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hhOLCITIOVA, N.T. ll~- ~ Unstudie4 'Vest.Mosk. copy of a 1.7th century manuscript of a "Coamograpby." un. Ser.-:5z Geog. 1? no.l-.66--67 Ja-F 162. (MIRA 16:7) (Geog7raphy) (Manuscripts, Russian) I . YUREKOVp Yu.K.; KHMPOVA, N.T. Report on the activity of the Moscow Branch of the Geo- graphical Society of the U.S.S.R. for 1961. Vop. geog. no.63:180-192 163, (MIRA 17:3) M 11K ki N.; ope'ratlons or the,- Fritnon rX -Lloi Ga~,vrmr.~'Cal- -14 R, for Vo, g":~ ,,, no, 64~ 1-1-84 164. KHOLOPOVA, Nadezhda Timofeyevna; PETROVA, K.A., red.; IAZAREVA, L.V., -- --torm-rum ------- (Aleksandr Sergeyevich Barkov] skva, Izd-vo Mosk. univ., 1961. skavskogo universiteta, no.26) (Barkov, Aleksandr Aleksandr Sergeyevich Barkov. Mo- 62 p. (Zamechatelinje uchenye-Mo- (MIRA 14:12) Sergeyevich, 1873- KHOLOPOVA --Nff ' - Conference dedicated to the memory of N.I.Sokolov. Nov.kar.i spel. no.2:98 161. (KRA 150) (Sokolov, Nikolai Illich) KHWnVA., V.Q. Work of the health center at a chemical plout. Felld. i akush. 28 no.2:37-41 F863. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Starshiy felldsher punkta zdravookhraneniya Novomoskovskogo khimichookogo koubinat% Tultakaya oblast'. (NOVOMOSKOVSK (TUL& PROVINCE)-MMICINE., INDUSTRILL) w LEVIN, L.I.; KHOWPOVAI V.S, Madivostok) CMinical aspects of serous viral meningitis in adults. Sov.medo 24 no.9160-64 8 160, (maNome) (KIRA 13 413.) IMOLOpovA, Z.I., Inshenerg TSUKIRAIK, S.T., inzhoner. .fteteating the InsulatIOR Of electric machinery windings against mold fungl. Vogt.010ktroprom. 27 no.12:5942 D 136* (nu 10: 1) Llharlkovskly slektremekbudebaskly savede Illectric Insulators and lasulatioz) (Nolde (Botany)) KHOLOPOVA, Z.1., inzhener; TSL'KMIK, S.Y., inzhener. bim~-WN*ftslf mold on alectric apparatus with plastic parts, Test. oloktre- pros. 28 se.3.72-73 Nr '57, (MU IOW 1. Kharikovskly slaktremkhanichoskiy saved. (Bleetric apparatus and appliances) (Plastic riaterials) (Holds (Botauy)) 1107 2. T, 1 YNTHORS: TITLEt PERIODICALs Skorik, N.S. (Bugineor), Kholopova, Z.1. 110-2-2/22 (Engineer) & Tsukernik, S.V. (Engineer). On the electric strength of stator winding insulation on high voltage electrical machines. (K voprosu elektrichemkoy prochnosti izolyataii obnotok statoza vysokovol '.nykh elektricheakikh nashin~ Vestnik Promyshlennosti, 1958, NQ.21 pp.7-12. (USSR) ABSTRACTs The electric strength of machine insulation is defined as the r.m.s. sinusoidal voltage which causes breakdown when applied for on* minute. The present article refers only to 6 and 6.6 kV machines with continuous nica-taps compound-impregnated insulation. The mean breakdown voltage of coils has been given an 30 - 42 kV (the lower value relating to insulation of reduced thickness) and the mini mum voltage to 22 - 23 W. The great difference between the 221M and minimum values should be noted. Curves of the distribution of breakdown voltages of coil insulation are given in Fig.l. The scatter of results, though widej is normally distributed and depends on the non-uniformity of the insulating material and its method of application. As usual in cases of this kind, the breakdown voltage depends on the size of the electrodes. Curves of the probability of breakdown of compouna-impreguated mica-tape insulation of 6 - 0.0 kV Card stator windinp are given in Fig.2. The dotted curves relate to 1/3 values re-calculated to a constant electrode area by a formula which On the electric strength of stator winding insulation on high voltage electrical machines. in given. Because of the electrode area effect, the breakdown voltage for windings as a whole will be lower than that of individual coils; curves displaying this effect are given in Fig.3. The results confirm that the test voltages in the standard MCT-183-55 for the insulation of 6-6.6 W are correctly chosen and correspond to the actual insulation level. The disadvantages of using higher test voltages during --nufacture are explained.- machines made to the present test voltage level have proved reliable. The use of voltage tests for maintenance purposes in then discussed at length, The level of test voltage that can be considerednon-destructive to the insulation in considered. Data about the probability of breakdown of new mica-tape, compound-impregnated insulation which has not been subjected to preliminary high-voltage testing are given in Fig.4. These curves are derived from tests on 160 coils side with reduced insulation in order to got a reasonable number of breakdowns. The results show that when the breakdown voltage level in high, compared with the value of the frequently applied test voltage, the latter makes little difference to the probability of breakdown. However, when the test voltage is nearer to the breakdown voltage there is a considerable increase in frequency of breakdown. These results show that frequent application for one minute of voltages of 13.2 and 21 kV would cause deteiioration Card 2/3 in insulation having a breakdown voltage 1.7 - 1.8 times higher than On the electric strength of stater winding insulation on high voltage electrical machines. 110-2-2/22 the test voltage. In general, application of a voltage much over 1.5 times the rated voltage will cause damage. This argument in developed at length and it is claimed that still lower maintenance test voltages, not greater than 1.2 - 1.4 rated voltage'- should be used If insulation has been in serr-ic* for a long time or is in bad condition. There are 4 figures, 4 literature references (all Russian). SUBMITTED: September, 27, 1957. ASSOCIATIONs Khar1kov Electro-Mechanical Works (MWx'koVmk4 hookly zavod) AVAILABLEz Library of Congress. Card 3/3. SOVIIO-58-7-2/21 AUTHOR: Skorik, N.S., Engineer 1-KholoDova , Z,I., Engineer, and Tsuizernik, S.V.j Engineer. TITLE: On the nature of moisture absorption by continuous inica foil insulation of high-voltago machincs. (0 Idiaraktere uvlazhrienJ.ya nepreryvnoy mika lent noy izolyatsii vysokovol-Itnykh =shin) PERIODICAL: Vestnil,. Elektropromyshlennosti Nr 7 pp 6-12'kUSSR) 1958 , , ABSTRACT: It is important to know whether high-voltage elec- trical machines my be connected up wiLthout first drying-out. The answer to this question depends on the design of the windings7 their insulation and - L degree of dampness. The following factors should be taken into account: the condition of the slot insulation and the end-windings; the possibility of break-down of insulation at joints ann winding C d /6 clamps with flash-over to the frame; the possibi- ar 1 lity that intensive drying may damage the insulation. SOV/110-58-7-2/21 On the nature of moisture absorption by continuous mica foil insulation of high-voltage mchines This article is concerned only with high-voltage machines irlth coil-type windings having continuous mica foil compound-impregnated insulation for voltages up to 6.6 IN. Tests made at the Khalhkov Electro-taechanical urorks show that the electrical properties of this kind of insulation remain good even after prolorks,,ed exposure to moisture. Break- down voltage data for damp and dry 6-0 insulation of this typb is given in Table 1, which shows that exposure for 20 days to a relative humidity of 015 9M at 200C reduces the break-doim voltage by only 3-~% and 40 days exposure reduces it by 3.7%. Card 216 Immersion in water for 204 days reduced the break- down voltage by 43% but the insulation was still SOV110-58-7-2/21 On the nature of moisture absorption by continuous mica foil insulation if high-voltage machines suitable for operation. Models were made up to determine the depth of water-penetrati(,n into mica- foil compound impregnated insulation. The amount of water absorbed on exposure was determined and the results are given in Fig. 2. It will be seen that the moisture absorption was much greater when the insulation was finished with an external covering of cotton tape, which2 indeed7 absorbed most of the moisture. The total quantity of moisture absorbed, the amount absorbed by the surface tape and:the amount absorbed by the mica insulation are shown in Fig. 3. It will be seen that what little moisture is absorbed by the micafoil is mostly held in the outside layers. There is at present no satisfactory method of assessing the dampness of the insulation of electrical machines. Insulation-resistance measurements a~-e commonly used for this purpose, but they cannot distinguish between surface- and volume-resistance and, therefore, cannot reveal. whether moisture has penetrated deeply into Card 3/6 the insulation. Data about changes in these two M-1 V AORO_ SOV/110-58-7-2/21 On the nature of moisture absorption by continuous mica foil insulation of high-voltage machines resistances and in the total insulation resistance of 6-kV windings after exposure in a humidity chamber are given in Fig. 5. It will be seen that the surface resistance falls much more than the volume resistance and determines the insulation resistance firures for the machine. The main electrical characteristics of the insulation of the joints and winding clamps in the dry and the damp condition are given in Table 2. Specific values of surface- and volume-resistivity for damp high-voltage micafoil compound-impregnated insulation are given in Fig. 6, which also includes for comparison corresponding data for varnished cloth insulation. It is shown how reliance on insulation resistance measurements may lead to false conclusions Card V6 about the degree of dampness of insulation. It is sometimes recommended to base assessments on the ratio On the nature of moisture absorption by continuous SOV/110/58-7~-2/21_1 mica foil insulation of high-voltage machines of the insulation resistance 60 sees after the application of voltage to that after 15 sees. This method is also unsatisfactory. In deciding whether a machine can be connected-up without drying, the important factor is the characteristics of the insulation of joints and winding clamps, including the possibility of surface flashover of this insulation. This question was studied by making surface-resistance and flashover tests on wet micafoil compounded 6-kV insulation treated vith grey enamel. The tests were made on sections that had been in water for 2 and 25 days. The results are given in Table 3 and the results are discussed." It is concluded that there is no risk of surface flashover of insulation that has been immersed in water when double the working voltage (about 8 kV) is applied provided that the distance between the electrodes is greater than 50 mm which it usually is Card 5/6 in practice. On the basis of the work described, it is On the nature of moisture absorption by continuous BOV110/59-7-;2/21 mica foil insulation of high-voltage machines considered that to connect-up without preliminary drying-out is permissible in electrical machines of rated voltage up to 6.6 kV having stator coil windings insulated with compound-impregnated continuous micafoil insulation. TI'As applies to machines which have been in a worh's or in stores or under normal transport conditions, and supposes that the machines have not been left unpacked out of doors for a long time and have not been in water. Before applying voltage the total insulation resistance of the cold stator winding should be checked Card 6/6 and should not be less than 50 megohms . Load should be applied gradually at first. There are 3 tables and 6 fir,ures. 0 1. Insulation (Electric)--A~sorptive properties 2. Electric machinery--Insulation KHOLOPOVA, Z.I., inzh.; TSU.KERNIN, S.V., inzh. - _Off~_ - Selection of the class of heat resistance of the insu2ation of low-voltage electrical machines. Elektrotekhnika 35 no.11: 23-27 N 164. (14IRA 18:6) M ~j L:L:t~ 7~ KHOLOPOVAP Z.I., inzh.; TSUKERNIK, S.V., inzh. Heat resistance of vindings using aluminum and copper wires with enamel insulation based on polyamide resol and polyester laquers. Elektrotekhnika 36 no.8tl-4 Ag 164. (KRA 17:9) Category: USSR/General Division. YlisWry. Classics. Personalities. A-2 Aba Jour: Referat Zh.-Biol.) No 6, 25 March, 1957, 21300 Author : Vasileva, L.N., 1(holopova, Z-V. Inst : not given Title : To -the Memory of a Far~F_ar,'Gern Phytopathologist Ivan Vikolaevich Abramov-(1884-1953) Orig Pub: Botan. zh., 1956, 41,"N0 3, 435-437 Abstract: A brief outline of the life and activity of Abramov, the agri- culturist and phtopethplogist, who lw,)rke& in the Far East al- most 42 years. He vorked-out and put into practice measures combating blight on vheat zand oatu; he studied seed infection by fusaria and helminthosVoria; worked out a system of mea- sures securing full recove-3, of seeds from the disease. His fundamental book, "Diseases of Fa.- Eastern agyicultural plants" represents the only sunwry and indispensable reference text for mycologists and aqiculturists. He also published a mano- Card 1/2 -17- T, 1. KHOLOPTSEV, A. A. 2. USSR (600) 4. Wheat - Stanislav Province 7. Obtaining a high yield of winter wheat in Stanislav Province. Sov. agron. 11, No-4, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Aoril 1953. Unclassified. -i- I , " -- ; ~ I . - . - - I ~ ~ -~, f; . : -. - 1. :~, : -: '. , AFORIN. K.B.; BURTSL7. K.I.; BYSTR(W, S.R.; VIIMTS, G.B.; VCDVV, G.G.; VOROKIN, A.S.; GINLICH, A.S.; GRTAZN(W, U.S.; GUDIM, A.Y.; GUSTATINSKIY, N.A.; NORIN, S.S.; DIDUKO, V.Ye.; DMITRIYEV, M.M,; DCIM, M.N.; DaROGOBID' G.M.; ZHDANOF. G.I.; ZAGORULIKO, A.I.; ZEIRMSKIY, A.G.; IVASHCHINIO, U.N.; KWAN. S.1.; IVASKA, A.S.; rMYEV, A.D.; KLISHIVS][IT, G.S.; KOZYJW, V.P.; KOWBOF, V.N.; WALOV. K.I.; 7ZTTYIS, V.A.; IFJ", B.S.;. LOBODA.' N.B.; LUBtWS. I.A.; KANDRYKIN. i.r.; MUSTAYIN, F.Ao; NMntCNSKIT, N.Kh.; IMFZW, V.A.; OHMOVSKIY, Ta.M.; PWSW, M.A.; PM(N, I.D.; PODUROSHANSKIY, M.0t; POPOV, A.P.; BAK, A.I.; REVYAKIN, A.A.; ROZHKOT. A.P.; RCMGAUZ, D.A.; SAZ(ffi(lW, S.A.; SIGALOV, M.B.; STCKAKRII, Ta.B.; TARAS(W, S.A.; FILUTTV, B.S.; YRIDMAII, U.N.; FRISHMG, V.D.; KHAR'lov- SKIY' X.V.; 102 = j r - TSARRV, M.N.; TSOGLIN, W.I.: CHRUM, I.I. OMMOK, V.T. 7-VWM-,--Jrk. Swmil Berisevich Bamo.Koke i '56. (KLRA 9 1 10) (Bamme, Sarniil Berisevich, 1910-1956) sov/68-58-11-15/25 AUTHORS: iseyenko., I.P. , Kholoptsev V. P. and Zelenetskiy A.G. TITLB: Methods of Im-provAiig-th-e-DI-stillation of Coal Tar (Puti uluchsheniya distillyatsii snioly) PERIODICAL: Koks i Khimiya, 1958, Nr 11, PP 47-51 (USSR) ABSTRACT: After a short outline of the two column tar distillation lant on the Chelyabinsk Works~ designed by Giprokoks Fig 1), changes introduced in the distillation practice and resulting improvements in the yields and qualities of --he individual fractions are described. The desi ned throughput of V+ tons/hr was increased to 19-20 tons~hr. Analyses of the individual fractions and their yields are shown in Table 1 and Fig 2; material balance of the distillation and the distribution of naphthalene and phenols between the individual fractions in Table 2. Card 1/1 There are 2 tables, 2 figures and 1 reference (Soviet). AssocjAmoN: chelyabinskiy metali:urgicheskiy zavod (The Chelyabinsk Metallurgi- cal Works), and VUKhin , XAGASOV, V.H.- IHOLW?S.V. V.P.-, XMIROVSKIT, N.Mi.; LOPARV, Y.G.; XHARLAMPOTION, . ., tekhn.nank Separate recovery of ommonia and pyridine bases from coke-oven gas. Xoks t khim. no.6:32-35 ,6o. (NIRA 13:7) 1. Chelyabinskiy metallurgichaskiy zavod (for all except Xhar- lampovich). 2. Urallskiy politekhnichaskiy institut (forEhar- lampovich). (Coke-oven gas) (Ammonia) (Phyridine bases) KHOLOPTSEV, V.P.; DOBROVOLISKIYj I.P.; NEYMM, V.Ye.; DUBOVIK, A.N. Improved methods for the production of electrode coke. Koks i khim. no.7:29-32 Jl 161. NIRA 14:9) 1. Chelyabinakiy metallurgicheskiy zavod (for Kholoptsev, Dobrovoliskiy). 2. Koksokhimstantsiya (for Neyzhmaky Dubovik),. (Coke industry) KHOLOPT7-V, V.V. Applying the method of initial parameters to the calculation of the strength of composite beams with elastic-plastic shear connectcrs. Sudorom. i sudostr. no.2:166-178 163. (MA 17:4) 1. Odesskiy Institut, Anzhenerov morskogo flota. MOLOPrSEV, V. V. . Y11010pt3ev, V. T. - "Investigation of Beans for Snip Construction with openings in the Walls. 11 Odessa Inst of Engineers of Une Maritime Fleet. Odessa, 1955 (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences). So: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 10, 1956, pp 116-127 REUT, V.I., doktor takhn.nauk; KHOLOPTSEV. V.V.. kand.tekhn.nauk Effect of the spacing of beam knees.on deck stability. Sudostroanie 29 no.llil3-17 N 163. (MIRA 16:12) RFUT. V.I.;-KHOT,OPTSEV, V.V. Reinforcement of ship decks for the purpose of Increasing ship stability. Sudorem. I sudostr. no.21l53-166 ~,163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Odesskiy institut inzhenerov morskogo flota. SOV/ I Z4-58-7-8170 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 7, p IN (USSR) AUTHOR:L Kho TITLE: An Experimental Investigation of the Plane Bending of Welded Beams Having Holes in Their Webs (Eksperimental'noye issle- dovaniye ploskogo izgiba svarnykh balok s otverstiyami v stenke) PERIODICAL: Nauchn. tr. Odessk. in-t inzh. morsk. flota, 1957, Nr 13, pp 235-251 ABSTRACT: Results are given of bending tests of twenty welded I-beams having dissimilar flanges. The beam material was grade 3S steel. The walls of seventeen of the beams were weakened with holes in them adjacent to the larger flange. The shape, length, and height of the-holes varied. For comparison purposes tests were made of three beams having no holes in their webs. The tests were all conducted within the elastic range on a UIM-50 universal testing machine. The stiffness of the beams having holes in tapir webs was found to be considerably less than that of the beams which did not. A redistribution of the normal Card 1/2 stresses was noted in the cross sections in comparisdri with SOV/124-58-7-8170 An Experimental Investigation of the Plane Bendin;,, (cont.) the results of the elementary calculation which took into account the weak- ening of the?web; the stresses in the larger flange had decreased, those in the smaller flange, having increased. In cases where hole dimensions were varied, the effect produced by an increase in their height was especially noticeable. B.M. Broude 1. Beams--Mechanical properties 2. Beams--Test results 3. Welds--Effectiveness Card 2/2 RHOLOPT M , V.V., kand.tekhn.nauk Method of designing girders with holes In their sides* lanch.truAy OIDIF no.16:112-130 158- (MIRA 11: 11) (Girders) MIRONOVA, M.P.i_KHOLOPTSEVAp N.P. P -, Effect of trace elements on some biochemical and physiological processes in peas and beans. Uch. zap. Petrozav, gos. un. 12 no.3:32-35 164. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Botanicheskly sad Petrozavodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni O.V. Kuusinena. GANGM19 F'Ps'; alERRAC VSKIY, A.F., zaeluzhennyy vrech USSR, red.; ILMIM, A.T., z8gluzhennyy vrach USSR, red.; KRASNOMOVETS, VONO , red.; PAV&U, G*79 , xasluzhennyy vrach USSR, red.; UWM-W"~L, red.; WMZHIN. R.I., red.; KOFEYCHIK, P.N., [Research articles by physicians of Zhitomir Province, Ukrainian S.S.R.): *svehme trudy vrachei Miltomirskoi oblasti Ukrainskoi SGR. Zhitomir, 1959. 255 P. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Zhitomirskiy oblastnoy otdal sdravookhranoniya. 2. Zoveduyushchiy Zhitomirsklm oblzdarvotdalom (for Genchell). 3. Zhitomiraltiya, oblastnaya bollnitsa (for Gerbachevskiy. Kaplins, Krasnomovets, Pavshm). (MBDICIRS) KHOWSH, V. ,------'5Wwork duty. Mor.flot 17 n0-11:23-24 N '57. (KIRA 10:12) l.Sakhalinakoys parokhodetvo. (Merchant seamn) (Land@, Iosif Vasillevich) KHOLOSHY V, - From dificito to work with profits Mor. flot 24 no.3i6-8 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Sekretarl Partiynogo komiteta Sakhalinskogo parokhodstva. lauff"Ba. T.~.j Inshaft6is Relip of rmiwAile Itweez-ftak stanoblein on two-dock mhlpi~._ $,or. f lot 16, xo~q'~)L'7 S 856 (KM qzle) ISKIRIsts"We stankestroyealyih Adlikoveitophaege parokhoftivae Oaa'" (;ava svAlt.ootuf)) (4a-aami' lag vesetkk), LAVRINENKO M.Z.; GONCHARENKO, A.A.; KHOLOSHA., V.I. Effect of certain technological factors on the durability of drill rods. Gor. zhur. no. 12172-73 D 165* (MIRA 18sl2) 1. Rudoremontnyy zavod tresta Leninruda (for Lavrinenko). 2. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut (for Goncharenko, Kholos rMLOC CHAOV, V.A. Post-graduate student V.A.r.HOWE-TICHAPOV (flevocherkaesk Vete-d=7 Institute) gave a repnrt at, thn AlT-Unton HelraintholoGical Comforent-c st-nmoned by the All-linion ciety of Helnirthologiste of ',-.he USSR AcadeaV of Science and held December e-12 1948. "Study of the Methods of Diagnosis of Orine Haamorchosis During Life". He believes possible the establishment of diagnosis according to the third stage larvae, by thn a1lerCy mqthod of diagnosis, giving 7% correct indicei, and according to the chonges in the blood picture. SO: Veterinariya;Vol.26;No.2,-h5-)i8,-Februirv 1949;uncl IT IG110LO-CPCHANOV, v 'A. Candidate of Veterinary Sciences,V.A.KHOLOSHCHP-NOV (Rostov Oblast Veterinary Experiment Station)--"An Allergical Method for Diagnosis of Haemonchosis in Sheep". In order to establish a diagnosis of haemonchosis in sheep the author tested an allergical method of diagnosis, using haereonchonis antigen for this purpose.---In studying the intracutaneous reaction the author employed the PJ,-l hnewnchosir antigen modified by Yegorov (extract of fresh sedially mature Haemonchus sp. hematodes prepared in Ringer-Lokkovnkiy solution) and FKh antigen (extract of the same hematodes prepared in a physiological Folution with a 0.5 percent solution of chloroform added)------On the basis of the results obtained the author con- sidereu it possible to recommend this allergical method of diagnosis of haemon- chosis in sheep using Inematological examinations simultanconsly as! an auxilliary -8 method. Oo.5- j jVetcrinariya; No.4; April 1950, pp.26-1o) U-5551;16*~P_b 54 KIOLOP11MM, V. . and 30LOSNlTSKIY, A.K. Candidate of Veterinavy Sciences A.K.09-losnitskly and V.A.M)LOFFMANOV(Rostbov, V,n-terina-,-,.,,r Expcrimen-~al Station)-I'Methods of Using. Phenothiazine in mass De- helmintbi7.ation of Sheep.11 (Ilelminthic Diseases in Fam Animals and Poultr7.1t Vote r-*Lnar!Lyn,Vol .2 P,, 116.11., kDril 1951;P.28) 80:Vet--rir-a,.Iya;No,lt;1951;P.7;uncl KHOLOSHOYANOT, V.A., kandidat vaterinarpykh nauk. Bpisootology of Noniesla Infootion and methods of its control. Vaterinarlia 32 n0-4'.33-35 Ap 155. (MMA 8:5) l.Rostovskaya NIVW. (BMW--DISBASIBS) (TAPIWORKS) KHOLOSHCHABOV V*A, kandidat vaterinarnvkh nauk; MROV, V.A., nalichw '%t - LL- 66 -nl k." Episootelogy'and prophylamix of coccidiosis in sheep. Yeterinaril& 32 no.U:89-90 N t55, (KERA 8: 12) (OW-HULM) (00001DIG418) IESR / Human and Animal Physiology. Nervous System. T-10 Abu Jour Ref Zhur - Biologlya, No 1, 1959, No- 3867 Author '_P9,j_oxhchancva, G-_Ji,,. Inst Novoch-er-1209MMUchnical Veterinary Institute Title Formation of Conditioned Reflexes in Sheep Orig'.Pub Tr. Novochorkasekogo zootekhn.-vet. in-ta, 1957, vyp. 10, 191-194 Abstract Against a background of uninterrupted secretion of the parotid, submaxillary and sublingual. glands in response to the beat of a metronow, positive and inhibitory conditioned reflexes were obtained in 2 sheep in the form of salivation Increase and decrease. Differentia- tion vas vorked out by mans of a combination of sti- milation of the rectum (that inducing unconditioned salivary inhibition) with the action of the conditioned stimulus. -- K. A. IordaniB Card 1/1 PMKSIMOV, V.P.; NRk(:q NA,,G.G.; IVANOV, S.K.; LEVKOV, P.V. Operation of an automated system of gas gathering points in the Shebelinka gas field. Neft. i gaz. prom. no.lr53-56 Ja-Mr 164. (MMA 18:2) GANDURIII, A.U.; KHOLOSTOV, F.Ya. Use and processing of artificial mA synthetic fibers in the United States* Teket.prom. 19 no.2:61-68 F '59. (KEU 12:5) (United States.-Textile fibers, Synthetic) . IMOIOSTOV Fja~ All resources to b* used for a fulfillment'of the plan ahead of . time. Tekst.prom. 20 no.7!8-12 A 16o. (HIRA 13:7) 1. Zamestitelf-predsedatelya Mosobloovnarkhoza. (Moscow Province-Textile industry) ALEKSEYEVs, Ye.T.; KHOIDSTOVj, F.Ya.; MKHAYLCVp L.Io; AVGUSTAYTIS, LOMO Practices in mechanization and automatization in the textile industry. Tekst.prom. 21 no.,2;17-34 ja 1,61* (NIRA 14:3) 1. Predsedatelf Ivanovskogo sovnarkhoza (for Alekseyev). 2a Zam. predseda-telya MosoULsovnarkhoza (for Kholostov). 3. Zam.predsedatelya Leningradskogo sovnarkhoza (for Mikhaylov), 4-, Zam.nachallnika Upravleniya legkoy promyshlennosti sovnarkhoza Latviyskoy SSR (for Avguitaytis). (Textile industry) - (Automatic control) KHOLOSTOV, I.N. Fulfillmnt of the obligations assumed by the collectives of tire factories in response to the initiative of the factories in Yaroslavl. Kauch. i res. 22 no.5154,-55 Vq 163. (MIRA 160) (ftrosp Rubber) (Sooialist competition) KHOLOSTOV,, I.N., , ...,Movement for comiunist labor in the plastics Industry Plast, ..massy no.8tl-2 163, NIM 16t8) (Plastics industry) NAUMENKO, M.F.; K!LQDQ3TOV-,--X.N.- Produce more high-quality tires. Kauch.i rez. 22 no.1:60-61 -Ja 163. (KRA 16:6) (Tires, Rubber) KHMOSTOV, M. V. Diagnosis and treatment of empyema aid bronchial fistula folloving pulmonary resection. Grud.khir. 3 no.6:86-90 N-D 161. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Ivkhirurgicheskoy kliniki usoverehenstvovaniya vrachey No.1 (nach. - deystvitelin7y chlen AM SSSR prof.P.A. Kupriyanov) Vbyenno-ci6ditsinskoy ordena lenina akademii imeni S.M. Kirova. (LUNGS-ZOOM) (RTYEMA) (FISTULA, BRONCHIAL) 1W%9LT-O-V1-K-1V'- () S~.~ Causes and incidence of empyema of the pleura and bronchial fistulae following radical operations on the lungs. Nov.khri. arkh. no.l.*23-28 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Khirurgichoskaya klinika. dlya usovershenstvovaniya vrachey I (nachaltnik - deystvitellnyy chlen 9M SSSR,, prof. P.A. &ipri- yanov) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordens. lanina akademii imeni Kirova. (FISTULA, BRONCHIAL) (LUNGS-SURGERY) (EMPYEMA) SHIRWOV, A.P., dotsent; EaTMLiLAU~ inzhener. redaktor. LFrincipleo of the technology of factori processing of tobacco] Onnovy tokhaologil fabrichnoi perembotki; tabaehnyi tsekh. Pod red. V.A.Kholostoya. Koskva, Goa. izd-vo Hininterstva, lagkoi i pishchavol. promyshl., 1953. 170 p. (KLRA 7:4) (Tobacco industry) h I i G. ~IV~';. 11 . To'cacca Industry Constantly Improve the work of enterprises. TaLak 14, No. 1, lc,53- Month1v List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress June 1953. UNICL. DENSHCHIKOVj, Mikhail Tikhppgvicho kand.tekbn.naukj SILIK, P.M.0 Prof., red.; VESEIDV, I.Ya., Prof., red,; SMIHNOV, V.A., Prof., red.; RZHEXHIN, V.P., red.; LEBEDEV, P.P.,'Ped.; KOVALENKO, 7u.7., red-; KUPCHINSKIY, P.D., red.; BENIN, G.S., red.1 PIYANKOV, A.G.:,, red.1 SHNAYDMANt L.O., redel NOREV, N.Ys,, red,; SHMAIN, M.M,, red.1 BUTZAKOV, N.I., redo; MAYOROV, V.S., red.; TERNOVSKIY, N.S., red.; RAZUVAYEV, N.I., red.; OGORODNIKOV,, S.T., red.; BURMAN, M.Ye., red,; , red.; NAMESTNIKOV, A.F., red.; NASAKIN, T.N., red.; LEVSKAYA, A.I., red.; KISINA, Ye.I., tekhn. red. [Wastes from the food industry and their utilization] Otkhody piahchevoi promyshlennoati i ikh ispollzovanie. Izd. 2., dop, perer. Moskva, Pishchepromisdat, 1963. 615 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Food industry-By-products) 11HOU)ST OT, V. G. Wild bomPth Arkbonsellsk Prov&nco. Diul.NOIJP. Otd.btol. 61 no.4:82 JIL4s 156. - ' (NIVA NO) klovalmo DIOUICT-VIlD 3m) PEW-IITI14, Ye.N., otv. red.; SIIIINOV, N.P., zam. otv. red.; DEBRIN, I.I., red.; S-MIRNOV, S.V., red.; UVAROV, V.S)., red.; red.; SHOLOKHOV, J9 FORNOZOV) A.N., red.~KI41 'AU OV, M.A., red.; 1, m rZ [Hunting grounds] Okhotnichli prostory. Moskva, Fizkull- tura i sport. Vol.20. 1964. 230 p. (MIRA 17:8) KHOLOSTYAKOV, M, (Kirgizskaya SSR) . Water-tank has been improved. - (Kirghizistan-Firb engines) Pozh.deio 7 no-4:31 Ap, 161. (MIRA 14:4) KELINIKOV, H.N.; KHOLOV, D.N. From the field of organic insectofungicides. Part 15. Synthesis of certain thiophosphoric acid enters containing various substitutes in the aromatic radical. Zhur.ob.khim. 23 n0-8:1357-1364 Ag '53- (MMA 6:8) (Insecticides) (Pangicides) (Thiophosphoric acid esters) K Vi 0 1- 0 ,AUTHOR: CHOLOV,JU.K. PA - 2067 .TITLE: Some Rules for the Cross Sections of Electric Quadrupole Transitions in the Nuclear Photoeffeot. (Nekotorye pravila sulam dla se6enij eleotriceskich kyadrupolnyoh perechodov pri jadernom fotoeffekte, Russian). PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoi i Teorst.Fiziki, 1957, Vol 32, Nr 1, 124-129 (U.S.S.R.) Received: 3 / 1957 Reviewed: 4 / 1957 ABSTRACT: The author studies two summation laws characterizing the cross section of the quadrupole transitions which establish connections 'between some constants (depending upon nuclear structure) and the arose section dE2(%r') of the electric quadrupole transitions con- nected with the nuclear photceffect. Here T denotes the energy of the photon. In computing one of theme constants (the other is computed trivially) the author uses a phenomenological term for the distribution function of the coordinates of the two protons of the nucleus. This term was experimentally determined for di- pole transitions. Therefore the present paper considers as a first stop the two known laws of summation. These two summation laws read as follows: fcc 0,11(Y)dY =2x2