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25030 S/052/61/006/002/006/006 Determination of the density ... CIII/C222 The author seeks the density of the probabilities P(y,16049YnI t) for the Marko- process Y(t) . (Y I(t)""P Yn(t))' The investigation is based on the following older results s Theorem I s Let Y (t) be an n-dimensional Markov process (let almost all trajectories be continuous) --ttisfying the conditions lim_~_T MI(yi(t+ At)- Yimlym - icl - YX t t) lim -S--, ij Yi(t+ At)-yj(t))I Y M At-to M I(Yi(t+ At)-yi(t)) B (X-90t (here Mk ... 1_~ is the conditional mathematical expectation, igj-lg..n)p where A, B,j tTre functions being continuous together with their de- rivatives 2 B ij A j K i is a positive definite quadratic form. Then for the process )r(t) there exists a probability density P(y t) satisfy- ing the Kolmogorov-equation Card 2/6 250V Determination of the density ~P n + A Pi . 7t 1 2 i.1 ~Yi i?j-1 S/05 61/006/002/006/006 C111YC222 2 BiJP Olyidy J t i (2) Theorem 2 a Let g(y , t T) be the density of the probability of the transition from the point 4 to which there corresponds the moment T7, in the neighborhood of the point V (moment t) for the Markov process y(t) satisfying the conditions of 'heorem 1. Then g(.V,t t > V satisfies the equation (2) in the variables yl,...,yn, t In the variables 111 ... 'In T'O g satisfies the conjugate equation n n + A + 0 (3) i( -?,, a 7 Bij (1, r) i1j-1 Besides g(y t for t - 0 where S is the Delta-function. Because of the piecewise linear and constant charactertrespectively of the functions Fi and aij the space decomposes into a number of regions X Card 3/5 25019 S/or"161,1006/002/006/006 Determination of the density ell, 0222 in which all functions are continuous and differentiable ; the process described by (1) satisfies the assumptions of theorem 1, where Ai(Y t) n 2: a a so that P(V t) satisfies (2). On the ii kol ik jk ' planes by which the above mentioned regions are bounded let P assume certain values P* , where JP f/~ n be the derivative with respect to the normal to these planes. Inside every region the solution of (2~ can be represented in integral form by the boundary values Ph n* After use of the boundary conditions one obtains a system of linear integral equations for the determination of the unknowns P~ and 9 P * /al n. The integral form of the solution of (2) in the given region is found with the aid of the fundanental solution of (2) which is continued from the region in the whole space. Here the author uses theorem 2 according to which the fundamental solution of (2) - considered in the whole space - agrees with the transition probability of a certain random Markov process. This process is described by linear differential equations so that Its transition probability can easily be determined. Card 4/5 2503,9 S/05 61/006/002/006/006 Determination of the density ... C111YC222 The application of the described method for the determination of P(V 't) is shown by two examples (all-relay system, linear detector). The author mentions Andrey Nikolayevich Kolmogorov. There are 2 figureo, 5 Soviet-bloc and 5 non-Soviet-bloc references. The references to the two English-language publications read as follows t J.L. Doob, Veroyat- nostnyye protsessy (Stochastic processes), M., IL, 1956 , Dressel, The fundamental solution of the parabolic equation, Duke Math.Journal 7, 166 (1940) ; 13, 61 (1946)- SUBMITTEDs October 20, 1960 Card 5/5 h25LO 3/020/62/147/001/908/022, B100102 AUTHORt Khazon, B. M. TITLEs Theory of turbulence in nonuniform flows PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, T.'147, no. 1, 1962, 6o - 63 TEM The effect of turbulent pulsation on the averaged flow of an incon- n pressible viscous fluid is taken into account by the oorrelation funatio, b (-X",t) . 6V (X,t)6V!(X,t) in equation out du I OP a (6V (A () OV, UI VAU( of the av4r&ged notion* If turbulence is week and if the terms having the order of,6V 6V 6V are neglooted wheA avero-tng# the Navier-Stokea *qua- tions gire Card 1/3 5/02DJ62/147/001/008/022 Theory of turbulence inae6 B104/B102 abil (X, e, t) + ( (J,% (x, 1) ' + Uk (x', bil (x, x', 1) + of '~Tr; ab'O (2). + bk, + Lu/ bik vAb, + vA,,b,,. + 7 OX, OX; A nonuniform flow is studied in whioh the initial disturbances are such that the ;maximum measure 1 of turbulence is smaller than the characteristic measure'L of the averaged flow. Under these conditions the spectral funo- tion 10 01, (k, x, t) e1kr x - r/2) 6VI (x + r/2) dr, of the pulsations is introduced which depends on x only implicitly via the -4 slowly varying function U x (2) and the derivatives of V(X#t) gives + Uk (D, (k, x, aUl' kA, a Oil + 7 ax, W, (4)- 611 2 (Dk I + au, 6q 2.k'rkl (Da 2vks0a. + Ou, ( -k-r- Card 2/3 OXAr TX-k S/020/62/147/001/008/02i~ 'Theory of turbulence in$$# B104/B102 In a detailed study of this system it is shown that a laminar flow becomes turbulent- in -the -followinguays-The -random vb-rtex-disttirb-anbei---witk~--niki7iI amplitude increase in a nonuniform flow. If the Reynolds number and the initial amplitude are such that maximum pulsation amplitude does not exceed a certain threshold, then the pulsation gradualiy vanishes. Otherwise the laminar flow becomes turbulento ASSOCIATIONs Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy udi'~ersitet-im. M. V. Lomonosoya (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Loaonosov) PRESENTEDs August 2, 1962, by A. N. Kolmogorov, Academician SUBMITTEDs Auguat 2, 1962 Card 3/3 UMNO E.M. Theory of turhasnas in inhomagensous flows, Dokl. .. - - AN SSSR 147 no.1:60-63 N 162. (MIU 150-1) 1, Mookowakiy gosudaretvennyy universitst im. M.V. Lomonosova. Predstavleno akademikom A.N. Kolmogorovym. (Hydrodynamics) (Turbulence) KHAZEN, Elm. Nonlinear t1jeory of the geneala of turbulence. Dokle AN SSSR 153 no.6:12$4-1287 D 163. (~U RA 17: 1) 1. Predstavleno akademikom A.N. Kolmogorovym. KHA0,71731,.'E. M. (Moscow) "btatistical theory or vie turbUence formation". report precented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied - Mechanics, Moscow, 29 January - 5 February 1964 !.,tr *Aipory of c-7cuxre"ce of n c ,;-~Altkdy, -. 161 no - 4 nor.,"near theoT-r, O'l r, yilr 4~ r qn r, w: . 71-, s r - s u 5 a o ri r, -j f f r, e ~u,: -I., :'Q3r 'r am the El a I on a S, ni r on Sel e,-t ed ut ON iirbulpnce This report wn,-i %nd 18 form-ulAa. FAqC L M7-7! Y F ACC NR& AP6033937 SOURCE CODE: UR/0280/66/000/004/0014/0027 AUTHOR: Benenaon, Z. M, (Moscow); Khazen, E. M. (Moscow) IORG: none TITLE: Sequential analysis methods in problems of multiple hypothesis recognition SOURCE: I'll *SSSR. Izvestiya. Te%hnicheskaya kibernetika, no. 4, 1966, 14-27 TOPIC TAGS: mathematic analysis, mathematic method, recognition process, data corrals- tion, correlation statistics, normal distribution, Markov process ABSTRACT: The authors consider the problem of distinguishing between multiple hypo- theses and recognition of hypotheses in the absence of complete informAtion concernin3 the laws governing their distribution. A unified synthesis procedure for rules of se- quential solution for such problems is proposed. The sequential procedure consists in constructing a certain function (or.certain statistics) L(xj,...,xm) onthe basis of observed values Xl,...,x , and a comparison with threshold values. In the general M case, these threshold values vary as functions of the time or number of observations. Optimum variablo threshold values are determined by means of recurrent estimates of the conditional risk for this function. The selection of the statistics L is perform- ed with regard to the limitations of the required memory capacitys The sequential L4~ard 1/3 ACC NR: AP6633937 rulas darivad can bo implamnted with ralAtiva can@, The adqUOrstial a0lution ruI4 In -Vj be the presencla of two simple hypotheses is explained as follows.- let (xl,...,x the conditional probability density of the values Xl,.X2,--- AM observed under condi- tions when the value of the parameters equals 01.(i a 1,2,). Then, to obtain a solu- I Ition, a probability relationis constructed L. L(. (X,. X1. PG. land compared with the thresholds A and B. If r, 2: A, the hypothesis 6 a 01 is assum- M ad to be correct, if 1~ S S. the hypothesis 6 = 02 is assumed to be true; if, however, < LM < A, another observation is carried out to get , is constructed and M+,;. ~M+l .compared with the threshold A and D. If 61 and 62. are constants, P ar,% 61 M own.=ctiona and the experimental conditions do not change during the observation, then'the thresholds A and B are also constant, independent of the number of observa- tions. This rule provide's an effective solution for distinguishing between two sim- ple hypotheses. However, as a fule, the problems involve not twog but many competing lbypothesos. Furthermore, the conditional probability density may not be known. The Card 2/3 Card 1 4 19 if ta is 14 is is 9; d a a 11 0 it a is 9 4 it 0 11 9 2 X 11, AS 9 0 R 0 0 4 4S a a 0 r. A ~ AL-A if- a 1-1-4- -1-ALA AV cc 0 m ~J -- I . a .a 0 - &..A " 0 16 POO, #1'#$ '.0. 4/, T_ Via soocts6m7 itad overstary leattiam of lat"davoi us4er 9*dv::~ktq=#ftW We"We' L M, KbdAkm. A,,A I J;7 to. 1U. S. S. R.) $8. No, AS) 1:4 OW).-lmdop with Thity Imps, when kept at a ptvuutr o4ttiv. to altitudes 6011) and MXK) in., Intestinal orcretkon and Its ufm content decreav. the dip-siliv power of the juice lncremsmmrj~ The lactic &M coni-no Inma-A-i &I an aftervitect, and the dry rr4hfur is sivairwhat rMuml avul -lays at a low kevrl hir 2 mos. Pailsologivally Indumd 400, accretion is Charactrfil"I by change% similar ;=.Iosd in the dornervated intestinal loops irans. plausted under the skin. Repeated eilmmire to reduced iwft-orv leads to adminatimi. T. lAmcs see see too: 44" A S a I L A a1TALLL1RrKAt. UtteAt"I CLASSWICATSOM to J!" "00 Si IIa. .1m&#&- Nee 00, Z'Ll~ 4~__'.K .40 0.. 40 $44 141 am hit A IVU -a 0 000 00 or %oom" o06 0 00 0 0 0000000 0 IT-48 0 0 0 0 0 0 4111, 0 0 41 do 0 0 0 9 0 0 : 11111 010 0 * 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 so W_ --f- W. 8 a a " a 14 ly If 19 a 11 m a 16 v a a a 0 a a a sic A, A ?-U. Tj -A-1-A-AA 8 M W ILA-& -A L__A_ _L_s k. A k_jk a Go www"s Me imm" and M XI f O t A USC M of tu M (U. S. S. IR ~ .) U. -us- u wc 4 Old q._Y4xuw'Km4 of the intcmicw 1 114600111 oft P(-. Atr*ne p"ify in. hilAs the tKe"I Of 1 4 Ufft 0 a tutryated IntrItlaW luuP- DUP withili TWry ditubs reqWm kmdoiftolmm. Plot to Prothwe tbt caret. Paocirpior UKTow, th, ff"iOu Of bletic WW. but don not mmo, u,, emt,iotg dPWROd by WuPim fmiumm. Ainvim andc put- of o w jwft. paomni. T. L"m~ So') _.. ......... *.ILA 94TALLUWGKAI. LOgRATWOC CLASSOKSTP" ICW kl~qjjw. 4W 1.1460 -j toldbi it# cpwv , Y-~# - II !_ - 9 IV 00 L4 OR u 10 0 a ft . ;-., 7. ' - 1. - I--** 000 s0$ see no* too I*M 8*d;n-l -4j'All 9w A.. At. It 4m4 0 ft it rj air it 41 it- u - n A1-16- & C-I N - 4 4 t 9 7 TrIwasal A 000 0 at A A aedwkr k dw ble" and In amto dam de the body Witter red" ams"Park Pressure. V. V. FAIVI*ts" find St. Rhas Ira) loot. Ifir Ail, Yam-rd Md., MoK Nel. Mild. :1. .tit 00 ~No. 4. subJectis and rabbit* am tXlXk*d IOAWL-41ft 6111110-111M M. for ),I hrl.. ?he URIC 000 of ekvation being 1114D ~qjwc. At Wx) in. Omm is -00 usually AM a deq in tarbotsic salsydram (1) Ic vrl -J the blood. then. after 3 hn., an Increme to 2-3 (lines not. rmlvahsn. At&Mm.a Matilar imcmAie mrurt within I zoo ::J1 000 hr. Them b a simultitarass lowerinc In I activity of the ago sL%Ific rnioco". Inhibition of raitric mecrvtion, and 4nv4-r. 09.3 Ing of gastric acklity. At heights d 11.10)-12'01ko in. r*. a 0 0 (With USO Of 0-"WPON 1) Wood 12CflV' mcrr~snl too I'M renisine, considerably in untrained individuaU, . I,, I go V nn"nal in trained flym. I iimlcx m4y be a it-fid ir,if File ability of Ilym tosland reduced lmrmnetrk- jwes~ure. '00 to u00 1,1191114111411 Is it-AT '0 fll~ 1-8 it 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 010000000 2 :01000000000000000000000000000000000000001A 0 Ito 0 %0o bee Doe A _AV 411.11 4K ". tit 0 in, W, ZA on A 9 1 Iwo 94 00000:03i00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * - _40- 0 A OA MA_ (A 1" A A it A The too of 60 "to -Utlv* nwv*" Eyetutt to tio M"b althm 0 161dologlial f Of "UVily Of Caftlanit w"w r*dvwd=44k progmtt. 11, In- 0 flewe at W-MOGlIkko"*. C1qwMkwrQ*. and am* O&W W,*wAM*&d ftbaeukes so cliltboof4c on 00 :0 6 lid. go I . --r'--V4I %04111101111011 tiWOCtivity0l V`Afl"Plk~ 4nhYjrAW I I l4f'). 00 A 144 Were obwvwd after julminWration (qutKutan",4w, -4 the fgAl" ne dmg%- I mg. atintline. lease; I "is. adre"aline, no ."hotential Vhangr; it Ilia. -arphim dtvfva,*. I ras. strychnine. nn "it,. =0 V -tantial c6fter; oldhol. WA(rr ishn WAYIP r1sr, Inim I- "l I I -, of '00 SAVff an = of Wiwi 11W h6lallkirr w&, roo 00 .3 given to rabbitli which Were kept flat a M(Mlb on Ilo- -AN) T 4611y dGM Of thkJfWACil. (hr Ilklamine effect Wa'l r-4ratially luallified Rod llw frifyow Activity rrrrwrmf, *0 stilbilto rxpfl. varidlkw1g. In a 2nd %crics of ralsig. the r4bbiis were 1n)rrord whis vishrr J-2 re. alrollille or 0-5~1 .0 Cv. 1: 111111 adrenaline And after 11) min. were 190 0 Jdaced In a vacuum chamber wt to simulate 14,001) tn. allitutict for I hr. The strollinized flkbWti %hownt no 400 Ounp of I activity Aer evacuation 0( the chamber while the control 4abruth ithoord I(X)I*r Increaw. The adren- Aline-frewed sainals sbowed a 70r, ilk-traw in I activity. to 0 A. 4r Several of the latter aniniah peri-bed during the cipt. I I Clutagei of I activity werc not connerted with changes of it'll? rrythrocyte count. 7 U111MA109 CLA$IWICAJI -0041 woo W., a An 2 3 4 V U AV U1, ;0Z. 0 000000 0 0 0 k~ 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 4 0 a 0 0 a a 0 0 0 610 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 BAMAS, B.S.,; GLOD# Vr.D.,; IAIM, L.I.,; IJUOYZOH, A.P.,; TARASOV, G.K.; NWHU, !.H.(Moskva) -.0a"POOMM""fte- Data on the mechanism of action of aminazine. Zhur. nevr. i paikh. 56 no.2:121-138 t56. (HLRA 9:5) l.VqyenW fakulltet pri Tsentrallnom institute uuovershenstvovaniya vrachoy, kafedm paikhintrii (tav.-prof. A.V. Snezhnevskiy) TSentrallnogo instituta Usovershenntvovaniya vrachey i Goeudarstvanny7 institut paikhtatrii (dir.-dotsent D.Te. 14elakhov) Hinisterstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR, (CHUMOWINE, effects. mechanism of action (Rua)) ZHAMUI, IA.;- nMWS, Ye.l. Rffect of great drops In barometric pressure on the higher neivous activity of animalo'(whits rate) during alorointervalsietime. - !,,3kl. AN SSSR 108 no,5t985-987 JO-156, (MM 9:10) 11 OSentrallrqy instibit peovershenstyawanlya vrachey. Koekvs,Pred- stavleno akademikou LA. Orbeli. (ATKOS 0 PmMsuarr~PHYSIOMICAL EMM) 17(10) SOV/177-58-3-13/29 AUTHOR: Khazen, I.M., Colonel of Medical Ser,~ice, Professor TITLE: On the Regulation of Functions of the Organism During Radial Acceleration PERIODICAL: Voyenno-Meditainskiy Zhurnal, 1958, Nr 3, pp 55-60 (USSR) ABSTRACT: To clarify the regulation of the functions of the orga- nism during radial acceleration, experiments on animals were made studying the secretions of the saliva, sto- mach and intestinal glands, as well as the motion of an empty stomach (P.M. Suvorov, I.L. Wa~,sfelld, A.S. Barer). Simultaneously some functions of breathing and blood circultation were observed; the stomach secretion of human beings was studied. Experiments were carried out on ten dogs, and as a rule radial ac- celeration was followed by a temporary inhibition of saliva secretion. Changes were particularly marked at accelerations of 5g/20 sece in the direction pelvis - head, when the consequences lasted up to 24 hre or Card 1/3 longer. During acceleration of 3-59/30 secs in the SOV/177-58-3-13/29 -On the Regulation of Functions of the Organism During Radial Ac- celeration direction head - pelvis, and also for 15-30 mine after- wards, sharp inhibition of the secretory function of the stomach and even complete cessation of separation of juices was observed on a human patient. As a re- sult of repeated accelerations (up to 8 at intervals over a period of 5-6 days) only a certain tendency to t--h nges-was--noted- in--the -secretion -of- stomach- - even ou cia juice. Analysis of the results shows that while the effPctB_on_the_wlJxa__g,1ands are-oDerative for a brief period-, (tens - of~ -minutes) and on theLstomach L glands -for-a--ifew-hours,--thi)-searetory processes-of-.the--glande- of tho isolated int0stinal loop are affected for days, and for weeks in.the case of large accelerations. Stop- page of breathing, which is often noted at the moment of maximum load and is generally restore 'd after 10-15 seconds can scarcely-influence the process of intesti- nal secretion. Intramural innervation cannot be ex- cluded as an influence on the changes described earlier. Card 2/3 Increasing accelerations invariably caused cessation p'ralu-73CUI 1111p0j. 11ance", the Choi -ce-o)T--a-pH-~-siol-ogic-a-1----- ly well-founded aircrew diet. There are 3 photographs Card 3/3 and 2 Soviet references. KIRZF11, 1. H. j (Ur-,R) -------------- The Dynamics of Changes of Biologically active Substances ir Organism as Affected by Acceleration of Gravity. report presented at the 5th Int'l. Biochemistry Oonrress, Moscow, 10-16 Aug. 1961 , KHAZI24 t I.M.; VAYSMID, I.L. -Changes in the content rats under the effe3t khim 8 no.5&493-497 (Mookva) of biologically active- embetances in of radial acceleration. Vopa mede S-006Z (MIRA 17:4) 0- gAn, LA la GO: pat# ~-J~ M-SLATIOM 041,Ixer anximal _74a f-'_4 rith, 30 a lz for: T~, bieloga.-lal arfeets, braint.)blo-Od,,, J6 mys---Ant al Pe or- 2- min .4-.,-t Grati btocl-' adi,ng- aftal f -i ri t e 1 f) ,I I .53 fl 'i w V till, Wawa wm~ , M- FEDDROV, I.V.; MWIZEN, I#M,l STURUA, G.G. Change in the corTelationa between excretions of 17-hydroxyrorti- costeroids and 5-hydroxyindoleacatic aoids in pilots. Vop. mod. khim. 9 no.6:583-587 N-D 163. (14IRA 17:10) C) L; t,iZ, L; L; v ~4 t: I; w~ C~ U, V bf J '.'J3 il U; 6 L L; c r e P a e 4 I Tr, a T, e I v I T" e e o I L; I e m r 9 41 Ll v fri "I n c a ~i r e n a :1 1 v r~ U 15 w4ral 1-140 AV gor mait t"--- 41 . : , .- -I ,, ` -, , -Z~y - 1- -, :z ~, , ~ - ;~- - . . - - -~, I ; :~ ~ , .1 * I - -~ ~ ~ '4~~ ~, 7 ACC NRt AT6036625 SOURCE COM Ult/0000/66/000/000/0321/0322 AUTHOR: Razumov, M. I.; 1(hason,, 1, tL ORG: none Tl=: Functional and histological changes In the liver during acceleration; *&apar prosonted at the 0onferance on Problem at Space Modicino hold In Moscow fron 24-27 Vay 19647 SMICE: Isbnforantalya po problemam kosmichaskoy maditsiny, 1966. Problemy kosmichoskoy meditsiny., (Problems of space medicine); matarialy konferentaliq Moscow, 19660 321-32.2 TOPIC T&M: biologic acceleration affects livers biologic secretions animal physiology, biologic metabolism ABSTMACT: I a nie effect of acceleration on processes of intracellular metabolism h s recently received more attention. Due to its size, abundant blood supply, and flexibility in the abdomen, unique disorders occur in the liver under the influence of acceleration. Studies were conducted on 8 dogs which were exposed once to 8-G chest-- ,back acceleration for. 3- min. The animals.-were killed -at various.periods.. Card 1/3 'ACC-t4k1_,&T6036625 after exposure and'always 20 hr after.'feeding. Tissue samples were taken while the animals were alive under morphine-ether anesthesia and each in- vestigation was conducted with a control. The general reaction of the liver during accelerations was characterized by moderate fatty infiltration of epithelial cells which was observed from tho second to the thirtieth day after exposure. Cholesterol precipitation was observed in individual or small groups of epithelial cells. I%Ieutral fe, globules and trivalent iron was found in the cytoplasm of Kupffer cells (animals killed 3 days after exposure). Impurities in the form of brilliant, powerfully refractive crystals of *prismatic form were noted in the nuclei of many trabecularicells. Theae crystals were noted in paraffin.. frozen, and celluloid sections using various fixing fluids (acetone, ethalone,. r Carnoy' s fixing fluid, formalin). Birefringenoe was noted. in pola ized light. No polysaccharide or lipid components w e r e noted I n the c r y 6a 1 s. Their protein nature was indicated. In some isolated cells, paired crys- tals parallel to one another were occasionally noted~ Injury to intracellular structures of the liver epithelium included nuclear dislocation in the cyto- plasm and chromatin disruption of nuclear matter. As a resultJ protein syll- thesis was altered. precipit4tion in nuclear matter results in the formation 2/3 ACC NRs ATG036625 of prismatic crystals. The nl~le`us containing protein crystals together with .noncrystalline precursors was noted in only a small number.of epithelial !cells located in internal liver lobules from 3-30 days after exposure. In i i a parallel, control experiment, these changes in Kupffer and epithelial cell a ;were not observed. The altered metabolic processes of hepatic- cells probably depend not ,,only an the direct effect of mechanical forces which Injure the intracellular '-structure, but on the altered structure of other organs and tissues such as 1.the stomach, pancreas, and small intestine. It is possible that accelerationq. iintensif-f the liberation of biologically active substances into the blood which reach liver capillaries and act as specific stimuli of phenoloxidase synthesis !-in the cytoplasm of Kupffer cells. The activity sharply increased in the I Gfirst and second days after.exposure to acceleration. s been ob6erved The presence of crystalline structures iri'cell nuclei.ha 'ffor the first time. These studies -are being continued on other animal spe- icies'-. CW. A. No. 22; ATO Report 66-1167 SUB CODEs 06 SUMI VAISS' OOM"66 Card .1 13 .T, 098)11.-67 ENT(l) SGTB DD/GD ACC NRt ,,.-~,U:jUU/%) SOURCL C000: UR/000U/66/0U0/000/037jV0377 A'WhIOA: _1J Ons. ORG: nono TITLE: New data on the effect o9.nLcrU=j_tzj_qq-~_on the socrotory and motor functions of the digestivo system fl-laper presented at the Conference on Problems of Space ~1~_,d i cine. -hold An ~bscqw_ from 24-27 May 196L7 SOURCC: lrbnforontsiya po*problemam lwsmicheakoy moditainy, 1966. Problei,; Nos"lichoskoy meditsiny. (Problems of space medicine); matorialy konferent Lio E05cow, 1966, 376-377 TOPIC 'MGS: biologic acceleration effect, digestive system, biologic secrition, weightlessness ABSTRACT: duration' During accelerations which differ in magnitude,direction, and changes in the function of salivary, gastric, pancreatic, and intestinal -'glands- occur.- There -is -a-similarity-in-phase-shifts involving seer -etion and the formation of enzymes (amylase, entdroldnase, trypsir-, a-1crline phosphatase, and lysozyme). There changes depend both on aeural humoral regulatory mechanisms o f tissues and organs of the,dige~stkvq~,'..,. Card /3 L 08841-67 ACC NR, AT60-3-6M tract as well as on original functional state and the stress magnitude. During transverse spine-chest accelerations substantial shifts occur at 4 G. At 8 G in the same direction for 3 min, the duration of aftereffect reaches 10-12 weeks. Along yiil~chancres in secretory processes, dis- ruption of the coordination of gastric motor periodicity and in partkicul,ar, the periodicity of the duodenum occurs. The duration of aftereffect. reachE,.S* almost three weeks. These changes arc associated with a definite char- acteristic of the stimulus conbined with pathomorphologic . and histochemical!, disruptions of tissue structures in the systerns.of the brganism. The most deleterious shifts were noted in gastrie glands ana in liver cells. They were observed beginning with the third to the th&tieth day. These data .Aelp in unr~erstanding changes in the metabolism )f biogenic: a ,amines: adrenalin, acety1choline, norep~n6phrin, serotohin, and hi-,tamine, as well as chancres in cholesterol metabolism. It should be noted that all of these functional and structural disorders take place in the absence of :any changes in the general state or behavior of animals. During hypoxia and acceleration, selective disruption of various organs and tissues of the digestive system occurs which indicates an insufficiency of neural and humoral mechanisms affecting autonomic regulation. Adaptive i and corapensatory readjustments are also observed, which not infrequently 2/3 L 080111-67 ACC NR, AIM36679 ioccur without. any connection between functional and skructural disrul'Ations M the alandular mechanism of the digestivc systan-i. IL is hypothesized ,u :'that disruption of complex adap'Live and compensatory processes which determine thc integrity and function of the whole organism is a direct ,~causc of the development of patholog under the effect of extremal stresses. Gy Results of these studies revealed the significance of the neuroglandular. 7apparatus of the digestive system as an index of the reaction of the organism during accelerations. These experiments permit planning practical measures 40r Preventing concealed, well -com pensated disruptions caused by accclera- L) ,tions. This is of importance because the very same chancres in the secretory - b -and motor activity of the stomach have been observed in humans exposed to ,accelerations. Or. a background of prolonged aftereffect, weightlessness :along with other stimuli characteristic of spaceflight (hypodynamia, etc. !can cause paradoxical reactions. Diet can have substantial influence in ,thi4 case. The significance of these data relative to.creating physiologic_ :bases p4 space-crew nutrition is evident. LU. A. tb. 22; ATD Report 66-116_7 SUB CODEt 06 SUBM DATEs OOYay66 :ard 3/3 S/138/61/000/003/005/006 A051/A129 AUTHORS: Sandomirskiy, D. M.; Fogel', V. 0.; Khazen, L. Z., and Khu Yu-Mu TITLEt The-effec-t-of the-gelatinization process of latex on the change --of-its heat- and electro-oonduotivity PERIODICALt Kauohuk I rezina, no. 3, 1961, 26-30 TEXT. The authors have Investigated some simple systems consisting of latex and a srall quantity of gelatinizing agents, in order to determine the kinetics of the processes taking place during gelatinization, e. g., changes in the heat- and electro-conductivity and the drying of the gel formed. A spherical bicalorimeter (Fig. 1) was used for investigating the heat-conduc- tivity.. This is a m etal-sphere, surrounded by a thin spherical layer of the investigated liquid. Under.regular conditions the difference of the temper- atures of the thermostat medium and the center of the bicalorimeter is ex- -----presi3ed-by--the--formula.- tf t (tr-to)e-mv or ln(tf-t) ln(tf-to) mC (1), Card 1/7 20865 S113 61/000/003/005/006 The effect of the gelatinization process of... A051YA129 where-tf is the thermostat temperature, to --the initial temperature of the bicalorimeter, t - temperature of the central part of the bicalorimeter cc ,r- responding to the duration 'C of its heating up, m - rate of heating. Figure 2 shows therelationship of ln(tf-t) to the duration of the heating. The coefficient of the heat-conductivity of the liquid ;, is deiermined from the formulat 2 M D 1 (2), 12 4 - .- -_ - where I - Dj/D2 is the.ratio, of the internal and external diameters Of the bicalorimeter; Cjjrj - the thermal capacity of the metal sphere; Cr .. the volumetric thermal capacity of the investigated liquid. In the expelliments the method of regular heating of the bicalorimeter was supplemented 13y the method of stationary internal heating of the sphere, inside of which a heater was placed. Por the case of stationary heating of the double-layer sphere, the heat conductivity coefficient is expressed by QaYer. F Ve (3a). The quantity of heat transmitted through the layei N tationari) was deter- mined from the expenditure of electric energy by ihe Rea er. he method of OP-rd 2/7 20865 0 3/138/64/000J003/005/0 6' The effect of the gelatinization process of ... A051/A129 regular conditions was used to determine~the relationship.~. of the latexes and the gelatinizing mixtures to the temperature,and the stationary condi- tions method was used for determining the kinetics of the % change during the gelatinization process and that of syneresis. In order to determine the effect of gelatinization on the heat-oonductivity, the kinetics of the tem- perature change relationship to the heat-conductivity was investigated both for zevertex and latex L-7'(Figs. 3, 4), It was note! that immediately afler ,gelatinizing agents are.introduced into the latex mixture, processes-occur causing a decrease in the heat-conductivity,of the system. The results-ob- tained showed that-after,the system has reached a certain degree of stabili- ty even before the.formation of & solid gel., structures-are formed in it gradually, which sharply limit its ;dobility in certain sections, hamrering convectioP.-, diffusion and heat-exchange and thus.docreasing the heat-conduc- tivity. Th~~-change of.the latter and~that of-the-e_lectro~conductiv.-ty does not. stop :af,t'e",.' the.formation of - the solid -gels both Cie electric reiietance VX h6a:t - '_uduc 'Wity- -inbreasa ~,Thw_heat-ooacluo rivity was, ;,epai~a%d -when and--~the, OG the discharging;,11it,: reMoVe6-Xx;bm__the -sys',ejai i,'n order-to determine.'~ of_%the-:. ussis, on-.t '1'00'~-6;ctj~t'hy he- hermia (Fig '5).. p; i a i__Eea;~.Out- t~'~` 4-b', Lng ePW'iOo1AV3 as wc~:Li- -'W OFF) &N M& N: AVI 'F~ IV V 5!Z w 7 e# P4 J'A 11M, A 1~- '-v _;1 1A , Ma. VUZIN, N.M., doktor tokhnichookikh nauk. "IWO 0 ~ Relative steam consumption under varying conditions of loccuotiv I . steam engine operation. Obor.trud.Akad.zhal.transp. no-3:103-11.3 '54. (MU 9-8) (Locomotives) "Azjw. X.M.-,-Rragessor. Selecting twa economical turbogenerator having steam extraction. Trudy KTZI no.2:86-100 '55. (KLRA 9:11) (Steam turbines) BgKiSHMVICH. 1.I., kandidat takWitcheakikh wA%i:c; BOGIN. UJI.. kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk; BYKOV, Ya.l.. inshaner: VIASOV. 1.I., londidat takhnichaskikh oauk; GRITSEVSKIT, M.Te., inzhener; GRUM. L.O., inzhener, GURVICH, Y.G., inzhener; DAVYDOV, V.N., inEhanarl M- SHOV, I.M., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; ZASORIN, S.N., kandidat tekhatchaskikh nauk; IYANOV, I.I., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; KRAUKLIS, A.A., inzhoner, JMWOV, L.B., inzhener; IAPIN. Y.B.. inzhensr; IASTOYSKIY, V~P.. dotsent; LATUNIN, H.I., inzhener; MARVAOT, K.G.# professor. doktor takhnicheakild, nauk.- MAM]ATIOV. R.L. professor. doktor takhnialieskikh nauk; NIKANOROV, V.A.. la2he- ner; OSXOLKOV, K.U., inzhoner; OKHOSHIU,L.I., inzhener; PARMOV, K.A.,.dotsent, kandidat tekhnichesitikh nauk; PERTSOVSKIY. L.M., iU2heAer;. POPOV. I.P., in2haner: KR51flFAYg B.G., lnzhener; RATTER, M.P., inthener; ROSSLrAVSKlY, G.I., dotsent, kandidat tekhnichetakikh nauk; RUOY, I.I., kandidat teklmichnskikh nauk; RYSHKOVSKIY, I.Ya., doteent, kandidat telChnickwiskildn nauk; RYABKOV, A.Ya., professor (deceased.1; TAGER, S.A.. keindidat tokhnicheakikh nauk;-~~"., professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; CRERNYSHEY, M.A., doktor tekhnichuskikh nauk; Will, L.Ya.. professor, doktor tekhnicheal:ikh nauk; IVitBIFAV, B.U., doteent; AMNNGV. I.Ya.. dotsent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk-, ARKHAIJUIVSKiY, A.S., inzhaner; BARZIM, P.V., professor, doktor tekhnIcheskikh nauk; BARNGARD, K.A., kandidat tekhnic)mkikh nat*; BUROYOr, N.Ye.. dotsent, kanAidat tekhnic'meskikh nauk; B03DANOV, ll,&., Imloner; BOGDANOV, N.K., kandidat takhnLche- skikh nauk-, VINNICINSKO. N.G.. dotseat, kandidat ekonomichaskikh nauk; (Continued on next card) ISMOVICH, I.I.--(continued) Card 2. VASIL'YEV, V.P.; GONCHAROV, N.G., Inzhener; DIRIBAS, A.T., tnzhaner; DOBROS.WLISXIY, K.M., dotsent, kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; DOGACH, B.A., kandidat tekhaicheakikh nauk; YHYINOV, G.P., kandidat telchni- chesirikh nauk.- 7SKBLIIIOV, 3.V., professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; ZARALLO, H.L., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; WIN. K.P.. kandidat tekhnich,3sklkh nauk.- XARWINIKOV. A.D., kandidat takhaicbe- skikh naak; KAPLUS. F.Sh., Inrhener; KANSHIN, M.D.; NOCHREV, F.P.. professor. doktor tekhnichmakikh nauk; XOGAH. L.A., kandidat tekhni- cheskikh nauk; MXHMIN. S.Y., inzhener; LNVASHOY, A.D., inzhoner; HUMIMOVIGH, B.H., dotsent, kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; MARTYNOV, M.S.j inzhener; MALI, O.K., inzhoners, NIKITIN. V.D.0 professor@ kandidat tekhnichookikh naak; PADNYA, V.A., Inshener; PANTBUYNT, P.I., kandidat tekbnicheakikh nauk; MROV, A.P., professor, doktor tekhni- cheskik*h nauk; POVOROZHINKO, V.Y., professor$ doktor tokhnichaskikh nauk; PISKAREV, I.T., dotsent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk-. STSRGMYV, Yeo$,, kandidat takhnichaskikh nsuk; SIKONOV, K.S., kandidat tekhni- chakikh neuk; SIMAHOVSKIY, M.A., inshener; SUYAZOV, I.G., InzIlenerl TAIDAYEV, F.Ya,, inshener; TIOCRIOV, K.K., kandidat takhnichockikh nauk; USHAKOV, II.Ya,, inthenr; USFANSKIT, V.K., inzhener; FILIMUll, N.D., laindidat takhnichaskikh nauk; M0011TOV, G.V., inthener; KHOKUMV. L.P., inshenr; CHURNORODIX, G.I., professor, doktoi? tekhnichookikh nauk; SHAMAYAV, HAI., inthener; SHAYIRKIN, B.L, inthener- YAWSPIN, S.I,, inzhoner; GRANOVSKIT, P.G.p redaktor; TIS~ A.Ii, redektor-,-ISAY,'V, I.P., Aotsen-t. kandidat takhai- cbeekilch nank, :redaktor; KLIMOY,'. 1.Y., dotsent kandidat tekhni-a-beekikh- -7 (Continued on next card) BENESHETICH, I-I-T-- (continued) Card 3. nauk, radaktor; HARKOV, H.V., inzhaner, rodaktor; KALININ, T.K., inzhener, radaktor; SUFABOV, Y.N., professor, redaktor; SIDCROV. U.I., inzhener, redaktor; GHRONIXUS, B.Ye., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk, red.nktor; ROBNW, R.I., otvatstvenrqy redektor LTechnical reference manual for railroad engineers] Takhnichaskii spravochnik zhelaznodorozhalka. Moskva. Goo. transp.shol-dor. izd-yo. Vol.10. LElectric power supply for railroads) Xnergoonabshento sbales- -X.G.Har-kvardt. 1956. 1080 . VolMe nykh doror. Otv.rad. toma p (Operation of railroads) Skspluntateiia zheleznvkh dorog. Otv. red. toma R.I.Robell. 1956. 739 p. (KIRA 10:2) 1. Gblen-korrespondent Akademit. nauk SSSR (for Petrov) (Electric railroads) (ftilroads-Hanagement) SOV/124-57-3-2957 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 3, p 45 (USSR) AUTHOR- Khazen, M. M. TITLE: Discharge Rates and Pressures of Steam and Gas Turbines Under Operational Conditions Other Than the Design Condition (Rafikhody i davleniya pri neraschetnykh naloviyakh raboty parovoy i gazovoy turbin) PERIODICAL: Tr. Mook. tranap,-ekon. in-ta, 1956, Vol 3, pp 167-176 ABSTRACT: The coaditions of operation are investigated for a group of reactive stages of a turbine operating outside the design range on the premise of subcritical flow. From the equation of continuity, and assuming the velocity coefficient to be constant, the author obtains an equation for the determination of the steam discharge rate through the turbine. The expression obtained differs somewhat from the analogous FWgel formula. Comparison of test data with -the-results -of the -calculations shows '.hat the-magnitude of error in the calculation increases, attaining as much as 4-50/a. Card 1/1 for operations of the turbine far outside of its design range. L. I. Kiselev MU I KIM.* doktor tekhnicheskikh imik, professor. Tariable operating conditions of the exhaust steam blast pipe and turbines on locomotives. Sbor.trud " 145-176 156. (MM 10:2) (Locomotives) MWn, M.Y-. prof., doktor tekhn.nauk.. ...................... Technical and economic efficiency of using gas turbine locomotives. Zhel.dor.transp. 39 no.9:20-25 5 157. (min 10:10) (Gas turbine locomotives) KHAZINI _jklP.MiMbAnalaWk ETechnical and economic effectiveness of gas-turbine locomotives] Takhniko-akonoolaheskala offektivaost' gstoturbovotas KoeLva.# Tranazheldorisdats 1957* 67 P. (MMA 14:4) (Gas-turbina locomotives) INA23N, Moisay Mikhaylovich, prof., doktor takhn-n8uk; ZHIRITSKIT, G.S., prof., doktor takhn,nauk, ssoluxhannyy dayatell nauki i takhniki, reteensent; RMCHMO, L,A.g kand,tothn,nouk, red@; MM)VZWA# N.A.-. [Gas turbines for locomotives] Lokomotivnye gazoturbinnye ustanovki. Moskva. Yess.isdatellsko-poligr.ob*edinania 9-va putei soobshcheniiat 1960. 419 p. (HIM 1339) (Clao-turbine locomotives) KHAZZN, 14.M prof . Determining the torque of a traction gas turbine. Trudy MIIT no.138:20-34 161, (MIRA 14:12) (Gas turbines-Testing) S/26!j 62/000/014/010/016 1007/1207 AUTHOR: Khazcn, M. M. TITLE: On the determination of the torque in traction gas-turbines PERIODICAL: Rcferativnyy zhurnal, otdcl'nyy vypusk. 42. Si1ovyyc ustanovki, no. 14, 1962, 32, absteact 42.14.197 (Tr. Mosk. in-ta inzh. zh.-d. transp. no. i38, 1961, 20-34) TEXT: An equation relating the torque in gas-turbine stages to the rotational speed has bccn derived from the continuity and energy equations as well as from the velocity-triangle expressions. Other equations have been obtained for determining the turbine reaction rate and the gas flow through the turbate stages in dependence on the rotational speed. I 'Russian Abstracter's note: As it results from the author's calculation, upon sudden reduction of turbinc-rotor velocity (down to zero), the gas flow through the turbine tends to increase by 20 % as compared with the rated value. Calculations and experiments by other authors have shown that in the most favorabie-cascl i.e. at a high reaction rate and small pressure drop in the stages the gas flow through the turbine stages only increases by 3-5 % and not by 20 % at a low reaction rate as assumed by the author.] (Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card III KHAZEN, 1-loing 1,11".liqlovich; IVANOV, Igor' Ivanovich; AROEOVICH. ,-Mon '=WfeF ~,-~-,YEV, A.A., kand. tekJm. nauk, dot's. retsenzent; EELINIK, V.A., inzh.) red. 'lloat and power systGzs] Teplosilavoe klioziaistvo. Moskva, '..ranuport$ 1964. 329 P. (M.IRA 17:8) 1. Leningradskiy in5titut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo trans- porta (for Yemolayev). KHA?FN, M,M. prof. -- -.1-_.,__k_..,. __ consi~bncharacteriatics of a gas-turbine plant in electric power stations. Trudy M1IT no. 179180-91 164. Significance of the boosting of the initial parameters of the steam in heat and electric power plants. Ibid. t 1 :7) .41 KHAZENI) Z., prepodavatelf Graphic works on mechanical drawing. Prof.-tek-h. obr. 21 no.10: 19 0 161, (MMA 17: 11) 1. Profesolonallno-takhnicheskoye uchilinhche No.2 Moskovskoy oblasti. -- - - - ---- -- -.-- - - - --.- ---- ------ -- -- --- GRINSHPUNq L*Teo, moVor mede'slubby.# E-JAZINSOIL - b -,A~djv1uzh*~ _Vital kandemadenauk - I -- *-I , - .II '- Carriers of Breslau-type bacteria, Toan.-med'zhur, n0.1200 D 155 0 (MLIA 2281) (BALMMOMU TYPRIXURIUX) KHAZINSON. L.B.; BIRGER. M.O. Using filter paper dines for deteraining the sensitiveness of dysentaric pathogens to antibiotics* Iabodelo 2 no-3:23-25 my-je 156. (KIRA 9:10) (BACTERIA, PATHOUNIC) (ANTIBIOTICS) K 7- SOMOVI G.P..; IMAZANSON, L.B. lmnj~'&.h of Incubation in dysantary. Zhur.mikrobiolspido I Irmun, 28:nool;.16-17 A '57- (MIRA 10:3 I., IsM Toonno-morskogo infoktalonnogo gospitalys (DYSINTRY BACIT"BY pbratology, iucub;tion time (Run)). SOMOV, O.Ps; MAMMON, J,.B. Some clinical bacteriological chnracteriatice of the cArrying of dysentery pathoge -no in Ohenlthy" perRons. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid. i immun.,oupplement for 1956.49-50 --157 (9 IR.A 11: 3) (SHIGSLLA) 13 SOMOV, G.P.-, KHAZI2150M. L.B. Jdpidemiological characteristics of the carr7ing of bhigella k-eenteriae by normal subjects. Zhur.mikrobiol.epicl. i immun. 28 ao.8:130-131 Ag 157. (KIRA 11:2) 1. Is saniterno-spidemiologichaskoy laboratorli. Yladivostok. (DYSEIVERY. VACILIARY, tranamis 8ion carriage by normal subjects (RUBI) AISFMLSS, I.N.; :FRII)W, KW-,iHIHA, T.A.; STENIYA, YO-S-; MUZZNSON, L.B.; TARASOVA, Ye.F. Influenza pandemio of 1937 andcartain epidemiological and virological characteristics of influenza in Leningrad. Vop. virus 4 no.1: ja-T 159 t Un 12:4) 1. Ieningradskiy institut epideniologii. mikrobiologii i. gigiyevq Inent, Pastern. leningradakaya gorodakaya annitarno-epidemiclogicheakaya etant~- stv.a i 39-ya poliklinika. (INFLUENU, epidemiol. in Russia (Ras)) NOVI)GORODSKAYA, S.M.; KHAZENSON.L.B. Coli enteritis and principles for -the organization of its control among young children. Pedlatriia no-5131-36 161. -(KIRA 1. Tz laboratoril kIshecbx**h infektsli (rukovoditell E.M. Novogorodakaya) i sektora opidemiologii (rukovoditell I.M. Ansheles) Instituta, epidemlologlip mikrobiologiJ i gigiyeny Imeni Pesters, (dix. -_ kandmed.nauk Mae Nikitinj zame dire po nauchnoy ohasti - prof* Kell* Tokarevicb). (ESCMUCHIA COLT) NOVGORODSKAYA, E~M.; KUZENSONt L.B. Certain epidemiological rules in colkenteritig~jr infants. SO-* med. 25 no-.236E~-74 F 161,- (MIT % 14:3) infektsiy OM 1--j- - 1z -- labdivit&U. ldv*4~ Institiita imeni PasUra--(- 4--d)-e (ESOMWORU"C"xi) (INTESTUM-DISEAM) 7 C I Vj M24n "&A# 44Mj, TS*A& Za M.,mas of metiirological fao.tore an the Inaidenae'of ftau- mmpm amd aoute oatumb -of Vas -4615pbutory tracta. trudy 1.4m.i" ipidA mikzcobloi. 222266-173 064 (HIM 16#2) ) i sektora opid=i' aboratorii pi'l- lmdman vtm 0- TJL Anshelee jd**&i@dj)'jAnim,&&kcgo iwtitaull imeni Pkatera i oteela klimatolooaj spidamidloCil i mikrobiologii Mavnoy goofizichookoy observ torii (sav. TeF. ftstukh). UMIYMAM.-MUEM) (LERINMAD-CATAM) RMINGRAD-4MTHERPw XWTAL MD AYSIOWGICAL UnC") KHAZEISON L*B. ~ -I some probleImig of the-epidemlolo& of colienteritiso Trudd Ian* I .-. Inst, apido i raikrobiol, 210-14'60o (MIRA 16;65 1. Iz aektora apidemiologii i laboratorli kia)iecbnykh infektaiy laningradskorp in,,;tituta opidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigiye- ny Lmeni Pastura, (ESCIMICHIA GCOLI) (ILTESTINES-DISBASES) KHAZE11"Soll I L.B. Characteristics of colienteritiB foci developing ~n day nur- series. Trudy let. inst. epid. i mikrobiol. 21*.15-23160. 1 (MIRA 16:6) sqltora opidenAologii i laboratorii kishechnykh infektaiy ny imeni Pastera. (IMMIGRAD--ESCIMICHIA GOLI) (LENIIIMAD-INTF,STIli-ES-DISEASES) KRAZENSMI, I.B. . Characteristico of colienteritis foci devolop:biry in haspitaloo , Ti%~4v Len. inst. epid. i mikroblol. 21124-32160. ObURA 16:6) .-I. Tz aektora epideiniologii i laboratorii kishechnykh in- fe'kisiy Loningr--dskogo instituta epidemioloC:-Up mil-robiolo- gii i giglyony imeni Pastera. (ESCHERICIIIA COLI) (INTESTIIES-DTSEASES) LOSETA, A.G.; KHAZENSON, L.B.; DIYACHKOVA, Ye.A.; MONOSOVA, S.M. ClOW outbreak of diseases caused by anteropatilogenio Eochirichia coli of the serological type 03.11, Trudy Ian. inst. epid. i mikrobiol. 21:33-39160. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Iz kaXedry pediatrii I Ioningradskogo meditainskogo in- W.tuta, sektors, epidemiologii i laboratoril Icishechnyle-h inNktoiy Lenintradskogo instituts. apidemiologii, mil-ro- biologii i gigiyeny imeni Pastara, Permy teningradskoy detskoy tollnitsy i Sanitamo-epidemiologicheako3 i9tantsii Cktyabrlskogo rayona'tenirgrada. (LENIIIMAD-ESCHERICRIA COLI) (MUNMAD-121TESTINES-DISMES) MM1.8011j, L.B. Evaluation of the epidemiological significance of conva- lescents following colienteritis. Zhur. mikrobiol., spid. i immm. 42 no.7t82-65 J1 165. (MIRA 18:32) 1. Institut epidemiclogii i mikrobiologii imeni Pastera, laningrad. T,ITAZEITSW, 1:.If. Some epidemiological regularities of colienteritis. Trudy Irk. 1= no. 7010-318 r62 Offuu 19:1) L Iz sektora epidemiologii Leningradskogo instituta epidemio- logii i mikrobiologii Imeni Pastera. L 4872-66 ACC NR, AP5026565 SOUP-CE CODE: uR/o286/65/000/019/0128/0128%1 INVENTOR: Voynich, L. K.; Zavtsev, I. K.; Sidorov, N. A.; KhcLzey, A. F. "RG: none TTTLF: Pneumohydraulic shock absorber. Class 63, No. 175401 60URCE: byulleten' i;.obreteniy i toyarnykh znakov, no. 1,), 19(-, 121' .f_~PTr 7A.(-,';- shock abnorber, pneumohydraulic shock absorber 17: A-,*h--, "ortifIcate has hPen issued fcr a Drvnimohydraul' chnck absorber -i T T imary for load-carrying vehicles. The unil~ I liq'i'll and compr-5se" i-r-, tel.~l -7- VIT 71A 17 r q, 'es an(I It '!~e Va- ii cover mounted on the upper end of the buck-pressure cylinder and seryin_~_ as 1~be ,,-r 7h~--k-absorber support. To prevent leakage of the working liquid and compressed Card 1/ 3 uDc: 629.11.012.82 _j. ACC Nk: Ap 90M Fia. 1. Pneumohvdraulic shock absorber 1 - Primary cylinder; 2 lower cover; 3 - casing of reser-;oir for collect'ng workirg liquid; 4 - plunger pu--p; flow ba-k-pressure cyliader; channel; 6 7 - calibrated hole; 8 - check safety va've. 9 - upper cover- Cc 2/3 L- 4-872Q~- ACC NRr Ap%~6565 ga:3 from the primary cylinder into the reservoir when the shock absorber is extended th-~ unit is equipped with a valve set for minimum permissible pressure in the prima;~"i - ' I -nder hig-h-presaLre cavity. This valve Is lor~tpd in tr- r,im~ar- y--y_jinder cavity it to the working cavity of the plunger pump. r1q. &.-t. has: 1 f,.,Turei 'LB) L S1,B CODE: IF SUBM DATE: 14ju.162/ ATD FRESS; - -------- ------- K ~yF?V,_Gi=dUslam_ZatkhL:islamvio; BOBYLEVA, L.V., red.; YAKSIMDVj, A.A., rel.;.PONOMAREVA, A.A.p tekhn. red. (Greatest results with least expenditures] Naibol'shie rezull- taty pri naimealehikh zatratakh, Moskva, Ekonomizdat, 1963. 63 P. (MIRA 16W (Industrial management) 02- U L 0 v 5 Is 0 0 A a IS 0 00 1" L 41! PSOC16146 At* POW1111.01 MOCI 00 of hdwd in nd"d oWM "N. c Kph;g&~AAsrrkVAemjkm Noftyswm Xbro. 4 e f f l i t k P d f " oor o s, o ur ura . n pt m um p uru & brans &4womatist nmbW it best The farfural can . in rommmed fromm pet Am oth by washing with water k b Ti b um ft er after a tion wh Wro ler. 2 = ) i tvicture %X fffervoces. 1 1. A. sea 43 to : o a : : go xeo mr&* -.-%-OSLA MIALLUMICAL LIT11111040011 CLASUPICATIN salewo "it a" 46t Willi A, 1A or. T I n see I** me* lid* GONOT 9111111 am Gv Ili m IF 0-0 W-0 *Off$ 0 Of 00 0 0 0-0 0 W699904000*06904*0009 9 0 of to to W 4 14 (1 to 0 (A V a a . JJ- 3 1, I-A .-L,, L. AA A" "bts ".(I LM L~tp 00 t4 Of 00000 segetoo o go.* " 1 7 7 0 k A I t -.69 I 42-! 1-00 -00 The ma-ld" W440t of 16trauum pwucts by tm Oe A -00 kyasc*4 nedod. AwboWsimpt4w Sipyaw ON. luk ~-- g1tvit"'. A drtikikA de. -00 SCOPIka al tht matkw VmtkAw A. A. lkwhilw4k -00 41 00 'I. k $**a*.) st 74-441, cs~i u a A 0 Igo it T- U V 0 :10 - 0 0 0 is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0690,10004 0000 0 #*to zoo see iro 0 goo zee NOO %so use Lmv it Le 0 ad 0 r 0 9 a a 3 1 1 0 4 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0066060 0 0 0 &-,-9b-; cbetr. in Rot. Zh- Rh" (Rai. Tpsts 1-. an erpiarlmontr'l ch-rt-- v I IN-LICKENOW ~ WE MZHAU" LX4" The 'moNmIsm of catalytic dinerliation of acetylene. rxv. AN Arm, SSR Sbr, khts, nauk 10 no,2:77-81 157. (MIRA 10112) 1. Yerevauskly goaudaretvennyy universitst im. 7.X. Molotov&, Mfedm-:f iskhimii. ---- - - ~ - r (Acetylesis) (Polymerization) KHAZHAMN, L.T. Machaniism of catalytic dimerization of acetylene. Dokl.AN Arm.= 24 no.2:67-72 157o (MIRA 10:4) 1. Yere-ranskiy gosudaretvanW universitet Im. Y.M.Holotovs. Predstavleno G.Kh.Bunystyanom. (Acetylene) (Polymerization) AROYAN, A.A.; KHAZHAKYAN, L.V.; ARUTYUNV-A-N, A.V.; GRIGORYAN, G.L. Anomalous chloromthylation of methyl ester of o-isopro- poxybenzoic acid. Izv. AN Arm.SSR.Khim.naO~i 17 no. 21 176-183 t64. (MTRA 17:6) 1. Institut tonkoy organichaskoy ~himii AN Armyanskoy SO. -xt 45; TERZYAN, A.G.; SAFRAZB~KW R.R.; KHAZWYAN, L.V.; TATEVOSYAN G.T. Derivatives a."indole. Products of rutaecarpim, reduction with lithlum alwdv= hydride. Izv.AN Arm,,SSR.Khim. nauki-- 3.4--".#4s393-399 161. 1. inatitutt-c-nkoy arganicheakoy kbimli AN Armyanskoy SSR. (LA016) KHAZHAKYAN,_~.V.; MMTARYAN, A.V.; GRY10RUN, G.L.; TATETSYAN, C.T. Derivatives of indole. Report No.12: Structure of benzyliden e and some of its derivatives*. Two Art ArmeSSR.Khim- nauki, 16 t2mtlll - - --- - 181-189 163 jMIRA 17t8) 1. Institut tonkoy organicheakoy khimii AN ArmSSR. KHAZHALIYA, G. YA. 0 konformnom otobrazheriiJL dvukhsvyaznyM oblastey na kol'too. Tbilisi, Trudy Hatem. In-ta. Gr. fil. AN, 1 (1937),--89-105- S0: Mathematics in thet USSR, 1917-1947. edited by Juroah, A. G. tiarkuahevich, A. L. R I ashevskiy, P. K. Moscow-6eningrad, 1948 KHAZIIALIYA, G. YA. K teorii konfor=ykh otobrazheniy dvukh"znykh oblastay, tbilisip trudy matem. In-ta. Gr. ?i1. An., 4 (19J8)0 123-134. SO: Mathematics in the USSR) 1917-1947. edited by Jurosh, A. G. Markushevich, A. L. Hashevskiy, P. K. Moscow-Leningrad, 1948 KHAZHALIYA. G. YA. K toorii konformnykb otobrazheniy dvukhavyaznykh oblastey, DAN, 20 (1938), 75-78. SO: -14athematics-in -the -USSR, --- ___ edited by Jurosh, A. G. Yarkushevich, A. L. Rashey3kiy, P. K. Moscow-Leningrad, 1948 KHAZIALIYA. G. YA. K teorii konformnykh otobrlDheniy dvukhsVaznykh oblastey. Matem. SB., 8 (50), (197 - 40)~,97--W6 SO: Mathematics in the USSR, 1917-1947. edited by Jurosh. A. G. Markushevich. A. L. Rashevskiy, P. K. I-loscow-Leningrad, 1948 KHA','IfALIYA, G. YA. K toorii konformnykh otobrazheniy duukheVaznykh oblastay. Dan. 26 (1940), 558-559- S0: Mathematics in the USSR, 1917-1947. edited by Jurosh, A. G., Markushevich, A. L. Rashevskiy, P. K. Moscow-Leningrad, 1948 KHAZHALIYA, G. YA. Ob oduom minimAllnom svoystve konforunogo oto~razheniya dvukhsvyaznykh oblastay. Kutaisi, trudy ped. In-ta, 3 (1941). SO: Mathematics in the! US3R, 1917-1947- edited by Jurosh, A. G., Parkushevich, A. L. Rashevskiy, P. K. Moscovi-Leningrad, 1?1~8 -KV p cy oA l~l; 4 A 4 t VI;L4 1 I IV,, Lx,l" tAkea Ni O~*. iLs:ll ca izm Cy U-4, f,~i *4 Y(X) s-, faLi I -I, L ~A.i, W, it ;Ada -T Cho. cd ra la6ve ~Axi~ KI the ~fyjadav pa!m, re'lin. !-Is J fn e ~i, -1:300R relative, Tj Xxl, 7", tw tike P 2. 4. 7- KHA HAL 1-Y A, YA. USSR (6oo) Surfaces., Representation of Some covering theorems for functions regular in doubly connected regions, Trudy Mat. inst. AN Gruz. '33R, 18, 1951- 9. Monthl List of Rutisian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953, Uncl. T SUBMUT AUTHOR TITLE PERIODICAL U'_-ZFJMATHEMATICS/Theory o',' functions CARD 1 PG 433 CWALIJA G,Ja. On the stationary MoveiRiAt of a:fluid in a tube of nearly circular cylindric form. Mat.Sbornik, n Ser. 38L 93-106 (1956) reviewed 12/19;6 The author eeduoes s.formula, for-the approx1mativesolution of-the problem of the flow of an idsal-fluid with a-tube which-differs few from a circular cylinder. If thereby the x-axis is taken as symmetry- axis and if the x,y-plane is a plane passing through the axis in which the boundary curve is given by y a y(x), then the final formula is V ~ _H (1 + .1 yy, .1 Y12) + R WY3 4 4 V Here V denotes the desired velocity of the flow in an arbitrary point of the boundary curve, H the quantity of the flowing out in the unit time and Ri a very small remaining term which serves for the estimation of the approximatione The assumptions are as followss 1) For finite mean velocity the magnitudes y~x), yl(x),, y"(x) and yl"(x) are to be uniformly small with respect to xj 2 for the determination of V only those terms are taken into account which are small (if second order with respect to y(x)p yl(x' and y"(x). Mat.Sbornil:v n. Ser,. 18. 93-106 ( 1956) CARD 2/2 PG - 433 The applied method Is that of the conformal representation where the author generalizes a formula due to M.A. Lavrentlev (conformal representations with applicatio:as to certain questions of Machaniost Moscow 1946t p.118, formula 108) which reZers to the determination of the elongation of a small strip O< y< y(x).of the x9y-plane under conformal mapping onto a linearly bounded strip O< V,4H/2 of the u,v-plane. Here u(%,y) means the velocity potential and v(x9y) the stream function. ote The main theorem had already been published by the author in a short n (Doklady Akad. Nauk 22L 465-468 (1954))l here she gives a detailed proof and estimations for the exactness of the formula. 67058 0 (to SOV/44--59-9-9002 Tranblatiort'from: Ret.ferativnyy zhurnal.Matematika,1959,Nr 9,p 67 (USSR) AUTHOR%.Xht&zhaliyat(;.Ya, TITLE: 6n~a::Wov-erl-ni; Theorem- for- Functions Regular in Doubly. Connected Domains PERIODICALI Tr.Kutaisak,1956,18,251-256 ABSTRACTs Let 7_--be-a family of (unique) functions f(z) regular and schlicht in the annulus DR(l < I z I < R) and f or which I f (z) 1 72), 1 for Z- 6 Dand R (z) dz 1, where 1--r