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A-1I-'; A~1) /y/ X- " ~~. , , MMARY/Physical Cliemistry - Electrochem!.stry. B-12 Abs Jour Ref Mar - KhImiya, 1-10 7, 1958, 20796 Author D. JAmbor.. H[rq K. 1nst Acculemy of Sciences of flunWy. Title lnflutnce of Boric Acid on Polarographs of D-Glucosazones. Orig Pub Anta chim. Ac&d. sci. hung., 1956., 9. No f-4. 493-4913 Abstract The influence of boric acid (I) on the polarographic beha- vior of D-glucosazone (II), D-glucoeo-l-methylphenyl-2- -glucoso-bis-=+.hylphenylosazone (~;nyiosazone (ITI) and D ) n buffer solutions was studied in the continuation of work (RzhKhim, 1957, 76758)- 1 does not influence the reduction (R) of the studied substances, but still a new wave with a rounded maximum appears after the R wave in &1- kaline medium in 30%-ual ethanol in the cases of II and III; an addition of gelatin does not change the wave Card 1/2 Card 2/2 BC13NYAX,,Mihaly (Budapest)aaw, Kalman (Szoged)j KANIZSAI# Otto lkidapest); CSM# Juava -XnvMVTvvRAarnaly)l BOGIUR, Hihaly Debrecen) Forum of innovatores Ujit lap 15 no,6:30-31 25 Mr 163. KISDUG3KUI, L. Variation of flow resisi.ance In rapidly rotatIng tribes. In Gernan. p. 121. AGTA T6CH!,JCi,. (Maryar Tudomanyos Akadenia. '3udA,)f.-St, i,,ungari, Vol. 22, 958 1/2, 1" According to the Zxperimental results the flow resistance of rapidly rotating tubes does not depend for a given conflotration on Reynold's number but onlT on the ratio., u/w. The resistance increase~/4,as a function of u/v is the same for tube systems of varioual a redistance. Vonthlv List of i~ast Zuro:ean Accessions LC, '~7-1. 8, ::o. 7, Jul I . i Y 1959 Uncl. =AS, Titusz, okleveles geposzmernok; KISBOGSKOIt I4szlo, okloveles gepeozmernok " I Statement on the study entitled wH7drodynamic clutch in the Hungarian coal mining.N Bany lap 94 no.2:142 F 161. SISBOr-3KOI, Laszlo ~ - 'I ., . . . Determination of main dimensions of hydrodynwiic clutches* Jar= mezo gap 6 no.6%171-172 159. LE11dapent-IMazaki Egyetsm Vizgopek Tamszeka. KISBOGSKOI, Laszlo The highest attainable technical development in constructing mining machinery through the application of a hydrodynamical clutch. Banyatarv no. 17: 2-37 D 163. 1, Budapesti Mustaki Egyeten Vitgepok Tanstake. W.---T--D AT6033339 $ME CODE I HU AUTHOR: Kiabocakoig L.--Kiahbochkoig L.1 Stvrtaczkyp F.--Shtvrtetski# Fe ORG: Technical Univeraityp Budapest 1/' TITLE: Cal ation of factors influencing the output characteristics of fluid couplirg a ~\ - 51, no, 3-4, SOURCE: Academia acientiarum hungaricae. Acta technica, v 1965 469-482 TOPIC TAGS: clutch, hydraulic device, hydraulic fluid ABSTRACT: Equations were derived to characterize the dimensions of fluid couplings and the loss factors of fluid couplings. The equations permit more accurate design techniques than was possible hitherto by using presently known techniques. The required data are obtained from considering the effects of geometric configuration# blade thickness# number of blades# shape of blade tip, speed, diameter, and the physical characteristics of the coupling fluid. The results obtained with the aid of the equations described compare well with experimentally obtained value&* Orig. art. hael 5 figures# 32 formulas and 1 tables [Orig. art . in Eng.] IJPRS: 330091 SUB CODEt 13 / sum DATst osiun64 / mv Rat oo2 / orH RKF: 006 JUTAS, Titusz, okl. gepeDzmernok; ~IMOCSKOI, Idif;zlo, okl. geperzmernok A hydrodynamic clutch In the Hungarian coal mining. Bany Inp 93 no. 2t103-110 F160. 1. A Duclos Banyagepgyar fomernoke (for Jutas). 2. A Budapesti Muegyetem Vizgepok Tanszekenck tUdx-;aayos oszta3.yvezetoje (for Kisbocskoi). KISBOCSKOI, Lasz14 okleveles gepenzaarnak Technical results obtainable by hydrodynamical, clutches, Jarmu mezo gep 9 '~no.6:203-2M Je 162. 1. Budupeati Mussaki Egystem Visgepek Tftn3seke. KISBCCSKOI. Laszlo A measuring device developed for measuring the pressure fluctur&:tion occu~rlng in long pipelines and experiences with it. Gop 14 no.l2s465-469 D 162. 1. TudamAnyos osstalMzeto, Budapesti Musaaki Egyetem Vizgepek Tanazeke (tang2ekveseto dr. Varga Jozsef muegyatemi tanar). -ii I ' KOVACS, Khroly Pal, dr., Nosouth-dijaB akademikus; SZALAY, Jozaef, okleveles gepeszmernok; BALAZS, Porter; IRRVAui~olf; ILIKA, , 't Renel SCHAEFER, Helmuth, dr. ing. (Karifffthe); MBOCSX0I, Laszlo; TEBBE, Ernst; MI.TRO, Sz. (Varao) Instrumentation and automation in industrial power consumption. Ipari onergia 3 no.1/2339-41 Ja-F 162. 1. Ozdi Kohaazati Muvok (for BalazB). KISBCCSYOI, La5zlc,,-. H&INAR, Zolltml Mrsi,jinlng prf,%.q~?vre vibrAi-.ic.,n.) Ln w%Le! nondlilt2. llidroL~glai kozllony 45 ja 765. " ~'hflllr of -,i' :i, ~~n~vors`*v. , , L I . XISDI I D. The apaoe-time correlation function for a synt6m of Identical particles at zero 'temperature. Acta phys Hung 15 no.1:49-56 162. 1 le.RoBearch Group for Theoretical Physics of the Hungarian AqOemy of Sciences, Budapest. Presented by A. Konya [Albert Konya] MDIO D. mQuantum machanictiO by Eugen Miambacher. Haviowed by D. Kiedi. Act& phys Hung 16 no.1&75-76 163. Hungary/Nuclear Phyalsa - Struzture an-I Pmptrt-',~s (Lf C-4 Abot Jc-umnl; Ro!fernt Zhur - Flzlka, N--~ 12, 1956: 340-10 Author: Kiad-4, D. Institution: Hwngarl%n Academy -.f Sc-en::es,, Budapeat, Hungary Title: Theoretical Determiraticn of Cartu'n Constants of the Fb208 Nucleus cr, the Basis of thq Statistical Model of ~he Nucleus OrIgInal Feriol:Lcall: Actd phys. Acad. scl.. hung., 19;56, 5, No 4: r19-~27, G'Smar; Russian resume Abstract: Using the Inte.-azt-Ion potmtial betwe,!n the nucle-.3 and the nucleon;. ob- talned on the basis of the St%41St' r Ct 97 1 Cal cnnsideratlcrs by Gcmbas (see Abst a 33 5), the couplIng energy of tne last riut---.n the neutron ab,,ve the clo3ed stell) of the P09 nucleus and ~--f thla, last Drc-t,:-) c~f ths B~,20-9 J-j-i-!tui -r- C wx~ - alculated. Also calcalated wprt the P:%Mering c-rcso-pect.cins cf tti v!r-,-~-ergy n,~utri- a t., thermal reutr ris ) by the, Fb2C nuzltua and the protatility ~lf the 0 -dc-:ay Cf Fb~r,' The results obtained -2.65 Mev, E~ = -7-75 M-Iv, 6.19 tarrs ari T3 2.94 hours) are In gr-cA aipsemert !r their crder cf magr,,-.uie wl-.h the expf.-rimtntal data (Er ~' -3-74 Wv, Ep ~ -3.66 M,-v, d --, 9 barns, 11P -' 3.32 h: ars I COO J11L?NGARY/'?h1o1c:,1r V.,.-sics - gtvuctitr,~ a,,.,! f N,2clei. C Abr, J,,ur A*.-1zim, 11) 12, 1050, "168,12 Aut:. -., r Kisai, D. Acad(--i-.,.y -)f Sciences; Duanpeat, liu,,.,~mry Title Determination if t'.c Pi*-;-cr Oc~cillations ;f Atonic Nuclei 11 t" P--si :~f t qta'istical Nuclear W)del e 0 OrIL; Rib : Acta ~Iiys. Acad. scient. hung-., 1958, 8, Ili 4, 387- 39',' Abstract : To calculate the prjper Dscillati-j.,s of a heavy nto.-..~~c nucleus, use is rm-2c -3f the iiz:--static theo- ry -)f Cie clectron Lps (U3c', F.Z. P!'Ys., 1935, 81) '163. Jensen I[. . 191-~, !06, 6-,),,) by it tD include ;-,uclc,.),.i tps. The lasic cquati-2;.s )f hydri- Oy-,:amics of the Cps are c,)nstructed by varying the La,,~ranC;e in L wit., re-pect. t) w, where Card 1/3 HU"GIRY/fluclear 11;ysics - Structure a!,O. P---pQrtles :,f Nuc-'ai. Abc; J-,,ur Ref Zhur FIzika, No 12, 1959, 29322 Car(! 2/3 + (1/2) Z7 , ,)2j av f F t '( (r,T) is the dc:'.oity nX ;,,uclcaA- (listributi-m, w (r,t) is tl,.c vel )city p-,tcntlal, ancl E ( 5 ) is tLe bindiaG crxr:~y )f tLe nuelcm%. Tic i-,.teractim ei~erLy bet- ween the nu~la,-n3 Is cli.;sc;i t-) tu t,'-,,c exchange inter- action of the Wijorana type with i central Yukawn pAcAial. Me variati,,Dn if L with r.,spect to 3 ai,d w -;iven the equati-m if voti)- of Cie 'aucle-Ai Can mA Vie cr)ntI.,iuity cqiiati-),i, wl.ich are solved by the :.iethod ,)f perturLation thc-)ry. T"he zero approxi- mation in clli'joen to be the stationary state: w = 0, !5 (r,t) SO (r,O). Puttiar; !~ =. S~ 0 + Yw, whbrc ~' e-< Sl,,, and excliding, w from the two cqtu- tirms ~)f ~i)tljn, thu auth-r cAtains for 3w an - 17 an equ.1ti.01" if t:,c Klein-GDrd,)n type, the solution Df which wit!: bjun0tary ciliditiz)n ( z7 1j, ,./Z> r )r=R= 0 -,.-.akes it p:)3sible to determine t!-.e pr:)per frequency Df Oscillatioll of Cie nucleus. The results are c.:mpare(I wivi experincat. -- L.P. p.ap,)p.)rt Card 3/3 KISD I, J)- JAI. ~ Mal t 44 Stallatical theory of the nucleon gas at stbitraty tempeta-, tufts. P. be% andi QTRW Z: -.e . ath. L477=Tt" -to. A statis tkW thvwy for the nuckm -pi at arbitrary temp. is de- vatr=e bask=tquatims is dtdved. Put the n of the linear covubination is used of Whmer, Majorant, Ifelamberg mad B&Mett (mm. Yt GOMBAS, Fall KISDI, D. Statistical theory of atomic nuclei. Pt.5. Acta phys Hung 17 no.1/21261-269 164. 1. Physikalischas Institute der 11niversitat fur Wissenaahaften, Budapest, und Forachunhagruppe f-- TheM tische Phyalk der Ungarischen Akadezie der Wlsaenchnften, '. 2. Redaktaur, "Acta Physics Acadealae Scientinrum i;ungsiricaeO (for Gombav). HUNGARY/Nuclonr FhyEic:j - Structuro and Troportio,.3 of Nuclei c-4 Abr Jour i Rof Zhur - Fizikn, No 9, 19Vj No 19071 Author I_a!idinc Xoszo Eve Inst 1 Not Given Title iInvestization of the Distribution of tho Ditnioity cf Frctont, on a lhicloun. Or i F, Pu :Fj7. nze- .Ila, 1957, 7, !;o 4, rI-)-N3 Abstract :Uiing oxporimentol data on the binding )ncrgy of a Masonic ntoin, the author obtains values for the nuiloor radiuv !~~(1.19+ 0.03) x 10-15 A113 cm. 'tnolyzing the data on the scr.ttv -fng of the olictronq (100 -- ",00 ','ovN by nucloi, the r,,Atbor ravch03 tho conclusion that not one mod,~I (gaussion, oxponontial, Farni-distribution, otc.) of t:ic distribution of' tho chtrga in tho nuc1r;un iq in agrc~.,irvont with. there dots. Ho thoreforo propo&os not to d.:!tormino the ffetom fectora of thu nuclour F by choosing; the listribution of the proton density F- , but, to the ccntrory, to d,jtermilno F from the formula for the differential cross section for so-2ttoring, ond th(m dotom-ino from, thb fortaula tht-t determines the Card 1 1/1 Y for-- fnctor F. -9/C,58/62/000/CX)5/032/119 ACKWA101 A~;77-*VDA3: YIndlnb Konb. rl., Kro6. N., Pravetzky, E.. ZsIgmond, Gy. -E, Investigation of graphite neutron collimators PERIGD:CAL: R#---feratIvnyy zhurnal. FIz1ka, no. 5, 1962, 43-44, abstract 5B342 ("Magyar rlt.. foly6lrat". 1961, v. 9, no, 5, 341-347, Hungarian) The authors describe a graphite cullimator for thermal neutrons Z;llding Into the horizontal channel of the reactor themal column. Collimator (11-non.sllon:; are: diameter 135 mm. length 1,000 rim. It Is posatble to change quickly the shape and dimensions of the collimator olit. Divoi,gence of a beam .aot the collimator in dependence on the slit diameter is calculated in detail. Calculations are compared with experimental data. It is shown that at large slit diameters, neutron reflection from the collimator surface results In some non-uniformity of beam angular distribution. A. Parlag rAbstracterts note: Complete translation] Ca,-d I/l RLL, Lenard; KIS,DIM KW.ZO,,-Iva Hathematico-statistical problems rolatifi~ tc, the measurement of the total effective cross section of thormal reutrcrs. Koz fis kozl MTA 11 & nool:3-19 163o 1. "A Mogyar Tudcrianyos Akudorda Kozpouti Fizikai Kutato Into- .setenek Kozlemen),ei* szdfkeozto b1zottsagi tagja (for Pal). MODELIC, -.'.; KEMI, fl.; IGALY, it.; Tl:~EK, I.; I-'Al.7,, V.; ~j'i'Ll-iGHUP Bo haviews. Kam ind 12 ne.51344-34~ VY 'C")3. V.; SAMBOLIC, B.; DRVGDELIC, E.; DRESNER, H.; !ISF , IGALT, I. FALL# GII- Reviewa. Kom ind 12 no.8s6ol-606 163. KIaILVA, T. P. Dissertation defended for the degree of Candidate of Chemdcal Sct,mce.i at the Institute of Silicate Chemietry i;:,ent I. V. Grobenshchikov In 1962: "Physic-ochemical Investigation of Btn&ry Systems Forming Neodymium Oxide with Silicon Dioxide and Alumin- Oxide.* Vest. Akad. Nauk SSM. No. 4, Moscow, 1963, piges 119-145 XOTUR, P.B.; U3XV,A-A.~ OLYBill, 0.44-1: YONICHEY, YO.N. (yomychev, I.I.M.] Measuring the enthalpy and heat capacity of silicon from 12010 to 1900aK. 5 no.3:358-362 My-Je 160. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Kharlkovekiy gosudaretyannyy institut mer I lzmeritellnykb priborov. (Silicon--Thermal properties) S/l26/6o/oio/oo6/oo6/O22 26 0 E193/083 AUTHORS: Kantor, P.B., Krasovitskaya, RJ1, and li~ TITLE: Determination of Enthalpy and Specific Heat of Beryllium in the 600 to 2200'K Temperature Range PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol.10. No,.6, pp.835-837 TEXT: Using twice-distilled beryllium, the present authors measured the enthalpy H of specimens of this metal in the solid state (6ooto 156ooK), in the region of the solid;;~~Iiquld transformation, and in the liquid state (1560 to 2166-K)- From the experimental data, the coefficients of the equation,4 for H and 11 pecific heat CPof beryllium, were determined by the method of consecutive approximations. The appropriate equations for the solid state are given by HT - H298.16 = 4-322T + 1.09 x 10-3T2 _1490 cal/g~at (1) CP = 4.322 + 2.18 x io-3 T cal/OC g-at (la) (600 - 1560'K) Card 1/2 S/126/oo/010/006/oo6/022 E193/E483 Determination of Enthalpy and Specific fleat of Beryllium in the 600 to 22000K Temperature Range and for the liquid state by H T - 11 298,16 :-- 6.079T + 2~569 x io-4T2 .1327 cal/g-at (2) cP= 6.079 + 5.138 x io'4 T cal/'C (2a) (1560 - 2200'K) The melting point of beryllium was found to be 1557 - 5*K, the latent heat of melting being 3520 * 80 cal/g at, Ti-ic re.-Aults of the present investigation were in close agreement with those obtained by L.Losanna (Ref.3). There nre I figure I table and 7 references; 3 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy iiintitut me.r I izmeritelInykh prLborov (Khar kov Staitt, Institute of Measures and IMPasuring liustrumetits) SUBMITTED: February 17, 1960 Card 2/2 - ; 1. !~ ,!. " u ~ ,, ~ 0 ;~ , ; ~'. , ! , I .. ~.7i I ng i ,)# m o 7, . !j , ~ -, - , L I . . '' lrl~t- !' ' ' - - 'r -. t- M I '. t i r r, - ~,-, 11 !, rif, .~ f ~, 11 - I '- r I -* 11 ! , I j,`I~ - ,, - ~ '. ; r. , , '. .1 " ! ,, "! , I i, r , ( m, 1 " i, 111 ~ ) TAGOROV, Yuriy YaYgenlyevieb [lEhorov, IME.); 4:LSELI, Anatouy Stepawrieb Kysillp A.S.]; PERESADENKO, I.A., otv. red.; V. T. I, red. (The Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic; a reference book] Ukraimlka Radianalka Botoialletychna Respublika; dovidkovyi material. Kyivj 1961. 39 p. (Tovarystvo dlia posbyrannia politychnykh I naukovykh xnanI Ukrainalkoi RSR. Ser.l. no.10) (MMA 14:9) (Ukraine-Economic conditions) Kl!;EL"p F,, polkoynik -, Upensea are decreased, nylng fAme to Increased. Kryl. rod# 16 no.5tl4-16 Kv 10. (HIRA ISW 1. Haihaltnik Syzranakogo voiremnogo avlatsionnogo uchilishcha, if4f.chikov. KISE'Llp F.M.; VASIL'YIN, Yu.A., elektromekhanik We have facilitated the servicing or long-dintance coumunication apparatun. Avtom. telem. i sylaz' 8 no. 3:34--35 MIr 164. (MIRA 17: 5) 1. Starshly elektromekhanik Lcningrad-Vitebskoy distantsii, signalizatsli i svyazi Oktyabrlskoy dorogi (for Kisell). KISELIP a., inzh. (Sumy) Universal signal generator. Radio no.3:54-56 mr 65. (MIRA 1M) : 1 4,: , . , r."h" V tube ,,,] t.Totf-,r. R,0' a no.1 - 49 J11. " ' , !,kl:rA K[611) i'. ~,* "Phe L'Iffect of ~itanim on So-ia i'ropor',,ies of 3111cate Glass." Cand Tq~-h r)ri, Bdorussian Poly,,,3chmical Inst Imoni 1. 7. StalLyi, '~in X if Igh4ir .,;di4aaon USSR, Minsk, 1Qf,,-Ii. (-'L .6 811 F-b 55 Si.- Sum. 'No. 631, 26 Aug 55- urvev of Sci-mtific and .,3&-nical Jissorta~ioris Defendad at USSR Higber ,"(1),cational Institutions (14) 15-57-1-710 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 1, p 112 (USSR) AUTHORS: Kisellp it 169 Popova, L. P. TITLE: Cementing Material From Peat Clinker From the Minsk Heat and Electrical Power Plant (Vyazhushchiy material iz torfyanykh shlakov minskikh TETs) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauch. rabot. Belorus. politektin, in-t, 1956, Nr 55, pp 98-102. ABSTRACT: Peat clinker has proved to be suitable for the manu- facture of cementing material. The clinker has been separated to determine Its grain siLe distribution (sea Tuble 1). The chemical composition of the clinker is given (in percent) In Table 2. Portland cement, brand 300, was used as the activating component in the experiments. To obtain tho binding material, ground-up clinker was mixed with 20, 25, and 30 percent of acti- vating portland cement and was carefully mixed in a Ca rd 1/2 ball mill. The pent here studied possesses hydraulic 15-57-1-710 Cementing Material From Peat Clinker From the Minsk (Cont.) activity and may be considered as an hydraulic addition. Cement from peat clinker with an activator may be used in the preparation of surfacing and plaster mixtures. Tuble 1 Residues of clinker on the screens, % 20 mm 10 5 mm 2.5 mm 1 mm 0.6 MM 5.45 6.73 1.62 15.45 7.82 47.73 Table 2 S102 A1203 Fe 201 Ca 0 mg 0 S03 Others [ Total 48.92 10.63 4.07 22.?2 2.59 0.84-1 9.77 Card 2/2 S. P. Sh. lei V lit Val y lit pi 1 r f r !qj to. -- I ~ i K : ; I r 1 P I V-E Ell T 0v USELIP I.I., kandstekhn.nauk; RYBAKOV, I.M., inzh.; PCZVU,, O.G., Inzh. Effect of temperature and rarefaction on the moistate transfer in casting and on the properties of ceramic *rocks. Sbor. naucb. trud. Bal. politekh. inati no.82:144-148 160. (HIRA 15:5) (Pottery) (Gypsum) MUM) 1,I.t kand.tokhn.n&ukj CIIEYYMZVA) K.I., inzb.; DMCCINT., I.A., inzh. - Effect of aging and freezing on the properties of batch and ready products. Sbor. nauch. trud. Bel. politekh. Irwt. no.82:141-154 "Aw. (MIRA 15:5) I (ceramics) -- I.J-,-kand.-tekhn.nauk; RADKEVIGII, M., inzh.; SJUNA1,SMY, inzh. &ffect of cement, gypsum and ashes mixtures on tho physicomochanical properties of ceramic crock and the speed of drying. Sbor. nauch. trud. Bel. politekh. inst. no.82:155-163 160. (MIM 1515) (Ceramics) TAGOVDIK. N.K., kand.tmkhn.nauk-, KISILI, I.K.. kand.tokhn.nauk Zffoct of the nddition of dnhydratnd clay on the physical and mechanical proportion of ceramic body. Sbor.nnuch.rub.Bal. politakh.inst. no.63:142-152 158. (MIRA 12:4) (Ceramic materials) -14 - ... I . - . . !,~ I s . 1. 1-1. oil!-,,, , 1:~-,.tb za 3'.) n , -:: 1 ": ~(,j li~ n:i VI)-:! pron . I., I I., Q ,:~ ) , 1 L, 1-,I.r~, ~~ . tvxI:,, in-'. . (AIrA. WOV j ~,r - C; ~-, : T-~,I,vljf I ",( I 'I r, , I )I " () I.. ~ I - . ) . 0 DOMANSKIY, V.I. [Domanalkyio V.I.] ZHURAVSKIY, L.I. (Zhuravalkyi, L.I.]; LH, [~ysillp I.M.i; KUPFRMAH, I.S. Methods for the measurement and regulation of gas filling of ideal mixing apparatus. Khim.prom. [Ukr.) no.102-77 Ja-Mr 164. (MI RA 17 -.3) W,LlAp F. [Ealla Forencjp dro (Praha-Yrc., Joremonkova 1052, CSSR); .KISEL ~Kiazel-Richtort Margit]., dr. (Budapest, JI. Herman ~ 0 ~Lut 155 Decomposition of vitamin C and inhibition of its decomposition in manufacturing rood products. V-VIL Acta. chimica Hung 35 no.1:119-136 163. 1. IseledovatoYakiy Institut Konserynoy i Pryanoperechnoy Promyshlenmstix Budapesht. BA' -LA $ F. ; KIS Elk , '!. ( F"I 5 Z~'. , N. j Role or now tecimDlogy and focl In illantung ",,r vitamin C supply for the POPUIRLI-M. V131'. [At. "' 1E . '10-- ~") N-D 162. (14W 17:5) 1. Iz Nauchno-ionleauvatel'Acgo inititutn klnb-~r-4noy I~r- yohleancieti Budapesht, Vengrlys. -XISELI, No (Tallinn); TARASOV.9 G. (g.Gubakhal Permaka3m oblast'); VOLCHINg V.-I~siiozerbkiy rayong Leningradskaya oblast') Exchange of experience. Radio no.12:30 D 160o (KIRA 14s2) (Radio) (Televiaiop) .., 0 . 1 r KISELI , -111. -, (p.Tal I in) Letter to the editor. Radio no.7:37 J) '61. (MIRA 14: 1,0) (Radio--Interference) (Televirlon--Interference) MOROZOV, A.A.1 KISEL'p N.A. Extraotion of a chloride complex of cadmium by the phase of liquid anion exchangers. Ukr. kh1m. shur. 31 no.4t4ll-416 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Odeaskiy gosudaretvennyy universitst imeni Mechnikova. ri I 1~ F Z- 11 k" 11) 1 MIROV, O.A. (Dneprodzerzhinsk); KISSLI, N.D., inzh. (Kharlkov); KGROLNV, U.S. (Barnaul) Divemion of the article OThs engineer's bill to the pbysicisnes Ucking interest and inspiration. G-A-Sheltov. Public duty. N*D. Kisell. "Not our businees.1 U.S.Korolev. Zdorov'e 4 no.1:4 J& 158. (RIALTH AMUCATION) (HIM 11:2) EW r( tl) /FWI'( /ETI IJP( C JD,/JG ACC NRi AP6030019 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/169/005/1075/1076 M-HOR: Bezrukov, V. 1.;[I:!_ ed); Klimov, V. V.; Kisell, N. G. ~pitsk~iyA. ~V_ (Deceas O-FG: Donets 19rqx%o0n of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Chemical Rea"ents and High Purity Compounds (Donetskiy filial vro-,soyuznogo nauchno-issledovatil_~ skogo instituta im cheskikh reaktivov i osobo chistykh veshAV-zo 7,7 TITIX: Ileteroniobates of rare earth elements of the cerium- and yttrium subgroups SOURCE: All SSSR. Doklady, v. 169, no. 5, 1966, 1075-1076 TOPIC TAGS: niobate, niobium compound, cerium, yttrium, rare earth element "ISTRACT: Interaction between the aqueous solutions of potassium niobate with the salts~ of rare earth elemento was studied by nephelometric technique. It was found that at ,the neutral point Me(OH) (Nb03)2 is formed; He is a rare earth element. The water- soluble complex of hateroniobates are formed upon dissolving of the Me(OH) M03)z in the excess of potassium niobate. It was found that the breaking point on the transpa rency curve corresponds to Me:Nb=l:2. It was also found that Me(OH) (NbO3)Z precipi- ,tates at pH=6 and that it dissolves at pH=9.2-9.5 and the Me:Nb ratio is 1:9. Two ,types of thermal effects, endothermic and exothermic, were observed in the curve of calcination of the heteronlobates of the rare earth elements. The general formula of these heteroniobates was found to be 3K20-Me7.03-4Nb2.0!,-(17.9-19.8)ii2.0. It was also UDC: 546.6511882+546.66'882:541.49 Card 1/2 L 05830-67 .-ACC NRi'-- AP603001:9---- i ep found that 70% of the crystalline water is lost upon heating to 100-1800C. Final de- .hydration occurs at 560-6100C. The dehydration was found to be partially irreversible. Presented by Academician 1. 1. Chernyayev on 14 December 1965. Orig. art. has: 1 table.; ~SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 2lSep65/ ORIG FXF: 007/ OTH REF: 002 Card 2/2 25(l) aM/1-25-59-1-13/15 AUTHOR: Chiernegaj, D.F., Mclotkvw, B.A.,. Kisell TITLE: The Influeme of Electri-.-Slag Heating cf tLe Izgot Shrinkage Head by GrapLitized Eleatro& ~,,; tne Propertles of Metal (Issledovaniye vliyaaiya e1^ki.:rrj.6h;~,7v'No obogreva p=ibyl'- noy chasti slitka grafitizi~ravamym elektrodrm ne. wroystnm meta1la) PERIODICAL: Avtrmt1chesk%ym !~j5q,. 07 1, Z-86 (X&SR) ABSTRACT: The macrostra2bire of a ingc--~, Ivs. ir. ~--omjmriscm with a nm-heated ingot., the frj' lv~vJxtg res.%tvxea: shrinkage holesy better toighL.Pes of metal, .ILesE-xtarked '.w tapers and V-tvpe segregation. Me e.1ectr-'c-s?.&,g heating of 3-'--Aa jxu3c-ts perfozmied by direct current of positive p:0-srity 1000 a -9-nd 50 v, results in no noticeable chinge in the ch,%Lt~7%1 cmt-mt of the metal. The conventra' ion of sulplvLr in thft heated Irgat is hy C.002 to 0-005% less than In the wkeated izgot. Uader the influence of direct currentp the enntert e,,f hydrogen In the Wot brAy decreases. As a ri1e,. the remi:-tLvg h:(Cnogen v.M shift Card 1/2 25(l) 3 5 The Influence of Electric-Slae Heating of the Ingot ~Xa(L by Graphitized Electrode on the Properties of Metal to the negative pole. Electric-slag heating by means of direct current is moat suitable for reducing hydrogen in the ingot and for improving, the mechanical properties in the metal. There are three graphs, one sketch, one photo, one table, and ten ~;oviet references. AS30CIATIONs Kiyevakiy politekhnicheakiy institut (Kiyev Politechnical Institute). 4hdanovskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod im. Illicha (Zhdanov Metallurgical Plant imeni Il'ich) SUBMITrED: July 7, 1958 Card 212 Um, I ?.a. ITechnology of tapping an ordinary fir.0 Reviewed by P.G.Kisell. Der. I lemokhIm. prom. 3 no.12:27 D 154. (PRA 8: 1) 1. Master Shitkinskago khimleekhosa tresta Irkutkhimles. (Tree tapping) DICENKO, A.M., Inth.; KORZHj M.I., Inah.; lnzh.; KHALMM, A.Z., lnzh. Cavitation damages In the cylinder sleeves of engines. Hanhinostronnis no.305-0fl My-Je 165. (KIRA l8t6) L&VI. M.I.; KISSLI, R.I.; CHMVA, G.I.; KISLYAKOVA, L.N. i~ On the epidemiolog7 of vesicular (pox-like) rickettsiosts. Zhur.mik-robiol.epid.i immun. no.1:46 Ja '54. (MLRA 7:2) 1. Iz Kharlkovskogo instituta spidemiologii i mikrobiologii i=. Hechnikova. (Rickettsia) 1104Q-66- EWP(e)/EW(M)AmM/mi -ijp(;) _WjD - - ___ -66 - V148V _` CC NR, AP 29824 SOURCE CODE: UR/030/66/062/008/148 A AUTHOR: Klimov, V. V.; Kozachenko, V. N..; Didk(rrskwja, 0. S.; Zvonik, V. A.; ,~isel', T. P.; Andreyev, A. Ya. ORG: All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Chemical Reagents and High-Purit Substances, Donets Branch (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut khimicheskikh reaktivov i osobo chislykh veshchestv, Donetakiy filial) TITLE: Preparation of piezo- and ferroelectric ceramics using spray dried solutions SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 2, no. 8, 1966f 1483-1486 TOPIC TAGS: peizoelectric ceramic, f erroelectric 4~~ ceramic technology, ceramic product property, barium titanate, titanate, lead _trft==AW1 calcium t4ftwada- ve 17 ABSTRACT: A preparati method was descf4bed for piezo- and ferroelectric ceramic materials on the bane of triple titanate 6f barium, lead, d calcium. The method was designed to replace the conventional ceramic sinteringk6chnique in view of its substantial disadvantages. The first step of the described Fiethod consisted of preparation of the finely dispersed (particle size 6-8 ji) p6wder of the basic barium, lea4 and calcium nitrates by sprV drying of their aqueous solutions follawing a technique invented by the authors (Author Certificate no. 901979-29-14, 21-05.1964). The powdered nitrates were then converted into titanates of varied uDc: 666-3:537.226-33+666.3:537.228.1 L h3oho-66 ACC NR, AP60-2-9-8-21----- composition by firing the nitrate powder at 900-1000C at wh-ch temperature formation of the solid solutions with perovskite structure is coplcte,l. The particle size of titanates after firing wan about 1 V. Ifigh-purity1j)owders may be obtained from adequate4 1~ure starting materials. The sintering of these powders into ceramic products occurs at a temperature in the 1230-1280C rarge, which is 100-150C lower than the temperature range of sintering the powders produced by conventional ceramic technique. The electrophysical properties or the ceramic products obtained by spray drying were shown to be superior to those of the products of ceramic technology. Notably, the piezoelectric modulus (d3, ) was comparatively higher and, in certain samples, constant in the -60 to +80C range. Universality of the method described was stressed, insofar as it may be applied to most of the f erro- and piezoelectric ceramics presently used. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 2 tables. [JKI;: SUB CODE: 11/ SUBM DATE: 220ct65/ ORIG REF: 001/ F V~- KISXL', V. Ovanovo). Owe nore on the efficiency of fire technical inspections. Fbzh. dolo 4 no.2:7 7 158. (MIRA 11:1) (Yire prevention--Inspection) L - L'P \V PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4726 Kiyev. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatell~kiy i proyektnyy in- stitut ugollnoy rudnoy, neftyanoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti Nauchnyye zapiski, vyp. 1: Dobycha i pererabotka nefti (Sci- entific Reports of the State Scientific Research and Project Institute for the Coalp Mining, Oil, and Gas Industries, No. 1: Extraction and Processing of Petroleum) Kiyev, 1960. 91 p. 1,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: UkrSSR Gosudarstvennaya planovaya komisslya Soveta Ministrov; Goeudaretvennyy nauchno-isaledovatellakly i proyektnyy Institut ugollnoy, rudnoy, neftyanoyi gazovoy promyshlennosti "Ukrniiprovekt." Editorial Council: V. P. Aksenov, S. Ye. Anushin, S. 1. Balinskly, V. Ya. Volchanskiy, D. I. Golltsev, V. S. Grinshteyn (Re3p. Secretary)p B. V. Dzbanovskiyj M. M. Zherbin (Chairman)p A. F, Kotov, M. I. Logvinovp Yu. M. Ostrovskiy, L. M. Orzhekhov- skaya, 0. V. Prisedskiy, V. T. Sklyar (Deputy Chairman), N. Yu. Stasiv, and V. V. Tearitsyn; Resp. Ed. for this Collection: V. T. Skylar, Candidate of Chemical Sciences; Ed.: A. Novik. --Card -1/5 Scientific Reports (Cont.) sov/4726 FURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for petroleum researchers, engineers, and refiners. COVERAGE: The colleation of articles dealp with the production and refining of petroleum. Individual ~rtlcles discuss the effect of bound water on the depletion of petroleum deposits under dissolved gas conditions, the erfect of pressure on the viscosity of degasified petroleum,'the structure of high-mole- cular petroleum hydrooarbons, the asphaltene and tar compo- nents of Carpathian orudes and menilite shale asphalts, and the aliphatic composition of alcohols produced by selective hydro- genation of the CO and H2 product of synthesis. Other nrtlcles describe the carbamide dewaxing method for filtrates of wax dis- tillates, the production of flotation agents with the use of oxidized petrolatum, and tho investigation of six-membered aro- matic and naphthw1o hydrocarbons by means of infrared absorption spectra. The remaining articles are on the relations of pressure- volume-temperature-ethylene and on the phase equilibrium in ethylene-n-hexaneo ethylene-ayelohexane, and ethylene-benzene systems. Specific volumes and compression coefficients at Card-2/5 Scientific Reports (Cont.) SOV/4726 pressures up to 150 atm in the 30-1500C temperature range are given for the n-hexane-ethylene system. No personalities are mentioned. References accompany most of the articles. TABLE OF CONTENTS: PETROLEUM PRODUCTION Ostrovskiy, Yu. M., and V. A. Kisell. On the 'Effect of Bound Water in the Depletion'Piro-o'esis of a Petroleum Deposit Under Dis- solved Gas Conditions Muradov, A. A. Effect of Pressure on the Viscosity of De- gasified Petroleum 8 PETROLEUM REFINING Sergiyenko, S. R., Ye. V. Lebedev, and A. A. Mikhnovskaya. On the Structure of High Molecular Hydrocarbons of Petroleum 13 .11 "'ard 3/ L 47127-66---~W(Q -lip(c) G NR1 ARGO16019 SOURCn- COM UR/0271/66/000/001/BO03/BO03 AUTHOR: Ki A. ;Kitsul, 1. V. TITLE: T!jgor~m!tric interpolation with multiple equidistant nodal points SOURCE: Ref. zh. Avtonint. telemckh. I vyCh1sl. tekhn., Abs. IB20 REF SOURCE: Tr. uchebn. in-tov svyazi. M-vo svvazi SSSR, vyp. 24, 1965, 169- 176 TOPIC TAGS: polynomial, interpolation, harmonic function, approximation method ABSTRACT- A method is analyzed for plotting the trigonometric polynomials which for interpolating the values of a given function and values of its derivatives in equidistant modal points. Three cases are analyzed: when an interpolating function is of even parity, odd parity, and random. The given solution can be used for calculating the harmonic corrections, vocoders, and synthesizers, as well as equipment, the calculation of which is based on an approximation of the given func- tion and its derivatives of trigonometric polynomials. Orig. art. has.- I figure. [Translation of abstract) NT) SUB CODE: 12/ ;Card 1/1 afj UDC: 681. 142. 33. 001 I -- - KISELI , V.;" Construction and analysia or orient4,41 rmj,hr tii3eil on the theory of a N-t(-rminal network. Izv. vys. unheb. zv.; radlotekh. 8 no.3s291-299 ~~-Je 165. (MIRA 18-9) ZELYAMI~ F.Y.1 FiSELIP V.A* Canoni,)sl schematics of' two-terminal circuits consintIng of two- terminal networks of two forms. Radlotekhnika 20 no.71l-S J1 165. (MIRA IS: 8) 1, NyDtv1te1'nyye chleny Nauchno-tekhnicheakogo obshchestva radlotekhniki I elektroaryazi Imeni Popova. ` T:- 1 .TLI) 7.41. ,I t'riell (", , Of ;:!:fw:,, Cfl!il c : *,:; r. I !'~P"J. trns, v ! n-, I I (~~' t n- PU,.-~ - 5()D li,~ , " . (!, T ~ -,', Y, a ) Alaknondr Indreyevich, prof., lael.dayatell asuki [deceasadj;_~='. V,At, gostevitell-rads; MMTATSTA, Ye.D., red.; BtWOVA. K.K., red.; TWOVA, A.H., red.; GAMSHIMA, Te.1h., red.; GROMBAKR, SX, red.; KOSTUS. 2.M.. red.; KUDRTAVTS3VA, A.J., red.; KATZELI, I.Ya., red.; MARMCK, V.D., red.; MOMOVSKIT, Sh.D., red.; PELIVINA, M.P.. red.; PWIITONOVA, M.P., red.; SAYVATIMSKATA, N.P., red.; FRIDKAN. R.A., red.; SHIRVINDT, B.G., red.; IDSLIKAN, Z.I., red.; GAYLILARD. M.L. (Selected works. Jubilee edition on the 100th anniversary of his birth, 1859~-19593 Isbrannys trudy. Wbilsinoe izdania k 100-latiiu so dnin rozhdanila, 1859-1959 gg. Koelcva. Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry, ig6o. 427 p. (MIRA 13:10) (minmcs) ABBAISOV, A.A., kand,tehhn.nauk; KISELI, V.A., inzh. Reoretical study of the proceas of heat exchange in mi!citle phase recovory with a bot agmt. flauch.zap.4milproekta no.4:69-75 161. (F.L(A 15:1) (Oil reservoir enrineerinp) f 'k OSTROVSKIY, Yu.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; KISELI, V.A., Inzh. Planninf the development of an oil pool in solution gas drive. Nauch.- zap.URrnilproekta no.4:76-82 161. (M1RA 15:1) (Oil reservoir engineerine) ABDASOV, A.A., kand.t0hn.nauk; EISELI, V.A., inzh. Temperature dintributions In misciLle 14aise recover7 with a hot ngent. Nauch.7AP.U~rniiproekta no.4-83-86 '(1. (MIRA 15:1) (Oil reservoir engineering) ABBASOVP A.A., Inzh.; KISELI, V.A., inzh. Temperatlire dist,ribition in thermal production. Nauch. zap. UkrnitproektA no.9t97-100 162. (MIRA 16t7) (Petrolmva prodwAlon, Thermal) KISE11, vefle Zlemantn of thol df 4 - 3 - F-!tl "-, " ~- -, -I-, , -., . - . ~' . ~' - , . : 1:1 _-i:l ' 9 46-53 X! I%! 7 fL.1, - - * C, ) A j-, ."Vw 74 W-1 IeMll~ K~ Al Iv v vV TC, M-N 7i:!~i V9 all ~1, -Lg, 4 10~ rl. ~4,1 `11.f I pe- 'FAA it, 7 V, 1A 1 r. I ( ; . I , , Ov T7~ of r~ 17, 'Vpr~ ~!r, ms VO 6W. j4 PlY Or io if, 4-'j- A . A" y, '7~ -fr' i4 "Af Ij Id r wrl a -C -A 1: so i ~11: ~ 1 i n v C t GRIN', G.S.; KRUPSKIT, H.K.. kandidat sallskekhez1aystyannykh nank; KISILI, T.D SOXOWVSKIT, A.N., rodaktor: ORINCOM, A.X., kand1dat sei-SXOVWty&- at-wennykh nuiik, rodaktar:SHIXLN, V,L., radaktor; SIVACHBNKO. Ts.K., tekhalchaskly redaktor. (Soil characteristics of the N#gayok Massif In th6 Ukraine from the point of view of agrigultural land improvement) Agromelioratlynaia kharaktorlittka pochv Nsgaisksgs massive Ukralay. Kiev. Izd-vo Ake- demit nauk USSR, 1955. 68 p. (Microfilm] (MIRA 9tO l.Deyetvitalinyy chlen AN USSR (for SokolovskI71 (Ulcraine-Soils) D. 7. D.: .,lolls S: t . "The nrol-lem, of the nLture I o~ the Ma,-; If." l.',r. Kh -rikov Or,!,!r of L.,bor 7ied V. V. Dakucivciev. Kh:tr I kov, vil -f the n llkraillLin in I C Ki;jzhniv!i Letolds, No. 1956 .L" LOGATKIN. M.U.; KISELI, V.Ptj-_RAKZATEV. P.T. One-stng,e method of determining AverAge skin temperature. Gig. & sAn. 21 no..1:83-85 Mr 159. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz Voyanno-mmditeinskoy ordena Lenina akAdemli Imeni S.M. Kirova. (BODY TEMPERATURE. determ. one-stage method of determ. of skin temperature) (SK IN, physiol. temperature determ.. one-stage method) USSR/Organic Chemistry - Synthetic Orffinic Chemistry E-2 Abs Jour Referat Mir - Khimiya, No 2, 1957, 4489 Author Knunyants, I.L., Kisell, Ya.M., Bykhovskaya, E.G. Inst AcadcrV of Sciences USSR Title Reaction of Hydrogun Fluoride with Diazoketone3. Orig Pub Izv. All SSSR, Otd. kbim. n., 1956, No 3p 377-378 Abstract On interaction of stoichlometric amounts of omeLa-diazo- acetophenonc and anhydrous 'IF in a large excess of abso- lute other and wider cooling.. there is formed an almst qtiantitative yield oV omef~a-fluoraceto-phenone (BF g0- 910/12 mm, d2y 1 n20D 20 *154, 1-5200). From p-nitrodiazo- acato-phenone,..'under the above stated conditions, (at 25-3(P), was obtained a quantitative yield of p-nitro- omcea-fluoracetophanone (MP1330). Card 1/1 115 - 80058 ~57-390 S/02 60/132/01/32/064 B011 126 YB AUTHORSs Knunyants, 1. L., Academician, Bykhovskaya, E.--G., Frosin, V. N,, Kisel't Ta. M. TITLE% The Interaction of Fluoroolefines With Witrosyl Fluoride PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk BBSR, ig6o, vol. 132, No. 1, pp.123-126 TEM The authors have shown that the reaction named in the title occurs easilys Ritrosyl fluoride (NOP) is added to the double bond >C-.&.C< - Thus, on the reaction of nitroagl fluorides with q-isobutylone, tort-l-nitrosoisobutans forms (boiling point +24 ). 2-Nitroso-l-propans (boiling point -130) was prepared fromtf-propylons and NOY.q-ethylone certainly reaots with SOP, but(?-nitroso- ethane was not obtained. The latter reacts with the cf-ethylene excess and gives perfluoro-2-othyl-1,2-oxaootidine as the main product of the reaction (analogous to Ref- 5)- On the other hand, surprisingly, q-nitrosoothane was obtained from the reaction of SOP with trifluoroothylones. It is a blue gas with a boiling point of from -420 to -430. Its formation is explained by means of chemical equations. The reactic-, of SOP and vinylidene fluorides is even more complicateds The single product obtained from it has the summation formula (C 2F3H2 ON)x The Card 1/3 80058 The Interaction of Fluorooldines With litrosyl 3/020/60/132/01/32/064 Fluoride BO11/B126 authors ascribe a definite structuri to it (see scheme), and explain in a further scheme the supposed conversions that lead to its formation. With the initially described main reaction, side reactions often take places oxidation, fluorination, and nitration of the original fluoroolefine by HOF and nitrogen oxides. The latter aro formed by the decomposition of NO?. Thus, from the re- action of NOF with totrafluoroothylons.1-boxafluoroothane and n4.trodifluoro- acetic acid,were for"77-see scheme). From the products of the reaction of NOY with trifluoroethylene the authors obtained trifluoroacetaldehyde, trifluoro- acetic acid, pentafluoroothan*,and q-nitrosoothane. Apart from 1-nitrosopropane, hexafluoropropanol-2-nitrits was obtained from the reaction between NOY and I-propylens. It was changed into hexafluoroscatone by hydrolysis. The reactivity of fluoroolefino with NO? varies. While.the hydrofluoroolefined CF2wCFR and CF2-CH2 react vigorously with NOY, so that the reaction can only take place if the reagents are diluted with an inert solvent, perfluoroolefines react with HOF under more rigid conditions. Thus, qp-imobutylone reacts at room temperature with BOY without a solvent. NOY reacts with tetrafluoroethylens undo?-propylene only on heating and in the presence of a catalyst (active carton). Without the catalyst only nitration (and fluorination) products ofif-olefines are formed. There are 12 references, 2 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 VAJ(HTEL', V.Yu.; KISELI, Yu.P. I'..,-.-- I..,--.--- Balancing of engines during their assembling operation. Trakt. I selkhozmash. 32 no.3:11-13 Mr '62. (MIRA 15--2) 1. Gosudarstvennoye spetaial'noye konstruktorskoye byuro po dvigatelyam. (Gas and oil Pngines--Vibration) VMHTTILIP Strenghthening of high-pressure fuel pipes. Trakt. i sellkhozmash, 32 no.514O-42 Yq 162. OURA 1515) 1. Gosudqrat"nnoye opetsiallnoye konstruktorskoye byuro po dvigatelyam. (Tractors-Fuel systems) FORAM, P.; AIS A J.; SOLTES, L. Pubertas praecox vera fo3-lowing tuberculous meningitis. Cesk. pediat. 18 no.105-58 Ja 163. 1. Detska liecabna tuborkulozy, Dolny Smokovec, riaditel, MUDr. J. Spura Interne oddelenie, prednosta. doc. dr. R. Neumann, CSc. Odborny liecabny ustav endakrinologicky F~Lubochni, riaditel KUDr. E. Snanar. (PUBERTY PRECOCIOUS) (TUBERCULOSIS MENINGEXQ CC NRe Ar 6025316 SOURCE CODE: UR/0433/66/000/oo6/0025/0025- AUMOR: Kiselek, Ye. (Junior research associate); Onishchenko, L. (He&d biological laboratory, MMM?90111 ORG: none TITLE:. Use of entobacterin SOURCE: Zashchita ranteniy, no. 6, 1966, 25 TOPIC TAGS: insecticide, entobacterin, haphygna exigna, acrolis segetim, chlorides, obsoleta, syonetia clerkella, pieris rapae ABSTRACT: ;The use of entobacterin in combating Laphygma exigua, Agrolis segetum, :and Chlorides, obsoleta was studied. At 30*Cj the mortality of Ch. obsoleta increased from 33.3Z with the application of a 0.1% entobacterin solution to 91.6% with a 22 solution. The effectiveness of entobacterin .decreased with temperatures, at 15-18*C the mortality was only 5%, Entobacterin was more effcctiye than the B. cereus Var. galleriase :63-3 and 128 strain. The use of eatobacterin against Lyonetia clerkella -W*and Pieria repae (L),vas also Otudied. At 23-30% a 1% solution Card 112 632.937.15 -1c NR, AP6025316 of entobacterin in amounts of 1000 1/h& was 98% effective ag'sinst Lo clerkella and in a concentration of 0,151 In amount@ of 400 1/ha It,- was-83.3%-effective against.,-., __[W.A; 50; OBE No. 10) SUB COEE: 06/ SUBM DATE: none/. j IT 1% 4"A"L D 1 GA Sec,2 Volelo Kwa fv/~ 0 t/, /1, /0 ft-BiOchem, SePt 57 4114. KISELENKOV *%.and LYSINAG.G. *Pathways and rate of eli- mina ;on of 'carbon disulphide from the organism (Russian t e x t ) VRAC. DELO 1956. 9(973-976) When small doses of carbon disulphide (sul phur- labelled) were injected a. c. into white mice the greatest part (up to 86%) was eliminated in the course of 8 hr. in the free state via the lungs; only 14% was eliminated by the kidneys. When massive doses of CS3 were Injected L p. the period of elimination increased. If animals were kept for 2- 12 hr. in an atmosphere containing the upper permissible limit orCS, a small amount was re- tained. The data confirm the rationale of bringing the victims of CSZ poisoning out into the fresh air. which enhances pulmonary ventilation and cardiovascular activity. KISELEV. A.1 BRAVERWO M. L-~ Work practice under the now conditions. Den.i kred. 21 no.447-50 Ap 463. (KIRA 16W 1. Upravlyayushchiy Tikhvinskin otdelenlyem Gosbanka loningradnkoy oblasti (for Kiselev). 2. NachalInAk kreditnogo otdola Berdichevokogo otdelentya Gosbanim (for Braverman). (Banks and banking) (Agriculture--Auditing and inspection) TIKHONOVA, H., dvornik ~Zagorsk~ Moskovskoy obl.),- GUROV, T., dvornik (70gorskp Mookovokoy oblol; VASIXINAp A., dvornik (Zagorek, Mookovskoy obl.)j MELEY A. dvornik (Zagorek, ~bekovskoy obl.); VASM, M., dvornik -7Zago-ra- Iskovokoy obl.); SHAXALOVA, A., dvornik (Zagorsk, Mookovskoy abl4)j TIKHONUVA, P., dvornik. (Norsk, Moskovskoy obl.); PEROUT A., dvornik (Zagorsk, MoskovBkoy obl.) An open letter from yard cleaners in Ugorsk, Zhil.-kom. khoze 13 no.3: 10 Hr 163. (MIH~ 1633) (Cleaning machinery and appliances) KISELEVp A., kand.sellskokhos.nauk ~ .. --- I Agricultural innovators write textbooks. Prof.rtekh. obr. 2D no.4t26 Ap 163. (Ritliography-Farm mechanization) (MIRA 160) KISELEV, A.,, podpolkovnik takhnichaskoy slushby On the upgrade. Voen. rest. 41 no.3sll-12 Mr '62. OaRA 15:4) (Russia-Army) NKOMO, A.1 KISIIMV. A. '--- - - --- - - - I k Centralized main"tenumnoe &M repair of automobiles in Simforo 011. Avt. transpo 3 159. (ta RA 12 #10 7 no.7tl6-19 J1 . I.Glavnyy inzhener Xrymskago avtotresta (for Pomichankc). 2.NAchallnik otdola Ukrdortranenii (for Kinniev). (Simforopoll--Motortruoks--Maintinance and repair) 11MAT. A. --v~;-- Complex proftotion and the qwalty of toaoblng. Prof.-tekh. obr. 11 no.3il7-18 Ag 154. (MM M) 1. twostitell diroktora po uohobno-prolsvodatreanoy chasti re- seelennogo uchillshoha No. 18 (Sverdlovik) (19o'huloal education) 115ILLIV nodar). -.W--IV&4JAs We are developing the production of roadwork pane's. Prot. koop. no.3130-31 Mr 157. (HLRA 10:4) 1.Starshiy inshener ITB Xraypromeoveta. (Rush work) (Buildinc materials) ZARGARLI, F.I. (Moskvas Zubov3kiy bullvar, d.37pkom.63); CXBEVY G.Ya.; KISEIZVO A.A. Effect of a model of patent ductuB arteriosus on the circulation in a dog. Grud. khir. 1 no.4:26-31 JI-Ag 159. (MIRA 15s3) 1. Iz kliniki gospitallnoy khirurgii imoni A.V. Martynova (dir. - deystvitelinyy chlen. AMN &SSR prof. B.V. Petrovskiy) I 14ookovokogo ordena Lenins. mooitsinskogo instituta imeni IX. Sechenova. (DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS) (BIZOD-GIRCULATION) GEBELOO G.Ya.1 KISZIZV, A.A. Some changes In the hemodynamics and gas exchange of the looser blood circulation during the usn of neuroplegio substancos. Khirurgiia 36 no.4s107-112 Ap 160. (MIA 13:12) (CHLORPROMINE) (PHENUMIAZINE) (BLOOD-CIRCUIATION) 41, lasolev D405/b3di ITLE t some, smics and, t 9 gas mhod%* yn -Aii6n, under transverse ventro dorifil accelaratiotCe. F=perlmiutal s tudie a 6n A- souptars: Problemy' -kosnAche'skoy, biologik. v, .2. Ed. by N. Sin kyan. and V.,Yasdovskiy- Moscow, lzd-vo AN SSSR, 1962! 231-23T- TM(T.- Changes! n tbQ',''p'ubAbnary circulation of dogs under the effect of ventro-doreal,'i0celerations of 3. 6 and 51 g we- ted-on do tigated. -.In all, were conduc a of 130th" ff-. 1.;ti:' . .aexes wei hi - b twe ~tfii following ind catore were. . h d E M h determine t, ventricle by the met o Q the Pred ILM iTj ~'tjje . r or of probes,, he. t crate o i i ircu, ationt the Mgen volume con- nd h l = % n arter aL. se, rati is t t 0 ~resp ation rate a e pu 1 For a0a elerations higher tharx.-:1.kAhe pulse pressure in the right Card S /865/62/002/0 1-00/024/042 It ome peculiAritie a D403/D301- -01 ~,ventricla ificrtai 1;~ for ~-.9_-,J_V~:this'-Incre'sse becomes regular., It W"' 09 that ihi VA liitration-~~ of the oxygen is closely related 0 Ulft.conce. ..',to the blood-volume rate in'thi;-.. piilm6nary circulation; the., former ti ;'varies' in diio6t pioportl6ft'itith, the latter, In all the casest ~with~:"".".*. olit exception,' a, decrease- ih."the , bl6od-volume rate -was accompanied, if by a decrease in the oxygen~,volitmtmdoncentration,of the arterial '~blood. Conclusions: Acce%er4tion~ leads. to marked changes. in the''. r_llmolft"14 dii JAtion ~, which in, a major f actor,'~, -hemodynamice of. ths'~ in, maintEdniz% an, adeoAte,.~` lo c6ty,'141n.Atlow level in the' lungs, One .of thd - mo it plaiiiible oWb"haw'' ~iiiii &~,'tM ~ maintenance of this ate the:.prograssive' _##ihg- blood, in the arterial sy M; `~T of t Vithequal- he lung acc!2~ iyitolic volumes of right:an -left ventriel's'. rable efficiency dt''l-,'~, a !:'.such 4 mechanism of. 'cam pfti*iffon of 6xygenation~.,becomol".."-,,,!",",,~~ ri-'lovier aft -this level depeudi 'on :er1,4* mifid"t4s.,lo -Adee Tra on; 110 are'. VUL t,~".the i7iagTdtudq:,'4md dura .-.:tb -,.`46celarationi The V~ an& 2-:tablep -fk ...Card