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L 18567-66 94T(m)/EWP(J)/T wW1j#,rwD1RM KRs -AP6OD2700-- SOURGE'OODEt -UR/0062/65/000/012/2.190/2193-- AUTHORSt ~Ek~kin, L. I*; Kazantsevs A,,. V, ORGt Institute for HeterooEpnic OMoundss Academy of Sciences SSSR (InstAut ~-elwsentoorganicheskikh soyediAeniy-Akademii-tiauk-SSSR) TITIZz Investigation of the alkylation reaction of 0-metall1o borane derivatives SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimicheskayas no. 12, 1965., 2190-2193 MP.1G TAGSt borane, boron compounds organoboron compounds alkylation, lithium, sodiums boron ABSTRACT: A detailed investigation of the.alkylation of lithium and sodium borane dorivatives by different alkyl halides was carried out, This study is. aii extenaiva of work previously published by L. I. Zakharkin (Izv. AN SSSR,, Ser. MUM. 1965, 158). The erfegt or diX.Cerent, solveats, aM iakall metale on the alkyla'Aon reac-', tion was studied on the system C-C coil" X113 + C111i M= U*N#j.K !.Card 1/2 UDGs 5 *91+6U*ZIB 42 -2,54 L lb567-66 ACC NR: AP6002700 z-nd the reaction yields as a function of tho solvent and tho nitwcu of --QuIlli ;"Ov'al were doterildned. Molting pobit3 of the syiithesized' nro tabull.Ouod. It is concluded that the alkylation proceeds more smoothly in liqvdd ommonia than in ether-benzene solution. Orig. art, bass 3 tables and 3 equations. SUB COOM 07/ SM DATE: 02Apr65/ ORIG BM 1 0031 OTH RU: 003 Card 2/ 06,265 9(2) SOV/107-59-6-29/50 AUTHOR: Kazantsev. B. TI TLE.- Automatic Traffic Lights PERIODICAL: Radio, 1959, Fr 6, pp 24-26 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes the electronic automatic traffic light control device L-2. The principal circuit dia- gram is shown in Figure 2. The device con5ists of five time relays. Four of them are built with two 6N8S tubes and control the duration of the different traffic liCht phases. The contact units of all four RKN relays are connected in such a way that they work consecutively. Further, a 6P6S tube is used, but its function is not explained. M-48 direct current relays are used. A bridge rectifier with DGTs-25 germanium diodes supplies direct current. The device is built to function in connection with other traffic lights which are controlled by the same type of equipment. It is built of widely Card 1/2 577 777=7 o6265, SOV 107-59-6-29/50 Automatic Traffic Lights used parts produced by the Soviet industr The unit is enclosed in a metal housinG of 300 x 2~6 x 180 mm. In case of a failure, the entire unit may be replaced within 3 minutes. The connection between two or more automatic traffic light control devices is achieved by a telephone linel which may consist of two steel wires. If the coiWeation of the different phases, red, yellow, green, is disturbed, they will continue their operation as indi- vidual controls. There are 2 circuit diagrams, 1 block diagram, 2 sketches. Card 2/2 VELIK MV, N. (Chelyabjn3k); f..; KAZANTSEW, B. (Lenlingrad) Electronic signal. light s,.titchov. Pa~lc no.4:50-~! Ap 164- (IMIii-A 17:9) e ,~V,-,-,,;~~; -un AID P - 3333 Subject : USSR/Power Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 26 - 19/28 Authors : Butyrin, Ya. N., Eng. and B. A. nzantsev, Senior Techn. Title : Tenon joining of waterwalls in the boiler furnace Periodical : Elek. sta.,/118, 48-49, Ag 1955 Abstract : The article describes the manner in which the welding of tenons in a 110t/hour, 42 atm boiler, operating on anthracite culm, was made without cutting out the waterwalls. The operation is described in great detail with 3 diagrams. Institution : None Submitted : No date ACC NR. -7 AUTHOR: 11:izantsev. B. E. (Enrineer) KiIIA 11in [i-11: ORG: in-ILitlite illi- M- .1 V polite' kii~.711,',heskAy, ijistItift-T-, TITLE: Graphic method of cLilculating tidal-wave Wit.h tttkj0j;-1 111t0 qCCOU11t of the pirg effect SOURCE: lzve3tiya vysshikh uchobnykh ,..,iveclenly. EnerKntlkt, 110. i~, TOPIC TAGS: ocean tide, hydroelectric power pLant, Liii,Wiie, vxmo, now rat'_k ABSTRACT: A bnr~lc Vfi,-t :,riust be met b~-~ the hydroelec- trio equipment of tidi-,I_ power sta!'Lono Is its abl~lty to opernte .both In turbine and pump regimes. Ii this connection, power gen- eration at tidal power stations can be IncreaBed by utilizing the pump effect. The nature of this effect Is as follows: durlni:; :the period when the difference between the water levels of the station's basin and the sea Is small, an additional amount of .Viater Is pumped from the sea.~Into the basin so that it miiy be utilized In the subsequent turbine work In the bc%sin In ~he pre- senoe of a much higher pressure. If the oharaoterlatIcs of tlio !equipment of the tidal power station and electric tran8mlssion lines, aa well as other data# are knownp then the optimal combi- f~-FACC N~. ~Roij6b--- ,nation of the pump and turbine regimes can be calculr;~Ied Inalvance (Iftl1i' function tidal amplitude ioitd laa a of the and the apecIfIc graph. Since, however, exact calculations are not pc.,~slblf! 'tit ;the planning stage, the author descrIbes an approxlmt-~(! 1~rrtphlic Imethod for calculating the extent to which the t1dril wav-.~ m-a-1. Le on taking into account the pump effect, as basvd on the f ollowing, assumptions i the flow rate of water throu&h the GtR- equipment Is constant regardless of the regimE (turb1ne, ;pump, Idling); the effiolencylof pumps and turbines is constant; !two adjacent tidal waves are.of the same amplitude; an th.IG basis ~It can be proceeded from the premise that two consect;tIve pe'riads of operation of the tidal power station (emptying kind filling ~of'the basin) are symmatrio with respect to the wave heleht. The L. corresponding curves are plotted and formulas derived. Orij,'. ul.- hrit3; 2 figures, 2 formulas, and 1 table. [JPRS1 SUB CODE: 10 / SUBM DATE'. 3()Jul64 ORIG W: W22 cc L Irmb ACC NR- AR,6035268 through the turbines remains constant and is the same in both regimes; 5) the idle discharge is constant; 6) similar amplitude for adjacent tidal waves; 7) the two duod,irectional periods of operation of the tidal hydroelectric power plant are linked symmetrically according to wave height. Comparative calculations made of the author's method and that of Bernstein have shown both methods to give roughly the same results. B. Kagan. (Translation of abstract] [GCI SUB CODE: 10, 20/ Card 2/2 ~KAZANTSEVN B.E., inzh. Graphical method for calculating tidal waye control with consideration of the pumping effect, Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; energ. 8 no.6t79-86 Je 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni. Kalinina. Predstavlens. kafedroy ispolIzovaniya vodnoy energii. a, KAZANTSEV, B. I. Cand Teoh Sci -- (dies) "Regression of the oenters of hidden ph tv- " A gotogtaphio V=~M* Luo2d, 1958. 7 pp (11in of Culture USSR* All-Union Soi Res Cinema-Photo Inst NIKFI), 150 oopies (KL, 49-59, 140) -42- '33 7541. of the, laffnt-Iningo COIN- It. 1. KAZAWSIV AND " V. N11191MAR. Zh. Okfjq'r. 17'-'r 1, 70-(~ (1955) In RuWan. Photographic Plates xvcle sub*tcd to a IW-SCC cy, pasurc CithLr nt U,irtich or in two installments ~lth ning in temat of J;tj-kqe-"S: after i1m,"Prricril, an intc;vc tho. MaO:cnirig N~a-; deiermined It -.%as found fliat (tie obijir~cd results of th, 1'~ grrsslon (fadivig) of boll) the 1.11cm-filvip Cenim, (in thick. cmuNon pUtes) and submilres (in ordinary plates) do not tally with either of zhe t-%xm-o tht:orks so far suggested, i.e. the oxi4atiozi theory Und I hat involving tho recombination of Ar alums A ilb Dr, It wa, aho found thm MOH).n% [Abilt. 873) (19!i1 )I equallon ~: 11(l -',, for the decay of photo- conductMly ill Ag ll;tlik-, cr)sta%, Nkhrll transformed into N~!k - Jj(I -:. Al,kt)'. vjhcr~, S rvid A', arp the of Ag atom; in a a-nlzc nt the cud and !vj!im-mi,g of tht! ti-n, in-crNal T rv~peotivcly. and A ond . i'm Constants (varying fm';~ -0-:2 tu -0&5 in cithcr equaiion). rvrrcL-c-,)ts very uccuralcly the %cnsi- l'almllic cu?"Cs ohm~nM' V. LAr-1WXN. USSR/Optic* Photography K-1-1 Abs Jour Referat Zhur Fizika, No 5, 1957, 13223 Author Kazantsev, B.I. Inst Title Connection Between the Regression of the Centers of the Latent Photographic Image and the Deviations from the Law of Replaceability. Orig Pub Zh. nauch. i prokl. fotogr- i kinematogr., 1956, 1, No 3, 164-i6g Abstract Several commercial grades of photographic materials were used to study the effective temperature of the NaN02 M, borax (II), potassium bromide (M), vacuum, and vapors of water on the regression (R) of the latent image and on the deviations from the law of interchangeability at low illumination intensities. Reducing the temperature and treating the plates with solutions of I and II slows down the regression and reduces the deviation from the Card 1/3 '-P USSR/Optics Photography K-11 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957, 13223 interchangeability, while a solution of III accelerates the regression rapidly and increases the deviation from the interchangeability. Slowing the photographic material in vacuum slows down the regression, and exposure in vacu- um reduces the deviation from the interchangeability. Thus, all the above factors effect both R and the devia- tion from interchangeability in a similar manner. An ex- ception is only water vapors, which accelerate the regres- sion and reduce the deviation from the interchangeability. Water vapors slow down the regression at the early stages of formation of the latent image and accelerate it at la- ter stages. It is concluded that -there exists a parallel- lism between the regression of the center of the latent image in the case when the action of the light is inter- rupted at the initial stage of their formation, and the deviations from the interchangeability upon prolonged illu- mination durations. In the author's opinion, the result Card 2/3 "N USSR/Optics Photography K-11 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957, 13223 obtained is due to the similarity between the mechanisms of the two phenomena, based on the thermal diffusion of the centers of the latent imge. Card 3/3 -Kazantsev, RI.I., Meyklyar ---- P V . , . --- /77-3-6-1 /15 TITLE: ' The Kinetics of the Regressi on of the Centers of e Latent Photographic Im. ge (Kinetika kr regressii tsentr o s togo y fotograficheskogo izobrazheniya) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal nauchno i i y pr klAdnoy fotografii i kinematografii 1958, Vol 3 Nr 6 , , , Pp 401-406 (ijssR) ABSTRACT: The authors describe investigntion i s nto the kinetics of the regression of the centers of ti le Intent image. These ex- periments are considered i mportant to a better understanding of the formation of the Int t en image. The photographic layer underwent a determi7!ed exposition. An incandescent lamp that obtained its e nergy through a ferroresonant stabilizer was used as the s ource of light. The duration of illuminatio was 100 seconds A . n sensitometric wedge-shaped transparent glass plate with a constant 0.15 for white light and 0 blu( t light w 17 f . as .for ' ixed before the Inyer. Chibisov develo was used. An ev er l en p y developing temperpture, wit], un to 0 accuracy 50 was r id , . ov p ed by tFermostats. The obtained sensi tograms were men - sured out on a Dhotoelectric densitometer From these sensito ra ard 1/3 . g ms charnct~ristic curves (grpphs I to 11) were developed. Unifor d m evelopment was provided for all Image S-,V/77-T-6-1/15 The Kinetics of the Regressioi. of the Centers of the Latent P~OtogrqLJlic frames of Card 213 one Pack until the imne,"e became visible. Of the image wan brought about Regression normal conditions, bY keeping tile frames under conditions with and A'ithout OXYgen in a Moist Medium, and conditions of Irrndintion with red 1-ght. The Processes were compared. Tt is C cess starts with a liber - Oncluded that each pro- PtiOn of electrons: photoelectric in the case Of irradiation wi-th red light, thermic in the case of regression This is followed bv R Process of thermic eli- this process mination of t~e silver ions. The p*resence Of oxygen influences laxation OnlY with respect Of the to its influence on the re- in a moist mpdi photoelectric Processes um with reduced ~etzressi.n IY from that in A medizim Oxygen c")ntent differs speed with n slight- .0'"I Oxygen conterts (Graph 17). RA--AIITS---V, 3. N. "Litia Aoueous Net (H.-,Arodictyon reticulatum Lagerhelm) as a I-Iant which is HarmAt to Gambusia, f~ 1.1'erm of fish z~ffectiva in destroying I'looquito larva2ell 'led. Faraz. i , c Paraz. Bolez., Vol. 17, No. 4, p)~ 370-73, 1948. K4ZAMTSyVp D. W. Kaz"ta8vt B. N. eservoirs "Parasites on 'gambuziya rachka, P. U-19. 0r Central Aslanj Soobsheh. Tadzh. Or tle genus 'Lernep in the natural Sol T14630, 16 sept. 53, (Letopis f'11&1a Akad. nuk SSSR, Issue 14, 1949$ 'Zhurnsl 'nykh state., No. 23, 1949). 17 KA4,,j,s4TsFV 0 R. h'. 36641. Haterialy po Faun, SOchshch Krovos0sushchikh - Tidzh. Filiala Aicad. Kom"Ov Yavanskogo Rp- Sol Letopist Zhurnpl,rWr ?'auk SSSR, Vyp. 18, 1949, .. _.",One. ,h Statey., Vol - 50, 1 19-2.1 -foskva, 1q/ +9 conference I thlaa io. n the Tadjik RepublI. On Nedeparax.j the cOntrol (Malar Par4z.boj lal fever 13r- nO-3:285 Of malaria eventi -286 and helmin_ YV-Je '53. On) (Wormq, intestinal (KIRA 6:8) and Parasiti.) ICAZAUTSBV. M8terial on the diatrlbutlon n'lo"ca 'n TaJlkietan. Izv. nnd ecology of the '57. Otd, leech Limnatla 1. StAlinabadskly i,,tltlt eat' nauk AN Tadzh.SSj 18:4~5-203. zdravookhrononly, 8Pidemiologli j glglyeny Mi (MIRA 11:8) Tadzhikskoy sS.R nisterstva (Tajikl.t,,,* -Leocheg) KAZANTSIV, B.N. --laidbusiae as predatory fishen in connection with the dovelopment of fishiries in the Kayrak-Eum Reearvoir. Dokl. All Tadth. SSR no. 20:59-62 157. (MIRA 11:7) 1. Stalinabadakiy inatitut apidemiologii I gietyeiV Minlaterstva Tadshikskoy SSR. (XE,yrok-Kum Raservoir-Gambusia) XAZARTsEV, B.,V. r- Observations On the hill zone of central ecoI097 of Anopheles no.2:125-,138 59. Tajiki3tan. SUPerPiCtUB in the SbOre rabo Po mal. i gel:min (TAJIKISTAN--.MOSQLIITOES) (MIRA .1513) " KAZ,kjrrSF ,V I B. N~ AnIIhIlIgenic signficance of the shallow waters ,n the K,5a9ra. Kum ReservOl-r- Sbor. rab- p0 mal. j (no.2:151-161 (y ARA hVM RESERV01R-IMOSQUIT(ES~ M'RA 150) KAZJQlTSEV B.N. Data-on the acclir4atization 5bOro rabs po Mal, I gambusia In the Tajjk s.S.R. (TAJlKISTAN--MXQno.2il75-285 159. (MIRA 15:3) UITM--EXTF,RMNATlOK) ("USIA) I KAZANTiSLV, B.N.; ~WMYEVAP Kh.l. Prophylactic masures against the appearance Of outbreaks of tick-borne spirochetosis in now building projects. Zdrav. Tadzh. EI noo5:21-24 S-0 161 (SPIROCHET6S.Is) (TICYZ AS CA,jRIERS CF 'DIS N'A 15:1) LU E) 4; EAZAIISEV. B. P. (revieuer) "Review of Ir. A. UY-3-vayev's Bo,01- E~spe enfaIlMe g1dro oCIches ve sc cdcrvan rin na Valdaye, " MeteoroloMr i gidrologiva, 1.70 1. 1954, pD 53-55 Review of the 232-page Eksn2rimentallmyve eidgologicheghlye issledoya ya rva VaIdave (Experimentzil J~y~ojogjcal Develotments in VaIday), Hydrometeorological Press (Gidrometeolzdat). Leningrad, 195j. (RZhGeoll 1410 5, 1954) SO: Sum. 140. 568, 6 Jul 55 KOREPAROVs A.; BERDNIKOV, V.V.; KADOSENIKOV, B.A.; KAZANTSEV,__k,,P.t red.; VORONTSOVA, Z,Z,, tekhn, redo (Our experience in fattening young cattle] Nash opyt naguia modod- nyaka krupnogo rogatogo skota. IzIfevsk, Udmurtekoe knizhnoe izd- vo., 196o. 16 p. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Zaveduyushchiy Molochno-tovarnoy fermy kolkhoza "Rassvet" Igr*sko- go rayona (for Korepanov). (Cattle-Fi*ding and foods) 'arth*-centurv of tho lattnt let 25= 7 v TAGM,VAJ, S.V. Characteristics of cytoplasmic and chloplastic streaming In the leaf cells of Elodea canadensis. 1zv,AN SSSR.Ser.biol. no.6s885- 895 N-D 162. (MMA 1631) 1. Institute of Biological RWsics, Acadevy of Sciences of U.S.S.R. (PUI?r CELLS kND TISSUES) (WATERWEED) N"; Y:'~"A K'TANT3F,',, N.; TAIRBEKOV, Flements of the ineclantsm of motility of cy, In plant calls. Fiz.,Ol. rast. L: 12 no-5:P54-865 3-0 165. InstAtut biofiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. (M7RA 19:1) 2 ".Q TAIRBEK91, M.G.; KAZANTSEV, E.N.; TAGEYEVA, S.V. Relation betueen the synthesis and decomposition of ATP and the intensity of cytoplasm motion In a plant cell. Biokhimiia '30 no.6tl285-1291 N-D 165. MRA 19a) I. Gnippa biofiziki rastitellnoy klptki Instituta biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. Submitted March 15, 1965. TAGhTEVAj, S-V*; KAZANTSEV, E.N. %vement Of cytoplasm and Of Elodea canaden.18. c4lOrOPlastB in the C8118 of detached leaves 1. Fiziols rast, 9 nO-5:542-549 162. (tIIRA 15:10) ~blwoIwn!titut of Biological Physics.9 U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, (Cb-rOmatophores) (protoplasm) KAZARTSEV R-N-; APANASFYPVp L,F, UaO Of elsctromehanical apparaius for atudi S of cytoplasmic *Obl.)Aty. TSitologti& 7 nO.2t27U-272 Mr-Ap 165. OURA 18:7) 1. Laboratoriya fotobi SSSH, Moskva. olog" Inatituta biOlogicheskoy- fiziki AN KAZANTSEVj E. N.; TAGEIWA --- ; S - V - ; TAIRBEKOV, M. G. "The mechanism of. movement of cytoplasmic structures in plant ells." report submitted for loth, IjItl Botanical COng, Edinburgh) Scotland, 3-12 Aug 64. variat.j()n 01, vejac;t", Of Of tio jo;1c, i . Yt opla= and ')93 JI-Ag 164. Flniol. tute of' Frii alo; ca;, f'r-y!'t CS, F I.o2cow. -Bohm YJMATITSEV, F,; PSIZVINAo N,p konduktor; BAYKOV, R., slesarl depo If the party says it must be done, Communist Youth League Mlowm, ayel Zhil.-kom. khoz. 12 no.4:4-5 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:7) -1. Sokretarl tiynogo byuro Upravleniya noginskogo tramvaya (for Kazantsevr. .2. Chlen komiteta Vseaoyuznogo Leninskogo kommunistichoskogo soyuza molodozhi (for Bavkov). (Communist Youth Leapa) Ologinsk--Streetcars~ 1% 1% "Ile reaction 04, cattle to minor j~,L,3t7jtc.,j-.- irritations,'? va), !w:ue 1, 1040, 7 125-27 SO: U-5P4(~, 1", ",ec. Meto"iq ":111irn.-Ij 104") . - . . . m. -',' I 1~ - . 6 ~ j, ; ~ ~ - "I , , ~.71~,t'~,IZjAz'j :4~v ~ I ~.N I-A711T~-- W. k. Fattening swine f,, meat and lard Moskva, Gos. izd-vo selkhoz lit-ry, 1955. bhp. USSR/Frm Anin:-19. Shr-11 Hornod Cvttlo Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Diol,, No 11, 1958s No 49996 Author P z, nt r _oy_L.Uq- Tn,-t IT87UM17'erdany of Agriculturo inoni K.A, Tkiiryrzov Titlo Ohnngcr of Sono Clinierl md Phyrioloriorl Indiertorr in Cowr CnucoA by Vrriogrtod Feeding Sohodulan. Orig Pub t DolcI4 Mosh. r.-kh. rk-d. in. K.A. Ti-iirynzovr, 1957, vyp. 27, 219-223 Abstrqct s Tho work schedule in the cow brrnq chrrnctcrintits rnd tech- niquas of foodingr produca - phycioloelcrl etcrootypo of the imll-bein- md boh-vior of the cows which -.ry be disclored by the canplex of cliniecl rnd phyFiolo;icnl indiertars. The trrnsition fron the two-cycle feeding rnd rillcinC -chodula to r four-cycle one hre boon chrrply roflcctcd in the indices of nutritionrl oquilibritr. Accordin- to tho -uthor'F find- inZ;-, the nilk yield in one of the cows decrarcod by 14 pcrcent, in nnother cow by 8 percent, rnd in - third cow by 7 rcreont bccruso of euch trrnsition. The bocudn,,, -ccusto-iod G--rd 1/2 vt~ ~f KA7Ay1.'SHV, Imnd. eel 1 skokhozyaystvennykh nauke doteent ScientlHe and pedagogic activities of acadamician. Izv.TSKhA no.2:119-122 (;59. .1 (MM 12:7) opov., Ivan Semenovich) grQ 4-Al. MVIJMM~~ FOLYAKOV, I.I., prof,, doktor biol, nikuk, MANOVA, LVe, dots,,kand sellkhoz. nauk;JUUITZZV,, ~ j,~H.', dots.s kand. sellkhoz. nauk; ORLOV, A.V., dots., kand. nellkhoz. nauk; BAB.KDIAI N.G., red. [Practical course in animal husbandry] Praktikum po zhivotno- vodstvu. Moskva, Kolos, 1965. 2-22 p. (MIRA 18:7) CaMIRSKIY, V.A.;,KaAFMV,, F.N. Problem of causes and treatment of bypotension during ansathesla and surgery. Khirurgiia 37 no*452-62 161. (MIRA 104) 1, Iz kafedry obabohey khirurgii (sav, - prof. G.P. Z&yUev) pediatricheskogo fakul'teta II Moakovskogo gosudarstvennogo meditainskogo instituta. imeni N.I. Pirogova. (ANESTHESIA) (SURGERY0 OPERATIVE) (HYPOM4810N) KAZANTSEV, F.N. (Moskva) Sme data an changes in the sympathoadrenal system in vascular diseases. 39 noolt64-71 Ja 161. (MIM 1441) le Iz kafedry obohohey khirurgii pediatriabeakogo fakullteta (zai* - profo We Zaytaev) i TSentrallnoy nauchno-isslodovatell- okoy laboratorii (zav. - kandmed.tauk B.M. Kogan) II Mookov- skogo meditsinskogo institute iMeni V.I. Pirogova i 4-y Gorod- skoy klinicheakoy bolinit (ADRENALINE) O~CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM-DISEASES) TSEV, F. N. ZAYTSEV, G.P., prof.; KAZOI Sympathico-adrenal system, in operations under different t.3,pes of anesthesia. Nov.khir.&rkh. no.104-46 162. (MIRA 15t8) 1. Kafedra obshchey khirurgii (zav. - prof, G.P. Zaytsev) pedia- trichoskor,o fakullteta i TSentraltnaya nauebno-issledovatellskay apteclinaya Ipboratoriya. (NERVOUS SYSTEM, SUIPATHETIC) (ADWAL GLCDS) (AIMSTHMIA) STARTSEV, I,V,j MUTSU, F,N. Morphologiml chwpo IA the aulm&U and functiowa disorders in the sympathoadronal eyetem following gaotric resection. Sov. mod. 25 no.2:63-70 F 162. WIRA 15:3) 1. Iz kliniki, obshchey khirurgii (zav. - zasluzhonnyy doyatell nauki prof. G.P. Zaytoev) pediatrichaskogo fakullteta II Moskov- skogo, meditsinskogo inotituta imni N.I. Illrogova. (STWACH-SURGERY~ (ADRENU GIMM-DISEASFS) M WM KAZANTSEV, F. N. Clinical use of noradrenaline in anesthesiology. Vest. khir. no.2: i16-12o 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Iz kliniki obahchey khirurgii (sav. - prof. G. P. ZayUev) pediatrichaskogo fak-allteta 2-go Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta, im. N. I. Pirogova. (ARTERENOL) (A M THESIOLOGY) KAZANTSEV, F.N. (Kazan') Problems of anesthesiology at the Second All-Union Conference of Surgeonsp Traumatologists.and Anesthesiologists; December 20-25, 1961 in Baku., no.3:94-95 YT-Je 162. (MMA 15s9) (ANESnMIOLOGY-OONGRESSES) STARTSEV, I.V.; SHALEVICH, M.A.; KAZAPTSEV, P.N. Paragangliomao Vest.khir. no.6t98-100 162. (KMA 15%11) 1. Iz kliniki obshchey khirurgii (dir, - prof, G.Ps Zaytsev) 2-go Moskovskogo maditsinskogo instituta i patologoanatom-icheakogo otdeleniya (zav. prof. Ya.L. Rapoport) /+-y gorodskoy klinicbeskoy bollnitsy. (CHMIMIN SYSTEM-nMRS) KAZANTSEV, F.E. Use of noradrenaline in massive internal hemorrhages. Akush. i gin. no.2t47-52163. (~MU 16:10) 1. Iz kliniki obshchey khirurgii (zav. - zasluzhenrq7 deya- tell 4auki - prof G.P. Zay-tsev) i TSentrallnoy nauchno- Issledovatellskoy laboratorii (zav. - dotsent E.M.Kogan) padiatriclieskogo fakultteta 11 Moskovskogo maditsinakogo inatituta. imeni E.IoPirocovao (IMIADRENAMI-E) (MIORPIIAGE) KAZAN TSEV) KHOVANSKAYA, M.G. Some indicators of changes in the s5mpathEtic-adrenal system during experimental surgery under Intratrachpal ether-oxygen and potentialized anesthesia. Eksper. khir. i anest. 8 no,3*.89-.92 My-Je 163 (MIRA 17:1) 1. Iz Moskovskoy kliniki obshchey khinirgii ( zav. - prof. G.P. Zaytsev) pediatricheskogo fakuliteta I Mentrallnoy nauchno- issledovatellskoy laborator-Ii ( zav. - dotsent E.M.Kogan) II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo institute. L; klifedry oj)jhCll('Y khLrul" I OV nau', pi KAZANMEV, F.N.,; NAKHROVA, Z.Vl .. . ................ Extornal respiratlon In scolionle. Ortoj~., t,,-avm. I protez. 25 no.5133-36 My 164. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Iz anesteziologicheskogo otdeloniya (ni,iovoditell - F.N. Kazantsev) Kazanskogo instituta tr,,tvmatulojjJ i ortopedii (dir. - starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik U.Ya.R-.gdun,)vicb). Adres avtorov: Kazan' 15, ul. M.Gorlkogo, d.3, Institut trumatologil i ortopedii. Content of catechol amines in thle Noo-j duriv ln~alftLion anf~-5theriu. Vest. khir. c~-" no.6:(4-68 Je 164. 18:51) 1. Iz kliniki obshchey kh1rurgrii (zav. - prof. G.' . 7aytoev) yediatri- cheskogo fahillteta i tsentrallnoy nauchno-issledovatellskoy labora- torii (zav. - dotsent E.M. KoEan) 2-go Moskovskoto medit~;inskogo insti- tuta imeni Pirogova (m](tor - dotsent 'M.G. Sirotkina). Adres avtora: Moskva, Pavlovskaya ulit&a, 25, 1,-yil gorodAupt bollnitsa, klinika obs,he~ey khlrurfli pediatricbesho-17o fa~.ullteta. S eX 5 sotmdrii4k U.Ya. KAZ,4N77SE.V, F.N. Chanpe in the concentrf-f-Ion of catechol aminen in the venmis blood of patients following surgery under syInal. anpqthcoia. Sov.,fted. 28no.12:101-106 D 165. WIRA 28:12) 1. Klinilka obshchey khirurgii. podia triche akogo faVul'teta (zav. - 1--r'. G.P.Zaytsev) i TSentralinayn nauchno-i-,sledo- vatelts~aqa laboratoriya (zav. - dotsent E.M.Kogan) II ' Moskovskogo mditsinskugo instituta Immi N.T.111rogova i Kazanskiy nauchno-issledovatel'sYly institut trav-mvitologil. i ortopedil. (direktor starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik IJ.Ya. Bogdanovich) Zc- XAZANTSEV, F.S., insh. Circuits for the switching on of fluorescent lampa in illuml- natIng devices. Svetntnkhnika 5 no.11:16-20 N '59. (MIRA 13.-2) 1. Chalyabinskiy institut meldanizatell I alektrifikataii, sel'skogn khozyaystva. (Fluorescent lighting) KAZAIITSLT, r.S., inzh. Ctuestions on the operation of a fluorescent lamp vith an active ballast. Svototekhnika 6 no.2:15-19 7 160. (MIIU 13:5) 1. Chelyabinekiy institht makhanizataii i elaktrifikataii sallskogo khozynystva. (Fluorescent la" ) K";LliTSEV. F.S.. inzh. Operation of fluorese.ent lamps with reduced ballast resistors. Svetotekhaika 6 no. 12:3-7 D 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Chelyabinskiy in6titut mekhanizataii i elektrifikatsii sell- akogo khozyaystva. (Fluorescent lamsp) KAZANTSEV, F. S. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Use of combination illumination in raising of vegetable seedlings." Moscow, 1961. 21 pp with diagrams; (Mos- cow Order of Lenin Agricultural Academy imeni K. I. Timiryazev); 180 copies; price not given; list of author's works on p 21 (10 entries); (KL, 7-61 sup, 237) ACC NRt AA602~;20 SIXJRCrCOI)2t-UR7Cf9~6[6-61066100~TVO f7/VO'l 7 AUTHOR: Ka ~.zantse, ~yj F. ~~ ; Golov, Ya. F. :TITLE: Operation of high-pressure gas-discharge lamps in circuits containing ballast Iresistors !SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elektrotekhnika I energetika, Abs. 5V89 iREF SOURCE: Uch. zap. Mordovsk. un-t, vyp. 30, 1965, 46-56 ITOPIG TAGS: high pressure -1a=;L. gas discharge's electric lamp, I 'i I ASTRACT: Operating conditions of a PRK-2 lamp working with a resistive ballast ~(a PZh-110 x 500 incandescent lamp or a wire rheostat) and with an inductive ballast 1wera experimentally investigated at a supply-voltage varying within 180--240 v. Thes iconclusions are reported: (1) The gas-discharge lamp and its circuit parameters sWostantially depend on the voltage waveshapo available; with a trapezoid-shape, the I current gaps drop to one-half and lower, which ensures much better parameters of both !the lamp and the circuit (P. f. a 0.88; restarting voltage is redikeed by 20A; tho tamplitude coefficient of the discharge current is lower than that with the inductive :ballast); this voltage waveshape occurs when the lamp is connected to a 3-Wire syst ithout neutral; (2) In a no-neutral circuit, stable operation of the F&K-2 lamp with ;w ia small resistive ballast causing a 15--20$ power loss is possiblei (3) The ballast ,,resistor should have an irrogularly.rising characteristic with a high temperature coefficient. Six figures. Four tables. Bibliography of 3 titles. I. Tikhomiroy I[Translation of abstract] [-C-,d 1/1 SU13 CODE: 09 UDGs 621.327.534.2. -77' M ARSrUTKIMp N.V.; DANIUM I S.P.9 Prinimali uchastiye; CHERNEE, B.P.,- M~pGjq KARASEYt.N.N.; VOROBIYEVp G.P. Lutomatic weighing of Dines brick material. Opeupory 25 no-11:497- 499 160. (MIRA 13:12) I* Pervoural'skiy dinasovyy savod, (Firebrick) (Weighing machines) S/1E2/G2/0C0/0l0/CC4/C04 D040/1,111.3 AUTINOAS: ',.Iatszgora, N.T., and Kazantsev, G.I. TITLZ: Lir~e bottems StanTcd in a. floating-punch die PZ;,'.I0DI0,ILL: Kimnachno-shtar-povoclinoye proizvodstv-o, no. 10, 19G2, 44' MXT: 7Lo &.-:--cribcd die set desi-nei by the authors permits stamping syl-crical steel. lad] - I-vittoms from single solid steel blanks (5300 um in diam and 42 m;-, thick) in a single stroke of a 15,000ton hydranlic press. Using this set'thc-~ sticking of ready starTings to the punch, as used to happen in starping bottoris from billets welded togetier from 6 stamped ed-c sections and a spheiical center portion, is elbuinated. The new die set has an up%&rd-moving botton. half, aill tl-.0 punch consists of a 200 ru-,i high cylindrical portion with a floating rin,. Vic bottom Eo 1,.alf -.:ovcs iip arul forms in-sequence the srherical. portior., the radIus and then the cylindrical ed-c of the bottom. On moving urwar3s,t!-.c botton d-'-- half presses a-ain3t the floating 4-ing and carries the latter upwards vit'-. it. At this Yroment,t]-.e. ready stu.-ping drops an the bottom Plate of the press. The die set is iliustrated and the staorpin'-' process described in detail. There are 3 figures. Card 1/1 MATSEGORA, N.T.; XVAMEVv G.I. Stanping large-size end plates in dies with a floating punch* Nuz.-ahtam.proizv. 4 no.10244 0 162. (MIRA l5sl2) (Sheet-metal work) SERGEYEV, MOP,, doktor tekhn. ndU~t KAZA inzh.; YANOVSKIY, F.V., inzh.; YAGODOV, O.P., lnzh.; YARYIN, A.A., inzh. Investigating the operating tension of the carrying system of-'%~- the S-1000GP tractor with the D-493 bulldozer. Stroi. i dor. mash. 10 no.91lEL-20 S 165. (MIRA 18:10) !.)9-6 5 EPA( )-21EI,'T(m) /EPF(c /17W A( d r Y?7~- 'A metal, Ifused ihlori ^p solutions of its trirh,,,iA~ t a ACCV SION NR: JVS007749 of 1: tbi-un, and cesilm and also eutect-c LiCl--KCI. T". diffuson co- ,effi(:ient of trivalent molybdenm was calculated 4icccrAing to I*rj,2 (equation 2 _G( 2=4- 3ap.S 1, cm2lsec !vhere! a is the concentration of molybdenum in weight A' tle- mcl-ecuIa7 j is the rtmnk-th of rijr-n~ ~IT, Tj p T-, '7 1 '7, ri t ii, i t- C, r ---I caticn r:;cli~ A' Ar : DN '-,r al sK i y politekhnichesiiv institut impn, PIM I 7E D 15 S12r, 6 EN C L,: 0 1 OTHER: C") 3 Ca,d EF 14 ACCESSION MR: APS007-7uo Fig- Cell f-)r Ard RASPOJI 1:1 UZAN ITSE", q-"iP=C'Y4t for the auto=~,-tjc Measurement Of electr de polarization during the electrolysis of fused halidev. Izv. vyj3. che. . za%,.; tsvet. met. 7 no.6:13~-139 164. 18:3) 1. 'U'ral'skiv Politekhnicheski- y inS41tjjt. A MALSHANSKIY, F.I.;-KAZANTSEVA; G.S. Method based upon biological principles for the transplantation of nerve trunks In extensive defects of them. Vop.psikh.i nevr. nevr. no.7:447-451 161. (MIRA 15t8) (NERVES-TRANSPLANTATION) ASTAY Y31V ro- Tof UZ MOU -4 -. G.Tt TSIBUL1811T. K.I.; SHCHMOV. D.P.1 SHKMNXOY0 I.T., redm0ff6r; MWATIVA, N.A.- BORISOV, A.B., takhalcheekly redaktor [Team and continuous work methods In chemical laboratories) Brigadno-potoohnyt astod. raboty v khisichaskikh laboratoriiakh. Trudy lab.geol.upr. no.2:3-47 1% (HIM 7:11) (Chemical laboratories) SHAYLIKOV, A.S.;_KAZEANTSEV, G.V.; PROSKURIN, N.Y.; RUSANOV, A.K., redaktor; STUAROVA, L. r; POPOV, N.D., takhnicheekly radaktor. r LWork practices in the spectrum analysis laboratory of the Geological Administration] Opyt raboty~ spektral'noi laboratorii geologicheskogo upravlenii.Hoskva, Gos.nax1chno-tekhn.izd-vo Ut-ry po geologli i okhrane nedr, 1954. 1954. 26 p. (Trudy laboratoril goologichaskikh upravlanii, trestov, skepeditaii i partii, no.5) (MLRA 10:4) (Spectrum analysis) (Chemical laboratories) DRYAG11i'A, ye. Effc~,t of ionizing radiations on the tubert5 and sv.,ds Of gladioli. Pauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol. nauki no.1:91-94 165. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy genet4ki i selektsii Moskovskogo gMudarst- vennogo universiteta. ANMSK1Y, L.; LIKHARRY, Bat SOLODARO, TS.; XAZABTMff. Y', red.; ZMAMOVAI Gap [Altai reporting; %Iteraturnaia geseta" In the virgin land, August-r*-ptember, 19593 Altaiskii, reportath; %itersturnaia gazeta" na teeline. avgust-sentiabrl 1939 g. Barnaul. Altaiskoe knishnoe Isd-vo, 1960. 197 p. (KMA 14:4) (Altai Territory-Description, and travel) KHUDYAKOVy Anatoliy YakOVlevich; KAZANTSEV .9 1., red.; ZHDANOVA, G_, tekl3n. red. [Work and wages in Soviet trade] Trud i zarabotnaia plata v sovetskoi torgovle. Barnau-1, Altaiskoe knizhnoeizd-vo, 1960. 37 pe (Wages-Retail trade) (KIRA 14.-:L1) NEYMARK) I * I a # prof * , red. ; KAWTSEV., 1. 1red.; MIDANOVA, G., tekhne red* (Problems in thoracic and abdordnal.uurgery; collection of works of the Altai Territory Surgical Society] Voprony grudnoi i briushnoi khi- =gii; abornik rabot Altaiskogo kraevogo asuchnogo khirargicheskogo obshchestva. Pod red. I.I.Neimarka. Barnaul, Altalskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1961. 455 P'6 (MIRA 14:12) 1. Altayskiy kray. Otdel zdravookhraneniya. (CHEST--MGERY) (ABDOM--MGM) .-KWANTSEvs- lop gvfla'dii PodpOlkov-nik 'vcVt 1 .0 "IVY' 11)tchik pervovo klasf5a landing on' another airport, Av. i kosm. 46 no.12:69-70 D 163. (MM 17:1) TYWANOV, Ifonotantin Ivanovicb; KAZANTSIT, I., red.; ZHDAXOYA# G.. tokhn.rod. [Retail trade) DDanichuds, torgoylia. Barnaul. Altaiskos knizhnoe isd-voo 1960. 31 P. (mmA 14:12) (Altai Territorr-Istall, trade) SATCIMKO, D.r.; _XBANTSJV,_I, red.; ZHDANOTA, G.. [Wholesale trade 1n the U.S,S.R,] OPtovala torgovIls, v SSSR, Barnaul, Altalsime knizhnoe izd~vo, 1960, 32 po (KnU 14t12) (Wholesale trade) KAZABT,~I~t I*A.; MANSUROV. G.Tu. Vallooff" Working conditions and morbidity among railway engine crave. Gig. i san. no.l2t42-43 D 154. Mm 8:2) 1. Iz laboratorii gigiyeny truda i promyshlennoy sanitarit doroshnoy sanitarno-epidemiologiabeakoy stantsil Kazanskoy zheleznoy dorogi. (INDUSTRIAL HYGINNE railway engineers working cond. & morbidity in Russia) (OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES railway engineers in Russia. relation to working cond.) 4 Il t: 11 u it 4 tf to 1 11 Zj 14 a M e fl~ a It 1- 1 _A-1. At 4 TWO ye. ft, 02porlocce with DMI atmul 008 tin fuMS 1.4 at the Kondatern quat 008 S- NO. fit. I-, "WOMIA), lite r"'Ute atilillirrm twitinatmi 1,v x. tw,, . - - i. deu Ittwd, TtK-,r aimmt-l, h&%, 0 IV or (01w," mfuvied in wt" l% thAt Ill, ILj WHY lhv oulptil %4 4"1%. 16111111 0 r 0 tualut per he. The atuvlltsvl~ give a SIr the dillue and a high Iwvd wf Imming. 1l 00 otic atomizer to amther it is r~-entnrnitv, "Iettliom W the atculluittl tut:214'. The 0 9 lw,"t tinthvVvIrlay 00 0.0lit ~Nl.lkxl ks. valum "m 10.11ilit Ill V,I% kit. w4liw lemon 4h,,t,v 1/ti mly l l %a jat 111111103 Oil 1%,- -- -- I-T-v u is &V .0 is A w so p 0 1? IV 0 :1 is 0 I : 0 0 000 0 00000 00 0 e X .10 M it 12 H U 0 le R 0 11 0 41 a j a I 1 1. 1 21 -00 the Mat -00 I K an, :.- 1w cam .90 64 'I'w kg .1114vilt'll W changuiS filmn =*O to drt. thr di. coo 'blvilid 1w "I Ill, Inlrof ill oil 1.4 600 a 00 see see we 0 a 0 0 TI4kl 611.1f.V We* 44.4st 0a 0%, ill 460 IF 1 111,171 JA 9 1 ill : It a 4 V) I do UO 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 9 a 0 0 0 0 0 00000 I D n is a it- 27 jS )v a 11 u It It 0 is 1, a p W 03 1 A I a F 1 9 W 11 It 11 IsIIfI A If. A L-L -1, A I A -L--A-A -1 A I-I-t-'T -1_1-0 Hoc 00 Af f6_7 1 ~EV 11, -~ - - fi POCK,."" .4.j. 00 Pifillf Of the Martin f-rnAce with cold coke gas. 1. G- o 0 a go 7'"tyuo Praki. Md. 1938. No. 9, 27-12: *0 81 ui ifiif 6 mn 8 is t he I nost mml,"isica I ftj,~j (I x t III kI At I 111 fusnam. A pm el the rimm hmt m.:i \ itp, III oo ISIVIOL11tirsical "AO Can 1W ust-tj f'W oth't jmfjh~m I Ilt- so use o( m4d coke gm loweril ouloakferably the expente of the 00 constmetion of diffem t puts of the equipment and sim- plifies the autonatic rifulation of the fumser. Italsoia- 66 a; I trusifift tbeprocaincreases the sishility of the lower 0001 part of the furnace. The high content of HIS (W g./cu. 1 m.), which Is a hindtoom to a wider use of the vold coke 00 W, can be removed. The technology of the purification of the gas has been developed in detaff for pas used in the synthesis of Nils. W. R. Ifenn 00 00 21 1: 1 at L a NITAWAMOCAL Llltt&VVQK CLASSIFICATION 8: ------- Ito- 9t a .90, a.. 041 L Islas US AV 00 is F II Zon 0 0000*00000 to 0 go 0 goo 1; -0 I JL -16 0 - -00 -00 -00 o 0 of .00 4,00 zoo ZOO !000 X&O 00 0 0 1,00 itloo WOO P.94 goo 0 go got 00 00 So* o 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 of 000 0 OA 09 *:Oo go 0 aw rn~ 000900*0009 0 4 to 11 111 T I? too a IL A-11, P A I MA W_ OOA -00 ~,7 #0"9 ItsI&No 1,110#1111, It '.tA. 000 C. :'0o i Tkw B"I ftp* to Opssl4bulh FursatteL L Kazantsey. 00 -W). (InBunian). Thrauthordreciil"' 0! (Stal, 1939, No. 9. lip. 25 oo~ the tl"ign of a dise-t pa temperature tkating device which onAbles '00 the determination o7 & heat trarifer In ity direction in the 00 0011. melting zone of an open-hearth furnace to made; from this '00 0 & .1 the amount (of beat abiterbetl by tile chArge can be ca)cu)&Wl. It -00 in ronch"194 thett in spite of the lintited refrtictorim4w of the furnam witilo, full uW Is not being made of the heat-tritititfe,r caliavity, the '09 prx)per exploit^tion of which wouhl more than double the 6mare "00 output. In addition to giving some experimental data, the author goo coroiders in detail the effect of the method anti rate of ch the litelting time, " well an the effect (if tilt, itiletts LTI. II; 000 its, oft ~ 00.3 anti tile rate of heating tip of the molten nitAill. Mva;iA of itirn-As- ing the thermal rAwity of an open-hearth furnave (e.g., by the coo removal of rellistAnves tAD flow in Hues, by flamo control anti by heat COO 004 inxidation) are dinctiewd. In this connection, reference is made to tilt% formation of fine slag duxt, which influences the wear of (II-t-tain pits-ts of the ftirnace. Stag pockets ahnuht remove dust Wee lew 1111111 1W) U in (lift. 1~300 goo 0-* 9 Itloo ISO* IS.'L- MIALLIAGICAL LIUMAU01 CLAISPIC4111016 boo boo 13L & 1 & -_ - -- - ____ -_ daik 9 W3"_.A S4110011 "it 0" QOL aglails.11 sit '- 01- *40'Q.V-M boo U a &I so isI _7 is -a i a- An A I a ?W 0 0 0 1 V so 9 ~04 3 ~Qq 40 ; 1M dii!; .40 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 * 0. 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 oooo::i:tooooooooooooooooo10000*00000000000000,4~ P17F.`~~ a Vj"~'Uf. 4V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 9 0 0-0 ATS 0 0 o 6 0 0 0 9 000 0 0 14 11 U It it 1. A-16 1; U i, if h if a 1. 1, 111 L-1 A I-L.t. 6a AA cc it U rogation and the carrying Along of -.00 #dCkYdduWI In the Martin furnace and the separation of such list. 1. G SlAnifty. 'TA'111NI if. No. x. =1 3 W(I 61CIle". /tRIP, 411: 1-( C. . I r? a_ 34, 07111. - ['he forinallno of filial In flip hIsitin fillo'lly 1. r%plitiord lit jillf to the blifinivil"m off of Imill.14414 fill charge at a result n( thermal olialne at nonottitomi triolm. After sueh pattivIn havv Iw" t4omml *till 4111, 11 111111111 olf(41 and ties art &.4111rd along With Ow Io. fit lent. (INOr vat%"% air also 4.411"41 itloll$ 1411h 1114. kk~ 00 a vollent. lhi% iht.t viontem. diffivultiv. sti'l ni'ver ltdittly .01l') '16.11 .06 NI%l). C*O Is XTrat dealt. Ali(% and Fv,0,, So),, ht-, Fe.0. and Nino. If the difficultly futible cmittiturnt% predominate. the dust may be solid t- the pirvailins %.I. =a* 0o .3 teenti. of 1700". As a rule, fInwriter, liquid particle, mv z0 o carried akmx which have a tham. of around WO m ] h, rZfent it) which line duo is vairini aLmin Is drill. bv life 0 0 *felt. (d dust but nor, to in the case of comrw dim. Its file 00 velocity of I he current of tat. At a w1mity of 141 1.5 m w. pdrilelos with diforns. of 0.5 41.7.4 non. am ram"I 00 siting. The wpn. of the dust depends ti;%)n 0% silhe,imi i., TOO *0 the lining ((41WHAII*Vill 111CCItWoffille dU-0 and thc oo- liner assiml the marface an well 4% the 111rholvil'y ,I file zo o gas ~mmvit and I he disin. of the flue thitmigh A ht~ It if k% goo pax-inS. About 40%, of the dust was found to settle out in the regenerator: 30% settled at a bend whese tilt gas .00 current changed direction. 0 and 901~ %voiltA tin tht, 00 vri lical anti horlsoolol moffives, M%11.' of Wirem'W (4111ce- t'". _t oil t" 11- '14"vitm A '4 0 0 $.I., Plimiph-,* I.w file a %1*11111 hoome 00 mv wocked out -in tile bitm. of tbv~, ihoorluAl oitiodon. 06, - '*. ISO 9 A t -I a N 0 1 W to if o I- a ii, U a AV No it.; c) is it et at K n it a w u it at K Kul A I ! to "A 1 0*00000000*0000000000ooo:ioooooooooooooooooo 0 00 000 00 go 0 0 a 0 0 0 * 0 so rip JA 9 It )1 14 11 M is b# V 10 31 4 a J1 a a a ace, I r 4 a I.-L. _X_.L_j -A; 6 At IV 7 .1 T1W M,CIIANICS OF T117 GAS STRPAX IN THF BATH OF A B731DIER C ON VE ~ T F K .1. IssontseY4, pp, 16.18)0 *0 Russian). The akltho~'Ia~izs Wihomatioally a dIvIonsionless ex e9 pression for the ratio WXA, *her* Wx is the salial velocity of the air stream in the medium at a distance x from the nossle, and we to the axial velocity at the mouth of the nossle. Some cumarla&l 00 results for the oxpression wers, obtained experi-montally by measur- no* :0 ing the velocities of' air streams In water anti mercury, the air stream *00 beinr blown In at the vottom of the container hollint th- liquid.In the oas: or mercury, evidence was obbalood showini- that a lares, 0o0 number or droplets of metal were carried by the air stream inside .00 the liquid.- The conditions under which Vao air s roan will carry use the liquid away with It above the surface of the liquid are also con- see sidered. The conclusions are that in a converter the amount of ds* metal throw out by the air stream will be less the smaller the fee*, diameter or the nestle and the deeper the bath. The degree of gem of the blast in th- oonvertor, ard cord utilisation or the ovy 64 sequently the spsedlof the process, will be greater the smaller the WINN.- %fee cad 4341110-C et 4.9 414 t U U AV 10 i, 0 0ON .334 V &11044 wells *011 41XMWA Ik4 01-0 -0 -0 : : : 41 0 a 0 0 0 46 0 41 * ft d11L 0 0-9 1W "jo 40 00 0000000 000 ij-9 eL-R- 00 00 00 of 09 00 go 00 00 0 00 00 go go 00 value of VVx at the surface of the bath. suitable valut of the ratio of the depth of of Vio mottles would be 50-60 instead of the present. This would pomit tLe speed of Us the nottles to be reduced from 300 to 250 m. Impairint, the efficiency of the reaction or motal 0 :0 so 00 so so It is a-irgested that a the metal to the diamter 00 value of 25-30 used at go blast at Ue ends of 00 per sec. without 00 the oxygen with the 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 00 6 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 96 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 so 0 0 o 0 0 a 0 0 o 0 SOV/ 137-58-9-18587 'rranslation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, p 59 (USSR) AU*rHORS: Kazantsev, I.G., Kuznetsov, A.F. 0- Am TITLE: Open-hearth Furnaces of the "Azovstal' " Plant Operate on a Coke Oven-gas Mixture With Refined Gases or Gases Contam- inated With Sulfur (Rabota martenovskikh pechey zavoda "Azovstal' 11 na koksodomennoy smesi s neochishchennym i ochishchennym ot sery koksovyrn gazom) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Zhdanovsk. metallurg. in-t, 1957, Nr 4, pp 11-29 ABSTRACT: The authors examine the effect of S contained in cast iron and in the fuel material on the S content in the metal during smelting, as well as on the duration of the melting period. Graphs are shown which illustrate this relationship. It is pointed out that the S is introduced into the fuel by the coke gas (CG) which contains up to 20 g of S per cubic ineter. Calcula- tions are presented which take into account the fact that 50"/'o of the S from the fuel are deposited in the checker work, a cer- tain amount of the S from the fuel being oxidized to S02, and Card 112 demonstrate that the gaseous phase of the open-hearth furnace SOV/ 137-58-9-18587 Open-hearth Furnaces of the "Azovstall " Plant (cont.) contains 0.25% of SOZ by volume if the furnace operates on sulfur-bearing coke-oven gas, and 0.12% if the furnace operates on a refined and preheated gas mixture. The refining of the GG is accomplished by the arsenic-soda method in special sulfur - collecting devices capable of reducing the S content of the CG from 20 to 3.5 g/m3. A sulfur balance for smelting of steel in open-hearth furnaces of the "Azovstal' 11 plant is shown. IL reveals that the S passes from slag into the gas at a rate of O.IZ kg/m?- hr in the case of unre- fined GG and O.Z4 kg/m2hr in the case of refined gas. The employment of the method of desulfurization of CG makes it possible to utilize slags with lower ;.Llkalinity for processing of cast iron containing up to 0. ljo of S in open-hearth furnaces without impairing the quality of the process. M. Kh. 1. Open hearth furnaces--Operation 4. Coal gas--Properties 2. Fuels--Performance 3. Sulfur--Effectiveness Card 2/2 DANIKRSLrA, A., doktor, inzh.; MIMUYLOY, O.A9, kand. to)&Ln, nauk; GONCHARWOg N.I#; XLDUSI=g LPS9; OTES# Gal*, prof,, doktor tekhn. nauk; SBREOW, F.P.; MOROZOV. A.N.,'prof., doktor teWm. nauk; GLINKOT, M*A*, prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; K&WTS]ff, I.G., prof., doktor takhn. nank; KOCRO, V.S., prof., doifo--r-tieldini-.-nauk; ENEWH, Sh., kaiid. +ekhzL. ioauk; Ka=J=ITp LoL, kand. tekhn. nauk' GURSKIT, G.V.; SPAWSKIYO.T.G.; NOVII, Lif.. kand. tekhh. Z;Z stareldy nalwhMy ootrudnik; SHNIYEROV, Th.A., )mnd. teMin. nank; PAPUSH, A.G., Imnd. takhr. nauk; MAZOV#,V.P.1 SAMARIN, A.M. Discussions. Riul. TSNII= no.18/19.-17-35 157. (MM- 11:4) 1. GlavvW7 staloplavillshchik Ministerstra metallurgioheskoy pro- myshlennosti i ruAnikov Chekhoslovatakey respubliki (for Danikhalks.). 2. Direktor TSentrallatgo Instituta informatsii chernoy metallurgil, (for Mikhaylow). 3. Direktor Ukrainakago institute. metalloy (for Goncharenko). 4. GlavW7 staleplavil'shchik rusnetskogo, metallurgichealcogo kombinata (for nimasonko). 5. Zave- dWwhehiy kafedroy metallurgii stali. MoskoTskogo instituta stali (for Oyke), 6, Zamestitell glavnogo 1whenera zavoda im. Serova (for Semenanko), 7. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy, metallurgii stall Chel,vabinskogo politekimicheskoga instituta, (for Morozov). 8. zave- duyushchiy Imfedroy metallurgloheakikh pechey Mbekovskogo institute, stall (for Glinkor), 9. Za:roduymshchiy kafedroy metallurgii stall Zhdanovskogo metallurgicheskogo institute, (for Kazantsev). 10. Zave- duyushohly kafedroy metallurgii stall Kiyevskogo politekhnicheakogo instituta (for XDoho). (Continued on next card) DANIIHIT&A. A, (continued,) Card 2. 11. Nachallnik takhaicheek-og-i otdola Minlaterst-ra, chernoy metal- lurgii Vengerskoy Narodnoy Rempublik-I (for &akeah). 12. Zamq- stitell direktora Novotullskogo metallurgichookogo zavoda (for GurskiY), 13* Naohallrik tekhnicheskogo otdela zavoda "Dnepro- "tastall (for Speranakiy). 14. institut metallurgii im. Bavkova AN SSSR (for Novik). 15. Wchalla!k staloplavillnoy laboratorii Ukrainskogo Institute, metallov (for Shneyeror). 16. Nachallnik laboratorii po nepreryvnoy razlifte stalt Zhdanovskogo filials. Mentrallnogo nawhnc-issledovate'Llskogo institute, HinistaratTa stroitallnoy prowlehlennosti (for Phpush). 17. Nachallnik marts- novskogo teekha zavo& "Zaparozhemll" (for Ma=v). 18. Zemesti- tell direktora Institxea metallurgii im. Baftava, AN SSSR, chlen- korrespondent AN SSSR (for Sama,-,in). (S'weel-.-Metallurgy) S " ". , /.1 -:7,6 - ~" -,(/30 AUTIHORS: Leparskiy, V.V. , Petrov, 3.3. nn,~ 1'resnyakov, V.M. Engineers, Kazantsev, I.G. Professor TITLE: Mass Production of Semi-killed Steel for Manufacturing Mine Supports (Massovoye proizvodstvo poluspokoynoy stali d1ya shakhtnogo-krepleniya) PERIODICAL: Stal' , 1958,16rir 8, pp '/02 - 706 + 1 plate (USSR) ABSTRACT: Experience gained in the lare;e-scale production of semi- killed steel for rollinG profiles for the manufacture of mine supports Js discussed. For a lon6 time, a killed L steel. St5, was smelted for the purpose (GOST 380-50). In oraer -'.-,o increase the *ld of rolled products in 1955, the above steel was replaced by a semi-killed steel of the following composition: C 0.28-0.37%, Si - traces, Un 0.70-1.105o, S 40-055, P