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A"P, Y P111 V. Country USSR V Category: Phax=colq;y. Tcxicology. M01cinal Plants. Abs Jour: PZiBiol., No 6, 1959, No 27863 ;.uL.ior : Drake, K.V.,_Kjj:yut1na, V.I., Zvcmvzt., . .1 ..............I............. . ......... Toloknova, ..Z. Inst :Mabarovsk Modical Institute Title :On the PharrnccloGy of LwAnaria. Orle Pub: Tr. Xhabarcvsho(.~c ;icd. In-tn, 1957, ab 15, 78-83 Abstroct: Infusions and tinctures of Japancoe Lar-dir-ria M in dilutions of 1:30 - 1 : 200 increase the contrac- tions of isolznted intestine of rabbit. I removes the paralyzin(; action of atropine and adrcnaiin on the intcati-nos, but does not remove thu effcct of papaverine. In subcutaneous and intrnavcnous Card 1/2 JULIr: A4AW1UJ.-, DU V) L7,1.7, SIV C.Ivvj introduction, I decreases arterial prossurc. I increases t;ic; -.;.iplitude of cardiac contractions and dilates MIC VL6801S Of isolated car uf r-abbit. From the aut'icr's resume card 2/2 v-45 I t V. I. Effect of Indian kidney tea on the cardiovascular system. Fam.i - take. 23 no.2:128-129 Mx-Ap 160. (KM 149) 1. Wedra famakologii (zav, - dotoent K.V.Drake) Khabarovskogo gosudarstvennogo zeditsinskogo Wtituts~. (DIURETICS AND DIURESIS) (CAIRDIOVASCUIAR SYSTEM) KIRYUTINA, V.I. Action of Japanese elecampane on vascular permeability. Trudy no.20:207-211 160. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Iz kafedry formakologii (zav. dotsent, K.V.Drake) Khabarovskogo meditiansko o instituta. IELECAMPANE) (BLOOD VESSELS-PERnABILITY) KIRYUTINA, V.I. Action of field horsetail on the cardiovascular system. Trudy no.20:219-223 160. (MIRA 15:10) 1. 1% kafedry farmakologii (zav. - dotsent K.V.Drake) Khabarov- Bkogo meditainskogo Instituta,. (HDRMMUI) (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM) KIRZANg G. Xobils, shelters for the yaor round kOODID& of swine, Salle strol, 13 no. M-O JI 158. (MIRA 11:8) Is Glayn" Inshecier Caskogo oblastnogo uproyleniya po stroltellotra v kolkholakh. (Swine houses and equipment) KIBW, G.; SUPOVAIMI, X.; VAZS*SLU2t; N., starshiy inshener Mechanized fattening farm. Sol'. stroJ. 16 no.9:9-10 S 161, (MIRA 14%9) 1. Glavnyy inshoner Omkogo obl"tnogo upravlenlym po stroitelletvu v kolkbosakh (for Kirzan). 2. Glavnyy konstruktcr Sibirskogo nauohno-iseledovateliskogo instituta sellskogo khozyaystva (for Shapovalov). - (Kormilo*a Diatrict-Swim houses and equipment) KOLOSOV, Vasiliy Dmitriyevich; SHEVCHUK, L.V.p i-ed.; Z111Z ',G-A,., spats. red.; HELINIKOV, V.I., tekhn. rod. (Experience with and prospects for rural constructionlOpyt i perspektivy stroitel'stva na sele. O=ko Onskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1959. 58 P. (MIRA 15:8) 1. flaclallnik mezhkolkho7xoy stroitellnoy kontory Lyubinskogo rayona, Omakoy oblasti (for Kovov) . 2. GlavrWy inzhener Omcko- go obiastnogo upravleniya po ntroitel'stvu v kolkhozakh (for Kirzan). (Construction industry) (Fam buildings) KIRZEWSKA, Lidia; SASSCWA, Janina A pleural form of leukamia following injury. Pol. tyg. lek. 18 no*401652-1653 28 0163. 1. Z I Kliniki Dzieciecej AH we Wroclawiu; kierownik: prof. dr. H. Hirszfeldowa. BURPZINSKA J.; KIRZEWSKA L.,.-. .9 Disorders of rhythm and conduction in viral disea3es in children. Kardiol. Pol. 7 no.201-85 164. 1. Z I Kliniki Pediatrycznej (Kierownik: prof. dr T. K. Nawakowski) i z Oarodka Kardiologicznego PSK Nr 1 we Wroolawiu (Kierowniki prof. dr Z Kowarzykowa). ximumv, A. Shaping a shaft head by rolling. Ptom.koop. no. 1:25 056. MRA 9;6) 1,Kaster 6-Y makhanichaskoy artelt. (Neat grinders) KIRZHAKOV,,.-G.M.-.---. Construction of high passenger platforms on piles. Transp. stroi. 12 no.020-21 Ap 162. (AURA 15:5) 1. Nachallnik proisvodetvenno-takhnicheakogo otdeleniya stroitellnogo upravlenlya No,305 treata. Sevzaptransstroy. (Railroads-Station8) (Piling (Civil engineering)) KIBZR&KCVI GOM. Erricient methods of installing contact network pole". Transp. stroi. 3.2 no.6:12-14 Je 162o (MIM 15:6) lo Nachallnik proisvodstyanno-takhnicbeakogo otdoleniya stroitallnogo ucbaatkoi No.305 tresta Sevzaptramstroyo (Railroads--glactrification) KIRZRAKOV, G.M., inzh.; OREL, A.A., inzh. --- ---- . Precast pile foundations for electrification installations. Tranap. stroi, 13 no.60-12 Je 163. (MIRA 160) (Foundations) (Concrete piling) (Riilroads-Stations) RIMHAKOV,, GAO inxh,; SIDOROV, V,I,, inzb. Resulta of the elsotrification of the Oktya'ortskaya road. Tzensp. stroio 13 no.10gl:L-13 0 t63. (IURA 1-7t 8) KIFIHAYWP N, Ileasurim, the operational 7rear of splinpd and geared coupling in (the tranandesions of) tanks* i4o 12. Tankist, No 12, 19,48. ZELENSKIY, V.D.; SUKALO, M.Kh.; STARKOV) A.N.) spots. red.; DAHLOVA, Z.3.1 red. [Concise French-Russian armor dictionary) Kratkii frantsuzsko- rusakii avtobronetanko-~-yi -lovarl. 1.!oA--va, Voenizdat, 1964. 429 p. (MIRA 17:6) KOZINENKO, D.Ye., inzh.; KIRZHBAUM A.Ya., inzh. Problems of power engineering in petroleum refining plants. Prom. energ. 19 no.3tl6-17 Mr 164. (WRA 17:4) KIRUBAWY-A.Ya., inzh.; KOZINENKO, D.Ye., lnzh. Analyals of breakdowns in the power supply networks of a petroleum refining plant. Prom. energ. 20 no.2t26-28 165. (MIRA 18:4) KHEYFETS, S.; ISKRUK, A.; IIRZHNER,_A_. GD, A., kwWoel'okokhr-z.- , inzh.; APP nauk Use of the A&T-2 device for drying corn cn the cob. K*.-elev. prom. 23 no.512l My 162. (MIRA 1515) 1. Direktor Kraanodarskogo mellnichnogo komLinata (for theyfets). 2. Glavnyy inzh. Krasnodarokogo mellnichnogo kombinsta (for Iskruk). 3. Krasnodarskaya laLoi-atoriya Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-isaledovatellakogo institute zerna i produktov ego pererabotki (for Kirzhner, Aprod). (Corn (Maize)--Drying)' KIRZHv,!FR. (IDOTS.,)D. It., Dispetcherizatsiya V KAmennougollno:.r Fromyshlennosti. Gornvy Zhumal, No 3, 1934, 31-30 . Abs In Goryuchlye Slantsy, 1935, No.5p, 77- So.* Goryuc~iye Slnntrjy !!o. 193LL-35 TIN .871 .G74 KIRZHN'-w.'-Ip D. 111. A. Gpn~dolerdye 3~wbootoimioltl slant3evoy %oly, 31-ir-tV, 1935 NO '~; 61 .~k: slant!3y No. 1'13,'-,'1,5 .11 :'^"Il - W.10 ... n. "'. Zv,--)rykin, ac. j. ~-nrl D. nThm levelolclent o: tlv-- minin.- o' the USSR c;rirl Ll-c ir"ItictI.Viti- ~)f J.t,i in tha cillect"M cela, 53, (Ij.-!to, do Zhurrial I nyr.'h 5t:Aty ~o. 4) ZVORTZIN, A.A.; J~IRZMOR, D,~6; XMIN, X.B. [Bcononios, organization and planning In the U.S.S.R. coal industry] Ikonomika, organizatella, I planorovanie ugolluoi promyshlonnosti SSSR. Moskva. Ugletakhisdat, 1951. 687 P. MR& 6:8) (Mining Industry and finance) (Coal mines and mining) D*M. Kirzhner Ekonomika ugollnoy pr=Wahlennosti SSSII (by) A#A,. Zvorykin,, D.M. Kirzhnor I H.B. KurAin, Izd. 2, perer I dop* Moskvao Ug3.etekhizdat., 1954. 427 P. tables. 23 cm. Bibliograpf7i po (425) BARA OT. Daltrly Petrovich; KMPW. D.M...nauchn" redaktor; ZONTSVATA. ... N.M., redaktor; OBTRIROT, I.B.& TeRnniensawly redaktor [Progressive methods of working longwalls with coal cutter-loaders) Persdovys, metody raboty v kombainovykh lavakh. Moskya, Vsesotusnoo uohobno-podagog. isd-.Yo Tradreservisdat, 1954. 55 p. (MM 80) (Coal-mining machinery) (Coal mines and mining) SIGOV, S.G.; KIRZHM, D.M., professor, otyetstysmiy7 redaktor; SHOW. A.A,., atoebeovesepwadaktor; FEMLOW, N.G., redskYtor; NAMIHSXATA, A.A., takhnichookiy redaktor (Circulating capital in the coal industr7l Gborotn7e sredstya Ugoll- no7 prom7shlennoeti. Mook-ya, Ugletakhtsdat. 1954. 177 Ps (Microfilm] (Coal mines and nining-Ucouting) (MM SM ZVORTKIN, A.A.; IIRZ!M~~DJL: IUNDIN, M.B.; DORCKHIN# N.G., otvatstvanM7 radaktor,- -TNYMI MAN, N.G., redaktor; CFJMNXOT, N.V., redak-tor; ANMYZV, G.G., tekhaichaskir radaktor [Aconomics of the coal industry of the U.S.S.R.) Ikonomika ugolinoi promyshlennosti SSSR. Izd. 2-e, parer. i dop. Moskva. Ugle tekhtsdat, 1954. 427 P. (Microfilm] (KLRA 8 t 2) (Coal mines and, mining) KIRZHM, D.M., prof, Methods of determining the effect of certain industrial processes on the average labor productivity. Nauch.trudy MGI rko-13/14i2D9-215 '54. (MIRA 10110) (Coal mines and mining) (lAbor productivity) GAVRTSTT. Valentin Ivanovich; KIMNICR, D.M., redaktor; M, TXL'KhN, N.G., radaktor; ALADDVA, Te:r..'tAhn'Icbas'kIY reduktor; ANDFMXY, G.G. takhnichnskly redaktor. (Cost accounting and the growth of capital in the coal industry) Khozraschat I uvelichanie nakoplenit v ugallnoi pronyablennosti. Moskva. UglntakhIzdat, 1955. 149 p. (Microfilm] (MLRA 9:1) (Coal nines and mining-Accounting,) KIRZHM, D.M., professor. Donate Basin miners in the rev*lutiou of 1905-1907. U9911 30 ne.12:34-36 D 155. (MLRA 9:2) (Donets Basin-Russia, Revolution of 1905) TONALOV, Anatolly Tasillyevich; JUB.ZMM Jim v odaktor-, .. . ,,A , ot otstyennyy r SUROVA. V.A., redaktor Watel'stva; ZAZULISIUYA. T.Y.. takhnicho- skty'redaktor (Katerials and technical equipment supply in the coal mining industry) Materiallno-takhaichookoe onabshenio v ugollnot promyshlonnosti. Moskva, Ugletekhtzdat, 1956. 35 P, (XL9A 10:4) . (Coal mines and mining--Equipment and supplies) 'r29TIVI *d 741 *9661 'IVXZIRr4,Lqqofl 'V/,.XSOW (SlId Otaixmi 11y00 Ao Gp,lqom IlylotivItIA) IIIXVH'." IrAM1,109n VIINWO"IISINIIIJ 193HJOA 110INNOUR UIAVa 'IRS117-IDI 5N, 1*�U 5/11 HOIAONCAU1.1 (IIAVC. *IrttHZLTIY KONCENT, Semen INxIaLch, dotsent; KHATKIN, Semen laumovich. kaudidat ekonoml- cheskikh nank' KIRMMO Dj,,jtvststvannyy redaktor; SUROTA. V.A., I radaktor Isdatel-aWs; AIADOVA, Te.I., takhnicheskiy redaktor (Problems in the economics and organization of repair of mining oquipment) Voprosy ekonomiki I orpnizatall remonta gornoshskhtnogo oboruaovantia. Moskva, UgletakhIzdat, 1956. 124 p. (XLRA 9:12) (Coal mining machinery-Repairing) ZICRTKIN, AnstolLy Alsksayovich; JELB-VL= POj*,XirqqoYiqb; ILWIN, Mikhail Borlsovich; DOROKHIN, N.G., ,, otyatsivenny,Y -r'edAVf6i'-,-zftYTJVL' MAN, N.G., redaktor isdatelOstva; IOROVINKOVA, Z.A.. takhnichaskly redaktor; AIADOVA, 1%.I., takhnieheskiy redaktor [Production organization and planning to the Soviet coal industry) Organizatatia i plantrovants proizvodetya v ugollaoi promyshlonnosti SSSR. Isd. 2-oa, perer. I dop. Moskva. UgletekhizdAt. 1956. 483 p. (Coal mines and mining) (MLRA 9:12) 100 A GAPOT, D.S.; ARTIBIi~i. B.M.; VIVOROV, A.X- I GINTS, A.N.; GORIKOV, A.V.; GUSTATINSKIT, M.A.; XARPOV. A.S.; JIOLOT. I.I.; KOKMVSKIT. V-T.; XCIRTAGIN. A.1.; KRlYSXff, N.V.; IMAYNOV. A.0.; HISTWROVA. I.N.: OBBS. I.8.. kandidat takhaichaskikh nauk; SOGNOTIKOY, K.S.; SUKHOf- SM. S.Y.; CHIABOY. 0.O.: TUSOT. S.K.: ZHUK, S.Ta.. skadevik, glaym redaktor; KOSTROV, I.N., redaktor; BABORMOV. A.Y., professor, doktor takhnicheakikh nauk, radaktor; IMZHIMRh,&& professor, doktor takhnichookikh nauk. radaktor--.-MbbLu. TO.Y., proressor, doktor takhnichaskikh asuk. redaktor; AYJRIN, N.D., inzhaner, redektor [deceased]; GORIIOV. A.Y., inshener. redaktor: KOMARIVSKIY, T.T.. inzhaner, redalctor; ROGOVSKIT, L.V.. inshener, redaktor; SHAPOVALOV, T.I., inshener, redaktor; RUSSO, G.A., imndidat takhnichaskikh nauk, redaktor; YILIMONOV, N.A.. inzhaner. radektor; VOLKOY. L.N.. inzbenar, redaktor; GRISHIN. M.N.. professor. doictor talchnichasirikh nauk. redak- tor; ZHURIN. V.D., professor, doktor takhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; LIKHAGHFIV. V.P.. inzhoner, redektor; KKI)MZV. Y.M., kandidat takhat- chaskikh nauk. redaktor; MIKHATLOV, A.V., kandidat takhnicheokikb n 'auk, redaktor; PITROV. G.D.. inzhener. redsictor; RAZIN, N.Y.. redaktor; . -, SOBOIAV, V.P.. inzhener, redaktor; YJMINGAR, B.P., inchanar. redaktor; TSYPIAJIOV, V.D., inshaner, redaktor; ISAYNT. N.V.. redaktor; TISTROTA. O.N., redaktor; SKYORTSOV. I.M., takhatcheekty redaktor [The Volga-Don Canal; technical report on the construction of the Volga-Don Canal, the TSimlyanskaya tqdro development and irrigation works (1949-1952); in five volumes] Vblgo-Don; takhnicheskit otchat (continued on next card) IGAPOV, D.S. -- (continued) Card 2. o strottelletya Volgo-Doookogo andokhodnogo kanala iment Y-I-Iantna. TSimlianskogo gidrousla t orositellnykh sooruthenti (1949-1952) V piati tomakh. S.IA. Zhuk. Moskva, Gos.energ. izd-vo. Vol.5. [Quarry management] Karlernoe khoziaistvo. Red.toma I.N. Koatrov. 1956. 172 p. (MLHA 10:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Hinisterstvo alaktrostantati. Byuro takhnicheskogo otchata o stroitalletva Volgo-Dona. 2. Daystvitellayy chaln Akedemii stroitel$stva, i arkhitaktury 565R (for Razin) (quarries and quarrying) ZVORYKIN# A.; IIRZHNZR, D. Same problems in the arganizattea of wages in the coal industry. Sote.trud Ase2:67-75 7 156. WaA 9:7) (Coal mines and mining) (Wages) KIRZHUR, D. - ~Two m`onographs n ways to Increase labor productivity In the coal industx7 ("The organization and establishment of work standards in mechanized work areas of coal mines," 1U. Rubinskit: "labor pro- ductivity and time-oonsusing processes in open coal mines.* K. Lugovkina. Reviewed by D.lirzhner). Sots.trud. no.5:115-119 My 156. (XLRL 9: 8) (Coal mines and mining--Production standards) (Rubinskil, IU.) (Lugovkina, X.) XIRZOMB, D.M., professor. 0 Profitableness of a coal mine. (05tandards for the profitable- ness of a mine' M.K. Bagashev, Reviewed by D.H. Kirshner). Ugoll 31 no.2:45-" 7 '56. (MIR& 9:5) (Mining Industry and finance) (Bagashey. MA.) D. tvan- ov, Gr,~-~riy Fedo Ch, kand.tekhn.nauk:JL"ZIawR.- M., OtTats V" red.; YXYTJIVKAN, N.G., red.izd-va; takhn. red.; UBITOV, A., [Aconomics, production organizatLon ard planning in the Soviet coal industry) Zkonomike. organizatetia proizvodstva i planiroyanie Y ugollnoi promyshleanosti SSSR. Moskva, Ugletakhisdat, 1957. 545 P. (Coal mines and mining) (MIRA 11:2) M /7/ /7 AUTHORS Zvorykin, A.Aep and Kirthnerp-D4M. 119-11-4/7 TITLE "Now to Determine the Economic M*otivenese of Automation". (kak oprodelpt' ekonomicheskuya *ff*kkivnoot' &Vt40fttjZdt8jj) PERIODICAL Priborostroyoniye, 195T Hr 119 PP, 13-17 (USbR) ABSTRICT The most Important Index of the 9oonomio effectiveness of automation is the degree of the Increase of work productivity. This effectiveness in the field of work productivity depends on the degree of wage-int*naity in an enterprise being automized. For the determination of the economic effectiveness in the index of work productivity we can carry out the following simple calculations: To call the number of workers in the enterprise a) before the introduoiion of automation in the enter- priae h1 b) after the introduction of automation h 2 and we obtain in this osse-with all other conditions remaining the same-the increase of work productivity to CARD 1/4 hl I- h2 x 100 :t "2 119-11-4/7 "Now to Determine the loonomio Effectiveness of Automation". and a decrease of wage intensity to 1 2 X 100 h1 As second index for the determination of the effectiveness of automation serves the specific use of oapit&l per production unit. When analysing the amount of this ex- penditure a oertain regularity oan be observed. As a rule the capital use per production unit deareasts there where it is relatively low, org wherej in oou- soquonoe of automation the scope of production Increases esaentially. The more complicated the enterprise is in technical respect and the higher the level of auton&tion and the smaller the inorease of production Lev the more the capital use per production unit of the annual produotion will drop. With the level of capital use also the sooalled offioisnoy-agent of automation is connected, which shows us how muoh smaller the capital use is for the automation to secure an increase of the capacity of an CIRD 2/4 aggregate or of machine, than the expenditures which 119-11-4/7 "Now to Determine the Economic Iffootiveness of Automation". are neoessary In order to reach such an increase of the capacity of an aggregate or a machine without using automatio devioss. There in no reason to regard the coefficient of the efficiency of automation of universal importanot. The most Important Index of the economic efficiency of automation in the USSR is the reduction of the produotion costa. Usually this effectiveness is characterized by a comparison of the peroantage ot the reduction of production costs In a non-automiz*d nterpriss. This is right, if the economic effectiveness the same kind of processes and enterprises is con- N aidored. The percentage of %be reduction of production costs with automation is different If the production costa are calculated with or without the costs of-the raw-material. The distribution of the expenditures of the individual departments to the individual products is usually carried out proportionally to the wage of the basic productive workers. In oases of the automati- on of single processes or departments with a number CARD 3/4 of industrial branches the same principle was maintained "Nov to Determine the Zoonomio Effectiveness of Automation". which is used when oozparing an automij9d with a A00- autonived production. This. however, is obviously un- oorroot as the real expenditures of departments do not change according to the same relation with automation as do the wages. When determining the share of the general costs of production per production unit in a non-autonis*d or automized enterprise it is Important to regard the demands for the equalisation of the quantity of produotim Without this the effectiveness of an autoais*d enter- pris* to artificially increased as in ouch a oas* the general costs of production (of the non-autoulsod enterprise) refer to a smaller quantity of production than In an automized enterprise. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. CARD 4/4 /ox 1,),141 ZVORTZIN, A.A.0Iprof.; XIRZFM. D.M. - 1. I Progressive engineers and technicians of the U.S.S.R. coal Industry. Ugoll 32 no.11148-53 1 157. (MIRA 10;12) (Coal ainers) (Coal research) KI'.RZHNM, D.M., prof. Problem bf amortizing fixed assets in the coal industry. Rauch. dokl. vys. shkely: kor. delo no-1:107-114 '58. (MIRA 11:6) l.Prodstavlena kafedroy organizateii, skonomiki i planirovaniya proizvodstva Moskovskogo gornogo Instituta. im, I.V. Stalinas (Coal mining machinery) (Amortization) ZVORTKIN, A.A., prof,; XIRZMMR, D.M., prof. Basic problems of mining enginmering theor7 and practice. Izv. v7s.uchebosav. gor.shur. n0-3:3-11 '58. (HIRL 12SW Vning engineering) ZVORMIN, A.A., prof.; KIEWHER, D.M.; prof. Methods of determining the economic efficiency of automatization In the coal industry. Nauch.dokl.vys.shkoly; gor.delo. no*4: 259-266 1 58, (MIU 12: 1) 1. Prodstavleno knfedroy skonomiki, organizateli I plantroyaniya gorrqkh prodpriyatly Moskovskogo gornogo instituta inent I.To Stalina. (Coal mines and miniVoets) (Autoratic control KTH R David Hironovich- KUNDIN, Mikhail Borisovich; HIKOLISIrT, -- tg'., 7ot;.;;a.;MtMYAUIKOVA, G.S., red.izd-va; NADZINSKATI, A.A.,; LOKILIKA, L.N., \1 [wage organization in the coal mining and mining Industries) Organizataiia zarabotnoi platy Y ugollnoi i gornorudnol promysh- lannosti. Moskva, Ugletakhizdat, 1959. 65 p. (MIRA 12:8) (wages) D.M . WMILOP G.T.; BUTIOVSXIY, V.M..; OOLDBYATNIXOTA, r to Ijd-va; SUITOT, A.. tokhn.rade; BMMLATSKAYA, L.Sh.P tekhn.rodo (Financial aspects of mining enterprise operational Oanovnp voprosy finansovoi doiatellnoati gornogo prodpriiatlia. Koakwa, Ugletekhizdat, 1959. 146 p. (KIRA 12:12) (Kining industry and finance) SKORUBSKIT, Nikoley Ivanovich; IRZHKKR, D.M., prof., retsentent; SOSLUT, 0.0., gornj7 insh., retse -V-O~VSKIT, G.K., starshiy kon- E sulttant, red.;-ABXHANGXLISXATA, H.S., red.ixd-va; KARAS37, A.I., [Calculations for mines of enterprises engnged in ferrous metAllurgy] KalIkulistaiia na rudnikakh chernot metallurgii. Izd,3.. parer. i dop. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tevetnot matullurgii, 1959. 189 p. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Hoskovskly garnyy InRtitut (for Kirzhnor). 2. Upravlenlye bukhgalterskogo uchats Kinisterstva finansov SSSR (for GranovR'Kiy). (Mining industry and finance) BMWITSXIY. Ionif Noisayevich. dot sent.. kand 4 skonon. nauk; ZIARREI- -D.K4b_ptv.rsd.; 00=ATNIKOVA, Go$,, red.Isd-va; SMYAR. S.Yaoo takhn,red, 11conomics of the Soviet coal industry] Zkonomika ugolluA promyshlennosti SSSR. Kooky&, Ugletakhisdat, 1959. 234 p. (MIRA 12:7) (Coal mines and mining) SIGOV, -Sergey Georgiyavich, kand.ekonom.nauk; KIHZHM,_D.M.,; GOLUBTATKIKOVA, G.S., red.izd-va; KOROV=OVC,'-ZJ. -,teOin. red.; KOHDRATO M A, N.A., (Main economic and financial problems in coal mining) Oanovnys voprosy fInansovoi delatellnosti prodpriiatii ugollnol promyshlen- nosti. Moskva, Ugletakhisdat. 1959. 257 P. (MIRA 12:9) (Coal mines and mining) (Mining Industry and finance) IT17IMN"I D Y!i ii iz~ * n G t,,, r. 11! 1. (Io'zI.-,rys.ohknly; (~-J V 12:V) 1. Pridstavlona ok.-moni'd or~finizatsii i plan '-r,,vrn i-i-. prolzvodstva -o -,rn,ii-o tnstltuta Im. I.V. Stnlinp. - ~n - - aml -iInInj,,.-.Accountint,) SURMILO, q.v.; LIRZHIM, D 0 dW00=40. 0 ~_ 71nancing of and accounting for certain expenditures In coal Mines. Vgol' 34 no.6:36-37 A 159. (141RA 12:8) (Mining industry and finance) (Coal mines and mining--Accounting) SMILO, Grigoriy Vasillyevich; XTRUM, David Mironovich; MINIOVSKIT, Mikhail lbramovich: GOWBTITNIXOTI, G.S.."radjzd-va: GALAXOTI. V.V., LChamical industry and mining] Xhimicheskaia I gornals pro- myshlannost'. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu, 1960. 76 p (KIRA 1317) (Chemical industrissi (Kines and mineral resources) I( ILRZKNKR, D.M Prof.; 'SUPWILOo G.T., prof. Cost calculation for products of mineral dressing. Isy. vys. uchabe savs; gors shure no. 11:117-120 160, (HERA US12) 1. Moskovskiy goroyy institut imeni IsT. Stalina. Rekomendovans. kafedroy skonoulki i organizataii proizvodetva Moskovskogo Sornogo instituta. (Ore dressing--Costs) SURHIM, G.V.j KIIIZHNERP D.M. Tasks of the coal industry in the light of decisions of the 21st Congress of the CPSU. Nauchetrudy HDI no.300-14 160o (MIRA 14:3) (Coal mines and minin ) (RUBBia-Economic policy) I'-- AIRZWJ~RL D. M. __ _ Method of analyzing coal coats and hidden potentialities for reducing theme Nauchetrudy MOI noe3000-42 160. (MIPA 103) (Coal mines and mining- Data) SURMILO, G.V.j. D.M. Kursk Magnetic Anomaly and the metallurgical Industry in the part of the U. S. S. R. Nauch, teudy NGI no* 340-13 160* (MIRA (Kursk Magnetic Anomaly-Iron mines and mining) central W4) AIRMIER, D. H. Sprevochnik Po Ekonomlka Urollnoy Promyshlonnosti Z-by2 E.h. Bugashov, D.M. hirzhner Z-1_7 M. I. Chetyrkin. Hoskvap Gosgortekbtzdat~ 1961. 418 p. Tables Bibliograplq: P. 411-412 RAGASMff, Kiklmil Kapitonovich;, --David Kironovich;-CHITMMN, Kikhail Ivanovich. Prinimal G.T.. VUGIN, P.Z.,; GMMYATMIXOTA, O.S., red.isd-va; OSVAL'D. B.Ta., red. isd-va; GALANOYA, T.T., Deference book on the economics of the coal industry] Spravochnik po ekonomike ugolluoi prozqshlennosti. Xoskvn. Goo.nauchno-tokhn. iad-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu, 1961. 418 p. (MIRA 14:4) (Coal mines and u1ning) ., David FironovIcb; ZVOFZKIN# Anatolly Alekseyevich p prof*;-JLZRZEW KUNDINs NO'hitil Borisovi6bo inzhq RACHKOVS-TM-- , red.; ASTAUCIVq A.S.p kandefekonom. naukp otvo red*; GOIIJBYATNIKOVA, O.S., red. lzd-y~j PROZOROVSKMA, V.L., tekhn. red. [Economics of the mining industry] Ekonomika gornoi prozVehlem6sti. ltd.3., peier&, dop. Moskva, Goo. nauclmo-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry gornomu delu, 1961. 439 P. (HIRA 14:9r (Mineral industries) Kirzhner, D M ..... ..... ............ . Ekononika Ornoy o.Vahlennost! Z-by_7 A.A. ZvoryYin, D.M. Kirzhner M.P. Kundin. Iz,4. 3.p Derer: don. Moskva, Gosgorte izdat, 1961. 109 P. tables. Bibliography: p. 102-103. SURKILO# GeV*, pref.f-Im.1 ~~P D.M., prof, IWrovs the economic aspect of projects. Shakht, strol. 5 no.9t7-8 5 161. (MIRA l6s7i 1, Hoskovskly gornyy institute (Mining industry and finance) TEF11-1,011, AX., glav. red.; BACIW,,12:, A.V., red.; VOLODLiSKIY, L.Y., red.; GMS11MG, S.R., red.; GI?:ZBU.'.G, -'%Z... red.; DULZE0171 G F., red.; KIR red.; KLIKZKO, K.I., red.; K;I-!k,UV, F. ., red.; KO*-'.OLIKCV, A.11., red.; Y-,YMV, P.11., red.; LIVAIISKAYA, F.V., rod.; LOKS11111, E.Yu., red.; 0:ff.,OVITYAIIOV, K.V., red.; FOSVYAI:SKIY, S.S., red.; F-.,IJDEI ;SKIY, G.A.,, red.; IIAZUMV, N.A., red.; !.UIfYAIITS:-'N,A.F.q red.; TATIRI, S.K., red.; 01UMIGAMIZER, L.Ya., red.; RAZA*',OVA, G.V., starshiy nauchnyy red., kand. ekon. nauk; KISEL'rIZ starshiy naucluW red.; GLAGOIZV, V.S,j naucluoy red.; TUMNUVA, N.L., nauchnyy red.; 131AGODAIIISKAYA, Ye.V., mlad. red.; SHUSTROVA, V.14., mladshiyy red.; GAYDUKCV, Tu.A., kand. okon. nauko red.; ZBARSKIY, M.I., red.; LOZOVOY, Ta.D.) red.; SHWEYEV, A.V., dots.,, red.; KITYFETS, kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; LYUBOVICH, Yu.O., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; bYSOYVq, F.V., red.; KOSTI, S.D.t teklm. red. (Economic encyclopedia; industvj and conutructionjiBkononiche- skaip. entsiklopediiaj pron-ahlennost' i stroitellstvo. Chlony red. konegii: A.V.Dachurin i dr. Eoskva, Gos.nauchn. izd-vo "Sovetakaia entsiklopediia.0 Vol.l. A - t,. 1962. 951 P. (I-IIIU 15: 10) (Russia--Industrice-Dictionarios) (Construction Industry-Dictionat-iou) KOZKO, Fedor Isaakovich; FRYA N, Ivan MikhaVlovichl lERj_ D.M., retoenzent; CH&WIK, A.K., retsenzent; BCYKO, A.A., otv, red.; SUROVA~ V.A., red. izd-vaj B01DYREVA, Z.A., tekhr.. red. [The economics, organization and planning of production in coal mines]Ekonomika, organizatsiia i planirovanie proizvodstva n& ugolinykh shakhtakh. Moskva, Gosgortekhizdat, 1962. 397 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Coal mines and mining) RASKIN, I.M.; KDWMt L.S. /I Dynamico of protein fractiona in the blood oerum. during the treatment of botkin's diseaoe vith vitamino B6 and B12o Terap. arkh 32 no, 702-78 Jl 160. M 1431) (BLOOD PROTEINS) HEPATITIS9 INFECTIOUS) (PYRIDOXINE) MANOCOBALMME) BREKENER, S.H.; GORDON, R.I.1 KURASHEVA, D.B.; RASM, I.K. (Moskva) Use of vitamin lU in Botkin's disease* Klinemedo 38 no.122100- 106 D 160. (KIRA 14 $4 1. Iz klinicheskogo otdela Gosudaretvennogo nauchno-inaledovatell- kogo inatituta vitaminologii Ministerstva. zdravookhraneniya SM rukavodilell - daystvitellnyy ohlen AMW SSSR prof* M.S. Voysi deoessed ) i Gorodskoy Waktoionnoy klinicheekoy bolluit#y No~2 i (zavedu heva). yushchaya chotvertym korpusom D.B. Kuras (CYINOOOBALAMINE) (HEPATITIS, INFECTIOUS) 89556 S/044J60/000/008/028/035 ft. 54 0 0 C1111CM AUTHORS: Itskovioh, I.A. 0 ankjU TITM Homogeneous generalized functions PERIODICAM RoforativW shurnal. Matematiks, no.8, 1960, 145-146, abstract no. 9151. Uch. sap. Kishen*vsk. un-ta, 1959P 39t 243-245 TEM The authors consider the derivatives of the Seneral-ized funotion, X-1 for which (Z- lim, !!Lxl dx + co d, -00 where IP(x) is a finite Infinitely often different able function. They ve forstulas for the calculation of the convolutilus of the derivatives in the sense of the generalized functions) of these functions with the r finite infinitely often differentiable function as well as composition formulaq [Abstraoier's notes The abovq text is a full translation of the original Soviet abstract.] Card 1/1 AVTHORS: Tolmachey, V. N., SOV/75-13-4-9/29 TITLE: On the Possibility of Applying Murexide as a Reagent for the Photometric Determination of Zinc (0 Yozmozhnosti primeneniya mureksida. v kachestva reaktiva dlya fotometricheskogo opredelenlya. tainka) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol.13, Nr 4, PP- 430-433 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Relatively few good reactions are known for the photometric determination of zinc (Ref 1) and even these are not free from shortcomings (Ref 2). Murexidep the ammonium salt of purpuric acid, can be used for the determination of zinc by photometric methods* Murexide reacts with the ions of many metals (Refs 5, 6, 12, 13). Asreaction product with zinc ions the stable complex Zn(H 3R)2 2- develops, the stability constant of which is K-4,8-10- 10 (R*f We The absorption band of the complex (A,,,'455xP) is Card 1/4 far removed from the absorption band of pure muroxide BOY/75-13-4-9/20 on the Possibili.ty of Applying Murexide as a Reagent for the Photonotrio Deterariuation ef'.Zino (Xza~-520xyO. The solar absorption coefficient of the complex zMax is 40 000* Murexide was synthetised as uric said (Ref 15) by the authors. It was then carefully cleaned. The photometric measurements were oarri9d out on a spectroden3ograph (Ref 16) and on a photometer of the type 4N, In neasurings of the optical densities, V light filters Nr 5 (&,,,-525m~) the relative drevrk4ionv did not exesd 0,6-OP7%, when using light filters Ir 7 (k..~-455m~) the deviations were higher, The solutions of murexide are unstable, especially in the said and alkaline range. If the pH-value is 6-8p the solutions are unable for a few hours. In buffered solution the stability increases a little. The optical densities of the solutions when containing mine ions remain constant for 30-45 minutes. The reaction reaches the highest sensitivity at a pH of 10-11, but the stability of the colored solution In this range is very love Therefore the authors worked at a pH-value of 7P5, which van adjusted by a Veronal buffer (Ref 17)- Under these conditions Card 2/4 the solutions follow the law of Beer up to concentrations of SOY/75-13-4-9/29 On the Possibility of Applying Murexide as a Reagent for the Photometrjo Determination of Zino 4 zinc of 1,5-10 mol/1, if the concentration of murexide in the solution is 7,5e10_ 4 m;)1/1. Therefore the determination according to this method is applicable for concentration ration of *Xu : *Zn ~ 5. The determination of zinc in already possible at ooncentratione of 2.10-5 1901/1. The sensitivity of'the r:- aotion increases with a rising p3-value. The relative error in the determ4nations of zinc In sodium concentrations do not exesd * 3%. However, as murexide has a poor selectivity, the applicability of this method for determining zinc in natural obj-ects is limited. The possibility of appl:cation was in- vestigated at the example of some aluminum alloys which con- tained copper and chromium apart from aluminum and zinc. It became evident that the described method can be applied at high pH-values (>1O). There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 18 references, 11 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Khartkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A.M. Gorikogo Card 3/4 1~,harikov State University imeni A.M. Gorlkiy) GLWVICH, A.B., ksnd.khin.naukj 11BZHM, O.M., Insh, Pbase analysis of titanium steels. Trudy Ukr.nauch.-lool-inst. met. no.5t249-256 159* (MIRA 13:1) (Titanium steel-Metallography) (Phase rule and equilibrium) S/032/63/029/003/005/020 B117/B186 AUTHORS; Gurev$ch, A. B., Xirzhner, 0. M., Sandler, N. I., and Muravfyev, V. ff. TITLE: Determination of cerium-containing inclusions in alloy steels 'PERIODICAL; Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 29, no. 3, 1963, 283-286 TEXT: Cerium compounds formed by introducing small amounts of cerium in alloy steels were investigatel. Steels containing 0.05 - 0.12% Ce, o.6o% mn, 0.30 - 0.40% C, and 0.3% S were used. The nonmetallic phase was separated by dissolving the steel specimens in the usual iron sulfate electrolyte with complex formers. The anode slime was first treated with 30~ copper ammonium chloride solution containing 1% FeSO 4 and 5% ammonium citrate, and then with iodine solution in potassium iodide; subsequently, the slime was studied petrographically and by x-ray anal sis. Cerium compounds were found in the form of sulfides (COs, Ce 2S ~ in the steels investigated; no oxysulfide compounds were detected. Since cerium sulfideN soluble in hydrochloric aoidt are insoluble in iodine solution, they can Card 1/2 S/032 63/029/003/005/020 Determination of cerium-containing ... B117 B186 be easily separated from iron and manganese sulfides. The amount of cerium inclusions in the steel was inde-oendent of the total cerium content. This was due to the high degree of liquefaction of cerium sulfides and their irregular distribution over the cross section of specicens. The electrolyte residues contained much more cerium than the sulfide phase. Cerium was irregularly distributed in the sulfide and the carbide phase. In the carbide phase, it was contained in the cementite lattice which was confirmed by x-ray analysis. There are 5 figures and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Ukrainskiy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy inatitut metallov (Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Metals) Card 2/2 GUREVICH, Aso.; KIRZHNFRo O.M.j SANDIER, N.I.; MURAVI~Av, V.N. I DeterminiLtiou of cerium-containing Inclusions in alloying oteels. Zav*lab. 29 n0-3:283-286 163, (MIRA, 1412) 1. Ukraiuskiy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut metallov. (Cerium-Analysis) (Steel alloyo) WMER, N.I.; GURE"CH, A.B.j NAVROTSKIY, I.V.1 WASH, V.M.; IURUBINER; L.M.; XIRZENER, O.M. Phase distribution of vanadlun, I.angstang and ni,~b--.-um :n lov-Alloy steels. Sbor. tzud. UNIIX nc.9tY49-356 16.4 (MIRA 18&1) . KIRZHIIER., S. 14. , inzh *-mayor Device for tracking the course of an airplane. Vest. Vozd. F1, no,10:83 0 161o (MIRA 15:2) (flavigation(Aaronautice)--Equipment and suppUes) KIRZWOR. Tu., inzhener (Kiyev) .. Improved apparatus for An-2 agrncultural airplane, Grazhd.ay. 13 no.2:12 Y 156. (MIRA 9.5) (Aeronautics in agriculture)(Airplanes--apparatus and supplies) KIRZRnR* Tue, inshanars Li-2V airplane. Orashd.&Y*13 no.11:23 N 156. (NLRL 10:2) (Airplane@) '~ACC NRi AP6013420 /012/0012/0014 OURCE CO 9 UR D 1 /0094/65/000 AUTHOR: Dubovenko A,',,. (90'gi~"r) f. rovo V:. (sagineer); Turchannikovp tal(En "-'KLr ru* - (Engineer) M Antonavas Go Alnglater) I -(Ingineer). 0, ORG: i 7 TITLEt An-2X a8ricultuiall'Sircraft, SOURCS: Gralthdanskaya avlateiy'a 0 'no 12, 1965, 11-14 TOPIC TAGS: agricultural _moohiner'yo aircraft/ An-2H aircraft ABSTRACT: A comprehensive,composits article dealing with the extensive modifications made on the M-2 aircraft to.develop's new agricultural aircraft, the An-2H0 leads off with a detailed discussL6_ 01tintornal pover-takeoff capabilities (mechanical and electrical) and agricultutal-chenical capacities and dispersion.characteriatics. Mention to made,of lacreased~iiig ore*, new front-landlng-goar placesent,.new instru- ''I mentations is roved electrical equipments a new propeller. and many other changes* p Original (An-2) and replacement (An-U) equipment in discussed in detail along with cockpit conditioning equipment-and characteristice" N~4AOL_anravinikand dlspars:~'. equipment is described ln'-detaili,,~-Orlg# art. hast 6 figures and I table-* ILD) 2~~' oj"*~e CIRY ME ~ql/ DUBOUNKO, A., inzh.; FEDORCV, V., iiizh.; TURCHANNIKOV, I., inzh.; KIREIRER, Yu,, inzh,l OBUKH(N, N., inzh.; ANTONOVA, G.,, inzh,; JUMPER P-T., 'nzh. An-4ZNJ Qrazhd. ay. 22 no.12tll-14 D 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1(2) SOV84-59-9-23/66 AUTHORS: Kirzhner, Yu., Member of Design Office, Engineer TITLE: Aircraft An-14 "Pchelkall (Small Bee) PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya aviatsiyaj 1959, Nr 9, p 16 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author, a member of the design office directed by O.K. Antonov, has written this article in reply to a request of a group of pilot-instructors represented by A.T. YenGashov, who wanted to learn -the mechanical and flying characteristics of the An-14 "Pchelkal't An ex- perimental model of this aircraft started in 1958, Since then, 2 experimental models underwent various testing and improvements, having made about 300 flights eache The aircraft's flying characteristics resemble those of a helicopter. It takas off after a 50-60 m long runs climbs steeply at 55-60 km/h. A reliable stability while climbingois secured by automatic wing slats. With the flaps 50 out, the aircraft has a steep low-speed glide. Card 112 The application of brakes and the resistance created V/ SOV84-59-0-23/66 Aircraft An-14 "Pchelkall (Small Bee) by auto-rotation of propellers shorten the landing run to 40-50 m. The 700x250Mm wheels enable the aircraft to take off from and land on sand and fresh- ly-ploughed land. The An-14 "Pchelka" is proposed to be used in avio-chemical work on local air routes and for aerial photography. The dusting and spraying equip- ment(for a maximum performance of 35 liters per second) is to a great extent made of caprone, "stekloteksto- lit" and the vinyl-type plastics. 25 HP are taken off the right engine for the units of the agricultural equipment. The An-14 "Pehelka" can be recharged i,,ith loose chemicals by nimply exchan.;ing the empty con- tainer for a full one, which is then hauled up into the fuselage by an electric telpher. The sprayer has a two-stage centrifugal pump, that can be switched in for parallel or sequential operation. The same pump charges the plane with the new supply of liquid chemical. The pilot cabin is separated from the rear section of the fuselage by a hermetic partition. There Card 2/2 is 1 photograph. I _-., KIRZITER, Z.L. Attachemit for the windixr of Aj~: ',, -4- f-' yn--n on flat-pea!-*l I , ', knitting machines. Tzh. n-.:'t-"5 l-7064 (MIRA -7.-~) KIRZHIIER, L.L. Characterintics of the settini, of flat rib-knitting machinez for work w1th bulked loop yarn. Leh. prom. no.4:57-58 O-D 165. 19: 1) t;;/.f A4,wr Sala ID A. )MIN 990 o"I omm do ILIA ONO ieIiiiow owbys~- ,to fm Le dscitw (OM or 04 tAd 00 out a Not mcgod. At / T-S Welear PhyWics - Nucleon-meson interaction Card 1/1 : Pub, 1146-1/22 Author : Kirzhnits, D. A. Title : Problem of meson-nucleon interactions FD-731 PeriodJcal : Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 27, 6-18, Jul 1954 Abstract : The nucleon-meson Interaction is generalized and the existence of an additional interaction, due to the nucleon impulre, is found. This is equivalent to the existence of a nucleon mass depending on field and leads to a barrier repelling even in a strong attracting field. Non- linearities are noted in the 11amiltonian. Indebted to Academician I. Ye. Tammi, Prof. V.L. Ginzburg and V. P. Silin. 14 references in- cluding 6 foreign. Institution : Submitted : March 15, 1954 1127 ITS. D.A. "-Vripowcl~ -~~ - - - On the mass of the photon In quantwm electrodymmics. Zhur.sksp.i teor.fiz. 30 no.4:796-797 AP '56. (KLBA 9:8) 1. lizichaski institut iment P.W. Labodeva Akademii nauk SSSR- (Qumtvx theory) (Photons) Category :USSR/Theoretical Physics - Quantum Field Theory B-6 Abs Jout :Ref Zhur - Fizika; No 11 1957, No 2o4 Author :Kirzhnits, D.A. Inst Phys. ThEs. ~ Acad. of Sciences Title On the Renormalization of Mass in the Tamm-Dancoff Method OAS Pub Yh.experim. i teor. fiziki; 1956, 30, No 5, 971-973 Abstract It is shown that if all the amplitudes related to the counter-termS H, are taken into account in the problem with the single nucleon in the iowest approximation of the Thmm-Dahcoff method, the mass normalization can be carried out as usual, but thl character'of the singularitiea changpo from lSpritbmic to linear. Anothef method is proposed for the renorm- aAzation.of the mass, where along with the fundamental problem one also solves in the same'approximation the problem concerning a single nucleon and a single meson. In the 3Atter problem one finds an expression for the bare masses in terms of the renormAlized ones, and'this expression is then subsituted in the corresponding terms of the fundamental problem. However, certain propagation functions in the basic problem still retain as Before the bare masses, so that to replace then by renort-lized masses it is necessary to take into account the "accxtiulation" to a higher degree of approximation. Card 1/1 lilt 7~(; ~ rj- "~ E /jo 41(1 KIRZHNITS, D. A. Cand fte-Math Soi -- (diss) "On statistical .many2p-artiolw thearg- Most 1957. 7 pp 22 0m. (Aoad Sol, USSR. Physics Inst im P. N. Lebedev), 125 copies (KL, 14-47, 86) -4- P _j .15. Qmntm Correations 2hame-Ferld ftuation, U Od .00putup Correctlow to.thesioms-hMi Squation," by D. As 'Icirsbnltep Pb791wMaUtute laftil. X*Ubedevp Aaaafiv-of ces USSR, Zhur~nal &sperimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki.9 Vol 32, No 1, Jan-*, PP 1.15-123 This work obtains the Thomas-Arini and the Thomas-Fermi-Dirac equa- -~tons in the zero approximation with respect tb-l~ from the operator forn of-the Hartree-Fok equations. quantum corrections of the second and fourth order with respect to;~, are found for the Thomas-Fermi equation by the operator method. The second order correction is compared with the Weizsacker cor- rection. The latter is found to be nine times larger than the value predicted by the quantum theory. The equatiouo aroused to calculate the total energy of the ataa. (U) AUTHOR KIRZHNIT8# D.A., ?A - 2967 TITLE _OK-_t1WTFi66r_f_6f the Field with CutoOff Factor. (K teorii polya a obrezayushchi-m faktorom - Russian) MIODIr,AL Zhurnal Ekaperim. I Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol 32, Mr 3, pp 534-541, (U.S.S.R.) Received 6/1957 Revieved 7/1957 ABSTRA~;T The present paper investigates the most Important part of problem of the uniqueness of the quantum theory of tha field, namely also the finite (renormalized) expressions depend on the cut-off factor. Reforence,isizade to previous works dealing with this subject. Here a more general class of cut-off factors than those dealt with by preavous works is investigated, and for these cut-off factors the problem of ambigiuty is very important. The present investigation is carried out within the framework of the asymp- totic theory developed by WMAU,, ABRIKWOV and-KHAIATNIKOVs Dokl.Akad. Nauk, Vol 95, pp 497, 773, 1177 (1954),with tAe sole difference that the table-shaped cut-off factor is repleased by a general cut-off factor. The out-off factor Is introduced into the theory by "smearing out" of inter- action. On this occasion, a factor F muat be assigned to each node of the FEYWN diagram, which depends oa the corresponding momenta. The cut-off factor is introduced in form of a product. Next, the author studies the asymptotic behavior at p- for electrodinamics. The resulting equation for D depends on a considerable extebt on the cut-off factor. Nextq the author passes on to the mesodynaaics with weak paeudoscalar coupling and investi- Gard 1/2 gates the following problems, Annihilation of a pole in the case of an or- PA - 2967 On the Teory of the Field with Cut-Off Factor. dinary kmihilation 6f a pole, and the ihift of the critical momentum on the occasion with the renormalization of the charge. In conclusion the nature and applicability of this theory are discussed. ASSOCIATION Physical Institute "PA, LEMEV" of the Acadery of Science of the Wa. kWENTED BY .4UBMTED 6.2.1956. AVAILABLE Library of Congress. Card 2/2 A AUTHOR., Kirihni*UB, D, A. 56- 34 .#-57/6o TITLE: On a Funct ional-Ire-rat ion in quantu-m-Mechanico (Ob odnom funktsionallnom cootnoshenii Y kvantovoy nekhanike) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoretiic~:eskoy f-4ziki, 1958, Vol, 34, 11r 4, PP, 1037 - 1039 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author inventij.:ateD a system of pa.-ticles without an inter- relation which in steady state are in a certain external field of the potential V(?). Generally the density of the number of division is a very complicated function of V and of all its derivations; ~ (.'~) - ~ (V' V iV' V i V J with all ari,-uments on the rielit side referrink; to the point r. The follovrine is shown: Independent of the character nf the fillinU up of *11,.e levels of the field V, that imeans indekendent of atatiatics and temperature 5 (7) oatinfies the relation D 9 /DV - ~q /D V iith the symbol D/DV denoting the Eulerla derivation Card 1/3 D C' /DV )n 171 V n On a Functional ReIation in Quantum -'Mechanics 56 34-4-57/6o V denotes the derivation accordini,- to the first arjument in The author proves the case of a de~,,enerated system which satisfies the Fermi statistics. Further as example an expression for q was written down which results from the Thomas-Fermi model with quantum-like correcticne up to the 4th order with respect to ~ in the degenerated non-relativiatic case, The results ob- tained are vory suitable for the derivation and control of the correctness of the approximate expressions for the density. The problem of the possibility of gencrali-,ation of that relation for the case that the interaction V depends on the momentum or the Dirac,D matrices as well as the problem of the existence of relations of similar type for other quantities (for example Green's function of the particle in an external field) demands a special investigration, There are 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: FizicheaYiy institut im. PA~Lebedeya kkademii nauk SSSR cj* lliy~~j,:& i.--:eni P,N.Lebcdev,,AS USSR) Card 2/3 On a Functional Relation in Quantum-Ifechanics 56-34-4--57/6o SUBMITTED: January 3o, 1958 !- Q-:P-it'im :!*-~C'V-nfc-T~i,~ory Card 3/3 SOV151-5-5-1123 AUTHOR: Kirthnits, D.A. TITLEs On Correlation %ffoots In Wo-glactrou Atcias (0 korralyatsionnyich offulctakh v drakhelektronayiLh atomakh) PISRIODICALt Optilm I Spoictrovicoplya, 1958, Vol 5, Ir 5, pp 485-489 ku";Saj ABSTRACT: The true interactions bst-!ssn particles differ frow those given by the self-consistent field -method. The difference betw~on the exact value of energy and that given by the self-consistent field approx"tion Is calculatii In the present paper for the case Of a Um-olectrou atom or Ion in itz ground state. This difference is knovw as the correlation correctinn. The correlation correction Is calculatsd using the wathod of I&ller ani Plesget (W 1), who rogarded it as a porturbation. A simple formulation of the method of Rof 1 is given in the present paper. This ."on-,ulation is sufficient to srilve the problem of a two- -electron atom, whi.-h has a very small niiaber of Interacting particles And for which the exchange and spin sffacts can be neglected. A -ulti-electrou iyitevii,with spin neglactPA, -as dealt with by the present author In Ref 2; a general ^uss is discussed in Ref 3. The correlation CArd 1/2 correction fbr two elecjtraa stor-as was foAnd to be ind opend out of the nuclear charge Z. The precision obtainable using the perturtation 0