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KHACHOLMOV, T. I Law of systanatic, proporttonate development of the national aco4omW and the pun- ning of railroad tzansportation. P.3- TRASSPORTNO DJW Vol. 7, no. 2, 1955. Sofiya) 50t Monthlv List of &at 31mropean Accessions, (MAL). LO, Vol. 4, Wo. 11, Nov. 1955, Uncl. KHACIIATUWV, T.,prof. 3asic economic problems in railroad transportation. Zhel.dor. tranep. )6 no.6:52-59 Je 1559 (MIRA 12:4) (Railroads-Kanament) RHACHATUROT, 1,6., redaktor; POMMINSKIT, T.T., redaktor; KIS3MA. A.A. """,Ukhn1ch#sk1y redaktor,, (New forms of traction In transportation] NOVO vidY t1891 u& transports. Moskva, 1956. 132 pe (X2A 9:5) I.Akade*a namkpBSR* Inatitut kompleksuykh transportnykh problme 2.Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for 1hachaturov). (Gas turbine locomotives) (RailroadsF-Ilectrification) 7777 KMCIIATIJ,UOY T.S., professor. @0@@ - Planning railroad transportation. Trudy HTSI no.3:18-31 156. (MIJU 10: 6) 1. Chlen-korreaDondent Akademii nauk SSSR. (Railroads) KHACHATUROV, T. f I - 'Itfoot on the natural econom7 of speeding up transportation. Vop. eken. no-3184-100 Mr 156. (HLRA 9:7) l.Chlan-kerrespendent AN SSSR. (Transportation) KRACPATUROV, T. S , Comparison of the economic effectiveness of various branches of trans- portation. Tr. from the Russian. p. 2. KOZLEMMSTUDOMANYI SZEMY. (Kozlekedesi Kiado) Budapest. Vol. 61 No. 11 Jan. 1956 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of ConFress Vol) 51 No. 6, June 1956 KIIACHATAROV, T. S - KHACHATAROV., T. - Principle means of reducing overhead expenses in railroad transportation. Tr. from the Russian. P. 329. Vol. 6. no. 9, Sept. 1956. Kozleked(istudomanyi Szemle. Budapest, Hungary SOURCE: East Earopean Accessions List (EEAT) Vol. 6, No. 4--April 1957 EFACUATURNY T. , I, lhe effect of the acceleration of transportatton on the national economy. p. 12. TRANSPORTNO DFW. Vol. 8, no. 3, 1956 Sofila, Bulgaria SOUROZ: East European Accessions List (E:-;AL) Library of Congress, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1957 @D v- C USSR/ Scientific Organization - Transportation Card 1/1 Pub. 124 - 2/39 Authors t Khachaturov, T. S., Memb. Corr., Acad. of Sc., USM Title I Complex problemu of transportation Periodical i Vast. AN SSM ,!6/2,, 20-26, Feb 1956 Abstract t Announcement is made by the Acadejry of Sciences, USSR concernirg the establishment of' the Institute for Complex Transportation Problems which, in the future, will handle all matters connected with Uound, sea, river and air transportation in the USSR. Institution @*#a* Submitted KFIACHATUROV, T.S., professor. -owl The present conditions of the transportation system of the U.S.A. Zbel. dor. transp. 38 no-11:75-81 N '56. (MMA 9tl2) (United States-Transportation) KHLJRSHUDYAN, Koryun Mikolayevich; EMCHAMOT, T.S., obshchiy red,; TZH,AKOPTAN, Mm.M., red.; 9"OTAN, K.Kh., red.izd-va; AZIZ_ BMAN, L.A., EPrinciples of the distribution of transportation between railroad and automobile transportation under conditions found in Armenian S.S.R.] Printsipy raspredeleniia perevozok mqzhdu sholesnodoroshaym i aytomobillnym transportom v usloviiakh Armianskoi SM. Erevan, Izd-vo AN Armianekoi OR, 19579 129 P. (MIRA 13:3) (Transportation, Automotive) @Railroads) (Armenia--Transportation) --RAGHU=fiX.J,�,,Atvotstvonny7 rodaktor; pRzoFWWSXAYA, Z@Ps, rodaktor Iza&tel'stva; POLYAKOVA, T.Y., takhaichaskiy redaktor. [Problems in increasing transport traffic speeds) Voprosy povyshenii& skorostel dvizheniia a& transporte, Moskva. 1957. 235 P. WaA 10: 6) 1. Akademiya usuk SSSR. Insitut kompleksafth tramsportnrkh problem, 24D,iroktor Instibia komplolprifth trausportafth problem AN SSSR, chlon-korrespondeat AN SSSR (for Khachaturev) (Transportation) : KUCHAT - -. , @ @ Problems of the economic efficienc7 of capital invastment in a socialist economy@ Vopeekono no*2:106-121 F '57. (MIMA 10:5) (luvestments) ATi HORSi Khachaturov, T. S., Voronin, A.V., Denisov P. K. 30-11-lo/23 @'IT IF, i Current Problem in Transportantion Development (Aktuallnays problema razvitiya transporta) On the Electrifica- tion of Railroads by Means of Monophase Current (Ob elektrifi- kataii zheleznykh dorog na odnofaznom toke promyshlennoy chasto- ty). PERIODICALt Vestnik AN SSSR, 1957, Vol. 27, Hr 11, pp. 89 - 94 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author deals with the problem of profitableness. In connec- tion with an essentially simplified supply of energy it may be reckoned with a reduction of the costd by 3o _ 4o%. By the use of alternating current (50 9ts) the electric corrosion is also many times reduced; the safety devices necessary in the case of direct-current may also be dropped (see table 1). Besides the own weight of the electrical traction engines (Elok) in connect- ion with the monophase direct current hitherto used can be ess- entially diminished. Electrical traction engines with monophase direct current (with ion-transformer) permit the use of recuper- ative braking when the motors work as generators (on lines with a fall) and give off the energy to the eleotric-supply line. The author among others refers to the investigations (electric tract- Card 1/2 ion enginea with ion-transformer) carried out in the Rhineland. -Th,e Development of Transport a Problem of Topical Interest 30-11-10/23 On the Electrification of Railroads by Means of Monophaee Current, Numberous other problems should also be investigated in prallel with these, the author said, among them the exact technical- economical comparison of the alternating current as traction under the conditions prevailing in the USSR (see table 2). In the directions of the 2oth congress of the CPSU a certain aim was set to these intentions. The production in series of main electric traction engines for monophase current began already in 1956, In Leningrad a new institute for elootroineohanies was established under the direction of M. P. Kestenko, Member of the railroads within the frame work of transport became of principal importance. Besides the ohange-over to alternating current should at once be carried outp in order to avoid later additional costs. There are 2 tables. AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 2/2 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 824 nding Member, USSR Academy Rhachaturov, Tigran Sergq_yevich, Correspo of Sciences Ekonomicheskaya effektivnost' kapitalovlozheniy v SSSR (The Economic Efficiency of Capital Investment in the USSR) Moscow, Izd-vo "Znaniye", 1958. 39 P. (Series: Veeso yuznoye obshchestvo po rasprostraneni u politicheskikh I nauchnykh znaniy. Seriya III, 1958, no. 7) @3,000 copies printed. Sponsorinw, Agency: Vsesoyuznoye obshchestvo po rasprostraneniyu politicheskikh I nauchnykh znaniy. Ed: Falaleyeva, T.F.; Tech. Ed.: Trofimov, AN. PURPOSE: This booklet published by the All-Union Society for the Dissemination of Political and Scientific Information is intended for the general reader. Card 1/2 The EcOnOnlic Efficiency of Capital Investment in the USSR 824 COVERAGE: The author discusses various aspects of capital Investment and its role in developing and strengthening the industrial struc- ture of the USSR. The book outlines various POintG of view on the efficiency of capital Investment, representiog a cross section of Soviet economists and industrial engineers. In particular, the author cites the views Of G.I.Levin, A.L.Lurlye, V-V.Novozh11ov, D.I.Chernomordik, A.I.Notkin, and Z.F.Chukhanov. There are no references, and this booklet does not have a Table Of Contents. AVAILABLE: Library Of Congress JG/whl 12-1-58 Card 2/2 -BRIOUSOV, I.I.; KHACHATUROV, T.S., otvetatveriny7 red.; PAWY, V.I., red*; XHITROV;` P.A.', (Intardistrict oo=unications and transportation of grain3 Mazh- raionnye sviazi i perevozki khlabnykh gruzov. MoRkva, Goo trans 'S * zhel-dor. izd-vo, 1958. 62 p. (Oik 11:5 1. Direk-tor Institute kompleken7kh transportnvkh problem AN SSSR, chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Miachaturov) (Grain--Transportation) IQ AUTHOR s Khachaturov, T. 2-2-10/12 TITLEs USSR Transport and Communication (Transport i svyazi SSSR). A Statistical Work Published by the GosBtatizdat in 1957 (Statisticheskiy sbornik Goastatizdat, 1537)- PERIODICAL: Vestnik Statistiki, 1958, 2, PP 75 - 84 (USSR) ABSTRAM Among other statistical publications, the USSR Central Administration of 3tatistices published in 1957 a book "The USSR Transport and Communication". The author gives a detailed review of the book. The book in subdivided into several parts. The first part contains data on the transport of goods and passengers by all means and other data referring to the increase of labor effi- ciency and the decrease of net costs. The other parts give classified data on the different transportation means. Some of the material is illustrated by diagrams. In 1956 the total freight turnover was 1,301 billion ton kilometers; in 1950 this figure was 713.1 billion ton kilo- meters. As compared with 1945, the total freight turnover in 1956 was 3.5 times bigger. The railroad freight turnover was 1,571 million tons in 1956, sea transport 57.7 million tons, river transport 146.8 Card 1/3 million tons and automobile transport 4,200.9 million tons. U3SR Transport and Communication 2-2-10112 The total capacity of the pipelines was 65.3 million tons in 1956. The respective figures in the year 1950 were, for railroad tranaport-834-3 million tons, for sea transport- 33-7 million tons, for river transport - 91.5 million tons and for automobile transport - 1,859.2 million tons; the capacity of the pipelines was only 15-3 million tons. In 1956, the density of the Soviet railroad system was 5.4 kilometers in 1,000 square kilometers. The efficiency of railroad transport is said to have been high and the utilization of locomotives and carriages by far better than in the capitalist countries and particularly better than in the USA. In USSR sea transport, the article states that the freight turnover was 4 times bigger in 1956 than in 1913 and the passenger turnover 35%6 higher. With respect to river trans- port, the freight turnover increased by 2.5 times as compared with 1913. The freight turnover of automobile transport amounted to 46-5 billion ton kilometers in 1956,'but as the average trip was only 11.5 kilometers, in spite of the huge quantity of Card 2/3 transported tons )the role of automobile transport as a whole KHACIWITIPOV, T. PerRpectives of technological progress. Ag 158. (Technology) Vop. okon. no.8:26-38 (MIRA 11:9) . i@@ !.-, KHACHATU V,..T.. "Problems in the development of the comprehensive transportation system in the Soviet Union." p. 6. (Transportno Delo, Vol. 10, No. 4, 1958, Sofiia, Bulgaria) Monthly Irviex of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 12, Dee 58 77777777= KHACH&TUR)V. T.S. Pro Opecte'for the dovelopm"nt of transportation in Rustorn Siberia. Izv*Sib.otd.AN SSSR no-12:73-82 158. (ERA. 1213) 1. Institut komplakerykh tranuportTWIrh problem AN SSBR. (Sibnria. Eastern--Transportation) XUAtvATmmt--T.4 TECHNOLOGY PERIODICALt KOZLEKEDFM KOMMY. Vol. lbo no. 45, Nov. 1958 Khachaturov., T. Economic efficiency of various transportation branches. P. 725- Monthly list of East European Accessions (REAI) LCI, Vol* 8,, No* 2. February 19599 Unclaast ERACHATUROV. T.S.j prof. in the over-all growth of the U.S.S.R's transportation system. Zhel. dor. transp, 40 no,3:15-21 Mr 158, (MIRA 11:4) l.Ohlon-korrompondent AN SSSR, (Transportation) SMSTALI, Ya.V., kand.ekon.neuk; ZOTIKOVA. V.I., kand.ekon.nauk; VMMOVSKIT, I.A, kand.skon.nauk: PARAKHONSKIT, B.H., kand. ekon.nauk; SHULIGA, A.M., assistent-,01ACHAVMV, `T '*So p otv. red.; SHWHAN, B.I., red.izd-va; NOVICHKOVA, N.D.,' LTransportation costs in the national economV of the U.S.S.R.] Transportnye izderzbki v narodnom khoziaistve SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1959. 127 p. (MIRA 12;11) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR; direktor Inatituta komplekanykh transportnykh problem Ak9demii Nauk SSSR (for Khnchaturov)o (Transportation--Coat of operation) S=STALI, Ya.V.; KHAUATUROV, Tigran Sergeyevich, red. (Transportation costs in the Soviet national economy] Transportnye izdarzhki v narodnom khosisiatva SSSR. Moskva, Akad.nauk. In-t komplakenykh tranap.problem, 1959. 128 P. (MIRA 13:8) (Transportation) N KRACHATMT, . Tigran Sergey6TiCh;@ KHA=OT, Ye.D.. red. (Problems in the economics of transportation] Yoprosy ekonomiki transports. Koskva, Goe.transp.thel-dor.izd-vo, 1959. 278-p. (KIIRA 13:5) (Transportatiow-Cost of operation) ZRACHATUROT, Tigran SergmyeTich; SHMMM, B.L. red.izd-Ta Elconomics of transportation] Ekonomiks transporta. Konkya, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSW, 1959. 586 p. (KIRA 12:6) 1. Chlen-kor respondent JN SSSR (for Khachaturov). (Transportation--Finn'noo) 30(5) AUTHOR: Khachaturov, T. S., Corresponding SOV/30-59-9-3/39 Mdmber ol: the AS USSR TITLE: Ways and Means for the Solution of an Important Economic Problem PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Nr 9, PP 13-22 (USSR) A'BSTRACT: The Akademiya nauk SSSR (Academy of Sciences, USSR), together with the Hauchno-issledovatellskiy ekonomicheskiy institut Gosplana SSSR (Scientific Research Institute of Economics of tho GoBplan USSR) and tho scientific branch organizations for research and design, investigates the problem of the economic efficiency of capital inveatment in the Soviet naticmal eco- nomy. In the years of Soviet rule between 1918 and 1P57 the capital invested amounted to 1,904 billion rubles, according to the prize level of 1955; this sum does not comprise the capital investments in kolkhozes amounting to 184 billion rubles. Within the course of the Seven-year Plan from 1959 to 1965 the capital invested by the state is estimated to amount 1 1,940 - 1070 billion rublest i.e. the highest amount since the foundation of the Soviet Union. Including non-centralized Card 1/3 means (housing and kolkhozes) capital investment will attain Ways and Means for the Solution of an Important SOV/30-59-9-3/39 Economic Problem three trillions. The problem of the most efficient use of such immense sums is extremely important. The Academy of Sciences, USSR studies this problem with the aid of a large number of experts in theory and practice. A ncientific-technical con- ference was held in 1958 with the participation of more than 800 representatives of planning- and design institution# as well as of scientific and economic organizations. The confer-' ence had been convened by the Institut ekonomiki (Institute of Economics) together with the Vsesoyuznyy sovet nauchno- tekhnicheakikh obshchestv (All-Union Council of Scientific- technical Associations). Recommendations were discussed and accepted for a method of finding the most efficient use of capital investment and modern technology. The Otdeleniye ekonomicheakikh, filosofskikh i pravovykh nauk Akademii nauk SSSR (Department of Economicsj Philosophical and Legal Sciences of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) discussed the method, and the Presidium of the Academy accepted it. At the same time the Scientific Council established a plan for an efficient solut- ion of all problems connected with capital investments which Card 2/3 specifies the collaboration of the Inctitute of Economics of Ways and Means for the Solution of an Important SOV/30-59-9-3/39 Economic Problem the Academy of Sciences, US5R, the Scientific Research Inati- tute of Economics of the Gosplan USSR, and the scientific branch otganizations for research and design. The Plenary Assembly of the Central Committee of the CPSS requested the Gosplan USSR, the Academy of Sciences, USSR, the Gosudarst- vennyy nauchno-tekhnicheakiy komitet (State Scientific-technical Commit-tee), and the Akademiya-stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (Academy for Construction and Architecture, USSR) in June 1959 to devise a method for the determination of the efficiency of automation,and mechanization"of production in 1959. Purthermore,:the-concept-and function of "capital in- vestment" is described in datail. In this connection a paper by V. O.-Chernyavskiy-(Footnote 2) in mentioned..There are 2 Soviet references. Card 3/3 KIMHATUROV, T.S. Proapects for the development of transportation in the U.S.S.R. Trud7 MIIT no.115:6-25 159. (MIJ?ji, 13:1) 1. Chlon-korraspondent All SSSR. (Transportation) BARD111, I.P., akidemtk, &lawvy red. (deceased]; NEWSOV, N.H., otv. red.tcma; SILWIN, S.V., doktor ekon.nauk. rod.toma; SHMINIXOT, M.a.. kard.9k.-.,r,.nauk, red.toma; LAVR&ITOYEV, M.A., skBdemik, red.; VOLIFKOVICIII 6.11, alaidemik, red.; DIKUSHIN, V.I., aksdemikp red.; NEMCHINOV, V.S., akademik, red.; VLTIS, V.I., red.; UVITSEIT, O.D., red.; PUSTOVALOV, L.V., red.; XHACHATUROV, T.S., red,; RO;STCVTW, H.F., akademik, red.; GWOV, L.Ye., red.; GASM, A.D., red.; PROBST, A.Ye., prof., red.; VASMIN, V.P., prof., zed.; KROTOV, V.A., prof., red.; VASIL'YEV, P.V., dc'kct@r,@,k, Ted.; LTMGOVZKIY, G.I., kand,tekhn.nauko reds; LEMIOV, F.A., kand.geol.-mlneral.nouk. red.; MAZOVER, Ya.A., red. izd-va; XAMil", P.S.,, (CoLTreYeraivc- xegional and interregional problems: [conference reportail Ralcnnye i mezhraionn" komplokanye problemy; [trudy koaforontaill. MoRk-wa, Izd-vo Akad.nouk SSSR. 196o. l9o p. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Xcrferentalya po razvitiyu proizvoditellnykh ail Vostochnoy S-'LbJ-.:!, 1958. 2. Chlony-korrespondenty AN SSSR (for Nekrasov, Veyta, Le7ltskiy, Pustovalov, KhBchaturov). 3. Sovet po izuchsniya proizvoditalinykh oil pri Presidiums Akademii nauk SSSR (for Nekrasov, Shkol-InIkov, Slavin). 4. Predsedatell Sovets po izuchaniyu pro- izvoditelinyk1l. oil pri Prezidiume AN SSSR (for Hemchinov).5- Vse- aoyuznaya akademlya sellskokhosyaystvenuykh nauk im. V.I.Lanina (for Roatovtaov). 6. Doyetviteltnyy chlen Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhi- tektury* W)SR (for Panov). (Siberia, Eastern-4conomic policy) KHACHATUROV, T.S.o Frinimall uchautlye; BAKUL-SY, G.D., doktor ekon.nauk; VAMMM, B.S.; VARHXTSOV, Ta.P.1 KLIKAHKO, X.I., doktor ekon. nauk; KRASOVSKIT, V.P., kand.ekon.nauk; KURAKOV, I.G.; YM3RG' A.S., kand.ekon.nauk. S11USTXRq A,L, otv,red.; STRZINIKOVA, M.A., red.; GARASIMOVA, Te.S., (Standard method for determininG the economic effectiveness of capital investments and now technology in the national economy of the U.S.S.R.] Tirpovaia matodika opredeleniia ekonomichookoi effektivnonti kapital'nykh vlozhenii I novol tekhniki v narodnom khosiaiotve SSSR. Moskva, Gos- planisdat, 1960. 21 p. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for ,Zmahaturov). 3. Institut skonomiki AN SSSR (for Bakulev, nimeako). 4. Institut ekonomiki stroitel'stva Akedemii stroitel'stva i arkhi- tektury SSSR (for Vaynshteyn). 5. Gosplan SSSR (for Varentsov). 6. Nauchno-issladovatellekiy ekonomichaskiy inatitut Gosplans SSSR (for Krasovskly). 7. Goeudarstvennyy nauchno-tekhnichaskiy komitet SSSR (for Kurakov). 8. Stroybank SSSR (for Ferberg). 9. Nauchqy sovet po problems ekonomichaskoy effektivnosti kapitalinykh vlozheniy i novoy tekhniki (for Shuster). (Capital investments) (Machinery in industry) BARDIN, I.P., akademik, glavnyy red. [deceased]; VOLIYKOVICH, S.I., aka- demik,; UVAROV, G.V., red.toma; KOKhROV, V.P., dotsent. red.toma; LAVRE9211EV, M.A., akademik, red.; DIKUSHIN, V.I., akademik, red.; KzxaHINOV, V.S., akademik, red.; V17TS, V.I., red.; LEVITSKIY, O.D., red.; NEMSOV, N.N., red.; PUSTOVALOV, L.B., red.; KRACHATUROV, T.S., red.; ROSTOVTS3V, N.Y., akademik, red.; POPOV, A.N., red.; GRAFOV., red.; GASM, A.D., red.; PROBW!q A.Ye., prof., red.; VASTUTIN, V.F., prof., red.; KROTOV, V.A., prof.. red.; VASILOYEV, P.V., doktor ekonom.nauk, red.; LYUDOGOVSKIT, G.I., kand.tokhn.nauk, red.; LITUNOV, P.A., kand.geol.-mineral.nauk, red.; SHKOLINIKOV, M.G.. kand.okonom.nauk, red.; BANKVITSER, A.L., red. izd-va; BRUZGULI, V.V., [Chemical industry] thimichaskaia promyshlonnostl. Moskva, 1960. 202 p. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sovet po izueheniyu proizvoditellnykh ail. Sibirokoyo otdeleniye. 2. Chleny-korrespondenty AN SSSR (for Veyts, Levitskiy. Nakrauov, Pustovalov, Kbachaturov). 3. To@- soyu2naya akademiya seliskokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni V.I.Lenina (for nostovtoov). 4. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademli stroitelletva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Popov). 5. Zamestitell predsedatelya Gosplana RSYSR (for Grafov). 6. Chlen Gosplana RSFSR (for Geshev). 7. Zamestitell predBedatelya Gosudaretvannogo komiteta Soveta Mi- nistrov SSSR po khimil (for Uvarov). (Chemical i-' -ies) MIKHEYEV, A.P., prof.2 doktor tekhn. naukj SHUKSTALI, Ya.V., kand, ekon. r@auk; INITRIM, V.A.,, kand. ekon. nauk; Prinimali uchastlye GUTKIN., L.V.j. kand. tekhn.nauk; 511VARTS, R.Ta.., mladshiy nauchrqy sotr.; GORINOV, A.V.0 retsenzent; MIKHALITSEV, Ye.V., prof., retsenzent; GIBSWAN, A.Ye., prof., retsenzent; RYISM, G.S., inzh., retsenzent; KHA UROVj _qHAT --T---Sj4-r.ed.; HAKSIMOV2 I.S., red.; GERASIMOVA, Ye.S., tekhn. red. [Efficiency of electric and diesel traction in railroad transports- tion)Effektivnost' elektricheskoi i teplovomoi tiagi na 2helezno- dorozhnom transporte. Pod red. T.S.Khachaturova i A.P.Mikheeva. Moskvap Gosplanizdatj 1960. 302 p. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Nauchnyyo sotrudn'iki Otdela razvitiya tekhnicheskikh aredetv transports, i Otdela raspredeleniya perevozok mezhdu razlichr7mi vidami transports. Instituts, kompleksnykh transportnykh problem Akademii nauk SSSR (for Mikheyev, Shukstall., Dmitriyev). 2. Chlen- korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Gorinov, Khachaturov). (Electric railroads) (Diesel locomotives) HOSTOUSIT, H.F., okademik, glavnyy red.toma; SOKOLOV, N-S-9 prof., red. tome; LNUOV, P.A., kand.gool.-mineral.nouk, red.toma; EUZHICHEVo A.T., kand.biolog.nauk, red.toma; IRMY, P.A., kand.biolog.nauk, red.toms; RUZSKA,@, Te.A., kand.biolog.nauk, nad.toma; OMMER. B.Te., kand.biolog.nauk, red.toma; BARDIN, I.P., skademik, glavayy red. [deceased]; LAYRERTIYBY, M.A., akademik, reol.; YOLIFKOVICE, S.I., skademik. red.; DDWSHIN, T.I., akademik, red.; NEXCHIN07, Y.S., akademik, red.; VXYTS, T.I., red.-, LEVITSKIT. O.D., red&; HEXRASOV, N.H., red.; PUSTOVAWY, L.T., red.; XHACHATUROT, T.S., red,.l POPOV, A.N., red.; GRAVOY, L.Ye., red.; '9SHW, YASYUTIN, V.P., prof., red,; PROB8r, A.Te,, prof,, red.; XROTOV, Y#.A*q prof., red.; VASILOYEV. P.V., doktor ekonom.naukg red.; LMDOGOVSKIT, G.I., kand.tekhn,.nauk, red.; %MOLINIKOV, M.G.. kand.ekonom.nauk, red.; BITUMIN, P.A., red.izd-va; DOROKHINA, I.H., (Continued on next card) ROSTOVTSEV, N.F.---(continued) Card 2. [Development of the resources of Sestern Siberia: agricultural Razvitie proizvoditelinykh ail Vostochnoi Sibiri: Sel'skoe kho- ziaistvo. Moskva, Izd-vo Aknd.nauk SM, 1960. 426 p. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Konferentsiya po razvitiyu proizvod-itellnykh oil Vostochnoy Sibiri. 1958, Irkutsk. 2. Vaesoyuznaya akademiya sel'skokho- zysystvennykh nauk im. Y.I.Lenina (for Rostovtsev). 3. Chlen- korrespondent Voesoyuznoy akademii sel'skokhozynyatvennykh nm* im. V.I.Lenina (for Sokolov). 4. Chleny-korrespondenty AN SSZR (for Veyte, Levitskiy. Hakrasov, Pustovalovj Khachaturov). 5. Day- stvitellnyy chlen Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Popov). 6. Zamestitell predsedatelya Gosplana RSFSR (for Grafov). 7. Chlen Gosplana RSFSR (for Gashev), (Siberia, Rantern-Acriculture) XHACHATUROYj Ti a Sergeytrtich; KOKOSHKO, A.G., red,; HAU14OTo K*Hwt (Transportation system of the U.S.S.R.] Transportnaia sistema SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo VM i AON pri TaK IM, 196o. 127 P. (KIRA 14:1) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Khachaturov). (Transportation) SHYSHLYAYEVA, otv. red.; IVANOV., Ye.A.,, red. izd-va; TIEHO14IROVA, S.G., tekhn. red.; SIFIKDIA, G.S., tekhn. red. (Development of the gas industry and the economic effetetiveness of capital investments] Razvitie gazovoi promyshlennosti i eko- nomicheBkaia effektivno5tt kagt4lovlozhenii. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1961. 190 p. (MM 15:1) Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Khachaturov). (Gas industry) UUCHATUROT, 2. Price determination, efficiency of capital iuvestmento and profit. Vop. ekon. no.102-81 Ja 161. (MMA 13:12) 1. Chlazo-korrespondent AN SSSR. (Finance) KHACHATUROV, T. Creation of the naterial and technical foundation of communism and ways to increase the efficiency of capital investments. Vop. ekon. no.4915-28 Ap 161. (MIRA 140) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR. (Capital investments) (Russia--Industries) KHACHATUROV, T.S. 7moortant national tasks. Veot. All SSSR 31 no.8s28-30 A I (MIRA 14:81 1. Chlen-korreopondent AN SSSR. (Efficiency, Industrial) KHACHATUROV, T. Ways to improve and raise the efficiency of capital construction. Vop. ekon. no.1:19-29 Ja '62. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR. (Construction industry--Finance) KHACHATbROV, @@&rRj_�ej@pyevich; MIASOYEDOV, B., red.; SHLYK, It., 0 red. [Main economic objective of the Soviet people] Glavnaia eko- nomicheskaia zadacha sovetskogo naroda. Moskva, Mosk. rabochii, 1962. 94 P. MiA 15:6) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Khachaturov). (Russia-Economic policy) NESTEROV, Ye.P., kand. teldu,. nauk; IMMICH114OV, V.S., a2ademik, otv. red.; MCHATUROV., T.S., red. toma; LUJOYE, A.L., kand. ekon, nauk;-i--ed. t6-m-kj!-=IY,, Yu.A., red. torna; SI@:11"BROVSM, L.A., red. izd-va; FC1LINA,'Iu.V., tekhn. red. (Transactions of the Scientific Con:@erence on the Application of Mathematics in Economic Research and Planning] Trudy Nauch- nogo sovoshchaniia o primenenii matematichoskikh metodov v eko- @omicheskikh iseledovaniiakh i planirovanii, 1960. Moskva, zd-vo Akad. neuk SSSR. Vol*5.[Planrdng and operation of transportation] Planirovanie i ekspluatataiia na transporte. 1961. 99 P. (MIRA l5--B) 1, Nauchnoye sovesbchaniye o primenenii matemiticheskikh meto- dov v ekonomicheskikh issledovaniyakh i planirovanii, 1960. 2. Institut kompleksrwkh transportnykh problem Akaderii nauk SSSR (for Ilesterov). 3* - Institut ekonordki Akaderzii nauk SSSR (for Khachaturov, Lurlye). 4. Vychisliteltrri tsentr Akax:eriii nauk SSSH (for Oleynik). 5. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Khachaturov). (Economics, Mathemutical) (Transportation) KHACHATUROV, Tigram S. "Comparative economic efficiency of individual types of the means of conveyance as applicable to various volumes and rates of growth of transportation In under-developed areaB" report to be submitted for the Unit-ed fUntions rwferertcc cn the Application of Science and Technolca for the lk-reflt of the Leso Developed Areas Geneva, DritzerlwA, 4-po Fe., 63- KHACIIATUROV, T.S., otv. red.Prinimali uchastiye: BOH, M.Z., kand. e on, a r. nauk, red.; BOLISIIAKOV, Ya.A., red.; DYL---VSKIY, A.A., red.; YDIELYAHOVO A.D., kand.okon. nauk., red.; KRASOVSKIY, V.P., red.1 SHUSITR, A.L., red. (Methodology for determining the econoric efficiency of introducing now machinery, mechanization and autoration of industrial production processes. Approved by the State Planning Commission of the U.S.S.R. on December 9, 1961]Fetodika opredo- leniia okonomichaskoi effecktivnosti vnedreniia novoi tokhnikip mckhanizatsii, i avtomatizataii proizvodetvem-Wkh protsoBsov v promychlennosti. Utverzhdono 9 dokabria 1961 g. Moskva, Ind- vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 45 P. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Hussia (1923- U.S.S.R.)Gosudarstvonnaya planovaya konissiya. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Khrachaturov). 3. Gosudaretverxiyy planovyy komitet Soveta Ministrov SSSR (for Bor, Dylevskiy). 4. Moskovskiy oblastnoy sovet narodnogo kho- zyayntva (for Bol'shakov). 5. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy ekono- micheskiy institut Goaudarstvennogo ekonoricheskogo soveta pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR po tokushcheru planirovaniyu narodnogo khozyaystva (for Ycrellyrnovj 6. Akr:doniya nauk SSSR (for Shuster). (Technological innovations) (Automation) -x*.@:@S4.t KWHATUROV; T.S. Development of technical and economic reaearch. Vest.AN SWR 32 no *4:32-39 AP 162. (MMA 15:5) L Chlen-korreopond6ut AN SSSR. (Russi&--Economio reoearoh) MATLIN, Grigoriy Markovich;..KHACHATUROV T S red.; AZROVA, A.G., red.; RIDNAYA, LV., Te-kFn. red. (Economic efficiency of the construction of multipurpose water power developments; methodological Instructions and calculation example) Ekonomicheskaia eftoktivnost' sooruaheniia komplekanykh gidrouzlov; metodicheakie ukazaniia i primer fas- cheta. Pod red. T.S.Khachaturova. Moskva, Rechnoi transport, 1962. 57 P. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (foT Khachaturov). (Water resources development--Finance) KHACHATURML,1.1, red.; DANISHINA, V.P. [translator]; Z07OV, B.D. '-[translator]; ISSUPOVI V.T. (translator]; V.D. (translator]; IOVy TEREKEOV, V.F [translator); SHAGALOV, G.L.[translator]; KOWN Tu.F., nauchrVy red.; ZAYTSEV, N.F., red.; KHOMYAKOV, A.D.y tekhn. red. [Problems in the economic efficiency of capital investmentslvopro- sy ekonomicheskoi effektivnosti kapitalovlozhenii; sbornik statei. Pod red* i so vstup. stattei T.S.Khachaturova. Moskvap Izd-vo inostr. lit-ry, 1962. 276 p. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Khachaturov). (Capital investments) KHAGHATUROV, T.S., -otv. red., KAZAKEVICH, L,'Ya., redizd-va,; Yu.V,, tekhn. red. [Capital injestments and potentials for their utilization) Kapitallnye vlozhenlia i rezervy ikh ispollzovanii-a. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1963. 277 P. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Nauchnyy sovet po effektivnosti osnov- nykh fondov, kapitallnykh vlozheniy i novoi tekhniki. 2. Chlen- korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Khachaturov). (Capital investments) SHCBERBAKOV, D.I., akademik; FRUMIN, A.N., akademik; XHACHATUROV, T.S VINOGRADOV, A.P., akademik; SOBOLEV, S.L., akade KO P.0 B.M.; akademik; TOLSTOV, S.P.1 SAZHIN, N.F.; KAZARNOVSKIY, I.A.; TROFIMUK, A.A., akademik Discussion of the annual report. Veot. AN SSSR 33 no.3t25-34 mr 63. (KIRA 16:3) 1. Chleny-korrespondenty AN SSSR (for Khachatarov, Tolstov, Sazhin, Kazarnovskiy, Vul). (Academy of iences of the U.S.S.R.) red.; KHOWAKOV., A.I., red.,17,d-va; UL'YAIIOVA, O.G., tekhn. red. [Efficiency of capital investments in various branches of socialist industry) Effektiv-nost' kapitallnykh vlozhenii v razlichnykh otrualiakh sotsialistichookoi pronWshlennosti. Moskva, Izd-vo MI SSSR, 1963. 220 p. NIAA 16:12) I. Akadon4ya nauk SSSR. Institut ekonomiki. 2. Chlot- korrespondent AN SSSR (for Khachaturov). (Capital investments) MITAISHVILI, tlpksandr Avgustovich; ORLOV, D.A., retsenzent; KHACHATURGV,__'~..S.,,retcenzent; NEEZ1,1AINOV., red.4,zd- va; BODROVA, V.A., tekhn. red. [Problems in developing inlRnd water transportation in tile U.S.S.R.] Problemy razvitiia vnutrermego vodnogo trans- porta SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo "Rechnoi transport," 10,63. 361 p. WIRA 17:2) Oluov, BoriB Pavlovich; KFACHATUROV _TPS.;..otv. red.; PLlSKINA, '- ...... @-@l ieklin. red. Ye.M., red.-I;C@- @' 0 [Transportation development of the U.S.S.R., 1917-19621 Rawitie transporta SSSR, 1917-1962; istoriko-ekonomicbe- skii ocherk. Moskva, lzd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. .401 P. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent All SSSR (for Kbachaturov). KHACHATUROV, V.A. Novocaine inhalation as a method for controlling cough in pulmonary tuberculosis, Klinemed. 34 no,,12:79-80 D '56, (KLRA 10:2) 1. Is Dilizhanikogo sanatorlya No.1 i No*3 (glavW vrach kandidott meditsinakikh nauk A.G.Kayteakov) (NOTOGAIRS) (COUGH) (TUMCULOSIS) KHACHATUROV, V.14.., inzhaner. Casting high-pressure cylinders. Lit. prottv. no-8:5-7 Ag 156.- (MLRA 9:10) (Novosibirsk--Steel castings) (Cylinders) ,UACE ZQV . kapitan meditsinskoy oluzhbv; CHAUSOVSKIY S. ., p n ,41-9- -Yws&" 5 ka i ta moditsinokoy sluzhbjv Reclamatioa of bandage material, Voeu,-med,zhur, no*9:85-86 3 156. (RAIDAGIS AND RMIDAGING) (MIRA 100) TETYUYEV, Boris Alskeandrovich; GROMIAYA, TSiliya Izrailevne; KRACHATUROT,--.Y.T., red.; TIKHONOTA, Te.A., LHodern automatic steering equipmentj Sovremennys avto- rulevye. Moskva, Izd-vo "Horskoi transport,* 196o. 78 P. (MIRI 14:1) (Automatic control) (Steering gear) 14MI14ADZHI, M.Xt__P!@@Rov, Y.Y., red.; LAY101OVII, N.B., tekhn. red. [Pilotage in the Kiel, Zuez, and Panama Canals] Lotamnsksis sluzhba no Killskom Suetakom i Pansmakom kanalakh. Mookvs, Izd-vo "Morskol transport," 1961. 42 p. (MIRA 14:5) (Kiel Carwl--Pilots and Pilotage) (Suez Canal--Pilots and pilotage) (Panama Canal--Pilots and pilotage) KONDRASHIKHIN, Vladimir Timofeyevich; RAKHOVETSKIY, Anatoliy Nikolayevich; QUACHATUROV, V.V., red.; IAVRENOVA, N.B., tekbn. red. (Accuracy of the astronomic determination of a ship's position] Tocbnost' astronomicbsokikh opredelenii mesta sudna. Moskvay Izd- vo "Morakoi transpprtsw 1961 69 (MIRA 140) 14 (Nettie al'as @;onomy5 BYKOVp Vladimir Ivanovichp kand, tekbn. nauk; KINITENKO# Yuriy Ivanovichp dotaent, kand. tekbno nnk; HATSMOtA.F.t retoerizent; SMIKOVt T.T.19 red,j KRACHATUROVt V.V.p r*d#; LAVREKOVAp N.B.p tekbn. red. [Phase radio navigation systemp Decaa4ayigator] Fazovaia radionavi- gateionuaia sistem *Dekka-Navigator.0 Moigkval Izd-vo, "Morskoi tran'- sport," 1961. 150 p. (KMA 14: 8) 1. GlamW obturman Baltiyokogo gosudaretvemogo morskogo parokbod- stva, (for Matoyuto) (Decea. navigation) ANOSOV, Aleksandr Vladimiroviabl- KRACHATURGV) V.V., red.; TIKHONOVAI Te.A., tekbn. red, [Ship handling] Upravlenie sudami. Moakva, Izd-vo "Morskoi tran- sportjn 1961. 271 p. (Ship handling) (MIRA l4tU) M rVANOV, Viktor Gavrilovich, inzh.; DAVYDOV, Pavel Semenovichs inzh.j BIAY- VAS, Leonid Abmovich,, inzh.)- LOSS', Pavel Moiseyevichp inzho; KHA- CHATUROV,-V.V., rod,j- LAVRENOVAO N.B,j tekhn, redo ("Donets" min in radar station] Sudovaia radiolokatsionnaia stantsiia. "Doneto." By V,Golvanov i dr. MoBkva, Izd-vo I'MorBkoi transport,,w 1961o 130 p. (Radar in n&7igation) (MIM 14:10) TUIZAKOV, Igor' Mikhaylovich; GAVRILENKO, Mikhail Borisovich; RUCIIATUROV, V.V., red.; LAVRENOVA, N.B., tekhn. red. (Work organization of the harbor fleet) Organizatsiia raboty portovogo flota. MosWaj, Izd-vo Vorskoi transport " 1961. 122 pe (Harbor) (Tugboats) (M6 15:2) M-141MAYEV, German Grigorlyevich, dots., kand. fiz.-matem. nsuk;BAPANOV, Yu.K.,,reteenzent;KHACIIATUROV,V.V.,red.;IAVRENO't7A,N.B. [Plotting radio bearings on marine charts]Prokladka redio- polongov m morskoi karte; uchebnoe posobie d1la trudowdi- tellskikh fakulltetov vysshikh inzhenernykh norskikh uchi- lishch IW. Moskva, Izd-vo "Morakoi transport," 1962. 84 p. WDU 15: 11) (Radio in navigation) (Ilautical charts) N- MALITSEVY Botio AlekM-evich., kand. tekhn. nauk; MCHATUIROV, V.V,; red.; LAVREIIOVA, IT.B., tekhn. red. [Use in navigation of lines of position taken at different times]Ispolizovanie raznovremnnykh linii polozhaniia v su- dovozhdenii. Moskvap Morskoi transport, 1962. 138 p. (NavIigation-Graphic methods) (MIRA 15:10) KONOVALOV, Vaailiy Vasillyevich; KUZNETSOVA, Lyudmila Ivanovna; KOVALICHUK, V.S., prepodavatelt, retsenzent; POKROVSKIY, D.V., prepodavatell, retsenzent; KHACIIATUROV, V.V., red.; USANOVA, N.B., tekhn. red. (Radio navigation equipment on ships]Sudovye radionavigatsion- nye ustroistva. Moskva, lzd-vo "Morskoi transport," 1962. 37/+ p. (MIRA 16:2) (Radio in navigation) (Radar in navigation) ZAKHAROV, V3Adimir Kuzlm:lch, dotB.i KHACHATUROV, V.V., red.; TIKHOKOVA) Ye.A., tekhn. red. I (Sailing directions]Morskals. lotaiia. Moskva, Izd-vo "Morskoi tranBport," 1962. 411+ p. (MIRA 160) (Navigation) KIIACIMUROV, Yu.A. , a considerable defect of the Use of capron fabric for coverinF spinal dura mater. 7hur. eksp. i klin. ned. 5 r-.o.2:t:*)7-69 165. (MRA 19. 3.) ACCESSION NR: AT4040451 S/2933/64/006/000/011210120 AUTHOR: Khachaturov, Yu. G. TITLE: An Instrument for radlometric analysis of sulfur In liquid petroleum products SOURCE: AN SSSR. Bashkirskly filial. Khimlya seraorganicheskikh soyedineniy, soderzhashchikhsya v neftyakh I nefteproduktakh, v. 6, 1964, 112-120 a@alyze;,, TOPIC TAGS: radlometric analysis, liquid fuel analysis, sulfur eontent analysis scintillation liquid anal zer, analyzer AZhS-1, continuous scintillation plastic scintillator , FJ@ radiation source, analyzer design, anAlyzer operating principle, diesel fuel analyzer modification, petroleum product,'Iiquid petroleum product, petroleum product sulfur content, diesel fuel ABSTRACT: Attempting to eliminate the disadvantages inherent In gas discharge counters used In existing.radiometric @quipment, the author designed a scintilla- tion type liquid analyzer (designated AZhS-1) and presents the calculations and data.relating to design and operating principles The Instrument Is Intended for continuous analysis of concentrations of contaminating elements whose atomic number Is higher than*the mean atomic number of the basic analyzed liquid. Rad- ACCESSION NR: AT4040451 iation from two Fe55 sources passes through Be windows In the source container, then through the analyzed liquid In a hot channel and through a calibrated filter plate In a comparison channel, and Is received by a steel-clad plastic scintillator (polyvinyl toluene with 3% para-terphenyl and 0.2% ROROR activator was best) and photornuitiplier FEU-35. A cathode follower and pulse amplifier (amplification factor,,$500) strengthen the power and amplitude of the voltage pulses from the FEU 35, respectively, and these are then processed through a discrimi-nator blocking multiplier noise and fed (standardized) Into a count rate meter. Subsequept stations Involve a selective amplifier (AC, 21 cps, amplifica- tion factor ^jlO'% p-loase sensitive rectifier, reverse motor, potentiometric pickup and an electronic potentiometer EPD 12. The voltage recorded by the EPD 12 is proportional to S concentration. An Initial modification of the design was furnished to the Kuybyleshev Refinery for analysis of S in diesel fuel (calibrated for 0 - 2% by weight SI). Thq sensitivity threshol-d was .5% of the scale range In all cases. OrIg. art. has: 15 formulas and 2 diagrams. ASSOCIATION: OKB avtomatiki Cosudaistvennogo komitata SM*SSSR po khImII (OKB on e SM SSSR) 11-.-Automation of the State CommIttee on Chemistry of th SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: @)o CODE: Fp NO REF SOV% oo4 OTHER: oo4 t; _2 c@/ KOZOREZOV. Tu.I.; BAYBURSIM, L.A.; MANOVYAN, A.K.; GONICHAROVA, II.A.; IDUCHATUROVA: D.A. Studying the operation of troughed plated of industrial reotifi- cation columns. Khim.i tekh.topl.i masel 7 no.2:40-44 F 162. 1 (MIRA 15:1) 1. Groznenskiy nauchno-iseledavatellskiy neftyanoy institut. (Plate towers) SOKOI;YANSKIY G.G.; KURAKO, Yu.L.; MACHATROVA D.I.- AMEN, M.Ya. - I - , Ollier's diseatie (dyschondroplasia) combined with a brain tumor, craniopharyngiorz. Zhur. nevr. i paikh. 65 no.6:821-824 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Klinika nervnykh bolezney (direktor - prof. G.G. Sokolyanskiy) Odeaskogo meditsinskogo instituta it.. Firogova na baze Otlastnogo psikhonevrologichoskogo dispanstra (glavnyy vrach H.F. Kravchenko). @, Yu-; KHMMATUROVA, G. YU"Of!"v" Yu. K. series. Part 32; 1"1 tIA Of 5-.,n L tro-2:.furfurylaminoa. .-Ihux. ob. Kh1m. 3,, no.6.,1%7i,.jj 3 -* Je '64. ( @': THA V/ ? i " ) It , @.oi@Kovskiy gostidarstvernr .L .. y @;nlvorzilttt lmf@t)'O I/)- NIOVIIISKlyp K,Yu.; KHACHATUROVA, G.T.; GAL'BEFZHTAM, M.A.; UND-70F, I.I., YIJRIYFV, YU.K. Sypthesis of some chloromethyl compounds of the fu.rar Berles. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 2., Kbim, 19 no.6,-63-65 N-D 164. (MIRA 180) 1. KafMra organicheskoy khimil Moakovskogo uriversiteta. GALIBERSIUA14, M.A,; 4MCHATUROVA, G.T.; NOVITSKIY,, K.Yu.; YURIYEVP YUJI Reactivity of 5-nitro-2-chloronethylfuran and 5-nitro-2-chlaromethylsolonophons. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 2: Xhim. 20 no-4193-85 Jl-Ag 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Kafedra organJohaskoy khimii Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. ,TVR0VA$ H. LA. UJj-R//En-ineerin,.- Naphtha] one "M rolcan 1nJ1,utr.-,, I PA-2@ATJ2 hu", 1947 "Nature of Products of Foriodic anJ Continuous Plrolysis of Naphthalene'" M. K. Melik-zade) T. M. Iv2ziova, it'. T. Y11yanova, 11. '. Miachkturova, 2 pp 11Azerbk%,,Jzhi)n Neft Kho N ZpAyStVoll 11,D 8 (254) In the course of continuous p rolysis conducted at f@ctory L::,o@.! lhadenni@, it w;ir) 615covered that tho petrolcivit conLent Ln prottictj of pyrol,;Az; vi@jz, @,ro;.tly i-mon the ter.-Tera- ture in the pyrolysis -vn@s lowered to 660 -@@Ao do-;reus. Prodacto of contin4ous pyrolysils were 1'ound to contain smiall ar@@oun'LL; of @)ut@roietu,- could ',-e u;-@ed i,5 raw r-.iaerials for the production of naphtha1(.,!,e only after 6pecial trez@tz.ent, -,.itich, ii.cve@seu tile n;,phLha content of the raw material. PA-23T32 -- - t*il ,VIAGHATUROVA ILK, Bee stingo of the cornea. Veot. oft. 73 no. 5:17-19 S-0 160. (MIRA 14: 1) (VENOM-PHYSIOLOGIGAL EFFECT) (CORNEA-WOUNDS AND INJURM) .1 ESTRIN, R.Ya., inzh.; KHACHATUROVAt N.S., inzh.; MEDVEDEVAO TAO lnzh, Safety problems in collecting and storing oil and gas. Bezop, truda v prom. 6 no.12:8-10 D 162. (MM 15:12) (Petroleum-4torage) (Gas-Storaga) ESTRIN, R. Ya.; K11ACRATUROVAVN..-S------. Safety requirements for the UB mobile units. Stroi. truboprov. 8 no,4;29 Ap 163, (MIRA 16--4) 1. Vgieso3ruznyy neftyanoy nauchno-lasledavatel'skiy institut po tekhnike bezopasnosti, Baku. (Bitumen) XHACHATUROVA, S.S., inzh.; XPSHT]ffN. G.H., inzh. Zffact of low tempering on the mechanical properties of 3OKhGT nnd 20XhMA steels. Metalloved. i term obr. met. no.7:17-19 Jl 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Vesso7uznyy nauchno-tooledovatellakty tnetitut burovoy takhniki. (Steel alloys--Testing) (Tempering) USSR/Phar--acology. Tbxicology. Chemtherapuutic Preparatiuns. C A) Paitibiotics Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Biol..1 140 Ili 1958, No 52086 Author : Iordanskaya, N. Ye., @Lntynkina A.A., Khachaturova T.I. Inst : Uzbek Tuberculosis Institute Title : The Irsaediate Sherapeutic Effect of the Proparstion laruran k-rig Pub t So. tr. Uzb. n-i. tuberk. in-t, 1957, 3, 70-75 P@bstract : Lnrusan (I) was a&,iinistored to 54 pationts (adults) with various forms of pulmonary tuberculosis (the majority with fibro-cavernous processes) in doses of 0.2 g@ 3 tines daily. It was demonstrated that I lowered toxendr., and in nany casen led to ityprownent of the locnl process. Tbxic side-effects (giddiness, headaches, excitement, precordial pains) were observed in 4 patients treated with 1. An conpared with phthivazid, I was less effective. -- V.I. Yellnik. Card mlodshiY nauchnyy sotrudnik now GUTO Of 8 CBSO of acute millary tuberculonis in 'pregnancy terminstirg in normal delivery [with summary In French. Probl,tub. 35 no-3: 105-106 157. (Mija 10 . 1u) 1. 1Z klinichoskogo otdolenlys Uzbekckopo naucnno-1 Baled ova tel , alcogo tuberkuleznot,O inatituta (usucbnyy rukovoelitell prof. Sh.A.Alimov) (TU.BaCU1A)j1.Z,. MILURY. In pregnancy. cure (Hue)) (AWGIAIXY, In various ditiessee, tuberc., miliary, cure (Rua)) IORDANSKAYA, N.Ye.; MATIVIUM, O.A.; KHACHATUROVA, T.I. Immediate therapeutic r4ffect from the drug, lax-Lwan. Sbar. trud. Uz. nauch.-issl. tub. inst. 302-86 157. (MIRA 141 (ISCMICOTINIC ACID) (TUBERCULCSIS) AMERIK, B.X.; NIKOLAYEVA, V.G.; SVETOZAROVA. 0. 1.; NE)MAN, L.M.; ZJIDANDVA, V.V.; DRCZDOVA, Ye.l.; UVASHOVA, L.P. PERCHENNO, A.A.; GALEYEVA, K.S. Obtaining and testing a test sample of gas-turbine fuel derived from the contact coking c,' a sweet cracking residue. Trudy GrozNII no. 15:105-110 163. (MIRA 17:5) yl"ArA: ATURYAL, . A . A lluplts@ly, A. 1'. roul 1 .7 r ;iridl th-n influehca of' in rmll In 1-.r,-Q tn,!nt on t.' i n- th- C01 I,! r@ tAl rln V nrrvnr,y sistem,.@ I-@ye, michnidyt. v 1'izloloeii I p4t.olot:ii, V,oolccw, 1@14B, lp.171)-38. SO: U - 30,42, 11 M2rch 53, (b@topis IlZhurnul. 'Inykh A;ite!y, I;o. 7, 1949) VANS-HaLIKOV, V.M.; PORVIOV, A.A.; KUCUMyAI, A.A. Idealistic nature of SHmari ian'O "Brain pathology and ps7chiatryn. ITevropat.peikhiat., Moskva 20 no.2:70-78 Mar-Apr 1951. (CLML 20:9) 1. Docent Vanshchikov; Candidate Medical Sciences A.A. Khachaturyan. 2. Of the Institute of Psychiatry of the Ministry of Public Health USSR (Director--Prof. V.A. Gilyarovski7). USSRI Miscellaneous - Social we:Lfare Card 1/1. Pub - 77 - 11/23 Authors I Khachaturlyan, A. As,, and Hikhaylov, A, K, Title : Harmful survt@aLs of the past Periodical : Nauka i Zhizn' 21/10, 26-28, Oct 1954 Abstract :Alcoholism in t1w Soviet oalled a survival of capitaliam. An-,sx- -position is given of the physiologioal aepects of drukwmieso idth a vtlw to dissuade the pub]-to from indulgence in it, insitution :... Submitted : off KRACHOURTAN.A.A.; KINUTLOVA.K., vrach-paikhiatr Sleep and dreaming. Nauka, i zhizn' 22 no.6:37-39 Jo '55. (MM 8-'8) 1. Starshly nauchnyy sotrudnik Institute, paikhiatrii Minister- stva zdravookhranoniya SSSR (for Zhachaturyan) (Sleep) (Dreams) GILYAROVSKIT, V.A., redairtar; BEUITSKIT, V.I., redaktor; SEGAL', Yu.1., redaIrtor; SKU111, X.Ya., redaktor; SIMON, T.P., redaktor; YKMOV, D.D., rodaktor; KHACHITURYAW. I.A., redaktor; GURIVICH, L.A., redak-tor. [Problems in psychiatry; abstracts of scientific works by the Psychiatry Institute of the Kinistry of Health of the U.S:S.R. (1945-1953)] Voproer paikhiatrii; avtoreferaty naubhnykh rAttot Instituta psikhiatrii KiniaterstTa sdravookhranenita SSSR (1945- 1953 99). Pod red. Y.A.Gilisroyakogo i dr. Koskva 9@6. 453 p. (@IRA 10:11) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) HinisterstTO sdravookhraneniya. Institut paikhtatrii. 2. Deyetvitellnyy chlen Akademii meditsin- skikh nauk SSSR (for GilyarOTskiy). (Psychiatry) ZINOVOYEV. P.M. (Moskva); MIKHAYLOV. A.K. (Moskva); KHACHATURTAN. A.A. (Moskva) "Psychiatry." Y.A.Giliarovskii, Reviewed by P.M.Zlnovlev, A.K. Mikhailov, A.A.Khachaturian. 34 no.9:93-95 3 156. (PSYCHIATRY) (KLRA 9:11) (GILIAROVSIII, V.A.) KUK M V, L.A.; KHACHATURYAM, A.A. - r... - 'Consequences of prefrontal laukotonq in schizophrenia? W.G. Shevchemko. Reviewed by L.A. Kukuey, A.A. Khachaturian. Zhur. nevr. 1, psikh. 56 no.1:56-57 156. (xLRA 9:4) (SCHIZOPEMIA) (HRAD@-MGIMY) (SEIRVCHUKO. W.G.) 6TAMCOICH. 1.,8.; XEAGUA @VATI- I iL-- .. WOOMIM wo@ "Yeaturea of the atriteture of the human cerebrum and the temporal lobe of man and moakeye" by S.r,".BlinWov. Reviewed by I.A.StankevIch, A.A.Khachaturian. Zhur.nevr. i Dsiklh. 57 no.6:788-',@90 '57- (BRA I Ii) (.111, 11440 V, 6 -,M . MIIUAYLOV, A.K., IHAMATURIYANj A.A. (Moskva) "Glinicai ... @t-er-ise'thyl lead psychosis" by A,A, Portnov, Reviewed by AeK, Hikhailov, A*A. lharhatrliane* 36 no.9: 152-15) 3158 (MMA 11:10) (PSYMIOSIS) (LRAD--TOXICOLOGY) ZINOVIYEV, P.Me- MIKUYLOV, A.r.; KHACHATURYAN, A.A. (Moskva) Review of the book *Textbook of psychiatry" by O.V. Kerblkav, S.I. Ozeratelclyp Y9,A. Popov, A.V~ Sneshnevokly. 37 no.9tl56- 158 8 159. (NIPIA 12-12) X'FSYCGHIATRT) (rWIKOV. O.V.) (OZUNStIT, N.I.) (POPOV, Te.A.) (SHMIWSKIY, A.T.) STAMUCH, I.A.; -KHACIILTURYAN A A. "Youropathology and psychiatry" (Collected scientifio works of neuropathologiats and psychiatrists of the Latvian S. S. R.). Reviewed by I.A. Stankevich and A.A. Khachaturian. Zhur. nevr. i paikh 61 no.8:1271-1273 161. (14IRA 15:3) (PSYCHIATRY) (IMRVOUS SYSTU@-DISSASES) KHACHATtMYAN, A.A., ChangeB in the interoceptorB of the pla mater and the dieorders of cerebral circulation in the genesis of a spasm syndrome. Report No.l: Changes in the neural apparatus of the pia mater In epilepsy. Trudy Goo.nauch-isal.inst.psikh. 25:678-703 161. MRA 15tl2) 1. Klinika soBudiatykh psikhozov (zav. - prof. V.M.Banshchikov) Gosudarstvenoogo nauchno-issladovatellskogo instituta paikhiatril Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. (PIA MATER-INNERVATION) (EPILEPSY) (SPASM) KHACHATURYAN A.A., kand,med,nauk Changes In the4nteroeeptors of the pia mater and the diaorderiv of cerebral cironlation in the genesis of a spasm sydrome. Report No.2% Change in the neural apparatus of the pia. mater in experimental studies of a spastic seizure. Trudy Gos.nauch- lsal.inst.psikh. 25:704-707 161. (KIRA 15:12) 1. Klinika soaudistykh psikhozov (zav. - prof. V.M.Banshchikov) Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-iaeledovatellskogo instituta psikhiatrii Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSKR. (PIA MATFR-INNERVATION) (SPASM) (EPILEPSY) ,,4 .7200 AUTHOR: Khaehaf;ut@yan., A. G. TITLE Concerning the Theory on thu X-R-,y Mosaic Crystals 'PERIODICAL: Krista lograflya, 1959, Vol 11, Jjr- pp ABSTRACT: The crystals whose atomic plan,@i-i exhlb.111 and consequently represent a mo@;ai,! Of offset relatIvo to each oth-i,, arc- 11"'ually by the X-ray diffraction method.,. However, th@-, mv--thoda deflue the reglons of coh(-@r,.,W but not thcl ,-!I undistorted blocks. In .in 1-o - relatlon of the undJs'orl-(,d hlocks -.o the rt,gion.-, of coherent scattering and to find the conditions undev which the3e two become equivalent, ' '1112 aUthor durives 18 equations. According to one W' them the mosalc can be .-esolved if the offsets are kii-rer than tlv@ atomic Interplanar spacings, slnce, 1ri 1, h!s case. th,-- rej7lons of coherent fjcatt,@-rln@,, are of' 4, a"3 th,@. undistorted b*1 o c ks .It' tlif2 "Ire @@rrl'aller th;--in the Card 1/3 Interplanar spacing,,, the und.k;tortued bloclvs conslultute Concerning the Theory on 1-1he X-Ray ScattevInj-1 7 "; 9 8 1 by Mosaic Crystals S 0V/YO - 11 only a part of the respectJvi.@ of' coherent 1. scattering. The general relat.lonship Is defined by L = + " d where- L i..i th@,, of' a of Lb 1. V 2 If 3k 1-1 coherent scattering; 1, bl of' an undistorted block; d 1,,i Interplanar spac-Ing; and u is offset. The width of a recorded dirf'ractulon, B, Is deltermined by B = A Is 1.hi, wave.f-m-'-h and 6 Is the L cos 6 , where / - (-,I glancing angle In the region of coherent, scat-tering. Subuititut-Ang the former eqwil,loi) Into the 1,att,- one obtains N B or v@,,Ivr,an,,7ed + ,A B cos&c IZ7 -IF Card 2/.-, Concerning the Theovy on tile X-I?,,Ly Scutt( !,frq-, 'f, @ @) 8 1 by Mo3alc Cryotahi ASSOCIATION: SUBMI'ITED: and Is an i-,quatlon vilth two unknoW."V, L,," C@111 riot be 301-Ved Unequ 1voo-- I !Y uni,--,:, ,he c. o r 1 d of the pight member become.,; c d large a. Finkel I slitoyn, 1-1. 'rl. , L- suggestlng the thes-t.,, and d 13C 1.13 3 10110 .Ther(- @wk, ': I I r;u, '@;i VW U.S. PLIblIcation .1,.. : R--td , W. T. D.!,-- loc-a'-Ion2 '!I Crystals, 1953. Moscow Steel InstItute Inion]. 1. V. 31"alln (mo-1,'wv,@;1?j.'i Institut stall Imeni I. V. Stullna) May 15, 1959 Card 3/3 5/07o/60/005/003/011/024/xx E132/E46o AUTHOR: Khachaturyan, A-G. TITLE@ 'The Influence of the Size Distribution of Mosai@.@ Blocks on the Scattering of X-Ray3 , )@@ No 3, PP-354-358 PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1960, Vol,:), TEXT. One of the principal problems of X-ray diffraction analysis is to determine the size distribution of mosaic blocks in a crystal@ An attempt is made in this paper to determine the form of this function theoretically. Using general statistical considerations about the distribution of boundaries, which involve the assumption that there is no interaction between the boundaries, an expression is derived for the Fourier transform of the scatteoed intensity distrIbutionand a particular X-ray diffraction lin; is obtained. The dependence of this Fourier transform on the average distance. between block boundaries can be compared with experimental information which is available for beta-brass, molybdenum and tungsten. The results of the comparison are not particularly successful but a new method for determining the average sizes of the blocks is suggested,, Acknowledgments to Professor Card 1/2 S/070/60/005/003/011/024/Xx E132/E46o The Influe'll of the Size Distribution of 1-103&ic Block. on the Scattering Of X-Rays B. N. p -t nk el " a h t --iglen for directing the work. There iare 2 figures. table and 7 references: 5 English, I French and I German. ASSOCIATION: Taentraltnyy nauchno-ifisledovatellskiy institut ch,rnoy metaillurgii (Central Scientific Research n3titutO for Ferrous K t a 11 u r g y SUBMITTED. January 26, 1960 Card 2/2 "J"73 3/181/61/003/00.9/005/039 2LI U60 B102@B104 AUTHORt Khachaturyan, A. G. TITLEi Interaction between carriers and lattice vibrations in an anisotropic crystal PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 9, 1961, 2540-2547 TEXTt Resulta obtained by V. L. Bonch-Bruyevich (Ref. lt F`TT, 11, 8, 1857, 1960) are generalized to cover the case*of electron-phonon interaction in an anisotropic crystal. This interaction modifies the spectra of both electrons and phonons in an anisotropic manner. Taking this interaction into account entails a correction for sound velocity. Electron - phonon interaction was examined using the well-known method of Green's temperature functions. Corrections for sound velocity were calculated for differe nt directions of the phonon wave vector. Modifications in the structure of diffuse thermal X-ray scattering were also calculated. Electron-phonon coupling constants were determined by measuring the diffuse thermal scattering and the sound velocities. The author's investigation is based on the a3sumption that the interaction between acoustic phonons and Card 1/6 21073 5/181 61/003/009/005/039 Interaction between carx ,iers and lattice B102/B104 conduction electrons is what essentially matters. The system considered can be deacribed by the Hamiltonian (A) P-1 P, where the interaction Hamiltonian is--given in the relations A- V2-V (pp'kms,) (P#) pZ. ps (3) Card 2/6