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13 KHADZIII DIMI TROV prof.; KARAIVANOV, R. Piongers of modern stockbreading. Oriroda &ilg 13 no.4:77-82 Jl-Ag 164. Smolensk Inst. Microbiology and Epiderilology, (-1944-). "Experiment with adsorption and elution of the typhus exanthematicus virus." Zhur. Nikrobiol., Epidemiol., i Irrm:unobiol., No. 1-2, 1941+. MDZIl,jDII-.Qn a- D. - D. Inst. Epidemiology and Microbiologyp (-191#1*-). "To the "casulsticoll of the outbreaks of typhus abdominalis of aquatic origin," Zhur. llikrobiol., Epidemiol., i Imunobiol., No. 4-5, 1944. XI;AD'?,'.,iTDIM0VA, n., Go7wq F% "The Problems of Serum Digease in the Quarantine Ward in Sof '-a. n. 31". (ZDPAT,10 DELO) Vol. 6, no. 6, Dec. 195?, sofiya, Bulguria. SO: Monthly List of Eait European Acces3ions L.C. Vol. 2, No. 11, Nov. 1953, Uncl. KHADZHrDIMOVA, D., doktor po meditainakits naukl, doteent Present concepts of Infection and immunity.,Sofia 2 no.3:3-32 1953. 1. Kated-a po apidemiologiia I mikrobiologiia. Zav. katedrata: dots. D.Khadzhidimova, dolctor po maditainskite nauki. (IMNITY, concepts) NMTIC?I, concepts) KUMHIDIMOVA, D., doktor po meditainakite nauki, doteent Central nervous system in white mice.poisoned with snake venom., Sofia 2 no.3:33-50 1953. 1. ratedre, po spidemiologiia I mikrobiologtia. Zav. katedrata: D.Vaadzhidimova, doktor po meditsinskite nauki. (moms, snake venom pole. in white mioe, ONS In) (CZY7111UL-IMWOUS SYSTSM, in various diseases, exper. 3nake venom pois.) KHADZHIDIMOVA, D.. doktor po meditsinskite nauki. MO _10- I Interrelationship between agglutinin titer, done of specific anti- gen, and unspecific Irritation of the contrftl nervous system with caffeine., Sofia 2 no-3:51-73 1953. 1. Katedra po apidemiologiia I mikrobiologtia. Zav. katedrata; dots. D.Khad%hidimova. doktor po meditsinskite nauki. (CAmnm. effects. on immun. reactions in vaccinated animals, relation of agglut. titer & dose 'of specific antigen) (VACCIRES AND VACCINATION, off. of caffeine on im--nm. reaction in animals. relation of agglut. titer & dose of specific antigen) MiADZHIDIMOVA, D., doktor po maditainskite nauki, dotsent Role of the central vervous system in immunity; anamestic ag- glutionation reaction. Nauoh,tr.ISUL, Sofia 2 no.3:75-93 1953. 1. Katedra po spidemiologiia i mikrobiologila. Zav. katedrata: dots. D.Khadzhidimova, doktor po meditsinskite nauki. (VACCINES AND VACCINATION, off* Of caffeine in immun. responses) (CAITEINN, effects, on immun. responses in vaccinated animals) IWZHIDIMOVA. D., Ot dote.; KOICHKV; TIAGMMUKO, Iu. Effect of ultraviolet rays on the titer of typhoid H aggluttains., Sofia 2 no.3:95-114 1953. 1. Katedra po epidemiologiia I mikrobiologia. Zav. katedrata: dots. D.Khadzhidimova, doktor po meditsinskite nauki. Katodra po fizio- torapita I durortologita. 11auchel rukovoditell- dots. Kirchava, kandidat po meditsinsidto nauki. (ANTIGENS AITD ANTiBoDus, typhoid antigens, off. of ultraviolet irra4lation of ON$ on response in rabbits) (TYPHOID FEVER, immunology, antIgenio response in rabbits after ultraviolqt Ir- radiation of GNS) (CEMAL IORV(XJS SYSTEH, affect of radiations, ultraviolet rays, eff. on typhoid antigenic response in rabbit) (ULTRAVIOIXT RAYS, effects. on OHS, on typhoid antigenic response in rabbit) A" -T @ Tj T @xperiment for Producing A-,-,lutinative :Arlm3 r and p. 2Q ('.1@M,,7NO DUU, No. 6j No. 5, Oct. 1954, :3ofi@,a, Bul,,)ari@x) S, ',: Lonthly List of Fast European Accessions, LC, Vol. 4 No. 5, tAy 1955, Uncl. BULGARIA/General Problems of Pathology. Immiunity. U Abs Jour. Ref Zhur-Biol., NO 8) 1958) 37041 Author KhadzidiLloya'-D.) Trifonova, A., Danailova, L., Wo-e-n, T- Inst Title The Effect of the Nervous Systen Upon Fonmticn cf Agglutinins. Orig Pub: Tr- Respubl. n-i, in-ta epidemiol i uicrebiol.) 1955, 2, 1-15. Abstract: Stimulation of the CUS with caffeine (0.059/1-,g e-ery 6 hours subcutaneously during I or several clays) after a single in3ection of typhoid, paratyphoid B and dysentery and triple vaccine, produced an increa3e in the agglutinins titer. Card 1/1 KHADZHIDIMOVA, D. "Influence of chloral hydrate# Luxnal, Of the and barbami on the medicinal effect antit6tanic serum in OXperimsnte wi*. received lethal doses of tetsnic toxin." , white Mice and rats which had IZVESTIIA. SERIIA EKSPERIMENTALNA BIOLOGIIA I MEDITSINA, Sofiia, Bulgaria, No. 2, 1957. Monthly List of East European Accessions Congress, Volume 8, Not 8, August 1959. Index (EFAI),The Library of Unclassified KMZHIDOCHEV, B. Optlymm conditions for the maintenance of tape recorders. Tekhnika Bulg 12 no.5t29-30 163. KHADZHIDOCHEV, Soris, inzh. ,4,*be.~d level meters in radion broadcasting Problem bf standardixiv progrUi. HataionalizatitAa 13 no.12:28-31 163. 1. NIIKRA. Y HA DZ! ii @P! (I S. .11. 1 11011-rcsistant ruLluer ma.;e .;itn a *butadienc-nitrilie 'L:ase.11 p. 15 (Leka Promishlormst) Vol. 6, 1,,)- 7, IM, ")")"ha, buL-,avj,1- ) vlonfthly Index of East E-iropean AccesAoris (FFAT) Lr., Vol. 7, '10. 6, jime 195b. BULGARIA/Chomical Technology - Caoutch@ouc, Natural and H-31 Synthetic. Rubber. Abo Jour : Rof Zhur - Khimiya, No 24, 1958) 8367o Author : Khad7liidocheva) S& Inst : - Title t Oil-Resistant Rubber Articles Having a Butadiene Hitrile Rubber Base. Orig Pub : Leka promishlenost, 1957, 6. No 10, 15-19* Abstract : The influence of the nature and quantity of fillers and plasticizers upon the physical chemical properties, the resistance to oil and benzene of rubbers made from nitrile SK was investigated. Card l'i KHAD1ZJ1ID0-CiiE;VA, S. "Acid-resisting and alkali-resisting rubber products." P.12 (Leka PromishlenostJ Vol. 7, no. 2. 1958, Sofiia, Bulgaria) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC., Vol. 7., No. 8, August 1958 KWUIDOCHLVA, Subka I.j PEXI]LIVANOVA-PENZVA, Afrodita Nitriles of the saturated and nonBaturated fatty acids, and their utilization as plasticizers for polyvinyl chloride. Khim i industxiia 23 no-5:134@136 161. KHADZHIDOCIWA,, Subka;lv, inzh.; PETROV, Haiden St., inzh. The Tyulenovo mazut as a softener of caoutchouc mixtures. Kozhi Sofia 3 no.6:9,12-113 162. KHADMILOCHEVA,; PENEVA, A.K.; HIKOVA, A.K. The poly-vinyl chloride waterproofing for massive bridges. Khim i inclustriia 36 no.6s209-214 164. 1. Scientific Research Institute of the Rubber and Plastic .L Industries, Sofia. KHAD@HIW, D. "Rationalizers' Movement in the Georgi Kirkov Factory." p. 11, (RATIUNALIZAT-@IIA.. Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1954, Sofiya, Bulgaria) 60: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4 No. 5, May 1955, Uncl. IrIMOV, IV.; XHADZHIV' D. lehino* *0 coosis of the cranium. ghirurgila, Sofia 7 no.9-.564-565 1954. (ECHINOCOC = is, cranium) (CRANIUM, diseases, schinococcosts) PUNCHZV, G.; KHADMIXV, D. Case of hydronaphrosis in a dystopic kidney. Khirurgiia, Sofia 9 no. 6:545-547 1956. (HYDROHIPFIROSIS, case reports, In dystopic kid-ney (SuM (KIDNSYS, Abnaim-alities, d7stopy, with hydronephrosis (Bul)) GACHETA, lord.;. laWZHINT, Dim. Effect of ultrasonics on tonus of certain arteries. Suvrem. mad., Sofia 8 no.1:95-102 1957. 1. Iz Katedrata po fistoterapita pri ISUL. (Zav. katedrata: Prof. S. Kircheys.) I Xatsdrata po neryni bolesti pri ISUL (say. katedrata: dots. G. Nastev). (ARTIRINS, effect of radiations, ultrasonics, on tonue (Bul)) (ULTRASONICS, effects. on arterial tonus (Bul)) NASTEV, G.; IMDZHI7.V, D.; PMOV, A. Oscillatory Index of brachial arteries at different intervals after cerebral apoplexy. Suvrem. mod., Sofia 8 no-913-11 1957. 1. Iz katedrata po pervni bolesti na ISUL - Sofiia Yr. zavezhdash; doe. G. Hastev. (CEF43BRAL HEMORRHAGE, physiol. oscillatory index of brachial arteries at different intervals after stroke) (OSCILLOMETRY oscillatory index of brachial arteries at different intervals after cerebral hemorrhage) (AMIRUP9S9 BRACHIAL, in various dis. oscillatory index at different intervals after cerebral hemorrh) NASTAV, G.; G;MCHIV, T.; KRAWHINV, D.; PJCTROY, A. Problem of cerebral thrombophlebitis. Suvrem. iaed., Sofia 9 no.l: 50-59 1958. 1. Iz Katedrata po nervni bolesti pri ISUL Zav. katedrata: dots. G. Inatev i HIPI Direktor: 3. N. 39 lie Genev, (THROMBOPHIANTIS, case reports, cranial sinuses (Bul)) (T&INS, CR&IIIAL SINMMS, dis. thrombophlebitia. case report (Bul)) 1 12/10 General Path Oct 59 3164. A CASE OF ARHINENCFNIALY - Cber emen Fal; Yon 'Arhinenzephaiie' - fladliev D . and Gan@ev S. Inst. zur Ausbildting und bpezia:ihierung der *r_zT#_-,_`Zeurol. Klin.. Sofia - ZBL. ALLG. PATH. IIATIL ANAT. '1958. 98/7-B (379-385) Illub. 4 The syndrome of arhinencepliaLy, which is well compatible wah life, Ln its 6ass-w- al form Lontiists of: aplasia of the septum pellucidum. of the , orim, tallosum aod of the fornix, fusion of the subLortical gunglia and finally nialfurin..ttons of the f.1, e in the sense of cyc lopia which are, how ever, nut present in all caset., A description is given of a case of abortive arlimencephaly in a girl aged 22 months, who in the 6th month of life had suffered from a febrile affection with spasms (possibly ence- phalitib). At the age of 11 months she had developed spastic diplegia, which finally led to death with the picture of acute febrile bronchioltus. Morbid -anatom kcal findings: fusion of the frontal two-fifths of the hemispheres. microgyria of the occipital and pachygyria of the frontal parts of the brain, an atypical course of the 7 P KIRCIEVA9 S.S.; GACHZVA# I.1 KRPZHI:IEVp D. (Bolgariya) Nervous reflex mechanism in the action of ultrasound. Vop. kure fiziotere i lech. fiz, kul't. 25 no. 5:434-436 S-0 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Iz kafodry fizioterarti kurortologii (zav. - prof. S.S. Kiroheva) i kafedry nevrologii (mv, - dotsent G,Nastev) Instituts. usover- shenstvovaniya i spetaializataii vrachey v Sofii, (REMXES) (ULTRASONIC WAVES-PHYSIOLOGICAT, EF17ECT) KHADZEIEV, D.; GOSPODINOV, G. Arterial Oscillography and the role of some oacillographic indices. Suvrem mod., Sofia no-4/5197-103 161. 1. Is Nauohnolzeledovq+,elskiia institut po nevrologiia i paikhiatriia. (Direktor G. Genov.) :L Katedra po rentgenologlia i radiologiia pri Inatituta za apetaial."atoila i uouvurehenstvuvane na lekarite. (Hakovoditel na katedrate, prof. G. Tenchov.) (OSCILLOMETRY) (PULSE) GANEVP G.; lQjAPgHIE" -KARAMALAKOV, L.; TSEKOVA M.; SIRAKOV, A.; ATANASOV, K.; CHANKOV, I.; TSOLOV, N.; VASILEVA, 1. Treatment of parkinBoniBm with a now preparation INHA-17. Suvres mod., Sofia no.4/5135-44 161. 1. Is NauchnoiaBledovatelBkiia inBtitut po nevrologiia i polkhiatriia. (Direktor G. Cxanev). (ISONIAZID rel cp4x) (PARALYSIS AGITANS ther) GANEV) G.; KARAMALKOV, L.;_ lM=g4y, __D,; TSEKOVA, M.; SIRAKOV, A.; ATANASOVI K.; NANKOV, Iv.; TSOLOV, N.; VASILEVA, I. Treatment of parkinoonism with a new combined preparation INHA-17 with Bellapan (Bellazon). Suvrou med., Sofia no.4/5:45-53 161. 1. Is Nauchnoizeledovatelskiia inatitut po nevrologiia i paikhiatriia. (Direktor G. Ganev.) (ISONIAZID rel apds) (PARALYSIS AGITANS ther) (BKUADONNA ther) T12;CHEV, A.- KUPMHIEVJ Do Remote results following gastrectomy in peptic ulcer. (From data of the surgical department for 10 yean),,.Khirurgiia (Sofiia) 16 no.12tl093-1097 163. 1. Voonna bolnitea, Plovdiv. 'BULGARIA Lt Col (Podpolkovnik) A. TENCHEV and Col (Polkovnik) D. KHADZHIEV, MC (Meditsinska sluzhba.) "Late Results of Gastric Resection for Ulcer." Sofia, Voenno Vieditsinsko Delo, Vol 18, No 2, 1963; pp 11-16. Abstract; Review of case records of 156 men and 15 women operated for gastric or duodenal (122 cases) ulcer during 1950-1959 in the military ho3pital in Plovdiv. One early postoperative death. Questionnaire interrogation results of 94 out of the 164 who could be located revealed that cure or satisfactory improvement was result in 81 of the 94. Three tables, 8 Soviet references. Lin KIMMIEV, D.; INGELOV,A. A case cf penicillin epilepsy. Khirurgiia (Sofiia) 17 112-113 164 1. Iz kJArurgichnoto otdclenie na Voenna bolnitea, Plovdiv. f; e. NF,11. f " . -. K F 'T ! N *@ J, @! . ; I f Lh , : ; - 1; i ci -@ F- I , , , , ,! j nt 1, 11 'i f, I '-, rif? !@',Or f- ,';@!' '; f illf! @ ; !@(; -0@* @ "' *,,' ) - o , Bul :"".I rlr@@ , N-@v rc i - '@ *X1. '-: r i T- -A !.@@ . I . -.')- :: ' I I I @, " ct, jr, cf a r te, r I ovenous artuCy-4M (if I" e i uni, a 28 n:),3:-j(A--3'70 165. 1. VDenna bolnitea, Plov(AV (ntwhalulk: St. fl)l@ivchall), KIIADZHIEV, D. Subeutariows rupture of the muaculun rectus abd(minis. Ydiirur- giia (Sofiia) 18 no-4t497-498 t65. 1. Voenna bolnitsa, Plovdiv (nachalnik - St. Slavchev). 1C... I , @,.- ! -'!I I LV , s'-k- L '. red. mw: Clt!tr,L U I 'L' '.3ral c-,:, I - I'T --)l riL--*, i a. no. 5 : 5C. 141. ' '.( ;; , I F :P) 1. ",@Arurelchoskove (jUk,krjiyq (zav. Flovd1wkcy b,-,! I @.,, !,-.'IY, 13( -*' j@rlll lyn. 9; tp Ja L4 Al ih 4. 0 tr rho co e Aj P. o a ul .4 ck I 14, i %, V; ol 1.4 9 o. o vy. a x c o Oa '.> o U 4 94 z 14 1 T. tr 9-0 on ID TENEV, St.; KHRISTOV, G.; KHADZHIEV, I. 2 cases of perforation of the gallbladder into the abdominal wall with formation of a subcutaneous abscess. Khirurgiia (Sofiia) 16 no.4:395-396 163. 1. Iz Katedrata po bolnichna khirurgiia pri VMI [Vissh meditsinBki institut) - Sofiia. (GALLBLADDER DISEASES) (ABDamiNAL wALL) (ABSCESS) (BILIARY FISTULA) A, DIMITROV, St., prof.; TENEV, St.; KHADZHIEV, Il. Apropos.of pancreato-duodenal resection in cancer of the pancreas and duodenal papilla. Kbirurgiia (Sofiia) 16 no.7: 581-588 163. 1. Vissh meditsinski institut - Sofiia Katedra po bolnichna khirurgiia Rulcavoditel na katedrata: prof. St. Dimitrov. (PANCREATIC NEOPLASMS@ (VATERIS AMPULLA) (BILE DUCT NEOPLASMS) (SURGERY, OPERATIVE) (MORTALITY) (DIAGNOSIS, DIFFERENTIAL) (PANCREATITIS) (NEOPLASM THERAPY) DIMITROV, St., prof.; KRADZHIEV, Il. A case of pelvic spleen dystopy. Khirurgiia (Sofiia) 16 no-5: 480-481 163- 1. Iz Katedrata o b lnichna khirurgiia pri VMI (Vissh medi- tainaki instituti - ;Ofiia. (SPLEEN) (ABNORMALITIES) KHADIMINW, I. Peritoneal dialysis in uremia sofia 11 no.4:333-336 1958. in acate glomenilonephritio. Khirurgiiae 1. Viash meditBinaki institut - Sofiia katedra, no bolnichna khirurgiia, Zav. katedrata: prof. S. Dimitrov. (DULYSIS, peritoneal in uremia in glomerulonaphritis (Bul)) (UREXIA, etiology & pathogen. glomerulonephritie, peritoneal dialysis (Bul)) (GLOMBRUWNBPIIRITIS, coupl. uremia, peritoneal dialysis (Bul)) xHADzHiEv, n. A case of retained esophageal foreign substance. Xhirurgiia, Sofia 13 no.5:532-533 160. 1. Iz Katedrata po bolnichna khirurglia pri VMI, SoMa (ESOPHAGUS for bodies) TENEVO St.; FICH", ff. Bilateral pneimanectony. Xhirurgita 15 no.9/10:915-918 162. 1. Is Katedrata o bolnichno kbirurgiia pri VMI [Viash modi- tainski inatitut! - Sonia. (PUMONECTGff ) SIMEONOV, L.; KHAD7,HIEV I. L-=@@ A case of torsion of the greater omantum. Khirurgiia, Sofia 14 no.l: 83-84 161. 1. Klinika po bolnichna khirurgiia pri Visshlia meditainski institutp Sofiia. (%nTUM die) DOBREV, Ta.; KHADZHIEVI Il. On the treatment of Btricturea of the urethra. Khirurgiia, Sofia 14 no.8:711-718 161. 1. Viash meditainBki inBtitut, Sofiia. Katedra pQ bolnicbna khirurgiia. Zav. latedrata: prof. St. Dimitrov. (URETHRA dis) KHADZBIEV, Il. A case of cardiospaom surgically treated by the Reller-Petra"ki technic, Kbirurgiia 16 no,1:79-81 163, 1. Iz Katedrata 0 bolnichna khirurgiia pri VMI (Visshmedi- tainski institutl - Sofiia. (CARDIOSPASM) U LG:"I A LL col "C Kr. and C01 :C Thcr,-ir.Qut- i c'jo for 1e.-*V('F'LiA);' DvII), Vol S o I U r lair;5 6o'; vitjr@-'r' -forl Coll, ,I ;i:, I @ "') --"Iv@;Cnse and C .!-,--2 -Gm. Na hyposultat o o a GI a 250 caffeine Na bcnzoarc 1 1 1 c, r o Cdf f; c i - S t I eing added JuSL i-io-, L,I alOUX with dextran or HP (molmiiar 12,(w@ ;Aooc' or Flasma or erythrocyte mass in 100 sur;,ical pat'@vnz::; wi",-. good resuILS. LI . 7.1 t~~:~,-,,~-,--.!;Lt:4.~-'-'i'Vl~~-_!~, I I - @'-- @ @, FABRIKANT, A., dots.; - KHADULIN, P., asistent Possibilities for the intensification of condensation by flocculants in ore-dressing plants. Min delo 17 no*4:25-27 Ap 162. 1, 1.1,iruio-goolozhki institut (for Fabril-ant). 2. Asistent v Inzhenerno-stroitelniia institut (for Khadzhiev). I tv n z n Pr..-.,@iuk apparxtl.,.,@. of it's 01") r f-.9 b ed-n i re,?e t--rd 6 o.,no o t fie r pa ram-! tc - s j4 ime c!' it3 prole,.-.@ng. !4-lr J-@Io 17 no.12,,44-47 1) 162. a'! CI;!Ln ra koltigilat, 1, 110inno do'-o KIIADZtEV,P.T.; PAIAMAREVpEm. The Sarmatian flora In north Bulgaria, Pt.l. Izv. inst. bot. BAN lOz5- t62. nns on I r-., rn. 1@59; 'of 1 -q, 1:111 r !a T jI., C-n-ren, ..Ont', ly 1 s of S" Vol. ? A i :,Ind !QIADZHIXV, Sp. KMZHIXY, Sp.; DIMITROVA, U. Ikparimental data on antagonistic relationship beWeen cancer and tubarculoois. Suvrem. med,, Sofia 5 no.1:51-57 19,54. 1. Rabotata a sapoohnsta v Instituta po mikrobiologlia pri Kedi- toinskata akademlia I-P-Pavlov, Plovdiv (direktor!l prof. El.Ianov). a razrabotena i zavurshena v TSentralniia khigienon inatitut pri HNO f4irektor:'prof. Zdr, Mitsov), (NIOPLASKS, experimental, *antag. off. of tuberc.) (TUBXRCULOSIS, experimental, *antag. eff. of cancer) BULCARIA/Geiieral Problens ..,f 11athA.-igy - Tmurs. Imlunity. U. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - DIA., 11a 2) 1959, 8803 Avith,)r Khadzhiyev, Sp., KavakIiycva-Dinitr)vn, Ya. List Title Experimice in the DiaL;i,ois of @Ialijyant Tiz.i)rs by Means @f Tubercle Bacilli. ProliLdilary Rop)rt. Ori,r@ Pub S'vren- ued., 1956, 7, N,) 12, 34-38 Abstract Hunan tuberculosis bacteria fixeil =. a ;lass slide were PLIt irItO a tbern@,stat in a nedium c@,ataininLr the blood of the patient =der exxA.iati,)n. After 10-12 clays charnc- teristic differences were f-@ujid: ill the bloDd :)f the cnn- cer patients the cAonies brew in snall nests consistinG A irrebularly nrran(,ed bacterin; in the bLx)d Df healthy persons larCc cilDnics &Tew out, and the bacteria were arranf.,ed in parallel. The dinoi-)sis @)f the disease esta- blished by means if this test dtffered frm, t1he clinical diaol,38is ill 8-4% of 134 cases. Cnrd 1/2 - 36 - TSVETANOV, B.; KHADZHIEV, T.; MERMHANOV, L. Our experience with the intra-articular administration of streptomycin and strepto.Wein with hydrocortisone in tuber- culouB gonitis with spsaial reference to articular movement disorders. Khirurgila 15 no.2/3:169-171 '62. 1. Iz Sanatorium za, vuzrastni, bolni ot kostno-stavna tuber- kuloza. Varna. (TUBERCULOSIS OSTBOARTICULAR ther) (KNEE die) (STREPTCHYCIN ther) (HYDROCORTISONE ther) M iC:,ADZ1M!WA L. "AE,ricu.1-tural Economic Educa'-ion In Perushtitsa", P. Zi@@-10211E, Vol. 10, 110. 3, Mar. 1955, Sofiya, Bulgaria) SO: Monthly List of East European Accp,3si@@ns, (6-ZAL), LC, Vol. 4, !,@o. 6J. June 1955, Uncl. VIULCHANOV, 11.11. (Vulchanov, V.Kh.); IIADJIEVA, Y. [Khadzhieva, Y.) On possibilities of auto-immunization in mental patients. Doklady BAN 17 no.3011-314 164. 1. Microbiological Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and Research Institute on Neurology and Psychiatry at the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. Submitted by Academician I.Emanuilov. VATRALOV, Iv.j MiADZHIIANAZIEV, A.; PETROV, ?. Soilo on the territory of the Fruit-Growing Research Institute near F&astendil. Izv Inot "Nikola Pushkarov" no.5:43-65 ,62. TRASHLIEV., Khr.; KHADZRIIANAKIEV, Asp. Geographic zoning of soils in the Kolarovgrad District. Izv Inst "Nikola Pushkarov" 6:5-14 163. VATIMLOVY IV. ; K,@MZHIIANAKIEV, Asp. Soils at the Fxperlment Station for Vegetable Growing near Negovan, Sofia District. Ivv Inat 1114ikola Puahkarov" 71 187-203 t63. KHAD,ZHII"AKIEV , Asp. Certain specific features of thi gray forest soils of Ludogorie. lzv Inst "Nikola Pushkarov" 6:15-31 163. KHkDZHIILIEV, Iliia, dots. Capital capacity in Bulgarian induntry, and trends of its development. Godishnik mash elekt 8 no.4:1-39 160 (publ.61). "hady'niiski, B. Role of elasticity ir. cotton fabrirs. p-17. Vol. h, no. 8, 19@5 MKA PTIISAU;@@`OST Sofiya, @Wl,--arla SO: ",onthl-f List of East Acecssions, LC, V01- 5, "0- 2 F Pe iruary,, 41 Imnnr'L.anr-e -@rd Tnfluence of the in@-ti,,O 9ten nnd -,osition of t@e Drawinr 1-ori in Weavirf, of C(Aton Fabr-cs vil@'i Interlaced Lists. l,el-.a 'Fromishlenost (Lillit Inditstry), r'-3:1'-: il."Ir 55 r@ - n c en i SC: l.,-)ntl,-,jy List o:' 2@.!- E;Ist E,ironc,;n L.-,. Voi. n@. ltl, Uc.@. Unt@l. I . - F, Lf p , 1 , w 7 , - F-"@ I K I -, 17 - I ! I- T I I r.- I. KHADZHI@SKI, B. The Part of the Elasticity in Technical Cotton Fabrics. Leka Promishlenost (Light Industry), #8:17:Auguat 1955 M,DZM3KI, B. New material for transmission belts. p. 14. LEKA PROMISRUTOST. Sofiya. V,-nl. 5, No. 2, 1956. SURGE: East European Accessions List. (EEAL) Library of Congress. Vol. 5, No. 8. August 1956. KHADZHIISKII Banko Economic reflection of the introduction of the tax-07stOm il Bulgaria. Teksti1na prom 12 no.20-5 162. 1. St. izzhener pri Instituta ia ratsionalizataiia. MADMISKI, Clearing the Young Plantings Is an Impcrtant Forthcoring Froblen dLrIpg the S=r.,er Seascm," p. 261. (Gbrsko-Stopanstyo Vol.8, No.6. June 1952, Sofiya.) East European Vol.;a,, No.9 SO: Month List Accessions/ Library of Congress, Beptember 1953, Uncl. 71 TYADZMSKI,, P. wConference on Cultivation'of Forest Trees in thA Soviet Uniorl-m P-70 (GORSKO STOPANSTM Vol. 9p no. 2p Feb. 1953 Sofiya, Wgaria) Sol MontL of East Europe Accessions, Library of Congress, Vol* 2. No* 99 az List Oct. 1953., Uncl. ll';IZ':IISK.-,, 1 1. E.Z @,'j T S F1 j 1'. CultIvr!tinr. the younf- p1tints is nn url-ni. p. Vol. 12, Fa. 7p SePt. l'j56 GCf?Sr'.G STGP,;' NS"IVC 'C Sofiia, Eulgaria So: East Eurorf@an Accession, Vol. 6, No. 2, Februnxy 1@-57 K 1 T I I I I -,; -or M-FVII r -I 11-V , I. Let us manage the forests of the cooperative farms well. p. 17. (Kooperativno Zemedelle, Sofiia) SO: Yonthly List of East European Accession (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 7, JuIV 1957- Uncl. KHADZHIISKI, P.; BOEV, P. Contribution to the problem of embryobiometry; blometric investigation on the development of the chicken erbryo of the white leghorn breed of chicken. Izv biol med. BAN 3 no.2:17-29 159. (EW 10*:4) 1. Institut po morfologiia pri BulgarBkata akadeviiia na naukite. (BIOMETRY) (EMMOLOGY) (POIULTRY) BOEV, P.; KHADZHIISKI, P. influence on the mental and physical development )f children infected with helminths. Izv biol mad BAN 3 no-3:123-134 159. (EEA1 lotO 1. Institut, po morfologiia pri BAN (Direktor: akad. A.I.Rhafthiolov) (WOMS) (CHILDREN) M hWADZITTISKI, P.; 1)D=R'IV) S. "Conference on increasing forest productivity." GORSKO STOPANSTVO, Sofiia, Bulgaria, Vol. 15, no. 4, Apr. 1959. Monthly list of East Europe Accessions (z-SAI), LC, Vol. B, No. 6, Jun 59 Unclas MWROI KHADZIIIISKI, P. K. Contribution to the question on embryonic radiovensibilityl Mortality and deformity of the chicken embryo exposed to X ray during various stages of its development. Izv Inst morf RAN 4:259-278 161. (RADIOACTIVITY) (EMBRYOLOGY) (X RAY) ,HUJI@SKY P. (Khadzhiiski, P.1; BOEV, P. Influence of radiation on the rate of development of chichen embrio. Doklady BA14 14 no.4:427-420 161# 1;.'Note presentee par D. Orahovats (D. Orakhovats] membre de l'Academie. A?@ t -3 .9" RADEV) N. dots., lnzb.;-KHMHIEV P , inzh. International scientific conference an the dressing of inorganic nonmetallic min-ralm@, Min delo 16 no.11:47-48 161. 1. Minno-geologiabeaki institut. (mu**Is) KWZHIISKI,M,, it OM Changes in the development of chicken embryos under the action of ionizing radiation. Pt.2. Izv Inst morf BAN no.605-66 162. Changes in the development of chicken embryos under the action of ionizing radiation. Pt. 2. Izv Inst morf BAN no-5:159-168 162. -KIIADZIIIIS?:l, P. K., d-r Ionizing radiatior., and its effects on the development of the embryos of higher vertebrates. Priroda Bulg 11 no. 6:27-31 N-D 163. IUIADZIIIISKI, P. K., d-r Morphologic injurious effects of radiation in the embryonal stage of development. Priroda Dulg 12 no. 1: 55-61 Ja-F 163. i " I LILD L". 11 11 11) @ . i ,i I . F. . '?-, jr, ,,, " @@mrl - . 0 I li In,-@t 11"I'r, B,ul l6i". BAZY, P. (Troian); KIROV,G. (Russ); SAVDV, T, (Barges); KHADZE117AWOVil, Solutions to mathematical problems form YW'% no-4j. 1962. Mat i fis Dilg 6 to,1.47-51 Ja-F'63. KHADMINMOV, V. (Sofia); MUTAVCIIEV,D. (Birgas); SAV07,T. (BUrgas); RAMT, At. (IAmbol) Some new problems. Hat i fiz Balg 6 no.1151-52 Ja-F'63. L 17958-66 EWT(d) IJP(o) ACC NR, AP6010006 SOURCE Cmgt BU/0012M/008/002/0215/0120 AUTHOR: Khadzhiiv'anov, Nikolay; Prodanov,, Ivan LORG: none TITLE: Bernoul-li invquality SOURCEs Fiaiko-matematichesko spisanie, v. 8, no. 2, 1965, 115-120 TOPIC TAGS: Bernoul1i equation, applied mathematics i&, /'I, ABSTRACT: The authors inventigate the generalized Bernoulli equation (I+xl) ('+x2) ('+xa) at 1+xltx2+' They show among others that t) the inequality is satisfied in the rx(y)p yj interval and Is not satisfied In any of its left expansionsp 4*eeg In non* of the intervals r x, t y j for wh1oh x' < - x(y) (everywhere y f (-I p 0] and 2) with a @"up a ;o 4 the equality holds true and x(y) to a riLirously ineressing Ametion to a Mabar 4 -2)o Orig. art* 'haot' 24 formdae, EJFRSJ SUB CODE: 20l 12 SUEN DATM nom Card 1/1 vab KIlAf)l"!;IIVAIIOV, N.; '.IAf;OlfjV, S.; TONKOV, 1'. T. Problema and Bolutiona. Fiz mat apisanis BAN 6 no. 2:153-155 163. KWZHIIVANOV) Nikolai A proof of the Jensen inequality for continuous convex Tunotions. Fiz mat spisanie BAN 5 no.3:217-219 162. KHADZHIIVANOV,, Klikolai Arithmetic progression of the k orders Mat i fiz Bulg 5 no*6:4,-7 N-D 162, KHADZHIIVAIIGV, Nikolai; GAVRILOV, Mikhail Ficternal algebraic forms. Pt. 1. Godishnik fiz mat 56 161/262 [publ. )631. XH=HIIVANOV, Nikolai; FETKOV, Pet'o External algebraic fcrms, Pt, 2, Godishnik fiz mat 56 no,l,,. 161-183 161/@62 (publ. 763). UMHIIVMIOV, Nikolai Irreeolvable elements of two cones* Godishnik fiz mat 56 no,l,-191..194 361/@'62 (publ. 163). KHADZHIIVANOV, N. Some uAqsual inequalities. Mat i fiz BuIg 6 no.3:45-48 MY-Je 163. Lk `@k. "W.EZT1' @-"'112WA V)d lv. uil"iqxov i'a Jli@ttit)n not given tj iCk;nz:i an' Tbq-Ir U94.'rs ul 'leilciriel, ';o: Feditrlrri, 'Jot 13, ,'it 1962; pp 35-39. Ab-rrs,-!L- bi!t review of sises of, eillicon compunds tlieft tox!ctty and oct.'lpciticwul d'sejrt,:; in ..,orlklT;E,' WiLil ChM; var!oun u3eb It-, "Abor--,,zy, instrumentation, surg"ry. In Bv I gnr;ii it k me dLcLrtr?, a i 'A icon -r !@.h p Unl;-; Equ I r-@t.tuu arvcor,c "nj 114Lrb& '-la,"le;;Ysi,@zit eve zg-iinst 32 4 KHADZHIKOCHEVAl Zh.; KRUSHKOV, IV, SillconeB and their UBS in medicine. Suvr. mod. 13 no.9:35-39 162* (SILICONES) VERBEV, P.; ZHELIAZKOV, S.; GUBEVj E.j MONV, V.; PETROV, G.;