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KUAK07SKlY. D.A., Prof. Rocks Rack dtspl~irfjiwAtv in uxin-rraurd minlar, of rol.11 r1ello,15.0. Uroll ?" Rn, 9, 1?5', Monthly List of Russian Accessioas, Library of Congress, December 1952, Unclassified. KAZAKOVSXIT, D.A., p:rofesoor, doktor tekhnioheskikh nauk. [Shifting of the earth's surface caused by mining operations] Sdyi- shenie samnol poverkhuostl pod vIllanism gornykh ratrabotok. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1953. 226 p. NM 6:12) (Mining engineering) (rarth movements) Y.) OMICHRIKOF A.R., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk, radELktor; AVERSHIN, S A. 0doktor takhnichookikh nauk, profensor, redaktor; Q7AKOVSX7Y, D.A..; doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, professor, radaktor; 2HM tr.'17', kandidat tekhnicheekikh nauk, radaktor; KIKIFOROV, B.I., dokt,Dr takhnicbeekikh nauk, professor, redaktor; RODKIVICH, D.V., kandIdit takhnicheakikh nauk, redaktor; TIMCFEM, B.I.. gorrWy inthisner, redaktor; SLLVMOSOV, A.rh., re&aktor; SHPAK, Te.G., tekh-aicheskiy redaktor [Stulies in siurveyingi rseledovanl~t* po voprosam marksheiderskoeo dala. Hoskva,-Uglatekhizdat. No. 27- 1953.'594 p. [Microfilm), (MIRA 8:7) 1. Leningrad. V*sesayuzrg7 nauchno-looledovat all skiy markobeyder- sidy institut. (Mina surveying) V. KAZAKOVSKIY, D.A., professor, doktor tekhnichookikh nauk. I Using otatistical data for evaluating the precision of deposit estimates. Trudy VNIMI no.29:169-198 154. (MIMA 8:3) (Mines, and mineral resources-Statistics) Y., J~ - 1. J') Y" -u , S'K . 1I%) . -0 - rA 19PA KIYV D*A., prof., dok-to*r tekhn. nauk. .1,11"i.ia.;iA~- * - Use of statistical formilas In ovaluAting the accuracy of estimtes of ore deposit reserves. [?nWyl VNIKI no-31.139-148 157. (Ore&--Sampling and estimation) (MM 1121) (Mathematical statistics) Some remarks on P.L. Kallistovie article "Variation in mineralization and spacing of observation points In prospecting and sampling" (Sovetskaia geologiia, K0.53, 1956). Sov, geol, noo62:166-169 '57, Ounk 11:6) l.Lenindradskiy gornyy institut. (Prospecting) (Mineralogy) BAKINOV, G.P.; BOX'IT, B,V,; BOKIT, O*Be; BORISOYS A,A*; BORISOV, Dd,; VAYPOLIH, A.F.; GAIAYBY, N.Ze; GOIA)VIN, G,M,; GOHOD3TSKIT. P.I.; DUBRAVA. T.S.; MOTAM, N.D.; A L.N.; KOMaOVt V.B.; KAKMOp Te.Ta.; WSNIi~ P.I.: PISKUHOY. I.Nq SMWSXIT, V.N.-, KRANUKAYNV. A.N.; SHABLYGIN. A.I.; POPOV, Val. Aleksandr Mikballovicb, Aliamakii; an obituary. Gor. zhur. no.2: 76-77 158. (MIRA 110) (Aliamakii, Aleksandr Mikhallovich, d, 19.57) KAZUOVSKIY, Gr - R.A,, prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; KRW.OV, A., dots., kanC.telbn. nu ; GURIIT, A.A., kand.tekhm.nauk Use of acouatical equipment for solving of mine surveying problems. Nauch.dokLvys.ehkoly; gor.delo no.2:85-91 159. (MIRA 1?:7) (Mine surveying) (Ultrasonic waves--Industrial applications) KAZAKOVEKIT, Dmitrly Antorovich, prof., doktor takhn.nauk; AVERSHIN, doktor *akhn.neuk-, BELaLIKOV, Antonin Nikolayevich, dotsent, kand.tekhn.neuk; GUSEV, Mikhail Iosifovich, dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk; ZDAHOVICH. Vyachealav Grigorlyevich. prof.. doktor tekhn.nauk: KROTOV, Gavriil Alskseyevich, dotsent, kand.takhn.nauk; LAVROV, Vladimir Nikolayevich, kand.tekhn. naut; LZBEIIEV, Kirill Kikhaylovich, assistent; PTATLIN, Mikhail Petrovich, dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk; STININ, Nikolay Ivanovich, assistent; BUKRIKKIT, V.A., otv.reds; SLAVOROSOV, A.Kh., red,izd-va; ALADOVA, Tv,L,,-, KOROVENKOVA, ZJ., (Mine survoying] Marksheiderskoe delo. Moskva, Ugletakhi--dat, 1959. 688 p. (MIRA 13:11) (Mine surveying) WAKOVS IY - D,,,k,, prof.~~&07-, dote.; GURICH, A.A., kand.tekhn. - - nauk I Use of sound ranging for the solution of geological and mine surveying problems. Gor.zhur. no.9:7D-71 S 6o. (MIRA 13:9) (Mining geology) (Hine surveying) KAZAKOVSKIY, D.A., prof. Determination of the mean of second differences in 4alculating relative change in the characteristics of a depos#* Izvevys, uchebezavo; gorozhur. no.4:81-86 160, (KIM 14:4) 1. Leningradakiy ordena Lenina i ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Inameni gornyy institut imeni O.V.Plekhanova. Rekomendovana kafedroy markshfjyderskogo dela. (Mines and mineral resources) VA~ M-5 KAZAMVSKIT, D.A., Prof. Present day methods of mine surveying. Izv. vys. ucheb. sav.; gor. zhu:r. no.12:39-42 160. WRA 14,1) 1. laningradikiy ordena Lenina i ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo, Znameni gornyy institut imeni G.V. Plekhaaova. Rekomendovana kafedroy marksheylerskogo, dela leningradekogo Cornogo instituta. (Mine surveying) KAZAKOKKII,.-D.A., prof.1 KROTOV, G.Ap doteentl GURICHO A.A.p kand. tekbn. nauk Use of sound-fixing apparatum in dredge workin 0. 3:zv. Be ucheb* zave; gore zhur. no.6:40-48 161. IMIRA 16:7 1. Leningradakiy ordena Lenim i ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni 1:orny7 inatitut ivani GeV. Plakhanova, Rakomendovana k&fedroy markBheyderskogo dela.. (Mine eurveying-Equipment and supplies) (Sound-Equipment and supplies) KAZAKOVSKIY, D.A., prof. Errors in analogy in calculating reserves of mineral deposits. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. 5 no.1:66-73 '62. (KRA 15:4) 1. Leningradskiy ordena Lenina i ordena Trudovogo Kraonogo Znameni gornyy institut imeni G.V.Plekhanova. Rekomendovana ~afedrojr marksheyderskogo dela Leningradskogo gornogo instituta. (ures-Sampling and estimation) TAZAKOVSKIY, D.A., prof.; GURICH, A.A., dotsent; ARANOVICII, V.B., i-nzh.; Use o*l sonar in mining. Gor. zhur. no.6:58-62 Je 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. IA)r3ingradskiy gornyy institut. (Mine surveying) (Sonar) LEIJPUVSKIJ, A.I. (laypunskiy, A.1.1; BLOCHINCEV, D.I. [Blokhintsim, D.I.1; ARISTARCHOV,, I.E. [Aristarkhovp BONDAREVKO, I.I.; nUCKOVSKIJ, O.D. Kam*ovskiyp 0~.~Djj _PINCWIK, H.S.; R -;-m a. ; STUMBUR, E.A.; STAVISAKIJP Juoja* tavie~lffy '. . UKWINGEV, F.I. [Ukraintsev, F.I.i; USACEV, L.V. (Usachev, L.E.); MEDONOS, S. [translator] Soviet -mcperimental reactor with fast neutrons BR-2. Jaderna, energie 3 no.8:231-233 Ag 157. VEZ M=M11. VAtrkh"t-, ISM It'lal"ns fro' tq" 217, 2, For ForiLatent the of the P'..r, ' CC th U f t PZU IV K U i f ; RS1011 O o e ova or. of t0# he . (At onary Me C lff H T of the ransport mad ~rxtrs UnI.-n) t9hMay Moo-, T..t.Lb P-yot, 1 9. or. LO, pr 1-5 MONCO., SPOko Of owcholnitatton &no oreanizaTlon or Otk lot the OPP. A.A. 1raz&kOT,%&r_T a. chairman f the I ~ no _ rose lan ropuel-T ~,& a: -- . T N, ties I !-~st Competition in t 0 CO-lin !N p _ G ri"W47- ____ c-4-~Zfer1rMcee t-! -- %4 ; anj iMvsatOrs, 98 w&LI as so.tinge of the chalr P.- f mom 0 pe production emforences. -ore to bw he ra n l an id th this yoar Zo r e purpose, of gooll n9 experience. S.P. AMI'SoTich, c of the '.11 , reported on the work of XLa1 .. ..1L1 - communications techniques, SPOCLIL- caLly a conowmi,-ationa System on coaxial end balanced 04b'oo , modernization of 24--channel apparatus. a eystog .1 multiplexing radio-reLmy lines. and the Use of %ran- ollstorm In coommontications equipment; be natwl that the KR-60 apparatus sea awarded a prize at the Brussels Lx. position; the Lastituto has developed one, equipment for t4eL*graphLc. photatolo and Later-city telephone ard 7/1 chief or the mcocow Poo% vrricot spoke an post offico werk, and cochA0199 AOn at t ho TaXII tun no low P.C.; Without tba belp of T.S115, % 0f, at: 7 soea 'Z: M.L. Fua "siX'.ZjOU of the vi.i 11 Comm=icati of the U312. be said, the problem o con I ' mCloo of the Poet Office cannot be , Glvd plax nochann c swab remains done in this respect. 00 also sent I.- be a" Panforovare"h2or at the Klyov RR station (No go") raty minister of corx=lcatlono of the rAtbuani&n 5U. spoke an several aspects Of cOcLauAlc&- tions work in Utbuizala; by 2961, ho said. telephone tion, bet.400 T11-- mad Kenn" should be su- t.U. - mid by %be end of tbg seven-year plan 40-" : public's eowo=Lcstlona f^cjIltive should be of the tomostion Of up to 92% of municipal t&40- antonsailed; ph=* tat (M) can be aclsiev*d two years earlier L..r Man savisaged Lm the esToo-year, plan'. a sufficient qu"tity of aml~tjplatjug equipmoot x,ost be manufactured Card 9/10 hy CMffTZ.. be anted t3mt O,cnoorajon of GT`J equipment in YLImlas and I!- man nge.saw" to adopt it for use 'r u with rural AT3ZqillPment: rChR apparatus, for rad1ofjc&_ Atofic.- Of 71-Ilad . a" &-130 canvartod. A.K. Churomk", obw&2.rn" of the Koscow Municipal Trade Union ComzIttee ' spoke Of Lncro&**4 obli"tians, taken on by leadimg cal- I"tiT99 Of the Central Telegraph Office of the -ZZZR. the TaUT3 (Central Inter-city Telephone Station). the Zookovskays. dLrvktalya radjoevywal I r&4toT~shchn=n1?& (saga" R44'_0 Communications and Bro4dcao-lag Duard~ the Mookovskoy, uprawlenlye p~revozkL pochty (Moscow Postal Transport Adulais%rat' on) end the '.&,ad T01B (TarD Works) , mentioned are Varonov, tarolina, and Res_ katayo,., 11r1g"9 I*"*" of the Central Telegraph Cf- fie*. rho nork of the Xcocow Poet Office and particular- ly Sairnov, chlof of the Poet Office, is critIcLood. t - T , 4.pa4 &Ln-'ster of communications of the of the "ca-elty for improving the prp, ation or o"bino operator and for the Tog I- Card 9/20 to speed up deve1c;Urzt 2f moc4mLnjA,&-Ioa I ZHURIA11FLI, A.I., kand. ekonem. nauk"AZAKOVVEV, N.M.; SIDORCVICH, Ye.A., inzh.; KOZHF,VNIKOV, Ye.N., inzh.; RAZUVAYFV, A.S., inzh. Improvoment of the economic work in stations. 7lial. dor. transp. 47 no.3-.69-72 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Nachallnik proizvodstvenno-tekhnicheskogo otdela stantsii Novosibirsk-Glavnyy (for Kazakovtsev). KAZAKOVTSEV) V.S.; GUTCHIVA, E.Ya., red. [in.-triunnnt for control] 1nBtrument upi-avloidi". 1,110- skva, SovAskua radio, 1965. 91 p. (111itA 16:9) RR 73-3-15/24 AUTHOR: Tsimmergakl, V. A# and Kazakovtseva, T. D. TITIE: Polarographic Determinaf-i6xi-bf-lead and Thallium in Indiua. Polyarograficheskoye Opredeleniye Svintsa i Talliya v Indii). PERIODICA.L: Ukrainskill Xhimicheskiy ZhuTmal, 1957, Vol. 23, No.3, pp - 367-375 (USSR) - ABSTRACT: Tndium, can be determined by direct polarography, by using ammonium citrate, if the lead content exceeds O.OlVo. Preliminary concentration of the lead is necess- ary at a lower lead content, by dissolving the fused indium. in a concentrated zinc chloride solution by using Hyl. Under these conditions 0.001% lead can be deter- mined in a 5 g indium. sample. Diagram 1 gives curve of a solution containing in a 10 ml sample 0.52 g indium, 0.2 mg lead, 0#5 mg thallium, 1.5 g glycerine and 2 g Na0H. The curve shows well-defined sections for each element in alkaline solutions. However, in slightly acidic media based on chlorides, nitrates and chlorates the curve-sectioti of lead merges with the section of the indium. if the latter is in excess. The lead-wave is better defined in sulphates due to the supression of the WELve of indium. The authors proved that ammonium citrate Card 1/3 solutions gave the best results. Figare 2 shows the 73-3- 15/24 Polarogi-aphic Determination of lead and Thallium. in Indium. polarographic curves of solutions containing indium, when A and Ou were added and varying quantities citric acid. On comparing the 2 curves it can be seen that the addition of 3 g citric acid (instead of 2 g) reduces the Ou- vi-ave by 181,.S and the Pb- wave by 255- It suffices to introduce 2 s of citric acid to maintain 1 g indium in sliShtly acid, neutral and alkaline media. A table gives data on the halfwave potential of solutions prepared by 10-3 dissolving 5 g of indium (the concentration == 1 - 3 x W). pH of the solution = 5.3 - 5.4. The polarographic curves of some metals when 0-5 g indium. is present in a 10 ml sample.are shown in figure 3. Figure 4 gives the polarographic curves of: 1) 0-5 g indium when 2,'4 mg Hg is added; 2) of pure indium (0-5 g in 10 m11). Thallium can be separated from indium by mixing the same with SnC1 (cone.). The extracted thallium can be determined pola~ographically- 0.001,ov can be determined in 10 g of - re 5 gives the polarographic curve of thallium extracted with SnC1 from 5.88 g indium containing 1-55 ml Tl. It was shown t?at 95 - 98~,o T1 can be extracted. ~1 A method for concentrating lead and other metals in indium, Card 2/3 is described. 5 - 7 ml of 75% ZnC1 2 solution and 5 g 73-3-15/24 Polarographic Determination of lead and Thallium in Indium. indium were heated until the metal melted. Then small quantities of cone. HCl were added. InCl and small quantities of InCl were fomed, as well a~ a small deposit Indium, hydroxide. The solution was acidified and heated to dissolve the hydxo3dde. Figure 6 gives the polarographic curves obtained during the determination of Pb in indium when using the above described method of concentration. The Pb-wave has increased 8-fold but the half-wave poten- tial remains constant. A 0.0051,;1 sensitivity is achieved in this test when reagents, not containing lead, are used. There are 6 figures, I table and ? references, 4 of which are Slavic. SUBULVED: October, l?, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR. (Institut Obshchey i Neor- ganicheskoy Khimii AN USSR). AVAIIABa7 ',library of Congress, Card 313 FIYTELI SON, I. (Riga) t. KUkKSq K. (Riga) Dete:mination of the molding properties of concrete mixtureso In Rassian. Vestis Latr ak no.5:55-60 160. (EM 10:7) 1. Akademiya nauk Latviyakoy SSR, Institut stroitel'stva i arkhitektury. (concrete) KAZAKU, K.Andreyan S!Lmion Stoilow; an obituary. Usp.mat.nauk 17 no.1:135-148 Ja-k '152. (MIRA 1-5:3) (Stollow, Simion, 1887-1961) 2 AUTHOR: Kazaku, Kabiriya Andreyan SOV/20-126-2-2/64 TITLE: On Quasiconformal Mappings PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1959,Vol 126,!1r 2,pp 235-238 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Let G be a domain of the Riemannian surface R. Let ~K) be a family of rectifiable Jordan curves on G. Let the quasiconformal mqing 5 = f(z) defined in G belong to the class 0 with respect to K3 if there exists a constant I and a schlicht quasiconformal mapping z* = %P(z) of G with the following properties: 1.z*=,f(z) has the same field of infinitely small ellipses as f; 2. 1(K*)4 < d21 (K), where K* is the image of K for the mappinp P and 1(K) and l(K*), respectively, denote the extremal lenFths of the families (K) and ~K*j, respectively. The author considers certain subclasses of the class 0 and fo-- them he generalizes a series of classical results. There are Card 1/2 Cn quasiconformal Mappings SOV/20-126-2-2/C4 numerous overlappings with results already known. The author mentions M.A.Lavrentlyev, L.I.Volkovyskiy, Luzin, and Privalov. There are 6 references, 2 of which are Soviet, 2 French, I Swiss, and I Japanese. ASSOCIATIO'r:Institut matematiki Akadomil nLuk RIM, Bukhareat, Rumyniya (Institute of Mathemall-ics AS Roumanian Republic, Bucharest, Roumani.a) PRESENTED: January 2, 1959, by IT.A.Lavrentlyev, Academician SUBEITTED: December 27, 1958 Card 2/2 P/021/6-11/000/003/001/002 L)263/D301 AUTHOR. Zielifiski, Jerzy, Janusz, and ancisvek, Masters of irigineering TITU,; Lstimation (if insulating In-opertica of 10911 voltage switches P1-,RIObIGAL: Przeglad elektrotechniczny, no. 3, 1 962, 91-98 TLXT: The authors present a procedure and results of the statistical analysis of' high voltage switches conducted in the Department of High Voltage Technique at the Institute of Electrotechnics in Warsaw in 1957. 57 High voltage switches belonging to 28 types were tested according to the requirements of various standards (Ref. 1: PIN-GO/E-05001; Ref.2: P'N/E- 06100; Ref. 3: PKN/E-05001; Ref.4: Publ. 71 - Directives pour la coordina- tion de llisolement, Comniission 6lectrotechnique Internationale). The analysis comprised the requirements stated and defined by the authors by the following coefficients; Impulse coefficient, electric asymmetry co- efficient, rod-to-carth and rod-to-rod insulation co-crdination index, Card 1/2 P/021/62/000/003/001/002 Estimation ~-r insulating propertieS... D265/D301 insulation surplus index and the insulation exploitation coefficient. The definit-tons and test procedures are described for each case and the results pretiented on the curves of probability of the occurrence of given faults, and on gz-.q)hs showing the actual tested results against require- ments. The conclusion is drawn that the gradually applied voltage test is not conclusive without the breakdown test. Low asymmetry coefficients and small insulation exploitation indices are revealed in switches of manufacture. Complete redesigning of switches would be necessary if absolute coordination of rod-to-rod and rod-to-earth insulation were to be observed'6 There are 11 figures, and 10 references: 7 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the t;nglish-langUage publication reads as follows: H. Daatz, Comparative Impulse Tests on Rod Liaps, (un- published material of the Research Coitunittee, no. 8, CIGRE, 19(il). ASSOCIATIO14: Instytut elektrotechnild, zakXady ---rysokich napiet', (The Institute of Electrotechnics, Der tment of High. Voltage Techniques) Card 2/2 ZIELDISKI, Jerzy Januszj, mgre inze; KAZAIA, "cdozek, mgr. inz. Indicators for the evaluation of insulation properties of high-voltage owilich gear* Przegl elektrotechn 38 no*3:91-98 Mr 162, 1. Instytut Mektrotechrd1d,, 'Warszawa.. Zaklady Wyookich &piec, XAZAIMOV, H. over the expenditive of wage funds In the coal Industr7. Dan. I kred. 16 no,5:33-35 My 158. (MIRA 11:6) (Ultraine-Cloal mines and mining) (Wwo) A- XAZALWTOV, N. 14 no,31 Credits and payments in the potroleum inOustry. Don.i kred. 17-23 Mr 156. MU 9:7) (Petroleum industry-Finance) (Banks and banking) KAZALETOV, M. Why the wool factories of Bryansk Province dont't make payments to the budget. Den. i kred. 21 no.9:36-39 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) KAZALETOV, M.; TAFLYA, 1. Direct payments in business enterprises. Den.i kred. 19 no-5: 18-2,1; Yq 161 (MIRA 14:5) (Payment) (I=ber tra4e) (Coal trade) DASHUNIN, VJI.; MAMA, R.V.; KAVAUEJOVA, G.A.; BLUR, V.N. [deceased] Substituted lactones and their transformations. Part 3: Hydroge- nation of the aromatic ring in a -arylalkylidene butyrolactones. Zhur. ob. UJM.34 no.9:3096-3101 S 164. (MIRA 17: 11) I. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskikh i naturalInykh dushistykh veshchestv, Moskva. KAZALIEV, Georgi A well conducted seminar with the chemistry inspectors. Biol i khim 7 no. 3t62-64 164. 1. Teachers College, Smolyan. KAVJ-SIU, L. Tasks of political leadership In plants of the motor industry according to resolutions of the 9th Plenwa of the Central Comnattee of the Polish United Workers Party. p. 65. (TECIINIKA LOTORYZACYJNA, Vol. 11, Vo- 3, Mar. 1954, Waru.awa, Poland) SO: lionthly List of Ea3t biropean Accessions, (EM), M, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl, KAZAIZKI, L. Rev-Lsion of piece rates and now wages in the motor industry based on achicvements of 193,3. p. 98. (TECIMMU IOMRYZACYJI,'A, Vol. 4, Iqo. 4, Apr. 1954, WTarszawa, Poland) SO: Nonthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 3, 11o. 12, Dec. 19yi., Uncl. KAZALSKI) L, j --,- ,,, '. :: ~ 11 1: New m6thods of planning production and work in the Polish machine industry. Pod org 17 no. 12: 570-571 D 163. .. , - ~&% L iIP849-66 EWT(OVIEWNI) IJPW BG ACC HR. AP6004550 SOURCE CODE: UR/0103/66/ooo/001/0062/0073 AUTBA: Kazamarov, A. A. (Moscow); Rodnyanskiy, L. 0. (Moscow) 35 ORG: None TIM': The theory of two-dimensional automatic control systeJwith modulation SOUR(M- Avtomatika i telemekhanika, no. 1, 1966, 62-73 TOPIC TAGS: automatic control, automatic control theory ABSTEACT: A. A. Krasovskiy (Avtomatika I telemekhanika, t. SVIII, No 2, 1957; Ibid., t. XXI) 'No 9, 1960) studied two-dimensional *automatic co_ntxQj_z_yjt='fj with identical channels and antisymmetric cross connections by means of complex transfer functions assuming that the modulation frequency greatly exceeds the eigen,frequencies'of the controlled'plani. However, in many cases of practical interest this assumption is not valid. The present authors discuss the same prob- lem concerning linearized two-dimensional systems and establish in complex co- ordinites the equation of a closed two-dimensional system with signal modulation. The derivation takes Into account the nonstationary features introduced by the demodulation process, but the equations are reduced to a steady state form. The author establishes the conditions under which6+-he syaluation of the nonsteady Card 1/2 UDC: 2-5 0 777777 L i j?849-66 ACC NR: AP6004550 0 stato of the demodulater becomes necessary. This nonsteady state limits the., value of the Q-factor of the systeA. Orig. art. has: 69 formulas and 6 figures. SUB IVDE: 13 SUBM DATE: 25Dec64 ORIG REF: 005 ANTSMROV, M.S., kand.fiziko-matematicheskikh nauki KA44MOV,.Yu G.P inzh.; KACHANOVA, N.S., PERMERZEV, L.B. S~ShG-l and ShShG-2 mine geophones for use in boreholes. Nauch. soob. IGD 17s135-140 162. (MIRA 16:7) (Geophona) IDBASHOVV K.A.; ALANOVA, T.G.; SOKO~PV, V.P.; KAZAMITKIN' YG.P.; LITVINOVO N.R.; MEM4MV S.B.; GORBYLEVA-V-K~. New methods for the deactivation of waste slurries from organic synthesis industries. Zhur. VKHO 6 no.2:173-180 161. (MIRA 14:3) (Sewage disposal) (Chemistry, Organic-Synthesis) XAZAKINA,T. 1. Geochemical formation conditions of Devonian Find older deposits in the Volga-Ural region. Trudy VNIGRI no.82:68-111 '55. MIRA 8:11) (Second Baku--Geochemistry) (Second Baku--Geolog7, Stratigraphic) 13OLL,X.i IWA B.; VILqNM,M.K., redaktor [Blectronic radiation tubes with electrostatic load. Translated from the Xnglish. [Title of original: Storage tubes and thetr basic principles)]XIektrounoluchavye trubki a nakoplealem sariadoy. Perevod a angliiskogo. Pod, red. M.M.Yelsbeinso Moskva@ Go*-euerg- izd.;.vo, 1955. 159 P- (MIRA 9:3) (Storage tubes) KORZHIYOV. Hikhail Ivanovich; KAZA , Y.Ya., redaktor; KOROYMMOVA, Z.A. t-4chnicheshy redaktor. ~-, I [Hine props for caving; movable metal timbering for roof control] Posadochnais, krep'; metallicheakaia peradvishnaim krepi dlia upravleniia krovIsi. Hoekva, UgletekhAzdat, 1955. 239 p. (HI-RA 8:8) (Hine timbering) S/079/62/032/012/002/008 D424/1)307 JHHORS Shostakovskiy, M.F., Sokolov, B.A., Grisbdco, A.L-;. , Lavrova, K.F. and TIM: Addition of fluorohydrosilanes to unsaturated com- pounds PETRIOD ICAL: r/hurnal obshchey khimii, v. 32, no. 1211 1962t 3082-3385 T:=. The above reaction has not been studied previously because of the difficulty of synthesizing,com-dounds o'~ the type RnSiHI,13-n- A number of --uch com,)ounds has now been synthcsizcd, in 0 all-ly 60-8011-" yields, by the reaction of the 'corresponding alhyl or I chlorohydrosilanes with concentrated H2 at room tempera"Cure, over 30-40 minutes. The Iollowing additions were carried out, using a 0*1 1: solution of chloro,)Iatinic acid in iso-propanol ar, catalyst: diethvlfluorosilane to allyl chloride, anT7methylpropyl-, methyliso- propyi-, methylbutyl-, md methyli,-,o-b-Litylfluorosilanes and Methyl- and propy1difluorosilanes, to styrene. The Zirst o:E these additions Card-.1/2 li 0~2/052/01.2/002/00 S/07Y U ;ddition of --Iluorohydrosilaines D424 .507 proceeded in acco:7dalicc With Mwllcovnihov's r-,lc to ,ivc I' -chloro- Dropyldictliyl-"-I-aoror,il,r,ic..', Each oJ` thc'addi-cions to styrcn,:~ cecded in two dircctions - 'in accordance with i-,i co-atrary to il'ark- nihov's rule - to grive predaminciatly tha o(- alld com 0 identities 0,- IL-11c: adducts .6 -4ortaed were establiGhed by comparinr their .*Uama-a Spectra Trit.-Ii those of the com,)oundns obtaineLl by fluorin- atincr the correspondin- chloro com,)ounds. -Zdition oi the dialkyl- monoKluorosilanes to styrene ta.:c-- ?place more vi,~rorollsly than toat of the corresponding chloro coi,.i?ouiids, giving yi,AdG. T"he I'llynical constants f five of the dialky1fluorosilancs and of 11 of the styrene additio-a products and the a,=,an spectra o-f 10 of the styrene addition products are given: 15 of these compounds are M-w. There are 2 tables. iZ,; LIC IAUICII: IrIkutskiy inatitut organiclieskoy Id-driii Sibirsll-ogo otdalcniya..Al-,adcmii nault SSSR (IrIcutsk 1notitute of Organic C;hc'mistry of the Siberian 2ranch of the Acadcny of 3ciences UISS'~t) .3, U 31 i ri%! ZD ;,,.-,~ccmber 15, 1961 C ard 2/2 TIT 0 0 p 10 11 tv. I 0A A -00 00.'. 00i :0 o 0 00 00. 0* 09 000 tit 00 ( 00 Af J R", -00 00 k I Kiliffill 0,"", 00 Jurfull 1:j:jtIll*~ Iwo. I,. 00 Ij I and r00 AAL see sx-ld Wes -00 U00 Woo, CL ...... CAItCk 'L. too -W Oll At ana 00 0 go 00 I of 40411411 11 lei v 616 u 8 1, 1 1 . " A~ js All v ju v a 0 e A ON"t 4-00 jot .09 go V "of 0o coo alad mechnnism of Calailysit "y4ftenation. - lion. 3. Drb(drftx~i%&d"ft of 411811num 4:014 Y.I. ( [it [lilts at A N. A. Shviwgkivis. Wounw? Fiz A lui M. mr)(1minal of Phyakal clicilkibiry). %. 040 23, (M. W11). re 0 12W. 1214. Auk4 0 ti 21, S L LITINATIOW CLOWICATION logo u 9 AT 0000 gomi 0 _&t'jLJL-O-"-t-JL 0 0 oes 6 0 0 41 900 We USSR/Medicine - Antitoxic FIMrtion. of JUI/Aug 51 t i Liver "Antitoxic Function of the Liver in Surgical Dis- eases of the Kidneys," S. A. Kazan, Chair of Ural- ogy, Leningrad Ordez of fea-la-Mwt of Advanced Tag of Physician imerd S. M. Kirov "Vest Xhirargii* Vol LXXI, I;o 4, pp 8-11 In surgical practice the intravencus method of det,g the antitoxic functions of the liver should be used becausej it reflects the functional paver of the liver much better than the peroral method. The antitoxic function of the liver decreases in IME UMR/Medicine - Antitoxic Function of Jul/Aug 51 the Liver (Contd) Tarious degrees immeaiately after surgery. This drop is more pronounced after serious than after less serious surgery. On the 3d - 4th day, after the dmnward phase of the postoperative period Is over, the antitoxic function of the liver becomes gradually re-established. Regards the restitution of antitoxic functions as a result of the surgical removal of the pathological focus. Found that in cases where there were complications during the postoperative period, restoration of the normal antitoxic effect of the liver was retarded. 7he organization of work in the coal industtZ,Of Rumania. p. 1~9. (GLASNIK, 1901-25/205, 1956 SO: Monthly List of East Eurapean Accessions (EEAL) LC Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. 1957 Uncl. -KAZANBIYEV.. . N.A. Charaoteristios of hemodynamic disorder in pulmonary and acr- diopulmonary Insufficiency. Terap. arkh. 34 no.M114-118 0162 (MIU 1724) 1. 1z gospitallnoy terapevtioheskoy kliniki ( direktor - deystvi- tellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. A.L. Myasnikov) I Moskovskogo medl- tsinskogo instituta imeni I.M. Sechenova. 7 KA7ANBTYI.V, N.K. Method for the graphic registrqtion of the tirne of blood flow by an oxyhe-mo.graph. Kardiologiia 3 n0.5:93 S-0 163. 1". .9) 1. Iz goapitallnoy terapevticheskoy Uiniki (d3rPktor--.ieystvile!'.n3,y chlen Xq4 I-SSR Prof. A.L. !4yasnikov) I !,,oskov,-,kogo meditsirsklol'-ro ln- stituta Imeni I.M. Sechenova. POZHARSKIY,- F.T.; KA7ANBIYEVA, M.A.; TERTCV, B.A. 1-Hydroxyrnethyl derivatiVes of indazoles. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.10: 3367-3370 0 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstvennyy universitet. SAAKYAN, A. G.; LANDOGA, V. M. I. Blectrophoretic studies on blood protein fractions in Bechterev's disease. Terap. 34 no.1:56-61 162, (MIRA 15:7) 1. Iz Pyatigorako7 kliniki (g:Lavnyy vrach V. It. Dukhovskoy) Gosudarstvannogo nauchno-istiledovatellgkogo ballneologichesRogo instituta na Kavkazekikh mineralinykh vodakh (dir. - kandidat meditainskikh nauk Ye. A. Kamenskiy) (SPINE-DISEASES) (ELECTIROPHORESIS) SAAKYAN, A.G.; K12ANCHEIV~ M.I..; V.P. Ability of K-strophanthin Find calcium to rta.-turp the activity A .Ln the frog's heart arrested by cortiscne. Farm. I toks. 26 no.2:206-210 Mr-Ap 163. ( m, R A l? - 8, 0) 1. Pyatigorskaya klinika GOSudarstvannogo nauchm~,.*s:--Io~dr)- vatellSkogo ballneologicheskopo institut.n na Kavkazsk-'kh Minoralinykh Vodakh. SAAKYAN A.G.; KAZANCHEV, M.I. Effect of strophanthin-K on the activity of sulfhydryl groups in the heart muscle. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 53 no.5:81-84 My 162, (MIRA 15:7) 1. Iz P~atigorskoy kliniki (glavnyy vrach V.M. Dukhovskoy) Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-iasladovatellskORo bal'noologicheskogo institute. na, Kavkazakikh Minerallnykh Vodakh. Predstavlens, akademikom V.N. Cbernigovskim. (STROPHANTHIN) (HEART--MUSCLE) (MERCAPTO GROUP) SAAKYAN, A.G.; KAZANCIIEV, M.I. Capacity of radon mineral water to restore the activity of Ihn frog heart disturbed by the action of cortisone and ACT11. Biul. eksp. biol. I med- 56 no.9:69-72 S 163. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Iz Pyatigorskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo ballneologiches- kogo In3tituta na Kavkazakikb Minerallnykh Vodakh. Predstavlena daystvitellnym chlenom AMN SSSR A.V. Labedinskim. A. "The Problem of the Action of Garlic Phytoncides on the Microflora of Wounds." Cand Med Sell Tbilisi State Medical Inst, Tbilisi, 1953. (RZhBiol, No 8, Dec '54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 KAZANGHNVA, A.M., kandidat medit8inakikh nauk (Tbilisi) Gastric cytogram in peptic ulcer. 35 no.6:65-67 Ja '57 (MLRA 10-8) 1. Is kafedry fakul'tetskoy khirargii (zav. - zauluzhennyy deystell nauki prof. I.X.Pipina) Tbilieskogo meditsinskogo institute, na base Tbilieskoy zhelesno-doroshnoy bollnitsy (nach. Y.A.Sikhamlidze) (PAPTIC ULCXR. pathol. cytograpby of ulcer surface) kandidat medi%ninekikh nauk (.Tbilisi, pl.Ianina, d.4) Bacterial flora of thm stomach In peptic ulcer Ewith mumwr7 in Inglish, p-1571. Vest.khIr. 78 no.2:46-47 F 157. (MLFA 10:3) 1. It fakulltstskoy ichirurgicheskoy kliniki (zaveduyushchly kafedroy - professor I.K.Pipia) Thilieskogo neditainskogo instituto (PZPTIC UWAR, manifest. baot. flora of stomach (Run)) (BACTERIA gastric flora in petpic ulzer (Rua)) 17(l 2) AUTHOR, TITLE: PERIODICAL: soV/16-59-6-41/46 Kazancheva, A.M. The Variation of Bacteria With Gastric Ulcers or Cancer of the Stomach. Author's Summary. 'bz~ Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii, 1959,,~Nr 6, P 134 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The variation of bacteria wac studied in patients with duodenal and gastric ulcers and patients with cancer of the stomach. Cultures of the affected organs were made on agar containing stomach juices. Some 22 bacterial variants were isolated and subjected to repeated sub- cultures. Many of the variants were detected in complicated forms of ulcers at a pH of 4.0 and in cancer of the stomach at a pH of 6.0. Most of the variants were C forms of Escheriahia coli, StaphylOCOCCU8 aureus and Staphylococcus albus. Colonies of Escherichia coll with a slight aureole were cultured from aggravated cases of gastric ulcers, while the control tests gave the S form of the bacterium. The G form was characterized by scanty growth on agar and was biochemically in- active. Subculturing of Escherichia coli G form caused it to revert ard 1/2 to the original S form. The aureole colonies were stable and preserved The Variation of Bacteria With Gastric Ulcers or Cancer of the Stom SOV/16-59-6-41/46 Summary. &ch. all their properties, including their pathogenicity, in the course of many generations. The conclusions drawn from the tests indicate that the medium and the conditions are of decisive Importance in the interaction of macro- and microorganism. cases of gastric ulcers or The 0 form is mainly found in complicated stomach cancer and is the result of the micro- Organism's adaptation under the effect of both the body's pathological products and the favorable pH medium which, in the present case, was the main factor in the variation of the bacteria. ASSOCIATION; Kafedra fakul'tetskoy khirul-gii Thilisskogo gosudarstvennoge instituta (DI-Partment of FaOultY Surgery at the Tbilisi State Institute); Thilisskaya klinicheskaya zheleznodorOzhnaya bollnitsa (Tbilisi Railroad General Hospital) SUBMITTED: July 10, 1958 Card 2/2 Author's XAZANCHEVA, A.M. --.--!A-, Formation of L form colonies of intestinal bacteria. Zhur.mikrobiol., epid. 'r-un. 32 no..lltl36-137 .1 i61. (WRA 14:11) 1. Iz Thilisskogo meditainskogo instituta i Thiliaskoy klinicheskoy 'hole 'odorozhnoy bolinitay. z zn (ESCHERICHIA) 51 YUM;CHEVA, A.M., kand.ined.nauk (Tbilisi) Formation of Iform microbes in the body. no.3:32-34 162. (MIRA 1~0) 1. 1z kafedry fakul'tetskov khirurgii (zav. - zasluzbennyy deyatell naW-i prof. 1.K. Pipia) Thilisskogo Cosudarst-veruiogo r-oditzinsko'go instituta i Thiliaskoy klinicheskoy zholoonodorozhnoy bollnitoy za-w*hlzhenn~y vrach Gruzinskoy SSR V.G. Salahaya). (NMROPM HONIALIKE ORGANISMS) (GALL BLADDER) R L 29344-66 EWPM/D7(m) RM ACC NRi AP6018592 SOURCE CODE: UR/0379/66/002/002/0:!04/0212 AUTHOR: Zaikov, G. Ye.; Kaxancheva, S.'.D.; Fliyzus, Z. K. ORGI 1119t1tuto of ChAmical Physicy.M 99U, Roacou (Inatitut khimit'hookoy fiziki AN SSSR) TITLE: Effect of water on the rate and course of oxidationl of organic substances SOURCE: Teoreticheskaya i eksperimental'naya khimiya, v. 2, no. 2, 1~66, 204-212 TOPIC TAGS: chemical reaction kinetics, oxidation reaction, reaction rate, methyl ethyl ketone, free radical reaction, oxidation kinetics ABSTRACT: A study was made of the effect of w t 5 a polar solvent with a high dielectric constant on the kinetics of free ra: i::l eactions in the oxidation of je polar organic compounds such as methyl ethyl ketone. Earlier, the authors establii that a nonpolar solvent (benzene) contributed to an in e in the relative yield of the products of peroxide radical decomposition: W, -)~R'CHO + IN* where R' and R" are radicals containing-fewer C.atoms than the R radical. A polar solvent like water was expected to have the opposite effect, i.e,, to increase the rate of the bimolecular reaction:---.,,- Uri Ca.-d 112 _,.R%+_!M-)-,R0011 +k (2) ACC NRI AP6018592 0 and to simultaneously decrease the rate of the reaction (1). This expectation was confirmed by experimental data which were obtained by chromatographic analysis of the products of methyl ethyl ketone oxidation with air in an autoclave at 160C and 50 atm pressure. Experimental kinetic curves of methyl ethyl ketone consumption and of the accumulation of various oxidation products indicated that the total oxidation rate decreased with an increase in the C4HOO:H20 molar ratio up to 1:20, but that the rate of reaction (1) decreased much faster than that'of reaction (2). Total effect of water addition was to increase the rate of accumulation of the pro- ducts of reaction (2), i.e., of acetic acid, the content of which reached 98-992 of the consumed methyl ethyl ketone at 1:20 dilution. Thus, water may ke considered as a selective solvent which secured a practically exclusi've formation of one basic product. This method of increasing selectivity of oxidation offers a practical possibility of controlling chemical reactions. A chemical mechanism of formation was proposed for various oxidation products and was used to calculate the rates of all free radical chain reactions Involved in the process. The main cause of the increase in selectivity of oxidation was believed to be the relative increase in the raze of reaction (2), owing to the hig% polarity of water. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 3 tables, and 11 formulas. [JK1 SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 20Jul65/ ORIC REF: 016/ OTH REF: 007/ ATD PRESS: 56 0 rAVA,MCHZTZV. JR.N. New data on the atudles of I.I. Soimonov on the Casnian seap Izv, vaes, geog. ob-va 85 no.3:299-300 My-Je 153. (klRA 6:6) (CasDian Sea) (Solmonov, 7edor Ivanovich, 1682-1780) UZANCHETSV, Ye. V. Some data on the biological and commercial aspects of Alosa brashnikovi brashnikovi (Borodin) in the northern Caspian. Vop. Mt. no.5:95-118 '55. Na& 9:5) 1. Kaspiyakiy filial Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii. VNIRO. (Caspian Sea--Herring) KAZANCHETRV Now data on the Caspian Sea level at the and of the 18th century and at the beginning of the 19th centur7. Izv.Vees. geog.ob-va 88 no.6:549-551 N-D '56. (MLRL 10:2) (Caspian Soa--Hydrology) BELYAKOV, F.Ye.; BABIN, B.N.; BALI, V.; BOROVKOV, P.N,; VOYRV0DIR, I.N.-, GTJR3VICH, G.M.; GORBLTITOVA, P.I.; KOHNOV, A.S.: KALANTAROVA, M.V.: KASHIRSKUY, A.Ya.;KAZANCHEYEV, Te.N.; LEKSMIN, A.F.; LNTI- CRUSKIY, M.A.; LOPATIU, MIRSKIY, V.W.; PODS3VALOV, V.N.; SUBBOTINA. V.P.; TAIIASIYCIPX, H.P.; FRDOTOV, S.D.; FISSWO, K.U.; HLIKIND, I.G.; BOVIN. S.S.; VASILIYW, L.T.; DRINKOV, V.D.; DALE- CHIN, N.I.-, DADAGOV, I.A.; YE11MOSHINA, V.I.; ZMTKOV, I.V.-, ZIMIN, D.A.; IVANNIKCV, A.Ya.; KOVALEV, M.K.; LIJGAKOVSKIY, N.L.; NALEVSKIT, A.F.; SHREUNIKOV, V.K.; S&1IGLASOV, M.D.; SOKOLOV, A.V.; STEPANOV, V.I.; SAKHARIN, G.S.; SAVENKO, P.A.; SOLODOV, V.P.; UMEROV, Sh.Kh.; CHIKINDAS, G.S.; SHCHXR13UKHINA, S.N.; DnWIN, G.Z.; LYSOV, V.S.; OSHAHOVICH, A.N.; ROK1TSI11bKIY, N.V.,- B11ASLAVSKIY, M.S.-, RUDENKO, I.A.; ZHUKOBORSKIY, M.S.; 2HDjU;OV, I.Te.; SUSLIN, V.A.-, BRUS, A.Ye.; VOLYUSKIY, S.A.; KLYUYEV, V.A.; ISTRATOV, A.G.; TIKHOMIROV, I.F.; BUTY]UN, Ya.H.; VOLYUSKIT, S.A.; MINEYEV, M.F.; IMITSEV, V.I.; VIDNT*IIY. A.F.. kana.taklm.nsuk. glnvnyy red.; DEHIDOV, A.U., red.; KRAVETS, A.L., red.; )MIMOVA, Z.I., Lindustrial Astrakhan] Promyshlonnnia Astrakhan'. Astrakhan', Izd-vo ga28ty *Volga," 1959. 318 p. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Astrakhan (Province) Hkononicheskiy administrntivnyy rayon, (Astrakhan Province--Economio conditions) KAZANCHRU, Ta, H, Spring migration Of Caspian shad in waters of northern Daghestan. Vop.ikht. no.22:75-84 '59. (NIU 13:4) 1. Kaapiyekty nauchno-teeledovatellskiy inatitut rybaogo khozyayatva i okAanografii KaspNIRO. (Caspian Sea--Shad) (Fishes--Migration) KAZANCHEYEV, Ye,N. Possible effect of hybridization on c4res in the-abundance of the Volga herring and the Caspian shad. Trudy BOV* Ikht. kom. no.13:"3-4" 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Kaspiyakiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii - KaspNIRO. (Volga River-Herring) (Caspian Sea--Shad) KAUNCREYEV, Ye.N. In memory of Konofantin Andreavich Kiselavich. Vop. ikht. 3 no,3:556-560 163. (KW 16s10) (Kiselovich, Konstantin Andreevich, 1882-1938) KAZANOEYEV, Yovgeniy Nikolnyevich; DOMSOV, F.G.p spetq. red.; Ye.A., tekhn. red. [Fishes of the Caspian Sea.1 Ryby Kaspiinkcgo moria. Mo- skva., Rybnoe khoziaistvo, 1963. 179 p. (MIRA 17:2) KAZAINCHEYEV, Ye.N. To the editorial board of the journal "Vestnik Moskovskogo iiniversiteta; seriia geografii." Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 5: 91 N-D 165. (MIRA 19:1) L 38178-66 EWP(J)/9fl(m)/T TJP(e) r7FC- -NR' jc'i-ai _1j'iQ -0,37 1 /6-54-0 0-0 _/_0_G"4_ -4, AUTHOR: Kazanchyan, G. P. ORG: Armenian Affiliate. All-Union Order of the Red Banner of Labor Scientific Re- search Institute of Electromechanics (Armyanskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo ordena Trudovog Krasnogo,Znameni nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta elektromekhanik;) TITLE: Weather resistance of polymer materials exposed to intensified solar radia- tion SOURCE: Geliotekhnika, no. 5, 1965, 40-44 TOPIC TAGS: ;,solar radiation effect, light aging., PO'LYM Ekj, WF09/e f,,.r,,57wA.)cF t i-A)vRr.,r eovveeStaA) ABSTRACT: The author dospribes the use of a metho4 for intensifying sciar radiation to test polymer_materialsVfor weather resistance.IsExisting methods are unsuitable: natural aging requires too much time, inte_n_sir~fying the destructive processes fails to give true results, and the irradiation of a materialP'wit~ light containing short wave UV rays distorts the picture since such rays are not found in sunlight which passes through the atmosphere. Comparison of the methods shows that intense solar irradia- tion without change of relative spectral composition accelerates the aging process without distorting it. Photolytic simulation causes a dissociation of covalent boDds and chemical reactions fii organic compounds. The author discusses his new method of :Qrd RM S/ 110/62/000/003/00 1 /00 1 100411204 AUTHOR: Kazanclivan, G. P. and Shermazanyan, Ya. T. TITLE: Accelerated aging test by means of a sun's ray concentrator PERIODICAL: Vestnik elektropromyshlennosti, no. 3, 1962, 67-70 TEXT: A new method of testing insulating and protective materials designed for opcration under atmos- plicric conditions was developed, using a stand which moves together with it set of mirrors that concentrate tile sun*s rays on the samples. It is assumed that solar irradiation is the most important factor in aging insulating and protective materials. Since tile energy transferred to a body by light is much greater than tile cllctg~ of licat movement of the molecules, the influence of temperature on photo-chemical reactions is small; intensification of the normal solar radiation accordingly speeds up the aging without affecting its character. Concentration was attained by 6 polished aluminum mirrors reflecting 75% of the incident radiation including tile ultra-violet portion of the spectrum. Thc-mirrors located on platforms were autornatically directed toward the sun by means of differential cadmium photorcsistors (PC-k2 (FS-K2). Automatic control is by the pulse tracking scheme, as developed for solar energy set-ups, with accuracy of tracking 10%. The method enable.% to predict speedily the durability of matetials under conditiong close to those cricounicred in practice. There arc 3 figures and 8 rcferences. Card I I kg,~NCHYAN, G.P65 inzh.; SHERYAZANYAN, Ya.T., inzh. Use of a solar radiation system in a method for accelerated testing of materials. Vest. elektroprom. 33 no-3:6?-70 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:3) (Electric engineering--Materials) (Electric insulators and insulation--Testing) KAMICII'MIT, G.P. Weatherproof properties of materials under conditions of intense solar radiation. Gelioteklinika no.5:40-44 165. (MI13.,% 19: 1) I. Armyanskiy filial Vnesoyuznoj,,o ordena Tn:dovogo Krasno,-o Zna-meni nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta eicktromekhaniki. Submitted June 16, 1965. j; f., i%, '~iF il~,-,- vv -F cc -Niz: ;,~,602'j20'I SOUIICL~ CODL.- Woh3i/66/ou/003/0200/0202 jVJTIiOR: Gazazyan, E. D.; Kazandzhyan L V ORG: institute of Physics GKAE -(Institut fiziki GKAL) TITLL: Spectrum and radiation intensity of a sequence of cylindrical bunches in an optically active Inedium SOURCE: IuX AmSSR. IzvcGtiya. Fizika, v. 1, no. 3, 1966, 200-202 MPIC TAGS: radiation intensity, plasmoid, optic activity,-charce density, electron notion, electron radiation, electron specLrum ABSTFU%CT: This is a continuation of earlier work (Izv. IGN ArnSSR Scriya fiz.-mat nauk v. 17, 105, 1964), where expresGions were derived for the fields and radiation intensities produced by a single bunch of charged particles, in the form of a rc,-tan- Gular parallelepiped, passing through an isotropic optically active medium. 7he pre- sent article deals with the passa8e of a sequence of bunches, and equations are de- rived for the total values of the field, for the charge density, and for the energy lost by the aggregate of bunches per unit path. it is shown that the presence of nany,- periodically repeating bunches gives rise to an additional term in the expression for : the energy loss and under certain conditions the radiation from the different bunches! may become coherent. The conditions for maximum intensity are derived and it is shown Card 1/2 L 09413-67 ACC NR, AFG027207 ~ithat at best the intensity of a number of bunches can be increased in proportion to th~ number of bunches. The expression for the frequency spectrum shows that there exista l a certain discrete spectrum at which the radiation is maximal. Orig. art. has: 5 fo=ulas ;SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 24Mey65/ ORIG REF: 00~ 2/2, Curd "Geo-l.,~-ic 7,., iTcp--)~; r.-v 11 - c Wor Ye r A r i -, n i-,-,n C mi -1 c i ,L-i-,*-i -r :1 RZILIstr, Jzu, 55) Survey of Scient.".fic --.-1 1 Tochn! c,.1 D2fcnl -A SO: SU-l. 1-10 29 Jull 1AWCHTAN, P.P. Materials for the study of seasonal movements of the earth's crust by the method of peodetic measurments in the Armenian S.S.R. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Geol. i geog. nAuki 13 no-3/41101-110 16o. (MIR& 13:9) 1. AraWanskiy selkskokhonvay tvannyy Inatitut. (Armenla-4arth-Surface) S/035/6Z/OW/006/054/064 AOOI/A-101 ALMIOR: Kazz"chyan, P. P. TITLr: Practice of studying seasonal variations of bench marks (Theses of a report) PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 6, 1962, 28, abstract 6G176 ("Tr. 3-go sllyezda Vaes. astron. geod. o-va, 196011, Moscow, AN SSSR, 1962, 193). T M The rate of recent movements of the Earth's crust at joints of two tectonic zones and in active seismic regions cannot be considered as constant for a period of 15 - 20 years. To study seasonal movements of-the Earth's crust, it Is necessary to repeat leveling not less than twice per year. Leveling traverses should pass through various tectonic zones, and fundamental bench marks should be established in original rocks. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 UUNCHUN, F.P. Some results of the vertical movements in Armwnia. Report to be submitted for the virst International Symposium an recent crustal movements, (IUGG) Leipzig 21-26 fty 1962, J V, KAZANCHYAN, P.P., kand.tekhnnauk, dotsent Differential methods for calaWating the components shifts of points on the earth's Burface. Izv. vys. i aerof. no.2:25-32 162. 1. Aruqanskiy sellskokhozMetvennyy institut. (Surveying) (Landslides) ofhorizontal ucheb.zav. good. (MIRA 15;9~ KAZANCHYAN, T., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Standardization of gear chamfering methods at the Erivan Automobile Spare Part Plant. Prom.Arm. 4 no.11-32-35 N 161. OAIRA 15*-1) 1. Komissiya po tekhnologii mashinostroyeni5ra All Armynnshoy SSR. (Erivan-Automobile industry) (Gear shaping . qzhines) GASPARYAN, A.M.1 AKOPYAN, R.Te.j; KAZANCZAN, Zh.A. Obtaining a two-phase f1m vith constant composition. Izv.AN Am.SSR.Sar,t9kh.nauk 15 no-.649-56 162. (MIRA 1W) 1. Institut organicheekoy khimii AN Arnyanskoy SSR. (Phase rule and equilibrium) j, KAUNDJIB-V K. [Kazand7.iev., K.1 Obtaining the low-pressure emLleions. Doklady BAN 15 no.3:285-287 162. 1. Note pr6sentgo par R. Kaichev (Yaishev, R.), mcr~bre do ItAcaddmie. -7. tL IUAMZIEVK..-IKazandzhiev, K. j Magnetontriction vibrator with the parametrically excited flexion vibrationa. Doklady BAN 15 no#2;n9-122 162* 1. Note presentge par E. Djakov (Dzhakov., E.), membre correspondant, do 1*Acaddmie. 2 ABASHIDZE, A,I.p doktor tekhno nauki KAZANDZHYAN, A.T., irzh. Pra--ast reinforced concrete f d oUn ationS for tU.-bjnq,-~orjOratO:" unlts. Energ. strol. no.41:3-7 164. (MTPL~ 17-11) KAZANDZHAN, B.I.,_inzh.; ZEYGARNIK, Yu.A., inzh. Boiler-turbino block with 1,000 Mw. rating for an electric power plant in Ravenwood U.S.A. Teploenergetika 11 no.,?s88-90 F 164. (MIRA 17:4) ABTANTS, V.Kh.; XAZANMHAN, P-K.. redaktor; SHCHWAKOV, P.V., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Theory of aircraft gas turbines] Teortia aviatsionnykh gazovykh turbin. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo oboronnoi prowvehlonnosti, 1953. 216 (Microfilm] (MLRA 7:93, (Airplanes--Gas turbines) _U j UZANDZHkN,, P. N Bach* Tech. Sci. Docent Eng. Col. "Characteristics of Gas Turbine as a Hydraulic Machine," Vest. Vozd. Flotav No.1j, pp 63 68.v 1953 Sumary translation D 322481, 14 Sep 55 !~AZAJTZ4N.J.-Dr. Tech. Sci., Eng. Colo "Dependence of the "ork and Specific Fuel Consumption on the Pressure Ratio and the Temperature of Gas Oefor-- the Tilrbine," Vest. Vozd. Flota, No.lu3 pp. 62-66) 1953 Summary of article D 399456 z~ X&ZANMHAN,P.K. -, AWSHM.L.P.; GOVOROV,A.N., KONOVALOV,N.Ye.; NICKLYU, "'W-M. ~-AYt=O,V.F.; YADOROY,R.M.;PISARRV,M.S., iuzhener-polkovnik, reduktor; K7JZIHIN,I.F., takhnichookiy redaktor [Theory of jet engines] Taoriia reaktivnykh dvigatelai. Hoskya, voen. iza-vo Hiniaterstva oborony SSSR, 1955. 295 P. (KLRL 9:3) (Jet propulsion) P STICHKIN. Boris Sergoyeyich, akademik; XAUNDZHAll, Pogo* Is, atav r4p Apt _6 A7.1 V, lay Petrovich; GOVOllbV,-Alsbiikh&jr lrileo"iovich; SZOALTIV, Yulian Nikolayevich; YADOROV, Rman Hironovich; DHITRIYETSKIY, V.I.; professor$ doktor tokhaichaskikh nauk, reteenzent; YEHIN, O.N., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk. redshor; BOGOHOIOVA, M.F., izdatell- skiy rodaktor; ZMAKIN, I.M., takhnicheakikh redaktor [A theory of jet engines; turbommehineal Tooriia reaktivnykh dvigatelet; lopatochuys mashiny. Pod reds B.S.Stechkinai Moskva, Goo. izd-vo obor. promyshl., 1956. 548 p. (MLRk 10:1) (Turbomachines) PHASE I BDOK KXFLOITATION 111.1 Stechkin., Boris Sergeyevich. rGqTAnd7hQ-n lLoes Karapetovich Alekseyev, Lev Ntrovich, Govorov.. AlekLaO Nikolayevich, Kon0:&=-,V-,-,1-Jko1ay Yefimovich, Nechayev, Yullan Nikolayevich, and Fledorov, Roman Mironovich Teoriya reaktivnYkh dvigateley; rabochiy protsess i kharakteristiki (Theory of Jet Engines; Operation and Characteristics) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1958. 533 p. 20,000 copies printed. Ed.:(Title page): Stechkin, B.S., Academician; Ed. (Inside book): Yanovskiy, i-L., Engineer; Ed. of Fablishing House: Bogomolova, M.F.; Tech. Ed.: Rozhin, V.P.; Managing Ed.: Sokolov, A.I., Engineer. PURPOSE: This is a textbook approved by the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR for students of aviation vuzes. The book may be also useful to engineers vorking in the field of aircraft engine construction. COVERAUE: This book is an independent part of the general course in "Theory of Jet Engines." The first part of this series, "Bladed Machines", was published in 1956. In this book the authors describe in detail gas dynamics analysis, the testing methods.,and the characteristics of anumber of types of jet engines. Card 1/11 Theory of Jet Engines (Cont.) 1111 1hey give the classification of the basic types of jet engines: turbo-jets, turbo-props, ram-jets, and liquid propellant rocket engines, and describe! the special features of each. The description of each particular type contains the following information: a) the basic theory of operation, b) the me~hoas of ~Aer- mination of test-stand and flight characterit;tIcs, c),inrormation on special features in practical operation of the engine, d) methods for selecting basic design parameters, and e) the gas dynamics analysis of the engine in designing. la the compilation of this book the works of Stechkin, B.S., Kazandzhan, P.K., and others cf the authors' collective were used, as well as the eldsting liter- ature on bladed machines and jet engines. Individual chapters were written by the following authors: Ch. I and IV, by Govorov, A.N.; Ch. II and XV, by Alek- seyev, L.P.; Ch. III and Sec. 7 of -, Ch. XVI, by Konovalov, N. Ye; Ch. V to DC, by Nekchayev, YU. N.; Ch. X) XI, and Sec. 1-6 of Ch. XVI, by Fedorov, R.M.; and Ch. XII, XIV and Ch. XVII by Kazandshan, F.K. The authors express thanks to Professors Yliellkumov, T.M. and Milagin, M., and also to Docent Motel, Yu-K. for their valuable remarks and advice. There are 27 references, of which 21) are Soviet, including 2 translationn)and 2 English. card 2/ 11 Theory of Jet Engines (Coat.) TABIZ OF CONTENTS: Pre face Introduction 4 Ch. I. Force of the Thrust of Jet Engines 13 Ch. II. Intake Diffusors 23 1. Intake diffusors for subsonic velocities 23 2. Diffusors for supersonic flight velocities 27 3. Simple supersonic diffaBors 36 4. Diffusors with an internal compression 37 5. Maltishock diffusors with external compression 39 6. Control of intake diffu3ors 44 Ch. III. Outlet Nozzles 46 1. Purpose of outlet nozzles 46 Card 3/11