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KMAHOVA. G.A.; PURUSOU, G.A.; BELITSIN, M.11.9 inzho; VOLKOVA9 NeA-s insh. Assortment of synthetic fibers. KhIm-volok. no.6:78 '59. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Klimskl3r kombinat takusetyennogo kombinata. (Textile fibers, 5ruthetic-Congreesee) BIRGIM, G.Te.; ITANOTA, Ts.P.; XIRUMVA,,__P-A-; IOCKMOV, LH.; ROVIXOTA. N.D.: PUR=Vk.-G.A. labor productivity in synthetic fiber factories. lbin.voloke no-l.'40-43 060. (HDU 13:6) lo Veasoyuszqy nauchno-looledovatellakly Institut iskasstvs=ogo volokna, (Textile fibers, Wnthetic) (Textile factories-labor productivity) BIRGIR, Ms.; LIRSANOTA, G.A. R,Robson's book Oft man-mde fibres industrym reviewed by G.B.Birger, G.A.Kir"noyse Ihim.volok. no-3:78-79 160. (KM& 1317) (Textile fibers, Synthetic) (Robson, R.) ITAMOVA. TO-P-t,-!WUOTA, G-A- labor productivity In the capron f Der Induntrye Xhisovolok. no~5360- 64 16M (KM 13 112) 29 Yessoyusmyy muchno-temledovatelskly Institut Iskusetwennogo VoIck-M. NfIon) 40 IVANOVA, Ye.P.p atarshiy naucbMy sotr,j MEW, Ye.V.p prepodavatell; tMIWOVA, G.A... naucbrqy sotr.j NOVIKOVA., N.D.,, naucbrqy sotr.; TAIUWVAp II.D.; RISHINA, R.G.p ota:.-shiy Inzh.; LLMNSKIY, V.B.0 red.; SHPAK, Ye.G., tekbn. red. (Work organization end establishinj technical otandard3 in enterprises manufacturizig synthetin. fibers) Organizataiia tru- da i tekhnicheskoe normirovanie ne.predpriiatiiakh khimicbeskikh volokon. By E.P.Ivanova i dr, Vlov;kvap Gos, naucbno-tekbn,izd-vo khim. lit-ry,, 1961. 175 p. (MMA 1591) le VaezoyUzrqV nauchno-isaledavatellskiy institut iskusetvennogo volokna (for Ivanova, Kirsanova, Novikova). 2. Moskovskiy tek- stIlIM7 inatitut (for Zernov). 3. Nachallnik nomativno- iseledovat,ellskoy laboratoU po trudu Kalininskogo kombinata (for Tarasova). 4. Gosudarstyennyy komitat po khimii pri Sovete UnIstrov SSSR (for Rishina), (Textile fibers, Synthetic-Production standards) KIRSMOVAt Mel MUMMA# A.A. Technical and economic I.Mices of t" productim of lavsan and nitron staple fibers, Xhimovoloke no.3i59-62 161. (KEPA 14W 1 Voesoyuznyy na~ohno-issledovatellskiy Institut iskU3stvennogo, v;l*na (for Xlrsanova)..2. Moskovskiy In3titUt tonkay khimicheakcV takhnologii in. X.V*Lcmonosova (for Abubakirova)o (Orion) Nayon) BIMERP G.leo; IOWANOVA, G*Ao k, .- - "Locati6n ~~fff o thetio fiber industry in the U.SoA.* by J.Airov. Reviewed by G.E.Birger, G.A*Kirsanova, Ylim,volok, D005:71-73 161, (KERA 14:10) (United States--Textile fibers,, Synthetic) (Airov, J.) f% ~ KIRS OVA, G.A. _ Ways of improving the technological and economic Indices in the manufacture of capron filament for textile uses. Xhis, volok. no.3*73-76 162. (KM& l6t2) 1. Voesoyunnyy nauchno-iseledovatellokiy institut iskanstvennogo volokna. (Nylon) ~1.10, I rIANOVI, 1p, P.; IMAROVAj, 0. A. &mats ro for,the MvIopost of the production and vm p of ;;ii~tid fibermr. Mda, v"a mo.6s2-6 162. (MIU 16s 1) 1. VasmayUsMy nambno-issledovatel'shy institut iskusstwen- nogo volakna. (Textile f1bGra, Syntbiatic) IVANOVA# Ye.P.LEM~SMA World production of synthetic fibers in 1963. KhIm. volok. no.204 165. OCRk 18 6) 1. Veeaoyusnyy nauchno-looledovatellskiy, Institut 1skusstvennogo volokna. 7 _7 7 7-1 J RP, :tlm ml rWCcVS U MRS, ,or, Ows D keg A4.1. _(k AM TITLEt Radia#Aoa necroadi SOMiCl i MediiAnek4a rA TOPIC TAW t liriiiii r*A-;1.4W-. no rious sotim, oause served-* by - the". autfi~id-i wa' ; " I bid ;41-1 a H e: heathy had ~J11wier,';,beet # thO.,~ hair. PdAi y, shoulderiXade undsl*d -About 1,500-roohtgo was -289 m66ntS6hn:::-V lelrel or firstAn thd~v'te*6*W-4 A long-unhealed ulo6il*--`9 of"Observe #~i_Oonditlon_of th' I As4mtims ha 0imU061"MONO V* 1001, " 16097 1965 I-Xisy.irradiation biclolild eff"tj`,~"l 167 iidlit the oe on was to lriidl 'tion or I theohead wai: ob a -a a ;.1i'S.22 ~ years old 0" was i V4rpGllt0r6,:,_,,., 'id t 'he ~ had,~jbiejft 1~ ohilds ..In the ~ pas Oro- -.In FAiirdh4pril 1060. due ~ to' ld -~;'sklft: of~ -the, faaet jefi6401intion. The: exposuie ;of itition five'rields at a do4im Rd Ins out~of hair be San ly ardd', ksialtal i .wA himthere appe weeks).: For'2*,Yiws Lf'on 7th The on lhe head was noted# drell- Oro !gpre no 0b In 17 '6 J 76- ACC N& APOMQPL~ the "bloodw'.. atTthe saAk;', * -iiii, A C is- a TA 63 V' 61' noted' for- ths:,rivo again bil: 14~~ I and. then - 'With 'apgat ..the vprsik4_~ dobil tloh~, 14, 1049,-W i~h~o, dat&.~~ CLUrIns., I., free ogr" - ~(#J - of IZA ,.,,rup ,'J,pherey -~manifeited!"66',.l )yf-_tj6 iiiC~:'dohi ,:&.tbr A6w "eloot r*164 iv ri h "aAA, t ii Based iii" dIUM Useds U* -0 'the ~on 4 the biiin 604144 nlto'~thj, Us, lift U growthe -In Um. peTme~ted by.-b1ciod,ft"~Cd *,-0_4 R Uons`~~,Ofl ~fidqwfiearhi~,~',: a dousft6i4!~ thrie"'. or four-tivoi O-V. an h koletia','xtismi, 0 tgb:;~~ 1191601 sthe',p4tiont' i Min , ty- be 00 L Isure. of his- right.. f t 6if -all epileptic fit`Ae; %0 To th v'right -toot i:: followed, no t P Umenooph Provo a no, pot 0 01 ghlim datm,;'_d&s Mthe pgM i ted In a lef t'hi W&J37. 120 k $nq"aqp vascular- ..tone-j ''mith ods, .,1.sUbqtsmtIal,!,docreaso' More% 4iti"Iftoli both'sid awro~l.tO.-t e8i -Volopment: bf i, Alm, - ftc:~, di In an o' POVA Oft. . ti ~,Wlks.jrdui*.*wbo~ *do*vd6 'i W_ ing4. 66ou-6"ns, a the owtsi,kdiqi~_~ 1=20" of di or -wmdr 1~-xstt6r.v*S found to,be admidoi mamequent owaul,~- ~, =77 :I; i~17"6 ACC NRo APWI~fv: with extefidVi;'Ild6k6tl'C--r( Nara hyalihiredl - tht-14M ologloal ~ ~roasss never Itj ,strict localitY- of Idlatl6nq frdm,, the. -sklfi:~~dtr the brain - afford,"' or asivid in,the huA r6 4 t 014, go. art, h"s 2 fl9m.- 80 CODI: d6 JPIX J., ard C 31 X0NWFJ-9MV, Denis Dmitriyevich, doktor ekon. nauk; LFM%IKCVA, Ye., red.; KIRMiCVA I. mlad. red.; MAVINA, R., tekhn. red. L:~~U.x [Price and value in the socialist econory] Tsena i stoizost' v sotsialistichookon khosiaistye. Moskva, Sotsekgiz, 1963. 391 P. (Prices) (Value) (MIRA 16s12) VASILITEV, Igor' Vladimircylobl WSIA, L., red.1 X~RS~OV 1_1.8. "ably red,j CEMMA, O,p takhn,red, (State capitalism in preeent-day Burma] GosudaratTennyi kapitalism v oovremennoi Birme. Moskvaq Isd-vo soteiallio-ekon.lit-7ryp 1961. 169 p. (MM 3.06) (Burma-Economic conditions) KAPUSTIN, Te.l., kande skonom. nauk; ORUNSMq I.A.; SIIKURKO, S.I.; BUDARINAO V., redal KIHSANOVAt L0 mladshiy redel CHEPEIZVAj Opp tekhn. red, 1% [Wages and their improvement in U.S.S.R. industry] Zarabotnaia plata v promyablennosti SM i es eovershonstvovanie. Pod red. B.I.Kapustina. Moskva, Izd-vb sotsialino-okon. lit-ryp 1961o 201 pe (KERA 150) trudao 1, Moscov, Eauebao-issladovatellskiy institut (Wage payment systems) MOSHENSKIY, Mark Grigorlyevicb; BORISOVA.. K.9 red.; KIRSANOVA,p L# mladshiy red.; CHMMMA, 0., tekbn. red. - (Wage forms and sysLams in the industry of capitalist counties] Formy i oiatemy zarabotnoi platy v promyshlennosti kapitansti- obeakikh stran. Moskva# Izd-vo sotsiallno-ek4n., 1961. 261 p. (Wage payment systems) (MIRA 15: 1) VOZI.ESMSKIY, Lev Aloksmulrovich; GARBIA, L., red.; KIRSANOVA. 1_ '%Ind. red.; CHEITIE3, 0., tekhn. red. --- [Using bolles-lettres in teachirg econoricol KbudozhastyewAld llit~- ratura v predpodavanil. politichaskoi ekonomii. Izd.2.: dop. Ven;rvLf Izd-vo aotsiallno-ekon.lit-ryp 1961. 285 P. (14P.A 14;,2) (Economics-Study and teachire) VATOLINAO Lidiya NikQ3A7evm. hIftiml, uchastiye GAShffVV B.N. RWHCHINAP L red KIRWOVA, Iqj m1adshiy red.; -4:4 UIAXOVA, L.,*tkb.',Wr~. [3comouV of the United Arab Republic) Zkonmike, ObOedinermoi Arabskoi Respubliki, Moskva$ Isd-vo sotaialluo-okon.lit-ry, 1962. 77 p. (Kau 15,4) (United Arab Republio-Ecoamdo conditions) INIXOVv Turly Ivanovicbj BORISOVA., X.p red*; XAZAROVAp V,j, red*; KIRSUOVAI- I miadshiy red.; UIANOVAj, L., [Radioelectronies in the service of the military monopolies of tho U.S.A.] Radioalektronika na oluzbbe voemVkh inonopolii SShA. HoaWn,, Izd-vo aotaiallno-ekonelit-ryj 1962, 14 p. WRA 15W (United States-Electronic industries) BOZHDRDOHOV, A:Leksandr Ivanovich; KOZODOYEV, I.I.j, prof., red.; GARSIA, L. # red. I DARONUN, M., mladeftiy red.; KLISMOVA, I*).. mladehiy red.,; MOSKVINA, R., tekhn. red. [Petroleum leases in capitalist countries] Neftianaia rents, v stranakh kapitalizma. Pod obahchei red, I.I.Kozodoeva. Moskva, Sotoekgiz, 1962. 337 p. (MM 15:7) (Oil and gas leases) YDOVICMXO, N.Kh.j DMITRASHKOs I.I.0 kand, tekhn. nauk; ZMDXOV A.P.j ZLOMOVp L.P.; XALPIN; G.Z.; NIZIMY, N.I.; BIXITINA, M.V.; 110MAMMO, I.N.; BUDARMA, V., red.; USTINOV, H., red.; KIRSANOVA.-T--- mladshiy red.; NOGINA, N,p tekbn, redo [Agricultural wages in the U.S.S.Rol Oplata truda v sel'okom khoziaistve SSSR. [By] Vdovicbenko., N.Kh. i dr. Yoskva., Sotsekgizp 1962. 147 figricultural wages) (HIRA 15t6) PETROV, knatolly Stepanovich; BUDIRINI, V., red.1 KLF14ANOVA I mladshiy red.; NOGINA, N., tekhn. red. (Work and the creative capacity of the maaaes]Trud i tvor- chestvo mass Mos1m, Botsakgiz,, 1962. 185 P. (MIRA 16:2) iEffioiency, Industrial) KOZWVA, O.V., doktor skon. nauko prof.; BISHATEV, M.; LFMKATA, S.; MURZOV, K.; BUDARINAt V., red.; KIRSANOVA, I., x1adshly red.; ULANOVA, L., tekhn. red. ----- [Consunal labor during the period of the large scale building of comminal Obehehestvennyi trud v period razvernutogo stroi- tel'stva kommunizma. Pod obahchei red. O.V.Kozlovoi. Moskva Sotsekgiz, 1963. 306 P. (MIRA 16:7j (Labor and laboring clasass) (Communism) XOLOSOV, Aleksandr Fouloh. Prinimal, uchastlyes IVANOV, Te.A., nauchnyy sotr.; LEPNIXOVA, To., red.; KIRSANOVA. -Ljo mladshiy red.; KORNIIDVA, V., takhn. red. [Capital a&aa&.andAWr role in the socialist reproduction of the means of production (using industry as an example)] 05novnye fondy i ikh roll v notsialistichoskom vosproisvod- stve (na primen prosysUennosti). Moskva, Sotsokgist 1963. 245 p. ... .-W (KIRA 1W) 1. Sektor osnovnykh fondov GoBudaretyennogo nauchno- iseledovateltakogo skonomicheakogo instituta Gooplana SSSR (for I"nov). (Capital) ,USIYEVICH, M.A., kand. ekon. nauk; VIDMAR, V.N., kand. ekon. nauk,- STUPOV, A.D., kand. selikhoz. nauk; STAFCDUBROVSKAYA, V.N.p kand. ekon. nauk;'STOFOZHEV, V.I., nauk; RUDAKOV,, YG.V., kand. skon. nauk; KIRANOV, P., prof.; KHORVAT, L. ~ Horvat, L.], kand. ekon. nauk; KROMM? K., dottor; FRUKK, Kh. [Frukk, H.J, doktor; SHMIDT, V.[Schmidt, V IIprof., doktor; TEPIKHT, Te.(Tepicht, EA, prof.; NIK, S . iNic,S.1, kand. ekon. nauk; DUMITRIY, D Dumitro, D.),- SVOBDDA, K., kand. skon. nauk; LEPNIKOVA, To., red.; ~~ ~I m1adehiy red.; NOGINAO N., takhn. red. [Socialist reorganizations In the agriculture of the European pebple's democracies] Sotsialisticheskie proobrazovaniia v sell- skom khosiaistva evropeiskikh stran narodnoi demokratii. Moskva, Sotsekgis, 1963. 334 P. (MIRA 160) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut ekonomiki mirovoy sotsialisti- cheskoy sistemy.2. Inatitut ekonomiki mirovoy sotsialiatiche- skoy sletway AN SSSR (for Usiypyich, Vidmar, Stupov, Starodubrovskaya, Storoshov, Rudakov). (Europe, Eastern-Agriculture, Cooperative) ARSEPOt n.D.j DOXOVSKIYj B.G.; BOLOTIN, A.A.; BONARTSEVA, N.B.; BOGDANOVA,, M.V.; GOIDVENKO, I.P.; ILIBITENKO, K.I.; KIRPONCS, Ye.M.; KARAMTYAN, K.G.; XIRSANOVA,14~~ KUZIIETSOV, A.L.; KORESHNIKOVA, N.F.; KORZBMSKMA, T.I.; NEMIROV,N.G.; NIKONOVA, T.K.; NAZAROV, V.N.; PISAREVA, I.A.; POPOVp S.A.; fRONINA, N.A.; PAKHHAN, H.Ye.; REYPOISM, S.W.; ROGAC)MV, U.N.; SOSNINA, V.D.; STARSHINOVp B.M.; KHMAKOV, B.In.; SEELMLIZOVO V.I.; PARKOV, V.P., podpolkoynik, Ted.; MURAVIYEV, A.I., polkovnik, red.; C11APAYEVA, R.I., tekhn. red. [Relics of military glory]Relikvii boevoi alavy. Moskva, Voenizdat, 1962. 166 p, (MIRA 15:8) 1. 11nucbrWye sotrudniki TSentrallnogo muzeya Sovetskoy Arrdi (for all except Yurav'yevq Chapayeva). (Military Euseums) ltllhs-Lsl~:, -'nzho WIAVAMIrmp De*to* inthel ~W I)avice for moamwkg plao rhn-acterlatics or a: are. irlbcav- .t, 19-1) rwildo ii 0659 L 14 A st .41 5 a Ll 'I -j 3 V. ,a 2 1 - i i, 4 P~ , i; Zzl KMANOVA, M.A.; SKLYUYL?V, P.V. Relation between hardness and ultimate strength of forged steel pieces and castes Zavo lab# 31 no.W009-1010 165, (MIRA 18t9) 1. Ura-Iskly zavod tyaahelogo masbinostroyanlya Imeni $ergo Ordzhonikidze. KIRSANOVA, M. K. "Concerning the Rationalization of Mdtistory Oligh) 5;12dings With a Steel Frame." Sub 18 Dee 51, Moscow Crder of the Labor Fed --anner Construction Engineering Inat imani V. V. Kuybyshev Dissertations presented for science end engln,~,erlnp deprees in Moscow during 1951. SC: SU". I-o. 4RO, 9 YAy 55 MEMOV. D. I.; NIKOIAYZV. V. I.; r M Ir , 01110 B.V.; ROKANOT, A.A.; LA i - it MOLOVSKIT, M.S.j obonculy reakirsor;-VIUMBAUX. I.2.. daktor tokh- n1oheskikh nauk, redaktor (deceased); GORSHKOV. A.P.. rodaktor; MFXOVSrATA, T.Y., tokhaicheskly rodaktor. [Iftreproof construction] Oanostoikoe stroitallstvo. Pod obehohei red. N.S.Osmolovskogo. Moskva, Goo. Isd-ro lit-ry po strolt. i arkhitekturs, 1951,142 p. [Microfilm] MRA 8:0 (Building, 11reproof) A I/A "Ji/40 j1A, ,,a. le. KUIBMT, D.I.; .11101AYNT, Vsls~ , 111WOU, *.K.-, OBXowmff, X.S., rodaktor. .... [Fireproof constraotion] Ognestroikoo stroltelletvo. D.I.Irurbatoy. T.I.11kolasy, NAMrsanova i dr. Pod obahch. rod. X.B.Osmolovskogo. Xoikya. Got. SM. lit. po stroltelistra i arkhitekture, 1933. 143 p. (a" 7: 11D) ZIRSAMYA. X.19, kwAidat tokhnichookikh nank; MOMM, Yu. B.. kandidat P~ "VMMakikh nauk; SPIVAK, N.Ta., Imndidat takhnicheakikh mauk; Y,Wdug large pawls in the construction yard. Makhstrol.12 no.33 3-8 yx 155; (MM 8:4) (Precast concrete construction) KMANOVA, H*K.. kandidAt teMnicheakiM nowk; KM4=A, Sh.L., stomehly t',~~ . n~ a -Eac Characteristics of the organization of production and planning in Con- atraotion yards. Biul,stroi.tskh. 13 no-10:7-10 0 156a (XLRA 10il) 1. Nauchno-Is ledowntellskiy Institut Stroytekhniki Andenii strottell- stva i arkhit:ktury SSStL, (Concrete slabs) (Precast concrete construction) AUTHORSt Linetskiyj Ya'. I'. (Engineer), and Kirsanova, It.t. (Cand. Tecti. Sci'.) C_ 97 - 5- 3/13 TITLE: Organisation and mechanisation of the construction of large- panel type "blocks of flats. (Orgunizatsiya i mekhanizatsiya stroitel'stva krupnopaneltnvkh zhilnykh domov). PERIODICAL: "Beton i Zhelesobetott" (Concrete and Reinforced Concrete) 1957p N03, P-193-199.7-MBR). ABSTRACT: The development of the large-panel building system depends on a highly efficient method of assembly. This applies especially to the non-skeleton construction buildings with a medium number of storeys. The latterpmved to be the most economic. One firm should be entrusted with the assem- bly of the complete building as the experience of the VSU (BCY) Combine of Moscow has proved. This is.,to be preferred to using 3 or 4 specialised firms for the as6pmbly work. The Magnitos-croy Combine came to the same conclusions. The proper organisation and coordination of various assembly phases and finishing trades is most important, as well as the organisation of transport and storage of building units. Double-console cranes of the APS-5 type (UnC-5) are used for assembly. The maximum lifting height = 11.5 - 12 m'. Special Car4 1/4 lorries are used for the transportation of wall panels and Organisation and mechanisation of the construction of large- panelftype, blocks of flats. (Cont.) 97-5-3/13 of partitions, which constitute 70 - 75% of the total number of constructional units in this type of buildings. These lorries have a capacity of 12 t and comprise a "mechanical hose" with a trailer which consists of a frame, front and back fixing stand and 2 side steadying arms. In Leningrad a special lorry for the delivery of panels is used which was produced during the last 2 years by Glavleningradstroy'. Its capacity = 12 t.,. The slabs are placed horizontally on platforms. The whole carrying construction isftapanded and swings from a horizontal pi-vot to avoid breakage'o This railer is of very economical design. Another type of lorry, Mustrated in Fig.5) manufactured by the same factory, com- I prises a trailer with low framework with a bridge-shaped upper structure. The panels are transported in the verti- cal position. Shock absorbers are provided against break- age. Carrying.capdcity = 12 tons'. Fig'.6 shows a lorry consisting of a trailer constructed to cArr . y panels in the vertical position with no:,bhobk_Ab9oi`ber*'. Capacity = 7 t. A 30 - 35% redaction in the weight of the trailer is re- commended. Panel-transportimg lorries with a capacity of Card 2/4 25 - 50 tons are plann d to save mileage. The lorries Organisation and mecham'sation of the construction of large- panel type blocks of flats. (Cont.) 97-5-3/13 MAZ - 200 (MA3-200) and YaAZ - 210 (AA3-210) are most suit- able for carrying building elements-such as floor slabs, landing slabs and balcony slabs. It is most important to select the right type of orane'. For 3-5 storey high build- ings the cranes EKSM-5-5 (EXCU-5-5) and EK-5-195(BK-5-195) of a capacity of 5 tons and an arm-reach of 22-249 m are recommended'. The gantry crane PM-5 (0(9-5), capacity = 5 tons, arm-reach = 28 m, woxking height- - 23 m, w also satisfactory. The crane K - 102, capacity = 10 tv mounted on wheelst with inflated tyres, was used during the erec- tion of buildings from small panels'. The Min troydormash..' has recently manufactured cranes on inflated tyrest Mark K- 252, capacity - 25 t, with 24 m long arms'. Another new crane is BGY,315 N-M-3/5) with continuous tracked propul- sioup capacity = 3 - 5 t. arm length = 12 - 20 id. It is often difficult to negotiate roads because of the width of the crane (5 m)". If road difficulties are encountered the crane Up - 25 (Mr-25) can be used. The cranes used for the erection of buildings with more than 5 storeys are as follows: RKSM - 5 - 10 (Mil - 5 - 10), BTK - 5/8 (GTE - 5/8)# Card 3/4 BTK - 100 (EiTK-100) and EKSM - 14 (BKC19-14). The assembly Organisation and mechanisation of the construction of large-panel type blocks of flats. (Cont.) 97-5-~/13 time for a building, large Panelst with 1 follows: cellar: 15 Storep 6 - 7 days, finishing works): 14 There are 8 figures. AVAILABLE: 50 x 12 m in plang constructed from crane working in 2 shifts, is as - 18 days (taken as 24 hours days), 1 the top storey (including the roof and - 16 days. Card 4/4 r,, I ~,S P /V(- v t4 , N K ~ KLRSAX07A kand.takhn.nouk aiwAj__ Irection and fInishing of frameless large-panel apartment houses. Trudy KIII no.8:48-56 157. (MIRA 10:12) (Moscov-1partzent hauses) KIRSANOVA, H.K.. Imnd.tokhn.n&ukj FRUMIN, II.Ye., Inzh. Mounting construction elements of large-panel ap^rtment houses directly fron trucks. BlItl . stroi. takh. 15 no-9:13-15 S 158. (MIRA lltlO) 1. Hpuchnn-imelmdovatells"y Inatitut zhilishchn Akmdamil strol- tel'stva, I arkhttekturz SSSR. (Apartment houses) (Precast concrete construction) IMUNOVA# X*Ko*WLnd.tekhn.z&uko. J~MTBVA. 0.9..insh. I - ~ 'I-. , L~ - r-"~ Xaking prox1imts In construction yards@ Blul,strol.tskh, 16 no.2:31-33 7 159. (Kru 12:2) 1. Nauchno-looledovatellskly Inetitut shilishcha Akadeall stroitelletys I arkhitektury SSSR. (Concrete construction-rormwork) GELIEERG,, L.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; LTUBIMOVA, M.S.,, kand. tekhn. nauk; PARSHINA9 X.G.0 kand. tekhn, nauki-ilIVANOYAO lj,,, kand. tekhn, nauki ZVORYKIN, D.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; ZHAGEl- VA, I.I., inzh.; Prinimala. uchastiye, LAZAREVI, N.N., insh.; GLAZUROVA, Z.M.,, red. izd-va; SIIEVCHEM,, T.N., tekhn. red. (Economics of large-panal housing construction)Ekonomika krupno- panallnogo shilishchnogo stroitalletya. [BylL.A.Gellberg I dr. Moskva, Goastrolisdatl 1962. 15) po (MIRA 16:3) (Precast concrete construction) KIRSANOVA, M.K., kand. tekhn. nauk; MIKIIANOVSKrY, D.S., Inzh.; MCNMD, Yu.B., kand. tekhn. nauk,- KREINDLIN, A.N.; SAVKOVpV. LCUL; O.A.j inzh.; ZHUCHKOV,, N. (Means for increasing the capacity of plants prefabricating elements for 1-464A series housesj Puti povysheniia proizvod- stvannoi moshchnosti zavodov, vypuskaiushchikh doma seriia I-464A. Moskva., Gosatroiizdat, 1962. 26 p. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Akademiya atroitelletva i arkhItektury SSSR. I'Sentraltnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektno-eksperimentallrqy institut industriallnykh shilykh i massovykh kullturno-bytovykh zdanly. 2. TSentral'W nauchno-isaledovatellskiy i proyektno-eksperi- mental'My institut industriallrqkho zhilykh i massovykh kullturno- bytovykh zdaniy kkadeimii stroitel'stva, i arkhitektury SSSR (for Kirsanova, Mikhanovskiy, Monfred). 3. Pauchno-i.-sledovateliskiy institut organizataii, mokhanizatnii i tekhnichaskoy pomoshchi stroitel'stvu Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury WM (for Beyul, Kreindlinp Savkov, Zhuchkov). kand. tekhn. nauk; YRIMK(TI, R.V.p kand, tekhn. nauk; PEYSIKOV, V.A., Inzh, Mobile shield method for molding large panels. Stroi. i dor. mash. 9 no.lt24-28 Ja 164. (MIR-A 18:7) ) - -, I f,, " , -; i f - I., j ~ -: v / ~ ~0, * SMMIII, Andrey Georgiyevich; SHIRWYA, A., redaktor; KIRSANOTA, N. tekhnichaskiy redaktor. "- [At our mechanical bakery] Na nashem khlebozavode. [Hoskyal Isd-vo rZsSPS Profizdat, 1954. 43 p. (HLRA 8:8) (Bakers and 'bakeries) 50) AUTHORS: Kirsanov, A. V., Kirsanova, N. A. SOV/79-29-6-7/72 ---------- TITLE: ----- Derivatives of m- and p-Benzene Disulfonic Acid (Proizvodnyye m- i p-benzoldisullfokislot) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 6, pp 1602-1813 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The derivatives of the p-benzene disulfonic acid can be used as initial products for new high-molecular products. The simplest derivatives of the p-benzene disulfonic acid are of particular interest. In the present paper the authors tried the synthesis of the simplest derivatives of the m- and p-benzene dioulfonic acid and further that of the m,m'-diphenyl-oulfone-dioulfonic acid. The methyl and ethyl eaters of the m- and p-benzene diaulfonic acid as wall as of the m,mt-diphenyl-oulfone-disulfonic acid were obtained by the action of a benzene solution of the corresponding dichloride on sodium alcoholate solutions which were previ- ously concentrated by evaporation in the vacuum to syrupy consistency. When using nearly dry sodium alcoholates the reaction takes place at the boiling temperature of benzene Card 1/3 only with a considerable alcohol excess, but it is not Derivatives of m- and p-Benzene Disulfonic Acid SOV/79-29-6-7/72 possible to separate the diesters of the benzene disulfonic acids as they are strongly alkylating agents and therefore react with the excess alcohol. The reaction thus proceeds according to the scheme C6H4 (so 201)2 +2RONa - 2NaCl +C6H4 (302 OR )2; C6H4 (30 20R)2 + ROH ---p- ROR + C6H4(so 2OR)SO 2OH. At a lower alcohol quantity the reaction proceeds slowly in the second ertep, and it is possible to separate the diester prior to its alkylation. The methyl and ethyl eaters of the m- and p- benzene disulfonic acid are crystalline, readily melting compSunds and are rapidly saponifidd when heated in water. It wds shown that the methyl esters of the acids mentioned have an intermediary position between the methyl eaters of the-aryl sulfonic acids and those of the nitroaryl sulfonic acids as far as their alkylating capability is concerned. The phosphazo-reaotion was carried out for the diamidea of the aboye-mentioned acids. The following compounds were ob- tained: m- and p-bia-trichloro-phosphazo-oulfone-plienylene, tet a-acid chlorides of the m- and p-phenylone-bin-sulfon- Card 2/3 amilo-pboophoric acidp m- and p-bis-trialkoxy- and bis-tri- Derivatives of m- and p-Benzene Dioulfonic Acid SOV/79-29-6-T/72 phonoxy-phosphazo-oulfone-phenylone and tetraesters of the m- and p-phonylone-bio-oulfonamido-pboophoric acid (5 Tables). The monoamide-monochloride of the p-benzone-dioulfonic acid and a number of N-alkylated amidee of the m- and p-benzene disulfonic acid were obtained. There are 5 tables and 17 references, 9 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut organioheekoy khimii Akademii nauk Ukrainekoy SSR (institute of Organic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, Ukrainakaya SSR) SUBMITTED: May 20, 1958 Card 3/3 JVpjjoVAl Zh. H,; KIPSANOVAl N.A.; DERKAM, G.T. Derivatives of Ri-acyliminooarbenle acid chlorides. ?~.ur. org, khim. 1 noo 12&2186-2191 D 065 (MIRA 192T) I* Thotitut organicheskoy khimll AN TJkrWR. -%bmitted December 25s 1'964* KIRSANOVI A.V.; KIRSAN N-arylmtlfonylethylene- and hexamethylonediamines. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.31887-892 Mr 162. (MIRA 150) 1. Institut organichookoy khimii i Inatitut monomerov i polimerov AN UkrainBkoy SSR. (Sthylonediamine) (Hexanediamine) IVANOVA, 7h.M.; DERKACH, G.I.; KIRSAVOVA, N.A. Derivatives of N-acylAsothlocyanaten. Zhur. ob. khAm. 34 no-10i 3516-3518 0 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Institut organichoskoy khimli AN UkrSSR. S/058/62/000/007/063/068 A06P/AIOI AUMOR: Kirsanova, N. N. TITLE: About the problem of measuring the temperature of a d.c. arc PERIODICAL; Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 7, 196,1), 55 - 56, abstract 7Zh372 ("Tr. Voronezhsk. un-ta", 1961, v. 55, 105 - 110) TOM Dy the method of measuring the relative intensity of spectral lines, the temperature Df a direct current are, burning in the air at the atmospheric pressure, was determined, and the temperature distribution over the si,~ctlon of the are (cur *rent of the are 4.5 a; distance between the electrodes. made of coal powder with additions 7 mm) was investigated. The Image of the arc co- lumn was projected onto the slit of a HU -22 (ISP-22) spectrograph (in such a maiiner that the ax1s of the arc wan perpendicular to the slit) luid the lines of t~e Cu spectrum in the 5,100 - 5,200 R range were photometered. For determining the intensity distribution I(r) of the radiation along the radius or the column, use was made of the Horman transformation Card 112 S/058/62/000/007/063/068 About the problem of,.. Ao62/Aiol ro 1'(x)dx I(r) 1AT Ix -2 2 Vx -r r [I(x) being the intensity distribution along a spectral line]. In thiz way the intensity distributions of the l1nes along the radius were calculated, and their !ratio permitted the determination of the temperature distribution over the cross section of the arc column. The temperature of the are which is 4,701-10K in the centre, decreases to 4,1000K at the ragius of 2.2 mm. The average temperature ~or the whole volume is equal to 4,300 X and coincides with the te.-.1perature mea- bured when lighting the alit in the usual way (without applying a transverse photometry). Yu. Kniz1-ji11kuv (Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 , ~1237 3/194,/62/000/007/116/160 D271/D308 AUTHOR: TITLE: The problem of measuring the temperature of a DO arc PERIODMAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronikay no. 7, 1962# abstract 7zh372 (Tr. voronezhak. un-ta, 19610 Ve 55p 105.-- 110) TEXT: Mleasurementlf relative intensity of spectral lines was used in determining the temperature of a DO are in air, at atmospheric pressure, and in st'_~Ying temperature distribution over the croas-.- section of the arc rc current - 4.5 A; distance between electro- des - 7 mm; electrodta of carbon powder with additives). The image of are column was projected onto the slot of a spectrograph viru -22 (ISP-22) (so as to have the are axis perpendicular to the slot and Ou spectrum lines In the range of 5100 - 5200 X were photo-metered*4 florman transformation 1i (s) dx Card 1/2 r 4 8/194,/62/000/007/116/160 The problem of meaBuring the D271/,308 (where IW is intensity distribution along the spectral line) was, used in determining radiation intensity along the radius of the column I(r). In this way, intensity distributions along the radius were calculated and from their ratios temperature distribution in the crosa-section of the arc column is found. Arc temperature in the middle is 47000K and drops to 41000K at a radius of 2#2 mm, Vo- lume averaged temperature is 43000K and this agrees with.the value measured by illuminating the slot in the usual manner (without per- pendicular photographing), LAbstraoter's note: Complete translation] Card 212 3/035/62/000/010/011/128 A0011AI01 AUTHOR: Kirsanova, N. N. TITLE: From experience of visual observations of Earth artificial satellites PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya I Oeodeziya, no. 10, 1962, 15 16, abstract IOA145 ("BYul- at. optich. nablyudenlya iskusstv. sputnikov Zemli", 1961, no. 23, 19-- 20) TEXT: The author reports on using nomograms in observations of Earth art~ifioial satellites. .1 P [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 KIRSANOVA, N.N. (Voronezh) Practice of visual observation of artificial satellites. Biul, stA.opt.nabl.isk.aput.Zem. no.23:19-20 161. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Stantsiya nablyudeniy iskusetvennykh aputnikov Zemll No.015. (Artificial satellites-Tracking) SEWOVO LV.; DAVDCV2 V.P,j SHISHAKOV, N.V.; CHUKANOVA, O.M.; jq~WOVAP ~00?0 Prospects for and the economic effectiveness of using trapped emulsions and vatery petroleum products in the preparation of acetylene. Xhim. i takh. topl. i masel 8 no.7:40-44 J1 163. (MIRA 16:7) I, Institut goryuchikh iskopayezykh Akademii nauk SSSR. (Acetylene) (Petroleum products) (MmWd ng process) KI',.*-,/.NOVA, 1, S'll"V71, ! V, Ecinomic~ ef ficter,-.y of a! -. ;. -,i, " ~: ,I -. c -*. -:: ~- i C'n r-. -4., , '9 . ICI 20:14i,-50 If.3. , 1~ ,, -Its) SEnNOVj L.V.; KIRSANOVAv D.P.$ DAVYDOVo V.P. Economics of and prospects for the use of peat In the by- product coke industry. Trudy IGI 20s237-242 163. (MIFU 170) - IIIHSA OVAp -RoP61 VLODATNBg X*L*j B710 S*Sh, Absorption sethod for determining the moisture oontent of mixt=es of hydrwarbon gases, Gas. prom. no"4:44-47 Ap 138. (KIVA IltO (Oases-Zlysis) 11WAWVA, R.P.; NX, SSh. Liquid - vapor equilibrium In an sostaldehyde - methanol system at atmospheric pressure, Zhur. prWe khim., 31 no-10.0.1610-1612 0 158. (nu 12: 1) (Acetaldehyde) (methanol) (?has* rule and equilibrium) ZIRSANOVA$ R*Po; Me BaShe Idquid - vapor equilibrium in the system allyl alcohol - Isoproprl alcohol at atmospheric pressure. Zhur. prikl. khim. 33 no.12S2?84- 2786 iD 16o, (MM 14:1) (Allyl alcohol) (Isopropyl alcohol) BTK, S.Sh.; XXMBDVA, R,P* ., ~, 1, 1- --- - Separation of certain hydrocarbon mixtures by means of diffusion through nonporous organic membranes. Zhur. f1s. khIm. 34 no.12t 2844 D 160o (Min 14: 1) (Diffusion) (membranes (Chemistry)) MWAMAS B.P.1 BrKj 8.8h. Liquid vipor equilibrium in the oyatem acrolein - acetone at the preseure of 200 m. of Ng. Zhur.priklekbim- 35 nools198-199 ;a 162. (MIU 15S1) (Acrolein) (Acetone) (Phase rule and equili*im) XIR Ol 0-14P-s; BYK, S.Sh. Using syntbetla zeolltas for deep drying of propylene. Nefteper. i. neftekhim. no.605-39 165. (MIRA 180) 1. N1153. RTIMT, D.A.. redaktor; STMk=To Me, re&*tor; KINWOUt SoBoo redaktor; GAEUGAMMY, TvVo , Inshener, rvdsktor. - [loonomising metals In forging and stamping] Bkonoulla metalloy v kus- noohnosh"ovochnon proinyodstys. Kookysi, Ooso nauohno-tokhn. Isd-vo mashinostrotto lit-ry, 29339 273 Pe (MM 7;1) (Forging) (Pawhing machinery) VAWV, A.M.; PFWS. V.P.; MALINDV, A.M., retsenzent; inshener; I MANAKIN, N.B., redaktor; KIRSANDTA, S.B., luzhoner. redaktor: POPOVA, S.I., takhniches -1 [Mechanization and automatization of punch-presa work] Hekha- nizatsita i "tomatisatsii& shtampovochmykh rabot. Hooky&, Goe.nauchno-tekhn.lid-vo mehinostrottellnoi lit-ry, 1955. 307 p. (Shoot-metal work-Stamping) (HLRA 8:11) DABIWO, V.A., lnzh.; BRTUUMOT, A,N., kand.takhn.nauk; VLADIMIROV, N.Y.. insh.; GXRSEM, H.S.,' lash.; SUBUOT, T.N., Insh.; GOLOYM, I.Y., lnzh,; GOSTJW, V.I., inzh.; XKFJLM, T.T., insh.; KALIKOT, A.M., lnsh.t KANSUROV. A.M., insh.; HARMOV. Y.N., kand.takhn.nauk; KYSOZHNIKOT, V.M., kand.takhn*nauk; NATROTSKIT, G.A., kand.takhn.nauk; HASK11D, Y.L., insh.; 'SKIT, A.T., kand.takhn.nauk; SIVORTSOV, A.A., kand, tekhn.nauk; SOKCLOV, I,G., kand.takhn.nauk; STOROWIT, N.V., kand,' takhn.nauk; TEMOV, A.T., inzh.*; XHRZHANOVSKIT, S.M., prof., daktor takhn.nank; TSUKERMAN, M.T., insh.; SHAPOSHNIKOV, D.Te., insh.; MEU71TAKOVSKIY, X.Z., kand.tekhn.nauk; MDMOV. A.A., doktor tekhn. nauk; TAKOVLRV. T.0., inxh.; red.; SIM, B.M., inzh., red.isd-ve; SOKOLOVA, T.Y., [Technological handbook on forging and die forging] T;khnologichaskii ,avochnik po, kovke I tb"emni t ov)cs. Hosk*a, khn. HIM mashinostroit. i - W5 TIR -P. - . rfior g) BOV/122-59-1+-15/28 AUTHORSs Storozhev, M,V.1 (Cand.Tech.Sci.j Doctnt, Semenov Ye I (Cand.Tech.Sci., Docent and Kirsanov'a$ 6 i!, Engineer TITLE: Refinement o; the Pattern of the Deformation Core and Determination of the Force in Die Stamping Otochneniye formy ochaga deformatsii I opredelenlye usiliya pri shtampovke) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Mashinostroyeniyal 1959, Nr 41 pp 55-61 (USSR) ABSTRACT: When forging In an open die, after the first stage of filling the die cavity, the second stage consists of pressing the excess metal from the die cavity into the flash and calibrating the height of the forging (upsetting). The maximum forging pressure occurs during upsetting. To find the relation between the dimensions of the deformation coro and the thickness of the flash, tests were carried out with lead. Specimen blanks were split in two halves and a grid was drawn on one half. Both halves together were upset in the diet after which the half with the grid (Fig 2) was photo- Card 1/4 graphed. The deformed grid exhibits three zonest namely the zone of large deformation, the zone of small SOV/122-59-4-15/28 Refinement of the Pattern of the Deformation Core and Determination of the Force in Die Stamping deformation and the undeformed zone. The first zone includes the flash. The tests were carried out with different flash thicknesses. Specimens with a large thickness revealed the three zones more clearly. 7he dimensions before and after the final forging deformation are tabulated (Table 1). Several geometric quantities were recorded in specimens after the tests leading to the mean height (thickness) of the flash during the calibrating period. In forgings with small flash thicknesses similar to those obtained in practiceg the deformation core Is small. To obtain a better measure of the deformation core, a further test was conducted. The specimen was photographed after upsetting and the die was subsequently ground down in the parting plane by the amount of flattening of the flash. The flash formed during upsetting was removed down to the forging diameter, and the forging operation was repeated. A substantial degree of defcrmation was achieved in the centre of the Card 2/4 specimen without changing the conditions of upsetting and the degree of deformation of the flash. The plotting SOV/122-59-4-15/28 Refinement of the Pattern of the Deformation Core and Determination of the Force in Die Stamping of the deformation core by this procedure presented no further difficulties. The relative thicknesses of deformation zones were plotted against the relative diameters of the forging (Figs 5 and 6). The thickness of the first zone at half the forging radius differed little from combined axial thicknesses of the first and second zones. The thickness of the deformation zones at half the radius away from the axis was also plotted and found, like the thickness along the axis, to increase progressively with the ratio of the diameter to the flash thickness. The thickness along the axis of the deformation zone did not vanish even at small diameter/ flash thickness ratios. When these ratios were about 20, the ratio of deformation zone thickness to flash thickness was about 3.5. The diameter/flash thickness ratio also affects the pattern of the deformation zone. At a ratio of 3, the deformation zone is a bi-concave lens. At large ratios, the "lens" becomes bi-convex. The usual Card 3/1+ analytical solution for the deformation zone assumes this to be conical or a stepped profile. A better solution SOV/122-~9-4-1~/28 Refinement of the Pattern of the Deformation Core and Determination of the Force in Die Stamping assumes an elliptical shape. With the help of simplifying assumption (plane strain), the forging pressures are obtained by analysis. For forgings which are round or nearly round in planform, the equilibrium equations are used in spherical coordinates when the deformation is axially symmetrical. The analysis of this case is also treated. There are 11 figures, 2 tables and 8 Soviet references. Card 4/4 ACCESSION NR: AP4011290 S/0136/64/000/001/0066/0069 AUTHOR: Natapova, R, I.; Kiroanova, T. A.; Malikova, L. P.; Sokolov, Yu. A.; Parusnikov, V. N. TITLE: Cold drawing of tantalum wire SOURCE: Tsvetny*ye metally*, no. 1, 1964, 66-69 TOPIC TAGS: tantalum wire, tantalum wire drawing, tantalum copper plating, cold drawing, wire drawing, copper plated tantalum wire ABSTRACT: A method for smooth drawing of tantalum wires (Authors certificate Nr. 148373) was devised to eliminate wire rupture and gas absorption by the metallic wires which cause the wire to possess poor mechanical properties. Since the use of ordinary lubricants and oxidizing of the metal surface does not eliminate these difficulties, it is proposed that the tantalum material after cleaning be copper plated by hot dipping in an inner atmosphere. Hot-drawn wire was cleaned of aquadag and oxides by electrolytic etching. Hot copper plating of C.rd 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4011290 the cleaned wire was done in argon by drawing the wire through a graphite cruci- ble with molten copper. Rate of drawing and temperature must be strictly con- trolled for uniform coating. The latter Is uniformly deformed during cold draw- ing and does not peal off. Cold drawing of 100-200 micron diam. wire(coating 1-2 microns) to a maximum size of 40-60 microndiam. can be achieved. For drawing to finer wires electrolytic copper plating should be superimposed thereon (100-200 micron diam primary wire 10-20 micron diam final wire, 3-5 micron coating achieved in two passages at a rate of 1. 5-2 m/ min, 20sec. in the bath, 20 amplsq. in. current density). Electrolytic coating should be applied over etched hot coating for better uniformity and smoother drawing of small gauge wires. After drawing, coating should be electrolytically or chemically removed. Thus, perfect cold drawing of finest gauges becomes possible due to copper " plating. Rate of drawing ranges from 20-15 m/min for 30-250 micron diam to 8-2 m/min- for 10-30 micron diam. Orig. art has: 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: None SUIBM=ED: 00 DATE ACQ; 14F*bG4 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: EL NO REP SOV: 005 OTHER: 002 Card 2/2 69,127 SP09/60/005/05/0115/021 V, 4/, 2.13 o E140/035 AUTHORS: Shullman, A.R. , Kirsanova, T.S. and PavAv, V.K. TITLE: The Work Fun Thin Ftlmji, of' barilLgi MEA.iofof I __Q-v Junsaten Base PERIODICAL-. Radiotekhnika I alektronika, 196o, Vol i, Nr 5, pp 84o-848 (USSR) ABSTRACT% The dynamic variation of barivm-oxide work functicri at various temperatures of a tungsten baA~~ Is d*~termlned. The process is more complicated than in thp ;:ase of metal-atom films, since along 4,r-tb evapoz.,%ticn and migration the film state is effectnd t1,r.-,%gb reactions with the baso inater-,..xi. The f_-Im th_.ckAesA was estimated from optical me"surements and deposit-'an time. Measurements of work functior, ind.catfd tht,- following: a) The variation of' work tunct-ton with film thickness has a monotoni,: charaziter, !,) Tht curve o!' film work function against thickne-is at va-ious rales of deposition does not very aVpr~-ciably, ALthztign. there are certain common features In the behaviour- of bariam and barium-oxide films on tung~pten the barium-oXida Card 1/2 films are subject to dLffer,~nt 1,awq zhe barium films. 69927 s/log/60/005/05/015/021 E140/E435 The Work Function of Thin Films of Barium Oxide on a Tungsten Base For barium the work function curve has a minimum, for barium oxide monotonic curves are obtained. The results are closer to those obtained by V.M.Gavrilyuk (Ref 3,5) than those of Russel and Moore (Ref 1,2). It is concluded that the processes occurring with heating of the films are fairly complex and it is not possible to explain them by any single phenomenon, for example evaporation, but at least two processes occurs one of which leads to increase and the other to decrease of the work function. Therefore, deactivation curves of the barium-oxide-tungsten system cannot be directly treated as desorption curves. Further experimental work is necessary in which the assumed elementary processes can be separated. There are 7 figures, 1 table and 5 references, 2 of which are Soviet, 1 English and 2 English in Russian translation. ASSOCIATION:Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. M.I.Kalinina I(Leningrad PolXtechnical Institute imeni M.I.Kalinin) SUBMITTED: July 6, 1959 Card 2/2 s/log/60/005/008/005/024 3/ ;Lo (Ioo3, // 3 7, 5/0) E140/555 AUTHORS: Kirsanova, T.S., Shullman, A.R, and Engovatova, N.I, TITLE, Emissivity of Thin Barium Oxide Films on Metal Bases PERIODICALi Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1960, Vol,5, No.8, pp.1225-1232 TEXT: In the study of thin films, the emissivity provides a fuller evaluation of the state of the system than a knowledge of work function. Further, emissivity is of independent interest since, in the last analysis, it in precisely emissivity that is the important characteristic. Nevertheless both indices give only aggregate results and are no measure of the individual elementary processes (evaporation, migration, chemical reaction, etc.). The present work therefore studies the variations of emissivity of thin barium oxide films on tungsten occurring as a result of prolonged heating at various temperatures, The results of the study indicate that the emissivity of these systems depends substantially on temperature and on the heat-treatment cycle of the films, Optimum emissivity is obtained at definite temperatures, This in taken to indicate that variations in film state are nct connected only with Card 1/3 5/109/60/005/008/005/024 E140/E555 Emissivity of Thin Barium Oxide Films on Metal Bases evaporation of active material, since variation of work function with thickness occurs monotonically, It is necessary to suppose the existence of at least two elementary processes. The curves obtained suggest the usual activation characteristic of an oxide cathode, It is therefore supposed that at temperatures of the order of 1200-1400*K, free barium appears in the systems studied, An inverse relationship is found between the thickness of optimal coating and activation temperature. However, the Richardson work function is independent of initial film thickness. It is proposed that increase of emission in not connected with decrease of work function but with variation of the area of the emitting centres, directly related to coating thickness at low thicknesses it to supposed that the variations observed are connected with changes of tote of the film materials The data obtained also art consistent : ith the concept of migration of particles ovtz the surface during heat-treatment, Acknowledgments are made to the graduatif student V 1. Zarudnyy for his assistanze. Thorc are 6 figures. 2 tables and 8 referen(es, 6 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet rard ;1/7) s/109/60/005/008/005/021* F140/E555 gm i sm a v i t y o f Th t n Bn r j %im Ox t d e F i J nvi on Ho- I it I lia ASSOCTATION Leninvitifloikiy politeklittichrok,ty institut im(ni ,,1 1. Kalinin,% (I.oningrad 11olyteLlIfItcal Institutt, SUBMITTED. December 21, 1959 Card 3/3 83270 s/iog/60/005/009/017/026 9140/2455 AIUTHORSi Kireanova, T.S. and Sakharov, X.Ye. TITLE: Work FunctiovhVf Thi rium Oxide Films on MAYBA Molybdenum Base PERIODICALs Radiatekhnika i elektronika, 196o, Vol-5, No-~91 pp-1500-1507 TEXTs An oscillographic method for measuring work function from the shift of volt-ampere characteristics has been developed, substantially shortening the duration of the mspaurement and reducing the intensity of electron bombardmentNiDf the sample. A feedback circuit In used in which variation of contact difference of potential is compensated to maintain the potential between the anode and the cathode constant. All possible causes for a change in the slope of the characteristics, for example, cathode heating currentat have been reduced to a minimum. Hencq, the only cause for change in slope admitted by the authors is a change in contact difference of potentials. The change was read on a pointer instrument and also observed on the oscillograph screen. Measurements were carried out in an ex erimental diode (Fig-3) at residual pressures of the order of 10-~ mm Hg. In each sealed-off Card 1/3 83270 s/iog/60/005/009/017/026 Z140/19455 Work Funetion of Thin Barium Oxide Films on Molybdenty- Base device a film of barium oxide was first deposited on a tungsten or molybdenum base at room temperature. The final work function in either case was between 1-7 to 1-9 OV, with scatter not exceeding 0.3 eV. The effects of heat treatment were then investigated. Compound curves (Fig.6) are plotted to show the behaviour of BaO films on Mo as functions of initial thickness, duration of heating and temperature of heat treatment. The results of the present work were compared with those of Ref-3, in which Ba-W systems were studied. It was found, an before, that the temperature at which variation of work function begins depends substantially on film thickness and the processes occuring in the heat treatment of the films increased the work function. However, the threshold temperature is higher for molybdenum than for tungsten. Good agreement with Narita's results is claimed, but not with those of Moore and Allison (Ref-5). Deactivation curves of BaO-Mo systems are similar to those of B&O-W. It is assumed that the basic process leading to increase of work function is evaporation of the layer but the identity of the evaporation product remains unknown. Qualitative agreement of the present results is claimed Card 2/3 83270 s/log/6o/oO5/009/017/026 &140/9455 Work Function of Thin Barium Oxide Films on Molybdenum Base with those of Ref-7 to 11. Anomalies in the curve shape, and differences in the behaviour of the films on tungsten and molybdenum, may be explained on the basis of chemical reactions. Finally, agglomeration of barium oxide may have a substantial role in the processes studied. There Are 6 figures, 1 table and 11 references: 6 Soviet and 3 English. ASSOCIATION3 Leningradskiy politekhnichaskiy institut im. M.I.Kalinina (Leningrad Polytechnical Institute im. M.I.Kalinin) SUBMITTEDs August 5, 1959 Card 3/3 h0899 511811621004100910391045 9Y,7000.( B104/B186 AUTHORS: Mrsanova, T. S., Shullman, A. R., and Denxentlyeva, A. V. TITLE: 'tiork function of thin barium oxide films applied to heated tungsten PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela% v. 4, no. 9, 196:?, 2615-2617 TEXT: The change in the work fun'ction of a-BaO-W syntem was determined as a function of the temperature of the vi band during the spray coating of BaO. At pressures of the residual gas of (I-2)-I(r9mm Hg, BaO was sprayed onto bands of temperatures between 800 wi.d 15000K. The dependence of the -Arofr, function * on the coating time t Was determined foi various temperatures of the A bands 011g.). After somip hours of 11 prayij, 9 becomes virtually independent of the coating time (equilibrium . If such a film is annealed for some hours at the temperature of the'A-band during the coating, a quasistationary state is obtained in whi,ch the work function of the system does not noticeably change even on further heating.- Annealing of the 4-band durint the spraying yields much more active thermionic emitters and more solid films than spraying onto cold bands. There is 1 figure. Card 1/2 .S/181/62/004/009/039/045 Work function of thin barium... B104 B186 ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy politekhnicheekiy inatitut im. M. I. Kalinina (Leningrad Polytechnic Institute imeni M. I. Kalinin) SUBMITTED: May 24, 1962 Fi g. Dependence of the work function of & the BaO-Y" system on the sprayine. time at 4.0 various temperatures . 211 of the Vi-band during the sprayinq. Legend: (1) dependence 3.0 of the equilibrium work two f5do TOK function on the W-band 300 30, temperature; (2) - * dependence of the. x wook 980 quasistationary state OK on the W-band temperature. Card 2/2 fog -:00. A&Z hogoo B/181/62/004/009/040/045 B104/B186 AUTHORS: Klr,,anova, T. S., Shullman, A. R., and Gerasimova, A. P. TITLE: Adsorption of barium oxide on the 010) face of a tungsten single crystal PLRIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo te la, v. 4, no. 9, 1962, 2617-2620 TEXT: The experiments were made with-a method developed earlier (T. S. Kirsanova, I. Yo. Sakharov, Radiotekhn. i elektron., 5, 69, 1960). The (110) face of a tungsten single crystal was prepared at the Laboratoriya kafedry elektrofiziki Tashkentskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (Laboratory of the Department of Electrophysics of Tashkent State University). The experimental arrangement permitted heat treatment of the single crystal at temperatures up to 26000K and'simultaneous . bombardment with electrons. The barium oxide was applied at a constant spraying rate of 0-015 monolayers/minute. The dependence of the work function on the temperature of the single crystal during the spraying was determined (Fig.). Results: When BaO is sprayed onto hot W backings, the adsorptive and thermionic properties of the BaO-70i system depend 11 Card 114~< s/18i/62/004/009/040/045 Adsorption of barium oxide on... B104/B186 considerably on the crystallographic orientation of the faces. Unlike in the adsorption of BaO on polycrystalline backings or on not densely packed tunEsten atoms (T. S. Kireanova et al., FrT, v. 4, no. 9, 1962, p. 2617; Raniotekhnika i elektron., 5, 8406 1960) the work function in the interval between room temperature and 11)0 K does not decrease when BaO is adsorbed on densely packed W atoms. This.1s explained by,the single- phase adsorption of barium oxide on the densely-packed tungsten surface atoms. There is I figure. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy politekhnicheakiy institut im. M. I. Kalinina (Leningrad Polytechnic Institute imeni 14. 1. Kalinin) SUBMITTED: May 24, 1962 Fig. Work function versus coating time t (minutes) at various temperatures of the W single crystal. Legend: (1) 5000K1 (2) 6500K1 (3) 750OKj (4) 870OK; (5) 900OK; (6) 11500K annealine tem eratures). Backing tem eraturee: (7 3000K; (8) 650OK; 750OK; (10~ 870OK; (11) 9000K; (123 10000KI (13~ 11500K. M Card 20.2- SHULIMAH, A.R.; CIERASDOVA, A.P. Adsorption of barium cadde on face (no) of a tungsten single crystal. Fiz, tver. tela /+ no.9:2617-2620 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) I* Lenirgradekiy politekhnicheskiy inistitut imeni Kalinina. (Barium oxide) (Tungsten crystals) KIRSAIIOVA, T.S.1 STIULIMAN, A.R.; DDIENTIYEVA, A.V. Work function of thin films of barium oxide on heated tungsten. Fiz, tvor. tola, 4 no*9:2615-2617 S 162. (14IRA .15:9) 1. Lenin dskiy politekhnicheskiy irstitut ineni Kalinina. =ium oxide) (Tungsten) Work function (Physics)) zi- !, is'l ku ty. saw' Ad W4A 4 M Accmsm im , Aphon?68 $/M8I/6VOD6/=/0282/02$9 AUTMRSt M-MUM, TLJ" Oballman* At as Tl=i The nature'of the dqmadenoe of the work function in the aptem barius codds Ass mUl on the degres 9f surface covering i'SOUROBI nsika tvwdop t#244 ve 6# no, 2j 2964g 282-289 TOM TAOSs wo* functionp barion oxIdep barium cadde plas = talp molytAenum, tungatens awhoo mverings setivated Mmorytion, rAnutivated sdamptionj adsorp. -tion ABSTRACTe This is a oontimation of work done bjY these autbarsq partly in coop- Oration with others, on this saw general problem. It has been shown previou 'that the nature of the cum for (0) . where work function wA 0 a dew"; vf surface covwage is affected by the adsorption of B&O molecules in both of adsorption (nonsativated and activated)e In the case of W,, it was not possible ,,to obsem stwface awerage of both phases because tW ovvwlap the tesperature .range in whiah wbire adsorption ad evapqatiou occure Therefore,, to obtain :,& proper pictun of the depeadmos of T w T (0) on -the complete quantity of adbe ,sorbed B&O mlsov2sej It prov of Y&2u* to investigate the aptea B&04(*, with ACCESSION XRv AP19=765 IMo# snporation, of the BaO molecule taken place at temperatures approidmatdy 200P fbigher than for W at the same degroo of surface coverage. The authors show that ;Lw-te:Verature activation of thin B&O film is not associated completev with ;restoration of the BaO material on tho axibstratso The nature of the curve of Q (0) an the system B&O-motal to (lotomined by the conditions wider which the %ad ant the teoperature of preheating and the crystalline structurs film is sputta of the substrate* As a oonsequence of activated adsorption there occurs an in- 4 ?creue in concentration of BaD molecules in the monowlecular inwfacs cover, and this leads to a decrease in the work function of the monamoleau'lar system andp !;onswr4evt3jv# to a change in tos nature of the curve* Ifs, In the toweratum range where activation in observ j wiUllayered adsorption in asibles'or if the 'entire surface of the crystal Is covered (in tho case of D"rs than the curve ;of w T (0) showi a weU-deflned minlnw6 #The authors awass th#lr thanks to the students Ao Io, Soloviyeva, and Is* Be Ovahiraikovap ubo participated In =king MWABOR 0r1g9 arbo bast 3 f1wtso MODIATIM t Institut 1#4 No 19 va'4rAn&- Leningrad (Po2A"h- liical Institute) Card I L 1 1 LLUM 1 ki - 00 "GJ"M al ftd md imftb In bwkp In w6w. "W p6e, ~bwg,' no. it, 01. S. & R.) J. "im).-T)w COWN bdW IbM blab."mein bku 41114111111111 1101116 IMINmiliel kUtep to "Slit 14 11110711- Obt dkM&tk C~Wt k 9141TO WAVnia. Wall, bti;; line MA Uldber Sturb "My"vilast. 44 ism blab. 14MOR badM wtbkb holve, bkbnw bwe 011 W A O N t WdY few lwd. bacenwer fA bilk prmelp am. 00 a p 4"t "4061117 well safted for im In l4trwift. Soo P. 006 00 a 00 00 009 so dauLLWC&L jgjj*&jkOf CLASSWOCA1111111 Woo o* too as* goo 600 SO 0 goo ago u 1B a; a lipt- Pli psi Ild let of '% ; 0 & 0 0 0 .6 0 0 roe OTIVOO#04~06000*00000000000: woo* l. 9 A a 3 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 040,10 06041,00000090411,090-0