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34281 S/589/61/000-/055/001/006 Calorimetric device for measuring*.. D05l/Dll3 J.Research. NBS9 V- 522 1954t p 177; v- 53, 1954, p 277i I. Zlotovskig Phys.Rev.? v. 60, 1941, P- 483; C.S. Wu, F. Boehm2 E. Nagel, Phys.Rev., v. 91, 19539 p 319. ASSOCIATIONs VNIIM SUBMITTEDs April 23, 1960o Vr Card 4/4 AQINTSV, K.K.; OSIROMULWYA. G.P.; PDLINOTA, Y*.A. T.~ lantal detendmatlea of self-absorptlia along the axle la 'Tprspmxatlsw of syllmdrical. shVe. Atow eurg. 1.0 moli?5-76 ~ .TA 161. (NIVA -13:12) (Cobalt-Isotopes) (amm rap) 8/048/61/025/002/009/016 B117/B212 AUTHOR: _Nhol '.U_ v TITLE: A mercury gamma calorimeter PERIODICAL: Izveatiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Beriya fizicheskaya, v. 25, no. 2, 1961, 257-260 TEXT: The present paper was read at the 11th Annual Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy (Riga, January 25 to February 2, 1961). The autho reports on a new highly sensitive gamma calorimeter to measure small inonsities. A The development of this mercury calorimeter had been started in VNIIM in 1956. The calorimeter is based on the same principle as a standard expan- sion thermometer but has ".,unusually large spherical mercury container. The mercury is used to measure temperatures and to absorb gamma rays. The scheme of the calorimetric uAit is very simple (Figure). The calorimeter itself consists of a glass sphere filled with mercury (glass no. 23) and a glass capillary tube (thermometer glass). All other components of the unit are necessary to keep the calorimeter at a constant temperature and also to mount it inside the thermostat. The whole unit has two similar independent- Card 1/5 8/048/61/025/002/009/016 A mercury gamma B117/B212 1y functioning gamma calorimeters. The preparation to be investigated is introduced into one of the spheres by means of a feeding pipe that is laterally attached to the sphere. The other calorimeter serves as a temperature-control instrument. Temperature control is very important since the calorimeter is very sensitive and the testing time relatively long (2 hr). In some test series the task of the calorimeters may be intei% changed. The outer sphere diardtgr is 61.6 mm; the inner diameter 60.0 mm. The space for the preparation m%asurea 11 mm in diameter and is 35 mm long. The measuring capillary tube is 540 mm long, its diameter is 0.07 mm the upper part ends in a 0.2 om3 volume. A milk-glass scale is put on the capillary tube, it is 480 mm long and has mm. divisions. The glass spheres of the calorimeters are each filled with chemically pure mercury. At 25-10C'-~the mercury level reaches the zero point of the scale. This tem- perature has been chosen to avoid a temperature rise due to the ambient. A temperature rise of 0.0100 changes the mercury level by about 51 mm. Since it is possible to get acciirate'temperature readings down to 0.5 mm and even lower, temperature oh out 0.00010C will be noticed. The calorimeter described was calibrated gainst a mercury thermometer and not against an electric heater. For the capillary tube having a diameter of Card 2/5 A mercury gamma ... S/046/61/025/002/009/016 B117/B212 0.07 mm the zero mark corresponded to a temperature of 25.1600 and the 4500 mark to-25.25OCs For the capillary tube with a diameter of 0-072 mm the zero mark corresponded to-25-140C an.-4 the 4500 mark to-25.240C- In order to stabilize the heat values, both arimeters have been imbedded in a solid copper block, which has been coated with brass and placed into an 6i1 thermostat; its temperature is kept at 25.160C. Temperature fluctuati= of + 0.0020C are permitted. The gamma radiation of the preparation hits a 24-mm mercury layer. This is equivalent to 29 mm of lead (with respect to absorption). The same absorption layer has been used in the lead-calori~, meter no. 2. The absorption capacity of thcmercury calorimeter is the saw as that of the lead calorimeter but its the ometric charactetistics are much better. The heat transfer surface and the heat capacity of the mer- cury calorimeter are smaller but the heat sensititaoft higher by even one order of magnitude. A comparison of these data shows that the mercury calorimeter can be used for measuring the activities of preparations (e.g. CO 60) from 2 to 5 milliouries. The Radiyevyy institut (Radium Institute) is"' mentioned. There are I figure, I table, and 2 Soviet-bloc references. Card 3/5 A mercury gamma S104 61/025/002/009/016 B1 17YB212 ASSOCIATION: Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inStitUt metrologii im. D. I. Mendeleyeva (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Metrology imeni D. 1. Mendeleyev) Legend to Figure: 1) Mercury containerl 2) capillary tubes; 3) c9pper block for temperature 1;velingi 4) brass casingi 5) ballistic voluize of the capillary tube; 6) eflouringi 7) test preparationj 8) object holder. Card 4/5 I i S S/26~/62/000/006/015/015 i008-1,208 A UT I 1 -0 PS Timof-yva, L.2. and Khol 'nova, _Yt.k. TITLE: A cril(n-Inetric unit-kolr measuring radium preparations PERIODTCAL: Roferativnyy zhurnal,, otdelfny~ vypusk, 32o Izmerltel~- nay& te"nika, noAj 1962, 53, abstract 3266.340* (7r. In-tov Korn-ta. 3tandartov, mer i izmorit. priborov pri Sove IMine SSSSR, 1961, 'no'.55(115), 5-34) I.:,,,r,TAdetailed doscription of ancx-oalorimetric unit for meaaur- ing the absolute activity of c/-preparations, and in the first place of radium prGp&rAtiona,, built in VNIDT, is given. The unit way be alLso used au a A -calorimeter, 1f the vessel containing the radioactive preparntion lo aupropriately changed.. The sensitivity of tile calorimeters ennbl%!!,u*)et~measure rFtdium preparAtions from 0. 1 me up to I a. and A -proparations from '5-10 me up to 3 c, The upper limit of neesurciments is determined b~ safety considerations, The calorimetric unit consists of two independent static a-calorimeters,, designed to naasure radium ampules of vhrioua Card 1/3 S/263/82/000/006/015/015 IOOB/I208 A calorimetric unit for marrisuring... dimensions, and of-a P-calorimeter. The ca 'lorimetric unit in- cludes the following main elements: 2 copper c7linders with oalorl- meters; a water thermos tat, which keeps the temperature constant within t 0o020; an-electrio&l device for measuring the temperature of the calorimeter; a potontiometric circuit for the calibration of the calorl-meters; n circuit for measuring the sensitivity of the galvanometer; a device for regulating the level of the liquid in the thermostat. The unit is built in Bunh a way as to enable mie. to use eaeh of the two vessels of the calorimeter as a aingle or a differential - double calorimeter, The degree of heating of the calorimeter's venael is mossured b7 means of a copper-constantan thermopile. An analysis carried out in the unit showed that tho error In the measurements of the abaolute activity of rndium pre. parations did not exceed + 0,8-1%. The thermal affect of 1 mo of radlizi was calculatod. C;rrectiohs for the accumulation of RaD, RaZ and polonium for radium preporations of difforont ages were Card 2/3 TIMOFEIVIA, L.P.; ~HOLINOVA, Ye.A. --- Calorimetric apparatus for measuring radium preparations. Trudy inst.Kom. stand., mer-i iam. prib. no.550-34 61. (wRA 16:6) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut metrologii imni Mendeleyeva. (Calorimeters) (Radium-Standards) AGLINTSEV, K.K.; KULIKOVA, L.P.; KHOLINOVA- Ye.A. --, Standard calorimetric unit, UKG-1. Nov. nauch.-isal. rab. po metr. VNIIM no.21l-4 064. (MIRA 18:4) DRICHKO., A.F.; KARAVAYEV, F.M.; KULIKOVA, L.P.; KHQLI~MVA, Ye.A. Working standards and first-order standard /emitters from C060o Novo nauch.-ism.l. rab. po metr. VNIIM no.2:11-13 164. (MIRA 18:4) KIIIOLOI A.P. Fish Culture Achievements of the Dnestr pisciculturists. Ry!). khoz. 28, no. 4, 1~152. R. J3T 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, '~" 1953. Unclassified. MUZHKOV., V.p nauchnyy.notrudnik; STEPANOV, V., nauchny7 sotrudnik; KHOLOBAYEVp Ye., nauchny7 ootrudnlk Mining thick steeply-dipping deposits. Prom.Arm. 4 no.1:42-49 061. (MIRA 34:6) 1. 78entraltnyy nauchno-lsal~dovatellakiy gornonrazvedochnyy institut tvmtnykh redkikh i blagorodnykh metallov. (Mining engineering) 36437 S1 137/6 2/000/003/0 7.3/19 1 A006/AlOl ).6 Lov AUTHORS: Konstantinov, V.I., Sklyarenko, S.I., Khalobes Ye A TITIB: The preparation of electrolytic tantalum, niobium and their alloys Information I. PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 3, 1962, 44, abstract 3G308 ("Poroshk. metallurgiya", 1961, no. 4, 47 - 55, English summary) TEXT: The authors studied the effect of the electrolyte composition on the preparation of Ta powder (chemical composition, size, current efficiency, etc.). The optimum composition of the-electrolyte is: 15 - 20 weight % K2TaF7; 2.5 - 12 weight % Ta205, and KC1 and KF in a 2:1 weight ratio. The possibility of pre- paring electrolytical Nb and Ta-Nb alloys was also studied. The Nb powder was ob- 14 tained from baths composed of 20% K2NbOF5, 53.4% Ka, 26.6% KF, and Nb-Ta alloys from electrolytes containing > 17% K2TAF7 and 4=2% NbL,05. R. Andriyevskiy [Abstracter's notet Complete translation] Card 1/1 S/137/62/000/007/020/072 A052/A1O1 AUTHORS: Konstantinov, V. I., Amosov, V. M., Kholobes, Xe-A. TITLE: The production of electrolytic tantalum, niobium and their alloys. 2nd report PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. ~, 1962, 46 - 47,' abstract 7G323-("Poroshk. metallurgiya", no. 5, 1961, 42 - 52j English summary) TEX.T: Three types,of eleq,trolyzer designs with different methods of heating: were tested. As a result of experiments, an optimum electrolyzer design has been* developed in which the electrolyzer itself (made of Ni or nichrome) serves as a cathode, w*ithout additional heating, with a hole in the conical bottom and with a mobile graphite anode. Furihermore,the effect of the following factors was studied; the method of feeding the electrolyzer,.the degree of filling the bath ,Ptith the cathode deposit, the composition of electrolyte, the temperature of the process, the cathode, anode and volume current density. The purification of electrolytic Ta and Nb powders from electrolyte salts was realized by heating Card 1/2 S/137/62/0w/007/020/072 The production of... AM/A101 in argon at 630 -.. 6500C and a subsequent vacuum degasification-at 1,OOOOC. The work of an industrial installation for production of Ti, Nb and their alloys is described. The process is carried out at - 7000C without heating from outside due to a high current density (DC_ 50 a/dm2, Dao; 120 - 160 a/dm2,volume current density - 130 a/dm2). The electrolyte consists 17.5% K2TaF' 55% KC1 and 27.5% KF; the bath is refilled periodically with Ta or Nb oxlsor with their mixture. The technical and economic characteristics of the process and the purity of powders produced are high. For the 1st, report see RZhMet, 1962, 3G308- R. AndriyeVskiy [Abstracter's notes Complete translation] C ard 2/2 Tvs-~' KOINSTADITINOV, V.I.J; AMWOV) V.M.; KHOL012M) Ye.A. Preparation of electrolytic tantalum, niobium, and their alloys. Porosh. met. 1 no,,5:43.-52 S-0 *61. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Moskovakiy elektrolampovyy zavod. (Tantaluw-Zlectromettillurgy) (Niobim-Electrometallurgy) KMIOBU13NKO& M.D., inzh.; MITABOV, Ye.T., inzh. Mining 3)0 m. of drift per mouth with undercutting. Shakh. stral, no.1:24-26 Ja 159. (MIPA 1;Trest Krasnoarmeyokshakhtostroy (for Kholobudenke). (Mining engineering) -KHOLGDj-A.-. - - ---- - - ---- -- -- =,L~r eit~ - -- PA-16/4-9T13 -- -- KROI&D, Aoi~ Large flexures in shallow three-layered shells wiLh rigid filler. Sbor. nawah. trud. Dnepr. im5h. - stroi. inst. no.310-18 163 (MIRIA 463~5-654_ PRI 'WP(j '?(k1/EWA, _Y_ L E'ilT(d)/.;, Tc_4/Pf-4/Pr;,-4/Ps_4/Peb E.SD(dp)/ASD(f)-2/A$D(m)-3/AFT-,(p) 'WdIE-MIRY. AQ-0r,SSION NR: :A S/0198/64/010/OG6/0581/0586~ P5000103 AMTORS; Prusakov'110. .' P. (Prusakovo A. P.) (DrUpropetrova Miolod, A. -(Kholod,-L 1) (Dnipropetrovslk) TTTLE: -On one form of nonlinear equationa- for fla-+. tr*iple-layer envbloped-:With- ..viff fillers SOMiCE: Pry*kladna mekharxi6f V. 10, no.,6,:1964, 581-586 TOPIC Ta"SS:. nonlincar:equAtion,'.plate. deflection, .sandwich structure The, problem of simplifying the soliti of a Isystem of nonlinear equa- ion I _,ns for flat orthotropi'a triple- layer' she 1 Mas aiialyzed. The shellopossess a OYMMetri c structure along their t i~~eis WiTh at iff internal. layers. It is shown that, In general, the system-of four nonlinear equations for the orthotropic layer crui be reduced to a system.of two.monlinear equations for the force function and ne d,spiacement function. -In pa ticular, if the external le-r-r is isotropic and r T'Lle ~11W:nal, transversely isotropic, the solution leads to three equations, one .:jr the forct~ function and two forthe displacement function. One of these.equa-_. tions iB found to be linear and not connected with the two remaining nonlinear. oquatAiona. It is:further shown that in the work by E. I..Grigolyuk and P. P, Card 1/2 A.I. (Dnepropetrovok) Nonlinear lateral vibratlons of a cylindrical sandwIch panel. Prikl. makh. 1 noAa123-126 165. (MIRA 18%7) 1. Dneprolmtrovskly Inzheaerno-stroitelInrl institut. (M). W)'JE WP (v)/ER- (k) /EPIA (h) /Er C T6 SOM?C M)i/ NRi A Un 4~6~'//GO'00/ IF, CODE; I AUTHORS i Prusakovi A I.; Sholod A. I -ORO- Dnepropetrovskiy Structural Eng~neerinff Institute (Dnepropetrovskiy inzhenerno- stroitellmy institut) TITLE., Free transverse vibrations of a triple-layered curved cylindrical shell with stiff filler SOURCE: Soprotivleniye materialoy I t6oriya sooruzheniy (Strength of materials and the.theory of structures)v no. 1. Kiev, Izd-vo Budivellnyk, 1965, 7-17 TOP11C TAGS i streoa analysial structural strength, structure loading, shell theory$ vibration: ABSTRACT: Yree tranaverse.,vibrations of a-tri-layered curved cylindrical shell with W stiff, transversely isotropic-filler are studied. It is assumed that the shell hag a gymmetrical coneiruotion throughout its thickness,and that the Kirchoff-Lyny hypotheses apply to the external isotropic layers while the inner layer is governed byj the linear law of variation of tangential displacements along the thickness. Trans- verse deformations of the.filler are Ignored. The problem is given by tha system of equations + "POP '(B" + (B.' + + 6 .00. 6 OY 6 _w )=O; 8 (uo, H - Card 1/3 12. ~OX. 55 ;I - -1-1 , -T"NO ~-tl I ,.~-q' ~~ 1~1,~,r -, ; -~ * -:~ , , - . :':~: --F - , - . _ le N ~~ -~~ I , - ~ .. -1 - ; - P!, . . 11 PoV ;: !~~ .. 'M :~.- ~~. L 10791-66 ACC NRs AT6001078 p*=(p'8+ph).. R is used to denote the shell's radius of curvature; u 7v, and v are the V u2. translations of points of the,mean surfaces of the upperand lower layers along the x-axis and the.tangential line y; w is the shell deflection, 4~ and 2h are the thick- ness of the external layers and the filler; E', E, V', V9- e1 , (D' - Youngla modulusp Poissonle coefficientr and the denRity,of the outer layers and the filler. re~spectively; G is the ahear modulus of the filler in the xz and yz planes; P the force functionf, Displacement functions are introduced such that G (4HOT-D-8 v'? + h H4 41IG L dy h ax 4H' ?-(B'+A V h 6) , 0 which yields a system of threesquations in F, 0, and The systemis applied to vibrations occurring in shells with various support and stiffness conditions* Results are compared with those of other authors* Orig. art. bass 25 equations. MM CODEs 20/ SM DATEt 14May65/ ORIG REPt 005 rd 3/3 6U KIOLOD, .1. S - 34006 MHOLOD, A.S. Primvenyonlye Infralwasnykh Luchvey Dlya Nlochnogo Vidyeniya Fizi~a V Shkolye, 1949, No. S. 24-28 SO: Leto-jis' Zhurnallrivkh Statey, Vol. 42, Moskva, 1549 RHIGLOD I. Uf Pg. 173"L4 33514 Opyt Primeneniya. Peremadki Gipofisa Fri blesakharnom Mocheisnurenii Trudy Kurskogo Goa. Mod. In-Ta, T. Up Vyp. 2,, 1949, o. 147-52. SO: Letopist Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 45, Maskva, 1949 KHOLOD, A.V., prof.; ASTAFIYEV, V.I., kand. med. nauk Transpleural approach to the sp4en. Khirurgiia 39 no,1005-47 0 1"63* (KIRA 17t9) 1. 1z ospitallnoy I:hirurgichoskoy kliniki (zav.-profe Me - Kholodl Kurskogo meditsinskogo instituta na baze Kurskoy oblastnoy klinicheakoy bollnitay No.1 (glavnyy vrach L.A. Ghunikhin). KHOLOD, A.V.; ASTATIM, V.Ie; FIRSOVp re.Foj SHUNLIN,, B.Ge (K=k),. Diagnosio and troatcent of diaphragmatic relaxation.. med. 41 no.4:25-32 Ap 163. (MIRA 17t2) 1. Is kafedry goopitalincy khirurgii (sav. - prof. A.V. Kholod) lurokago gooudaretvennogo meditainskogo inatitata, Oblaatnoy klinichookay bolinitay No.1 (glavnyy vrach L.A. Chunikbin) i Oblastnogo ankologichookago dispansera (glavnyy vrach T.S. Xondrasheva), Kursk. PALkYr, S.L.; KHOWD. A.Ye.,- BLAOODEMNA, V.A. Variability of Corynebacterium pasuAodiphtheriticum in organisms of experimental animals. Zhur.mikrobiol.- epid. I immun. no-800- 35 Ag '55. (KLU a: 11) 1. 12 Xhar1kovskego Instituta vaktain I Wyorotok imeni Mechni- kova (dir.--kandidat b1ologicheiskikh nauk G.P,Charkan) (CORYMACTUIUM poeudodiphtheriticum, vartabilit,- In animal organism) 25(l), 28(2) SOV/115-59-9-9/37 AUTHORS: Kholod,_Q,,,.L and Shitikov, V.M. TITLE: A Device for Finishing the Working Surfaces of Micro- meters of More Than 100 mm. PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1959, Nr 9, p 20 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The majority of micrometers of more than 100 mm meas- uring,range are equipped with pressed-in anvils. For lapping the working surfaces, the anvil must be removed from its seat and is replaced after the sur- face finishing has been completed. However, this me- thod does not insure parallel working surfaces. The author recommends a device with which the anvils can be lapped without removing them from their seats. This device is manufactured of a micrometer-for 25- 50 mm and is equipped with a clamp. The clamp is used for fixing the device to the micrometer anvil, as shown in a diagram. The lapping tool is pressed against the anvil by the micrometer screw. The au- thor describes briefly the lapping procedure. There Card 1/1 is 1 diagram. PODOLINTY, S.A.. dots*nt; KHOLOD, X.R. Analysis of morbidity in the rural population. Sov.zdray. 16 no.4: 51-53 ApP57- (KINA 10:8) 1, Is organisatmionno-motodichemkogo otdola (sav. - dotsent S.A. Poclollnyy) Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-iseledovetallskogo klini- chaskogo institute imeni X.Y.Vladimirskogo (dir. - kandidat maditainskikh nauk P.M.1soneako) (VITAL STATISTICS. morbidity statist. in rural population in Russia (Rug)) State of dispensary serwice for the rural population in Moscow Province; according of the annual reports for 1955-1956. Trudy mole mauoh. sotre, MCKIKI no.lt204-208 159 (MMA 16:11) 11 Organizatsionno-metodisheekly otdel (zav. dotsent, S.A. Pbdoltnyy) Moskovskogo oblastnogo naucbno-issledovatellskogo klinicheskogo instituta, imeni Vladimirskogo. 4 KHOLODP K.K. (Moskva) Specialized care in rural district 4ospits.1s'. Sov- zdray. 19 n0-3: 16-20 160. OaRk Us 6) 1. Iz Hoskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-iseledovatel'skogo klinicheajogo instituta imeni M.F.Vladimirskogo (dir. - kandidat meditsinsIcLkh nauk P.M.Leonenkol). (MOSGOW PWVINGFw-MWIGAL G&RE) XHOLODq M.-G. 37475. Bolesni i Otkhod Telyat V 1-ugavodcheakift lhozyaystiakh Belortmaij. Soobjhch. 2i-Uchen. Zaplmki Vitol. Vot. In-ta, t. Up 1949" a. 115-22.- Bioliogri 7 Nazvs- SOt Letopis' Zhurnallnykh Stateyp Vol. 7,, 1949 KHO,OD, N, For economic efficiency of the work of the fleet. Mor. flot 24 no.9%10 5 '64. (VdRA 18:5) 1. Pomo.-hchnik nachallnika Severnogo paroldicdstva. AKHUIMOT9 Veli Tusifovich; KHCLODp S., reds; KMINt Tu*, takhn.reds _-- -1. 1 1 .- -- (Azerbaijan in the seveno-year plan] Azerbaidzhan v samiletke. Moskva, Gos.iZd-vo politellt-ry, 1959. 47 pe (MIRA 13:6) (Azerbaija"comomic policy) SMIKASHCHN, TIktor Foulch; XHOLOD, B., red.; POPOTA, T., [Utilizing comoodity-sonetary relations for building socialism in the U.S.S.R.] Ispollsovents tovarno-doneshnykh otnombenil d1la pontroonlia notsialism v SSSR. Moskva, Gos.Izd-vo polit. iit-ry. ig6o. 19o p. (KRA 13:3) (.3conoxics) I MATVEYKV p Boris Georgiyevich;, lalm f S. 9 red. I MUKRIN # Tu a 9 tekbae red ~ I - (How to increase labor-pr6ductivity in an enterprise) Kak puVait' 1 111* - proizvoditallhost' truda na prodpriiatii. Koskvaq Goo, iad-" - . . polit. lit-ryg 1961. 39 p.- - (MLU 24 t 7) (Labor productivity) KRASAVIN, Kikolay Nikolayevich;_E~OLOD$-B-.,,,,-red.; TROYAROVSKOA, No, tekbn. red. [How to increase labor productivity on a farm] Kak povysitt proizvoditellnost' truda v khoziaiotwo. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1961. 62 p. (KIRA 150) 1e Predv9ditell Eyoshey partiynoy shkoly pri TSentralInm Komitete Kommunisticbeskoy Partii Sovetskogo Soyuza (for Krasavin). (Agriculture-Labor productivity) PISKUNOV. V.; PODGORNOVA, V.; PMYAKOVA, X.: ROCHKO, V.; KHOLOD. S. [Study the economics of your enterprise; visual aid for students of economics schools) Isuohal ekonomiku evoego predpriiatiia;,nagliadnoe posobie dlis.alushatelei nachall- nykh ekonomicbeekikh shkol. Leningrad, Gospolitizdat. 1961. 46 WRA 14:10 (Industrial management-Audio-visual aids) GENDLER, Grigoriy Khaimovieb; KHOLOD, S.v red.j TYUNEYEVA, A.9 tekbn. redo [Wages and toolmological progress] Zarabotnaia plata i tekbniehe- skii progress. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1961. 3.13 p (MIRA 144 (Wage payment systems) (Tecbnological innovations) MMOZOV, Fetr TaraBovich,, stanhiy prepodavatelf; ~ ~O S.,, rod*; KLWVA, T., (Now workers struggle to imoreaBe labor productivity] Nak rabochis boriutsia sa povyahenie proisvoditelluosti trudae Moskvap Goo.isd-vo politlit-r7p 1962. 63 p. (MIU .1534) 1. Iyeshoya. partlyanya, abkola pri TSentrallmom komitete Rommimisticheskay partli Sovetskogo Soyuza (for Morozov)e (labor productivity) MOROZOV, Pavel Aleksandrovieb;KHOLDD, S., red.; KLIMOVA, T., tekbn. red. (Economy and thrift ohould be practiced in each workingarea] Ekon6miia i berezhlivoet' na. kazhdom rabochei meste.--,Moskva Gospolitizdat, 1961. 47 p. (MM 1 -.75 5 (industrial mnagement). 7.77' ~777F~F- BEIENSHTEYN, F.Ya.; SAI'MMOV, S.V.; ~110~OD 11ttl. j__ Effect of molybdenum on the c~aingo in the aninsiti,,rity of tho organism to adrenaline and insulin. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol. nauki no.1:70-73 166* (IMA 190.) 1e Rokomendavana kafedrami biokbimli i fiz]nlogli zhIvotnykh Vitabskogo veterinarnogo inatituta. SubmiLted July 3, 1964, LISITSA, MOP, -KWIDDARIO GOA* Infrared &be btion and nd structure of cuprOus oxide. Ms. tvar. tela 2 no.9:2117-2125 8 160. (MM 13:10) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvmn univermitet im. T.G. Shevchenko. (Inf-rared rays) (Copper oxide crystals) 2 AFF 6 IT (q)/Ej (m.)/MS~~ 3 NRs-: APM276:; SIM8116310051006A AUTHORSt Voroblyev,, YU. Vol: X~olodarl,, CIOAO: A ~TIIM Inergy structure of the-ape t a rum of cup oxide th ahort-pariod _photoconduo tivity SOURM -Ksika t7erdogo tale Sp no 6 1963s 1589-1594, 70 PIC TAOS: cuprous oxicb,, pho~oaonductivity.. relaxation timpi accap, r:;, to impurity level., exciton:-~,j hols'ps 'valence band., free electrorus' recombination,, current carrier,,' ABSTRACT3 The authors undertook:thia4tudy.because in their work,they obtained experimental results theybould'not explain by exe 'iton mechanism of absorption 'but could explain by an energy 'scheme involving one impurity level and proper. ;consideration of the exciton3.~ They investigated photoconductivity of cuprous ioxide in the rogions of 0.63., 0,8, and 2 microns. They measuxed the relaxation. time of conduotivity,at a wave-length of,2 microns,, determining the avegage lifetime of electrons at acceptors.. This time increases from about 10 to 10vr seconds on change in temperature from room temperature to 80%, They established that th e relaxation time of photoconductivity in the region of the princi pal maximum always corresponds with the - relaxation time at a wave length of 2 microns. -Co rd I/Z. L 1429oL6-3 -A1'30%276 u 1. ACCESSrON IM, IThis contradicts the existing ~Yiew concerning the machanies of photoconduitivItY in! a oxide,# a view that the latter time should'be much- ater.1114 authors !Ouprou gre ipropose a newwariant of energy structure for cuprous oxide vith short-period i conductivity (involving only, one i:nmrity level of acceptors)* The photoacnduotivl~ IV in the region of the principal maxim= is associated with destruction of excitoni- (light-engendered) at negatively charged acceptors. As a result, holes in. the valence band aiid free electrons. appear, the latter recombining irLth the holes through neutral acceptors, Thia:scheme of photoconductivity explains the resmIto', obtained,by theauthors (coincidence of relaxation tims) and does, not conixadict the experimental data of.other:authars. IThe authors:detormined'that electrons predominate among photocurrent carriers excited by light with.& vivo langth of 048 I microns, *The authors thank T.E., Koshavina, candidate In the physical an4 mathe- matical Bciencesq for her discussions, on the question of the.capacitor photooleat leffect in cuprous oxide." Orig. art*' hass 3 figures and. 8 formulas .;ASSOCIATIONs Kiyevokly gosudarstvenMV~ univeraitat In. T.0. Shevchanko_(U*v-.:' 1 State University),,,.. I~7 SUBMITTEM 11JSM3 DATE ACQs MJul63 ENM 1 -00 !SUB CODEt PH - NO REF SOVt 009 OTWRt 001 ,Card2/2 L 1921-6 EVrf (M)/,EPF (C)/EWP(t)/1-VP(b) 1JP(0 JD T ACCESSION NRt AP5024.135 UR/0185/65/010/009/1036/1038 AUTHOR: Kholodar, A. TITLE: Infrared absorption of cupric and cuprous RxIdes -.,I SOURCE: Ukrayins1kyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 10j no, 9, 1965, 1036-1038 TOPIC TAGS: cup,rous oxide ~-IR absorption, phase diagram ABSTRACT: Considerable difficulties are encountered in the determination of phase diagrams of regions belonging to the cupric and cuprous oxides. with the- purpose of obtaining a reliiib~e criterion# the present author investigates the IR '74xide of absorption of various oppei a. The results are shown in Figs. I and 2* the Enclosure, A discussiote, is given of the possible explanationg of the changes in the shape of the absorption c -urves'which make it possible to estimate the amount of cuprous oxide admixture within its cuprLc form. Orig. art. has: 1 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Kyyivalkyy derthunLveraytet imi T. G. Shevchenks. (1( ev State University A Card 114 L 77 IF" 7z 'MUM TT N 4 L.- 1921-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5024135.1 28Hay65 -02 SUEMrr=: ENCLt UB CODZ-.,~ ~c j . .NO REF SOV.- 003 041 j CC;, .. . . . . c . ard 2/4 AUTHOR: Kholodar G A., Vinet V. L. ORG: Instit e 'ofil =ics ~~~~~nstitut fiziki AN U_krSSR) TITLE: On aelf-compensatio-.x.of.conductivity in semicoWductors SOURCE: Fizika.tverdogo tela~ vo 8. no* 3, 1966p 846-854 TOPIC TAM : semiconductor conductivity,, semiconductor band structurep carrier denal:- ty, crystal defect impurity conductivityt photoconductivityp electron capture, sur- face property ~ABSTRACT: The semiconductors dealt with in this article are those in which the con- centration of the intrinsic defects is large enough to cause their energy levels to play an appreciable role as the impurity levels that determine the equilibrium con- ductivity of the semiconductor., Particular attention is played to the rcle of self- compensation in the change'in the electric conductivity and other properties of binax7 semiconductors when their temperature is varied. To this end, the equilibrium concentrations of the carriers and of the intrinsic defects are calculated in doped semiconductors and the results,are-compared with available experimental data. The results show that allowance for self-compensation must be made when calculating the donor density by means of.-the usual Impurity-conductivity-formula This Is confimed by a check on the experimental results obtained for _.CdS, ~YdS,eAn~~,K'O. Self- compensation, can also p1W an inTortant role in the case of capture during [.;,C6rd 1/2 L 24380-66 _E _t1rjj)_ (r) AT ACC NRs A 69703 SOURCE CODE: u_4/o1B1/6670W0W0qM0qW AUMOR., Vinetskiy, V. L.; Kholodar'. a. At ki ORG: Institute of PhysicsLAN SSSR, WeV ~stitut fizi AN SSSR) TITIZ: Conductivity of semiconductors due to ionization of thermal lattice defects (intrinsic-defect conductivity) SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo telav ve 8p no* 3) 1966) 977-980 .TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor conductivity., crystal lattice defectj, cuprous oxide., stoichiometryp temperature dependencel carrier density .ABSTRACT: The intrinsis-defect electron or hole conductivity is defined as the con- ductivity due to the ioUzation of-the thermal defects of th lattice. This is.a continuation of earlier work (FTT v. 6, ~4520 ZM), where the carrier density occur- ring in intrinsic-defect conductivity., was calculated. In the present paper the*-re- sults are presented of measurements of the high-temperature conductivity of cuprous oxide and they are compared with theory. The crystal is assumed to have nofbreign~ impurity atoms, but' has at zero temperature a certain number of electrically active defects due to deviation from stoichiometry. It is also assumed that one of the com- ponents of the thermal defect is electrically inactive, and that the other is.iden-...--. tical with the defect due to the deviation from the stoichometry. The temperature dependence of the carrier density obtained in this manner is found to be approximated by several segmentsof straight linesy which too correspond to the intrinsic~defect conductivity. 72ie measurements were made In the 300-1250K interval and confirm Card ~Z2 -------- ---- L 24TX-66 Acc Nal AP7003892 SOURCE CODE: GE/0030/67/019/001/0041/0049 1AUTHOR: Vinetakii, V. L. ; Kholod G. A. !ORG: [Vinetskiii Institute of Physics of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kiev-, (Kholodarl Physics Department of the Kiev Shevchenko State University, Kiev TITLE: Electric conductivity of semiconductors caused by the ionization of thermal lattice defects RCE: Physica status solidi, v. 19, no. 1, 1967, 41-49 TAGS: electric conductivity, semiconductor conductivity, lattice defect, )metry, ionization BSTRACT; Theoretical calculations are made of the temperature dependences of ullibrium carrier concentrations and intrinsic lattice defects in a semiconductor .Vth self-activated conductivity. Deviations from stoichiometry and electrical I ctivity of both defect components '" well as intrinsic conductivity are taken Wto Mount. The high-temperature equilibrium conductivity of cuprous oxide crystals is etermined experimentally. Comparison between theory and experiment suggests LCC~4--- I ACC NRI AP7003892 'that for cuprous oxide the conductivity is self-activated for temperatures above 1300 C. For crystals with a low concentration of excess oxygen No. good agreement ,between the theory and experiment is obtained if it is assumed that only one Com- I ;ponent of the thermal defects is electrically active. The fornstion energy W of a inonionized intrinsic defect to found to be 2.6 ev, the ionization energy Ed of this Idefect being 0. 64 ev, and the effective atomic concentration Neff in the lattice sites 1024 cm-3. For crystals with a high concentration No the mechanism of self- activated conductivity to more complex. The authors express their thanks to V. Girii for assisting with the measurements, G. Zhukov for his participation in the calculations, and V. E. Lashkarev, Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of ,8ciences, and Prof. V. P. Zhuze for their advice and interest in this work. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, I table, rand 13 equations. (Authors' abstract) [SPI ODDE: 20/SUBMDATE:'120ct66/ORIGREF: 005/OTH REF: 009/ 2/2 - , - -- - Seeds - Movjhology Formation of seeds of Ru slona pigweed (Avris) and garden orach (Atrivlex hortense 0. Agrobiologiiet No. 3, 1951 Kandidat biologichoskikh nauk. Leningradshy goeudaretvenra universitet, kRfedra - - * ;, darvinizma. SOI Mont List of Russian Ace"xiona., Library of Congress, September 1932 JWI UnCl, KHOLODENKO, Bella_Grig2r-!yvm; LEONTIYEV, Petr Viktorovich; BRAGINA, ' -L.F., red.; LEDVICH, M.M., tekhn. red. [Tree species for landsc ing in Moldavia and landscape compDsi- tion of parks and gardensi DrevemWe porody dlia ozeleneniia Moldavii i kompozitaiia zelemykh naaazhdenii. Kishinev, Izd-vo "Shtiintsaff Akad. nauk Moldavskoi SSR, 1962. 127 p. (MIRA 15-6) (Moldavia-Laridscaps gardening) KWLODENKO, D. G. Some biological abarmateristles of the purplf.-leaf f6rm, of the common berberr7 (Berberis vulgaris L. f. atropurpurea R&I.). Izv, AN Mold. SSR no.3.0:3-12 163. ZMIRA 18:5) 0--JC--A/ -r-,Lj 0 - Y, __ - - - - USSR/Cultivated- Plants - Ornamental. M-8 Abe Jour : Ref.Zhur_- Biol., No 20,, 1958P 91892 Author : Kholodenko, B.V. Inst Moldavian Affiliate AS USSII Title Assortment of Trees and S.brubs to Pro-fide Verdant Growth in the City of Kishinev and Orther Populated Centers in Central Moldavia* Orig Pub : Izv.-Hold. fil-.AN SSBR) 1957) No 4, 25-36. Abstract : On the basis of 6-years of experience in growing tree and shrub varieties in the dendrological nursery of the Bota- nical Garden of the city of Kishi4ev and on the basis of observation of different varieties of plantings in the ci- ty and suburban areasm an assortment of plants is recom- mended to provide the city of Kishinev and the polbulated centers of central Moldavia with green growth. Card 1/2 KHOLORMO, Z.B.; BURSHMM, D.Ye. Automatic nail driver. Avt.trakt.prom. no.11:24-27 N 153. NLRA 6:11) I..Gorlkovskiy avtosayod im. Molotov&. (Sails and spikes) (Woodworking machinery) if AUTHOR: Kholodenko, E.B. SOV-113-58-10-13/16 TITLE~ Automatic Spray-Painting Devices for Painting Automobile Parts and Assemblies (Pullverizatsionnyye avtomaty dlya okra- ski detaley i uzlov avtomobilya) PERIODICAL: Avtomobil!naya promyshlennost', 1958, Nr 10, p 39-42 (USSR) ABSTRACT: At the Gorlkiy Automobile Plant several methods of painting automobile parts were developed, among them the method of electrostatic painting. However, the aforementioned method cannot be used in every case, especially not for wooden parts. The automation section of the plant therefore developed an automatic spray-painting device for painting the wooden plat- form parts of trucks. The details of this device are given. The wooden parts are moved into the spraying chambers by a conveyer, and moving spray nozzles which are actuated by electrical and photo relays are used. The spray~painting process is interrupted in case the conveyer stops. There are 6 diagrams. ASSOCIATION: Gorlkovskiy avtozavod (Go-:,Ikiy Automobile Plant) 1. Paint sprwlers--Performance 2. Electricity--Applications Card 1/1 ~PLOR~KKOt E.P,,; RYABININp O.P. Semiautomatic machine for assembling a check r.Lng with ball bearings. Avt. prom. 30 no.10:37 0 164. (WRA 17sU) 1. Gortkovskiy avtomobiltnyy tavod. KHOIOIXRNKO, L. P. On the domain structure of forromagnetio bodies in the presence of magnetic field. 3aw.skep.1 toor.fis. 17 no.8:698-707 147. (NLRL 6:7) 1. lisiko-takhnicheskiy Institut Gorlkly. (Electromagnetism) 00 000,04 0000 004 00 0 6 6 0 09,6 0 C 0 0 CE 0 W 9 (A X L a 0 1111 va"NO unit xxvx "4041041 0 P-i a I y Li - 4 jil j j a A.,_ it CPI ~v SS 11 "D LAI TIM *4p ~ ilp ow an 0 p 0l vlnuuoj s,41 jo uoijujilddu jwjjdAl V 'All -jude.) 11rulJoql Pun U04vuuojv PUU041 j0 WiP A% jjnpd- 311 deauoa x j ~ 00 R uo -Waw 10j wLutxvul uj q j 4kne."pap ain;ujadwal atp jo Fluad aq) ju " 00 1 O 0 . 11wiviaj luwod(ud 91 uotssaAdxa uy *j"Pit, puwa,; * 00 .isvqd jo Cjoaql nulmul jq) )o I;U(,!Iwuljojgu ail 0 w ;4 pqRXI SaAUI 19W^ 0AUqU gq.L jql p, jjjffjjq AL11 UO so xvo jdaq Ist 'A '(1019fti 1VJPUO J 00 01. qj puc itnuawyad](3 Jo jawri0jr) FLAU 10LVNJV )V&Ul Pivy 42 *0 00, 11V ~ue!ssnjj ul) ISS"a ajSR3 aqj joam ampWry w 00 " ju 1"AuavHv p Harem 311-0 041 10 A"A 00 00 00 06 oir 00* 00 K K a a it of del it 0 0 o 97(lM.-The colens. are mook an #bir loilib of 00 a Wilillows Ionvounce ordw apprime. The 6w A + St + Ml - S(s - be -100) - r9 + =. (w - *Viii (ft - Vol. at T - 0 agid S = 0), it a awkwa. f - Debre's expriamisis Sor ft "' vi. awl (he defined by S - 10 NAIN /4) IMIZZ=M. Isoft'81 no, of Almost Its the of Ail ohm* b the a Publailkvitoints(l.e. of theoubitittler which loacompletely all occu 'j ustanis). 71ologivileforthe Vol. expan covff. 0 - (2 11 ;rt: 1".1 be- I, C'(o/ r) - 2 Its (65/ ar),j wh the lot n I t normal I kornal gloom". and & 211d Its confidufallotiol rt; -d lit 0/4 k o. Pit when# - Dithre's characteristic temp. 1110116*.thocoo- filfurational Part of the cmff. of b~j Cowil N 0 7 jar is joyrfast).'11 MS/00r. anti for the bat O!Cwky cv, It Is q nwor% L(Oway.) + jov/6,540) op/ M J'j.L. Th. flunwrietil in= M1 wit OW. "W obijilned frun t" ji ett j he emproodbilky of ibe Mo. plettly ordfred alloy at the ittie. sm, Ow " of thir quenched, i't., counpletely , The foresee of the at. wok. W i he slid tdl* I t at rwm temp, SPA Imax the f4pti. C*. in*. Thk D - 817 X 1411. r a OAW X 1010. NW b on -0 a 4. X 104"P/rAk. Wilhiblowalliew - --r -- for ibe milptutionsi jol" at i /a me be dM~ to 2 no (I - SO). sad the cort"WO(ling pan of The I/me gown to U, - -4.51; hence. W - (-.144) + d. - a%/Sr, It UO it expreant itt rral"ImAr. - - X 10-0, anti a - 2.12 x 10., a, "g4itni 2.111 X 10" ;X '0 the Crit. t the 20% discrepancy b Considered ac- ble. Tbr=llcul curves of the confiffurallonal parts 00. related by Cpl - 2 a Pfillb, are fairly close to 1. ewm. The leap. depentionce of S is v" Clow obt&kW by BfM without Inclusion of the Vol. de- al P, and Wit to account any better for the at" PNIVO-n ox of god Cp ow the Curie poini. inclusion of 0, P of The vibristional Vect-nt Of the lattice On the d#gf" of Ord" sign feat to Improve nn the treatment of Drogg and WiMisms. **cfvt that now the Culleptint the theatre" eurves become somewhat sterper. N. Tlum KHOLODENKO, L. P. "Thermodynamic-Theory of Piezoelectric (Rochelle- Salt) Phenomena in Crystals of the Barium Titan- Atc. Type.." M.-Yi. Shirobokov, L. P. Kholodenko, Phys-Tech Inst,,'Gorlkiy State U "Zhur EksW i Teoret Fiz" Vol XXIp No 11, pp 1239-1249 Develops thermodynamic theory of piezoeleic:phe- crystals of~cubic symmetry. Computes tensor components of dielic consts in absence of elantic.tensions'in veak elec fields, and also tennor components of piezoelec-.. moduli for all possible phases. Ackpovledges assistance of Prof.- L.: 0.169, t'*: 13' 50. '11M OWL Doc WkT94 ."Piezoelectric (Rochelle4alt) Properties of Type Near the Curie Point.. Crystals of the-,B&T'03 In,Presence of Elastic Tensions," L. P. Rholo- 4"io, M. Ta. Sbirobokov, Phys-Tech Inst, Gor Ikly State U %hur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" Vol XXI, No 11, pp 1250-1261 Discusses balanced states of BaTiO 3-type crystals, new Curie point in presence of elastic tensions for some particular cases admitting full soln. Finds ranges of rarameter values corresponding to, 204T95 MR/Physics - Piezoelectrics (Contd) Nov, 51, all. balanced states of crystal. Discusses ex~ti.l data pertaining to electrostriction of crystal and dependence of Curie point on pressure. Cast-, putes tensor of dielec consts. Acknowledges as-, si~tance of Prof V. L. Gimzburg. Submitted. M ec 50 ..... .. ... USSR / Physical Chemistry. Crystals. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Xhimiya, No 8. 1957., 25964 Authcr z L.Pe K _jTlodenko Title : Theory of Hysteresis Phenomena in Barium Titanate. Orig Pub : Kristallografiya,:1956, 1., No 4, 393 - 402 Abstract : The dependence of polattization on the f ield intensity and tem- perature in BaT'03 above and below the transition point from the paraelectric state into the ferroelectric state was dis- cussed. An explanation of "double loops of hysteresis" is given Card Abs Jour Ftef Zhur Fizika, No 1, 1958, 1270 presence of a field. In the case of a second-order phase transition, the dependence of on E and on the temperature is found. At fixed te=erature, ~- diminishes -with in- creasing B. superposition of the field shifts the point of the .. towards the higher temperatures (in pro- portion to E73). it is shown that in the second-order transition there shovld exist an "induced piezoeffect" and also an inverse effect. The "induced piezomoduli" are calculated. Card 2/2 tz SUB.JECT USSR PHYSICS cARI) I / 2 pA - iee3 AUTHOR CHOLODERKOIL.P. V 1~ Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis,a,fasc.6,1034-1045 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1883 sea the minimum with respect to P, and of one or two inequations for the mini- mum properties with respect to the angles. For a concrete investigation of the temporaturghysteresis the temperature dependence of 01 and P2 mustv above all, be determined. Possible phase transitions are discussed. The order of phases de- pends essentially on the coefficients, and therefore other seignette-electrica of the type B&TiO3 probably have a different order of phases or else some of the phases may be found lacking. On the basis of what has been said it is not diffi- cult to compute the width of the domains of temperature hysteresis. The formulae found here hold also if the dependence of the coefficients P, and P2 on temper- ature is more complicated than was assumed here. If-the formulae for the temper- atures of phase tranattlons are known, and if for every phase the general ex- pressions for the dielectricity constant are used, it is possible to explain the character of tho"temperature dependence of the dielectricity constant near the points of transformation. This is here carried out for the various boundaries between the individual phases. Next, it is shown how constants can be expressed by easily measurable quantities. Proceeding from the temperature dependence of the coefficients found here it is easy to find exprossions for latent heat and for thermal capacity. The computation of the adiabatic electricity constant is then discussed. Relaxation time can be looked upon as infinitely great, which justifies the principal condition made in the present work. INSTITUTION: Pedagogic Institute Smolensk &-Viol SV3JzCTS USSR/Luminescence 48-3-10/26 AUTNORs Kholodenko L.P, ------------------------------- T1TLXt On the Theory of Hysteresis Phenomena in DaTIO (K toorit givt*r9sIsnykh yavleniy v PaTIO 3) 3 PnIODICALs Isveattya kkadenti Nank SSSR9 Serlya fisichookayat-1957, Vol 21, #3, pp 366-373 (USSR) ABSTRACTs This paper deals with hystoresis*phenozena in an ideal crystal not subjected to elastic strains* The crystal Is consideted an a single-domain ones The conventional treatment of phase transitions consists In that a transition from the phase A into* the phase B occurs at such a temperature that f* (ppT) -fs(p,T). This is equivalent to a statement that the phases of crystal@ observed in practice are such states of the crystals in which their thermodynamical tential 0 has an absolute minimum for the given values of p Tpregaure) and T (tesperaturs). This treatment in justified when relaxation time is short. If relaxation time In long, the system can stay in a metastable state, Metastable states play Indeed an essential role for Card 1/3 B&TiOY 48-3-lo/26 TITLEs On the Theory of Hysteresis Phenomena in BaTIO (I toorii ginterosionykh yavlonly v B&TIO 3 3 The author derives his conclusions starting from an extreme as- sumption of infinitely long relaxation time. The temperature dependence of dielectric oonstant can be oalou- lated in the vicinities of the points of phase transitions. It turns out that the conventional Curie-Welss law holds while approaching the temperature T12 from above (that is from the higher temperatures). The longitudinal component of dielectric oonstant has a peculiarity, which occurs at an iso-thersal pola- rization but disappears at the adiabatic polarization. Some components of dielectric tonsor Ej, have peculiarities also at other transition points. Calculations concerning electric hysteresis were performed with- out taking into account the domain structure. Even with this simplification, the behavior of hysteresis loops, obtained thooreticallyg agrees qualitatively well with experimental *milta. an found by Mors (2). The article contains 7 figures. The bibliography lists 2 roferen- coo, none in Slavic. card 2/3 48-3-10/26 .. TITLEt On the Theory of Hysteresis Phenomena in BaTiO 3 (K toorii giateresianykh yavleniy v BaTiO 3) INSTITUTIONs Smolensk State Pedagogical Institute im. K, Marx PRESENTED BYt SUBMITTEDt No date indicated AVAILABLEt At the Library of Congress. Card 3/3 L L 17 AUTHOR: KHOLODENKO'L.P., SHIROBOKOV,M.Ya. PA - 3543 ~ITLEs On thie-Theory of the Segnetoeleotric Properties of Polarized Barium Titanate Ceramic. (K teorii segnetoelektricheskikh avoystv polyarizovannoy keramiki titanata bariya, Russian) PERIODICILs Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiz., 1957, Vol 27, Nr 5, pp 929 - 935 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Investigation is confined to an ideal polyorystal, i.e. hetero- geneity of the interior voltages, electric fields and the crystalline structure are neglected. It is assumed that the orystallographical axis of the individual crystal particles are distributed chaotical- ly, but that the sample in its entirety was previously polarized, that the vector of spontaneous polarization of eaoh crystal particle shows that of the possible equivalent directions which form the smallest angle with the direction of the resulting polarization of the sample. On this basis those results may be used as were obtained for a sonoorystal. Computation of the dielectric and piezo- electric properties of a polyorystalline sample is reduced to simple averaging. The tensors of the dielectric constants and the piezomoduli of the polarized ceramic of BaTiO are computed for 3 all three seignette-electric phases. It is of advantage to com- pute the tensors of the piezoelectric moduli by means of a special form of the tensor of the voltages dR in an x-, y-, z-ooordinate system, which is connected with the mple as a whole. Besides, Card 1/2 PA - 3543 On the Theory of the Begnetoelectric Properties of Polarizea Barium Titanate Ceramic. ASSOCILTIONt PRESENTED BYi SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: it is easier for this case to carry out computation for each individual case. (1 Slavic reference). GIFT1 9.3-1956 Library of Congress Card 2/2 29698 B/181/61/003/010/027/036 B125/B102 AUTHORt Kholodenko, L. Ps TITLE: Theory of the 90-degree interdomain layer in barium titanate PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 10, 1961, 3142-3156 TEXT: The 90-degree intermediate layer between the ferroelectric domains of B.aTiO3has been investigated. A big fo.rmula.-for the free energy, ~ per unit volume is derived and studied for several special cases. The boundary conditions read as follows: dP'/dxt ---,0 for x, --o,+oo, x dP;/dxt -0 for x' --%,+oo (7), aik -P. 0 f or x +00 (8) , and d 2P1/dx'2 --b- 0, d2P1/dx'2-0 for xf --v+ao (9). P P , P denote the x 2 x y z distributions (div P*'-O)g and u the ;lastio deformations. The components 1+ ik U1 ut Ut 9 which have been found from the steady-state conditions of xxt xzt xy the elaatic body, satisfy the conditions of Saint-Venant. The equation o/n, Card 1~5 2YbYb .13/181/61/003/010/027/036 Theory of the 90-degree interdomain... B125/BI02 +00 result in g from the minimum oondition 6 71,O)AV 0, where -6D ap" oo 14- P., P., 2 ox, b~P. 6,P.-f- 6,P.2P' I (T, 37" (Pe P,) 12 2 -41 PT" T,2) (p", P") P.2p", (14~ G 0 2 0 UU'pv 4- UOU' .) (q. u' .)1, (15) 2 (16~ a, a -4-Aa, a2 a 4a; (17) rd ~/5 61. 6 A.b. ,b .2=b=46; 29698 S/181/61/003/010/027/036 Theory of the 90-degree iniordomain... B125/'B102 a= a 4- wipo 411 -#-- gig)-*- USPO'[1-11 (cli c12) (c,, -i- k4j)]; (19) S P'8-Sq' (2% has been solved approximately. Not only the equition of zeroth approxima- tion but also that of first approximation have been investigated, because iheir validity conditions are not convincingly fulfilled for BaTiO 3 even in the most favorable case. ~he solution of the equation of zeroth approximation Is discussed in detail: u w 2Q F2/(Q + Q oh (x 1/6)). The 1 0 2 3 .excessive energy a dx I per unit area of the interdomain layer amounts to 29696 B/181/61/003/010/027/036 Theory of the 90-degree interdomain... B125/BI02 0 (n4-*-n'A (53) Q, =,_QI Q3. Qi Q3 M Q41) &r th Qj 1 j (54) 2 _,,_ 1-~j_ Q2 2 Q, I) ar th Q.] Q4 effective half thickness of the domain wall is given an D A12.2 6. 12 Assuming the values of the elastic constants to be a,, , 1.75-10 012 mo.w416129 and a -1.08-1012 will yield q,, -1-42, q12 -0-15# 44 -q Non-vanishing components are reduced to c 44 - 70-~5- xx ~ CT Z2 ~ 121-z /2, a ad' with aly a (2/S) Iq I lo 12 -q 12(011 +2c 44)Ul' czz__(40WS)(qI.I+qI~U- yy , YY y A -distribution with P., - oonat is no special base of these equations. The model of V. A'. Zhirnov (Z'hETF, 1175, 1958) will satisfy the. Card 4/5. 29698 S/181/61/003/010/027/036 Theory of the 90-degree interdomain... B125/B102 -6. minimum.of f only if the additional condition div P -0 is valid for the funct ion in question. Equations and the recurrence formula for the first approximation are given. The distributions of first and zeroth approximations at t -100C differ'very little. Thrt energy of the inter- mediate layer i's not a function of the correction of first approximation. I. I. Ivanchik in mentioned. There are I figure and 17 references: 7 Soviet and 10 non-Soviet. The three most recent references to English- language publications read as follows: D. Berlinoourt, H. Jaffe. Phys. Rev*, L-1, 143# 1958; S. Triebwasser. Phys. a. Chem. Sol., 2, 33, 1957;. D. Meyerhofer. Phys. Rev., 112t,413, 1958. ASSOCIATION: Smolenskiy gosudaretvennyy pedagogiaheskiy institut im. Karla Markes, (Smolensk State Pedagogical Institute imeni Karl Marks) SUBMITTED., January 23 1961 (initially) June 1, 1991 (after revision) Card 2~ TRUFANOVAO A. S.9 uchitellnitea; , uchitelInitea; OBLACHKOP V. 0" uchitellnitaa; POLOGRUDOV, V. Ao (g. Kemerovo); IOCHJI E. V., uchitell Zditor's mail. Xhim. v shkole 17 no.4s87-439 JI-Ag 162. (MA 15: 10) 1, Srodoyaya shkola No. 260 Orel (for Trufanoya),. 2. Srednpya Obkola No. Ilp Uanriyok (for Mwlodanko), 3. Srednyaya jjbko3AL No. 3 Kuban - asnodarokogo krays (for Oblachko). 4- Kirovska7a Breftyar shkola, Prizorskiy kray (for IOCh). (ChftA8tT7-StuO and teaching) S/058/63/000/002/041/070 Ao62/Alol AUTHOR: Kholodenko, L. P. TITLE- Note relative to the problem of free energy computation of a single domain monocrystal of BaTiO 3 from the model of an anharmonic oscil- lator PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fitika, no. 2, 1963, abstract 2E413 ("Uch. zap. Smolenskogo gos. ped. in-tall, 1962, no. 10, 111 - 125) TEXT: As a development of the main points of the work of Tribvasser (RZh Piz, 1958, no. 5, 10925), the article considers the problem of expressing the free energy for BaTiO through coefficients that determine the pattern of an anharmonically vibratiRs Ti ion in the form of a polynomial of 6-th degree in displacement components of Ti ions from their equilibrium position. Using the values, known from experiment, for the parameter of the crystal lattice, the spon-, taneous polarization, the constants of strong interaction, the polarizabilities and effective ion charges for Ti,, the values of the coefficients for the free energy of a squeezed crystal have been calculated. The calculated values strongly Card 1/2 S/058/63/000/002/041/070 Note relative'to the problem of... Ao62/Aiol differ (up to the change of sign) from those, known from experience, of the cor- responding coefficients for a free crystal, even when establishing a correlation between the values of the coefficients for a free and a squeezed crystal. In the author's opinion, the unsatisfactory agreement of the calculated and measured quantities may be a result of unsatisfactory values of the enumerated parameters or of an incorrect form of the ion interaction law proper. It mky also be a re- sult of the roughness of the initial model and the Inapplicability of the method of effective charges. There are 22 references. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] S. Solov'yev Card 2/2 L-1A7-63 ACCEMCK., NRt AP,3000369, polarizability, could not b~ dete=dyiedo' I.,thleoretical calculation of the constant in the Curie-Welss'lai has yielde& a value close to that obtained from the'experimenta.1 data.- Aft, 14AW63 ENCL: 00 SUB CCDE: PH 8/181/63/005/003/030/046 'BI02/BISO AUTHOR: Kholodenko, L. P. TITLE: Theory of domain-free nonuniform.spontansous polarization-of, ferroelectric plates.near the Curie point PER IOD ICAL: Fizika tverdogo-telas v- 59 no. 39 1963, 897-908 "TEXT: The author presents a theory of the domain-free structure of f lat ferroelectric single crystals of BaTiO -type symmetry (PTT 3, 3731, 1961) based on Ginzburg's considerations (UFA, 38, 490, 1949). The law ~'.const`>O, is assumed for the free charge distribution, being. the potential distribution. The problem is as follows: An infinite plat* of thickness 2L, of a BaTiO type ferroelectric single crysialt which shows a phase transition of the second kind on para-ferroelectrical trans-.. formation, undergoes, spontaneous induction (,%) along z, without metal electrodes, in vacuo and in thermodyna c equiliWizm; 6 -0 at z-+L. 1 d + fh 5 q With d /dz 4AC one obtains E - and r. aO + c23 where 4n,' ;_2 z T2 Card 1/5 S/i 81/63/005/003/030/046 Theory of domain-free nonuniform B102/BISO 2 (16n A)-" For, 0-49/3" 0. a < 00 < 0 Z-4-K), (P (17) III's P K(k)= is obtained :where K (k) k 21 2 - (23). if k, 0. The valuo of a Card -2 5_ Card 3/5 S/18 63/005/003/030/046 Theory of domain-free nonuniform ... B102YB180 2 at k - 0 is obtained as a It( /8L This relation defines the L 21 2 temperature T L at which induction arises gently. T L_ Tom _x C/Sa*IL a X. a' (T-T To - Curie temperature. The corresponding value of the potential reads TL 2_7 (32), the field is given bv Col 0 en WN W -ra 9,_k3.S 0P (33) and the free energy per unit surface area by +L +L (37). g.21 dz -4-1 dMa dz. S/181/63/005/003/030/046 Theory of domlain-free nonuniform B102/BI80 The first term of (37) 'is the exchange energy.of a uniform infinite crystal and can be ropresentod by kI (Sks [a ks (o - 2S)p and the second.term by it) V(f ffeq (41) with an zvz t; ev p Vcl2,.,'. With 40 Me . 0 "). 0 (21) (I ~2 k, (1 -.2 (22) Card 4/5 3/181/63/005/003/030/046 Theory of domain-free nonuniform ... B102/B180 from (37) the total free energy can be calculated: k' 4 1 k% ]2L (42) The value at which spontaneous induction arises is obtained from T-2F-L 0. The results are applied, first generally to an n-type 0 semiconductor, and finally numerical results are given for BaTio There is figure. ASSOCIATION: Smolens'kiy pedagogioheskiy institut im. Karla Marks& (Smolensk Pedagogical Institute imeni Karl Marx) SUBMIT.TED: August 9, 1962 (initially) November 3, 1962 (after revision) Card 5/5 9012-k~ BDSIENT(1~01DP~IEWT W/ES (a) PT-4. -2 ESD-3ASIYSSDIIJP(C) ACCESSION NR- AP300531h S/0181/63/005/008,/2090/2101 AUTHOR: 7/ Nholodenko, L. Pie '170 JITLEt Macroscopic theory of ferroelectric crystal of the type in the IgL'03 form of thick plates 'SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v, 5,,no. 8, 1963, 2ogo-21ol TOPIC TAGS: forroelectric, Ba, Ti, 0, spontaneous induction, potential, domain structure, phase transition, phase plane, space charge, thermodynamic potential ABSTRACT: A mathematical study has been made of nondomain and nonhomogeneous structure in thick plates of f erroelecturic crystals beloneng to the family ~BaTiO~, Characterized by first-order ferroelectric phase transitions. The "phase plane method has been used to make a qualitative study of the differential equation describing one-dimentional distribution of induction found in the paper by I. I. Ivanchik (FTT, 3, 3731, 1961). For the particular case of linear depen- dence between planes of space charge and potential, the distribution, has been found for induction of field intensity and potential. Various conditions for applying ,the theory are investigated. The thermodynamic potential of the crystal is found, Card 1/2 L 19012-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3005314 it is shown that for a thick crystal the part of that potential due to inhomogenoity surface energy. Orig. art. has! 3 figures and 70 formulas. ASSOCIATION: edagogicheakiy institut Smolenskiyp -1m,, K, Marksa-18molensk .Pedagogical Institutq) ,SUBMITTED.- 06Dec62 DATE ACQ- 063epf 3 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH NO REF SOV.-' 006 OTHER: 002 Card 2/2 NOVIKOV, Anatoliy Konstantinovich; KHOLODENKO, Mikhail Izrailevich; NAUMOV, I.I., nauchn. red.;-TABIMINA ~`J~'.-A'., red.izd-va; SHERSTNEVA,-N.V., tekhn. red.j PAVLOVA, V.D., tekhn. red. [Organization of issembly-line high-Bpeed construction at the 37th section of the Southwest District in Moscow; practices of the Apartment House Combine of the Main Division for Housing and Civilian Construction in the City of Moscow] Orgazi u siia potochno-skorostnoi zastroiki 37-go kvartala IlJgo-Zapadnoro raiona Moskvy; iz opyta ra- boty domostroitellnogo koL Lnata Glavmosstroia. Moskva., Stroiizdat, 1964. 47 p. (MIRI 17:3)