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AUTHOR; "izhnyaki_N..A. 3()v/5j-2d_,t_32/35 TITLE.- TheAernelsof Max-miell-2quations for i1et.ero&onou--! Modia -a (runktsiya 'Grina uravneniy blakiavella d 1Y n(.-odnorodP_ykJi ire, PE;U'IDDICAL: Zhurnal tekhnioheskoy fiziki, 195U, Vol 28, Vr, 7, PP. 1592 1609JUSSR) ABSTIRACT: :Acoording@,.to the method of the Kernel :the macroscopic Maxwell equations bodies are deduced in integral form and several problems to 'be Solved with these equations arelinvestigated (homogenous fi,,u-r2SP. diffraetion of, electromagnetic waves at small.bodies a, o.).1 The integral equations describing the electro_magnetio@ field at all space points are deduced-(in the preuence S -ten _o of finite or infinite dielectric* with random s rs of thLi , dielectric and magnetic permeability).'The physical- importance,of the integral summands for the. poihts --uri thin and outside the electric.field is investigated.@Anulozoua equations for the two-dimensional case are deduced..It'is shown that the.anisotropic dielectric'ellipsoid and the anisotropic elliptic cylinder are the only convex:bodie3 Card 1/2 the field of which is homogenous in the external 9.13QOf9.2520$9.2~572.,9..k230-1 77955 SOV1109-5-@3: AUTHOR:. Khlzhnyaj@, N. A TITLE: Z: led Theory -of 'W vekuldos Fil With Diel.ectric Disks -PERIODICALt @413---', -ronlka 61 5j Nr Radioteklihika. I (slekt ig6o, v' 3), pp . 11,61 (USSR) ABSTRACT:. wwith_the incraasing@importance' of walreguideb filled with--` . dielectrlc.@disksr as delay wave .@acceierators -.powerful amplifiers and oscilla ors.-o. SHF there is aneed for a n exact,theory pf such waveguides, taking the thickneso of disks and apiirtures in disks into-,conBlderatlon. Th13 paper presi@nt3.the results of work done by the author in this fleld during the period 1953-1957;. reference is made also to-,his thesis (Library of the Physic a-Tec hnical Institute. AS UkrSSR, 1951)*, ;(1) Wavegulde Propertles WhenTilled With-Dielectric.Disks of Finite Thickness Without Central Orifice. Such a waveguide is equivalent to-one Card 1/15 filled with an aniaotronic dielectri.2. The equivalency, 69901 _S/ioq/6o/oo5/64/ol5/O2&!@_ ?i /300 E140/E435 AUTHOR zhnva T TLE:' not, &@-:,rhakgedl! Disc Moving Un if oivily in PERIODICAL: ot ro-nik& :1960 Radii ekhnika:@: elekt I Vol 51 Ar 654-661 (USSR) - pp AIDSTRACT I The losues of due- to polarization 6C the and Cherefikov.-radiation@%f a charged disc 'in unifoiw@: motion In a -delay - system, waveguide @ (uniforip'ly loaded'b y a homogeneous and Isotropic dielectric) are calculated. .It in shown that the@ fi'eld-entablished by @the disc consists- of a.-field.,"carrie,d'along".by.the'~dis,c and a field which ,"separate a of f The power f 16v and energy stored in,,these@'fields is calculated. In @,r'onsider thick discs: or. systems.@.of discs the ."coherency'$ conditions.,.,-... :are found.: By.a coherent system :the author means one n which the energy lost-by a system of N particles exceeds that Iof a single particle by the factor N2. The author indicates how to avoid a formal, infinite.. radiation power in the treatment of real s@ystems' where Card 1/2 the number of particles -is, very large (may be assumed, 25375 8/089/61/01'1/001/004/010 B102/B214 -VTHORS I Khi z hny ak, 14. 1. Tolok, V.-T., Chechkin, Yo.Y.I.Nazariovo Ntl$ TITLEt The po4sibility of acceleration of large pulsed currents in electron lineAr-accelerators PERIODICALt Atomnaya' energiyal V. 11, no. 1, 1961, 34 40 TEXTt This paperpresents an.evaluati6n of the suitability of different electron linear acceleratora for accelerating intensive yulsed currents since their region of application is only incompletely known as yet. , The theoretical studies published here are based essentially.,on the work carried out over many years at- the Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut JX USSR (Institute of Physics and.Te.chnology AS UkrSSR), Kharkov. First, the@ acceleration.of pulsed currents in electron traveling-wave linear- accelera-.. tors is discussed. The effect of the pulsed beam on a traveling - wave Accelerator Ace 10 cm).and a waveguide type accelerator is studied .(Ir/2 wave, The moat important effects are threes 1) Achange of eloctrodynamic acceleration conditions. For v 0= cthe electron beam affects the electro- dyne. mic properties very little, for v 0< c much more. With a load of a Card 1/4 25375 The posd bility of ... B102/b214 current ofl-,@-la the amount of change in the phase.velocity@of the wave is 0- 2.6% (P-0-5)t1-3% (P .0 7), Q25% ( fS - 0. 9); ( P - v to). 2) Effect of thd energy 1-dtios in ac;elerating system*' There 1113 adisplacement of the synchronous phase toward the wave peak, i.e. toward the limit of the region of phase stability. It ispossible to improve the energy ratios by increasing the injection energy of the electrons of enlar3ing the section with an alternating phase velocity of the wave. In sections with constant phase velocity (=c)tthe loading of the accelerator by-the electron beam leads to a decrease of the electron energy at the output of the accelerator. For example, 12 Mw are required to obtain a pulsed curren@b with la and 5 Mev having a width of the energy spectrum of 10%. 3) Effect of the dynamic conditions in traveling - wave accelerators. The:?e is an upper limit of .the current; for example, at an accelerating field of E = 100 kv/cm this limit lies at 10 a. In the following the acceleration. z of pulsed currents in linear acceleratore.with standing waves is discussed"- in an analogous manner. An acceleration system is considiared which con- sists of one or more connected endovibrators in standing wave operation. Tr waves, h t-_ 2m) In the decelerating phaset the beam is screened off from. Card 2/4 S/089/61/011/001/004/010-' The possibility of_*06 B102/B214 -the field by drift tubes. @Por the acceleration of higher' currents this system has a,number.of advantages over the traveling-wave' s ys t em, - as there, are: 1) Change of the 'eleotro*dynamic conditions. When the condition 6 14-4-10 (X/R)4 J@o/q + JW/Q -.-D -As satisfied, the change, of the ele.etrd- 0 0 0'', dynamic properties caused,by the elbctron:beam d6es not limit the accelera- rissonator). JW the ted current. NO is the quality factor of the unloaded h.f. power, loss to the acceleration of the current of J amperes, D the 0 h.f. power losses to the walls of the system, and R the-radius of the endovibrator.) 2) Change of the electrical conditions of acceleration. There is a lowering of the pulse duration, and there7is aA optimal energy. -5 ,given by W 1.44-10 q D . The maximum charge that cam be accelerated opt 0 @o to W is Jt- 2-10-44E/E coulomba This type of accelerat6r can acce lerate opt much higher currents than the one mentioned before. FinaLly, the problem of particle dynamics in a standing wave accelerator is diiqCUBSed. The longitudinal (phase) and transverse (radial) motions are separately dis- .cussed. The authors thank K. D. Sinellnikov, and Ya. B. Faynberg for Card 3/4 5/08 1 /001/005/010 B 10 2 @B 241 4, AUTHORSs Tolok, V. To Bolotin, L. I., Chechkin, V. V4@ 9 Nazarov No I. Xhizhn,yak, K. A, TITLEs 'A high-current electron accelerator PERIODICALs -Atomnaya energiya:, Y.- 11P no. 1, 1961, 41 -215 TEXTs This paper presents A description of the 5-Mev electron linear- accelerator ti,-sivned, built, and sItudied in 1955 at the P'.ziko-tekhnighesk@V instutiAAN.USSR (Institute of Physics and Technology AS U1:rSSR). The acceleration system consists of two coupled endoVibrators;excited to standingic waves with f - 137-4-10-6 cps. The accelerator is fed by 12- autogenerators,each of which delivers to the endovibratoris up to 100 kw with a pulse duration of 400 Pseo- Each resonator is a 16-faced prism, '1100 mm long, the diameter of the inscribed circle of the.prisms being. 1500 mm. The prisms are made of.1 mm thick copper strips secured to a, solid body. The drift tubes (100 mm. diameter) form accelorating gaps,ea6h 600 mm long. . The h.f. generators work in two cycles withL self excitation. The 12 modulators deliver at the anodes of the generator-l;ubea voltage Card 1/4 25376 8/089J61/0il/001/005/01W A high-current electron ... B102/B214 pulses of up to 25 kv.- The resonators are kept in a vacuum chamber -6 maintained at a pressure of (1-2)*10 mm Hg by two diffusion-pumps. The electron gun (with tungsten cathode in the form of a flat spiral) is placed inside the drift tube. A special modulator supplies ths gun gathode with negative voltage Pulses Of UP to 70 ky and durations of 0,2*10'.11 and 2.10-6 sece in normal op Ioration the injection current is 6 al on pulsed over-heating of the spiral i t amounts to 40 a. The construction of the injector provides for the possibi lity of using an L - cathode. The phase difference of the it vibrations in the resonators is checke.1 by an electron- beam phase meter, and the pulse height by a two-beam oscilloscope. The radial focusing of the beam at the output of the injector Ls accomplished '"by the radial component of the h.f. field. The oletron velocity at the output of the first acceleration gap is almost equal 'to th@a velocity of light and is not further affected by the.radial component z)f the field. In the first gap there appears also a bunching effect which narrows the phase width of the beam from 2.2 to 1.6 radians, which value remains practically constant in the following gaps. At the exit of the accele:"ator the beam arose section is -10 mm with an aureole of about 60 mm. It is focused on Card 2/4 25376 77 /089J61/011/001/005/010 1 @igh-current electron 3'102/2214 the target by means of two magnetic-lensesi its ditmeter,then become ;MM., To study the possibility of obtaining the maximum current, the parti cle energy spectra were recorded at the output-of the 9,66elerator fot.different currents. The-following results were obtained% A current of S. 5 a with 0 4, a pulse duration of 0.2,psec is. obtained for hn electron ene,Mv f 4,-5 Mev F e A curr nt' of 15 a with a pulse duration of 0.2 @ksec and -an e ledtron energy of 3..8 Mev is yielded from@the mitximinaftbe charge that can be acceleratedt.@ 6 (3-10- @coulomb). At 'this pulse.duration,a current' of up to 25 a may be,'.'. obtained, but.the maximum el;c'tron energy is onl Mov.and llohet, energy spectrum" d t i s@..broa er. To_rOduce I ,h ii the;-(Ionsequen bra' of the@ @speptiitiiii@, :r d do nin@ e _t@-is :ne-does, ncreaLve he OnWay-, a zes6uators. -A iii; r @Aecrease -of lhi 61ec ron energy for obtaining. t creased 6urrent is not converient because for radial Tocusing the.elec tr -time must have --elativistic velocity,ln the first gap.., The.value.of the average of the:current for-this accelerator.,i@.up to 50,ua f or .15 pi Which must be increased t;'160-150 Pulses/sec'for increasing'.the' average current. The authors thank K. D. Sinellni%ovi P.- M-@ Zeydlita;," and Ya.- B*]- Faynberg for discussions. V. I. Veksler and V. V. VladimirsR,iy. are. mentibn6&` Card 3/4 jz@ ler@e,, 'a '@k b upr,,,,Iy ye@ h -I lzd_v U R =A Lkr wht'dhirs I- %.@-I .-- - i, kh' 'T.- r6blizzio-upmv ya o M @-komforeatelip I ay y .-i: Im a.-. b4d.; O-M- :71 Uk @;j 7: j47 ThWo 450 a" Vo. 0 fttMIw TF --dt '-Ba- ifigir- d: u1so w -,df -6144-adh -tbA rwMA On alm r @uprasd On' or_ opce-C modWating WO@(-Vj-siaplftuds-ot @mi '-ftlaii vol ta"'atirtano c0iditto" unft6which 04 ro-06 are Com idlete gres"St IWO to re -stablis -frequi Kc It-& tirmln4d,by@ ,z@ UVOW.'Rel'I 1AA, ....... ... Kl@ N@ Mi Al -A W -0 g ,r4l@.iV jT"J F r@Al , p-9 Mll @,L tE , g/ -0, 62 006/0001 20 N z Qjj Mi X- A. g u@,CNN- M S A "COW _16 se, i'MM MON* Willi& SIOWS "dqM @A Mo o -th @@t 2 k4Y, 14EXMP Mq kkarle, f t lVa 31res t-A 3.@ naam, sl n-, a, a,, co WWL Wsi 7,14 g@ q wl S , A_.@ IAR rom @_,l IS .............. fz h4882 61861 '02/000/000/613/022 J, B I 25/BIO? AUTHORSs Selivatiovo No P q Pay nb erg, Ye. Bq Stepanov,'X. 1.9 KhizhnjjLk, N. 1. T iant of a linear proton mcoel6iitoior'@' IT LE i Choosin$ thi besf@'var S OU@ CE4 Teoriya i raa,ohet'linqynykh uskoritelpy,- abor:iiik '80ateyo.4i I V& Xoeoowf tekhn. i4st. ANI"Ussf * @Bd. -by @Tj Kukoli G6satojtiAdat, 19020,186, 202@ -that of wAveguides with die'l TAM -.Two theories arl' studi6di eatbic Oull -fi',tted inside, 'used to @taco el orate* proton*- to high energies, and '.Of J-, :ra4i&l focusing using alternate focusing'andlkdef cusiug I@ases.. r WhId :,th e 0., dielectric constant tgo conductivity d,.-,d(X,Y$Z) a.reitim'M- independent, +-.k?Z divZ-- d(@n ok xlc'.)S holds, wh e gra or 2 2 k itd(iA, 440 "denoting he t eikue@nq:and. J.Ahe tuiirent-den t the, base f 'a d rox) "o In axisymmetri and zero@turrek the'pro uct- A,(r@x) R(i)Z(Z). is formulated 'go &a-' th6'o.omponento ol' eleotric.@, and magnetic field strengthev. ard. L 8/66i /62/000/000/oij/ Choosing the-beist'variant of;.. B125/BI02 -':t - er (,w+tb)/(a'+b) (a+b -Aj6@tb) 'The mean. phao a vel6oity in :z it, is guide containing dis'ps is smaller than that in,an empty waveguide, greater than that. in one containing'a-dielectric'.."The attenuattQn'of-- the fields due to the infinite conductivity is proportional to 9 M;4 where. 4.,( a+b 03) Y COO (as+i)(a+br) I/Ta 4- b) eol. 71- als +b :and m The power losses --pe unit- lengW from a waveguide co -1()S=t,YS. When the structural ing dielectric discs amount to@D (1-0 period remains,oonstant, the. phase@ velocity -.of a wave in *.a )raveguide itt'041 with dielectric diso@ is varied bj changing the.,Pelative thickness, a/by"-. of, the diaos. Linear accelerators withalternately arranged magnetic lens .ea.- poesess_regions of stable motion in the y and z directions uorresponding to@ certain values of magnetic field gradient and lens length. The etabilit conditionlof the motion in auch:traveling-wave acoeleratora-.reads a- Jfr. CO$ IF$ -a H CE M TS 0!5), Card 3/4 A 3 022@ S18151V6210001000101 Choosing the best variant of...@ B125/BI021 'where 1 is the length of the,-lerts:* Proceeding from the oquation of! mot iofi. of a standing wave accelerator with drive tubes when there fire six 6agnet,ic: lenses per period, 'the condition obtained for the region of,stable, particle, motion is given by E 4 i .4 30L W, Oo in ables There are 2 figures d 3 t , '0 -Card, 4/4- V-1 44883 7 6/661/62/000/600/ .C114/622 ' 7 . 4125/BiO2 AUTHORs, Khizhnyakt N.-, A. TITLE I '@ta -ing'-4i-qle@trio' on a tr,@.V! eli'g A waveguid4 cc in discs workin@; . n/2 Yraire J.- SOURM., Teoriya i iasohet.',lin4Ynykh uaariteley, aborfilk'statey.t41t'! ^ tekhii. ins t . AN USSR.-Ed. by T.".V. Kukoleva. M,)soows Gosatomizdat, 19629 203 210 The TEXT . ' e@ vi ,V ,sio * e died dis effe ts d id t fl i P - s . u n ux e ar .s c an er & , po n s egu , p The wavele ngth X in the waveguidOr is taken tb be of, the a me:,Ordei in the perioid'of 'I @@the dispersion equation the structure (a+b) ' @ Pie +P21) k L - . Cos placos p,b sin pa sin P,b, ,, 2ppic holds for waveguides for accelerator's (F-) liritho'ut with dielectric discs apertures , , in thest then the r-f,power flux is obtained as S sin k3L o ((FO 7T - I I ard I C 14 OW) X 6 2 i)0/0 @/e6 14/0?2 000/ / 1 2 0 k waveguide oontaini go." B125YB1 0 @ ! - ' - l@ d6 Besee ro-or t of the it r, the first roo I R t -t e *aveg,dide cr he radius of h . 0 ,function J d a is the distance and b the thickness 61 the dis'Cof 0 0 2x/X p2 k 2 d P2 2 a+b, k 2RA, k '/R)':o and k. L 2 9 .0 :,S on- th' 9, axii@ The equation defining the eiffective'-@el_eotrio field etrength , 0 of the waveguide is, 'obtained fro 8)0 :together, vith sin kL _L Ll ru S Us For thin; discs @'(P) holds, and L/ @8(a+b)/(a+p_b) !I/S . 2. r: h is,,,the-',longit idihal compohent of-.t 9 dielo tric@cd t t ae+b a 1 ted,. a+b aP-+b When,_(1)_,,1a @ /@ ik" R2 a 2 3 j201 snkt v alues and b @with the effeoti e 'u. (L)/L In the , r Card 2)4 SSION NR: AT4036075 A CCE efficient (M ion mass) m _@-@electron mass), so that the gradient@- of temperature becomes equalized much more rapidly than the density gradient and the former need be taken into account only on the plas- ma boundary.- The diffusion of a plasma pinch detached from the walls in a longitudinal magnetic field, or the diffusion of a plasmoid in a reference frame connected with the plasmoid,.are considered neglect- ing longitudinal spreading.. It is assumed that the plasma is stable against various types of disturbances. It is shown that the self- similar soiution describes well the qualitative pattern of diffusion, of.the plasma pinch transversely to*the magnetic field for arbitrary initi al smooth particle-density distribution. Self-similar solutions can also be obtained-for the temperature distribution.. Magnetoby- drodynamic instabilities can cause plasma-to leave the pinch at a rate close o.the.thermal velocity.of the ions' On.Lhe other handi t instability can produce turbulences in the plasma and also conse- quently incriase the dififtelont "Zn conclusion we &Lee grateful)to K. D. Sinellnikoi and A* X* -Akh;Lyezer for-continuous' the Card ldviishku il@ ;W* C .-Ichastits- zerkallhuyu hoplxjvxWem v p)cgbkakh -herez magn4huya A - -1 ilovushkLiostrougi)llnoygoomet 1, -43 ACC 'NR,: AT5022287 Elam vjdvM.W* nJA -AT-9 _6& J-P t ATS022313,. SOURCE CODE: 137/64/000/074/0001/01)06,.@ 114N, t4 AUTHOR'@ N.- So Kh zhnYa*,_.N@L 71. c etchnical . ORG: Academy'of- So ences 06ii ot nstittgg-Wademiya. niadk tJkrSSK riziko-tekhnichoskiy.institut) ---TITLE: - multiveldcity- plasmoids- R ivistitut Doklady, no4 074/P-028, -1964.., SOURCE: :@AN _UkrSS :Fi_ziko-tekhnidheskiy: ,Prodo nyye kolebaniya v Mao kolmthom plazmannom puchke, 1-8, 9 TOPIC TAGS,: plismoi4i:, I be klVetr(m il@ftvi J ABSTRACT: Thermal--- dis on 1i 'to determine themodulatin persi Jhj4ystrons is st died a ation of axwAie properties of: beam bunching _T - ei:appropriake equ motion and-.H s: equ tion!@ are wiitten, for'. the -4on and, electroTuv for the @ collisionless -case. By.-select- ing particles within-a smail velocity.interva l..,moving through modulating: grift., Euler's equation can:ba written'dit4'a non-linear system results. Approxim4tion me-. -.--tho.d3--are.-use.d..tol--rhow--th,at-,inLtL&I therma~,L.-diapersion,-Int-roduc,es--i-tiultit)~lfing-fac- tor which. -lowers the @,value @ of the@_ cm-rent density of the bean.: The m ultipl.@ing-lac'-*a, tor is determined for the case ofla step fimction distribution. The assumption.of a -Maxwell distribution isalso discussed. multiplying factor is shown to have.a- 09 pace and it is det is, meaning of coherence in vel dity a ermined that Lta struct L 31285-65 ACGE-,&%ON NR: AP5005348 AUTHOR: R22alov# N. S.; ,SOURCE: Radiotekhnika f eI'e&tJeoziik_a, v. 100 no. 2, 1965, 334-340 TOPL-C TAGS: electron beam, _t@ @st=-"/ A single-variable problern of the irterartinn cif 4 field-, ompersa-..,!d ai.'I @,;@,@n a J'arnmat-ad dielectrlc %, ho.;@- n".) r@o4 4. r-"'-i A litipersion tI--(4ia--i' ri I .)n ii c.n a c V n s '%mPlItuder'. Formulas for the d r. 1 t viidl i- -r e_,; c, nan r p the exr@t7i, L 31281)-65 ACf-=SION NR: AP5005348 :@!'tude of the modulating voltage be,:ornc-6 The p(ji;s;bIIty of ibrvi, mLchanisrn for compersati.- v the e- narve. effactii m a A -iri Al :r-,: M]-I T ED: 0ZJan64 ENCL: 0) SUB 7,ODE: EC S 0 V: 005 OTHER: 003 Card 2/Z igM ti MINE '05 IN WIN tI.LIILt:ZiX. 'tL4&, 4fjww VA04(dal @,L , In-UM.UnIly UPX-UIV_.YfIYUMVgCF LermoyaUCL-ROWSW Z - sinteza (Physics of plasma-and problems 'of-controllable themonuclear synthesis)-t- doklady -konferentaii.- - no.-- 4.-@- Kl,ev@,-,@Yaukova -dumka IL965 389 40 TOPIC*TAGS: magnetic trap, relativistic particle, plasma charged particle parti- cle trajectory, Particle motioa,. magnetic field ABSTRACT:@ The, pmpertj.48_ of c6reed particle motion irt magnetic traps of the "pick et fenr .e" and .%agnetic. wall" (with negative' field curvature) typeSJire con-suered and their numerical integrations-The traps are. charac- terized by axial -symmetry and Wall angles between field lines. L The analytical form of the,fields is-dis"Ibed by-the expansion of the scalar magnetic Card: 1/2 2t5le -7 M @kCCVESSIOH HR: APS012047 i@@ /64 /0827/ @_Ml 1 @"R: nizhnyak, N.A. I ")ne It -ad in;_1 I -.1comeit of magnetic f leld S@M=: Zhurnal tewinicheshcoy fiziki, v. 35, no. 5, 1965, 827-032 1UP 11-: 1A.GS Wharged particle motion chargred parti:@le beam, 1,)Tyitwinal maf@netia -1' r1r The author calculated the magn-@tic mornent (ratio of the trutriswerse: jnergy to the magnetic field styerqth) acq%iired by a ch-Irge Particle the tmiform region ot an axially symetrllo mrqgTieti,- ficlcl. I f t.'Ie pa rt- i c le moves on t1le axia the magnetic moment rera.ris zerr)! otherwiac- thf_@ inoment depends on the distance of the particle In tt.c field-fred region symmetry axis, the velocity of the rrlrtic)@, the wt.netic field '7,trength region, and the manner In -which thc lo@igtud@io.I mvignetic fleld NIP large dlstance!@ tr) it- 1;-.'i ,4'@b from zero at Liii@ are performed by solving the eq ua t I on.; 'I"" I Mrzi -Ii Card 1/2 ACCE3SION 1M.- APS012047 2- -f the =K-netie field and tho !qf1Djt1')n-Q PO (7-lb-tained to i@ wt .1 i 0, t, yvr@ f f f 1 1 v@i i n t r. i n 1 It, f-, 1 " 1i I i in the dstarcf-- Ign -"U5 i @ etic :told. In conr` L;if- M Aclidenician K. V.Si neJ. nik cf ', I ,n t he t 0 y U. S . A zFDAky- I or ntwte ro ug d I s c u@ s i u ns urig. rt. has: 34 u --I-g . us @:A hd- @ 1: - d6hse plaiftf@' -h4 jliiitl f tald Is diac wed. f or -t - Calculations are hased '611 th6 flotj6j; J&t& ft 100pi, rlo@el, the equations: r Obtained from the MtgnetchydrodynarJ:@ equations by :-ategratingg in ,o lonq qA ad -nd tL ii *,ed 611- if'* acreage rr a Z@ tile Variation of t-hd--- t. A to its f inal unif value rn th :case of a raref ic-1 plasma the relative ch Orm of the magnetic field due to the plasma eurrunt is neg'igible and each plasma mioves in the unpertuvbed field. In tne caso cf ft dense plasma- tho /2 CC; rd 2/2 2 0 1 Wr (0-M&PA(w)-@1 I)f /Fab-10 IJP(c) AT/ 1jR,,'O()57"6 5/035/005/U847/0857 NR: AP5012049 AUTHOR: Kh1zhMk, N.A. Y T17T : I E Motion of a finite planma in the magnetic fiv1d of a toroidal soleno SOTIRCS- t~kh-nic-h-e-,q--ko-y*-,-Ii'ziki-,---V- -35 no.' 5, 1965, 847-857 TOPIC TAf-ar 0iis6a:--:-,mag Plasma pola riza tion, pla 8 Ma f low , plasma drift RACT! Me idthor-dise-uss tot- - 4 A T_jT d f V t he: motto a- plasssa of finl.te extent in:a f i dwlt@-. curved lines of force, such as 17 prod,,@ccf- by a toroidal sole- :!iscusnion was undertaken because it has fo-vl (B R, @S I f rr inov et c ond i t i on -)e pl,i , mia w i1 f,) Iow the 6 1962) that under suitable Onci ir@qf- hPivy lmn@irltv .ojms @E F -3 3 1 , . I fia s s how n t ii,, t t_ s_- t , nIr. I q-90) predict that it will not. The auth:>r fir-it solves the equations for a 9 Ingle charged particle In an ax i1a s yru@t7 i. i- -c i1eld havllig only an azi-muthal component and dizicusses the motion of a rarefied plasma an the basis It is fou&4 that the rarefield alasma tends to follow the lines th@it --inder suitable cu;ulitions of vellnc t,;. f1el ! strength, 'rind ftelld 1/3 7 L 52016-65 ACCESSION NR.- AP5012049 curvature, the plasma will lose heavy impurity ions to the waLls of the container. T- (",icuss the motion of a dense plasma the iuthor use: tile P-jultions of the drift :---