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KIRJI,YUK, Yo.V.; DORISOVO V.1,1 KLJMENKO# N.A.; MAI(OCIIEKP YO.I. Results of the use of nutrient media from the meat and stomachs of sea animals of the Far East sea basin for the determination of the pathogenicity of diphtheria bacteria. Trudy VladIFM no.2:24!7..248 162. (M-IRA 180) 1. 1z Vladivostokskogo nauchno-iaeledovateliskogo Institute epidemiologill, m1krobiologil i gigiyeny; Tikhookeanskogo nauchno-issledovateliskogo instituta, rybnogo khozyaystva I okeanografli i Vladivostokskoy gorodskoy sanitarno-epidemiologi- cheskoy stantaii. KIRILYUK, Ye.V. Temperature control In stOUlzing culture media end dishea aM decontaminating infeotlovO material in autoclavwa, Iab. delo 8 no.lOt54-55 162 (MIRA 17:4) 1; Is VIadIvostcksk!.y invittA ipId,,1,1,gii, airkobiologli i gigiyany. x. . SYSOYEVS N.H,,:,_KIRUZUK, Yu.I. Some data on the radioactivity of the Pacific Ocean water. Okeanologiia 2 no-0743-745 162. (KERA 15.7) (Pacific Ocean--Radioactivity) SMUTDIRW, I. Ta.; KIRILM, Tu.T Read with quick-interchangeable cuttine-tool holders. N%ehinoe- trottell no.9826 S 160. (MIRA 1):9) (Lath'ss) T'ilLYUK Z. 0. "Ion Emission fror, Glass Under tho Influence of ap. Electrical Fleld,11 ip Ill, 2 ref The article examines emission of ions f'rc--' L'lul;f; at tem,.er~Auretr-' c not exceedinf.- ."(.C G. 1:ur!nF the experi;rent icnizaticij currents o1juAlled W~-icll 1-wi a density on the order of 10-' to I I a/cn"- -n the b4isls of ,-',ita obtalne(i It Is ent!,blLshc~ that for a otrong inte:rnril fieli, caused by the influerce of tin accii-.ulitirn of chrirr,cs !-A t.h(. cztlhode, an-,' for ccnp,r&L- tively s,,al nuuntlti~-:~ of olectricit,; pnsnlrq, tliz-oui-h tlt,: positive ions ray be l1bert-tod. "cu--(,T Trudy LVMI MV - . E: C Olorks of the ik-;nInLrai Vilitary Vbchanics Tnstitute of t! - 1nistry of Hipher Mucation), "o 5, (ph- sical-:-athenatical and chemical syrposlur' dedicFitect to tl,e 25th ye, of t~o Institute', Leningrad, 1956 ar j C, ..~un 1~54 43408 s/on/62/013/005/0i4/ol? E032/E3l4 AUTHORS: Kirilyu"k, Z.O. and Moroz, L.P. TITLE: The effect of stray light on the diffraction pattern of isolated line objects PERIODICAL: Optikn i spektrookopiya, v. 13, no. 5, 1962, 734 - 739 T XXT: Stray light due to sources inside or outside an optical instrument is superimposed on the image produced by the latter and may have an appreciable effect on the threshold characteristics of the instrument. The formulae derived in this papor may be used to take into account the effect of the background, whatever its origin, on the contrast or the diffraction imagesof line objects (wires or slits) and thei:r immediate neighbourhood for different object widths, wavelengths, aperture of the systems, contrast between the object and its immediate neighbourhood and contrast between this neighbourhood and the general illumination field. Using the approximate energy-distribution in the diffraction pattern of a luminous lino, derived in earlier papers (L.P. Moroz, Zh.nauchne i prikl. fotogr. i kinematogr., 5, 81,1959; -Card 1/2 S/05i/62/o13/Oo5/ol4/ol7 The effect of .... E032/E314 Opt, i spektr., 10, 249, 11961), explicit expressions are obtained for the threshold widths of'dark objects for dirferent contrasts. These expressions have been verified experimentally by the micro- photometry of diffraciion patterns due to wires 0.02 - 0.1 mm 'i illuminated bAckgrounds. The results in diameter with differenty obtained are summarized in a numerical table which indicates good agreement between experimental results and the theoretical formulae. J These formulae may therefore be used in practice to determine any of the quantities listled above when all the others are given. There are 2 figures and 1 table. SUBMITTED: October 4, 1961 Card 2/2 KIRILYUS.-I.Va'Uchitall Working vindol of an industrial plant for acet.-ilene pro duction. Xhimov nbkole 14 no.3:58-59 My-Ja '59. (14IM 12:9) 1. Shkola rabocbe7 molodosbi No.18 C.Karneandy. (Acetylene) 30KOLISKIYV D,V,; AZERBAYAEV, ' " ; MATMOUK, A.Ta.; KIRILTUS, I.V. 0 Effect of the additiGnz of metals of the IV period on the activity of alloyed nickel catalysts, Report No.1: Hydrogenation of dimethylacetylenylcarbinol on a nickel catalyst with chromium additions. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. kiii.m. nauk 15 no.1158-63 Ja-Mr 165, (MIJU 18:12.) 1. Submitted April 8, 196/,. r)LISKIY, D.V.; AZERBAM, I.N.; WiTPEYCHUK, A.Ya.; G-',;TKQTI'SF7A, I.P.; Effect of the additions of metals of tho 1V roriod on the activity of alloyed nickel catalyst3. Report No,2: Hydrogenation or nitrosonaphthols on a nickel catalyst vith the addition of vanadium. Izv. A N Ka7Akh. 33R. Ser. khIm. nauk 15 no.1:64-69 J,i.-Mr 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1 ' ~,, )ubmltt,~d April 8v 1964, S0YGl.l,`.KIY, D.V.; V',-EHBAYEV, ' I r.N.; MATUTCHUY., A.Yq.; Klf6iYUS, -.1. Effoct of mintaln of th(! r7 Ft-rlod on th^ activity olf 811opid nickol catAlystvs. Mprrt. No,3% Niclrct' c-ttAlynL-'; wi',V-. addit!orm of dtani,=, vanadlt=, ent.,per. Iz,;. AN 15 no.3-.67 ... 70 jl-,AJ,7 165. (M.- F, 4 18, 11 ) 1. Sub.,:.Lttid April 8, 1964. SOKOLISKIY, D.V., akademik; AMMAYE"i, I.N.; ~IRILYU3, I.V. Studying nickel catalysts by the ma~netlln- Induction method. Vest. AN Kazakh. SSR 19 no.11:40-47 N'63. (MIPA 170) 1. Akademlya nauk Kazakhskoy SSR (for Sokollskiy). 2. Chlen- korreopondent AN Kazakhokoy &9R (for Azerlnvev). A ZF~~ I'i~ ~ J.V, -k , 11 , ; K " -, " i , f 17, 1 .", . llydrog,enat.liar. of' r ,Ill-LYIrinIc !ir.4;O1, 1--01. IZ-1. 0. Kavikh. ~',ar, khim. -IJIii. 14 1094-90 Ja. Mr 16114. (Y' FRA IS - 3 ) KIRTMISVILI, 11. SO "Ascochytosis of Plants of the Gourd Family and Its Control." Cand AL-r Sci, Inst of Plant Protection, Acad Sci Georgian SSR, Tbilisi, 1954. (RZhBio1, 'To 7, Apr 55) SO- Sim. ]To. 704, 2 Nov 55 - Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institution (16). K I RI M)11, V# AID P - IT68 Subject : USSR/i4ining Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 6/26 Authors : Vinarskiy, M. S. and Kirimov, V. Kh. Title : The increased space drilled with water as drilling fluid Periodical : Neft. khoz., V-33, no-3, 28, Mr 1955 Abstract The author presents some data showing that pure water can be used for greater spacing in oil well drilling before mud fluids must be applied. Institution: None Submitted : No date KIRIN A.A insh.1 DUBROVSKIT, V.A., inzh, - ~!~- Shape of the arose section of a bulb bar. Sudostroenie 29 no.3s53 Mr 1631, (Shipbuilding materials) (MIRA 3.6 s4) KIRIN, B.F., lnzh.; MOSKALENKO, F.M., lnzh. Effect of certain physicochemical properties of coals on the rate of dust formation in the atope. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;gor.zhur. 6 no.11:75-78 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Moskovskiy institut radioelektroniki i gornoy elektromekhaniki. Rpkomendovana kafedroy rudnichnoy i promyshlennoy aerologli i tekhniki bezopftBnosti. KIRM, I.Ta. Uns of practical applications in the teaching of geograptq. Geogey shkols n0.1339-42 Ja-F 054. (KUtk 7;1) (Osogmphy--Btudy and teaching) "Teaching economic geography In foreign countries." Geog. shkole 18 n0-2:71-73 Mr-AP 155. (RUU 8:7) Margalova.S.7.) (Panfilova.T.S.) (Geography. Dconomic-- Study and teaching) I I .-I e, " , " KIRIN, F.Ya. ~._- .. Study of the local region an an aspect of technical education in the teaching of geography. Gbog. v shkole 20 no.6t32-42 N-D 157. (Geography--Study and teaching) (MIRA 10112) .I DUBOVIK, V.-N., rt. prepodav.; MAY N, A-U- kani. gool.--miner. Y.aUl'.r dC113.; OTTO, F-.l.jRUWXNTMAj A.U., kando-geogr. nauk, IspolMayushchty obyamuujuou,& uviousj SLMUN, I.A., st. inzh.; MOSKALEV, A.F.; KOLE.%IIYOV, B.P., prof., doktor biol. nauk., rektor; OKOROKOV, V.I., kand. biol. nauk, dots.; KLIMENKO, R.A.; STARIKOVA, L.A.p assistent! SHUMILOVA, V.Ya. , assiatent; 1USINOVA, Ye.A., dots. kand. nauk, dots.; DZIFTS07A, A.V.p red.;MATVEJEV, 911-1. , rud.; 1M.07OZOV, V.K., rwl.. -tlGT;(0VbTlY, I.M., red.; TYAZIFUINIKOV le.M., red, r LNa-,uru of Chelyabinsk Frovirice] Priroda Cheliabinakoi ob- lazti. Chellabirisk, 111fto-Urallakoo knilzbnoe izd-vol 1964. 241 p. (MIRA 28:7) 1. Kafedra geografil, Chelyabinskogo pedagogicheskogo in- atituta (for Dabovik, Mamin, Runyantseva, Kirin). 2. Hachall- nik geologJcheskogo otdela Chelyabinskoga goologorazvedoch- nogo tresta (for Otto). 3. Chelyabinskaya gidrologicheakaya stant3lya (for Saregin). 4. Naclallnik poclivennoy partU Chelyabinsk(ry zemleu3troitellnoy okspe,litsii (for Moskalev). 5. Institut blologil Urallskogo filiala AN SSSR (for Kolesnikov). 6. Kafedra zoologil Chelyabinskego pedagogichaskogo J-stituta (for Okorckov, SLarikoval Shumilova). 7. Cho4abinskiy rybnyy trest (for Klimenko). - KIRII,',_K.X&.--(CI1alyabinsk) Probleno of the reclamation of land for agrivulture acccrding to the natural zones of the U.S.S,R, in the period of the largo seale development of communiam. Goog. v shkole 25 Po.3:7-15 hy-Je 162. (MINI 15:7) (Reclamation of land) .XSE 0. X1 Card ACCESSION NR: AP4011316 this vector equation will be satisfied: -7,.& P-1 (4) (b (v. U (.1)) +4r - P, This problem is a generalixation of time-optimum co3itrol problems published elsewhere. Orig. art. has: 2S formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 06May63 DATE ACQ: 14Fsb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE; CG, IE NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 003 Cam 2/Z KIRIN, S. Kirin, S. Aircraft carrier of England. Tre from the Russian, p. 158# KRIDIA VLASTI. Praha, No. 7j, Apr. 1955. SOi Monthly List of the East European Accessionj (EFAL), W. Vol. 4v no. 10, Oct- 1955. Uncl. LUNTS, NIkoUW Grigorlevich; X Weep IVII'evich [deceased]; OSTROUNOT, G.A., redaTowOrwj-NIEUhbTA. V.V., tokhnichaskiy, redaktor (Brief havilbook on wtallurgical plant equipment lubrication] Kratkil spravoobnik po smazka oboradovanlia mets,11urgicheskly sayodov', Moskva, Oos, nauchno-takhus Isd-vo lit-ry po chernoi I tevetnol astallurgil 1954. 304 P. NLRA 8131 (Lubrication and lubricants) KIRIN, Vladimir G. (Zagreb) On the polynomials representation of operators In the t-valued propooitional oalculus. Mao mat fiz Hrr 18 no.2/la 3-12 163 KIRD t Uadlzir, G. (Zagreb) A note on Wilsonts theorem. Glar,inat flz Hry 17 noo3/41 181-182 162. (publ.f631 KOGAYLmr, V.P.; KIRIN, V.V. Fatigue testing at elevated temperatures and nonsteady loads. Zav. lab. 31 no, 12tl490-1493 165 WRA 19d) 1, Gosudarstvennyy naucbno-isoledovatellakly institut. mashinovode- n1ya. Hydraulic Enrinecrinr - KLybyshev Introduction of hydromechanizatIon in wintortirle at the ruyby!lh!2v hydro workm. Kirin. Mekh. trud. rab, 6 ?',0- 59 1952- Vonthly List of I%srian Accessions, Librarl of Conf-rers, Aurst, 1952, 177CW'SIFIED KT',')I$I, V.1f. llydraulic Engineering Yechanization of hydraulic construction work at the construction -.rojertf: Of co=.unisn. Yeldi. s-troi 9, No. 6, 1952/ yonthly lict, of Pvsrian Accesr,- ons, Librax-y (-,.fL Conr-rec;s, Ce -tm'uv-. 1,1152. 31/012/119,0/1491 AW~-__!'AP600 a4 /0032765/0 UR M "~V -9 y Oyer -1;,::Nj*~ art AUTHOR:-, N:: 4, `-114ti tit i4i' 6f i i: ~ Adi"t-ow OHG.# Stat e6tii ON, nee of -1kchine he scle Ut., nauthno-ionloo9vateilakir~;itksti-t 00" 9kiya) 1pa &e 404--.aVe eva under.uniteady loaAlng ~Tl S. odskm&a,labor&t*Aja,,".v no:. W , SOURCE:" U4 31 1965* 1490-lh93 TOPIC 1AOSt'. '~`fstig'uil' Atkengt h;!,fatigue 44 'i~f thi kegulailt tt 1 4 RmA AWT14CT e A, UNMI ti" tai Rt n acc a.. .-damage.; in steel ornat ing loadink ure,is- Mdussb a ted temperdi di- 1,~itingjit" de4 loped for this 'd Aji'detail'and illustrated- by.. diepw it method. for. calibrat, ngi esdribe i s 's'how*"n tho the 1.1 'e&rAh4ott.-,, ~Of tat gua-. msulation can,b4,,, in~ for fatigue, life) J ~,6r- ~:vwated temperatures as vhen there' are b1gh-,'sbort_tiAe" 4i c" A'1_ i=f ~h tm"IV othe "s" te.'rint"fat ON ill, loadingt'. .1sitin# 'at Ap"et 'rthat'nowent ciea'4itb-:,,a- stea4r. sivial from &- i6und~genft,-stft_F the', -Used 'mime 0 0 or screen et oiaj ou're 64dibAt va's lejigth"df., the:. macro~r'acI d' lbe tests (up to.m.eye 62 we": np~ k nbVexcee -1 M% 6d it levels- 'and the fati e&`:j' ried: out: at-, 80 &1a gue strengthvas,deterita 2:` ACC, NRo ~WOQ0184 eve as vell tht- fa4 Tests wi th a 'two- step varla oreith 1 1 t dL aM. te .~',-stress durinirAhe teisf-I t, At.Ahe: a mDers we. an the sta'a OU nTL-ql.17.7. Dredrinr '.-'tachJnery 11 AAP-avy duty suction dredge. '-ekh, stroi. 9, n1. h:25-26 Ap.1112 Ifonthl*t T-ist of Russian Accessions 'on,-rcrn.vJUly 197!2. ';-CT-~.SSTFT=- - , Lihrar.., of G ACC NR: AP7004644 SOURCE CODE: UR/0288/66/000/003/0118/0124 AVT11OR: Kirin, Yu. M.; Krivoshchekov, G. V.; Marennikov, S. I.; Savvlnykh,,G. A. ORG: Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Department AN SSSR. Novosibirsk (Institut fiziki Voluprovodnikov Sibirskogo, otdeleniya AN SSSR) TITLE: Influence of the linear electro-optic effect on second-harmonic generation in ADP crystals SOURCE: AN SSSR. Sibirakoye otdeleniye. Izvestiya. Seriya tekhnicheakikh nauk, no. 3, 1966, 118-124 TOPIC TAGS: ADP crystal, second harmonic7vgeneration, nonlinear optics, *v*WL eAfimb, electrooptic affect, ABSTRACT: Theoretical and experimental investigations were made of the variation A*0 affecting the phase-matching angle 00 for second harmonic generation (SHG) in an ADP crystal whose optical characteristics are modified by an applied electric field. It was found that only the component Ez of the field along the optical axis has an appreciable effect on the angle *0. This effect is at its maximum when the plane of the laser beam in the crystal and the optical axis is at 45' to the transverse crystal axes. Then, A*0 - 54.04 (10-6) Ez, vhere Ez to in Kv/cm and A*0 is LD radians. From this it follows that a field of 100 Kv/cm causes an 18' variation Card _1/2 4-8,-W-35 AP70'04644. of ~0, which can be measured easily since harmonic generation is appreciable only in the immediate vicinity of *0. The beam generafor was.a 12 x 120 mm ruby laser, which operated in 500-700-usec single pulses. Oscillograms of the SHG are given. Numerical results for field. values of 45 and 90 kv/cm are in satisfactory agreement with the theory.1 The authors suggest that the described effect can be used for making accurate measurements of nonlinear constants of materials and accurate adjustments of the index-matching angle In the case of.displacement and parametric anplification of optical frequoncias. The authors thank V. N. Ishchanko, N. D. Lizunov-. and B. V. Anikeyev for their help in carrying out the worko OrIg. art. ~as:- *S figurea'and 201oinuias JJMJ SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATEs none/ ATD PRESSt 5115 AKRONOT, Leonid Petrovich, dotsent, Imnd.takhn.nauk; BOLISMOT, Tla- dimir Sargeyeviohp dotsent, kend.geogr.nauk; TJMKCLAUT# Germn Grigorlyovich# doteent, kand.fis.-matem.nauk; ZMMM, Tevgenly Stepanovich, tand.fix.-matem.naukl MIN. Turiy Pavlovich, starshiy prepodavatell ; MUMNIMO Leonid Fedorovich. dote-ent, kand.fis.-mtem.nauk: CRISHIN, Tu.I., spatered.1 SWO, G.S., red.; TI]MONOTA, Ye.A.. (Handling of seagoing vessels] Morskoe audovoshdanis. Moskva, Izd-vo ONorokoi tranBport,* 1959. )81 p. (MDU 13:2) (Ship handling) KAGM. Leonid Xironovicho kend.takhn,nauk; X1RINp Turiy Pavlovich; UPAN, Turiy Kondratlyevich; STRANINKOT, 1~-alld-*asiily,vvich; GRISHIN, Tu.A., red..- SWO, G.S., red.lzd-va; TMONOTAO Te.A., (Problems on seamanship; manual for higher schools of marine engineering] Zedaobnik po morskoi praktike; uchebnoe posobis Cis vyeshikh Inshenernykh morskikh uchilishch. Moskva, Ixd-vo *Morskoi transport,' 1960. 218 p. (MIRA 13:9) (fisawnsh1p) KIRIN, Te.Ya. ( Vo I ggt.2A:t ) FIsrure of prismat!i rode w.1th i il-A-Ajol sbztlon. TAve vyss uchebo axial as:,.. vr..~ (M tRA 17 113) KIRIN, Yej~. . Vibrationn -,f' a ~-Illndrlcal shell. lool. pa uprag. i plast. no.3,.265-,*,."AI 164, (MIPL-I 1716) KIRIN, Ye.Ya Vibration of a cylimirical shell. Ifisl. po uprug. i plast. '~t265 164. 011RA les4) o,. -270 n EW r (1WE-Eu k) -21J./a P W- IJPW J~- 6032930 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Krivoshchekov, G. V.; !qrin, Yu. M ;,-Marennikov, S. I. Savvinykh, G. A.; Dotsenko,_V. I. ORG: Institute of Semiconductor Physicst Siberian Department AN SSSRX Novosibirsk (Institut fizikipoluprovodnikov Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR) TITLE: A method of laser frequency conversion SOURCE: AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Serlya tekhnicheakikh nauk, no. 2, 1966, 155-156 OPIC TAGS: laser, ruby laser, laser output frequency, laser frequency variation., A1071RACT: A method to described for converting the output frequency of a laser by using the Raman lines of the beam in benzene and its subsequent mixing in an ADP crystal. The arrangement consists of a Q-switched ruby laser (the output beam of which Is passed through a vessel 'with benzene), the mixing crystal, a filter of aqueous s9lution of CuS04 (for suppression of the main frequency of the laser at ?L = 6943 A), and a PGS-2 spectrograph 1gith photographic recording. The Intensity of Raman lines (A - 6494, 7459, and 8059 A) is sufficient to effect a nonlinear interac- tion of a~l frequencies within the 2-mm thick mixing crystal. The emissions at 3471 and 3729 A can be considered second harmonics or the results of the mixing of corresponding frequencies, while those at 3596 and 3874 R are the results of mixing UDC: 621-3-7�-e-329 ACC NRt AP6032930 only. The intensity of these lines can be explained by a large divergence of the focused beam, which insures that the conditions of synchronism are fulfilled for all frequencies. The experiments show that by employing Raman scattering in various substances with subsequent nonlinear transformation in an ADP-type crystal, a coherent output beam can be obtained at any frequency within the optical range. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 2 tables. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 23Feb65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OnI REF: 003/ ATD PRESS: 5099 Card 2/2 -Ze- , I :. -- " I , ", - , - : . p " I- , 1 .1 1 -' I : . , - , - -1 ~ ~ . ~ ~'. I I .. I . I . . . -2. , - :. , ,, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . z I - ,. -, I . I i~ ~- :~ . . . I i~t . 1.. 1-11 ~', I . . , I I ; I I , , .I I I .; , , " i , '-i - - , , , - . - . . :;: , ''.' - . I - I , - :. , . : ~-,. 1. ~-~ - f I I . I I 1 *, , , . ""I,;-". I I ~ . -, . ~ I I . I - .- . 14 CHEP1111YEV, Lefnid Fedorovich, dots.; KIHIIN, Yuri), Favi~,vIr'%; KOND'USIHIKIMI, Vladimir TIrOfejc--11,A; I? I nilonovlch; kUSAIlOV, Valentin MIkhay1o,.,!c,h; YE:RX,')r.AYFJ, German GrIgorlyevich; ANAN1114, V.I., red. [Collection of problems Au nauLieal Zadvihmik po morekhodnol astronomii,- VoAva. 'I'ranoj,,:'r',, '19~4. 3.4e i). (M!I~A 18;5) ANDRONOV, L.P.0 kand. tekhn. naukp dots.; BOLISHAKOV, V.S.x kand. geogr. naukp dots.; YM/,OUYEVp G.G.# kand. fiz.-mat. nauk; KIR114 Yu P'9 at. prepod.; CIM-IYEV. L.F., kand. fiz.4-& Ms.: ZOTETEVYe.S.,kand.fiz.-mat.nauk; SERKO,G.S.,red. [Sea navigation) Morskoe sudovozhdenie. lzd,2&, perero Moskva, Trarwport) 1964. 454 P. OAIIRA 17:12) KIRINA, A. I -- --- ... At thn Initiative of the health center workers. Okhr.truda I soto.strakh. no.4:42 0 158. (MIR& 1211) Is Predandatell Ryazanskogo obkoma profso3ruza meditsinakikh rabotni- )MV, (RYAZAN PRDVINCE-T"R AND TABORING CIASSMS-12DICAL CA13) KIRINA, G.V.; TRAVCHETOVAO Ye.l. Do.termination of age in women with hyrertension and atherosclerotilas Sud,-med,okspert. no-4115-16 O-D 165. (MIR-k 18:12) I, Kafedra audabnoy meditsiny I Laningradskogo maditainskogo instituta iment I#P,Pavlovao Submitted May 270 1964s USSR / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Appli- 1-31 cation. Leather. Fur. Ge-lattn. Taxmin~,' Agents. Technical Proteins. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 3, 1957, No 105o6 Author ; Kirinal K.I., Kuznetsova, L.A., and Harder, G.S. Ir; st '._F6"sc8WTUct=ml Institute of the Meat and Dairy Industry Title : A Method for the Preparation of a Soluble Modification of Keratin Orig Pub : 9b. stud. rabot Mosk. tekhnol. in-ta myas. i mloch. prom- sti, 1956, No 4, 33-39 Abstract : The action of a 5 - 10% aqueous solution of Na2S at 200 transforms keratin into a soluble modlficatlon~ keratein (the yield of keratein is 74 - 77%); 1 - 10% solutions of MOH at 18 - 200 are not suited to the production of keratein, since under these conditions a considerable deo7adation of the protein macromolecule takes place. Card 1/2 USSR / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Appli- 1-31 cation. Leather. Fur. Gelatin. Tanning Agents. Technical Proteins. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Mimiya, No 3, 1957, No 105o6 Abstract : The preliminary treatment of the keratin with a 5 - 10 M urba solution increases its reactivity and facilitates the transition of keratin to the soluble modification under the action of Na At a temperature of ~ 201, keratin dissol- ven in 1 - 3r, alkaline solutions and in 5 M urea solutions with the formation of viscous solutions. It has been esta- blished that keratein can be used as an emulgifying and foa- ming agent and as a component of film-forming compounds. Card 2/2 'tpLa~ndidst sell skokhospystwenefth nauk; qq IMORAY3VA, B.G.p ktor; PATLOVA, N.M., tokhatchoskiy redaktor it [Animal husbandry] Zhivotnoyodetvo. Hooky&. Goo. izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1956. 579 p. (MIMA 10:4) (Stock and stockbroadiag) POZM, VWor Nikhaylovich; KIRINks Tamara III IpLchna- -FWIRIMWo Glob Sorgeyevichs Uchastvaiall: AFROWA. A.A.; VISAMONOVA. A.14; ZURAROTA, M.N.; KELIGISD X.L; EDMUNA. W.N.; UMIUK, I.A.; KUSINL, K.X.-, OUATA, I.]!.'; GAVINOTA, S.I.; UZUffA, YO.N.; . IYWA, V.D.; FAIMMffA, N.I.; CBXMWA, Te.I.; 3MMINOTA, A*& 211MY9 V.Llrod.-, DAM9 G,A,Ovod,red,l OMWOUTAo IsMeltskhnersde [Volpe-Ural oil-bearing region; Carboniferous sedinentol Volgo-Urall- skals neftenoonAia oblastle Umennougolinye otloshenlia* Leningrad, Goe.nauchnstakhnolsil-vo neft, I gorno-toplivnot lit-ry, 1957. 287p. (Leningrad. Tessoiusnyi neftlanol nauchno-issledovatell- Ali goologorasvedochnyt institut, Tray no.112) (KIRA 11:12) (Tolsm Ulley-Giology. Stratigraphic) - (Ural Mountain region-Geglogy, Stratigraphic) K T. I . Str,itigniphy oC Juritisio sndlmc-,jt,t3 in ti.e 'Allyuy gynec-jjse. Dok't. flh' S,'~Sk 158 nool:08-1.01 (HURA 170) 4 1 1. rieftyanoy goologc).- - A rn,,,vedo(;h-irj -nstitut- -tl T).V.Nall,.,kinym. BLIABANOTA, L1.1 GALMINA, B.G.; GRIBIOT, T.T.; MVIZ, T.L.; XUIXA,T.I.; XIUVNTS, T.S.; LIM, V.A.; XISIZHNUOV, H.S.; RABINOVICH, S.D.--- , UNDTA, L.A. Mesozoic and Cenozoic facies of the western part of the West Siberian PlAin. Trudy VNIaRl no.14-0:183-227 '59. (MINA 13:6) (West Siberian Plain--Geolog7, Stratigraphic)