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47304-65 ACCESSIMI NRr AT5007921 DI with a packing discharger of 100 kilovolts, and work stopped on the variant with avorago rl~ngs. Or!lgfnally It was proposed to set up two devices: VEP Nov energy, and VEP-2 of 2 x 500 Nov energy. The VEP-1 was considered ;Is Omf a2clt!s'lo model of an accelerator and as,a device for conducting initial experiments at low 'energies.' After the Panofsky report In 1950 on his 'work with colliding electron eams conducted in his laboratory at Stanfoo, construction coasod on 500:44ev storage paths and work was continued on the 2 x 130-Mov installation. Instead of, mork on colliding electron beams with ene.rgies of 500 Nov, work at the-and of 1958 'was conducted with colliding positro -electron beamq and the planning of the-VEPP-2. !device was begun, whose main elements are a strong-current electron accelerator-and, 1. high-va.uum storage* path of 700 Nev energy. At the present time the VEP-1 and jVEPP-2 am Installed in Novosibirsk. The VEP-1 is in a state of neglect, but alt the end of 19611- experiments will be begun with it. Installation of the VEPP-2 has ibeen completed. -To obtain a marked effect from the application of colliding proton. ibeams, an accelerator, is ndeded with an energy of at least 10 Gov. Since 'the ordi-~.; ary accolerato es in a very bulky machine, it was decided to' n r at such onergi !bine the idea of 'cc;314d1ng jroton beams with the creation of an iron-lese lm~uUe-,_ accelerator with very laige,fields and a neutralized central busbar.. This Utter ;work of creating such aimabins was reported by the authors at a Mos6ow: conferesson Card 3/5 73 ACCESSION HR: AT5007921 ;J hold In 1956. The presence of a field with two directions in an IrlDn-ioss accelQrMr- tor with central busbar permits the acceleration of protons toward opposite cides in one machine, which makes possible the collision of protons in Fase ofa suitable race-track. At the present time the Institute is developing a proton device with a magnetic field of about 200 kilogauss and radius of 2 meters for a particle ene,rgy, f 12 Ge 0 con-- v in the beam (equivalent energy Is around 30OGev). Tests are being ducted on models, and an effective method of injection by overcharging of iegative ions is under study. Also under development am an impulse electric. power. supply system of 100 million joules capacity and an hf power supply. Since 1958 the Institutebas been conducti ng theoretical investigations on the 11mita of applicabi lity of quantum electrodynamice. CV. H. Bayyer, ZhETF, 37, 1490 (1959) 0 and UEN, 78, 619 (1962)3 for the calculation of the radiational corrections to the electrodyna soatl' s U. H. Dayyer and S. A. Kheyfets, ZhETF 40, 613-715 (1961) and mic.cross on Nuclear Physics (in print)], and on other problems of high-energy particle physics.. that are, connected with the preparation of experiments 'on co-ding bpaw lv~ W. Dayyor, 1. B., Kbriplovich, V. N. Sokolov, and V. S. Synakh, in Zhtr. 1961L The preeent report takes. up under the mentioned three main headings the falliwiag peritl-~ si. elslitrop-optical C610611; nent topics t tha-accaler4tor-injection, storage path twd 4/6 KISELEV A.V.1 YASHIN, Ya.l. Effect of the structure of silica gels on the gas-chromatographia separation~of.bydioqarbone. Neftekhimia 4 no-31494-500 My-je 164. (MIRA IR: 2) 1, Khilmicheskiy fakulltat Moskovskogo gosudarstvannogo universJtets. im. Lomonosova i Opytno.-konstruktorskoye byuro avtomatiki. 3 ~7 65t`_,_ PC 7 UP 0 AW4/06~4/ 21MI Grw_-~ ~toi~aphio determination of tho absolute values of the i-etainablo volumes and heats of adsoMtion of hydrocarbons on aiii i~l of various structuros SQUIXR: Neftekhimi, ya, v. 4, no. 1964, 634-640 TOPIC TAC-S: gas chromatography, hydrocarbon, silica, temperature, physical chsomiztry Abstract-. The influence-of 'the geometrical structure of silica gels on the differential heats of adaorption and absolute values of the retai.nable volures Qf certain Gt.7j;jn_ hydpaza*rbons, (methane,jethane, ethyleneq propane, 11propyLene, butafteltl,pet'ita-ne' ftexane-, hepta-reoctal ne,,) nona ne cane) was investigated. -17he heats of ad9orption of the CI-Clo hf(lrocarbons on --au geLa of Vatlous por, il L osities were obtainet- at.Na erawrgsi-Xn~-, rt---~ ner--eii- d ea A IkAi~iie or. 0'-= CK-_, 4"t .(I um, er-6 ~c 17 All~ acreas, -n&--n __pored 's U ica gela. When t A or expanded-,,' limi e pomits were a- linear dependence oE the differentLal 1:hesta oE adsorption on the number of carbon atoms in the molecule waa astab- lished. The difference in the heats of adsorption of oaturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons with the same number of carbon atoms, characterizing the influ- Card 1/2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :,ence of "he specific interactions of tbe- pL-electron bons with the hydroryl grc~spv of Chi! ail L& get surf ake', was found to be prattically Lndependent of itit geometrical structure. The absolute (related Lo un!L surface) values ~,Cr L-! vetsinable volunes were'obtained for normal hydrocarbons. "The author's t-tislak -fu. S. Nikitin for his a_Uotment of wide-pore silica gels, and A. V. Dl-fakhlova an~ !e. ]~e_~vi_taki;f for their partjcipatlon la the oxperim ental work. Orig. a.:. t , hai5 4 'jiip-la -in-& 2 tables. Corti EI;T JVT RIM ACC&I33-ION MR: AP5023218 UR/0190/64/CO6/011/1.962/190h JI AJJ TMEt Kiseley-2_ A. V.; EltekDvj_yuo A. 'Ell takovp Yu. A.) "7 'TTTLEt Naaromolecular eieves for awauating the conformation of macrowleculas Vyeokozolekalararwa~~:o'aye~dinaniyap v* 6. no. 11, 1964� 1,962-1~~ TOPIC TAGSt macrom..')1e4=1a, vole=UL- sieve., adzorption, silicas silica.- gel., za 31t- 4 Sorptlaft behiv 6r- a i1orane MTRACTi E'attut solutions of! polydimethyls (L-alecular weight approximately 350,000) in n-hexane was studied on uniformly Porotis adsorbentalitth different pore dimensions (macromolecuar sievea): Llica ~- aerosil, wide-pored silica gel S-41, a ws3he~' irdjn~rial silica gel ShSK, granulated aluminum oxde. and ~,C-Ietell zeoie 13X, narrow-pored zeolite 13X and the sli.ghtly wider pored aluminum oxide vevy little polydimethyls'.1oxane and only on the outer surface of the 11a:-_~,-:es; the wide-pored silica gels exhibited great adsorption, in spite of lower specifte surfaces; adsorption of polydimethylaLloxane on the silica gels and nonporous serosil was proportional to the value of t~.e surface, and the valuej Der unit surface of the adsorbent practically coincided, The diameter Card ;L/2 L 64543-65 ACCESSIOM UR: AP5023218 of the polydimethy'lsiloxane molecules calculated from t~a adsorption data ~'comprised approximately 100 A, coinciding with the value of 105 to 440 A, calculated on the basis of the Flory-Fox theory and geometrical concepts. The auzhor8 propose thaL in dilute n-hexane solutions, the 11neer macromolecules ~:-,-h 10,00-0 A) interact weakly with the !3ollvert mt lec-.~Ies and are rather Aenqe balla, the diameter of conyr~ a pOXLMnLeIy A, Lz-iey inote that In the fLeld of the adsorbent, tne po*,yuimetnyIsLioxsne macrmolecules might assume other conformations (ellipsoid), in view of which. the dimensions determined by the adsorption method may be too low. ~.irig. axt. has: 6 fornnlas,, 1 table. ASSOCIATTON: Institu~ fisicheakoy khimii 94 SSSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry AN SSS~RA amrrTED- o6jan64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: OC, W I MR REF BOVt 002 GTHMt 002 JPRS ISIRIKYAN, A.A.~ USHAKOVA, Ye.V. Chemical modirication. of the rutile pigment surface by hexanol and dimethyldichlorosilane. Koll.zhur. 26 no-l'-45-50 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Moskovskiy universit6t, khimicheskiy fakulltet. %a i~ AP%O= TT ma X, VIA to wo - a OVI& bo: 09 in tbair &=27"S0 help in mdifylng j4 roxcu2m @ad I gJAPM4 wm~tdws3d tow, M6 Tdr ZOMODOOTA; AWOC=Cffs absoWry. yaetdty (MOOG" my OjAd63 000 onum oil otm WIN ACCESSIM NR: AP403TI77 CHs CIIISICHCHCO~ - 'CSl C:FfICH--CHt: 0,SICHI xmc~a- a~ICHCI CHS IThe laboratory procedure is described. The extent of substitution of surface 1hydroxyl groups by organic radicals was found at less than 50% (C determination by.i ~Iwet combustion)* The material obtained was pressed into tablets for*iafrared. inspection. The spectra were obtained and it was concluded that ranini free surface hydroxyl groupw participated in the modification reactionj the functional !I ester and chlorine-contalnin groups surface radicals axe hydrogen-bonded to the 1 imemaining surface hydroxyls;.and the most heat-iosistant radicals were those vith ~i'ester and chlorine-containing groups., allyl was less heat resistant. At the law exper;Jmental density of the modifying layerp the remaining hydroxyl groups determ imined essentially the adsorptive properties of the modIfIed aeroallso Treatment. vith deuterium and metbylation of. the latter's surface revealed avaLlability Of pazn of the surface hydrovIs for n-11 molecules and another part for large mole culesp such as dietJWI other* For gw chromatograAW denAer. layers should be ic 3 ... ..... ACCESSION NR:' AP4043126. .'s/o,09/64/026/0~4/9~~ AUTHORS: Kiselev, A, V El, I t'e'o Boga'heva, Yee, Ke u c TITLE:- Effect of the'nature of the filler--surface on:the. adsorpti6n:"_.1 of polymers. Adsorption of polyneopentylphthalate~. SOURCE: Kolloidny*y zh"4ftal, v.~26, no.- 4V 1964~ 458~-464, '.TOPIC TAGS: adsorpt.iorii- polymer ads~orption'.filler surface property:' adsorption kinetics, adsorption equilibrium, adsorption mechafiism'i,.,-1 hydrox'lated silica gel porous silica~gell nonporous..silica gel y dehydroxylated.silic~ gell,triniethylsila'ted silica gel,' alumina ABSTRACT: The kinetic's-and*equilibrium-6t adsorption of *polyneo Pentylphthalate (PNPP ,- M - 2000) .fromn-heptane solutions at ~20C on adsorbents having diff erent - chemic'al nbLture and _' orosities were.-. P. determined: on finely porous silica gel ShSM r ''d (mean pore diamete 404), very,wide porous~ silica gel, S 41'(d ~' 750A, sp.. surfaci 'are& S * 41 m2/Vn) I nonporo'us-,-Ailica gel (s.- 170.m2/gm) with hydroxT-. latedp partially dehydroiylAted.afid 700A trimethylsilated surface,', 7.1. a - 250 m, 2/ I porous alumina,(d --! 8QA9-_ rutile (s M gm), and,~.--,-.- [oxidized and graphitized:parbon blacks'.~, Vi~3cosity measurements, 0 f ACCESSION NR: AP4043129 the solutions showed the low molecular weight PNPP'molecules were mainly adsorbed in the beginning.and these were then gradually displaced by larger macromolecules. The finely porous silica geld. and the rutile practically did.not adsorb the polymer..' Adsorption -the ae' sils, rutile equilibrium was attained within 2 days with ro and wide porous silica gel-,.but alumina and finely porous silica gel required;several days. -Comparison of-the'adsorption of PNPP per unit surface area of adsorbent showed very close values for the hydroxylated surface of wide porous silica gel and adrosil$ and 1 considerable divergence from those values by mod.4iied silica surface rutile and carbon blacks. Comparison-of the adsorption of PNPP and polyneopentyl3u.ccinide (PNPSj Ml- 4400) on glassi 'aerosil and". wide porous'silica gel also indicates the similarity of the ac;sorp.;-' tion mechanism and the closeness- of the' properties of th.e adsorbents.1 The solvent significantly, affected the adsorption of the polyesters The total weight of.PNPP, PNPS.or of polydimethylsiloxane ?DMS iadsorbed per unit-surface of silica is close and the relative amoun t of PNPP and PDMS adsorbed is approximaVelf"prourtional to the rela- tive diameter of the maoromolocules--16A cir P PP and _7A for PDMS. Card __2/3 ' ,AP CESSION NR 0 12 : AC 4 43 V d - rThwauth6rs thank ltu N eA*. ikitihA, for ~Aupplying . and S. V. -Yakubovi h for: -sup c plyiiig plyriqooerkty~phthalateew 'd rt has: a 6 figures an 2 ~ ta les . . 'ASSIIGIATIOII':"Ingtitut~'fltidh6,,k o~~-khl:mli--*AN SSSR;Moskva (Inetitute,pf P*sIcil- Chewist~ -AN SSSR) SUBMITTEDt Munb3~` ENZIN ;'_' SUB:'CODE#o,.Go "At REIP, SOIV.:~`OU'~ aMR: -00 _ :Y 'j, 1~ i7 " J Z 6wd 3/3 AFSHINSkAYA, N.V.; DAVYDOV, V,Ya.; ZHURAVIEV, L.T.; KERTOYZ, Dzheffri 10 [Curthoys, Geoffrey],- KISELEV. A.V.; KUZRETSOV, B.V.; NIKITIN, Yu.S.; RYBINA, V.V.' Effedt of hydrothermal treatment in an autoclave on the structure and adoorptive,properties of silica gel. Koll. zhur. 26 no-5: 529-537 S-0 164. (KTRA 17: 10) 1. Moskovskiy universitet, khimichaskiy fakulltet i Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR. MISELEV A V - Y021PV, G.A.,, MG.M.1 V.I. Eloctron pa,.~tupapiotic resonance spectra of graphitized carbon blacko. Koil. zlivir. 26 no.5t651-653 8-0 164. (MIRA 17-10) 1. Moukavskiy universitet imeni Lomomsova,, khirrlicheskiy faku:ltet. BEZUS, A.G.; DREVING, V.P.; KISE A.V Energy of adsorption od ethane and ethylene on surfaces of varying nature. Part 1. Zhur. fiz. khim. 38 no.1:59-67 Ja'64. (MIRA 17:2) q 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, khimicheskiy fakulltet. -; MS. gp, MOM AKSH1NSKAYA, N.V.; KISELEV, A.V.; NIKITIN, YU.S, Geometric modification of the skeleton of xerogels. Part 3. Zhur. fiz. Mime 38 no.23488490 F 164. (141P-A 17: 8) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat imeni Lomonrsova, khimicheskiy fakulltat. BIIBI, R.A.; KIS&EVp A.V., KOVALEVA, N.V.; TiZoN, R.F.S.; KHOIYtS, Dzh.M. Adsorption and state of C02,,SF6, and IIH3 on a graphitt9d carbon surface. Zhur. fiz. khim. 38 no.j:708-718 Mr '64. 1. Khimicheskoye otdeleniye Amk-hertskogo kolledzha, SSU, i Gruppa khimii poverkhnosti InstitiitaJizLches.Xoy WWU AN SSSR. BEzust A*O.; VVING# VOP.; KISE1zV'_A.V. (Moscow) ~N. i0kerfergy of ethane and ethylene on ourfaces of T nature.--Par~ 2. Zhur. fiz. khim. 38 no.'4s947- 964e, (MIRA 176) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet kisepi M.V. Losonosova, Khimicheskiy fakulltet, 14 M N.- M ~ rm MR. RIM ACCESSION 14R; AP 034593 S/0076/64/038/004/1044/lo47 AunfoAi Abiam6v., V. N.; Kiselev, A. V.; Ly*gin, V. I. TITLE:,~ Infrared study of the adsorption of phenol, apiline and nitrobeinzene on Acrosil and zeolite. .SOURCE-: Zhurndl fizicheskoy khimiij, V- 38, noo' 4, 1964,, lo44-1o47 TOPIC TAGS:-.Jfifrared spectroscopy, adsorption' phenol, aniline, nitrobenzenep ~:Aerosil, zeolite, molecular spectra ABSTRACT: In this work a study was made of the change of the infrared ape Ictrum of the;hydro>W1 groups on the stirface of Aeros .il, durinG the r-Isorption of phenol) aniline and nitrobenzene, as well as the IR.spectra of these molecules themselves upon t.1je adsorption on Aerouil-and zeolite., 'Tis. I Ghows the spectrun 6f Aeroaill) evacuated at 400 C and the spectra after adsorption of phenol, aniline ~Lna nitro- benzene under saturated vapor pressure.of these compounds at 25 C. N6'to the overlal? of abs6r 0 e ass ,ption.bands f th ~ ociated,.surface and intraglobular,hydroxyl group q'of Aerosil 'and phenol it is difficult to establish accurately the magnitude ishift otthe groups of Aero of them, oil with respect to the absorption band of free Card AA.. ACCESSION NR: AP11034593 hydroxy~l groups!perturbed by adsorption of phenol hydroxyl. The magnitude of -eAhan 350 cm-1. During ad .sorption ishift during adsorption of phenol is not mor of aniline theband lies aroung 3200 cm-1 andAhe shift is - 550 cm-'- turing' adsorption of nitrobenzene the band 'of perturbed free hydroxyl groups on the i~sutfacq of Aero i1 is completely masked, Therefore, one can only say that the Lshift ~s much less during adsof,?tion of nitrobenzene than during adsorption of ;'Pheno4pnd aniline ( r-150 cm The:changes:of IR spectra of the adsorbed molecules themselves are also shown in Fig. l.' The greatest changes are~observed !:in the,yibratiokial frequency of OR in the phefi8l and NH in the aniline. ~In the case of nitrobei~'zene no significant ch.~nses arle' observed. Changes of molecular spectra during the adsorption on zeolite are gieater-than during the adsorption on Aerosil. Orig.,iart. has: 1 table an& 2 figures.. ASSOCLATION: Mdskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univiirsitet im. Mj V. Lomonosovap Khimiche'skiy fa~ulltat (Moscow State universit;~ im. M. V. Lomonosovi Chemistry DepartzIi~nt) SuRaTTED; 05NOv63 ENGL: 01 Card 24/4 KISEIEV A,V.; POSHRUS, D.P. [Pcskus, D.F.'; AM-MMMICHT. ,,!.Y.-- La statistical calculation of the thermodynamic propertles Molecu' r of inerb gases adsorbed on graphite. Zbur, fiz, Wm. 38 no.6: 1514-1522 Je '64i.~ (R2M 18:3) 1. Institut fizich~skoy khimii AN S-SSR j. histitut ldiimil -I Zhimi- Cheskoy tekhnololali AkademU nauk UtLwskoy SSR. DZHIGIT, MIKOS, K.N.; MTTIK, G.G. Heat of adsorption of water vapors on zeolite of the Na-faujasite type. Zhur. fiz. khim,- 38 no.7:1791-1796 il 164. (MRA 18:3) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova, Idiimi- cheskiy fakulltet. 4~ L ~~_6~ KwT(K)/VF(c)/&W(j)/T p0_4/?r-4 B3D/98D/AM/AKC(b)/KSD(gq)/ ACCESSION NR: AP4044446 S/0079/9410391008/204712054 /AUTHOR: Dm*dov, V. Ya.: ZhurRvlev, L. T. Kiselev, A. V. at TITLE, id.14 f a of surface hydrox~Vgroup's 0 aemall and their reactionts with ahlorbilane3 tj 647 40 7 4L W& 1; W #YRF -Va 0 ~ W__ 9 OR M PLl QFT,~~. _4u _ft- ABSTRAM, -F*rVw-_zqt4d-,.L f-tha, ii of the hydro3WIs: on- ihii~ -a u-ifice of y propert es rare 4pecix-- Inethad.1"LlLuge rmfntition d eL:Mean concwnfm,~- trcucopic- j!j~ fitive clete, tj0,j OV6 OH Inups Ott lia ,..SudoLce of si!Lca the deuterim axch=p method with v -in AM 1 ca. no - ~Y_l --spad r rb e rx a LiF prisno in the AGqO,-~ 2206.=27 -region. Aerosil wag pressed into pellets c_,dI 3 141. 1 IN W KISEIEV, A.V.,- KOVALEVA, N.V.; MOPINA, V.V. Adsorption of cyclohexane, benzene, toluene, and napinthalene -from n-beptane solutions on oxidized carbon blacks and carbons treated at high temperatures. Zhurifiz.'-khim. 38 no.8:2095-2098 Ag 164. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Institat fizicheskoy kbirnli AN SSSR. V. (Moscow) ARISTOV, B.G.; KJTS~L~7,, Efftct of the dehydroxylation of silica surfaae on the heats of adbor~-: tion of nitrogen and argon vapors. Zhur.fiz.L~Ir. 38 no.-S-1984-198c)' Ag 164. (MIHA 18 ;.1) 1hatitut fizicheskoy khimli VI SSSR 1 Khimicheskiy fakulftet M:~skovakogo gosudarstvennogo uni-versueta. imen-L M.V.Lomonosova. AVGULI, 11,;,; KISELEV, A,V.j- LYGINA, I.A. (Moseo,t"'! Standaxd tharm-odynamiz. character is-ticz, ef i.:,-3orptlon -.-,i a homogeneous surface and the activity coefficiarits of adsorbaLe in the adsorption layer. Zhur.fiz.ldi" '-38 no.8:2055-2058 Ag 164. (14M !8:1) 'St"U'It, fizicheskoy khimil AN SS-SR. (Moscow); K(r/,LOII, A.A. (Moscow) BEREZIL S 14 G, I. (Moscow); KI !~ , Calorimeter for measuriang heat capacities of disperse bodies and adsorption systems from 120 to ';OOIK. Zhur.fiz.kbjm. Ilb nQ-.8-,2I06- 2110 Ag 164. (MIRA 18:1) I. Institut fizicheskoy khmit AN SSSR. KISELEV. A.V.I-NIKITIN, Yu.S.; SAVINOVA, N.K.; SAVINIOV, I.M.; YASHIN, Ya.I. Use of macroporcus silica gels for gas chromatographic analysis at high temperatures. Zhur. fiz. khim. 38 no.9t2328-2330 S 164. (MIRA M12) 1. Moskovskiy gosudaratvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosovap khimicheskiy fakulltata. KISKLEV, A.V.; LYGIN, V.I.; TITOVA, T.I. Specific adsorption of ammonia on silica and zoolite studied by infrared spectroscog. Zhur.fiz.khim. 38 no.11t2730-21733 11 164. (MIRA 18:2) lo Moskovskiy gosudaretvannyy universitet imeni Lomonosova., khimicheskiy fakulltlat, ACCESSION NR., AP5002570 4 AUTROR klibli~~ A. 0. A." W., --1w.~";.- hydro4lated-sUict~ourfade~s~,~.- at --FA 6 void *ith'q~WtidiV ave me e es 1/3. card L 2A -65. 96 -- -- -- -- - ---- ---- I. 238~6--651- ACCE=ON NR-. APNOM70.-, khimii AN OM (P -0 %for MG ) V.P.;-KISEIIEV, A.1% (MOSCOW) Isotherms and heats of adsorption of riethare on graphitized carbon black. Zhur. fiz. khim. 38 no.12:2924-2930 D 164. (MIRA- 18:2) 1. Kbimilcheskiy fakulltet Moskovskogo gosudarsLvennogo uni- versiteta imeni M.V. Lomonosova. BELYAKOVA, L.D.; KISELEV, A.V.; KOVALEVA, N.V. Gas chromatographic determination of hydrogen bonding energy in adsorption layers. Dokl. AN SSSR 157 no.3:646-649 J1 164. (MIRA 170) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikon A.N. Frumkinym. lite, benzene 'fractiong 0-0. 1) -by J f; anes ~-and- '.Taoul~ex at thiophefie mo!~:~ f-' _dti Aisplaces-u- e "frofii,_ 11 pt#46~ Iloted.thall desulfurizakion of liquid 40. t'-' Udde'11.1 ~X-_zcolit6:: Rtf~res i - ICL ~~wr:Lgures. ------- 77 Ali' Ss SR miff- m MITTED: SUB, Me No p-vp gov: 007 tM CODE TD PRESS; 3197 !R7 Card ACCESSION NR: AP500608.+ 5/0204/65i005/0011014110148 AUTHOR: Kiselev, A. V.Z Chirnenkova, Yu. L.; Yashin, Yn. 1. ,-ME: Use of granulated zeoRtes tnolecular sieves) for the gas chromatograilc! sep.ration of gases an4 hydrocarbons t SGURCE: Neftekhimiva,~'V..-.5,!-qp~j, .1965" 141448 TiDPIC TAGS: gas chromatography, granulated realite, molecular sieve, hydrocarbon!.! 9~!Daration, helium purffication, air fra--tionation ~r t" B 1-7 z RA Cr-r :Experimental results are pres-2nted for the eFffc;enc-,, of granulated or Pelieted zeolites "A, 10kh and l3kh in tic gas chromatographic Zeparation of hel. nitrogen, orygen and Cl-C3 and higher aliphatic hydrocarbo-~q, and for the of carrier velocityj tenipera~ure and grairi sizz- ~r-. st-;ir zeolites ~rrjm the Gor'kovskaya opyr-naya baza Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo in- L stituta po pererabotka uefti (Gor'ki experiment station (if the All-uni.or petrol- processing scientific research institute) an6 Linde ;,eollltes were deh,--"Irated aC 450-600C h~f~~r~C~elr -vaillatlo- -I- -ollifirl The nPight '4"';qlent theoretical plates for the separat-inn i~ o:r-.,zPr- nitrogen anr~ 'ne E.nar.e was shown to decrease with grain sLze aid optLma, value5 were measured at L 331M-~65-`--~ ACCESSION NR: AP5006084' lineat carrier gas velocities of 2.5-7 cw/sec. Temperature did not significart1l. affect the separatiort of-hydrocarbans- Type 13kh zeoliLa is rec-eaded for of C1_C3 hydrocarbons at MC bqt it doeg not give well-defined peaks hydrocarbons. The temp,-ratiirp -.Ii~rogen-~ydro- caraion. aeparattona and Lhe various eltac:a oi zc,~iiLc wjifii C i- .. _4 of C2 3 hydrocarbon pa! rs ciadi-ilie Utd'aehieve satisfactory separation, of auchll;-, "Me aut'hors thank B. A. Upkind for supplying the studied zeolites end L-V. Y~_ I nkhLova for her az~istanc~e im the expertmental atudies." Orig. art. has: 3 tables,. 5 figurep and 2 formulas. ;7: "so a a OU 6dw em m1ttee) ENUL- 00 SUR 00DEt GGw, UP NO REF SM- 010 030 Card 2/Z EV XMIZVO LYGINAj I*A. Potential energY of NOt Aro Xr, Xe, and GH4 orystal lattloaso lave AN SUR, Ser. khim. no.7d.1434.151 165s (MIRA 18M 1, Institut ftsiaheskoy khiaii AN SSSR. ARISTOV, B.G.; KISELEV, A.V. Absolute values of nitrogen and argon vapor a0sorption on hydroiylated and dehydroxylated nonporous and wide-porous silica surfaces. Koll.zhur. 27 no.3:299-306 My-Je 165. ()URA 18:12) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR i Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, khimicheskiy fakul'tette Submitted Jan- 4., 1964. -UR/0069/651027/003103U/0325' 541 i 101 Kiwlev, A. V.,, Korolev, A. Ya.-,,I.Xgini, H_ "0. ~NH2 rVOIJ S~-.are A ~qn W. _____.Z,p "d;% b6nds on Ck - and CH- up.s.;-'The,.. ----t obbla 3,gro. linodified'film qurfa~m~ -hyaheating-A x -304RC-~- -has: _1--,table.~and- destroyed a.~. aciiixi.. tbLr: J_ KISELEV. A.V,; NIKITIN, Yu.S.; PETROVA, R.S.; FAM NGOK TEHAN' Study of magnesium oxide surface by adsorption and gas chromato- graphy methods. Koll.zhur..27 no.3.,368-373 MY-Je '65. (MIRA 18:12) 1, Moskovokiy universitet imeni Lomonosovav khimicheskiy fakull- tet. Submitted Oct. 292 1963. magma KISELRV,- A.V.,-. SHIKALOVA, I.V. Adsorption of large-size, molecules from solutions on carriers,, ,fillerep and pigmentie Part 1: Adsorption of squalene and equalane on-aerosils and carbon blacks*. Xoll. zhur. 27 no.3s374-378 Hy-Je- 165* (MIRA 18:12) L-Institut fiziahaskoy khimii AN SSSRp Moskva. Submitted Jan. 291, 1964. -BOGAGMAP Ye.K.; KBELF) A.V.; F.LITEXCV, Yu.A. Effect of the graphitizing of channel black on the adsorption of -polystyrene, Kello,zhur*. 27 noo5:65&-W S-0 165. (KM 18:10) 1, Institut fizicheskoy khim:Li AN SSSR, Moskva*. ISIRIKM,, A.A.; KISEIEV., A V.; USHAKOVA) Ye.V, Adoorption of water gnotbanolp .-hoxaney band- bewiene-vapors on, pigment 27 uo.5:690- 696 5-0 %5. (MIRA.18alO) 1. Moskovskiy vniveraitet imeni Lomonosova, khimicheskly fakulltet. BOMMIEVAy To.K.- XXSELEV A.V.; EWTEKOV. ru.A. -ion of polyter solutiona 44 fa4e' obamistry.,qffoot on, Lhe advo7pi, on tillers and pigments. Par'* 5t Adoorptilat of polystyrene 1-;f t4tani=. dioxide. Xoll.-2bur. 27 no.C-P7~.'J-796 N-D 165. (KRA ILW2) 1, Inatitut Michesko Mhimii 0 K-S&r Moakv-A. Subvetllled ~uv 18P 1964, KISEISVO A V. 0VALFWA, N.V.; PETRMA, R.S. A~sarption properties of acetylene black. Koll. m,.6.-822-82-7 N-0 165. 1, institut fizioheskoy kh--'-!rdi AN SSSR i hbimicheskIly Mosklovskogo universiteta imsni M.V. Loriononva. October 14, 1964. zhur. 27 (1411FA 18912) fak-ull-tat Sulcmitted VA ABRAMOT, Y.N.j KISELEV, A.V.,; LYGIN, V.I.- (Moskva) .Vibrational spectra and dtate of*water molecules adsorbed on synthetic seolites. Zhur. fiz. khim. 39 no. 12123-128 Ta--165 (MIM 19 rl) 1. Moskovski-y gosudarstvaninyy universitet imeni M.T. L=onosova, khimicheskiy fakulftet. Sabmitted May 19p 1964. ,KISELEV, A.V.; POSHKUS, D.P. (Poskus, D.1 Theoretical calculation of the potential function avid the thermo- dynamic properties of symmetrical diatomic molecules adsorbed on graphite. Adsorption of H2 and D2- Zhur. fiz. khim. 39 no.2098- 402, F 165. WIRA 18:4) I T-444....& C-01-D 4 T--4.44...~ 1,1-4-4- 4 AUTHOR'i TITLE: Hydroxyl group concentration on silica surfaces SOURCE- - 21nit6dr-1 19--- no-i :2 1965, 453455 TOPIC TAGS: hydroxyl group concentration, Aerosil, silica gel., surface adsorption, deuterium exchange d7 :t e:authors measure q con emr., I ABSTRACT: U-sing .'th~,: -deuteftixu~_exdharige ttethoh trationv'rjk-j- of hydrox~i_grou_pi on t6 surfac'e of silica as a function of the temperature of vacuum processing4 These data for Aerosil and silica gel were compared with data reported by J.-J. Fripiat et al. (J. Phys. Chem., 66, 800, 1962; J. Uytterhoeven, J. J. Fripiat, H. Skeex, Bt-11. Soc. chim. France, 1964) who j, dif 'Mte results, show that-' for,--- 6--gi-Ven. vacuum processing temperature,-1 theo4 ()jj values for all the samples are approxi- mately equal, and that the decreases in o