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BALCHEVA, T.; KEVOEXIAN, K. Control of pain In the treatment of caries. Stomatologiia, Sofia no.6:331-336 1953. 1. Iz Katedrata po terapevtichna stomatologiia pri Mod. akademii V.Chervenkov - Sofita. Zav. katedrata: prof. Svrakov. (D'ANTAL CARINS, therapy, pain control (PAIN, therapy, in dent.caries) .... ....... K M RKIAN, K., asistent. P,; - @ - Ametional insufficiency of the enamel. Stomatologiia. Sofia no.6:340-344 1953. (DFMAL HNAMM, diseases) KEVMnAN, K. UVORKIAN, K. Comparative clinical studies on therapeutic methods in apical sensitivity of tooth not infected with caries. Stomatologiia, ISofia no-3:1670173 1954. 1. Is Katedra'ta po terapaytichna. stoostologii pri Ked. akadeniia. V.Chervenkov,'Sofiia,, Zav. Imtedratat prof. D.Srrakov. (TIWH, diseases, apical hypersensitivity, therj KEVORKtA11J, K. Experience of the "VEIA PEEINA" DK (State Combine) in the Generalization of Internal Economic Plant Estimates. (Light Industry), #1:40:Jan. 55 44, g. K 4110-11F I AN) K . Experiment of the Vela Peeva State Combine in utilizing intrafactory econorac ac- coi,nting. P. 40. Equalize the operation of carding machines fitted with metal saw frames. p. 43. LEM PROMISHLENOST, Sofiya,. Vol. 4, no. 1, 1955. SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions., (MAL), LC, Vol. 4, no. 10, Uct. 1955, Uncl. A, KEVORKOV, A. Plan. working capaital correctly and speed its turnover. kwt. dor. 26 no.6:20-21 Je 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Road construction-Finance) Kf. q@ V 'III;6R-,fI4 16 422P4- XEVC?,Y,' %, A. Scvrnoshcheni ve profe- @y v brir-l,- r--2tcr-@ Ach!irbe c,- r! Azerb,i,,Idzh. neft. Yhoz-vo, 19118, 'l.c,. 10, ,1. SO: LetoT)!!,' Zlr',LtrnO'nv@@'n Stitcy, Vol. 47, 194F. v:, @g _._HEVOaOV; A.A., inzh.-ekonomist Firhting for savings. Avt.dor. 24 no.12:26-27 D t6l. (Azerbaijan--Road construction--Cost) (MIRA 14:12) 1-4-1 @]Wm KEVORKOV.,- A 1A. Potentialities for the ,Oevelo@went of labor productivity In road construction. Avt.dor. 25 no. 124-5 D 162. (MMA 16s2) 1. Trest "Aznertedorstroyremont". (Road construction) J@T nO-TORKOV, A.A. Technical and economic efficiency in lnuildin@, reinforced concrete structures on a Caspirm coa3tal strip for drillin,", nnd o-rploitinm o Offshore oil wolls. Izv. vy,-. ucheb. zav.; n(;@ftl i Ca.-, 7 no.2:10,CL- M 164- (IMA 17-.10N/ 1. Azerbay-d-zhanskiy inntitut nofti, i khjxiii J71. ". Anizbohzova. USS"'AMCE'@-.F n md Ani:- :,l Vorl,hology - (@ior- -1 end Frtholo@,-i, 1) NervousS Systorl. Abs Jour I Rof Zhur - Biol., No 7, l9R8) No 31213 Author : Kovorkov A.K. Inot t 'got- _GD-o-i -i Title t Now 14orpholoLr-iorl Dntr Concomin- the Innervction of the Arch of the Aortc rnd the Superior Vene Cavn OriF Pub I Novyy khirurg. nrkhiv) 1957, No li 60-65 Abstract t Asymetry in the innorvrtion of the rrah of the norte vnd the superior vona cavc wcs found in dogs cnd people. The rrch of the trotv. is innervated by bmichos of the borderline syr-pr.thatic trunk rnd vngus nerve on tholeft rnd in lesser degree on the right. The groates6 nmbor of vasculcr nervos to the nrch of the norto Pro diroctod ^rnr.-- the stolleto rnd third thorrcic sympathetic nodus on thu luft. The superior vonc crvr. is innerveted by brvnch,@s of Vio right borderline trunk nnd the vcEms nerve. During oxtirprttion of the stallcto nodes of the dOFs of the second-third thornoic s@mpcthotic Cord 1 1/2 e 2 ACCESSION NR: AT4040551 S/25G4/64/004/000/0015/0021 ,@AUTHOR-. Shettall, N. N., Givargizov, Ye. I.; Spitsy*n, B. V. -, Kevorkov, A. M. iTITLE: Growth of opitaxial germanium films f2on supercooled droplets SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut kristallografii. Rost kristallov, v. 4, 1964, 15-21 TOPIC TAGS: germanium, germanium @rystal, crystal growth, germanium film, epitaxial 'film, epitaxial germanium film, supercooled droplet, germanium monocrystal, gas phase ;crystallization, germanium tetrachloride, crystallography ;ABSTECACT: In a study of the peculiarities of "high- temperature" crystallization of germanlu& ,from the gaseous phase during reduction of GeC14 by hydrogen, (111)' (110) and (100)- ,oriented monocrystalline germanium plates were ground, chemically polished (HF and HNOq), .washed with deionized water and dried. After preheaUng in a flow of dry hydrogen at 870C ;,to remove surface oxides, the plates were grown for about 10-20 min. at 740-870C in the ,apparatus previously described. 7be now 5-10 micron layer was then exaznined with an optical and electron microscope. Ahese examinations showed that the crystal growth resulted !from deposition of very small droplets of supercooled germanium on the surface. The [Ca.rd- a 0 6-6-4-6- 11110*600*00000000000 ! 0 T I@ @ 1@ i! @ 1, o o 0000*00000000 1 f # J I , I I I. . . t,.ft ., .. , " . F. 1.L it it so 09 .*0 -so 00 Gypsum A 00 1j, N.J. J.. III I'lema.1i'd Yi. 1.1.4 Cloy. f Alld in otlm Il i00 * y [Vill# AIA NKSF%V IJ.'411.1 111,111Anto A-Ipi,lit-I oTv% I ** 00 NVII-tiol Is the NuIll 1Y 4,1VAaAhle K 09 -0* 00 @J 0 roo as o 0 .KAL.21 A&A 0 :,Oo 00' ;'40 00 00 00 W ft As Is III I 1.0 0 M it If I 00 41 so 4 a 0 0 6 0 4 0 0 0466 0 a 4 a a 0 0 0 0 0 Wo 0 0 00 000 .1 00 0 a 6661111WO0111411109600 0 0 00 0_4 0 0 0 0 0-0 a 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 doW *1 111110 and suparpbos- on atid montic S S V*84W,V. Awl lot F. I)Okwr l'ofspy.4 4.1 %*..* m. V, 1. bgl1w IS, %,u. Ij,, Z"103M.-AlIdno. of 3 torninets per ba. of granulated alone mixed with the scrifilts4l of Culver or clover %4h"l 2111`9 Of WA4 AIW SHOW11 got, thc mcffaw .42 1 S I'd7s. UIDSR / SAl goiQneo. Kino:ral FortilizL@rs. ,L,bs J'.Dur: Rof Ziiur-,BJL,A_., No 8, 1958, @uthor : _Y_-vLrjk,@v_ X'&. P. Ins t : As Latwi-S'R. Titlo 0;) - Dru, a Sn F Pl,.ints with Traco dlion Li uin@5 x,*Uoi,,' PQat Pcdzolic Ori(@ Pub: V. sb.: '.'Ukroolo,-,@onty v z. kh. i i-oditsine, TRiga, X@.N Latv,@SR, 1956, 221-225. ,,bstract: t-.,!o yjars -4J_t'r_- r,.-_' clovor and buok_-nb;.at, ccnductad by VEU;".@L oln ind heavy cG6illacoous soils of tho --.roa of xlosuow, have shown 'U11-at tho oxtra-root nutrition U of plants Ath oclutions of 23"ItUS CO .,.nd 'Mr, havo a strungor positivo action on tho yijl@' of clov- or and bucllnAhoat on noid, ncn-lifi@,,d rAl, than Card 1/2 :38 USSR/Soil Science Mineral Fertilizers. J-3 Abs Jour : Ref aiux - Biol., No 2) 19581 5799 Author : _I(evorkov, A.P. Inst Title Liming Acid Turf-Podzolic Soils in the Non-Chernozem Belt of the USSR Orig Pub Udobreniye i urozhay, 1956, No 5, 3-8 Abstract This is a discussion of the tasks of soil liming of the non-chernozem. belt of the USSR in 1956 -- an area of 2.5 million hectares. It is pointed out that lime can be re- placed by industrial waste which contains lime: oil sha- le ash, peat ash, sugar industry defecate, blast furnace and Martin slag, etc. Card 1,1 US-SR/Soil Scionco'. 0'rganlc Fortilitoro. j-4 Abe Jouri Ref Zhur-Blol.p flo, 6., 1958, 24760. Author : Kevorkov., A.P.; Pchalkinp V.U. Inst Title :On the Application of Manure-Lime Ccmposts and Organic-Lime Mixtures. Orig Pub: Udobreniye i urozhayp 1957) No 3) 43-45. Abstract: Application of 10% of lime from a calculation of dry compost substance, composed of 85% of manure and 15% of straw with the addtion of 10 kiloa. of super- phosphate for one ton of compost, durinG a 'a month storage) reduced the loss of nitrogen from 40.5 to 22.6%. In identical doses for winter rye, a compost with 10% lime gave an increase of 3.2 c/ha. of grain, but only 1.5 c/ha. without lime. A mixture, Card 1/2 24 ACCESSION NR: AP4025080 AUTHOR: Kevorkovp N, N, S/0016/64/000/oU,, I'TITLE: Effect of body temperature change on the protoir @Ispectrum and antibody synthesis iiSOURCE: Zhurnal miRrobiologiis epidemiologiiA immunobiologii.. no. 3., 111964.- 126-129 i'TOPIC TAGS: hypefthermiap hypothermias b2ood protein change# Antibody synthesis change, agglutinin titer, precipitin titor, .;absolute preeipitins antibody property change !ABSTRACT: The effects of hyper- and hypothornia on antibody synthosi,7 ;and protein blood spectrum were investigated in two gro-ups of 1'experimantal rabbits and one control group, Body tOmPer'tture Of the i'first experimental group, exposed to dry cold of 7 to 100C below :zerop was lowered by 2 to 2-50C Body temperature of the sooond ,experimental groups exposed to @0 to 550C in a special chambor, was ,@increased by lo5 to 2OC* Both experimental groups were subjected to :the overheating or overcooling for 60 min a day for three consecutive Card 11/3 'W CCESSION NR: AP4025080 A I I .days. Then the animals were ijmnunizod subcutaneously with 1 billion Mechnikov vibrions and 1 ml of human blood serum and the 4im:Trunization was repeated 5 days later. Blood was talcon fzom ea-_ Ivein on the 5thp 10thp 15th and 21st days after Immunization. A @modified paper eleotrophoresis method and an PEK-M electrophotocolor- imeter were used for blood serum proteinograms. Agglutinin titers anO- precipitins were determined by standard methods. Absolute.precipitin was found by methods developed by Heidelberger and Lowry and oxpros3ed in micrograms/ml. Agglutinin levels of all experimental animals wcro found considerably lower than in control anLaals. Agglutinin titer-6 for the experimental group subjected to hypqrthermia were 16 times ,lower than for the control group and titers for the experimental group subjected to hypothermia were 8 times lower than for the control group; Frecipitin titers followed the same &attern with titers for hyper- and hypothermis. groups respectively and 2 times lower than in tho control group# Frecipitin titor values determined by a surological method varied considerably more than absolute procipitin values (expressed in microgramsfiA) determined by the methods of Heidelberger and Lowry. Hyper- and hypothermia appear to affect antibody proper- ties.more than antibody synthesis by disturbing the body heat oontrol g 4. vgg g g, :ACCESSION NR: AP4025080 :Mochanisms. This disturbance affects the ixm=ogenic f1_--ictAo,,...- of U` I :reticuloandothelial system colls and results in the prcdv-@tion :fewer antibodies with less affinity for the given antigc.-_ Or.-*L.,-. a@, has:- 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Kurskiy gosudarstvennM meditsinskiy institut (Kurz'.- ::5tate Medical Institute) lZUBMITTED: 218ep62 ENCL., 00 ;SUB CODE: LS' NR M7 SOV: 008 OMJIMR: 002 j C@@'d 13 3 AVAKOV9 V.A.; KEVORKOV9 Yu.A.-, SULTANOV, P.M.; SULT;,IIOV, S.G. Designing spur gearings with the correction coefficients 0, 6. Azerb. neft. khoz. 40 no.6t4o-43 Je (I. (Gearing, Spur) AVAKoV, V.A.; KEVORKOV, Yu.A.; SULTANOV, F.M.; SULTANOV, S.G. Overlapping oF gear transmission with correction ratio o.6. Azarb, neft, Poze 41 no,1:44 Ja 162, (MI& 1& (Gearing.. Spur) AVAKOV, V.A.; KEVORKOV, Yu.A.; SULTANOV, P.M.; SULTANOV, S.G. Using corrected spur gearing in the petroleum industry. Azerb. neft. khoz. 40 no.5:39-41 Yq 161. (MIRA 16:12) KEVORKOV, Yu.A., inzh.; GYANDMUNTSEV, P.A., irzh. New method for calculating the tooth thickness of involute gear wheels, Vest. mashinostr. 44 no.9:9-12 3 1U,. (MIRA 17:11) -21 , - . '3 --... - I.. I- --I I . KKVORKOV, Yu.A., inzh. Correction of spur gear tranBminsion. Vast. mashinostr. 45 no. 12tlO-12 D t65 (IMIRA 19:1) @5 U u m p at Il 4 4# N W IJ V I -A-J--4 A a r 0 A I AA i d 11414111 of the cracking reach", Kh. A- Z, djjj 1; lop 400 N*qyuwv Ahas. SOM, 1`111SAIWn Im file Vale,,. "if the bette %ahw Cannot be li@f so 0 the 11`1@ .4 Ied fly file 11da -00 0 0 4 4114mille, Ih,, 1411'. 4 he p(ti'llir 114-11114t@ ."d 41- 0 fill III 16v "tLll .4 "16-1.1114 194 letit am 4 11i'm I'll 1141141-1 Phaw Clatkills. the 11.41 4 Mact" tj 1hr 14ruilre 4 1-1111mir. 1. 0 , 1111 P, Lo. VAI os j vAt, Lv used aith quojr,11 bK%urwcy, bllt I%,,, %I,, 00 jj-, zo 0 00 bigher Usually "flit in making Calct". ago A. A. Bmhtlingk age so zoo so* no 0 !106 .08 A$M-SLA Atl&LkUMGPCSL LITINAIII&I CLASS&FICATION UZ - An If W 9 a a 8 tvitapai Orel *0 Itun timikk2ft 1. so'* so 0 0 0 0 of 0 0 111to ps 0 0 0 0 go 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 a 0 .0 go 0 0 4 0 0-000 off *Is 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 *so,* 0 * * 0 _w _W 111, 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 4 0 f a 0 4 A A 1 0 p Is it U 14 m It It 1? 4" a is nb a a V a 'a 11 1211 bell hit also*# l I I 1 " sidmIGA10 4 - 1-A - @Q_ A M.-M w a i-I - A-it I T is, . 1-00 :0 f Tho *1aklei-Kcich cracklaig units. Kic Kaviwxoswv@ (wt -lsm,f1*ipA,i 14.0% 1931, No. S. 115 pp -A dgw" d-,miptkmt@ lwMillir cm of opffatkm sful dilist,13%i'mi, 09 a of various pairtit c4 the equiPwat d Winkimer-Koch asickinguk. i. -dori" its the U S I G fi l l i stabilitin W d t A W A 00 . virm. se- aso erv so. etn s am cons . a . s S . . g p 06 -00 90A -00 00, -00 X00 00 ti "Oe 1000 200 .00 4*0 1.00 I Ale- L A GSTAILLLAWCAL@11111ATUIK CLAISIFICATiOP U90 0.0. 100 it Wood it 4.V IW al4ifl OW 4"v its 00 Is 1111 1 do a 3 4 0 UWAY 10 Ili,', it 11 It n is IN trw !14 zs@ - 0 0 a 0 0 04 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 ts 0 0 0 0 0 ts 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 : 00-0001000000000 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0,4- 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67432 T-I&U@ ri'oa; PAC-U-YY 3ar-Al, XhL*Lya. 1959. W,- 14. 451 (U.13P.) K ll@* L Tb- Eff..t of tzwi C-tltt@ of Aej4:c Ni-Irleatim m th& Filt-blIlty of CMtaetod Oil &A the Pmp-ti,w, of ALrvAft.OIL--4-Z2 FIRLMICAL4 5b. tr. in.- ,ftl 1 Ws. Nr 3. vp 1FI AWMICT, 7h. ff..t of tsi@ Wap .. t.- of -1'11@ id ..ttll"L L%. tI- of .1-Ing of th. -di. oil. U- @W of H,4. " ",w : -Lbd of It. V-p-Llon. th. on-rul- of -Id -4 t),. adlltl- of compalator m the f<arabLIIt3r or contattea oil ha@ be@n swil -d cout-Ung of a i-iint-tv of su@--v cl-L" P*tmt-a with I 4.27oC. the cakIng @Vaclty 2.58. - ca,@Jod out In a -t..tlg d-L.. with . M-1. of TW a .1. -1 24% (baa-l - V- -14-- .11) gwabvi@ at a fknsl -tactlng t-;wratum of Y@Oft. frt rx.1--IzA G-led out o,, a Bd&h-or r-1 at -0 - la)"@ in a vs- of C-d X12 5a - 60 - Pg; tiia it-- r- it- or 5,* -1 rt-It.r t@ sa fil.%or@111ty tod-. IL has W- ah-i tt.^t of - -1, :1 dtArIArA" Ir. thm c"o of @ ol- -t*nt Lr. u- u-1 -1 1. . 111. or - 14- 70*C, aid St-IN th. -161@ J! (Z dv.) 11.9@1 -1. =-Lal I@ J--Lti-l - I-r- --- It ty by -3 L@ ,t1-It yo:.r.@a LL! It f 0. mar-da,"j C.,d 212 34617 s/o65/62/000/003/003/004 E075/E135 AUTHORS: Kuliyev, R.Sh., Dreyzin, M.M., @evorkova, I.S., and Chikareva, N.I. TITLEF About the process of second distillation in the production of oils PERIODICAL! Khimiya i tekhnologiya topliv i masel, no-3, 1962, 23-26 TEXT; The authors give comparative data on the preparation of turbine oils of A (L) and -T (T) quality WOC-T 32-53) (GOST 32-53) with and without the application of the process of second distillation. The oils were obtained by the second distillation of the oil distillate boiling in the range 420-48o OC and constituting 10.7,o' of the crude (Volgograd crude), The distillate was subjected to furfural extraction (150, 220 and 300% furfural) dewaxing at -30 OC and 5%0' clay treatment, To reach L and T quality levels at least 220% furfural treatment and additions of antioxidants were nece@sary. The oils were also prepared from suitable distillate fractions without the second distillation. It was shown that the quality of turbine Card 1/2 About the process of second s/o65/62/000/003/003/004 E075/E135 oil T obtained by solvent extraction with 1009,o' furfural correspondb to all GOST requirements. It had satisfactory oxidation stability@ even without oxidation inhibitors, and was better than the analogous oil produced by the second distillation and 220% solvent extraction. Moreover, the yield of the oil produced without the second distillation was higher than that for the latter oil. The authors found also that there is no rational justification for the process of second distillation in the production of turbine oils from the oil fraction of Balakhany crude. There are 3 tables, ASSOCIATION, INKhP AN Azerb.SSR (INKhP AS Azerb, SSR) Card 2/2 KULIYEV, R.Sh.; KEVORKOVA, l.S.; AKTYAMOVA, L.A. Use of Perlites for the purification of oils. Azerb,khim.zhur. no.416-9 165. NIRA M12) 1. Institut neftekhimichaskikh protsessov AN AzSSR. Submitted June 26, 196.4. L 226@9-66 :-.K(m)/T DJ ACC NR: AP6006932 N) SOURCE CODE, UR/0316/65/0001006/000710009 AUTHOR: KvliZ!v, R.. Sh.; Kevorkova, I. S.; Musayev, G. T. ORG: INKhP AzerL5SR TITLE* Response of transformer oils to antloxidant additives SOURCE: Azerbaydzhanskly khimicheskly zhurnal, no. 6, 1965, 7-9 TOPIC TAGS: antioxidant additive, transformer oil ABSTRACT: The authors studied the response to antioxidant additives of transformer oils obtained from a series of Baku crudes by acid-alkaline and adsorption refining methods. The antioxidant additives tested were p-hydroxydiphenyls, ionol, and AzNII-11. The stability of the transformer oils toward the additives was deter- mined. Adsorption-refined oil was found to have the best response to the inhibi- tors. While the addition of 0.1% lonol to transformer oil obtained from Buzovna petroleum by refining with 8% acid decreased the deposit by a factor of 4 and the acid number by a factor of 6-7, the addition of the same amount of ionol to oil ob- tained from the same crude by adsorption refining decreased the deposit by a factor Card 1/2 L 22689-66 .ACC NR: AP6006932 of 18, and the acid number by a factor of 26. The better response of the adsorp- tion-refined oil is attributed to its small content of tars. It also contains much less aromatic hydrocarbons, particularly polycyclic ones, than does oil produced by acid-alkaline refining. The transformer oils obtained from various crudes display- ,ed the best response to ionol. Grig. art. has: 2 tables. ,SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 27Nov64/ ORIG RM 000/ OTH REr; ooo Card 2/2 )6 R@.q (m AP5027726 souRcE com: uR/oo65/65/000/009/0018/0021 AUMOR: Kuliyev, R. Sh.; Kevorkova, I. S.; Aktyamova, L. A. ORG: IMW AN AzerbSSR TITLE: New Azerbaydzhan crude oils as stock for the production of oil SOURCE: Khimiya i tekhnologiya topliv i masel, no. 9, 1965, 16--A TOPIC TAGS: petroleum, crude petroleum, petroleum product, lubricating oil, lubricant coiTponent, lubricant refining, hydrocarbon, aromatic hydrocarbon, resin, wethane, solvent extraction ABSIRACT: This evaluation of Azerbaydzhan paraffin base crudes as stock for the production of high quality oil.was, made because the output of lidit olly and paraffin base crude at the old Azerbaydzhan oilfields has drastically decreased and the Output of hioi-tar nonparaffin base and paraffin base crud 'e at the new oillfields has increas in recent years. The latter include the taX7,y, low-sulfur, and high p-:xaffin baze crude of the Ostrov Peschanyy and Kushkhana deposits and the paraffln. base crude of the Neftyanyye Kaml deposit. The evaluation results shcw that 1) the conditions for producing oil from Ostrov Pe3chanyy and Kushkhan-q crude-s arv perfectly acceptable despite the high paraffin content and that 29, 27, and 30% oil on the crude can be obtained from Ostrov Peschanyy, Kushkhana, and Neftyanyye Karrni, respectively, 2) the UDC; 665.51(479.24) Card 112 @CC NRs AP502772b vi5co5lty teaperature characteristla of trotor oil 11 obtained from Lhu @@rjove- thrue erliden, art@ bettur than thcze of o116 fik)m coiriziercial blends, of 11-uku lovj-j)ar-affi4 base crudes, ') the rriethano-naphthe-nic and arotratic hydrocarbon group@, of oily com- j 1"clients from CUrov Peschanjy crude have a sufficiently liliji viscosity index Value and I the rio-Ahano-naphthen1c, litfit aTUM-LUC, and mc(iium arcKNatIc hydroczarl-curi,-, au well as the interrrie-diato fractions and resins obtained frorn the re3idual component have the viscos. lty index value, 11) the residual coffponent or the Ostrov Peschanyy crude yields 6.2% aviation oiltjon the ciude and the y1eld crm bo increased to I.Op", by deasphalting and to 10.2A by ihe furfural solvent refining process. It to conclUdOld that the new paraffin bEwe crudes from the Ostrov Peschanyy and Kushk1-vua deposit[; am- valuable stock for the production of distillate and residual oils, Drig. art. has: 7 tables. SUB CODE: 21/ SUBM DATE: none Card 2/2 Qoc- A L 912L7,-@T 1YT(n) DJ ACC NR. COD'-E-I---U-Rfl6~i6l66116~66ldOffOOO77 AUTHOR? Ku.1iyevq R. Sh.,; @ovorkovaq L S ; Aktyamovap L* As 3?/ ORGI -INKhP AN AzorbSSR -es A TITIZI Preparation of stabilized XK-8 oil SOURCEI Azerbaydzhanakiy khimichookiy zhurnal, no. to 1966, ?-io TOPIC TAGS# lubricating oil, antioxidant additive ABSTRACTI MK-8 oil containing 0.6% of the antioxidant @onol has boon produced since 1963- Because of its scarcity and high cost, attempts have been made to find means of roducing the amount of ionol added to MK-8. It was found that this can be done by carrying the purification of the oil furthery I* esp increasing the amount of acidp further purifying commercial 14K-8 with gumbrin and using selective and adsorption moth ods of purification. Specificallyp the amount of ionol can be roduced from 0.6 to 0.4% by the following methods: (1) increasing the amount of H2SC4 in the purification of MK-8 oil from 8 to 10%; (2) additionally purifying HK-8 with 4% gumbrin or powdered ailica-alumina catalyst, (3) preparing MX-8-type oil by purification with 100% furfur- Al and 5% gumbrin. The moat practical method is the Improvement of the walfurio acid purification by increasing the amount of acid to 10%. This has resulted in a 29% do- 1croaso in the coat of production of MK-8 oil. Orig. art. hast 4 tables. ISUB CODSs III SUEM DATHI 27NOV64 KrIVORKOVA, I-V. S d Z. t t I o Z) *- 1. --, r! f f f-, c t o fg 11) 1) f: r:,A r, r, & r. r. woody planL:j. Lzv. All Arm. S.SK. rihol. nauki 16 no.6:751-80 Ja 163. (MIlUt 17t10) 1. Botanicheskly @n3titut AN' Armyunskoy SSR. CHUBARYMp T.G.; EMRKOVAI L*Vo- Effect of the carbonate factor and reactions of soil on the viability and growth of seedlings of certain conifers. DALAN Arm.SSR 31 no.3:171-160 160. (MIRA 1302) le Botanichaskiy institut Akademli nauk Arvwan*oy SSR. Pred-@- wtay3ano skademikm IN Arnyanskoy SSR VIO, Gulkarqanome (Soil chemistry) (Coniferae) UVORKOVA9 N.XN- Analysis of the course of scarlet fever between 1924 and 1960 and the struggle for a smooth course of scarlet fever during the last decade. Nauch.trudy Chetv.Wsk*gor*klin.bol'* noel: 66-72 161. (MIM 16:2) 1. Iz bkarlatinoznogo otdeloniya Moskovskoy gorodskoy klini- cheskoy bollnits7 No.4 (glavnyy vrach - G,F. Papko, zav. skarlatinoznym otd-eleniyem - N-Ye. Kevorkova). (SCARLET FEVER) KEVOPKO F Y-er-. Analysis of the causes of a complicated course in scarlet fmr. Pediatriia. 38 no.1206-41 160. (MIM ula) le Iz detskogo Weleniya gorodakoy klinicheakoy bollnitay N6.4 (glavnyy vrach G.Fe Popko) i kliniki Pediatricheakogo instituta P.SFSR kzav. otdoleni7m- prof, B*G* Shirvindt), (SCAMM FEM) ..KEVORKOVAp N.Ye. Treatment of scarlet fever. 25 no.lt78-81 A t6l. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Iz detakogo qtdeleniya gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy No.4 (glavnyy vrach G.F.Papkc) i kl:ini@i Pediatricheskogo instituta, Ministerotva zdravookhraneniya RS@SR. (SCARIXT FEVM) N d KEVORKOVA t_LjA__XF--* CAND tAED SC I I"ANALYSIS OF IME CAUSES OF THE UNEVEN COURSE OF SCARLET FEVER IN RECENT YEARS ." MOS- cow 9 1961 s (SECOND MOSCOW STATE MED I NST I MEN I N. I PI RO- oov). (KL-DVj 11-61, 228). 256- GAD7djM-VA, R.G.,-SINITSYNA,, Y4.Ye.; Prinimala uchastiye- KEVORKOVA, T.A. Development of paints with active admi tares for the protection of wet steel surfaces. Lakokras.mat. i ikh prim. no.2:9-12 163. (MIRA 16"4) (Protective coatings) (Surface-active agents) -MA KEVORL'YAil, A. A. 0 On the Treatment of Frostbite. Prelimirary Report Voycv-no-Sanitarnoye Delo. !941, U, 57-58- PA 65T68 KEVORKIYAN, A. A. USM/WdIcins - Hygiene and Benitation) Apr 1948 Industrial M9dicine - DiatherM "Work With Ultrahigh-Prequency Impulse oscillators From the St@aadpolnt of Industrial Hygiene,* Prof A. A. Kevorklyan, Inat of Industrial Bygiene and Occupa- tionall Diseases, Acad Ned Sei USSR, 4j pp "Gig i Sari" No 4 Briefl,y describes various studies amducted to deter- mine the biological effects of ultrashort waves. Ultrashort.-vave therapy has been used in nervous diaorderej howeverp author warne that each patient requires specific dosage. IM 65T68 KIVORKIYANt. A. A. General and specific aspects of neuropathology according to the Pavlovian theory. Sh. vysshei nerv. deiat. 2 no. 2:228-232 Mar- Apr 1952. (CUL 23:3) 1, Vitebsk. S.D.; KIVORDIYAN, A.A. Clinical aspects and therapy of chronic mercurialium. Trud7 An sssit 31:127-136 154. (MUA 7:10) (Nercury-Toxicology) 77 KIYORKIYAN, A A.; PATUSHINSKIT, G.I.; GHXMWANOTA, G.N. liver diathermy as a method of treating mercurialism. Trudy AHN SSSR 31:136-140 154. (MI-RA 7:10) (Diathermy) (Mercury--Toxicology) KIVORKIYANj4jA,w,I- (Occupational neurotoxicosis; clinical aspects, pathogenesis, therapy, prophylaxis] Professional' n7e neirotokeikoxv; klinike, patogenes, terapiia, profilaktike. Minsk, Goo. izd-vo BSSR, 1955. 221 p. (MMYOUS SYSTEX-DISRASIS) (KLRA 10:2) 3q DROGICHINA, B.A., doktor med. nauk; KEVORPYAN, A.A., prof.; LURITE, Z.L.p prof.; LISITSA, F.M., j-o-t-se-R-;-TVTT=, A.S., prof.; PESHKOVSKIY, G.V., prof.; SHAKHNOVICH, R.A., prof.; DAVIDENKOV, S.N., prof., otv, red.; BOGOLEPOV, H.K., prof,j zam* otv. red.; [Multivolume manual on neurology]Mnogotomnoo rukovodstvo po nev- fologii. Moskva, Medgiz. Vol.3. Book 2.[Infectious and topic diseases of the nervous system]Infektsionrqe i toksicherkie bo- lezni nervnoi sisteqr. 1962. 524 p. (KRA 15: 11) 1. Deystvitellrrj7 chlen Akademii meditainakikh nauk SSSR (for Davidenkov). (NERVOUS SYSTEI@-DISEASESI) @T-M"' C Bulgaria T tnd Aniual The Nervous System Htuiian Uf jOICTM. : :PZh!-rL-j*'i .Nt. 5 1959, Nn. 2.@',108 AIII POP . svrakov, It. ; Kevorky ,tin, Atrutasova, Fl. T T'L'J' An ExperimentaI Study of th-3 Possibility of Setting up a Speranshjy Neurodystrophic Process in the PeriodoutIlAmt. ,. ri@b. Storatologiya, 1957, Io. 4, 195--207. i@jjjr APSIRACT Card: Stert1c, glass trai;mezifs viere placed in the I dental pulp of 12 dof"V, and withill "i to 6 days the gradual devvlo-,nent of neurodystraphic changes was observc-d in the periodon@@iv_m .)f the side on which the operation was performed; within 12 to 15 days they had spread -to the opposite side, and then to distant organs (eyes, stomach, intes- tine, etc.) The neurodystrophic changes, as shown by serological investigations, were not associated with the presence of leptospirosis. The data obtained seem to indicate thnt reflex 1/2 *Mateyev, D. T-92 K K-KVC REY ANTS A. Coupetitioris of departmantal toAns. Posh.delo 3 no.5:28 Yy 137. VMLIIA 10: 7) (Fire provention-Compatitions) BMYUKDVO Th.1 BIZUK; NOVINOV D.; KNORKUM #-A,_(ksk7a); TRMM v 0. (Beresulki I Good people* Poshodelo, 7 no,9:18 S 261. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Potharnyy AM)p chasti, g. Penza (for Biryukov). 2. Nachallnik gorodskoy poshamoy okhranyp g. Shuya (for Bizuk)s 3, Nomandir ot,deleniya posharmoy okhranyi Stalingrad (for Novikov), vc% t v () X r1i I, NJ -, -1@, I Y, I i .. - -b--L -- ".. 0 -t -, vslcb@ A., and DMIMT, T. Rul; ::, 3.) ImITSK 0) ICPLjJ0 llpi@ni, test folldliagwsis bf brudel osis ir, @,owsll. (from 11"lledycyna veterinai-yjnall No. 6, 1951) . 1 3): Veterinariia, 290), 1952, p. 55 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 Congenital Diseases and Defects CZECHOSLOVAKIA uDc 617-57-002-4:616-71-007.232)-056.7 UTREV,_A.; Regional Orthopedical Dopartnent (Oblastne Ortopedicke -75dde_foiRf_e)', Povazska Bystrica, Head (Primar) Dr A. KEVRFV "Acroostoolysis Sou Acroroutilatio Familiaris." Prague' Casopis Lelcaru Ceslcych, Vol 106, No 10, 10 1-1,ar 67, pp 267 - 269 Abstract juthor's English summary modified,._7: Results of a five year study of th- cases of 4 patients are nre3ented. The patients suffered from assymetrical familial acromutilation. The etiology of the disease is obscure; the diar-nosis is easy if careful and thoroLigh. attention is given to the case -history, familial incidence, neurological disorders with a typical localization, and to typical signs of acroostoolysis. Therapy is not successful at present. In neglected cases the final solution is amputation, most frequent- ly beYow the knee joint. 3 Figures, 10 Western, 2 Czech, I East German reference. (Manuscript received Feb 66). UVREV, Archangel, @!UDr. Experience with Intraspongious anesthesia In orthopedic Interventions. Acta cbir. orthop. traiim. coch. 22 no.4: 143-148 July 55. 1. Z ortopedickej kliniky UK Kosiclach. Prednosta. zast. prof. MUDr. J. Stepan. (ORTHOPMICS, anasthesia and analgesia, intraspongious) (ANBSTHESIA, Intrasponglous, in orthopedics) KIVREV, A. Painful contracturs of the shoulder joint (Duplay's diseass)f Bratiel, lek, lietY 34 no,3:27&283 Mr 154. 1, Z Kliniku pre choroby ortopedicke v Kosiciach, prednosts, doe. dr, J.Stepan. (BURSITIS, (SHOMBR, diseases, *Daplayle) %play's die.) KEVRICV, A. Modification of the apparatus for rewsitioning the hip. Acta chir. orthap. tramm. cech. 26 no.3,t238-241 June 59. 1. Ortapedioka klinika Dri Statnej fakultnej nemocnici v Kosiciach. prednosta sant. prof. dr. J. Stepan. (ORTHOP3DICS, appar. & instruments modified appar. for repositioning hip (Cz)) VOROBIYEV, A.A., doKor fiz.-rint.nauk, prof.; IZERGIN, A.P., kand.tnkhn. naukk.- KTWOISV,K.K* Electric properties of crystal hydratom. Izv.VY s.ucheb.zav.; anerg. 2 no-5-226-35 my 1.59. (14IRA 12:10) 1. TousHy ordena Trudovogo Krannogo Znameni polItekbnichflskI3r InBtitut Im.. S.M.Kirova. (Hydrates-Slectric proportiAs) 4 t 0123M7 EldT(m) JR ACC 11R AT6031142 SOURCE CODE: XJR/3136/66/000/066/0001/0024 AUTHOR: Aleksenko, Yu. N. ; Brodskiy, A- M. ; 4a@e_h_n.A.-I- ' Kevrolev, V. P.;i Lavrovskiy, K P.; Makarov, D. V.; Tetyukov-, V. D,; Fish, Yu, . L, ORG: none TITLE: Analysis of tests of a unit for the atomic power station "Arbu regenerating a gas oil coolant by degeneration hydrogenation 5 or SOURCE: Moscow. Institut atomnoy energii. Doklady, IAE-1066, 1966. Analiz ispytaniy ustanovki destruktivno-gidrogenizatsionnoy regeneratsii gazoylevogo teplotiositelya AES Arbus, 1-24 TOPIC TAGS: organic moderated reactor, organic coolant, atomic energy, atomic power station, organic cooled nuclear reactor, catalyst, catalyst regeneration /Arbus -I atomic power station ABSTRACT: An analysis is made of data obtained in tile experimental operation of the "Arbus-l" atomic power station and related laboratory studies. The "Arbus-I" differs from other atomic power stations using organic-cooled and-organic-moder- ated reactors in that its gas oil coolant is regenerated by means of a hydrogenation-, 3rd 1/2 L 01'61Y9-67 ACC NR: AT6031142 degradation process. The investigation showed that regeneration through hydro- generation-degradation considerably decreases radiolytic losses in the coolant. The principal parameters for the regeneration of hydrostabilized gas oils are given!, and the useful life of the aluminocobalt molybdenum catalyst under adopted oper4t-1 ing parameters is determined. Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 5 tables. 15F@ r SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: none/ 2/2 awm KEVROL*EVA, K. 14. Cand Teoh Sci -- (diss) I'The JAI&ctric Strength a,@ndt.$ome 4thsl, Properties of Cry stall ohydrat e s. Tomsk, 1956. 8 pp 20 cm. (Min of Higher, Education USSR, Tomsk Order of Lec--bor S. Red Ba--nner Polytechnic-Inst im M. Yirov), 200 copies (KL, 17-57, 97) 34 SOV/112-58-2-1867 .1 ra.- slation from: Referativnyy zhuT-aal, ElektrotW@iika, 1958 Nr 2, p I I (USSR) AUTHOR: Kevroleva TITLE: Electric St.!e%gth of Talcum (Elektrlcheskaya prccLnost, tal,ka) PERIODTCAL: 1zv. Temskogo politekhn. in-ta, 1956, Vo! 91, pp 311-315 ABSTRACT: Elect-_J_c stre%gth of three types of talcum (0-iotskiy, Miags and C',Liese) 1-as been a*-ud-ed on DC and 10-1 to 10-7 L @ sec impulses in a .miform fleld. Effect cf temperat-@ire on electric strength @As been determined ir. the range of 7.0' to 4001C DC a%d AG and -i--- the ran-ge 3f ZOO to 6501C c-i im- vc.,.t3,ge. (Tra-_-_s_'atGr's Lote: an obvicu!! rnispzint in the origi-Lal, 0--ould be read ") Electric strength measured on DC a-id AC voltages is considerably lower than that meas-zzed on imp--,Ise voltage. 0-notskiy lani-inated talcum has an electric streagth o@ 3 MvIcin. (with specimens 40-50 m- icrone tYick) and impulses of 10 rnicraseccnds. irnpulse electric at:7e:@gth of talc@_,m la practically independent of temperat@=e wifliin. 200 to 400OC; @-._-wevcr, it drz@:jpa w4h further increase in temperatire Lt) to I 6500C, which is Card 11? SOVII IZ-58..2-1867 Electric Stz ength ef Talctum pr,@)Iablv asmoc.tated with tzanaftion of electricil form of breakdown into ther- tl CZ-1stallization water in tal-cum doee r.,Dt the electrIc st@!.engq.,. w,t+j'j7, , 10-7 to 10-4 see interval. O@: DC &-nd 50 cps voltages, elec- trl`c st.rength i@q Teduced because Of watez. Electric strength is indepe-,:,Ie--,@ :,f of dehydrati@o-x a! vilcam. Bibl;ograp@iy: 6 iteme. -t--t (Tom-v@-. Poly-tWuJc hn8tt-,!t-@), Tomsk. M. D. M. C ar d 2 / 2. r-,V*@-- I VA, 1.. ?1 7-322, "On 1,e D I e1cc"Xi c Strcn;@th @X Rnc@i I p Sal t, ill , 5 re f Abst: of ent@ are -,,*,,.-cn r:!@ -,,v th-i' 1,1-: e I cctr'c c'rencrth @!f U-cbell e s:t I. t i n t lie i,u)rc :in d ct:J.1 r, -Y:.t.( T,,:s c1cc,-e @r@ 'ricreage 1 n f Tic, cknen- t It e @-,i )e. The 11r@lcctxlc f ralt i, 0 ;@w,i:i -n fl,,e t.(-i Frv t: - 0 Cur f, 1 @.C]C.Ctl-@ C t 1-Cl. 1f,11 it, I!, -1 /,Oc) i n t S Ul T,- L. @f the Folytochric Tnr-titutv i@@cni S. e rl-jnf-.@r@-nce on S-,- Dielfctr-cn, T,npk, ul jc,-5@, !he J@-.1,Yt-c!,n'cil, TnsU.",ilt.ep Su:-,@ 1`54 SOV/58-59-9-20518 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 9, p 147 (USSR) AUTHORS- Astafurov, A.V., Vorobl@ev, A.A., Voroblyev, G.A., Kevroleva, K.M. TITLE: The Volt-Second Charaotoristics of Solid Homogeneous Dielectrics PERIODICAL: Izv. Tomskovo pilite)dm, In-ta, 1958, Vol 94, pp 16 - 19 ABSTRACT: The authors measured the volt-second characteristics at sparkover in the homogeneous and inhomog,eneous (one electrode being in the form of a point) field of a great number of solid dielectrics: single crystals of NaCl, KC1, KBr and KJ, singlo crystals of Seignette's salt, Ice, foliated tale containing water of az-.rstallization, porcelain and others. For the sparking voltage a value was selected at which sparkover occurred with a probability of 90%. In the case of all the dielectrics investigat d, when samples having a thickness of 3.15 mm were exposed for 1 - 10-1 see or less, an in- crease in electric resistance was observed. The rise in sparking voltage under short exposures Is caused by discharge delay. It is well-known (cf. RZhFi $ 1959, Nr 1, 11,74) that, in the case of exposures shorter than (2 - 3) - . 10-9 see, the time delay Is actually the time of forming the discharge C, Card 1/2 tf , tf was ascertainod from the voltage oscillogram. The average velocity -KEVROLEVA, K.M.-.. Dependence of the electrLe strength of crystalline hydrates on voltage action time and :rystallographic orientation. Izv. TPI 95:26-34 158. (MIRA 14:9) (Breakdown, ElectrLc) (Hydrates--Electrical properties) (Crystallography) RRT P KFVROLqEVAq N.M. Effect of the molecules of water of crystallization on the electric and mechanical strength of crystalline hydrates. Izv. TPI 95: 105-116 1-58. (YJR;, 14:9) (Dielectrics) (Hydrates) KEVROLEVA, K.M. Structure and some properties of crystalline hydrates. Izv. TPI 95:117-125 '56. (MIRA 14-9) (Dielectrics) (Crystal lattices) 663106 5-4/1-9 ,.1 3 59- oi soi/14 viie' -toT of Jli@ 01D 0 c 0,11a 5or VTOlela ,,.te5 .,o,Oije'1i?Tofe5 0 OZ&O -40 Ice -P "611 ce5 9 -je as. .1 m,.e@bXl_@086 ...Oe5 0' 061 e aL t-ne tric 06.1 ?.rop Vajo aL y,i, e ,che ?.) 011alle-te -tes C ."J@f (1-C CC qorY. tal-' . -to-11 j%.4es-t'1V-5, '99 26- researcyl cri 5 0 a ac J5 -tj1e t, t .1,4 e 01).10 195 9 1 1jr je'V . je olaxlc ,,se , cr 51t ,,.ro-per -@T &A,5 I .e Tel @ @ 4, C 'ask 0 autllor 5 trjca spec ie \jere tre .jec Tjje a'a6 I -te ., 5 '@Lc @er T'@Je & oj e c 0.1 5 cc 96bor 7 -JOS -tr -re 'ra 'e5- . c c e -te 1:iel )!@ trl ele es al@' t TO'M5 alejec t)[je -tio'a ael@c' S. t.ItIlt aL -t'he I a5 aL frecli. . ,Ise -@115 J-@751- 9-ift Nje 4 -ft-4 e 9--a Itoge 2 Y"e SX11 9XII .014- -,,:pe'r T'@Je Ot'U're 'il-ITO jalill G -te 01: tee - avmer dL-r 06 1: -t I le 11@G ite dLI@L,-te& oy' S 0 f 51116 '90 -te) all C 011 il@v ,,,,,ge A5 0 T oIns tit'a bp e're teE of the c Ja5 t @S-! - 5 V, "_ aLra Jtitu tioll tec1111 t3 t a eta, 'Y 'o jl@o @og ) i'llve of cr@ l@T 0as jel'15 ojoG'J r-tle5 e cyal -rope @c .t,,, Card, -'/4 66306 Electrical Properties of Crystal Hydrates SOV/143-59-5-4/19 dependence of temperaturet frequency of the electrical field, degree of dehydration, chemical composition and structure of matter. A lar:,e number of mice types of the East Siberian deposits were studied. In papers 1 of N.P. Bogoroditskiy and V.N. 11alyshev ef 1 9 S. M. Yakimets ZR_ef f and M.M. Mikhaylov eRef 3 differ- 31 er ent results were obtained for carious c arac eristics of mica. In the papers Lief 4-1fO by K.A. Vodoplyanov, A.P. Izergin,.I.G. Vorozhtsova, hhe maxima of curves are'shown representing the temperature dependencies E in the phlogopite mica, and one fre of tg & and quency maximum of tg 6 The dependence of t- f and F-in phlogopite mica frequency and temperatures are shown in graphs, Figure 1, 2 and 3. Figure 4 shows a graph of the temperature dependence of E and tg S in muscovite, while Figure 5 shows the temperature dependence of muscovite before and after exposure to gamma radiation. Figures 6, 7,8, show graphs of the frequency and temperature dependencies of tg J.and in gypsum. At the Laboratoriya TVN Tomskogo pdl'itek Card 2/4 nicheskogo institute. -TPI- (Laboratory TVN of the 66306 Electrical Properties of Crysta4 jIfydrates SOV/143-59-5-4/19 the work of Hackett and A.M. Thomas, IIEE LRef 2,47. The authors state in their conclusions that a rota- tion of polarized molecules with a low bond energy is possible in crystallohydrates. The position of frequency and temperature maxima of tg S and E are determined by the structure of crystallohydrates. When manufacturing electrical insulation materials. composed of crystallohydrates it should be noticed 'that polarized mplecules may cause relaxation losses and that crystalrl,ohydrates work reliably only to the dehydration temp6rature. There are 11 graphs, 1 tab- le and 24 references 23 of which are Soviet and'I English. This artiele vas presented by the kai" tekhniki vysokLkh napryszheniy (Cha of High. Voltage ASSOCIWT-IK: Tomskiy ordeEn"aer"dov)6go Krasno@;o Znameni politekh- nicheskiy institut imeni S.M. Kirova (Tomsk - Red Labor Banner Order - Polytechnic Institute imeni M. Kirov) Se SUBMITTED: November 4, 1958 Card 4/4 40785 @7 S/ 110 /62/000/0061001/002 1010/1210 AUTHORS: Anikeyenko, V. M., (Engineer) Kevroleva, K. M., Kessenikh, P. M. Cundidater for Medical Science and Sotnikov,V__(ffn_gineer) rlTLE: Radiation-damage stability of polynviylchloride plastim of insulation and jacket pre- scriptions PERIODICAL Vestnik clektro-promyshlennosti, no. 6, 1962, 16-20 TEXT: 6 iasulation type and two jacket type plastics (all prescriptions given in a table) were irradiated with doses from 0 to 220 x 106 rad. The results of the measurements of the electrical and mechanical pro- perties of irradiated samples presented in graphs, show that a substantial decrease of tensile strength and of the respective elongation of the plastic starts at 5 x 106 rad. The biggest change of a, occurs in the region from (5 + 50) x 106 rad. At a do;e of 150 x 106 the tensile strength of a plastic containing 40% of plas- ticizer, decreased by 20% of its initial value; whereas that containing 60% of plastificator by 60% of the initial tensile strength. Irradiation causes chemical changes of the structure and therefore the resistivity decreased at 150 x 106 rad. to 3-37 Y. of the initial one. At a total dose of 106 rad. the tempera t u re-frequency change of the tg 6 was about a 200 % increase. The frost-resistance of the polyvinylchloride plastic decreases starting from the dose of 15 x 106 rad. The decomposition temperature starts decreasing from 5 to IS x 106 Card 1/2 Radiation-damage suibility... S/I 10162/0001006/001/002 1010/1210 rad. Structure changes appear at 150 x 106 rad. The best results have shown the materials of prescriptions 224 and 489 containing triercsyl phosphate a3 plasticizer. No improvement of physico-chcmical characteris- tics of polyviny1chloridc plastics under irradiation up to 150 x 106 rad. was observed. The X-ray structurc analysis data show more regularity or the structure of the polymer's chains. There arc 10 figures and I table. Card 212 ANIKEYFJIKO, V.14., inzh,,, KLVROLEVA K.M. kand.tekhn.naLik; KIISSMIM R. M. , - .... )- :2j ? kand.tekl,n.nauk,~r-qS-OT-'NIKOV2 V.G., inzh. Radiation reslEitance of the polyvinyl chloride plastic material of insulation and hose compoundings. Vest.elektroprom. 323 no.6:16- 2 0 Je 762. OKIRA 15.,7) (Electric insulators and insulation) ANIKEYE:NKO, V.M.; MVR= ISSENIKH, R.M.; SOTNIKOV, V.G. YA,X.M,; XF Conductance and dielectio loss in polyvinyl chloride plastics. Izv, vyse uchebo zavo; tiz. no.5:75-80 162. (K= 15:12) 1. Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni S.M. Kirova. (Polymers-Electric properties) (Dielectric loss) ANIKErEnO, V. M.; K. M.; KESSEHMp R. 14.; SOTNIKOV, V. G. Thermopbysical characteristics of polyvinyl chloride plastics. Izv. vys. uch. savo fix. 31121-123 162. (mm 25110) 1. Tomskiy po3.ttekhnichookiy inatitut imeni S. M. 11rova. (9thylene-Thernal properties) ANIMMO., V. M.; , KO M.; XKSSENINH, R. M.; SOTNIKOV, V. G. ---------- Theri'al. aging of a polyvinyl chloride plastic. IzY, Tya, ucho, zaY.; fiz. 32149-152 162. (MIRA 15'.10) 1. TcmBkly poUtakhnicbeekiy institut imeni S. M. Kirova. (Virql compound polymers-Thermal. properties) .KEVTUN __YU. --- - Pamphlets on communism. Vop. ekon. no.1:138-139 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:1) (Bibliography--Communism) NEWIN, S. V. Swineer "Special Design Features of the Parachute Stratostat,," Csiapter III, pp 16-26 from the book "Panchute Stratostat", published by Hydrometeorological Publication Office$ 1946. Translation ATIC F-TS-7906/V 7777777 MONORKIAN, Agop, dr. Ing. (Sofia) Band prepArA+Ion and influence of adjuatav' parameters on the ranult " combing processes in the coxbing works. Magy tax'LA c, no.lOt437-442 0 164. '111 L 7h ri .an@i of th, drw'-'tLn,, 06. -a,,,.; drn-aing 'Intims. Izv. vys. ticIV y instit-ut T2,--@itrallnyy n%,aloll-k-y Llistttut luby;-,ii:ikh vo.lokon. BOUOV, G.P.; KNUTNKRW, V. a. Evaluating the thermal performance of electrical insulation. Zhur. takhn, fiz- 30 no.6s741-742 Je 160. (KIBA 13:8) 1. Tomskiy politakhaichookiy institut im. S.K.Kirova. (Electric insulators and insulation--Thermal properties) u KEYBALO, A. P. KEYBALO, A. P.: "The use of levorrVcetin in young children af- flicted with dysentez7't. Kharlk3v, 1955. Kharlknv Medical Inst. (Dissertations for the Deg'ree of Candidate of Medical Sciences) SO: KnIzhnaya letopial, No. 5?1 211 December, 1955. Moscow. GASIORGISI I,, Wlktor; KEYDANA , Barbara Ca.Lcium and phosphofts in hyperthy7oidism. Pol. tyg. lek. 18 to.47:1779-1782 18 W63 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Vewnetrznych Studi= Doskonalenia lekar--7 AM w Warozawie;( Hartwig) i a Oddzialu Chorob Wewnetrznyc-h Insty-tutu Grazlicy w Warazavie (kierownik: Beniamin JOCI.Idds). It PO L AN 1) KEYDANA, Barbara Division of Internal Diseases (Oddzial 'Ve-w-n-o-F r--z-n-y- In r o c t o rProf. Dr. mod. B. JOCHWEDS) of the 'Ibborculosis Institute (Instytut Gruzlicy) in Warsaw (Director; Prof. Dr. mod. W. JAROSZEWICZ) IlLofir1ron Syndrome in a Person With a History of Lung Tabor- culosis. aitazolidine Treatment. Case Report." Warsaw' Polski jXgodnik Lokarski, Vol 18, No 11. 11 Mar 63, PP 4o3-/4Y5-. Ab@itract: (Author's English summary] Lofgron syndrome (enlargement of the hylus with nodous arythrema) appeared as an allergic reaction to strococcio infection in a per- son with the history of lung tuberculosis many years ago is reported. lUe four references contain one Polish, one French, and two English ones. 1/1 A BROMBERG-UNEK, sara; DABROWSKI, Aureli z; JOCHWEDS, Beniamin; KEYDANA, Barbara; NAPIORKOWSKA, Wanda; WkAJISKA, Aniela Ronal changes in 1upus erythematosus. Pol. arch. med. wewn. 33 no.1:67-75 f63- 1. Z Oddzialu Wewnetrznego Instytutu Gruzlicy w Warozawie im. Ana8tazego Landau& -Kierownik: prof. dr mod. B. JochwedA i z Fracowni Analitycznej Insty@tutu Gruzlicy w Warszawie Kierownik: dr.6hemii A. Wolanska. (LUPUS ERYTIMTOSU3, SYSTEM) (KIDNEY DISEASES) k-GLOMERULONEPHRITIS) (PYELONEPHRITIS) Barbara; GASIOROWSH, 'v;'Iktor Ce,lc-ium arid phosphorug in hype rthyroldism ir, the light of cur clinimil observation. Pol. tyg. lek. 20 no.39:141.9-1411 27 @; 1@5, i. '@' KlIniki Chorob liewnetmny-h Tnstytutu Gruzlicy w 1-Iars--hwie (Kierownik: prof. dr. merl. Bp-rjamdn jochweds) oraz z I Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych Studlum Doskorm-lenia lzkarzy AM -a i,arszavie (Kiero-mlk: prof. dr. med. Walcnty Part,wig). KffDAMA::JUJ9.&TjXKA? Barbara; WOIANSKA, Aniela, przy wspoludziale technicznym WOJCIK, Danuty Poeudohyporpotassamia during the course of thrombocytemia. Fol. arch. mod. wown. 33-no,3:331-336 163. 1. Z Oddzialu Wewnetrznego Instytutu Gruzlicy w Warssavie Xlerownik! Prof. dr mad. B. Jochweds i z Pracowni Analityanej Instytutu Grtiplicy w Warazawie Kierownik: dr med. A. Wolanska Dyrektor Inety-tutu Gruslicy: prof. dr med. W. Jaroszewicz. (HrPERKALDUA) (THRCHOCYTOPATHY) XEYDANSKIY,_qj_9j__GASUL7,9 M.Yu. Equipment for machining fiber-plastic part-B4. Mwhinontroitell no.505-36 W 262 jPlastics machinery) ODA 15:5) s/195/62/003/0o5/005/007 E075/E'36 Khokhlova, T.P., Sushentseva, G-M-t AUTHORS: Sazonov and e er@j. N. P, TITLE: Catalytic properties of titanium dioxide and its solid solutions PERIODICAL: Kinetika i kataliz, v-39 no-5, 1962, 751-76o TLXT: The authors investigated the catalytic decompo sition of iso-C3 H7OH on TiO2and its solid soluti6n's with WO 3 and Fe.0 V The decomposition was followed by the measurement of electrical conductivity of the catalysts. The reaction was mainly dehydration of the alcohol with the formation of 54-0.6% C3H 5 *0-45% H29 and small amounts Of C01 C02 and 02- It was carrt:d out at 160-435 *C with 9 ml of catalyst and f4ed rates from 0.1 to o.6 ml/min. Resultas dissolution in Ti02 Of W03 (0-5-1-0 mo le @*) decreases considerably the activation energy of its electrical donductivity aud increases its catalytic acti4ity. The rea4tion temperature and the activation energy decreas 0markedly, the reaction* rates at 200 *C being greater by 4-6 orders of magnitude Card 1/2 zi c1talYtic properties f1i 042/003/005/005/007 Of titAniull, ... S11951 E075/EI36 for the Fe- catalyst containing"dissolved "03- TiO2 with dissolved `03 has a lower electrical conducti ity and catalyt than pure T102, but v ic activity the changes produced by the incorporation of Fe'303 (1 mole @a) have smaller absolute values'than the changes Produced by the incorporati; to Ti02 containing on of W03. Addition Of Fe203 (I mole %) and electrical chanW03 (' indle @0 cancels coinpletely the catalytic ges prodliced by the addition Ti02- This indicates that of W03 alone to the mechanism of action of the dissolved oxides is electronic. The, *nfluence of the electronic structure of Ti02 on its electrical properties and changes of the electrical conductivity of the catalysts during adsorption ot isopropyl alcohol and propylene and during the dehydration reaction, indicates that the mechanism of the reaction is electronic. There are 7 figures and 4 tables. ASSOCIATION: InatItut Katallza SO AN SSSR (Institute of Catalysis SO AS USSR) SUBMITTED: July 19, 1962 Card 2/2 KEYEP 7@ r--Id.-, '-IIAKAI@w, I-D., o n rknim. I'ViLkl :7t khim. riBuk. rc-,A.; A,V., NAZARYANTS, T.M., r6d. [Scientif ic principles undorlying the select"lon and prepartj- tion of catalysts@, .Iauc@mye osnov-y podloora i proiz-vo.43tva ka-- talizatcro@, . T@o-vas.;-birsk: Pea- .-IZda-lolIjki-V nt-dell Sibiro'-Ill-'. @-7@ 1 C't(,' . otd-.r.i @ a Zi SS-,7-,, j.1, 1. Akad,-@i:.-Iya nauk SS.M. Sibirckoyo ACCESSION NR: AP140106 VU191V 4"(' AUTHOR: Akopdzhanov, R. G; VO.YnBhteYn# E- Ye.; Keyer,, N. P.j Kefeli" L. M.; Rukhadze, Ye. G4 TITLE: X-ray *@absorptlon spectra of copper In some catalytic chelate polymers SOURCE: Kinetlka I kata)lz, v. 5, no. 4, 1964, 616-623 TOPIC TAGS: copper, K-absorption spectrum, chelate, sodium bis-dithlocarbamate, chelate poiymer','copper chelate polymer, catalysis, X-ray analysis ABSTRACT: Polychelates of copper synthesized from sodium bls-dithlocarbamates contain'Ing a Cu(SS) chelate unit were Investigated by X-ray spectral analysis. The optimal conditions for the study of the fine structure of the principal K-reglon absorption of copper In rlychelates are obtained by working with absorbents having a density of 3.5-5 mg/cm ; for the study of the fluctuat!on In an ultra fine struc- ture this should be 10 mg/cm2. The data on the K-region absorption of metallic copper obtained In these experiments were in good agreement with the spectrum re- -crystal spectrometer. The reproducibility of data In three gistere by a double paralle@ experiments (the points la@(on,a single curve) for polychelates with two different radicals R5=(C6Hi)2and R 1 3 CH )6 was,also plotted. When the structure of the X-ray absorption spectrum of a Cu2-1- on In aqueous solution was compared with thqt of'copper t.n some oxygen-and sulfur-containing Inorganic compounds (CuS,CuZO), Card, 1/3 1@qrd ACCESSfOli NR: 0140114386 Orig. art. has: 8 figures and I chemical structure. ASSOCIATION: Institut kataliza SO AN SSSR (institute of Catalysis, 50 AN SSSR); Institut neorga@icheskoy khImII SO AN SSSR (institute of Inorganic Chemistry, SO AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: l6oct63 ENCL: 00 SUB coot: or', OP NO REF SOV: 017 OTHER: 002 ACCESSION NR: AP044392 S/0195/64/005/004/0748/0750 AUTHOR: Mikheyeva, E. Pe; Keyer, Ns Po TITLE: Effect of a constant electric field on the adsorptIve properties of gar-. manium SOURCE; Kinetika I kataliz,v.Sno. 4, 1964, A8-750 TOPIC TAGS: germaniumo adsorption, methyl alcohol, electric field, catalysis, germanium monocrystal, germanium conductivity, sefficonductor ABSTRACT: The effect of a transverse electric f1tild an the chemical adsorption of methyl alcohol onto germanium was Investigated using n-type germanium monocry- i stals with a resistance of 30 ohm-cm In the form of 10 x 4 x 0.1 mm plates pre, vigusly pickled In the agent SR-4. The constant ',ransverse electric fie Id (1 05- 100 v/cm) was applied to the germanium plates for 30 sec. The variation In resis-; tance during the application of a field of posItIve or negative sign was then studied In terms of "fast" and 11sicyd' surface states with a relaxation tImg up to 1 30 see. Curves of methanol adsorption were plotted In a vacuum of 2 x 10' mm H9 for different surface states of germanium. It was established that In the absence. f an electric field, methanol Is either not adsorbed on the surface of germanium, Loor Is Worbed reversibly. Under@ the Influence of a positive field, a stable fro @Cord 2 ACCESSION NR- AT4010618 S/3051/63/000/000/0342/0346 AUTHOR:_ Keyq;._N. _V,.,,AlWna, G. M. Troitakaya, M. G. TITLE- Catalysts of hydrogen peroxide decomposition and Isopropylbenzene oxidation reactions with chelate polymers SOURCE: Kataliticheski ye reaktsii v zhidkoy faze. Trudy* Vsesoyuznoy konforentsii. Alma-Ata, 1963, 342-346 TqPIC TAGS- catalysts, chelate, metal chelate polymer, metal chelate catalyst, hydrogen pefoxide decomposition, isopropylbenzene oxidation, redox enzyme, copper chelate catalyst, nif el chelate catalys@t, cobalt cheilate catalyst, iron chelate catalyst, zinc chelate catalyst,, ca4mium chelate catalyst, phenol inhibition AB$TRACT: Studies published in recent years have -shown that the catalytic activity of oxilation-reduction enzymes is linked to the presence of metals combined with their protein component by a chelate bond. A study of the catalytic properties of chelate complexes Is therefore of special interest. The authors studied the relationship between the rate of do- composition of hydrogen peroxide and the composition and structure of Cu, Ni, Co, Fe, Zn ard Cd-chelate polymers, using an initial hydrogen peroxide concentration of 0. 8, pH=5. 64, and 6-30 mg of catalyst. The decomposition was measured by the oxygen evolved durinv the Card 1/2 7 7777 ACCESSION NR: AT4010618 reaction. It was found that the catalytic activity Of a Polymer depends on the metal present in its chelate complex, Cu and Fe being the most active and Zn and Cd being completely in.@ active. It also dopends On the character of the metal-chelate bond and the structure and - chemical Composition of tho radicol in the main chain: TWO types of kinetic isotherms wore discovered for the reaction: Rutoaccelerated and autoinhibited, and the inhibiting and accele- rating effectoof Phenol W=S-tudled, 71e rate of Isopropylbenzene oxidation was found to de- pend on the same factors, Cu- and Mn-chelates being the most active catalysts, while Co, Fe and Zn-chelate6 even depressed the oxidation. Orig' art, has; 1 table and 1 graph. ASSOCIATION: Institut kataliza Sibirskogo otdelonlya AN SSSR tInstitute of Catalysis, Siberian Departmpt All 88SR) SUBMITTED: 00 SUB CODE, CH Card 2/2 DATE ACQ: 25Jan64 NO REP SOV: 002 ENCLt 00 OTHER: 005 I[Regularities of catalysis on chelate polymers." report submitted to 3rd Intl Cong Catalysis, Amsterdam, 20-25 jul 64. Inst of Catalysis, Siberian Dept) AS USSR, Novosibirsk. @ - ;, @,j A"CESSION ?;R- AP5016812 - - - I . . 'i, I R @ A I @ Za SC A@4 I - L@l Card 3/3 S/058/61/000/001/002/008 A001/A0O1 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, 1961, No. 1,P. 207, # 1G51 AUTHORS: Keyerberg,_P., R(,bane, K. TITLE: A Method of Calculating Metallic Dielectric Coatings with Continuous- ly Varying Optical Characteristics PERIODICAL: "Uch. zap. Tartusk. un-ta!', 1959, No. 74, pp. 75-84 (Eston. and English summaries) TEXT. The authors present results of calculations, performed by K. K. Rebane's method (RZhFiz, 1959, No. 6, 14110), on some dielectric coatings with continuously varying refrective index. They plotted a graph of relation between the reflection coefficient (00 and the thickness of a treated layer (m) within which refractive index continuously increases, The analysis of the graph shows that no great decrease of d. is obtained; theor-decrease is approximately the same at reflection of all waves for which m is larger than a quarter of the wavelength. The method is generalized to metallic dielectric coatings, and the calculation of the simplest single-layer metallic coating is presented as a-n illust.-ation of the method. K. Rebane Translator's note; This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract, Card 1/1 OSIPOVA. T.M., inzhener; XITIMD, L. nzhener; MIXENLIT, A.I., master tookha. Our experience with morcGrizing dry, combed cotton ywn. Tekst. PTom.14 no.12:48-49 D154. Oau 8: 2) (Mercerization) yu I'l 1. Lot s cr@:i,, r (i c mv 'j va It Z i