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a4 ZhLzac, --r cm 13 -3 - ikw- Chemistry - Reaction processes Card 1/2 Pub. 22 - 18/43 Authors I Zhigach,, A. F.; Kazakova, Ye. B.; Kigell, R. A. r- Title I Reaction of alcohols and ketones with pentaborane Periodical I Dok. AN 106/1p 69-71, Jan 1, 1956 Abotraot I The reactions between methyl, ethyl and butyl alcohols and acetones with pentaborane are described. It was established experimentally that the reaction of alcohols with pQntaborane is followed. by the formation of intermediate compounds (alkoxy borines). The effect of small amounts of dehydrated alcohols on pentaborane causes 1xirtial. separitioll of H. Later addition ~)f alcohol results in additioi:al separation of H. The H separatior Institution : Presented by; Academician A. N. Nesmeyanov, July 11, 1955 Card 2/2 Pub. 22 18A3 Periodical Dok. AN &0;M io6/i, 69-71, Jan 1, 1956 Abstract stopped only after the Addition of 15 mol. of alcohol to 1 mole of pentaborane. The formation of boric acid eatera (boraw) and separation of twelve 11-molecules were found to be the final reiiietion resulLs. Nine references: I U3A, 7 USA And I Germ. (1878-11:63). Drawing. 7 aWd -ter R., Jktox_Dw . R , 1%1= 111, 1020-3D(IOW); d. Schlesinger gi al C A 30, 4421 Pauaje of I ingle N111 Uto I ix;Z Hi,fi *.%v,z lit,13.14 Ili. Y '--A 05,'wh'k'h (120 Ij was plutil III Inuttlclave, P1,C5. ;=iud, briefly with dry H, the prc-~mwc was rduseil. mid the autoclave Kradili'lly keated over 8.5 hrs. to 450" (50 atm. iattm&I pmsmur* Ilicing dtvrlvj~W). After couslant prm-que hAd beu cs~abUsheil the vessel vvAs cooSmI to 110". deprLswrizea, and bkvwn "ith N1, yidding 40 g. crudL p ad- uct (higher or lo*u ttmpb. pvt p-mcr yi"I 1) which tailtu dism Xavc 7070 titIt co-mpd, tp-_ ii C6-7% dD O.S60, in. -54". viweiiih- at W* 1.,~A centistokes. It doeN not mrl -Aith 1110 ut room tew-p. b-at is slowly hydrolyzed by lint aq. HO. ltd-inp. at 1006 at atm. promorc arld is W. io!~J-S. bwveuts- G. M. KcaL-ipv;9-- 5(l) AUTHORS: 22iigacht As F., Antonovt I. S., SOV/64-59-2-7/23 Kazakova, Ye. B., Frayman, R. S. TITLE: 0ontinuous Method of Obtaining an Equimoleoular Mixture of Ethyl-Aluminum Chlorides (Nepreryvnyy metod polucheniya skvimolekulyarnoy smesi etilalyuminiykhloridovy PER-TODICAL: Xhimioheskaya promyshlenriost', 1959, Nr 2, pp 123-126 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In contrast with other methods (Ref l,a), in the present case the reaction between aluminum and ethylohloride (I) was carried out in a mixture of an equimolecular amount of alkyl aluminum halides with the latter serving as catalysts. The metal (or the aluminum alloy) is introduced into the mixture and reacts with a weak solution of (1) so that the prooess takes place continuously and without danger. In order to determine the influence exerciBed by various factors on the course of ~he reaction, experiments were made in glass ampoules which demonstrated (Table 1) that under the given conditions (5 hours, 50-550) pure (1) reacts neither with aluminum nor with duralumin (DA). By increasing the addition to-the catalyst the reaction is accelerated. In this conliection Card 1/2 the reaction with (DA) (containing 4% copper) takes place more Continuous Method of Obtaining an Equimolecular Mixture of SOV/64-59-2-7/23 Ethyl-aluminum Chlorides rapidly than with Al. Investigations of the technological parameters of the processes showed that it is more favorable to carry out the reaction in the liquid phase than in the gas phase. The experiments with the liquid phase were made in a glass ves:,cl, (1co CM3) (Fig 1) in the laboratory. The (DA) - splinters were introduced into an equimoleoular mixture of bromides (6g) and (I) was introduced into the vessel from below. The reaction temperature was controlled by the velocity of passage of (I) and a heating Jacket. The experimental results obtained were examined in a larger reaotion column (700 cm3jand compared to each other (Table 2'j'. A renotion column of stainless steel (Fig 2) was used for further exporiments in a plant (Fig 3). The reaction product obtained exhibited the following composition: 21.3% Al, 44,1% Cl, 29,0% G2H5' The coefficients of efficiency of the tout pliunt are tabulated (Table 3). There are 3 figures, 3 tables, and 3 references. Card 2/2 ANTONOV, I.S.; KAZAKOVA, Ye.B.; KIGEL'v R.A. Determiniftion of phosgene in technical boron trichloride. Zav.lab. 29 no.7:807 163. (Phosgene) (MIRA 16:8) )KA S/OZ6/60/000/010/014/022 E19 /E135 AUTHORS: Petukhov, B.S.% Shlykov, Yu,P Kurayeva, I,V,, Ka zak ,ra'Ye.D., and Prozorov,2i.K. TITLE: Calcula ion of Transient Temperature Fields in Multi-Layer Walls with Internal Heat Evolution by the Hydrothermal Analogy Method PERIODICALs Teploenergetika$ 1960, No 10, p 95 TEXT: The temperature distribution is calculated in two and three layer walls with internal sources of heat, required to determine the temperature gradients during calculation of the strength of assemblies In several types of heat exchange equipment. )l ASSOCIATION; Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut (Moscow Power Institute) Card 1/1 PLIXY, Mikhail Aleksandrovich, kandidat sell skokhozvaystvennylrh nauk; KAZArOVA, Te.D., rectaktor; GURIVICH, M.N.. tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Perennial vagetable crops] Knogoletnte ovoahchaye kulltuz7. Moskva, Gos. Izd-vo selkhos. lit-ry, 1955. 126 p. (MLRA 9:8) (Perennials) (Vegetable gardening) D=,sSNKO, Pantele:7mon Marty-novich. kandidat sell skokhozyays tva nnykh nauk; SUXHARRVA, Tamara Tisofeyevna, kanliclat sellskokhozyavstvannvkh nauk; XAZAKOVA, Te.D., redaktor; ZUBRILINA, Z.F., tekhnichaskly redaktor [Work practice of vegetable growers at the all-Union Agricultural Itxhibition] Iz opyta raboty ovoshchavodov'.- uchastnikov Vaesoiusnoi Bellskokhosiaistvannoy Vyatavki. Moskva. Goo. izd-vo selkhoz. lit- r7, 1956. 71 P. (MLRA 9:11) (Vegetable gardening) F ," 17 2' T I oj- - T -, T - - -i - - --- - IYANOVA, Tevgeniya Alakeandrovna: KARKOV, V.Ta.; SHOLITANINOVA. K.K.: XAZAKOVA, Te.D., red.; VICSKOVA, Te.I., (Barrios for private garden plots] IAgodnye kulltury v priusadabnom sadu. Moak-va, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1957. 248 p. (Bibliotechka po sadovodetvu, no.13) (MIRA 10;12) (Barrios) VOYTOV, P.I., reid.; KAIAIMVA, Te.D., red.; ZUBRILIlLk, Z.P., (Growinc, vegetables on bottom land] Yyrasbchivanle ovoshchal na potmannykb zzemliakh. Monkva. Goo. i2d-vo sellklint. lit-ry, 19.58. 1.6.5 p. (MRA 12t1) (Vagetablp gardening) n~ LISIN, Serafira Sergeyevichl~UZAAM.-Te.D., red.; PEVZNM, V.I., tekhn. red* [Forest nurseries] Lesrqq pitorrmiki. Moskvap Goa. izd-vo sell khoz. lit-4y, 1961. 255 P. (MIU 14: 8) (Forest nurseries) ANTSYSIIKIN, S.F.; BOBYLEV, G.V. ; GORYACHEV, I.V.; ISACHF.NKO, Kh.M.; KGVALIN, D.T.; LATUMT'YEVj V.A.; LITVINOV, IiV..j MUKIN, A.F.; PEREPECIMI, B.M.; FISIKENWIt N.R.; REBROVAg G.I.; SWEIEV, F.A,; SDBEIGV# A.M.; FWO- ROV9 P.F.; FILINOV9 N.P.; KBRAMTSOVp N.N.; 4WLCqA,,-~,Dp red.; BALLOD, A.I., tekhn. red. (Reference book for foresters] Spravochnik lesnichego. Moskvap Goa. izd-vo se.Ilkhoz. lit-ryp 1961. 894 p. (MIRA 34:7) (Forests and forestry) Oak, T NAUMMOO Ivan Witveyevich; PONOMARIT, Aleksandr Dmitriyevich; WAKOTALYO.~., red.; BALLOD, L I., [In the forests of Sweden and Norway] V lesakh Shveteii i Worvegli. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sellkhos.lit-ry, zhurnalov i plakatov,, 1961, 102 p, (MIRA 14;12) (Sweden--7oresto and forestry) (Norway-7oreste and foreetry) -14 i R-" RYZHIKOV Diomid Pavlovich, kand. sel 'khoz. nauk; KAZAKGVAA_~q~~D. y., red.; PEVZNER, V.I., tekhn. red. (Effect of shelterbelts on the yield of farm crops] Vliianie polezashchitnykh poles na urozhai sel!skokhoziaistvenny1:h kulltur. Moskva, Selkhozizu,%t, 1963. 205 p. (MIRA 17: 1) (Windbreaks, shelterbelts, etc.) (Field crops) Yir' Zl-lJRAVLW-, Ivan losifovich, doktor sellskokhoz. nauk; UZAKOVA, _Ye&,j red.; GUREVICH, M.M., tekhn. red.; MJkMOVA,N.N. ptekhn. red. [Phytop-athology) Fitopatologiia. Moskva, Sel'khozizdat, 1963. 279 p. (MIRA 16:12) (Trees-Diseases and pests) BESSARABOV, S.F.; SAVIVYINA, L.S.; RAS70RGUYEV, L.I.; jKAZR.,gy~, Ye,.D.,, red.; OKOLLLOVA, Z.P.~ teklui. red. (Fruit plants in sheltorbelt plantatiom3l Plodovye porody v zashchitnykh nanazhdoniiakh. Moskva, Sellkhozizdot, M3. 102 p. (MIRA 17. 1) (Pruit trees) (Windbreaks, sholterbolts, etc.) (Borrios) EHISLEV, AlekBardr Dmitriyevich;-RRNYA&_LIDjDzj red. [Re wiving and the determination of the quality of milk and dairy products] Priem i opredelenie kachestva moloka molochrWkh produktov. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Ko- los, 1965. 151 p. (MIRA 18:10) KVAKOVA, Y:--. :-;. Calves Bioche:%Lc~~I -and -:or hologic.-il Indicitors In the btoo,l ul' ciLvvr in i.nhe-ted calf' sheds. Sov. zootekh. 7 no. 10, 1 "')2. Monthl,y List of Rus!~ian Accessions, Libmrj oi Dem:ibcr 1452. Lncl.a.9sif-'ej. Yjaskovul E M ; in nkWP4 brUbl * . , . p. 4gm IlAthwn. vet. tkad., K%tvW). Firm- ~mf, 37S.R' NO :alvts trown in m0d tmbfttO bmildinp! 410-1709, .-< ' h-AA l th f (f,- rwy es, Ahovvd lowered tmcng. cl hcmM U. cry ma album!aj raidual N, InM. P, cmd Ca. C%LAa.,x uft emm. in the bk-od vrete abon bm- N mnl we" 6btaiu"l dming the hrst 3 miniths =& ot l Chaure to paawv eon&Jons In the rpriag fmalusl ife . in Inercm of ibe lowered factims. the chinge bring "test, -1 h t U d I e IN lu AN hl t ill omtmds In Wtheated-hi" np . " alwt sbuwvd the artater t in Ina V KAZAEUVA, Ye.H., dotsent Morphological and biochemical composition of the blood in ealv&O raised by the "cold" method. Trudy VIEV 22:272-278 159. (HIM 13:10) (ILithliania-Galves) (Blood-&amination) (Cold-Phyaiological effect) KAZAKOVA, Z.A. Methodology of separating fractured reservoir rocks by field geophysical methods. Geofiz. razved. no.9tlO2-108 162. (NIRA 15:9) (Minusinak Basin-Oil well logging, Electric) KAZAKOVA, ZbA.; WKOVA, N.I. Practice in -locating fracture-type reservoir rocke In Jivet sediments of the South Minysinsk Lowland based on the materials of combined field geophysical otudiese Trudy VNIGRI no,193:224-243 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Mimsinsk Basin-Petroleum geology) K"TCHU, A. I.; 'KAZA WAL Z.A. Arperimental bypertension of cortical origin. 11. Cerebral cortical function ia conditioned reflex bypertension, Zhurevyseneryodelato 4 no.4:537-547 Jl-Ag 154. (MLRA 8:3) 1e Laboratortya vyoehs3r nervnoy dayatellnonti Instituta pitaniya AHN SSSR. 7 (HrPZRTINSION, experimental cerebral cortical origin5 (CIFMMUL OWTU, pkwoiology. exper. b7pertension of cortical origin) A 21. d'. L., Sf,;j --tLLL1'0) "T..u roj,e oi, a,,o,l-(j :i.11 patrio- 1_~,cncznis of vzTcrlracrAvl hypert-ennion of a cortdcal orian." Llkj~,COI,7, LU pl-P. (A--u iA,u Sul ULISR), w copies (LL, 1~~ 41, L7~*/, p. Lkji) cw4r'try : XISSR T cz~tcgory : Human and Animal Physiology, Circulation Abo. Jour. Ref Zhur Biol, No. 2, 1959, No. 8095 7,A. The Iraportance of Dietary Proteins In the Production and Courne of ExWrimeatal Hypertension In Dogs. Ori3 Pub. Vopr. pitanlya, 1957, 16, No. 4, 8-15 lWertension vafa produced in dogs by means of atimuli Oich disturbed the normal course of higher Nervous activity. 'A steady rise In blood presswre arose er In the veak iype of dog on a diet low in protein earl, than ILn controls receiving the usual amount of protein (20%). An exceas of protein (33%) in the diet of the stror4~, excitable type of dog led to a rise In blood presawre later than In the control, but the suboequent course of the h"artennion vas more serious. lack of protein In the diets of dogs vith permanent hypertension favored depression of the excitability of cortical and subcortical brain centers. Feeding excess protein 1 '4 11 C /2 "I KAZAMVA, Z*A. 7ifth session of the Ukrainian Nutritional Research Institute of the Xinistry of Public Health of the Ukrainian S.S.R Vop Pit- 17 no.6:74-78 N-D 158 &IRA i2:2) (N=IKON) XMOBXUA, G.S.; DDTMIW. A.A.; XAZAKOVA, Z.A. First session on the problem of "Fat in nutrition.* Vop.pit. 17 n0,6:79-82 W-D 158. (MIRA 12:2) (PAT) Mt* RAZUMOVy Mel.; MAKAM'CHEV, A.I.; SKIRKOv B.K.; =KOVA) Z.A. (14oakva) Impairment of carbohydtate metabolism in the central nervous system in dogs in w".perimental hypertension of cortical oritirt; histochemical investigatiou. Arkh.pat. 22 no.5126-35 160. (MIRA 13 t9) 1. is laboratorii patologicheskoy wnfologii (sav. M.I..Razumov) i laboratorijI. vyashey nervnoy deyatellnosti (zav. Asle Makarychev) Instituts, piiAniya AM SSSR (dir. - chlen-korreepondent AMN S6SR prof. O.P. Molchanova). (BRAIN) (GLYCOGEN METABQLISM) (H R ION) (CONDITIONED PMPONSE) BRAKSH, T.A.; KAZILKOVA, Z.A.; POPOVA, A.V.; LYUBCHANSKAYA, Z.I. Role of dif.-,tary fat in the development of experimental hyper- tension. Vcip. p!t. 22 no.3:22-28 MY-Je 163. (MMA 17:8) 1. Iz laboratorii Vsshey nervnoy deyatellnostl (zavn - prof. A.I. Mordovtsev) Instituta pitaniya AMN SSSR i TSentrallnoy nauchno-ispledovatel'skoy laboratorii zhirovoy proWahlennosti (zav. kand. tekhn. nauk A.A. Shmidt), Moskva. ftu ANDREYENKO, G.V.; KURTSINI, O.Ya.; KCHYAGINA, N.V.; BRAKSH, T.A.; KAZAKOVA, Z.A.; POPOVAI A.V. Changes in some biochemical indices of the blood during the development of experimental hypertension. Vop. pit. 22 no.5: 22-27 S-0 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Iz laboratorli obmena veshchestv (zav. - prof. 0.P. Molchanova) i laboratorii fiziologicheskikh funktsiy (zav. - prof. A.I. Mordovtsev) Instituta pitaniya AMN SSSR i labors- torii fiziologii i biokhinii evertyvaniya krovi (zav. - prof. B.A. Kudryashov) Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. KAZAKOVA, Z. I. Ya. vorodin, Z. I. Kazakova, it. P. Koroleva an~ V. A. Popov, "'ibe Thermo-resistant and Durable i'oanV I-laterials i-~ased on 6ilicon-orv--anic Aesins." Aeport presneted at the Second All-Unicn -onferunce on the ~-heTdstr-i an-] kractical Application of Silicon-Organic 1--ompounds held in Leninj,,,rad fro.--i 25-27 September 1958. Zhurnal prikladnoy I-ldrdi, 1959, Nr 1, pp 2YO-240 (USSIR) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/42017 Penoplaatmasay; abornik statey (Poem Plastics; Collection of Articles) Moscow, Oborongiz, 196D. 18:2 p. Errata slip inserted- 5,050 copies printed. Ed.: A.A. Moiseyev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, V.V. Pavlov, and M.Ya. Borodin; Kanaging Ed#-. A,S* Ziquovskays., Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House: I.A. Suvorova; Tech. Ed.: V.I. Oreolfldna. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers and technicians planning and maumb. facturing products and structures using lightweight fillers, and for workers of the foam plastic ind%mtrys COVERME: The volume contains 13 studies on foam plastics and foaming agents. Some of the studies provide data on the technology of producing foam plastics from polystyrene and polyvinyl chloride, and data on thermosetting polymers (phenol rubber compositions, polyurethane foam., po3,vepoxy foam, afid foam plastic sheets based on organic silicon resins), Other studies contain data an the cm- position of foam plastics., the effect of technological factors and volumetric weight on the physical, mechanical, and dielectric properties of foam plastics, Card 1/8 Foam Plastics; Collecticm of Articles SOV142(Yr and on the fields of application of foam plastics. Several studies deal with the production technclogy of radomes. and reflectors for antenna Installations in aircraft units. It is stated in the foreword that the Soviet Union produces and uses foam plastic sheets based on theruoplastic and thermosetting polymers of rigid, elestief foeM, and porous structure. Fifteen such plastics including some of their specifications and applicationsara listed. There are no biblio- graphies but the authors cite Soviet and other authorities including A.A. Berlin, the author of Osaovy proi-.vodstva gezonapolnenufth plastmass i el"tomeror (Principles of Production of Gas Filled Plastics and Elastomers) published by GoakhWzdat it, 1954. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Kazakova Z.I. and M.Ya. Borodin. Foaming Agents for Foam Plastics 7 Five c6;;ikial methNIs for foam plastic production with the aid of foaming ax!% deacribed. Foaming agents are classified into organic and inorgriai, -,-OUPS and their properties are described. Nine require- ments are :Uut,: I for em ideal foaming agent, but such an agent is still unavailable. The review shows that many organic foaming agents are Card 2/8 S/031/'62/000/002/100/107 B110/B101 AUTHORS: Xazakova, Z. I., Borodin, 11. Ya. TITLEo Gas formers, for foam plastics PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 2, 1962, 569, abstract 2P48 (Sb. "Penoplastmassy". M., Oborongiz, 1960, 7 - 18) TEXT% The application of gas formers in the production of fLoam plastics and methods of determining their foaming capacity are described. The characteristics of the most used inorganic and organic foam formers are mentioned. (18 references.) [Abstracter's note: Complete translation Card 1/1 5.3300 77854 SOVA(9-~O -5/78 AUTHORS; Kaplan, Ye. P., Kazakova, Z. I., Petrov, A. D. TITLEz Synthe:3is and Properties of 4-Alkyl- and 4,41-Dialkylbi- phenyls and Their Hydrogenation Products of Composition C16-C32 PERIODICALs Zhurnal obshcl!-y khimll,.1960, Vol 30, Nr 2, PP 369- 376 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The authors synthesized 4-alkyl- and 4,41-dialkylbiphenyLq with the alkyl chains--C A' C6Hl3' C7 H15' C07 , and ' C5Hlf-CH(C 3H7 )-- by stepwise acylation of biphenyl with the butyryl chloride in nitrobenzene at -2 to -50 over AlCl3 with subsequent reduction of the ketone (over amalgamated zinc), The 4,41-bi-(decyl-4")-bicyclohex- ane was prepared by the schemei Card 1/9 Synthesis and Propertic,~s of 4-Alkyl-' and 77854 4,41-Dialkylbiphenyls and Their Hydrogena- SOV/79-30-2-5/78 tion Producta of Composition C 16-C 32 C3H? (VII) C311, -CII-CH,, �t 117 1 C3 III C31f, C311, Card 2/9 Synthesis and Propcrtlei3 of 4-Alk ',Y1- and 4,41-Dialkylbiphenyls and Their ILVdrogena- tion Products of Composition C 16-C32 ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: Card 3/9 oil, 778~4 -SOV/7 9 - 30-2 -5/-18 Hydrogenation of biphenyls was carried out over Raney Ni in solution of dimethylcyclohexane. Table 2 lists some of the synthesized monoalicyl- and dialkylbiphenyls (and respective bicyclohexanes) and their properties. Viscosity Of thC- b1phE-~nYlS aS a fUnction of temperature is shown In FIgs. 1 and 2, while Figs. 3, It, and 5 give infrared spectra (taken by V. A. Shlyapochniko%, on the IKS-12 spectrophotometer with a NaCl prism) for some of the biphenyls and for the bicyclohexyls. There are 5 figures; 3 tablez; and 6 references, 3 Soviet, 1 Japanese, 1 German, I U.K. The U.K. references is: P. Everitt, D. Hall, E. E. Turner, J. Chem. Soc., 1956, 2286. Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, USSR (Institut organicheskoy khimii Akademii naWc SSSR) February 4, 1959 77854, SOV/79-30-2-5/ .78 Key to Table 2j (1) Nr of compound; (2) hydrocarbons of 4-mono- and 4,41-diallcylbicyclohexyl series; (3) tem- v9 perature; (4) of boiling (pressure in MM); (5) Of solid- Card 0 (6) calculated, ificati n 1 (7) found; 8) viscosity (in ~,,tokes; (c)) eppirical formula. 3, "1 'Jid no 304 sod It M 131 _52- 0,6782 MISO 71.92 11.53 (11065 0,0440 13.0168 MIS: 86-10. K461 M54. IM C,,113, W40 M59 C>C/ (Xi 169-1812) -3-10 0.076 1.4103 M91 W94 &ISAI 0.06A U237 MOW 041,211. M-17 not. 0.01 C")IS, I&II flu jxl~ tga- 193 (5) -12 0.81to JAM gait WL25 a221C 0.0m &G2111 "M MIA. M07 13.68, f1s) C..11" 9i 25 13M INII, C,lf,