Army) KWxOv V. Indissoluble ailitary "amtione; Komm,Vooruzh,Sil 2 vc.191 76-78 0 161s 1. Instruktor kmaomol'skogo otdola politiabookogo upmv2sniya Gruppy sovetsbM voyak v GorAmdi, (Rusais,-Relations (Witary)) with Uat CbroAny) ACC NAt AT7005057 SOURCE CODE: UR/2649A66/000/232/0050/0M !AUTHOR: Gordeyev, A. S. (Doctor of tecWcal scienceso (Engineer); YanoVSkly, M. F, (Inginearr) ORO.- None ITITLE: Effect of the shape of blade profiling on the characteristics of a type :TP-1000 hydraulic coupling ,SOURCE: Moscow. Institut inihencrov zheleznodorozhnogo transport&. Trudyj no. 232, 1966. Gidroperedachl teplovotov i grutopod"yeanykh ushin (Hydraulic transmissions of diesel locomotives and hoisting machines), 50-55 TOPIC TAGS: hydraulic engineering, hydraulic device, blade profile, sheet metal ABSTRACT: The article Is a report on experiments conducted in the Hydraulic Transmis-1 ,sion Laboratory or the Moscow Dmtitute of Transportation Engineers In conjunction Vith the Kaluga Machine Building Plant to determine the effect which the shape of blade pro-, filing in the pump runner and two reactor wheels has on the characteristics of a type ! !TP-1000 hydraulic coupling. Comparative tests of conventional blades =ad* accor4ing to plant drawings and blades of constant thickness notched on the input and output ledges without mechanical finishing of the vorking surfaces, as well as experiments ta hydraulic converter model vith artificial distortion of the blade profiles sboveaon L Card 1/2 ACC NL AT7005057 ~the possibilities for effective use of constant-thickAess blades. The experimental TP-1000 hydraulic converter is made in two versions--one with a standard blade syst i And the other with blades im the form of area of constant thickness with notches on ;the input and output edges--so that the two blade systems may be subjected to compa. tive tests while eliminating the affect of other factors on the hydraulic character tics. Tests at pump speeds of 1000-4500 rpm using DT WST 4749-49 diesel fuel " % - working fluid shaved that the profiling of the blades in the pump runner and reacto 'has an insignificant effect on the external characteristics of the hydraulic coupli 1"his conclusion is important from the standpoint of technological eeonwW since con ,siderable savings can be realized by using blades pressed from sheet steel in kwdr ,lie couplings of this type. Orig. art. has : 3 figures. SUB CODE: 13/ SM DAM Xons/ ORIO RV: 03 LCafd ACC NAt AR6019256 -Sb(a C-,E--C,DDE,t-- -UR/0124/6 6/000/002/031600135 AUTHORs Klakoys Vo V4 TITLEs' 7he solution of r. I# Tr=k1's,9ft*r&lLs4d shock-wave problem by the method ofj integral, equations SOUMs Ptsf. 2h. Makhano Abe* 282581 Mr SOUXEt Tr- Saminara po obrota. kMev, zM&chm. K"ansk. un-tj, vyp. 2, 1964V 42-71 TAGSt shock wave, integral equatLang boundary value problem, 1'redholm equation TUNSLATIONs In & region Al bounded by the line ABDFXMA, a solution Is sought for. Trikami's equation A# + # a 0 with the following boundary properties -. an SDFX so fin 0. on My #0 00 *(OVA) t(09-4)# at Point D there Is a singularity of form Whav The solution t ar"In 8--y0. should be oontinuous-in AI except at point D. with Card 1/2 2/2 ~7 V4 Zkk232_40 8"CE CODC2 M/0044/66/000/003/50"/BO70 :AMOR# -)Uok" , V. V. iRCr SOME a Tr. Gemban po cbratu. Krayev. zadacham. Katmak. un-t,, vyp, 29 1%49 j42-71 MITLE: The solution of a generalized shock ways bles of r. i. rmkl by the method I izo i f integral equations to Ref. A. HatematIk** Mm. 39359 TAGS: shock wave, integral equation. boundary value problem, rrvdholm equation TRMSLATIONi The rrankl ptvblem considered here consists In solving the TrIkomf equa- tion in the region D of the plane (q, 0), the boundary of which consists of -the scpwnt W of the axis n symetric vitli respect to the origin A, of the =ooth arc HDF In an el- liptical region and such that n'O Is maximal on this are and 0, and of the tmrnent of the characteristic FC, the spatially similar am CZ and 0*61cnts of tbo rh4mcicr- istic Ka and GH (0 is an Internal point of the segment AF). The boundar-y conditiolin an as follows t 0 on BDPa, 0*0 on UH. #(0, 0 #(Os.- Ot n. '), n 09 and at UDC: $17.9t533.7 ACC NRs AR6023240 point D a singularity of the following fom holds v-p-l" an + 0 (PI"), whom The author Indi"tas how this problem my be r*ducod to the rredholm equation of the second order. V. Kusmetsov. SUB CDM t 12/ SUBM DATEt none 2/2 A~_ 4 '1 AI Pli AUCMI09 JMIMR IAR 14 A SMCA I Itsfa, sho', Mitemat At boi* 0 11. V51 AV= V on a- Via In CIM SMCBI Ti- Begibi" _'V*'Obt~ Ja*ev. wMadm. YASM&. un-to M. ~ji_' 36-4 "7- 7 transonic- flow--*--: P pt*w_~: d#Urmiftlng -the protrusion of a horizonta ~ Y j7-,~' contour Is reduced# with-tht aid ofllj~*- thOW7 of- vnot*lir.*d analytic functiawi- -U 9A integral, equatice Ajoh wn be; solved by. successive app=ivattong. in, j 2 the Praa*el boizndar7 Yalu* problem Is qawwMt modified in order to dotorminet -in transonic flowj a profile-wLth a lo"I supersonic sone oompl9ted by a thoak saw There are no eumples of solutions& I, Turlyel ACC NRt AR602oo65 Klokov, V. V. ;TITLE.- On goneralizati SOURCE: Refs &be Makhant ~RZV SOURCE: Sb. aspirantsko'. :1964, 83-94 SOURCE CODEs UR/012 ~r-hukslla-lmpu-t problem Kazansk. un-t- Hatem., mekhan., fis., Kaums, TOPIC TAGS: bound leas gas dynamics, shock vave physics ary value AMTRAC.2: The author considi ~Ahe boun dar-Y Rro~lemjor the Trikomi equation which !differs from Frankel's velle-*&n shock problem (priki. mates. I sekhan., 19569 20#. :No. 2, 196-202 - RZW4eXh, 195 rwp. a, 8735) in the fact that the stress function !0=0 is given on curve FN (seV o) In place of the stream function on the **post Agur kasr-,Y [PC. An investigation of Sul problems in regions ADDP and GXF leads to a system of integral equations. The 9' amic /premises for the proposed formulation of the are given in a pravlous. a author (Tr. Swinsra po obrou. krayevo .,Wor]L by !zadacham. Kazansk. un-tj 1964, Vp. 19 36-44 R%hkekh. 1965s 5M9)o Re 0. ;Barantsev. ETranslation of sbi t] Card 1/2 M-1WIT-MMIMM ~177 777 SUB CODSI 20, .12 Lclrd 2Z2 Ab -- 'r Dr, Wqw_.4m;r1v1 Ta. wo -iti' X~t "KfFl, P, XI- 0 A(O v rn j! f" C f. 4' --111 v~~ -#I "ot-tt, k_vj:~ik. 4-4.% t f4 3U8 i C.' o I 4 C ~Q'b rct" F I t I sit ur Lor tAin I TI rkrf r k~fo .14 c fill C.1,1v I t .1, JI'moixe ;I,ek% As'k. 0 L~f ic ri, -sit. -o-t- nevrativa v. i r 1;A I k-v-.jx I- i en I n, -, r. 1, 1, ev I !, 4arp iirv c;,~ v efell I'_1 t .-tt ;J1 Ise miftor 1-? aziu uj-.ior p-w1-: o, I~'e . I 1 ;1.! t.. En tub La f1t C I o" i1*Kf O'd. otvot v Is-4rveht- - a lol, Cut oil '.1L.-Ort in] I I. A 1/3 ISWUMsfedor Taydokimoviablie alishkop F,19.). doktor sell- khose nauk; MMOV T 91 sell- k1l6s, n&ukj'mI9;;9;T,*I,, SJWA*miks saal. doyatell wwkJ MM, red LIVINSKAI,Aj O.IjUvenalkas 0.1.1p red.1 MSIEKO, OTtHlusbkoj H.I.I. tokbn. rod. (Control of corn posts W diseassal Borotibe s shkidtvkuw to, khvorob&V kukurudzy, Dnipro-patrovalk, Dniprotatrovelke kiWsMove vyd-vop 196L 21 p, (MIRA 150) I* DirlMOr Yessayu0noga nauchno-isaledovatellskogo institulm kukdrww i Vasmayusnaym, akademiya. sell skokhovyaystvenmykh nauk ime VaLUMM (for Zadontw). (Dnepropetrovsk Province-Corn (Wis))-Disoases and posts) 10 46W. qV 0 AUTRORs Klokovt Tu#A* SOY/155-5e-4-9/34 Tins, Some Theorems on the Boundedness and Stability of Solutions of Systems of Differential Iquations of the Fars 32 11.4 ai (t) & bi,k(t) xk + &i (t) PX, - 0 (Iskotoryye tooromy ob ograniohennosti I ustoychivosti resheniy sisten obyknovennykh differentsialfnykh uraynonly Vida PMUODICALs Naachnyye doklady vyoshoy shko2,v. Fizikc-matenatiohoaki7e naukit 1958# Ir 4P pp 55 56 (USSR) ABSTRACTs Theorem s Lot IP(xlto*#Xn be a continuous, twice different- iable function with min F(XI xn) 0 X(r) -,v aD f or r,-* w 2 2 Lot Yt) be positive, nondeoreaving functions being can- tinuous together with their first derivatives I Card 1/3