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K[RIVITo, GjtjoLqzy wid for f'n,ilne g,i.,i ar-A ni! in f"P EcohYez,12kiy -1 Lrotigh. Izv. All TnR. SSR. Str. khim.. i j:enl. rauk no.3:~9-73 k4 isti) 1. 9b"yo,J!nenivo DYULIGER, T.B,; KIRIYENKO, G.K.;,GITENSHTEYN, B.M. Testing the crown cork lining for boor bottling. Spirt.prom. 29 no-51 17-20 163o (MIRA 17:2) 1. Moldnvakiy nnuchno-isaledavatellakiy institut pishchevoy promyshlonnosti (for Dyullger, Kirlyanko). 2. Kishinevskiy pivovarennyy zavod (for Gitan- shtsyn). Our people look ahead. Okhr,truda i sots.strakh. no.2:27-33 No 159. (KI3A 12:4) 1, zamestitel, predesdatelya komissli po aotatalinoeq stre- khoT&niyu saykama profsoy=a lharOkovekogo zaToda. transport- nogo mashinostroyentya Iment Kalysheva. (Kharkov-Locomotive works) (Industrial hygiene) IIRIYMO, I. The trust was Justified. Mch.truds, I sote.strakh. no-1:30-32 Ja '6o. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Zamestitell predoodatelys. komissit sotelallnogo strakhovaniya. savkomn zavoda imoul Nalysheva, lharlkov. (MRDICIII, I]MUMAL) XlRITJlKO, I. true story. Okhr.truA& i sota.strakh- 3 no.2t46-47 160* (MIRA 13:6) 1. Zamestitall predloodatelya kamisaii sotalallnogo strakhoyanlya savkomm sayodA imeni Xalyabeva, g,Kharlkov. (Ingurance, Accident) KIRIYENKO., L Hav we eaved a million rubles. Okhr. truda i note. atz2kh. 3 no-9:36-38 S 160, (KIRL 14t4) 1. Zameatitell Predsedatelya komisaii sotsiallnogo strakhovaniya Kharlkovskogo savoda transportnogo mashinostoyaniya imeni Malyshava. ~Kharkov-Miachinery industry-Hygienic aspects) KMIYENKO. I. Th the name of the great objective. Okhr. truda i sots. strakh. 4 no. 10 : 7.43 0 161. (MIRA :14:12) 1. Zamestitelt predsedatelya komissii aot3lallnogo strakhovaniya zavkoma zavods. transportnogo mashinontroyeniya imen' Malysheva., Khartkov. (Khark,ov-41achinery industry- -Hygienic aspects) KIRIYENK09 I.; DEGTYAREV.. N. Readero conference by correopondencee Okhr.truda i nots.istrakho 4 no.121,~35 D 161. (MM 34331.) 1. Zamaistitell predsedatelya komisoii sotsiallnogo strakhovaniya kharikovokogo savoda tranaportnogo mashinostroyeniya imeni Kalysheva (for Kiriyenko), 2, Nachallnik proisvodstva Luchinskago cherepichno- kirpichno o savqda,, Odesokaya obl,,, Razdeltnyanakiy ray= (for Degtyarev-1. (Inourancem Social-Periodicals) KIRIYENKO, I. (KharIkov) I Mutual control in operation. Okhr. truda i sots. strakh. 6 no.8t 22 Ag 163. (MIRA 16ilo) 1. Neshtatnyy korrespondent zhurnala "Okhrana truda i sotsiallnoye strakhovaniye". At KIRIYENKO, I. Us., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Irrigation of lands under afforestation." Groznyy, Chechen-Ingush 8ook 1 1957- 20 pp (Min Agr USSRO Novocherkassk Engineering-Melioration Inst), 110 copies (KL, 1-58, 118) - 53 - S/183/62/000/005/002/002 BlOIJB186 101THORS: Xharitonov, V. M., Lebedeva, A. I., Kharitonova, 0. N., Toropova, Ye. G.t TITLE- Production of Adimin fiber PERIODICAL: Khimicheakiyervoloknog no- 5t 19621-47 - 49 TEXT: Experiments made in 1955 - 57 to imftate the Western Trelon fiber had failed. The present paper gives results of experiments started In 1961 to produce a fiber, "Adimin", from hexamethylene diammonium adipate (AH salt) and E-caprolactam in the ratio-of 90 : 10, Those experiments were made with an apparatus used for producing caprone fiber. The process consists in; dissolution of the two monomeral filtration of the solution; polyamide formation '; extruding of the polyamide into bands -and crumbling of the bands; drying of the polyamide and spinning; further processing of the fiber in the textile plant. Since Adimin contains only 1.5-2% low-molecular compounds there was no need to wash out the crumbled polyamile. The molecular weight of polyamide was found to drop with * increasinq content of stabilizer (adipic acid): the MW was 239500-249000 'With 0.45~6 adipio acid, and 18,700-18#800 with 0.85% adipic acid. An MW Card 172 S/lo3j62/090/005/002/002 Production of Adimin fiber.,.'. B101/BI86 of 18,600-20,000 is recommended for producing hosiery. Adimin is more heat-revistant than caprone, its MW remained unchanged when heated to- 280oC for I hr. Spinning of Adimin was performed with rr-700-3 (PP-700-1) spinning machines rate of fiber formation 700 M/mint polyamide ' 0 temperature 270-271 C, drawing 1 : 3.3. The fiber showed 35-37 km breaking length and 36-3(rit elongation. As compared with caprone, Adimin has higher shrinkage and lower stiffness: data for fixed twisted fiber 0 with 200 windings per meter: shrinkage in H 0 at 100 CO ;.I% (caprone 6.A atifiness measured with Pavlov's pendulum a~paratue, 103 (caprone 143)- The fiber is easily worked into hosiery. There are 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: VIIIISV (Y. Us Kharitonov, A. Is Lebedeva) Klinskiy kombinat Win Combine) (Go No Kharitonovaq Yes Go Toropova, Is B. Kiriyenko) SUBMITTED: May 3j 1962 Card 2/2 KHMITONOV, V.M.; IMIEVA, D.I.; KIRIXENKO, I.B. Preparation of "adimine" 162. KWITONOVA, G.N.; TCROPOVA, Ye.G.,' fibers- Khim.volok. no.5:47-49 (MIRA 15:11) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-inaledovatel'skiy institut oteklyanogo volokna, (for Kharitonov, Lebedeva). 2. K11 kiY kombinat iskusstvennogo i sinteticbeskogo volokna (for Kharitonova, Toropovag Kiriyenko). (Textile fibero, Synthetic) (Polyamides) .2p Yl KIE R NIB ROME "KL the ;,p- TA *me, six.., p4musti" Wg ties PR Nu ic ma t KIRITSKO, Ivan Fedorovich; KKDVMWA, L.T., red.; SHADUKA, N.Deq a-. (Guarding the health of workers] Ka strazhe sdoroylia rabochikh. Moskva, Izd-ve VTaWS Profizdat, 1959. 58 p. (MIU 13: 1) (INWSTRIAL HYGIENE) GRINOVICH, Ztr Stepanovich, dotsent, kand.takhn.neuk; DOMBROVSKIT. N.G., prof., doktor takhnonauk, obahchly red.; 2X*WSKIT, I.I., prov., doktor takhn.nauk, reteensent;JEWT-A)WO, I.I., retsen- zent; SHIMIN, B.M., inzh., reteenzent; BILIKOV, M.P., doteent. kand.takhn.nauk, nauchnyy red.: KROHOSHCH, I.L., Insh., red. isd-val ILIKINA, A.M., tekhn.rad.: $=SIVA, L.R., (Building machinery] StroitelInye mashiny. Pod obahchei red. N.G.Dombrovskogo. Moskva, GosA%d-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.mnterialam, 1958. 495 P. (MIRA 13il) 1. Umestitell glavnogo makhanilca Kuybyahevgidrostroya (for Kiriyenko). (Building machinery) (HUNMICH, Fetr Stepanovich. dotsont, kand.takha.nauk; DWROTS11Y, X.O., prof* , doktor t6khn.nauk, obshchly re4o; MMIOT. K,?., dotsent, kand,tekhn,uauk, nsuchAyy redo; 33WMOSHCH, I.L., insh., re4olid-va; ZNAKUSKIT, I.I.,,prof.,doktor takhn.nauk, retsensent; ARt=O, It&,-jamestitell glaynogo makhanikAt retsenzent; GNMIN, B.Mo, insh., rateensent; BLIKIRA, B.No,; SOLITSIVA, LA.., EBuilding machinery] Stroltellnys mashtny. Pod red. N.G.Dombrovskoco. Moskva, Gosoisd-vo lit-ry po stroit,t arkhit.1 stroit.matertalam, 1958o 495 p. (KIRA 120) 1. XuAysbautdrostroy (for liriyanko). (Building machinery) KIRIYENKOO I. P. Cand. Biolog. Sci. Dissertation: "Investigation of the Reproduction of Anchovy In the Sea of Azov." Moscow City Pedagogical Inst imeni V.P. Potemkin, 171 Nov 47. SO: Vechernyaya Moak , Nov, 1947 (Project #17836) KIRIMiKOP M. V. PA 63/49776 Medicine Potatoes OA Potato auxed a mashroom, H. V. ~.Prlrow No 1A ftu~ 19480' harvesting potatoes from the Iliordens ,of the Pol"sk dci Res Sta. -for Agr, rhi o., the Aftillaria Melle& o f Von fo=d on tm Ubers a- 'It, in 1nteresting that they occ=Ted not Ii2 Pla6eB near tree -StUnPOO their natural habl- V_t, but -even l.5!km7*wV.fztm.voode. Thisishove' tUt pot~ato fields wast be carefully cleaned im of brushvooO o&Ua - Wk.': Pluted with ailed cultures AM6 KIRITIMO, N. Regulate wages an collective farm@. Top.skon. no.3:142-144 Mr '59. (MIRA 12:5) (Collective farms--Production standards) AID P - 966 Subject USSR/Aeronautics Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 10/21 Author Kirlyenko, N., Guards Major of the Technical Service Title Coordinating the work of aviation specialists Periodical Vest. vozd. flota, 12, 56-6o, D 1954 Abstract This article is based on the author's experience In or- ganizing the viork of aviation specialists in the field of technical maintenance of aircraft. The author cites a number of examples of maintenance procedure, and mentions names of officern-in-charge. Institution : None Submitted : No date KIRIYEMKO, 'I. AID - P-248 Subject iiSSR/Aeronautics Card 1/1 Author Kiriyenko, N., Major of the Technical Service of the Guard Title : Sleave Towing in Aerial Gunnery 37 Periodical : Vest. vozd. flota,A 6, 48-50, Je 1954 Abstract : The author considers special features of sleave towing by jet aircraft. Diagrams and photos. Institution : None Submitted No date AID P - 4650 Subject USSR/Aeronautics - maintenance Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 16/26 Author : Kiriyenko, N. I., Maj. of tech. service Title : Special requirements for suspension of unified containers Periodical : Vest. vozd. flota,JA5, 73-74, MY 1956 Abstract : Description of how additional fuel containers should be properly suspended on the wings of aircraft. Institution : None Submitted : No date AID P - 5496 Subject USSR/AeronauticB Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 13/26 Author : Kiriyenko, N, I., Major and Sandulov, V. N., Sen. Techniclarr-L-T7- Title : Specialists of aircraft armament narrate... Periodical : Vest. vozd. flota, 3, 66-67, Mr 1957 Abstract Under this title two short articles appear. The first article describes how the fire adjustment of aircraft cannons is carried out at night on the firing range. The second article deals with the failures of friction brakes of tow winches. Institution t None Submitted : No date SOV/'86-58-10-25/40 AUTHOR: KiriyenkoL_k,_~_.. Maj of Tech Service TITLE: Group Supervisor of Routine Maintenance Work (Machall- nik gruppy reglamentnykh rabot) PERIODICAL; Vestnik vozdushnogo flota, 1958, Nr 10,pp 56 and 57 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This article describes briefly how well the mainte- nance work is-organized in the group supervised by Sen Tec* Lt A.P. Polyakov. One photo. Card 1/1 XACHUR, M.B.; XIRIYENKO) N-M- Healthy persons as carriers of Shigella. dysenterias. Zhur. mikro- biol.; epid. i immn. 41 no.6tl32 Ja 164. (MIRA 3.8:1) ZATONCHWTSXIT. A,D.; MM V. M.1h.,- I Y - AMAWYA. T.T.; . - Ta.AN11fi., ..A.; GUZZIMIX, N,B,; SMOMLING, B.M.; q I TEDT, F,T. Artificial leather for the uppers of open summer footve&r. Leg. prom.,16 no.lt20-23 Ja 036, Oa-RA 9: 6) (ShOO iuduBtrY) (Leather. Artificial) ZATONCMVSKITO A.D.; MMRTM, x.zh.; KIRITINKOt N.V,,; TAW, Ta.x. Artifidal leather made with an IX fibrous base for shoo welts, Issho-obuvo proms no*5:2o-24 my 159., (RIPA 12:6) (Leather, Artificial) (Shoe manufacture) ZAYONCHKOY=IY, A.D*; ALVXUTWO, V.I.; BMSHTXYN. H.Kh.; TABKO. YO.M.;'XIRILMO, N.Y. Use of polyethylene in manufacturing artificial leather. Kozb-- obuy,prvm, 2 no.7:14-18 J1 160. (XIRA 13:8) (Leather, Artificial) (Polyethylene) KORMUSHKIN, K.A.; ZHONCHKOVSKIY, A.D.1 ALEESSYMO, V.I.; EERNSHTEM, M.Kh.; YABKO, ra.M.; KITAYEV, L.P.; YELPID12i, N.Y.; IPMNKO No , - - #, 111A? " Use of low-pressure polyethylene for the manufacture of sole partso Kozh. otuv. promo 5 no.7:26-29 J1 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Booto and shoes, Rubber) PEMOVSKAYA, A.N.; VOLOVIKOVSKATA, Ye.P.; VOLCDCHENKOVA, A.I.; MOCHAIMA, Ye.M.; YJRIVMCVA Detailed cor lation of cross sections of the mineralogical complex of the clay part of rocks. Nauch.-takh, sbor po dob. nefti no.13:31-03 161. (Kin 16:7) 1. Voesoyuznyy noftegazovyy nauchno-isaledovateliski]r institut. (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Clay-Analysis) TISHKOT, Petr Alekseyevich; IMOBOV, Anatolly Mikhaylovich: ZIRITMO,O., redaktor; VUM,W., tokhnichaskly rodaktor [Use of now typos of mine supports) PrImenents novykh vidov kropl. Kiev, Goo.lid-vo tokhn. lit-ry USSR, 1955. 36 P. (MM 9:2) (Mine timbering) -P V SKWNSKIT, V. KIRITIM, 0.. rodaktor; VUIJL, M., tokhnichookly redaktor. - Wmvqow~ coz ~-s 0Y. (Builder's calendar for 1955] Kalesdarl stroitelim, n& 1955 d Kiev, Gos.Igd-vo tekhn,jIt-ry USSR, 1955. 191 p, (MLHA 8:8f (Conitructi**'Industry--Handbooks, manuals, etc.) IIRIYIM, P.I. Blimizato lagging* Log~PTomo 17 no*4t3l-32 iv 157o (MIRA 1014) 1. Glavayy tokhmolog Takhalchookogo upravlonlya Hisisteretva log- koy promyshlonnosti SSSR# (Russia-Assufacturos) 6 /- q / x,,,rv /~ C-~ T?,s XAXL:llfOV Dmitrly Oeorgiyovich 921"H[Ol P.S.,,_ polkovaik, red.; ;0WHOUIr, R.L., takha,red-O - --' [courso of slactrio engineering] lCure slaktrotakhntki, Isd. 3-s, parer. Noskvs. Voen. tad-vo H-va obor. SSSR, 1958. 7B6 p. (miRA ,u,5) (Ilsotric engineering) ? GINTSBUltGo A.K.; LCKTINj V.A.; RMUOTEXIT, S.L.; ROZOVSKIT, B.G.; SMYUTIN' R.I.; TR OT'p A.A.; MI 0, P.S., red.; XCUO- TALOYA, Ye,l,, tekhn.rede [Maintenance service for radio stations] Remont radiostantaii. Moskva, Toon.izd-vo 9-ya obor.SWRq 1959. 327 P. Oulu 13t3) (Radio-Transmitters and transmission) GOWSOV,-T."'(Holosov, V.I. nnuchnyy rabotnik; KIRIMIZO, __ S. Exrrilenko, Sj nauchnyy rabotnik; DONASHMO, I. Assembly-line construction of livestock buildings using precast elements. Sill.bud. 10 uo.6:6-9 Je 160. (MRA 13:6) 1. Akademira strottelletya I arkhltsktury USSR (Gologov. Kirlyanto). 2. Predsedatell Gulyay-Pollskoy mazhkolkhosnoy stroitallnoy % , organizateft Zaporoshokoy oblasti (for Domashenko). (Zaporoshlys Province--Farm buildings) 11~ BUrLBROYSKIY, M.; CAMSHIU, Toole; KIRIINTAM, B.S. Improvement In adaline production, Kedeprome uo*4:19-20 O-D 155. (KLU 9:12) 1e Kiyevskly khimiko-famatseytiabookiy sayod Imeni Lomonosoys (URU, derivatives carbrmal. prop. improvement) KIRIYENK 11-2-.--. Improving the production of iBaphenin. Mad. prom. 15 no. 4:57 _Ap, 16LIo (KMA 14:4) 1. KbJmJ o-farmatseytichookiy zavod imeni M.V. Lomonosova, (ISAPHENIN) VISHNEVSKAYA, G.I.; KHASKINO I.G,; BUTLEROVSKIY, M.A.; YAGUPOLISKIY, L.M.; LITVINCHUK, O.D.; YAKOVLEVA, V.Ya.; GORBUMOVA, A.D.; KIRIYENKO, S.S. Preparation of syntcmycin by diohloroacetylation of l,p-nitrophanyl-2-aminoothanol. Ukr. khim.zhur. 29 no.9:947-950 163. (KW VtO 1. Institut organioheakoy khimii AN UkrSSR. Y'e /Y /'V Oj -77 SOVi 137-58-8-16652 Transl.Wun froin: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, NA,. Nr 1~3. 11 50(USSR) AUT FTO R: Kiriyenka, T.F. TITLE: Rationalization and Standardization of Cobalt *'ydro-metallury Processes, and Measures to Reduce Consur:-,,-.t;oa -if Chemicals in Hydrometallurgy Departments (Rats ionali,-a ..-s i ya i tipi- zatsiya protsessov gidrometallurgii kobal'ta I vnero'3riyatiya po soltrashcheniyu raskhoda khimikatov v ,idru~s~)-:ialzh) PERIODICAf,: Materialy Soveshchaniya po vopr. intensifik. -1 usoversh. dobychi i tekhnol. pererabotki medno-nikclc%,ykh i nikclcvylzli rud. 1956 g. Moscow. Profizdat, 1957. pp 203-210 ABSTRACT: An examination is made of the experience of certain estab- lishments and of the results of industrial investi-ations of a series of processes. Rationalization and unification of the pro- cesses should, it is recommended, be conducted alon- the lines of. (a) converting all the Co into matte at Ni anodes and produc- tion of enriched Co concentrates at plants treating Cu-Ni ores; b) introduction of continuous counter-Curren'. processes at lar7,e establishments. It is recommended that a standard Co Card 1/2 production enterprise be established based on the hypochlorite SOV/ 137-58-8-16652 Rationalization and Standardization of Cobalt Hydrornctallur--y (cont.) method of producing the metal. A listing is made of the processes that it is t suggested be introduced at all plants now in operation, and also of those sub- ject to industrial testing. L. P. 1. Coball,-Production 2. CobalL oreo--Procc--,;in., 3. Cherdculr--Con3umption 4. IndusLrial plants--Perfor.,.iance Card 2/2 VESEIDVSKIY, N.V.; KIRIYENKOp T.N. Hydrochemical chart of surface waters of the and section of the trana-Volga region* Gidrokhimamats 34:19-31 161. (MIRA, 1512) 1. Gidrokhimichaskiy institut AN SSSR, Novocherkas3k. (Volga Valley-Water-Composition) - EMIYEHM 9 V.A. Consolidating soil and gravel materials by ehale cinders. ATt. dor. 24 no.2tlO-ll F161. (KIRA 1493) (Road materials) M*Ip.; KnIMXO# V.F.; M. D.N. Effedt-o-ff-ioring and blasting operations on the stability of the edges of strip mines. Gor. %bur. no. 12:12-16 D 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1, Noril'Wdy gomo-mtanurgichookiy kombinat (for Pevzner,, Kiriyanko). 2. Uralle3dy MW Vmesoymnogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo marksheyderskogo inatituta,, Sverdlovsk (for Kim). Boring) Blasting) Strip minin ~ VARVAKS POH.J MMMr-~[XyryienkD, V.I.); CHMNOVSKIY, V.G. [,Chudnovs'kyiO'V.H.j "Designate handbook for calculations and theory* edited by Professor A.A.Umanakiis Reviewed by P*M.VwTak, Y.I.Xymnko, V.G.Chudnovalkyl. Frykl.mekba 8 no.,2:228-230 162. NUM 150) (structures, Theory'of) (Munakil, A,A*) S/182/62/000/009/003/004 D04O/Dll3 AUTHORt Kiriyenko, V..I. TITLE': Stamping thin steel bottoms on a single-action hydraulic press PERIODICAL: Xuznechno-shtampovochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 9, 1962, 41-42 TEXT: A die set and cold progressive stamping process are described by which 940 mm. diam spherical vessel bottoms of 2 mm thick AialiqT (Khl6NqT) stainless sheet steel are obtained without any wrinkles or bulges and with- out heat-treatment after stamping. The method is used at the Tikhoretskiy mashinostroitellnyy zavod "Krasnyy molot" (Tikhoretsk "Krasnyy molot" Machine-Building Plant) on a 600-t single-action hydratilic press. Bottoms with a 720 mm main bend radius and a 208 mm bend radius at the short straight wall portion are stamped from 1260 mm diam blanks. The die set is' illustrated and the stamping process described in detail. Recommendations,.' are included concerning the diameter of blanks with a surplus nec6saary for clamping-in the die set, the radii on the punch and die, work clearances and lubricant. The method is recommended for use in stamping thin bottoms from ferrous and nonferrous metals. There are 3 figures. Card 3/1 VARVAK p.M. I jjaLUW4,-Vj.; CHUDMOVSKIYO V.0. I KRYWVO V.F.; NUUDEp Z.I.; 171MY"p V.A.; IVANCOVA-DYATLOV, A.Lj--XWOV, M.; ASUMD7, A.Te.; BERDICHEVSKIYt N.M.j IZAKSON S I.. FOZL-MP,--~YY.; KOLES14ITf.,, KAI KUYDICHj $,A.; SVERDLOV, A.I.; SiMh, Yu,A.' S29YNFAM,-~LIG; 8OLOTINf..-j-,Y,-; OOLIDENBLATj LI. Book reviews and Libliography. Stroi. makh. i rasch. soor. 3 no.6:46-50 161. (HIRA 15W (Bibliography-Structures, Theory of) KMYENKOj V.I. Die-stamping of thin,-vaUsd stool bottcou on single-action hydraulic presses. Kus.-shtan. proizv. 1. no.9s" S #62. (Sheet-4atalIvork) (Hydraulic presses) watA l5t9) 25(l) PEM I BOOK EXPWITATION SOV/3207 Kiriyeako, Yevgeniy Grigorlyevi h, Vladimir Iosifovich Iutsykv and Georgiy -KV-pub-tin- 6VI b h -Piislarasai Tac Kholodnaya shtampovka (Cold Stamping) Moscow,, Mashgiz, 1959- 167 P- Errata slip inserted. 20,000 copies printed. Reviewer: M.Ya. Levitakiy, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Ed.; A.V. Sivay, Docent; Chief Ed. (Southern Divioionp MashgIz); V.K. Serdyuk, Engineer. PLMPOSE.* This textbook is intended for individual and group training of press operators for cold-stamping operations. It may also be useful to skilled press operators. COVERALZ: The book deals with the following topics: 1:4sic 1roblems of production organization in cold-stamping shopsj fits and tolerances inspection and measuring instruments; cold-stamping processes and equipient; and the mechaniz- ation and automation of cold-stuTing operations. Also 0.1scussed are reading of drawings., problems of labor organizationp time-stadArd setting, wages, and safet;r engin ering. No personalities are mentiowd. There are 20 ref- erences, all Soviet. TABIZ OF CONTENTS: Card 1/3 Cold Stamping Introduction 1. Organization of the WoTking Area for the Press Operator 2. Brief Information on Metals and Auxiliary Materials Pleading Drawings 4. Fits and Tolerances 5. Inspection and Measuring Instruments 6. Stamping Operations 7. Die Sets and Attachments 8. Equipment 9. Automtion of Stamping Operations 10. Inspection of Stamped Parts. Rejects in Stamping SOV/3207 3 8 15 26 37 42 51 67 88 100 141 Card 2/3 . Cold Stamping SOV/3207 . 11. safety Engineering, Production Sanitation, and Fire Prevention Meamtres 146 12. General Informtion on TAbor Organization.. Time-stendard Setting, and Wages 155 Bibliography 167 AVAnABIZ: Library of Congress (TJ1255-E5) VK/fla Card 3/3 4-8-60 YUFA, Engel' Pavlovich., inzh.;_~~=#, le.G., kand. tekbn. nauk, retsenzent; KUYETS, V.I., inzh., red.izd-va; ROMI, T.I., tekhn. red. (Manufacture of metalworking tools at a rachinery plant; economical organization and plwming] Instrumentallnoe proizvodetvo mashinostroitellnogo zavoda; okonomika, orga- nizatsiia i planirovanies Kiev) Gostekhizdat U=R, 1963. 225 P- (Machinery induatry-INanhgement) (HIRA 171l) (Motal-cutting tools) (MotalworkinG machinery) KIRIYUKOV,.N.N.; SIMOV, A.S.; ZM=NOVA, T.V. 1%W Machine for wrapping candles-of the.Trufej type. Xhleb. I kond prom, 1 no.5125 Xy (MM iotO (Fac'JcMilng machinery) '' (Confectionery -Ilquipment and supplies) KIRIYIMVj.,W.,; KURDYUKOV. A.S.: GOIDVAMV. A.I. Iarge laboratory-site model equipment for the continuous coking of coals at the 'ustitute of Mineral Ful c' the Academy of sciences o.' the U.S.S.R. Trudy IGI 10:45-50 159. (Coke) (Isboratories-Apparatum and supplies) (KRA 12:12) KIRIYEVKCYV, V.I. Seleotion of maohines (presses) for the produotion of molded goods from heated coal mass@ Trudy IGI 12:82-93 161. (MIRA 14:3) (Coal-Carbonization) (Molding machines) S/081/61/000/020/081/089 B',10/B147 AUTHOR: TITLE: Choice of machines (presses) for the manufacture of molded products from heated coal mass PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 20, 1961, 399, abstract 20H39 (Tr. in-ta goryuchikh iekopayemykh AN SSSR, v. 12, 19611 82-93) TEXT: Several schemes of machines for molding coal in plastic state are considered: a "two-stage nozzle roller press", a three-stage roller press with cutting rolls, a unit consisting of a reciprocating ramming machine, a roller conveyer, and a roll system comprising also molding rolls; a coal molding machine including a screw press wizh nozzle and rollers for rolling plastic bands and volding products from theml a multiscrew band press with molding rolls. The basic diffprence between briquetting and plastic molding of coals is pointed out, lAbstracter's note: Complete translation-I Card 1/1 RODIONOVA. K.F.; STAROVOYTOVA, A.?.; KIRM,10COVA, N.Y. ~ Goochonintr,7. of Kqkop, KhFdu..-n, and fornniniforal sedinentr in StRvropol Territory. Trudy VNII ro.14:118-14 1511. (I'M IIN7) (Stavropol Territory- Sediments (Geolo,-,)) RODIOPOVA, MAKAROCHKIIU, K.M.; EMSHIVA, Z.B. Characteristics of the organic matter in the Devonian producing formation penetrated by the 44 vell in the Shkapovo field; geocbszical studies of mute formations. Trudy VMI no.20:125-161 159. (MU 12:10) (ShIm'Povo region (BRahkiria)--Organic matter)) RODIONOU, K.F.; STAROVOTTOTA, A.Y.; rrRTT10MQYL,-N-T-; XAMOCHIMA, K.K.; Prinimall uchastlys: KOTOSEWA--, Z.S.; MOCHALOTA, Te.K. Characteristics of the organic substance in Jivet sediments of the Pavlovskaya, Tashliyar, and AIrtash areas In the Romashkino field. Trudy MI no-23.#161-204 160. (MIRA 13111) (Romashkino rogion-Sediments (Geology)) (Organic matter) /.' ; , 4", VS/~' / - I / /\ - IT, A.I., , f'=W4144~~ Uperience In using obesically hardening mold and core sWures based-on water gliass, Stroi*.I.dor. maeblaostr. 2 no.6.-34-36 je 157.. (HISA 100) (Nolding (Founding)) (Soluble glaer) (Band, Foundr7) KIRIYBVSKIY. V.D.. lush.; " 11'', Ye.M., insh. - - - a . t a h I 3jew.jannniques used In casting Aprooket wheelP without afterM a In of tooth, Strol. I dor.wAMhlmostr. I no.3:2&10 Mr 158. WRA llt3l (Gearing) (Metal 4astings) I- KIRIUVSKIY. V.D.Ansh.; LEBXDBV# TO.M., insh. Mechanizing the feed of water glass. Strol. i dor. mashinostr. 3 no. 7:28 Jl 158. (MIRA 11:8) (Soluble glass) - KIRITUSKIT, V.D.. Insh.; SINITINER. -------- Tu.BO, insh, Developing now founding techniques. Stroi.l. d6r.mashinostr. 3 no.12: 25-26 D 158. (MIRA lltl2) (Founding) EMI-nffBKIYg TeDep inshel MgMg Yo*K,, insh, Molding in quicb-drying moldse Strot. i dor. mathinostr, 4 no-3:32-33 Mr 159. (MIRA 12:4) (Molding (]founding)) KIRIMP S,Se; HISKIDZHIUPP S.P. Physiocochemical, analysis of conductive nonaqueous systems and mechanism of the electrolytic dissociation of the compounds formed in t4sm. Part 3: The a yetems allyl mustakd oil - diethylamine and anyl wastard oil - triethylamine. jzY.Vv.uaheb.zav.j khim.i khintakh. 3 no.WO02-1007 160. (KVU 104) le Ltvovokiy medittainakly Institut, kafedra biologichookoy Irbi-419 (Notard oils) (Dietbylazine) (Triethylanins) 43002-66 RO NRv SOURCE CODE: BU/0011 /65/018/009/0949/0851 AUTIJOR: Mollov, N-1 Dutschewska, H.j 11.1 uskjulev, B.j Georgiev, V.0 Jordanov, D ; Panov, . - $/_ ORG: Institute of Organic Chemistr7, BAN Institute of Botany, BAN TITIEs Alkaloids~of a form of thalictrum, minus L. commonly found in Bulgaria SOURCE: Bulgarska, akademiya na naukite. Doklady, v. 18, no. 90 1965, 849-851 TOPIC TAGS1 playt chemistry; alkaloidl IR spectrum# chromatography ABSTRACT: This article describes the first alkalo"Id-46nbiW investigation or the Thallotrus minus L* plant commonly found In Bulprise 1~s leaves resemble those or Tholictrum simplexe The article describes In Tdqails the experimental procedures, In particular the Isolation or 11 4 40 and Berberine thylthalmethin (0jPjffh2 It 'Thal me thin (05613606H20200 arecteriatke festur elverious, inrrared spectra are also rivene Alkaloids were proven by thin-lapr chicimatographic procedur'e-it7lorige German] CJPRS: 34s9031 SUB CODEt 06 / SUB14DATE1 rAJun65 HLP MIA 0 -,FIR 1, ~ KIRJNIT, D.A. [Kirzhnits, D.A.] Statistical theory of multiparticle systems. Analele mat 16 no-4: 155-204 O-D 162. KIM j A. I HASTLq I. -------- A contribution to the biometrys occurrence, and growth of young huchens from the waters and from artificial culture in the first year of their life, p, hl BIOLOGICKE PRACE9 MATISLAVAj CZECHOSLOVAKU, Vol. 5. No. 4. 1959. Month3,v List of East European Accessions, (EEAI) IZ, Vol. 8,, No. 10., Oct. 1959. Uncl. KIRKA, Anton Brain struAturein the Danube representatives of and the role of brain study in the taxonomy and Zool. abur,- 42 no.3s4OO-4(Y7 163, Perciforwa ecology of fisheas (mrn 17 t i) 1. Laboratory of Fishery, Bratislava. - KIIRK& I S. I. Ways of improving the use of equipment and inlwtrial promises in machinery manufacture and metalworking in the Moldavian S.S.R. - Izv. AN Mold. SSR no.8:30-45 161. Concentration of the founding industry In Moldavia. Izv. AN Mold. SSR no.8:54-63 (MIFLA 17:6) KIRKA, S.I. Speoialization of the maobi building industry in Moldavia. Isve AN Moldo SSR no,.2tl3-23 162. (MIRA l5il2) (Moldavi"ehinery industry) KlWrA(;-iq $-F,j Gand Fecti t;ci -- (diss) ll.;tl,;(iy of tne centrif!i,7.--;l %--jl--. ~ t , 22~, fIlLed with flne , . I Kh I V I Vov, 14~i,I j 13 P-) (min of Hii-mc- gl~lcation !RSSR. Fharkov Polytechnic A In.;t, im 11.1. Lenin) 1 10 (?1" lo") - 10 ~~l - GONSXjy, G.V., kand.tqkhn.njLuk; KIRKkCH, N.F., kaM.takhn.nauk k Shot M-led i9afety clutches of the starter for conveying unit drives. Upll Mr. 6 no.2011-36 7 162. (MIRA 15:2) (Conveying machinery) DIYACHENKO, Stepan Kusimich, kand. takhn.nauk;-X-IRKACH, Nikolay I Fed2mxLg-hj kand. takhn.nauk; YEsiPENxo,-Ya-.r.-,-zw-.-tskhn nauk, retsensent; KUDRYAVTSEV, G.P., red. izd-va; VASILENKOO M.A., red,izd-va; MATUSEVICHp S.M.p tekhn. red. (Safety clutaheal Prodokhranitelfnys mufty. Kiev, Oostakh- izdat USSR, 1962. 119 p. (KIRA 160) (Clutches (Machinery)) MWACHj Ye.A.1 RASAV$KIY#,A,Fe Specialization of the production of faStenings in enterprises of the Donato Economic Counoil.,Mashlaostroitill no.614l Ja 165. (KRA 18M KPIRAIVIA, 1, "Bo,iy weiq'r* ani tht levtl of, choles'~,rol in tl~e blood strum." PESK03LOIF"NSKI, FYSICIMIZ, Praba, C7,!-cho!))ovftkIt., Vol. 7, no. /,, Jl.,ly 1951 Monthly M,-it or Emst Europe Acces3tcri (EEAI), V'P '~oi. ~, ','.o. 6, -ept 59 Unclas MAKEYENKO, M.M., doktol ekonomichesk1kh naukj KIRKE S.I., kand. ekono- micbeekikh nauk; KOVAJZNKO, A,U.p inir Development of the machinery industry in the Moldavian S.S.R. Vast. masbinostr. 45 no.6.-81-82 je 165. (MIR,A 18t6) .4 .. .. 1. .. .. . . OARM, A. t.1 B=1CVA, V. P.1 W-20MAJI, ANTIBIOTICS Use of albomycin in pnetmonia in young children. Novosti med. no. 23, 1951. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December -1954 Uncl, 2 KIMNE~H, A. 1~. Dissertation: "Characteristics of the Course of Pneumonia in Yowng Children SufferinZ From Hickets.11 Cand Ved ')ci, Central Inst for the Adwinced Training of P~ysiclan3, 1 Jun 54. Vechernyaya '.:oskva, Moscow, 21 'MaY 54. .30: 2,'-"4, 26 Nlov 1954 USSR / Pharmacology, Toxicology6 Chemotherapeutic V Preparations, Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., go 91 1958, 424851 Author S )(Irkevich, A, M. Inst ;-Not Glvarr,%%~- Title t The Use of Tetracycline in Children of Early Age Suffering -from the Lobar Pneumonia, Orig Pub: Pediatriya, 1957, No 9, 73-77. Abstract: Tetraoyollne (I) was used in the treatment of acute lobar pneumonia in 100 children aged 1 year or less, I was administered internally In doses of 30-50 mg/kg/24 hours, in 4 divided doses. The course of therapy lasted 7-12 days, 8 days on the average, Treatment with I, along with the usual complex therapy, resulted in rapid normalization of the temperature, disappearance of toxicosis, Card 1/2 KIPKEVICH, G.A.; SMIEUKO, A.I. Making upe of experlenre abroad In the of gas reservoirB in the Ukraine. Neft. I gaz. prom. no.2:6~-68 AP-Je 163. 17:11) ~ir tl-p nd i,ura't ge% ",tltnt oystam in the (m7Rk -- K-IRKEVICIII G.A. Some indices of the economic efficiency of the utilization of natural gas in the Ukrainian S.S.R. Gaz.prom. 10 no.21ll-14 165. (MIRA 18:12) KIMEVICH. GennadiT Aleksandrovichp kand. ekon. nauk . - (Efficient utilization of natural gas in the national economy of the Ukrainian S.S.R.] Ratsionallnoe ispolizo- vanie prirodnogo gaze v narodnom khoziaistve Ukrainskoi SSR. Kievs Tekhnikap 1965. Ill p. (MIRA 18:2), UNRAVAdicine Virus Xseases War/Ayr 51 loclinical Aspects of Serous, Meningitis Occurring Iz Cases of Epidemic Parotitis," G. S. Kirkevichp 16 Z. Insarova, Clinic of Nervous Diseases, Ceti Pidiatrics -last RSFSR, and :;Iinical Ch4.ldren' a Ban Nevropatol i Faikhiat" Vol XX, No 2, pp 12-16 ngoencephalitis of varying degs of severity (up to- most serious forms) occurs when parotitis virus affects the brain. -The *brain is affected only vhen swelling,of glands is light or absent. Onset of the disease is violent, but there to 186T78 UM/Medicine Virus Diseases Mar/Apr 51 (Contd) rapid inprovexxmt and invariably complete re- coverry vitbout aftereffects. Serous meningitis caused by parotitis virus is distinguished from tuberculous me6ingitis by the violent onset accompanied by vomiting, low or normal pressure CC. cerebrospimal liquid, and augar content in cerebrospinal liquid exceeding 45 me%. 186T70 K\1Pv\e\'jctA~ G-,S - KLTU HIKDT,- V.I.. kandidat noditsinskikh amur; 11HEMCK, G.S. Clinical aspects of &cuto pollomwelitis vithout paral"Is. Pedlatriia no-3:Z?-31 MY-Je '55. (KLRA 8:10) 1. Is kliniki nerwnykh bolesney Yaroslavskogo meditsinskogo institute, G.O.Sokolyanskiy) i bitskoy klinicheq6y bolluiter 19o.1 (61avw vrach To.T.Prokhtrovich) (POLIOMMITIS, diag. in acute lacking paralysis) On the clinical aspects Of meningeal forms of poliovel-tt Is - Pedtatrite noo):19-26 Mr 157. (MIRE 10-10) 1. Is nervnogo ovielenlys 1-y Gorodskoy kltnichaskoy, critiJ.oy bollniter Omucbr-7y rukovtditall - Prof. D.b-Futer, g1.qvtkv.-., vr3ch - xaslusheanyy vnr-h R,,Ya Ye.V.Prokhorovi-h) (MLIOMYSLITIS) 2LI?771 G. q.: Mw&t*;v. mod sci (dies) -- "on the clinical aspects ftM ~if- ferential diagnosis of certain forms of meningitle s-~rosa in ChWren (A comp- arative study of imningitis caused by the virun of epidemic parotitle)". Yerevan, 1958. 1,, pp (second moscow State Mcd Inst Im N. T. Pirogov), ?."0 conies M, Wo 1959, 131) KIRIEVICH, G.S. Differential diagnosis of tuberculous xnd some forms ofwirAl serous Mening1tis In children. Vop.okh.mat.1 det. I no.2:36-41 Mr-Ap 158. (MMA 11:3) 1. Is nerynogo otdolonlyn 1-y Gorodskoy klinicheakoy detakoy bolinitey (nauchnyy rukovoditell-prof. D.S.Puter, glavnyy vrnch T~.V. Prokhorovich) (MMMITIS) (CHIUREN-DISSASES) KIMVICH, G.S. Clinical Aspects of oongeuital toxoplasmosis. Pedistrila 36 uo.11: 60-61 N 158. (X[RA 12!80 1. Is Dotekoy kousulttatimoy polikliniki (nauchn7y rukovoditell - prof. D.S, ftter, glavnyy vrach - K.N. Tovdokimova) Roagorsdravotdoln t Mookovskoy detakoy klinichbakoy bolinitey No.1 (glavnyy Ymch - anoluzhannyy vrach TMISR 'to. V. Prokhorovich). (TOXOPUSMOGIS) - KIMMVICH, G.S. Clinical aspects of toxic allergic tuberculous meningitis in children. Pediatrila no.lt47-52 162. (MIRA 15d) 1. 1z kliniki nervnykh bolezney dotskogo voTnata (sar, - prof, D.S. Puter) II Hoskovskogo maditsinakogo instituta imeni 141. Pirogova (dir. - dotanet M.G. Sirmina) na baze 1-y Detskoy gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitay glavnyy vrach - zailuzhermyy vrach RSFSR Ye.V. Prokhorovi-,-Q. (MENINGM-TUBERCULOSIS) (ALLERGY) KIRMICHt G.S. Clinical aspects and difforontial diaposis of Amctional tics in cbildron. Vopokh.mat. i det. 7 no,1204-20 D'62.(MM 16:7) 1. 1z kliniki ner*qkh bolezney detakogo vozrasta (zav,-prof, D.S. Futer) II Moskovskogo meatsinskogo instituta ironi N.I. Pirogova i Detokoy konsulstatiVwy poliklinild Mookovokogo fo- rodokogo otdola Wravookhranonlya (glavnyy vrach K.E.7eydoklmova) nabaze Detskoy kliniebookoy bollnitE7 no.1 (glavrWy vmch Ye.V. Prokhoravich), (TIC) (CHILDREN-DISEASES) (DIAGNOSIS, DIFFERENTIAL) BULGAIrlov, K.D.; ?,IPrrTICII, L.A.; FLPTIIYE?:fKO, I.A.; 1%I. Heating 'iving, quarteis with ga.9 convectors. raz. prom. -,- no.2: 24-2 7 16-1.. 17:12) KANSTEINE, Austra[Kirhonateins, Auatra) -- Ugo Posoolo and the Risorgimentoo Vestis lAtv ak no.7:32p-" 161. (roscolo, Ugo, 1778-1827) JgRK ,.A.,Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of the Latvian SSR p Hero of Socialist Labor %j . I/jar,0XV) / P"7, If3r*evITT."~,The Soviet Artificial Earth Satellite, 1957, r.- 34- ZIRMS 1 -1, 'Laimasiodsmik, Gerojr Sotsialleticheakogo Truda; KALIMNISH, A. OOOOT~ni;l Aj, ska-lemik; STRADIVISH, P. CStradinA, P.), skademik; SUIRABULN, Tan [Budrablmlnl, Snis), nareftyr,poet Iatviyskoy SSR MYJA&RDIS, K., khud02hnik; LAPINISH. A. [Iapipl, A.], narodWy khudoshnik latyljrekor SSR; TUROVSKIT, Tu., narodnyy artist SSSR; AVOTS, A#, fotolyubitall; VARDUMS, A.. khudoshnik. zaalushanay dayatell iskusetv latviyekoy SSR; GAYLIS. V., kinooperator; RIDZBUIYM. V.. fotograf; KAMIYHISH, X. (Kalnins, 1.1; LOGANSON, R. Clohansou, R. 1. starey'shly master khudozhestvennoy fotografil; RIMISTS. Th. (Rieksts, J.], fotograf; IZRKR, Tu.; FlWSKM, B., fotograf; RIIYXMN. 2:, zaelushannyy deyatell baltury Latviyoko3r SSR; GROMAN, Ya. [Grobwn JJ, fotograf; OZOLS, Th. (Ozole, J.1, fotograf; TIMM. B.. fotograf,- 7AIXTEV, Ye., fotograf; RAJM. I., fotograf; HWTIS. A.,.fotograf; RAKE, I., fotograf; UPIT, V.. fotograf; SIUDEM. M., fotol7ubitell; RITERS, G.. fotolyubitell. Organize a society of Soviet photographers! Sov.foto 18 no.4:77 Ap"58. WaA 11:6) l.Rishokaya kinostucUya (for Gaylis, Tedoseyev).3.AN L86tviyakay SSR (for Rldienieks). 4.Chlen-korrespondent Akademii kbudozhostr SSSR (for Xsllnynsh,.B). 5.Zhurnal nRigas foto" (for Rieksts. Gorman. Ozoln). 6.latylysbys teatrallnoys obahchestyo (for Lerkh). 7.Direktor Doma narodnogo tvorchestva Imeni I, Malugayllea (for ReVkhman). B.Predesdatell Tvorcheskogo soveta.(for Grobwm). 9.Cblon Tvorchaskago eoveta, (for Ozols). 10.Gazeta Minyal (for Tikous). ll.Potokhroniks; Ietviyakogo telegrafnago agentetva (for rade7ev). 32.1rstitut latgiproprom (for Rake, 1.).