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Map: ISSYK-h'IJL Lake OSU-Am 2319 S-239
Keyser,. N..-,A.:. Haterialy 41y Istorii, Morfolovii i
-Gi-drolorii Oz. Issyk-Kull.
Trudy Srddne-Aziatskopo Cofjud. Universiteta
Seriya XII--! Geom-aftya, VYP. 1, PP. h3, 1923
American Geographical Society2 New York, N.Y.
Description of the lake, Map scale 1:1,000,000 of the
lake and naps scald 1:10,000 of various detai15 of the
KEYM, N.A. [deceased]
Plankton of Syr Darya oxbow lakao. Trudy SAOU no.24:7-57 150.
(Syr Darya Vallay--Plankton) (MLRA 9:4)
Z.M., professor; ISAKOV. I.I.; TAKOVLNV, S.I.; KEYZIR, S.A.
Characteristics of arterial pressui-e in inhabitants of Leningrad
during the postwar years and normn! blood pressure. Terap. arkh.
26 no.3:3-9 MY-Je 154. (MRA 7:9)
1. Iz Toyenno-morskoy meditsinskoy akademii
(BLOaD PRESSURN. statistics.
USSR/Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Pathological). T-4
Blood Pressure, Hypertonsioni
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biolo) No 161 1958o 74792
Author Kcyzer, SeA,
Inst ce o @Ml Introduction of Serum and Blood
Title Influe@n
Plasma of Patients with lfte@i Blood Pressure and Nephritis
on Arterial Pressure*
Orig Pub : Byuls eksperim, biol. i ix-ditainy, 1957, 43, No 4, 31-33
Abstract : In acute tests serum (S) and blood plasma (P) of patients
with high blood pressure and nephritis were introduced
into the femoral vein of cats. In cats a temporary in-
crease of arterial pressure (AP) UP to 30 mm. mercury co-
lumn, was noted; in 5-7 ninutes the pressure reached the
original, The change of AP had the same character with
the introduction of S and P of healthy persons. Li dogs
in chronic tests after the introduction of S of healthy
Card 1/2
K@YZXH. S.A., dotsent
r@ interstitial pneumonia; clinical aspects and therapy. 23 no.4:58-62 AP 159. (MIRA 12:6)
1. Iz kafedry fakulltetakoy ter&?ij (nach. - prof. A.A,
MOchaYev) Voyonno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademli imeni
clin. aspects & 6er. (Rua))
JOYZER, S.A. (leningrad)
Cardiovascular changes following closed injur7 of the brain
[with summary in Inglish]. Terlip.arkh- 31 no,1:52-59 Ja 159.
(MIRA 12:2)
(13RAIN, wds & inj.
closed inj., eff. on cardiovasc. system (Rua))
braln closed Injo (Rua))
Changes in arterial blood pressure in pregnancy and in puer-
periwo-, c linical-experi mental data. Akueh. i gin. 35 no.2:
35-37 Mr-AP '59. (MD?A 120)
1. Is kafedry fakul'tetskoy terapii. (nach. - prof. A.A.Hachayev)
Voyenno-meditainakoy akademii imeni S.M.Kirova.
(MGUNCY, phyajol.
arterial blood pressure changes (Rue))
(PUERPHRIUM, phyajol.
changes In pregn. & puerperium (Rue))
Some controversial problems in the health evaluation of persons
subjected to the long-term action of small doses of ionizing
radiation. GIg.truda I prof.zab,- 3 no-3:57-58 MY-Je '59.
(MIRA 12:10)
Some biochemical indices in experinental animals followiLng the chronic
action of smal doses of gamma irradiation. tied. rad. 9 no-1:57-60
Ja 164. (HIPA 17:9)
FEY ZEF, , S' 1
in rh-3 fun@:tiona -1 .9*,%te c4 ---c-
rabt its chr,,nically to F.,villl do-ses of i",TUTTA
Ra,11oblolosiia 4' no.3:39-1-3'@'; ;,4.
Effect of chronic gamma Irradiation in small dones on the
testicles of laboratory animals. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. biol.
no.5t780-782 S-0 165. (MMk 180)
L 15806-66 Wf (m)
ACC NRo AP5024155 SOURCE CODC: UR/0216/65/000/005/0780/0792
1UTHOR: Keyzer, S. A.1 Zavalishina. 0. A.
PG: none
,TITLE: Efft&t-Qf-jow-AQM. of chronic gamma irradiation on the testes of experi-
,Mental animals
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Serlya biologicheskaya, no. 5j 19659 780-782
TOPIC TAGSi Irradiation damage, gamma irrad.11ation, cytology. radiobiology, endo@
.crine system disease
ABSTRACT: Quantitative and qualitative changes In spervaatogenic epithelium in gam-
.ma irradiated rate, guinea pigs, and rabbits were studied. Daily irradiation of
rats with doses of 0.05 and 0.5 r for 8-12 months caused a decrease in the weight ot
ithe testes and in the number of epithelial oills in the seminiferous tubules. These:
.changes were less pronounced with the smaller dose. Daily irradiation of guinea
pigs and rabbits with 0#05 g for 2 years als-2 reduced the number of epithelial cells
UDC: 539,166 591.463
Card 1/2
. L 158o6-66
1ACC XR: AP5024155 0
!in the saminiferous tubules. Exposure to 0.05 and 0.5 r doses caused a proportione
decrease in the number of epithelial calls In the various stages of spermatogenesis
OrIg. art. hass 3 tables.
SUB CODEt 06/ SUBM DATE: 19Dec62/ OPIG REFt 001/ OTH REF: 007
Card 2/2 9w"
Phagocytia activLty of leucocytes in experimental animals in
chronic @-irradjatjon. Zhur. m1kroblol., epid. i immun.
42 no.11:139-140 N 165. (MTRA 18:12)
1. Voyenno-meditsinskaya ordena Lenina akademiya, imeni Kirova.
Submitted April 22, 1964.
PLATONOV, Petr Nikitovich, dotsent; WTSRMW, Konstantin Ivanovich,
dotssnt;-K3YZIR,V.A.. ra&aktor; GOIUBKOVA,L.A., tekhniche-
skly reda. or
(Machanizin& thA loading and imloading of materials packed
in sacks] Makhanizatsiia pogritzki i vygruski satarannykh v
meshki gruzov. Moskva, Izd-,ro takhn. i skon.Ilt-ry po vo-
provam sagotovok, 1955. 83 p. (KLRA 90)
(loading and unloading)
SKOROVAROV. Mikhail Intonoyich; P]JAj._Xj,,_re4aktor; GOLUBKOVA,
L.A.,tekhnicheakiy redaktor
[The operation of grain dryers; a itanual for grain drying foreman]
Akepluatataiia zeraosushilok; posobie dlis masterov zernoeusboniia.
Moskva, Izd-vo takhn. i ekon. lit-17 PO voprosam mukomolino-
kruplanot, kombikormovoi prowyahl. i slavatorno-okladekogo
khostaistva-Khleboisdat, 1956. 165 p. (MLRA 10:4)
MRIN, Mikhail Yedorovich; TRISVTATSKIY, L.A., professor, redaktor;
EMER, V.A.,-redaktor; GOWBKOTA, L.A., takhredaktor,
LCommercial features, storige, and procurement of hajyj Tovaro-
vedenie, khrqnenie i sagotovki sena. Pod red.L.A.Trinviatakogo.
Moskva, Izd-vo tekhn. I ekon.lit-ry pb voprosam mukomolluon
krupianoi, kombikormovoi promyshl. i alevatorno-okladekogo
khosiaistva, 1959. 162 p. (min lo:6)
KOM, V.A., red.; GOLUBKOTA, L,Ao, tfjkhn. red.
[Praoticas of the TSYurupa Flour Hill] Opyt raboty mukomollnogo
kombinata imeni Murupy. Koakva. izd-vo takhn. i akon. lit-ry po
voprosam mukomollno-krupianoi 1. kombikormovoi pronVehl. I elevator-
no-skladakogo khoz., 1957. 67 P- (HIRL 1197)
(Moccow-Ilour mills)
PZTROV, Leonid Mikhaylovich; KOVOTSKIY, I.A., inzhaner', redaktor; 13YZER,
V.A., redaktor; GOLUBKOVA, L.A., teikhnichaskiy redaktor
[Safety engineering and industrial sanitation in elevators and floor,
groats. and mixed feed mills] TakhrAlka bazopasnosti i proizvodstvannats
sanitariia na elevatorakh. mukomollnvkh, krupianykh i kombikormovykh
zavodakh. Pod red. I.A.Kovnatslcogo., Moskva, Izd-vo takhn.i ekon.
lit-ry po voprosam mukomollno-irrupl.anoi, kombikor!novoi promyshl. i
alevatorno-okladakogo khoziaistva, 1957. 227 P. (MLRA 10:8)
(Grain milling--Safety measures)
TRISTUTSKIY, Iov Alakneyevich-, KIYZIR, V.A., red.; GOWBKOTA, L*A.. takhn.
(7orty years of research on grain storage iu the U.S.S.R.] Sorok
lot nauki o khranenii zerne, v SSM Moskva, Izd-vo teldw, i ekon,
lit-ry po voprosam mukomollno-Icrapianoi, kombikormovoi provq&l. i
elevatorno-okladekogo khoz,, 1958. 78 P. (KIRL 1118)
PLATONUV, P.N.:XUTSEhiXO, K.I.; GOVUROV, V.A.,inzh.,apets. red.; LMSH.
V.A.,red.; KOVEM. L.Ya., tekhn. red.
LHaisting and conveying machinary and mechanization of loading
and unloading operationsj Pod"emno-transportays ustroistva i
mekhanizataiia pogrusochno-rasgrusochnykh rabot. Moskva, Izd-Yo
takhn. i akon. lit-ry po voLprosam mukomolino-krupionoi i
kombikormovoi promyehlA alevatorno-ekladekogo khozisittya. 1958.
295 p. (MIRA 11:12)
(Loading and unloading)
(Hoisting machinery)
(Conveying machinery)
GIRZHOY, Arkadiy Patrovich,kand. takhn'. nauk.; SAMOOMOV, Viktor Yedorovtch,inzh;
GINZBURG., doktor takhn.; UTZER, V.A., red.;
GdLUBOVXA, L.A., takhn. red.
[Grata drying and grain dryers] Zernosushente i zeraosushilki.
3- parer. i dop. izl. Koekva, lzd-vo takha. i ekoa. kit-ry go
voprosam mukamollno-krupianoi. kombikormovot prouqsbl. i alevatorno-
ekladskogo khoz., 1958- 322 p. (MIRA 11:12')
GINZBURG, M.Ye., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk; KU M TS, Ys.N., prof.-doktor,
red.; GELIKAH. D.Te.t-XCCZW,.,.J,4k.-..SAVELOYLTA, %.A.,
[Groats production technology] Tekhnologiia krupianogo prois-
Vodstva. Isdo2., perer. i dop. Pod red. U.N.Kuprites.
Moskva, Izd-vo takhn. i ekon.lit-ry po voprosam mukomollno-
krupianol, kombikormovoi promyshl. i alevatorno-okladskogo
khoz., 1959. 263 P. (MIRA 12:12)
(Grain milling)
13YZER, V.A.,.red.1 SAVILIMA, Z.A., takhred.
(Regulations for organizing and carrying out technological
processes at grain-milling enterprises] Fravile organizateii
vedeniia takhnologichookogo protsessa na krupianykh predpriia-
tiiakh. Hoakva, Izd-vo takha.i ekon.lit-ry po voprosam khlebo-
prodnktov, 1960. 91 p. (MIn 13:6)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvannyy komitet po khlebo-
(Grain milling)
DOPMUN, Mendell 1haymovich; XBYM, T.A., red.; GOLUBKOTA, L.A., takhn.
red. ...........................
EPneumatic transportation of grain and cereal products] Pnev-
matichaskii transport zerna i produktov ego obraboth. Moskva,
lzd-vo tekhn.i ekon.lit-ry po voprosam khleboproduktov, 1960.
231 p. (MIRA 14:5)
(Grain) (Gereal products) (Pneumatic-tube transportation)
7 1@@
YEVA., Z.A.., tekhn. red.
(Operating small mixed feed millal Opyt ekspluatataii malogabarit,-
rqkh kombikormovykh agregatov. Moskva., Izd-vo tekhn. i ekon. lit-ry
po voprosam, zagotovoks 1961. 59 P. (MIRA 14:3-1)
(Feed mills)
PIATONOVtjUeksey Nikitovich; VARKROV, V.P.0 spots. red.;_@EY.ZEII
Y.A., red.. SAVEL'YEVAv.Z.A.,, tekhn. red.
(Marketing costs of grain
shcheniia khlebopriemnykh
1961'. 123 P.
(Grain trae-e-Costs)
recoiN-ing dopots] Izdorzhki obra-
predpriiatii. Moskva, Zagotizdat
(MIRA 15:71
KAZAKOV, Yevgeniy Dmitriyovich, doktor !@ekhn. nauk, prof,j KYYZER,
V.A... red.; GOIIJBKOVA, L.A.,, tekhn., red.
[Harmful impurities in grain; poisonous and #ose requiring
quarantine] Vrednye primesi v zorne; iadovitye i karanti=yeo
Moskvap Zagotizdat, 1961. 191 p. (MIn 15:1)
DZYADZIO, Aleksandr Mikhaylovich; AUZER.,VA-._,--- red.; STRAKHOVA, G.V.,
red.; SAVELIYEVA, Z.A.r tekhn. red.
[Pneumatir conveying in grain-handling enterprises] Pnevraticheskii
transport na zernopererabatyvaiushchikh predpriiatiiakh. Moskva.,
Zagotizdat, 1961. 327 p. (MIRA 15:7)
(Pneumatic conveying) (Grain handling)
KEYZEROVp N. (Uningrad)
@-@ @On t@e work of fellow workers I courts - Sots etrud 6 no -3:126-127 Mr 161.
j, (MLRA 14 13)
(Labo@ courts)
CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Chemical Technology Chamice.1 Products and U-34
Their Application. Dyeing and Chemical Treatment
of Textiles.
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 81 1958, 27392
Authvr : Kcyzlar Theodor
Title Ostanthrene Blue RS -' Submicrone
Orig Pub Textil (Ceskosle'), 1957, 12, VO 5, 189-190
Abotract In Czechoslovakia there hae been recently put on the
market a high-dispersion vmt dye of the anthraquinine
series -- Ostanthrene Blue RS-Submicron (1), with par-
ticle-size of 1-2,A . It is recommended for use in
suspension-dyeing of cotton yarn and fabric. Dyeing
of yarn is effected under the following conditions. the
dye is added to the dye-bath at 30-400; yarn is treated
in this bath for 30-45 minutea while gradually raising
the-temperature to 600.
Card 1/3
CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and H-34
Their Application. Dyeing cnd Chemical Treatment
of Textiles.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 80 19581 27392
After the yarn has been impregnated with the suspension
of 1. 12-30 ml/liter of NaOH (specific gravity 1-36) and
2-8_@/liter hydrosuifite are added to the bath and dyeing
is continued for 20-30 minutes at 600; then, oxidationy
soaping and rinsing are carried out. Dyeing of fabirc
by the pad-and-jig method: the fabric is padded at 400
in a 2- or 3-bowl padder with a dispersion of 5-80 9/
/liter of dyestuff with addition of 0.2-0-5 g/liter of
a wetting agent (Nakal), after which the dyeing is dove-
loped on a foller-jig in a bath containing 15-30 ml/liter
NaCH (specific gravity 1-36)y 2-6 g/liter hydrosulfite,
and 30 g/liter Na S04. On using continuous-dyeing proce-
dure the fabric @�aded with I and squeezed to 60-80A)
goes to the developing bath ;hich is contained in the
large pan of a 2-bowl padder (Squeezing to 100-L10%),
Card 2/3
- 98
CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Chemical Technology - Chemi(ml Products and 11-34
Their Application. Dyeing and Chemical Treatment
of Textiles.
Abs Jour Ref Zbur - Khimiya, No 8, 1958) 27392
and then through an air-ager (where it remains for at
least 50 seconds) to a conveyer apparatus where it is
washed with cold water, oxidized with hydrogen pero.,-4de
(at 400), soaped and rinsed. The developing bath (at
65-700) contains 30-60 ml/:Liter NaOH (specific gravity
1-36), 10-40 Oliter hydrosulfite, and 10-40 g/liter
Ila @S04 a On dyeing medium shades the fabric is made to
pass, after the developing bath, through a steam agar
(where it remains for 1 minute at 102-1040), then
throug4 an air agar and the conveyer apparatus. The
dyestuff can be used for printing according to conven-
tional formulas with an addition of 60-100 g triethyle-
ne glycol per 1 kg of priming paste.
Card 3/3
KEYZLARS Theodor, inz., RICHTER, Frantisek
Manufacture of solenium-cadmium ruby glass for special
purposes. Sklar"a keramik 13 no. U : 327-328 D 163,
2., Duchcovske sklarny, nepo, Duchcov,
My study tourin Poland, September 1-26. 19.54. p. 275.
Comitta4? me.,tings, p. 295
Geographical Congress In Budapest; a preliminary report. In Englisl,, Geman,and
(Suppl-ment) p.l.
Vol 3, No 3, 1955. FOLDRAJZI KOZIZ.I.&NY?;K. GEOGRAPHICAL Budapest, Hungary.
So: Eastern European Accession. Vol 5, No 4, April 1956
m-, ;"
7-.cRur-olun cvri,j (ravJrr-) Lrd b;@@lka (Forrn).
i. !CO. v.l@. 1, 1057
Pud.'--e:,t, Dir&.ry
SO: Monthly IrCe:@ of :L-A rurcperr Acccssionn LC@ Vol.
March 19"S
ol. Y, ne. 3, 1@,**@
llcl` dvl@li -r'-'V@ll rove in :i bcd rturelli? 351").
:-:(-"@tljly List of E.-'st "Cccf@@inns Lc' 7(d
KEZ, Andor, dr., egyetemi tanar, a foldrajztudomanyok k-andidatusa
"Memoirs and documents. Vol.6," Reviewed by Dr. Andor Kez.
Foldr kozl 8 no.2:207-ZO8 160.
1. Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag Tarsolnoke, es "Foldrajzi
Kozlemenyek" azerkento, bizottsagi tagjao
X"!,Zp Andor, dr., egyetemi tanar, a foldrajzi tudomanyok kandidatusa
The world'a coal production. Foldr kozl 8 no.2:211 160.
1. Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag tareelnoke, es "Foldrajzi
Ko2lemanyek" szerkeazto blzottsagi tagja.
KE ---- dr.
The tropical karat (cone carat). I?Oldrajzi ert 9 no-3:3(9E6U-319810.-4)
K939 Andorp egyet4mi tanar (DWAPOOt)
Zoigmand &=t tb.9 pogrW*,*. rdojaras 64 no.61340-342 160-
(SW 10: 7)
1. Botrom Larand %donAurg"tang Budapento
(Pom, WCAOud) (ftngary-Geography)
KEZ, Andor.9 Pro
The wthquake of Agadir. FolcLr kozl 9 no.1:102-103 161.
gsp@= 7@@,z; E@ I I :. , e.;, -., @-,: -i'
@ m @ 1 1. - . .1 - - .7 "ll";
-.7@7M.,irr -7 1
NEZ Andor dr a foldrajzi tudomanyok kandidatusa
Desert dunes. FoldrajzI ert 10 no.1:112-113 161.
KEZO Andor, dr.
Current problems of Karst-morphology. Foldrajzi ert 10 no.1:147-US
,__PZj_ 44qr, _#'., nyugalmazott egyetemi tanar, a foldrajztudomanyok
"General geomorphology" by Herbert Louis. Reviewed by Dr.
Andor Kez. Foldr kozl 10 no.11100-102 162.
1. Magyar Foldrajzi Tareasag tarselnoke, as "Foldrajzi
Kozlemenyek" szorkeazto bizottsairi tagja.
BULLA, Pala, lovelezO tag; KADAR9 Laszlo, dr., a foldrajzi tudomanyok doktDra;
KARCLYI, Zoltan, dr., a muazakJ. tudomanyok kandidatuaa; FAZEKAS9
Karoly-- HEZ Andor dr., a foldraj.&I tudovanyok doktora. LANG, Sandor,
dr IF
., a io- dIrIZTMiu@omanyok doktara; XRETZOI, Miklos, dr., a fold-es
aevanytani tudomanyok doktora; S0140GYI, Sandor; PECK, Marton, dr.
a foldrajzi tudomanyok doktora
Sediment movement and character of the river reach; a discussion of
Dr.Laszlo Kadar's theory; Also, remarks by L.Kadar and others.
FoldraJzi art 9 no-3:309-379 16C. (EEAI 10:4)
1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademla (for &111a)
(Rivers) (Sedimentatinn and deposition)
UZ, Andor, dr., a foldrajzi tudomanyok kandildntusa
-w- - - -- --.-
"Periglacial phenomena in the Harz" by J. Ilovermann. Lyj Dr.
Andor Kez. F41drajzi ert 11 no*3:1,21@@V7 t62.
KEZ, Andor, __dr., egyetemi tang , a foldrajztudomanyok kandidatuna
Natural gao economy in France. Foldr kozl 8 no.2:215
1. Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsag tarselnoke, eo *Foldrajzi
KozlemenyekO szerkeszto, bizotteiagi tagja.
IMZ, Andor, egyetemi tanar, a foldrajztudomanyok kandidatusa
nGlacial epochs by P. Woldstedt,, Vol*2: *Europe, Asia
Minor,, and North Africa in tb@e Glacial epoch." Reviewed
by Andor Kez. Poldr kdzl 8 no.4:375-377 160.
1. Magyar Foldrajzi TarBasag teraolnoke, es I'Foldrajzi
Kozlemenyok" szerkeazto bizottsegi tagja.
KE.@, Andor, dr.,, nyugalmazott egyatemi tanar, a fo.1drajztudomanyok
Ground water of the AlfolA. Foldr kozl 10 no.4:344@354 162.
1& Magyar Foldrajzi Tareasag vals.-sztmarqi tagja; "Foldrajzi
Kozlemenyekn szerkeazto bizottsagi tagjas
KEZ., Andorp dr., nyugalmazott egyetemi tanaro a foldrajztudomanyok
Aurel Stein. Foldr kozl 10 no.4-385-386 162.
lo Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag valasztmanyi tagja; "Foldrajzi
Kozlemenyeka ozerkeazto bizottsal,i tagja.
M, Andor, dr.
- - --- - -- --a
Be,onomic revival of Tienshan, Foldrajzi ert 12 no.l-.33-34
@ @ -.- @.' F . -5 ZI, -.!@
KF,7,, Andor., dr.
t 12 no.1;34 163.
ReafforeBtation of China. F4.drttjzl or
IZZ, Andordr., nyugalmazott effetemi twuix; a foldrajztudomanyok
Turkioh-Persian railroad aervice. Foldr kozl 13. no.1:95-96 963*
1. Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsaaag valaaztmanyi tagja; *Foldrajzi
Kozlemonyek" szorkoazto b1zottoagi tagja,
_,.gz, Andorj dro;, riyugalmazott egyetomi tamr, a foldrajztudomanyok
The Sam=a daml Tharthar-vadis Foldr kozl U no.1194,--95 163.
1, Magyar.Foldrajzi Tareasag valasztman;yi tagjaj *Foldrajzi
Kozlemonyek* azerksszto bizottsa,gi tagja,
KEZ, Andorv dr., a foldrajzi tudomanyok kandidatusa
Climatic geomorphological areas of the earth. Foldrajzi
ert 12 no.1:124-133 163.
UZ, Andor, dr., a foldrajai tudomanyok k&rAlidatusa
*Paleoolimatology" by [Dr) M. Schwarzbach6 Reviewed by Andor Kos*
?6ldrajai ort 12 no.2:301-3CV+ 063,
.--IMZ, Ando 1_4r., nyugalmazott egyetemi tans , a foldrajztudomanyok
.. - -S
nWeather conditions and elemental catastrophes in Hungary up to
1700" by Antal Rathlye Volel, Reviewed by Andor Kez, Foldr
kozl 1-1 no.lt79-80 163.
1, Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag va-Utsztmanyi tagja; OFoldrajzi
Kozlemanyokm szerkeazto bizottsagi tagja,
=,-&udor,.dr., nyugalmzott egyeteai tqnn , a foldrajz-budomanyok
*The way of the migration of birdon; Fbhmaround-bridge. Foldr
kozl U nool-93-94 163.
1, Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag valaeztmanyi tagJaA "Foldrajzi
Kozlemenyek3 szerkoszto bizottasigi tagja*
Remarks about two articlos pLblished in "Ujitok lapja.0 Ujit lap
34 m.14:14 25 Jl 162.
1. Allami Fuvarozasi es Kordelyozasi Vallalat ujitasi megbizottja.
J-L-11-4-A-1 L F aj I t.u YLL.A.A.-L.A.-MMO
Vol- I- - 1951
P, V b is x 1? 4. a
flit I . I s If
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b- 4 a ZA An A 0
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IWO (Ttraft4c Ka Ica 11 it a is a It I IRA
0 * :0 0 0 0 0 of es 000 0 0 0 * 0 :jo ^ 0 0
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.Hungarian Tecl:lnioal Abat@
36. 18 there no Untlisturbcd _IjW_ sa@pplt? - Vm4
-j4fqWaIvIX MIJIfflintap 3<
ILA XdL.-LScientific Rcview.of
Civil Fnilincering - AfirylpWitudoindityi Ssendt -Vol, j,
1395.1. No, t. pp.1j3-28. :i lig@.j,
Re5ults of liAboratory fciti carried out on "undir,
turbed" soil samples play an important role in the numerical
evaluation of soil character istic3. Irmust be investigated
whether And to What OXtent the PfC61011t practice of taking
undisturbed roil aamples ensures the Intactness of the
sample as well its the changes that inay occur. An examina-
tio@ ofthe forces acting on the sample lrad3 to the Intro-
duction of certain factors %ith the aid of which the dis-
tuirlianca occorring in the sample as well as in the sampler
can be judged. Changes in the state of the sample m due
to -, the release of external stress, the change in stress
conilition, changes in the water content and voids ratio,
the mining of the soil structure and the chemical effects.
All thf:w affect the compressibility and the unjaxial'
cairpressive strength of the soil. The various effects are
illintrated by exampLeA. As a st,%ult of the investigations
thote conditions could be established which - if achieved
sim-Atancously - permit the samples to be consideired as
practically tindisturbed. They mo : (t) the ratio of the
.0riginal length of the sample and its length measured
aftertaking 5houkI differ from the unity only by a given -
sinall value; ji) no deformations, failure or gliding planes
@azd no discoloured spots should appear on the surface or
@on u aection of the sample; (3) the weight of the sample
ishmild not undergo changes during :ramportation, stor.
@40 or handling. K.
Mathematioal Reviews
Volt 14 no, 9
Ootober 1963
J&ky, J. Network of slip lines in soil gt&biUty. Acta Tech.
eyAcad. Sci. Hungar. 6, 25-39 (1953). (English, French,
German and Russian summaries) W-1
The article was arranged for publication by A. 1@
from the pos6urnous papern of j4ky. It--. miin &npli-asis Is
on the fact that simple m1utiong -to soil pressure and sta.
bility problems (to not mtisfy all stress conditions ill tile
presence of body forces. Vel@city conditions itre not con.
sidertcl and the problems are "statically determinate".
Earth pressums are shown to cover a*comptete range of
values betwtilt A maximum and minimum which are calcu-
lated for riiiiiiing waills. After detailed discussion, the con-
clusion is stated that computation of active earth pressure
on the basis of a plane surface of slip continues to be a
justified simplification, The reviewer believes that these:
Oen the lirpit analysis point
poInts ae mide much clearer w
Of view Is adopted [cf. Drucker and Prager, Quart. Appl.
Mech. 10, 157-165 (1952); these Rev. 13, 1007].
D. C. Drucker (Providence, R. 1.).
"'rofes.sional ExhilAtIon of tlic Office o' Ovoirlosy finrl Soil Aralys:s"j
,e,. (;ZLYrP"rF3'Iq:DO',IITYI SZEI-@, V01. 4, 17 21 ',4,
P. i r- 3A
!@_.darest 1 0
, rlun5-,ory@
SLI: I'Onthly List of East Europern Acres-iong, T LC ,'-ol.
*::o. 1, jan. 1@,555, Uncl.
"V. V. Sokolovskil's TheoKX of Plasticity; a book review. In Inglish, p. 250, Budapest,
Vol. 9. no. 1/2, 1954,
SO: 'last European Accessions List, Vol- 3- No- 9, September 1954, Lib. of Congress
KEZDI, A. Examtnation of @acronorcmq noll fro," -IbP -.oin+ of' -4pir of
dilapidation. p. 191.
Vol. 12, no. 1/4, 115Z, %Aanpat, Thingnry F07Trr-TYrT
SO: Monthly List of East Ebronenn Accesgions, (FIAT,@, Tr, 17ol. 5, No. @,
March, 1956
I-Telyepitestudorw*-i Szemle - Vol. 5, no. 415, Apr./may 1955.
Soil mechani.-s. p. 229.
SO: Monthly list of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955
Scientific investigation of embankment materials from the viewpoint
of soil physicsp the foundation, and excavating.
P. 400
Vol. 5, no. 9, Sept. 1955
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessionso (EEAL), Up VOL. 5, no. 2
Feb. 1956
The ultimate bearing capacity of foundations und their settling. P. 454.
INZENYRSKE STAVBY. Vol. 4, no. 10, Oct. 1956
Praha, Czechoslovakia
SOURCE: East European List (EEAL) Library of
Congress, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1957
Results of theoretical soil mac),anics. p. 71. Vol. 19f --.,0. 113, 1956.
Budapest, Pungary.
SOURCE: East European List, (EUL) Library of Congress Vol. 6, No. 1
January 1956.
Y---TL)Y, A.
A study tour in 1,14est Germany.
p. 134 (Eelycpiteotlidomnyi Szerale. Vol. 7j, nc. 5/6, Eay/June 1@o57. budape5tj
Ronthly Index of' East Evropean Accessions (FKAI) Lf Vol. 7, no. 2,
Februnry 1958
Durability of soil-cement roads.
p. 20 (Felyepitestudomanyi Szer.Lle. Vol. 7, no. 7/8, July/Aug. 1957, Dudnpost,
Monthly Index of East Diropean Accessions (FE11) I.C. Vol. 7, nc. 2,
February 1@,58
114warks on Kalman Lehotzky's afticle "E-odern Road Structures." p. 133
MELIEPITESTUD)MAN)a SZEMLE. (Kozlekedes- es Kozleke0c spite s tudona nyi
Egyesulet) Budapest,, Hungary, Vol. 9, Nc. 3, Mar. 1959.
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EKAI) LC, Vol. 0, No. 6, June 1959
SANDOR.I.; XEZDI,.L., Doktor der TechnoWleaeu8chafteu
Solutio,n of the differential equation of one-dimensionAl consolida-
tion, Acta techn Hung 27 no-3/4:281-296 '59- (UAI 9-6)
1,,Technische Universitat fur B&:i- und Terkehrewesen, Lehrstuhl
fur Mathematik (fir Sandor). 2. Techniache Universitat fur
Bau- und Verkehrewesen, fur Tunnelbau Irdbau. und Bodenmechanik
Budapest (for Kezdi)
(Differential equations)
KEZDIy A., dr,
"Concrete corrosion - concrete protection" by J. Biczok. %viewed
by Dr. A. Kezdi. Acts. techn Hung 34 no.1/2-228-229 '61.
KRZDI, Arpad, dr., a musaaki tudomanyok doktora
Flacement of hydraulically donveyed materials; remark about the
study of Dezso'Pasztor and Atila. Szivak published in "Vizugyi
Kozlemenyek", no.2, 1961. Vizugyi koal no.4:570-571 162.
1. Epitoipari ea Kozlekedesi Maszaki Egyetem alagutepitesi,
foldmuvek es talajmechanika. tanszekenek tanszekvezeto tanara.
KEZDI, Arpad.. dr.., a muszaki tudmanyok doktora,, egyatemi tanar
Neutral tension and stream presaure. Vizugyi kozI no.1:3-19 163.
1, Fjpitolpari es Kozlokedeoi Muszaki Egyetem alagutak, foldmuve@
es talajmechanikiL tawzeke,'
,v,o,mo Frc b lerij I n t@i,,, 3tu-;iy of i.T
Coal I-roduction. li"I. All
CZOPF, Jozsef, Dr, KEZDI, Balazs, Dr; Medical University of Pecs, Neurological
and Psychiatric Cli-nlc--t-P-ac-s-i--O-r-v-o-s-twomanyi Egyetem, Ideg-es Elmeklinika).
"Clinical Experiences with Luvatren, a New Neuroleptic Compound."
Budapest, Jdecgyogya9zatj Szemle. Vol XIX. No 8. Aug 66, paf!es 231-237.
Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian summary] A new butyrophenone derivative,
Luvatren, was used for the treatment of 18 institutionalized and 2 ambulant
patients most of whom had schizophrenia which was resistant to other modes of
treatment. As a result of the therapy, 10 patients could be released to
their homes. The treatment was effective mainly in those cases which were
characterized by a lack of initiative, inhibition, negativism, incoherent
thinking. Side effects were observed in It cases (symptomatic Parkinsonism
and collapse-like effects). I Hungarian, 17 Western references.
Ascorbic ocid tonfoul of sme h1lbor fun4f T,, i,
@Pstfj ltsd L. 1. Dthapjrilic. Boll. Atud. @, s. t.,,w(wm
i;.s,S.k. S. VU-410911)(in Otagi-kil and Ruse-Lin).-
I'lle %fliallill C CMtfcnts of I# w1h)-pawing mushfixit"s
Of ;, for gmil ill nit.AW S. of Irrill wt . a-01 dry wt.; filnifes
its pjfrnjhrW4 give the s1rhydrikeo-.0ne tcut:
m'mrt,t Ft. Ut (1). 41m; Ad-t., edh:s, 1101 ':t$ CO.
(;;."); I.a. 9-ims. "N- ".U., Vr @U @ l.", I V.- .
t7aturij (:il@, '.Nkl pfy, , -
tuf I!, IV,
Igo 0
Ill ONN IWOWFjos I'lo
intarmahi Oud. Ill (D.93 (9); Rutints/sla-i tl-r.) Qttcl.
0. zoo
It I At, LKAL LjlfV* I @&f CL.@:@j 'KAIIC
is No*
4- J.'t
T- T
11 N 0 A 9 1 W 84 0 A a 00
11 to V 4 x it it 11 n n rat I I x L3 n 1 14 440,
0 0 0 0 010 0 6 0 IF 6 a 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 & 0 0 0 0 * 0
Ascorbic acid and catatulase in rhododendron leaves in connection
with vertical zonality. Soob.AK Gruz.SSR 8 no.6:413-418 147-
(MIRA 9:7)
I.Akademiya nauk Orusinskey SSR, Botanicheakly inatitut, Tbilisi.
Predstavleno daystvitollrqm chlenom Akademii V.Z.Gulioashvi3i.
Some biochemical changes In plant leaves a"ected by chlorosis.
Soob.AN Gruz.SSR 9 10-3:185-190 148. (MM 9:7)
l.Akedemiya muk Gruzizak*y SSR. Betaxicheskiy institut, Tbililk.
Pradstaylens daystvitella" chlsaom aWemii V.Z.Gulimashvili.
(Georgia-Grapes-Diseaves ud -
pasta) (Chloresis (Plauts))
Kezeli, T. A. and Matveyev, 0. N, - OThe content of vitamin-C In Georgian forms of
Phaseolus valgaris (L.) Savi", Soobshch. Akad. nauk Gruz. SSR, 1948, Hoe. 9-10,,
P. 595-97.
SOt U-4117 17 JulY 53t (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykt Stateyt No. 20, 1949).
KF,Z-,LI, T. A.
Rezelt., T. A., 14rikarevnknya, Ye. A. and Chrelashvili, M. 11.
"The ph;@niolo7icnl activity of thq graT)Pvin,- leaf -@t vqrir)is sta-yer. of itr forrv 4ioa,
Trudy Thil-is. bot-.n. in-tjj, Vol. XTI, JQI@8, T,. 243-52, Biblij:':
SO: U-I,,911 20 Cct 511, (Letopis 'Zhurntl nykh 3t.-I Ley, 'io. 16, 19,1-9@
C ill fill
Vitamin content of some Georgian spice plants. Trudy
no.16:175-184 '54. (HLRA 8:11)
(Georgia--Spices) (Vitamins)
Iffect of drying methods on vitamin preFiervation In the fruit of
Japanese persimmon. Blokbim. pl. I ovosheb. na.4:69-72 158.
(WRL 11:10)
1. Gruzinskiy naucbno-isaledavatellskiv inntitut mekhanizataii I
elektrifilmteli sellakogo khos7aystva; Inatitut botaniki AN
Gruzinskoy SSR.
(Persimmon) (Fruit--Drying) (Vitamins)
Carotinoid content of plants in edaphic and viral chlorosta.
Trudy 19:229-236 158. (MIRk 12:8)
(Goorgia--Chlorosis ( Pla nto)) (Carotinoids)
(Grapee-Dioeases and pests)
Effect of low temperatures on the state of plastids In some
evergreen plants. Trudy Thil.botAnst. 19:237-245 '58.
(MIR& 12:8)
Olvergreene) (chromatophores) (Plants, Effect of temperature on)
Dynamics of vitamin concentration in leaves of citrus plants
as related to their front resistancee Trudy Thil.botoinsto
20:161-179 159- (MIRA 13:8)
(Citrus fruit) (Vitamins) (Plants-Arost resistance)
SUCHIMS, S. I.; KM , ?.A.
Iffect of some drying methods on the preservability of vita-
mins In the fruit of Japanese persimmon, Tm4y
20t187-192 159, (Kim 1318)
(Persimmon) (Vitamins) (Fruit-Dr7irg)
"The influence of orthostichous polarity on tba morphogenesis cf woody plantz,"
report GLIhinitted ror 10th Intl BotanLcal Cot.g, Edlriburg3h, 3-1-2 Aug 64.
AS GSSR, Tbilisi.
K12ELI, T. A.
Effect of alfalfa on the chlorosis of the grapevine. Trudy Thil.
bot.inst. 23t193-200 164. WRA 18:4)
"The corposition of the principal foddor plants of the vi;adows and hay
fields OC Gruziya".
report presented at a Joint bession of the Biological lent. of --I'j' 17-'SR and Kological
arvi Ledical Eepts. All Uruziya ';SH. Tbilisi, 2k': s-,ot - 3 Oct 1957. Vestnik Alkad.
(aut'nor '@zirizishv-'Ii, 11. N.)
,;auk SR, 19@(' Vol. 2U .1o. 1, pp. 121
A.YZINBIRG, Boris LIvovioh; VCLOTSKOT,.Nikolay Vasillye-rich; IVAMMOV,
Mikhail Hikolayevich; KAMSKIY, Mikhail Daviclovich; KRUVICH,
Yioh;@. M3DnWGKIT, Nikolay Ivano7
as YAvi.Z,'yp ich;
XUA0111TWAs Te.A., red.; SOBCLEVA, Te.M., takhn.
[Municipal eleotric systems; fundamentals of design and
constraction] Gorodskie elektricheekle seti; oanovy postroenlia
I proaktirovantia. Moskva, Goa. energ. lzd-vo, 1958. 328 p,
(Electric power distribution) (MIRA 11:9)
lawowks gr A--t
T, A. Ko" Ali
jjjl@nl n
firMI in
VON, all Vol," WV#Oil V I,=
6I.M4 X
by alum
Material on the development of the symbolic function in children
of preschool age. Trudy Inst,paikhol. AN Gruz.SSR 14:101-120 163.
(MIRA 18:4)
lixated set in infants, Jkvpo Isol. po paikhol, ust. 1:389-08 158.
(MIRA 13,12)
(Attitude (Psychology)) (Child study)
Role of the word In recollection and some peculiarities of memory
in the child [with summary in Znglish]. Vop. paikhol. 6 no.l:@8-85
ja-Y r6o. (MIRA 13:6)
1. Institut paikhologii Im. D.S. Uznadze AN GrnrSSR, Tbilisi.
(Recollection (Psychology) (Child study)
---------6e-nooio-oT-vriting at proschool age. Vop. psikhol. 7 no.5%99-108
s-o 161. (MIM 15:1)
1. Inutitut MAkhol9gii All Gruzinskoy SSH, Tbilisi
Electric sounding by the field substraction method. Geol.i geofiz.
no.5:107-119 162. (MIRA 15*8)
1. Novosibirskiy geofizicheakly trest.
(Electric prospecting)
Spectropbotometric wbzd3r 'of the reaction of thorium with
datiscatin. Vest. Ymek. un. Sere 2: Khim. 18 no.3166-69
My-Je 163. (MIRA 16%6)
1. Kafedra analiticheokoy khimii Moskovskogo universitstao
(Thoriun compounds) (Datiocetin)
Concern for construction workers' health. Okhr, truda i sots.
strakh. 4 no. 2:17 F 161, MAU 14:2)
1. Doverennyy vrach Chelyabins,'icogo obleovprofa.
(Chelyabinsk Province-Construction industry-Hygienic aspects)
MIKHAYLOVA, A.M., inzh.; inzh,; TURDVA,, Z.1., red.;
(Bulldozers; a catalog-handbook] Bultdozery; katalo spra-
vochnik. Moskva,, TsINTIAM, 1963. 94 p. PRA 16s6)
1. TSentralfnyy institut nauchno-tekhalcheBkoy informataii po
avtomatizatsii i mashinostroyeniyu.
Dyramic gas-mixing unit for gradue.ting ohd cbecking automatic
audiometers. lzm.tekh. no.3-1:55-57 11 16,1. (MIRA 14:11)
VYSOFJASKIS, C., tekhn;-,fi-d._
[Kaunas, its past, present and niture) Kaunasp jo, praetis,
dabartis ir ateitis. Kaune, Vall3tybine politlaes ir mokslinez
literaturos leidyk1a, 1960. 143 p. (MIRA 15:3)
` N