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119-3-1114 The Dynamic Characteristics of the Electromechanic Regulators-of the TsKTI System nerative coupling. The fixed regenerative coupling in regula- tors dating from 1947 is a delaying one, with a constant of time of T - 2,1 sec. The same is valid for regulators dating from 1955, the constant of time being T ;~* 2 see. c) Dynamic characteristics for elastic regenerative coupling. For the regulators produced in 1955 it could be demonstrat- .ed by means of amplitude phase diagrams taken by experi-.1 ment that the residual discontinuity of the relay_could almost entirely be eliminated. For planning the formulae for regulators with fixed and elastic regenerative coupling are collated for technical use,in a useful form for practice. There are 5 figures, and 6 refe- rences, 6 of which are Slavic* AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Regulators--Applications 2. Regulators--Characteristics Card 2/2 KISELEV,I.K., kand.tokhn.nauk. dots. Effect of retardation on rAtural oscillations of relay regulators. Sbor.nauch.trud III rAo.8:188-207 158. (MIR& D.-4) (Electric relays) MASE I BOOK UPWITATION IM/5"6_ Bakluehirv, Petr-Aleksaiidrovichi~`UoV7 Nonstantinovick Kiselev,, and Lidiya a KubaBova Avtomatizataiya- teploomergeticbe-skJLkh.,ustanovok (Automation. of Neat Power Installationq).Moscow,, LYos6n6rgoizdat#'l960, 351 p,. Errata slip inserted. 15Y000 copies printed. Ed.: P.R. Manaylov; Tech."Ed.:-- G.- Te. Lariotm.:_- 7 'rMPME: This book is-intended for students or beat power problems in polytechnic and power engineering seboole.or higber education. It my also be useful to heat-power engineers dealingwith nutomation of beat processes at electric power stations. Cor- -The book,discusses Us: autoi ation'. of beat power installations ax.-d the iZzuAcal% nature of ~-aiitoatitid%,control,,-, Fundamentals of automatic control and' certain procedures of its'engineering utilizatlon:are presented. Schematic - circuits of th6. automation of: basic- assemblies and auxiliary eTxipment of beat power installations are discussed. Eleiii6nts and structural features*of the most widely used types of automatic regulators are described. andanalyzed. Card rlt-U KBEIV. I.Ho; ROZHNC)Vp 1,1,; MCR(ZOVp K,,k, ~-~ - r.- ~., -.1, j~.-- MaJdog a hard taoing ribbzn dirsatly from liquid mabal. Met. i gornond. prom. n0.3379-80 MY-Je 165. (MMA 18 s LI) I ~ .; KISELEV, I.M.; MAKHRACREV, A.Ya. Conference on the full use of nepheline rocks from the Azov Sea region. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.6:78-79 N-D 165. (MIRA 18:12) ANTONOT-ROUGHEY, V.K.; CHERNYSHEV., V.I., redaktor; -"MON, D-X-,.'tekhnicbsski3r redektor [Bibliography of worim Issued by the Railroad Transportation Publishing.Houve (1935-M49)] BibiLografichaskii spravochnik isdanil Traussheldorisdata (1935-1949 gg.)-.-Xoskva. Got transp,zhel-dor'Asd-vo, 1950. 377 P. (KUU 10:1.) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S..R.) Gosudaretyennore traAsporthoye zholezno-dorozhnoys Isdatel'styo, (Bibliography-Railkoads) SIMPROW4W to r TRETIYAKOV., Ye.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; KOVALENNO, V.S., ihzh.; CHUMACHEMO, V.S., inzh.; KISELLT, I.Mp inzh. Using compacted addition alloys in the produr-tiac of low carbon steel with zirconium. Met. i gordarud. prom. na.6:29-30 V-D 162. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Treat nlonbasetsvetmet* (for Tretlyakov, Kovalenko). 2* Donstakiy filial Ukrainskogo nauchno-isaledovatalla~ogo inatituta metal-lov (for Chumachenko, Kiselev). CHURACHENKO, V.S.; KISELEV, I.M. Full.retreatment of pyrite residue, Met. i gornorud, prom, no.1:42-43 Ja-F 165, (MIU 18 3) KISJM. T.N..; PIMOVA, T.N. I Scientific ties between U.S.S.R. and Japan..V*st. AN SSSR 27 no,6:67-72 Js 157. .(KrAA 10:7) (Russia--Relations 4sueral) with Japan) Uapan--Relations (Teneral) with Russia) img~a 28(0) AUTHOR: Kiselev, 1. 11. SOV/30-59-9-10/39. - TITLE: -------------- Scientific Relations Between Two Academies PERIODICAL; Veatnik Akademii nauk SSSRf 19599 Nr 9P PP 50-55 (US�R) 7 ABSTRACT: The scientific relations between the Academies of the USSR and the People's Republic of China were taken u~-in the years between 1949 and 1953- S.-I. Vavilov, the late President of the AS USSR, rec4ived Professor Chlen, PO-ta, Vice-president of the AS of the People's Republic of Ohina in 1949 ' A Chinoaa delegation headed by Professor Yen'Chl.1-Alih visited the USSR, __ in 1950. Nlong-term agreement.on so Iientifio-technical coopent_ , ion betwe3n the USSR and the People's Republic:of-China-was~;. i i signed in.Poking on Oc tio-n',of the Pro' tover 1.2'9 1.954.A-delega sidium. of the Academy of Scf~ncesv USSR, headed byl. Academician I. P. Bardin visited the People's-Republic of China in April, 11955 and stayed for two months-. In March 1956 A. I..Uikhaylov,, Doctor of Technical Sciences, headed a delegation of Soviet scientists following an invitation of the People's Republic of China. Academician A. X. Nesmeyanov, President of the Card 1/2 Academy of Sciences, USSR, and Professor KU6--M6_jo , President . Scientific Relations Between-Two Academies SOV30-59-9-10139 of the Academy of Sciences of the People's Republic of Chi.nat signed an agreement on the.cooperation of the two Academies for five years (from 1958 to T962) in Moscow on December 11, 1957-At the same time a protocol was signed on cooperation in 1958- On January 18, 1058 an agreement was signed in Moscow by the governments of the USSR and the People's Republic of China on the joint research work in the fields of science and technology. SinceT956 the Institutes of the Academy o f Soieno94 USSRf have admitted Chinese post-graduate students and assist- ants. Joint scientific expeditions have been made since 1958. Book exchangesbetween the libraries of the two Academies have considerably increased. Academician A. N. Nesmeyanov, President of the Academy of Sciences, USSR,,visited with a delegation. of the Presidium,of the Academy the People's Republic of China in order to sign a working plan for 1959. In It958, the Chinese Prof ess'ors KU61 No-Joj LJ'SW* I were elected Foreign Members of iho-Adademy of-Sciences, USSR. Card 2/2 - r- - - , .:. -. 11 -~j~ - W;Z&ras m w I I- . .; - ~ ~ ~,.. . KISELEV, I*N* ...... Versatile.cooperation of the academies of science of socialist I countries. Vest. M SSSR 34 no.708-99 J1 164 (MIRA 17t8) ZUYEV, A.I.; GLAZLTNOV, P.D.; DQIIMIKO, N.M.; KISELEV, I.N.; STRELKOV, M.N.; 1OF3210V y S.A., prof. CHAPSKIYp O.U.p red&; BARANOVA, L.G.,; FRIDIIIAN . Z.L. tekhn. red. (concise manunI for the agricultural machinery operator] Kratkii spravochnik mokhanizato'ra sel'skogo khoziaistva. (By] A.I.Zuev i dr. Moskvap Sallkhozizdat., 1963. 583 P. (MIRA 17:1) ,(Agricultural machinery) S/030/60/000/06/23/043 B004/ 008 AUTHORt Kisele*, I.; N.. now TITLEJ Soviet': Scientists'. in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam PERIODICALs.~.Vestnik.Aked.emii-nauk MR,~ 196o, No. 6, pp. 116-iie', TEXT3 Vie4l:nam- was visited.from March-.4,to 26-by a delegation-of the Akademiya-nauk. SSSR-(Academyvf-Sciences, USSR) which consisted of Ve A. Kotellnikov, I. V._Tavanayev' P. G. Sergiyev, A. V. Peyve.0 Go B. Boki , So No R Zhoy ~B.- -A. Shumakovo V. ~ 0. Kononanko, 0. T. IC 61 y Go VoroMeov. And tho .4.4.00,rf On-:FF-9IrtM4_tAoTI Qf the ptat~ 00101MC-667MOMU-16 Iff(Ok of th~ besoo'ntic Hopublid IA #ittnts. The study of the etate of sai6ntific investigations, the elaboration of recommendations for the training.of scientists, and the establishment -of scientific research institutes, the organization of the investigation of naturalLresources, and,the. determination of thoue main branches of science which are to be developed inthe course of the first Pivo - year Plan (1961-1965) and in the following 15 year3 (1961-1975), were the aim of the visit. Lectures by Nguyen Zuy Chin', Chairman of the State Card 1/2 KISFIEV I.P. , gornyy inzh. Control of the outputIof hydraulic filling equipment. Ugoll 39 no,,2: 27-30 F 16.4. 014M 17:3) 1. 9hakhtostroyupravleniye No.3 Prok-plyevskogo tresta ugollnoy promyshlennosti kombinata -Ku!i~bassugoll Ministerstva ugollnoy pro- myshlonnosti SSSR. gm-7-gggqM8-7, Et-7- KISXLRV,I~3-, elektromakhanik; XHLOPITSKIT, A.I., starshiy elektromotirhanik; VASIN. P-V-. slaktromekhasilk- Suggestions efficiency *Vorts* Avtom.. telems I sviaxPe' 4 no-506-f 37 NY ,6o. (KIRA 13--8) 1. Kislovodskays distantstya sigmlizatali i evyasi Severo- Kaftatakay doragl (for Kloolev). 2. Kinebtya distantelya eignall-. zatoll I evyazi, Belomemkoy darogi (for Dlopitakly). (RuAlroads-adtching) (RallroMe.-Sigmallng) 11smay, 1. V. Stands for netting coarse slaves used in vibrating screens. Stroie I dor.mashinostro 4 no*3:32.Mr 159, WRA 12 :4) (wire teresual K-ISEI,EV, I.V., Cand Biol Sci (diss) "flybridization of pcdnd fish of the f~uqily cai-fe (Cyprini.dae)." Fil~- -)I pt, Tr!,-t of -,rCJ.ngy) corAes (n, h2-58, ELM KIICEIZVJV I.V., inzh. Study and observe the instructions for operating machinesl Strois i dor. mash. 6 no06-434 To 161, (MIRA 14:7) (Machinery) KISELEV, I.V. Cyprinoid hybrids as fishes for joint rearing in ponds. TvniA-qr nt%w ` Tlrl%+- Ili. m- 1. .1012 -10 9 t 41) IUTDA KI SELEV, I.V. Effect of produced on the offspring of fishes by the condition of gametes caused by the action of environmental factors during ovulation and insemination. Vop. ekol. 5:95-97 162. (min l6t6) 1. Institut gidrobiologii AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. (Fishes) (Fertilization (Biology)) GOLOTIN, G.K.. zaaluzhennyy agronom RSFSR, rud.-,-~-KISZIAT; I.Ta., red.; SUMM, T.I., red,*,.PASKIN, I., red.; id6T-A-,-k.-.Falih-n. red. [Advanced practices of growing corn in Mordovial Pbradovol opyt,vosdelywanlia kukuruzj v Kordavil; abornik etateii.' Saransk, Kordmikoe knishnom Isd-yo, 1960. 134 p. AKIRA 14:3) 1. Direktor'Nordovskoy seltzkokhosyaystvennoy op~tuo~ stantaii (f or GoloviO a .(Mordavis.-Corn (Noise)) ~T;E~UEV,- Igor..,-YakqvjqyIch; - MOSHENSKIY, Mark Grigor tyevich; NIZJUIYAYA, S.I., red. [Bourgeois labor theories in the service of monopolies] Burzhuaznye teorii truda na sluzhbe monopolii. Moskva, ' Wall, 1965. 139 p. (MIRA 18: 5) -JD,01307.. SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/66/036/012/2145/2141~ ACC R; AP AUTHOR: Slabospitskiy,R.P.t Narnaukhov,I.bT.; Kisolov,I,Yo. ORG: none. a o6,616ctrode electron gun-and an ionizing effici iTITIX. An ionizer With thr oncy: of'. 0.002 !SOURCE:' zhurnal takhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 360 no. 12, 1966, 2145-2147 ITOPIC TAGS; ion source, id niIzati.-on electron beam, moledular beam, electron gun ,ABSTRACT: The authors briefly; escribe an electron beam ionizer suitable for use ina source of polarized ionsi. The,devicep a diagram of.which is shown in the figure, is an improved version of the ionizer-described elsewhere by 0.1,Yekhichev etal, (ZhTF036p:' 1681,1966). In this ionizer, the atomic beam to .be ionized traverses the device ax- ially, passing through central openings in the cathode X (see the figure), the first- and second anodes A, and A2,.and the.electron collector C. The Faraday cup F,Mounted 15 cm beyond the collector,-C served.,to.measure thebeam current during the experimental iwork. The Airst anode is.made.some o3.000 V positive-with respect to the cathode,thus lassuring maximum electron emis'sion.- -1he electrons are decelerated in the gap between,- the two-anodos to the optimum energy for ionization of the atomic beam (scme 400 or 500.eV). Calculations indicate that-the second anode should increase the ionization efficiency by a factor of 5 or.6. The electron-opt Iics such that when the collectok Card -1/2 UDC: 537.56 t, 46961--66 NP(c) JD/AT ACC NRt AP6029802 SOURCE CODE: UR/0089/66/021/002 AUTHOR: Slabospitskiy, R. Karnaukbov, I. M.; Kiselevw 1* Ye*; Taranov, A. Ya. ORG: none TITLE: Source of polarized ions with 1.2 liamp current SOURCE: Atomnpya energiya, Y. 21, no. 2, 1966, 131-132 TOPIC TAGS: electric polarization, hydrogen ion, deuterium, ion beam, ion current, charge exchange j /OA,.' Soofelf ABSTRACT: The described positive polarized deuterium-ion source is 6imilar to an earlier source developed by the authors (Program and Abstracts of Papers of XV1 Annual Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Atomic Structure (moscow, 1966), m., -auka, 1966, p. 128) but employs a more efficient ionizer, and a higher vacuum is produced through the use of stainless steel and mercury and titanium pumps. The source is based on the principle of spin-sorting the atoms in an inhomogeneous mag- netic field with subsequent adiabatic extraction to a weak field region (Fig. 1). Deuterium (or hydrogen) molecules are dissociated in an hf discharge at 150 Mcs. A magnetic field (20 kOe) focuses the atoms with electron spin projections antiparallel to the field, and defocuses theatoms, with parallel spins. The focused atomic beam had an intensity 6 x 1015 atoms/sec in a 5 mm diameter, and was ionized by a coaxi- Card 1/2 UDC: 539.103: 539.121.85: 539-128.2 !16) In'6 ACC NR, A.P6029802 150 Me j 4 1 1 fort 11 Fig. 1. Diagram of source \NJ 0,11 WIN F---T -100 ally moving electron beam. The tensor polarization at a current of 1.2 microampere was found to be -0.2T4 A'.0.012. Orig. art. has: 1 figure (02) SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: OlApr66/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 001i/ ATD pREsS 5089 LC.,d 2/2 mt .KISELEV, K. International atimlation of research in cancer control. Vop. med.khim. 6 no.3027-329 WTe .160. (MIPA 14:3) 1. Glava clelegatail Belorusekoy SSR na ohetyrnadtsatoy sesaii General~noy,at;6amblei~Organizateli Ob"yedinemykh Natsii. (UNGER fESUWH) AUTHOR: KISELEV, K.A. 43-1-8/10 TITLE: The Singularity Method for Designing of Mixed-flow Turbine Vanes (Profilirovaniyelopastey rabochego kolesa radiallno- osevoy turbiny metodom osobennostey) PERIODICAls Vestnik Leningradekogo Univarsiteta, SeriYa Matomatiki 11ekhaniki i Astronomii, 1956, Nr 1(1)tpp-108-128 (USSRi ABSTRACT: The paper starts from the preceding one of Belekhova (Seel 43-1-7710). The equation + lng (1;) 0 is derived again and approximatively solved again tin-der car- tain additional assumptions on the form of& The rel- sults improve the methods of Lesokhin [Ref.11 and Etinberg IRef" 2] for the designing of mixed-flow turbine vanes. 4 Soviet references are quoted. SUBMITTED: 26 February 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Turbine vanes4Uxed flow 2. Mathematical analysis 3. Differential equations KIc=, K. A.: Master Phys-Math Sci (diss) -- "The use of the method of fea- tures for computing the buckets of working wheels of radial-axial hydro turbines". Leningrad, 1959. 10 pp (Leningrad order Of Lenin State U im A. A. Zhdanov)., 150 copies (KL,, No 14, lSr;9, 117) KISFUV K.A., IAZAIW, A.I. Temperature f leld of an endless plate at variable values of the heat transfer coefficient and variable temperature of the exte- rior medium. ZImr. tekhn.,fIz. 30 no.6:616-621 Je 16o. (MIRA 13:8) (Heat-Tranoulesion) (Thermodynwdes) RIMSHAN, A.Y.; KISNLFV. K.N.- YEPANDV. V.I. Transverse ball-rolling mill and building up of working roller groovese Vast. mash. 36 no.9:23-27 S 156. NLRA 9110) (Rolling mills) xmsHoy, s. Y. -, immmyxv. S.R.; SRUPIK, P. L. ; -I)ISKALBNKO. A.P. ; MAKARrAVRI- SHVILI. D.G.; LRAUSS. A.A.; DANUOYi Yu.Ya.; SAGATOV, R.S.; PBNIKOY- SKIT, E.R.; #RPWOV, D.N.; IBBAROV, I.A.; AXHUNDOT, V.Yu.9- EHRIMLYAR, .A.I.; AXEMOV, X.I.; BAKULIV, A.F.; NESTEROV. A.I.; VAVYDOVSKIY, I.Y.; GRASHMMKOV, N.I.; INVIBIVIGH. -A.Y.,- X1 I X.Y.- KRIVMO, L.K.; NIEZUBAROVA. Z.; YAKOVIBY,K.D.; KOzizr, 1).V.; KnWIT, G.A. Discussions. Sovadrav. 16 no.1:18-68 Ja 157. (HIM 10: 2) 1. Ninletr zclravookhronaniya RSM. (for Kurashov). 2. Ministr sdravo- okhrananiya YA2akhakoy SSR. (for Karyngayev). 3. Kinistr sdrevookhre- nentya Ukrainakoy SU (for Shipik). 4. Hinistr 2dravookhranoutya Holdavskay SSR (for Diskeleako). 5. Ministr sdravookhraneniya Grusin- koy SSU.(for Mosamtavrishvili). 6. Ninistr zdravookhrananiva ~Otviy- :oy SSR. (for Krause). 7. Minister zdravookhranenlya Kirgizakoy SSR : (for Danilov). 8. Kinistr sdravookhrananiya Uzbekskoy;SSR. (for Sagatov) 9. Ninistr zdravookhranenlya Litovskoy SSR. (for Penlkovokiy). 10. Hinistr zilravookhranentya Turkmenakoy SSR. (for lapesov). 11. Hinistr sdravookhrananiya Belorusakay SSR. (for Insarov). 12. Miniiitr sdravo- okhranentya Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR. (for Akhundov). 13. Hinistr zdravo- akhrananiya Arayanakoy &U. (for lhrimlyan). 14. Hinistr zdravookhra- neniya TadzUkakoy SSR. (for Akhmadov). 15. President Akademil medi- tolaskikh nauk SSSR. (for Bakulev). 16. Vitse-prezident Akademii medi- tainakikh nauk WSR. (for Nesterov). 17. Chlen Prazidiuma Akademii. meditainakikh nauk SSSR. (for Davydovskiy). 18. Predeadatell Uchenogo meclitainakogo soveta Kinisterstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR (for Grashchonkay) (Continued on next card) KURASHOT,. (continued) Card 2. 19. Sekretarl Borisovskogo gorodskogo komitats lommunistichaskay, partil Belorussii. (for Denisevich). 20. Z-amentitall predesdatelys Sovets Ministrov Beloruskoy SSR (for Ilimelev).' 21. Zomestitell predBadatelya Krasn6darakogo krayispolkoso (for Krivanko). 22. 2amestitall pre4sedatelya Uragandinskop,oblaspolkoma. (for Kinzha- sarova). 23. Zamestitell predeadatelys Gosplana SSSR. (for Takovlav) 24. Zove4uyushohiy otdolon votsiallnogo strakhovaniya TsesoMnogo Tgentrallnogo Soveta professionallnykh.soyuzov (for Kozlov) 25. Predsedatelg TSentrallnogo Komitata profsoyuss meditainakikh rabotni-, kov (for Pokrovskiy). 26. Predsedatell Ispolkoma Sovuza Obahchestv Krasnogo Kresta i Irsenogo Polumesiatea SSSR (for Miterev) (PUBLIG HnIJPH) VORSHCHEVSKIY, E.I.; KISEIZV K.V., ot7. red.; GOLUBTSOVA, P., red.; STEPANOVA, N --t ~e red (International,oneguragement of scientific research in the field of control-of cancerous diseases (proposal of the White Russia S.S.R. at the 14t h session of the UN General Aasembly); colleated*materiale and documents] Mezhdunarodnoe pooshchrenie nauchnykh issledovanii v oblasti bor 'by a rakovymi zabolevaniiami (predlozhenie Belorusskoi SSR na XIV sesaii Generallnoi Assamblei OON); sbornik materialov i dokumentov. Minsk,, Gos.izd-vo BSSR. Red. sotsiallno-ekon.lit-ry, 1962. 161 p* (MIRA 15:5) 1. United Nations. General Assembly. Social, humanitarian and cultural, comitteee 2. Minietr inostrannykh del Beloru~skoy SSR (for kiselev)...: (CANCER RESEARCH) WaR ~Ii KISFIKV, Kh.Z.,, tekhnik Deepening of an operaldng mine ahaft by local water level lowering. Shakht. stroi. 7 no.6.-26-27 A 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Kushvinakoye shakhtoprokhodchaskoys upravlaniye No.2 treat& Swardlovskish&Mtorudetroy. (Sverdlovsk Province-Mine drainage) m KISUM. L". _b, %ilding mortars. M.tekh. 3 no.g.*49-50 S '58. (Mortar) (MIding materials) Your V-O*;.~ place. lUn.tekh. 3 no-10:0-52 0 1513- (MIRA 11:11) (Woodwork (Manual training)), KISMXV, Lev Dmitriyevich; GOLIFIMID, I.L.. red.; LEMMEV, O.S., (Repair of houses) Remont domq. Kalinin, K-vo kulltury R&FSR. Gos.izd-vo *Detakii mir." 1959. 47 P. (KIRA 13:1) (Building-Repair and reconstruction) I KISEIEV, L.G.- Analysis of-1va-voltage transistor voltage regulators. Mhog0kan. ism. aiit.. V iad. fiz. no.5:17-3-186 .163. (MIRA l6zl2) __ __ -/I- /-. ~T_. 15-1957-7-9287 Translation from: Referativn zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 7, (USBR5y P 74 AUTHOR: Vodorezov, G. I., Kiselev, L. I. TITLE: The Geological Relations and Age of the Alkaline Rocks ifi'M4ofthary (0 gsol6giche3koy pozitail i vozraste shcholochnykh porod v Wgodzharakh) PERIODICAL: V ab.: Naterialy po geol. I poleznym iskopayemp Yuzhnogo Urals, Vol IA Moscow, Goagooltakhizdatp 1956# pp 28-37 ABSTRkCT: Alkaline r'ocks are closely associated with post-Lower- Carboniferous rose-colored granites which occur within the Magodzharakiy antiolinorium,, the Mugodzharskiy greenstone synclinorium, and the Irgizakiy synclinorium. The rose-colored granites form large intrusive bodies (the Kayraktinskiyp Borlinskiy-# Ak-Bulakekly and other plutons) characterized by constant mineral composition: orthoclase 40% adid plagioclase 15-20%, quartz 30-401.9, Card 1/3 and biotite 0-4%. In the endogene contact zones transi- 15-1957 7-9287 The Geological Relations.and Age of the Alkaline Rocks in Jfugodzhary (cont.) t1ofts of the granites occur, both Into granodiorites and monzon- Ites and Into leacocrAtic varieties. The rose-colored granites are cut by numerous dike rocks--granite porphyryp fine-grained granite, and aplite4 Small bodies of biotite diorite and syew. nite,, containing no dark alkaline minerals, are associated areally with the Borlinskiy vass. Alkaline syenites were.identi- fi6d in a number of places associated with the granites described Obve. They generally form small intrusions and dikes, charac- terized by a rather constant mineral composition; 80-90% of the rook consists of orthoclase and mierooline-porthite. In addi- tion albitep alkaline horblende, and occasional biolite and ti- tano-magnetite are present. Alkaline hornblende and biotite are less abundant in the dikes of the alkali syenite. Zircon is in- variably present in the syenite aplites, whioh approximate Un- dBite in composition. Dark minerals are almost completely ab- sent in the alkaline pegmatites. Nepheline syenites are fod1nd only as dikes associated.with the alkaline syenites. They ave Card 2/3 9 15-1957-7-9287 The Geological Relations and Age of the Alkaline Rocks in Mugodzhary (cont.) variable both In composition and in texture. Miaskite is the most abundant variety,,forming dikes from 3 to 60 m wide. These rocks contain potash-soda feldspar,, albitep nephelinep lepido- melanep aegerine-augitep fluorite, titanomagnetite, can6rinite,, s6dalite, calcite, zircon, apattte, and rutile. The variety mariupolite, which is rarely encountered forms lenses in the miaskite. In liabnerits syenites, the nepheline has been re- placed,by a fine-scaly aggregate of serieite (liebnerite). Al- bitite,' having a trachytoid texture, is closely associated with the liabnerits syenites Dikes of the alkaline rocks occur also in the Precambrian crys;alline schists, which are the host rocks of'the alkaline masses, The.close association of the alkaline rocks with'the rose-colored granites is grounds for considering them as belonging to the last phase of the Paleozoic intrusive cycle. The sequence of emplacement of the various alkaline rocks (for the Bo'rauk-Saya region) is alkaline syenitep syenite- aplite and pegmatiti dikes, liobnerite-ayenite dikes, nepheline- eyenite dikes, and nepholine-rich pegmatites. Cord 373 0. V. Bryzgalin A UTHOR Kisele SOV/5-33-1-16/25 TITLE-. The Traces of an Ancient Erosion System in Mugodzhary (Sledy drevnay erozio-nnoy seti v Mugodzharakh) PERIODICALt Byulleten' bloskovskogo :;bshchestva ispytateley prirody, Otdal geologioheskiy~1958oVol 33, Ur 1, PP 145-148 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In tile Upper-Pliocene and Lower Quaternary epochsq the water- flow fyom the eastern slopes of the Mugodzhary mountains was directed towards the Aral 'Sea. Large strata of lacustrine and fluvial deposits were formel at the foothills of the mountains. The author discovered ancient valleys of the ri- vers, which at present flow to the Irgiz river. These valleys were fillsd with argiles and, by the identification of re- mains of flora, +.he age of these deposits was fixed at the Pliocene-Quaternary epochs. These ancient valleys were formed at the beginning of the Pliocene epoch. As a re9ult, , of upheavals in the Lower Quaternary epoch, this river-not dried up. The new -7alleys were formed at a lator period. There is 1 map, 1 cross-section and 2 Soviet references. Card 1/1 JUSEUX,jt,~L; SEVRYIIGIN, N.A.; BESPALOV, V.F.; ABDRAKILMANOV, K.; M-OROZOV, M.D.; M.IKHAYLOV, A.P.; BEKZHANOV, G.O.; LYAPICHEV, G.F. Reaolutions of the Xazakhstan Petrographic Confermce, Izv,,AN 22 no.5.-9S-103 S-0 165. (MIRA 18M) MAZINA, Ye.A.; KISELEV L.I. Soutbern continuation of the main iron-ore zone of the Turgay, trough. Trudy,VSEGEI 102:101~-114 164. (14IRA A:2) '-67--- EW1(d)4FSS-2 0 souRcE coDE: uR/o1o6/66/ooo/oq3/bo2 AP6025693 9/0034 AUTHOR: Kiselev, L. K.~ Meahkov, A. A. ORG: None TITLE: A method for improving noiseproofing of data transmission channels when pulse noises and discontinuities are present in the tract SOURCE: Elektroavyazl, no. 5., 19669 29-34 TOPIC TAGS: radio noise, data processing, data processing equipment, data tran-s- mission, circuit delay line, telephone network ABSTRACT: A method which can be used to combat transitory discontinuities and pulse noises in long distance telephone channels used for data transmission is reviewede The method involves the preseleotion of the frequency characteristic for group time delay in the transmission channel and subsequent restoration at the receiver. Cal- culations and experimental data for verifying the effectiveness of the nothod are cited and the manner in which the method can be technically accomplished its des- cribed. The author expresses his appreciation to K. A. SWvin and B. D. Kozhevnikova. for their help in making the calculations and in tuning the cy dependent delay line., Orig. art. has: 2 formulas and 7 figures. LcIrd SUB CODE: 17/SUBM DATE: 15Dec65/0RIG FdW: O02/0TH MW: 001 1A UDC: KISELEV., L.L. (Moskva) Chemical structure, macromolecular conriguration and biological functions of "soluble" ribonticleic acids. Usp. aovr. biol. 58 no. 2s177-200 S-.-O 164. (VIRA 17:12) R III. 170) SOY120- 126-3-54/56 AUTHORS: Severing So Ye. Corresponding Member AS USSRt Skulachev, Ve Fog Kiselev, Lo Lo TITLE: Regulation of Phosphorylating and Nonphosphorylating Oxidation by Hexokinase PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 128, Nr 3, pp 62a-631 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Two types of biological oxidation reactions as mentionedin-the title are distinguished (Refs 1-4)- This phenomenon generally called phenomenon of two oxidation ways in the respiratory., chain - enforces the revision of several experimentst, particularly the application of hexokinase and glucose a system acaepting the powerful phosphate ( ^,OP ) whichlis formed,'. in phosphorylating oxidation. The present paper investigates the affect of hexokinase and glucose on the interrelation of the two oxidation ways mentioned in the title* The paper is divided into 2 sectionaz (1) C h a n g e - o v e r t o p h os p h o rj, 1 a t i.n g o x. i d a t i o n . The oxidation Card 113 and phosphorylation of mitochondria in the liver of'pigeon were Regulation of rhosphorylating and Nonphosphorylating BOV/20-128-3-54/58 Oxidation by Hexokinase measured according to the method of reference 5. The dependence.' of oxidatibn and phosphorylation on the quantity, of hexok.inase* in the reaction mixture is shown in figure 1.. Hence it appears that hexokinase stimulates both processes. This respiratory stimulation (f irst proved by V. A. Engel I gardt and V. A. Belitser) disappears completely if the phosphorus and the adeny1system are excluded from the incubation mixture. Figure 2_shows the, dynamics of 6P and 40 at the change in the hexokinase quantity from 0 to 0.2 unitel i*e# the initiation of phosphorylating oxidation as a complement to the nonphosphorylating one. (2) C h a n g e - o v a r t o n o n p h o s p h o r y 1 a t i n g o x i d a t i o n . The results compiled in table I show that a preincubation with hexokinase and glucose without oxidation substratum makes possible the determination of the ability of a hexokiixae excess of initiating nonphosphorylabing oxidation. !able 2 shows, the interrelation of phosphorylating and nouphosphorylazing oxidation in dependence on the activity of the system accopting, ----P. The results obtained lead to the conclusion that ths- Card 2/3 acceptor system hexokinase-Gluca5c cannot be regarded as e Regulation of Phosphorylating and Nonphosphoryla-bing SOV/20-128-3-54/58 Oxidation by Hexokinase 11passive trap*of macroergall (powerful compounds). On the other hand, it is a regulator for the ratio of the two oxidation types menti:oned. According to the concentration, it exerts.21 opposite kinds of effect on the coupling degrao of oxidation and phosphorylation. The "switching" capacity of hexokirW.S9P appearing under certain conditiobe, might play a part in bhe regulation of glyoolysis and oxidative phosphorylation by Ijbi's ferment in vivo taccording to Vo So IV in and co-workerp Refs 9p 10 . There are 3 figures, 2 tableaq and 10 refere-noest 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni X. V, Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: June 23, 1959 Card 3/3 GKULAGHNV, V.P.;'KIISAV, LA, Phosphorylating atd nonphosphorylating pathways of oxidation: multiple change-over, 3iokhimiia 25 no-1:90-95 Ta-F 16o. (min 13:6) 1. Chair of Anizal Biochemistry, the State University, Moscow. (LIVIR metab.) (AI)SMYLPMOPHOSPHATI metab.) (TISSUR MITABOLISM) SKULACHEVP V.P.J- X13F=9- L.L. - Variability of the P/O ratio in oxidative processes. BiokhImiia 25 no. 3:452-458.My~-Je 160. (KMA 14:4) 1. Chair of Anirriftl Biochemistryl State Universityp Moscow. (OXIDATIONt PHYSIOLOGICAL) (PHOSPHORYLATION) SIVIRIN, S.yo.; SKULACIMT, v..F.; KISIM, L.L.; XASIDV, S.P- Phospraorylating and nonphosphorylating oxidation in growing mseles. Dokl. AN SSSR 134 no.6:1468-i471 .0 s6o. (MIRA 13:10)' 1. Moskavoldy gosudaretvpnny7 univervitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. Chlen- korrespondent,AN SSSR (for Severin). (OXI.DATION, PHYSIOLOGICAL) (PHDSPHORYLLISON) (MUSCLE) 37hLgIl S/190/62/004/005/021/026 BI 1 olfbiol AUTHORS: Kiselev, L. L., Rebinder, Ye. P., Prolo*va, L. Yu. TITLE: Physicochemical investigation of low-molecular ribonucleic acids in solution PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 4, no- 5, 1962p 755-761 TEXT: A study was made of: (1) the factors determining the molecular shape of 3-ribonucleic acid (S-RNA) in solution; (2) the degree of ,ordering of the various S-RNA conformations in solution; (3) the nature of conformation transitions. Resultas The intrinsic viscosity depends on the ionic strength, reaches a maximum at 0.2~ in waterf and decreases with increasing ionic strength. The maximum vanishes if ions -3 2 10 to 10 are added, and.the curve for the concentration depend- ence becomes an inclined straight line. With further addition of ions 0.1-1.0), the straight line becomes' parallel to the abscissa, and depends neither on the concentration nor on the ionia strength. This Card 1/4 Physicochemical investigation of ... S/190/62/004/005/021/026 B110/B101 indicates that, with increasing ionic strength, stretched molecules adopt a globular shape and intramolecular hydrogen bonds form. This process manifests itself in a decrease in optical density with increasing ionic strength. Addition of 0.1 mole of an FaCl solution and of 0.015 moles, of a citrate solution (pH - 7) lowers.the optical density from 2.42 in pure a 0 to'2.09. Thus, the addition of an electrolyte not only raises the' 2 molecular density but also leads to the formation of hydrogen bonds. The optical rotation was measured to-ascertain whether or pt these bonds are. ordered. The addition of an electrolyte (10-2 and 10--1 /L) considerably reduces the effective hydrodynamic volume, and increases the number of helical structures in the molecules. The affinity of the NH and CO groups is substantially diminished by the addition of protons, and their hydrogen bonds are broken. In this way, it is possible to pursue the correlation between the degree of ordering of the molecules (optical rotation) and their content of hydrogen bonds (hypochromic effect). The hydrogen.bonds were gradually broken in the pH range of - 4.5 and ^,3.0, according to the ionization of the Individual nucleotides. The change in pH gradually diminishes the optical rotation to the value obtained for the constituents Card 2/4 8/190/62/004/005/021/026 Physicochemical investigation of B110/B101 (PH - of the nucleotides 2.7; lo'j479 100)' Investigation of the pH dependence of the optical density has shown that at 250C no change takes place up to PH = 5 and that, owing to the reduced heat resistance of the hydrogen bonds, further acidification shifts the curves to lower tempera- tures. When the ooncentration is increased from 0.2 to 0.7%, the molecules start interacting; the dissociation of the polar groups is suppressed, t < 0.2%, intramolecular interaction and the molecules form globules. A decreases, and the S-RNA molecules form statistical coils. Addition of a low-molecular electrolyte and screening of the phosphate groups suppress the electrostatic repulsion and lead to the formation of hydrogen bonds. It is concluded that coiled conformation exists at 2500, 0.1, a small distance between the links of the polynucleotide chain, low intrinsic, viscosity, and at a definite degree of ordering of the secondary structure (helical structures). In the case of deionization, loose conformation without intramolecular hydrogen bonds and ordered regions exists at 10 NA in solution is and PH 3. Thus, the molooular structure of S-R determined by the intramolecular forces of attraction and compression, as well as by the electrostatic forces of repulsion and stretching of the Card 3/4 ME 5/190/62/004/005/021/026 Physicochemical investigation of ... B110/B101 polynuclootide chain. There are 5 figures and 2 tables. LSSOCIkTIONt Institut radiatsionnoy i fiziko-khimicheakoy biologii AN SSSR (Institute of Radiation and Physioochemical Biology AS USSR) SUBMITTED; August 8, 1961 Card 4/4 3 7Ut' S/190 62/004/005/020/026 B11O/B1O1 AUTHORS: Kiselev,_j~. 4., Frolova, L. Yu., Rebinderg Ye. P. TITLE; Some data on the secondary structure of low-molecular ribonucleic acids in solution PERIODICAL: -w7ysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya,.v. 4p no-,.5, 1962, 749-754 TEXT; A secondary structure was revealed in molecules of ribosome-free S-ribonucleic acid (S-RNA) with MW - 104 of yeast and rat liver. As the- polynucleotide chains of S-RIWA are polyanions, intramolecular hydrogen bonds (-'NH2'-..O=C