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I A. R,
Quantum theory of transionta in paramagnetic resonance (effective
spin 1, equidistant spectrum). Fiz. tvar. tela 5 no.11:3120-3129
N 163. (MIRA 16,12)
1. Fiziko-takhnicheskiy institut- AN SSM, Kazan'.
-@-K Ih,
N' NR:
L uii4jlt7 i a -
e a ft
L. @116Z-66 KWT(d)IZWT(l) XJP(c) WWIGG
IM NK: "bMUbi9 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/008/002/0387/0396
AUTHOR% Kassel' A. R.; Korchemkinp M. A.
ORG: Kazan Physkotechnkallnstitute (Kazanskiy fLz1ko-tekhn1che.skiy institut)
:TITLE: Theory of transtente In nuclear quadrupole resonance
SOURCEs Flaika tvardogo tela, v. 8, no. 2, 1966, 387-3196
iTOPIC TAGS: nuclear quadrupole resonance, spin system, nuclear resonance, multiple'
'ABSTRACT: Equations have recently been derived for extending the phenomenological
I Bloch equations to spin systems with arbitrary spectra for the case of quadrupole
;and higher multipole Interactions. These 'equations may also be applied to solid
paranagnetics. The authors test these new equations on a specific spin system
chosen In gueb a w@W that It has all the Unit =@ti -NMeb Fevent tM use Of the
iphenosenolegical, Bloch equations. Transient W are studied to quadrupole
Mosarm of neclal In solids with zigard to GFift-spift and quadrupole IMOVIRCtIGM.
jW0 lWtatifts an Igposed an the ey@tpy of the crystal field nor an the directiou
1@cwd 1/2
- ------------
ACC NRs AP7011829 SOURC& COD91 UR/0079/66/036/010/1835/18 -38
AUTHORt Nesterov, L. V.; Kess*'l#q-A,-Ya-
CRGs Institute of organic ard Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of
the USSR, VAzan# (Institut orgenichoskoy i fizicheakoy khtmit AN SSSR)
TITLE: Reaction of salts of aromatic quasiphosphonium bases with ortho
esters of carboxylic acids and acetals
SOURCEs Zhurnal obshchey khimli, v, 36, no. 10, 1966, 1835-1838
TOPIC TAGS% acetal, carboxylic acid, organic salt, reaction mechanism,
ABSTRACT: Salts of aromatic quesiphosphonium baaes were found to react with ortho
esters of carboxylic acids and acetals, exchanging a phenoxy group for an alkoxy
group. The reactions were conducted between methyltriphenoxyphosphonium and methyl-
phenyldiphenoxyphosphonium iodides as the salts of aromntic quasiphosphonium b6ses
and triethyl orthoformate, triethyl orthoacetate, and dimethylformal as the ortbo.
esters and acetals. The zleaction mechanisms are discussed. The ortho eaters and 0
acetals behave as weak nucleopbille reagents in these reactions. They are in-
sufficiently active to attack the neutral phospborus atom in triphenyl phosphite,
Card 1/2 UDCs 547.269118+547.426.3
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ACC NRt LIP AP7011829 -rs and
the redistribution reaction with ortho este ies, doei
which does not Participate in in view Of its low nucleopbilic propert beating
acetals- The ester metbYl fOrmte, even after many bouto Of
gybionium iodide
not react with methyltriphenOXY&O las and I table& 40035-17
orig.'art, heal, 6 formu
in a sealed,.tub@
crd 2/2
... In memory of V.I.Bobrov. Khirurgiia, Moak-7a no-4:81-82 Ap '50.
(Gln 19:2)
VOROI@TITMf, K.Iop inzhoner; IMSELI, ItY., inzhener; ORISHKIII, S.I.,
Mechanization of tree felling, loading and hauling of lumber. Mekho
trud.rab. 9 no,3t42-46 Mr '550' (MML 8:5)
(Lumbering--Machinery) (Zree felling)
[Guzeripli Logging Camp]Guzeripliskii lespromkhoz. (n.p.]
TSentr. nauchno-iael, in-t mekhanizatBii i ener etiki les-
noi promyshl. 1962. 5 P. IMIRA 16W
(Guzeripll region-Lumbering)
(Olenino Logging Camp] Oleninakii lesopromkhoz. Khimki,
TSentr. nauchno-isal. in-t mekhanizataii i energetiki
lesnoi prompshl., 1962. 30 p (MIRA 16:4)
(Olenino region--Lumberin;)
- Preparation of chips in cutover areas# Bum,pro4. 38 no.1:30-31
Ja 163. (Woodpulp industry-Reoearch) (MIRA 16:2)
Central Scientific Research Institute on Mechanization and the
se of Power in Lumbering]TSentrallnyi nauchno-issiedovateltakiy
institut makhanizataii i energetiki lesnoi promyshlennosti. Mo-
Avas 1962 ll a P' (MIRA 16:1)
1. Khimki,,1TSentialInyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut mekha-'
nizatoii i energetiki lesnoy promyshlennosti.
XESSELI, I.V., lnzh.
Lumbering machine units. Yokh.i avtom.proizv. 16 no.8151-52
Ag 162. (KRA 1519)
"SUL, K.
Dr nod. Leon xgaln&, 1893-1942 Chir. mars. ruchu ortop. polska
19 no.3:209-211 1954.
KalInal Leon)
Using the heat from compressed air to produce distilled
vater. Suggestion by L.A. Kassel'. Prom.energ. 11 no*7:
17-18 J1 156. (MLRA 9.'10)
(Compressed air) (Water, Distilled)
K 1 @S.-j EL
Kescell, 1`- Zo - "Capacity and zoning of the Yr-,vpatoriva spa durl;i, .@s Ceneral
reccnstruction period, It Trudy ObIledin. nauch. soveta pri Upr. Yevpator. kurorta,
Vol. VII, 1948, p. 7-13
SO: U-4355, 14 August 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 15, 1949.)
----T d . P
[Equipment and devices for assembling structural elements] Obora-
dovanie i prisposobleniia dlia montazha stroitelIzUrkh konstruktoii.
Minsk, Redaktsionno-izdatellskii otdel BPI im. I.V.Stalina, 1960.
48 P. (Building-Tools atd implements) (HIU 14:6)
(Precast conorete construction)
KESSELI., N.Ke.., dotsent,, kand.tekhn.nauk
Dep&ttmeWlit Conatruction, Sbor.Wuch.trud.Bal.politekh.inst. no.
66:27-34 457& (141RA 16:9)
1. Dekani stroitellnogo fakulltota Belorueskogo politekhaichookogo
instituta ijaeni Stalina.
Ability of K-stroplanthin and calMun tc re.,-,ture t@,e a.-tivity
n the frog's heart arrested by cortis(%nu. Farm. i toks. 26
no.2:206-220 Mr-Ap 163. (Y-,'@RA 17: 8)
1. Pyatigorskaya klinika Gosudarctv@3nnogo nauchnc-11stil-@-dr-
vatellskogo ballneologicheskoPo institn+,j na Kavkaz3x-'kh
Mineraltnykh Vodakh,
Aracbnodactyly (Marfan's disease)e Terapoarkhe noo8.*123-124 162.
(KIRA 15s12)
1. Iz Pyutigorskoy kliniki lkltneologicheakogo instituta (dir. Ye.A. Shd=ov-Kamenslci7).
of the kX-irlen as a manifontaLlon of dis5eminated
vancula.- difiensao Vest-ri. rtjn@. @ rild. 36 no.)@05-67 My-Ja 063,
(MIRA 17:7)
1. 'f-, astrologicheskogo otdqlnnlya Pyatigorakoy klin-W Goisu-
darstwinnogo ballneologich6skogo institut-i (dir. - kand. med.
naulc Ye.A. Smiimov-Kamen3k@y) nit Kuvkazskah Minorallnykh
Subcapsular diphasic rupture of the liver. Zdravookhrunenie
6 no.3:58-59 MY-Jet63. (MIRA 16:11)
1. Iz Yedinetskoy rayonnoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach - I.A.
Kessellman, A.S.
Tokarl-univereal v priborostroyenii (All-Round Lathe Operator in the
Instrument Making Industry) Leningrad, Sudpromgiz., 1959. 254 p.
Errata sUp inserted. 15.,300 copies printed.
Scientific Ed.: N.V. Kashin; Ed.: V.S. Chiohkanova;'Teoh. Ed.:
R.K. Taal.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for lathe operators, machine shop
foremen, and students of technical and trade schools.
COVERAGE: Fundamentals of the theory of metal cutting, concepts of
surface roughness and engineering measurements are given along
with drawing standards used in machine building.. Modern design
of cutting tools and other devices used in lathework in the Soviet
Union and in other countries is described. Works of the Lenin-
gradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Leningrad Polytechnic Insti-
tute), the Institut tochnoy mekhaniki i optiki (Institute of Pre-
cision Mechanics and Optics)., and the Institut aviatsionnogo pri-
borostroyeniya (Institute for Aircraft Instruments) have contri-
All-Round Lathe (Cont.)
buted significantly to dev@lopments in the field of machining on
lathes. No personalities are mentioned. There are 15 referencesp
all Soviet.
Cho I* Basic Technical Information Needed by All-Round Lathe Opera-
tora 5
The concept of drawings 5
The concept of interchangeability, allowances and fits 13
The concept of surface roughness and methods of measurement 31
The concept of datum systems 38
The concept of types of production and the organizational s truc-
ture of the manufaotaring process 40
The basic c oncept of measurements 42
Ch. II. Some Problems in the Theory of [Metal] Cutting
General information
Tower substation of precast reinforced concrete. Sell. stroi. 15
no. 2;12-13 F 161, (MIRA 14:5)
1. Nachallnik proizvodstvenno-tekhnicheskogo otde'ja Moskovskogo
tresta "Seltelektrostroy" (for Kesellman). 2. Starshiy inzh.
Moskovskogo tresta "Sellelektrostroy" (for Lukin).
(Precast concrete nonstruction)
(Electric substations)
KESELIM&N, I.A., tekhnik
Welding and strengthening the frame of a forging and
die-stamping presse Ovar.proizv. w.7:33-34 J1 160.
(MM 13t7)
1. TSentral'Mye eksperimentallzWye evarochWye masterWdye
Vaeso7uznogo nauchno-iseledovatellakDgo institute. avtogennoy
(Power presses-Welding)
KESSEL114AII L I.- YJIOCII, G.K. [Khoch, H.K.1
Attachment to the Clan3 27 button machine for the sewing of
buttons with eyelet end. Loh, prom. no.3:77 JI-S 165.
(Mim 18:9)
Cases of heavy ice deposit formtion on lines in Central Asia.
Blek. sta. 30 no.3:90-91 Hr 159. (MIRA 12:5)
(Soviet Central Asia---Electric lines-Cold weather conditions)
KBS7,L'..W1,.7L.M.i ingh.
In reference to the article "Calculating intermediate supports for
overhand electric power lines undpr outnge conditions."
Hln1c.Rtft. 29 nn.9:8? S 158. (MIRA 11:11)
(Electric linos--Polna)
Kessellman, M. Sh. - "Investigation of Conditions Providing for Increased
Effectiveness of the Process of Drawing Sheet bletal.11 Min Higher Education
Ukrainian SSR. Khar1kov Polytechnic Inst imeni V. I. Lenin. Mharlkov, 1956
(Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences).
So: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 10, 1956, pp 116-127
Translation from; Referativnyy zhurnal,
AUTHOR: Kessellman
Metallurqiya, 1958, Nr 5, p 107 (USSR)
TITLE: The Magnitude and Nature of Pad Pressure in Deep Drawing
(0 velichine i kharaktere davleniya prizhima pri 8lubokoy
PERIODICAL: V sb.: Progressivn. metody shtampovki i kovki. Kharlkov,
Oblizdat, 1957, pp 226-231
ABSTRACT: An increase in the efficiency of deep drawing depends upon
the magnitude and nature of the load on the pad. An investigation
shows that the latter factor is the more important one. Pads
should be applied with variable optimum force.
V. F.
1. Presses--Operation
2. Metals--Processing
Card 1/1
t - A 7 - 54- 1 -69 7
Translation front: Referafivnyy Mmi-nal, MrtalhirglyiA, 19514, Nr 1, 1) 106 (U"SSR)
AUTHOR: Kessel I man,
TITLE: Rational Design for a Pressure Pad (0 ratsional'noy skheme
PERIODICAL: Tr. Kharlkovsk. politeklin. in-ta, 1957, Vol 9, pp 149-154
ABSTRACT: An investigation with the object of determining the optimum
nature of action of a pressure pad for use int* drawing of a
bell-shaped detail of sheet metal. The variable stress required
for the pressure pad should, it is recommended, be obtained
by means of a spring-loaded, pre-compressed pad. An example
of pa-d selection is presented.
1. Preasurs pado-Desigs
Card 1/1
AUTHOR: Kest el@ mapj_X.-Y-a-
TITLE: Investigation of tlre* wearing prbpei-tieb 'bf dap'r6ne
vubjected to aliding friction
PERIODICAL: Heferativnyy zhurnal, Khimiya,.no..17, 1962, 545, abstract
171,06 (In collection: Plaotmaosy v mauhinoatr. i piiborostre.
Kiyev, Gootekhizdat USbR, 1961, 325 - 334)
TEXT: heuultr. ar,-- quoted from research into the weak-resistance of capro@e
afid into the ef6`ect of certain technological fact@ors on its hardness.
The wear caused to caprone is shown to obey the laws governing abrasive
wear. Thu wear-resistance.-o@ caprone is high@r than that of bronze and
caut ii-ont and increases when silver graplUte is adds(!. A portable
inotrument for rapidly, determining the hardnevo of oomponenta of' tiny
ifliape in roconiOndod:' Abutractorlo notot Co6pluto tr@inulatlon
lCard 1/1
Form of the equation for the state of a real gas [with summary
in Inglishle Inzh.-fix.shur. no.1:68-75 J& '59.
(MIRA 12:1)
lo Institut inzheneray morskogo flota, Odessa.
AUTHORt Kessellmany P.M.
TITLEt On the Problem of Determining the Temperature Function for the
Equation of State of a Real Gas (K voprosu opredeleni@a tempera-
turnoy funktaii uravneniya sostoyaniya reallnogo,
PERIODICALs Inzhenerno-fizicheakiy zhurnal, 1959, Nr 5, pp 8-14 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The equation of state of a real gas, expressed in dimension-
less parameters 6. PV VK and -T- ) looks as f ollove j
R T-X Tj%
(5. CLO + a/ -r + t3 y + a- y21 4_ r 'r-I ....
where 0.,,, (LI9 (3 p 3- p of, . . v are inf inite series of the reduced density
wand W is a monotonously decreasing function of reduced tempera-
ture 'r& This equation is a generalization of the equation of
state proposed by Professor Ya.Z. Kazavchinskiy Z_Ref 2-7. The
problem of composing the equation of state is reduced therefore
to the finding of several elementary volume functions cL i CL 1 9 13 1
-Coos and one temperature function y, each of which depends upon
but one variable W or '7. Of these, the temperature function is
Card 1/3 the most important one. Certain approximate methods for determin-
On the Problem of Determining the Temperature Function for the Equation of State
of a Real Gas
ing the temperature function y are expounded in References 2 and 3-
The present paper describes anotherp more accurate method of 4'-de-
termination which can be used if data on thermal (PVT) and caloric
values in the region of low pressures are available# The method
consists in the re-writing of the equation of state in virial form,
computing the values of 01 ZIr on the basis of the analysis of ex-
perimental data on P,1Y, T, enthalpy and specific heat in the re-
gion of low pressures;Yfinding the analytical expression for the
function f(T') 2, , and finally integrating this function
Ct T
twice, in order tc obtain the function %@, assuming the constants
of integration to be zeros. The author applies this method to de-
termination of the temperature function for -water vapor, using
experimental data of Keyes Z-Hof 42, Kennedy @ Rof 5-7 Havlioek
and Myek9weky Z-Ref 6 of 0, Osborne
J, Egerton and Callendar
Z-Ref 8_/, D.L. Timrot and A.M. Sirota f'Rof 119. As a result of
this determination the temperature function was found to have the
Card 2/3 following forms 41 MW IV 3.rIJZ
10(5) SOV/170-59-7-1/20
AUTHORS: Kazavohinskiy, Ya.Z., Kessellm
TITLE; Basic Data on Specific Volume of Water and Water Vapor
PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, 1959, Nr 7, pp 3'- 7 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The 5th International Conference on the Properties.of Water Vapor held in
London in 1956 decided to perform an analysis of experimental data avail-
able in order to compile International Tables of Water and Water Vapor.
The present paper contains the Table of basic values of specific volumes
of water and water vapor for pressures ranging from 1 to 1,000 atmospheres
and temperatures from 0 to 8000C, and describes the method of its compila-
tion. The coordination of experimental data in the region of vapor was
carried out in three successive approximations. In the first approxima-
tion, the graphical coordination of data was carried out by isochores in
coordinates of 47 and T, and by Isotherms in coordinates of Cr and tO . Then,
according to the data of the first graphical approximation, a simple equa-
tion was composed which describes the family of straight lines, given by
Formula 3. The'second approximation was carried out by deviations of A16
from the auxiliary straight lines being approximates to the actual
Card 1/3 asymptotes of real isochores. Isotherms and Isochores, plotted byd(Y
Basic Data on Specific Volume of Water and Water Vapor, SOV/170-59-7-1/20
Card 2/3
were jointly coordinated. The obtained results served as a base for the
final, third coordination carried out analytically by making upe of the
equation of state, Formula 1. This resulted In the calculation and plotting
of a now analytical network of Isochores and Isotherms, consistent in the
best way with the experimental PVT-data. The coordination of data in the
region of liquid water was carried out by isobars and isotherms. The data
of the following investigators were laid down at the base of the present
study: Kirillin, Rumyantsev, Zubarev and Ulybin jefs 2,37, Timrot ZRef V,
Keyes jief 67, Kennedy with co-workers ZRefs 7,8,9,7, Keyes and Smith
ZRef lQ7, Aqagat ZR-ef 117, and Osborne ZRef 1?7. The values of the Table
compiled agree well with the experimental data of the above writers: over
85% of the total of 1,786 experimental points used deviate from the tabular
BaOic Data on Specific Volume of Water and Water Vapor 05270
values not more SOV/170-59-7-1/2o
than by 0.2%. The Table gives data on the average and
maximum deviations of experimental data from the calculated basic ones.
There are: 2 tables and 12 references
and 1 French. .. 5 of which are Soviet, 6 English
ASSOCIATTON,,, Institut inzhenerov morskogo flota (Institute
Odessa. 0' Englnec-r.s),
Card 3/3
XJMORS Zagoruchuxko, V. A.,.-KesuAllwan W-4/76-33-6-9.144
TITLEt (ka the Repro sent at lon of tha Eq%zation of State of a Real Gas ir. the
Explicit Form, Kxprosed by fta Tndopend=t Variables T and v
(0 predstavlenii v yavn--.iy forms uravmeniya sontoyaniya reallnogo
gaza, vyrazhewjogn. oheraz nez&-A&imyy3 paromezinyya T i v@
PERMICALt Zhurzal fislobeakoy WmU, 1959, Vol 33, Nr 6, pp 1221-1229 (USSR)
ABSTRACTt On the strength oil" rc-ailts obt.%in,-1 fr.).n Ln"stigations made on
real gaaes (water vdPor, dioxide, methane and ethane) the
possibility is mte;c,.] Va@, p.Laimn"- papar tf -& transi V..-cn of the
mathomatijal of th.,' oqusllc@_n :if Ptate (ESI for real
gases by the vaxial,'Lex T dal v f:p Z f@,.V,v'j t;o a zQrrerding
equation axpz*ssad by tha vzriatlsa T s,-nl jprv em y(T P) J'n
explicit form. RaspajtivL@. D;A%the=Mjsi_*i1 der!- ticMs are given, and
it is found that lhb @,EV' with ths v&riablea T anti P [eqration (4@
repradnaes the th@srmal nnd ealoef.., propertlen of gas with the same
aoovjrivjy as tha (ESI with tho 'miablaa T PAM v feriuxti= (3@ ;
this holds. however, for a gmall density r=6a wL.6h is determinable
by tbe &id of a eimplq vrfterlXa 'LL.:- N-61-t3r. of -the Virial.
Card 1/2 OCASMOi6nta f,.>r Q34)kLd C2ffE (T&:b'_,Y 1) and W2ard HP (Table 2)
on the Repramentation of ths F4uaticri cf t)f j@ aw'Al G.'.L3 3-6-9144
in the ExpUait Form, Erp iA by tb-i V4rlablej3 T
ara girsn, -and &, ax-3 thv @,.)rrespo;idlng -s@uem lor tLe gaises under
investigaidon, whi;.I oanifirm the VlAt"3ability of iiipation (4)
(TabIqA 3-5) and ( P119 4). Tje @remsl tion to th--# exiDlicit fo= of the
(M) ocris' *derably LiAl-I.Autez the @@-i:@.mpulatizu ze tba Lbermodynamio
values in the r&ngA -.f I'aw yr,3.q:3uz,qjj tly- valLes obtained are
raliable; hen.@,e, t7lb-9 -.3f t@i, thpir..P.-Aynamic prop6rtles of
r6a! gav,)ij -1,3 mado p-EAb:@i. 'M az@_A 4 P tables, and
9 @. tic V111.1c.-h ejr.;@ ;3'-;"'i'A .
SUBUTTEDs &'P+4mT)6r 'fc:i
Card 2/2
,f I- I - F
moscowt 1960, ION MAIN '-Aa-UNION ORDE'A OF LA-
SKIY)o (KLI 2-61, 208).
AUTHORt Kessellmang P#Me, Engineer
TITLE: The Equation f State of Heavy Water for the Liquid
PERIODICAL: Teploenergetikaj 1960, Nr 4, PP 72-73 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Considerable experimental data is now available about the
thermal properties of liquid heavy water but there are
no experimental data on its caloric properties. The
author accordingly attempted to formulate the equation
of state for the liquid phase so as to obtain reliable
caloric data. Previously-published experimental work
was used. The form of the equation of state used to
express the p-v-T relationship was that proposed by
Byron, see Eq (1). This equation is considered reliable
only at temperatures below 2500C and at temperatures
from 250 to 380*C it is necessary to introduce an
additional term given by expression (2). Hence the
final form of the equation of state is that given by
Eq (3). The method of determining the coefficients
entering into this equation is explained. It is
Card 1/2 considered that this equation of state reliably describes
'i'lle Equation Of State S/096/6 0/000/04/015/021
Of Heavy Water for the Liquid Phase
the P-v-T relationship for liquid heavy water and may
be used in drawing p detailed tables of its thermo-
dynamic propertieg.u
are Sovie There are 6 references, 2 of which
tv 3 English and I German.
ASSOCIATION:Od.s.kiy institut inzhenerov morzkogo flota
(Odessa Institute Of Naval Engineers)
Card 2/2
msnomr, P.M., insh,
Thermodynamic oijilarity between ordinary and heavy water.
Teploenergetika 7 no.3:83-M Mr '60. (MIRA 13:5)
1. Odeeskiy institut inshenerov morskogo flota.
(water) (Deuterium oxide)
0 rl,,9 7 3 B125/B138
AUTHORS: Kazavchinakiy, Ya. Z., Kessellman, P. M., Rabinovich, V. A.
TITLE: The second virial coefficient and its extravolation for
high temperatures 4
PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal A no ' 12, 1961, 16-21
TEXT: The present paper deals with the extrapolation of the second virial
coefficient well above a temperature range of interest to experiments usinE
_ T
the Lennard Uones Dotential. From the second virial coefficient
B = 2MI f (1 - e- U/kT )r2dr and from the Lennard-Jones potential
U(r) = 4UOE(r./r) 12 _ (r,,/r)6 I it follows that-B (2/3)n1Tr3F(z) or
B = b F(z), (5), for z - kT/Uo; bo - (2/3)rN3. N Avogadro number,
0 0
k = Boltzmann constant, U - U(r) potential energy of interaction between
two molecules at a distance r, U. minimum potential energy, ro - distance
where U. = U Eq. (5) can be written as log B log b + log F (6) and
Card 1/ 3 0 0
The second virial coefficient B125/B138
log z = log (k/U 0) + log T (7). The conformity of curves (6) and
confirms the accuracy of Eq. (5) and makes it possible to calculate the
potential parameters for a substance to be studied. IV 0 and k/U 0 can be
used to calculate B for high temperatures with the help of Eq. (5)., The
ziethod described furnishes results for monatomic gases, which agree well
with theoretical and experimental values of the second virial coefficient.
Eq. (5) describes experimental data for the second virial coefficient of
polyatomic gaeen unsatisfactorily. The Lennard-Jones potential, therefore
is also unable to describe complex molecular structures satisfactorily. By
translating and rotating the coordinate system used for the experimental V@/
curve of the second virial coefficient it is possible to obtain conformity
of the coordinates log B, log T, or logIFI, log z, which represent values
of the experimental and theoretical curves. The usefulness of this method
has been checked with NV 112, D2' 02' CO, air, C02 , and CF 4' The tempera-
ture dependence of the potential parameters U 0 and b0 has to be taken into
account for complex molecular structures. If UO = U 0(T) and b. = b 0(T)
are known, it will be possible to calculate the values of the second virial
Card 2/3
Determining the equilibrium constant for the reaction of ammonia dis-
association over wide temperature and pressure ranges. Insh, -fis
zhur. 5 no.10:19-25 0 162. (MliiA 15:1@)
1. Institut inzhenerov morskogo tlota, Odessa.
(Chemical equilibrium) (A=onia)
zi-- 4,
KAZAVCHIVSKIY, Ya.Z., prof.; KESSELTAN,.T.M., kand. tekhn. nauk;
KIRIU121, V.A., akademik; RIVKIN, S.L., kand. tekhn.
nauk; SYCIEV, V.V., kand. tokhn. nauk; TIMROT, D.L.#
prof.; SHEYNDL111, A.Ye., prof.; SHPILIRAYN, E.E., dots.;
BULIDYAYEV, N.A., tekhn. red.
[Ileavy water; its thermoplorsical properties] Tiazhelaia
Yoda; Toplofizicheakie avoistva. Moskva, Gosenergoizdatj
1963. 255 P. (MIRA 17:2)
1. Nauchno-isaledovatellakly Ustlt@ut vyookikh t,-r,+cratur pri
Moskovskom energeticheskon Institute (for Kirillin, Sychav,
Timrot, Sheyndlin, @hpillrayn). 2. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-
issledovateltskiy teplotekhnicheskiy institut imeni F.E.
Dzerzhinskogo (for Rivkin). 3. Odenskiy institut inzhenerov
morskogo flota (for Kazavebinokiy). 4. Odesskiy tekhnologi-
cheakiy institut (for Kessellman).
Equation of rtate and the thermodynamic propertiev of wqgen.
Inzh.-fiz, shwo 6 no.6:61-67 Je 163. (MIRA 1636)
1, Institut inshenerov morskogo flota, Odessa.
Oxygen-Thermodynamic properties)
@Zquation of state)
L 1?163-63 EPF(c)/EWT(I)/EPF(o)-2/Er~IP(q)/RWT(m)/BD'I AFM/AO/
-S .- b----fir--VPu-4 JD
ACC@'-'Z-13:01; 1111R. AP)004293 S/0170/63/000"/007/0043/0049
Kersollm-an, P. M.# Rabinovich. V. A.
TITLE Thb-- atmi-;@ pro
rMMn n _portios of disssociated hydrogen'and oxygen
50URCE: Inzhanorno-fizichoskiy zhumal, v. 6, no. 7, 1963, 43-49
TOPIC TAGS: thermodynamic property, dissociated hydrogen, dissociated oxygan.
@;pocific volume, enthalpy, entropy. chemical equilibrium
AD3TRACT: The article uses the theory of chem3cal equilibriuri to det@orrdne the
t@.Ianccd compositions of mixtures formed in the dissociation of hydrogcn and
oxygen. It calculates the thermodynamic properties of dissociated H- and 02 at
2000-4000C and 2000-3000C. respectively, and pressures of (1-500)l,05 n/cu r-.
T-,;o papors by the authors in IFZh N'o- 5, 1963, gave the equations for the state
of@ molecular hydrogen and oxygen (without considcr@tion of cUssociation) at 4000
and 3000C, respoctively, and pressures up to 5- 10 n/cu m. The detailed
thermodynamic tables of specifio volume, enthalpy and entropy of H2 and 02
Gard 113
cLlculated by those oquations wore the basis for calculating tho roperties of
the @mbstanco studied with consideration of thoir dissociation J(Phigh
toril'Deraturos. At temperatures above 2000C, at which there iE lready a
porcoutiblo dissociation, atomic hydrogen and oxygen can be regarded '2s
ractically ideal gases. By the theory of chemical equilibftum, K. X)2P.
where x is the mol content of und-issociated mass in the mixture, and K K
p po
where Kgamma is determined by the volatility data on each component, 4ga=a
for whi-ch the article givos formulas. For mixtures of the type A2 + 2A (A atom),
K gamma2 , where the coefficient of activity gamma f/p. 7hus, to
gamma A
dotermine the Kp of hydrogen and Wgan dissociation reactions one has to-know
KPo in dependence upon the temperature for oach of the Gubstances studied, as
L i7l63-63
well as the volatilities Of H2 and 0 which are found from the equations of
5tato for those components. The aut@ors regard as Justified the application
of 'caagls law for calculating the properties of a mixture by the equation
V i@' = ,I'I x + V2(1 - x), at the same pressure and temperature. On the basis of
this and tho relationships between thermal and caloric values, the following
formulas for the calculation of enthalp and entropy are obtained:
i J x + j (1 - x
mix 1 2
S S x + S (1 - x AR (x ln x + (1 x) In (1 - x)].
na-V 1 2
Table 1 givos mol content of molecular H and 0 in a reacting mixture (balanced
compositionj at 11 temperatures between 2000 and 3000 C; table 2, the specific
7alunos ard enthalpies of dissociated H and 0 at the same temperatures. Orig.
has 2 tablGs a:xl 15 numbered equations,
ASSOCIArION% Institut inzhenerov morskogo flota, Odessa (Institute of
Haval Engineers)
SU TTED: 17jan63 DATE AC@J: 08Aug63 ENCL: 00
1-Card 3/ 3
Determining the equilibrium constant of the reaction of ammonia
dissociation over a wide range of temperatures and pressures.
Part 2. Inzh.-fiz, zhur, 6 no.808-81 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:10)
1. Institut inzhenorov morskogo flota, Odessa.
4M 4 A. `2t
intaracrion potential.
11 4,1 second and third viria'-
L r i
-an be vritten in the form: HM b.@P-(T-
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .....
r@-, @;V lK
cr- rf' rl!ty'0aze-l t1"e h.4t--D e@. -Pcl@.LK
7,-rff. s r!
-9,,n n n z,,n tirul a r
14, J,@@
UP f c IIT)
NR3 AP5026855 SOURCE CODE: UR'/0170/65/009/004/0527/05j-2-
AUTHOR: Kessellman P M - Kitlyarevskly, P. A.; Afanaslyev, M. M.
1; V
ORG: Industrial Institute im. M. V. Lomonosov, Odessa (Teklinologichesk!.y institut)'
@j 9 1 ;- ,- , I
TITLE: The equation of state for carbon diqx@Wlin the temperature interval from
273 to 4000 K and at pressures up to 1000x105 newtons/m2
sounCE: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v. 9, no. 4, 1965, 527-532
;zt, qq,
TOPIC TAGS: thermodynamic state equation, carbon dioxide, virial coefficient
ABSTRACT: The authors attempt to correlate all existing experimental material a
to set up an equation of state which reflects the experimental thermal and calorific
data on carbon dioxide with a high degree of accuracy. For temperatures from 273
to 800 K and pressures from 1 to 1000x105 newtons/m2, the equation consists of
elementary ftuictions of the form:
'P+ +
Rr. .. ... .
L 8939-66
ACC NR, AP6026655
The elementary functions Oto, o(2, ...have the form
A ((a) aid, b,
Values of the coefficients in this equation are given in a table. Analysis shows that,
starting with T=770 K, at P=(1-600)xIO5 newtonstm2, two virial coefficients, B(T)
and C(T) are sufficlent to set up the equation of state. The virial coefficients are
determined from existing experimental data. For the region of parameters T-770
to 4000 K and P=(1-600)xIO5 newtona/m2, the equation of state was set up in the virt-
al form: P0,
@T- + At + As (2)
whereAl =Bd..c; At-CdK2v. 'The coefficients A, and,A2 were determined analytically.
Results of computer calculations according to Equations I and 2 are shown to agree
well with existing experimental data. Orig. art. has 2 formulas, 3 figures, and
I table
SUB CODE: TD, GC/ SUBM DATA: 05Apr65/ ORIG REF: 008/ OTHjjEF: 012
L 234',3-66 ENT(m)/ENP(J)/T/ETC(m)-6 NW/ RM,
ACC NR: AP6010038 SOURCE CODE: UR/0170/66/010/003/0385/0.
Litvvinov, A. So
ORG: Institute of Technology im. M. V. Lomonosov, Ode3na (Tekhnologicheskiy institul
flat an atmospheric
TITLE: Ca3culation of the viscosity boefficient of gas mixtures
-SOURCE : - -Inzh-inerno-fizicheakiy -zhurnal,- v. 10i no.--3i -1966i -385-392
TOPIC TAGS: gas diffusion, atmospheric pressure, gas viscosity, constant coefficient,
potential energy, gas kinetics
KIKIMIA(MI: A method for calculating the viscosity of gas r3ixLures is described. It
is based on the use of potential energy with variable potential parameters, formulas
of the riaorous kinetic theory of gaues, and rules of combination of potential
par=cters o-ij - 1/2 (ri + d-J) and tij a VE_-t&,t Fair agreement with experimen-
tal data is shown. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 15 i@rmulas, and 5 tables. (Based
on authors' abstract] (Hrl
SUB CODE: 32,20/ SUB14 DATE: O3Jul65/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH M: 007/
Card 1/1 J*'V UDC:
L 31326-66 EWT(j)/EWT(M)/EWP(J)/T/FTC(m)-6 IJP(C) Y'-W1jW1RM
ACCESSION NR-. AP5025984 URI 0294/ 65/003/005/070010707
547. 211+547. 212:532. 13+533. 21 i
AUTHOR: Kessellmin, P. M.; Chernyshev, S. K.
TITLE: ;Z=@@hara__c_ -te ris tics -of'-some hydrocarbons at high tempera-
tures W U I A&&@@ I
SOURCE: Teplofizika vyaokikh temperatur, v. 3, no. 5, 1965, 700-707
TOPIC TAGS: hydrocarbon, ethylene, ethane, methane, gas properties, equation@
of state., it" 4 A.-.,,,k
t Of JA
ABSTRACT-:4 thelrbj@e he work was the simultaneous determination of the
transport properties and the second and thirdvirial coefficients of methanel ethanel
and 2Lhylen4over a wide temperature interval including the high temp@_r@at re re-
gion. The theoretical treatment is based on the following averaged potential func-
tion for intermolecular interaction:
"(TrI r
u i= 4a (T) P(T) M! .
in whiph the potential parameters and r. (T) are not constants but are some
L 31326-66
functions of the temperature. Based on data from the literature, calculated
values of the viscosity and the second and third virial coefficients for methane,
ethane, and ethylene are tabulated for temperatures from 300 to 3000 K. Values of
the viscosity, calculated by this method, are found to agree with experimental
data within 1-21o. However, at high temperatures where experimental data on
compressibility are not available, the use of the potential parameters for a spher-L
ical potential found from the second virial coefficient leads to unsatisfactory re-
sults; the deviation in this case between theoretical and experimental values
reaches 10-1516. This is attributed to.insufficiently realistic values of the spher*
Cal potential for describing the interaction of nonspherical molecules.. A compari,
son of calculated and experimental values of thermal conductivity shows a devia-
tion within the.experimental error (from 1-316, and only reaching 5-6% at low
temperatures). Orig. art. has: 7 formulas, 4 figures, and 4 tables
ASSOCIATION: Odesskiy tekhnologicheskiy in6titUt iM. M.- V. Lomonosova
(Qdessa Institute of Technology)
SUBMITTED: 24ju164 rok4koij; UV SUB CODE; 07120
NR REF SOV: 007 OTHER: 015
Card... 2/2
;AUTHOR: Kessellman. P. M.
ORG:__-Odessa Technological Institute im. K. V. Lomonosov
(Odesskiy tekhnologicheskiy
TITLE: Some similarity criteria for physical properties of compounds
SOURCE: Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur, v. 4, no. 2, 1966, 196-201
TOPIC TAPS: 06-A res ure, high temperature technology AWa
hea" I gas p
ABSTRACT: T e cri e"rli@a @wichlstayb:Iish thermodynamic similarity of two compounds are
studied to determine those needed to describe properties of compounds with the aid of
chemical potential (with one set of parameters). The discussion is restricted to a
general equation of state retaining only second and third virial coefficients (althou
the range of application is wide). This approach is especially useful in high temper
ture applications. Experimental data showing the second virial coefficient for sever
vapors and gases in the range of 15000C are quoted. It is shown that the data for
various compounds lie nearly on one universal curve. A similar situation holds for
the coefficient of viscosity shown as a function of the normalized temperature. Ana-
lysis shows that theoretically established criteria for thermodynamic simmilarity is
supported by many experimental results and therefore these criteria can he used with
Card 1/2
UDC: 530.17 + 533.1
ol, I-
IL 32vU-66
ACC NRi AP6014064
confidence to detennine properties f gases@that are not known or difficult to estab-
l.ish. Orig. art, has: 5 figures, 1 table, 7 formulas.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 2lMay65/ ORIG REr: oo5/ OTH RM 003
1 Card 2/2 'D@) I
@5 (1) SOV/115-59-10-2/29
AUTHORS - Volkonskiy, V.A., 1-o"dinov, M.A., Kessel',man' SOIN16,
!Temirov3kiy, A.G'.
@'C I T L E T'ne Analysic of Trr3t@-iim; nt Error Produded by Dis-
crete Action InteC@-atuor,,
PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1959, Nr 10, pp 4-6 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: An instrumental miscalculation of an integrator ari-
ses only when the -Pi deflection angle of the output
shaft of an integrator varies from cycle to cycle
and the lever which introduces the element to be in-
tegrated remains in a fixed position. This variation
is caused, for instance, by delayed switch-off-and-
on of the counter in each integration cycle. The mis-
calculation represents the difference bet,ween-Pi and
the assembly average of the deflection angle -foi
'fi "-Pi '10oi The corresponding miscalculation of
the measured element for each integration cycle will
Card 1/4 be du KA-f (1)
The Analysis of Instrument. Error Produced by Discrete Action
where k is the proportional coefficient between the
deflection angle and the measured element. The authors
further describe an experimental evaluation method of
an instrumental miscalculation and of the integration
error derived from this miscalculation. The integrat-
ion error corresponding to a time period T) will
16 u Ju (t) dt (2)
As the assembly average of an instrumental miscalcula-
tion M 4u = 0, so the assembly average of integration
error derived from this miscalculation M Au is also 0.
The variance of the integration error, derived from
the formula (2) will be
D Au g R U (t,s) dtds
Card 2/4 0
S OV/ 115 - 5- 9 - 10 - 2/2, 01
P.-odaced, by
e Ana yci-i s of Instrumeni @rrcor Discrete Action
where R (t,s) a correlation func-
tion of instrumental miscalculation, If we admit the
stability and the ergodicity of the process then
DA R u (Vdtd[@_-T R d (3)
where Ru(1r) = Ru (0,,Z)@ The expression of a correlation
connection being
'r :=. - 1 (4)
u @-j S Ru (T) d1C
u 0
the (3) and (4) formulare give
D6 2 Tr D J (5)
u U of the integration err-
Thus, to determine the variance
or DA we must know the variance of the instrumental
Card 3/4 mis- U calculation W u and the value T U . These values
The Analysis Of Instrument Error--- i SOV1115-59-10-2129
Integrators P--oduced by Discrete Action
were determined experimentally for integrators produ-,
ced by the Khar?kOvskiy zavod (KhaAov Plant) "Kip"
and by the "Manometr" Plant, A detailed description
Of this experiment is given. There are 3 graphs, 1 'tab-
le and 1 Soviet reference.
Card 4/4
Nomograms for the datermination.of-the error of differeinial
manometero-flowmeters. Izm. tekh. no.9:49-52 S 163.
(MIRA 17:1)
Slide rule with a special runner for the determination of the basic
error of differential manometers-flawmeters corresponding to state
standard 372G-60. Izm. tekh. no.12-145-48 D 164.
(MIRA 18:4)
SOURCEI Izmeriteltnaya tekhnikA, no. 8, 1965, 51-52
orology, automatic control, automatic control system, reliability
theory, applied'Lp"S:"Ychology, human engineering, scientific conference
ABSTRACr: This conference was held at the All-Union Scientific- Rpsea- * h
Institute of Fptrol2gy in Leningrad, between 12 and Vi -Mai-1965, and it who'
__1_RttG;2eR by - Qi@Rates representing 99 different organizations from 14
cities in the USSR. A total of 28 papers was presented and discussed at
the conference with respect to tho problems arising in the evaluation of
humn performRneo in the handling of various types of devices in serti-
automitic control systems. The subjects to which the papers pertained in-
cluded,. the I'man-machine" system from the standpoint of the place and role'
of man in the control processp his potential for perforrting specified
functions, wA the optimal conditions for and methods of his activity; the
,development of techniba-I means of acquisi@ion and presentation of metro-
Card UDCs
ACC NRt-AP6018694- 7
logical information; the @hysiologlcal factors that must be considered in
.the dosign of instrumenfs and indicators; a mithomatical model of the
optimal expenditures of time by the operator at a*power-unit control panolj
ithe theory of reliability as applied to the human operator of control stems
iptatistical methods of reliability control in the "man-automaton" system;.
automatic control of the chaMes in the emotional state and attentiveness of
;the operator in the "man-machine" system; features of the perception of dif-
ferent types of control-and-measurinE: indicators; factors determining-the
'Irate of data processing by the hummi operator; effectiveness of the percep-
tion of visual si@nals in different tasks as a function of the density of
-their layout on the control panel; certain principles of the decign of coding
systems. Thn resolution adopted by the conference points out that the co- J
ordination of the means and techniques of data indication with the human
ipsychophksiological charactoriaUcs is a major prerequisite for perfecting
ineasureme,nt apparatus6 Further, it recomManded thg drafting of a glossary of
Items used in ongineering psycholoq@ rip,@2
SU13 CODE; 3.3 14, 0@ SUM DAM. rforta -
Card 2/2
FOWND/Gonorrl rnd Spocirl Z00109YI, Insocta
Abs Jour s Rof Zhur - Biala, No 61 1958, No 25815
Author 'I. KA_pQi_r.4M1Z
Inst i Not Given
Title I Some 11otas an the Outbrork of Proprgrtion of 1.1orsuring Worm
Moths rnd on Their Control. (11okotoryya zrmochrniy-n n VSPYchkc
rcz=ozhoniye soanovoi pyrdonitsy 1 0 borlbo a nay.)
Or! g Pub I Lt.13 polsiti, 1956, 3o, no 4t 24-26
Abstrret i Biologiorl z3onsuros could not prevent the brooding of morsuring
vlorri moths in 1955t bocruso of the incdoqurcy of work in
tUrreting insootivouous birds, The worthor ccnditions in
1953-1954 worc ftvorrblo to the post. In spito of the frct
thrt the density of egg-Irying in 1954 rmd 1955 wrs considcr-
rbly louor thrn the density rogrrdod rs destructive, the
1@rvro crusod grort drmrge.
Orrd 1 1/1
%,CLL %A J./ 4.
'M @VT@
W@. .0
6 3) B 1021B1 38
AUTHORs Kessenil-l- 1-4-.
TITLE: The effect of spin diffusion on dynamic polarization of
nuclear spine
PERIODICALt Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 11, 1961, 326o - 3262
TEXTs The effect of dynamic nuclear polarization is of great interest,
especially in irradiated polymers, which might be used as polarized nucle-
ar targets with high proton content. In the present paper the diffusion
equation 8p/at - D&p + (P 0 - p)/T1 (Bloembergen, Physica, 15, 386, 1949)
is solved for polarization of nuclear spins with dynamic nuclear polariza-
tion. The nuclei are assumed to interact directly with the paramagnetic
centers and nuclear spin - lattice ielaxation is taken into account.
D - a'/XT2 , T2 - nuclear spin-spin relaxation time, T, - opin-lattice
relaxation time, 4 a numerical factor of the order of -10 1 - 102, Po
thermal equilibrium of nuclear spin polarization. The system is assumed
Card 1/4
The effect of spin diffusion on .... B102 B138
to consist of spheres of radius R - a 4N/n around the paramagnetic
centers; a is the distance between the nuclei, n the number of centers
and N the number of nuclei per unit volume. For spherical symmetry the
polarization p of a spherical layer with radius r the steady-state equaticn
Dr a2(rp) P - Po holds. With the boundary conditions p(r) - P for
ar2 TI . .3 0
r --@ m , and p(r) - PD f or r = b - a
p(r) P0 + (P D -P 0) /Ar is found to be its solution. a = 1/ DT,
P/Po , re,r. are the gyromagnetic ratios of electron and nucleus,
respectively, P D will be the polarization for nuclei which are directly
connected by interaction with the spin of a parainagnetic center in-the
case of electron paramagnetic resonance saturation. The mean effective
T, 3 r.
polarization is found to be P - P 0 +(PD - P0) XT 10 ii
2 tn N
This relation makes sense only for low concentrations n/N I . It is nG
Card 2/4
I "j770
The effect of sDin diffusion on ...
XT 3
longer.applicable if R4 3 1 or f'or @on@.,untrations n/14-4 2 re
in solids T 24 T 1). P D depends on the kind of center. The centers can
be divided into three groupst Those with pon i t ivf,., dynamic nuclear polari-
zation, those with negative dynamic nuclear polarization. and inactive
centers. These types of centers differ in their e.p.r. saturation condi-
tions. 71ith a parameter s taking this into account, the mean value of P D
is given by P D - F(te/rdspo I F is a function of' e.p.r. and of the nuclear
magnetic resonance line shapes. The optimum concentration of paramagnetic
centers is given by nINfv XT 2 @ The author thanks V. L. Karpov
r. /1-n -
for discussions. There are 6 referencesi: 1 Soviet and 5 non-Soviet.
The four most recent references to English-language publications rcad as
followst A.,Overhauser. Phys. Rev., 929 411, 1953. M. Abraham, M. A. H.
McCousland@ F. N. H. Robinson. Phy8@ Rev. Let., 2, 4499 1959, 1, E, I,
Hardeman. Philips Res. Repts., j2, 587, 1960. C.. Hwang, T. M. Sanders.
Card 3/4
.. @cmmm7m@
341V 3/011/002/056
The effect of spin diffusion on 3102/B138
Conference on Low Temperature Physics TorurLt,), j_ 96, 1960,
ASSOCIATIONs Nauchno-issledovateliskiy fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im.
L. Ya. Karpova Moskva (Phyaicochewical Scientific Research
Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov, Moicow)
SUBMITTED: May 3, 1961
Card 4/4
17-42' S/056/61/P40/.QO1/005/037
114 7111 ia, 131s, mm) 13102/B204
AUTHUii: -ilessenikhj A. V.
TITLE: Overhauser effect and "secondary signal" in electron para-
magnetic resonance
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal okeparimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, Y- 40,
no. 1, 1961 j 32-33
TEXT: The author reports on studies of the relative increase of the proton
pdarization in the free radical diphenyl picryl hydrazyl at room tempera-
ture during the saturation of electron paramagnetic resonancei proton
polarization was determined from the amplitude of the nuclear magnetic
resonance signal on the screen of the oscilloscope. The studies were car-
ried out on a 30 mm3 solid diphenyl picryl hydrazyl in fields of about
3300 oe. As may be seen from Fig. 1, the relative signal intensity 1/1 0 of
the nuclear magnetic resonance of protons increases exponentially with
the amplitude H I of the h-f magnetic field. With H 0 1.5 oe, the effect of
the "emission of two quanta" (9300 and 14 Mc/sec) in electron paramagnetic
resonance, which has already been described by Winter, could also be ob-
Card 1/3
Overhauser effect and ... B102/B204
served. This effect occurs with the simultaneous action of an electro-
magnetic radiation having the frequencyto upon the system of electron spins
in the constant magnetic field Ho and anIther radiation having the frequencV
(J24 W1A = Te Ho is the condition for the occurrence of the "secondary
signal" &@ (i . Fig- 3 shows an oacillogram of a signal representing a
euperpositioR of a nuclear magnetic resonance signal with a peak in the H0
field, aid a "secondary signal" of the electron paramagnetic resonance at
the frequency un, consisting of absorption and emission signals, which are
shifted by � &) n/Te a 5 oe toward the H0field. Also the signals described
in Ref- 3 are, in thacpinion of the author, a superposition of a nuclear
magnetic resonance signal with a "secondary signal" of electron paramagnetic
resonance in the case of a shift of the nuclear magnetic resonance signal
from the maximum of the Overhauser effect. The author thanks Professor
Ye. I. Kondorskiy and Ye. S. Goryunov for their collaboration. There are
3 figures and 3 references: I Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow State Univer-
Overhauaer effect and ...
11; SUBMITTED1 July St 1960
to Fig--'31 a)
nuclear ma, superposition of a
@metio res
peak) by a Onance Signal (central
"Sevondary ai6-n,,l,, of
paramagnetic res6nance (outer pea electron
2.5 00. ks),
b) "secondary signal" of
electron Paramagnetic resonance,
2.2 Oe.
Fig- 3
Card 313
Kessenilsh-. A.Y.-
TITLE, The investigation of dynamic polarization of nuclear
spin in free radicals
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchcbnylch zavedeniy. Fizika.
no,l, 1962, 144-150
TEXTi At the present time much attention is given to improved
methods of investigating dynamic polarization of nuclear spin
(D.P.N.). An increasing nuclear magnetic resonance (N.M.R.)
signal is observed with saturated electron paramagnetic resonance
(E.P.R.), which was predicted for the first time by A. Overhausero-
The increase in N.M.R. (A) by the Overhauser effect is given by
Ye I(I + 1)
A I +
f s
71, S(.15 4
where S are the
electron and yn, I
are defined in detail
has been investigated
Card l/ 3
Syromagnetic relation and spin of the
for the nucleus. The other coefficients
in the original paper. The D.P.N. effect
previously for solutions of paramagnetic ionx.:@,..,
The investigation of dynamic E039/E435
and free radicals in low and high fields. In the study of
paramagnetic salts, crystals and pure free radicals with short
relaxation times there are difficulties because of the necessity
-k k
of obtaining large amplitude fields and conducting away the heat
produced in the sample. In this paper dynamic rolarization of
protrons is investigated in free radicals of diphenylpicryl-
hydrazyl (D.F.P.H.) at room temperature and for fields of 3300 toL,'----i
31100 oersteds. The sample of D.F.P.H., consisting of 30 to
50 mm3 of powder scaled in a teflon ampule, is placed with a coil-
inside a resonator situated between the poles of a large electro-
magnet with a stabilized current supply. The frequency for
E.P.R. is in the range 9300 to 9400 Mc/s and for N.M.R. 14.0 to
14.2 Mc/s. Results are recorded photographically from an
oscilloscope. The increase in the N.M.R. signal A for protons.
in D.F.P.H. is shown to be a function of the intensity of the
magnetic field F11 in the resonator; the experimental points
falling an a curve given by
A 1 + 70 2
1 + 10-1-H
The invesfigation of dynamic ... E039/E435
The narrowing of N.M.R. lines with saturated E.P.R. was studied
and can be used as a direct measure of s - the saturation factor
for E.P.R. Acknowledgments are expressed to Professor
Ye.I.Kondorskiy for proposing the experimental arrangement.
There are 4 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosuniversitet imeni M.V.Lomonosova
(Moscow State University Imeni M.V.Lomonosov)
SUBMITTED: June 28, 1961
Card 3/3
AUTHOR5s Keseenikh_LAM; _I* p Lushchikov# V. Isp Manenkovq As Asp and
Taran, Yu. V.
TITLEt Proton polarimation-in irradiated polythene
PERIODICAM Fizika Vverdogo telat T, 50 no6 2# 1963p 443 454
TEXTs The aim is to find materials suitable for polarized proton targetst i
and to investigate'the physical ptopertiss of irradiated polythens. To
this end the atudies-of dynamic polai@ization in high-density polythene
irradiated with fast protons (Ve Is Lushohikovp As As YAnenkovp Yu* V, Tar0l,
FFT, 3t 3503t ig6i) -were continued, The dynamlo nuclear polarization vai
measured at 77v 4o2 and t,60K in a magnetic field OfAJ3400 00 using a
device described in a provi6u# paper. The 17sq-6 mm test pieces were plaC6,1k.
in the coil of an autodyne n.m.r pickup, with the axis of the coil per . .1 .)..'-,
pendicular to the long side of the resonatof. H oscillations with a
frequejoy of 9440 MO/S were set up in the resonator. The dynamic polariza-:
@iop factor of the protons was determined from the amplification factor of
the n.mars, signal at saturated eeptro of the free radicals formed when the
Card 1/3
Proton polarization,ifi...- B104/BI66.
polythene was irradiated. -ftesultas In the He temperature range, the dross.
relaxation under oonditiona of non-uniform e.p.r. line broadening plays an
important part in the dynamic polarization of the nuclei. This can be used
to explain the increase in the broadening of the dynamic nuclear polarina..
tion maxima as the temperature decreases# and the fact that the dynamic, ,
polarization factor does not depend on temperature. The time dependence -of
the n.m.r. lines is described as the sum of two exponents with relaxation
times of TI and T 20 The hualear relaxation .depends lineaily on T I.. and T 21
this result being contrary to theoretical predictions (0. B. Leifsonj,
0. D. Jeffries, Phys, Rev., 122p 1781t, 1961). It is Pxplained on' the
assumption that the action zone *of the. paramagnetic- centers is equalized at
the expense of fast spin diffusion. The`dynamio polarization coefficient
dbpends linearly on the molecular weight of the initial material. There,
are 6 figures.
ASSOCIATIONt-Fisiohookiy inatitut imb' P. N. Lebedeva AN 6SSR (Pkysios
-Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev AS USSR)j Nsuohno-ieBleidovitol@k*
fiziko-k4aWheakiy inatitut im. L.Ya. Kerpova, Moskva,,.
(Soientif4#,MsAooohemioal Research Institute imeni.
L. Ya. Karjpvp Moscow)
Card 2/3
77@ A 7-777777 T-A
Proton Polarization iis 8 Y16 VW5/C@2/009/05 I
SMITTEN.. August 6t 1962
Card 313.
@UTHORSs Kessenikh, A. V.# and Hanenkov, A. A.
tITLEt-- Dynamic polarization of nuclei in the case of saturation of
non-uniform e.p.r. line broadening
PERIODICALs Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 5, no. 4, 1965, 1143 - 1146
TEXTs Since cross relaxation between spin transitions plays a role in the
case of saturation of non-uniform e.p.r. line broadening, it may be assujned.@
that this will also affect dy-namic polarization of nuclei which is due to
saturation of forbidden e.p.r. transitions (FTT, 5, 4459 1963). An exact
solution to the problem of saturation of non-uniform e.p.r. line broadening
is very complex when crous relaxation has to be taken into account; there-
fore the authors have developed an approximate method allowing of
qualitative oomparison. with experiment.. On the basis Of a henoaenological
model using Portia' approximation (PhIs. Rev. 104, 564 , 19 56@ a qualitative
theory of tempgrature and concentration dependences of dynamic nuclear
polarization is developed which takes account of cross relaxation. Tha cal-
culations are made for nuclei 11IthII,w,1/2,and.eaturation of the mignetio
resonance of the electron spine (S 1/2). The optimum oonditiona for
Card 1/3
- - -------- --
s/ 6 i/63/005/064/028/047-
Dynamic polarization oCnuclei... siw/BW
dynamic polarization are disoussedi they have to be known for a proper
choice of a suitable polarized nuclear target. The theory was found to be
qualitatively applicable to La 2M83 (NO 3)12 24R20 (Phys. Rev. 122, 17el,
1961) and irradiated polyethylene at helium t&peratures. The experimental-
data on proton polarization at 4-20K in these substances show that the
dynamic polarization coefficient ij passes through a maximum when the tem-
perature of the concentration of paramagnetic centers is varied; the dis-
tance between the extrema of I as a function of the magnetic field increases
monotonically with decreasing temperature and increasing concentration of
the paramagnetic centera (in the present case Ce3+ in 0.1 - 1% ooncentra-
tions). The theoretical result, namely that the extrema. of 7? will arise at
the lower temperatures the lower the concentration of the centers, is not
yet verified experimentally but appears reasonable. Deviation& from the
theory may arise in the case of extraneous relaxation or croaa relaxation
between allowed and forbidden transitions.
ASSOCIATIONs Fizicheakiy inatitut im. PO N. Lebedeva AN SSSR (Physics Insti-
tute imeni P. N. Labedev AS USSR)j Fiziko-khi=ioheskiy institut
im. L. Ya. Karpova Moskva (Physicochemical Institute imeni
L. Ya. Karpov, Moscow)
Card 2/3
.Use of methyl dichlorooilane in determining the resolving power of
nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers. Opt. i spektr. 14-no.2;
315-316 F 163. (MIRA 16.5)
(Silane-Spectra) (Nuclear magnetic resonance and relaxation)
Polarization of protons in irradiated polyethylenes. Fize tver,
tela 5 no.2:1+43-/4f4 F 163. (MIRA16'5)
1. Fizicheskiy institut imeni P.N.Lebedeva AN SSSR i
Hauchno-issledovatellskly fiziko-khimichaskiy institut
imeni L.Ya,Karpova, 14opkva.
(Polymers, Effedt of radiation on) (Protons)
Dynamic polarization of nuclei by the saturation of nonunifomly
broadened Unes of ele4on paramFgnetic resonance. Fis.tver.
tela 5 no.4:1143-lU6 AP 163. (MM 1614)
1. Fizicheokiy institut imeni P.N.Labedeva A.N SSSR i Fiziko-
khimichesiiy in5titut imeni L.Ya.Karpova.. Moskva.
(Polarization (Nuclear pbyBico))
(Paramagnetic resonance and relaxation)
L 6'
ENP(J)/EPF(c)/W(mN./B93 AFFTC/A30 Pc-h/Pr-h
AP3001284 S/0181/63/005/006/1640/1642
OR.S: Kesscnikh 'A. V.. Lushchikov, V. I.; Manenkov, A. A.; Taran, Yu'
UM ------
TITLE: Relaxation and dynamic polarization of protons in 2@@lyethy@lenes(500,
URCE: Fizika tverdogo-tela, v. 5,,no. 6. 1963, 1640-1642
proton, dynamic polarization, spin diffusion, nuclear magnetic
resonance, polyethylene, molecular weight, ultra-high frequency
ABSTRACT: The authors started with data from V. 1. Lushchikov A. A. Manenkov,
and Yu. V. Taran (M, 3, 3503, 1961) and A. V. Kesseni;ch, V. i. Lushchikov, A. A.
Hanenkov, and Yu. V. Taran (FWT, 41 433, 1963) concerning the dependence of
dynamic polarization in polyethylenes on the average molecular weight. They ex-
larization to be about 60 when the molecular
pacted the coefficignt of dynamic po
weight was 2.3 x 100. To test this view and to refine the results of the cited
papers, th made this study on several samples of polyet!VVlene.b2 2 C P.
deutrons.\1) Measurements were made on a setup described in the first of the above
papers, at 77, 4,2, and 1.6K. These experiments have shown that within the limits
bf experimental accuracy the resolution of dynamtc polarization at ultra-high-
frequency output and restoration of nuclear polarization after removal of nuclear-
L 17999-63
1'2gnetic-resonance saturation are described by eMponents with identical value of
the Lime Of nuclear relaxation.
This indicates that the theory of spin diffusion
(G. R. Khutsishviii (ZhETF
42, 1311, 1962)) is equally applicable to dynamic
larization. The measured values of dynamic polarization proved to be smaller
than expected and the authors ascribe the difficulty of demonstrating dependence
i Of this property on molecular weight to peculiarities in the technology Of pre.
j paring the samples. "In conclusion the authors thank B. I. Kokorev for his aid in
the work and they thank V. L. Karpov
cf interesting discussi,3"n-S. P Doctor of Chemic-a-1 Sciences, for a number
i thanks to T. I. Terekhov and They also take this opportunity to express their
Cf one sam Yu. P. Yy*tskiy for determining the molecular weight-
fiame sampleleo, and 1q, A' SlOvOkhOtOV for studying the infrared spectrum of the
Orig. art. ha-6-1-=tablet
i ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimichaskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpoval Moscow
and Chemical Institute)
NO RKF SOV.;- 003
OTHER: 001
C(,srd 2/2
ACCESSION, Nin Apw19845
A!jTH0-,jiS: Kossenildi; A. V-@' jqanenkov, 1,. h,; pyatnitskjyj G. I.
TITLZ: Discussion of experimental data on dynamic polarization of protons in
irradiated po3,,rothylenes
SOUXE; Fizi1ta tvardogo tela, v. 6, no. 3, 1964) 827-830
TOPIC,2AGGS: poLirizatign,'polyethylone, d1tra high froquency irradiations
magnetic resonance, magnetic property
ABSTRACT: Tile authors have investigated samples of polyethylene of hiph density..
containing 1016 - 1019 crr3 polyene radicals: CH2-(CH)2,.j_l-I_R2, where M >2.
Studies -were made at 77, 4.2, and 1.6K. The frequency of the ultra-hic;h-frequency
generator was kept constant, but the magnetic field was varied, and the intensity
of nuclear magnetic resonance siGnal was measured in its relation to the
magnetic field. It W@Ls assumed that the relations between the probabilities of
different spin transitions, during ultra-high-frequency irradiation of paramagnetic
centers with irregularly okpandod elootron para@zagneti*
Card. 1/2
C;ESSIC)I@ NR; APhoi@8@5
resonance lines
are determined
equilibrium within the s by tile relations among ra
pin system and
dy"ar"c POlarization of protons oqu';ilibriwn of tes Of establishing
witIl increaso in InagnOtic -field, reach a minimum sPin with the lattice. The
(Passing threugh was fOlInd-to decline very ra.Addly (norlative values)
zero) i then increase V rapidly
decline again with further increase in -fields reach a In&xeix7r'ILLM'j
- Theorotical values were found to Corr .1 and then
values in values of rqtCn Ospond closely to
theoretical V Otic fiOld Whoro UlO minin
aluOs Of I the Iiinimum and zimxk IuMs and maximums,occueXPOrimental
tile ex@)C'rirj 111m ,
The authors point Proved to be nur j, but the
'Ontal values lerica3 r
U _jy
wi@llin the framework ' greater than
4@ it Of thd model they ,,,,Yout that it is Possible to cor
vrans4 ion saturation on electron Polari" j qute,
calculations. Orig. lation the -effect of co,,nbinatioll spin
I icIl cannot genwallY be neglected
art- has: 2 fi6m@es 2 wI-L
-@S&DUP'Ti0i'l.. ri,L,,-O-" and 3 formiUs.
chemical In:;,;itute).k1liMichesiciy institut M. L. ya..Karpovas XOSCOW (Phys
SIP-' p63
DATS' ACQ: 331-lar64
su-@ C()'r'-w: SS, MICL: ()o
NO RL"q, SOV: 004
Card 2/2 OTHM:
Theory of spin-lattice relaxation of polymer radicals in a
solid. Fiz. tver. tela 6 no. 4:1006-1012 Ap 164.
(MIRA 17:6)
1. Nauchno-isaledavatellskiy fiziko-khimichoskiy in3titut imeni
Karpova, Moskva.
KESSENIKII, Alckjandr VJ.-,.dlrJrovj.,+,; FAYINDOYIN!, IJI.) re.i.
[Nuclear magnetic resonance) J;.deri@,ri magm.trly-I rezo-
., I
nans. Vloskva, lzd-vo "Znanii3,11 1965. 31 T). v
zliizni, nauke ' tokhrilke. IX Serila: Fi--Iva - Matematika.
Astronomiia, nc..5) (?-'LflA 18:2)
ALF, V' @Vlr)!@OVY 1. . 'L .@RSSFKKHA
Isotropic auporfirn Interaction and spin-lattice relaxation of radicals
In Uie Bolld phase. Part 4. Teoret. I akaper. kh1m. 1 no.2s221-228 YX-
AP 06 5. (MIRA 18i7)
1@ In-,titut khlmicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva I Nauchno-lasledovatellskiy
f1z'1ko-kh1micheskiy institut imeni L.Ya.Karpova, Moskva.