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GOLUB A.M. [Ilolub,~,M.J. K11,11,241K, G~M. (14 ll--~ Use of curves in the comparative !jtnWlity chaxac-,.,:ris tics of complexes. DopAll UW-,R no.7.932,-934 '61. 14 - C) 1. Ki.-yevskly gosudarstvewiw universitet. Predstavleno akademikom AN U~R Yu.K Delimarskim, [Delirars-kyl, IU.K (Complex eompounds) KILIIANIK, !.V..; KHOCIIENKO, R.V. ; LUTOMIN, I., red. (Adjustment of the devices of systems and mechanismo of moto, vehicles] Regu2irowa priborov sistem i makhaniz,%uv avtcm)bilei. Kishinev, hartia moldoveninske, 1964. 106 1,. ("'ini, 18.3o' BELENYA, Ye.I., doktor tekhn. nauk; KILIMIIIKp L.Sb., inzh. Performance of prestressed steel bears during the development of plastic deformations. Prom. stroi. 42 no.5:29-34 165. (M-TRA 18:8) AMMYIYSI~IT, Sargiy Koetyantinovich; SHAPIRO, KI~INNIKJ6"rsdaktor; SIDNM. P.P.. V.I., takhtichnty redaktor Mikhaylo Naumovich; redaktor; MONZHMN, [Principles of electric engineering; a textbook for students of secondary schools] Oenovy slaktrotekhniky; posibnyk- dlia uchniv serednloi shkoly. Xyiv, Darzh. uchbovo-pedagog. Yrd-vo *Radisnelka shkola,' 1957. 294 p. (MIRA 10:6) (Slectric engineering) ,!.. - I II. , 1 4- I 4 LEVANDOVSKIY. Sergey Vasillyevich; KILDL111, M.I., rodaktor; POLITIYUKO, S.R., tekhnichniy rodaktor - [Motion pictures in school p1wsics courses; methodological handbook] Kino na urokakh fisyky; matodychnyi posibnyk, lr~iv, Derth. uchbovo- pedagog. vyd-vo "Radians'ka shkola," 1957, 93 P. (KLRA 10:4) (Motion pictures In education) (Physics-Study and teaching) - K I L i MI: 111 K~ :i.G. C, Lo T,cdy;-,lr,jr ! 'i , .~ii 11". !""t - ", ; , , - t- , I !. ': . -- . r-I . . 94 F 165. -18,-,4:~ 1. ~-;, y-a t ,.,! ~ - ' - . I ", ry staritsli Kup, I , !! " 1 u KILIKNIK, N.G. . . PREIIIIII 1 - P, Complication in oanicillin therapy. Vrach.delo no.2:193 Y 15?. (MLRA 10-6) 1. Zdravpunkt parovoznogo depo stantaii Itupyansk Tushnoy zheleznoy dorogi. (FINICILLIR) JSAKov, A.A. (Kemerovskaya oblast); ZHURGARAYEVO Amangelldy (Dzhambul'- skaya obl. 1) KazssR); VLADIMIROV, A. (Asbest); FRIMAN, L.I. (Yaroslavl ; _gLW2,jqJA. (Vinnitsa); TEREKHOV, I.A. (Skopin); AKDAUIETOV, N.A. (pos.Mertuk. KazSSR); ZAKWKIN,, V.Ye. (pos.Rudtoev.. Tullskaya oblast'); SHESTOPALp G.A. (Moskva); KOTIY O.A. (Yaroslavl'); GAUKMN, V.A. (Moskva); LOPSHITS, A.M. Yaroslavll); SERGUSHOV, S.A. (Yaroslawl'); GOTMAN, E.G. (Pechora); VETROV, K.V. (Putintsevo, Vostochno- Kazakhatanskoy obl.); MIKULEVICH.,. Sh.Kh. (Daugavpils); SKOFETS, Z.A. (Yaroslavl'); RYHKKOV, L.M. (Yaroslavl'); CBMDAYEVt A.I. (Gavrilov-Yam) Problems. Mat.v shkole no.6s85-92 N-D 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Xat~~ematics-Problems, exercises, etc.) KILD-MIK, Ya.Yc. (Vinnitsa) 11-leLns for the substitution of parameters in solutions of problem--. Mat. v shkole no. 6:63-64 17-D Iful. 14:2) (---,'quations) SIC-201621144100210261020 3144/BiOl Taitsin, N. V. , AcRdomicinn, Cherkasskiy, Ye. S. , Buihchik T N ko, V._.L , LyadovR, G. L. , Kilimnik, Ye. YU . , and BelyaYeva, A. S. L'Llest :1~out the 1jLr,1r(;Ic a~;alnct calybaCc mn(;(-ota (Chortophila brasoicau PouclA ani Ch. r1oralin F1111.) :'-~::!:OD! CAL: kkade.-~iya nauk SSSR. Doklady, Y. 144, no. 22, 196,-, 457 - 460 T A chea,.) insectolungiciaul repellent dust W"PA Wan propured e the i and hexn- 0 ~ ,voduction,,of,nctivatod crool n (AC cnloro Cyclchexane (HCC by mixin w th peat or othor fillurn. In i~jA excellent results were obtained in small-scale tootti by dustinr ct%uli- 'lower, rith 10-12 g of coarse-j;rainnd peat croolin duct per plant (AC :Flat mixture of 1 13)- Ovipoeition before the taotl damage to roots and nunber of maE;Joto during the crop were observed. One treatment wna sufficient for initial oviposition (single aega on 4-0 ~ of the pl6nta)i two duatin6a were applied at 14-day Interval with mansiva ovipoultion 10 % r. 74-7 ~, of the plants). I finer-grained prepa.ration was uned in 1961, C&rd 1/3 5102016211441002101610-1-,, -azo3t about the 3trugglu at;ainat .... B144/B101 w.-I-~c.n. roduce! considerably tho conaumption. Treatmtont with IZRID -ME,8 wlt a.,% 1101lono byt immorning 'he root befort, planting 4n 0.5, 1, for 1-3 min; puttini*, into pent humun PO's (.150, "oo'- -,50,,/.. I I 1~03 1: pl~r 10 kg of peat %,ixturo)i pllicinr injilf, p1lintifil., h. 0 1 en 20, 50 j-, pvr holo)l nprinkling the root with 50 c or '1, 5, and 10 9-U3p--,nrion; Juating the collum (1-6 6). The latter n,)%hod w1in tho nnnt effic-.'ent. Similar reoultu were obtainuld by rsprlnklink~ with 50 ci.O of 1G ra URD nu~;2cnoion, a mothod requiring no additional work. Cunnidorable -,"cld increauco (2-24 tonn por hn) were nttainod for tifivernl variptic5 of cau.-iflower and head cabbage (no. 1, Chinono, and 151tivit' cabbare) by one or t-To duntingo with 3-6 C of IFaID aftor initial or munnive ovipooition, roipactively, and by abundant, additional aprinkling to guarantee a Dint penctratton of the liquid. Plant and rruit were not unfavorably affected. --?D residues in tho cabbare were not found by the Sanitarno- ep4demiologichoskoy stantBiya Moskvy (MODCOW Sanitation Epidemiological Station). 1FRD is harmless to workers, and not inforior in orriciency to expensivo organochlorino compi)unds. There aro 2 tables. Card 2/3 S/020/62/1144/002/028/028 ~-Itent about the atrujrgle againot B144/B101 A SSO C I Ai I ON i CItLvnyy botanicheakiy and Akadenii nroik 553H (11--lin Botanical Carden Acadeny of Sciencen USSR); Opytno- pokazatallnyy oovkhoz im. Masnoveta (Experimental and Modol Sovkhoz imeni Mosaovet); Sovkhoz im. A. M. CorIkogo (sovk:no.- imeni A. 14. Gorlkiy) February 9, 1962 Clard 3/3 TSITS.IN, N.V., akademik; CIERY.ASSKIY, Ye.S., prof.; BUSIICNIK, T.N., kand. biolog.nauk; S104ALIKO, V.F., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk; LYADOVA, G*L.p agronoml KILIMNIK, YesYe,y agronom4; EELYAYEVA, A.S., agronom - Preparation for controlling the cabbage maggot. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 7 no,7:33-34 Jl 162. (~IIRA 15:11) 1. Glavnyy botanicheskiy sad AN SSSR. Oporno-pokazateltnyy sovkhoz imeni Moftoveta-I-Sovkhoz imeni Gorlkogo. (Moscow Province--Cabbage maggot-Exter-aination) (Insectidides) TSITSIN, N.V., akademik; CHERKASSKIY, Ye.S.; PRO'!"SENKO, Ye.P.; MAZIN, V.V.; LYADOVA, G.L.;-AILIIt4jK,-je Ye. Effect of the insacticidal and fungicidal repellent dust'. (IFRD-1) on cabbage clubroot. DokI. AN SSSR 143 no-4:972- 975 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Glavnjf botanipheskiy sad AN SSSR i Opitno-pokazatelInji sovkhoz im. Mossoveta Lyubaretskogo rayona Moskovskoy oblasti. (Clubroot) (Fungicides) TSITSIN, N.V.., akademik; CHERKASSKIY, Ye.S.; BUSHGHIK., T.N.; SH&LIKO, V.F.; LYOUVA, G*L.; KMNM,, ; EaUXAMAO A.S.; Prinimali uchastiye: AZfZM=q--I4N*; ANTONOVA, I.I., VOLKOVA) A.A.; DCBROCHINSKAYAP I.B.; MCSHNERENKOO O.N+YUZHAKOVAp N-P- New data on the control of cabbage flieo (Chortophila brassicae Bouchd and Chortophila floralis FaU.). Dokl.AN SSSIL 144 no.2:451-460 Yv 162. (KIRA 15 t 5) le Glavnyy botanicheskiy sad AN SSSR, Opytno-pokazatelInyy sovk.hoz im. Mossoveta i Sovkhoz im. A.M.Gortkogo. (Cabbage-Diseases and posts) VAPTOV, M.; KILIMOV, Comparative studies on fever therapy and intravenous novocain in the treatment of sciatica., Sofia 6 no.10:61-67 1955. 1. Iz Klinikata po nervni bolesti pri Vinahiia meditsinski institut I.P.Pavlov-Plovdiv (direktor.- prof. Tr.Zaprianov). (SCIATICA, therapy, fever ther. & procaine, comparison (Bul)) (PROCAINE, therapeutic use, sciatica, comparison with fever ther. (Bul)) (MM THMAPY, in various diseases, sciatica, comparison with procaine (Bul)) KILIMOT. A.P.-. HABOYKIN, Yu.T. Theory of the one-electron bond of KoPsHadvaday. 28 no.3, 534-533 Kr 134. OMIA 7:6) 1. KharIkovskly politekhnichookiy institut im. Y.I.Lanina. (Hadvadev, K.P.) (Chasical structure) KILIMOV A P.; KABOYKIN, Yu. V.; VOLKQVA, A.M. Colorimetric method of detei~nining thallium in sodium oidide. Trudy IREA no.22:124-127 '58- (MIRA 14-:6) (Thallium-Analysis) (Sodium- iodide) AUTHCF-S t,)~ /~,o,/C-, 1/, 19 " Kili;llov, a. P., Sh[~a-nskaya, N. P. h8-l-612c TITLE: The Extinction of Photoluminescence in Stilbene byExt=3xw Sab-vtan~e-l (Tusheniye fotolyuminestsehtsii stillbena postoronnimi veshchest"Ifami). PERIOD1GAL.' Izvestiya. AN SSSR Seriya Fizicheskaya, 1958, Vol. 22, Yr 1, pp. 2~,-18 (USSR). i~3SI'HjICT: The dependence of the relative emission of photoluminescence in stil= bene-powders on the concentration of admixtures was investigated her-?. 2enzoin, deoxybenzoin, hydrobenzoin, 17.2-dibenzylpinacone, nylethane and phenanthrene were investigated. of thesu 6 an extin.-ui= shing action upon the photoluminescence of stilbene iyao determined in the first three, i. e. in compounds with carbonyl- or hydroxyl-CrouFs. The last three are substances which possess luminescence themselves and which intensify the luminescence of stilbene. It is shmri that at high concentrations of 1,2-dibenzylpinacone and 1,2-diphenylethanE~ in the case of an oxygen-containing pinacone a stronger extinction WaD observed than in the case of 1,2-diphenylethaneo A comparison cf the lu.minescence-spectra of pure stilbene and of stilbene with akbfix1'"Ja,t::3 admits the conclusion that in the case of phenanthrene and deo-Vtc-na zoin the excitation-energy it transferred from the stilbene-mol-cu.-I-S Card 112 to the admixture-inolecules. In the case of an addition of ben7oin and The Extinction of Photoluminescence in Stilbene by Extraneous Substances. hydrobenzoin no changes were observed in thu luminescence--spEct.-'I. The changes in the luminescence-spectra of the mixtures, of and 1,2-dibenzylpinacone and the 1,2-diphenylethane repectively not distinctly marked and yield no foundations for an evaluaticn (A the processes causing the intensification of luminescence in Uic~-(, cases. There are 7 figures, and 5 references, 3 of rhich are Slavic. ASSOCIATIOW Khar1kov Branch of the All-UrdonScientific Research Institute for Chemical Reagents (Kharikovskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledova- tellskogo instituta khimicheakikh reaktivov). AVAILkE,LE'. Library of Congress* 1. Chemistry 2. Stilbenes 3. Chemical compounds-Luminescence Card 2/2 05452 SOV/120-59-3-23/1,6 AUTHORS: .Ki.1imov,..A,.'P,., Nagornaya, L. L. azd Zadorozhiiyy, B, A TITLE: An Adaptor to the SF-4 Spectrophotometer for use in Measuring Fluorescence Spectra (Pristavka k spektrofotometru. SF-4 dlya izmereniya spektrov lyuminestsentBii) FERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1959, %r 3. PP 105-107 (USSR) A ABSTRACT: Fig I illustrates the instrument; here 1 is a hiCh-pressure mercury arc, 2 is a cylindrical quartz lens, 3 is a liquid filter, 4 is the sample, 5 is a holder, 6 is a mirror, 7 is the entrance slit of the monochromator, and 8 is a case. The filter is a cell fitted on one side with a quartz window, on the other with a special glass window, and filled with a saturated aqueous solution of nickel sulphate. This filter isolates (mainly) the 253 and 313 mil lines. Fig 2 illustrates the holderl which would appear to be meant for use with solids or liquids. Fig 3 illustrates the photomulti-plier detector (the original SF-4 uses a simple vacuum phoiGocel'-). Fig 4 shows the spectral sensitivity of the monochromator Card 1/2 with photomultiplier; Fig 5 shows fluorescence curves O'OV/120-59-4-12/50 AUTHORS:Nagornaya, L. L_ Kilimov, A. P. . 2(t) respectivelyt the author ob- tains the-matrix form [DI + a(t)) ~(t) Y(w, t) y(t). (2-3) 1 T10 The solution of Eq,.11(2.3) is sought fctvthe interval of time nT t < (n + 1)T (2-7 . This interval can be split into three sub- intervals, for each of which formulae are derived. The recurrent Card 6/0 26221 S/103/61/022/009/002/Oe4 T~e passing of random D206/D304 ratio for determining the coordinate lattice is found by putting in -0%(D In] + e WOT+%)e R (jo)). (5.6) (5.6) nT+O,+2ao