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Y,I-XOSTOV~k, V-V- J.VRWn V, D.V. Ctranslator); HATVMVA, T.S, [translator]; LASUVICH, Tu.I. [translator]; OSTRYAKOVA-VARSHAVER. V.P. [tranalatorl;ALECLOSTOVA, V.V.i translator] ; BARANOV, P.A., radaktor; ASTAUROV. B.L., -p-r-orffff-or. -Pffa-ktor; SYSINA, N.A., redaktor; IOVLIVA, II.A.. tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Polyploidy; collection of articles] Poloploidiia; sbornik statel. Perevod D.V.Iebadeva I dr. i a predisl. P.A.Baranova t B.L. Astaurova. Hoskva, Izd-vo inostr.lit-ry, 1956. 398 p. (MLRA 10:6) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akademli nauk SSSR (for Baranova) (Polyploidy) KffVOSTOYA.,,V.V., TMWNE, N.J.. SOROKINA, O.N., TRUKOV, V.L.. TSELISHCHEV, S.P. CRAYKINA, X.V. Development of soft wheat seedlings obtained from soedR irradinted with thormal neutrons (with summary In English]. Biofizika 3 no.4:459-465 156 (MIRA 11:8) 1. Institut biologicheekoy fiziki AN SSSR. Hosk7a I Laboratoriya biofiziki Moskovskogo ordena Lenina sel'skokhozyaystvenno7 Ftkademii im. K.A. Timirrazeva, Moskva. (PLANTS, EMCT OF RADIATION ON) (WHIAT) USSR / Farm Animals. Cattle. Abs lour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 40425. Author : Tinyakov, G. G., Khvostova, V. V. Inst :Not given Title :Histological Characteristics of the-Udder of Cows at Different Stages of Pregnancy and Lactation. Orig Pub: Dokl. All S-SSR, 1956, 106, No 6, 10ID6-1098. Abstract: When comparing the microneopic otructure of the mammary glands of heifers and lactating cows at different stages of lactation, a con- siderable predominance of the connective tis- sue over the glandular one, and its gradual increase in the course of pregnancy, is not- iced. In the lactating cows, the glandular tissue is considerably developed and it re- mains almost without change during pregnancy; Card 1/2 16 USSR / Farm Animals. Cattle. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Blol., No 9, 1956, 404L~5. Abstract: it decreases somewhat only during a dry period. The index of the ratio of the connective tis- sue to the glandular one, in heifers, is always less than one unit. The follicles in the heif- ers are approximately one and a half times narrower, and the glandular epithelium is two times higher, than in the lactating cows. Card 2/2 MKNSUROVA, V.V.; SAKHAROV, V.V.;-W A V. V. Sensitivity of diploid and autotatraploid plants to gamma radiation [with eummnry in English]. Bot.zhur. 43 no.7:989-997 ii 158. (MIRA 11:9) 1. Inatitut biofiziki Akademil nauk SSSR. MoFtkva. (Plants, Effect of gamma rays on) (Pol7ploidv) 4 KIMISTUVA, V.V.; D11LONA, N.L. Radiation sensitivity of the norintem of gemmilos and rootlets in pea and barley embryos, TSitologlia 1 no.3:320-321 My-Je '59. (MIRA, 12:10) 1. Laboratoriya radiatsionnoy grenatilct Instituta I) AN SSSH. 14oakva. (PLUCS, imm OF RADIOACTIVITY ON) KHVU5'_,'0V4&, V.V.; 1FAVZ(,ODllM, L.V. Fre(raoncy of chromosomn reorganizationn in tho tiamins of radinannsitive and radlorentatant pea plitnta. TUitologlia 1 no.4:403-407 Jl-Ag '59. (lawk 12:10) 1. LitborutorVa vuliatelonnoy gnnetild Inatitiita btoftaiki All 883R. Hoskvs. (CHROHOSOMS) (RADIATION--PHYSIOLOGICAL MMCT) (PEAS) SIDOROV, B.H.1 -11HVOSTOVA, Vj~V. .. Factors influencing the genetic effect of ionizing radiationB. Itogi na*i: Biole nauki no* 3:2176-227 160. (MIRA 13:10) (RADIATION-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (VARIATION (BIOLOGY)) DTJBIKIfiv~ N.P.; -KHVOSTOUP V.V*; TIVIDNE-p N.L. Ionizing. radiatiom.and plat brAm"I . Itogi muld: Biolt nauki no. 3:292-323 160. 1 lp:10) (PLANTS, EFFECT OF RADIATION.ON) (PLANT BRE G) '"p. jjj; VALEVA, S.A. On a method for the use of ionizing radiation in plant brealing. Blofizilm 5 no.lt8l-M 160. (KIRA 13:6) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. (PLANTS) (RADIATION I M CTS) ICUZIN, A.M.; 1S&YSV, B.H.;,KRVOSTOVA. V.V.; TOKARSKAYA, V.I.; BREGUZE, YU.I. --- J~ffectiveneas of the biological action of C14 during Its incorporation into living structures. Jokl.AN SSSR 134 no.4: 951-954 0 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Institut, biologichaskoy fiziki Akademii nauk 6SSR. 2. Ghlen- korre8pondent AN SSSR (for Kuzin). (CAUON--ISOTOPF.S) (PLANTS, EFFECT OF WIOACTIVITY ON) DUBININ, Nikolay Petrovich; KHVOSTOVA, V.V.L nauchnyy red.; SHIROKOV, S.I.~ nauchnyy red.; ANDREYENKO., Z.D., red,'; MAZELI, 7e.I., tekhn. redo [Problems in radiation genetics] Problemy radiatsionnoi genetiki. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry v oblasti atumnoi nauki i tekhniki, 1961. 467 p. (MIRA 14t1l) 1. Chlen-korresporident AN SSSR (for Dubinin) . (RADIATIOV-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (GENETICS) 2~j 0-2-0 3/560/61/000/010/011/016 D290/D302 AUTHORS; Glembotskiy, Yn. L. , Frolcoflevn-Bellgovoqkaya, A. A., Shrinina, Z. 13, Di , -Y., Valova, S. A., Eyger), IT. 3, IITLE;: Effect of cooiric flight factors on the heredity and devolopment of actinomycetes and higher plants SOURCE; Akadsmiya nauk SSSR. Inkusstvennyye eptniki Zemli. no. 10. Moscow, 1961, 72-81 T--XT: The eccond cosmic apace-ohip wao utilized to study t~e combined genetic effect of cosmic flight on orgraiiama, This article dcalo with the study of the following cultures: actino- myces arythrous, Btemo 2577 and 6594, and nctinomyceo i3trepto- mycini Kras., stem JJC-3 (L3-3). After the cosmic fligbt, the Card 1/4 ~/000/0 ) 0/0 1 IA I V 1 4' DI-qO/D302 tan,llni-(]-,~ ~-113 uxperimvntzil culturen invo;;tjj-,%ted rtcco.,diri), t 9: t-'j I. t.tift ( 2 ) :L LO tr- I'l J C rf gro-,-j Lh rki~d drv,~Ic-.,r-writ. Thv 2'!77 mvl b~-94 nt-n it ti if f vi, by Lhi- ~.i I :Co of theIr nuclear element in the spore nnd by their sciisiLivty to ultra-violet rays (UV). It in also asouried that they ~If'fer in their reaction to jonizinf; radiation. All the 4 teatLd oteme were found to bo nennitive to conditionj of coumic fl~jgjjt. I the nutfiber of uporea which survivod and "lie vitality (i.0 developnd coionic;~ of the radio-rooistant act. eryth-rcuo 2577, aa compared to the standards, increased 6 timen; the no, 8594 dverei,ined 12 times; the act. aureofacieno (1313-2201) dropped in vitality by about 751A on the avernge. In the rolts of all 5 type6 of experinental noods, the percentage of chromo- some changes was somewhat increased. However, only 'In the case of 2 types was this Increase statistically valid. In 3 tYpes of plants, in increase of mitosis was noted. In 'the case vherc the percentage of anaphases with chromosome changes wnu found Card 2/4 3 'M 3 5/560/6t/000/010/011/016 Effect of coamic-, D298/D302 to be high (nbout 5~-). the tempo of mitosis fell, The condi t:-ons of eo=ic flight stimulated the rrowth intcrt3ity c-mrared to t'he etandnr6s,. The folloviinr microscopic morphology foriturca of the experimuntal cultures confirm this fact! ~a) develcp=--nt of t. inore basiphyllic tind poworful gif, (b) growth of a thIcker intertwinLng, of mycella, (c) longthy growth of wL,11-dovelopcd j;I f s ,Data on the survival of the 8594 and 2577 stemr~ ore not completely valid since the concentrations of the spore rur-pen- sions of the control and experimental cultures were determined visually from the suspension turbidity. The morphology chanj~es in the colonieb were investigated on the act, crythreur 8;C-)4 and act. aureofaciens LBB-2201. Obtained data chow that the morphology changes in the actinomyces, both in the experimen (c)smic flight) and control, lie within the same limite. The cytology analysis of agricultural plant seeds affected by cosmic flight was conducted by studying the chromosome impairment in the ana- and telophaseB of the fir!3t mitosis, Obtained results Card 3/4 LI B/566/61/000/010/0'.1/016 Efl-~ct of C03mic- D298/.D302 nho--a-d thqt in all the InveotiCated plantu tht-ro iu it cerl;tl-n incret~sa of cells with chromocome chaiic-,~s, and in only vil-I-eat and Spartanot's pean-is this illcronse ntitinticnlly valld. Th.~ro are 4 fi.curcn, 2 tablen and 5 references: 4 Soviet- blo~~ and 1 non-Soviet-bloc, The reference to tho English- lanj7unge publication reads as follows: S. D. Pipkin, W. N. Suliivan, Aerospace Med., 30, 585, 1955. su:~,,,ITTED: May 3, 1961 Card 4/4 S/205J61/001/004/027/032 D298/D303 AUTHOM& Rhvostovaq V. V. and Nevzgodina, L. V. TITLE: A cytological analysis of the causes of resistance to in p1 an tm PERIODICALs Radiobiologiya, v. 1, no. 4, 19619 611-618 TEXT: In previous works by S. A. V&l*va (Ref. 1s Biofizika, 5, 2449 1960) and by V. V. llhvostova and L. V. Nevzgodina (Ref. 2: Tmitologiya, 19 4039 1959) it was found that the greater sensitivity of the bud to radiation van caused by the fact that more chromosome reconstructions occur in their cells which leads to death of some of the cells and to inhibition of growth. The authors set out in the presen' Tork to clarify which of the processes of chromosome reconstruction formation proceeds differently in the calla of plants resistant to radiation and plants menmitive to radiation~ For a comparative study, the air-dried needs (about 8% moisture content) of fodder peas and Kapital variety table pea Card 1/4 JC-/ S/205/61/001/004/027/032 A cytological analysis... D298/D303 were irradiated with gnmma-radiation from a Co 60 source at an intensity of 450 r/min. and with fast neutrons. In the latter case the pea seeds were irradiated in the horizontal channel of an 'APT (MT)reactor in a mixed stream of fast neutrons and gama-rays at a distance of 240 cm from the active zone. The total dose received by the seeds in 5 hours of irradiation in the channel was 500 r from faat neutrons and 270 r from the gamma-rays. It was found thatthe seeds of the foddor pea were more resistant to gamma-radiation than were the Kapital pea seeds, judged on the criterion of "damageabil i ty "--the percentage of anaphases with chromosome reconstructions in the first mitoses of the radicles and the mean number of reconstructions per anaphase. No difference in the sensitivity to fast neutron activity was noted. Storage of the fodder pea, irradiated with gemma-radiation for I and 6 months and also with fractional irradiation at intervals of 1 month, showed no increase in the number of chromosome reconstructions. FVrthermore, no change in the number of chromosome reconstructions was noted in seeds irradiated with neutrons. Storage of the Kapital pea seeds, irradiated with gamma- Card 2/4 S/205/61/001/004/027/032 A cytological analysissoe D298/WO3 radiation for I and 6 months and also with fractional irradiation, shoved that the number of chromosome reconstructions increased markedly. Storage of seeds irradiated with neutrons gave a much lower rise in the number of chromosome reconstructions. The ORE of neutrons compared with gamma- radiation was 40 times more with the fodder pea and 10 - 15 times greater vith the Kapital variety, Jud i g from the percentage of anaphases with ,,In chromosome reconstructions. Abstracter's note: OBE not defined. Per- haps "obahchaya biologicheskaya effektivnost' (general biological effec- tivene,sx)"7. A study of the types of reconstructions showed that, after neutron irradiation of the seeds, chromatide bridges comprised about 10% of all the bridges, whereas after ganxt-irradiation they com- prised about 30%. Storage of the seeds irradiated with neutrons gave no change in the number of reconstructions, but the percentage of chro- matid* bridges increased. With storage of the Kapital seeds irradiated with gamme- radi ati on, the percentage of chromatids bridges almost doubled. U. N. Bregadze helped with irradiation of the seeds in the reactor and in calculating the doses of fast neutrons. There are 3 tables and 13 reference&8 6 Sovietbloc and 7 non-Soviet-bloc. The 4 Card 3/4 S/205JOI/001/004/027/032 A cytological analysis... D298/D303 most recent references to the English-language ]publications read am followss 0. Gelin, L. Ehrenberg, S. Blixt, Agric. horte genetep 169 1/21, 78, 1058~ A. V. Beatty, J. W. Beatty, Geneticxt 45, 39 331f 1960; J. D. Adammq R. A. Nylan, Bad. Res.p 8v 21 1119 10581 0. J. Nearyp S. MO Tonkinson, F~ S. Williamson, Int. J. Rad. Biol., 1. 3, 201, 1959. ASSOCIATIONs Institut biologicheskoy fi-aiki AN SSSR (Institute of Diophysicaq AS USSR), Moscow SUBMITTF.Ds March 20, 1901 Card 4/4 KHVOSTOVAp V,V*j KIKNADZE, I.I.j F7LATOVAj I.T. blucleic aoids in cellis of the meristem of rootlets of Fea varieties with v~~ radio"witivity, TSitologiia 3 no, 2tl83-188 Mr-Ap 161,. 1. .I (MIRA 104) 1, Laboratoriya~ radia-vaionnoy genetiki Inatituta biofiziki AN SSSR9 Moskva i Laboratoriya obahchey taltologii Instituta tsitolo ii i genetiki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSRw Novosibirsk. ~NUC4IC ACIDS) (PLANTSp UFECT OF FUTIOACTIVITY ON) (PEAS) V.V.; PRAVEDNIKOVA, G.L. Study of melosis in constant 36-chroig6some intermediate forms of Triticum-Agropyron hybrids. DOLAN SSSR 138 no.1:215-218 FT- Je 161. (MMA 14:4) 1. Institut biologicheakoy fizilti AN SSSR i Institut taitologii genetiki Sibirskogo todeleniya Akademli nauk SSW. Predstavleno akademikom N.V*Mitsinym. (fdTICUM-AGROPYRON HYBRMS) (ClIRGICeOMES) GLEMBOTSKIY, Ya.L.; FROKCFIYEVA-BELIGOVSKAYA, A.A.1 SHAMINA, Z.B.; KHVOSTOVA V.V.j VALEVA, S.A.; EYGES, N.S.; NEVZDOGINA, L.V. Effect of space might factors on the heredity and develop- ment in actinomycetes and higher plants. Probl.kosm.biol. 1:236-247 162. (MIRA 15:12) (SPACE FLIGHT-PHSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) D405/D301--' A A': ~'~.'-Prdk6f VAVM~ gov -K gh-' I i h V~ 0 6fid i t i .one on e pro Uiw.",::k UME . . b *,N ~Sisq 10~i lic- u iblbgii,. v~ '2. -Ed. b a oy,,: ~~',Xviid k 19 lad-iro AN 62 Ova 0 COW CT i TN6.-i qpiidb'-~ Z-i-g ah spores::of ii~tinomyci to$",. j f th t' 6n.d ram., -GtfpQin some stalfe -~O-Wlw ~tteix-vractlda -vp %je,*,,lu,,7,prd ozige a i a The- ek pace~'fl ghta~ ~,exp h e ab ermtJ.6- ar-n c b ib, n irl,.!~~i'661--~'(PEG~ia*~t)-~~tiiai~i*,' ter'l lijht on' tlie' b-8 e- d iii Di ei'a iee'- d .8 Li B/747/62/000/000/016/025 Ddr-196/D307 ,t6"L`iWI~6 "uZin, A. N., Iuayev, B. M., Khvoutova, V. V., Tokarskaya, V. I. and Bregadze, Yu. I. "I 1T i, 1"hc biological effect of C14 incorporated into living tissues Rudiatoionnaya grenetika; f3boruik rabot. Otd. biol. naUk j~LN S-J'3111. lloijcow, Izd-vo AN 36SRt 1962, 267-273 T ~T A`Lter the performance of nuclear tests the content of radio- Uctive carbon in -Oie atmosphere increased between 1955 and 1958 at ,jhen ,,wsessing the possible biological effects 011, these d0i.ieo tht?..,'I are usually outimuted by thd radiosensitivity of living tij6ues expoLied to the exzcrnal. source of radiation. These calcula- 1)owever, to tar'-.e into consideration the special geometry 61' incorporation of C 14 into radiosensitive structures such as chro- moso,mes Lis well as the so-called transformation effect in DNA mole- -cuies (V-14--4 1~14). These effects may lead to more frequent aberra- C:,4rd 1/3 IT'r,b I i 1 ffe t 3/747/62/000/000/016/025 ' eX,jected fro:' ii c~_ilculations on the basis of the dose to exijaL;cd. The authors compared the biological I:CC-L of .11(.-orl)urated into jlant seedlings, with the effect of u:X.'Dz~'zrC_' to ext,,;.rnal s,amma radiation emitted by Co 60 . Normally grow- in~,r 10-day old j)'Lazi-Ls placed into a photosynthesis chamber con- . . U ~ 1 if0 (tOtO.1 ~LC-,iVity 100 3 Lainin- ,, 2 V 'P C, volume of chamber 22.5 dm radioac-uivity of tfic inner layer of the plants wao estimated on scin- countcrs and T-lic tissues %,.,ere investigated cytolofically, cou?"Lin', i)roportlion of m-icronuclei and the mitotic index. The of cells with chromokiome aberrations increased from 0.16% U 1_11 t'.10 Control plan-cs to 0.20"Ip in the experimental plants. 'Plant oxi)U.30C~ to more tzian double the dose of radiation (Co~oj o d a s, i; i increaue in the number of aberrations but calcula- --k~n rovealed -L~hlat the mutua~;enic effect of incorporated C14 was ten ..I_c,s TIt.~an -zhat of ~Ln equal dose of external irradiation. fact sliows -,, thc transformation effect C 14 ----> N14 as well as 2113 8/74 62/000/000/016/025 biolo--cal effect ... D296 307 14 -cometry of the incorporation of C are factors to be U cuj,'.zidc~red furt)icr. Inere is I figure and 1 table. 6 0' Q C; iI U 1. Inotuitut b-iologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva (In- stitute of biological Physics, AS USSR, Moscow) Ca r d 1'5 S/747/62/000/000/025/1)25 D243/1)308 I*LUT -1 1_0,Rti :Klivootova, V. V. and Nevzgodina, L. V. TITLE: The causes of 1-,he radiostability in plants SOURCE: Radiatsionnaya genetika; .9bornik'rabot. Otd. biol. nauk AN SjSR. Hoscow, Izd-.vo AN 333R, 1962, 358-366 TEXT: The prejent, work was aimed at determining at which Stage the forz.;at4on of chromosome reorganization proceeds differently in ra- diooonsitive and radioinuensitive plant cells. Air-dried seeds of maple and Capital peas were irradiated with total doses, over ~1 hours, of 270 r of C060 6' rays at 450 r/min, and 500 r of fast neu- L-rons. Haple pea seeds were found to be more resistant to r rays, wh-ile both types %;ere equally susceptible to fast neutrons. ThEl Seed V, reaction, as measured by the percent of anaphase cells with chromo- somal reorganization, was more uniform Lfter neutron than after 6' radiation, especially in Capital peas. Two series of experiments, with 7500 r and 5000 r of r radiation respectively, were then car- ried out to study the effect of chromosome reorganization, in It- Card 112 SYUY CHENI-MANI [Hsu Chlen-nnan]; KIIVOSTOVIA., V.V. Effect of fast neutrons on the develo]pment of winter whaat PFG-186. Radiobiologiia 2 no.6t926-930 162 (MIRA 16:11) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki, AN SSSR, Moskva. KITVOSTOVA V. V., and VALEVA, S. A., "Cytogenetic Analysis of the Sensitivity of Plants to Different Kinds of Radiation." report submitted for the 11th Intl. Congress of Genetics, 'Me Hague, Netherlands, 2-10 Seep 63 KHVOSTOVA, V. V., MOZHAYEVA, V. S., and EYGES, 14. S., "Effectiveness and Specificity of Ionizing Radiations and Some Cherrical Substances in Inducing Mutations in Winter Wheat." report submitted for the 11th Intl. Congress of Genetics, Inie Hague, Nett-erlands, 2-10 Sep 63 YMOS'f0VA V.V. - YAGIMSKAYA G.L.; LUTIKINA, A.N. 0 p Analysis of the gonetic structure of constant 56-chromo- somal triticuirr-agropyron hybrids. Izv. SO AN SSSR no-4. Ser. biolw-med. nauk no.1:76-78163. (MDa 16:8) 1. Institut tsitologii i genetiki Sibirskogo ~tdeleniya AN SSSR i Nauchno-isoledovateliskiy institut oollskogo khozyay- stva tsentrallnykh rayonov nechernozemnoy polosy. L ~h 31 -63 E7ft? (J)j1r CC (w)1FS(v)_2t13DS1ES (a)/ES (J)ILS (c)/&~(k)/E3 (t)-2/ FKY AFFTCAMD/AFMDC/ESD-3 Pb_4/Pi-h/Po-h/Pq-4/Pe-h TT/A/RD/DD ACCESSION NR: AP3007352 S/0293163/0011001/0186/0191 voscoval AUTHOR: K ~h V. VI; Goetimskiyj S, As; Hoghayeva, V. S41; Ncbzgodin I TITLE: Further study of the inf lue-n-ce of co.ndit-ion-sof-space flight on chromosomes of primary roots of pea and wheat sprouts SOURCE: Kosmicheskiye issladovaniya, -4. 1, no. 1, 1963, 166-191 TOPIC TAGS: space flight effectj chromosome reconstruction, 660. Mev proton, cobalt 60 Gamma ray, Vostok-1, Vostok 2, Vostok 3, Vostok 4 ABSTRACT: Dry seeds of winter wheat (PPG-186) and peasC'Kapital" variety) were exposed to effects of space flight on the four Vostok spaceships. A cytological analysis of the sprout roots of seeds in- dicated that exposure to space flight resulted in a small but sta-- Lfstically significant Ancrease in chromosome reconstructions. The percentage of reconstructions does not depend on the duration.of flight. More reconstructions were found in seeds flown in Vostok-2\-~: than in seeds flown ifi Vostok-3, in which there was a distinct, Coed 112 L 19h53-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3007352 but not statistically significant increase. There was no increase in the number of reconstructions in seeds flowti in Vostok-4.Y;-Con- trol seeds were subjected to radiation and vibratio~_fn____a_n__attpmpt to identify which -aspects of space flight were responsible for 'the increasR. Exposure to vibration (70 cps; amplitude, 0.4 mm) for 4 hr,. did not i ncre a s-: a the number of reconstructions. Exposure of seeds to 660-Mev protons (dose 1940 rad; rate, 43/min) was no more effective as far as the number of reconstructions is concerned than OXPOSUre to C060 y-rays (dose. 1940 rad; rate, 289/min). Orig. art. has: 4 tablei. ASSOCIATION: none SIJBX=TED: 24Apr63 DATE ACQ: 210et63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AM NO REF SM 007 OTHER: 001 Com 2/2 SHKUTINA, F.M.; SIEFELEV, V.M.; KHVOSTOVA, V.V. --.- .. .. ..... - - . Study of fertility and the chariciteristics of meiosis in wl,*atrye amphidiploids. Biul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 69 no.1:20-27 Ja-F 164. (WRA 17W DUBINIII, N.P,, red.; HVDSTOV~I, V.V., kam'. bloI. nauk, FGHELINTSEVA, G.M., red. (Radiation and plant breeding] RadlatqiJa i ~IfAekt,.,11% rastonii; sbornik statei. Moskya, Atomizdat, 19615. 20", p. (MIRA IS-111) . " , I.' -..] i -, lfl,~ N ' , N. A. . . . V. : 1 .1 -A I remo,!fal o,.' *,n'tiriouo -adiation effect In barley seeds. -5* no.1:136-139 li.~5. 1-8-3) 1. Ir.-Altut biolo~rit-l'OFkcy "*! 9, . . . : .1 - . I . - I 4's z 3R, R~r -K, mz V5A5 RON, - "o, -.w vix 'X004 , . tat I bl. -- 70 t 16 i:_On OUNEJ pg I WE I Ii. MW ~,F oil, gg RA --U-t -UUM, R" MA ~1 Ord -'A KYM I'M 4- LAO 010d th m 37 6a 19F "W"'ROW .4 F14 - - t~ vj CIA % YD 2o MPAI bt ZVOU Off-.Tf,' I -'YP 3 . *1 . ; K J , ~ :', ".! . ~., . Erfoj-'. of chemical !I *,~C; Fitu.]$ ctrJ4. b!;,,,, 70. nk).11:11A-1~2 J I ~' -- 1)5. 116:11 -1- I I . '- I ~ . . . . . . . . . . .. . . - , . . ~ I . - , .*. . . . . *. . I - - --- I-I . - -.- . . . F - - . fd# coo -. Mloca map of xy? # 1r MEW At X-M 11- "019 GOSTIMSKIY, S.A.; KHVOSTOVAP V.V. Change In the rate of chromosome reorranization induced by ethylanimine In the first mi.t'osla of pea rootlets. Dokl, AN SSSR 162 no.1:197-200 My'065. (AURA 18:5) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. Submitted June 25, 1964. KHVOSTOVA., V.V.; STIOLETOV, V.N. Dkrt~,Il remowzl of d,4mliging Irradilition eft',~,ct c~nd th~-- --utatlorl FXO-e,--zi in Framinrour; Fhmts. Gene-1,11in no.3~',G-74 165. WIESTNIKOV. V.S. (Novosibirsk); KHVOSTUNKOV, A,A, (14~ovosibirsk) Creep in duralumin unde- both constant and variable loads. PMT? no.4.'90-95 N-D 160'. (MIRA 14.,7) (Creep of metals) (Daralumin) ACC NRI AP7005133 SOURCE CODE: UR/0126/66/022/004/0591/0597 i AUTHOR: Lerinman, R. M.; Khvostyntsev, K. L, Nikanorov, M. A.; Anitov, 1. S.; Ksenofontova, T. B. ORG. Institute of Metal Physics, AN SSSR (Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR) T1TLE. Combined effect of plastic deformation and aging on the st Tucture and properties of TSG titanium alloy SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 22, no. 4, 1966, 591-597 1 TOPIC TAGS: titanium alloy, metal aging, plastic deformation, phase composition, metal recrystallization / TS6 titanium alloy I I ABSTRACT: The effect of plastic deformation (rolling with degrees of deformation amounting to 3, 10 and 40% and aging(at 480T for 2, 10, 30 and 100 hr~ on the fine structure (the kinetics of decomposition of the 0-phase, dispersity and the distribution of the &-phase) of TS6 titanium' alloy (3. 22% Al, 3.42% Mo. 7. 80% V, 10. 80% Cr, Q. 18% Fe, 0. 03% C, 0. 01% Si, 0. 07%. 02' 0. on N., with Ti as the remainder) was investigated by mezns regular and electron microscopy and measurements of hardness and tensile strength. It is shown that plastic de- formation accelerates the decomposition of the metastable OI-phase and results in a more fine- Cord ACC NR- AP7005133 -grained and uniform structure devoid of undecomposed boundary-layer and intragranular re- sidues of the 0-phase, which, together with the high degree of dispersity of the particles of the segregating a-phase. leads to'a general improvement in mechanical properties. Quenching the alloy from 800*C following 3% deformation results in polygonization; follouing 10% deformation, in partial recrystallization; and following 40% deformation, in total recrys- tallization of the structure. In this last ease, since the decomposition of the recrystallized ~-phase occurs slowly, a marked change in the alloy's hardness is observed only after 100 br of aging at 4800C. This may be a cause of the heterogeneity of the alloy's properties follow- ing its hardening by heat treatment. The highest hardening rates were observed for the spe- cimens subjected to 3 and 10% deformation prior to their quenching, which indicates that an incompletely recrystallized structure is favorable to the Increase in mechanical strength following aging. OrIg. art. has: 7 figures, 3 tables. SUB CODE: -4 20/ SUM DATE:' 05Feb66/ ORIG REF. 001/ OTH REF: 001 t 82*H Mff (inVEMM&EM UP AP5025722 SOMC&CODE: UR/0286/65/000/rDl8/0075/007 I INVEWCIR: Anitov, I,( S.;-NikWJr0-,r M. A.- Khvostyntsev,.K. E2 ORG; none TITLE: gigh-strength titani age' lqy~ Class 40, No. 174795 [announced by the Organization of tke State Commit~ee of Defense EnSineerin; USS (Organizatsiya gosudarst- vennogo komiteta po bboronnoy tekhnike USSR) J SOURCE.* ByU-leten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 18, 1965, 75 TOPIC TAGS: titanium alloy, 4luminu=11ontaining alloy, molybdenum containing alloy, --4;- containing alloy, chro ~um c~ontaining alloy, 7 ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a higb-strengtb titanium-base alloy 'containing aluminum, molybdenum, vanadium, and chromium. To improve ductility, the alloy composition is as follows: 2.5-3.5% aluminum, 3.2-4.5% molybdenum, 6.5-7.5% vanadium, 10-11.3% chromium, and the balance titanium. [SDI suB com n/ Sum DATE. oijun6h/ ATD PRms.. ACC NR, AP7001528 SOURCE CODE: UR/0193/661000/012/0005/0006 .AUTHOR: Khvotostukhi% L.'A.; Plashivtoev, N. V.; Bibayev. V. N. ORG: none TITLE: Machining of lKhl8N2AG5 stainless steel SOURCE: By.ulleten' tekhniko-ekonomicheskoy informatsii, no. 12, 1966, 5-6 TOPIC TAGS: stainless steel, high strength steel, chromiumInickel ), manganese steel, nitrogen containing steel, 9 mechanical property, steel machining/lKhIBN2AG5 steel ABST'RACT. The Moscow Institute bf Aviation Technology has developed low-nickel high- strength stainless lKhl8N2AG5(EP-26) steel as a substitute for lKhl8NlOT(A1SI321] *steel. The lKhl8N2AG5 steel, in which a great part of the nickel is replaced by manganese and nitrogen, belongs to the austenitic-ferritic class and contains more than 70% austenite. The steel has high mechanical properties, a tensile strength of 117 kg/mm2, a yield strength of 50 kg/mm2, an elongation of 30%, ail HB hardness of 240 kg/mm2, and quite satisfactory machinability. It is recommended for aircraft engines and other industrial uses. Sintered carbide-tipped tools are recommended for machining the steel. Sintered T15K6 and VK8 tips are recommended for raigh machiLdng and T15K6 tips for semifinished and finished machining. A satisfactory surface finish is cutting speeds above 40 m/min. Subsequent burnishing with a diamond ~.018. tc st S1 vc !~- KHVOYNIK, P, On the agricultural produce market. Vnesh.torg. 41 no.5y39-48 ,61. (KM 14t4) (Produce trado) PUGACHZVSKIYj V.P.k_ KHVOVNITSKAYAq, M.A* - -------- - -,-- -- Protective containers for corking with radioactive substances. Vest. rent. i rad. 35 no. 6:80 N-D 160. (MIRA 14:2) 1s Iz Kiyevskogo instit ta i i ny truda i profzabolevaniy glg (direktor - dotsent L.I. Medvedl). (RADIOACTIVE SUBSTAN -SAFETY MEASURES) (RADIATION PROTECTION) KWOYNITSFAU, M.A.; FUGACHEVSKIYV V.P. Hygienic evaluation of labor conditions during the use of radioactive isotopes in metaUurgy. Vrach. delo no.8:93-94 Ag '60. (HIRL 13:9) 1. Radiologicheskaya laboratoriya Kiyevskogo instituta gigiyeny truda i professionallnykh zabolevaniy. (RADIOACTIVITY-ZAFETY MEASURES) (ISOTOPES-INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS) ALXKSMV, A.Y.; BORISENKO, A.P.; GLIKSON, V.I.; GROMOVA, N.Y.; KRASOVSKATA, A.I.; NOVIKOVA, N.N.; OVCHAROVA. A.I.; KHVOYHIF~P .; CHURAKOV, T.P.; red.; .12UTD-KRUT, V.A., red.; SHASTITKO, V.M.; GEORGITIV, U.S., ---I LEVCHUK, K.V., red.1 LEKANOVA, I.S.,, (Prices on the world capitalistic market-, a handbook] TSerLy miro- vogo kapitalistiche akogo rynka; spravochnik. Moskva, Vneshtorgizdat, 1958. 391 pe (MIRA 12:7) 1. Moscow. Nauchno-isaledovatellskiy konNyunkturnyy institut. (Prices) 0,000 *000000000060000 u U. 0 Is t? a III U V1, A- I -A . v0 s *0 a 00 00 00 00 00 al 00 P...c AllA a 0 * 0 0 0 0 I!Fdww4o 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 :1 0 0 0 9 I v 33 JS 5 Is u 11 OR a 41 a 43 ad atim, 0 -t-L--j~J 11- a* 1 06 16'Ptef.1% !,as ; -00 R#doCtl- 01 d#bYdI`(WK"bi1 lad i. -0 o bPrIthyroldlow m. I ---KIUAAMLL:km I 00 1 H11-1411 4, 1. - *so A 1,)Wtf CSINIA'Ity Ow t,,.1 -ovii-vit,44, ' thr ullie tiftse the ~O s I k "mri 'nin Ow I~Im ilia. 41%v Ill, "I It" Iti-I-4111. 6.1"d , pq~ J.'I O'k-od 1, .1.1, --,-I mly lo Ill, I.., Ill, T.A.S. 11"I$ "(d. avhl cl, il, t m, 4.1. ;, I it. If N I lew 414110 If '96 tit's I L I 6111AII.OGICAL CLAISIFICA100% laws, -i. im I IF -3 AD - ; i---7- '11, an I Do, - % I . 1 14 'o 1, A, " It D, U a ,0 AV ta0 a 0 40 0 0 0 ; 0 ; ; : : : : 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 O's 0 0 0 0 00 90 0 0 111, so 0 09 0 6 R a 1 0 0 a it it is to it m I? a )d V M No t I I V 10 it a k L, 0 OP 0 to 0 air.* A a k a -L-, a it'i. t It w tt The effect of poisoning by attychnine. cocaine and chloral draft on the dehyd nase activity of nerve tissue. !-so 4-A-1Uwuu&oL&1A Ail "Mr,%1. 1, 1, 'A'.. I (I,k(01110 13, 1); W., ml 11m,"411, It 1, 1;: Fil W1 1) 0 %Kt1 4. - Chhm &I hydtw, tkli-lli it a 11 41N it, It III. it Ili Ut I I.n In the intemity of ttirth%112W I't'le N.kill ti%mir. The othev iwr%, ri, not so f fit all hy (It., Imim. 116,11ti ...... It -00 so z so a 00 00 0 0 goo 90 also so Z' it* 0 w 4 *0 --so so Oid If SIVA&L1,114AAL 1,11111.11,011 CLAWSKAII.. 11,140, 1- ~- 4-1 a bd 0 9 9 1 a a 3 1 b u oct It i 0 union xan 11 1 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0:0 a 0 0 o 0 0 0 *Tee oioe *a* of 000*00000000001, ~l A~l A M YNITSKAYA, M.A. Wate r distr tion in the body following exposure to high envJron- mental temperature. Biul. Pkep. biol. mod. 47 no-5:53-56 My 159 (MIRA 12:7) 1. Iz lustitutn giglyeny truda 1. prof znbolevaniy (dir. - doteent L. L Rk-,Wed' ), Kiyev. Predstavlena deystvitell nym chlenom ME SSSR S.Ye. Severinym. (M'P, off. on water distribution (RIR)) (WATICR, metab. eff. of heat dintribution (Faxs)) KIM-MITSKAYA 11.A Changos in water-salt metabolism in radiation in rabbits by radiophosphorne. Mad.rad. 4 1. Iz Kiyevekogo inatituta gigiyony trw1a i (RADIATION INMY exper.) (PHOSPHOUS radioactive) (BODY nUIDS) sickness induced no.7:88-89 Jl '59. (MIRk 12:9) profzabolo~vaniy. MMOTRITSKATA, M.A. [Khvoynytacka, M.A.] Method for simultaneous determination of the volume of extracellular "sulfate* space and the volume of circulating blood in an intact organism by the use of radioactive sulfur and phosphorus. khim.zhur. 31 no.5:759-764 159. NiRA 13:4) 1. Institute of Idbor E~ygiene and Occupational Diseases, Xiev. (BODY nUIDS) (SULMM--ISOTOPES) (PHOSPHORUS- ISOTOPES) KUOYNITSKAYA, M.A.j FUGACREVSKIY, V.E. Hygienic requirements in work with continuously radioactive luminous paint. Vrach. delo no.12:126-129 D 161. OaiiA 15:1) 1. Kiyevskiy nauchno-issledavatellskiy institut gigiyeny truda i profzabolevaniy. (LUMNOUS PAINT) (RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANGLS-TOXICOLOGY) BABMiTSHEV, V.M.; KHVOYNITSKIY, V.I. Automatic device for rate-mensuring potentiometric -.nd coulometric titration. Zav.lab. 26 no.1:113-114 160. (HIRA 13:5) 1. Kuybyshevskiy indiistriallnyy institut. (Titration) KI[VOYNOVSKIY. A. USSR/Yedicine. Veterinary - Infectious Diseases YAr 521 "Ring Test for Diagnosing Brucalloais of Cows (Tr&aalated into Russian from 'Medycvna Veterltaryina,l No 6, 1951)w S. Runge, T. Lotinskly, A. Khvoynovsl-,iy, T. Dz)-ubek "Vetorinariya" Vol XXIX, No 3. PP 55, 56 Describes in detail the technique of this test, which is carried out on lactating cows. 216T36 Ot3t. vrach,i:r, SO o pl. UIVUL" A.M. Pulmonar7 function in experimental rickets. Padiatriia 39 no.6: 10-15 N-D #56. (MIRA 10:2) 1. Iz patomorfologichaskov laboratorii (zav. -- dotaont N.A. Makelmovich) Ukrainakogo nauchno-looledovatellskogo instituta olkhrany materinetva i detstva (dir. sasluzhennyy Yrach USSR H.D.Barovs) (RICKETS, experimental, lungs in (Rue)) (LUNGS, in various diseases, exper. rickets (Rue)) V-1CIL" S TTI- -2 TnV-v-!.'X,2 On L'iu Of RichUtL; R ob. A'T USS, 19)~.J'J Card KHVULIJ, A. M.; GUSOVSKIY, Ya. M.; VENDT, V. P. Development of hypervitaminosis D after administrntion of mrnthetic vitamin D preparations. Pediatriia no.11:14-39 161. (MM 14:12) 1. Iz Ykrainskogo nauchno-iseledova-tellskogo instituta oRhrany materinstva i detstva imeni Geroya Sovetskogo Soyuza prof. P. M. Buyko (dir. kandidat meditsinskikh nauk A. G. Pap) (VITAMINS-D) (HYPERVITAMINOSIS) SVYATKINA, Klavdiya AIClreyevlvl, ;,,of.; KIRTLI I Ai=. ll,'a,rkovna, doktor red. nauk; HASSOLI)VA., .e y ~,,v nii, . ,band. inod. nauk; POIN0.1,1ARM, F.A., prof. red.; DKIILOVA, Ye.11., rod. (Rickets] Rakhit. I:oskvn, "'oditsinn, 1964. -221 p. ('Vilm I'l:io) I #'- 1. KMLIP G.M. [Xhvult, H.M.); GUSOVSKIY, Ya.M. [Husovslkyi, IA.Mj; VENDT, V.P. Influence of large doses of various preparations of vitamin D on the rise of hypervitaminosis under experimental conditions. Ped., akush. i gin. 22 no-4:30-33 160. (MIRA 14:5) ~. Ukrainalkly naukovo-goslidniy institut OWID in. Geroya Hadyanst- kogo Soyuzu prof. P.M.Buylca (direktor - zasluzh.likar URSR M.D. Burova) ta Institut biokhimii AN URSR (direktor - akad.O.V.Palladin). (HYPERVITANINOSIS) (VITAMINS--D) KHVUL', R.M.; PECHUX, L.M.; FRIZKkN. M.0. -,fntibacterlal therapy of cavernous forma of piilmonary tuberculosis In children and adolescents. Ped., akush. I gin. 20 no.6:5-8 158. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Detskiy tuberkaleznyy sanatoriy im. M. Gorlkogo (konsulltant - kand.mod.nauk L.M. Pechuk), Kiyev, Pashcha-Voditsa. (TUBERCULOSIS) KMBAVOV, M.A., prof., ABEnMAN, A.A., KSHANOVSKIT, S.A., PRZHEVAL'SKJAYA, L..A. - Causes of failure and outcome of proloneed antibacterial therapy of cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis [with summary in French]. Probl.tub- 36 no.6:16-28 158 (MIRA 11:10) 1. Iz Ukrsinskogo institute tu,)erkuleza imeni F.G. Yanovskogo (dir. dots. A.S. Mamolat). (TUBERGULOSIS, PUMMONARY, ther. chemother. in envitntion, causes of failure (Rus))) Awl" 3114 AlmoollpIr .1 tm up yen .1 t of oz. at ........ DERKAN', G.K. [author]; KHVYLI. G.L.-Q. Smela) [reviewer]. Shortcomings, leading to idealism in metaphysics ("Number and Its theory.0 G.N. Berman. Reviewed by G.L.Xhvyll.) Mat.v shkole no.5:76-78 S-0 153. (MI-RA 6:9) (Numbers. Tlieory of) (German. Georgii Hikolaevich, d. 1949) KIRTYEYA, D. S. (and others) Flowing Wor;~ indicators of disk colters on black-earth ani turfy-podzolic sothq. Foefivovedenle, No. 2, 1952. qf Russian Accessijns Library of Congress, June 1952. Undlassificd. Monthly KHVYLYA, Ke so Soils - Analysis Improvoment of the Fudoyov-Vlllyuju-,~ apparatua (*or detc-I-InItI1,11,, f'Inviomi of' soil s-tructure. Pochvovedenie No. 7, 1952 Monthly Lijt of Russian Accesslons. Library of Congress. September 1952. U!!CI-.;iSjIFILD. 1. MTV)rLYA t K. S. 2. TJSSR (600) 4. Plowing 7. Problem of the aim in plowing. Fochvovedenie No. 4, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress April _ 1953, Uncl. 1. WYAKIN YA.B. 2. USER (6no) 4. 6heep-Grimea 7. Growth of Tsupintyakiy sheep In the Crimea, Sota.zhiv. 15, no. 2, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Conj;ress, April IQ5~, unclass. KHYAMULYAMill Khellvi (Hamelainen, Helvilp finakayn pisateltnitsa Two solemn worda peace and friendship* Sovo profsoiuzy is no,20#39-40 0 IzL (MIRA 15:10) (Finland--Iabor and laboring classes) (Peace) USFENSKIY, V.A.; RILDCHENKO, O.A.; GLEBOVSKAYA., Ye.A.; SHISHKOVA, A.P.; ICLITS-ANSKAYA, T.N.; INDENBOM, F.B.; Prini-11 uchastiye: KOLOTOVA, L,F.., khimik; CHAYGINA, T.F., tekhnik; USKDiA, T.B.2 laborant; VIKULIKA, M.N.., laborant; POLOVNIKOVA, I.A., fizik; PETROV$ A.K. tekhnik; PONOIQ.RLV,, B.P.,, laborant; KHXA XALUYNIN. L B laborant; KLOCHKOV, B.N.., laborant; RAGINA, G.M., vedushchiy red.; SAkRONOVA, I.M., [Basic processes of the transformation of bitumens in natur'e and the problems of their classification] Osnovnye puti pre- obrazovaniia bitumov v prirode i voprosy ikh klassifikateii. Leningrad, Gos.nauchno-tokhn.izd-vo neft.i gorm-toplivnoi J-it,-ry Leningr.otd-nie', 1961. 314 p. (Leningrad. Vsesoiuznyi nauchno-issledovatellskii geologorazvedochnyi institut. Trudy, rio.185). (MBA 15-4) (Bitumon-Geology) GULYAYEVA,- L.I.; VINOGRADOVA, A.P:~; KHYANINA, A-P-; KAIRPOVSKAYA, R.R. Determination of the trace amounts of sulfur in the procbcts of petrochemical synthesis. .1reftekhWia, 3 no.2:296-302 Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Vsesoyuzryy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut neftekhimicheskikh protsessov. (Sugar--Analysis) (Petroleum chemicals) ~ I i V Yt' ""I" V A, !..I.; IKT:Y!, N IN' A, A P. mr-hatometriN detemln%tion of *,hr~ c~.-,t (!nt. -.!c~7Lc, o~ in n,.juvow-,.-o lie. ions.\ luit). 10 no . 4 : 1, 17-4 ) ~ 1'0'.. (M RA 1-7:4) 1. Vsogoyilzriyy nauchho-isgIedowitel'skiy imititnt protrammv. GULYA17VA, L.I.; KHYANINA, A.P. I Using the pyroanalytic method to determine the fluorine in alumino- platinum catalysts and catalysis products. Nefteper. i neftekhim. no.7:29-32 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. VseDoniznyy naikohno-Issledovatellskiy inatitut neftekhimichesklkh protse8sov. GULYAYE VA F L~7 . -, KIIYANI Nit, A .11. Determination of the methanol conten' of formalin. Zav. lab. v 30 no.Pi944 164. (M-'HA 18,43) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovata!'Wy institut neftekhimicheskikh pMtsassov. KOAMU, A. A.J* Gl%16hlJl,1j G.V. A10 FiMXROV, L. N. "About the Modification of AuSltor~ Sensiti,41L~ In Actlon of' 6ound Du2-JnE: Bypnotlo, Sleep," Fiz. Zbur., 32p lio.5) pp 11,,46 Tranalation 297, Lullch vpw TON ts DVAR 22 '~AORMVPAA PRO, W."k KY-va H9 --4p -IMM ~V~ xvftrw~-ml KHYBUTIYA-,IABUNIYA, 0. A. "The Bacteria of the Genus Protew, Their Significance in Food Poisoning, and a Comparative Biochemical and Serological Study of the Strains Isolated From Human and Rodent Faces." Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (10) SOs Sum, No. 4819 5 May 55 TORPAN, B.K., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; [Jglrej?Lrv, H.11 I iazh. Investigating the corrosion of steel in the presence of shale ash at high temperatures. Izv. vys. ucheb. Sav.; energ. 2 no-7: 105-110 Jl '59- (MIRA 13:1) l.Tallinskiy olitekhniche My institut. iSteel--Corro:ion) (Otl shales) MAMEDOV, Shankhal; LEW~, G.Ya.1 !IIYD~O 11 D.N. I I-... Glycol ethers and their derivativen. Part 65; Synthesis of alkoxy- metbyl others of trichloromethylplionylearbitiol. 2hur.ob.khim. 34 no.1:53-58 Ja '64. (MA 170) 1. Institut naftekhimicheskikh protsessov AN AzarSSR. ACC NR,7*-,V602888C- -6-6- - YIS77/iY&21 SOURCE CODE: UR/Oj [66iffi/606 AUTHOR: Mamedov, Shamkhal; Shamilov, Kh. Kh.; Khydrov, D. N. ORG: Institute of Petrochemical Processes, Academy of Sciences, AzerbSSR, Baku (Institut neftekhimicheskikh protsessov Akademii nauk AzerbSSR) TITLE., Glycol ethers and their derivatives. CVIII. Synthesis of alkox)methyl others of 1-hexyloxy-3-(diethylamino)-2-propanol SOURCE. Zhurnal organicheskoy khimii, v. 2, no. 8, 1966, 1377-1382 TOPIC TAGS: pesticide, hexyloxydiethylaminopropanol alkoxymethyl ether, ether, chemical synthesis ABSTRACT: In a search for new pesticides, a series of previously unreported .methoxy-, propoxy-, isopropoxy-, isobutaxy-, and isoamyloxy- methyl ethers of 1-hexyloxy-3-(diethylamino)-2-propanol (1) and :methoxy-, propoxy-, butoxy-, and amyloxymethyl ethers of I-vinylmethoxy-3-(diethylamino)-2-propanoI (II) were synthesized ,by a variant of the Williamson ether synthesis, in which a-chloro-' :methyl alkyl ethers are treated with I and 11 in the presence of ~: ;NaOH. Composition and properties of the uaw ethers (III-X11) are! iven in the table. At 40-50"C in the presence of Na methoxide.: Card UDC: 547.27 ACC NRs AP6028888 I reacts with acrylonitrile to form XIII. Compound XIV was ob- tained by heating (at 75-60%) a mixture of I with hexamethylene-' amine, benzene, and paraformaldehyde. I reacts in benzene solutioq with t:-.ionyl chloride to form XV. Compounds XVI-XX were obtainedl by the reaction of XV with Na alkoxides at 60-70*C. At 90-100*0 XV reacts with hexamethyleneamine to form XXI. Compound XXII was' obtained by the reaction of XV with ethylmagnesium bromide. Re- action of XV with potassium acetate yielded XXIII; with potassium isoamylxanthogcnate XV reacts to form XXIV; and with ethylene glycoli XV reacts to form XXV. XXVI is formed in the latter reaction as a by-product. XXVX reacts with a-chloro-methyl ether to form XXVII. Composition and properties of the new others are given in the table; 2/8 ACC Nit- AP6028888 Com- Yicld bp 20 20 MRD Found Z - - pound no, (in (p in mm) d4 nD - Found - Falc'd -'; ~ -H N 128-130- (1) 0.860 4412 . 69.2a 69.49 07 46. 12.82 ' 6 46 ' I : I I 1 67:31 1 12.95 5: 88 104-105151 O.OiSS 4SM SA.98 5S.07 64.23, It.571 7.66, AP6028888 Com- Yield bp 20 20 MRD Fo und X pound (in (p in n1m) d~ nD Found c ,no. ___Ealc 1 d X111 60 162-163 (0-5) 0.8927 1.4438 60.30 80.62 0.00, t1.67. 10.10, 67.90 11.57 to. to x1v 54 02-04 (1) O.M6 1.4GU3 MM tOA.01 70.62, 12.32. 8.48, 70.55 12.72 6.17 XV4 W I wo-i 22 (1) 0.9172 1.4450 72.41 72..b2 62.31, 11.28, 5.32, 62.46 H.16 .5.73 xvi 74. 118-120(1) 0.6595 1.4336 74.0 74.41 G8.96. 13.05. 55.8833.. 68.76 t2,99 5.78 xyll 61 126-127 (1) 0. F-57 1 1.4341 78.69 79.06- - . .- 5.79. 5.81 'XVIII 75 135-136(l) 0.6532 1.4350 63.33 83.71 70.60, 12.90, 5.35, 70.04 12.99 5.49 XIX 70 146-147 (1) 0.8517 1.4306 88.22 8S.36 - - 4.77, 4.89 xx 77 154-156 (1) OX502 1.4380 92.93 93.00 7239, 13.42, 4.72, 72.09 13.44 4.75 xxi 50 170-172 (1) O.SMS L4623 97.15 91.60 73.35. 13 16 G.K 73.17 12:88' 9.25 XXII 46 116-119(2) O.SM L4354 76.90 77.30 74.06. 13 67 5.67, J:'.: '11-76 13:83' 5.59 rouna A'. Ul LIf.JJj- A4.47- 6 IU a 1. kL. 4 1 ACC NRt AP6028888' Um- Yield ound bp ' '20 20 MRD Found X p no. (in 2), (P in . d-4 n1) Fctz-,.d. alc'd c H N T XXIII XXIV 54 t4 144-146 (1) 1 20S-210(i) 0 !MS 0. 95-S5 LOG6 L4912 178.63 1 13.95 7859 .35 it G. 2i7 6G.22: 60. 76, P60. 4G 11.18. 1 11.16 io.59. 10.70 1 5.28. 5.35 3.GG. 3.49 ACC-Mi AP6028888 Com- Ca lculated X pound Formula ' no. I C a N. C,311,,NO, 67.53 12.55 6.06 -CIOH"NOS 64A7 11.23 7.42 CISI133NO3 .45 65 12.00 5.09 CiH37N03 - 4.62 C171137NO3 67.33 MU 4.62 vi C39113,N03 - 4.41 All C,011j,NOS 68.88 12.39 4.23 Vill C161141N02 - 4.23 Ix C11113SN03 62.34 tO.82 6.06 x CjjH2iN03 .5-.67 Yj Cj&HjN03 65.93 .11.36 5.12 1 4.69 FACC7 NRs AP6028-68'8' Com- pound Formula no. xill C111132NIO, C=lljgNjOj XIV xv*- '_S~jlluCINO XVl C111131 NOS xvil CISH3'3NO, xvill CISH -NO U a - xix C1,11 nNO2 XX C131136NOS xxi C,11,N202 XX!I C131136NO. XXIII C15113,1403 Calculated X C 11 N 67.60 It .27 qxb 70.18 12.28 8.18 62.7S 10.66 5-63 68.57 12.68 i.71 - - 5.40 70.33 12.83 5.12 - - 4.88 71.76 12.95 4.6S 73.08 12.82 8.97 74.07 13.58 5.90 65.93 11.35 , 5.12 7/8 ACC NRs AP6026886 Com- pound! , Formula no. i Calculated X C H XXIV 00 C191139N02S, .60.48 10.31 XXV CjsII.VNO3 65.46 12-00 XXVI CH,,N,Oi 68.85. M30 xxv,U Cj7.T13INO4 .63.95 11.60 SUB CODE:' O~,%/SUBM DATE; 2lJan65/ ORIG REFS 012/ N .3.71 6.09 7-73 4.39- (WA-50; CBE NO. 12 ~h I -~,o