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5"a EMUCK111, APPN D i P, iv, I@ Voxym~ ona dfturll n gat T22 LZI. Car 40, circulaiiclL ii~t jvtw"ii Consumption during SOURCES AN 083Rs DoklMy# TOPIQ TAM acq'slerati 44 AMMON Card4s"a o4roul-tton'And -oltyph ommaption ver* vtu 14. ~P-4,~ Veerieivof dop Uf, socelorWon (spim-thorez) of '6 16i~ 2 us *&a to shoun that-the heart vas win AM 4 via*. A B~ HIP Idth attficiont" at' 6 g the percentage of-, ggent in blood.f~rom th*,art and corm"my4ims.~iad1bo arteriovemous dlffereft*4,~; WOMOnly BlightV'., different In tte majority or-casios!."~",~7,~~' the rats, at which tbod vis - Wiwi Wi '10,64 6~ the, 1"cordnM7 vivus vab highub these oondit ions Ahs: authort 66ftell hat:thi I#: compensatory me Are adequtee , A00 percentage oxygen In arteiial.bliod, decreased consids4blyt, 11hi2e. VW 0 a, reduction iw the Percentage Mon in blood from the a.. "'.3190"r9 this reduction was not -large enobgh t,-' 0 maintain the initial Tau#' for AAstimams diffem0*8* In all cases thers-,ims 1~Z ~FCZ~SION 311: AM44W SA inareass it the rate-: at, i&ob --.w66c vat di"barsed from the ooroury 'VAN 1.71: 1:111--pli'l'.1 [Warif ChU)-knnRl;, KIMIJEV, A.A. oxnminsiti-3r, ollr' +.hc~ ~,nf*rjry r)f ~kn iil,~cctror. transition -.O.ll.l,elqpnn(!ln.- to a(111 --ban-A .FiL, *klvgi-. tnla i m-.110231-31137 .N to, 12 -3. 'KIRA P):12) 1. 1,~itjlrj-riA:iMy t,n,mltrstvonn.~y imLVAl-,lj'nt . USEIEV, A.A. Calcijlating thn pooition of a ~O-btnd in the abaorption spectrum of thn NaCI crystal. Fiz. tver-. tela 5 no.110238-3246 N 163. (HIRA If)il2) 1. UinlngrAdakiy gosudaratvonnyy unIvnraltot. INIXOV. Yurly IvanovIch; IISIJXV, A.A., rodaktor; VIGANT, Ya. To., takhalcho- skly r*daktor. [Radio apparatus; the market of capitalist countries] Radleapparatura; rymok kap1talistichoeMb stran. Koskva, Vueshtergisdat, 1955. 70 p (Radio--Apparatus &ad supplies) (Kw 9;5) 11�121" & . .. ' . BMIRNOY, A.B., doktor tokhnichaskikh nauk. I professor I,-- retmanxent: nauchnyy redaktor; SHIRNOTA, A.?., re"ktor izdatel'stva; PXUON, M.N.. takhnichaskiv redLgktor (Gas supply] Gazoonobzhenie. Moskva. Goa. izd-vo lit-ry po strolt. L arkhttekture. Ft.2. (Transportation. storage. distribution, and use o! gas] Transportiroymals. khronemie, reepredelente i Ispoll- zovante gess. 1956. 215 p. (NLRA 10:2) (Gas distribution) SHASHKIN, P.I. Insh.j BRAYO I.V., inzho; KISELEV, A.A., inzh.j MASLEMOVSKIT, L.G.r inih. Unit for regenerating the vash liquid. Veat.wsh. 41 noo7375-.76 ii 161. (MIRA 1/,-6) (Cleuing compounds) XIMM, A. A. j-; -'. Olldrogen AbsorptIce and Cbwps In the Moctudcal. Properties of Eiramlan and Its 31=7 Alloys vben Corroded in Water and Steam at Efth ftsveraturee and ptossures." "Pasoarch m the Carroslon of Zircmium Alloys in Water aud Stem at Nigh Texperwtv"O." papews distributed at the IAZA CW*rewe on Corrosion of Reactor Materials In Salzburg, Austria,, 4-9 juve 1962. XI==,, A. A. Ch the theory of mazir-slectron systems with =fiUad sballso Test, LGU 17 no.220-12 162o (MIU 15:12) (lualear shell theory) KISEIZVp A. A. Doeignating measurement units in technical literature. StAndartizatelia 26 no.lo16l-62 0 162. (MIRA lCtlO) (Weights and measures) L.; KISILV* A., inzh.; GUBARV, As, takhnik-takhnolog. Double-dock millet huller. Makh.-elov. prom. 24 no.4:16-18 Ap 158. (MIRA 11: 5) 1. Upravleniye mukonolluo-krupyanykh i kombikormovykh predpriyatly Kinisterstya khleboproduktov SSSR (for Khabe, liselev). 2. Voronezh- skoys oblastnoys upravleniye khleboproduktor (for Gubarev). (Grain milling machinery) 22 (1) SOY/27-59-3-5/37 AUTHOR: xisq~~_ TITLF: The Profitableness of Training Workshops (0 dokhodnosti uchebnykh masterskikh) PER10DICALi Professionallno-takhnichookoye obrazovaniye, 1959, Nr 3, P 5 (U33R) AB5T2-_ACT: A number of measures must be adopted to increase the profit- ableness of school workshops. They must stop producing articles which are turned out by mass production enterprises, The Seven-Year Plan provides for the manufacture of machinery which has never existed before. Some of these machines may be good objects for students' training. The manufacture of them will be more profitable than the making of metal-cutting machine tools, The turning out of now kinds of machinery not so far manufactured by any other enterprise way release in- dustry from the necessity of erecting now plants. The schools should also be adapted to carry out orders of local enter- 1/2 prises which are suitable for training purposes. It is pointed out that only such technological processes should be KICIF,T,T,V, A. Snmpler fnr prontn. Kik.-olnY.T)r0m. 25 nn.6:11 Jn 159. (CArmal products-AnAlysta) (RIRA L,!:g) KHKBR, L., insh.; KIS'ZIXV, A.. inzh. DoublnAtick buckwheat scouring and penling mcbInn. Mak.-alsov. p-mm. 25 no.3:2 -24 Mr '59. 01IRA 12:6) (Buckwh"Rt (Grain-milllrW; nachtner7) -KIaI V, A.,inzh. Cleaning buckwheat of Inpialties, difficult to remove. Mak.- elev.prom. 25 no.2:19-20 7 '59. (MIR& 12:4) Onckwheat-Cleaning) XISMV. A. Isproving the tochislogy of sat processlag. Muk#-sloy.pross 21 se.10:27-28 0 155, (KLRA 9:1) I.OlayRoye upraylealys sukon*llaoy, krupyaaoy i koubikermovey prouTzhlannosti. (Out ailliag) V:J.; IV. 600,600009 0 0 fox OOA 00 Of a Or so- Sol 0041 Wa Im. 5. 10"-1104- H. T. a14.1 A VIIALLP"ItAL LITIPAIWI CLASWCATIM ~.o 000*00iw so -00 .00 .00 -00 see ass !.of isof 7 -M tie 9 we 9404wi "It eve As# *fail ii,T 41,61, OW 0.. 1., b u s Av 14 an A~ -I 'Ow 9 0 1 7~24 21 70;.T.- 00 1,009000000000004 :001000*0000000000*00o 0 0 0 0-0 0 0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0-0-00-0 00-0 000*00000000000000000 7--a - 7 ITTIT D w I I TWWWWWW- .~ .. c .1a CL, AI 4 so go 00-4 UMMOAke at its ~aw A= b " V%M ~ 0 A O abawfol . _.k_ A . 1d&- JW7, IV's a 2AMbe= 41*4 VCIV" 00 an *NvibW, .00 00 00 so so 8 I've 00 0* *0 04i 00 -,"Do Go *00 too -00 to 0 -At J-9 Ogg FT ?t- ime at m NA 1*11400 aq ~ b Op oo F o , 0 ooftee 00*6 a wool, of A see 00 as 00 so* 004 fed 004 00 094 fed 4 .00 060 .00 000 *of age goo Iloo coo also too &g0 too 1000 I Woo - - . AAL. 0 :400 0 0 0000000060 40 0 a 0 1 w a 9 a 4 060000000000 00 A 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 * 0 0 0 so **A If i4q* 00 06 -Y 0*0 Nqsip~t DWIPW IN VM OM 109 Vubm ladmolo be Akwaft samelfib) for as cmWW Ot put Wy *9 NAPA" ft"m udbaL A-A. - " 11-12. "'Iti 21) (IMU V -tatk 1040. N Kn lu;;,inj! A nw%p of fooling Ina4l"fe how bf4m ism*"t v%th a View to O"Af IWW%WtkM (nt %W010111'r~0 UMP 0% IMIU10try. The vark-4m tylims we ilhistrated anA 4forntwmi with rofr"n" to their is( ottrOWSOM. ond the OkM-IrK*l rirVMIIIA 1-1 Sol **I 001 008 goo- 09411.0 -2, 4.~~ t ~ -I - S01 0 ~M u 41 Isa 0i" I 1 10, 00 ~22 00 '94 so -00 *00 Go 0 Igo Iro gas goo 400 go* goo use 11of 0 00,60000 40 so 0 0 0 * : 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 4 0 : 0 e a 0 Sig 0 o 0 o 4 0 o 0 0 : * * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 9 ::::: :100*000000000000 0 0 0 w IT cm a a 1. 0 a 0 FU a I I At a n IF I I a IV 00* ~0100 wwx 0*2 got 003 it 'o ti,Wsw "I W 09 ?A S C. n Amill-il pur wosrv& slums Fulpajoid jol tally 00. 'n so TIT I I I iiitot to; 401; A;0m; to q 10 AT $I At 04 61 Ilk 00 00 00 Yas 1 Is 00 VIF 'Ir .1t V ti it a a I I 1 0 1 1 Ito -----wwwwww i fee* G so so*# OFW 0 if 1 6 0 0 by spoil mwwq~e 111.1-JAWrl ts A $4, ICL66-Took. NOW I f $kWwm d INNOWN iww "Pal W~ 7 LRI a fe Maio bowit. I-M 04 a 0( um 4wd#rI-"-t P ~-~4 mov"I simid to hill" uwo tolowlis"m 0 mbcw~ me* ?be prom*" of Via 0 AP smaklamw I% 00 3' of CQ m - WMA 0 w*., A. &x fm .'coo 4 1", Ib PASS 00 pr "s; aw. hardoleft ~-4430. logo 00 si R I so".. ;'21 0 04 1" marraudgmAdaudw ii;sl at I I t-O& a 14). 0 f Mr!m"T ; moo see do d a kI%L pb" of too I %ties. v.- a or so it) is v d" 90090**9*690999 0 b fila Q v 11111imil, I flit r14 133-1-9/24 AUTHORS:- Kiselev, A.A., Lapshova, M.P..,and Kul'kova, M.M, Engineers TITLE- Smelting of Ball Bearing Steel in an Acid Furnace Fired with Natural Gas and Fuel Oil (Vyplavka sharikopodshipnikovoy stali v kisloy pechi pri otoplenii prirodnym gazom i mazutom) PERIODICAL: Stal', 1958, No.1, pp. 35 - 40 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An investigation of some technological factors of smelting and teeming of ball bearing steel on the degree of its contam- ination aad the nature of non-metallic inclu:3ions is described. Steel WX15 was smelted in a 50-ton acid open-hearth furnace, deoxidised with aluminium in the 1FIdle (125 g/ton) and bottom 41eemed into 4-ton ingots. The chs; a consisted of basic open- hearth steel containing no more than 0.015% of sulphur and phosphorus and a high quality pig r1BK, Class A. The supply of this pig and low-sulphur oil was decreasing and this was accom- panied by the increasing impurity of steel. Therefore, the furnace was transferred to firin6 with natural gas and fuel oil. This decreased the duration of heat by 35 min., and stoppages for hot repairs decreased by 0.5%o. When the furnace was fired .vith fuel oil alone (0.4 0.5% S), the content of sulphur after melt out was 0.017 0.020%, on tr;insfer to mixed firing the content of sulphur decreazed to 0.013 - O.OlEfl-o. This brought Uardl/5 133-1-9/24 SmeltinE of Ball BearinE Steel in an Acid Furnace Fired with Natural Gas and Fuel Oil a considerable decrease in the contamination of metal by oxide and sulphide inclusions (a cozparison in the form of a table is given in the text). The influence of various technological factors on the Clegree of contamination of steel by non- metallic inclusions was determined by statistical treatment of data on current production. The following factors were con- sidered: the influence of the temperature of metal on tapping (Fig.1); the duration of fettling (Fit,.2) and the amount of reduced silicon. With the amount of reduced silicon of 0.18 - 0.22%, the degree of contamination is the highest, decreasing with increasing silicon content in the finished metal. An investigation of the influence of the amount of reduced silicon and silicon content in the finished metal on the degree of gas saturation of the steel indicated that the maximum content of oxygen and hydrogen corresponds to the amount of reduced silicon of 0.18 - 0.22% or to the content of silicon in the finished metal, 0.22 - 0."03%. The contamination of steel by oxides increases with increasing ferrous oxide content of slag before de-oxidation (it should not acceed 20%). It was also found that deoxidation of steel with aluminium also uvrd2/5 133-1-9/24 Smelting of Ball Bearing Steel in an Acid Furnace Fired with natural Gas and Fuel Oil leads to a contamination of steel by oxides; therefore, some expErimental heats were made in which: a) steel was deoxidised in the ladle with silicon-zirconium instead of aluminium 7 b) deoxidation with smaller quantities of aluminium. (60 - 100 instead of 125 g/ton) and c) simultaneous deoxidation with silicon-zirconium and aluminium. The nature of non-metallic inclusions was investigated on metal from all heats deoxidised with silicon-zirconium, silicon-zirconium and aluminium, and on 10 heats produced by the usual technology. The quantity and composition of non-metallic inclusions are given in Tables 1 and 2; the dependence of the quantity of inclusions in steel on its temperature on tapping - Fig.3; the dependence of the degree of oxide contamination on the content of spinels in inclusions - Fig.4; the dependence of the proportion of spinels in inclusions on the content of FeO in slag - fig-5; the dependence of the total amount of inclusions o. the duration of teeming an Ingot - Fig.6; the dependence of oxygen content of metal on its tempTature on tapping - Fig.?, and on PeO content in slag - Fig.8; the influence of silicon content of metal before tapping on the gau ariturations of steel during Uard3/5 133-1-9/24 Smelting of Ball Bearing Steel in an Acid Furnace Fired with Patural Gas and Fuel Oil this period - Fig.q. Conclusions: 1) The transfer of smelting ball bearing steel by the silicon-reducing process in an acid furnace on firing with a mixture of natural gas and fuel oil decreased the degree of contamination of steel by sulphide and oxide inclusions and the duration of the heat bY 35 min. 2) This decrease inthe degree of contamination is obtained providing a number of technological factors are maintained: a) the temperature of metal on tapping (gecording to an inu!-,ersion thermocouple) should be 1 580 - 1 600 C- b) the amount of reduced 8ilicon should exceed 0.23%; c3 the content of iron oxide in slag before deoxidation should be from 15 to 20%. 3) On deoxidation of steel in ladle with siiicon-zirconium instead of aluminium, the degree of contam- ination by oxides decreases by 0.35 to 0.60 and that by sul- phides increased by 0.2 - 0.3; whereupon, the amount of non- metallic inclusions which can be electrolytically separated is higher than when deoxidising with aluminium. A special feature of the inclusions obtained on deoxidation with silicon- zirconium is their low content of spinels which decrease the degree of contamination by oxides. 4) The degree of contam- Card4/5 ination by oxides increases with increasinC proportion of 133-1-9/24 Smelting of Ball Bearing Steel in an Acid Furnace Fired with Natural Gas and Fuel Oil spinels and the ntio of A1203/S'02 in the com.-Position of inclusions. The amount of sDinels and the Al 203/SiO2 ratio in the composition of inclusions increase with increasin5 content of ferrous oxide in slag before deoxid.,Itions- 5 During tapping of the heat, the content of oxygen in steel decreases due to deoxidation of steel in the ladle with alum- inium, decreasing temperature of the metal and self-deoxidation of steel with carbon. 6) Higher concentrations of oxygen in steel and increa6ing proportion of total inclusions in steel correspond to higher tapping temperatures. The following engineers participated in the work: S.Z. Kupryakhina, Yu.A. Kartsin and O.S. Zheludeva. There are r- tables and 9 figures. ASSOCIATION: "Krasnyy Oktyabrl"Works (Zavod "Krasnyy Oktyabr'") AVAILABLE: Library of ConCress Card 5/5 AUTHOR: TITLE: 130-58-4-?/20 Production of Low-carbon Steel in Nen-hearth Furnaces (Vyplavka nizkouglerodistoy stall v'martenovskikh pe,:hakh) PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1958, lir 4., pp 10 - 11 (USSR). ABSTRACT: Bi-metal strip, cold-rolled from Armcc-type steel (0.04% C1 0.2096 Mn 0.20% Sil 0.030~~ S, 0.025p-' P, 0.15% Cu, Cr? Ni each) and aluminium alloj ASM (aluminium with 3.5 - 5.5% Sb and 0.3 - 0.7% Mg) have been used instead of lead bronze for tractor (types D-54, D-35) crankshaft lcearin.Cq. The authcr ou*14nes tile difficulties of prodnzing 'his oteel in open- Alearth furnaces. Early experience sh,:wed that cracking during rolling took place when additional. deoxidation with silicon and manganese had not been effected. After correctinC this rolling of ingots was satisfactory throlighout 1956, but separation of the strip was obser7ed. After statistical analysis of data for 24 heats, the prcduction ixthod was modified and a further 25 experimental heats were produced of which only two gave separation of bi-metal strip but more showed cracking in the blooming mill. After analysis of the reasons for these faults, the "Krasnyy Oktyab " Works adopted a production technology with the following main features: only Card 1/2 130-58-4-?/20 Production of Low-carbon Steel in Open-hearth Furnaces furnaces with high firing rates are used; carbon content In the metal on melt down is 0.25 - 0.?0%; rate of decarburi- sation in the final refining period is not less than 0.0008% C per minute, which is secured, for a bath with 0.0'/% or less carbon, by adding 1 000 - 2 000 kg of iron ore to a 50-ton heat; the slag before tapping contains 18 - 30% ferrous oxide; deoxidation is carried out in the ladle with 1 400 - 1 ?00 g aluminium per ton of steel; the content of silicon and manganese in the finished steel is at least 0.13%. ASSOCIATION: Zavod "Krasnyy Oktyabr'" (Krasnyy Oktyabr' Works) Card 2/2 SUSLIN, Petr Nikelayevich; 113XM, AA., rodaher: TIGAIR, Ta.Ta.. tekhnicheskiy redaktoe, Urerrous metals; the market in capitalist countries) Chernye astally; ryusk kapi t allot lche~kM stran. MoskTa, Vneshtergisdat, 1956. 222 p. (iron) (Steel) (iron ores) (MM 914) TRYIK)V, V.A.; DANILIN, V.I.; LAPSHOVA, M.P.; ORIBINTUN, V.P.; KISILIT. A.A. Effect of th" temperature of pouring anti the mold shape on the quality, of steel Ingoto. Top.proizv.atalt nn.6:96-109 158. (MIRA 12:3) 6taml ingots) (Metallurgical plnnts--(~mlity control) XISILEY. A.A., inzh.; IJMHUVA, Ghastlys: KMTAKHIKA, ZHZLUDEVA, Me, 1n%h. Smelting roller-bearing gas and fuel oil (vith Ja '58. M.P.; XULIKOVA, M.W.; V rnbote orinimmli S.Z., tnzh.-, tARTSIN, Tu.A., in%h. steel in acid furunces using natural summary in English]. Stal' 18 no.1:15-40 (MIRA 11:1) 1.Znvod "Xrnsnyy Oktyabr'" (for Kiselev, Lapshovn, Kullkova). (Smelting) (Benring metals) :X)V/1 3-'P-59-10-33/39 AUTHOR: K13elev, A. A. (Engincer) TITLE: Spotty Segregation in Low-Alloy Steel.,; PERIODICAL: Stall, 1959, Nr 10, pp 942-946 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Although numerous studies have been devoted to the Inoch- anism and nature or spotty :3egregatlon and Its on the formation of imperfections /Rct's. 2,3 and 4: Morenka, G. F., Stall, 1954, Nr 6; Molchir, Ye. D. and Kozlov, F. V., Stall, 10511, Nr 6; Oreshkin, V. D, Stall, 1955, Ni~Lll no unanimous opinion has been arrived at. With the assistance of Kullkova, M. N.,and Rootovskaya, L. A. (Engineers) the author tested the following types of oteel with a view to the above: 12KhKF, 35KtGSA, 36G23, 15KJiGNTA, and SKhL-4. All specimenz were molten In natural gas-mazut fired 150-t open-hearth furnaces by the scrap process. The author conclu&3 as follows on the basls of experimental results: (1) most imperfections are observed In the upper Card 1/2 half of' the ingots and In the zoner, adjacen'- to the center KISNLXT, A.A.; TOLKTANSKIT. T.X. Ingot shape and surface defects. Metallurg 5 no.2:19-20 7 160. (KIPIA 13:5) 1. Rokoyoditall gruppy slitka TSentmllnoy savodskoy laboratorit zwodA "Krannyy Oktyabr" (for liselev). 2. Rachallaik raslivo- chnogo prolets mrtanovskogo teekhe, zavoda "KrasW Oktyabr'" (f or Tolrqanskly). (Steel Ingsts) (Steel--Defects) 18-1150,18-5200 T11 () 06 10 .) V/1,~_--60-2-6/25 AUTHORSi Kiselev, A. A., and Mavehenkovsk-ly, G, F. (Engineers) TITLE: Low-Carbon Steel f'ov Bimetal Production PERIODICALi "'tall, 1960, Nr 21, pp 121-123 (US.;R) ABSTRAM J-31metal strip from low-carbon -,te-el (,^ -.-,,co iron) arid ALSM alloy Is made by cold Ti,,e maximum al.lowed amount of addltlon_,~ In Av,,,-,co .1ron lo: C hin st 5 1, Cu Cr t4l 0.04 0.20 0.20 O,OY.) 0,W25 0.15 0.15 0.15 The ASM alloy conototo of and balance abAruitrium. on t..,~ i-1--:tent of' oxidation Arinco Jvon iia.3 a tendt.lw~y cvacklng (In Lngoto arid bl,lletfl or 11ai,,itnatton (In ready Bimetal). Adherence to the carefully deve1cI)c,i relting arid pouring practice is aboolutk-ly in _rd,~r to obtain L;', "A In hig"` oultable trietal. 'I thermal capacity heat tre--attrig 11*iwnacc,.,~. (,,) Steel Card 1/1-3 in pwired with a clean ourl'ace -)rily t, 1.12 of' the mold Low-Carbon Steel I*or Blmotal Procluctlon wIth a oi.11)3equ,.~Ilt C1.1ult Carbon rontent, al'ter melttng, rani,,es Vrom (11 ) The speed at which C burri.,i out during, the rc-Cining pe),Lod Inlint be riot jea.3 than O.OoO 1711r1l. In Order to obtatn cavbon conterit llol.,,w t~,) ','.0 ton"; of' ove hav;D to ho aildtA to the ~!harere per evevy I,,,0 ton.n Of' heat altf.-r-nathw, tlicm vilth Iltne additton.,i of' 800 to 1,600 )(g,. A.,i a 'Qa~~, kototty hol'ure jjovirhi~, inu3t be not low,ji, t;~:oi '..;PA. a u'dde (it' 18- F-w allunjilurn (1,1100 tc.. and addeti a vlew to jwoiluco., a mIn I inum I ;t I L 1,,,)n and if~a?)J_Ialooc .'he melt L)Ilc-i Oil coriterit,~) In f'Itil.,ilieli niotal. N ) : the blo~,rllrij~ mill lo con;11,!-r-A v;tth a may.tinum (~~)ntent ol' ;'k I . ( :, ) To e I 1'r,"nate 'weal, of' the ntopper arifi la,1,10, 400 'u, 800 Irg of 111rie, wij added 'u(:) 1 ---t1 I T~ i - ,,, e a r3 1'It;ure3j and ASSOCIATIONt PLarit "I:va.;nyy ()! '.vil Card 2111) KISELKVI A~__A. Cand Tech Sci - (dise) "Study of the process of forming hot fissures in steel ingots." Moscow, 1961. 17 pp incl cover; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSR, Moscow Order of Labor Red Banner Inst of Steel imeni I. V. Stalin); 150 copies; free; (KL, 5-61 sup, 190) 3/13 61/000/002/001/014 A054YA033 AUTHORSt Kisplev, A.A., Engineer, and Yavoyakiy, V.I., Professor, Doctor of Sciences TITLEt Improving the Crack Resistance of Steel Ingots PERIODICAL: Stall, 1961, No. 2, pp. 112-119 TEXT: Cracks originate mainly in low-carbon was found. In order to study the causes of out with CT.3 (St.3) and OBM (08 sp) steel positiont C Un Si S P St-31 0.19 0.45 m6 0.025 0.013 08 apt 0.10 0.36 0.09 0.021 0.014 During the pouring process it was found that tallization the solidification of the ingot, (0.10-0.25% C) steel ingots, it rissuring, tests were carried ingots with the following com- Cr Ni Cu Al 0.21 o.16 0.13 - 0.17 0.15 0.13 0.03 in the initial period of crys- in vertical direction and along Card I/11 8/133/61/000/002/001/014 Improving the Crack Resistance of Steel Ingots A054/AO33 the periphery, does not take place at a uniform ratei (see fig.2) Section according to fig.2t 1 11 111 IV V Time of solidification, min 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.3 2.8 Distance of the section from the bottom, mm ~500 1,200 goo 600 300 Thickness of the akin in the middle of the edge, mm 61 (edge A ~ 22 26 30-5 33 39 62 (edge B 22 26 32 35 43 Non-uniformity coefficient of solidification, 61 ' 62 1.0 1.0 0.95 0.94 0.9' With regard to the spot where the akin is the thickest, the following data were obtainedi (for ingots with wavy surface) Section according to fig.2: I III IV V Interval of solidification, min 1.2 1.8 2.3 2.8 Thickness of the skin, mm in the corner of the ingot 15.5 23.5 25.0 32.0 Card 2/11 S/133/61/000/002/001/014 Improving the Crack Resistance of Steel Ingots A054/AO33 in the projecting part of the wavy surface 23.0 33.0 36.0 37.5 Non-uniformity coefficient of solidification o.67 0.71 0.70 0.85 The rate of solidification was also studied in 18yrT (18XhGT) ingots (6.1 ton) and it was found that this rate is slower in the surface layers than in the lower oness at 100 mm from the ingot mold wall in the bottom part (cir- culation zone or the metal) the coefficient of solidification rate amouats to 3.9 cm/mino'?, wh le at 65 am depth in the top (1,100 mm from the bottom) only to 2.3 cm/minoT As to temperature changes, it was found that in the upper half of the ingot the cooling rate of the outer layersis h'-Xher than that of the inner layz~rs, while in the lower half of the ingo *he opposite was observed. This non-uniform cooling on the periphery and towards the centre of the ingot causes irregular linear contraction in th" initial phase of crystallization, with alternating compression and expansion stresses in the surface layers of the ingot, which results in cracks. Another factor playing a part in fissuring is the relation between the thickness of the solid and solid-liquid elements of the skin in the early stages of crystal- Card 3/11 S/133/61/000/002/001/014 Improving the Crack Resistance of Steel Ingots A054/AO33 lization. When the solid-liquid elements (having a low strength) develop considerably, the crack resistance of the ingot decreases. The development of the solid-liquid zone in the corner of the ingot bottom - when the case is thin - corresponds to the formation of cracks mostly in these a8eas. The strength and plasticity of the case was studied in the 1,300-1,125 C heat range (for each 25-500C) with eleotro-heating of the specimens for 7-10 min- utes. The test results showed that in the heat interval indicated the case of the ingot sh8we a high plasticity. The strength limit 2of St.3 ingots be- tween 1,125-1300 C is relatively low (3-0 and 1.2 kg kg/mM respectively), while the strength limit in the case of 08sp ingots at 12500C is tY 0.1-0.3 kg/MM2 lower than for St.3 steel with a higher C-content. The stiength limit (for St-3 ingots) in the lower part was found to be about 0.1-0.2 kg/MM2 higher, than in the top, due to the shorter time of crystallization ir. this area and the more intensive development of the solid-liquid element at the moment of pouring. In the inner part of the case, in which at the moment of pouring the solid-liq.Vid element prevails, the strength limit is 0.2 kg/mm2 lower (1.4-1.7 kg/mm-4) than in the completely solidified outer layer (1.52- 1.77 kg/mm~. The main cause of cracking evidently is the intensive linear contraction of the ingot, which, when delayed, results in contracting Card 4/ 11 S/133/61/UOO/002/001/014 Improving the Crack Resistance of Steel Ingots A054/AO33 stresses. The appearance of these stresses Is also promoted by the non-uni- form contraction in the height and periphery of the ingot. With regard to the effect of impurities (sulfides, FeS.MnS, globular inclusions, oxides) it was found that these prevail in the parts of the ingot where the case Js in- sufficiently wetted by the circulation metal. Intensified deoxidation of the metal (by adding aluminum) increases its resistance to cracking increas- es. This was observed in the zavod Krasnyy Oktyabr (Kraenyy Oktyabr Plant), when 1,200-2,000 g aluminum/ton of armco steel was added. The following data were obtained for these testat Amount of aluminum added in the ladle, g /ton steel 1200-1,350 1AOO-1500 1,600-1,700 Amount of heats 6 10 10 Amount of sound ingots, % 46 69 82 When the aluminum content is raised, the amount of oxygen adsorbed by the metal decreases, which contributes to a reduction in red shortness. Accord- ing to tests of the Red Oktyabr Plant the cracking of steels with a C-content below 0.25% can be prevented when their residual Al-content is [A~ t[C] >0.10. The indicated amount of residual Al can be obtained by adding the following quantities of Ali Card 5/11 S/133/61/000/002/001/014 Improving the Crack Resistance of Steel Ingots A054/AO33 At a C-content of the steel of, d'.: 0.20-0,25 0.10-0-15 armco the required Al-content, g /t: 1200-1,300 1,350-1,500 1800-2,000 Based on these testa the process of cracking can be summarized as followst cracks originate mainly in the corners of the lower half of low-carbon steel ingots with fewer cracks on the bent sides. This type of steel shows a higher degree of linear contraction, than medium and high-carbon steels. In the upper part of the mold the contraction of the ingot is even, in the low- er half, however, irregular gaps form between the ingot and the mold. The uneven contraction in this area is caused by the effect of the circulating liquid metal flow on the crystallizing case of the ingot, changing the tem- perature of the case along the periphery and the crystallization rate. If the contraction is slowed down owing to the roughness of the mcld surface or because of the ingot sticking to the mold wall, contraction stresses arise in the case which are proportional to the linear contraction. Due to the non-uniform rate of cooling in the lower halv of the mold, opposing stresses (expanding and compressing) develop and they promote cracking. In order to increase the crack resistance of low-carbon steels, the rate of pouring has to be slowed down and cooling accelerated by enlarging the ingot periphery. This can be attained by giving the ingot a wavy surface. Ano ther Card 6/11 S/133/61/000/002/001/014 Improving the Crack Resistance of Steel Ingots A054/AO33 effi6iont measure is to raise the residual Al-content to Al i C 0.10. There are 7 figures and 11 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONs Zavod "Krasnyy Oktyabr" (--Krasnyy Oktyabr" Plant) and Moskove- kiy inatitut stali (Moscow Steel Institute) F1gure 2a Card 7/11 S/133/61/000/002/001/014 Improving the Crack Resistance of Steel Ingots A054/AO33 Figure 2 Change of the oase-thioknese in St,3 ingotat a - longitudinal templatel b - transverse templates Card 8/11 S/13 61/000/002/001/014 Improving the Craok-Resietanoe of Steel Ingots A054YA033 Figure A a w " 14 9 43 ~1 V) H /JW /J w MV *7 74-1 IM 7* 1~ Tb 1-1 WJ Temperature, OC Chan a in the strength limit of the case in the top and bottom (B) of an St.3 ingot at high temperatures a - samples from the corner of the case b - from the central part of the aide o - from the projecting parts Card 9/11 Improving the Craok-Beeintance of Steel Ingots Figure 61 0 0, A 6 Change In the amount of non- +P "a.' 'o 0 metallic impurities vertically a $4 V4 and in the section of the in- got case 1- extornal zone 2- intormediate 0 0 3- inner 4- ingot bottom 5- middle of the ingot 6- ingot top a- sideq remote from the A A centre 43 b- side, near the center 0 0 Card 10/11 S11331611000100110011014 A054/AO33 (urn ONE Amount of globu- amount of sulfide lar impurities, % impurities % Improving the Crack Resistance of Steel Ingots Cd J~ a 4J9 C:0 0 ~4 a 41 r.0 0 _H 3/133/61/000/002/001/014 A054/AO33 Distance from the corncr, mm Deformation of the case In cross section of the ingot (contraction), in the initial period of crystallization (steel 30T, bot- tom casting) A - lower section of the ingot B - upper section of the Ingot (figures on the curvest duration of crystallization of the Ingot, min.) Card 11/i1 Figure 7 XOSTINj B.A.,, Inzh.; KISELEV A , Inzh. j__.A. Attachments and devices for mobile drilling units. Bezop.truda v prom. 6 no.12:28-30 D 162. MRA 15t12) (boring machinery) MATEVOSYAN, P.A.; DANILOV, V.I.; LAPSTIOVA, M.P.; KISELKV, A.A.; LISOV, LV.; VOLYANSKIY, V.M. Improving the quality of blooming mill ingots. Stall 23 no.12tlOB6- 1087 D 163, (MIRA 17t2) 1. Volgogradakiy metallurgicheakiy zavod "Krannyy Oktyabr'R. 1 .1 kand. tekhn. nauk; ARNPOV, K.I., lnzh.; LAPSHOVA, M.P., inzh.; CHISTYAKOV, V.F., inzh. Increasing thu density of 45G2 and other structural steel Ingots. Stall 25 no.12:1090-1091 D 165, (MIRA 18:12) 1. Zavod "Krasnyy Oktyabri". KISELEV,, A.A. Theory of the /3-band in the absorption spectrum of Nacl crystals. Fiz. tvar. tela 5 no.6sl745-1746 A 163. (MTRA 160) I. laningradakiy gosudarstrennyy universitets