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C c. AUTHOR* KIRPICHNIKOVoI.V.o OKOROKOVOV.V., SUKHORUCHKIN,9.1. PI - 2306 TITLEs _119-a-greme-R-e-Uf-The Effective Humber of the Fission Neutrons of Pu* if the Energy of the FiRsioning Neutrons lies within a Range of 7 to 30 OV. (Izmereniye effektivnogo chisla vtoriabnykh neytronov Pu239 v oblasti energii perviohnykh neytronoy ot 7 do 30 eV, Russian). PERIODICALs Itomnaia Snergiiat 1957, Vol 2, Nr 3, pp 247 - 252 (U.S.S.R.) Receivedt 4 / 1957 Revieweds 5 / 1957 LBSTRA,CTi The authors measured the energy dependence of this-effective number I a 6.f16-. Here T-denotes the average number of fast off a the fission orose-section, 6' - the neutrons per fission, 6'r a absorption orose-section. Experimental orderl The measuring method has already been described in a former paper. Measurements were carried out by means of a neu- tron selector. A special scheme of a quartz-ohook-generator was d:vdloped. An intense flashing up of gamma r&yB from a beryllium t rget (whjr:by the impinging of accelerated deuterons on the target is n icated) was registered,by means of a scintillation counter with plastic scintillator. The momentum of the photo- multiplier net the generator in operation after formation in the integral scheme. Measurement of the fission cross-seotion and of Card 1/3 the flux of the slow neutrons is also discussed. The elaboration PA - 23o6 Meapurement of the Effective Number of the Fission Neutrons of N2391f the Energy of the Fiasioning Neutrons Lies within a Range of 7 to 30 eV. of measuring results is then discussed. Measuring resultst The measured values of 6-5 and 6-17 are il- a f lustrated in form of diagrams. By comparing the results of the present paper with the values of T-f/r found by means of a fission 239 chamber, it can be seen that for the resonances of Pu q-does not change much in relation to the thermal valuese The results obtained here are compared with those of other authors by means of a table. The fission effect was measured specially for the range of from 13 to 250 eV. Most of the strong resonances of Pu239 have a marked fission width with the exception of the resonances in case of 42 and 44 eV which may possibly belong to the isotope pu240# Conolusionst The radiation width IX is not strictly oonstant, but changes markedly from level to evel, a fact which must further be investigated. In oonsideration of self-soreening of the resonances and of the contribution of the non-reaonance-dependent term in the absorption- Card 2/3 and fission cross-section it follows that the data of the present PA - 2306 Measurement of the Effective Number of the Fission Neutrons of pU239 if the Energy of the Fissioning Neutrons lies within a Range of 7 to 30 OV- paper do not agree with the results of other investigations con- cerning the determination of energy dependence of the effective number,r eff of the pu239. (4 illustrations, I table). ASSOCIATIONt Not gieven. PRESENTED BYs SUBMITTEDs 14.7-1956 AVkIL&BLEt Aibrary of Congress. Card 313 SOY/120-59-4-3/50 AUTHORS:Ignat'yev, K. G., Kirpichnikov, I. V.., Sukhoruchkin, S. 1. TITLE: A Neutron Spectrometer Usiiig~ "d PoTUTlzed Cyclotron Beam FERIODICAL: Fribory i tekhnika eksl;erimenta, 1959, Nr 4, pp 25-31 (USSR) kBSTRLCT: A description is given of a 256-charmel neutron analyzer. A cyclotron with a vertical deflection of the deuteron beam onto an internal target is used as the neutron sounce. This gives high density neutron pulses about 0,1 jAsec long. The channel width can be 0 0251 1 29 49 89 16 and 32 lisec. The time interval requir6d is set by a choice of one of the above channel widths and a delay made up of a combination of one of the following time intervals: 0, 16, 32, 649 1289 2569 512 1024, 2048 -and 4096 "so. The length of the working cycle T depenAs on the experimental conditions and may be one of the following: 512, 10249 2048, 4096 or 8192 "ac. The best resolution obtained was 0.024 lisee/m. This corres- ponds to.a flight path of 15 m. The corresponding upper limit for the energy at which the measurements are carried out is 100 9Y. The total relative error in the determination of the fligtL,, rime is 0.20%. A brief description is also given of the method whereby the deuteron beam is deflected on to the Card 1/2 internal target. Yig I shows a schematic drawing of the SOV/120-59-4-3/50 A Neutron Spectrometer Using a Polarized Cyclotron Beam vertical deflection system. in Pip; 1 1 is the deflecting plate, 2 is the cyclotron beam, 3 is the target, 4 is the absorber and 5 is the boron carbide screen, Fig 2 shows the circuit of the generator of the deflecting pulses and Fig 4 shows the form of a pulse of fast neutrons from the target. The upper curve corresponds to the case where the vertical deflection pulse is not applied and the lower curve corresponds to the case in which the vertical is applied. There are 7 figures, 1 table and 7 references, of which 4 are English and 3 are Soviet. SUBMITTED: May 17, 1958. Card 2/2 11111 Ila" fig oil L0759 S/12o/62/ooo/oo4/040/047 E039/E42O AUTHORS: Veselov, M.A., Golldin, L.L., Kirpichftikov !-,-, I've% Lomkatzi, G.S., Sidorenko, je#Ao. TITLEs Investigation of the magnetic field configuration in the X-blocks of the proton synqhrotron PERIODICAL: Pribory i takhnika oksperimenta, no.4, 1962, 212-217 TEXT: The magnetic field configuration is measured in 14 compensating blocks at various levels of induction from 80 gauss up to 8000 gauss. Magnetic field gradients are measured with an accuracy of better than 0.1% and the displacement of the neutral point obtained with an accuracy of 0.05 to 0.07 mm.. A plexiglass carriage is located on the magnet p~oles and can traverse the whole length of the block (1910 mm). This carriage contains three pairs of permal 'loy probes for measurements in fow fields and three pairs of coils for the medium and large fields. The field characteristics are measured at 31 points along the 14 X-blocks. The distribution of the field and its gradient is obtainea near the axis of symmetry for 5 values of induction (82, io6, 210, 26oo and 7500 00) and on 6 of the C-blocks at Card 1/2 S/120/62/000/004/040/047 Investigation of the magnetic ... E039/E420 8400 00. These measurements are compared with similar measurements on C-blocks. It is shown that displacement of the neutral point depends on the residual field. Displacement also occurs in strong fields because of core saturation. The results !r are presented graphically and discussed in some detail. The coordinates of the pole pieces with respect to the geodetic markers are determined to an accuracy of 0.03 to 0,04 mm. There are 8 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki GKAE (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics GKAE) SUBMITTED: March 31, 1962 Card 2/2 RATYVSKIY, V.j IGNATOYEV9 M.G.; KIRPICHNIXOV I.V.; EELYAYEV,, F.N.; SUKHORUCHKIN, S.Il Gazwna-ray spectra produced in resonance neutron capture. Zhur, eksp. i teor. fiz- 45 t0,4:870-874 0 163. (MMA 16:U) 1. Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki. IGNATIYEV, K.G.; KWICHNIKOV, I.V.j SUKHORUGHKIN, S.I. Spin dependence of the density of resonance levels. Zhur. ekap. i teor. fiz. 45 no.41875-881 0 163. (MIU 161n) 1, Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki. ACCESSION NR.- Ap4ol5557 s/oo89/64/owoomono/ong AUMiOR: Ignatlyev, K.,G.,#* Kirpichnikov, I. V.; Sukhoruchkin* So I. TITLE: Measurement of Eta and of partial cross sections of U sup 235 and Pu sup 239 isotopes for neutrons of resonant energies SOURCE: Atomnaya.energlya,, v. 16, no. 2, 19640 110-119 al cross section, partial or4as section.,U sup 235., TOPIC TAGS: tot Pu sup 239, radiation capture cross sections" fission cross section, nuclear resonance A'BSTRACT: The authors Investigated the energy dependence of partial cross sections (for fission rd radiation oapture)-in g wide energy range, 0.03 to 20 ev for U23 and 5 to 100 ev for Pu239, with a 'Iblinldng" cyclotron beam. The method of measurement is described and the results are given In tables and diagrams. Numerous res*nances had been found. A detailed analysis of the results 1i given in other papers (see Atomnaya. enerxiya,1964, v. 16). The eseential aonolusions~ of the work are!.as follows: (a) there Is a oorrelation of the 'ACCESSION XR1 m4oism ainplitude signs with the reduced resonance widths; (b) the fission -width depends-strongly an the spin. m2w authors are gmtoful to V. V. Pavlov.. V- V, RotM&n. A- X- 301datOV, and A 49 D. Mialtonov for help with measurements,, and. to the'members of the mathm4tical seam' tion of the Institute for Theoretical and Rmperimental Pbyalosp S. P. Borovlev and Ze 1.,Panov," Orig. art., has z11 figtma and 2 t~ables. e[ iASSOCIATION: none SUMITM: 22APr63 j)ATE Acq; Latu,64 Emu oo'' 4-4. .NO MIP SOV2,005 11SPB CODE: PH 012t~.,, C a r-d 2/2 4 ACCESSION NRt AP4020326 9/0009/64/016/003/0211/021S AUTHORs XJM"Lnik o; IWt'ysvq Ko Go; SukhoruchkLas So to MLA?__V TITLEs Interference effects in fission cross sections SOURM Atomnaya suargLys, v. 16, no. 3, 1964,p 211-218 TOPIC T&GS: interference effect, fission cross section, U sup 235, PU sup 239, spin resonance, plutonium, uranium 23s ABSTRAM An interference analysis for a fissLon cross section of,Lsotopes U and Pu with 41ow neutrons was conducted. Relative signs of amplitude of reduced widths and degree of interference for highly interfering levels are obtained. A correlation of amplitude signs Is discoverade The number effectivo, open fission channels is found near unity for puZ39 and near two for U Coa- clusions are made on the spins of a series of plutonium levels and relative spin resonances of U235* The values of average fission level widths with different spins are obtained* 'Ila coulusLoug the authors are sincerely grateful to i So P. Boravlev and L, to Panova for help In preparing measuraMt results." OrLS. art hass 2 tableag 3 Uguresp 4 formulas* ,Card 1rrN'AT'YFV, K.G.; KIR SOLPATOV, A.N.; SUK!' MURITMIJOV* A.D. Improvement of the neutron-velocity selector and measurenent of the first resonances in copper and zinc. Pr-,b. i tep'.h.ek,4p. 10 no.5r5g-60 S-0 965. 1. Inatitut eksparimentallnoy i teoreticheiiov fi7ik! Goau.- darstvennogo komiteta po ispolizovanJyu atomney energ'-1 S.SSR, Moskva. Submitted Sept.20, 1964. /// /P, ?/ C 0 V/ * 51 L., F. 3. -- "Phenombna o,- Recover7 and Aecr FTRPTC,K'IIK0!I) (stallization in CoV-Forirted Semifinished Goods From Aluninwn Alloys airing Their Heat Treatment." Sub 5 Jun 52, Mo3cow Aviation Technological last. (DissertatLon for the Degree of Candidate in 1echaical Sciences). SO: Vechernaya '.1oskya, Janu&U December 1952 PHASE I BOOK UPLOMAMON 841 Moscow. Aviatsiounn tekhnologicheskiy institut Metsllovedeniye I tekhnologlya termicheskoy obrabotki (Physical Metalb, gy and Technology of Heat Treatment) Moscow,, Oborongiz,, 1958. 179 P. (series: its: Trudy, Type 31) 3,,200 copies printed, Ed. (title page): Vishnyakoyp D.Ta., Doctor of Technical Sciences,, Professor; Ed. (inside book): EXmyavskaya, T.,M.; Tech. Ed.: Ro2hin, V.P.; Managing Ed.: Zs7movskaya, A.S,, Engineer. FURPOSE: This book is intended for production engineers,, "Ical metallargists,, heat-treatment speciallsts,, and other scientific and technical personnel, as well as for advanced students. COVERAGE: The book is devoted to the study of properties of hest-resistant alloys, the effect of steel structure on wear resistance., phase transformations and recrystallIzation In alloys,, and also the effect of the conditions und r vhieh alloys are heat-treated on the structure and pyoperties of the alloys, For references and additional covexagep see Table of Contents, Card 1/8 Physical Metallurgy and Technology of Heat Trestmnt 841 TABU OF COMMM: Vishnyakov, D,Ya., Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Maslennikor, B.F., Engineer. Study of the Recrystallization Process in EI435 Alloy The material Investigated vas a nickel-chrome-titanium alloy used in the manufacture of jet-engine exhaust pipes, Its chemical composition (in percent) is given as follows: Cr - 20.40; Ti w 0.21; C = OeO5; Mn = 0,44; Si 0.40; Fe a 0,74; Ou 0,05; Al n 0,04; S - 0.006; P - 0.004; Ni remainder, The authors, conclusions,, in part., are: 1. It was established that the type of deformation (in tension or in rolling) does not qualitatively change the recrystallization pattern of the alloy, 2, At annealing temperatures of 1000-1050*C,, two maxi- mums of grain growth vere observed: 0,2-5,0% in the case of sma3l deformations, and 25-60% In large deformations, 3, It was noted that the critical degree of strain shifts in the direction of smaller strains with an increase in annealing temperatures. Two temperature intervals were observed vhere this rule operates; 900-1050*C and 1000-12000 C. 4. The minimim temperature (threshold) of recrystallization for EI435 is 700*0. There are 5 references, of vhich 4 am Soviet and I is German. Card 2/8 Physical Metallurgy and Technology of Heat Treatment 841 grpicbnikoy X S. Candidate of Technical Sciences., Docent, Fwpid Annealing of-%-eiHHTe-hed~AAicles Cold-formed from D16 and AV (AK5) Aluminum-Alloy Sheet IT The author describes thexesults of applying new regime of rapid annealing for heat-treatecl slusinum alloyse In addition,, be outlines the principles of designing equipment for rapid annealing, Vishnyakov., D.Ya,; Figellman,, M.A., Engineer; Trifonova., O.L.,' Engineer, Some Properties of E1659 Medium-Alloy Steel 34 The author studies the effect of the degree of plastic deformation and the rate of cooling on the properties of this steel, tested at various temperatures, This type of steel contains sme" to moderate amounts of chromium, nickel., tungsten,, and vanadium. There are 4 references, all Soviet. Vishnyakov, D.Ya.; Vizdtskiy, A,G,p Candidate of Technical Sciences. A Study of the Wear Resistance of Carbon Steels 43 Card 3/8 23012 10 4 r, 14 16, 14 I-q 19/536/60/000/043/,003/011 0 24 D 5. 2021/9435 AUTHORs !irpichnikovj K.B., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLZs Rapid Annealing of A16 WO and Al (Dl) Alloys PERIODICALt Moscow. Aviatsionnyy tokhnologicheskiy Inatitut. Trudy. No.43. 1960. PP.38-47. Tormicheakaya obrabotka i svoystva &tali i legkikh splavov TEXTs In the annealing of cold-worked shoot and other material of V16 and Dl (duralumin type) alloys, the recommended regime in first to heat to 450- 500*C when recrystallization occurs, IfO as a result of recrystallization, the material in fully softened, then holding further at this temperature will lead to an increase in strength caused by an increase in the concentration of the solid solution an the chemical compounds are dissolved. Samples of sheet 2 mm thick were held at 500*C. Fig,3 shown the tensile strength Ob, kg/mm2 (top curves) and elongation a % (lower curves), against the time hold at 500% (in minutes). Rocrystallization is complete after 7 minutes for D16 and 9 minutes for DI. After this, solution of the compound occurs and the strength increases. The approximate concentration of solid solution at various times was Card 1/8 23012 5/536/60/000/043/003/011 Rapid Annealing ... 2021/2435 found in the followinj wayi samples were homogenized at 280, 330, 36o, 400, 450 and 300 C and the crystal parameters were measured. Curves of parameter against homogenization temperature were drawn. RecrystallIzation annealing was then carried out in a normal furnace at 5000C for I minute (regime OPI), 7 min (0p2), 9 min (0p9) and 12 min (0p12) and in a muffle furnace for 5 min (M5)9 8 min (M8) and 10 min (MIO). The samples from the Vx first furnace were air cooled and those from the muffle furnace were water-cooled. The lattice parameters were then determined and, from the curves already drawn, the "temperatures of equilibrium concentration" corresponding to the lattice parameters were found. Plots are included of the -lattice parameter against the temperature of equilibrium concentrai'.on (tk) for the different regimes for both alloys. Cc &ing from the recrystallization temperature to tk (about 350*0 must, obviously, be fast to prevent further increases in concentration of solid solution. From this temperature, slow cooling must be carried out. The influence of the rate of cooling from different temperatures of equilibrium concentration was also investigated. Card 2/8 23012 S/536/60/000/043/003/011 Rapid Annealing E021/3435 Samples of D16 and DI wore subjected to a recrystallization anneal and subsequently heated to 300, 330 and'400*C, cooling from 'these temperatures to 200'C in 10, 20 and 30 min. The measure~d-' mechanical properties are plotted-in Fig-7 W16) and Fig.8 (Dl). The top.curves give the tensile strengths and the lower curves the elongation. The left-hand cur-~es are for cooling in 10 min, the middle curves in 20 min and the right-hand*curves in 30 min. The beat results are obtained by cooling from 350*C. Cooling from this temperature can be cairied out at the highest rate. It was also of interest to determine the teImperature of the end of itke X slow cooling. Thia is characterized by a decrease in the rate o the diffusion processes and was determined by constructing hardness curves in rela!tion to annealing temperature. Fig.9 shows this for 516 alloy and Fig-.10 for Df alloy (cur,~,e 1, immediately -after quenching; curve 2, after 20 days). The temperature required for the end of.the sl6w coolirig*was 2600C in both cases. The whole cycle of operations (recrystallization anneal, fast cool and slow cool) can be carried'out in-20 to 30 min. Engineers L.N.Volodin and T.A.Volodina participated in the experimental work, Card 3/ 8 U.. I I N 23013 s/336/6o/ooo/o43/Oo4/oll 9021/x435 AUTHOR: Kirpichnikov, K#S,, Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Rapid Artificial Ageing of AK6 and A9 fAVI (AK5) Alloys PERIODICALt Moscow. Aviatsionnyy tokhnologichoskiy institut. Trudy. X0.43. 1960. pp.48-62. Termicheskaya obrabotka i evoystva stali i logkikh splavov TEXTt Experiments were carried out in order to try and reduce the time of ageing of the alloys AK6 and'AK5. The composition of the AK6 alloy in: Al - 2.4% Cu - 0-7% Mg - 0.7% Mn - 1.0% Si; and that of the AK5 alloy iss Al - o .6 to o,g% mg - o.6 to 1.2% Si - 0.2 to o.6% cu - 0,15 to 0.33% Mn - 0.5% ?&-. Innnediately after quenching, samples of the AK6 alloy were given a short age for 0 to 30 min at 1850C, 0 to 20 min at 200*Cj 0 to 20 min at 2200C or 0 to 5 min at 2400C. After this they were aged for 3, 6 and 12 hours at 155 � VC. Fig.1 shown the hardness (Rockwell A and B) plotted against the time of ageing at 185'C. Curve I is for the sample aged at 185*Ct curves 2, 3 and'4 for the samples with additional age* of 31 6 and'12 hours at 155*C and curve 5 without the short go at 185 C, Similar curves are reproduced for the Is amples ag:d at 200*C. Good results are obtained after ageing at Card 1/7 23013 S/536/6o/ooo/o43/004/011 Rapid Artificial Ageing Z021/9435 185*C for 15 to 30 min and 1550C for 3 hours or more, or at 2000C for 15 to 20 min and'155*C for 3 hours or more. A short age at 2200C leads to a decrease in hardness. Zxperiments were also carried'out on multistage ageing of AX6 alloy. Many regimes were tried and the optimum treatment was found to be to heat rapidly (40 min) to 2000C, slowly cool (60 min) to 1500C and hold at 150% for one hour. Curve 1 of Fig.5 shown the changes in temperature (discontinuous line) and hardness (continuous line) with time during this treatment. Curve 2 shown the effect of holding at 150% for 3 hours and slowly heating to 190%. Similarly, in Fig;6, curve 1 refers to rapid'heating to 190*4C and slow cooling to 100 C and curve 2 refers to slow heating from 100 to 190*C. Similar experiments were carried out with alloy AK5. The optimum 2-stage heat treatmont wan found to be to hold at 200% for 30 min, cool in water, and heat to 1500C for 2 hours. The optimum multi-stage aigoing treatment was a rapid heat (40 min) to 190*C, a slow cool to 150'C4 holding at 150% for one hour. The multi-stage ageing treatments have the advantage over the 2-stage ageing treatments that they can be carried out in one furnace. The optimum 2-stage and multistage aigoing treatments of AK6 and AK5 Card 2/7 23013. s/5~6/60/000/043/004/011 Rapid Artificial Ageing Z021/E435 alloys result in an increase in mechanical properties. This'is especially,marked in th;s case of -1~he yield point which may increase 'by as much as 5 kg/MM2. Fig.10 shows the mechanical properties or AK5 during ageing by rapid heating to 1901*C,*cooling to 1500C and holding for 8 hours. The corrosion properties.of the alloys after the new"againg.treatment.s were tested in-3% NaCl + 0-1% H202- The results showed thpt the new treatments*gave properties which were in no way inferior to those after normal ageing. Some of the experiments were carried Li Tin Son, Aspirant of the Peking Aviation Institute in 1956 under the diiection of-the author. N.A.Petrov also participated in the 0:kPeriments. There are 11 figures,, 2 tables and,6 references: 2 Soviet-blcc and 4 non-Soviet-bloc. The three references to English language publications read as*.follows: H.K.Hardy, Journ.Ins.Metals,75,1954, part.9, 707; J.A.Ni)ck, J.A.C.Wool, Iron Age, 159,1947, 5-57; G.Wasserman, Brit.Intelligeitee Objectives Sub. Cotee (Group 2) Pub if No. H.S.G., 03757, 1946. N Card 3/7 7-19.9 S/536,/61/000/050/016,/017 0217/0304 AUTHOR. ___jLK21Qhn1kov.. KS,, Candidate of 'rectin-tc,it sckvncvs~, Jn(-nt f 1'rLE, Ageing characteristics of aluminum allOYS coptaining /a and 1 -2% MK b0URCL hoheow, Aviatsionnyy tekhnologichemkxy institu'. Trudy, no. 50, 1961, Voprosy metallovedeniyu, 165 176 TEXT-~ The ageing of Al alloys containing Zn is characterized by some, peculiarities which distinguish them frow alloys, in which Zn is net hf, basic alloying element. The ageing of two Al alloys was inveattgated (1) containing 5% Zn and 19~' Mg and (2) containing 5'1 Zn and 2% Mg. Engineers I-M- Semina and N.G. Romanova took part in the experimental surveyo The above two alloys were prepKred in an electri, iresistan,:P furnace, Ingots, 190 x 740 x 1300 mm, were made by continuous casting at 6850C at a teeming rate of 63 on/minute. Theme were hompgerized at 4600C for 36 hours and rolled into sheet of 2.5 nun thickness, In ordo:r to study the ageing characteristics of the two alloys, kinel-~'c ageing Card 1/3 Ageing characteristics 0217/A)304 curves were plotted at vgrious temperatures. Specimens veze cut from the sheet, heated at 450 C for 40 minutes and water quenched. Ageing was carried out in a drying cabinet. The major port ton of the itivest I - gation was concerned with the initial stages of ageing (10 12' hourm), L and only in a few cases was more lengthy ageing studied. The lafte.~ X1, investigation showed that natural ageing of the alloys proceeds very slowly. The optimum mechanical properties are attained after approxima- tely 90 days; under conditions of long-torn ageing, t~o optimum proof stress Is attained after soaking for 100 hours at 100'C. It was found that A alloys containing 5% Zn and 1-2% Mg exhibit a retardation in ageing. This phenomenon is obsorved *hen the alloya are subjected tv artificial ageing at sufficiently high temperaturo& immediately after quenching, but not when they are subjected to agt:,rg -3everal hours after qu#nchingt or when th*y'are hooted slowly. Mg causes the Spinel po-Int in the thermaloquilibrium diagram to be raiso~d. For alloy (1), tho SpinO point occurs at a temperature close to 140 0C, and for alloy (1'0, at close to 2.000C. In the first stage of fb,~ rate F-,t the pro(c-'f. is due essentially tn the dpgr~,~- of Card L"13 18.1110 Zros 30932 S/536/61/OW/%,:n./0l7/O17 D217/D304 AUTHOR, Kirpichnikov, K.S., Candidate of Technical Sciencesq Docent TITLE; Accelerated ageing procedures for aluminum alloys contain- ing 5% Zn and 1-2% Mg SOURCE: Moscow. Aviatsionnyy tekhnologicheskiy institut. Trudy, no. 509 1961, Voprosy metallovedeniyal 177-185 TEXT: Natural ageing of Al alloys containing 5% Zn and 1-2% Mg taken 80-90 days, In order to find the optimum procedures for artificial ageing, two-stage and multi-stage processes were investigated. The hardness and mechanical properties of the alloys were studied, hardness tests being carried out immediately, and mechanical properties being tested a few hours after the appropriate heat treatment. Engineers I.M. Semina and N.Go Romanova participated in the experimental procedure. The mechanical properties were tested on specimens which had been soaked at artificial ageing temperatures for 5-6 hours, since after short-term soaking, the storage of alloys at room temperature exerts a strong Card l/ 3 309,32. S/536/61/000/050/017/017 Accelerated ageing procedures D217/D304 influence on their properties* Two alloys were studiedl om containing 5% Zn and 1% Mg talloy 1) and the otherg containing 5% Zn and 29 HS (alloy 2). The following proc8dures were chosen for ageing: (1) ageing Pt AoW temperatures (up to 100 C) + ageing at high temperatures (150- 160 C) and (2) ageing al high temperatures (150-160 C) + ageing at low temperatures (up to 106%). The specimens were rapidly heated to the ageing temperatures* Earlier findings were confirmed, namely that the Opttmum long-term artificial ageing procedure consists In ageing at 100 C for 100 hourse This, however% can be substituted by rapid ageing procedures without noticeable deterioration in mechanical properties aad corrosion resistance. The following procedures are recommended for the above ~wo alloys% (a) a two-stago procedure, congisting in soaking at 100 C for 4 houraq followed by heating to 150 C and soaking for 7-9 hours; (b) a multi-at ageaprocedure in which the temperature i; gained in steps, reaching 160 C within 3-4 hours, and soaking at 1 0 C for 7-9 hours. When artificial ageing is used, the alloys should not be heated rapidly, as slow heating to the ageing temperatures improves Card 2/3 KIRPICHNIKOV,, K.S.,,, dotsont Artificial aging of aluminum +oys containing 5#D/o Zn and 1-2 c/o bt. Trudy MATI no.50M7-285 161. 1 (MIRA 14:10) (Almminim alloys- -Hardening) but __UU2336/66/UOUjU0D1VA411VA" 24 CA) AUTKORS Kinichnikq7t X, 0, (Candidate of technical sciences); Kulskov, V. Is ';nginee (Knglneer) ORG: none TITLEs The effect of microalloying with refractory elements on the structure and properties of aluminume-alloy sheets containing 52 Zn and 2% Mg SOURCE: Moscow. Aviatsionnyy tokhnologicheakiy inatitut. Trudyg no. 66, 1966p Struktura I evoystva aviatelonnykh staley I splavov (9tructure and properties of aircraft steels and alloys), 147-156 TOPIC TAGS: alloy mechanical property, microalloyingg aluminum sine magnesium alloy# zirconium containing alloy, titanium containing alloy-1 beryllium containing alloyo chr9mium containing alloy, manganese containing alloy ABSTRACT: A series of Al-Zn-Mg alloy Ingots microalloyed with various amounts of zirconium, titanium, beryllium, chromium and manganese were homogenized at 450-470C for'.12 hi and extruded into-slabs (100 x 6 m) which were rolled into 0oats I and 3 mm, thick, Sheet spectme*as 30 = wide and 180 = long cut along the direction of tolling were solution* annealed at 430-435C, water quenched, and then aged. 7heoptlml aging conditions giving the highest yield 6trangth with sufficient slouption and high corrosion resistance was found to be 100C for 6 hr + 180 C for 4 bro The Card 1/2 UNt 669.017069.71-- AT6036424 Initial allay after this aging had a tensile strength of 40.5 kg/=2. a yield strengt:b of 31.0 kg/mm2, and an elongation of 172. The tests 'showed that hosagenization had little or no effect on the mechanical properties of Al-Zn-Mg alloys. Small quantiti" of refractory elements added to the initial alloy had a small but noticeable affect an the mechanical properties but greatly improved the corrosion resistance, especially zirconium and zirconium combined with titanium. The mechanical propertied of alloys microalloyed with Zr or Zr + Ti were:tensile strength 45.2 and 39.5 kgl=2, yield strength 39.0 and 35.8 kg/mm2p and elongation 14 and 17.2Z, respectively. The initial Al-Zn-Hg alloy had a very low resistance to stress corrosion when naturally aged (service life 6 days) and low corrosion resistance when artificially aged (ser- vice life from 42 to 76 days). In the majority of cases, xicroanoying Increased the service life up to 200 days. The beneficial effect of refractory metals on corrosion resistance increased with higher alloying. The effect of microalloying on the tm- perature and kinetics of recrystallization was insignificant* In the initial A140-ft alloy the rectystallization was coupleted during basting to about 320C. In alloys containing 21rconlum, khe recrystallisation began at 310C and was not tomplato at $W OrIgs arte host 4 figures and 2 tablest, SUB ODDSt 11 131 SUNK VA33 1~ nw~/ OUG Of$ '003/ ATO FMIA. 5107 2/2 ACC N- AT6036425 W SOURCE CODE: UR/2536M/000/065/0157/0165 AUTHOR: Xtrpichnikov. K, S. (Candidate of technical sciences); Kulakov, V. L (Engineer) ORG: nono TITLE: Effect of adding minute amounts of refractor, elements on the structure and proper- rp ties of ingots of aluminum alloy containing 5% Zn and,, `% Mg SOU11CE: Moscow. Aviatsionnyy tokhnologichoskly ir stitut. Trudy, no. 66, 1966. Struktura i svoystva aviatsionny" staley i splavov (Structure aid properties of aircraft stools and alloys), 157-165 7 .inc containing alloy, magnesium &,)ntainina alloy, TOPIC TAGS: aluminum base alloy, refractory me al, metal grain structure, metal property/A00 aluminum ABSTRACT: 25 ingots of AOO aluminum combined with 5% pure zn and 2% pure Mg and minute .unounts of various refractory elements (0. 005-0. 1% Zr, 0. 005-0. 1% Ti, 0. 005-0. 1% Be, 0. 005-0. 050% Cr, 0. 005-0. 060% b1n) were subjected to microstructural analysis and rnochani- cal tests. Part of the ingots was homogenized in a furnace with forced air circulation at,150- 470*C. It was established that aU these elements, even if added in minute amounts, markedly r-PA 1/3 UDC: 669.017:669.71 ACC NR, AT6036425 r influence the structure and properties of the ingot. Zr in amounts of up to 0. 05 at - % increases the size of the macrograin, reduces the size of the dendritic cell, slightly enhances the hard- ness of the inrot and microhardness of the solid solution in homogenized state, and reduces humogenization time. TI, *like Zr, also reduces the dimensions of the dendritic cell, but unlike Zr, it has an opposite effect on macrograin size, hardness, microhardness of the 1 solid solution and homogenization time. Be sharply reduces the intracrystallino so-rogation 0 and homogenization time of the ingot. The effect of Be in many cases coincides with the effect of Zr and is opposite to the effect of Ti. Thus, e.g. Ti reduces the hardness of the AI-Zn-.mkg alloy in cast state by 4-5 H units, whereas Be increases hardness by 3-5 units and Zr also B f increases it, though to a less significant extent (Fig. 1). This may be to some extent attri- butable to the fact that Zr and Be have motallic radii which sharply differ from the motallic [.-neutralized. radius of Ti, whereas the metallic radius of Ti is similar to that of Al. In the ingots to which more than one refractory element was added, the observed effects were diluted if not Orig. art. has': 5 figures, 2 tables. 2/3 ACC NR& AT6036425 H B $2 r ?- o additional elements fiz tCr ri "i +Cr Fig. 1. Mean hardness of the AI-Zn-",LMg alloy in cast state as a function of its content of additional elements SUB CODE: II/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 003 3/3 Content of refractory elements in at.% b k f Ic 1, '/. KIRPICHUXIOV, L.A., inihoner: MARV. M.L. Irkshener. I '"~~Fo~ec'fid norms for artificial illumination of sea ports. Svototskhniks 3 no.M26-28 0 157. (XrRA 10:10) 1. Chernomorproyakt. (Harbors) (Lighting) MTICIOITKOV, L. A. SIMITIV, A.S., Imn4tdat takhntobeskikh nouk; XIRPICHIIIOT LsAo Inshener; LITVAX. L.T.. kandidat tekhntcheskIkh nauk. Placement of condensers in Industrial plant circuits to increase the power factor, Prom.energs 12 no.6:21-24 Je 157. (MM 10:7) (Blectric circuits) K2E!jjMAMjk"Insbsaet; XUARIF, Molo, lushener, Characteristic indlose for systems supplylog electric power to "a ports and ship repair plants, Prom* suerge 12 no-7rl5-19 J1 157. (Ilectrio power) (MM lots) - I e:~ .4 EIRPICHNI]COV, L.; IMARIY. M. Electric cable feeders columns In harbors. Mor.flot 17 n0-10:15-16 0 157. (MrRA 10:12) I.Zameatitall nachallnike, otdols, Chernomoprorakta (for Kirpichnikov). 2*Starshir inishener otdola Chernomorproyakta (for Xharif) (Harbors-2quipment and supplios) (Electric cables) URPICIP11KOV, ~..A.. inzh.: KWIF, H.I., Inxh. . %w control circuit for outside ligbting of industrial enterprises. Svetotekhniks 4 no, 8:21-22 A& 15% (MIRA 11M 1. Ghernonor~royekt. (Yactories-Lighting) SOV/C4-58-8-10/22 AUTHORS: Kirpichnikov, L. A., En6ineer aLd Kharif, 14, 1,, Eni;lneer TITLE: Syste~m for Gantry Craner, In Ports (SiBbema elektrosnabzheillyb port(tl~nykh kranov v portakh) PERIODICAL: Promyshlennaya, Snergetika, 191k', Nr 81 PP 25-2,7 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Existing methods of electricity supply for cranes and other electrical. equipment in ports are described. SupTly pillars and flexible cables are com.-Aonly used and the sub-stations are at least 120 metres from the load so that very heavy cables are required. With the object of improving electricity supply systems ill T)orts the -_ulthors, to6ether with Engineer A. F. Zhuravlev, developed a clystem of electricity supply to gantry cranes and other power conE~uLaers on wharves which is bused on the folloiaijii~ principles: transformers of up tq 560 kVA ara installed directly on the wharves; cable li'nes laid in line the wharves are replaced by bare busbars in 0, ChEillrlel. The transfomers are installed in cp~~clal cha,,:,,berE; belo,.1 the level of the wharf and betvvecn railv:ay tracks. The tr,ansf oriaer chambers are nat-u-,.,,-j1ly v,~nrjJ !,%, tc-`L . If power Card 1/2 ~ I consumption on the vharves 1.. t i-,,f sf c,.i*,, arf.'. 4:-()V/Q'-'-5B-8-l0/22 An Electric Power Supply System for Gantx,y Cranes in Porta installed every 150 metres, The ,;ub-statioas ~,upplyin~; the transformers are relatively few and far between and contain the prot-jeCtive and measurii16 equipuent. The transformers are fused on the hi6h voltn6e i3ide and h.-ivt! an overload relay on the Roil- volta6e side. Vie transformers are connected to the busbarb throubli three- pole isolating; switches. Dia6rammatic views of the power supply arran6ements in wharves are 6iven in F16sj and 2. Technical and economic calculations were made to compare this system of electricity supply with the usual one: the economy of capital was 30%, the cozisuzni,tion of non-ferrous inetal was 2..2 Limen lesc. the power conslLaptiun 15% lese. and the operating costs 21% less. There are two fiE~ures, ASSOCIATIM: Chernomorproyekt Card 212 KII]PICHNIKOV, L.A., Insho; XMIY, X.I., insh. ---r- Floodlight illumination part facilities. Syetotekhnika 6 no.1:25-28 Ja 160. (MM 13:5) 1. "Chernamorproyakt," Odessa. (Harbors-L41bting) KIRPICIRMOV, Leonid AleksandroyLShA KHAMFj )40is*Y Izrvqlevich; MRSK271 retesnzent; KORISMSM9 N.D.# inzb., retsenzentl X01MMOSM, N.D.9 insh., retsenzentj TAROSMKOf Mop inzbop insb,p retsenzentj BOUCHENKO, V.79.., inzb.., nauchayy red,j LAPINAj Z#D.p red. izd-va; SARAYEV, B.A., tekhn red, (Automatic control of transshipment machinery and the electric power supply network in sea portal Avtomatizataiia peregruzooh'- r7kh mashin i elektricheskikb setei v morskikh portakb. Mo- akva Izd-vo Orlorskoi transport," 1961. 147 p. (MIRA 150) (Cargo handling-Equipment and supplies) (Electric power distribution) (Automatic control) KIRPICHNIKOV, L.,Ao; KHARIFg M.I. I Automation of 6 to it kv. distribution networks* Prom.energe 16 no.6:19-23 Je 161. (MIRA 15i1) (Harbors) (Electric substations) (Automatic control) MPICHNINOW9 LA,, inshe; KH&RIF., X.I., insho Experience in the use of bus conductors in electric power distribution networks of sea horbor pears. Prom. energ. 18 no.6&8-11 is 163. (KaU 16:7) (Mlsotric power distribution) (Harbors-4Ueotrio equipment) XIRPICHMOV, L.; MRIet M. Design of electric 4'etvorks for b%rbor piers. ~br. JM ot 23 no.3: 17-19 It 163 (KIM 16:3) I* Nachallaik otdola Chernomorniiproyekta (for Kirpichnikov), (Harbors) (Electric netvarks) KHRIKUS, Samson Solomonovichq kand, tekhn. nauk. dotg.; KHARIF, Moisey [Electrical equipment and automatic control of hoisting and transporting machines] Elektrooborudovanie i avtoma- tika pod"emno-transportnykh mashin. Moskva, Trnnnport,, (MIRA 18:12) 1965. 377 p. KIRPICHN3XOVA M. E. "Yomaldehyde Method of Drying, Plants." Priroda,, No. 9,, 1948 KIRPICHNIKOV,p M. E. 1948 "Problem of a Quantitative Analysis of Plant ~'ystems," Botan, zhur.j, 33.p No.3, KIRPICHNIKOV, H. ]&~- KiRPICHNIKOVO M. I. Vospominaniya Ob A. A. Grosegayme (BoUnik). Botan. Zhurnalt 1949s No. 3, 3- .337-39- S0: Latopial No# 30s 1949 KIUICHITIKOV,, M. E. "NoteB on flerborizatiob,l, l,no Botan. zhur.., 33, flo.), 1949 XTMICIPTITYMIP Y. I!. Artic 1'tpJ-ons &Botany X "Konarcrv lecturesIt and the V. L. Yonarov -rie for 19~1. 7ot. 7,hur. 37 :1 . 149 1952. Yonthly list of AisMan Accessims, Library of Conrress, "crorerber 1952. XMIGHNIXOT, N.A.; MEN, D.T.; SKINNOVA. N.V. Gros#gelm, 2888-1948. Hooky&, lxd-vo Akad.nauk SSM 1953. 127 P. (XLRA 6:11) (Goresgsis, Alskmandr Allfonsovich. 1888-1948) (Bibliograpbr--Grovegois, Alsksandr Allfousovich, 1888-1948) (Orosegels, Aleksandr Allfonsovich, 1888-1948--Bibliograpb7) (caucalms --Botany) (Botany-caucamus) KIRPICHNIZOV, U.N. .W.P. Min; obituary vith one picture. Bot.zhur. 38 no.2:296-298 Mr-Ay 153. (XLRA 6:6 ) (lUdin. Wrii FiLvlovich, 1907-1952) KIRPICMIKOV, X.1, First meeting on the phylogany of plunts in the All-Union Botknical Socie- ty. Dot.zhur. 38 no.2:311-313 Mr-Ap 053. (KLRA 6:6) (Phylogeny (Botany)) /r/KPICAwro", 3HIMIN, B.S., redaIrtor: IMMOV. An.A.; XTIMMUSKUO."; SMBM- 10, K.Ye., redaktor; AROW, R.A., tekhnioheskV rodaktor. [Manual on the classification of higher plants] Spravachnoe posobie Vo sistexatIke vysshikh rasteall. Vol. 1. Yedorov, An.A., Kirplohni- koT, M.N. [Abbriviations, standardized terms, geographical names] Sokrashchouita, uslovays obosnaahentia, geogrefichookle nazyguila. Pod obahchel red. B.I.Shisbkina. Hooky&, Isd-vo Amd. nauk 38M 1954. 109 p. [Kiarofilal (MM 7:11) 1. Oblon-korrespondent Akademii usuk SSSR (for Shisbkin) 2. Akademiya uxuk 583R. Botanicheskiy institut. (Botany-Class if icat ion) (Botwq- -Terminology) MAYMEIY. P.7.; SHISHM. B.I., redaktar; ItIRPICEMIRTI.N.1-1-1. rsdAktor; HUSHM, Ye.Yu.. redaktor; IUIOV. N.T.".ni"91MINTU'redaktor; CHUNATITA, Mo, tekbalobaskiy redaktor. (Flora in the oentral zone of Buopoam ]best&] Flora erednei polosy evropelskot chasti SSSR. 8-* Ispr, I dop. Isd. Pod obehobei red. D.K. Shishkiza, Koskva, Gov. Izd-Yo Sel'skokhos. lit-ry, 1954. 911 p. [Kicrafils) (MLR.L ?:1l) 1. Chlon-karrespondent Al-dissit sank SM (for Shisbkis) (Botany) IMI-OHNIKOV. M.3. Bibliographical reference on the most significant standard specimens (exelocatas) of flora of the U.S.S.R. Pot.shur. 39 no.W616-6U Jl- Ag 15 4. (MLPA 7:10) 1. Botautoheatty institut tin. V.L.Komarovs, Akadamii nauk 6381, Lenin- grad. (Bibliograpby--Botany) (Botany--Bibliography) YJDCROT, Al.A., KIMETCHNTKQX- X. HMO, S.T.; BARANOV, ?.A., radaktor redaktor Isdatellstva; XIRXMX&U. A.A.. takhnichaskLy redaktor (Atlas of descriptive morphology of the higher plants; leaves] Atlas po opisatellaoi morfologil vyeshikh rastenii; list* Pod obehohat red. P.A.Baranova. Moskva, Isd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1956. 301 P. --[Xodels for the determination of principal laminar forms] Shablovy dlia opredelenila osnovnykh form plastinki list&. 6 1. (in pocket) (MM 919) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akadsmit mauk SSSR (for Baranov) (Leaves-Morphology) SHIMIIV, B.I.; ZIRPICHNIKOV, N.A. ';". ~.- ~ -. :, -- - Concerning professor N.C-.'-^MnVshev'm ravlev'of book "flora of the central zone of the Juropean shur. 41 no.3t420-421 Xr 136. (Botany) (Maevskit, Petr Yellksovich) P.7. Xaevskil's U.S.S.R." Bot. (X= 9:8) 72DOROT, AN.A.; LINCOVOUT, I.A.; XMICHNIZOV, M.N. In the tropics and subtropics of China. Bot.shur.41:i233-1262 Ag 156. (Wak 9:12) 1. Botanicheskiy Institut iment T.L. lomarova Akademii nauk SSSR, L-ningrad. (Tunnan ProvInce-Phytogeography) ZIRPICHNIXCN, NJ. "Flora of Leningrad Provincel, no.l. Reviewed by X.R.1irptchnikov. Botothur.41 no*4:382-3Q3 Ap 136s (MM 9:9) l.Botanichemkiy Institut Iment V.Lolromarova Akadmli nauk SSSR, Leningrad. (Leningrad Province-Botmay) Bonn with regard to the concept of genus, particular7 in the composite family. Bot.shur. 41 no,10:144-6-1458 0 156, (MLRA 10:1) 1., Botanichookly Institut imeni T.L. lomarova Akadevil nauk SSSR, Leningrad. (Compositas) (Botany--Classification) MWISOVA. G.A.; ZAKHAR31VICH. S.7..- IMICHUIXOTO M.A.; CHAGIN, A.As; HrMYRY. N.A.; XISHXIN' B.Ae Ldeceased ; MISMUUA, A.Te. [deceased]; HURAVITIVA, O.A.; SOI(OLOVSXAYA. A.P.; FIMOVSKAYA. Te.F.; SHISHKIN. B.N., prof.; PITROVICHUA, O.L., redl: YODOIAG.111A, S.D., [flora of lAningrad Province] flora Ionincradekoi oblasti. Ort. red 0-B,X.Shishkin. Cleningrad]. no.2: 1957. 240 P. (MIRA 11:3) 1. laningrad. Universitst. 2. Chlon-korrespondent Akadexii nauk R (for Shishkin) (Imningrad Province-Botany) BARANOT, PA*, otvststvsna~7 red.; SATICE, T,P-,, red,,; SHI BA9, red.; KntM,H=OTq,.MJe, red*; YAJrOVWA* TeXe, red. Isd-va; ARM. P.A., -ii red, -taid * (Problem of species in botarq] Probliza vida v botealks. Red. kolieitia: P.A. Baraw I dr, Mdakn, Izd-vo Akad. a&* SOM. Tol.l. 1958. 316 P. (MM 1129) 1. Alrud miya nauk SSM Botanichaskiy inatitut. 2. Chlan-karre - spondent Aked aii nank SSSR (for Baranov). (Botaiw-Massification) FEDCROV) A. A., Dr. biol. Sol.,!KWICEUMP M. E., Card. Biol. Sol, and AIRTYWHENRO., Z. T.) "Atlas to the Descriptive Morpbology of Higher Plante" for this work)tthe authors were avardoa the pr6ze imeni V. L. Komarov. BY Aced. ScI.1 Priroda, 1958, No. 2, 113-114 W7 xMPIr.", IKOVO N.J. --1. 1. regulating botanical teminology in the morphol of higher plants. Bot. shur. 43 no. 5:745-749 My 058. (HIU 11:7T 1. Botanicheskiy institut im. Y.L.Komarova Akademit nauk SSSR, Leningrad. (Botacy--Terminology) BORISOVA, A.G.: BOCKAYSIV. V.P.; VASILICHINIO, I.?.; OOUMKOTA. T.Y.: GORSHKDVA. S.G.: uRuBOT, T.J.; KIRPICHNIXOT, N.A.; SHDL'rAXIVDTA, L.A. - TA XAI CHUN, S.G.; TfiVILIT, N.A.; TSVIWOVA, L.I.; TUZJP- CIPJK, S.V.j SHIMMIN, B.1f., redatoma; BOBROT, Te.G., doktor biol.nauk, prof., red.: SHIRWYA, A.Y., [Compositael CoMmitas. Moskva, Izd.-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1959. 630 P.(Akadeniia nauk SSSR. Botanichoskii Institut. Flora SSSR. no.251' (MIRA 13:4) (compositae) KIUICMIIXOV, M.A. Two now m.Aweed species of the cycle Gnaphalium alginosim L. 3.L. Bot.mat.Gerb. 19:349-355 159. (MIR& 12s8) (Cudweed) KIRPICHNINDV, H.M. .-I.- --i,-1--, What to Hallchrysum lavandufollum ("lavandulaefoliumn) Auct.? Dot.mut.Gorb. 19:336-357 159o (HIPA 12s8) (Holichrym) KIRPICHNIKOT, M.N. r- Sergai Vasillevich IUsepchuk; biographical data and a brief analyvis Bot. shur, 44 no-7:1028-1040 JI 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1,Botanichookiy Institut ims V.L* lomarova AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Iusepohuk. Sergel Vasillevich, 1893-1959) KINPIOMrIKOV, N.A. Brief survey of specie* of the genera Gnaphalium Le (Amend.), Synchaeta lirp., and Omalothaea Cans. occurring in the U.S.S.R. Bot.mat.Garb. 2Os296-313 l6o, (KIR& 13:7) (Cudweed) A survey of specless of the geums Helichrysum Xill. corr. pars. occurring In the U.S.S.R. Bot.wat,Garbe 20:314-336 160. (KIRL 1317) (E~lichz7lum) AFAWIrEV$ K.S.; DWHAWSEVj V.P.1 VASILICHENKO,, I.T.; GOTSHKOVA, S.G.1 WIN -1:3RPICHNIX .. M.M.; KWICHNIKW,-W INORRING, O.E.; KUPRIXANOVA, L.A.; POM)IMVA9 M.U.; -PO=(Nt P3.1 FUUMOVAO A.I.; SMOLIWIXOVAp LoAq FEDOROV,, An*A,j TSVMKOVA., L.I.; TSVEM., N.H.1 SHISHKIN., B.K. KOMARCVp VA., akademik, glavmy red.; BOEROV, red.tomm; SHISi6j B4101 redoisdol SMIMOVA, A.V.s Ukbuored. [F.Iora of the U.S.S.R.) Ylora SSSR. Moskva, Isd-vo Akad.nauk SM 1961. 938 p. (Plora SSSR, vol. 26). (KOA 15z2) lo Chlon-korreepondent AN SM (for ShisWdn). (compositas) ICII FEDOROVy Alsksandr Aleksandrovich) KW-ICHNIKGVI Moisey 311yevicb ARMSHWOp Zinaida Trof BAILVIOV, WN-SL, R.A#j rekhn. red.1 SMOVA, A.V., tekbn, red. [Atlas on the descriptive morphology of higher plants; stem and root] Atlas po opiBatellnoi morfologii vyashikh ruatenii-S otebell i koren'. Pod obahchei red. P.A.Baranova. Moskva,, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSM9 1962. 349 P. (KIRA 15:7) 1e Chlon-korreepondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for'Baranov). (Botany-Morphology) ARTYUSHENKO, Zinaida Trofirovna; KIRPICIRIIKOV, M.E.9 otv. red. BELKIIIA, M.A.0 red. izd-Vi,-VI?IOGRADOVA, II.F., [Bulbaceous and cormatose plants for outdoor growing) Lu- kovichrqe i klubnelukovichrWe rasteniia dlia otk.-Itogo grunta. Moskvaq Izd-vo All SSSIIp 1963. 44 p. (MIRA 17: 1) (Bulbs) (Plant introduction) KIRPICIINIXOV, M.E. Study of the local sTe3len of the generr (lic irbil.A Wal'.r. and Caphaler- rYnchUs Boiss, Bot.mat.Gerb. 22002--iV 163. Two now spnIes of the genus Steptorhrtmphus bez, lbid.018-326 (MIRA 17t2) KIRPICHNIKOV, M.E, Transliteration system of geographical names by Latin letters (for botanical purposes). Bot. zhur. 50 no.1:82-85 A 165. WIRA 18:3) 1. Botanicheskiy institut Imeni. Komarova AN SSSR, Leningrad. IZBEDKV, D.V. 1.1ga X.E. Sergei lUllevich Lipshito, 1905- ; on his 60th birthday, Bot,zhur, 50 no.1031469-1480 0 165. (MIRA 18sl2) 1. Botanicheskiy institut imeni Komarovs. AN SSSR, laningrad. I BDRlSOVAq A.G.; VASWYFVj V,N,j VASILICIVIKO, I.T.; KIRPICH41KOVj M.E.1 VII. LFONOVA, T.G.; LIPSHITS, S.Yu.; TSVELEV, N.N.; CHEPJTANOV, S. .1 SHISHKIN, B.K. [dpc,,ss,-di; BOBROV, Ye.G.,, prof. doktor biol.naukq red. toma. [Cichorioldpan.] CichorloidPA'. MoskvA, Izd-vo flanka, 1964. 796 P. (F2orn SSSR, vol.29) (MIRA 18t2) KIRPICHNIKOV, O.B.; VOLIMAN, V.0. Use of a VICKhOM penetratometer for determininr soil density up to 60 cm. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. 31 no.l2tl8 D 161. (MIRA 15il) 1. Spetsiallnoye konstruktorzkoye byuro zavoda im. Oktyabr'skoy revolyutsii. (Soil mechanics) XOSKATOV. P. 1 71, 0, Go; BMW YN, As: KLLITSIV, B.; DONSKOT, Go: lAWMlff, Be; XOISXW# P.; SAKOrWY, Po; SHIMMY, I*; NAUGOLINOT* A.; PAPONOVI No; GCMWW# So; SWLI7VMCIY. Go; Gaumwo So IA.T. Remizov. Prof,-takh, abr, 15 no,4:3 of cover Ap 158. (Remizov, IAlmy Terentlevioh, do 1958) (XINA 110) KIRPICHNIKOVI P. Most important problems In the improvement of vocational and technical education in the Russian federation, Profe-tekboobro 17 no.2sl-5 If 160, (MINA 13W 1, Nachal'alk Glaynogo upravloniya professionallao-takhnicheskogo obrazovanlya pri $ovate Minintrov N.SM* (Technical education) KrRPictlNiKpV, P. C,.: rt..Ir:' r, in Wic now -.choocll ycar, 'rof L-,_r..,vlor-ya :-roi.' _CTAiim- rrl Sovct~_- '!ix-.'.otrov (Vocaticnal ctaicatlor) S/138/60/000/010/008/008 A051/AO29 AUTHORs UnLo~cv# ~P.A.. TITLE: Means for Improving the OrganizAtion of Synthetic Rubber Plants (A Discussioii) PERIODICALs Kauchuk i Rezina, 1960, No.10, PP 46-50 TEXT: The author lists a number of measures directed at improving the synthetic rubber industry and problems to be solved. In many synthetic rubber plants smaller shops have been amalgamatedq the number of laboratories and designing offices increased. These steps are regarded as initial ones leading to further moves in this connection. Major faults of the existing structure in plant administration are exaggerated subdivision of the lower worker units and inefficient employment of the huge force of technicians and engineers, Sometimes there are as many as 20 engineers and technicians to 100 workers in each plant. The author suggests reorganization of the synthetic rubber plants in the following mannert 1) Enlarging the existing plants to the extent of those producing a large variety of elastomers and other polymer materialsp since their production is based on similar methods. Fusion of the Yerevan' synthetic rubber plant with that of the "Polivinilatsetat" is recommended since the h ve their source of raw material in common, and also to affiliate the C:% U5 S/1301"0/000/010/008/008 A0517AO29 Means for Improving the Organization of Synthetic Rabber Plante (A Discussion) alcohol-manufacturing plant nearby to them. This would simplify administration problems. The production of polystyrene is suggested for the Voronezh synthetic rubber plant. 2) Enlarging the already existing shops in the plants to include complete technological cycles. As an example it is suggested combin- ing the alcohol, catalyst and contact shops into one. 3) Comining the work of the repair and mechanical shops into one, liberating the engineering and technical staff from these tasks. This would accelerate the modernization and automation of equipment and the production of new non-standard machinery directly in the plants- 4) Simplifying the quality check of semi-finished products and technological processes by allotting these functions to the machin- ists instead of laboratory workers. Eliminating the double work of raw materi- al checkers, already performed by suppliers. These measures would improve production and liberate space for research and designing. The author opposes the transfer' of research and experimental laboratories to the universities and their branches from the premises of the plants as being another link- forming cause between science and industry, instead they should have d1mct aooess to each other. It ii Fuggested called upon scientists from the various in- stitutes of the AS USSR located close to the plants for help in solving Card 2/5 3/138/60/000/010/008/008 A05l/AO29 Means for Improving the Organization of Synthetic 1hbber Plants (A Discussion) numerous technological problems. The need for large scientific research laboratories for solving greater problems is not renounced. For example, the question of the synthesis of ois-1,4-butadiene rubbert etbylene-proplylene rubber and rubbers for special use would be dealt with at the institutes, The administration of the plants should be in the hands of qualified chemists with experience in research and sufficient knowledge of the technology. This would facilitate the introduotioh of new techniques and slastomers, synthetic materi- als and new uses of the latter. The administration of the plant is recommended In the following mannert The main director is responsible for all the activity of the plant, the technical and commercial directors take over internal affairs, allowing the main director more time for the general development and improve- ment of the technical and economic achievement of the plant. The plant's institute (the main research laboratory) would be under direct supervision of the main director. A technological group in the research laboratory would be responsible for registering facts for organizing further scientific research. The plant's institute would also serve as a school for training personnel. The technical director would be responsible for operations through dispatchers and the heads of production would be responsible for introducing techniques. The Card 3/5 S/138/60/000/010/008/008 A051/AO29 Means for Improving the Organization of Synthetic Rubber Plants (A Discussion) technical checking department should answer for control of quality and introducing new applications for the products. The commercial director is responsible for all the financing and business administration of the plant, including supplies and advertizingg especially of now products. The heads of departments must insure fulfillment of production quotas and plans, the introduction of new techniques and carrying out of scientific research. Fig-2 represents a diagram of the production administration of an enlarged shop. Qualified personnel should be in charge of operations and resiaroh- engineers in charge of improving teohno- logy, chemical control of processes, etc. Regarding the designing of the plantg the head engineer should also be a research worker. It is further recommended that regional and project institutes be combined into scientific centers of chemical techniques. Finally it is pointed out that personnel in responsible positions without graduate qualifications should be given the opportunity to complete their studies. There are 2 diagrams# ASSOCIATIONt Kazanskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut im. S.M. Kirova (Kazan' Chemical Engineering Institute im. S.M. Kirov). Card 4/5 011381601000101010081008 A051/AO29 Means for Improving the Organization of Synthetic Rubber Plants (A Discussion) Figure 2: Head of Production /Candidate of Science, Re- I Shift I lRegistration Control-Analyti- tory Card 5/5 5/01 901/00ANIVOW01); KVICU AIWAIAS PUWWIOT, M. T., Tokar"S. L. a.. Temba'-vo. 0. M.. W~kr.". 2. X. ,.. KIrpl-medhow. F. A. MAI A MUNd for ofil ties ftbor-formins FMOMCALe ftullaten' Isabrotenly. me. 19. 1961. 40 TvTj Clam* 29b. %0. Pa. 1415A (6X59V2) of Few.&" 6. 1961). A ad for WIP4 filmir-formIng by pollemlone.-tion af md OV41ww glytol. dMININtahot by the f.9% tr.-, In -40, to Increase Ww revistan" at 11IM p4wr and fiber to hot%. air &M eater. U.9 polleandonsation is saMod ImA In the prosome of alkyl pmosphit" is ammawnts up to 0,1% of the volght at the used. C.ra &A XMPICHNIKOV, P.A.; KUZ'MINSKIYO A.S.; POPOVA, L.M.; SPIRIDONOVA) V.N. . .... Alkyl aryl eaters of pyrocatecholphosphorous acid,, now stabi3lsers of polymers, Report No.b Synthesis of alkyl aryl esters of pyrocateoholphosphorcua acid. Trudy KKHTI no.30347-51 162. (MM 16slo) KIRPICHNIKOVI P.A.; KRASILINIKOVA, Ye.A.; SARATOV, I.Ye. Some unsaturated asters of phosphorous acid. Trudy KKHTI no.30s 52-57 162. (KERA 16slo) KADYROVA, V.Kh.1 KIRPICHNIKOVp P.A.; TOKAREVAp L.G. Synthesis of organophomphorus stabilisera of polymers. Trudy KKHTI no.1008-62 162., (MIRA Milo) KIRPICHNIKOV, P.A.; KORNEY, I.V. Preparation of latexes by copolymerization of vinylidene chloride with butadiene and 2-methyl-5-vinylpyridine at low temperature,, and some of their properties. Trudy KKHTI no.30i174-177 162. (I-IMA 16slo) S/019/6Z/000/017/021/054 A154/A126 AUTHORS: Popova, Z.V., Yanovskiy, D.M., Kirpichnikov, P.A., Kapustina, A.S. TITLE: A method of stabilizing halide-containing high-molecular compounds PERIODICAL; Byulleten' izobreteniy, no. 17, 1962, 34 TEXT: Class 39b, 2206- No. 149877 (7469.40/23-4 of September 30, 1961). This method of stabilizing halide-containing high-molecular compounds uses epoxy compounds as stabilizer. The method is distinguished by the fact that, to im- prove the qualJty of the final product, epoxided esters of a phosphonic acid (e.g., 1.2-epoxy-2-propylophosphinic acid) or other mixtures of these esters with other types of stabilizers are used as stabilIzer. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 KMIEVA, NA,,l mriazaKov P.A.. FOOVIK9 A.K. Polyphosphites, Part 3: Interaction of pyrocatesholphoophorous chloroanlWdride with dioxy compounds. Zhw.ob.khim. 32 no.7s2193.- 2196 Jl 162. (KERk 15t7) lo Kazanskiy kbimil-o-tekbnologichookiy institut Imeni S.M.Kirova. (Phosphorous acid) (Pyrocateohol) (Diphosphites) TOKAREVA, L.G.; MIKHAYLOVp N.V.1 ROZOVAj X.N.1 KWICHNIKOVO ?.A. Lightfastnese of polypropylene and fiber based on it, Dim, volok. no.,343-25 162. (KM 16s2) 1. VmeaoTuznyy nouchno-issladovatellskil institut iskusstvew- nogo volokna. - (Propene) (Textile fibers, Synthatio) (Photochmistry) 39649 Biol/B180 i'XTHOAS: 'Mikhaylov, 11, V., Tokareva, L. G., 3uravchenko, K. K., Terckhova, Gx. U., Kirpichnikov, P. A. '211'LE: Stabilization of polyethylene terephthalate melts Vy!iokomolekulyarnyye oo~redineniya', v. 4, no. 5, 1962r iia6--iI92 ,"AT: I - In 'his fifth report on the ageing of synthetic fibers, the --ut."lors ntudied the'therinooxidative decomposition of polyethylene tereplithalate (PET) (initial intrinsic viscosity 'r-U" -- 0.245; after L reprecipitation 0.256) at 170 - 2200C (methods see Kolloidn ' zh.,. 16, 576, 1956) and their inhibition by esters of*phosphorous acid: 0 Results:_ 'Q Heating to 220 C in 11 ahows no change in When heated in air, decreased more slowly in PET with reprecipitation reiining than witE-out. It is therefore assumed that thermooxidative processes occur.-mith the formation of COH and.COOH groups abd destruction of the, ester bond. The PET fiber Lavaan behaved similarly: initial breakint Card 1/3 T