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S/137/61/000/012/097/i23 A0601A101 A~P7HORS - Kharlkov,Ye. Y., Kuzmenko, P. P. 1ITLE: New high-sensitivity method for st'udying electric migration in metals and alloys PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurglya, no. 11, 1961, 41, ubstract 111277 ("Visnyk Kyivs'k. un-tu", 1960, no. 3, ser. fi.,,. ta khirr.11, no. 1, 36 - 42; Ukrainian, Russian summar7) WXT Two new methods for studying the electric migration 1:1 alloys and metals are described. Two cylindrical specimens with diameter 2.5 mm, lergth 4 mm, with polished butt surfaces are clamped in the holders of a zpecial vac-.~Um installation and are pressed to each other by the butt surfaces. Pfter passage of the current heating up to the specimens, they are extracted and separated precisely along the same surface along which they had been joined before t"he experiment. From knowing the change In weight of the cathode and -he anc'de halves of the specimen, caused by the passage of dire-,t c-~irrent, I.-, Is possible to determine the mass of the matter transferred. In the second method, one deposits a thin radioactive layer of a substanc,~- on-to th& polished butt ends Card 112 8/185/62/007/012/014/021 D234/D308 AUThO113i Vaaylenko, T.V. and Kharlkov, Ye.Y.-- TITLE; Diffusion of Ag in liquid Bi PEHIODICALs Vkrayinalkyy fizychnjy zhurnal, v. 7, no. 12,.1962, 1345 - 1349 TEXT: A tube with an internal diameter of 3mm was filled with liquid Bi containing small additions of radio- 0-5 - 1.0 mm in diameter, filled active Ag, and a capillary, with Ag only, was inserted into it. The tubes were subjected to diffusion annealing. The thin capillary was then out into parts and the activity was determined. Using this method, diffusion coefficients were determined for 300 - , -1000 C. The diffusion equation wat found to be D - 6.2 x 0 exp (64co + + 800/RT) cm2 / sec. At 311 - 4000 C-the experimental pointe deviate from the theoretical curve towards lower activation energies. There are 3 figures and 1 table. Card 1/2 5/185/62/007/012/014/021 Diffusion of Ag in liquid Bi 1)234/D308 ASSOCIATIOM Kyyivslkyy derzhuniveraytet im. T.H. SheVchenka (Kiev State University im~. T.H. Shevchenko SUBRITTEDs May 29, 1962 Card 2/2 KHAR'KOVI Yu.V. Eight-opindle screw-thread cutting rachine with extAnding spindled. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inforr~.Gos.tiauch.-issl.ins'6. nauch.i tekh.inform. 18 no.11:26-28 N 165. (MIRA 18:12-) Ei D.I., rtarBhiy nauelmyf sotrWnik; r! ad a Ih; ly nauchn -ldsl yy f3utrudnik; SlUXINAZAJOVA, M.':h. 1--" 'IlLy, satrudnik,, VLASOV. A.P., lnzh.; ha)TIOTMENA, V.I., inzli. CHFKANOVAI G.V., inzh.: PrInimali uclms'!yetAPM' 14, TSYPINA, N.D.; UST, Ye.F. Preparation of gelatln from raw wll'erlaln pro~~ecsedwlth the, acid method. Trudy VNIIMP no.13:52-0 2 M-RA 'I" - 1. Vaesoymnyy r r!,,I! I cy promyshlennoi-ttA (for Flurlkova. Shallnit-mrova. Art-!nwrd~ 2. Moakovskiy zholatinovyy zav~J (for Postwitseva, Chekanova, roy-pina, Kust.). FMA; 'IT e, V USSR / Plant Diseases--Cultivated Plants 0 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-BiologiYa$ NO 16, 1958, 73306 Author : -Kharikova, A P., I.ludenkol N. M. Inst %All-Union Institute Of Plant Growing Title :Now Data on a Disease of Potato Tubers in hurman- .skaya Oblast Orig Pub: Byul. Vses. in-ta rastenievodstva, 1957, No 3) 36-38 Abstract; A disease which has been given the name "black skin" has brought great loss to potato growing in Mur- manskaya Oblast. The carrier is a fungus Oospora pustulans. The damage caused by the disease ap- pears in the lower seed.quality of the tubers. Card 1/2 191AR I KOVA, A. P, Biology of Oospora pustulans Owen et Wakef.9 the causative organism of skin-spot disease of potatoes. Bot. zhur. 46 no.3:399-407 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Polyarnaya opytnaya stantsiya Vsesoyuzonogo institulta. rasteniyevodstvas Khibiny Hurmanpkoy oblasti. (Murmansk povince-Potatoes-Disease and pests) (FungilPhytopathogenic) KHARIXOVA, A.P. Effect of different factors on the behavior of the funFus Oospora pustulans; Owen at Wakef. and ausceptibility of potatoes to Oospora infections. Bot. zhur. 46 no.10:150e.-1516 13 '61. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Polyarnaya opytnayn stantsiya VsesoyuznoFo Instituta rasteni- yevodstva, Khibiny. (Funpi, Phytopathogenic) (Potatoes-Diseases and pests) kand.sellskokhoxyaystvannykh nauk; RUDENKO, N.M., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Granosan in controlling the Oospora infection of potatoes. Zashch. rant. ot vred. i bol. 7 no.3:34-35 Mr 162. OCRA 1511l) 1. Polyarnaya opytnaya stantsiya. (Rwmansk Province--Oospora) (Mnmmsk Province-Potatoe s--Di sea se s and pests) (Granosan) 18 .0 .3 V "X6 61 01 t'. 0. jvs. z 0.. A. ov -.9 0 u r -40 v ,3,4 E 11 OVIC .0 U. ow 491, a , .4 1 ..; J: i , -1 - ;" 4 r 'o 0 Irv c 0 am vo d' 0 a L11 U, AIRR 1 ~3 A I & '0 ; S I ~J I - , _0 0 .0 r ou Q 0. -4 'o u ~q IV-it, 0.. A- - 13 if Us! V1 34 1K Oouh ILI 0 0.9 J~ 09 00 137-58-6-13284 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya., 1958, Nr 6, p 30Z (USSR) AUTHORS: Lesnik, A.G.,__IS~~~~_Ostrovijkaya, T.S, TIT LE: Effect of High-ternperature Heating on Nichrome Properties (Vliyaniye vysokotemperaturnogo nagreva na svoystva nikhromov) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. rabot In-ta metallofiz. AIN UkrSSR, 1957, Nr 8, pp 70-76 ABSTRACT: An investigation of the effect of prolonged high -temperatu re heating on the microstructure, hardness. and parameters of the lattice of three different nichromes: M-Gr (24.857o Gr), Ni-Cr-Mo (Cr 1956, Mo 1.7711o), and Ni-Cr-W (Cr 22.0%, W 3.316). Specimens were heated in scaled quartz ampoules at 1170-12000C. It was established that high -temperature heating of nichromes and subsequent holding within the temperature range between 600 and 8400 causes a change in the parameter of the lattice of the initial solid solution, which .'ndicates its decomposition. This phenomenon has no connection with the presence of incidental impurities. Nichromes containing > Milo Cr are not completely balanced systems, and a prolonged heating at high temperatures Card I/ I causes their transition into a balanced condition. N. K. 1. Nickel alloys--Temperature factors 2. Nickel alloys--Test results soupolfuK, V.P.j KHARTMA, G.V, X-ray detemination of seoondary utrasrea und thf-- aize of blookS in thin 1)ernalloy filnji, SV,,.# ntiuA. rrib. Insto Metallof iz. Pal IJRSR no.18 t187-188 1 k-+' VZO AUTHOR: Tikhonov, L. V.. - ___ W;~ ORG: Institute ot ta ls AN _?~ysics of He UkrSSR (Institut metallofiziki AN UkrSSR) -TITLE, The part played by flaws in the initial crystalLine-al=cture-in thermal fatigue of cast all OVSL SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Hekhanizm plasticheskoy deformatsii metallov (Hechanisrm of the plastic deformation of metals). Kiev, Naukova durnka, 1965, 143-152 TOPIC TAGS: crystal structuna, thermal fatigue, cast allay. chrmium alloy, nickel alloy, cyclic test, metal heat treatment , crystal stricture defect ABSTRACT: Experimental data are given from a study of crack formation as a function I of defects in the crystal structum generated durLn;! thermocyclic treatment. The specimens were coarse-grained cast _chromiutAicwilliloy bars so = long. The spec-.--- imens were subjected to thernocyclic treatment under the following conditions: upper temperature of the cycle -- 9600C (heating in air), lower teiaperature of the cycle -- 200C (cooling in water), time of the cycle -- 7 minutes. The X-ray Card 1/2 L 24445-66 .ACC NR: AT6010580 analysis procedure is briefly described. Photomicrographs of the specimens in thea initial state and after 30 cycles of thermocyclic treatment are compared. The ex- perimeental results show that the nature of the formaticn and development of cracks during thermocyclic treatment of cast alloys is considerably dependent on the flaws in the crystalline structure of the alloy in the initial state. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. SUB CODE: 11,20/ SUBM DAM, OSOct64/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH PEF: 003 Card 2/2o6!A-; RATINOVp A.G.; -KHARIKOVAl N.M. Certain carbohydrate metabolism disorders in plague intoxication. Vop. med. khim. 6'no. 6:603-610 1~-D 160. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Pathophysiological Laboratory of the Antiplague Rese3xch-Institute for Caucasian and Transcaucasian Region. (PLAGUE) (CARBOHYDRATE RETABOLIS',I) (TCUNS AND AIMaOXIINS) &1ATINOV, A.G.; KHARIKOVA, N.M. Species differences in carbohydrate and ascorbic acid metabolism disorders in roderzts with plague intoxication. Biul, eksp. biol. i med. 51 no-5:63-67 My 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Iz laboratorii patofiziologii (zav. - prof. A.G.Kratinov) Nauchno- iosledovatellskogo protivochumnogo Instituta Kavkaza i Zakavkazlya (dir. - V.N.Ter-Vartanov), Stayropoll. Predstavlena, deystviteiinym chlenom Al-21 SSSR N.11.Zhukovym-Verez.-Mikovym. (CARBOMDRATE METABOLD314) (ASCORBIC ACID) (PLAGUE) KUTINDVp A.G.; KHWXOVA, N.M. New data on the reactivity of the body to hiatarAne in plague intoxication. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i immun. 32 no.9:135-236 3 161. (I'LL-1 15:2) 1. Iz Nauchno-isoledovateliskogo i protivichumnogo instituta Kavkaza i Zakavkazlya. (HISTAMINE) (PLAGUE) KRATIVIOVY A.G.; KIMIKOVA, N.M. Glycemic roaotions to adronalinc) insulin and histamino in plague intoxication. Vop. med. khim. 7 no.3:277-285 NY-Je 161. (11-IM 150) 1. Laboratory for Pathophysiology of tho "Inti-Plaguo, Institute of the Caueasus -and Transcaucasus, (PLAGUE) (BLUD ISU-CPa) (ADREI;.hLII-r') (11131jull) Y if ~ 11 1 YOVA I R. 11. HAPIYOVA, V. I,'.: "Unconditioned necr~,,thn of thm snllvnry 1r n nre-school children In various tpolop.1cill orj,~j,.tntloim of higher nervow activity and i.n varlous functionnl st-t~!~-, of the cearebral herisnhtrns. Init -,f llifter "arvous Activity, Acad 3C.1 USSR. Yoncow, 1956 ( Dissertation for the Begren of Candidate in ll'edlc;-,2 Sciencer,) SO: Ynizhnnya letools' No 1", -1956 KHARIKOVA, R.M., kand. mod. nauk Unlimited and dosed artificial feeding of children in a nursery during their first year of life* Pediatriia 42 no.6:20-24 Je'63 (MIRA 17:1) 1. 1z otdela fiziologii ( rikovoditell - kand. med. nauk V.G. Kielyakovskaya) Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo pc,diatrichoskogo instituta ( dlr. - kand. mod. nauk V.P. Spirina) Ministerstva zdravookh-raneniya RSFSR. KULITEPIWA, O.S.,, JUMIKOYA, R.M. Punction of the cardiovascular system In preschool children [with summAry In Nnglish]. Pedintriia 36 no.6:32-36..To '58 (MIRA llt6) 1. Is otdela fiziologii (zav. - doktor med.nnuk N.Ye. Oxeretskovskaya) Nauchno-iseledovatellakogo inatitutn pediatrii Miniaterstva sdrava- okhrnneniya. RSFSR (dir. - V.K. KnrAchevtseva), (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM. physiql. in child. of Dreschool age (Rua)) RYSKIVA, Ye.B., nauk;.KHARIKOVA, R.M.,; SHULYATIYEVA, Ye:V, Use of fuits and vegetables In the nutrition of infants during the firs six months of lifo. Pediatriia 39 no.3:63-67 Hr 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Iz Nauchno-isaledovatellskogo pediatricheskogo instituta (dir. - doktor med.nauk A.P. Chernikova) I TSentrallnogo dcma rebenka (dir. Ye.B. Shulyatlyeva) Moskvy. (FRUIT) (VEGETABLES) (WANTS-LUTRITION) VORONTSOV. A.G., red.; ZIMMELRY, L.F., red.; PANTNISPNI, P.G., red.; SIMUTOV, V.I., red.; BFJ=JMOV, K.S., red.; TETERINA, Ye.G., red.; FEDGROV, A.H.. red.; KHARIKOVA. Ye I - red.; SHUTOVA, O.L. red.; VCRONTSOVA. Z.Z.. teFER-.i-eT.' (Economy of the Udmurt A.S.S.R.; a St8tiStiC81 M3nuBll Narodnoe khoziaistvo Udmurskoi ASSRI statiaticheakiy sbornik. Izhevsk. 1957. 135 P. (HIRA 11:3) 1. Udmurt A.S.S.R. Statieticheskoye upravleniye. 2. llachallnik. Statiatichackogo Upravleniya Udmurskoy ASSR (for Vorontsov) (Udmurt A.S.S.R.-Statistics) Oil# n n ri fu,-,,,, ,Ijr.3 Iii,i(I i~tf ;,J,i 14 no.2:5--7 F 165. (MITIA. 16t6.) HAPYOVER, M.Z'.; DESYATKOVA, N.A.; RARKO=1Y, V.F.; MTTROPOL'SKAYA, N.A.; GANOPOL'SKAYA, T.A. Chemical-apectral determination of microgram impurities of man- gaziose, nickel, cobalt, and copper in lanthanum oxide. Zhure anal. kh1m. 21 no. 1294-97 166 (MIRA 19:1) 1. Urallskiy gos"daretvennyy univernitet iment Gortkogo, Sverdlovsk. BARKOVSKIY, V.F.; KHARKOVER, M.Z. Protonation and acid dissociation of 8-mercaptoquinoline in aqueous solutions. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no-4-837-839 D 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Urallskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A.M. Gorlkogo. Predstayleno akademikom M.I. Yabachnikom. 'P-35837-66----E7dr(mVr"Y,T,(t)/LTI IJF(c) J D /~rrl ACCNR' AP6ol63O1 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0075/66/021/001/0094/0097 AUTHOR: Kborkover, M. Z.; Desystkova, 11. A.; Barkovskiy, V. F,,,, Mitropollskayn-2- -N. A.; Usnopo-lr-skeyo, T. A. -? I ORG: Ural State University,im. A. Mo Gorky, Sverdlov3k (Urol'skly L4 gosuderstvennyy universitez) TITLE: Chemical and speotrographic determination of micro impurities of mangenes-e nickel, cobalt, and qjo)por in lanthanum oxide -217 SOURCE: '17 1 %ZalitiLskoy khl " V. 21, no. 1. 1966, 94-97 Zburns mi, TOPIC TAGS: manganese, cobalt, copper, nickel, lanthenum compound, quantitative analysis , mer-ji- f-;c,,Cl-r 1P ABSTRACT: The article describes the use of 8-mercaptoquinoline (thiooxine) for concentrating micro impurities of manganeseo nickelp cobalt, and copper from lenthenum oxide. There is a detolled description of the starting materials and reagents used and their purification. This is followed by a discussion of the completeness of the extraction of manganese, nickel, cobalt$ and copper, The optimum amount of the reagent (tbiooxine) was found to be 200-fold; at this smount, 15 minutes was sufficient for relatively complete formation of Card I UDC: 543, L 35837-66 ACC N1- AP6016301 thiooxines, This is followed by a discussion of the concentration of the solutions end of the spectrogrephic determinations. Experimental results are shown in tabular form. Orig. art. has: 4 tables, SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE-6 30Dec6L/ ORIG REF: 004 Card 2 MOSKCVSKI ) St.; IIEDIALYOVI, , SI. ; TENCEOVY Al.; SHOPOV) VI.; IAITV, SI. Stratigraphic and lithologic studies on the nuc2eus and a part of the mantle of the Mikhaylovgrad anticline between Chuprenska and 1111kovska Bara Rivers, Northwestern ;ulgaria. Trudove vurk,iu geol Btrat 5:29-b'I 163. ydjA.,rL,~ VSIV,., ki.; i'L.PiUKCHL-NA, V. 1 .0 .APIs PUIG Granite in the core of the i-iikhailoverad anticline. 11 geol druzh 25 no.2:129-135 '64. 1. Administration of Geologic Research. KHARIKOVUKIT, Nikolay Dmi triyevich~.~~GL%AY"&ua r!~ _Iva novna; TGaRIKOV, V., red.; VOR01MOVA, Ye., [Holiday of the New Tear's tree] Prazdnik novogodnei elki. Penza, PenzenBkoe knizhnoe, izd-vo, 1959. 110 p. (MIRA 14:2) (Christmas decorations) USSR/General Problems of Pathology - Comperativo Oncology U-1 Abs Jour i Ref Zhur 4 Biol.p N64 18o 1958, 84936 Author Popov, S. N., Grozdovn, A. T., Eharlkovskaya, V,P. InSt Title The Problem of Multiple Primary Cancers of the Stomach Orig Pub Vesta. Rentgenol. i Radicl... 1957, No. 41 79-80 Abstract Two cases of multiple primary carcinoma of the stomach were seen in patients 51 and 55 years of age. Each patient had three tumors.. whereas only two could be demonstrated radiologically, the third being discovered at operation. In the first patient all three tumors were of distinct histological structure - a solid carci- noma., a poorly~-differentiated adenocarcinoma, and typi- cal small-celled carcinoma. In the second patienti, all the tumors had the structure of adenceareinmna with foci of aquamous cell carcinoma. Emphasis is given to the difficulty of X-ray diagnosis of multiple carcinoma) Card 1/2 as the result of the superposition of shndows of tumors KHARKOVSKAYA, Te.H. Psychoprophylactic method in painless labor. Yelldsher & akush. no.9: 55-56 Sept 1953. (GLML 25:4) 1. Based on the materials of Muxrlkov Second Katernity Rome. 5W SOV/20-127-1-39/65 ALTTHORSS Khartkovskaya, Yee 11,p Boreakovg 0, Kip Corresponding Member -A-S--U1MF,---S1-infkot Me G# TITLEt The Kinetics of Interaction Batween Hydrogen and Oxygen on Platinum (Kinetika reaktaii vasimodoy5tviya vodoroda a kislorodom na platine) PDRIODICALi Doklady Akademii nauk SSURl 1959o Vol Mo Nr 1jpP 145-140 (USSR) ABSTFACTs The measuring roaiLlte hitherto supplied by publications concerning the interaction mentioned In the title are contra. diotory (Refs 1-5), Experiments were made within too narrow concentration ranges or under conditions that did not allow accurate meaeuxements, The mentioned interaction was therefore carried out at temperatures of from 20 to 1800t pressure of from 50 to 750 torr and different compositions of the roaotion mixtures in a circulation system, Invostigatione wore made on hydrogenj nitrogen-hydrogen mixturce, nitrogen-oxygen mixturea and oxygen# Flatifium was used in the form of 0 1 mm gauge wire. The circulation rate varied between 400 and 11;0 1/h. The Card 1/ reaction rate proved to be independent of the circulation rate 4 and of the nitrogen partial preseural it depended only on the The Kinetics of Interaction Between Fydrogen BOV120-127-1-39165 and Oxygen on Platinum partial pressure of hydrogen and oxy(ren, YiSe 1.3 show the miaauriing results for the different concentrations and temperatures as well as the influence of the pre-treatment of platinum with hydrogen at increased temperatures, figure 4 the dependence of the reaction rate an the H 2- and 02 concentration at 1000. Experimental data are indicative of a complicated catalytic processe In mixtures with hydrogen excess, the reaction of the first order (referred to 02) and its being little dependant on the pressure of H, I permit the conolunion to be drawn that here the interaction between chemically sorbed atomic hydrogen, which covers the platinum surface, and molecular oxygen, forms the limitinS stage, The oxygen reaction is made eaeier by interaction with the d-eleotrons of the catalyst (adaorption type 0 according to Dowden, Ref 11). If the oxygen iv not altogether removed from the platinum surface# O-atomv remain adsorbed to the surface by means of the d-olectrons of the metal (type B), and the activity of platinum Card 2/4 drops. When passing over to stoichiometrio R2-0,-mixtures, The Kinetics of Interaction Between Hydrogen SOV/20-.127-1-39/65 and Oxygen on Platinum the platinum surface is freed from hydrogen, and a chemical sorption of the oxygen with dissociation into atoms is made possible. (Type A). In this range the reaction proceeds by interaction of the atomically adsorbed oxygen with H 2; this requires less activating ener,-y, and causes an increased reaction rate. In the case of oxygen excess, two stationary conditions are possible, which differ by the reaction rate and dependence on concentration of the components. 11he readily occurring reaction is likely to be related with a chain process, in which high-energy endothermal product3 participate, which are regenerated in the course of reaction. On lowering the temperature and temporarily evacuating the system, these unstable products vanish, and there only remains a relatively tightly platinum-adsorbed oxygen which reacts with hydrogen 3lowly and with increased energy demand. The decreased Card 3/4 The Kinetics of Interaction Betireen Hydrogen Solt/20-127-1-39/65 and Oxygen on Platinum reaction rate at increased oxygen pressure is probably due to a partial blocking of the platinum surface by tightly adsorbed oxygen, There are 4 figures and 11 references, 0 of which are Soviet, ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-isoledovatellskiy fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ta. Karpova (Scientific Research Institute of Physical Chemistry imeni L. Ya. Karpov) SUBMITTED: March 30, 1959 Card 4/4 ZELIVENSKIT. Ta.D.; KHLRIKOVSUYA, Te.M, Fine purification of gas involving the removal of carbon dioxide by absorption at a low temperature. Khimoprome no.4:293-30'2 Je 160- (MM 13:8) (Gas purification) (Carbon dioxide) MiAR'KCVSKIY. A. Venice in the Arctic regionse. Znan,-sila.38 no.6:4-5 Je 163. (MIRA l6t8) (Arctic regions-Cities and towns) ABDULIN, A.; ALEKSEYEV, I.; BANTLE, 0.; BOBROV, L.; BOZWOV, B.; BOYKO, V.; BONDAREV, K.; BORZOV, V.; VERKBOVSKlY, N.; GUBAREV, V.; GUSHCHEV, S.; DEBABOV, V.; DIKS, R.; DMITRIYEV, A.; ZHIGAREV, A.; ZELIDOVICH, Ya.1 ZUBKOV, B.; IRININ, A.; IORDANSKIY, A.; KITAYGORODSKIY, P.; KLYUYF,'V, Ye.: KLYACHKO, V.; MOVALEVSKIY, V.; KNORRE, Ye.1 KONSTANTINOVSKIY, M.; LADIN, V.; LITVIN-SFDOT, M.; MALEVANCHIK, B.; MANICHEV, G.; MEDVEDEV, Yu.; HFLINIKOV, I.; MUSLIN, Ye.1 NATARIUS Ya.; NEYFAKH, A.; NIKOLAYEV, G.; NOVOMEYSKIY, A.; OLISTIANSKIY, N.; OSIMIN, S.; PODOLINYY, R.; RAKHMANOV, N.; REPIN. L.; RESHETIOV, Yu.; RYBCHINSKIY, Yu.; SVOREN', R.; SIFOROV, V.; SOKOLISKIY, A.; SPITSYN, V.; TEREKHOV, V.; TEPLOV, L.; KHARIKOVSKIY, A.; CHERNYAYEV, I.; SHAROLI, L.; SHIBANOV, A.; SHIBNEV, V.; SHUYKIN, N.; SHCRUKIN, 0.; ELISHANSKIY, I.; YUR'YEV, A.; IVANOV, N.; LIVANOV, A.; FEDGHENK0, V.; DANIN, D... red. [Eureka] Evrika. Moskva, Molodaia gvardila, 1964. 278 p. (MIRA 18-3) ,"T -A.S., itizh.-stroitall KOHABUI, Sh.L., inzh.-stroitall ; KH.WK2LU -V~ -- Under the same roof ... Hauka i zhiznl 27 no.8:65 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Factories-Design and construction) OVSYUK, G.S., TIMCHMO, A-F-, XHAR'KOVSKIYI I.G.. more on steel deoxidation b7 aluminum. Lit. proizv. no.6:47-48 is 16o. (steel--Metallurgy) (Aluminum) (MIRA 13:8) AFON Iff K.B.; BURTSEV, K.I.; BYSTROV, s.u.; vnIF.TS, G.B.; VCDZP,V, G.G.; VORONIN, A.B.; GBVLICTI, A.S.; GRYAZNOV, U.S.; GUDIM, A.F.; GUSYATINSKIY, N.A.; DVORIN, S.S.,- DIDIWKO, V.Ye.; DMITRIYEV, 14.14.; DOUDE, M.M.; DCROGOBID, G.M.; ZHDAHOV, G.I.; ZAGCRULIKO, A.I.; ZFMP,'-,SKIY, A.G.; IVASHCHMTKO, U.N.: KAFTAN, S.I., KVASHA, A.S., KIWFIV, A.D.; KLISHEVSrIT, G.S.; KOZYRHY, V.P.; KOLOBOV, V.N.; WAIN, K.J.; 1AYTHS, V.A.; LERM, B.Z.; LOBCDAf' N.S.; LUBIMS. I.A.; MANDRYrDi, I.I.; MUSTAFIN, P.A.; NntIROVSKIT, II.Kh.; ITUNDOV, V.A.; OMMOVSKIY, Ta.M.; PKW.'SW, M.A.; PETROV, I.D.; PODOR02HAIISKIY, M.O.; POPOV, A.P.; RAK, A.I.; IWVYAKIN, A.A.; RCZHKOT, A.P.; ROMGAUZ, D.A.; SAZCKOV, S.A.; SIGALOV, M.B.-, STOMAKHIN, Ta.B.; TARASOV, S.A.; FILIPPOV, B.S.; FRIDMAN, N.K.; FRISHBMG, V.D 3KAXwftLa.; XHCLOPTSXV, V.P.; TSARRV, M.N.; TSOGLrN, M'Z.; C~~' CHER~O-K-,""V.T.; SHMOV, A.K. Samuil B*rinovich By--o.Koks i '56. (HLRA 9:10) (Banme, Samill Berisevich, 1910-1956) KIDIRIKOVSKIY, M. (Kharkivolkyi, 14.] Hmo made universal work bench. Znan, ta Pratsia nc. 1;10' Ja 161. WIRA 14; 4) (Carpentry-Tools) USSR / Diseases of Farm Animals. Diseases Caused by R Bacteria and Fungi. Abs lour: Ref Zhur-Biol-, No 5, 1956, 35828. Author : Kharlkovskiy, No Inst ;Ministry oy grT6-ulture, Kirgiz SSR* Title :Colibacillosis and Paratyphoid in Calves;'flays and Ideans of Combatting Them. Orig Pub: Mo-vo so kh, KirSSR, Frunze, 1957, 36 str. ill. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 16 NitKIJ2-vichl IWR'KOVSKATA. Tomqrs Ivanovna; j_ TSARIKOV. V.. red.; VC[RONKOVA, Ye., [Holiday of the New Year's tree] Prazdni), novogodnei elki. Penza, PeazenBkoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1959. 110 p. (Christmas decorations) (MIRA 14:2) KHA'RIKOVSKIYO N.N. (Moskva) Diagnostic value of laparoseopy. Klins med, 41 no.7t7l-76 J1163 (MIRA 16:12) 1. 1z kafedry gosputallnoy terapii (zav. - deystvitelln7y chlen P14N SSSR prof. A.L.Myasnikov) I Moskovskogo ordena Ienlra medi- tsinskogo instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova. KRARIKOVSKIY, N.N.; AUMIGITMI.. G.N. lapargaeopi-, cholecystocholangiigraphy. Eksper. kh-l-,-. i aneat. no.lt57-61 165. (MIRA 18-11) 1. Go3pitallnaya toraperticheiskaya klinika (7av. - driyntviolInyy ohlen AIM 035R Prof. k.L. Myrianikov) i l-qsledovatollukap.t laboratoriya (zav. - kRnd. a.-A. mlilk A.S. Checbtilin) I Moukovskogo oi-dona Lenina medl k.5 Insk. (,g,) inotjtuta imani I.M. Sechonova. LATUS, A*M,; KRARIKOVSKIT, P.P. ---- , Chill mold machine. Lit.proizv. no.2:9-10 F 156.(MW 9:6) (Molding machines) Submitted : No date KHARKOVSKIT. S.1. [Kharkivstkyi, S.K.3 Secure pr-)ductive utilization of collective farm mchinory. Makh. sill hos. 9 no.4:5 Ap 15-9. (MM 11-5) l.GolovniT inzhener Barishivslkoi mashinno-traktornoi stantaii Kilvalkoi oblaoti, (Kiev Province--Agricultural machinery) KHARIKOVSKIY, 3#*Te., referent. r", Slurry pamp (from "Iron and Steel," Dec. 1956). Raviawed b7 S.A. Khnrlkovskii, Koko I khim. no.1:62 158. (MIRA 11:2) 1, Giprokoke, (Pumping machinery) KHARIKOVSKIY, S.Te., referent. ".. ".. I ;:,. 1,; -- .' Inproved belt conveyer idler with rollers on a curved bar (fro= "Gae World," no.3732 1956; "Iron And Goal," 4 no.633 1957). XOke i khim. no.lt62 158. (MIRA 11:21 1. Giprokoke. (Conveying machinery) GUIROP II.Ye.; JOIARIKOVSKIY, S.Ye. Design of fo-andation slabe for centrifugal pumpg. KokB i khIm. no.9:57 t62* (MMA 16tlO) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektirovaniyu predpriyatiy kokookhimicheakoy prorWshlennosti. (Pumping machiner-f-Foundations) KHARIKOVSKIY, S.Ye., referent. Storage of coal In Britain (from *Coke and Gas, "No.211. 1956). Koko I khim. no.12:53 158. (MIRA 11:12) (Great Britain-,Goal-Storage) GLUSKIR, L.I.. inzh.; KHARIKOVSKIY, V.Ya-. inzh. Automatically controlled equipment for water food by gravity to percussive cable drilling nachines. Gor.xhur. no.9:73-74 S 16o. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Karakubskoye rudoupravlaniye, Stalinakaya oblast'. (BOrID9 Machinery) (Automatic control) KYAZIMOV, A.A.; KHALDEY, Z.V.j KHARIKOVMlY, Yu.1. Colorimetric method for determining furfurole In the products and waste water of the selective purification of' oils. Xhim.i tekh. topl.i. masel 8 no.11t61-64 N 163. (MIRA 16t12) ,~ ,: KYA7,IY,OV, A.A.; KHALDEY, Z.V.; KHARIKOVSKIY, Yu.I.; YURIN, MI-1. Determination of the quality of raffinate at the output from an extraction column on oil selective purification unito using furfural. Khim.i takh.topl. i masel 10 no.1:24-26 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Bakinokiy zavod im. XXII s"yezda Kommunisticheskoy partil, Sovetskogo Soyuza i Nauchno-~ssledcvatellskiy i proyektnyy institut po kompleksnoy avtomatizatsii proi-vodstvennykh protsessov v neftyanoy i khimicheskoy proUshlennosti. XUROKOTTSIT, G.N., redaktor; BIMMR, O.G., takhnicheekly redaktor [Whilesale price list for standard grade steellPreisimrant optovkh tsea na, stall obyknoyannogo kachestva. Koekva, Goo. nauchno-takhn. izd.-Yo lit-ry po chernai i t6vatnot matallurgit, 1950, 375 P- [Mi,)rofilml (KLRA 7:10) 1. Iussia, (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo metallurgicheskoy pro- mysl2lennosti (Steel--Prices) KHARIKOVTSEV, G.N. System of payment for metals Including free delivery F.O.B. at point of destination). Stall 15 no.2:168-172 7 155. (Min 8:5) 1. Ministerstvo chernor metallurgil SSSR. (Metals--Transportation-Rates) (Shipment of goods) K '/_ . 213 --------- PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION AUTHOR: See table of contents Manual of Government Standards and 7~chnical Specifications for Ferrous Metals (Spravochnik po gosudarstviennym standartam i tekbnicbeskim usloviyam na cbernyye metally) PUB. DATA: Gosudarstvemoye nauchno-teklmicheskoye izdatel'stvo literatury p0 chernoy i tsvetnoy metallurgii, Moscow, 1956, 567 pp-, 14,500 copies. ORIG. AGENCY: Miristerstvo chernoy metallurgii SSM EDMRS: Matytwhina, N. V.; Gorliyenko, V. K.; Editor of Publishing House: Rozentsveyg, Ya. D.; Tbeh. Editor: Berlov, A. P. FUIRPOSE: This manual was compiled for design engineers, technologists, economists and supply specialists to be used as an aid in selecting and ordering ferrous metals: foundry iron, conversion pig, ferroalloys and steel bars, Card 1130 sheet, shapes, and wire. 113 .Manual of Government ftuxlards end 11hchnical Specifications for Ferrous Metals (Cont.) COVERAGE: This book contains data On the most videly-used structural shapes, listing the basic requirements for production and supply (chemical composition mechaniCal Properties, external characteristics, marking, and packing5 as determined by the standards and technical specifications established as of October 1, 1956. The mawaal deals with general- purpose types, shapes, and grades used by the majority of consumers, and with special-purpose types used by a large number of consumers. It does not list steel types, shapes, and grades having a narrow appli- cation in farm-machinery construction, transportation-machinery . construction, in tractors automobile, and aircraft production, in the electrical industry, etc., or data on steels for metallurgical con- version (billets, rolling stock, scalps for Pipes, draw-bench tubes, cylinder tubing, etc.). Shapes and sizes which were not in production by October 1, 1956, are listed separately. Card 2/ 30 113 Manual of Government Standards and Tbehnical. Specifications for Ferrvus MetalEj (Cont. 3- Conversion pig iron Coke pig (GOST 805-49) Charcoal pig (GOST 4831-49) 4. Blast-furnace ferroalloYs Spiegel (GOST 5164-49) Blast-furnace ferrosilicon. (GOST 5163-49) Blast-furnace ferromanguese (Goor 5165-49) Mast-furnace ferropbosphorus (chm 3o74-52) Blast-fwaace ferromanganophoErphorus (ChM 3135-52) 5. General Specification requirements for pig iron and blast-furnace ferroalloys 6. Electric-furnace ferroalloys, pyrometallurgical ferroalloys, and alloying metals 7. General specifications for electric-fum3ace and pyrometallurgical Card 4/30 ferroalloys and alloying metals Manual of Government Standards and Technical Specifications 113 'Metals (Cont.) for FL-rrous Classification and Chemical Composition 27 Part II. Ordinary and High-qmlity Steel (A. s. Kap V. S. Slavkin, Ye. A. Yavnilovich) lan, G. N.,Kharkovtsev, I. Assortment: A. Barsp Strips, Bands and Angles 1. Rounds 40 ordinary and high-qmlitY rounds (GOST 25go-51) 42 Rounds for coiled springs (GOST 7419-55) 42 ROUnds for tools (GOST 1133-41) Rounds for high 42 -speed cutting tools (GOST 5650-51) 43 ROunds for files (GOST 5210-50) Rounds for permanent magnets (r 44 GOST 6W2-541) Card 5/30 44 20 20 22 23 23 25 23 2-3 23 24 26 26 9 U, I i0 R . TITLED L ty FERIODICAIT IV c,, c u r f'o r 10 C~. t3 the al J d u t l" j i C,3 rd L E':('Ir.,:~~q'y un(j pf, a rd I_4 I p j an. MU I 1 j 0. DIn !-~e ns J' y V na ,ja arc - -11-101iCMY -Irld Or.-TaniZation of Productlott. 78192 M:Ui,. F,,,,~Ants oV Foiination ot' Wholesale Price.) SOV/13-3 -6o-3 --17,/211 fov Iron and Steel Products (In Order ot' Discuz,31on) Serova); GrouP 5--no--w cnterPVises: Cherenovetz P.1,ant Cherepovetokly zavod) and Or.,3k-Khalilovo Combine Orsko-Klialilovskiy kombinat). Thu3, evaluation or ~ production co3tg, earning capacLty, anO the net valu,-:~ ot' each plant would be made on a regional I)a,.;i.-,, presenting a more realistic picture of the 3oviet national economy. There are 7 tableo. Cai,d 3/3 KHLRIKOVTSEV, G.N.; MAKAROV, L.P. F,oeeibilitiee for the utilization of blast furnace slags. Stall 22 n0-4:376-378 Ap 162. (IOU 15:5) 1. TSentrallnyy naudmo-issledovateliskiy institut churnoy metallurgiie (Elast furnaces) (&:ag) KIIARIKOVTSEV, G.N.- YET/5-11,1YANOVA, EA. p Regional differentiation in wholesale pricin for fmrrous metals. Sbor.trud.Otd. tekh.--i~kon, isil. TSIMCHIM no. L129-136 163. (MTRA 1716) It: - .. ~" KHARIMAITMV, G.N., MAKAROV, L.P. F Erriolont way of AstabIlohing wholflar.10 prl(,Mn for, blAit Nrnace islAag. Sbor.trtid.Otd. tekh.-ekon. isol. TS?IllCifM no. li 151-159 163. OYURA l7s6) FHARlKOVrSEV,, G.N. Principled and results of the revision of wholesale prices for ferrous metala. Stall 24 no.lOs931-935 0 164. (MIPA I'll-A.2) I il~i~~i.."~.".Ilill:,~"L"~i*~l.-L.Ll, I, "-')i)KC) I, U I/ Ili , : ~ i , F. c ~) n c; m--(-. efflclen,:~y in thr; prAwtJort ,," !,,,-'f ': 9~ 7) ;, 4 nrr~!"; a rd hief,,& trensth rel n t, ~; tc-m, 1 ." D) T- . t rud . no.45:125-136 165. 01--~:,, KHOM, 1). TV, inzbener Wintertime construction of concrete bridges without use of housing. Avt.dor. 18 uo.2.-20-22 Xr-Ap '55. (VJRA 8:6) (Bridges. Concrste~, (Concrete construction--Cold weather M nditions) IKkRIMpD.Yu.q inshener I - Dynamic iction of automobiles on road surfaces. Avt.dor.18 no.4: 17-18 Jl-Ag'55. (Pavements) (KERA 8:11) XHLRLAJ3, D-Yu., inzhener. %a* i ____ Using vibration pouring tubes in submarine concreting. Bet.i zhel. -bet. no.10:373-374 0 '56. (KLRA 9:11) (Concrete construction) (Vibrators) EHARLAB, D.Yu., inzh. Accelerating the hardening of concrete. Avt.dor. 20 no.819-10 Ag 157* (Concrete-Tooting) (MIRA 12:4) R-OsAWener. CAlculating tall pile f7ratinge. Avt. dor. 20 no.5:19 My 'V. ; felvil engineering)) (mTut 10:8) (PIlIr4 % 5/048/651/027/003/025/025 Twc types of proportional counter tu b e r e ti s 1. e 11 t yp f? 1 r, i t h 7, 7 nd ow in the side, and tj-pe 2 Ti i t r * o t 2 e w i n, 4 c, T, s ,1 3 r e m --i ~ e Ai 1 1 2 t` C 7~. 1y, 1 instruments -rere filled w,,tr, ezLi,,~r o~ T y z)r mez.~,n, ase 10 isopentane was ud,ilu' a s -_c an3le I In ~~Very C f:.'-~-iments in ty-pe 2 were, fixed straight to t,.,e 3,up:~.r,. ir~ Dr~er -60 r~j~~;ce th.- ical snace and the action of boundarv effects on the amplitude re- n of' the counter. The f ill ing i !3 a k-Ify') ~ )F.- 1 a t a Drestiure of 0. 400 mm Ha. The electronic countln~--, 'Ievi,:e izz -na,le -,ip of a Card 1/3 I 10 2 C' 2 c B1 00/WU An attemDt '.o use pre-amz)l if i(~r and a standard (Ul (SSD) d if:2actometer counter unit. ?ne 3tribut ion for characteris t K unJer variojs condi-~ions ;sini- a n . The mean pulse nel[jit vas found to ki upt 'I t.I-'e Quan,'.Um 3-U .On -V tle exciting radiation. Th e -r, a J- n c e -2 c -,c, y re -'ns--:u-.Tients de7)end3 an, the enerF-y '-e ip- c ar-3 ed tv a S e a r e f-r -e e e c sorts Of t y,,)e 1 tij~e. I :beak f r Dm s4~1.ver on-&ards. In krypton, the 'K s-!~.C'ra D I e z e n t S D n Fn E r- free of irreg-ulariti-es, 'bu t -F r o r- r Z'. n w a r d E3 The 4en1--:,-. -i,s6 I? C 3.1 Z 3 . 3/048/65/027/005/025/025 Bio6/B256 An attempt to use ... on the load resistance; the dependence of the resolution on the working e . the ~aa amplif ication factor, and o% tne r~,s lc'.anc,~ ro- oi in -1ract i ca I I y iadepend en of Fe Whor tll 1 f3 r Y~)e C0,11 P:3 colint,?rs does not chanloo 3,)er ion. he i; ,,ard FARONPI, VJ1,,; P"TIN, Yu.P.; B.I.; IVATA', F7*LrL'?'AN, FT~Art_lp, I.A.; KHARUS011, II.A.; 'SHEL-KcIll, Ci-ystalleis X-ray spectrometer with stabilization or tlne positior. of the ~Lmplitude of tho spectrim of h prcportion~d ccunter, Zav. Ir b. 30 no.4:498-5,00 164. (MIRA 17:~,) 1,. Nonstruktcrskoye byuro 'ITSvetmetavtomatika". VASMIMMY, A.I. [Vasiutynstkyi, A.I.1; KHARLAMB, A.B., student F.efractometric analysis of aneBthesino ointmont. Farmataev. zhur. 1.5 no.D25-27 160. (RNA 14: 5) 1. Kafedra farmatsevticheskoy khimii Zaporozhskogo farmatseytiche- vkogo inatituta. (BENZCCAINE) (REFRACTOZIETRY) KHAFtIAMKO,.V.I,; GUBINI T.Ts. Ejection of petroleums and patrols= products from pipalinas with piston pumps, Izv, vys. uoheb. zav.t neft' i at 7 no.1107-81 164, IMIRA 18111) 1. Uflmskiy neftyanoy institut, P . . 1~ YABLONSKlY. V.S. [deceased]; KHARLA.-'-;'AO, V.I.: GALLYAJI,'OV. A.K., EO:il'--A"~--.,-" P. P. Tenstretric pressure measurement in f ~014~1 of and F.-A l.j fying petroleums and pe-trolfum ~m rp A 1. Ufjmkty neftyaroy institut. KHARLAMENKO, V.I.; YABLONSKIY2 V-S- [deceased) Determination of the critical Reynolds number when highly vis- couS petroleum products are substituted. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neftf i gaz 6 no.10:71-76 163. (HIRA 17:3) 1. Ufimskiy neftyanoy institute KIIARLOONKO, V.1., CMIN, V.yo. For-c-Ing, a Wghly viszou3 lJquid from sh,~rt and long plpol!rjr-s. /r. u,-hr,r). zav.,- nofl~' ' gliz 7 no.~:87-94 '64 . T z .. . v- - - (WRA 17:6) 1. Viiuikiy neftyanoy Inatitut. i jo 1..: l r! in :1 OL KHARLAMENKO, V. I.; SADAYEV, H. G.; RUDNEV, V. P. Usirg an ejector in pumping stations for pumping out leakage. Trarsp i khran nefti no. 11:11-13 163 (MIRA 17:5) 1. Ufimskiy neftyanoy institut. KHARLAMENKOf V.I.; YABLONSKIYt V.S. Propulsion of petroleum and petroleum products through pipes in laminar flow. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 5 no.6t?1-84 162. (NM 1615) 1. Ufimakiy neftyanoy institut. (Petroleum pipelines-Fluid dynamics) YABI,jlIlF)r.-Y, V.-I. [deve-ased] Disp'-scomrmt of petroleums aria 1:-rtrollcun '-ri pilpe] lnc~a under laminar-flow c-onditicno. lzlr.,,-ys. ucheb. ztvr.; neftl i I ,c?aZ. 45 no.4,5:71--r,8 '63 (111 TLA 17 ~, ) 1. UflnqkJy neftynnoy inst.ilu", YABLOITSKIY, V.S. (deceased]; KHARLAX2.*NKO, V.I.; GALLYW-:011, A.K.; BORODAVKINP P. P'. Tonsimetric pressure measiii-ement in i'lows of vi--Lour, and solidi- fying petroleums and petroleini products. Transp. i khran, nefti no.70-12 '63. MIRA 17:3) i.. Ufi7zkiy neftyanoy institut. KHARLARENKO YABLONSKIY X.S. (deceased] ~ I - ; P Experimental study of the displacement of high-viscosity petroleums and petroleum products In a laminar regime. Trudy NIITransnaft' no-3:142-147 164. OURA 18: 2) MIARLAMOV, A. Semisutomat for paokaging oil paint. Prom.koop. 13 no-3-*13 Mr '59- (min 12-4) 1. Glavnyy inzhener arteli *Vsevolozhakiy khimik," Leningrad. (Paint induatr7--Mquipment and supplies) KHA.RLMV, A. Rotary automatic press. Prom.koop. 14 no.9:14 S l6o. (MIRA 13-9) 1. Glavnyy iazhener arteli "Yeavoloshokiy khimik', g.Leningrad.. (Power presses) DIARLAXOV, A. A. Measurements in pulsed air flow. Prib. I takh. eksp. no.1:102-105 4-F.157- NLRA 10W l.'7i'i'he kiy faInd'tet Moskovskogo gosudaretvenogo universiteta im. K.Y. Lomonoeovao (Air flov--Measwement) (Pulse techniques (Blectronic)) SOV/1 Z4 - 58 - 10 -10978 Translation from: Referat;wnyy zhurnal, Mekh,snika, 1958, Nr 10, p ~9 (USSR) AUTHOR: Khdrlamov, A.,-A,,.-.. T IT LE: The Analog Simulaticri ef Acrodynainic. Effects on an Os6ll.Ating Wing in a P)aYie Air Flow (Moflelirrw-aniive aerodiramiche_sk'l~h Vozdey,st-.iy na koleblyu-shcheyesya krylo v ploskom potoke %ozdukha) PERIODICAL! V sb. - Mezh,,-uz. konierentsiva po primeneniyu model i rovan iva v elektrotekhn, zadachakh i matem, modelirovan;ya, Moscov- I q 1.; 7 p 179 ABSTRACT: Basic itiformation on the theory of aerodynamic effects on an c30.1 lating wing. The stationary and nonstationary theories. The paper describes electronic and electromechanical analog models of - 1h, e oscillation of a wing in a plane air flow which demonstrate the aerc dynamic effects in accordance with the above-mentioned theories. The results of an experimental model investigation of wing flutter and the relationship between the critical speed and frequency and changes in the param~eters are presented. The results corresponding to the stationary and nonstationary theories are compared. Card I/I Annotation KHARLAMOV, A.A, Modeling the aerodynamic effects on a vibrating airfoil in a plane stream. Nauch. dokl. vys. skol7; fiz.-mat. nauki no.1:149-154 '58. kMIRA 12-3) I.Moskovskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova. (Airfoils--Jglectromachanical analogies) kAsrodynamics) ANASTA-StIff. 7.F.; ARAKILOV, A.S.; BOBROV, A.L.; VIKHORRY, Tu.T.; VILIM, S.I.; GLUSHKO, I.K.; GOKUN, A.M.; PINIKOVSKIT. Ya.I.; PASHKOV. M.D.; RTABMA, G.K.; RHB=O, G.S.; 3MOV, Yedor Favlovich; SOSKIND, D.M.; SANSONOV, B.A.; SAWOV. A.B.; SUNCYMANOV, A.B.; --XHARLAM11T,-A.A.; TSARIKOV, B.H.; SHIYMN, D.L.; SMYNKAN. V.I.; ABAKUKUrSKIT, Dmitriy Dmitriyevich, red.toma; MATITSKAYA, K.P., vadusheldy red.1 TROFIHOV, A.Y.. (Petroloum equipment-in six volumes] Neftianoe oboradovanie; v shasti I;omakh. Moskva, Gos.nouchno-takhn.izd-vo noft. i gorno- toplivnoi lit-ry. Vol.4. 1959. 294 p. (MIRA 12:9) (Petroleum refineries-Equipment and supplies) S7RXLKOV, S.P.;..KHARIAMV, A.A. Studying the flutter of a wing with an ailerons Naucbtdoklo vyo.ohkolyl fix#-matmuki no,3ill6-125 159s (HIU 13:6) 1. Moskovskiy gosudaretyennyy universitet imeni M.Y.Lomonosove. (Airfollej BENDRIKOV. G-1-; KAASNUSHKIM, P.Te.; RZYKMMMO, N.M.: POUNKIN, Y.T.; KUSTEL', Te-R-; NZHMIN, K-S.; I-COOV, I.V.; KHARUMOV, A.A.; TIKHCNOV, Yu.Y.; STRIMOVA. L.P.; KAPTSOV, L.N.; WAMOTTCff,~- A.Te.; KFOXHLOV, R.V.; VORONIN. B.S.; BERESTOVSKIT, G.N.; KRASNO- FZTTSHV, TU.V.; KINAKOVA, I.I.; TASTREBTSEVA, T.H.; S3WWOV, A.A.; VINOGHADCVA, X.B.; KARPETIV, G.A.; DRACUT, L.A.; TROFIMOVA, N.B.; SIZOV. V.P.; RZRNV IN. S.N.; VZLIZHANINA. X.A.; NESTEROV, V.S.; SPIVAK. O.Y., red.; NOSTREVA, I.A., red.; GSORGITEVA, G.I., takhn. red. (Special physics procticum] Spetaiallnyi fizichookii praktikum. Moskva, Izd-vo Kosk.univ. Vol.l. (Radio physics and electronics] Radiofialke i elektronika. Soot. pod red. G.V.Spivaka. 1960* 600 p. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Profecoorsko-prepodavatallshy kollektiv fi2ichaokogo fakulltets Hookovskogo, universitets im. X.Y.Lomonosova (for all except Spivak# Nosyreva,, Georgiyeva). (Radio) (Electronics) BORODIN, Mikbail iCakeimovich; DUBOVSKOT, Ivan Aleksayevich; XPRUXOV, ,Jleksandr Redorovich; CHULITSKIT, Lev Dmitriyovich; BUXUROV, II.T., redaktor; 111KOIATIVA, I.I.. tedaktor izdatellstva; SHITS, T.P.. tekhnicheel;ly redaktor [Wages In forestry] Oplata truda v Msnom khoziaistve. Moskva, Gos- lesbumizdat, 1956. 127 P. NLRA 9.11) (Waj,leS) (Forests and forestry) s/o96/61/000/003/009/032 E194/E155 AUTHOR: Kharlamov, A.G,, Engineer TITLE -be ermina ion of the Thermal Conductivity of Ileat-Insulating Materials up to a Temperature of 2 000 OC 9 PERIODICAL: Teplacnergetika, 1961 No. 3, pp. 64-66 TEXT; Thernal conductivity tests on heat-insulating materials were made with the classic steady-state method using a central electrical heater in a cylindrical specimen with thermo- couples installed at appropriate radiuses. The equipment was surrounded by a water-cooled casing which could withstand vacuum or excess pressures up to 2 atm. Details of the experimental equipment and procedure are givens The tests were made on light. foam heat -insulating material of the following analysis- A1203 - 761,0; T102 - 0.6%; Fe203 - 10'i CaO - 0.30%; MgO - 0-2% remainder Si02- The majority of pores were of size up to I mm, but there were occasional pores of 3 to 5 mm. The porosity of the V/ specimens was about 75 to 80910 and their specific gravity was between 0.8 and 0.9 g/cm3. The test results are given in Fig~3- Card 1/3 s/o96/61/000/003/009/012 E194/u55 Determination of the Thermal Conductivity of Ilea(-Insulating Materials up to a remperature of 2 000 OC tile upper curve relates to samples of 0,9 g/cm3 and the lower to o.8 g/cm3. The discrepancies between tests carried out in argon and in air did not exceed the experimental error, which is about The effective coefficient of thermal conductivity for this heat-insulating material is practically constant over the temperature range 200 to 1500 OC and is equal to (0.38 �. 0.03) kcal/m.hour OC for specimens of dens-ity 0.8 g/cm3, and (0.45 t 0.04) kcal/m.hour OC for specimens of density 0.9 g/cm3. At temperatures above 1500 OC tile thermal conductivity rises sharply, probably because the material melts inside the specimen, No special tests were made on the strength of the insulation but radial cracks were observed after tile tests were completed, There are 3 figure.-3 and 6 references! 3 Soviet, 1 English and 2 translations from English into Russian. Card 2/3 S/o96/6i/000/003/009/0.12 E194/13155 Determination of the Thermal Conductivity of float-Insulating jMaterials up to a Temperature of 2 000 OC Fig-3 0,7 0-2+-4 99 2 1, z 000 600 800 7000 1 00 1400 1600 T 2 " - I - 46e zoo 400 600 801 11000 Pifc. :1. 3amcnstocn 3~1~el(Tnnoro f(03(,)q)11ItIICIITa TCII:!OriPo- BOAHO-Ml X,10 BucoxorjniHO3eMIlCToro rYeito.-:erxoBcca OT Teti- rlep3TYPU VM&XC_TeMrieP,1TYpa Ila ropwieftl CTOj1OIIC 06- PBMAII; At = t (RI) - I (R:) - -estricPaTN'PltI.JA nCPeIIaA 113 o6pa3ae). 1-y = 0,8 ticits. 2-y =0.9 .1ciAm. 3KCneP[1Me11Ta-%W1fAt T04KH P F1 2' OT110carce X Ifluelmillam H 903ayte. Card 3/3 T, 0-0731-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5020212 UR/0170/65/009/001/0048/0053 AUTHOR: Kharlamov, A. G. vA. TITLE: Thermal conductivity of pelletized ceramic, packings SOURCE: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v. ~,, no. 1, 1965, 48-53 FOPIC TAGS: ceramic material, packing material, heat conductivity, aluminum oxide, zirconium oxide, cast iron ABSTRACT: The thermal conductivity of the pelletized packings was measured by' the steady state method in a cylinder with external electric heating. The heating element was a tungsten rod with a diameter of 8 mm, surrounded by a thin wall ceramic tube. The coefficient of thermal conductivity was determined from the radial heat flux through the pelletized packing. The height of the cylindrical assembly was 270-290 mm and the outside diameter 35-40 mm. Temperature measurements were made with chromel/alumel, platinum/ platinum- rhodium, and tungsten/ iridium thermocouples. Materials tested were: pellets of oxide w4th a diameter of 1. 0- 3. 2 mm, a density of 2. 6- 3. 6 gram/ cm3, a bulk Card Cl 2 L 00731-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5020212 weight of 10-20 kn/tn3, and a porosity of 40-601,o; zirconium dioxide Pellets with a diameter of 1. 5 mm, density 4. 5, bulk weight 25 kn/m3, Porosity 4570; and cast iron pellets with a diameter of 1. 5-4 mm, bulk weight 50 kn/cm3, porosity 4016. Measurements of the thermal conductivity were made in vacuum, argon, air, and helium, at temperatures from 100 to 1600C. Results are given in tabular form. The following empirical formula -3. (5) X ~ 0,07 + 8,4 - Xo, + 0.4d where X is the the rmal conductivity coefficient of the pelletized packing, is the thermal cot.-ductivity of the gas at OC, t is the average temperature OC, and d is the diameter of the pellets, is said to be applicable for approximate calculation of the thermal conductivity coefficient for packings consisting of ceramic and me- tal pellets with a diameter of 1-4 mm, in various gaseous media and in vacuum, and in a temperature range of 0-1000 C. Orig. art. has: 5 fomi.ulas, 4 figures and 3 tables' ASSOCIATION: Institut atomnoi energii im. 1. V. Kurchatova g. Moskva (L V. Kurchatov Atomic Energy Institute, Moscow) SUBMITTED: 19Nov64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: MT NR REF SOV- 010 OTHER: 002 Card2 / 2 IMRIAMIOV, A.G., inzh. Apparatus for measuring the heat conductiTity (~+' n terialB under conditions of controlled compronsion loud. To loonergetika 9 no.1!91 Ja 1 62 W11RA 14t12) (Insulating materials-Testing) (Heat-Conduction)