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L 396'z_-)-_6,,-; ACC NNI AT6003086 whose structure is determined by -the rate of the Chemical transforma- tions. Orig. art. has: 23 formulas. SUB OODE: 20oO7/ SUBM DATE 00/ ORIG REP: 004/ SOV ESP: 000/ O"M RZY:00 Ccwd ," rrto@,ANMi 171 . ;P: ;@e @ liil ; I Vk@ - . - I @ - @ -@ -`- @, rA - . i-To t t+ V r- AUTHM ?A - 2691 TOOOPOV A.P.4 A=@@ TITLE An Attempt at Mossurlag ef the Viscosity of am Ectoaded LI Ida (Opyt ismeradya v y"kesti pastyanutoy Oidkosti - Russissr PZRIODICAL Zhurnal Usparint i Tsoret.fiziki, 19571 Vol 32j Mr 29 pp 372-372 (UM) Received 5/1957 Reviewed 6/IZT ANTRACT The autkors sideavored to detsrsiso whether massurnests of this kind are possible# U the following some results of tkoss@atteapts are olhowss James* served " a trial objects Tko&ploal contexts of the prspa- 0 reference. In addi. ration used agreed fully with data found is books . tion p boaxass, was.distinod* Measurements were carried out bjr new of STOMCS' method in cylindrical ampulso of molybdomum glass Z3-5K with an inner dianter of 6 sm, late the ampule filled with boxxono a glass sphere, was inserted and Us ampule, was soldered- in suck a masmor that as* glass bubble ressiaod in it# In this mammor three ampules with glass bubbles of different sizes were prepared& At first the ampule was placed hori- sontally and the temperature of the thermostat was slowly increased until the whole volume of the ampule was fined with a liquid, Then tits tempers. turo (the "solving tomperaturox) was recorded and slow cooling of the thermostat until the liquid broke WAS immediately begun, This process was repeated soveralUmos until the soluti on temperature and breaking. off temperature were constant up to t o02 0 0. After the and of this pro- 114-4sary treatment of the am pule the glass sphere w" placed into one of the *Mm of the ampule and t he thermostat was heated up to solution card 1/2 tomperaturot After the vanishing of the glass bubble In the ampule, the An Attempt at Mageurigg of the, Viscosity of as gxtond*d PA - 2691 Liquid. temperature of the thermostat was adjusted so " to be somewhat lower than solution,tomperaturo, The ampule was kept at We temperature for about 2* to 25 minutes &W was them quickly placed vertically is much a way that the, and containing the apkorc, pointed upwards. Now duration of the failing of Mat spbore from the upper to the lower end was measured** is the a"# of all sapulas aid at all temperatures ekesen this was done at least 15 time"a %sit# domputaties of 'Fissomit-Y am, the basis of that* data is disoussod is short* According to the author's opinion the results skews in a table are, gonvisaisg proof of the fast that the viscosity of a liquid *as be measu- rod by sea" of $TORSO method. A=ATION State University of Central Asia PRZUVM BY SUBMTTTZD le.9,1956 AVAILA Library of Congress Card 3 020/62/14Z/005/019/022 @13 AUTHORS# Kitovag Ag Li and Varshavokly, Ya. M. TITLEj Exchange of deuterium between aromaUcs and liquid deuterium chloride PERIODICALs Akadonlys nauk S33ft, Doklady, v. 142, no. 5, 1062, 1112- 1115 TEXTa The principal investigation results of tho Iso'topic exchange of hydrogen with.liquid deuterium chloride are Civon. KC1 enriched with 1#5- 2@5 deuterium van obtained from a mixture of concentrated IH 30 and NCI 2 4 . . VIV with the calculated amount,of DO. The high vapor pressure HO stm) of. DC1 at room temperature required Teflon-lined Iton*l motftl containers. The required DC1 amount was:oiphoned to the hydrocarbon in tho Monel toot tub*#, and heated in the thermostat for a certain ties. DC1 was evaporatodp the: hydrocarbon purified, burned In the 0. flow, and the deuterium oonoontra- tion was determined by the dropping method in the resulting water. n Card 1/4 3/020/62/142/005/010/022 Exchange of deuterium t6twoon... Blio/B101 (rate of isotopia exchange) and k (velocity constant) were calculated according to the second author (ZbM, 10# 13T6 (1956)), the coofficiont a for the deuterium distribution between hjArocarbon and HC1 was assumed to be 2o2. In benzene# about.2 H &toss are exchanged at -200C within one year (K @20 0 4*10 .8 see -1 ), The isotopic equilibrium is established faster C6H6 with increasing number of aromatic ringst at 250C, in naphthalene,