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KL IM 6 PiTOV I Q t1 I ~/C, L- AUMOR UIXONTOVICE.YS.L.0 TSWOOS.Y. 56-7-19/66 TITLZ I Roan sun Axnallo squation for a Plasma in Consideration at Correlation, (Kyantovoys kinotiaheskoye uraynezilp dip pUM a uabstom korrelyatsli#- Ruselan) PERIODICAL I Zhurnal. Eke *rim., A Teoroto Tisiki 19579 Vol 33, Nr 7. PP '132-134 TU SSR). ABSTRACT According to BQOOLYUBOV 11.11, the solution of the equations for the density "trix (and correspondingly also for the quantta-liko distribution function) can be reduced to the solution of the squationstor the quantum-like funotion ? a with classical boundary canditiones liars t. 0 ralps Is trus-# where r. denotes the operator of the symastrisation for a partial*@. Par slatema with control Interaction the equations for 7 and, 7 are here l t explicitly written down. By confining a eself o pairwist Gorrslati6not can be set up and an analogous expression Is obtained for CARD 1/3 7V In the *as* of weak Interaction the funation g to small A Quantum Kinetic Squation for & PUSS& In Consideration of correlation. %4_19/66 oomp&rod, to the first term. in the *as* of shortrange forces and in a domain In which ,pair Interaction suffloses a kinetic equation for the quantua-like distribution function Is obtained. ThIs kinetic equation-oorresponds to-the equation for the density matrix which was derived by BOOOLTUDOT and CIMM. The prosent,paper Investigate* the flret-aentlanod equations for 7 and 7 only for systems of particle# with or" I nt 'I on. Reas, equations are speolalls 4 here for tho.following case:-The Interaotion Is weak and the oorroUtion,rAdinso which Is due to exchange Intersationt to nailer than the correlation radius of the ONLOMB in 4rao,lion r,# The equations derived here at % 4 Ogo over Into tbo.equations oantained in � ii of the well-known monograph by DOCOLMOT (Problomy dinastahookoy theoril v statistlabookoy fisike a Problems of Dynamical Theory In Statiatioal Physics# Oostekhtsdato 1946)o Pros the equations derived bore the quantua-liko kinetic equation for th*.funotlou 7,(pit) Is obtained by means of a trans-~ formation and Is wtitten down explialtly. In conclusion CAU 21~ some special, fts*s are pointed out In short, MIXORrOVICHO Yu. L. "Lose of Energy of Charged Particles on Excitation of a Plasm." "The Theory of Nonlinear Plasm& Osellallations." paper presented at Second All-Union Conference on Gaseous Blectronicso Vloscovp 2-6 oct 158. K~jmoAlTovlc,H, AUTHORi TITIZS PZRIODICAL# ABSTRACTs Card 1/ 3 Klimontoviohp Yu. L. On the Space-Time Correlation Functions of a System of Particles With XlectromagnatioInteraction (0 prostranstrenna- -yr*aennykh korrelyatsionnykh funktalyakh sisteny chsattke a elektromagnitnym Ynalmodeystviyea). Zhurnal. Eksperimentallnoy i Tooretiahookoy Fi2ikll 19509 Vol# At Xr 1, pp. 173-105 (USSR)# The present paper determines a closed system of approximate equations for the spatial-temporal correlation functions of a xyst6m of particles with electromagnetic interaction,, Its- f*r9nos to made to papers dealing with the same subject* In & preliminary paper (r#fersnos 6) the author dotemined a chain of equations for the many-time propagators for a system of partioles with central interaction. the present paper uses this method for the Investigation of the spatial-temporal corr*lat- ton functions for a system of particles with electromagnetic interaction in classical treatment, first the Hamiltonian Of & classical exatem of N charged partiol*s to written down* On that oocasion the Coulomb calibration was selected in which the Coulomb interaction between the partioles can Immediately On the Spaos-Time Correlation Functions of a System of 56-1-25156 Particle& With Electromagnetic Interactions ' be sliminatods In this connection It is also assumed that the charge of the electrons can be compensated by the positive charge of the uniformly distributed ions. A random function in here used in the calculations, A Hamilton equation for the .particles and for the variables characterizing the field is derived# The course of the calculation is followed stop by step, The author also investigates the case that a stationary, homogeneous random process takes place In the system of the particles with electromagnetic iAtoraotion. Immediately from the theorem of Obukhoy follows the separatioa of the correlet- Ion function of the currents Into a vortex component and into a potential component, Then the author determines equations for the second moments and Investigates the solutions of these equations, In the fourth section exproselons for the spatial- -temporal correlation function of the vector potentials are determined. The microscopic method for the solution of this problem makes It possible the determination of an explicit expression for the dielectric constant. Farthermore more general expressions can be derived by It which are also correct in the presence of a spatial dispersion. The method discussed Card 2/3 bore is suitable for the investigation of a system, quantum- On the-Spece-Time Correlation Functions of a System of Pirticles With Electromagnetic Interaction. -likeg of partial*# with electroaagnotio Interaction and for a system of electrons whiab interact with the vibration of, a lattices There are 14 rof*renoes# 14 of which are Slavic* ASSOCIATIM Mucow Stals Ud"relty (Mookovskiy goeudarstyennyy urivsrsi- tet). SUBMITTEDs July 170 1957 AVAILMSt Library of Congress Card 3/3 'A R N &M ~QMK U 24(5) 30V/~)(-35-c- 12/56 APTHORS: Klimontoviohp Yus L~# Teako, S. V. .,MLE: Equatlons of Notion of Particle Syntets Which Are In O~n Interaction With Lattice Oscillations (0 kinetiche9kikh oraynenlyakh dlya sistem chnatits, vzalmodaystvuyushchikh a kolabanlyaml reshetki) rF.nIODICAL* Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i tooraticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 35, Mr 5, PP 1141-1147 (11M) APSTRAM The autbors of the present paper 4erive the equations of notion for electrons and cryotal lattice oscillators by tho -Aethod developed by bo;-,olyubov (Refs 1, 2). In conn*c- tion with the papers by DArdeen, Coiper 4n4 Schriffer (UrJin, Xuper, Shriffer) (Ref 3) an--I !~O!.FIlYulbov (-Ref 4) on auperconductivity, an inveatiration .,f 14ttice o3cillation of interacting electron sy3teus appears to be of Interest, 3uch an invostigation has alreaJ;r been carriei out for the .Spatially homogensouo case (Refs 5# 6); in the homogeneous space the electron distribution function in equal to the equation of notion in Bloch's (rlokh) conluctivity theory. The authors of this paper derive a classical approximation Card 1/3 for the equation of motion for Inhoriogemus electron- and SOY/56-35-5-i2/56 On Equations of Motion of Particle Systems Whbh Are in Interaction With Lattice Oscillations oscillator distribution, which has the shaps of a Pokker- Planck (Plank) equation in phase space. Also for the correspond- Ing inhomogensous quantum distribution function an equation of motion to derived. A Hamiltonian to used as a basis which in not up according to Froehlich (Frolikh)(Rof 12) for the electron system interacting with the crystal lattice oscilla- tiona. Herefrom a distribution function is derived In the coordinates and moments. of the electrons and oscillators. The system of approximation equations in not up according to Bogolyubov and Guroy (Ref 2)9 and solutions are derived. It in shown that the general form of the electron distribution functiong if nihomog*neous distribution of exchange terms is aesumadp goes over into terms corresponding to those of Bloch's theory (Refs 9t 11). Also the equation (average) 4s- 9cribing the crystal lattice oscillations in written down for the case of homogeneous electron distribution. Expressions have alno been derived for the frequency and the damping decrement of oscillations. The authnre finally thank lcaiedcian &N. Card 2/3 Dopolyuboy and.Do S. Zubarov for discussing the work. There SOV/56-35-5-12/56 On Equations of Motion of Particle Systems Which Are in Interaction With Laitice'Osaillations are 12 references# 9 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovakiy goeudaretyennf universitet (Moscow state Univeralt SUBMITTED: March 3, 1950 (initially) and Jul.~ 39 1958 (after revision) Card 3/3 1Z ~ 2117) 3OV/56-35-5-31/56 )JhHOR: Mmontovich, Tu# L, of Varticl*e# on a Possible Statistical Description of a System Which Are in Interaction With a Pield (0 vozmozhnom statisti- choskom opinanti sistem chastits, vzainoloyetvuyushchikh a Polem) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksporicentaltnoy I tooretichaskoy fizikil 15589 Yol 35, 1(r 5, Pp 1276-1277 (USSR) ABSTRACT., The present paper discusses %be equations of motion tor systems of electrons ani oscillators with transversal slactro- ma n- stic field for the purpose of investigatinC the problem of the emission of electromagnetic waves by charged particles iri dielectrics and in dec*2*W.Lig media. The chareo of the electrons to assumed to be compeiileijted by a uniformly smeared out positively charged backrround. The state of.the system under Inventigation is Jetermined by the coorlinates and moments, of the electrons an well as by the coorJinates and moments of thelfield oscillators with differont wave numbers k. Also a distribution function Is Introduced, which determines the Card 1/3 of the various ataten of the system. For the 1OV/56-35-5-31/56 On a Possible Btatistical Description of a System of ?articles Ihicb Are In Interaction With a Pield purpose of obtaining the equ4,tions of notion of the first distribution functions rIRJN0 of the electrons and of the first distribution functions F I(Qk,Pk;t) of the field os- cillators a corresponding chain of equations is set up# by which the distribution functions of vnrlous orders are con- nected. The higher distribution functions are approxicated by the lowerones as in the paper by 4ogolyuboy and Gurov (Ref 2)* If the initial distribution of the field oscillators corresponds to equilibrium, ani If the st.,te of the electrons is near equilibrium, an equation of the Fokker-rlanck (Plank)- type in obtained In the pliese space for the distribution funo-, tion fl. Title (rather volumino~~s) equation is explicitly , written down and explained. Certain coefficients occurring in thin equation are different from zero only If the condition of Cherenkov radiation Is satisfied. In the case of equilibrium# Vile equation satisfies the Waxwell (Makevell)-condition.,If, in the initial state, the electrons are in equilibrium, and Cord 2/3 if the otate of the field oscillators in near equilibrium, an -XV15r-3 5-5- 5 1 /56 on a Possible Statistical Description of a 3yater. of Prticles,Which Are In !nteraction With a Field equation of the ?okker-11anck t~rpe in obtained In the phase space of' the cooriinalwei and momenta of t1to field oscillators for the orcillator distribution functJons. The solution of this equation corresponding to equilibrium is written down& Ily means of this equation, an equation for the oscillator .coordinates to then obtainod. The authors further Inve,.tigated the more j U ,uneral case In which none of the stibsyitems (also- trons and eloctromarnetic oscillations) are in a atate of thermal equilibrium. The results obtained na�f he unal for the puryoso of In%rai.-tiggating the emisvion of electron beams passing throu:Th slowing-down oysters. The author thanks 1f. ff. Rogolyubovo Actulomicianj for the interest be Ila-,lajed in this works There are 4 references, 3 of vWch are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: goakovnkiy gosudarntvennyy universitet (Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: April 11, 191JO (initially) and July J', 11,5! (after revision) Card 3/3 per 21(7) AUJINOR s Ilisontovich, Yu. L. soy/56-36-5-15/76 TITLEs The Enerey 14osees of ftafted PkAlaloa Ode 16- Witation of Plasms OsoU3AtlVdx - (Poteri snorgii saryazhewkykh chastits ns vo%bUShdonlys kolobaniy Y plazas) PERIODICALs Zhurnal okeperimentalluojr I tooretichookoy fisiki, 1959, Vol 36s Wr 5# pp '405-108 (VSSR) ABSTRLCTs When calculating the energy losses of electrons moving In 16 plasma such losses as are due to short-range int*r&ctions (oleatron-slactron collisions) are usually investigated separately from those occurring as a result of plans, oscillation excitation. This practice was followed also in this case. 7or short-rang* interaction 7 i_ (,Wj/v.)2ln(rd/&) Is set up for the damping force# and for long-r&Age interaction F2 - (owL/vO)2ln(v./Yr) is sot up* Here s denotes the electron chargej W L - Langauir fr*quencys v ,- electron volocityo a a e 2/mv2, r 0 0 d Debye distances Card 1/3 The energy losses occurring as result of these two effects The Energy L04148 of MOW Partlass Qje r~jb Excitation of Plam OsciUstiou are thus of the same order of magnitude. At certain conditions the energy transfer of nonequilibrius electrons on plasma electrons takes place at distances which are considerably smaller than the relaxation lengths, which are calculated by means of the F, 2-formulas, Tno.existenc* of this effect (Lussuir #~;*ot) :how@ that the problem of electron deceleration can not bd solved for all *&sea on the basis of the equation of motion Investigated In the first part of this paper. It must be assumed that the state of the electrons in the plasma as well as that of plasma oscillations may assume equilibriump a condition which Is no longer satisfied already at greater concentrations of nonequilibrium electron:$(:) S. in the case of an electron beam penetrating the pl 2 o For such cases a system of nonlinear equations describing a beam + plasma is sot up and solved in the second part of this p*per. The boas electrons and the plasma oscillations or* considered to be two sub-oystems* Investigation by means of the equation Card. 2/3 of motion furnishes an expression for the damping force# The Energy loosses of Obongal PartItUs Oo tm. 7,1 SOT/56-)6-5-15/76 Elaitatfon or Pluft 08012"Iticas which takes the energy losses due to oloctron-olootron collisions as wall as such due to the excitation of plasma oscillations Into account. lit the &or* general case# In which neither of the two sub-systems must be in thermal equilibriumt solution of the system of equations for the bean electron distribution function and the.*lectria potential supplies an explanation for the rapid energy transfer from be" electrons to plasms, *l*otronsq such was observed for the first time by Langmuir. The author finally thanks Academician No 1. Bogolyubov and 2, V. Rhakhlov for their valuable advice and interest In this works There are 22 refortnosag 16 of which are Boviste ASSOCIAT109 Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univorsitst (Moscow state University) October 10j 1958 Card .34(5),, 21M AUTHOR; 111sontovichp Yu. L, 301/56-37-3-22/62 TITM Relativistic Squations of Xotion for a Plasma I PERIODICALt Zhurnal okeparimentallnoy I toorotlahoskoy f1s1k1t 1959# Vol 37# Ir'3(9)t pp 735 - 744 (USSR) ABSTRAC?t Whereas it is possiblep In the nonrolativistic rang*# to,work with Bogolyubovis approximation method (Ref I)o there "0 various approximation possibilities In the relativistic *"* for the distribution functions and for obtaining oquetions. of motions the equation with the 0*1foonolatent fi*ldp the Yokker- Planck equations the equation of motion in consideration of radistiont atoo The present paper Is intended to investigate these probleass Desides:tho -author (Ref 2) onlz few people bay* hitherto occupied themselves with the relativistic equa- tion of notion In plassat s,song others also Belya ev w%d Budker interaction, Undauts equation of notion5l as well as At A* Vlasov, The author himself derived the equation of notion for the distribution functions of charged particles In the electromagnetic field in reference 2. He set up the relativistic dispersion,oquation for transversal and longitudinal waves In Card 1/3 selfoonsistent approximation for-the distribution function of Relativistic Xquations of Notion for a- Pl" I sor/56-37-3-2Z/62 the eight variabl*s, &n& derived the relativistic equation -for the quantum distfileation function for scalar charged partioles and sloctrous, and also the relativistic quantum equation with selfoonsistent field for scalar charged particles, In the present paper the interrelation between the definitions of state probability and distribution function is investigated by using the previously obtained results on the basis of the equation of notion for charged particles in an external elso- tromagnstio field, A -random function Is Introduoedq which d*-. fines the number of particles in a phase space cell; the elec- tromagnetic field strength or number of oscillators are also considered as random functions. The equation set for theme functions my be used ast basis for the deduction of the equation chain relating to the moments of the random functions or the corresponding distribution functions of various orders* A set of relativistic selfconsistent equations has been derived by approximating this equation chain* In the last part of the paper relativistic expressions are derived for the dispersions of longitudinal and transversal plasma waves in approx4sation of the selfconsistent field. The author thanks Academician Card 2/3 83731 9/0 56J60/038/004/024/048 B006/0056 AUTHORo _Xlinontoviahp Tu. L. TITL31 A Relativistic Iquation of Notion for Plasaa.,11 PERIODICAW Zhunal eksperimontallsoy I toorstloho:koy fisikip 19600 Vol. 38P No. 4, PP. 1212 - 1221 TXXTs The present paper Is the-Immediate continuation of the earlier paper mentioned under Set. 1. The results obtained by the latter are us*& for the purpose of deriving a classical equation of notion for a plaaaa in second approiination# which is the relativistic eaunterpartof the equation obtained by No So Bogolyubov. (R*f * 3). A special came of such an equation (without emission and pair-produotion being taken Into account) was studied by S. T. Belyayev and 0. 1* Budk*r (Ref. 2)1 for 9--poo,the latter goes over into the equation by Ld. Da Landau (Ref, 4), Firsts a kinetio equation takialLonly the retarded interaction of charged particles into account (and neglecting emission *ffsots) is dorivedl for, this purpose the author proceeds from equations (12) and (13) (of let. 1), It Is shown that this equation In a special case is Identical with that Card 1/2 83731 A RslatIviltic Zquation of Notion for *,Plas". 9/056j60/038/004/024/040 II BOO6/BO56 of Belyayev and Budker* Another possibility of deriving this r*lativistid equation of motion is 'briefly discussed* la a second part of this papers the relativistic equation of motion by Yokker-Planck Is Investigated# taking the retarded Interaction of the particles and the excitation of plow" oscillations by nonequilibrium charged particles into account. In this case It is thus not assumed (like In the Fokker-Planck equation of notion) that the number of fast (non-squilibrius) particles penetrating the plessa Is very lowo Taking diffusion effects and the onission of plasma waves Into mons%# the now islations are obtained. In a following paper# the chains of relativistic equations bar* obtained are used for the distribution functions for the purpose of deriving the equations of notion In the presence of external fields, as w*21 as for obtaining a hydrodynamic approxisation. the author finally thanks Acadentolan __.N. N. Bogolyubov for his Interest and discussions. There ore 1i references& 6 Sovistg 2 US, and i British. ASSOCIATIOXi Mookovskly gosudarstyennyy universitat (Moscow State University) SUBMITTEDs October 24, 1959 Card 2/2 ,2 68697 AUTHORS., X1INo2tgvioh8 Lud 3111121 _14- P4_ S/05Y60/070/02/005/016 B006 B007 TITLE: The Spectra of Systems of InterAollnit PartioleA the Collective Losses In the Passage of Charged Particle& Through Matter PIRIODICAL: Uspokbi fislabookikh nauk, 1960t Vol 70t Nr 2# pp 247-206 (USSR) ABSTRACT; The present survey deals with twe essentially closely connect- ad protl*vs: The spectra of collective *saltation* in systems of interactins'partioless and the energy losses In the exalft- tion of co2lootivo oscillations when charged particles pen*- trate matter* In the case of a system or strongly Interacting Particle# (liquidp solid# plasma# or nuclear matter) energy levels and states for the system &a a whole say be investigat- edl the Investigation of such level spectra lop In ltotlf~ rather oonplicaiodl the simplest case Is that of weakly ezolto ad states# lot* of minor deviations from equilibrium, e.g. ion oscillations relative to the lattice points in a crystal (phonons). Phononst plassons and the like are called quast- particles In quantum mechanical the momentum d*pendonco on its Card 1/4 energy and the dependence of frequency on the wave number to 66697 the Spectra of Systems of interacting Particles 3/053J60/070/02/005/016 and the Collective Losses In the Passage of B006/BO07 Charged Particles Through Matter in the following called excitation spectrum. Such excitations occur as sound vav*s In s.ollds# as phonon-roton-excitations in suporfluld helium, and as spin waves* The latter are an .example of Does excitations occurring In a partial* system concurring with Yorml statistics. The analogs. of the elementary Rome excitations In classical physics are the ways processes# as o*g. the propagation of longitudinal plasma waves. Paragraphs 3 - 5 of the present paper deal with the investigation of excitation spectra In systems of charged particle*; the Invos- tigation to based upon the equations of the quantum-distrlbu- tion function (density satrix)dorived In paragraph 1. In p"&- graph 6 the problem of energy losses during the passage of fast charged particles through matter# which are due to the ex- citation by collective osaillationsgis investigated, In mattorp electromagnetic oscillations are excited whose spectra are fixed by the dielectric constant of the sodium, The formulas derived In paragraph 6 for the purpose of describing ths energy losses do notq howoverg in all cases reproduce the experiment I Card 2/4 results obtained# as# not in the case of the Langsuir- a;/, 1 _F;'Q '~ ~~ P ~, E.. 6dW The Spectra of Systems of Interacting Particles S/053/60/070/02/005/016 and the Collective Losses In the Passage of B0061DO07 Charged Particle* Through Matter paradox. In order to be able to Investigate also such cases, a further possibility was dealt with In paragraph 2# which sakes it possible to investigate tb*4n*rgy losses of charged particles passing through a plasnal this possibility Is based upon the use of equations of notion which describe also the energy los- ses of particles for the excitationof collective oscillations, If the particles entering the plasma do not essentially influ- on colts proportion# the expressions derived here for the stop- ping power coincide with those of paragraph 6, This condition Ing however# not satisfied when an Intense electron bean entors the plasmat-and the system of zonliAear equations for the *I*o- trons of the bean and those of the plasma must be satisfied simultaneously. In paragraph 7 the solution of such a special case is disousesdo The rtsultb obtained essentially describe the conditions found by Langmuir. The individual paragraphs deal with the following: Paragraph 1: Derivation of the equation ror the quantum-d2strIbutlon function (Bose statiatica)t Para- graph 2: the equation of notion for the quantum-distribution function; paragraph 3: the spectra of collective oscillations Card 3/4 In self-consiatent field approxiaationi paragraph 4: the Influence .1100,0,, 68697 The Spectra of systems of Interacting Particles 5/053/60/070/102/005/016 and the Collective Losses in the Passage of Boo6/BO07 Charged Particles Through Matter of the correlations of particles upon the spectra of collective oscillations (microscopical observation nothod)l paragraph 5: the Influence exerted by the correlations of particles upon the spectra of collective excitation#. A phenomenological theory of the Formi dogenerato electron fluid; paragraph 6; the losses of charged partial** passing through matter, which are Interro- lated with the excitation of collective oscillations in the no- diunj paragraph 7: the nonlinear effects during the passage of charged partiolosthrough a plasmas The following Soviet volen- tists are mentioned: 1. No 89golyubov, Xj P. GurM -L --D._&,sBdauj P. -A. Cherenkov, Po S, v -eynberso A --51FZano 9 Tog L, F D, So Zubarm To Us YeloonskIlp I# Is Golldnant To A ' Yoko L--M., EE&nkq and Is Ye. Tam. There are 109 referencost 61 of which are Soviets Card 4/4 S"WONOVICHO R.L.; MMONTOVICH. Y-A.Lpp sinwhv" rod* odots, IIVANUSMW#N*Dop red.; -tokbn. red. (solmoted pmblM GODOOMIOg tb$ thdOry of nUatUatioU in r"I& onclNe"I labrantp voyrom7 toorii fliuktuatsii v rMiotekbnib. 1404va,p Isd-vo Ngovetakoe radio,,v 1961. 557 p. (MIRA Us22) (P4di*) ILITMC~N~TOVIC~yu--L.i SIMs V.P. Magnstftdrodymmics for & MnISOVOrml plasma without 00111SIMS" Zhur. eksp# I toor. fig. 4o no.4:1213-1223 AP '61- (JaRA l4t7) 1. Mosk*vskiy goeudarstrennyy universitet i Fizicheskiy Institut Imeni P.H. Lebodeva AN SM. (Magnetchydrodynamies) (Plasma (Ionited gases)) 5/056/62/042/001/043/048 B102/BIOS AUTHORSi X11montovich, Yu. L.# Silin, Vs P. TITUt Theory of fluctuations in particle distribution in a plasma PERIODIC'Alst Zhurnal skeperimentallnoy I tooretichookoy fiziki, Y. 42, no. i9 19620 286 - 298 TEXTs The correlations 6H aWao Val t) 6N6 (76, j~, V) of the phase density functions MC, 6(i~ i(t)) 6(- - ' (t)) for quasi-*quilib- PO pa rium states of a collision-free plasma are calculated. quasi-equilibrium me ans that the mean values of 0ado not change considerably at distances of the order of the correlation radius and over periods of the order of the correlation time. The method used has been developed by Yu. L. Klimontovioh (DAN SSSRg 2-6# 43# 19541 ZhETP, 31# 982, 1957). The equations for th 11 phase density fluotuations was used also by B. B. Xadomtsey (ZhOTF9 Ili 943# 1957), The problem wo p., (1)) Card A NP 4 S/056/62/042/001/0.43/048 Theory of fluctuations in particle ... 3102/BIOG orbetter #&, #Ur, 0 to 1) #1. GGS 0. (1.3) no dppdro 6NO with 6N N is solved with.the Initial condition -.9 - 69 r P 0 6N (Yo ?'# 0) for t a Ot a a 6NO (rg. ps, 1) - Wo (Ps (0, 1, ps). R4 (0. 10 Pa. O)# 0) + j y4xtgeyns ~dpdr, 1 x + j ~dow OP V x drexp (I (tat + kR, (0. 1. PSG 0))) ka/, (1SS A t, to))x x dt'ex p (i (wt' - k R, (t" 0. P, 0))) 8 N, (P, r,, 0). These solutions are used to calculate the mean values of products of an arbitrary number of fu notions 6M.4 This Is done for CrArd 2/5 t? 3/056/62/042/001/043/040 Theory of fluctuations In particle ... B102/B108 dw dk ex p i (ol - k (r. - r#))) (W. (p.) 6,va w), (2. 1) (6ma (P.) 6N0 (PODI.I., Ik (P.-PO "141, (pp)-j- n*nA0* We n, k $#pro +J~dpv '74"400-40 0. P'. PA (2.2) OP#gt')(*.k Lw-kvO+1S w-kvT+ta The Fourier component of the binary correlation function is Ued to jk (2-3) k dp x k + (k jo~ 44-) k) PIP F and can be represented through oharge fluctuations Card 3/5 3/056/62/042/001/045/048 Theory or fluctuations in particle B102/BIOS 1 Of 'r J/ 11 if. k _j tk ~'-.)(k 01-1) (apaor-I.- ki, - 12.121 ki op, - , ~~- f These charge fluctuation functions ar*,also used to express the re- maining correlation functions* The functions 6N t) 611,,(' 0) are determined for a plasmia, in a constant P~ and uniform magnetic field. The formulas derived are the investigation of an equilibrium plasma, with Uaxwellian distribution functions fa(IT,.). A. 1. Akhiyezer, 1. A. Akhiyezer and A. G. Sitenko (ZhF.TF, LM4, 1961) are mentioned. There are 0 referencess 5 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The two references to English-language publications read as followas J, Hubbard, Proc. Roy. Soo. A26o, 114, i96ij R. Balesou, H, Taylor* Phys. of fluidet A, 850 1961. Card 4/5 34019 3/056/62/042/001/04.R/048 rhOorY of CAuctuations in Particle B102/B108 AS30CIATIONs Moskovskly gosudaretvonnyy unirereit*t (MOSCOW state University) Fix1cheskly Institut Im. P~ N~ Lobedeva Akademil.nauk SSSR (Physics Institute Iment P., N. L,,~bolov of the Ac6domy of Soionc**, USSR) SUBMITTED: August 51, 1961 Card 5/5 39W 3/056/62/043/001/022/056 B102/BiOS j o AUTHORi: Klizontoviohs Yu, L., Ebolingp V. TI'Alxt Hy~rodynamic description of the motion of charged particles in a weakly ionized plasma PZRIODNALs Zhurnal no, ):ksparimentallnoy i tooratichookoy fisiki, v. 011 1962o 146 - 152 MTs A weakly ionized plasma is considered 'whose oscillation frequency is smaller or of the order of the collision frequ tney -v t 4a L-4~ v and a2/rdkT. In this case the hydrodynamic equations can be ob- tainod by a mothod described by Born and Oroon (Proo. Boy. Boo. 1680 100 1946) or from the equations for random phase densities (Klizontovich, ZhETF, 33, 982v 1957). The latter method is used hors, It leads to a system of equations which unlikoo/the usual hydrodynamic equations contain* also an equation for the spatial correlation functions* This system can be uood for describing non-oquilibrium processes also if variationswith time of the spatial spectrum predominate, and if mean velocity and density Are Card 1/2 s/o56/62/043/001/022/o.56 i;ydrodynamic description B102/B108 virtually constant. The effect of weak ionization Is explicitly described for thlo case that 9 and T of the neutral particles are constant, the r.*&n is volocity zero and the momentum distribution is almost :Zaxwellian. The rolations obtained are used for describing a homogeneous electron plasma with 0 and a homogeneous waskly -ionized plasma in a weak va riable field Z E o lso the case ~f a uniform randca. d L is considera,' 0 .fial . 0 In 2 0. assumin3 that the moan value of Z be zoroq whilst E 0 0 AssOCIATIONt Moskovskiy gosudarstyannyy univorsitet (1:03cow State Universi- ty) ;AB'%*1TTZD i January lit 1962 Card 2/2 3/020/62/144/005/005/017 WVW04 -2 0. 6 '7 /a~ ":;T Klinontovic. ru.-L. T 1 T 'Kinetic dodoription of turbulent quasi-equi4ibrium processes in planes il-:,*. ('~r 01 CA LAkademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady# v-,1144, nos!js 1962t 1022-1025 1..,V: The kinetic equation for turbulent quasi-equilibrium processes In *#on the functions plarma in derived from the correlation (6H a61) bet H Y, 'Where X u a so a-K a and 6E - E a Is the n mber of particles of component i* In linear approximation I$ is possible to write the equations for 69 and NV a 63 In the form 6,Vdp. 0,6E 4n It. Card S/02OJ62/144/005/005/017 Kinetic description of turbulent B125/BI04 Solutions are analyzed in,which the spectral (unotions depend only on the dintribution funation f UGP't) and on (67M),kulo, a 69) and (liq)r are the Fourier components of the functions 60 and 6E('q,t)6E('qIst). Thus one obtains , (6E 6E)r'n B (ky. k) k + rt ka W + (kv) dp an UP.. there k)/Jt Ra + (e+ A (7) ahJ for r-ill values of kg a (a. k) sing k)] 6 (e (a. k)) "PN A-O.- These equations describe the time variation of a homogeneous turbulence Card 2/ 5 3/020J62/144/005 005/017 1:inotic leacrIptinn of turbulent B125/B104 in p1norta. If the i1nama wave# absorb considerable amounts of enerCY9 a "nx-mg1lian velocity liatribution will be brought about by,..~he reoiatribution of enerry In the upectrumo The correlation*19 then Jeter,-.Anel by the Debye correlation function6' In the nonipquilibrium case, ,the apace-lime apectral functions cannot completely be eirtiro3sod by the t iint;tbijtion functionn f.0 The space-time correlation functions r r obtaineA here can alao be tined to describe non-steady st#Aea. ~The oquation:; derived here can be extended to the case of a ve*kly,InhomogeneouI plawra and are nuitable for deriving hydrodynamic equations allowing for Vie emiscion of ilaoma waves. V. P. Silln in thanked for critical r*mark9."7_- .433MY."1011: I-loakovakly rocudaretvannyy univernitet in* M. V. Lomonoeova O"oscow 3tate-Univernity Imo V. V. Lomonosov) February 9t 1962# by R. go Bogolyubovq Academician SUR."ITTED FebruarY 7, 1962 Card 3/3 S/020/62/145/004/010/024 B178/BI02 CWTHOW: Klimontovicho Yu* Lop and Silint v4 P. ,71TLE: Pluotuations in oollision-fres plasma ?Z'Fa OD I C A LAkademiya'nauk,SSSR. Dokl&AyO_v.-145j no. 4, 1962, 764-767. TUT: A fluctuation theory of the distribution functions in a collision-. free plaoza is developed in continuation of the papers by Yu. L.. Mmontovich MEW. 37. 735, 19591 38, 1212, 1960; 33, 982. 1957; 34, 173, 1958j), allowing not only for the Coulomb interaotion of the old. particles but also for a transverse el6otrio fi 'he space-time spectral functions are obtained without previously ditermining the correlation -* notions. Thus the problem can be simplified. 7ormulas for 'u 4 the 'II-actuations &E and 69 in the spatially isotropic case are calculated.. For the special case of isotropic moment= distribution -In the constant =~.'gnetio field a formula is derived for the collision in;sgral. For the Maxrellian distribution of the particles at *qU&l a simple expression is obtained for the Debys screening. Card 1/2 S/020/62/145/004/010/024 P'luctuations in collision-frot plasma 2178/BiO2 AtSOCLVA'101; Uoskovskiy gosUdarstvonnyy universitet iz. M. V. Lozonosova (Mosoow State University Imoni U. V. Lomonosoy) B S, Z 1.1, T ED: February 17o, 1962, by M. A. Loontovioh# Academician S:;BU=TZ'D: October 24, 1961 MA 2 A6, WW rX K? 2/126/62/014/004/004/oi? 9032/9314 ALITHORs Klimontovioh_l Vu#L* TITLEt On the statistical theory of processes in a system of electrons Interacting with, lattice vibratations PERIODICALs Pizika metallov I metallov*d;niy*, v. 140 no@ 4t 1962, 512 - 516 TEXTs The aim of this work was to give a brief account or a method which may be used to obtain a statistical description of quasi-equilibrium processes in a system of interacting electrons and phononso The analysis is confined to 'the classical approxi- mationj the quantum theory will be given in another paper# The starting point of the -analysis in the Hamiltonian H~S.g~,V% pt)dqdp+CSN,djVa(q.'0dqdp+ + + 0(div u)jdq. wher e jN t si(t)) x 6(P. F.L(t)) is the Card 1/2 S/126/62/014/oWooW17 On the statistical theory *too 9032/2314 microscopic electron phase donsityq* !iQq, t) In the longitudinal lattice displacement, C is the interaction constant, n is the average ion density and a is-tho velocity propagation of sound waves in the lattice in the absence of interaction with electronse The functions N and .q are looked upon as random functions and equations for them have boon given by D.N. Zubarev (UPN, 1960, 71. No. 1). General expressions are now obtained for the depar- ture of N and u from their average values and for the corres- ponding correlati;;n VAinctions, It is assumed that the average electron distribution in almost uniform (j a 0) and the electron- phonon interaction is weak, The analysis way be generalized to .the case of a more exact Hamiltonian and steps are indicated as to how this may be donoo The paper is,entiroly th*oroticals ASSOCIATIM Moskovskiy gasudarstvannyy universitet im. M.V- Lomononove (Moscow State University is# M,V& Lomononov) SUBMITTED1 May 1?# 1962 Card 2/2 XLUVKOMHO TUOL.) $not V.P, Fl=tUations U a withat oolusionse DoklAX SM 145 no-4464-767 Ag (WA 1517) is Mmko"kly gosudarstvevzWy uni"raitst in& X.T.Lomonnovs. ftedstaylono akadoaikm JUA44outoylohm., OWN& (lonimd gas"D Kinetic descri Uou of turbulent quael-equilibrium processes in I plasm. DOIT M WSR U4 no.5tlO22-1025 Je 162. 1. Moskovskly gosudarst"wWy usiversitat Imni MLmoncom, Predstavlano tkademikam N.N.Bogalyuboyro. (?I&=& (1mized gases)) I ~*., . XUR01MYUR. TU. L. ...................... Dissertntton defended for the degret of Rotor gt thvjtjaMthWtIr&1 Sciences at the Mathoontical Inqtttuto Ir4dl V. A. Stsklovaj962: 'Soveral Problems of Statistical theory of lonequillortus Processess In Plrtso*.O Test. A)mi. Wo%uk 3591, Not 4, Moscow, 1963, pnos 119-146 KUNO"MCHP Tus L, Statistical thsorY Of fm*quiUbrium processes In the astsm of electrons Interacting with lattice vIbrations. fts. not. i motano"d, 34 no.41512-526 0 162* (MIRA l5sJO) 1* MoskawskLy gosudarstv*nnyy universitet iment. M. T* Orystal 2attices) Ocloctrons) MAMAPUoal thow7 of hmogenems lootroplo turbulaw 1n a rdativUtia p3mmm. DAL AN Oft U7 no* 5slo63-1066 D 162o (MM 26s2) Is Mookmkiy gondarstrawyy univmito+, in. N.V. la"nown. Probtmdmo akadudken N.Y. loplyubov7se Olama (Imisod C"es)) (21arbulmoo) U-: OV A.N., otv. md.1 IVANNIKOV# Y.G., rW~j S.A.9 [Electrin neasurlr4 to-ohniquen wW autotatic cortrol; studi"I'l of postgrn,uata students and degree cardidutaol Slektrotzr*- rlt4l'nala takhnika i avtorAtiks; ucherwo zaplaki asnlrnnt,~v I solukatele". LenIngral, 1963. 101) p., (Ele-Arical -mchinery and autcratel alectritc- drivea; of pontgrajuate students "- degree candldm*al mnuHny 1. wrtoratialrivannyl elektropriv)i; ue-tAr4li zqI-iki aspir&nwv I solekatelel, lAnlmgmd, PAJ. '4140 p. (vJRA 17-12) Laningrafi. 1-o1 I tekhni cheek 1y -'ristitul, A 8/207/63/000/001/002/028 2202/2592 AUTHOR i KlituontovicV, YU,,L', (Moscow) TXTLE4., turbulence in& plaslas, PERIODICALIzZhurnal ;irikl* My-'ziekhalmiki i tokhnichookoy-- TEM. S.tarting*ith'_!A;~ syntax of microscopic plasma state equations in which.-thO values,of the microvc*pio phase densities are known' f'oroach plaims c~omponoftlt a* well as the values of electric and magnetic hQ14:"Potont4als (B* and H * respectively), a closed Ays te#i of oquatioiis,.: for --tho p4ase donsit;-- N I V -and HO is-giveno 1hi proach,.permtts reducing the problem of the s &P statistical theory of non-4cluilibrium plasma processes to- detorminAtion. of random functions of the throe parameters. uhich ,may be expr4aeod through miny:plaswa chiracteristics, e.&. the first movientse This -troatmont.1*ads to a met of first distribrUon functions' f , i.ea:kinotio,oquationse Formulating:furthor condition6 dr the:solution OfAhe corrolatior functions of 'the. .component p"ticles...9 An-approximate maxizum correlat, OnAime T is found; also.thtl af /at -e-iatr A case in-which max -Card -l/2._.I____._ x,o t,~, , , - - r 'Y T ' a-- 7 --7--7- _L KWT( 1 )/EWQ(k)/9PA(sp)-2/-PA(w)- t 2/ b 4 4 1 j P AE IY-' S A(-C L-- I X1 11P AMr,-C)O11447 BOOK EXPLOITA71ON .*montovt TV r chi iL Pway4ch Statistical theory of 4040quilibriust processes in jj*Ag&~(Ststistiehtakaya tooriya neravnovtony'kh proteossov v plotme), (Koscow.-, ltd-To Meek. univ., 1964, 280 p. biblio. 3,350 copies printed. M'IC TAGSt nonequilibrius plasma process, plansa, wave, plasma physics, 14axwell #quatlon' Vlasoy equation TABLE OF CONTENTS (abridgedh Foreword 3 -7-tan - processes 12 Ch. Il. Microscopic equations for a plasma. Averaging mAcroscopic equations -- 57 Ch. 111. Equations with agreement of fields. Vlasov equations -- 78 Ch. IV. Correlation and spectral functions, Kinetic plasma equ.itiona Ch. V. Radi^tion of plasma waves in kinetic equations and expressions for spectral functions -- 204 Ch. VI. Hydrodynamic deacription of plasma processes -- 243 Card 1-12 . t", Ma L 19861-65 ACCESSION NR AM5001447 Bibliography -- 276 0 AKHMUOVI S.A.1 YJIOKHWVO R.V.j KLIKONTIOV1CH, Yu.L.# doktor fix.- matemonaukp otya rod* --- (Problems in notainsar optics; elootromagnatio va"s in nonlinear dispersive media, 1962-1963] Problegy nelinsinoi optikis *lektrmegnitaye volrq v rislinelMkh dispergiru- iushchikh srsdakho 1962-1963# Moskva# In-t naue" Infor- mataii,, 1964. 294 p. WRA 17sn) ACCESSION NR: AP404271318 16/0020/64/157/003/0563/0565 AUTHORs Klimontovich, Yu, Le TITLEt On the statistical theory ot-'nonequLlibrium pr9cosses in a plasma (account of nonlinear interaction of waves in the kinetic equations) -565 ,SOURCEs AN SBOR. Voklady*# ve 157# no* 3, 1964* 563 'TOPIC TA(;Ss plasma 4ynamics# nonlinear plapma plasma wave* kinetic theory# coherent scattering The kinetic equations for a plasma# with allowance for ~the nonlinear interactio of th considered for two Iwoves* are ex ~treme canost 1, Zero ave;age do, 2. Correlation is ma plotely Ineglectedo A quesilinear approximation is considered for these !equations. The work differs from earlier ones in that the nonlinear ..equations are considered not for plasmons but for complex field am- 1/3 TURIMI R ACCESSION NRs AP4042780 plitudes, from which equations ar6 obtained for the real amplitudes and phases,. This makes it possible to ascertain the conditions under which %he assumption of rapid phase variation# assumed in earlier is valid. The effect of variation of the charged-particle distribution functions f on the spectrum in taken into account. It a is shown that if the nonlinear interaction of three, four, and more waves is taken into accountl there is no closed system of equations -for the function fa and for the second correlations (of the plasmons), -In its place there in a closed system of equations for the function f and several correlation functions, the number of which depends on de number of interacting waves. Perturbation theory is not used with respect to the field. The small quantity used is the number of"," charged particles interacting with the fields. This ensures slow variation of the fielde In this respect to approach is analogous to that used in nonlinear optics. If -the quasilinear approximation is used, account is taken of the coherent interaction of the waves* 2/3 ACCESSION NRt AP4042788 in the general case, the equations obtained describe both coherent and noncoherent interaction of the waves* and make it possible# Ln particular, to describe the appearance and development of the average field which is excited by arandom, fLeld. OrLg. art. hass 11 form- las. Repwt prtsented by Ns He BomlWbovo ASSOCIATIONs hookovskLy gosudarotv~enny*y universitet in.. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow state UnLversLty) OUBMITTEDt 05MarG4 SHMS 00 V-Y- T. L 41650-65 EWT(I) ArcrMCP MR: kP5006324 9/0126/SS/019/002/0161/0168 M~7Hnp ~ K11mcfntovich, Tu. L.. Kukharenko. Yu. A. 7 LF (,,uantum kinetic equation for a system of charged particles with regard to -ere s,ti~ai Df zhe particles with waves SOURCT Fizi~a metallov i motallovedeniye. v. 19, no. 2, 1965. 1161-168 ,z / 70PI' TAGS: quantum kinetic tqu&tLon,- grgoo partkc;jq. particle interaction. equation, kinetic equation kinttic equation in derived whirh 4n in'rmrite-tinn of the r~artirleq wit-) rho ---II T)-i equat i oTi a !so t aJr es P x~ I P ra T i Tr, oge t he r w I I h 1, h*- -, a r 1 a T 4vpaar in sivoliar v ~a untl P"Ve. ~t7v.. 1967. ~2~, ncmko"kiy gosuni-rersitet im. K. V. Uommc~sova t Stst* t-kniver- r.pqr u%vv- t nteraction in a platinek I ~-rna I ek Fperi mr?ntal '.-ioy i teorett cheqkoy f I rl nr r-aw4a ftve intersetion ftact 0n$ spectrmLl nartetion, dletrihitlan ftnc:tlon art i c is a continuation of' epvrl'.lr L 4 'In Air w ~n: A; n e'! r r) e , w'.., ,,)n n ho a-, f-, - r Card P!b A P) 0,06 4 97 P~) r c., r ',!)e real anplitudes and ph&sett, Tho ~~;W-nmr-f a-,us- -1. . a I- ". -n "unrt i or, a is t."r --,r. a ~ 1,~, , ~-, -:- *,ixr"-, 1 n e rac S onx , The nonstationary ~jusi' -rs r r c - t .. I q ahevn th&t t he -,;At r - A .I #-.! r-,, r -1 in r s gns%id&rvtvenn" tm1v\-r%1trt -tal-P 'r,4-r%'.ty L 00 'PUF 'ODE., WE 001 Card 212 WW-2/911PWIWMAnml~ up(o) w ?*,^%j6 FINN AMZ4530 MACK CMS URIUMINIUM119911uguilum Yu. L. IKarystov, V. W.1 Lands, F. S. 6 0 ORCI Moscov State University (Moskovskly gosudarstvemm univeraftet) TITLES Wave synchronization to a it" laser with a rin j resonator SOURCEI.,,Zhurnal okspertmentalluoy I tooretichaskoy fixiki, v. 31, no. 19" 3-12 1P -:XOPIC Tksl laser, 9. laser theory, coherent ligbtj LPp,.4,O_ ABSTRACTS Mode locking of two opposite waves in a ring laser Is studied to the case when frequency sismaith between then is possible. The &or* and f trot harmonics of tim density matrix elements are taken Into account to the calculation of polerizatume A formula for the soda locking region width Is derived for single-soda operation by taking into account second-order term with respect to the mirror reflection coaffl- clent. Results of an experimental Investigation of the depemdews of the mWe lockingregion width on the magnitude and phase of the reflection coefficiesitare presented. The reflection coefficient was changed by Introducing an additional mirm The dependence of mode locking bond on the reflection coefficisit agrees qualitativab with the results of the calculationso Origs art* hast 39 forsel" and-& figures.(CS: SUB CODE: '20/ SUBH DATIC 06Dsc65/ 0110 22ri 003/ OM RKIPt 002/ ATO PRMI 7- CM;A III ACC Nit$ AP70032 SOURC19 coot qJV00311661031100GAMI1'733 AUMORS Klima, ch 1, Vu. jt- Llpolp"love ORGI Mlow It to VolverlIty Obokavskiy PoWarstvannyy universitst) TITLIs On the OrY Of Optical excitation of semiconductor$. Absorption and da dispersion'.che otlatice of,sinite- and two-pbotonprocesses :" SOURCS1 Zh vks r,1 toor fix$ v.:51.9 no. 6, 1966, ln2-1733 TOPIC TACSt U theory anomalous dispersion, optical pumping, sasiconductot laser, single p too proctesal, two photon process ABSMACTs An investiption was made to obtain a theoretical account of 1) optical processes- in wbAch the semiconductor exhibits negative absorption (laser rasa effect)- and 2) Pleaching phomosona In which the absorption vanish" (t Yarency effect),. The sUWUfledo two-band =del was swoused for the soui- conductorg, ownd y band-to-band transitions wore considered, intrabond transitions be &"Used negligibles A sinUar theory was ddvoloped ids previously by authors (ZhZTFo v, 50, no. 3. 1966. 605-6121, taking Into account two tion periods Tjj Tjo for tbo recombination of the olectons and the polarts Ion of the madfic -. In the present work a third relaxation period, T3 'ic4. T *'Tp is introduced relative to the deceleration of the LSgEl 112 MR* i I ~iW ACC HC Y60114 sleet ron t1 0 -at uh ch 'diapg Athat ~ the -described by t1 popuiatlioi% dif I ra ristic' s, cte A Ishing at X, yan :bldden~gsp), fi processami, the f requaimeleii b: A < hol" 4 A + j -and 6116 the rVI and Se a 2b*l _41 w4m. 11 a - .4 m&A fI ;ASOV046 Or 20/. Sn'COIXI be a ~ ads, .,,1WVr'ge0nt 'theory'also* Involvis the f requency w ilea Is lavestijitsdo' As In the previous paper, It was found tion' effect In'the,came-of single-phaton processes can be vfIrit hatmo it Of polaritation P and the constant term of the: ereake.D. Results are s1mdlarlydes;cr1b*d In term of a nwrly Alf t 4% lacressInS with the pumins fuld NJ end w"0. It v" shown that for *1 2, A h (A - width of the fo r- ' wl 3, 6/2h, for two-Owtoo, rsingle-photon processes, end for Lower edip of the absorption bond is shIf ted toward hIguer about ANA. Vesativg absorption occurs for The saturstim field (beyond which AN no Impr Increase& 0a,vanishes) -is Is - he, - 6, for aingle;ophoton procamem, k j!' a photon-processes. Dispersion characteristics n .:for two- , tWm the form of - the us"I awmiloas d"persUm cur"$ with toward *Lgbat f requameLes LIU tba- lower *d&* of the 0911, &it. bass 42 forwalse i&W 2, figires. b4xxi'.'~ 19AprW OUG =71 OW OU Ws 003 , 4" V 'J W V t KLD40l%"MUICZ Andrzej 0 Inz. Expansion coefficient in group wire evitching. Prace !net tslatechn 5 no*3#65-87 161. 1. Wydzielone Diuro Roxwojwe ZWT T-2,, Warezava. - -------------- XLIKCIITOWICZj Andrzej# Ins. Datarmination of the songest1w In tv"tage Inoompleto link systma. Prace Inst. toleteohn. 6 no.401-98 162 1e *dsislons Biuro RoswoJove# Saklady Vytvorass Ursadzen TeletechnIemych 2-29 Waromm. E=I.CV, Anatolii, comp. Urals % _nlia zolot-Aia; k.wk--,a --lion.-rov i s~ 'kol I'likov Svc, dlo-inkoij iN'olol-o-v7sloi i Cheliabirmkoi oblafitai, 5-.'Ql0vsk-7, S"rdlgiz, 19W4. 2n, (1) p. DWs PZ65.h58 SO: L03 Soviet Goograplqj Part 11j, 1951j. Unclassified NITSMG. be MUMVITS11Y, I, t XMIMT. A.; erl A Directors of ontarprises on business accounting aid basis control, Bonet kreds 13 no*11320-24 N 053. (MM 9:2) leDirector saved& MAW Leningrad (for Kramovitskly).2.Umosti- tell direktsra Urabomahsays" (for Nitsborg).34amestitell direktora Novo-Kramaterskoge ammods imeni. Stalins, (for XWw1wv).4.1scW'&1k finansevoge stdola Avtosaveds. Imal Noloteva (for 111mov). (Industrial management) (Banks and banking) ZMOT* A. &iaoaosos Are born In rAtloo-vide mociAllat cowatition. Prou. koop, 12 no-113 A '38- U31) 1. Prodoodatoll googorpromwmta, ILIXOTj A. On the path of speolaUsstion and saUrpment of artell, Pros. koop. 13 no-12116-5 D '59. 13t4) I.Prodse"tol* provl*vdya M"kovskoo Corp"movota. I(mosoow-mam9actwes) SWBM, Xj garnyy inshel BATRACHM, A.; PAUPERM, A.; SHCHUWT, P.,, sabopholiftj KLDGDVv A. Wbpn yott work vith ardor, Sav.shakhte U noo2s24-28 T 162. (MIRA 15sl) 1. Chlen obakhtnogo komitetap proftedatell pkoiSvodstvvmncmsascwCv buissU shakhty iumd nliam, uwmka -oblasti (for serobabs). 2* Zamatitell. predsMato2ya. pnsidjupft postoya= 4*ystTvydsMb~p pvoi*vodsVv9m6go so"shchanip shakht A ntiobs,, uwmkoy y imer ObUsti (for ftyracbMy), 3, Zowstite2l pv"Odate2ya icmitstao shaKlAy imid nlam,, uwwkw obusti (for P"Wov). 4o Pred"datalt sbibehobno-bytmoy kamiseii slwMty imni nlieba, Lupftkol oblasU .'(for S~cbsrbij). 5. SekretarIparti7noy orgavi- izateii ahakhty immi nsiom Lupmkoy obl"ti (for Kliwr), (C"i idners), Orme mime) 1,111.1tOlf N,# ra;or, kandovoyenny'kh mcakI K WON, A., Amaent altttule of a radlodaivo clwl. I.v. I k-:~3m, 411 ,10.6l 94-95 Je 164. ;717) JMOT* A.A., a doisent, k&MI&I toMmlobaskift ank. DstermlnW the heastu tesporstwe ot an inamotion motor 'by somas of a ou"llin"r diasrasto Test. elektropron. 18 no,9811-22 2 047, (MM 6112) 2. Xoskovskir institut mekhani"till I elektrifilatell sellskop khosyaj~- stva In. T.NON020tova. (Zleatrio motors, in&wtloa) Tias form of a diagram is w1de17 used in the study of electric and electro- mechanical properties of 4"hronous electric wtors and otber electric appmt us utilizing alternating current. It am also be u3ed to deterrixw the h*ating corAition of an electric motor . The author explains the formula and applies it to a spherical diapvz. Also gives the value or for various types of eleatriwa nuclilinery in tabular form, vat- WAO~t Obl"O- "via :m~- IM W'Pes"I fit-sit ,It too it's 1100 so 069 tt!tsw Poo ma v logo go so, vw SNMNW SIONS PO04"914k goo am ON" P assm 0 we go p vw 44914verstv, Poe -fit lf'lfv .800 -!,too so go fee 0 491494 goo 0.9 0#0 go 10-1 W T- I v I A 6 .1 1 a 4 2, 0-6 a 4-0-0- IL -4.4 4,t 4 1 m 44 a 0 4 0 0 1 4,00 fk ~-, * a T: - I r 0-00 a 0 0 KLDWV A A 42 - 735.9a Velikiye stroyki kammmim sUctrifikatsiya sel'skop 9k6 khosyiqntva ftliqndskay oblasti* (Ormat Cionstruations of camawdm &W sloatrification of the rural mmnwq of swingrad oblast) ftalIWmdO Oblastnoye Knipizdatellstvop 1952, 63 P. illus. 'an! 9, i., 18V IN M-I 11M !Tqn mw 9/5 723.1 J63 ilaktrifikatslya pmisvWstvswwkh pmts"mm v shivotr4vWotvo (no*- trifucation of Mduction prooesses In animl husbwWry) Moskvap Ullkbos&t 1955. 375P. diagre. (UchsbnlU I ushobWe posoblys. " tpshfth eel# skokboasystyarokh uohobviykh mvedonly) ILZIM, A*A., kwAid&t tekhalcheakikh nauke ~hj - In - -1 Datemining msc~Aalcal charaotdriltIcs of sloctrio motors Old wobbos in operatloas Bellkhosmashlax noo2:17-18 7 '37o (Ileatria motors) (KM 10:4) I r-T P-T T" T r-V JfiDRW16V. T.N.. doktor takhn.nauk; SIRSURY. Ta.79., insh.: BYSTRMKIT* D.U., knnd.tokho.nsukj OMINNIKOV. AJ.. kand.tekhn.rauk.- QWS07i V.A*. kand.tskhn.=Wr.Z0Y3X, V.A., kand0tekhn.nauk- ULMOV, A.A. 0 kandotelchn.nouk., KOROLW. V.Yo, kRnd.t9khnnsuk; JLU=YATr"W# JL*Yo$ kand.tokha.mWel XMIK# M.Teot kandotakhasnauki FAZAROVO 0.1*1 karAq tokhnonauk; OLMIKI NoPo. Inshoo 0SNMOV1 P.A., kandotekboonsuk; PODSOBOV, A.So. Inshal POPOV, 8.T*6,inzho:PRlSHCR1P.L.0.. tend. tekhnonauk-, PCfMLKIN, Yu*No, insho; RUBTSOV, P.A., kand.tekhn.asuk: MOTj B,Aoo bndstakhoonsuk: SAY111KOT. X.P60 bnd*tskhn.rAukj SAZONDYj N,Ao# profs, doktor tokhnonsuk.* SIRONMs A.C. insho: SKYORTSOVI, P.F.j kand,tekbnonauk; G91RUOV. R.Y.,kand.takho.neuk., SMIRROV, Vote, kend.takhn,neuk: TYMINS.KIT. Te.T.. inth.: URVACHST. Polo# kand.tvkhnonauk: SMMMAW, B.Ae, Insh.: SHORMOT, SiTs, 1mnd&9kon*nmukj RUNOT16 L.N.. Who: TOLOYOVSXATA. D.N.. red.; ItKIT111A, VA.. radj BALLOD, A.L. [manual on the use of also tric power In agriculture] Spravochalk po primenentin. elaktorenergil v sel'skom kbostaimtva. Moskva, 008. isd-vo sallkhos. lit-ry, 1958. 606 p. (MMA 1115) (Zleatricity in agriculture). ]MINDY A*A* kand#tokhonauk . ~~-q . Iltatrie welding squIpment In agrieulture, Mokho I else, sots# 8011khas. 16 00,41043 '38- Odu 11110) is Stalingr&d skily O"I'SkAbOsTAYOT021107 ID"tItUto (Ileatric welding) ,---KLLHOV,-AA., prof, Use of electric aro discharge in agricultural technological processes. Mekhe i slek, sots. sellkhos. 20 no,300-33 162- (KIM l5t7) 1* Volgogradakiy sell skokbosyaystyenrqy institut. (Zloatrat, in ioulture) 11 a (Ilsotrio aroF 18(2 SOV126/59- 5-20/35 AUTHORs Astaulov, VPS*oXllnoV,p A*D. and Astaulova, A.S.g Engineers TITLE., Refining the Structure and Eliminating Cracks in Magnesium Alloy Castings PERIODICALI Liteynoye Proizvodetvot 1959, Nr 5# PP 33-34 (USSR) 'ABSTRACTs Out of 300 tests made within the period of one year, the authors investi at$ the structure of alloys and f elimination cracks rom them. It becomes evident that when using Ov27% mamganseep the result is a fine grai- ned structure without cracks in contrast to cracks and the formation of a dendrite structure when using less manganese,, i.e, lose than 0.2%. Fig. (1) and show different kinds of grain of the structure* a fine grain, (b) coarse grain, (c) dendrite, Some M dates are given with regard to the ratio of the struc- ture to flux# modification, range of temperature for cristall zation, sto. The authors state that there are Card 112 some analoguous features to aluminium alloy. The range SOV/1;>8-501- 5-20/33 Refining the Structure and Eliminating Cracks In M W esium Alloy Castings of temperature for cristallyzation of some types of magnesium alloy Is given and It In stated that exten- ding the range of temperature improves the quality of the structure. There are 3 photographs. Card 212 XLIHDV, AjD.0 kapitan I-go ranga Military and technical propaganda among students of naval schools. Mor. abor. 48 no.l2t27-30 D f64. (KMA 18 s 2) -11:63i J--~n ZEN ~51 It it gh I a I q j Is 11 v, In. 1 111 KIVU. ij I'M PTCHKN. Yu.Y.. ,4WWAwA..7. WUMV, A-N-; SIONW, D.M. w~ 'ff~Ot Of AIIOY189 Oft the longitudinal elasticity modulus of zirconium, mota astanovedablet.t1st, no,lt231-242 059, (Zirconium alloys) (Ilasticity) (HIM 12110) 50) SOVIN-59-2-19/24 AVTHORSi Parfenorf A# 1*4L Allux- a- F-,m Masurlat Of YO TITLEs Xlectric Conductivity of the Olasses of the system Id 0-00 C6810 -Cs 0-310 2 2 2 Oftoktroprovadnost, ot*kbl sistozyIJ20 2 2) PERIODICIM Ysstnik Loningradskago universitsta. Seriya fialki I kh4slit 1959# Nr 2# pp 129-135 (USSR) ADSTRACTs The results of the Investigations of the conductivity and density of glasses of the system mentioned In the title are Indicated in this "tIolse The mentioned system Is use& as a basis for the working out of formulae for electrode glasoos., Those #lassos have at present a resistance of 500 XQ . The working method with then Is such simplified If the" glasses hays a lower realstancoo Under this point of viewt the Investigations described In this article we" carried out* The designations of the glasses produced and Investigated for the experiments# and their composition, are compiled In tablel. An analysis carried out on the glasses showed a deviation of some percent In the composition as compared with *be quantities of single components used for the prtparationo The density was~~ Card 1/3 dotormined by hydrostatic weighing of the samples in water and Electric Conductivity of the Olasses of the System SOT/54-59-2-19/24 1,120-0420-8102 Card 2/3 benzene at room temperature (error 10o1 - 0.2 ~). The oov, duativity.was determined an plans.parallel samples by graphite electrodes, the resistance of the Classes up to 1064 by a bridge airouit# higher resistances by a segachmmetsr of the XOX-ZX type (error 20 - 30 %), The values of the mentioned determination quantities ars compiled In table 2* The table also oontains the activationl*norgy 2 for -the movement of Ions In kial/Xol and IS A computed by the formula for electric conductivity 14 a As DAT* From the density of the glassesp their molecular volume was computed, and - as the Co-glasses have the highest density - the dependence of thenolar volume on the concentration of Cs20 was determined at a constant content of LI, 0 (Fig 1, and content of Cs O+Li 0 M constb 2 2 2 =27 aol% Fig 2)&L'yor inyestig&ting the conductivity of Classes of different composition# the neutralization effect was In- vestigated which oacurs by "placing ono basic oxide by another (Pig 3)b This points to a4irect dependence between the differences of radii of the basic ions entering Into the systentand the character of.the neutralization effect. Electric Conductivity of the Glassoo of thefiyetom SOVA4-59-2-19124 2i 0-08 0-310 .2 2 2 SUMTTZDs Card 3/3 In the lWastitation of tho activation energy at the transition, from sodium-potasslus-silloate glasses to the system considered, as Influence of the ton radius on its value could to observed (Fit 6)-a Prom all theme investigationst the following conclusions are miss The electric conductivity of lithium glasses decreases considerably with an Increase in the content of ON20* For electrodes# which are only used at low temperatai*4 #'ssass with & low content of 0020 (UP to 6 Vol% ) should be preferred* With an Increase In the content of Cs Og the 2 toughness and also the molUng temperature for glasses rise so that for electrodes used at higher temperatures an Increase In the content of Os20 up to 9 Vollt Is permissitU, 01"sos with a higher content of C*20 are unsuitable for use at electrodes due to their high resistance. ftare a" 6 figurest 3 tables, and 4 references,, 3 of whiah are Soviet. October 289 1958 ILD-0 Ark#A Frol Klismat A.?,]; UMBOTO D. (Vksusaus D.J. red.1 rod Nor4s SWVWSI SIM I oprM6 IKluk, Dslatsh. vyd.,va am w masava-PILUto li"t 1960, 35 p. (MnA Utj;) ,1# Sekrotarl gmmnokoo rwmogo kmiteta Kmomisticbeskoy patil Bolorussil (for tumv). .(Somo District-41ojn*--roWj2g &W fogdg) BlIj B,A,,t ILUOT, A,Gj MUMKOTo B.P. rodaktor; WSWT. Clolo, tokbal- chookly r a I Clustallatlono ispair and opor&tlon of rofrIgeratlon oqmlpsontl YWu- tash# remost I skeplustatella kholodilinogo o'borudoyanils. Korjkval Goo. Isd-vo torgovol lit-rys 1955. 280 p. (xm ale) (Refriseratiou and refrigerating saablaory) ME, Boris Arkad 'yev loh; KLWjAlxjj*y G*orgiyevich SIMININDIA, Ts.B., red.: XMISK. D.W.; takhn.r*&. [Pros refrigerating awhineryl Froonawye kholodillnyo ustanovkI. Koskra. Gos.lid-vo torg,lit-ry, 1957, 183 p. (NIIA 10:12) (Refrigeration and refrigerating aachimory) IMMY# A*Goo oloktroinkbaulk fty we lneftn aonh%l leaks, Aitome, Ulop. I Was' 2 nooUt39 I Ise. (XMA 22322) 1.1oningrad-YarobovskWa 418tantol" 41CM11satall vv7&SirGKv"-j"kw doregis (an"ado-Switchos) "'7-'--7777-- 77" gilt Ambat 119(al, wim A CC HE IOU= 6m; .,Vl/0413/661000/004/00 OftildW0,4i As -- --MYN 91 1 jro -T-Olct- TITLXI Mparatloci of lUdra -Cl"sAlq Igo.. 178796 go. SOURCst tiourstmi yal P16*0 T'. TOPIC TAOS$.-. CM CA''d Ad, &CIA wilm-limmmirmw at" to ABSTUat 7hU rof Cawfl tc-Astv"'afts s,,iwihW of p ratisse --41"d- 16Y compmiu~s of "covery to amev", -:-fluorits- coamtratte-idth-vt wit t-~ 07/ s=. 100000*0080090000*0019 a 0 C 0 V 6 4 a t 0 IN- 0 v9 a ----4 1-d 004 002 04w, 006 008 see sop 0091 00, 000000000000000#000#0al w of or a a q? Poo S40 4OW fools& POW"I vis-few OL'%I -01 r t 4 lpr4 44 sum"W fultell I poll 1 'pa-P -ups '41- '110"1n fill lot #00" "P fvw 40,180seff sow $o#$ *a, I 74 1 T egg OPSOOMM avoid maws- a if OTIF - 00 Poo r-00 Poo 1 S so 0 *0 1 go foe d?' ~ r 60 1 X 00 wow, I 4o ILDWY, A. 1. Agriculture 10041 water resources &M their exploitation IV collective fame of the ftolonsk V,mvincel boolomakt ftolonsk" obl. goo. Isd-vo. 1950. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ma UnCI# 12"OT, A. 1 6 ~MA*l Improved deterniution of bouMs for zeros of L-funottons, Mr, ut, sbaro Impro" 5 no*21171-184 153, (XLU 616) 21 (Series. Dirichlet's) KLIMWt-A USSRIVAthemation Dirichlot Fwation "T"luAtIOU of the Limit of Zeros of L-r=ot1oc##0 A. I, X11mvp SamUrv UoU podagog lost DAN SSSRO Vol 89, No 2p pp 2054M Obtain@ nev evaluation of lWt of %*roo of Dirichlet's L-functions. Indicates in the forouls, giving the limit of zeros, the dependence of the Ainction an modulus k of charsoter x(npk) wW oomputes the oonsts entering in to the formulas Presented by Aced 1. M. Vinogradov. Rood 23 Deo 52. source.0264TS6