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Aousen buil!. in 15 days, applying fAqt chain miothn-k.
P. 4
Vol. 1, no. 343, 1956
SO: Monthly List of Ela~t European Accessions IC, Vol. 5, no. 12
December 1?56
1. ;'INDIM, F. V.
2. U3 M- (600)
4. ;Ine Tinbering
7. Vn,lerpining the principal horzontal nine tunnels with new t,-:Ies of bracings
at the "*;~,rinieli,-,nqkayzL-Yu-.-.)intqa'I ndne. Ugoll 20, No. 2, 1-)53.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, I ~ay 1953. Unclassified,
App 1 i !7c)vo,,l,!i
Trnaf,---t of 07-,;nt n~I,- of
-jinnic, I ions for lllt!~-n~e of
IS 0 : Kn-i-.,hna.-,,a Lnt:,p4-1 2-4, julie IQI'~~,
-,.-KINDURIS, Yu.K.,
~ 'boim~y.-
Over-all therapy of joint and muccle diseasoo of varying
etioloMr. Zdrav.Belor- 5 no.7:20-22 J1 '59. (MIM 12:9)
1. Iz kliniki propedevtiki vnutrennikh bolezney Minskogo
meditsinnkogo instituta (zaveduyushchiy - prof.I.D.Hishanin).
V1NM, A.I., kand.zed.nauk; KIMMISt Tn.K.,
Clinical aspects of asoariasin. Zdrav.Bolor. 5 no.1:38-39 Ja 160.
O(IRA 13 0-5)
1. Is kliniki propedevt1ki vuutreunikh bolesney (zavedu"Ahchiy -
professor I.De Klshsnln) Minskogo medintsinskogo instituta.
MISMIX, I.D., profeasor-O KMURIS Yuj,assistent; ABRAMOVICH, D.G.,
Control of respiratory diseases at the Minsk Automobile Factory.
Zdrav.Belor. 6 no.2:47-48 3P 160. (MIRA 13:6)
1. Iz kafedry propedevtiki vuutrennikh bolesney (saveduVusbeh4y ,
professor I.D. Kishenin) Kinskogo meditsinskogo instituta.
Late observations of patients with myocardial infarct, Zdrav.
Belor. 6 no. 10:9-10 0 160. (MMA 13:10)
0 1. Iz 3-y klinicheskoy ob"yeCiinennoy bollnitsy gor. Minska.
"The Length of Survival oi -Foot-and-Ilouth-Disease Virus in Manure Piles".
Sev. vaterin., 193B, No 8 - 9. (Bibliography from article Foot and Youth Disease
by A. L. Skomorokhov, State Publishing House for Agrioultural Literature,,
kfoscowAeningrad 1947.)
SO: **-1625j 11 January 1952,
0 0 0 0 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
"The Durability of Foot-and-Mouth-Disesse in the Pasture". Sov. vaterin.,
1939s No 1. (Bibliography from article Foot and Mouth Disea~se by A. L.
SKomorokhov, State Publishing House for agricultural Literature, Moscow/
Leningrad 1947.)
So- U-1625, 11 January- 1952, ~
0 0 0 0 * 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 9 0 0 0 0 0 0
"On Chlorofom V ccine Against Foot-and-Houth Disease,% Sov. veterin., 1939,
No 1. Bibliography from article Foot and Mouth Disease by A. L, Skomorokhovi
State Publishing House for A ricultural LiterAturev Moscow/Leningrad 1947.).
SO- U-1.625) 11 ganuary 1952,
"An Experiment on the Purification of the Foot-and-Mouth-Disease Antigen md
Use of It in the Precipitation Reaction in Foot-and-Mouth Disease". Tr.
Kazakh. NIVIp :k. 2p 193-9, (Bibliography from arti le Foot and Mouth E~T`sease
by A. L. Skomorokhov, State Publishing House for kgricultural Literature,
Moscow/Dmingrad 1947.)
SO- 'I-1625s 11 JAnuW 1952,
* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 SO 9 0 0 0: 0 0 0
KINDyAKOV , ani DO'IMIN, 'and KINDYAK07" V. I.
"An E7periment on Iminization of Cattle with Chlorofom Vaccine under the
Conditions of an Isolated Pam not Contaminated with Foot-and-Mouth Di.seass".
Tr, Kazakh,- NIVI~ v. 20 IM9. . (Bibliography from article Foot and Mouth Dipe'ase
by A. L. Skomorokhov, State Publishing House for Agricu.1tural Literature,
so.~ u-1625, 11 January 1952,
0 0 0 0 0 0 0: 0 0' 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0
"Determination of the Possibilities of Using the Precipitation Reaction
(Preliminary Report). "Zhurn.7nikrobiol., epidemiol, i immunobiol., 1940, No 8
(Bibliography from article Foot and Mouth Disease by A. L. Skomorokhov, State
Publishing House for Agricultural Literatureo MoscowAeningrad 1947.)
SO: u-1625, 11. January 1952, ,
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 * 0
"An M-periment, on the Immunization of Guinea Pigs Against Foot-and-Mouth
Disease with Chloroform Vaccine". Zhurn. mikrobiol., epidemiol i imunobiol.,
1940, No S. (Bibliography from article Foot and Mouth Disease bv A. L,
Skomorokhov, State Publishing House for Agricultural Literature., Yloocow/
Leningrad 1947.)
SO: U-1625, 11 January 1952, .
0 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ib 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 40 0 0 0 0
"Study of the Durability of the Foot-and-Houth-Diseaze Virus Outdoors".
Sov. vaterin. 1940; No 10. (Bibliography from artialle Foot and. Mouth Disease
by A. L. Skomorokhov, State Publishing Houss for Agricultural Literature,
XoscowAeningrad 1947.)
SO: U-1625o 11 January 1952,
0 6 * 0 0 0 6 0 # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 a
A14'FAANG.Iairf, 1. 1.; and 70,70VA, A. A.
IfOn the TyV,,~u of 'IL'' uot -nM-,,-jcath Disease virusn. VeterLnariya, 124., Jio 10 - U
(Bibliography from article Yoot and Youth Disease by A. L. 51-mmorakhov, State
Publishinp House for-AGricultural Literature, YO ow/Leningrad 1-417.)
SO: U-1625, 11 Januax-
y 195L)
1148sVlta of the
Co=ission's tests of the aotive, properties of antifoot and mouth disease aluminum
hydroxide vaccine." Vestn. a.-kh. nauki (Veterinariya),, 194A. No. 24-3,
sot U-1625, 11 January 1952, im
0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 9 0 q 0 0
UM/liedicineA Veterinary - Foot-and- Ais 59
Mouth Disease
"Variations of the Virus in Foot-and-Moruth Dis-
-4 ease," V.I. Kindyakov, A.N. Bayadinov, S. X.
0 rilipovich, O.S. Nikonova, Sci Res Vet Inst,
Kw&akh Af f il late, All-Union Acad of Agr Sci Imeni
V.I. Lenin
"Veterimariya" No 8, pp 21-2T
Discusses the variations in types of the virus
causing foot-and-mouth disease. Lists 45 stra*x~
classified according to types 0, A, and C. On
the basis of expto, assumes that there in only one
parent virus with the ability of changing its "bio-
I=w=logical" properties under the influence of out-
side factors. States that the major'factor in cans-
Ing chan es is the passage of the virus through the
living organism of an animal: with an acquired 1=zu-
nitY to the disease. Authors recommend that bards
of cattle that have recovered from the foot-an4L- . .
Amth disease should be kept apart from cattle in -the -
siclite stages of the disease and that in research amd
treatment of foot-and-mouth disease consideration
Should be given to poasible changes in the manifesta-
tion of this virus. Recommend further research on
tJW b1ol properties of the virus.
USSR/Medicine, Veterinary - Infectious SCP 52
Diseases 1-
"Persistence of the Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus
in Sugar Beet Pressure Residue," V. I. Kindyakov,
Cand Vet Sci, 0. S. Nikonova, Jr Sci Assoc Sci
Exptl Vet Inst 'Kazakh Affiliate, All-Union Acad
Agr Sci imeni V. I. Lenin'
"Veterinariya," Vol XXIX, No 9,, PP 34, 35
Observations shoved that foot-and-mouth disease
virus persists in sugar beet pressure residue
(used as animal.feed) betveen 1 and lj bra. On
the basis of this, it is possible to assume that
sugar beet pressure residue is quickly sterilized of
the foot-and-mouth disease virus naturally, and,
therefore, cannot transmit that disease. That Pres-
sure residue is free from foot-and-mouth disease
virus is explained by the fact that its reaction is
extremely acidic (pH = 4.8), vhi--h causes it to lose
virulent characteristics very rapidly.
KINDTAKOV, V.I., kandidat voterinarzykh nauk-, BATADINOV, A.U., mladshly
MCEW sotrudnik.
ComPulsory inoculation of swine In foot-and-mouth disease.
Veterinarila 30 no.8:17-18 A& '53. (YJM 6:8)
1. Institut veterinarii Xazakhskogo filiala Vsesoyuznoy Akademii
sellskokhozyaystvannykh nauk iment Lanina.
K- nd OS ov V. T
y", J
1iA1--,-_.-11-1-i,,c, Vet-'-lr,
inary and4',outh
Inornd."-Ljon OC O-ahv:
iunu,,'KOV, :..-nd
dIOu. L;ci, A' i3ayadincv, Jr ~ci ~id, Inst, of Vet Scip K'azakh AfL':,-1ia,*,.,-, Ac--3d c,f
Vctcrinaviya,, ~!ol 30, ',3o 3.1 pp 11,16
-.e cource o:' t.1-C foo'-and-moul-h dscase in swinc if-, in. c~,. Ue s.-.mne- w',ictl-er the
ir, contractt~l or pr(Ninced, ,xtiCicially lo i"',oculation. I.:A'.).i)ts have
shc-,m i...-t rosults .-;crc! ubtained in tLuse s-Ane) immuni-.F~d n,airmt the fect-and-
mouth ',--tkcn care of. It is advisp~Ac to re5ort to
artif-i-fal infection aT-,,cn,; well -maint;41ncd hrr-1:3 o-' stane usim, a 1 to 5'00 diln oL' a
foot-ancl-r-ou'uh virus suspcnsion. Suspcn,-1ion cr vints
4 Ef.LS,~ is applied to the scarified surf~icc of the ,-.Tiout with P, toothbrush.
'2 6 5 T 3
USSR / Diseases of Farm Animals. Diseases Caused by R-2
Viruses and Mckettaiae.
Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Biol., No. 17, 1958, No. 78926
Author Kind r~.!
Inst z h Scientific Pbsearch Veterinary Institute.
Title On the Problem of malignant Hoof-and-Mouth Discnse.
Ori(; Pub Tr. Kawdzhsk. n.-i. vat. in-ta, 1957, 9, 92-94.
Abstract No abstract given.
Card 1/1
USSR/Virology - The Virus of Foot-and-Mauth Disease. E.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 19, 1959, 85830
Author Kindyakov, V.I.
Inst Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute
Title Some Materials on the Study of the Nature of the Virus
of Foot-and-Mouth Disease.
Orig Pub : Tr. Kazakhsk. N.-I. Vet. In-ta, 1957, Vol. 19, 23-32
Abstract : The epizootology of foot-and-mouth disease in the Kazakh
SSR and the distribution of the different types of the
virus are discussed. The greatest number of cases was
produced by a variant of type 0 and somewhat fewer by
type OA. Pure types Oh and C are rarely met in the unmo-
dified state, being converted, in the author's opinion,
into variants 0 or OA. Several outbreaks of foot-and-
mouth disease among wild artiodactylic animals were
Card 1/2
"Additional Information on the Many Tyl---s of the Foot-
and-mouth Disease Virus."
(Director of Kazakh Branch of VASKUNIL)
report presented at the 16th Intl Veterinary Congress, Mvidrid, 1~)59-
tVete.-inni-tin 37(2):75-75, Feb 10601,
I 24681~66-:
... ... SOURCS, C 3
ACC NR, `-4 M )
AF6015817, OM,
AutHOR: Bukhtnrov. A. 1. (Aspirent); ri M-Ya y.'L:(Scientikicinstructor;
Candidate of veterinary.soiencea).::~, 7-
ORG:- Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinhry'z Institute (Knakfiskiy nauchno-
i sale d6Va__teYtiFc(y-V_eteHnU_n'y_y Fiat ut)~
,TITIEe. Experimental.foot-and-mouth diseasJbin rue door
SOURCE., Veterinarlyap noe 9j 1965t 4143
.-.TOPIC TAGS: foot and mouth disease, commercial an~j,epidemiology, virus diseasep
:ABSTRACT: In view of -the ine'reasing number of x,,eP0'rfd'on the role '0' t WIM7
;animals in the rise and spread of f6ot-and--mouth'4isease among the livestocko'
!the authors investigated the course and spread bf this disease in six roe
ideor 1.5 years old each, kept in special metal cages and infected with the
,aphthous virus of this disease. Natural,infectidn wa's accomplished by placing
healtky.. animals in the cages with the artificially infected animals. Findings:
folloving the first 24 hours, the aniukas displayed a depressed state) low
,,obility, low appetite,, higher body temperature, increase in respiratory and
ulse'rates, with subsequent, increasing salivation and formation of aphthae
on the mucous membrane of the upper and lower lips and in the nostrils; this
state deteriorated untilj beginning with the 4th day of infection, tho animals
started to die. Those animals that survived regained their appetite an the
1 L2 UDC: 619:616-988-43:599-M-3
L 2
ACC NRi AP6015817
eci-or deteripining the
8th and recover toward the lhfi'
A possibility of the natural infection of Uvestockb wild animals, castrated
:bulls were placed in the cages with the artifioiaW _Iifect~d deer.- , The 'b-ulis
Icaught the infection toward the 5th-7th-day. The course of the disease WaS
typical, Wth the bulls recovering after two.veeks. The authors conclude t
.roe door are susceptible to both artificial an4 natural infection with types
i A- and 0 virus of foot-and-mouth disease. On. artificial intravaginal infection)
laphthae appear on the mucous membrane of the lips rather than) as normally$ in
livestock, at the site of -introduction of virus'L The course of the disease
:-was of below-normal severity., and it's clinical picture md pathologoanatomic
~changes in the deer point to a toxiooseptic character of the dineasep it appeari
that, owing to their ecological feitures.. wild animals are much more rarely in
contact with the foo-t-and-muth virus than domestic animale'..and this accounts
:,for the violence 'of their peaction to administration of the virus-! arE'.-:_"
has: 1-figures [JPRS]
SUB CODE: 06, 02 SUM DATE I none-,
card -2/2
5W, V.-
KDDYAKOVA, 11. D., Cand Agr Sci (d Ss) "'Study pf (Wild-Growing
Hazelnut in Yaroslavskaya Oblast IW--t-ewapds Utilizing
It for Cultivation." [Kishinev] , 19.55 Lissued 19.561 24 pp,
(Kishinev Agricultural Inst im M. V. Frunze), 100 copies (IM,
48-57, 106)
- 47 -
KINDYAKOVA, M.D., assistent
Effect of treating needs before sowing with trace elements
on corn yields.- preliminary report. Uch. zap. Mord. goo.
un. no.13-70-75 160. (MM 15:11)
1. Kafedra. agronomil, i pochvovedeniya Mordovskogo
gosudarstvennogo universitetao
(corn (maize))
(Plants,, Effect of trace elements on)
"Peculiarities of the Growth and Fruit Bearing of the '.,Iild
Hazel-nut of the Karl A33R of Yaroslavskaya Oblast";
dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sclences
(awarded by the Timiryasev ASvicultural Acadmq, 1962)
(Ityestiya Timir7azevskoy Seliskakhozyaystvemoy Akademiij Moscow, NO. 2,
1963s, pp 232-236)
SHAMM, G.N.j, inzh.,, kand. ekonom. nauk; KATMELISON, M.Yu.t inzh.; Kni-
DYAKCIVAt 0., red.; PILKAUSKAS) K.t tekhn. red.
[Organizationt preparation and planning of group production of
parts by the method of Lenin Prize winner S.P.Mitrofanov; album of
methodological and reference materials based on the practice o4', the
Leningrad Economic Council] Organizatsiia.. podgotovka i plani ova-
nie gruppovogo proizvodstva detalei po, matodu laureate. Leninskoi
premii S.P.Mitrofanova; allbom metodicheskikh i spravoebrykh mate-
rialov iz opyta Leningradskogo oovnarkhoza. Villnius, Respublikan-
skii in-t nauchno-tekbn. informatsii i propagandy, 1960. 52 p.
(MM 14-11)
(Factor7 management)
1g. ~qi~ , f,. , red.
Ciiyu,;, ;.,[;.orkovlclua,
,,t -) ,
[Furniture fillishillf-'r] ot6olkn moixull. V i I I III us, Vll.~T 111
1" C13. ", 'j, 1). (MIRA 1'1:9)
ALMERS: Radomysellskiyr'.I. D., Kindysheva, V. S.
71TLEt Report on the Second Plenary Seasion of the Coordination Council on
powder metallurgy
FERIODICALI Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no'. 12,1961, 4.2, abstract
IM99 ("Foroshk,.metallurgiyall, 1961, no. 2, 117 - 119)
TEM Information is given on the Plenary Stssion of the Coordiuation
Couneil on powder metallurgy (K-iyevj, November 29 - December 1, 1960). The Con-
ference heard an accounting. report by 1. N. Frantsevichg'Aoademician of AS UkrSSR
and chairman of the Council, and a number'of reports on:i.. safety techniques in
cermet production; the development of powder metallurgy in the RSFSR and other
Republics; the fulfilling of directiVes issued by the gov6rnment-on-the develop-
ment of powder metallurgy; the GOST project concerning powder metals, and re-
sults of determining the Industrial demand of cermet articles &nd refractory com-
pounds. The Plenary Session studied organization problems.and approved 10 sec-
tions of the Council and their management. R. Andriyevskiy
[Ab3tracter's notel' Complete translation]
Card 1/1
Transactions of the Secor4.Flenary Meeting of the Coordinating Council
on Powder Metallurgy. POMh, met. I no.20-16-119 Mr-Ap 161.
(14DU 15: 5)
fi dori %v ~~jio
-.n;- l.on -,i'
L 43Q47-a , EN'T(l) I Qw-
AUTHORt Ki I unhovs V. 1.
-- 'L~ 14Y 1 -II~ - -- - - -A
ORG: Department of Oceanography Moscow State University tin. M. V. Iouionosov (Mos'kovskdy
gosudarstvennyy u -versItet, Kafedra okeanolo9u)
TITLE: Increase in density upon mixing of waters during transformation of the Mediterranean
Sea water mass in the Atlantic Ocean Ix
SOURCE: Okeanolog4,a, v. 5, no. 4, 1965, 617-624
TOPIC TAGS: ocean currert, sea water, fluid density
ABSTRACT: The mW-ng of oceanic waters of different temperntur6 and salinity Is accompanied
by a certain increase in the density of the mixture (mixing compression). This article examinei
the character of mixing compression accompanying the transformation of the water mass of the
Mediterranopn Sea in the Atlantic Ocean. Tho waters of the Mediterranean Son, moving past
the Gibraltar sill Into dic Atlantic Ocean descend to depths of 800-1200 ni and extend at these
depths over an appreciable area (from the Canary Islands to the shelf of Ireland). At the exit
from the Strait of Gibraltar they have a temperature of 11.9C and salinity of 36.50%. To
elucidate the role of mixing compression the author presents a clear concept of the water mass-
Card 1/2 UDC:
ACC NRs AP5021207
Cs ill the InvesUgated rerjon. Temperature-sallnity curves are plotted to analyze the water
masses. The change of the thermoliallne Index of the core of the Noith Atlantic central water
mass In relaLlon to latitude Is plotted, the position and trwisformation of the water masses of
the eastern part of the North At.lantic: In the field of an Isosteric T-S diagram are shoiNm graph-
Ically, and the curves of the vertical distribution of mixing compression are given for various
regions based on data collected during the IGY by the expeditionary ships Atlantis, Chain,
Crawford, Discoverer H, and Calypso. Two maxima were noted in the curves of the verUcal
distribution of nAxing compression. The first maximum was at a depth of 300-400 m and
occurred upon mixing of the North Atlantic central and southern water masses. The depul of
the second maximum coincided exacUy with the lower limit of the Mediterranean water mass.
The upper limit of the Mediterranean Sea water mass Is situated in a region of minimal values
of mixing compression from 0. 00 to 0. 02- 10-5 Aa - This corresponds to uneven vertical mix-
ing of the Mediterranean water mass. The effect of mixing compression Is greatest in the re-
gions Immediately adjacent to the Strait of Gibraltar. Here compression at the lower boundary
of the water mass of the Mediterranean Sea reaches values of -13-10-6Aa. Such high values
of compression promote descent of the Mediterranean waters and a shift of their center of
gravity toward the lower Limit. As the Mediterranean waters spread out in the Atlantic Ocean
the values of the mixing compression decrea se -to -7 - 10-5Aa . On the whoIleI, mixing compres-
sion promotes a rapid degeileratton of the MedlterranORn waters. The work wad barried out unj
der the supervision of Coo. of Geogr, Set. 0. 1. Mamn-yev
Orig. art has: 0'
QLJJJ Dr OUBM nATE: .04W64/1' ORMS ra
- q R!
F-V Lie
Characteris'.1cs of Svocls leukemia *.Tarisplanted to unbred
rata. Vop.ank. 11 no.1106-98 i65.
T [i 1%
1. 1z Klye.7skngo nRuchno-lqelcdovat.ullskc,- , InqLit-ta
perelivanlyn krov.1 I neotl6,,,bno,.r khirurgi~~ (direktor - dotsent
S.S.I-siv-,5kr zarrestitell dl---3kto,7a po naimbnoy chast' -prof.
A . G . ~ a rav finov
Maruho) V:;'t 9 e V, C.
--ffa.. L 3f re pt~i ii r, ev,-~erl--fiontsl
Pere,. kr~-Vi 26;,.
c-r7.~ -19 unee t~lli
(MIRA, 16 10)
7 7.?
A c llc:ct--i on on Uv~ t~~canololjca his'k-,ory of ilun ,,.ir,ian postal s~.rvicc. p. 2,--;~
5-'ov, tsrt.)
170. 13, Juli 11055
SO: i.onthly List of East ~~.aropuan ixcessions, ;,.L), Vol 11 Nov.
Inauguration of the Post Office Museuit, p. 242, KOZLEKED ESTUDO.&UM
SZEMLE, (Kozlekedesi Kiado) Budapestj Vol. 5., No. 7/8, July/Aug.
SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress,
Vol.4:, No. 12, Deceqber$ 1955
Punrariai, !iadio is thirty years old. p. 146. WZZIE"
SM.: Ull. Kiic-lo) budajc,~;L. Vol. 6, no.
Sr-A 1; 1 C-, &tst European Accessiens Lj!,t (FE AL) of Corr-0:3S
Vol. 5, no. 8, AuL--ust 1956
The Hungarian radio is thirty years old. p.23-
Maintaining the moisture contcnt of air in the printing industry. p.24,
Setting up cableways in forestry. p.25-
Rear suspension of automobiles. p.26.
Exhibition of the machine industry in Brno. p.27.
Chemical processing of natural gas. p.28.
MTJSZAKI ELTI. (muszaki es Termeszettudomanyos Egyesuletek Szovetsege). Budapest.
Vol 11, no. 1, Jan 1956.
SOURCE: EEAL, Vol 5, no.7, July 1956.
Farewell to the mail-coach. station. p. VU.
1-11LE, (Kozlekedes- cs KozlL-Ielese,.)itestiiL!omjzvi
Eryes-let) 13iidapest,, linneary., Vol. 9.1 no. N, Apr. 10/59.
Nonthly list of East European Accessions (i-:!,'AI), TC, Vol. 8, No. 8,
Aiivust 1959.
Autosteraoscopy. Blat tud 19 no.46:2190-2194 13 N 164,
KINDZIIEP~ZKY, Fn!.l,, dr,
lelex, grintex rind TGX telegraphis nyst,-ma, tu-I '9
" ' 3 16
o. /-j -,~-,-1653 28 Ig 164.
KINIYL.,&SZKY, Emil,, dr.
Submarine cables, Elet tud 17 no.27$855458 8 JI 162,
Talstar: a new star. Elatu tud 19 no-4:160-164 24 Ja 164.
There are no illuminating car key3. Elet tud 18 no.48:
1506 1 D 163-
Em~ dr.
KI:;DZIER57KY I 11.9
Once again aboiit melancholy. Flet tud 19 no. 20:941 15 My 164.
xThe magician of Monlo Park [Edison]* by Istvan Szavao Reviewed
by Emil Kindzierszky. Elet tud 18 no.32:1016 11 Ag 163.
The Foreno-Telophone Exchango, Elet tud 16 no.4-9,1324-3,327 15 0 161.
Plugging and drawing corks. glet tud 15 no.46sl450-3453
13 N 160,
lwmzlmzKyp EMU. dr. _
Mahanized blood count. Elat tud 16 nools23-26 I A 161.
TYPOBetting without lead. Elet tud 16 no.25:775-778
18 je 161.
Electronic musical instruments. Elet tud 16 no.29:907-910 16 Jl 161.
INST IMENI 1. NJ. SECHENOV)s (KL-DVI 11-61f 228).
1 a 04 j j
ilk IVA)
d 4
pt 0:
2.1 A V3 d
uga v
1 . KIM,") Ye.
2. USSR (600)
4. Siguldap Latvia - Sulfur Springs
7. Sigulda'S sulfur near the "Zusill and "Staini" farms. Latv. Fli'A Zin.
Akad. Vestis. no. 9, 1950.
9. Monthly List of Hussian Accessions Library of Congress, March 1953. Unclassified.
Liver-Diseases: Blood
Modifications of blood proteins in acperimental liver dystrophy. Arkhiv pat.. 14, No. 1,
1952. Tashkent; Iz Kafedry PatoloEichoskoy Fiziologii (Zav.-Prof. M-N .Immiin)
Tashkentakogo Moditsinskogo
Instifuta rcd. 9 March 1950
SOt Monthly List of Russian Accessions) Library of Congress) June 1952 Uncl.
~ ,
Rodifications of blood proteins in einerimeatal liver dyatroohy,
Arkh. pat., Moskvs. 14 no.1:71-73 Jan-Feb 1952. (CLML 22:1)
1. Of the Department of Paithological Physiology (Head -- Prof. M. N.
Khanin), Tashkent Medical Institute.
Effect of oxygen and thiouracil on the course of radiation sickness
Ih animals. Mod. zhur. Uzb. no.7:50-52 J1 161. (I-IIA 15:1)
1. 1z kafedry patologicheskoy fiziologii (zav. - prof. 14.N.Khanin)
TashkentakogDgosudarstvennogo medits'nskogo instituta.
d4v devolopmenIt In glass Irchnal"Ry. s ki%vl
ArM. I I --.) w I It 1 4 9 111151 -, k 111VII1.1115- 11,41
lull.-IA.11 p1mv in The pf-lo. 1""I y,tl oil ill Ill, fil't fill,
'~Ylvtjj% I be th3tarlciios, imulowir, worre a ch,mic, -t# I,, A
'-I N-11 ill, th~ ..( m-lit ... % .11.1 .
I'moill.m.1, "'"kmN V.Itftl I It, - , 11.1111t, . 1111111. it ... I IN-l"ll
16.41 of xt- jh~ foall'J."I A 1.* Im.1.1114 .61M
011"'I'MAKI ill tht 11114- illtlu%ttY t1l"lll the It' 111114 41 -it'
%-clopolitill 14 Ow sell"ll iffilliOr V. 111%lilld 14-114114141t., Iflom'I
c'.11ilm"ll. 1110111111 11trill.0% M-4-111 1.1 1.- the lat-f 11,11.1
A to I
A c A
-,. ~10
- - - -
CO"NOMPOTSfY til"WO"Clas In state tfthn*IM developments.
SWAN KINVI., Szklo t Co-ow , 1121 :11 ~hl (111,111 Ths fillile
0 Thr Mir
11 1% III-At
w Isaw flic rair iontriLif, file milwtiorul -isidlhig. list
sms-c-.awl fatininz titArbit" ill 011C MIllifillstil- mid thr
'Altill, IfIrOWItil"I. I I 1119111r. A It I.
"Specialization of cadres in the Class Industry", p. 78, 1 C;'R,-'..!'TKA,
Vol. 4, No. 3, Mir. 1953, Warszawa, Poland)
SO- Monthly List of East Eurojean Accessi-,ns, LC, Vol. 4, No. 5,
MEy 1955, Uncl.
.l: w
KDfr,L, S.
The world glass industry in 1955- p. 236.
(SZKLO I CEPJJUKA. Vol. 7, no. 9, Sept. 1956, Warszawa, Poland)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EIIAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec- 1957.
I'T 17~7
hth intorn;A3cnal C( ni-rcss ( n 61,iss in
3, I'ar. 31 ~5,
61 (5zki,c. 1. VO no
1xilthly inclex r,,f ""not ht!roponr. Accossic;iuq (FT-11) Vo 7, nt,
KWINJ* M.N., prof.; BURSHTEYN,, Ch.I., dritsent; KAMOVp Z.H.,, dotsent;
10E imsaist-int; MANKUS, T.G., assistant; SHAFRM, K.A.,
assistant; WULEV, '-.h.I., assifitent; PANKOVA, L.P., assistant
Development of ra'diation sickneiss' in animals following X-irradiation.
Med.zhur. Uzb. no.11:11-16 1i 160. (MIRi 14--5)
1. 1z kafedry patologic~askoy fiziologii (zav. - prof. M.N.Khanin)
i kafedry rentgenologii i meditsinsAy radiologii (zav. - prof.
S.A.Molchanov) Tashkentskogo gosudarstvenno o moditsinskogo inatituta.
KIW, B. YA, and PEROVA, A. A.
"Sanitation and Hygiene Evaluation of the Quality of Protective
Covers for Food Utensils.." paper presented,at the Scientific Conference of the Leningrod
Sanitation Institute, 8-10 May 1956.
KIN", S-; liOVOY, M-, tkachikha; BAZIuwv, V., slosarl (g.Lugansk);
Editor's mail. Sov.profsoiuzy 7 no.18:40-45 S 159,
OAIRA 13:2)
1. Predeedatell komitsta profaoyuza ekskavatornogo tsekba Uralma-
shzavoda (for Kinev). 2. Profgruporg fabriki imeni 6 marta,
,g.Ivanovo (for Novoy), 3, Predeedatell rayonnogo komiteta prof-
9~qyuza zheleznodoroahnikov Volikolukekogo otdoleniyu Kalininskoy
shelesnoy dorogi(for Dorofeyev). 4. Profgruporg otdoloniya litey-
nogo teekba ravoda stroymebin, g.OrBk, Orenburgskaya oblast'
(for Sboyanov). 5. Inspektor TSentrallnogo komiteta profnoyuza
rabochikh i sluzhashchikh sellskogo khozyaystva i zagotovok kfor
Wficiency, Industrial)
BULGC.-.RZ,./!Iuc:Lc- r Pi~-rics - InstUln-tions and Iastrunu.,As. MAJ'th~-'s C-2:
of rmd llusuLtrcli Jcur : Mf Zhur - Fitika, No 41 1959, No 7437
;.uthcz : Borisov M., KinQv St. Gccrgiycva I., V~%teva Ycl.
Illst :
Title, : Usc of Electrical!,., Stimmlatcd Currents in Singlc Crystu-,-1s
cf Cacb.:imi Sulfide for the Mcasumment of Doses of Gr= Rays
Ori ol Pub : Dol:l. Bo: -N, 191,)6, 11., 'No 1, 25-25
c-lc( ',ric~,J-ly stimulatud curr--wit i~; a br~c!f current pulsc,
occumn.- in CdS c,~7stals QxMosed t:-, I~vht or tD ionizin'z
radiata.ons whun an clQctric ficid is f-~pplicd to the crystt,-l.
T.w of t1w puloc dQpends on tho r,,,diation does and
is J-n(l(~pQnd-,nt on tl,..:! d,-.)f:c intensity. Me -,=itivity
li'lit is detunnim,,d by thr., darl, currout, r~rising under the
influence of the electric field in umc",os,~d cryst-Is. .*.s
I.he dm;u is increfi-,od, onturation occurj, i.e., V~c pulrL~3
do not incroam) vith iucrcasi-ag doc;u. 'Ric -athod it
pooqiblr-~ to measwe dosQr~ vithiii limits frun, GQvQl-al .'Lilli-
C,xd 1/a. rocntgens to one ro,~ntgcn. -- K.K. .-.~dintscv
,~ ~IMI~CH, A. M.. insh. , IOZLOVSKATA. A.A.. insch. GORSMININA, - G. I., inzh.
Bituminous. polymer coatings. Stroi. traboprov. 3 ne.12:12-13 i
16o. (MIRA 13:12)
(Pipelines) (Protective coatings)
Subject USSR/Chemistry
Card 1/1 Pub. 152 - 8/19
AID P - 3925
Author Kinevskiy, A. I.
Title Rate of solution of copper in dilute sulfuric acid
solutions which contain dissolved oxygen
Periodical Zhur. prikl. khim. 28., 10# 1088-97, 1955
Abstract With increase in the nuMber of revolutions of the
stirrer from 300 to 500 and from 200 to 400 per minute,
the rate of solution of copper showed a linear increased
at 50-700C. The effect of the concentration of oxygen
and of sulfuric acid, the 3peed of stirring, and the
temperature on the solution of copper Is discussed.
Five tables, 5 diagrams, 11 references, 8 Russian (1934-
Institution Chair of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Odessa
Polytechnic Institute.
Submitted 11 4, 1953
Subject Mb'R/Chemistry
Card 1/1 Pub. 152 - 11119
Author Kinevskiy. A. I.
AID P - 3928
Title : Rate of solution of copper in solutions saturated with
oxygen and containing sulfuric acid and copper sulfate.
Periodical : Zhur. prikl. khim. 280 10, 1113-16, 1955
Abstract : With increase in the concentration Of CuS04-5H?O In
the initial solution from 5 to 200 g/l, the rate of
solution of copper increases. On further increase of
the CuS04-5H20 concentration to 500 9/1, the rate of
solution decreases slowly. The complexity of the
occuring reactions is discussed. Two tables, 1 diagram,
4 references, 3 Russian (1935-55).
Institution Chair of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Odessa
Polytechnic Institute.
Submitted Je 20, 1953
5.2200, 5-4120 78215
AUTHORj Kinevskly, A. 1.
TITLEz Dissolution Rate of ~6-pper in Dilute Sulfuric Acid
Solutions Containing Oxygen, and Copper and Iron
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prilcladnoy Ichimil, 1960, Vol 33, Nr 3, pp 603-
6o8 (USSR)
ABSTRACTt Copper samples were dissolved in dilute H2S04
(111.3 g/liter)saturated with oxygen, and in the
same acid in which various amoiints of FeS04
(10.4; 20.81 and 41 *6 g/liter) were dissolved. Time
of reaction was 2,416,and 8 hr. Rate of dissolution
and extent of oxidation of, Fe - - ions to Fe ... ions were
determined. It was found that the rate o.~ copper
dissolution In the presence of FeS04 was from 3 to
Card 1/11 6.2 times higher than without FeS01,. This phenomenon
D Isoo lilt loll Hate of' Copper -111 78215
Piilfurlc Ac,ld Solution,; Cont alnIng c,'OV/80-33-3-1.6/117
Oxygen, and Copper and Iron Sid fatoo
2Cm + 0-j-1- 411'- 2t'ti*' + 211%0,
('it + Cu* _ _- 2Ctt
with subueqiient oxidation of Cu* Ions, and
"'Co + Cm- + 2F(-**
with subsequent oxidation of
reaction, the resulting rate
practically equal to the sim
of dissolution of the above
3 tables; and 10 refer(rices,
Fe'' ions. In this
of dissolution was
of the particuiar rates
reactions. There are
1 Polish, 9 Soviet,
ASSOCIATION: Chair of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Odessa
Card 3/14 Polytechnic Illatitute (K~ttfedra ol).,ihchey I ne-'7gan-
Diosolution Rate of Copper in Dilute
Sulfuric Acid Solutions ContainIng
Oxygen, and Copper, and Iron Sulfates
SOV;&- 33 -3 -16/117
icheo I
koy Ichim.H. Odf~oskojw pollteldnLcheokogo
October 12, 195"
Card 11/4,
5.1190, 5.2200 7821f:'i
AUTHOR: Kinevskiy, A - 1.
TITLE: Concerning the Intensificat'Lon of the Prccujo- of
Copper "Activation" in the Production of Copper Sulfate
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1960, Vol 33, Nr 3,
pp 6o8-612 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The dissolution of copper in dilute sulfuric acid
saturated with oxygen is catalyzed by Cu- ions
formed in the reaction. To increase the rate of
solution, the conditions of the reaction should
facilitate the diffusion of oxygen to the metal
surface and at the i3ame time avoid the removal of
the Cu-- ions from this surface. Such favorable
conditions are created when the acid solution
fc-,ms a thin film on the metal surface. The
amount of oxygen diffusing to the metal will
increase, and the concentration of Cu** ions
Card 1/4 at the surface will grow constantly until the
Concerning the Inten3ification of' the Process '(8216
of Copper "Activation" in the Production of SOV/630-33-3-17/27
Copper Sulfate
whole amount of sulfuric acid in the film is
exhausted. Hence, the rate of copper dissolution.
can be increased considerably by periodically
renewing the acid solution film. This assumption
was tested experimentally by dipping a copper
tablet periodically in the acid solution at No C,
and then withdrawing and keeping it suspended in
oxygen, bubbled through the acid solution. In t1iis
manner, the dissolution proceeded periodically in an
immobile acid film on the metal surface. The com-
position of the solution, and the length ot" t1me the
tablet was in the solut.11on and in oxygen, were varied.
The difference between the amount of copper dissolved
on uninterrupted immersion of the tablet in the
solution, and on periodical Immersions and witlidrawals
gave the amount of copper dissolved due to the processes
taking place during the immersion of' the tablet In
oxygen. This amount was several times larger than thLit
Card 2/4 theoretically correoponding to the imount; oV 1112 so4Ir.
Concprning the Intensification of the Process, 78216
of Copper "Activation" in the Production of sov/8o-33-3-171/27
Copper Sulfate
the film adhering to the tablet. Evidently, direct
migration of copper ions into the solution film
and oxidation of copper took place simultaneously.
The small amount of sulfuric acid in the film was
spent totally in a very short time, and during the
rest of the time, a growing oxide layer formed on the
metal surface and was dissolved during the next immersion.
The increased concentration of sulfuric acid (from
111-30 9/1 to 268-95 g/1) raised the rate of dissolution.
This was due, evidently, to the larger amount of H2SO h
In the film, as well as to the increase of specific
electroconductivity and, consequently, of the metal-
corroding currents. Maximum rate of the reaction was
obtained when the tablet was dipped again in the solu-
tion before the acid in the film was totally spent.
The above observations showed the irrationality of the
copper sulfate production process In which oxy,gen-
Card 3/4 saturated solution of sulfuric acid, copper sulfate,
Solubility rate of copper in dilute oolutions of oulfuric acid
containing equivalent Amounts of different oxidizing agents. Izv.
vyo.ucheb.zav.; khim.i khim.takh. 4 no.1:57-59 161. (mm 14s6)
1. Odeaskiy pol-itekbnichoskiy inatitut, kafedra ob-shchey i
neorganicheskoy khimJi,
(Copper) (Sulfuric acid)
AUTHORS: Kinevskiy, A.I., and Mazover, N.D.
TITLE-. on the problem of using sodium nitrite for slowing
down the corrosion of steel in humid air atmosDhere
containing sulphur dioxide
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 34, no. 12, 1961,
2705 - 2711
TEXT: Experiments were carried out on -42 (E-42) steels contain-
ing 0 07 %- C, 0.13 % DIn, 4.29 % Si, 0.015 % Pv 0.005 % S, 0.20 % Cu
0.08 ~- Cr, 0.07 % Al and 95.14 % Pe. Two kinds of experiments were
conducted, in which part of the specimens were kept in sodium ni-
trite solutions of variable concentration (water from Odessa mains
was ueed as clectrolyte)p for a period of 288 hours at 17-1800,
and part were subjected to humid atmosphere (96 % relative humidi_
ty) containing sulphur dioxide in varying concentration. In the lat-
ter experiments specimens were divided into two groups, one of
which was subjected to 1 min. immersion in 40 % sodium nitrite
Card 1/4
On the problem of using sodium ... D227/D305
prior to exposure, while the other was not. It was estEblished ex-
periment,,,.lly that immersion of specimens in sodium nitrite solu-
tion of 30 % concentration and more for up to 2 years did not re-
sult in corrosion. The protective action of sodium nitrite in % is
expressed by
Z Ko 100
where Ko - rate of corrosion in water from mains and K - rale of
corrosion in the same water but in the presence of NaN02 (determi-
nation by weighing). The results showed that sodium nitrate in
small concentrations may accelerate the corrosion; above 30 ~0 it
tends to passivate the metal and stop the corrosion. In the second
part of experiments, where corrosion was measured for periods of
exposure of 24 to 72 and 72 to 144 hours, it was observed that the
corrosion of untreated specimens started at various points on the
surface, and the points finally merged to give dark-brown layer of
the corrosion products. In the case of pre-treated specimens corro-
sioa appeared in the form of small light-brown spots covered with
drops of liquid which detached themselves as their size increased,
Card 2/4
On the problem of using sodium D227/D305
and removed the prodvcts of corrosion. The observations of effects
of sulphur dioxide concentration on the corrosion rate of untrea-
ted specimens showed that the rate of corrosion increased with the
partial vapor pressure Of B02 (up to 0.43 mm 11g). Further increase
of vapor pressure retarded the process. In the case of specimens
trQated with sodium nitritep corrosion occurred both at low and
high concentratAns of sulphur dioxide, but the rate was considera-
bly lower than that of the untreated specivens. The corrosion inhi-
biting action of sodium nitrite is complex and the authors assume
the following mechanism. In the acid solution present on the metal
surface, nitrite is converted into nitrous acid which on reacting
with sulphurous acid produces NO. The latter catalyzes oxidation
of H2so3 to H 2so4 which in turn reacts with iron producing FeSO 41 S
and H2S all of which have been identified in the products of corro-
si;,n. In acid solutions containing dissolved oxygen, divalent iron
is oxidized to trivalent iron which aprears to be an effective ca-
thode depolarizer. Consequently Fe + 2Pe*** = 3Fe-* and the reac-
tion is followed by the oxidation of Fe**. The ef-fect of this reac-
tion on the total coirosion process depends on the concentration of
Card 3/4
On the problem of using sodium ... D227/D305
iron ions and sulphuric acid in the solution. In conclusion it is
said that sodium nitrite may be used to retard the atmospheric cor-
rosion of steel but only for short periods and at very low concen-
trations of sulphur dioxide. There are 1 figure, I table and 17
ference8, 15 Soyiet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to
the EnClish-language publications read as follows: A, Wacher and S.
Smith, Ind. Eng. Ch., 359 358, 19431 W. Vernon, Trans~ Paraday Soc.
19v 886, 1924.
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii Odesskogo
politekhnicheskogo instituta (Department of General
an Inorganic Chemistry Odessa Polytechnic Institute)
SUBMITTED: January 13P 1961
Card 4/4
Inhibiting action of thiourea and fonnall~ on the corrosion of
high.-alloy silicon steel in 3ulftirle acid'. solutions. Zhur.
prikl. kbim. 36 no.l2t2774-2775 D163. (141RA 17.2)
... 1. Odesakiy politekhnicht~skiy institut.
Optical Instruments
Optical instruments of the Zagorsk Ilant. Fiz. v shkole 12 no. 3, 1952.
14ont List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September 1a52. MCLASSIFIED.
Kir4r~yr,iN, P. S,
Moscow# Gosudarstvennyy okeanograficheakiy institut
Trudy, v7pe 42 (Transactions of the State Institute of Oceano-
graphy, Nr 42) Moscow, Gidrometeoizdat, 1958, Errata slip
inserted* 850 copies printed*
Scientific Edsz. VeAe Tsikunova and PeS. Lineykin.- Edo.: A,D,
Perlovskaya and V.I. Tarkhunovaj Tech. Ed.: I.M* Zarkh.
PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for scientific
workers, graduate students~and engineers working In the field
of marine physics.
COVERAGE: This i ssue of the Institute's Transactions contains
articles on the further development of the statistical theory
of wind wave disturbanaej,,the problem of wind currents in a
stratified sea, and a simpl~-fied method of computing vertical
temperature distribution in the sea during a period of cooling,
No personal'ities are mentioneld* References accompany each
Card 1/2
M-CAp A. N.
"Bacteriological and Patbohistological Investigations in Chronic
Tonsilitis." Cand Y*d Sci, Ydnsk State Medical Inst., 2 Dee 54. (SB,
18 Nov 54)
Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher
Educational Institutions (31)
SO: Sum. No. 521, 2 Jim 55
ClAnges in the regulations 1-60 and 2-62. Izm. tekh. no.8:
63-64 Ag f63. (MM 16t10)
KINGISEPP, Georg, prof. farTakologii; RAIDARU, A., red.
[Pharmacology) Farmakoloogia. Tallirmp EoLAI Riiklik
Kirjastus, 1963. 586 p. [In Estonian) (MIRA 17:5)
1. Tartovskiy gouudarstverji57 universitet (for Kingisepp).
eased]; TEIZNCHIp M.
*Yamuil for praotima leasons in the hygiene of ohildron and adoles-
agntow by m.D.Bollobakova and others. Reviewed by S.K Kuniny VOL
Telenchi. Gig*, i sap. 25 no.4in7-119 Ap 160o iKEU 1388)
KOPCEV, I., Con".; and KINIEV, K., Dr. (Peoples Republic Or Bulgaria)
"Our Experiences in Treating Done Defects"
Bucharest, Re'vista SaniLara Militara, Vol 16, Special No., 1965; pp 215-220
Abstract: Data on 37 patients including 10 women, ages 16 to 56; bones
are tabulated, lesions were 2 to 20 centimeters in length; 19 fractures,
8 osteomyelitis, 10 benign and 2 nalIgnant neoplasms. There is no Stan-
dardized approach inasmuch as location and extent of defective bone as
well as general condition of the patient must determine type of treatment.
3 tables, 6 roentgenograms.
Construction of the Syr-Darlinskaya-D.-hizak railroad line.
Mat. po proizv. sil. UzIb. no.15:435-440 160. 04111A 24:8)
1. Tashglprotrans.
(Golodnaya Steppe--Railroads--Construction)
GEI,TRR,, Slu,l CMRA INOV, I,?*; XAMANINp L,G,; KESII, A.S,;ATj=TN,,.~.F.;
David L'ToTich Armand's 60th birthday (1905-), Isr. AN WSR.
Ser, geog, no,6tl4l-W " 165. (MIRA 18: U)
Marginal zone of the Samarovo glaciation in the Yenisey Valley of
the West Siberian Plain. Trudy Inst. geol. i geofiz. Sib. otd. AN
SSSR ao.27:72-89 162. (MIM 17:11)
AUTHORSi Kink, R._A.. and Liyd'ya, G.G.
TITLEt Non-linear effects in KI-T1 and Nal-TI luminescence
SOURCE: Akademiya nauk Estonskoy SSR. Institut fiziki i
astronomii. Trudy no.18. 1962.' Issledovaniya po
Iyuminestsentsii. .72-92.
TEXT: The photoluminescence of KI-T1 and Na-TI phosphors in
the form of very thin layers (-' 1 -0) is investigated when
excited with ultraviplet light from three spect *ral regions: in
the absorption bands'of activator centres (ac - excitation);
in~the longwave band'of the fundamental absorption, where anion
excitons are created (ex-excitation); and.when excited with the
shorter wavelength ultraviolet corresp%)nding to the band to band
transitions (ep-excitation). The*dependence of the luminescence
intensity of ordinary thallious centres on the duration and
intensity of excitation is measured at room temperature. The
steady state emission is made up of two components: a fast
component (T < 10-2 sec), and a slow or inertial component
(T - minute). With ac-excitation the fast component (fluorescence)
Card 1/2
Non-linear effects in KI-Tl and ... S/613/62/000/018/006/ol3
accounts for more than 95~~ of the steady state emission, With
ep-excitation the slow component may be up to 9010' of the
saturated intensity. In the case of KI and T1 with ex-excitation
the fast component is the principal one, while for NaI-Tl at
higher ex-excitation intensities the proportion due to the slow
component increases considerably. Steady state luminescence
increases with intensity of excitation for ep-excitation of KI-T1
and Nal-TI and ex-excitation of Nal-TI. In the case of
ex-excitation of KI-T1 the yield is independent of the excitation
density. The mechanism of these procesaes is discussed.
There are 10 figures.
SUBMITTED: December 27, 1961
Card 2/2