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KIVISH, L.Te. Hemosiderosis, of the lung# in mitral valve diseases. i rad. 31 no.4:27-32 Jl-Ag 156. (MLRA 9:10) lm Iz rentgenoyakogo otdalaniya (save L.TesKevesh) Gorodskoy bolinitay Vasileostrovskogo rayona leningrada (glavnyy vrach K.A. Pozdnyakov) (HIMOSIDIROSIS, atiol, an& pathogen. lunge caused by mitral valve die.) (MITRAL TALVJ.dis. causing hemosiderosis of lungs) (LU.BG DISIASIS, etiol. and pathogen. hamosiderosis. caused by mitral valve die.) KEEVESH, L. Ye., Cand of Med Sci -- (diss) "Aging of the bone@;instep and a differtial diagnosis with pathological changes (clinicoroentgeno- anatomical investigations)." Leningrad, 1957, 14 pp (1st Leningrad Mledical Institute im Favlov), 200 copies (Kl,, 32-57, 97) L ...... .... -i ItIto Cull- sideration. Thi, grencrai rule whICIII mal rt@ \/F_@ H E*X,CE',**'TA KDTCA Cn,q Vol.U/9 Surgory 11057 4949. KEVESII L. E. *Ske leta I changes of ankle and f oot In the a g e d (R u s I a n t e x t.) VESTN. KIIIR. 1957, 78/4 (38-41) The peculiarities of involutive geriatric bone and joint phenomena roentgenological- ly demonstrated are assessed with the purpose of defining the limit between the normal and pathological conditions in elderly persons. The clinicoroentgenologic- al data were compared with the results of a study of anatomical and macerated pre- parations. Patients with different pathological foot alterations and 000 healthy human beings from 25 to 98 yr. of age were investigated. KBVICSH. L.Yo. X-ray diagnosis of bursitis subcalcansaa [with summary in English]. rad. 33 no.2:57-62 Mr-AP '58- (min 11:6) 1. 1% knfedry rentgenologii i rudiologii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent A1111 S55H prof. D.G.Rokhlin) I Leningr@dskogo meditsin8kogo inatituta imani akad. I.P.Pavlova. (BURSITIS, diag. x-ray, in bursitis subcalcaneae (Run)) (CALCAIMJH, die. bursitis subcalcaneae. x-ray diag. (Rus)) JMVESH, L.Ye. A case of so-called rachischisis totaliso i rad. 33 no-5:108-110 S-0 158 (MIRA 11:11) 1. Iz rentgenovskogo otdeleniva (zav. 1.Ye. levesh) Gorodskoy bollnitsy Vasileostrovskogo rayona LeningratIA (glavnyy vrach K.A. Pbzdnyakov). (SPIRE, abnorm. rachischisis totalis (RuB)) WWHO L.14, (Leningrad, ul. Mayakovskogo, dell, kv,5); LINDENBRATEll L.D. Tomography of the heart And rAjor vanaela of the thoracic cavity. Vest,rent,i rad, 36 uo.3sl9-26 My-Je 161. (MIRA Us 7) I* Is kafodry rentganologii i rodiologii (save - doktor medonauk L.D.Lindembraten) I Mookovskogo ordena Lenina moditainskogo instituta imeni I.M.Soohanova, (CAMICIVASCULAh SYSTW-ROTOGRAPHY) GOLIDSHTZB, L.M.; PROKOFIYKVI Ye.i.,-KEVESY,.@.Ye.; MI=UTSKrY, Ye.P, Principles of roontgonocinmatography and the possibility for its use in the examniation of the esophagus and stomach. Vop.onk. 7 no.12:3@1-37 161. (MIRA 1591) 1, Iz rentgenologicheokogo otdolmiya (zav, prof, L.Me Golld- shteyn) Instituta onkologii AMN SSSR (dir. deystvitel'W chlen AMN MR prof. A.I. Serebrov). (SINEFLUOROGRAPHY) (sTaKACH-RAD106WHY) (ESOPHAGUS-RADIOGRAPUT) KEVESH L. Ye. (Leningrad, D-11,j, ul. Ifayakovskogo, 11j, kv-5) 2- --- Roentgen cinematography in the study of esophageal Ineumorelief in cancer. Vop. onko 9 no.7t52-56 163 (MIRA 16-.12) 1. Iz rentgenologicheskogo otdoleniya (ispolnyuyushchly ob?u- zannosti zaveduyushchego - doktor med. nauk, A.P.lazareva ) Institute, onkologii AM SSSR (dir. deyutvitellny-y nhlen PNN SSSR prof. A.I. Serebrov). 11@VES 11.,_ L. Ye Gineradiographic examination of the laryngopharynx and the cervical portion of the esophagus. Vest. rent. I rad. 39 no.5:6-11 S-0 164. (1-UFJ, 18:3) 1. Rentgenovskoye otdoleni@e (ispolnyayusheMy obyazannosti zaveduyushchego - doktor med. nauk A.P. Lazarfiva) Irwtituta onkologii AMN SSSPZP Leningrad. @2 Ws KEVES11, L.Yp, Roentgenocinawtogrnphy In the dingnosis bf cAncor of the laryngopharynx and cprvical portJon of the Psophagus. Vop. onk. 11 no.1:11-15 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. lz rpntgehologichaskogo'-otdelFniyn (ispoInyavushaldy obyazannosti zsvpduyushchago doktor Epd.nauk A P.Lazarevs) InsLituta' Bnkologii AMN S.13SR (dir. deystvitellriv .y cl-den AMN SSSR Prof. A-1-Serebrov). ir, n c, h uLulavia-n artery (artc iu2c)- VCLI@- F't- 3(--39 1. lienrgenovskcya ct-del erlyt@ y A'll Mm 11 is 14 'a No a a I a a A T- Y--A--I--" a cx-jw K'L c H, 00 t 01H U-n us sky upooll I a J-8., 1, 0 A P. D. Ke"Ah, 01 dbkei aW mw th. Stel= 4141 Magill --A 8, --I---AJ*e =06 as* 000, coo 0 are* ass itto Owli " 00 "00 00 A S 11 L A v1TAtkU1R4KAt U111411oll CWSOFKATFOR 00 CI- No woo 00 0 t j, folio) 00 0-9 All Iffido' .4 oA 1 9 A T w at a a 19 a 9 a I *)*so so 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :,a 0 s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 4 *is J *A 609 ------ C)j0daing 0 bjedfielt analliew Orm alk at stectical sladows. 8. Z. Vudovich and P. D. Kewsh. Pre". Skikiw. M"Wid. 2. No. 10-11. A W materW of the t"w of roman ceskrut mu bor .djUraduring rbak Into the fuel led to the furnewr I bit do" ow Interfere with olwistboa of the furnam. The 44)14nlum a"KAIM 411 chalk is 21%. The I"Constsawy ild vol. ad ibe bisdiag materval van be r6mineW by hydra(lem of dw free finksk by a jet of suprTbisted Mw4w in %be gas dames before the &-b collector. The strrwjph@ of thr binding material obtained incrva" conthrumily for 3 the. attablioll In water in 28 days a value several times Own 91VAtef than that WjUittd by t1w 01,011(fiRld fUC rOMA11 CV- tuent. I.-Of .00 .00 -00 -00 roe 0040 see wee - - - ---- --- -- .!!TALLVM*A@tL@ L"mak? Lee CL"WICAV" tv"ad 1.90 Of off *&saki w S.V Sli U 9 0 10 9 1 IF sk 19 its als 0 0 0 4 0 4 c 0 6 0 111 0 0_0 0 I I KEVE0,TtD,@, inzhener. Investigation of the durability anA water impermeabilit,7 of cemented concrete. Trudy TSNIS KPS no.9:116-129 153. MRA 8:1) (Concrete) i.,0111"ifil P. D. ,ine, Gement for Prossing in the ihaping Dissertation: "Inv,-.stig;Aion of Expanding Plugp of O'ub,..riy Tmnels." Cand Tech "-ci, Central Sci He3 Inst of Induzqtrial L;I.-ruct,,;res, 9 Jun 54. Vechernyaya Moskva, Moscow, 31 I'ItY 54. jO: 31Jr! 2@'A, 26 Nov 1954 GILIMBIRG, Z.G., kandidat kandidat takhnichealrikh nauk, tekhnicbeskikh nauk; KAYSER, L.A., nauchUy redaktor; KUYBYSHEVA, G-V., redaktor: GIADKIKH, N.H., takhnicheskty redaktor [instructions for the activation ofcemeut In reinforced concrete plants before grinding in vibration mille(lZh 5-56)] Instruktaiis po aktivitatail tsementa na zavodakh thelesnobetonrcrkh txdeltt domo- Ica v vibromallniteakh M 5-56). moskva. Gog.lzd-vo lit-ry po w,troit. materialam, 1957- 33 P. (MLRA 10:9) I. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstyo promyshler-noott stroitell- nykh materialov. Tekhnicheekoye upravlenlye. 2 Vassoyuznyy usuchnb- iseledovatellekty inatitut Zhelezobotone(for Kevesh)- 3- Taesoyuzny7 nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut novykh problem prolsvodstva strot- tellnykb materialov no baze tonkogo tzmellebaniya (for G111denberg). 4~ Zav4uyuohchty laborator"y betonov Yeasovuznogo neuchno-isslado- vatel'skogo institute Zhelasobatona (for Kayser) (cement) X&VISH. P., kandiaat takhnichookikh naluke ;@eightweight conaratem by N.Nalnin. Reviewed by P.leveah. Stroiainfte no.2239 7 157. (Lightweight concrete) (MLRA 10:3) . pa-YAKOV, G,Ya,, iUS129; '?R'Zgt S'P* 9 @& @p., kand.tek-hnenavike IN, G.D.. tekhn-rods Kzusam YO.T... XODL -:--@insh.* rade-9 MAIRIDOT, rate made with perhydroll , BOSSYtOksynyL Ellousutoolaved gas conc itellstva. Kld'bY lshsvgkoi GIS. ,. Opyt stro (MM 12:3) g.zo,betou na pargidrold, 01,1958. 14 p. Kuyibyshav ft&penergostr (Hydrogen peroxide) (TA@hiwejght coucrOt') - 11, , z-,@-ef .,?. @ :.@, @@ t , - 1@ @,, . z -, . - I , @ - '..Ln,@4@- , .1 77. al .. - KEVESH, P., kand.takhn.nauk. ?,Cturing lightweight concrete without , .. Using perhYdrsts in mnufl 4 no.2:10-12 7 158- ()4IRA 11: 2) autoclave trestment, Stroi. mate (Ughtweight COUCrOte) XMYASHRY, I.T., kand.takhn.nauk. Prinim&li uqhastiye: POPOV, N.A., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; YEWFNMA, Te.A., kand.takhn.nauk; GORYAIXOV, K.B., doktor tekhn.nauk; VOWHEK. I.Z.. kand.takhn.nauk; KUPRITANDY, V*P., kand.tekhn.nauk; YAKUB, I.A., kand.tokhn.nauk; KMSH kand.takhn.nauk; ERSUM. X.Ya., inzh.. KRAVIN, B.N .,!r. 2 @-va STIPANOVA, B.S.,; SOLUTSBVA, L.M., [Technical instructions for the manufacture of prefabricated elements from cellular autoolave concreteT Teckhnicheskie uslaviia na. isgo- tovlenis sbornykh isde1ii is avtoklavnykh iacheistykh betonov. Moskva, Gos.isd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit., i stroit.materialem, 1959. 79 P. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Akedemiya stroite'Llstva i arkhitaktury SSSR. Institut batons i zholesobetons. Ferovo. 2. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut betons i sholezobetona Akedemii stroitelletva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Kudryashav). 3. MoskovskiY inzhenerno-stroitel'un institut imsni,-, V.V.Kuybyaheva,(for Popov, Yerofeyev). 4. Nauchno-iseledovatellgily institut po stroitelletva Minstroya RSFSR (for Goryainov, Volchek, Kupriyanov, Takub). 5. Haiichno-issledovstellskly institut sheleio- betona Glavmoszhelezobstona (for Kavesh, Ershler). 6. Daystvitellnyy chlen Akademii stroitalletva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Popov). (Precast concrete) KIVISH, P.D., 0,0-tek'hu**U@ Itweigbt concretes cured witboUt or-manesIOf Structures built of lig, 2:89-90 -, '59.(MIRA 12:3) Perf gutoclavet,0 Beto'l zbel,-'06to no' Using oncrete) (Lijhtwsight C KUWASHEY, I.T.j kandotakhn.nauk; IMITANOT, Y.P., kand.tekhn.nauki UTEW? P.D., kand.tekhn.nauk, nauchnyy red.: KADAM, X.I., L.Ta.,,; BOROVIfff, H.K., tekkm. red. (Cellular concretes; types, properties, and use] IAcheistys betony; vidy, avoistya i primenenle, Moskva, Ooo.izd-vo lit-ry po atroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam, 1959. 181 p. (KIRA 13:2) (concrete) KSVISH, P.D., kand.tekbn.nMk Technology and characteristics of the auto clavo-bard oned aerated concrete made with perhydrol. Tmdy NIIZHB no.8,.201-209 '59. (MIBA 13:4) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skly institut zbelezobotonnykh detaley i kongtruktaly. (Lightweight concrete) KMW'Hp P.DS kand. tekhn. nauk; ERSHUR, E.Ya., Jmzh.; KUPHIrAl-IOV, V.P... kand! tekhn. nauk, nauckai@y red.; TYUTYIDIIH, M.S., red. izd-va; BOROVNEVI W.K., tekhn. red. (Air-entrained concrete made from perbydrol]Gazobeton na pergi&-gle. Moskva, Gosetroiizdatp 1961. 111 p. (MIRA .14:32) (Air-entrained concrete) KLYWH F.D.. kand.tekhn.naukj BEZRYADIII,, I.F... inzh. Production techniqueB roet propertieo of foamed keramzit concrete* Stroi.mat. 7 no.809-31 of cover 1610 (KIM 14:8) (Lightweight concret@e DARBARINA, T.M.; BUHYRI, II.F.; BUTT, U,'..; VELISOVSHY, V.N.; GORLOVY YU.P.; GRIBANOVSKIY, V.G.; DftOZDOV, I.Ya.; YUM."N, I.A.: ZEZIII, V.G.; XLI'=i,,P.D.; KOCHAHOV, E.P.; MSYREVA, Z.S.; LEVIII, S.N.; MAKHEIMIGH, A.T.; 'MERZLYAK, A.N.; IIODOV, E.S.; ROZIUMV, A.I.; SEREIRYOSKAYA, B.I.; MKHAREV, M.F.; USTENKO, A.A.; KIMIENKO, Z.S.; SIMIDT, L.M.; ETDI, A.O.; YAKHONTOVA, IT.Ye.; KITAYISEV, Vladimir Ar,dreyevich, pi-of., dok!.6r toklin. wiuk, red.; SOMITAYEV, B.G., glav. red.; TROKBIMOVSKAYA, I.P., zam. glav. red.; KRAVCHENKO, I.V., red.; KITAYGORODSKIY, I.I., red.; KRZ104111SKIY, S.A.., red.; ROKINAIMM, Ye.L., red.;BALAT'YEV,P.K. red. [Mariual on the manufacture of heat insulating and acous- tical materials] Spravochnik po proizvodstvu teploizo- liatsionnykh i akusticheskikh materialov. Moskva, Stroi- izdat, 1964. 524 p. (I-11RA 18:1) nrEM, E. L. Kupriianov, P. A., ed, Roentgenologic investigation in non-ponetrating'wounds of the thorax. Moskva, Akademiia medg nauk SSSRI 1948- 197 P. DAFM XMSH, Ye. L. r-- ';@ '.'@ - Roentgenological observations folloving pneumonectomy. Xhirurgiia, 14oakra no.805-59 Aug. 1950. (Cue 20: 1) I* Of the Second Faculty Surgical Clinic (Read -- Active Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, P. Ae Kupriyanov, lieutenant General, Medical Corps, hc; hi-onchdal in 3' ilt, ol TX) Of T" 1:0. 2, 1`5" Au-,ut 19@- A(!c,--.;:;j.ors, Library of Cori KEVESH Te L Remote modifications of the thoracic organs following pnc=oueotomy; roentgenologic findings. Xhir-argiia. Moskva no,10:14-19 Oct 1953, (CIML 25:5 ) 1. Doctor Medical Sciences. 2. Of the Military Medical Academy imeni S. M. Kirov. Yo. L. USSR/146-dicine - Roentgenology Card 1/l Authors Kevesh, Ye. L., Libov, S. L., and Rukhimovich, L. S. Title The use of angiocardiography for the determination of congenital heart defects Periodical Vest Renteen i Radiol 1, 33_4o,,q44- Abstract Describes the use of a specially constructed apparatus for taking angiocardiograms. Authors feel that only 5-6 angiocardiograms are necessary for the clinical determination of the type of heart defect. Use of their apparatus permits taking 6 exposures in 7-10 seconds after introduction of the contrasting fluid. Two photographs (X-rays); three drawings. Institution Second Faculty Surgical Clinic (Chief-Acting Member, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, Professor P. A. Kupriyanov), Military Medical Academy imeni S. M. Kirov Submitted Presented at the 337th meeting of Leningrad Society of Roentgenologists and Radiologists on April 14,1953. KIVICSH, Ys*L.1 MUSHET. 7.1h, Clinical roentgenologic data on gastrointestinal changes following pneumonectozW. Xhirargiia no.8:15-20 Ag '54. (MLRA 7:11) 1. Zv Voyanno-meditsinskoy akademit Imoni S.M.Kirova. (LUNGS, buy'kery, pneumonectomyt postop. gastrointestinal changes) (GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM, pbysiology. eff. of pneamonectoW) Vff , ri, @F, I- - &MMA" Of pqws PNOW&O" as aw Im 000"S of awswm at 00 um;, vmawl, 90 - 97 ammy 19"R includ"S Modern Roentgenodiagioatic3 of SuPPuratJve PrOcesses In the Lungs. -E. L. KEVESH am=: (Ortlaw XRM, Ts.L.; BURA.KOVSKTT, T.I.(Leningrad) a value of roontgenokywgrapby of external breathing in lung patients. Klik6med. 33 no.6:63-68 Js '55-(MI-RA 8:12) 1. Iz Voyanno-meditainskoy akademli imeni. B.H.Kirova. (RESPIRATION, function tests, roontgenokymograpb7, breathing function) (W)XNTGFMOGRA,PHf . roentganokymograpby In resp.func. toot) (MfOGRAPff same) KZMH, Ye.L.', doktor meditsinskikh nauk; LIBOV, S.L., professor. Ch-onic atelectasis of inflammatory nature in the middle lobe ot the right lung.(middle lobe syndrome). Veat.khir.76 no.9: 33-38 0 '55. (MLRA 9:1) 1. 12 2-y fakul'tetskoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (nach.P.A. Kupriyanov) Voyenno-meditainakoy ordena Lenina akademii im. S.M.Kirova. (LUNGS, dis. middle lobe eynd.,clin.aspects, diag. & ther.) KIVISH, Ta*L.,=ssor frMTT:!Gsd, ul. Mayakovskogo, d.11. kv.5) Roentgen diagnosis of 'M72 cancer; based on materials of a sargical clinic [with summary in M-gliab, p.152). Vest.khir. 77 no.12:49-59 D 15 6. (MIRI 10:2) lo Is khirurgicheekoy Mr-iki d1ya usovershenetvovadya vrachey (nach. - Prof. PAR C-=-- nov) Voyanno-maditainakogo ordena Lenina akedemii im. B.H.Kirova. (WHG 130PIASKS. '.Slag. x4o diag.. i.ivisw) -5 LIBOT, S.L.; KEYES9, Te.%; SHIRYAYNTA, K.Y. Recognition and treatment of Primary tumor of the heart. Grad. khIr. I no.ltl0l-IO6 A-F 159. NiFtA 13:6) 1. Iz detskogo otdeleuiya (zav. X.F. Shirayeva) kliniki fakall- tetskov khirurgli (sav. nrof. S.L. Libov) i kafedry rentgeno- logil, i radiologii (zav. Prof. Te.L. levesh) Miybyahevskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (RUM-TUMORS) Eggs= ANICHKOV) 14.1f.f dots.; AWELAYAp V.V... prof.; BISENKOV, N.P., kand. med. nauk; BOGUSH, L.K.,, prof.; WIGORITEV, M.S., prof.; DYSK111p Ye.A., kand. mod. nauk; KEVESH Th.L-Pi prof .,-XOLESOV pA.P. KOLESOVf V.I., prof.; KUPHIYANO prof.; LINDE;tG, D.E., prof.; MAKSIMENKOV) A.N.0 prof.; OSIPOV,'B*1v,, prefpj SAVITSKIY, A.I., prof.; UVAROV, B.S.; UGLOV, F.G.,, prof.; KHOWIN*t S.A.., prof.j MTROVSKIY, B.V., prof., otv. red.; BAKUIEVO A.N.9 akademik, red,; GUIZAYEV, A.V., prof., red.; YEGCROV, B.G.t prof,j, red.j PANKRAVIEV, B.Ye.j, prof.p red,j PYTEL', A.Ya., prof., red.; RIKHTER, G.A., prof., red.; FILATOV, A.U.j prof., red.; CHAKLIN, V.D., prof., red.; RIBUSHKITly 1.14y doktor mod. nauk,, red.; RU12VA, M.S., tekhn. red. [Hultivolume manual on surgery] Knogotomnoe rukovodstvo po kbirurgii. HoAva, Medgiz. Vol-5- Nbost.'surgery; thoracic wall, pleura, and lungs) Khirurgiia grudi; grudnaia atenka, plerva i legkie. 1960. 727 p. (Mnu 15:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Antelava, Bogush,, Maksimenkav, @Savitskiy,. Kholdinp Obaklia). 2. Deystvitellqr/ chlen Akader-ii moditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Kupriyanovs Petrovskiyj Yegorov). (CHEgf-SURMY) KEVESII,, Ye.L., prof. (FuybyBhev, Novo-Sadovaya ulitsa, dom 4, kv.27) Possibilities of noncontrast X-ray examination in the diagnosis of congenital heart defects. Vest. rent. i. rad. 37 no.5:21-27 S-0 162. (KIRA 17,12) L. Iz kafedry rentgenologii i radiologii (zaveduyushchiy prof, YP.L. Koveah) Kuybyahevskogo meditsinskogo instituta. KEVZSH, Ye.l.., prof*; ZllUKHIIIAj Ye.A. (Kuybyshev) X-ray diagnosis of celomic cysts of the pericardium. Klin,mede 40 no.502-55 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Iz kafedry rentgonologii i radiologii (zave prof* Ye,L* Kevesh) Kuybyahevskogo meditsinsko o instituta. (PERICARDIMS--TUMORS) @GYSTS) KFVESR, Ye.L, (ftybyshev, ul. Novo-Sadovaya, d.4, kv.27); GUSEVA, A.N. X-ray observations on heart and lung changes following mittral commissurotomy. Grud. khir. 5 -no.519-15 S-0 163. (MIRA 17--8) 1. Iz kafedry rentgenologii i radiologii Kuybyshevskogo meditsinskogo Instituta (zav. prof. Ye.L. Kavesh). KEVESH, Ye.L.; XOROLYUKO I.P. Teaching machines in roentgenology and radiology. ?*d. red. 10 no.11:79-83 N 065. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Kafedra rentgenologii i radiologii (zav. - prof. Ye.L. Kevesh) Kuybyshevskogo meditainskogo inotituta. BUDNIKOV, P.P.; PANIW.TOV, V.L.; KEVESH,O.-,Yp~P, Reactivity and hydraulic activity of clag glass. Dokl. AN SSSR 246 no.2:415-417 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Gosudarstvennyy vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut tsem@ntnoy promyshlennosti. (Slag) (Glass) KEVZTcr, j. Stabilization e ements for servomechanisms operating with rodulated- carrier input signals. p.1,23 Vol. 14, No. 10, Oct. 1953 SIABORMUDY OBZOR. Praha. SCURCE: East kwopean Accessions List (E'AL), LC, Vol. 5, No. 3, Yarch P@56 v I COUNTRY Hungary- H-1,28 CATEGIORY ABS, JOUR. RUhiia., i@o. 1939, ;a. 88384 AfITHOR @,Pvevari, 0. T ITLET ImprOVCDient Probleras In Machine-Curing of Tobacco 0:111 .PU Dohanyipar, 1958, aug.-szep., 9-14 ,ABSTRACT A paper on development history of machine curing of tobacco in Hungary, in particular at the factory in the tawn of Debrecen. Operating conditions of drying, cooling, and hi@midification chambers are described, and all.,;o the methods of' control. A. Rozenfelld CIARD: ESVEY, M. Electric saliva suction apparatuso 7ogorve azamle. 43 no.71228 July 1950. (CLML 20:1) 1, Stomatological Glinic (Director Dr. Pal Oravecs), Pace University* 77' -7 W. Janos. dr.: UTLY. Kilclos, &r. ZZA ination of patients suspected for dental focal infection by means of determination of capillary resistance with simltansous application of Vottyan's antigen. Fogorr. szemle 47 no.8:251-256 Aug. 54. 1. Nozlemeny a pecei orrostudomanyi eg3roton stomatologial klinikajarol. (A 99CW Tudownyos Almdemia tawgatasaval vegsett Visegalat). (7OCn IN13CTION, dent,, diag,, datern. of capillary resist. vith simltaneous application of Bottyan's antigen) (CAPILLARINS. resist. in dent. focal infect., determ. with sisultansoux W lication of Bottyan's antigen) (TEM. diseasenj focal infect., diag., detem of capillary resist. with simltausoue application of Bottyanle antigen) KVITC79Y F. r'- oriE.. @ratislava- ------- @-s - Cable technique in 'tllLl SOviet union. p. 3 (StrOj L. ;. r,-. 2, 19@1 V 0 1 ;,@ - I T'ist of Laot Eul,openn Accession,9) (EFAQ, LC, '101. 4, @,'O- @', so: yonthly June 19:55, lIncl. K.-:-,VICzKy, 1'. Cibles and conductors. n. T97. Vol. 43, no. 10, Oct. 1954 ,:,fN.ic@ly ULAM ;@@rahn, Czechcolovakis, Scurce. i@ant 1@urop3an Accas@Aon '--*s-. Llibrar:, of .i I Vol. 5, ',;'o. 8, August 1956 KEVICZKYj F. Contr-Lbution to the discussion on realization of the results rf research. p. 175 Vol. 5, no. 4, 1955 ZA SOCIALISTICKW VEDU A TEGHNIKU Praha, Czechoslovakia Source: Monthly List of East European Accesions, (EEfd.), LG, Vol. 5, no. 2 February 1956, Uncl. FTN 0 M KEVIN. D.I.; BASIN, Ye.V. Measuring the degree of whiteness [with summary in English]. Inzh.-fis,zhur. 1 no.8-.108-112 Ag 158. (MIRA 11:8) LGoeudarstven"y keramicheshy inatitut. Uningrad. (Colorimetry) XWERISHVILI, V. I. Thickness of the sunflower stand in checkrow planting under the conditions of the Shiraki Steppe. Soob. M Grtiz. SSR 21 no.4: 463-4,67 0 '58. (MIn 12:4) 1. Akademiya sellskokhozyoystvennykh nauk GruzSSR, Kakhetinskaya, op3rtnav,a stantsiya Instituta zemledeliya. Predstavleno chlenom- korrespondentom Akademij L.L. Dekaprele7ichem. (Shiraki Steppe-Sunf lowers) .4D KEVKHISHVILI, V. I., Cand Agr Sci -- (diss) "Some problems in the cultivation of sun-flowers under the conditions of the Shirakskaya steppe." Tbilisi, 1960. 20 pp; (Ministry of Agriculture Georgian SSR, Georgian Order of Labor Red Banner Agricultural Inst); 100 copies; price not given; (KL, 25-60, 136) x", @4%1 "J" KEVLISUILlp G*Ye._(Tbilisi,) ------------ Effect of the transplartatl a of a.bone marrow suspension on the course of acute radiation sickness. Pat. fiziol. i eakp, terap, 4 no. 6:24,28 N@-D l6o. (MIRA. 14:2) 1. Iz patofiziologichaskoy laboratorii Nauchno-issladovateliskogo institute parelivaniya krovi imeni akademiks G.M. Mukhad2a Ministoretva zdravookhraneniya Gruzinskoy SSR, (RADIATION SICKNESS) (MARROW --- TRANSPIANTATION) KEVLISHVILI, G.Yo. kand. med. naukp starchiy nauchn;y notr.; ERISTAVI, K.D., red.; SARKMAII, L.N., red. izd-va; TODUA, A.R., tekhn. red. (Experimental transplantation tion sickneaBITransplantatsiia chevoi bolozni v eksperimente. Gruzinskoi SSR, 1961. 51 p. (RADIATION SICI(NESS) (MUROW-THMITSPLUITATION) of bone marrow in acute radia- kostnogo mozga pri ostr61 lu- Tbilisi, Izd-vo Aked. nauk (IMU 15:11) YMMSMLI, G.Ye. Use of bone marrow transplantation in the treatment of experi- mental radiation sickness. Probl.gemat.i perel,krovi no.9t 28-30 161. (MMA 140) lo Iz nauchno-isslodavatel'skogo institutn parelivani7a krovi imeni akad. Mukhadze (dir. Sh.V. Egnatashvili) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya GruzinBkoy SSR. (MARROW-TRUISPWITATIOIJ) (RADIATION SICICNESS) ) "The preservation of human bone marrow and its use in the treatment of radiation sickness." report submitted for 10th Cong, Intl Soc of Blood Transfusion, Stockholm, 3-8 Sep 64. rl. r) 2 A tftt'@ nr 1 1 !-p 1.4 a -14 :7. a 'f r je-@. IR zm -A-1 Ta rT. mi TKESHEULSHVILI, T.V.; KEVLISHVILI, G.Ye.; ABESAD2T, A.I. Significance of plasma substitute made from gelatin in the complex therapy of acute radiation sickness. Soob. AN GruzSSR 37 no.2;475- 479 F 165- (MIRA 18:3) DUBOVIK, A. S., KEUISHVII11, P. V., and SHIURMAN, T. L. Inst. Chem.-5-pisks -usSR'---T'Ta3cow. "Beitrage zur Spiegelkamera," paper presented tit 4th Intl. Congress on Pligh Speed Ynotography, Cologne, 22-27 SeP 53. ACC NRi' ApO17986 SOURCE CODE: umm/o4 /000/016/0086J riMMR: Bashilov, I. P,; Bulanzhe, Yu. D.; Dubovik, A. S.; Yerofeyev, V. I.; Kevlishvili, P. V.; Kobrin, L. V.; Kogan, B. Ya.; Kazlmin, A. I.; Popov, Ye. I.; @Mikhaylov, N. H., Churbakov, A. I.; Shileyko, A. V. ORG: None TITLEI An automatic device for determining acceleration due to gravity on a movable base. Class 112, No 181633 [announced by the Institute of Physics of the Earth imeni 0. Yu. Bhmidt: AN SGSR (Institut fiziki Zemli AN BOOR)) SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyGhlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 10, 1966, 86 TOPIC TAOSs gravity, clactron optica, alactronia aquipmant, gravimotQr ABSTRACT: This Authorts Certificate introduces an automatic device for determining acceleration due to gravity on a movable base, using a strongly damped elastic gravi- meter system. The installation contains a meter for acceleration due to gravity, a system of mirrors, lens, light source, two condensers and a slotted prism. Ac- curacy of measurement is improved, and processing of the resultant information is sutomated by using an electron-optical converter vhich changes angles of turn of a pendulum to digital code. This converter is made in the form of a code mask with lenses attached. A prism is mounted behind the lenses with metallic mirrors and photocells. Card 1/2 UDC: 531-768.08:528.026 ACC NR, 1--accelerometerS 2-system condensers; 7 Of mirrors; 3---objective lens,, --slotted prism; 8 "-light Source; 5 and 6- lenses; 11-photocello; @bn-optical converter; 9--code mask; 3.0- 12-prism latt meta lliC mirrors CODE: 09, 08/ SUBY r@ kTE:f 'je AMay6h A Time Magnifier With Multiple Reflection SOV/77-4-1-2/22 ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: Card 212 such phenomena as detonations, spark discharges, etc., and was displayed at the Brussels World Fair of 1958. The inirror system of the camera is put into motion by an electric motor through a step-up gear and reaches 60,000 rpm. The camera is control- led fully automatically by special electronic devic- es (Figure 5) that control the frequency of photo- graphing and shutter operation, emit a high-voltage pulse to initiate in a given moment the phenomenon to be studied, and stop the photographic operation upon termination. The article describes in detail the design and performance (Table 1) of the camera. There are 2 photos, 4 diagrams, I block diagram, and 1 table. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR (The Institute of Chemical Physics of AS USSR) July 26, 1958 KBVLIGHVILI, P.T. Use of electronic oommnents in high-speed Photograpby equipment. Usp.nauahofot. 6:91-92 15 (MIU 13:6) (Photography, High-ap*X. SIMEW, G. L., DUWVIK, A. a., musuvim, r. V., GRANIGG, A. D. KORCLOV, 1. A. "ne High Sp-ed No D)ad-Time Framing Co=o--ra Y-(4N-1 report preaented at the 6tb Intl, Cong, of Hij7A-13p".d Photographyj Zie Unguej 17-22 Sop 162 SHNIRMNNY G.L.; DUDOVIK, A.S4 KEVLISHVILI, P.V.; GRANIGG, A.B.; KOROLEVY I.A. High-speed "ZhLV-1" time lapse camera. Zhur.nauch.i prikI. fotJ kin. 8 no.1%50-56 Ja-F '63. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Institut khimichaskoy fitiki AN SSSR. (Camerais) (Photography, Time lapse) L 1017"3 XSD/MX/ M-N-4-IJFM ACCESSION AR: AP30o1619. S/0030/63/000/00!5/0073/0075 AUMOR: Shnirman, G. L.; Dubovik, A. _S.; Keylishvili, P. V.; GrenigZ. A. B.; Karolev. I. A., TrM: New camera for high-sDeed 92tography SOURCE: AN SM. 'Vestnikp no. 5, 1963, 73-75 TOPIC TAGS: high-speed photography, photographing physical phenomena ABSTRACT: The Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute-of -Physical Chemisla, Academy of Sciences SSSR) has designed and built the ZhLv-l cawra, for photo&Taphing high-speed I=inescent phenomena, e.g., high- temperatiwe plasma, combustion and explosion processes, and shock waves. The orginality of the mirror-scanning system, the autoration of operation, aarld the camera's advanced engineering characteristics make it a very po,.--rfttl V)ol for investigation. Me camera can be used for frame photography vith a speed of 45,000 to 4,200,000 frames per second and as a photorecorder vith slit scanning and time resolution of up to 2 x 10 sup -8 sec. The frame size and image Card 1/2 5-1 0-@ L 10176-63 ACCESSIM NR: AP3001619 scale can be selected according to the experimental conditions. The focal length varies from 50 to 450 mm. Continuous photorecording is done by means of mirror scanning, which is accomplished by tw plane-parallel mirrors crossed at an angle of 45* and located on one azis of rotation in two circles, one above the other. The cmera, is controlled remotely. The operator controls the supply voltage and the vacum pump manually; all other operations proceed automaticr-Uy. There is a system for recording the rotations of mi=ori3 during photographing. The mirror-scanning, frame-photographing, and photcrecording with slit scanning processes are shown diagramtically. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. ASSOCIATION; none SUBMITWED: 00 DATE ACQ: 21jun63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: 00 NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 C ard 2/2 ........... ......... FUKARAK, ;. - !AF'R, J.; rESTROM, S.; KLEPAC, D.; LHENICEK, Z.; ZMIJANAC, D.; SEVNIK# F.; ZAGAR, B.; MLAUIC, J,; KNEZ, A.; PIPAU, R.; FUML, L.; SVETLIGIC, A.; ZUWR, L.; F@Vo, R. Revoiw of porlodicals; silvicultia-e. -,,il @3c Youg 9 ro.4/5:144- 145 Ag-o 164. T General Fr6.'Dlew3 yLr,OsLkv 'k 'Forestry. glya, 110 161 :L958, jqo. 8216g Abe JOur Biolo Author Ye-ro, patko IhBt :-110t, 9i."U, Treat=Dnt of old Trees OJOU an-i Title Cunser'v 1957, 81, No 5-6, 223--?30 Orig Pa auv,:rFki listp _tumnrated jkbstraot C ard 1/1 3 KzvORKJANI A. Kevorkianp A. - Naruchnik po tekstilno materialoznanie. (Sofiya) Profisdat (1951) 211 p. (A manual on textile materials) SOi 14o'n'thly List of East European Accessionas Librw7 of Congress# Vol. 2, vc. 9P Oct. 1953., Uner- a h vhl _%to 8@.,3 e, injurious, external WA mathole 0-j! tI.Oatw"t Of lip Of trees) tile ir p- er-,Iang,-3r the Epecjw-.z and .0se-.vation tho daWOe-, U-W corsidored. from jnzu:C.7 are KEVOTMANS A. Kevorkian.. A. - lzkustvani tekstilni materialil Busbtnost i upotreba v proizvodstvoto. (Sofiya) Nauka i iskuBtvo (1952) 60 p. (Synthetic textile materials; substance and use in the industry) SO: I%nthl List of East Eur2pean Accessions, Library of Congress., Vol. 2j, No. 9p Oc to 1953j, Uncl. KEVORKIA14, A. Kevorkian, A. Tekstilni izchisleniia i proektirone na tukani. Za III kurs na tekhnikumite po tekstil. Sofiya Narodna prosveta, 1952, 1(2 p. (Calculation and planning of fabrics; a textbook for the 1rd course of textile schools.) SO: 14ONTHLY LIST OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS, LC, VOL. 3, NO. 1, Jan. 1954, Uncl. Improvement of the efficiency of lollers in the retrolewm ind,@%stry. r. 438. Vol. 6 no. 9. Sert. 1955. Y OL 31 GAZE . Bucuresti. SOU',,.(';E- East European Accessions List (E:@AL), LC, Vol. 11, No. 2. Felc. 19516. 7ol. 7) nc. 5, V I. an aal-I I r@ aerv(@ f -rn wer E'-a.3t 'Eurc, pean ',CC CnM4 C .13 (a:,', I) L,C I. KEVCRXIAN.-A. "Something nev in the equipment and technology of spinning. (To be contd.)" Leka Promishlenost. Tekstil. Sofiis, Bulgaria. Vol. 7, no. 10, 1958 Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, Jun 59, Unclas YIS-70tKIA11, A. .y of spin i I... II. "S'ool Spinnin "Something now in the equipmant and technolo@- 'I nf, g LIKA FRCAUSLIENGS'P. TEKSTIL., Softia, bulpria., Vol. 7, No. 11, 1.958 Monthl,y list of EA@;T LURUE40 ACCESISIC'S 1J;. Vo). 8, @-k). Jul@, Unclas fol K MORKIAN, A. 3ome tendencies in the developraent of the textile industry. p. L. op T'I'KSTIINA PR01,1161IUNOST: SOFIIAP TULGARIA., Vol. IP no. 3, 1959 b io, Oct. 'Monthly List Of EAst Eurqpean Accessions (FFA3 ) LC, Vol. noY 1959, Uncl. MOHIAIN) A. Some Conclusions from the work of the Textile Research Institute in the People's Republic of Rumania. p. Jib. MUMMA PFOVISHL-VOST, Sofiia, Bulgaria, Vol. b., no. 2, l9vo Oct. b Monthly List of East European Accessions (&A-@ JX, Vol.. no) IV@Y, Uncl. KEVMKIAN.. A. Carding with flat carding machines In worsted spinniig. (Conclusion) P. n TEKSTILNA PROMMHIENCST.(Ministeretvo na lekata, proraishlenost) Sofiap Biagariae Vol. 8, no. 7p 1959 Month3,v List of East Europ-,an Accessions (EEkI)p LC., Vols Bp no& 7. 1959 Novo Uncl. XMMUAR, A. Iffeat of twist on the strength and abrasion resistance of synthetic yarn, Izv.vys6ucheb*sav@; takh.teket,prom. no.2:9-16 160. (HIRL 13:11) 1. Sofiyekiy mashinno-slaktrotekhnicheakiy institut. (Textile fibers, Synthetic) (Yarn-Testingi KEVORKIAN, A.$ dots. d-r inzh.; BOIADZIIIEV, P., inzh., ml. nauchen outrudnik---- Technology of flax tow spinning by the combing method. Trud Inst tekstil prom 2:99-112 162. 1. Machinery and Electrotechnical Institute. 2. Editor, "Trudove na Nauchnoizaledovatelskiia institut po tekstilm promishlenost" (for Kevorkian). KEVORKMI, Agop, d-otsent; PESHEv, Khristo, inzh.; SELIMINSKI, Ivan, inzh. For the iml,rovoment of Wdformity of the 4ong pJeoes in worsted spinning. Tekstilna prom 11 no.1:6-32 162. KEVORKIAN,I Agop, dots. d-@-- inzho BASHALOV, Gencho, inzh. Peculiarities of the spinning of synthetic fibers. I. Tekstilna prom 11 no.3:8-11 162-. KEVORKIAN,,-Apop, dots. d-r inzh.j BASHALOVP Genchoo lnzh. Some peculiarities in the spinning of synthetic fibers. Il. Tekati-Ina prom 21 no.4.-&-8 162. -I.' I'v KEVORKIUj.,AgoRx dots&,, d-r inzh. Determination of internal tension in-fibers by measuring the torque releaae of a loaded thread. TekBtilna prom 11 no.50-13 162. ' TSOCHEV, Minko; CHAUSHEVA, Elka; SPIROV, Blagoi; KEVORKIANj Agop, inzh.; RP.SHEFV, Velchop inzh. Studies on the setting up of correlation between separate branches of textile industries up to 1890. TekstiIna prom 11 no.6:22 162. K'--VCIPKIANP f,gop, dut,,. d-r; ILA2'-!iEFV, Vainho, --r.-. C5rrelation txjw#-,en Lhe breaking fitrr-ngth url rupture An fabrics. TekF;Ulna prom 11 nc.,t)s.*",- KEVORKIANP A. d-r inzh., dots.; PEEV, P., inzh.;TRIFONOVA, M.., autrudnik tekh. nauch Studies on the unevenness of worsted semi-finished material. Trud Inst tekstil prom 4:3-26 163. 1. Machinery and Electrotechnical Insitute. Member of the Roqrd of Editors, "Trudove na Nauchroizsledovatelskiia in3titut po tekstilna promishlenost" (for Kevorklan). 2, Director, Scientific Research Institute of the Textile Industry (for Peev). KEVORKIAN A.., d-r inzh.j, dots.; RASHEEV, V., inzh., nauchen su ru k . Correlation between the breaking stength and the abrasion resistance in fabric. Trud Inst tekstil prom 4:27-37 163. 1. Editors, "Trudove na Nauchnoizsledovatelskiia institut po tekstilna promishlenost". TSOCHW,,, Minko; CHAUSHEVA, Elka; SPIROV, Blagoi; I L k _@ o inzh.; RASHEEV, Velcho, inzh. Studies for determining correlation in the development of basic branches in textile indutry. Trud Inst takstil prom 4:191-205 163. KEVORKIIAN, Agol, dots. d-r inzh.; SHIEREV, Vichko, inzh. Influence of the direction and number of throwing twists on some basic properties of worsted yarns. Tekstilna prom 12 no. 6:8-13 163. KEVORKIANt Agop, dots. d-r inzh.; MARINOVp Vdkhail, inzh. Differentiated doffing of the band of drawing machines. Teksti]Lns, prom 12 no,4:7-U 163, KEVORKIAN, Agop, dotsent d-r Inzh.; KAWACHKI, fwan, inzh. Influence of the clamp opacing in determining the strength and uneveness of yams. Tekstilna prom 12 no.304-29 263. KEVORKIAN, Agop, prof, d-r inzh. Training of-technical ataff for textile indnatry in Bulgaria. Tekstilna prom 13 no. 4:13-15 164. IEVORICTAN. A., nrnr. dr. Inzh.; PESIIEV, Khr., Inzh.; GWRGIEV, Iv., inzh.; KARAICSIIEVA, -M., in2h. Use of synthetic fibers in flax spinning. Tokstilna prom 13 no.51 7-11 164. 5- ,-KFVORKIAN, A., prof.; DAMIANOV, G., dotsent; NIKOLOV, I., inzh.; ATANASOV, Iv., CIESIREDZIREV, H., inzh.; MEN, Khr., inzh.; CHEIRIJEEINDINEV, At., inzh.; PANOV, Al., inzh. Ir'roduction of the tex system in the textile industry in Bulgaria. Pt.l. TekstiIna prom 14 no.1:16-21 165. 1. Ghair of Textile Technology of the Machinery and Flectrotochnical Institnte, Sofia. z @- rLVCMIAII sive theories on the etJOlOMr Of ca:ie" n. 153. STOMIJ CLCG a-A, nSoviet progres - I C- Sofiya, ' No. 3, 195", ar-ia) SO: Honthly Lis'. of East Eurqpean Accessions, Vol. 2 !;o- 7, J,,J,'Ir 1,@-53, Uncl. KEVORKIAN, K., asistent Preparation of instruments for aseptic therapy in dentistry. Stomatologiia, Sofia no-5:274-279 1953. (ANTISUSIS AND ASAPSIS, dent.) (BBITISTEr, OPEWI", antisepsis In)