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SOV/23-59-2-.1/8 cien-es; Eisez,07. "THORS: Kirret, 0., Candidate of the Technical Sc E I.); and Val I dek, R. (Va-I , dek, R.-.)., candidata cf Technical Sciences rl'TLE: Chemical Composition and Qualities of the Lighter Fraction of Tunnel Oven Oil Shale Gas-Benzine FEIRIODICAL: Izvestiva Akademii nauk Estonskoy SSR, Oeriya tek2micheskikh i fizi-vo-matematicheskikh naukj, 1959:. Nr 2., pp (IMSE) ABSTRACT: For the definition of individual hydrocarbons of benzine, chromatographic absorptional analysis and a narrow-ranged fractioning were carried out, where- by the elementary composition of single fraotions were determined. 0 In the lighter fractions.(boil- ing ranges 25-70 C and 70-95 C) of tunnel oven gas- benzine, the following individual hydrocarbons were found: pentene 1, n-pentane, pentne-2, c~-clopentene, cyclopentadiene, cyclopentane, hexerie-1. hexene-3, hexene-2, n-hexane, 2.3-dimethypentene-1, 5-methyl- Card 112 hexene-2, 2-ethylpentene-1, 3-ethylpentane, heptene-1, SOV/23-59-2-1/8 Chemical Composition and Qualities of the Lighter Frnction of Tunnel Oven Oil Shale Gas-Benzine and heptene-3. The chroRatographic -malysis showed that the fraction 95-130 C contains naphthene.-paraf- fins - 20%, cycle olefines together with aliphatic olefines - 30-35%, and diolefines - 15-200%, as to the rest, the data are lacking. In the narrow-ranged fractions of saturated hydrocarbon 8 of benzine (with the boiling ranges of 95-130 C) the follow- ing hydrocarbons occur: C 7H16! C?H ~cyclic com- bination), C8Hj,, and C9H20- The Aqrrow-ranged fractions of unsaturated hydrogarbons of the same benzine (boiling ranges 95-130 C) contain hylic- carbons - C %~fand C H There are 2 graphs, 7 tables and erenc gs~6* IF] in Es";0MIAM. Card 212 KIJWj__qskar Georgiyovich; LUUK,, H.j red.j UMIETS, O.j, tokkbn, i-ea-. (Chemical textile fibers] Keemilised takatiilkiudsLined. Tallinnj East Riiklik Kirjastus p 1961. 229 p. (In Estonian] (MIRA 13:1) (Textile fibers, Synthetic) K 0.; Kt)LI,IK,E. Identification of natural and synthetic f1borzi by thin gas chrowtographic method. Izv. Al! Fst. SSR. -cer. ftz.--mat. i tekh. nauk 13 no.ltl5-21 164 (1,11IRA 18:1) 1. Academy of Sciencea or the &-,tonlan S.S.R., of Ghemintry. 21. Corresponding Member of the (-,f of the EatonJan S.S,R. (for Kirrot). EYZYAI!, Yu. [Eiven,, EMI,C. [Ejm~-n, 0.], ''I't'-,,.-.. nauk Relative retention periods for hyilrocarbons undor graphic analysis. Izv. All Est. SSR. Stx. fiz.-i-itit, i t-A-D. t1li'll-, 13 no,lt^42-25 164 1 1, : " I 1. Institut khimil AN Estonskoy SSR. 2. "1" &ntonskoy SSIR (for Kirret), KIRMT 0.; EVEN, 0. (Usent 0.1, kand.takhn.nauk; KUDRrAVTSEVAt L.v kand. RAHG~, S., kand.kkAw.nauk M43rirptivity .,f Smao hydrocarbons in chromatographic operations f'-n 111t-,s gel, T,-.r. ANEBts SSR. Ser. flz.-mat. i tekh.rauk n:o.4%267-ff'-t'164 (MIRA 18tl,) 4 "0 A.N Eitonskoy SSR. 2. Chlec.-korrespondent, AN E,.,.-,,nakcy SSR kfor Kirr.,0. MINA, Alel-na.,dra Sorgeyevna; PDBUI . LIndt DF.GTOCIA., Zinaida Aleksandirovna; KWi- O.,r9d,;. SXVORTSOVA, A.,, red. (Nat-ure of the kerogen of Baltic oil shale kukeralte and its chemlcO properties as raw material] Priroda kerogena. PribaltiJskogo goriuchego slantsa-kukersita i ego khimi- chaskic syrievye kachestva. Tallinn, AN Estonskoi SSR, 1965. 2-12 p. (MIRA 18.,S) 1. Chl.en-korrespordent A14 Estonskay SSR (for Kirret). 2. Redakt~.rBkc-izdateloskiy sovet AN SSSR (for Skvortsova). .1K1?3' J. , - - "Polymorphic transition in thallium-and-tin activated amonium-iodide phosphors." P. 178 Ourimused. Tridy) No. ~# 195? Tartu, Estonia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (~~) W. Vol. 7. no. 4. April 1958 ACCESSION las AP4035366 Z/0034/64/000/4/0379/0379 - 1 AUTHORj Kira, H. (Engineer. Candidate of sciences); Doran. H. (Graduate obamist)l Calotka, IfF. -(Graduate chemist); Havolks, So (Engineer, Candidate of sciences) TITLEa Method of oxtraotivo.separation of uranium, plutonium and ziroofiium SWRCE: Hutnicko Usty, yao.'5, 1964, 379 TOPIC TAGSi extractive separation, uranium, plutonium, zirconium, nitrate, nitric acid, masking agent, polyphonol, hydroxyl group, carbonyl gr6up, sm1fon group, oxalic acid ABSTRACT: The invention relates to a method of extractive separation of uranium, plutonium and zirconium in the form of nitrates from aqueous solutions of nitricb acid with organic solvents@ To the aqueous joluton of the nitrates of the separated elements and nitric acid are adde#. as masking agents. polyphenols containing at least two hydro3W1 groups in positions 1.2 on the benzene ring or In positions 1,8 on the naphtalene structure, and at least one more hydroxyl, carbonyl or sulfon group in any other position. Thia y1olft a more effoati;i masking of the zinoniumo while the extraction of plutonium Is not impaireds Card ACCESSION NR3 AF033366 With the use of the same concentrations of maskiM agents, the procedure aocoi;d- ing to the invention yields 3-10 times more effective separation of the above- mentionod elements than with the ox&Uo said heretofore used. ASSOCIATIONo none SUMMEDt 23Har63 DATE ACM May& EMS 00 SUB CODEt GG W REP SOVt 000 000 Card 2/2 KIRS, V.I.# otarshiy nauohnyy ootrudnik Under the flags of five countries@ Znan, to prataia no. 2:8-10 P 161-, ' PtW 14:5) 1. Ukrainskaya akademiya, sellskokhozyayotvannykh mauk. '(Farm equipment-kxhibitions) (Electric ins truments-Exhibitions) , KIRS, Ya. YtL. Cand B-IdatIL Sai -- (diss) "tW Effect of UgOL ,P hy Pressurein e ~s I= 4p***m of Certaim Crystalline PhosphDruses," #~~ +.01-1 Tartu, 1957 * 11, p p20 omi (Tartuz State Unir,) , 108 coples (KL9 2-5-5719 108) - 91- KIRS, L/k, (JIL - SUBJECTs USSR/Luninseconoo 48-5-,46/56 LUTHORs Kira Y&*Yao TITLEs -Effio-t--of Manifold Compression on Emission Spectra of Some Crystallophosphers (Vliyaniya vaestoronnego sabstlya na spektry isluohenlya, nekotorykh kristallofoaforov) PERIODICALs Isvestiya Akadeali Nauk SSSR Seriya, Fizichosk&ya# 1957t Vol 21, #5, pp 754-755 (USSRI ABSTRACT: The effect of a change in the constant of a latticep which is caused by a compression from all sidest on emission spectra of some crystallophosphors was investigated. Spectral and lu- minosity characteristics of orystallophosphors subjected to a hydrostatic pressure of up to 2,OCO atm. were studied. The manifold compression causes emission spectra of alkali- haloid crystallophosphors activated by tin to shift towards shorter wavelengths. The magnitude of this shift risen with increase of compressibility and lattice constant of the bases of phosphors. This shift amounts to 2 mA#An NaBr-Sn and 7 a/ L41 Card 1/2 in RbJ-Sn at an applied pressure of 2,000 atm. 48-5-46/56 TITLEi Effect of Manifold Compression on Emission Spectra of Some Crystallophosphors (Vliyaniyo vaestoronnego ashatiya n& sp*ktry izluoheniya nekotorykh krist&llofomforov) The rise of temperature leads also to the shift of emission bands towards shorter wavelengths in phosphors NaBr-Snj KC1-Sn and KBr-Sn. The report was followed by a discussion. One Russian reference is cited. INSTITUTION: Institute of Physics and Astronomy of the Estonian Academy of Soisnoes. PRESENTED BYt SUBMITTEDi No date indicated AVAILABLE: At the Library of Congress, Card 2/2 IN 23598 3/061/61/000/008/002/017 4. 3S-6,O (//3 711131 BIIO/B202 AUTHORSt Kira, Ya, Ya., Laysaar$ A. I. TITLEt Effect of high pressure on emission and excitation spectra of alkali halide phosphors activated by means of europium PERIODICAM Reforativnyy.zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 8, 1961, 31, abstract 86232 (8B232) (Tr* In-ta fiz. i astron. AN EstSSR, 1960* no. 12, 42 - 48) TEXTo The authors studied the effect of hydrostatic pressure (6,000 atm) on the emission and excitation spectra of the phosphors Na,01 (Eu)j KCl(Eu)j KBr(Eu) and KI(Eu). The results ob-' '-ained prove the mutual approach of the energy levels of the luminescence centers with a decrease of the interioni'a distances in these phosphors. [Abstracter's notes Complete translation.] Card 1/1 B/613/61/000/014/006/019 D207/D303 AUTHOR: Kira, Ya. Ya. TITLE: The effect of pressure on the excitation and emission spectra of ZnS:Cu phosphors SOURCE: Akademiya.nauk Botonskoy SSR. Institut fiziki i astrono- mii. Trudy. No. 14, 1961. Iseledovaniya po lyumineateent- oil, 135-140 TEXT: The author investigated the effect of hydrostatic pressure up to 6000 atm on the excitation and emission spectra of Zn$-.Cu phosphors with three activator concentrations: 10- 69 10-4 and 10-3 g/g. The first of these phosphors emitted blue band I luminescence, the second green band I and the third green band II. The phosphors were supplied by K.-S. K. Rebane; they were prepared by heating ZnS + 2% NaCl + activator in air at 110000. Increase of pressure shifted the excitation and emission bands towards shorter wave- 1 -6 .;_engthB. The shift of the excitation spectra was 5 x 10 eV/atm. Card 1/3 S/61 61/000/014/006/019 The effect of pressure ... D207YD303 The shift of the emiHeion spectra was 10-5 eV/atm for ZnS with 10-6 g/g Cu, and 6 x 10-6 eV/atm for ZnS with 10- 4 and 10-3 g/g Cu. All these shifts indicate broadening of the energy gap and of the en- ergy spectrum (ground and excited states of luminescence centers) of the phosphor. The emission-spectrum shift of ZnS with blue band :("0-6 g/g Cu) was nearly twice the shift of the phosphors with green bands I and 11 (10-4 and 10-3 g/g Cu). This indicates that the blue and green luminescence centers are different (the former are probably of vacancy type. Acknowledgment is made to Ii. D. Bazi- leva, a student of the Tartu State Universityq who took part in the experimental word. There are 2 figures and 10 references: 5 Soviet- bloc and 5 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English-language publications read as followas R. Bowers and N. Melamed, Phys. Rev., go; 178! (1955) W. Piper, D. Marple and P. Johnson, Phys. Rev., I'101 323~ (1958i; J. Birman, Ph 9. Rev., 109.. 810 (1958) and J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 8t 35 (195T Ca.rd 2_13 S/613/61/000/014/006/019 The effect of pressure ... D207/D303 SUBMITTED: July 19,-1960 Card 3/3 20833 (3;01) UOY &Qty) S/04 61/025/003/021/047 6,0 0 (//.?7/ B104%214 AUTHORS: Kirs, Ya. Ya. and Laysaar, A* I* TITLE: Effect of uniform compression on the spectral characteristics of phosphors PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheakaya, v. 25, no. 3, 1961, 366-368 TEXT: This paper was read at the Ninth Conference on Luminescence (Crystal Phosphors) held in Kiyev from June 20 to June 25, 1960. The effect of uniform compression on the spectral characteristics of alkali halide crystals activated by copper and manganese was investigated. Fig. shows the spectra of phosphors activated by copper at a pressure of 1 and 6,000 atm. It is seen that at a pressure of 6,000 atm the bands are shifted in the direction of short wavelengths. The shift amounts to 0.6 + 0-005 ev compared to Istm and increases linearly with pressure. Under s-imilar conditions, phosphors activated by manganese show a shift of the band in the direction of larger wavelengths. Thus, on KC1-Mn, Pb under 4,700 atm presnure a shift of the emission band by 0.015 ev was 1 Card 1/3 20833 Effect of uniform compression on the 8/04 61/025/003/021/047 B104YB214 observed in the direction of larger wavelengths. The explanation of the shift in the direction of shorter wavelengths in the emission bands of phosphors activated by copper, mercury, and similar ions is that the pressure causes a redistribution of luminescence ionters in the excited states. The theory of Johnson and Williams is discussed in this connec- tion. All the phosphors investigated by the authors are set up in a series according to the behavior of their spectral characteristics. The conclu- sion is drawn that the distance between the ions in the luminescence centers of phosphors with the same activator differs considerably lose than the corresponding lattice constants do. Thus, the structure of the centers is determined by its activator ions, It is shown further that the excitation spectrum of ZnS-Cu phosphor is shifted by 0.03 ev In the direction of shorter wavelengths at a pressure of 6,000 atm. This is con- nected with the increase of the forbidden band width occurring due to the decrease in the distance between the ions. There are 1 figure and 6 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: Johnson P., Williams F., Phys. Rev., 69 (1954)- Card 2/3 s/613/62/000/018/002/013 E039/E120 AUTHORS: Laysaar* A.I., and Kira, Ya.Ya. TITLZs The effect of hydrostatic pressure on the emission spectra of zinc sulphide phosphors SOURCEs Akademlya nauk Estonskoy SSR.~ Inatitut fiziki i astronomii., 1962. Issledovaniya po lyuminextsentaii.. 23-35. TEXT: This is a continuation of previous work on alkali halides by the same authors and In devoted to a study of pressure stimulated displacement of the emission spectra of ZnS activated by Cut UP Aut Mn and Eu. For pressures up to 6000 atm the emission bands of ZnS, ZnS-Cu, ZnS-Ag and ZnS-Au are displaced to shorter wavelengths. In the came of ZnZ this displacement is o.o65 (t o.oo) ev, and for Zns-Cu (10 Z/g eq.) it is 0-0045 (1 0.005) Ev, i.e. 11 x 10-6 eV/atm and 8 x 10-6 eV/atm, respectively. Similarly the displacement for ZnS-Ag and ZnS-Au at 6ooo atm is 0.035 (1 0-005) and 0-03 (t 09005) eV respectively. With ZnS-)In and ZnS-Eu the displacement at 6ooo atm is 0.02 (t 0.005) eV to the longwavelength side. The dependence of Card 1/2 M The effect of hydrostatic pressure... s/613/62/000/018/002/013 E039/EI20 intensity on presBure im also investigated, the change of intensity with pressure being given hyt IPIX IPO .. Sk p1max Po'max where 1 /1 and I /I are the intensities for a P'% p9max Po'X Po'max wavelength X at a pressure p and at atmospheric pressure related to the intensity at the band maximum at these pressures. A possible mechanism for theme shifts is discussed, based on the characteristics of the electron transitions, the distribution of impurity centres and their interaction with-the surrounding medium. Ethyl ether is used as a hydraulic fluid. There are 3 figures. -SUBMITTED.,- -Deldember -2&-,--iq6i Card 2/2 S/613/62/000/018/003/013 E039/El2O AUTHORSt Kira, Ya.Ya., and Nlylink, A.I. TITLE: Luminescence of alkali halide phosphors activated with europium SOURCEs Akademiya nauk Estonakoy SSR. Institut fiziki I A3tronomii. 1962. Issledovaniya, po Iyuminestsentsii. 36-50 TEXT: The characteristics of epropium activated alkali halide phosphors are investigated, and in partidular, their recombination lueninescence in studied. Powdered'phosphors are used, prepared by melting the alkali halide salts with EuCl'. The concentration of activator is 0.1 mole 0,,,. A few experimen?a were performed on single crystals. The excitation and erhistion spectra of NaCl-Eu, KCI-Eus KBr-Eu and KI-Eu are shown to be SharaLcteriatic for divalent europium. Excitation in tho long and short wavelength regions given the same emission spectra, Oence all excitation bands correspond with electron transitions in th~ luminescent centres. . The temperature dependence of the NaCL-Eu emission spectrum is also examined. The half-width of the 420 n* band increases rather Card 1/2 Luminescence of alkali halide S/613/62/000/018/003/013 E039/EI20 faster than with fV-T (where T is the absolute temperature) over the range -160 *C to +400 OC. At 400 OC all investigated phosphors have not less than 256,v of their intensity at 20 OC. The optical flash, thermoluinine,.4cence and absorption spectra of some of these phosphors after X-irradintion are examined. The thermoluminescence curves show peaks connected with the release of electrons from M and F centres occurring at 340 and 430 *K-respectively. In the case of KC1 the optical flash spectrum coincides with the F absorption band. Additional absorption in the F and V bands occurs after X-irradiaiion of NaCl-Eu (A max at 465 and 223 a* respectively). Sensitized luminescence of manganese in NaCl-Eu is observed with a resonance mechanism of energy transfer. There are 7 figures. SUBMITTED: December 19, 1961 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR% AT4020795 8/2823/63/000/023/0061/00" AUTHORS: Kira, Ya. Ya. 1Aysaarj A'# L' TLE: Origin of the blue emission bands of ZnS-Cu phosphors and nonaadvated dna I sulfide SOURCE: AN EstSSR. Institut Mild I astronomli. Trudy*, no. 23, 1963. Issledovanlya po, lyuminestsentaff (Research in luminescence), 61-66 TOPIC TAGS: luminescence, phosphor, Zns phosphor, ZnS-Cu phosphor, zinc sulfide luminescence, ZnS phosphor blue emission ABSTRACT: The auth6ra note that the question of the origin of the emission bands of ZnS base phosphors remains quite unclear. For lurnineseence centers corresponding to the s=e emission ban&, different models we proposed by different authors. Certain hypotheses are discussed. In the authors' previous work (A. L IAlysaar, Y&* Ta. Kira, Trudy* IFA AN ESSR, no. 18, 23, 1982), the effect of high pressure on a large umnber of zinc sulfide phosphors was analyzed. A particular study was made of the ZnS-Cu phosphor (1. 10-4 g/0, which has a green emission band, and of non-activated Zino sulfide with its blue luminescence. This paper reports on the results of an investigation of the effect of pressure on the blue band of the ZnB-Cu phosphor (1. 4, 10-4 g/g). MW experimental C"d 1/2 ACCESSION NRt AT4020796 technique was discussed in the work referred to above. Its authors provides, now aup- ment in favor of the view that the origin of the" bands (that in, In the ZaS-Cu phosphor and in the non-activatod zinc suMde) is different. It is also established that the shift In the emission bands of US-base, phosphors, caused by doping them with smaU amounts of cadmium sulfidei is the result# In the main, of the deformation of the US lattice by the cadmium ions. 117he authors sWess their sincere gratitude to Doctor 0. Ortman (H. Ortmann), atwhose personal suasstion the present work was carried out. 11 Orig. art. has: 1 flgvre, AS ON: Institut flalki. I astronomil. AN ZstSSR (B"tate of Ybystax and, AstronoznYs: Us"13 ENC14 00 SUBM=Dt l9J&nG3 -DATEACQt 07APr$4 SUB COM PH. NOREFSOW 003 t 008 2/2 Cwd L 47171-66 EWT(l)/EWTW/T/EWP(0/ET1 IJP(c) JD ACC NRt AP6032236 SOURCE CODE; LrR/0023/66/000/003/0354/0359 49 AUTHOR: Aydla, A-.--Aidla, A.; Kira, Ya.--Kirs, J. %Qzz~- V r7 le ORG: Institute of Physics and Astronomy, Academy of SclencesjEstonian SSR (Institut nomi4l Akademil n-aa Estonskoy 85R) fizika I astro TITLE: Thermally and optical stimulated phenomena in cadmi= sulfide single crystals SOURCE; AN 'EstGSR. Izvestiya. Seriya flziko-matematicheskikh i tekhnicheakikh nauk, no. 3, 1966, 354-359 TOPIC TAGS: cadmium sulfide, semiconductor, thermoluminescence, thermoelectricity, optical flash, photoconductivity, photoelectricity, thermal stimulation, optical stimulation ABSTRACT: Thermolumineseence, thermoelectric current, optical flash, and optical quenching of Q~otoconductivit~( and luminescence were experimentally investigated in a numbe - - Wingle__c!2-st&1dgrovn from the vapor phase by sublimation in an argon stream. 7~~o brands of CdS were used as starting materials: one specified "for semiconductors" with a 3 x 10-5 g/g silver activator content, the other "ror phos- phors," to which silver was introduced In the process of graving. The excitation was effected by the 365-nm mercury line. In the case of thermal stimulation,the heating rate was 0.3 degrees/sec. Optical flash and photoconductivity quenching were stimu- %%nw 13 . I - L ;4 717 1 -66 '"ACC NR%- 2 ' 6- AP603 23 of photoconductivity, both being the result of the release of holes from the response centers. It is posuible that IR radiation releases holes directly from the red luminescence centers, since the optical flash was observed only in crystals having at least a weak red luminescence band, Generally, the authors hold that-the luminescence' of CdS can arise from the release of both trapped electrons and holes. The authors thank A. Ruut for growing the crystal specimens, Orig. art. has: 6 figures. [F?] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 24ffov65/ ORIG REF: oo4/ oTH PiF: ol6/ ATD PRESS: 5090 Crrd 3/3 bj g UIVA * V. 1. Mothod for seleoting Identical samicomiuctor therm!ators from a general lot# Priboroetroonle no,5t24-25 My 164. (MIRA 17s6) XIM 'I.I. inshener. - - DTO-MIX recording traction dynamometer. Sellkhozoashina no.12; 17-ig N 156. (KM 9:12) 1. Ukrainskly nauchno-Issladovatellskly Institut makhanizatsil sellskogo khosyVatva. (Dynamometer) V.I., inzhenor. Friction-t,*,-pe Infinitely varinble transmission an a banis for the conputinF- rechanian of 7arious devices. :;all kh:a-aF:-;-%& no.7:P-10 J1 157. (!'LuA 1). 8) I U11 I I I, !r-,jKH. (CQunt1nr levices) V.I. 1 Cnild Toe",. n r y;) o o r-eti(!n dyil-mo:net ~r o, *hepr *00441w, o 1 c t is 27 '~'nd i n s Y ri D Arr bl-l"S11. ~a c.- .'.,:-r :;ci' KMSA 9 V.I.,; PAVUMKO, V.A.1 KHOMENK09 H.S. Now measuring instruments, Makh. oil's hoop 12 no.11:2718 N 161, (14IRA 34: n Is Ukrainakiy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut elektrifikataii sellskogo khozMotva. (Measuring instru$ents) MOT AW'' 7777:Fi~FF .' 00' kwki;'-ii6` ?;-'r.'I9G5' 58 i, a i ~ _ . 4;.~_ , -The., f 0413hift4w -VW no" f 't t6- pp vr ta cftt~ ifi dd l4f,vt6iithir4Ltb th Ml ' , , sovt 90 IMF ; ooo /-4,7 " ~. /. S" 137-58-4-8664 Translation fron: werativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 19,3, Nr 4, P 335 Womq) AUT110IM: UGollnikov, N.A., Kirea, V.3. TITLE: Photocolorimetric Yethod of Determining Cobalt in Steels (Foto,,.olorirrt- richeakiy metod opredeloniya kobal'ta v stalyakh) PERIODICAL: Tr. Tomskogo un-ta, 1957, Vol 145, pp 63-66 ABSTRACT: A photocolorimetric method of determining Co in steels containinG 0-1-1-3% Co and up to 20% Ni, based on diantipyrilmethane (I) in the presence of N11 CNSJ, has been developed. Determination is performed in 7-m dishes with an olge light filter. Chloroform is the neutral solution used. The effect of FL- is elimimted by the introduction of I~F The 03.1(riing,, Vren present, do not inhibit the determination: Vi, Cr, Mn +: and Vv. The following do in- hibit: M04+' MO 0+, ana v5+. 0-1-0.25 9 steel is dissolved in H2304 (1:2) and acidified by HNO The solution is boiled and transferred to a 100-cc flask. An aliquot part JiO cc) is transferred to a separating funnel, 1.5 cc 20"'. 11114C1,13 and Na F is added until the color changes to bright yellow, and 2 cc chloroform and 1 cc of I are shaken until the chloroform layer takes on a blue color. Colorimetry is performed after it has been allowed to stand. The relative er- ror is 0.1-2.6%. X.K. Card V1 1. Cobalt - Determination 2. Colorimetry - Applications La_ 'i fvs Poo N blochn" I - Le Fdo ol of Pau" ("of. to. Lvuv# Pd-16V 06 15 42-3(L I- it . VVIZAN 1072 w mccommam" in tw wZ.1 ~"Vgtad.. wb~ awarbis wid. owbohydostes, . toW dnTaw. Wbou tm thorm Awle is vatted as tomato. asek wid ccol"t , - at dw capso of mak ,dtrk scids. Then ft a slislit' of cauun id ~ lbe k-tvto of vahad planto, Swb . chaam am clumcierfatic al &&g -Poi-- (kdtcd Plants Ohm INMWO * ithoner Ids am. It. Priniky VOLKOVAj V.A.; SOTOVA, A.N. Effect of trace elements on the dovelopaint of in the meadow Chernozem soils of the Gorno-Altai Autonomous Province. Izvo Alt. otd. Geog. ob-va SSSR no,5:11+1 165. 1. Gorno-Altayiltiy pedagogicheskiy Institut, (MRA 18:12) USSR / Pharmacology and Toxicology--Modicinal Plants V-5 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol, No 23, 1958t 107349 Author t Kirsanina, Yes F,, Inst i Gorno-Altayskiy State Pedagogical Institute Title Some Data on the Biochemistr of the Black Moun- tain Ash (Preliminary ReportT Orig Pub: Uch. zap, Gorno-Altayskiy gos. ped. in-t, 1957, vypt 2) 265-268 Abstract; The fruits of the black mountain ash contain sugars and are rich in vitamins C and P. In the process of maturing, their acidity and tanning contents de- crease and the vitamin contents increase. The study of the fruits, leaves, and seeds showed the absence of alkaloids in them. Card 1/1 22 11RSANINAO Tn.F,,.-kand.biolag.nauk Sum-ior woric nf students on the farm. Blol.v ahkole no-3:39-43 my-To 159. (14DU 12:9) 1. Gorno-Altayokly pedagogicheakly inatitut. Is opyta Sh"balinskoy arAdney ahlroly Gorno-Altayokoy avtonounny oblAnti. (Shabalino District-Agriculture-StOy nnd tnacblng) KIRSANINA# le.F.j VOLXOVAj V.A. S=e data on the distribution of Azotobacter in sol-Is of the Gorno-Altai, Autonomous Province. Kikrobiologiia 29 no. 0551- 554 n-Ag 160. (MMA 13: 10) lo Gorno-Altayakiy pedagogichookiy inatitut,, (AZOTOBACTER) (GORNO-ALTAI AUTONOMOUS PRIVINCE) BLTMINA, N., insh.1 MMAWT, A., inshol XIRSANOT,, A., lush. Iarge-blook construction in Chelyabinsk. Stroitall no.11t2-4 N '57- (MIRA M12) (Cho Iyabi usk-Apartmnt houses) /,r S q /1,/ C 4/ q - SV,IRVGV, S.; KIRSA-M, A.- RUDAKOVII N.; HILTUCHUMIN. A. No ii~~ Mnehine mends stockings. Prom.koop. no.6:11 Js 157. (MI-RU 10:7) (Sewing machines) NUOLAYEVp V.; XMINOV, A. The MODCow confererms, on problems in the tboo and pracues, of building communism. Vop. skon. no.51153-157 My- 163. (MIRA l6s6) (mosew-commist Party Of the Soviet Uni.- Party vork) (Moo cow-Lidus trial organization.-Congressea) 1; KIRSARDY, A.Y.(rolomna) Mxpfmiences In giving continued training to nurses. ged.sestra no-7:22 JI 155, (HLRA 8: 9) (NURSING PR lox qnalifteations. raising) XSAMPUID. TA.F.; EDTLTARSKIT. D.I.; IGNATOV, V.A.; AIXIU, Z.1h.; insh.; SMIRNOV, Yu.A.; Inzh.; KMTSIIIA, M., insh,; IGRATOTA, M., inzh: JIRSANOV, A.Z., slaktromakhanlk; MDIODTSOV. N.A., Insh.: HDDIED, G.V. ~__W_vwwww .Discussion of two articles nStamping apparatus for signaling, central control and bolck systems," and "Periods for testing relays used in aignaling, central control and block 979tome.w Avtom., telem. i svias' nj42:35-36 D '57. (MIRA 10.12) l.Nachaltnik Adzhikabul'skoy distantali signalizateii i avyazi Azar- baydzhanakoy dorogi (for Koantopula). 2.StarshiT elektromekhanik Mookovskoy distanteii signalizateli i avyasi Oktyabr'sko7 dorogi (for Kot3yarskiy). 3.Ayaguzakavadistantei" signalizataii i svyazi Turks- stano-Sibirskoy dorogi (for Alkina, SmIrnov, lunitayna, Ignatova). 4.Zaveduyushchiy postom dispetcherskoy teentralizatelt Aya"zko7 distantaii signalizateli i avya2i Turkestano-Sibirskoy dorogi (for Ignatov). 5.Krastolimanskaya distantsiya signalizataii i evyazi Donstskoy dorogi (for KIrganov). 6.Xoskovokayn distantelyn signali- zateii i evyasi Gorikovskoy dorogi (for Molodtsov). 7.Zameatitell nachallnika aluzhby signalizatelt i avyazi Orenburgskoy dorogi (for RodIko). (Railroads--Signaling) MARAMZI14) A.V.; KIRSANOV,, A.I.; ILLARICITOVA) T.M.; YEFINOV, Z.11. Temperature conditions of a shaft during air drilling in frozen ground. Trudy VITR no.3s7O-U 161. (MIRA 15:7) (Boring-Cold weather conditions) (Frozen ground) KIPSA -V"J.; Y&FIMOVP R.I, - - NO Air shot drilling in frozen ground. Trudy VITR no.3.-85-94 161. 1(Boring-Cold veather conditions) (MIRA 15:7) (Froten ground) KIR.SANPY, - ILLARIONOVA, T.M.; MEVISON, Ye.G., nauchb. red.; kj,, IVANOVAO AXOP tekhn. red. (Air drilling of exploratory vells in permafrost] Burenie geologorazvedochzWkh skvazbrdu a produvkoi vozdukbom v mnogoletnei merzlote. Moskva# M-vo geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR, 1962. 49 P- (MIRA 17W1 ALESKOVSKIY, V.B.1 jjR�MOV A.I.; LIBINA, R.I. 1, Use of frothers in air drilling, Trudy VITR no-5141-49 '62. (KUU 15:9) (Drilling fluids) IUARIONOVA, T.M.j ~~Ov ~P-k - I ~- Ways of increasing the depth of air drilling with a high static water level in the hole. Trudy VITR no.500-57 '62. (KMA 150) (Boring) ASHIMGV,, M.1.1 KIRSANOV, A.I.; NEFEDOV, V.P. Using azolYat-A as frothing agent in drilling vith air-blast. Azerb.khim.shur. no.61ll-15 163. (KLIU 1713) TUSHINSKAYA, M-M-1 Hypothyraosis developing against a background of a neurosis of neurasthenic type with manifestations involving the au- tonom1c nervous system* Proble endokr. gormonoter. 9 no,41 88-90 Jl-Ag163 (MIRA 1721) 1. Iz kafedry fakulltetakoy terapii (zav. - prof. T.S. Istama- nova) I Leningradskogo maditainakogo instituta Imeni Pavlova. ILLARTONOVA, T.M.; XIYLWOVo A.I.j KRAYNOVO S.V., red. (Nev developments in air dril3lng techniques abroad] Novoe v zarubezhnoi tekhnike dlia bureniia s produvkoi vozdukhom. Moakvaj Izd-vo "Nedratn 1964. 52 p. (MIRA 17.5) FIIATOV, Boris Semenovich; MAKURIV, NAkolay Stepanovich; ASUMSON, Mikhail Gr1gor'yev1ch;_A1RSANQV, Arwiy Ivanovich; ISAYEVA, V.V., ved. red. (Air drilling of exploratory holes] Burenie geologorazve- dochriykh skvazhin a produvkoi vozdukhom. Byj B.S.Filatov i dr. Voskva., Nedra, 1964. 247 p. (MIRA 17:9) ILIJiTRIX)INCUI T.M.; K11MANOV, Ii.T. FrGducing local c1rculatiori of -,;e-ll da' 31-b cozpresE-ed air. .-,:nzved. I oUj. nedr 30 no.4:20-25 Ap ~,4. (:-MV, 17:12) 1. Vveioyuzn.,,-j nauchrio-issledovatpllik rnef~olikl i t.-AlinIki r!i,-,vedkt Gosudar.-Avennogo g3n komitet'i SSSR. POTEMIN., N.H.; GREBMp SA. Prinimali uchaetiyet KIRSAKOVI A,pK*i JACHEMp R.Y.; ILICIMNKOp R.L*1 POLESHKOp U.S.; LUTINAS A#I. Quantitative determination of magnetite by a gravimetrio magnetic method, Zhur, prikl. khim. 36 no.51 981-988 Fq 163- (MMA 16 s 8) (Mignetite) (Magetochemistry) KIRSAIICV, A. V. Totacco IndwAry First LcnITA,rad Tnlacce,- Factory In rast ar" :resent. Tal-alk I/., !;j. 1, 1~53. 1-!snthl--;- List of Russlem Accessions, Library of Con,,-ress June KIRSANOV, A. N. , Cand of-Tech Sci -- (diss) "Influence of the design of length pellet crown on the of a passage." Moscow, 1957, 15 pp (Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute im S. Ordzhonikidzo), 100 copies (11:L, 30-C,-, 110) A ///- ~ V,1~1"2(,-, ~., -, ~//,- Vfficlent desigm chilled-shot crovn drill. Rasyed. I okh. nedr 23 no.6.-19-24 Ja 157. (Km litz) 1. Hookovskly geolagorazvedochnyy institut in. S. Ordzhonikidze. (Rock drills) ruwat - I .r Mechanical destruction of rocks using steel shot, Trudy WRI 31t 40-W 157. (Km 11W (Racb-drills) ZINENK09 V.P. OV A.N.; HAMEV9 V.I., red. Jad-va; IYMUSALIMSXAY I e. *# tokbn. red. f&xperimental measurements of tbo power cons=od in core drilling of test holoalSksperimantallyWe i=oreniia monhch- noati, zatrachivaemoi pri kolonkovom Wrenii razvedochMkh f;kvazbin. Moskvaq Goageoltekhizdat, 1961. 48 p. (MM 15:11) (Coro (trilling) (Electric powor) VOLKOVj S.A.; ZINENKO, V.P.jjj&tANQVj__A N Power of the drive of diamond drill rigs. Razved. i okh. nedr. 28 no.7t28-31 J1 162. OURA 15:8) 1. Moskovskiy geologorazvedochnyy institut. (Boring machinery-Electric driving) PAL'YAVOVV F.F.; SHTKYHBMGp A.M.1 Prinimali uchastiyes ZINENIO, V.P.; KIRSANOV, A.H.; KULICHIKHIN, N.Lp prof... red. - (Drilling holes; for the specialty "Hydrogeology and engineering geology" in proaDecting and mining institutes and departmental Burente skvazhin; dlia spetsiallnosti "Gidrogeologiia i, inzhenernaia geologiia geologorazvedoch- nykh goMvkh institutov i fakulltatov. Moskva,, Nedra 1964. 354 P. (MIRA 17:12) XANAYNT, ToL.I.w Insheneq, Insbener. I~ia~t'icex 0i construction otnegament through the shop system, 3141 strol, takh. 14 no*4:5-6 Ap 157. (MLltA 10M. 1. Treat Gromwachinsin-oll lConstruction industry) KIMSANOV, r,zhqmtv.i ~"hrOMA Lew,her Ed,' tori !s dn fif ( , -4 , - .% labor, P-:cn. 6 S 16L. F-... 1.1141 KROPACHIVA9 A.A.; MRKACHj G.L; ZHURAVLEVA, L.P.; SAZONOV, N.V.; KIRSANOV, A.V. N-cUothylenediamidophosphonyl-N-arylurea. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.5tl540-1542 Mx 162. (KMA 15t5) (Urea) KIRSANOV, Alakaery Vasillyevich; DEMENTIYEV, V.A., red.; GUZHANOVA, T.N., m1adshiy red.; GERASIMVA, U.S., [True face of the "American way of life") RAmerikanakii obras zhitni" bez prikrae. Moskva, Zkonomizdat, 1963. 143 p. (MIRA 16:10) (United States--Economic conditions) (United States--Social conditions) TIMSMWAp 011ga Kondratfyevw; KIRSMOV, A.V., otvo red..; MOV., I.K.0 red. izd-va; [Sweden under the =I9 of the Social Democrats; a study of their postwar economic and social policy]SPvedskaia sotsial- derokratlia u vlastil ocherk pomlevoonnoi ekonomichashi i aotoWInoi politikio Moskvap Xzd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR,, 1962. 141 p. (Sweden-Economic conditions) (HIRA 15:9) 1~ 14~s a a,mli '-;,:; - 1 TIC Al AS a 4.d 0 a 0 1 w a 9 0 0.0 Wo 0 0 **0 *a 09 go go 00 so 00 00 =two fe, 00 go 1 00 so 10 I, go go 1* .1 ~ VW"J!r-zr----%qunhp T. if. run, of 0 o a 0 a 0 o olle, 0 i0'4 o 0 o o 0 o 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 of~0'5 0 04 Ol'o O.W a OWWWWWAIO oeo,.o,o. 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 *0 c so; a 004 **a so, 06 t 904 00 '1 094 SOV 0011 moo. 0"6009 "I 'W ;. J" 4A A~ ; a -A I Iim 0 0 9 1 Iff 0 9 A 4 3 0 9 #.~ - "' . t 0 0.0 6 40664 06 6 a 4 0 0 * o 0 0 0 0 at MI-41 :4402 124; woo 000 "oo as* .00 610* see goo goo goo we* see 490 MOO $00 moo foe 0 moo tool ip 70 06 00004 00 00 so Of 00 so of age *is gage w a4 S. A.& T. &mwn. J. rom. CL km-AwQ)#VO -Vca ibkb caidd am be w .00 0 C. The Imetaniew of mt 1 55 .0 (11WO *-AmO).%'O CJ4 OW Ow Ms. V C M"I 4-11 00 Volt d MIU4 (efIX VI"W. by 1b. 111111.1k. 11 o W E a 6 s n. with the Nd ohs r4 If* sew. O Cbm. 116M off '00 :1100 Is I too loss woo to M. 484 1 O"AR, INC Us 06 a, 003 13 iiiiiitiiiiiiiii-Vi 0 a : 0 00,* 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0aa * 9,00, 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 It 0 0 a 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 LLLU '-LLU 44 , )-, -A,y4AII Rk; #A IV Ift* As WJMM: 11) .0 Nut-cpham Jill)+ NHPbcpb (vl)+3NHIIh; IVI) moo Mmurr" hADMOMW tvill. pw see 903 064 P^ wbw Soo Ow .600 aw moo do* it im m 31- Ow Acme goo jw App1w to the rescum gA amfustion moo of qHIN by JUL it. T. 009 ,b,p,p off Ilk L a "Uttum-SILs-I tits-OAT&-dt et A-SWICAlaw 000 -7z; 0 u 9 Aw !a 40 T.TT.,- vW40041 dq ##fill m"t **A sea lUAA8, JIM No. of 1 1) ow ma-mg 009 -NHph (14* .4- mw "d be d at. A sell l4i A S L 09 lAtLWGCAL WINAIWI WWWCAMP 4 low tdw~o -d 48"Irp *0 4"v u a &V '10 at; , , " , I , A ; A-&-J-a A A b jr 4. A.-",r4af -00 6*0 ; too see goo o90 4w* 44, fm a a 0 1 if 0 t 46'-:i- i -I o" A $ L to ol lo . o: t 00 00 A Apowlift of sliviss Is dw b"Wpdm ad endol oil. 00 Trangs- : I k* 413 -WX I OM) -A poo- ! I Tort 4 Of g . . , line Coal= wag somitim. of 8 sw abisised by matims r 11 Cbwov ctW# oil with arom, the bw rv. Z 00 f muhs beist obtained by dists. CWtioord U- With .0 j sleam In The pivems of Ome. . PAM- a 7 : 004 allY canoe ed into IfoWX and r4mially Into nionvolasik -0 go f wWk sW watild prodwts. The agaulsallm is mrfi*d .00 00 ma bem at -20, Smillfammily with lbr 4rooillotrios. 1 Jlo* 4 the lim. andther"Afrost "frisphlicto" tim'sIm"*0 *0 takes plam, *Wk The amt. #4 old. and arwmal* bydtn. 0 000 ralbous h incynued. Amarding tn the deoulfurizatkv 004 4rurv. ambiaw lhnmgh rwmixslw'o' Chu"'v O"ne so* - " 44 8 tmv&. ornith fewl at diffemt rawalms 2 glo 0o vekthles. I mutwed that Chuwm cameolism rousains w t 5 dedirs. of saphilimm and anmatir Isydrewssbms. 60* 001 A. A. l1whilhick .06 A1 0 - I L AJAUL&VINGICAl. WfI14TIOSPI CLASSWICAI'MAI 00 11 ----- - coo. 41.4111. 4,00091 -to d" dot A lot I Iis 000 olizi. ll zi ii : coo '00 '00 '00 #SAW9.9 I so$ 00 $A I a ad a I x 111 11 a 0 2 2 9 60060 , ' , 4 i 1 1 0 , * 1 . 0 s a S, a A 1 1%11 4101,161 I itrafto of 11"Sm" holds 1111111 yal 0"W"I owa" V klh k o Y J f h l Cl wwn n. . . . om eo po j 5 11 2-40=i - M 4 it p~d too win a some ail the pawd. otorr. itonoorttinc ibor SA) d i l m i M t M t whi h I M S Ck k o o o c t f air n u o oy , o , ifig act; StuO protacut it disoch"I by thor its* 00 1 to yield &W 3,100o. The lo ppt,l- toy 1, A, ... 1'. door W. 14 1181011), It ortill" IVI. mut it-ulmal i 000 % it % peold, as 1110011). by miali" 1b,- wiln. Tito 04"1 fit t=; 1110,111en (MIJ.,W). crystallim ml. awl 6 ad N In mutber Jklmor. Fremn im u, (01% to 99W 44 Its cament of The urr is frommorre.1 by Ifir alawor got pro P". It. C. .4. '00 ;00 AM CFOS, 4 t94, t Go. tree am, At a" fill), 0.1 0 TU - - !- oo~ U S AV it a man #9 11MOR 1111 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 00 0 4 p 0 9 e 00 0 0 0 to *'A a it r- a -1 j-1-111a, 81 "M4 tc IOU 4 L 4 j" coacof 11. d- so -ni n 4!wl~tv 141 W to e go.. A-v__ritmum.-I, U. [Slit ly S. St.) lit. TOMIY-Ave pwr V"j a# jbt a emleo Is# ebueov bruaim h "vittly cimwvvl ItY InuUmet with (h. The tt"mwtkf lw%fM f"t"I'T dtffiorAtIP naMindl sn"jiftf itminwat withemil qmn- 90 tit"cv! Min km twom. it, olle ttmmo rflettim Dwinte (A dr-Amilwatimm is uwtfiw1W by ibc gntwwv 44 11,41 $.Cat). HoWl'a of KiCrAh. FuMb" awl hicarli'% OwAhW f-,r the amlVe of thr iliArormls. cmmillwats r-( lwUrme 4- lbl 4 atmonim-d twetrim, a% the Nat,14AN m4tmwl~ ve 0 PrIAllurts, as wit GA metrapla". zoo s lealuttilmy is m4wr n-&dilv d"ifflufts"I tham Cbu%.v 6 it ent tj lAwry matt" 2* varies lnvrfwly wiA the 8 cortlent, attninin4 vuburs I,# go, of is 1119 0141651 c~ ofirr 12 smo. It C. A see 00 4r Was I ZOO was 00 00 be it ...... gas AA U At 4 ad 1'00~060 00 0 0 :0 0 0 Ill, 0 00 so as 0 0 0 a' 0 0 0 0 0 lip T 0 0 0 a 6~6 0 0 0:0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 A 4011"Ims? "Of" CA NOW "Watiall-rOdutlea WissolM. N411beffilks- "all", A'. 1;. livilok"NSWI MW v V. &tdmdk "Id. %W V. M. Clserliawwv. 'Z f k W S4 /kd. 144 - To. I was twd as ladimlor la dw A Wft J YV . I W. Was. (31. A~ 517 21 Iftrathe of FeAh with KocrA. KUD(Au ce(SOJI " (liml.- esp1q. with the sawkistim 0( tulf.IV04 with ricrumt remit*. the C141W cosaw V117ift #-ftKlfCJl.C(hll it) felt Pher"albrodins, (U l ladimom ffvm crimwm in "il". lidtatinas PVT 44111V ISAW a- Most ' Wetith-airnwis. 1 (111 ifir d4ill, sit 1 61114144 11.1 N #Als Ket 1W III l.fin to ii-lailoss In the It On-to-We. and to Slum. oil sit lbrindlesour (0-ilwol. latly BuilslAir (it the dro". 04 Fe in 14" willim 00 I im 20 cc- 4A 6% N44LXh dilel. 10 1 1.). The m1m. Is ia- I 0 stanily rhengrel frurn rs4Ark*- lo a rs"r-"Ad. Nestles is mp"" to 11. bmsuw at XIT" 4wp CAlr Car ku with 00 3 cc" "Wokm takes 13kwr in litralin" of PC * I in 3 N HISM an careas ail uj6Wssing agent and not a redwinto olovest as is 1 00 f 1 an odda. (Al 1 dr of KCtf(h. Wish 111411000, No %be ca-e W U. Use of N-pitawylullonaft add 10 11M i doundmd"a If vasedlum "d Ckfeahm is %M ressue W ItAw Commit. equW vairric of 110) the - Ph*- ~ 1W ;$13 T 010" ISPOW Md Of iMS IN WOO 00 1 tvkw dwive h Isru *hsrp In the infewhor and low. Vnef . . , rrdwfr,41tq IlArdrim .4 Vis"loco pensw 1 00 Fv-V I I tw isit-fluAil #4 lAnx awl K us IA I IL, A. 36, 3W) Z XUI~'## 64 11.4 11,04pluviallatir " inalkwov we with dmvil~l. lot 11W 4h in .4 1 A, off &u -Wf alsols. A1.011; 147 tiffall-WI 0,119 L -j'r 0 h 1.1 fb~ "Artloal 44 Kas-olit * . dr,p 110ki. 04. 4411.1111.4"1 11V Ilk XNW Mill. nNWS:- 11,14h &W 1 6.1 " as indavifir. Giving ~.ufdf' I" #I I*.. F, ch". ukw 1: & I a - S 1. A "V&LLb*GICAL LITIRAILAII CLAS KAIMIM 11L $41111" so oft. GSA IIIIA11401 -s- -rig- 10 0000 % i ~ ~fww 0' 0, 0*' 0' 0, i ol i J I i i il -I : p 0 0 0 0 010-411 0 0 6 0 0 0 a * 0 a 000 else *Joe* too 1 A A A 'I. NO IF SO It a 4 1, Of 0" 10 S' 0 0 0 4 0 0 6 # 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 441111111 .00 011114111 411 c*O *9 8 MOO *00 GIO 0 noel WOO pool IT a I 'm swa -A -. L m e4smsiew -- otul 46~T* pro" that The i7 .00 C al dm*b makap Is The Im WA (n &I , of ambissim wIth MIT! =aLv*vdr hall ITT" w 1 1 fl Z ~00 r . of kil WOM an mr~ mr,3 Aw .00 .- 6 11-1111111 beef smataftelod uMdkm. at. ftme MA a I. of &AT f%vjAd I wuq 1 ON. Ams. of &I bm at 1900 Om am so 14 .00 11.0 to t1p, "M "Wqim mks. 5 am led lims AVA W#Ab 30 M IM I .60 al l t. IMI vbff*lv4 N".. 7U U. (d I Sol MIA silb I"00. mat wkh so eqml -4. .00 t 0! Me 4r#fd out. IAW*4 83 1. 116-w%) ad I%$ mite"If a 19U-4'; 4, A latkate hi 91 - . . -p ; c bnmmwbwt 0. o coo -n 0o 00 * c dic pkfttt. lm~ 319 "A . - - 4hate. a. 1960 mrA 40 &P% 4d we ladnalf %I too r r' . allfbibrappTIANO Cal to. 0. (C 9440 K()jI I . N Sq. w. IM-3n:r) wbkb treatment m and m vill. '"a L4mw 4%::rr inw t is lwg* . to lbst of &W It is C'm - - IN The 3 h see w 1ml I be IN p MWOOM &W 111111 thr a"- d NION114 In lbW C. N VtMP ' in. immr= tk" of t1w .drqw~- ".160 lot floplulborm" Pm. Comm tw & "My ft AVW4 "The 1 i" , , 111 TT 0 .a aftyllwaksm" to VAMI rWA* 411 The orawbw emM Wmd Ide k The f"COM. g Addk C m . K. WOO I TU I I I- ~ A o ' 1 jr 0 0 07 o s I ss ! 0 0 444000 64 ; .04, *00to:ooooooooooooooo0 S 6 0#60 9000 000;004604006~oooos so o t a w Im v 41r 404" p tell. ip if "d W 08. U. m '41=00,01, morawtv L F. NCMKMA LY (VL x 2107-411s; c(. at as pwtakm. or wA, with .4 2 -by Xfftft a VIOPM Oift 4"*b3ft vu Amu bwe"Id Pnop-0-1 im Is or whadima the v" HCL havo b"a md in i=. ff aondMw "r, r 00nd kp., k m6 affaW by amm. HO &W I ad h"L in not P&aquw. to at PcombeflnualL R. W. lee oil &SO-ILA MAI'ALLIPAKALLIMATIAICL.a.w-KAI on 1014W3 .46 ON. 484 $tod4-T I, 94^049 mi slows, b u SAT 4111, .1 r, AM IT Coo Goo goo e goo Is* too too 1 9. L I dam IL 0*4 1w w 40 00 0 0 A. V. JYM~V Rua , C (1 hr. as &W kj 00 ; 11 310 - **W N oudy ken p-. 0"f dig surlwa. VIA (J. OML Chm. x Hl in Few. Talu. M.P. OvAllied snow RAN ~ nee. S 4. 1 L A W16LLONUM U"MATM CLAIIN%STM 00 .00 ee off so* 1000 :800 too see see 'Fee 4*0 woo IA Is AV 10 lal; i d T Ira In A I a Im 6 0 0 0 0 00000000.0 60000 0 010 0 00-0000 ii-----OOOOOOOOO:oeoo0100000000060006066600a Of 0 : 'A III I-lP goof$% lop ..0 040M 'emplis, 4.0 1.1190'.1 so 00 IM I!dnwwbns mW ~Wtw :c k at lubdudas I SW$O,," - .- a a ". on Cbswr Pe -00 kWo-wMMMO. Aj,Kxft=w&wIA-V.Nuvs6,vd '00 J. AhMug Chm. (U. 1q. S. M.) 0. MW 47fin (kiman 00 4! 1647- JPI)gM)4vf. C' A es I c"k. b. Mod m"Ift, 4% -A 8 on utululd. sn-I es Ir: cmall-1-11M. harlomalell by flin. 111th In lk fallm 'Al: C.II.NII1 11V "S. Im..41. 0 0 z I .. Wo 100.2M, and at t4ilis. "Io% 00 j 1: i4d . Ili an OW T i4s vmr *pd. into 2 Ivoctoms, w sima" volufler" cAs with d.. 8 000 Content 0.3-111%). relvar". and I an. k"W, 00 find 12) Zat a dark cbmy cQw with d., S nmtrnt I by IA 2 411). and I go. higher than tholit dw The initial .%I% 00 Thew daris digtr in d. by 11.04 OAN. in prilariestam of fight by n,WA A(MI. Lim I no. by 8 11 and in a Y. rw-4 110 wt. by 21 44 uIsits. The nwtlwid can he spr4kc] uxvm. 00 fvVY kW Ow Prrhmimv wN. -11 S-olato. c%,I"Pd,, Im"i pwtrukvw. Riiptl. data art tal4tila". Thirty rtIrr. 06 V1 Cur". A. A. I*udsxnv 41114&lbff i-I JW 1 0 is a 3 I -00 -4119 goo Soo goo 400 goo 800 0 0 400; moo too, I 0 a 0 IV a b sas -W Ia u1 61111138041100*600-woolov goof:: 1:0 Joe 0 00000#0000000000 egg go salt go a 000 *04 -00 ago .600 1000 .*Of too goo 1'0s goo 600 Noe i A S116 it LLVA6" LIMOM dAlWiATMR "Mo wAv &VIP #a am m -0 IV 0 0 .0 a to 0 AV .0 jil; 11"071 ii as 00#0 fee 000000 00! 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 KBSANOr-7,, A. W. "Sur 1e diaminomethane et sea derives. III. Saponification du diacetyl- a -aminopiperi dine et sur 1e soi-disant dipiperideine de Arens." Iwastchanko, J. N. et Kirsanow, A W ~,r 77! SO: Jottrn aL 2WIeral Chemistr3t (4hurnal Obahchei Khimii). 1937, Volume 7j, No. 2. A fil? I N m I A Soo (zoo SOC *Sall Ogg o, amp nom imi. 'I, god 000 id Nffg-. I-aadso-- '16 thoble" 004 0 UNA" s4 ms to be -&bk to S" 00's Iist-01011 "LW$" LIMAS sabsAw set on ONI a I W 0" At. :AV j VIC AN S 1 00 0 a 6 1 v a 9 A 0 2 0 r Ogg :0 O~o oon 00 00100000 *0 00 40 000 00.01 .00 we* goo re 0 goo #0 0 goo wo woo ado vot a a a 35 V a P a a a As a *a* _r As :41 .. No .- .,. 'Got A,*,. A vmp lot 00. POW46*411 &m1l PoSO 00 A ~41 Kirmovir will 00 Vs. A J. Gen. Claims. (U: & S. R.) S, 0 0 61; atids if) Woe i I-so r,g,=.1)b~vurr;:rx"fiAm 6-alkyl- hs .0111, Ova - ------- 1% S wiL 4W to% cwK% mist um mol. AcCJ4 r in 30 timple"t.maval so ww my . ban sk. (d. Our. 6311,111164. C.A.25.4M). U wriVxrpl. Ivy tboaWboduffift-birt OW MerbW trA.-isp. Owlshh. T. VA(ltxKl)). I an 09 to gri%%ings with 10% NakIll fm 2 his. air dmimusmi. logo ~.4dkyUew%d"- im-sits atul C(N. 11w valuce gilveim below 00 lur timr M.P. of 1. their "imej alki f4wayd, pa"40i Me 22"' 1"~ . f"p. 244-6' =17-111'- W :NH-46 TJI-3 2W- off, 216!11' ~4-411111- R. 67, It' A-4 Also lphemAukattow. m. 242 4 1. gimunjul with 10j~ N,011, to gave 141% m4rm~.Wk"o1~ wod, "i. Ob 41' jr-Aydr- A, 00 800, ni. 1.10 X1. Ihis elk] ittat Wfulikell 7 "Alamm in 1;:~.Xlmillf wish 14 loOllfis smi 1witott-w-vink ~vll. 00 its limAl"ball. h4. till Lt.. 014. 11164. .700 see woe Asti. liv-sai.. too uAime -j T- cwv 4164 11 431t ill too OT;,40 me "; '00 0" ~ 1460cossoose;'oefooo WWWWWWO I ~_4_4 so A t 1A age POWWWWWWWOW flov"W21ky A_ a a i-t s tie 4 Ar, 0100"4004 &NO "4040144 wW#$ A* I 40)(Cams smommy).-Tiftwelti 6 s. a him!, ovkh 90 mL ON w kv I hr, AM INDO wA. ei r 96%sk., sob 19.29".0:1ki foam IN I hr. costri- %W mw W" "Ammat 4 dow With " ad. of Sk.. torbur "log the Smilm"I 041b sk..4 vocktione. uIxthe Ii -t with MIN. "Auvow. Omemwe the cum me. to IM-1811 itivettv both el &4 met. mad W exceedholi MO. M"w" odhont by "otrifftialt wW ftvw"vfttv Tramtht too got-tattoo dt-h forfiwll-~, elotwoodbrumewdimucloombodhemom P(2MwW(sm dimiuW" with imnsAng loop. -.4 #0004 At 44# got -V-T- a -Iii V I I or it I,, - .000 0 00 0 0 0 f 4 00.000 0 411 0o4041146411 00 0 +1000: 0 4* a 0 0 00 090 0000 00000 0 0 00 to 0 a 0 0 00 .00 too off see 40 too SOO 6464194 0 a 0 0 O,4b O"OL W!oo 0 goo 6 oil ii i i 46 i 0-1 i i 0 O,W Of LIA a 06 -L.1-1 " 11 ;J 1-1-1-1 " " it A' 1 11' it " 0 t : I It : : :: 7 :~ A o0 * p - #t0 vii~fav "ties 460 of- 40002P - ,of l I ..0o 00.4 CA 00 m. u, p"ritalitive arwl A V. -00 00 c Awn, Pt.11, 14. R.) to, 1101 .141"11 c -00 lismpirvialim, in It. - Aided to ' and W- I inki. of nw4. HoOh vW *I% IIA Al 1$ S lawd to alsod 1w 3 dAYl. it Om 41v% J"60""Al" 00 00 ' . is obtained. (0). m. 149A 50 L I co"W tim b they d il. lkw bode PIZ,," of ltxm% Incfat". impAvo In =4 Oll . XI ppi. unt-hans"t -00 01 go j! 4 fondus. f4wn-11"'ll"ll alb WA, "T t 800 u e %P Tht, sirwitir" am pnv"d by "4-11- In 00 000 It W&H& Whm I to MWIM f- 1.5 min O lu NoOH stils.. it 0. 35% ss'-duumov-2.1% with A 7V- i 11 40 J "t 3 y K asof . 2txl so siw. devompe, Sj == nd "d WR &W 43 min.. lbr I"I'dwl- *Fr u of rr% a goo of &M- Ps- '-'4N'- Atut 41-1 ' goo go s . Whe n jW 4a on ps XM, 4 () is 1"Glord with It Qin I is i , s "!t:nCifloamellbel"I'll OwdWharliltnin, = use 0 Ylinwtkasediansl2w. A ! wm an, way, 3-tillso- t is Inism I ' atli* SIVINS dim Too iWoo of 0 16 - I L 4 4416MIGICAL W11441110111 CLAISVICA1110- III All 10 At 10 ~ flow *So awl 1144 t I I : I a M of a l goo a I l ~ ~2 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 o 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 i a 0 #i# 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a i !~ 9 0 g 0 00000-014110000 0000000000 0 o0 o0ooooo*oooeooo ooooi ev~' I-? ?- -1 -1 # ?- i T 111 * t 1 -4 11 -4 A 4 -L- A-"-A-A 2 L A .-A-St.-A-A-A ee A oso A 484 fe"do" Of J flaghlef a 11T61104470 40%8 .4 % J. 600. CUM. Ill. 14 A, k Its. INX .4, (IvW)t d. C. A. A 4=1.-Wbm 0.111 M owns, w ft-asaim4-aftriap"i" (1) In the wevac .4 a 1141A.-- /N*()Ae buffer adj"ed to pill 3 40 we tivated witb it ill 31 NAM. 610=t 100% (its. dftlnmpo. 720.400mdwd. Mor"I"Aff.11"cliwe otable. though it dKeemp. in 10 votintin at tutim Itruip. ltiliti:piun $dWoown.isfsp6d. IfthelabdNew Oda a kk an IICI. a ppts.. but know uttely fedut"ves W044m"joyriodiat (M). In. 3116-4% 1. fornord. Ill 64 Glen fartimod vottion ft I. tromm4f with VI(CI and Awn 16 irlsWumisto4l in flo -In. %% btts 11 a, iw&tm is WOH. III is ifor mmin pr.j..j. Inst a WnAll dint. .1 a r9d COMM. IIVI, an. 211-12'. der-wnp4. 213% is &I%, 0o has 01 . With N*G or -newd. IICI. U freetorratirs 10 N414111 wilu.. U Ow" gum* NOWC16. a twnwe am* - la"mom N't. add a 111110 1. p"hame, able d"v f,wo 11iffmah an arifim. lot 4,141 $a nrufoj uArs Tft 11 717 ALS, forsned. 2-Amim44wmwmwim and N41WI g1wr OW 1.4 IV istAdmigord In moll virM whorn I k- Itriterl wilb'N*4 -t'l Olt h "ruttal .4,48'. 4w when It w& I% %with Ad%(Sift 1-4011 he &q. wly. of 16. 1A Ovis 1.1 "d 41 13'~ If, ~11 ~4- 0 ""Wit &mTr. as. 0 49 goo as .1 It 0 so to to tv it 0 4 4 a a 0 0 14 a ofe 0 0 fe 0 0 -: 90 to 00 *e 0 1000 Yet -!9 1 -0 _0 ! 906 At 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 assiss a a see off 1114141401111AAA AkAAAAAAA it ii * o A-ro -09 'Oda -00 "00 .00 as so goo see **A *** 00 it sea 0: '0 3 :ow fppp:p: Chm. uL S. J, gives. The Ac dertv. of ndfidine was prepd, as Motes: a4moiwvyMvd (1.0 md.) wo dia%gvtd In 2.S MZ9X(=Cy,= and the remItia oda. wal d). kttpbg Me imp. beta W1001. After I hr the w" njud whk ion cc. -Odftb,=5 m. d 4 It KCS. Alter -16' tibW. h wo- aftered - wo-h tbm wkb water. wd drkd in tbr akr. The ykM of At deriv. um a)%. T1w k0owing com pds. were smbroi-id by tM ectim d I upw alkylpyfidmimints W arstral a9vests, p - ;,6W-, to. 232-3:; Fj Umain m. '-'"4'; Pr. tn. ,0,,. ; a.=. 179-M : &ftsyi. m. IM~ AmmovaVan - J - mudylpraooofti". m. m 199-M*, Pr. m. IM2-4*; On. m. 194-7% The Cost", A. A. fNidtwnv .0 .0 a - I L MCIA&LIOSCAL tIVINAIM CLASWCAIM 1191481907- - ~ - - - - - -$0r4-" id 148690 "it @0f @at Islas$ ow 4"o all u a A# 10 is Ij MY a, wo 00 0 0 0 9 0 a a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 .00 fee 20* See age too as* Ogo fee fee we@ goo moo Noe I a 71 &w p- 10- X- a a IF a s I Delsitadmalift"Of adai4ft"e. A. V. Kirseam, A A- I 1 L 111 P 1 04.x . 14- - 0 . r.-Imova. J. AppJwJ 7* Chess. ju. & & R.) 13. 1406-13010401-IrceshlY distd. W-W- r k l r fr ti dwm t b *0 a a ac on . iv qwa ) was cooks"q with smaitle anhydilde for I br. Them it was uralrd with 0011 4 4% X104 21% KI WO 0.1 X thiovalfate win. mW let stand for i hn. A known amt. Of I Note. was adiled and 00 , the ticess, was dusted In dm uvmJ w& The ptivemust f l t di f o e ew t cyc opec oramm: I Ito to - 4) O-OM3118, Vb.=. me cc. of 1himilate solo. used for the titratim of blank and sample resp., and m the wt. of sampla. Tht smetbod Is accurate to within 1%. tOrmse"Ibom cassat be used for the coodrum. k tkin wit cyc viienladim. after 3 bri. emodrusatko was i Me' 4 h J d d un to T e u a scrustium of ly 0 '~ 'c 1 II d l rl . cTU v . wasi e the awthm . deact bed I fa.6% W "r)["audir" was meturd PWX A A. 0 jf vitzi A $&ALA ASTALLLOCK&L L11INA11111 CtISSIFICATION - - - ---- - - - = '. 1 -- -- -- -- --' - -_ -_ -, -,-- a -00 00 4 A $Nome selsolodso3of _16- all; U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 610 0 0 0 0 0 ; a to 0 : 0 6 411 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 * 00000 a & 0 0 *0 too OJOL -00 " 0000000000 096090 KIRSANCV, A. V. A. V. Kirsanoy and Yu. M. Zolotov - "AmIdation of dibasic carboxylic acids." (p. n45) SO: Journal of General Chemistry, (Zh=al Cbshchei Khtmifl, 191.0, Vol. 20, No. 7. KIRSANCV, A. V. '.PA 54/4"24 . . . . . . ..... IS .4C," C2 jr t; Id ld ~Z 31 c m A. 1'. bactill New Ned" of rOW stitid" of gubs" a" &4m* into V. Kkmmv mod Yo. OZ A %1. IA"OV ISAM11115 1614191114911 tilietill4w1mv It). /k.0 (411mm Nblav. 11. Gett, Chem. It. =M-? '194,A). 141 the efflivifol by treAtlor"t .111. SAN(N11.1, (I in tkw perwiver of TIM RjOll And I in ail. solls. Isiled to give SIST HS-11, 1-iltw-f at rcmm temp, of (no beating. with ,it wiltimmill ~ blimsmi- an equitIMA" mist. W I 4nd'AFOH to 12%* 2 114%. jultil the lower fay" oolidlW. lolknied by trelvirmut ulth It,() And 111,11), exift. W the 1:.t,o lawn with X Nal)II. and rValsti. AAVe UP 10 We't, ofelpts.; itictrAic of the temp. to=), save enter taffy wimilt,,. foef y*kb of HsNH.. mod solve pb(:N. %lieft twit"OtAl Illists. of IUOH told I am inip. I he mit. yields W 81-411, heated will, " =Y=, ,,b py"islin. ,.. at SPP~b W% a say dertivs. of istivitr NII(SM)s or loV 0011111119 =nsccbm of the byVgod-t He- ON" Is siss"Iss I fit .0 "4 I ftW IWO f4'"1181 The I~l Yk M. of thr Affikir fr."If On kmg beating at relatively km ITZ mW The uptunum rit is ai (oflowi: Ole von reagents LZI g.. irkled with mR 419-cm)k1l "Bulk condenser we heated an a %team lath 3 lift- thr Pirvidarve removed in marms, the rrW. due treated with In mi 11#0 or Ill nd. 2 N %,kC('h. is* mmist - evapd. to d'vttees. take" up W 14) Mi. Ro. braccel ra MI to Imams. c-A^I. Irv %tamt 3 hm. m a om CAMV. mulp! Zercel. yielding 74.41~ W-Nits. W. MI 7. ^fit# it. pfated VlAing with 110; still. of the acitlifiell &q. win with Elio gave It" addril. 9.v~ figNif'. for a total yjeftl cif M4 11%. 'Amitsitir, 1 .67 S. I WJ 1. 1. and 5 ml. pyridirie after 3 firs. at I(kl* gave 113.3'; amillf. in. 190 7% the m -tancr. m. 1:10 441% m6woftl in A4- peld tyy saws 1.5 nmAca 1; in I Ill 1.0 is prcpd. in go'. yw&f. the jP-ts#m-. m. IM 71 In g"- . yield by using only 23r.' excess of 1. llesting I I a. AcOff. 2JO t. 1. "od 5 "it. PYMUW 3 h". to 100' gave after adds. of 'NSICCh. coorit.. WA elln. with 34"CO' 64% At.VH,. M. 1410 (Front 1`40-EtOll); tdpVyfk V14 pet SO% dimule. in. ItTJ V (from 11#0); &W jimilmsdat 81-6-C dawc to. I(C-3, Ovism NeWCO). bid (from 11l0), after 3 bri. at Its... G. 161. KowAspriff ~x 10~ qcdy to Tjiof.. mWdst of c4aboxylle: \ A mZ me= of, M &old Yu ~ Nt - 1"uk'fav (StAhm Nice. Int., Ihsr;wnWtrcovk). J. C,#,~. Mon. V.S.S.M. to. No. 11. 111173 AI(III19)JF1141. wols. Istk)n).--&e C.A. 44, 4114t. F.. J. C. C of anWes of ftgwk ". A. V. Kirsa Must In I I,hw tronk). larest. Azy., 4= xasi s.s.s. MI. Wet " III. =050. C%47; cf. C.A. 44. 44461-11orating Oft- A410 With IIjXS(IfN%lfPj PVV 1111 A17, jorlds oil kt*I)N.%Ir,, (film 114011. 1111CUIC41411. AcOll. I,- an-I And *-strut P'-4hNCooII.C(hII; )"It's and I ilis-POIN 4"JI'Vol Are Also rVAAIjjy Obtained from II,XSOl%R,. IIVUCV. AndflAtinn by sullamides does Dot to throotogh An N'-'A).(III stage. and the reaction Is g"'t symnseffival In respell Ito the Treat- ment of Aj%(SA1sNII,1, roijib %let tot dirt" artion of Cllj%, vlorldis AIr.Nt2wh'%IId1 (1). m, 113 Wh norutral. &told m.d in It,(); it gives a jolid os"ju 1 oeo* Vl,, and Is raptilly livotrulystif in aq. subu. sit all. ; At is, t firActions to Wrly AM. hence The imida"Wandolor ton ho Ite stable I" UP. but the MW. sbows fairly ready instlowlylly to 11,0. Ifirtifulysis of I yields largely AP.W. last- tempts I.pgp. thsfrov --.1. Ilsr synthmilsol URRAiscresso,lidly toll".4pt"I 11'NSOLVIII with 2 Is" CoAs the water but b Cart I ist K71s And 3 IICI. as well as 4 pnxlwt film# r forpreltated by 0,VVV:1'(7j (Ifirsimilar pmlwt tir-critInt by Fphraim And Onorroorit It h, C '.1 4. fill), was apturvarly very ceuslor). estrifirint'l lov limit. sit . analysis. and bydrul. ysia which yirlits 7, tipilvi oil acid ithymoulphibakin); the W.War, in. 23". is "10.4ion"I toj% yiell %their the pitlin I% J,me in CCIo toisin ; wirrid rystns. fnius Ist-tr. ortbort siw 7S`-C pme Pelodsort. to. "L$ fVr I%ArT. dry MACTIM in VLAA Pirstrottirins (2 11111: Ln) must in rmpkiyord. ths- pimliwt hvilroltirrs frAoldir in HID. rather 'loolooly At 0", it I-%AV It, O"MI in Ammisal"I MAY III %oil. linurd. It IS 1 261 tilt L' Iol"Itill VIAIIIJI 4 -11 InW IlbotbIllu'" (11W whrr Is 0.1' 1 U); cf. Rcin.,& Is. 4 W.. . I m (Awm- J. 18. 151, 3511t IVNI) VvitinsolAt ;&tilt%- lot Ar.S(hNif, and IICJ on the water falls 210 A, 111911. KIVT Ahlho~t Illlr`~ OrMil oil 'Irrivil" ropes."lly it N"lw C04 *At portwill in the miss M ir-1111, ftuow ..f.adwr awkirm IFIttia. .14-1 100, '.=11PON); C~olur,lt. losti. 108. =14 IMP111; Uothrl haul. Art. 2'.'Onlf 1XV). "'AltAth, rfAI . M&. a. 3171 Lost hYllfOIY%i- the I-ClollUstS El'or' ths"MOCAl amts. of Arlilk- Nil., IICI. arml while Moll. tot. dritil, CSIAIdbb Its,' imwmtnmtwfututvt,fthrt,h,~l-kittloirfiv% Tforwavisthr-P. I. lwlirvnl v, for A ~nsspls~ -,"Nt.-tj,A1itwz Itiols looss of 2 [ILI rltr - -.1.4 .11.11 "1 1 k4r; thrrv ." AI..-r -_ ..,W ..t. -I on flow ...... 1.4c -1-f.; Q.4k toy IfjO is nu.I.t.sirly 4-% ., .12 C .1-murts "Noto front, unit loot I'll 11.11 "A 1-0 not .1 1 N X,fill I. nstilitkIrly hV4jrl'IVj4'4I 41111s 111 440 1111U.1, ~Wn -11 A 11111I U1011 tiff 144. li'm it- mall-1.141.1w. 44 11o"A Im .41 flow fe-4.1 ol"48,10-oliv with %If,. plisfulto .4114 MVUMIA(V -iffil(W-. 41o AtIll Ploo`9*4- I for I.,- M A*; P41dyl doidlet, 0" loll" Ttwv not lor disid. unlowit (kwwn;m. ctvci pit A attio . hut Init, fir crysif-1. (tvam VVL or peir. ether. Attempt. lot hvinplyw thtir P: N link -$IN-fot .1irtachitor"t 4.1 V1 fAo6,l Vicusins thon. of (1`44- N.-P174 lot 11111 No`) girt.1c.1-c 14K'1.. pro,"Ird pwr mart- Ing trialetial in IS"; In ml.hl vvrov Wamrwt 11444%,A 2 lww jWt%IWt%. (kW 1, 1 V`4#01, 4111440414V a tl%"Wf* fiflfl .# Mso UNS49). thdi SSW. it A. 1.1 roplivv Ims hyd"llytis, Afhj Imin no o"ilot C1 (brtxv C1 I. twnst"I in the -0 );, ;t m. 1441."A' anct nuov for mildinicil, I, - it;#= I% A it BUT I* 10441d. ShOW ""Mill, 'Ohl" 1- 4 tw&.1 fly vtosuftwoll: sale "414illm. film tiolvis at I -It 3IV of It ". Imil ; It troiclo with a". otpi :."fare the ." p4wj Im. 11m, utow .4-too". fall is p"St.. NY a z4vo,"lowt, lorlum t,hff, ..I. lot 4-10. .4wrott Simi m. 47.3% ft SIShfitnt'S 1114111k 4AWv And its firtintlysiot imis (it unknown vioulfle Pm1urls. Ilion. of 11 to imocoo Imlil'a IIM'U alsit whwh is IMAMMY the Milli of a bhuctol. modifon. aniklemot tit the- ar"Wittiom tit turbasirlic *villl by m1famote And virlitil's CICIL1,10.11.0ititcl slut CUP: - W401.4(N."! - MIS. W111A M111.111 III 11WITS 2 Snook. Of CUP: - .vc(JCj1.%(AC1. and thloo frerA.,14"no to POCI, mki M". C411,CN. This crAclioin ntay omr "horn the *AhN:lVh aIW CM gftvulvs air in lifferiont mob.. hrating ocyl jAkonodps with I-, P111.2ill" rul,lilly (211 minl - withis P(X'U and lhr jolffmayl Ahviliff, and goad. wbkb nor 1w mijoit. toy '164". " 1,v ifft.4tow"t w4th 11.41111. 64--l I., t.v N4411C 71M -MI10-1 %I froo-1 f-of Ilk' 1411- .4 SkIld- ..I hilgh-tKAMS 4rtmt,.Iw tlW ."S.1, ro.a.-tom .11 CANIII)SVII10 4,14 Uilh ~AVCO, jiul of q,jj.M&MkjV% Stiff, M (CAWb P~it 131"410 1 fit I, IIIAV fol' VTII%~l f.19,1 -4 the excru frifirfit,) at"t N-Mr.1 W "itt-21i. tit FS%v Set- tit$% ISO The (Wt% .1.1011.11114 milf."I.611104, ir.1 villitirs, Xfor W*&W 01 ttstdmftdoo W Cjub~UmUs List* 411111rd". A. V. Kw'"bow and ya. St. ?."a, Ati,14". -1`66C~ Thlorprupetroma). /kaw. (mj*gAfi 444m. 1 V C*a. Clorm.) 20. VA A(IOW); 4. C-A, 44. 44441J.-RCONIfs SIT I'milly to'slit'droatiol Into RC'N toy Ififtell oil IIINFUloll 11). at 1141-OV. Riopulling IJ I I 118%,111 41,41 It'd a. lit Ail flit. Air pirli'llow V III$ NOW giflit aqvilah"tion Mir 0:11s, VWN, I lost% 0, IwAlinj 12.1 S, lit NIts wool 14 US 9 1 to" 31,11' 0,20 Min. 411-1 t'$'"' In W min. "we a #10w disin of 111) fip* JWN im-le; hl, towit). Nalidu bestims of WcN)fo w[th it ova4ll ex,vm oil a" 61 311 Into. 69, 1. mcc.~, I I.A 9. ArSl to 4 out V, 7 it . boweverr. buteol to 230 otq 1.6 lit*. "Wr 10 it 1 06.6% buW an 1) WCN anif 0-119. At-off. ~kmsUvlv ~11).02 mak C9110CONlis *rA 0041 mo* I in 21 Min. At !MR) 10' pirit IS 0. caporyiVoompsk. b 10-7'. 110 11,91wi. aoul . SkaW MaClkn PTO NIS' ths at 2111-9% Heating Oya $I o1wasamoldf and 0.61 g. I to 2201 in 3) min. siold av-18 ; mitt. pw W% moot, of*, in. lib-17, the 4mom" kml similArly in 941; yifw. In. 146-1 X --clawUN. In. 4A 41', *A* 4blairkNI in 1,401,41IN/W at ;SO-13 save MY, *mink. tho 1143 it'. G. fit. K.