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VW, KRACHATUROV, A.A., inzhener. j4:- Nonsynchronou switching tests on a 110 kv line. Zlek.sta. 27 no.3: 40-44 Mr '56. (MM 9:8) (Electric lines) KHACHMWT,,,A.A., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk. Asynchronous operation and resynchronization of hydrogentrators. Mak.sta. 27 no.8:40-43 Ag '56. (KLU 9: 10) Mectric generators) AMMIYZV, S.; BABKOV, v.; BIRULYA, A.; BOGOMOIDV, A.; BDGHIN, v.; BRILING, N.; VAMMUSHIN, N.; VOLKOV, M-; GM-RIY, M-; DAM'KOVI Yu-; TEM14OVI V'; ZHIJCNWV, G.; IVANOV. N.; IGOLKIN, N.; KUDRYAVTSEV, A.; LITVIR, H. MIKHAYIOV. V.; PROICOPPYNV, I.; SARKISITANTS, G.; ROMMIM0, I.; STRAMENTOV, A.; YEDORDV, V.; KHACHATUROV, A. i dr. Anatolil Pavlovich Khmallnitskii. Avt. dor. 21 no.12:30 D '58- (Khmellnitakii, Anatolil Pavlovich, 1907-1958) (MIRA 12%1) 12(2) 13OV/113-59-4-8/19 AUTHORS: Morozov, B.I., Candidate of Technicr-.1 iciences; Flec',11in, I.K., Candidate of Technical 3ciences; -Khachaturov, A.A., Doctor of Tech- nical 3ciences; 'Jhef, A.L., jcience3 TITLE: The Calculation of an -'-'IaFtic Couplin-, Ellement By "cans of an Electric Model PERIODICAL: Avtomobilinaya Dromyshlennost', 1959, Tir 4, pp 18-21 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The suitability of an automobile for pulling a trailer de- pends to a Great extent an the correct selection of the ela- stic (3lement parameters of the coupling. The elastic elc= ment has the purpose of eliminatin@-. impacts on the couplin@7. Since the cxistin(_,, method.,- of calculatin,@7 such elastic ele- ments do not consider all factors influencing the work of the coupling, the autho2ssu,-@,-,,:st usin(, an electrical modcl. The application of the electrical model foi@ solving problems of the motion of mechanical sy@;temrj is based on the "act than an electrical process place in the model -nitich is analogu- ous to the mechanical prooc@ss at the couplin@;. 1'e -- s u r i n g Card 112 the electrical magnitudes (cur-ront, voltage, etc), information .30V/113-5 -4-8/19 The Calculation of an Elastic Coupling -.Jcment By IL'eans of an :Jectric Mlodel on mechanical mag-nituOes (force, speed, etc) may be obtained. on the dynamic system under investi,-ation. This menns that the dynamic system is replaced by an electrical one. ?igure 3 shows an electric equivalent of a dynamic oyatom. In addition, the aut'hor de3cribe3,the SPqUCTICO Of operations for performinU zuch an investiCation. There are 1 circuit aia gram, 1 diagTam, 1 block dia,-ram, 3 granlis and 6 ';Oviet references. A.",50CIATIOL"4: NAMI.,',!oskovskiy avtor,-,o")il'no-dorozhnyy institut (.osco-, Auto- mobile and Highway Institute). Card 212 KWHATUROV. I.A.. kand.tekhn.nauk Currents and electromagnetic momonts originatIng in generators in nonsynchromous phase-by-phase ovitching-in. Trudy VIIEZ no.81 217-232 159. (MIRA 1319) (Blectric generators) KHACHATUROV, A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; SYROMYATNIKOV, I.A., doktor tekln, naiak, prof., red, [use. of electric generators; wider uses of nonsynchronous autcmatic reclosing] E'spluatataiia generatoray; rasshirenie oblcsti primeneniia nesinkhronnogo AFV. Lektaiia 2 dlia stu- dentov elektroenergeticheskogo fakullteta i slushateloi fa- kullteta usovei-shenstvovaniia inzbenerov. Moskva, Vsos.zaochnyi, 1961. 28 p. (MIRA 15:6) (Electric power distribution) (Electric protection) ANDREYEV, B.V.; ARTEMIYEV, S.P.; ARK11ANGELlsky, V.M; AFANASIYEV, L.L.; BABKOV, V.F.;'BRONSHTEYllp L.A.; BURKOV, M.S.; BURYANOV, V.A..; VARSHAVSKIY, I.L.; VELIKANOV, D.P.; VOINOV, A.N.; VTRUBOV, DoNo; DORHIDONTOV, A.V.; DIYACHKOV, A.1%; YEFREWV, V.V.,- ZRABIN, V.M.; ZEIX'NK0Vj G.I.; KALABUKHOV, F.V.; KALISH, G.G.; KRAM.ARENKO, G.V.; KRASIKOV, S.M.; LAKHTIN, YU.M.,'-14IKULIN, A.A.; ORLIN, A.S.; OSTROVSKIY, U.'B,i OSTROVTSOV, A.N.; YUJBLTS, D.A.; STEPAUOV, Yu*A,; STECHKIN, B.S.; NEMTHO . A.A. 1910VAKH M.S.; CHAROMSKlY, A.L.; SHARAPOV, K.A. Nikolai Romanovich Briling; obituary. Avtotranap. 39 no*407 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:5) (Briling,, Nikolai Roulnovich, 1876-1961) V@ @v; At.. L,17995-63- BDS ACCESSION NR., AP3004221 s/oios/63/000/007/002?/0033 AUTHOR: Qla eva, N. B Gorbumova, L. M. (Engineer)" (Engineer), Portnoy. M. G. (Candidate of technical sciences); Khachaturov, A. A. (Candidate of technical sciences) TITLE1 Asynchronous characterill-tics -of p1mchronous generators 5OURCE; Elektrichestvo, no. 7. 19 6 3. 29 - 3 3 TOPIC TAGS: synchronous generator ABSTRACT: For calculating asynchronous conditions and for resy-achronization, of generatore in power systems, it is necessary to kaow the synch,ronous njachine parameters as functions of slip within 0. 00 1 -0. 1. The ar ticle suggests a simple method of experimental determination of asynchronous chiracteristics of-atcam- and hydro-turbine generators and deiscribes a few actual measure- nalents. The generator is disconnected and demagnetized; then, an &-c voltage Card 1/2 L 17995-w,63 . __ - ._--'.-.1' __-__-. - .- . .1 - I ACCESSION NR: AP3004221 from a separate source is applied to the stator while the rotor is driven at vari- ous rpm's. Stator current, voltage, and active power are recorded by an oscillo- graph. From this data, the electromagnetic torque and direct-axis and quadrature-axis impedances vs. slip can be calculated (for7ulas supplied). A type T - 2 - 50 -2,160 -Mw, steam-turbine generator P an ASEA 3.4-Mw, alient- pole hydro-, a VG-500/9500f.4-Mw hydro-, and a VGS-700/100_'tZ4'1_MW hydro-turbine genex a tested. Detailed data is tabulated. G. A. Bakunts, A. P. Germanov, L. M. Zisman. P. _L. Lap@Shenko, and Yu. G.. Fokina took part in the tests. The method is recommended for testing prototypes at generator -manufacturing plants. Its drawbachs are: (a) inapplicability in the c--se of hydroelectric generators without amortisseur windings and i:b) neglectance of machine saturation. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 16 formulae and I table. ASSOCIATION: Vaesoyurny*y nauchno-isoleddivatellakly institut elektroenergeti4 Mos ow (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Electrical -Power EnL- Vq-- 11@ ing SUBMITTED: 07Mar6z DATEACQ: 011Aug63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: EE NO REF SOV: 00 3 OTHERi 001 Cord 2/Z AFANASTYEVP V.L.; KBACHATUROV, A.A. Recoreing of the microprofile of highways and its statistical characteristics. Avt. dor. 27 rio.9ill-12 S 164. MIRA 17 : 11) P CU., II NI. Kkan d. tekhn. na A I VT r,@CYV doxtor Iekim. n@)uk L___,4_ Fquatton!i of kinematic relatlonq of a wheel and an elastic tire and the investigation of it.. rolling at. n variable angle of tilt. Avt. prom. 30 no.121!2-15 D 164. (MIRA 18;2) 1. Moskovokly avtomobillno-dorozhnyy Institut. -7@ i :,ekh-n. 1-1-uk on'd 1 c, n, - ove r-:1 I the u- of e-rivilric powe" @.y r- n i r, 'r.- t r Aiet v v i to J.."- Ja ( , " i I, @ *,. I- li . -, 11 . - , i.. o hit PCHELIN) I.K.1 kand.txjkhn.uauk; 'k " - !:'-,v . , .. , I .1, 1 1 1 Nonlinear vibratlons ff' a motor vehicle moving on a road with a ruitural microprofile. Avt.prom. 31 no.5s17-19 My 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Moskovskiy avtomobilInc-dorozhW inBtitut. GITREVICH, Yu.Yo-., irzii.; 101ACIIA"I"MIOV, A.A., @,infl. U-,@hn, Z-11'.0- @ 1, -'. VI Study of Lhe operational stabl@it:, of rynciirrnr,-,i ,'It I naynchronoya 5ptom aperaricn. EhtIchAcEe!;,vc) no,3:31-5-01 Xx 16 5. (MIRA 18:6) e.- -.roenergatikl. 1. Vs,.!sc)3rizrtrj nauchno-Is sled ovate I I sk--y 4n@jtj@,,.;-t Itak S.M.; DRCZ'D0V, N.G.; K", LARCVSKIY', V.B.; LINDORS, L. I-ELI'll'.0VI PETROV, !.I.; FOPT")Y, SY:,'C@TAT!TIKGVy T.A.,: FED(-is*EY'EV,, A.M.; YI!AGHAT!J-R0-V,.,.A@A.; ELIKIND, Yli.M. I,P,.r Grazdanovich 16id1kordants; on his 50th birti-,clay and th- -1-0th amitversary of his scientific and vork. E26.-trichestvo llo05:90 Itr 165, 77 TFR-ZAKHARYANP Yu.Z.; KHACHATRYAN# A.A. Absorption and distribution of nalocin in the organism of experimental animals. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Biol. nauki 18 no.8:50-55 Ag 1659 (MIRA 18:9) 1. Inatitut tonkoy organicheakay khi.mii AN Arm-yunnkoy SSR. FCHELIflf I.K.; MIACHOlifirM, A.1A. Determining dynarric Icaris -,f mcto@. vnhle-le.-@ r;n the Avt.dcr. 28 Jo 165. @IKTRA 28A) MAMIXONYANT9, L.G., doktar tekhn. nauk; PORTNOY, M.G., kand. tekhn. nauk; K.H.AGRATUROV, A.A.p kand. tekho. nauk Generalixation on practices of using asynchronoun modes of operation in electric power sys-tems. Elaktrichestvo no.61l-5 Je 165. (KRA 1817) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issladavatellskiy institut alektroenergatiki. MAMIKOIFiANql,'jr L*Oo, doktor tokhn*mWts, prof.;-MMtIATU!@q@, A&A., kande taklm.nmik Auxboral &Uktrichostim no.22s78-79 D 165. (M.111A l8sl2) SOURCE COM AUTHOR: Mardkoryants, Lo Go (Doctor of sciences); Portnoy, Ho G* (Candidate of technical sciences); jq@@oyo,, Aj,,4*,.(CandidAt* of technical sciences ORG: VNIIE TITIE: Generalization of the results or experimntal application of asynchronous operating conditions to power systems SOURCE: Elektrichestvo, no* 6, 1965. 1-3 TOPIC TAGS: Wroelectric power plant, turbin3, electric switch ABSTRACT- Over the past 15 years brief asynchronous operating conditions -have been often used Ear the Increase In stablility and reliability of power systems*! It is of Importance for the further development of the theory and practice of asynchronous operation to survey and generalize the results of ekperiences with such types of operation. Consequently, asynchronous operatin4 conditions affecting entire power systems or their separate parts are being d1scuissed. The results.of the study of a large body of data shows that 1) turbagenerators with Indirect cooling of windings may work without excitation through :10 min Intprvals without signs of damage; 2) in hydrogenerators excitationlesa work leads to significant overloading andq Consequently* hydroelectric plants should" lContain protective devices sel!arsting the generotor In question from the, Card _L_ ACC general netw2rk; 3) although the devices for repeated switching with self- synchronization are effective in establishing parallel operation, they are only seldom installed because of their relative complexityl .4) nonsynchronaus repea@ed switching devices are, on the other ha*nd_$*_stm_ple setu ps for fast :re-establishment of synchronization; In 80% of the switching there occurs .resynchronization; in only 1% of cases there appeared a prolonged asynchronous rituation; 3) some resynchronizations failed to materialize only becauce of related network interruptions caused by Incorruct operation of protecting devices-or of the plant personnel; and 6) greatest damage was reported in Instability cases involving small pawer-deficient systems connected to large power networks.' The Ar -tiale canoludes with a list of problems deservinj further attentIOUs Oris. art. h"t 5 tables. fJPRAa7 SUB CODEt 10, 09 SUEH DATEs non& ORIG REFt 003 Card 2/2 -A -L.111_051-66 ACC NR, AP6004792 SOURCE CODE: UR/6lo5A5/OOO/OO5/OC)q0/O0q0 AUTHOR: BuIrgsdorft V V.; Gortins!ci Mj Drozdov. N. G.; _Kulakovsld.y. _VA_B-.,* @indorf, L S.; M __y,_� ____ A.' @Syrom@yatnikovk FedoseYev,=._k.j j%achaturovA._A.j &.11kind. Yu. M. ORG: none TITLE: Doctor of engineering sciences, Professor L. G. Mamikonyante B S'OURCE: Elektrichestvo, no. 5, 1965, 90 TOPIC TAGS: electric engineering personnel, electric engineering ABSTRACT: The article was written in honor of Lev Grazdanovich on tho occasion of his 50th birthday and upon is completion or .30 yoars or scientific and industrial activity. He graduated from the Azorbaydzhan Indus- trial institute in 19@3, whoroupon he worked at the Central IndustrLal Roscarch Laboratory of Azonergo first as Electrical Engineer and then as Chief Engineer, His scientific activity begun durinS the student years at the university lab- oratorios for electrical machinery and hi&,h-voltage techniques# From 1941 to 1945 ho sorvod in the Soviet Army and became a member of the Communist Party in 1942. Since 1943 he has been working with the MIE (All-Soviet Scicntific- Research Institute of.-Mq ) at the State Industrial Comn _qtrjq2ovqr ission on k6iii-E-o qn_2@6 U@Ssn in char&e of the Electrical Machinery Laboratory now and also as head of tho Department of Electrical Machinery, Insulation and Automation. Sines 1953 he luts also been the Vice-Director of the Inatitute of Scientific Affairs. He receiYed the dearee of Doctor of Ccr..Fl-T2- UDC: 621-331 172 Z' W M, L IC . 151-66 -@06 N-R, AP6oo4792 EnCinecring @ciioncev In 1939 and was appointed Professor in 1961. Much theoretical and piactical-wor*k has boon done.under his leadership at the Bloctrical Machinery Laboratory which he helped to set up. Problems concern- in-r the theory of synchronous nachines leadin; to their improved operation wore worked out here (asynchronous condition after loss of excitation, s:1mloli- f ie%-A' method of compensator 3tartinZ, qelf-synchron!Lzation of generators, acf)* L. IG. Ylamikonyants is also active in scientific research coordinatin cor=it- I tees on pouer and electriZi cation in :Ehe @SSA. He 3its also on the Committee ?or the Dotem.1nation -of ElectFlc@ -Tarameters and on the jAnt7--'-- pmq!l_ Scientific a@lia@6rtho @t-e-. tEithemore, he Is on the scow Power-Instit ITRaYr@f---Lektrichestvo. During his entire careor he has published about 60 vorks, many of them resulting from basia research. At the Moscow Power Instituto he taught a course on "Special Problems in Electric Power Stations" from 1952 to 1934 and on "Testing of S@mchronous Machines" from 1933 to 1934. The texts of his lectures were printed in the form of a com- pendium. He Is very effective in training tha young generation of students and assisting earning their_dOveas, Ae 0. KamikoyW=ts participates in the activities of the VNIIE both as recruiter and as lecturer. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. SUB CODEs 09 SUBM DkTE9 none card 2/V L Weu-,6-66 ACC NR% Ap6ol7626 SOURCE CODE: t A) UR/0113/66/000/002/002j/00271 AUTHOR: Afanaslyev, V. L.; Khachaturov, A. A. (Doctor of technical sciences) _= 7, 21 ORG: Moscow Automobile and Highway Institute (Moskovskiy artomobillno-dorozhnyy -,.)- institut S TITLE: Statistical characteristics of road surface irregularities and automobile -vibration SOURCE: AvtomobilInaya promychiennost', no. 2, 1966, 23-27 TOPIC TAGS; surface roughness, statistic analysis, vibration, spectrum, vehicle suspension system, road ABSTRACT: The electrical analog method is used to derive formulas for the statistical characteristics of road surface irregularities and automobile vibrations. A diagram is given showing the distribution functions for road surface irregularities which are recorded at a speed of 40 km/hr and in the case of dirt roads at 20 km/hr. It is suggested that the distribution of road surface irregularities is nearly normal. The experimental data prove this. The mean square height of the road surface irregular- ities is given for various roads. The function S q (w) is given for the spectral densit-, of dispersion in the effect which road surface irregularities have on the automobile. This function shows the distribution of dispersion density in a given frequency range. ACC NRs fk(;@i626 k spectral analyzer with filters is used to determine the points of the spectral density function. A formula is given for determining dispersion within the given frequency band. The statistical characteristics of vertical vibrations of a truck are considered. Error is estimated for spectrial density of dispersion in this case. A statistical study of the interaction between automobile and road may be used to evaluate automolibe suspensions and road surface smoothness. Orig. art. has: 8 figureal, -1 tible, 6 formulael SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 001 SEID-RZA1 M.K.; SHERSTNEV, N.M.; YADULLAYEV, N.N.; KHA"-:H'TU0V, A.A. Effect of the, magnetization of a drilling tool on the occurrence of complications. Burnnie no.31:12-14 164. (MIRA 18--5) J. AzNllburneft'. I f I %I k- ( It - I ' - ' k. ' ' I f , MCHATUROV, A., inzhener. . 9 --- @; - mThermal processes in the freezing of Xhol.tekh. 14 no.3:66-71 Jl-S 157. (Fish, Frozen) fish in an air stream. (MIRA 10:10) X it .L) a Khatchaturov, A. L'. and A(.jnanov, H4 N. (3%;ientific 1-Lesuarch ln:ititute of the Hefrj.g@rating IndusLry of the US.5R, Moscow)- "@`cnvu@cr Ai)prrz:,tu3 .4ith High Speed Air 6irculation for, the @uiek Froazing oL' Fish" 'i-'r'jncn - 6 p.gels/ .L report presunted at the International Inst. of Aefrigeration (IIh), Annual Meeting of "missions 3,4, and 5j Moscow, 3-6 Sep 1958 KHACHATUROV, A., insh.; POPOV, M., inzh. Automatic unit for the manufacture of ice cream sandwiches [with summary in Inglish]. Khol. tekh. 35 no-1:9-13 Ja-F 158. (MIRA 11:2) (Ice oream industry-lqui-ment and supplies) P "Evaporation of Moisture from Products during Freezing in an Air Blast." Rep rt submitted for the 10th Intl. Refri[;eration Congress, Cope:@@ager., 19 August 2 September 1959. Kk, a 'Is !till. ;gt JAI Aj ZI Ha 'ail a .3 1,A 311 -a A- lei oil, 1 A, v x 21 -At -Hat 9 'a, ai 44 Og 24 Sal 31 V: J .11 Zh 3'r A , I : A-A v Av, 1& 13 Ila KIIACHATUROV, A.B. Progreso in domestic refrigerator production. Khol.tokh- 38 no. 1:1-4 Ja,F 161, (141FLA 14:4) 1. Glavnyy spetaiallst GookomitetA Sovots, Rinlotrov SSSR po avtomatizataii i mushiriostroyeniyu. (RefrigC37ators) T" -7, j'. KHA UROV. lnsh,, Standarization of com preasion and absorption system domestic -Tefrigerators. )Mo'L.tekb: 40 no.,202-34 tft@-Ap 163. (MIM 16 s 4) 1. Gosudarstvennyy komitet po avtomatizataii i mashinostroyeniyu pri Gosplane SSSR. (Refrigerutors-Ztandards) -ACC a AR6004330 -NV SOURCE CODE: UR/0274/65/0001009/AO38/AD36 AUTHOR: Khachaturovp A. I. REF SOURCE: Tr. uchebn. in-tov avyazi. H-vo avyazi SSFR, vyp. 21, 1964, 72-78 TITEZ: Reciprocal resistance of antennas mounted on a c- on platform e. T&O .Z:j SOURCE: Ref. zh. Radiotekhnika i elektrosv:jazI, Abs. 9A276 TOPIC TAGS: loop antenna, antenna interference TRANSLATION: The reciprocal resistance of symmetric horizontal antennas fixed above a semiconducting surface is considered. In calculating the mutual resistance, the field at the passive antenna is described as the result of the interference of the direct wave and the wave reflected from the surface of the earth. Comparison of the calculat ed and experimental values of mutual resistance shows satisfactory agreement between the data for values of RIA from 5 to 20, where R is the distance between antennas and X is the wavelength. The measurements were carried out on both dry and moist ground for 1=7.15 m. 2 figures, 3 references. B. P. SUB CODE- 09/ SUBM DATE: none UDC: 621.396.674 .Card 1/1 L 47189-66 EV, i d AdZ NR, ARG020714 SOURCE CODE, UR/0274/66/000/002/AO33/AO33 AUTHOR- Korcbov, Yu. F. Miachaturov, A. I. 3k, TITLE: Effect of strong interference on .1he input of receiving equiprnenl_,@ SOURCE: Ref. zh. Radiotekhnika i elektrosvyazl, Abs. 2A230 REF SOURCE: Tr. Uchebn. in-tov svyazi, vyp. 25, 1965, 19-26 TOPIC TAGS: -.,,-"gnal interference, communication, ultrashort wave, frequency modulated transmitter, frequency converter ABSTRACT: The effect of signal interference of tho Joeal frequency-modulated transmitter on the receiving channel has been investigates for combined radi reception and transmission on ultrashort waves. The relative amplification c e 10, of a converter cascade, resulting from interferenceis designated as the supri=n coefficient. Its function depends on the errors of measuring antenna'noises and on the reduction of useful time of communication in interrupted communication. Theo- vetical and experimental data on the permissible value of the supression coefficient -ire presented Orig. art. has: 3 figures. Bibliography of 2 titles. [Translation of'! abstract) INT]. SUM CODE: 17 UDC: 621. 391. 827 107-57-5-26/AZ AVIHOR: Ovcharenko, E. TITLE: Long-Distance VHF Propagation (Dallney-3 rasprostraneniye UKV) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, Nr 5, pp 22-23 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Recently a conference on long-distELuce vhf propagation was held in Moscow; it was organized by these three organizations: Nauchno-takhnichesko3n3 obahchestvo radiotekhniki I elektrosvyazi imeni A.S. Popova (Scientific and Engineering Society of Radio-Engineering and Eleatrocommunication), Vsesoyuznyy nauchnyy sovet po radlofizike i radiotekhnike AN SSSR (All-Union Scientific Council for Radiophysics and Radio Engineering, AS USSR), Institut rdaiotekhniki I elektroniki AN SSSR (Institute of Radio Engineering and ElectronicsAS USSR). Over 250 persons took part in the activities of the Conference; among them scientists and professors from Leningrad, Khar1kov, Gorlkiy, Odessa, Tomsk, and other cities. Fifteen reports were delivered and discussed, of which 6 were devoted to vhf tropos@aric scatter propagation. Professor A.G. Arenberg, Doctor of Technical Sciences, opened the Conference. A brief outline of today's investigations and uses of tropospheric propagation is presented in the article. Professor A.N. Kazantsev delivered a report on the "Diffused Propagation of Moter Radio Waves in the Ionosphere" in which he briefly reviewed the materials of the Eighth Plenary Conference of the Inter- national Consultative Committee for Radio (Warsaw, September 1956). American and Canadian commercial scatter-propagation communication lines were mention;3d. Card 1/3 107-57-5-26/63 Long-Distamee VHF Propagation Kazantsev noted that the USSR is lagging in the matter of scatter propagation. V.A. Bubnov reported the results of the recording of levels of the Khar1kov tv station at various distances and also the experiments of twin reception of 67.6/71.1 and 77.25/83.?5 mc between Khartkov and Izvum. A.I. Khachnturov reported preliminary results of a trans-horizon scatter recep- tion Mosoow-Odessa and Leningrad-Odesea observed in May to September 1955. A type IP-14 noise motor and a four-element Yagi antenna with a loop radia- tor were used. S.K. Sotnikov, a radio amateur, reported his experiments of tv dxing during the summer of 1956. His results are described in Radio, 1956, Nr 12 and in 107-67-5-28/63. M.V. Boyonkov In his report uAbout a Long- Distance Ionospheric Propagation of VHF" examined the peculiarities of propa- gation of 6 to 10-m waves over distances of a few thousand kilometers. Monthly predictions of vhf communication conditions for various routes from 1,600 to 14,500 km are published in the USSR. D.M. Vyaokovskiy dealt with theoretical and mathematical problems in his report "Some Problems of the Theory of VHF Diffuse Propagation in the Tropospherew. Also these theoretical reports were delivered: wDiffusion of Radio Waves in the Ionosphere and Long-Distance Propagation of VHF" by Ya. L. Allpert; "Turbulent Intermixing and Diffusion of Radio Waves in the Ionosphere" by B. N. Gershman; YAn Altitude-Wise Study of the Multiple Structure of Ionospheric Stratum With a Card 2/3 107-57-5-26/63 Long-Distance VHF Propagation Frequency-Separated Reception" by S. F. Mirkoten; "On the Methods of Calcula- tion of Radio-Wave Diffusion on Random Inhomogeneities" by V.A. Zverev. The Conference found necessary to organize broad theoretical and exparimental investigations of vhf scatter propagation in 1957-1960. Steps toward this end are listed in the article. There are two Soviet references. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 Special interest was caused by the leoture delivered by A.I.KHACHATUROY-On "The problem of the stability of reception for rej_@mmlazion in airoraft". A.A.RIUIN spoke about "Generalized equivalent schemes and generalized amplifier cascades." ASSOCIATION: Not given PRESH= BY: SUBMITTED: AVAILMLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 -,)orrj! riatich. ral-ot, yashch. 70--lcltlyu prof. @w, 16'-67 ,30: 1j_'12,1',1,, 10 Apri'L 1-)53, (L(,,toi)i:i 'Z'nurnal Inyl-1h, If )49) BAZHENOV, N.M.; VOLIKENSMYN, M.V.; KOLITSOV, A.I.; KHACHOUROV. A.S. Investigating polymers by the method of nuclear magnetic resonance. Part 1. Vysokom.soed. 1 no-7:1048-1055 n 159. (MnU 12:3-1) 1. Institut vyookomoletulayrnkii soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Polymers) BAZHENOV, N.M.; VOLIKEI'SlITEYN., M.V.; KOLITSOV, A.L;14@HkTUROV, A.S. Nuclear magnetic resonance study of polymers. Part 1: Temperature dependence of molecular mobility in different stereoisomeric forms of poly(metbyl metbacrylate). Vysokom. soed.3 no.2,290-291 F 161. (MIRA 14:5) L Institut vyookomolakulyamykh 3oyedineniy AN SSSR. Methacry3Ac acid) clear magnetic resorance) t S/190/63/00@/003/019/024 B101/B203 -@AUTHOMI Abdrashitovo--R-o- Ac, Bazhencvt_A'I.-__* -_IoVkenshteyn-- it V Kolltsovo A. I.t.!@@atur mignetic resonance, TITLE:- Study of polyners rene macromolecules -Mobility of-Polyhalogen sty -?ERIODICALS Vy-Sokomolokulia no- 3t 19 r4ye BoYediheakya, Vo 59 63# 405-411 TEXT s The templeraturedependence of-the width and of the.second moments of; -the nar absorption bands of fluorine and hydrogen nuclei was studied in 2 Poly-2-fluoro-5-methyl styrene at 20-125 C.!, The curves 6H,(T) and 6HP(T) showed distinct tranaitione a so Au t85 and 11,500, the ourv (T) and A4(T) 0 showed only -10 C.--- The- eiperimental--values --att __qpg_ india_tinct_Aransition_at@_I- 0 2 2 20-80C ares AHp 5-6�0-3 gaueal AH 5-0�0-3 gauss I AH 8.2+0.3 2 2 0 2 g&USS; ga, a AH 15.2+0.6 gauss I and at 90-110 Cp AH 5-5:to.5 H F Hi Card 1/2 S/190/63/005/003/019M., Study of polymere,by nuclearae. B101/B203 2 2 .6@+O, 3-gauss--,--A-Oompar-ison -of- -the- _e#j?rimental -values -for_AH,-__vith thi values calculated according to i H Van Vleck (Phys. Rev., 74, 11680 1948Y.. -suggests a flat-eyndiotaotic-ohain-a's the most probab 1 a con-f igurat ion of the polymer.- The transition point at OPC in caused by torsional osoilla-i 2 tions. The observed decrease of AH; can be explained by cooperative syn- phase torsional oscillations; this is ali3o most probable for steric reasonse 0 2 The transition point at 115 C is caused by softening. The decrease of AH H with increasing temperature is due to another form of intramoleialar motion. 2 -are 4 :1igures and 1 table. which does not affect AH F There ASSOGIATIONt Institut vys6komolekulyarnyich- soyedineniy AN 55SR (Institute of High-molecular Compounds AS USSR) SUMAITT ED i September 209 1961- Card 2/2 BAZIOROV, R.M.; VOLIMIS11TEYN., N.V.; KRACILLTURFOV, A.S. Study of polymers by the nuclear magnetic resonance method. Part 4: Stereospecific methyl acrylate wad butyl acrylate polymers. Vysokom.soed. 5 no.7:1025-1029 Jl '63. (MRA 16:9) 1. Institut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Acrylic acid) (Polymers----3pectra) KH ACHATUROVY A.S.; BAZHENOV, N.M. [decensed]; NAUMOVA, S.F.; TSYKALO, L.G.; "YMOTTYEV, B.V, Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra and structure of oligonters of 1,3-cyclohexadiene. Dokl. AN BSSR 7 no.7:459-463 Jl 163. (MIRA 16%10) 1. Institut fizlko-organicheskoy khimii AN BSSR i Institut vysokorholekulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR. GLADKOVSKIY, G.A.; SKOROKIfODGV, S.S.; SLYV!lih, S.G.; A,S. Syntliesiv and properties of vinyltrepylium Perchlorate. Izv. All SSSR. Ser.khim. no.7:1273-1277 Jl 163. (muu@ 16:()) 1. Inatitut vysdkomulekulyamyRj, soyedinonly All 56,31t. (Tropyliin campaunda) _7 A.1.1 101ACHATUROV, A.S. V(ill F.iI'jII-;,,fIi-YIl) M.V.; KOLITSOV) 1,1,olecular motion in poly-2,5-dtfluoro3tyrene as determined by nuclear uagnatic resonance. Vyookom. aoed. 7 no.2t296-298 F 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Institut vysokomo1eku1yarnyI:h soyedineniy AN SSSR. em reg in n 7-, 7--.4 Ar"CESSIul" URI AP5ol6499 1@!f ptl @i @cl 1 UL t)_ Card J/J L ACC NN AP6001091 $011RCE CODE, UR/013P/65/000/012/0006/0010--, AUTHOR: Khachaturov, A S.@ Vol'kensbteyn. M. V.; 1. M,.;. 'l @tsov@,A. ORG: Institute of fit h Molecular Compounds, AN SSSR, Leningrad (Institut vyvoko- molekulyarnykh soyedinenly TITLE: Nuclear magnetic resonanE2 stud w: fluorinated rubbers SOURCE: Kauchuk i retina, no. 12, 1965, 6-10 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear magnetic resonance,vfubber, spectrum analysis, AbSTRACT! Two"Samplesvof fluorinAted rubberlike elastome4were studied by means of, 111IR: polyperfluoromethoxyperfluoropropyl acrylate f- -CH2-C11- L I I I I - CO-O-C112-C,V2--CF2-0-Cr3 n and 2dMIX-f-ilio-robut Lier I C112-C11- CO-O-CH2--CF2-CF2-CF3 n The temperature of the experiments range,] from 200 to t'he liquid nitrogen tempera- ture. To analyze the temperature dependence of the width of partially superimposed absorption linea, a method was proposed and used in which the width of the spectral 77, L 11778-66 ACC NRt AP6001091 lines was determined from the contour of their outer shoulders. In PFMPA, the fluorine-containing groups separated by an oxygen atom have a much greater mobility than the corresponding groups in MA at the same temperatures. Experimental values of the second moments were detamined for fluorine and hydrogen nuclei In the temperature range from -50 to -200C for both rubbers. Theoretical values of the second moments were calculated for rubbers In the hard, nonelastic state. lt@va$ shown by comparison that only the terminal (23-0- group retains its capacity to move at -180C. Orig. arti has! 4-figures. SUB CODE: 1/1 20/ SUB14 DAM none ORIG W: 005 OTH REF: 012 X Card .... 2/2 KHACILATUROV, A.S. Properties of high-molecular weight compounds studied by the nuclear magnetic resonance method; a survey. Zav. lab. 31 no.8: 948-956 165. (IMIRA 18:9) ACCESSION NRt AP4019976 aloo2o/64/134/006/1389/1392' AUTHORt Nsfedovp o. m.; Kolesaikove 3, P,1 044batur"t At 1#1 Petrov$ A. D. (Deceased# corresponding amber) TITLE., Properties of lot-dichloro- and 1,1-diAethylgermane cyclopentenes-3 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*,, Y. 154, no. 6, 1964, 1389-1392 TOPIC TACS: lcommal dichlorogermanecyclopenttnet 1comme I di%ethylgermanacyclo- I 1 pentene 3, trichlore germane, lcommal dLchloro-l-germanecyclopintene-3p lcommal dimethyl 1 germanecyclopentene 3, germanium compound, germanium' ABSTRACT: During the reaction of an excess of divinyl with HGeC13 at a temperature interval of -80 to 50GO higher molecular Sermanium organic compounds are formed together with the compounds CH3CHuCHCH2Ce`;l3 (1) and lpl-dichlaro-l-germane cyclopentene-3 (II)s A dimeric was separated (yield 5%) which corresponded more closely to the structure H(-CH2CH--CHCHZGeCI2-)ZCL (Lit) and also separated were r liquid and solid polymers (Weight relation 10:1). made up mostly of the monome unit W1 - (total yield 15-30%. molecular weight :1P 1500)4, The c&ta t,, eb-CHCH"r is is ly C"ICL drogaustiou. of 1#1-dimethyL-1-ger na cyclopentem-3 we Is* %J 1/3 I.Cor.d- 7 ACCESSION NR: AP4019976 studied This unsaturated heterocycle dehydrates more easily and mor the substituted cyla-and germane cycLopents-aes- Thus, at 450C over 0 fully than A1203.Cr2O3,K2O(84:14:2) Or At 350,400C over 10% pt/co the conversion Of M) is 607. with 112 content in the gaseous dehydro8enation products from 96-98%, whereas the 1.1-dimenthylgermane cYclopentane does not change in these condition 111r4ever, 1,1-dLmetlefigermane cyclopentadiene-2,4 in pure form was not se from the dehydrogenate because Of Its extrece tendency to condense. ;;rated structure of dimere and Polymers developing from (11) and (IV) or dir I -', t- ectly from divinyl and 11GeCl3, like compounds of the general form X(.CH2C CHCHZG 2 (R = Cl or CH H_ _)y 'Al 0 X and Y a H and cl or CH3) is abown by a significant AeR proton spectr W10rIty of to a spectra of corresponding monomer heterocycle@ (11) and (IV),1 The presence of three basic types of protous in these compounds which corrosp to the monomer unit cad and 8.30-8.36; 4.72 CH2CH-CHCB'2(;e(CI[3)2 (V 9,83-9,9; duplicate 8,47-8.49 -4.75 m.d.), is indicated. OrIgo arto bass 2 figs* ASSOCIATION-. lastitut OrgAnichaskoy Wali in. me Do Z*Unskova Akad=LL asuk SSSR (Ins"tute of Organic ChwLstry# Academy ot Sciences Sgsit) Card 2/3 NFFFDOV, O.M.; cq.TIRY,%Y'r@," V.I.; Y,11AC--%,4kT'JHOVt Aryinarbenes from lithium aryls ard methylene chloride. Zhur. ob. kh1m. 35 no.3009-520 Mr 165. (MIRA 18W 1, Institut organicheakoy khimli imeni N.D. Zelinakogo AN SSSR. E AID P - 1648 Subject USSR/Aeronautics Card 1/1 Pub. 58 - 7/19 Author Khachaturov, E. Title The speed of the leader and of the follower in a turn Periodical Kryl. rod., 3, 7, Mr 1955 Abstract The following problem often faced by sport pilots is discussed: What speed should the leader maintain to make it possible for the follower to keep the proper position In the formation. An analytical explanation and practical advice are given. Institution: None Submitted No date KIIACdATUROV, G. Basic problems in the economy of railroad transportation. P. 3. Vol. 7, No. 8. 1955. TILINSPORTNO DEL0. Sofiya, Bulgaria. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library, of Congress. Vol. 5, No. 1, January, 1956; IMACHATUROV G. Improve the orgw)lzation of supply. Stroi, truboprov. 9 no-3:33-34 Mr 164. (IMIRA 18:2) 1. Trest Yuzhgazprovodstroy, Rostov-na-Donii. Sou"Icz" CODE: Ui/04',3/66/000/015/0197/0197 Do'brovol r,',-iy, P. Mhaclhaturov A- - Kato, Ya. 1 -FOY&-- V. 0 G none T:"L7.: A*vice for 3toppinu an airplane after land'Lng. Class 62, No. 184154 1zob;:ot prom obraz tov Ln, no* 15, 19606, 197 T02IC TAGS: aircraCt landing 5yatc@i, airfield auxiliary equipment Th-r 'uthor Cer"ficate presents a @ievice for alopl-An- an airpiwia after@ inclueli)u I cable conGJ stin- of braking The dovice on" a r1l;iway. -@az-zs az-id reccivin,,- part of t.-.c cable with cable holdcrf3, two braking druz3 with conical clu-.c'r,:!r,, a re@@aiator for winding and .L.-et,ional diA brakao and with L stretc1r,ing the braking cable, rvid pneu;,-,o(hydro)elcctrical systems for directing. the of the device. To lo-(.er the dynanic loads at the moment of contact of the _-irnlanc and the receiving cable, the devicL- is provided with block-and-tackle V.Doorbers. The ca3in@i of these abao.66ers contain rigidly fixed blocks cLid zovable block carriera zied to '.he caainC; with elastic 'bands. SiM CV'D---': 1' SU14 DA.TZ: 17AU[,,r64 Card 1/1 _629.139 _M IMACHATIMOV, G.M2. Lithologic and facies changes to reservoir rocks (in the thiolmoss of the whole series and of sand layers of granulometric composition) In Nouthwootern Apsheron deposits and their connection with oil potentials 1zv,A.H Averb,BMt, gore 40olo-pogenauk no,2:67-80 1380 (141YA 11112) (Apsheron Peninsula-Petroloux gooloCr) KNACHAVMV, G.Kh. Change in the thickness of sand roservoir roeks of a ;roducing formation in the southwestern part of the Apsheron Peninsula and its relation to oil potential. Azerb. neft. khoz- 37 uo.1:7-9 Ja 158- (KM llt6) (Apsheron Peninsula-Petroleum geolqg7) TOPGRIYXV, A.V., akad8mik, glaynyy redaktor; TRAP11ZHIKOV. V.A.. otyatetvennyy redektorl LIBINSON, D.Ta., radaktor; STRAKHOVA, L.P., redaktor; SHYAB. A.F.. redaktor; adaktor; ASTAYIYIVA, G.A., takhnicheskiy redaktor [Session of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences on the scientific probl@ms of outonat'isation of production, October 15-20, 1956; pleaa@y meeting] Sessita Akedemit asuk SSBR po nauchnym problemam avtowatlzatsil proizvodstva, 15-20 oktiabrin 1956 g.; planarnys xasedantia. Moskva, 1957. 271 p. (MIRA 10:3) 1, Akadsmiya nauk SSSR. 2. Chlon-korrespondent AkademH nauk SSSR (for Trapeznikov) (Automatic control) (Information theory) (Blectronic calculation machines) KHACHATUROV, I.Bo, brigadir contazhnikov Promoting labor safety for aseembI7 mechanics. Bezop. truda v prom. 3 no.11:30-31 N 159. (MIRA 13:3) 1,11ovorossiyeko7a upravleniya trasta Yushtekhmontazh. (Haohine-shop practiCO-Safet7 measures) KIIACIIATUROV,, KhriaLofor Georgiyevich; UNDIN, Nikolay Ivanovich; =.'.ENOV Yuriy Aleksandrovich; 8ASOK, Semen Izrailevich; FAVORSKIYY, V.Ye., red.; ALABYSHEVA, N.A.., red.izd-va; GVIRTS., V.L., tekbn. red. [Practices of the "Avtoarmatura" Plant In the bending of contacts and the efficient organization of die storage] Opyt, zavoda "Avtoarmatura" po gibke kontaktov I ratsionall- noi organizataii khraneniia shtampoy. Leningrad@ 1963. 11 p. (Leningradskii dor nauchno-tekhnicheskoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriia: Goriachaia i kholodnaia obrabotka metallov davleniem, no.7) (MIRA 17:3) .KHACHATUROV@ M., nauchnyy sotrudnik Indwc of planning the wide use of chemistry. Plan. khoz. 41 no.1:75-77 Ja164, (MIRA 17:2) 1. Institut ekonomiki AN ArnSSR. KHACHATUROV, M., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Synthesis gas and its utilization in the chemical indUBtry of Armenia. Prom.Arm. 4 no.11:13-14 N 161. OURA 15:1) 1. InAtitut ekonomiki Ali Army&nskoy SSR. (Armenia-Witter gas) (Synthetic products) KHACHATUROV, M. Some problems in the utilization of synthesis gas. Prom.Arm- 5, no.1:25--29 Ja 162. (KMA, 15 s2) 1. InBtitut ekonomiki AN Armywakoy SSR. (Armenia-Water gas) S/081/62/000/018/036/059 B166/B180 AUTHOR: Khachaturovj M. .TITLE: Some questions on the use of synthetic gas PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khiuiiyal @o. 16, 1962, 450, abstract ISM177 (Prom-at' Armeniif no.. It 1962, 25-29 rm. and Rua.]) TEXT: A synthetic gas is obtained as a waste product from the thermooxidizing pyrolysis of natural gas for the production of acetylene at the Kirov Plant. The article showe-that it is economically so under to use it for the production of'mothanol and ammonia, instead of burning it mixed with-natural gas as a fuel for -generating electric power. [Abst.racter's note: Complete tranalatioil Card 1/1 it octs oi 0; col 3 ]"L 1 cat -,on, Oil of IS Arv,@,-,.Il c C: I of' I S, _-.! Letopi,-.I-i 36) 19,',@',, o5co-,@*. MUNMY I USSQB CATWMY Cultivated Plante, Industrial, Oleiforousq Sugar. M ABS. JOWt. WhBioi, N6'6 2-3 195'e, No 6 1047.53 AUTH(R Beloasov, -t. S.,-Paehaturori N. A. INST. Azerbayazhan So i ant 1?rC-'11;6fi-0aF'C'A-'Tr8Mu te of Ootton 0) TITLE I Securiog Umiform GermlDi,tit)D of Cotton Plant on the Heavy 50118 of Shirvan'.' OMG, PUB. : Tr. 1-y anuchn, eaugii -dovate yo koordiuntail AN azerb&Sk, Sok-A, i,14 msrb@Sft, 1957, 175-184 ABSTWT f A survey of atudies on thQ caucee of czuat formation on the Cotton fields in Shl@rvanl . Data of Azorbaydzhen Scientific Research Inal@'Ltuto are cittd on th6 effectivW- nose of planting cottou,on ridgee in the coaditions of badly-cruating heavy aterczem soilu. Experiments were con, ducted during 1932-1953 under fiela and laboratory cowli- tions ot Shirvan' Composite Zonal Experiment Station and mt the kolLoz of Ud-zhr&1ri.-/ rayon. In compxrisoL with the Growing Cardil/2 (MIPU@ 37:30) KHACHATUROV, T.S., otv@red.; BAKMV, G.D.. prof., doktor okonom.nauke redo; KLIMORKO, K.I.. doktor okonom.nauk, red.; KITROFAHOV, A.I., kand.okonom.nau3c, red.; PUCHKOV, S.G., red. (deceased]; BUDARIUA, V., red.; NOWEVINA, R.9 tekbn,rede Elconomio effectiveness of capital investments and now technoloal Ikonomichaskaia effektivnost' kapitnllnykh vlozhenii i novoi tekhniki. Moskva, Izd-vo sotuiallno-ekon.lit-fy, 1959. 614 p. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. InRtitut skonomlki. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SM (for Kbachaturov). (Capital investments) (Technolopj@ SHADM, Hikolay Aleksandrovich, prof.; PMMIMAN. Lev Moisayevich, doteent; REPUV, Andrey Ivanovich, dotoent: SKAGIN, Ivan Sarge- yevich, dotsentj UVRICH, Sergey SergeTevich. dotsent. Prinimali uchastiyee..- KHACHATUROV,.A,_A..,_Aotsent; SORYGIN, V.P., kand.tekhn. nauk; KOZ&S il-S.. inz@.; SEM, V.N., ekonomist. GRIMSKIT, I.A., insh.: red.; KRITROV, P.A,,, [Railroad construction] Stroitol'stvo zheleznykh dorog. Pod red. N.A,Shadrina. Moskva, Vaes.izdatellsko-poligr.obllaainenie X-va putei ooobflhcheniia, 1960, 344 p. (MIRA 13:9) (Railroads--Construction) I I ! I !, i ') -3 '1 1 , @.", I C) r, 1 . . -f e) - . , I :-, "7k r A - @-. -I -r f@ c -- , -;-, 1; @Iy f7 'I , - - - r , , - . ., re () p no@ - , .. I 1 4-1 " 2r:9L-307 159. 0, 1%@ 1., : " ) . Sbor.tvc-C'. MIS - (s, I I mr@nllnnlns) KRACHATUROV, S.G.9 Inzh. (Tashke-nt)-, SIINEYER, I.A., dotsent (Tasbkent) Some proper-ties of loess loams important in the construction of dams by the method of mechanized dumping -of soil into water. Gidr. i mel. 13 no.8:46-52 Ag 161. (Dams) (HIM 14:8) Pr,-Au_-I'ng the bush ng,' 0" t"fIDOdrill bli2e rows ',Y castirg in @f'rtunic obtalnnd bi hot :)raaAn;,,. VNI I bl' na. 14, 1$1-155 f0'5. (MIRA 18-5) KRACHATUROV,, S.S., dotsent Steals for roller teeth and bit legs for continuous drilling, Trudy VNIIBT no.6s98-120 162. (MM 16:6) (Boring machinery-TestW) (Steel) KRACHATUROV., T. Problems in creating the material and technical foundation for co=uniom In the U.S.S.R. Vop.ekone no*9:3-13 S 161o (MIRA 34:8) 1. Chlork-korreopondent AS SSSR. (cmmunism) (Russia-Economic policy) &TIACILTURLOIL T. Outstanding Dcholar and communist; on K.V.0strovitianov's 70th birthda7. Vop. ekon. no.5:154-159 IV 162. (MIRA 15-4 1. Chlen-korrespondent All SOISR. (Ostrovitianov; Konstantin Vasillevich, 1892-) KIIACHATUROV, T. Comprehensive development of a unified trAnsportation syqtem in the U.S.S.R. Vop. ekon. no.9.*20-30 S 162, (MIRA 15e)) I*, Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR. (Transportation) KHACHATUROVP T. Ways to increase the economic efficiency of capital invest- ments..Vop. ekon. no.11:27-38 N 163, (MIRA 17:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR. M-*AC'iATTnW7,, TTOT!,A11 7tT-,rF+,VTrTT. 0 vosstanovietili I nekotorykh pers,ektivakh razvitila transporta. ron restoration of transportation and the outlook for its deve'lopment)_7. (Zheldor. tr@lnsport, 1943, no. 9-10 P. 15-25). DL(;.. iinM Orranization and develol,ment of railwa transpcrt in the U.S.S.R. (International Affairs, Anril l9h5, P. 220-235). A Soviet authorite describes the siFnificance of transport in the U.S."I.R.Y Its development, t7pes of ra;lwa- transport, concentration of the flow of goods, technical reconstruction of railra,., 'transport, andmw railwa- lines. DLC: JX1-153 Organi7atirn and development of railwa, transport in the U.S.S.R. (Railway gazette I - 1945, v. 82, p. 169-272). Varcb 16@ D13RE PD': TFI.r,5 Cznovnaia ekonomicbeskaia zadarha SSSR i nuti ra7vitJia 7hcleznodoro7hnoFo transporta. /;ry'-e basic economic problem ofthe U.S.F.R'. and the means for the development of-Pailroad transportation J. (Planovoe knoz-vo, 19110, no. 10 PI 30-42) The TiOt of projected new railroad line!- on -,,. 39. "A good article dealing with 10-15 year prospects MC: HF331-P52 0 KIIACIIII,TUMVI, TiCrLn ScrCocvich Zheleznodorozhnyi trcnsport v velikoe otechesAvennoi voine. ZT-he rLilroad trLns- portz:tion during the P@!triotic war. ZFosk-"fJL Gls@:Olitizdrt, 1943. 46 DIL: TF85.K5 Zheleznye dorogi zEpadnykh oblastei b1craip ,yi i .3elorussii. ZThe railroads of western provinces of the Ukraine and 'Abite Russi2/. (Sots. tr@--nsport, 1939, no. 11, p. 7-20, continued in no. 12, r). 39-58; map on P. 41. DLC: IIE7.56 SO: Soviet Transportation and Comunication, @ Bibliography, LibrLiry of Congress Reference Department, Washin[ton, 1952, Unclassified. ism ,rirrpn SorPOOVIch . nikemr.1r.011) kotOTYlcy ch 0 vOsst"novlcilli i nano. 9-10t -Ij!fran SergreOvil- sport) 1943, I,,' I @.c !I @T u R Ol I I, (Z-n noclorOzhny' trnn t,r,yi-, 'Dort'l. clc7 T,(-,!r _,Oktivnkh razvitlia* 15-25.) Pjr,- @j D . IIZV 5 C!0. T.C., SOvIct GeograpIrf, Part 1, 3.951; llncl* .1 .Y YPAVAT!"T'. "'I OTAM 711r,114-17fll New lines, (His Organization and development of the transport in the U.S.S.R. in 'Railway pazette, I-larch 16, lqh5, v. 82, p. 271). DPRF D1,C.- TF1. T15 SO: Sovict,Transportation and Bommunications, E Bibliography, Library of Congress, Reference repartnent, Washingtonj 1952, Unclazaified. lWalhov TLIluil: X"C X4 5 cty ME 11-11 c Tr-.,Isl)QrtP-tion and GOD" io-V -io -t 1952, heference KRACIlmmmov, TiGRAiNI 3!MGEEVICH. t3 for development Of AF,55.B5 SuprL sport. f-River transportation, Col. 9%..Frospec v. ents.) Supni. 1947 DLC Tran tion in 1946-501 ,1*983_7. (Bol-50 river transport icat@onsp A Biblio rap@Zj Library of congre5ss @Oviet TranaR2E@@ and ommuW =i-@ - WTsh-j@;@O-n,1952, Unclassifie T@,iference de@partmen",J' UhCHATUIHOV, Tigran 3er,, ef?vich 0 prozhnikh perr3r)ektivnykb plonakh zheleznodorozi.nogo tr-:ns-ort-@. r7 (sots. trt;n.,.port, 1932, no. 11-12, p. 51-651. plans for r,@.ilroad trt,nsportatlon7. DIX: IIE7.56 0 vosstanovlenii i nekotorykh perspektivLkh razv:Ltiia transport,&. ZAbout reconstruction end certain prosi.ects for the develonment of transportatio2n. (Zhel.-dor. transport, 1943, no. 9-10, p. 15-25). DLC: IIE7.Z5 SSSR-velikaia zheleznodorozhnala derzhava. CU.S.S.R. - the greet railroad powe2r. Moskvra, Trunsz"helodorizd,t@ 1944. Transport; FRF@ilroads (col. 956). The prospectE for the develorment of railroad trLnsportation (col. 978). (Dol. sov. ents., Sullp. 1947). DIL-. AE55.B6 SO: Soviet Transportation and Cormunication, A Biblioeraphy, Libr&ry of Congress Reference Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassified. KRACHATUROV, Tigran Sergeevidh. Puti razvitiia transporta SSSR. (Development ways of USSR transportation). Moskvap Transzheldorizdat, 1941. Rasmeshchenie transports. v kapitalisticheak Ikh stranakh i v SSSIR. (Transport distribution in capitalist countries and the U.S.S.R.). Moskva, Goa. sots.-ekon. izd-vo, 1939. 715 p. illus., maps (part fold., in pocket). Pt. 1V: Transportation in USSR (P. 501-710). MH DLC: HE15l.K45 -Transport i ra=eshchenie roizvoditel'nykh Bil. (Transportation wd the distribution of productive forces @. (Problemy ekonomiki, 1939, no. 6, p. 111-1134). HH DLC: HBq-P75 so: sovie TransR2rtation AW Commmications, ! Bibliography, Library of Congress, Reference Department, Oashington, 1952, Unclassified. t .II ---. II !@ t KflAChA'-.,'Iq-(TV, Tigran Bergeevich, 1906- Railroads of ths@, western provinces of Rjelorussia and Ukraine Moskva, Gos, transp. zhel-dor. izd-vo, 19hO. (Kic 55-3682) Collation of the original, as determined rom the film: 85 P- Microfilm Slavic 392 AC Puti. razvitiia transporta SO-SR. ZT-he development ways oftranSportation in the U.9.S.R.,')7. Moskva, Transzheldorizdat. 19hl. SO: Soviet Transportation and Co mmunications, A Bibliopraj.--hy, Librar:@- of Congress, Reference Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassified. 'y I . KIIACHATUROV, Tigran 'Jerceevich Transport: ',Ir trzinsport (col. 972); the Drospects for the .lovelo-iiort of a-,.r transport, 1946-11950. (Col. 988). (Bol. sov. ents., 3uppl. lq/,7). DW; AE55.!-3,6 .:.'@O: Soviet TransDortation and Corgamicationn, A Bibliorranby, Library of Conr7ress, Tle-ference Department, 1.1ashington, 1952, Un@lassified. *"Aw"Oft "At" COMMIOiLtions *71ve-Year Plxm of Researoh and Ma-fest1gation of A.U4 X'IWtItut& of RaIIW Transportaticu," Prof T. S. Mwabiturav, Corresponding M&mber Of the M4aAamV,.'be 0614meas iof the UM, 5 pp ftTekh Zhele=ykh Doroe No I lbe author states some of the requirements vhioh 4bould be fulfilled in this now Five-Year Plan: 116 *as for a4vances in the f leld of technioal pollaise M& & planned development of polioles; theoretical mcperlmental vcrk in railway transportation; nerw-. emstruetims, technoUgical processes and new C> ussR/RR'- operating conaitione 46o2.o324 sop ighT Increasing Capacity 4602.0318 "Concerning the Vor@c of Philroads in t1ke USSR Under Winter Conditions,'K-@V.' S. EbacbaturovQk. :r. mik- heyev, 7-6 pp "Tekh Zhel Dor" Vol Tr, No 9 Mecusses climatic conditions under vhich Soviet railroads operate, Including number of railroads operating in regions classifiPA as severe,, medium, and light; characteristics of railroad operation In vinter conditions., such as dimainished. and slow traffic and specific reaeone attributed to this inefficiency particularly in,vinter of 1946/47; 1C. .17G53 U@M/RR -'. Operating COZditions 4602-0324 -Sep 1947 (Contd) vital measures to Improve work Of railroads ja general, organization of freight work and. movem nts of trains, locomotive econcmy$ railroad-oar econawy and organization of labcxr and vorking conditions during vinter; questions regarding transportation sconcmyo 37 MMAWROV, Tigran Sergoyevich Prof Soviet Railroad Science,," Tekh. Zhel,Dor,, No.11, 1947 All-Urdon Sci.lles,InBt* Railway Translmrtation KHAOfU'IWIOV, TIGhLi' SRRGEOICH The ecoi.-,mlc priz.x1pleo of railr%d. tranFipe)rtat Lon, tr. by H. hunter. RuBsInn Resr-rrch Center, Harvr,.rd, Mn@,, 1948. 1,@@p. exposition of mvt'@le-I'Alcal riethods used to calculate tEe -dvisaliilty of alternative railropu capital inveotmentu by comnaring these @nlternat.'ve-, v-1th tieir resultant 'JO: 3ovlet Ti-fuisnortntion (..:I(! Commun let: LI, w@n'--L% Lj",.r@u of C-)v.@-.ress litelerence benvxt--ient. Was@'-@InAori IIJI'2, UrxlaqqIfIcdi KRACHATUROV,T.B., professor Thirty years of the scientific research institutes of the railroad transportation industry. Tekh.zhel.dor. 7 no.6:1-5 Je148. (Railroads) (MLRA 8:11) S -@Ivlch CN, Tl uf ndlroad '-ubot.;t,a, "inistarstva I - Q -- I'i- zeleznica, 19-1j0- (Frinicna biblioteka 1-linisLarstva zelczriica, ',,nj. '11) 55-2706 1, KHACHArMOV T. tmm (600) 4. Transportation 7. ql@ransrortation during the transition from socialism to communism, Latv. PSR Zln.Akad.Vastis no.12, 1951. Monthly List of Russian Accesolona, Library of' Congress, April 1953, Uncl. Ivich. l9o6- WCHATUROV, Tigran Serge Railroad transportation of the USSR Moskva, Gos. transp. zhel-dor. izd-vo, 1952. 261 p. (52-66594) Microfilm HE-10 c e.-.1y o c i. I c f o I.,i ni@ i in r,-,! ,;-m e@., i ti19 c h i r@ ro 11 i,; o f i, t.,@ 22 o P 2 l'o-ithl", Lis, Of !,,UsLd@,rl Libr,.ry of -,,-j!, -,rusti :.ovc7-.l)er KHACHATUROV, Tigran Sergeevich, 1906- Transportation and comunication in the USSR: lectures given In the Higber-Party School. Moskva, IQ53. 47 p. - '@@ -- -1- - - - - - - iLl @@: -@ . 11 *@:'J:"'- . @ .1 ''. "t I ;,.- -t ABAXUMOV.S.I.. redak-tor [deceasedj; IVLITICV,I.V. redaktor; MUCHATUROV, T.S. redaktor; SHUBNIKGV,A.K., redaktor @"-_P [Technical reference book for railroad engineers] Tekhnichookii spra- vochnik zhaleznodorothnika. Red.kollegila: B.I.Abakumov, i dr. Moskva, Goo.transportnoe zhol-dor.izd-vo Vol.ll(Planning, financing and accounting in railroad transportation] Planirovania, finansirovanie i uchet na shelesnodoroshnom transport@. I.V.Iviliev. P 1955. 697 P. (MLRA 9:1) (Railroads--Finance)