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Breezes of Lake Ladogao D ly 00
e GOIN) No lo2, 1947.
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SO: U-3039f 11 Mar 1953
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MW/NeteoroicW Uner -Air Jan/Feb 48
"Book Reviews," A. Xh. Xhrgian
"Meteorol i Gidrol" No 1, pp 123-127
Khrgian revieve three foreign books: Ehmert's "Tro-
pospheric Ozone," P. Gotz's "Contemporary Status of
Ozone Froblems," and Mart's "Study of Wind Condi-
tions in the tWer Stratosphere.11
"The Distribution of Humidity over MosowpIA Trudy of the Aerological Obeervatoryp No. 1,
1948. Mated as a reference in a Symposium of 16 articles in Meteorol, i Gidrol., No. 1,9
Septembers 19509
35203o Polet 27 oktyabryt 1948 0. 1 isoledovanis protsessov, proiWchodvashchikh
v kapolfmykh oblakakh. Trudy ts*ntr. Aerol. Observatorii, Vyp. 5,, 1949, a. 13-27.
SOt Letopig' Zhurh&:LtmWkh Statey, Vol. 48, Moskva,, IF49
35202. Ob Iseledowanit StrGktw7 Obl&kDT Optleh&skln NeWon. Tra4y oftimtr. korol.
Observatorit, Typ. 5, 1949, a. 28-37-Bibliogrs 9 Nasvo
$01 LOOPW ZhUrhal'nyft Statoy, Tole 48. Moskva, 1949
SPASSKIY, H.F.; STRAKHDV, V.I. MMUML.-AtIL"Twofessor, redaktor:
GRIGMTA, V.A. -edaktor; AKFUAWV, S.N.. takhnichookly
[Selected works on the physics of the atmosphere] IzbranzWe
raboty po,fizlke atmoofery. Redaktolle, i prinschantia A. Kh.
Iffirgiana. Moskva, oos.iza-vo takhniko-teoratichookoi lit-ry,
1951. 342 p. (KraA 8.10)
.,7: w , -, @ :- I
Atmospheric processes differing little from adiabatic processes.
Tridy TSAO no.6:184-186 152. (XIBA IltO
tqrmula for talcutating q is M-c-IIEL-3- With Li Ow
r-idi; :I,' th,-
iN, A. 191. -Prof-
UWR/jkteor0Io*S'y Aii W&vea
;A 245TT7 -
Nov 52
"Formation of Atmospheric Waves on the Lee Side of
Mountain Ranges," Prof A. Kh. Khrgian, Dr of Geog
@.Sci, Dolgoprudnaya,Sta, Central Aerological Observa-
"Meteorol i Gidrol" No 11, PP 3740
'When an air current encounters a.mountain range
orientated approximately perpendicular to it., atmos-
pheric waves are formed on the lee side of the range
parallel to it.
PIA Study of Cloud Structure by the Optical Kethodp" &M "A Flight on 27 October 1948
to study pmessees in Clouds Containing Raimdrops#" P. 55, Sum. 51P 14 Jan 52
(with A. M. BORMIKOV)
6wolGatisfem zena GbotdlL [R-Irth-'s atirimphere. Sympunum.3 Motcow. G(mLd-
hdat, KOlurno-FaisvietiteVim Utetawry, 1953, 444 p, jig., table:i, chart, illus. Price:
13 r. 70 k. MC-This Is a fascinating and challcriging, bLx,L- (or Pom-lAr use (30,000 cor:tin%
were printed). consisting of 14 articles by different authorities. arrangN. i onder 5 major hetd-
Ingst 1) atmosphm and sun, 2) wrather and dirtiate, 3) work of tNi wind, 4) air and life anti
S) vealth of the earth's atmosphere. An article by B. L Dmartipwsitil un atitio--plieric
tructure is in accurate and quite techrical tttatise ort Y aspket 9 llw-@ trolx@,Phcre, fitrzim-
Phcm and lonosphemasist Processesgoing all in the--,-- M@%s, lilieec,iiidartiell-t)yt,~cl;itt!
erol, N. Dj, KALITm d6cuws the piqltical and phytiolirgical impuctri of solar radiation in all
latitudea anti un( r varying weather conditio". Ch. -i, by A. Kri, Kjol:f-aA 1,@aln with
optical phewmeu in the atmosphere (halos,. rnlrqg@,' v4stibility, rainbows, ctcA he @ccti,;n
on weather and climate, contains articles by.&L.EAL:L=rn weAther, we-ather analysii and
weather forecasting; by V. lU.,VrzE an the Arctic and Africa: by L. A. CHuncKov on weather
-and climate and byS- A. SArmHNrxnvAlnn microclimatology, clim.-ite over towns, forest.-;, takLm;
--mow microcliniate, sal andslope micractimase. dust storms and their prevention, and hunian
cliniatology, The section on urnK- o(the wind has an article by 0. A. FErtoRoVITC]t Onaction
,.f wind an soil and the earth, one by X.A. HFijNsr:t on wind, waves and inundations, one by
A. V. K%R@iiskzx on the 11w. (if wind po-w7r-,111 =...3 many mn-mutional and tievvral rut.---tit
models of the wind geiteri6ors. for ii-e in the Arctic. 'Me section on air and life contains
articles by N, S, Sij(-mjtni\fwSRIl on the rulatioa (if the atmo@.phvrc to plants, birdt@, fish,
-and Inw. - ont, oil lihmpheric pollution, "c. "n4l
anihinals ig, man 2ftd. air, at
title bv@,Nl. 1. GnI.'ol-,' on toirrobes avid air in Arctic, at sea, in tipper air and in room@, etc.
and tfle final section w-. w@,lltll of theoir ltv D. vita, goes hito, the composition ef th.
atloo,phcre, tile rare ga@6, CO.-and nitro%tin etc. Although d0signed
for !:ivh @cficlol ttudent; everr,chapter is writtea Its- an outstanding specialiKE in a particular,
reld of aleteorology, @wfL c.-Mi;iri-iiR @inxzinu atnount of-t-chnical inforituition not usually
f.11111,1 in -Allch elernwit.%ri- ai a host of clever schematic diogranii and lxautifully
-1-11"tograph. No litc-nitilrexitatiottv ire given, though ti-vr--- is a great dcal
Ru-i@io rontribution* in each field. At, Lnrlish edition
,f thi, ko,k w"11111 it. .@nhjerl 11raditiis. 1. Elementary meteorology 2. Russian
I. DzerdZetvildl, Kalitin,
science 3. Collected 4. Textbooks.
BOOK Call No.:. AF628311
Author: KHROIAN A. KH.
Transliterated Title: Fizika atmoofery
Publishing Data
Originating Agency: None
Publishing House: State Publishing House of Technical and
Theoretical Literature
Date: 1953 No. pp.: 456 No. of copies: 5,000
Editorial Staff
Editor: None Tech. Ed.: None
Editor-in-Chief: None Appraiser: None
Text Data
Coverage: The book Is an advanced text in meteorology, based on
mathematical physics and vector analysis. It includes 158 formulae;
219 graphs, charts, photon and diagrams; and 119 tables. It is
based on observations made mainly on the territory of the U,S.S.R.
A large number of Russian scientists, their work, their laboratory
experiments and the results attained (in whirlwind, cloud formation,
precipitation, eta.) are cited in the text. The book was compared
with the Cmendium of Meteorology of the American Meteorological
Society t1951), the Handbook-o-F -Meteorology by Berry, Bollay and
F:iziki atmosfery
AID 405 - I
Beers (1945), several leading American texts and the Russian text
Kure Meteorologil, edited by Tverskoy (1951 @see our Treasure
To- lan Bibliographical eport, AID 20 - III. The table of contents
covers the subject matter well. Atmospheric optics and acoustics
are not mentioned. Items which could not be found in available
American texts, or which have a different explanation, or new and
different formulae are marked by asterisks (*) In the table of
The text may be considered as a theoretical advanced course, or a
supplement to, or a methematical development, of Prof. Tverskoy's
Kura Meteorologii. In Its descriptive part and in its accumulated
data, a well as Ira its clear and well written definitions, it
resembles the latter. But in the application of mathematical
physics it goes further, and a thorough knowledge of higher mathe-
matics is a prerequisite. There is scarcely any descriptions of
instruments and little on methods of observations. Numerous ref-
erences are taited in the footnotes, very few of them to non
Russian sour6es, and at the end of the text nine books are mentioned,
all Russian, on which the author has based his work. The first of
these books Is the above mentioned course edited by Prof. Tverskoy.
The system of symbols and formulae describing known physical
AID 405 - I
phenomena used in this work differs from those employed in the
comparable English, American and Russian texts, especially that
of Tverskoy. Except for this, nothing new was found.
Introduction T-15
Ch. I Composition of the Atmosphere 16-32
Fundamental data. Theory of separation of gases. Oxygen.
Helium and other Inert gases. Carbon dioxide. Sodium in the
atmosphere. Composition data of the upper atmospheric layers
from spectra of aurorae boreales. Hydrogen and hydroxyl in
the atmosphere. Escape of gases from the atmosphere. Gaseous
tail of the Earth (pp. 31-3P).
Ch. 11 0 z- @6 n- ei 33-44
The role of ozone in atmospheric processes. Its distribution
in the-atmosphere. The physical processes governing this
distribution. Horizontal advection.
Ch. III Atmospheric Dust 45-58
General. Falling of dust particles. Air turbulence and its
importance In dust distribution. Theoretical considerations
on dust distribution. Dust and sand transportation. Sand drifts.
Ch. IV. Aster Vapor 59-6T
Units. Diatkbution of humidity: vertically and In the ground
layer. -, 3/10
Fizika'atmoofery AID 405 - I
Ch. V Basic Laws of Atmospheric Statics. Air Pressure 68-8T
Equation.of state of the air. Dependence of pressure on alti-
tude above sea level. Some examples of the use of the baro-
metric formula'. Barometric formula of the geopotential.
Barometric formula for great heights (100-1000 km). Air
pressure at sea level. Diurnal variation of pressure.
Ch. VI Adiabatic Processes in the Atmosphere 88-102
Dry adiab tic process. Entropy. Wet adiabatic process.
Adiabatic (thermodynamic) diagrams. The level of condensation.
Foehn (ch:nook). Thermodynamic stability in the atmosphere.
The reserve of energy of instability. Processes differing
little from the adiabatic. Determining instability by the layer
jCh. VII Radiation Processes in the Atmosphere. Solar
Radiation 103-131
Radiation laws. Distribution of solar heat on the surface of
the earth assuming the absence of atmosphere. Secular varia-
tions of climates. Absorption and dispersion of solar rays
in the atmosphere. Length of path of a ray from the sun in
the atmosphere. Solar radiation reaching the earth's surface.
Scattering of solar radiation. Albedo of the earth's surface.
Fizika atmosfery
AID 405 - I
Ch. VIII Radiation from the Earth's Surface and
the Atmosphere 132-142
Nature of terrestrial surface radiation. Absorption and
emission of long-wave radiation in the atmosphere* (pp. 134-
136 with 2 tables). Results of observations of radiation.
Total effective radiation. Radiation under various angles
with the horizon. Radiative balance.
Ch. IX Heat Interchange in the Upper Layers of the
Soil and Water 143-162
Principles of the theory of the spread of heat in the soil.
Annual and daily temperature variation in the soil in natural
conditions. Snow cover and the soil temperature. Possible
artificial method of changing soil temperatures *(pp. 153-157
with 2 tables). Permafrost * (PP. 157-160 with a chart and
graph). Heat Interchange in the surface layers of the sea.
Ch. X Distribution of Temperatures in the Lower
Atmospheric Layers 163-188
Some theoretical considerations of distribution of heat
emanating from the sun. Heat carried by maritime currents.
Heat interchange in the atmosphere between land and sea.
General air temperature distribution on the globe. Tempera-
ture in mountain country and its dependence on the relief.
Fizika atmosfery
AID 405 - I
Annual variation of temperature. Non-periodical temperature
variations. Effect of plant growth on air temperatures. Fros t.
Ch. XI Radiant and Heat Balance in the Atmosphere and
Temperature as a Function of Altitude 189-208
Methods of theoretical study of radiant balance. Diurnal
variation of temperature. Temperature distribution in free
atmosphere. Inversion.
Ch. XII Temperature In Upper Atmospheric Layers 209-220
Concept of the temperature of rarified gas. Sonic method of
determining temperatures. Determining high altitude tempera-
tures by observation of meteors. Optical methods. Observa-
tion by rockets. Ionosphere observations. Conclusions.
Stratification of the upper atmospheric layers.
Ch. XIII Evaporation 221-234
Molecular-kinetic evaporation theory. Diffusion process of
water vapor. Evaporation 1) from a limited area , 2) from a
water surface under natural conditions, 3) from the soil.
Evaporation and diurnal variation of air humidity. Effect
of irrigated areas on air humidity* (p. 234 with 2 tables).
Ch. XIV Condbnsation and sublimation of water vapor
in the Atmosphere 235-24T
Pressure of saturated water vapor. Cooling of the air-
AiD 405 - I
cause of condensation and sublimation. Nuclei of conden-
sation. Some data on the number of condensation nuclei.
Freezing nuclei. 248-285
Ch. XV Clouds and Fogs
Phases of water in clouds. Niorostructure of water and ice
clouds. classification of cloud types. Physical processes
in cloud formation. Amount and height of clouds. Fogs.
Mother of pearl clouds. Silver luminous (nocti-lucent)
clouds (probable cause: temperature inversion at 80-85 km.
Ch. XVI Formation of Precipitation 286-302
The growth of drops by condensation. Coagulation* (pp.290-
293). Coagulation caused by the difference in velocity of
the falling droplets. Turbulen-t. coagulation. Hydrodynamic
and electrical forces. Probability of fusion of droplets.
Over-condensation and isothermal condensation. A few con-
siderations about the shape of growth of ice crystals.
Artificial action on clouds and formation of precipitation.
Ch. XVII Precipitations 1 303-320
Rain and drizzle. Snow aA fro'stgraupein (soft hail). Hail.
Precipitation formed on surfaces. Aircraft icing. Amount of
precipitation on the globe.
Fizika atmosfery AID 405 - I
Ch. XVIII Wind and Kinematics of Air Currents 321-334
Wind velocity. Turbulence in air currents * (PP. 322-325,
with 3 graphs and 1 table). Its structure. Vertical dis-
tributlon of the mean wind velocity. Its annual and daily
varlation. Lines of flow and trajectories of air particles.
Ch. XIX Forces acting in the Atmosphere and the Simpler
Types of Atmospheric Motion 335-355
Gradient force and gravitation. Deflecting force of the
earth's rotation. Geostrophic wind. Centrifugal force.
Force of inner friction. Turbulent friction. General equa-
tions of atmospheric motion. Ageostrophic wind deviation
(PP. 344-345 with 1 graph). Theory of the change in wind
Velocity with the height in the friction layer. Theoretical
dependence of wind velocity on the height in the friction
(ground)3ayer. Changes in wind with height as caused by
horizontal gradients of temperature. Approximate solution
of general equationi. of air motion in the form suggested
by I. A. Kibell. -
Ch. XX Frouts and Cyclones 356-399
Air masses.:Dry (scorching) wind (in USSR) * (PP-359--361).
Atmospheric fronts: origin,, warm, cold, occluded. Origin
of cyclones and anticyclones. Different forms of cyclonic
Fizika atmoafery
An 405 - I
and anticyclonic circulation. Tropical cyclones. Anticyclones.
Tropopause in cyclones and anticyclones. Sources of energy
in the atmosphere and transformation of energy. Weather
forecasting. Long-range forecasts.
Ch. XXI - Local Winds 400-413
Mountain and valley winds. Other winds in mountain countries.'
Ch. ICKII General Circulation
Temperature distribution in the atmosphere, as related to
the general circulation. Circulation: in the tropical belt,
in the moderate belt, over the polar regions, in the strato-
sphere. Theory of general circulation of the atmosphere.
I. Vapor pressure saturating apace-above a plane surface
(E) specific humidity (q), ratiotof thelmixture (m) and
the virt I tSCmperature (4r) at temperatures from
-500C to 50 V
II. Radiatlon from a 1 cm2 black surface into a half
sphere 1
III. Meteorological symbols and schemes for plotting data
on a ognoptic chart and on baric surfaces of 850, 700,
500, 3 0and 200 mb. 9/10
RESHMV, V.D.; KMGI", A.Kh., [radaktor]; BBAYNINA, M.I., Ctakhnicheski7
redaktorl. 4Q'@@
Inertia and sensitivity of the hair hygrometer in low temparature.
Trudy TSAO no-11:3-64 153; (MLR& 8:5)
(Hygrom try)
Computing the errorn of aerial droplet camplero. Trudy TSAO no.12:
3-12 1 53. (MIR& 12:1)
(Meteorological instruments)
A.Y.Klosaovskii, outstanding Russian geophysicist. Trudy
lust. ist. est. i tekh. no.1:193-218 154. (KLRA 8:9)
Mossovskil. Aleksandr Vikentlevich, 1846-1917)
KVjRC-,.jtJNj A- KVI.
Vbysics of the atuosphers." A.9h.Khrgi". Reviewed by S.P.11hromov.
Isv,1F9em*g9ogsob-,v* 86 no-3:306-310 MY-Je 154. (MM 7:6)
(Khrgian, A.ft.) (Meteorology)
KHRGIAN, A.IM. ANIUM, A.Se redaktor; KULIN, Te.T., takhnicheekly
- IL a mmrlu
(Mikhail FedorovIch Spamakil) Mikhail PedorovIch Speaskil.
Moskva, Isd-vo, Moskovskogo univ., 1955. 50 p,- (MLRA 8:7)
(Sp"skit, Mikhail Fedorovich, 1809-1859)
by lb,ivni@@# Pad E. k I.Ijkarovt from the
V-*'@j,-,,,jw. !:, -r, n-: ; 1 @'-'Ztllr I
A. Kh. Kh@Finn in
4 4 11 N Iv: 5, 13,
Ki4Qql M4
AID P - 2508
Subject USSR/meteorology
Card 1/1 Pub. 71-a 18/26
Author Khrgian, A. Kh., Doc. Phys. and Math. Sci.
Title I. I. Kasatkin and his work on storms and cumulus clouds
Periodical ; Met. I Gidro., 3, 52-55, MY-Je 1955
Abstract : The article reports on the life and studies of I. I.
Kasatkin who died in 1941. His theory on the cumulus-
nimbus with anvil type is presented with diagrams. A
map illustrates the storm nucleus formation. Seven
Russian references, 1905-1927 and 1 American, 1948.
Institution: None
Submitted No date
AID P 3864
Subject USSR/meteorology
Card 1/1 Pub. 71-a - 27/35
Author Khrglan, A. Kh.
Title M. A. Minkelldey, M. M. Pomortsev - Pe rvyy RuEskiy
Aerolo& (M. M. Pomortsev - first Rus'slan aerologyst)
Gidrometeoizdat, 1954. (Book review)
Periodical : Met. 1. gidr., 6. 58-59, NID 1955
Abstract : The author reviews a biography of a Russian scientist
of the 19th century who investigated meteorology and
aeronautics. The book is strongly recommended for the
general public and for specialists in these fields.
Institution : None
Submitted No date
NASILOT, Dmitriy Nikolayevich; 1WIA4,-.,A.Xh, professor, redaktor; SXMNNOY,
A.A., redektor; RYDRIK, V.I., redaiio@@!r'^-,@'@UMARKINA, N.A., tekhnichs-
skiy redaktor,
(Radiometeorology; radio methods in meteorology] Hadioneteorologila;
radionetody v noteorologii. Fo(I red. A.Kh.Khrgiana. Moskva, Go@. 121-
vo tokhniko-teoret. lit-ry, 1956. 215 P. (KLRA 9:12)
(Meteorology) (Atmospheric electricity)
MMGIAN. A.Xh.; KAZIN, i0r.
Analyzing methods for describing spectra of cloud particle dispersion.
TrudyMO no-17:36-" 1156. (MIaA 10113)
[Ki ll
redaktor; TARKHUNOVA,
MOW, Yu.T.. tokhnichaskiy redaktor.
[Aerologleal observations on tie
40 in 1955-563 Aorologichookle
stanteli wSevernyl polius-4-v
isd-vo (Otd-nle). 1957. 44 p.
observatoriia. Trudy.. no.18).
V.I., redaktor;
drifting station *North Pble
nabliudenlia na diWulushchel
1955-56 g. Moolcra, Gldrometeor.
(Tbntrallnaia aerologiche"la
MU 100)
(Arctic regions)
iaMTAN , A - Kh -
"Modern Conceptions on the Structure of Clouds," paper submitted
at International Assocq of Meteorology Meetings# Toronto, Canada, 3-14 Sep 57
C-3400, 327
(Claud atlas) Atlas oblakov. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo,
1957. 45 P. (KIRA 12:9)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glaynoye upravleniye gidrometeoro-
logichaskoy sluzhby.
.dIRGIA&e., otvetstvennyy redaktor; TASNOGORODSXAYA. H.M., rodaktor;
IADIMIROV, O.G., takhnichookiy redektor
[Gloud atlas) Atlas oblakov. loningrad7, Gidromstoor.lzd-vo, 1957.
231 plate@ ---- [Mxplanatory textJ Polannitellayi toket. 1957.
65 p- (MLRA 10:9)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glaynoyo upravlaniya gidronstoorolo-
gichookoy alushby
@- .7 '.
Ionospheric obgerv&tjon station on Dickson Island. Mezhdunar. 960fir.
(MIM 110)
god no-3:93 157-
(Dickson Island-Ionospheric research)
KHRGIAN, A.Kh._, j)rof esilor.
11 - WOOMP-M
The International Geophysical Year and the participation of the
U.S.S.R. universitie a in it. VesteMook.un 12 no.1:192-195 157.
- . I (Km 10-8)
(International Geophysical Year, 1957-1958)
-1 bacreous clouds. Vast. Nosk. un. Ser. mat. makh. astron., fiz..
kUm. 12 no. 6:51-55 057. (MIRA llslO)
1. Kafedra fisiki atmoefery Moskovmkogo gosudarstvennogo universitata.
@r 7
AT4D.*AtC 6 ',V Al F A R i
A ruvEo* Is gvtc 3f d3t3 =4vna 4!-!F
AUTHOR6: Khrgian, A.Kh., Britayev, A.S. 53-4-7/10
TITLE4 The International Geophysical Year (Mezhdunarodnyy geofiziches-
kiy godY
PERIODICAL: Uspekhi Piz. Nauk, Vol. 62, Nr 4, PP. 475-483 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: First, the author gives a short report on the past geophysical
years. Next, the organization of the present geophysical year is
described. The object of the scientifical investigations of the
integnational gepphysical year is the solution of those most im-
portant planetarial problems of geophysics which demand simulta-
neous observations on the entire universe. The program of the
works during the international geophysical year include the most
important branches of modern geophysics: meteorology, terrestrial
magnetismv polar phenomena and luminescence of the sky at night,
ionosphere, solar activity, cosmic radiation, determination of
longitudes and latitudes, glacialogy, oceanography, seismology
and gravitation. The various investigations are, however, com-
bined by the leading ideas to a whole. Increased observations
shall take place during the so-called "regular world A 8" (full
moon, solar eclipse, increased falling of meteors, etcT An im-
portant place is occupied during.the international geophysical
Card 1/p- year by the investigation of the circulation of the atmosphere;
Vhe-*@Aernational Geophysical Year.
special attention is devoted to the antarctic. The exact deter-
mination of time and longitudes by means of astronomical methods
is connected with the problem of the entire circulation of the
atmosphere. Rotation of the earth becomes slower within the course
of centuries , and, besides there exist fairly regular annual
fluctuations of the duration-of the day. Whilst the angular mo-
mentum of the earth remains constant, either the moment of in-
ertia or the relative velocity of the rotation of the atmosphere
changes. Here the actual velocities of wind on the entire earth
have to be taken into account. The longitudinal determinations
of various observatbries have to solve the problem of the motion
of the continents. A further complex of problems is connected
with solar radiation received by thelearth. With this also the re-
flection of solar radiation by the earth ic connected. The in-
vestigation of the spectra of the polar phenomena, luminescence
of the night sky and the corona are of -rest importance. Further
fields of research are mentioned.
AVAILLBLE- Library of Congress
Card 2/2
Jk W
Khrgian, Aleksandr Khristoforovich
Fizika atmosfery (Phrice of the Atmosphere) 2d ed., rev. Moscow,
Fizmatgiz, 1958. 75 P. 5,000 copies printed.
Ed.: Dubnik, R.L.; Tech. Ed.: Akhlamov, S.N.
PURPOSE: This book In intended for geophysicists and students of at-
mospheric physics at the university level.
COVERAGE: This volume defines the subject matter of atmosyberic phy-
sics, describes the constituents of the atmosphere and @hg physi-
cal processes occurring In it. Following a brief historical out-
line, particularly of the work done in pre-revolutionary RuseXaand
Soviet Union, the author discussee,among other factors,Atpospheric
dynamics, the methods and tools for carrying out observations, and
the application of high-speed computing machines. Recent develop-
ments in the Soviet Union and the contributions of leadipg scien-
tists to this field are also discussed. The author expresses his
thanks to V.A. Bugayev, V.A. Dzhordzhio and S.P. Khromov ior their
assistance In the preparation of the book. There are 218 diagrams
Physics of.the Atmosphere SOV/1374
and 19 r*ferences, of 11 are Soviet, 5 English, 2 German,
and I Indian (in Russian translation).
Foreword 8
IntroductiQn 9
Ch. I. The Atmosphere's Gaseous Composition 19
1. AwAamentals 19
2. Theory of'the separation of gases 20
3. Oxneii 24
4. HeUum and other Inert gases 25
5. Carbon dioxide 26
6. Sodl@m in the atmosphere 26
7. Determining the composition of the upper layers of the
atmosphere by the spectra of polar lights 28
8. Hydrogen and hydroxyl in the earth's atmosphere 30
9. Escape or gases from the earth's atmosphere 32
10. The earth's gaseous tail 35
C ard 2/@�3 @2-
------- a-omments -'%@ on XA* ledorov's article (OPrirodaO, no. 9. 1957)-
Meshdunar.geofiz.god no.4:n7 158. (MIRA 11-1,1@
(Atmosphere. upper-Rocket observations) (Artifical satellites
. of NoG. ShvldkOvski:L an& Others,(Nmotoorologla
comments on the article &.god no.4:118 1580
j g1drologiswo-u0s8v 1957), K6zhd=a-96Of" (MIRA 11111)
(Atmosphere. Upper-Rocket observations)
Problems of utilizing the asterials of the International Geophysical
Year. Keshdunar. geofts. god no@5tl5-22 158. (MIRA llsIO)
(International Geophysical Tear. 1957-1958.)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Oeofizika, 1959, Nr 6, P 121 (USSR)
AUTHORS- Borovikov, A.M., Grudzinskiy, M.E., Khrgian,-A,Kh..
TIT-M: On the.Meteorological'Conditions of the Alpine Tien Shan
PERIODICAL., Tr. Tsentr. aerol. observ., 1958, Nr 21, pp 176 199
ABSTRACTs The authors give data on tlie mean air temperature in summer
of 1956 in the area,of the upper part of the Ir4lchek glacier,
on the diurnal course of temperature, humidity, and pressure
on wind conditions, on the recurrence of the various forms o@
cloudiness and on precipitations of various duration. Me
synoptic processes and the character of weather during the
expedition are briefly described. The observations in the
southern Iny1chek reveal the considerable cooling caused by
the glaciers; A temperature decrease by 30C is observed in
the lower layer of the air near the glacier instead of a tem-
perature increase by 3 - 40C in comparison to t-he free atmo-
sphere, typical for the rocky mountain ranges of the Tien Shan.
Card 1/2 It was found that the synoptic conditions of the mount-ainaus
rathe Metqorological Conditions of the Alpine.Tien Shan
coantry are also.out of the ordinary. The approach of a cold front is
accompar.iea by increased cloudiness, precipitations, intensifioation of 4,be
wind, etc, a great distance ahead of the front line. The cloud syst-eir, of
the cold front-in mountains turns often into a wide system of stratified
rainy clouds. Bibl. 8 titles.
N.I. Zverev
Ca*rd 2/2
Vertical notion of atuosphere wA vinds over mmmtain countries*
fr@Ay TMO no.24sl2-25 158. (MIR& 12:1)
KMIARKIN, Boris Vasillyevich. prof.; RYBNIKOV, Konstantin Alsksayevich,
prof.; BASHKANOTA, Izabells Grigorlyevna; TUSMVICH, Adollf
Pavlovich; YANOVWAYA, Sofiya Alskeandrovna; SPASSKIY, Boris
Ivanovich, dotsent; HIMUYWY, Glab Konstantinovich, starshiy
nauchW sotrudnik; KATTNOT, Mass profs,; GOD",
D.I., prof.. red.; IVANWO, D.D., pror., red.; KuiRyAvTm.
P.S.. prof., red.; KULIKOVSKIY, P.G.. doteent. red,;JOWIM9,
--AiKh., prof.. red.; WEV BOY. N.S., prof*# red.; VMUMMVo
V.M., assistant. red.; KONONKOT, A.F.. red.; YMMKOV, H.S.,
[Programs of courses on the history of the physicomathematical
sciences] Programmy po istorti ftsiko-matematicheakikh nauk.
Moskva, 1939. 40 p. (NDU 12:12)
1. Moscow. Universitet. 2. Orgkomitat Vsesoyuznoy mezhvuzovskoy
konferentsii po istorli fisiko-mtemAticheek-lich nauk (for Kukarkin.
Rybnikov, Spaniklyll Gordeyevi-Lvanonko, Kildryavtsev. Nulikovskly.
Mikhaylov. Khrgian, Ghevtaov, Verkhanoi. Kononkov).
(Physics--Study and teaching)
(Kethematics--Study and teaching)
YUV., to
[Some data on aerological investigations of the atmosDbere over the
Antarctic] Nekotorye dannye aarologiches',coro issledovaniia atmos'Lory
Antarktidy. Moskva, Gidromotoolz6at (otd-nie). 1959. 85 P. TSentr,,11-
naia aerologicheskaia observatorlia. Trudy, no.27). @MIRA 12:4)
(Antarctic regions-Mitcorolorical research)
Moscow, TsentralInyy Institut prognozov
Voprosy diagnoza I prognoza nizkoy oblachnosti I obledeneniya samole-
tov (Problems in the Diagnosis and Forecasting of Low Cloud For-
mations and Icing On Aircraft) Moscow# Gidrometeoizdat (Otd-niye)o
1959. 92 p. (Series: Its: Trudy, vyp. 80)
Errata slip inserted. 800 copies printed,
Sponsoring Agencies: Glavnoye upravleniye gidrometeorologicheskoy
sluzhby pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR; Tsentrallnyy institut prognozov,
Ed. (Title page): N. V. Petrenko; Ed. (Inside book): M. I. Sorokina;
Tech. Ed.: I. M. Zarkh,
PURPOL"'E: This publication In intended for synoptic meteorologists
at aviation meteorological stations and.other weather-service
organizations. It may also be of inter6st to theoretical research
workers in meteorology,
COVERAGE: The first four articles of this issue of the TransactIona
of the Central Institute of Weather Forecasting deal with conditions
Card 1/3
Problems in the Diagnosis (Cont.) SOV/5543,
associated with the formation and forecasUng of cloudiness in the
low cloud level, The results obtained balloon and aircraft
soundings are presented, The conditions of aircraft icing in
clouds are analyzed in two articles and the possibilities of fore-
casting the relative humidity are evaluated. No personalities.are
mentioned. References follow Individual articles.
Abramovich, K. G,g and Organization for Investigating
Conditions Attendant to the Formation of Low-Level Cloudiness 3
Abramovich, K, G. Conditions Attendant to the Formation of Low-
Level Cloudiness 10
Gogoleva, Ye. I. Changes in Dew-Point Deficit Before the
Appearance and Dispersion of Cloudiness Below Altitudes of 600 m 42
Kolokolova., G. V. Determination of the Transfer Level in
Forecast@'.ng Low Cloudiness 58
Card 2/3
Problems in the Diagnosis (Cont.)
Pahelko, I. G,p and A. M. Borovikov. Results of Processing Data
of Microstructure Observations for Clouds With and Without
Icing 64
Dobryshman, Re. M. On Methodology for the Forecasting of the
Relative Humidity at Positive.Tomperatures 79
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 3/3 9-6-61
Alskoandr Khristoforovichj. POGWM, Khk,,.otv,rod*;
roll:# TO.,-Ivmb(iRolr,* Me's tekhnOied.
@cl "U.,
(An outllao* of the dovelopmnt @f meteorol -*101 Ochertl
rasivi.tlla matearologilA, Iscl.2.. perer. Leningrad.
Gidrometeor.oisd.-moo- Tol.l. 1959* 427 P;. (MIRA 12:8)
GU4-"stigation at the Central Aerological Observatory.
Trudy TSAO no.26:17-21 159. (KIRA 12:5)
(Cloud pbys1cm)
KHRGIANd Atxhft@---."
Fifth Assnahly of the Special Commitee of the Intnrnational Geo-
Phisical Year and current problems In geophysics. Usp.fiz.nauk 67
no.2:363-366 7 '59. (MIRA l2t4)
RYBNIKOY, K.A.. prof.j red.; SPASSKIT, B.I., doteent, red.; GOFMETV, D.I..
prof., red.; ITAUNKO. D.D., prof., red.; EMRTATTSKY. F.S., prof.,
red.; IWRKIX, B.T.. prof.. red.; XULIKOVSKIT, P.G., dotwent, red.;
NIMYWT, G.K., starshiy nauchnyy notradnik, red.; MG10.,Aon.,
prof.. red.; SHMSOT, N.S.. prof.. red.; VIMaMOT, VA.. as atient,
red.: KONOXXOT, A.F.. red.; KALIXOTA, N.A., red.; SOROKIIA. L.A.,
red.; YARMAXOT, M.S.,
[Sn-ries of papers and reports of the Interuniversity Conference
on the Ristory of Physics and Mathematics] Tezisy dakladov i soob-
shchenil Nexhruzovskoi konforenteii po iatorii fisiko-mtematicheskikh
nauk. Kooky&, Izd-vo Mosk.univ., 1960. 187 P. (KIRA 13:6)
1. Kezhvusovskaya konforentsiya po Istorii fiziko-matematicheakikh
nauk. 196o. -
(Kathematics--Congresses) (Physic@--Congresses)
GORDEM, D.I., prof., glav. red.; 11TORYANKIN, F.A.. prof., red.;
XONORKOV. A.F., red.; RYSMOT, K.A., prof.,'red.; SOLOVIUY,
A.L. dotment, red.; SPASSKIY, B.I.. doteent, 'red.; FIGUROV-
SKIT. N.A.. prof.. red.-, SHWTSOV, N.S., prof., red., KEIRGIAN.
A.Mi-,prof., red.; UYTSZFA, M.G., red.; 7XWKOY. M.S., -tokhn.
red. I
[History and mthodolog' cf the'natural sciences] Istoriia i
metodologile astestvennykh nauk. Moskva. No.l. [Physical Fi-
ziks. 1960. 221 p'. (MIRA 14:5)
1. Moscow. Universitat.
Atmospheric phenomena am described in Russian chronicles. Int.i
netod.estsnauk no.l.-241-246 160* (MIRA 34:10)
(Runmia-4hronology., Histpkcal) (Atmosphere)
- KHRriIAN,-A.Kb.
Records on vyv:ither and climate in ancient Indian literature. Iz ist.
nauki i tekl,. v stran. Vost. no.1:330-336 16o. (MIRA 14:8)
AUTHOR: Khrgi&n, A. Khe S/050/60/000/03/016/020
'\-V B007/BOO2
TITLE: On the Soviet "Clad Atlas" and
Classification of Cloud Forms
PERIODICAL: Metsorologiya i gidrologiya, 1960, Nr 3, PP 53 - 56 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The Soviet Cloud Atlas was published in 1957, Since its olas-
sifioation differs from that given by the International Cloud
Atlaag Professor S. Pa Khromov put a number of fundamental
questions. Herep the development of the Soviet Cloud Atlas is
given in brief. It had already been not UP in 1955, and when the
International Cloud Atlas was published in 1956, the total edi-
tion of the Soviet Cloud Atlas had already been printed. The con-
tents of the International Cloud Atlas are given in bri*fp and
nexty the principles of aloud classification given by the Soviet
atlasp are described. Finally, the Soviet Cloud Atlas it said to
correspond to the present knowledge on cloudep and for 2 years
has been successfully used by all hydrometeorological stations
of the USSR. The atlas in met up on the basis of pictures taken
in the USSR. Although it has a number of shortcomings, theme may
be eliminated in the new edition. In their basic features, the
classifications of the Soviet and the International Cloud Atlas
Card 1/2 are almost the same. The question as to the difference between
Ca the Soviet "Cloud Atlas" and Classification of 51050V60100010310161020
Cloud Forms B007/BO02
the two, has to be examined from two points of view. Firstv in
what way the conformity of cloud data, the international exchange
of which takes place in the form of synoptic telegrams, is main-
tained, This problem seems to be solved an far as corresponding
indications for the compsition of synoptic telegrams (as a
supplement to the atlas) are available. Secondly, it must be found
out in what way advantages and shortcomings due to different clas-
sificationsp have an influence on the elaboration of scientific
problems of cloud development. This problem requires a still more
detailed investigation. However, the difficulty of a statistic
interpretation of the indications given by the International Cloud
Atlas must be pointed out, since this atlas allows different com-
binations of technical terms in the description of clouds.
Card 2/2
Stud7ing the conditions of the formation of lower level stratum
clouds. Trud7 TSAO no.28:3-48 16o. (MIRA 13:3)
(Cloud Physics)
International Cloud Year, 1896-1897, and its contribution
to the study of clouds. Trudy TSAO no-35:36-55 160.(KM 13:11)
(Cloud pbysics--Romearch)
Gloud photograp?W and simultaneous photograp)W of the entire djW.
Trudy TSAO no.35:62-65 160. (MM 13SII)
(Photography of clouds)
(changes and additions to the "Cloud atlas" published in 1957) I=e-
neniia i dopolneniia k "Atlasu oblakov," izd-1957 g. Leningrad, Gidro-
meteor.izd-vo., 1961. 3 P-9 illus. (K[RA 14:12)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.)Glvvnc@oq upravleniye gidrometeorologicho-
skoy sluzhby.
BOROVIIDV,I.M,,pkan(L fiz.-mat. nauk,- KERGIAN A Kh.*_prof.; SOBOIEV,,'L.G.,,
atv. red.; YASNOGORODAMAIV.- @.,red. @,-VMIMIROV, O.G. j -$okbn.
(Abridged cloud.atlas for hydrometeorological observations @m
ships] Sokrashobennyi atlas oblakov dlia sudovykb gidrometeoro-
logicbeskikh nabliudenii. Pod red. L.G.Soboleva. Leningrad,,
Gidrometeor. izd-vol, 1961- 52 p. (MDA 15:2)
1. Russia (3.923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniye gidrometeorolo-
gicheskoy sluzhby. (Couds)
@Rli GIA)i, A.Kh., prof., red@-, 1V%PMj,'O*T.j red.; GEORGIMA, G.I.,,
tekhn. red.
(Atmospheric ozone; results of the vor@ of the International
Geopbysical Year in the U.S.S.R. Reports and resolutions) At-
moofernyi ozon; rezul'taty rabot Mezhdunarodnogo geofiziche-
skogo goda v SSSR. Doklady i rezoliutaii. Moskva,, Izd-vo
Mosk. univ.9 1961. 195 P, (MIRA 15:4)
1. Konferentsiya po, alpoofernomu. ozom, Moscow, 1959.
(ozone) (Atmosphere)
Borovikov, Aicksandr 1VTotseyevich, Ivan Tvanovich Gnyvoronskly, Yelizaveta
Gerinanovnii Zak, Vadim Vladimirovlch K0qtarev,_L11_v.,_Zavl--ich
Vladlt;lav Yovgcn' yevIch M inervin, , Alcksq'ndr Khristoforovich Khrplan, and
Solomon Moineyevich Slimetur
Fiztka obln1cov (Cloud Physics) Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1961. 458 p.
5000 copies printed.
Ed. (Titic page): A. Kh. Khrglan; Ed. . V. @9, Protopopov; Tech. Ed.
M. 1. Braynina and 0. G. Vladirnirov.
PURPOSE: This book is Intended for meteorglogists and for specialists In fore-
casting service and aviation.
COVERAGE- The book describes modern methods of studying the developme nt,
structure and origin of clouds. Special attention has been given to the forma-
Card 140
Cloud Physics
tion of microscopic elements In clouds. Tpe macroscopic properties of
clouds are also studied in detail. Their position in space, motion, as well as
their connection with thermodynamic struc@ure of the atmosphere, general
circulatinn, cyclonic activity, etc. sre hivrstigated. Flying In clouds is
brieny discussed. One chapter deals with cloud modification and seeding.
The book 1.9 based on Soviet nnd non-Soviet sources. Ch. I was written by
Ye. G. Zak and 1. P. Mazin; Ch. 11, by A. NI. Borovikov, V. Ye. Minervin,
A. Kh. Khrgian and S. M. Shmeter; Cit. 111, V, and VI, by A. 101. Khrgian;
Ch. IV, by A. Kh. Khrglan and S. M, Shmvter; Ch. VII. by Ye. G. Zak-,
Ch. VIII, by A. M. Borovikov; Ch. IX. by P. Mazin; Ch. X, by 1. 1. Gay-
voronskly; Ch. M, by V. V. Kostarev,.V. Ye. Minervin and A. Kh. Khrgiin.
The authors thank L. T. Matveyev and A. M. Barnnov. There are 632 refer-
ences: 274.English; 254 Soviet, 71 Germagi 30 French, 2 Hungarian and
I Polish.
Card 2/V
D263 307
'hd@ Xuznetsov, G. I.
:;7 t@ 7
TITLE: On the a yq i@iation_of atmospheric ozone.
'h 1@'G ofizika, no. 2, 1963, 16,-ab-
PERIODICAL: Refdrativnyy,z urna f e
qjIn:-`collecti' 1. ozon, M.9
stracV'Ml On: Atmosferz
Xosk. un-t, 1961 184-186 (summary in Engo))
-th6' deily,variation of, ozone was determined'
TEXT: The magnitude of
from a consideration'of daily::*,ozone measurements taken during the
IGY. It was. f ound - that - th6@:Am:o'urit @of ozone i1ndergoes considerable.
non-periodic changes from day.'to day, although a.systematiedaily
!:,varia-tion may be found b@,.Calculating the mean values of the. overall
ozone contents for individdal,hours. It was thus shown that at,
i,Vignia-di-Valle (Italy)' a Ii.;Lr -ng:July-August,the amount of ozone in-J
by 00005 cm from 9@-to,'-16:hrs and during September-November
it increased by.:O.006@cm from'.10 to 1 hrs; in Elmaose (Sardinia)
i during July September the-ovdr@all;ozone content increased by 0.011:j.@:
m a. d,.; ng ember it rose by
between 9, and 16 . I n , dUri October-Dee
AUTHOR: Khrgian, A. Kh.
TITLE: On the theory of lateral refr action
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geadeziya, no, 3, 1962, 20,
abstract 3062 ("Izv. vyssh. ucheba. zavedeniy. Geod. i aerofoto-
s"yemka!', 1961, no. 3, 17-22)
TEXT: The author considers the phenomenon of lateral refraction. He
proves the necessity of taking into account the inclination of air surfaces of
equal refractive index (equal density) to the horizon. It is shown that the
magnitude of inclination angle of equal density surfaces may vary strongly depend-
ing on conditions. Thus, e.g., the inclination of surfaces due to horizontal
gradient of temperature and air pressure within voluminous air masses mai amount
to 40"' and the inclination in the frontal zone between voluminous air masses -
15 - 2011; the angle which is observed by day over heated mountain slopes and
by night over cooled slopes amounts sometimes to a few degrees, and near vertical
Cliffs (or walls) to several tens of degrees. A formula is derived for calculat-
ifig the curvature radius of ray projection onto horizontal plane. Using the
Card 1/2
f S/035/62/000/00/0_32/053
on the theory of lateral refraction A001/AI01
data published in the works by G. Foerster ("Veroeff. d. Preuss. geodaet. Inst.",
1929, 101) and B. N. Rabinovich ("Trudy TsNIIGAil(", 1949, no. 6) the author
compares the values of curvature radius calculated from the average meteorologi-
cal data for many years and those obtained from geodetic measurements. Diver-
gences in the curvature radius values (calculated values are 2 to 3 times 'Less
than,those from geodetic measurements) are explained, in the author's opinion,
by the fact that actual meteorological conditions during the period of observa-
tions at triangulation points differed from their average values for many years.
Several examples of existence of local refraction fields are cited, in which the
curvature radius of refraction curve differs strongly from the calculated one.
There are 7 references.
F. Noskov
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 2/2
.Conference on atmospheric ozone. Mezhdunar. geofiz. god no.9:48-49
161. (MIRA 14:3)
(Ozone--Congresses) (Atmosphere)
- ------ e-
Third oesoion of ihe Cominoion of Asrology of the World
Mateorological,0rimiution, Meteor. i gidrol no.2:69-71
F 162. ULU 15:2)
I All-Union Cloud Yoar. Meteor. i gidrol. no.6:10-24 Je 1629
04-111 15:6)
AUTHORS: KhrgLAnj_&L_-Kh.., Professor, Doctor of Geographical
Sciences, Shvidkovskiyt Ye. G., Professor, Doctor of
Physics and Mathematics
TITLE: Soviet scienti3te attending the Assembly of Geophysicists
PERIODICAL: Vestnik vysshe:t shkoly, no. 6, 1962v 71-72
TEXT: The tasks and activities of the International Union of Geodesy
and Geophysics and the,parti(jipation of Soviet scientists in its work are'!
briefly reported,especially ;heir contributions to the Helsinki assembly
at the summer 1960 which was attended by 1740 delegates from 60 countries.,
At the meetings of the Association for Meteorology and Physics of the
Atmosphere, A. M. Obukhov (USSR) reported on the choice of a baroclinic
model of the atmosphere best suited for predictions, and S. V, Ne@chinov,
.on the solution of the system. of equations for forecasting. The'only
report dealing with the oloud.s in the troposphere was that by K. Sh.
Bibilashvili (USSR) on the physics and dynamics of-convectivb clouds.
Card 1/3
S/003 62/000/006/001/001
Soviet scientists... B117 B110
The problem of atmospheric ozone formed an important item in the working
program of the assembly. This was studied by the International
Commission of Atmospheric Ozonu on.vhich A. Kh. Khrgian (MGU) served as
delegate from the USSR. In tht! Symposium on the Geophysical Aspect of
Cosmic Rays 17 reports rare presented, including that by D. D.
.Krasillnikov (Yakutakiy filial AN 53SR (Yakut Branch AS USS@) on
temporary and latitudinal variations of cosmic rays, their anisotropy and
relation to the cosmic activity of the sun,and the interplanetary magnetic. 1.11000
field. In the Symposium on Chemical Processes and Radioactivity of the
Atmosphere, Ye. S. Selezneva of the Glavnaya goofizicheskaya obs'ervatoriyal
(Main Geophypical Observatory) ceported on the results of the chemical
analysis of precipitations in the USSR. Her report was based on
information from 13 USSR observatories set up specially for the
International Geophysical @ear. Soviet scienti3ts made considerable
contributions to the investigation of northern lights and related
phenomena. The observations they had collected were used-in reports by
Yestern scientists. The next aesembly is planned for 1963. Its main
tasks will be gn evaluation of.the material collected during the past
International Geophysical Year and preparations for the International
Card 2/3
AUTHORS Khrgian,,and Kuznetsov, G.I.
TITIZ: Thp mcridional circulation of the atmosphere and the
global trantifer of atmospheric ozone
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no., 11, 1@962, 19-20,
abstract 1111132 (Geofiz. byul., Nezhduved. geofiz.
kom-t pri Prezidiume AN'SSSR, no. 11, 19629 3-11)
TI=: The relation between circulation at the 500-mb level
and the total ozone content is examined. -It is noted that the nat-
ure of the fluctuations in the variability of ozone (difference be-
tween the maximum and minimim mean-daily value for each month) and
the index of meridional circulation are close to each other. The
authors reckon that there it; a quite definite relation between the
-total ozone content x -and the meridional circulation index J 1-2. Thus,
the correlation factor r in March 1958 between x for Vinia-di-Valle
(Italy) and r 1-2 is 0-55; in July 1957 r u 0.20. For the station
Bismark (USA) in i1pril 1958, r w 0.4L. The average total ozone con-
Card 1/2
The meridional circulation D228/D3O7
tent for 11 months (July 1957-May 1958) was calculated for Vinia-di-
Valle, at different states of circulation (meridional and zonal).
VIhen the state of circulation at Vinia-di-Valle is meridional,
x = 0.348 cm; for zonal circulation x . 0.339 cm, i.e. 2.6@10 more.
The authors point to close relation between the total ozone content
and the circulation type, characterized by the disposition of hirgh-
altitude ridges and troughs over West Lurope and the Union's :@uro-
pean territory. The nature oE this relation, however, sometimes .
changes into an inverm one,-on the transition from the cold to the
warm season,
Z-Abstracter's note: complete translation2
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Khrgian, A.Kh..
TITLE: ial-Union scientific tonference on meteorology
PERIODIC.M.: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 11, 1962, 1,
abstract 11B4 (.Geofiz. byul., Mezhduved. geofiz.
1com-t pri Prezidiume X4 SSSR, no. 11, 1962, 68-69)
TM-MT: Information is; given about the work of the All-Union
meteorologic conference, which was held in Leningrad from June 21-29,
1961, and was devoted to the 4.0th anniversary of V.I. Lenin's sign-
ing of the decree on the orgardzation of the hydrometeorologic ser-
v cc of the UISSR. 'Light is hilefly thrown upon papers that the con-
fereuce sections heard on dyngmic and synoptic meteorology, climato-
logy,.the physics of the free atmosphere, actinometry and atmos-
pheric optics, agrometeorology', the physics of the near-ground layer,
instruments, and observational methods.
Z7Abstracter's note: Complete translation2
Card 1/1
Session of the International Comission on Asrology. Goofiz.biul.
no.l2s27-28 162. (MIRA 16s5)
I -M
-C @
CUmatic oscillations of the earth. Goofinoblul, no.l2t29-38
#62. - (climatolou-cong" ones) (KMA 160)
Mholit Djorknes; an his 100th birthday. Hateor.i gidrolo mool2l
,46-48 V 162, (MnA l5d2)
(Djorlmlat VMOIuv 1862-1951)
KHRG14N. A.Kh.
Cirrus forms. Trudy TSAO no.39:39-" 162. (MM& 150-6)
EKBWVA, N.M.j@@SIMONOV, Ye.D., red.; GIPPENREYTER, Ye.B., red.;
KNEW, V.A., red.; KUPPIN, K.K., red.1 IETAVET, A.A., red.;
red.; AN- A.Kh., red.j YUKHIN, I.V.t red.; KONOVALYUK,,
I.K., mlad. red.i.GOLITSIN, A.V.g red. kart; AfWANOVA9 N.P.
tekhn. red.
(Conquered sunmilts; Soviet alpinism between @958 and 19611 ft-
beshdonnye vershiny; abornik sovetskogo allp1lizza, 1958-1461.
Moskva, Geografgis, 1963. 0 Po (MIRA 16:6)
ADMORt Urgiang A. Mko
TITLEs Latest deveUpsiants in the stwo, of the phraies of Stratitem else"
SOUMM: Toostral'MW& soreloglebeekqy@ obawwaterlya. 2*i#Ay*, use 47p X963o
Flaika oblakey. 3-23
TOPIC TAGS: "toorelogyp clead pbysice' *load- stratifem *Ion&. radlest beat
exchwo, turbulent beat exabanget Aurtu 01260# turbulence seefficlest, air
Ay, air teaperature atmapberic surfacti i4yerl atmopheris inversiougges""VO
,weather forseastAxw, stratm Gle"t strathenwulus oloud
ABSMCT: A review of sii$.* Soviet awl *# articles on the status of knowlefte of
the physics of stratifom clouds I" rvyt@ftled that the theory of develoyment of
Bitch clouds has been studied in conald&rAls detail with respect t&,their dyamics;
and radiant and turbulout beat exdmWg,*. - Calculation of a large amber of =nerl-
Cal *Xamploe is necessary, howevort U viveal wr* - the inportanoo of is-
dividual factors in forsation of clowl I bra. Sw& forthir devvlopmat requires
the introduation into mob a-1 tatislis f various values of the turbulent oo*ffi-.
ciento.vortisal "Usit
yo a Ir awl t raturs for the lay*rs,above and below j
W iso."64s4wu7 to'Adgo ispeaseemi'the existeme of maxims tar-
bulence in the lower part-of the boandary layer and its attenuation upward in the-
direction of the boundary of the inversion. Numerical conclusions from the theory
probably can give a sound basis for organization of detailed aerological observa-
tioas, and an observational data is accumlated, for fdrecasting of clouds and pre-
cipitation. Partherprogress now requires more extensive geographical investiga-
tions of the heights, thielmess, frequency of occurrence"! and other characteristics,
of stratiform clouds, employing a-uniform method. These investigations should be 11
made in all climatic zones and undor a wide range of geojraphic conditions. These
investigations will makeit possible to evaluate independently the influence of the@'-
'temperature anX*h1midity of the forming and above-lying layers and the influence of'
:the underlying surface and other factors. Since theory shows that the form of the
upper surface of cloud layers is aiisociated with their instability it would be
valuable to have statistical data on this point from different climatic zones.
'Si=ltaneous observation of forts md temperature and wind fluctuations will make
it possible to clarify the relativaship between regular convection and turbulence
in the upper part of the cloud and whether in that part of the cloud there is
-exchange with the air above the cloud. Orig. art. has: j for=las, 6 figures and
13 tables.
Observation of the struettrre of clouds and the scientific problems
of the International Year :)f the QAAet So. Izv. AN SSM4 ser.geo-
fix. no.W69-176 Ja 163. (MMA 16 t2)
(Cloul physics)
,-@IANP A.Ihs
'Jaisaysta Gormnogha Zsk; on her 70th b:Lrthdy. M,4r.. i gidrol- AO-5l
6o.6i w 163. 1-1 (Z&k, laizaveta Germanovna) (KM 160)
Matory of geophysics at Moscow University; on the 200th
anniversary of its foundation. Ist. i metod. est. nauk 21
264-276 163. (MIRA 16:11)