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$0771 s/i82/6o/ooo/olO/007/015/X-X A16i/AO30 Deformations ani Stresses in Extrusion of Parts with Complex Shape Figure 7: Clutch case roof 117N Card 6/8 S/182/6o/ooo/bl 0/03-7/015/-C~ S A 1. 6 1 P~ o3, o Dc-formations and Strcssc-s in rxtrusior of Parlu-~ -,--ith Coi:~plex Shanc I '-;,c of f-~.curc in the zirtl' --lc; illl~, ii:xmi~ of botly p-.rtl concernc~; :,O",~, Of Lie fov:--l L, Tiv: loni.- ellipse wxis.. in m:n, .1 c!", ir-o In r;,::l; Final (loformalvion ard -t) oc--.~hcdraal zllrulft 1-0 i Oc sti-coc, in m, a va'.uo ch%racteri zing Lhe (Pormuln. CO. !'ormal stress- alon& :112 - the aye.,;. Card 7/8 887n Deformations and Stresses in fttrusion of parts Mull wqi th c S/18~ D/C)')0/010/007/()15/X7 .~P~o lex Shape 'a"2.4, u rivmflz Mang tcl. cl, 11*111,11- nc~ 3ey.pus. CC T. l.t."Mcs I .I -,,cmt (3) -., T -I, 3 Kpuuia x3ololu 2-11 OJS2 -0 020 0.272 130 1610 I G80 -~5 115 0,24.3 0076 10 3511 1760 5 - : 0, 46 4.11!0 22 10 P 2C. 02Y' -0 N2 10 17" 0.214 3510 -7-52 0 2, 710.406 17S5 r -5.11 732 -'!S!0 5 o-3 -0,31%) 10 . 5,5 1870 G 17:5 1 ~2 -0.133 ; 0 2 6 6 7 0 -0. l'--3 4 )(3611HU A 5 1 1 ~. .5 C, 2.1 -0 ~25 0 IM 1745 141 :740 93 16 0:2 0:, .9 57 -0 223 S~o -O.Io 3C 3 S2 rc...o:)xa o6ziluctixi, p2-1 ! l A 1.5 5 0. 43 ,: 1-0 25.1 ~o0 ! -0 ~ 7' - 1 77 0 1 1 Tl pa 9 6.5 6:5 1 , .i , 0. : R.) : __O: I, 'o 0 .-0 17~ 215 -0: , 3-1,0 -2 ,20 -740 G Kpuzo A ; 28 0 .-16 55 IS70 0o 5 2 110 t 28 .5 25 17.5 0. 3s 5 l 00-r) 1 10 0 ;,s :1 4.: 1 V , 65., r 23 C . 182 - 16 5 1 110 " , . 0; 3 ' 0, 139 -0:025 U: --'0 151, 0 0.3551 ,S0 :i( 1310 7 lipumma x'PTE!P. .1 29,3 17 0 39 -0 133 0. 5.55 f IS75 0192 3700 o C d 0 8 B --14 23 13:, 0 5 0 S2 : 0 3 -0:07.S 0. 2,-6 1670 0:91 3710 730 - a r 1 , 4 5 , IN 1 9 0:203 0 0 43 :0,2.1, ' 0: 140 Ic 0 6 I . 101 165 1O. 1730 0:527 2150 lo KAUKOTI IU.P,.-,. Plotting a coodinate grid on shoot blanks prior to die stampimg. Kus.-shtan. Ookv. 2 no.8t2l-22 Ag 1~0. (MIRA 14s2) ,0heet-ustal work) SOV/84-58-11-44/58 AUTHOR: Kazak4~~.Acting Unit Commandtr TITIE: Rocket Signaling (Signalizatsiya raketami') PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya, 1958, Nr 11, p 32 ~'USSR) ABSTRACT: The author tells how his unit sprayed a forrslZed ar~~a of 6,0)0 ha in the vicinity of Mosqew using mobile radio units and ro-.kets for signaling. Two, equipped with small packs ,.ontaining ultra shortwavt F-108 and P-109 radio units walked in a parallel direction at a d--'stance of 6 km from iSa~:h other. A similar radio unit was installtd on the floor of th;_: An-2 cockpit betwten the pilots' a-5ats. Wtvan retar.,hing a .k one of the crew would radio the command whtreupon th,;.~ signal3L--n sen-tl thest out to guide the pi'-'.ots. This method provtd safer because it did not divert the pil&,sl attention, and alsia more useful since the process could ba repo~ated If an area had not besn adequately sprayed. The cost of ro!ikets i~ost 600 rlablts, while signal flags for the same area would have cost 3,360 rubl,!~a. Card 1/1 Country t Bulgaria T Catogoz-y : Human and Auiw&l ftsiology, Circulation Abs. Jour. : Pef Zhur Biol, No. 2, 1959, No. 8087 Fikolol,,A.; Y~qzakuya A,' Chu- leva A.; Yuslmov,D; igrAtova,F; 141kol(. ~idAev )Ya, M.; ', T. Tbe i-ofect of thi Bulgarian. Syntivitic Estrogenic Frepa- ration "Vitestrol" on Blood Pressure. Orig Flub. JzT. Gtd. biol. I med. nauki. Bolg. AN. Sir. eksperlm. 1,iol. i me&., 1957, No. 1, 47--55 tj Vitlestrol was Injected In doses of 0.5, 1.3 and 5 mg/kg Into normal, atropinitad, -vagotomlyed and do- cerebrate cats, as wall as Into cats vith carotid sinuses removed. VItestrol lowered blood pressure by 16--35$ (depending upon the does) vJthin 72--395 seconds. There were no substantial differencee between the noizal and the operated animals. It to suggested that viteatrol acts d1rectly upon tha smooth muscle elements of the vessel valls.--S.B.Stafanoy. Card: 1/1 AUTHORS: TITLE: 32057 1ki S'11 3/182/62/000/001/003/004 D038/D113 Rubenkova, L.A. and E~~ Investigation on the stress-strain state in deep drawing PERIODICKJ: Kuzneohno-shtampovochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 1, 1962, 11-13 TEXT: Rejects and metal ruptures which fr equently occur during dee draw- ing operations of the two-seotion gas tanks of the3"J1l64 (Z IL_ 1164~ auto- mobile ar(i investigated. The stress-strain stato of one section of the gas tank was investigated during deep drawing. 160 mm diame specimens made of a lead clad steel of the following chemical composition and properties were tested and investigated% 0.06% C; 0.005% P1 0.012% S; 0.0210 Si; ?.35% Mn; 0.04% Cr; 0.05% Ni; 0.0021 Al; 0.04% Cul yield point - 26.2 kg/mm tensile strength - 32.2 kg/mm ; relative elongation - 34.3%, and the depth according to the Eriahsen test method - 10.8 mm. The authors conclude that (1) only completely out out blanks should be deep drawn; (2) the shoots should be pinch press rolled or rolled before deep drawing to avoid the aging effoct; (3) correct gap dimensions should be maintained between the punch and the die bad, and the face of the draw bed should be free of Card 1/2 KUKHTAROV, V.I.; WAKU Y11 P-, 1n7h., retsenzent; SEUPIYEV, V.V., inzh., retsenzent; BABENKO, V.A., inzh., red.; MARKIZ, Yu.L., red.izd-va; WKIND, V.D., tekhn. red. (Cold stamping]Kholodnaia shtampovka. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 403 P. (MIRA 16:2) (Sheet-metal work) 3/182/63/000/001/W4/012 AOOVA126 AU"INOM: - Rubenkova, L. A., KazaRov, Yu. P., Dryashin, 1. B. TITLE: Selection of sheet steel for stamping Intricate parts PERIODICAL: Kuznechno-shtairpovochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 1, 1963, 9 - 11 TErr: At the Institut mashinovedeniya (Institute of the Science of Machines) method.,; have been developed to determine the magnitude of stresses and deforma- tions ~,n components of intricate shape. By these methods it is possible 1) to de- termJnl- the actual magnitudes of stresses and deformations arising in drawing parts 3f Intricate shape, 2) to determine the critical deronnation magnitudes which, once they are attained, might impair the stability of the drawing process, 3) to establish the mechanical clearances that ensure optimum stamping conditions of the metal. The authors give R detailed description of determining the,above factors, present relevant formulae and an example or calculating the stressed and-_ deforned state in stamping the fender of the 3ZJI-164 (ZIL-164) truck. The cal- culation results are compiled In a table. By using these methods, it is possible to classify components according to intricacy groups, depending on the actual Card :./2 S11 82/6 3/OW/001/CO4/012 SelectIon of sheet steel for... A004/AI26 deformations and stresses and thus select material with optimum mcchnnical prop- erties. There are 3 figures and 1 table. Card ',V2 KAZAKOV, Yu.P.; RUBENKOVA, L.A. ------- Nature of applied stress in the fraving of intricately shaped parts. Kuz.-shtam.proizv. 5 no-3:17-19 Mr 163. (MIRA 16W (Drawing (Metalwork)) (Strata and stresses) RUBENKOVA, L.A.. KAZAKOV,, Yu.P.; DRYASHIN, I.B. Selection of a sheet steel for the die stamping oil intricate parts. Kuz.-shtam,. proizv. 5 no,139-31 Ja*163, (HEIA 16:2) (Sheet-metal work) (Sheet steel-Testing) T. All, "r N wAK(n., IU,P,;3mwIrsv, V.V. I .. .... . Devulopift an efficient design of ZIL cooler parts. Kuz.--shtam.proizv. 5 no-6:21;13 Ag 163. (KM 16:9) 1 t '... I "I. V MENKOVA, L.A.; KAZAKOV, Yu.P. Investigating stress-ottain gonditions ~W~die cupping. Kuz.- shtam. proizv. 4 no-1:11-13 Ja 62. (MIRA 17:3) 47 IMCHETOV, A.D., inzh. ALiomating the striking of welding arcs, Svar. proizv. no.9:33- 34 165. (KRA 18:9) KAZAKOV, Z. Lum,-, together. Grazhd.av. 20 no.4:27 Ap 163. (MA 16:5) 1. Nachallnik aeroporta Yqaohkovo. (Aeronautics, Commercial-Study and teaching) AUTHORS: TITIJB: 37776 S/661/61/000/006/071/081 D247/D302 Borodin, M. Ya., Kazakov,,-Z.-I., Koroleva, A. P. and Popov, V. A. Foam plastics based on silico-organic resins and their combination with organic polymers 3OURCE. Khimiya i prakticheskoye primexieniye kremneorganicheskikh soyedineniy; trudy konferentsii, no. 6: Doklady, diskuB- sii, resheniye. II Vaes. konfer. po khimii i prakt. prim. kremneorg. soyed., Len. 1958. Leningrad, Izd-vo AN SSSRq 1961, 304-306 TEXT: Two types of silico-organic resins were investigated; Resins for layer foams and resins from acetoxyBilanci3. The coefficient of contraction, mechanical durability and dielectric properties were considered. Sone of the uses of the layer foams were mentioned. 11.1wAnum powder as a filler was assessed (thermostability being ob- .ained up to 40000). In the discussion the minimum weight by volume and the water capacity for the Bilico-layer foams were given. Card 1/1 "A, Z KAZAKOV, Z.14. Practices in aerial spraying of forests with chemicals. Zashch. rast, ot vred. i bol. 4 no.2:29-30 Mr-Ap 159. (HUIA 16:5) (Moscow Provinco-Gypsy moth-Extermination) (Moscow Province-Aeronautics in forestry) K,kZ.%KOVA, A. A "Bacteriosis of Wheat)" Trudy Vsesoiuznogo Nauchno-IssledovtelInkogo Ir.stituta Zerria J Produktov E,-,,o Pererabotki,- no. 13, 1934, pp. 3P-40. 591~~ MP5 17HAILSKIY V. P. and KAZMKOVA, A SO: SIRA: SI-19-53, 15 Dec. 1953 FAZAKOVA; A. A. Onions Local ordons from vegetative propagation. Sad i og.; No. 7; 10~52. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, .1953. Unclassified. ~1-4 1. PPIVNEV, D. D.;.KAZAKO%'A, A. A* 2. ussR 600 h. OnioriB 7. Green onions throughout the year, Dost. sellkhoz, No, 12, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953, Uncl. ALICEUNDROV, Bergey Vasillyevich. Icandidat eel' Bkokhozyayotvannykh nauk: BILYAYEV, Anton Semenovich; VASILIY3V, Vasiliy luklyanovich, kandidat sell skokhozyayetvannykh nauk; IAZAIOU. Antonina Alekseyevus. kanIt4at sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk; KAMERAZ. Abram Yakovlevich. kandidat sellskokhozyaystvenrorkh nauk; 3XCHURIV, Boris Ivanovich. kandidat sallskokhozyaystvennykh nauk; BRRZHNXV. D.D., professor, doktor sellskokhozyaystvannykh nauk. redaktor; PSTROV. N.P.. redaktor; CHUNAUVA, Z.V., tekhnicheakiy redaktor (Vegetable gardening)Ovoi3hchevodetvo. Pod red. D.D.Brezhneve. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo salkhoz. lit-ry, 1956. 472 p. (MISA 9:12) (Vegetable gardening) USSR / Cultivated Plants. Potatoes. Vegetables. Melons. M-3 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 6, 1958, 25055 Author Kazakova, A.A. Inst Is Title The Effect of Temperature on the Growth and Develop- ment of the Onion Orig Pub: Tr. po prikl. botan., genet. i selektsii, 1957, 31, No 2, 117-121 Abstract: Tests made in Leningradskaya Oblast with various onion varieties (Bessonovskiy, Taltausakiys Kaba and Vologodskiy) have demonstrated that storing the seedlings and select onions at reduced temperatures (5-80) produces a slowing up of growth in the vegeta- tive organs and an acceleration in generative develop- ment. The storage of onions at lowered temperatures lead to the large-scale shoot formation in the plants Card 1/2 66 LUKOVNIKOVA, G.A., kand.sel'skok:hoz.nauk; KAZAKOVA, A.A., kand.biol.nauk Effect-of growing conditions on the chemical composition and economic features of certain onion species. Trudy po prikl. bot., gen, i sel. 32 no.39116-132 159. (MIRA 14:5) (onions) KAZkKC-YVA, A.A,., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk Methods of obtaining sterile forms of onion. Trudy pq prikl, bot., gen. i 9e1. 32 no.31304-305 '59. VINA 14'-5) (onions) (St6rility in plants) I I KAZLKOVA, A.A., kand.seltakokhom.riauk; STAROKOZHEV, S.I. Hou the time of planting affects the biological features of garlic. Trudy po, prikl. bot.p gen. i ael, 32 nojiI46-10 159, (Garlic) (Planting time) (MIRA 14:5) N 1 r- ,~:J 50) AUT11ORS: Andrianov, K. A., Zhdanov, A. A., SOV/62-59-3-13/37 Fazakova, A. A. TITLE: Synthesis of Now Polymers With Inorennic Chnins of Molecules (Sintez novykh polimerov s neorganiclieskimi tnepyami molekul) PERIODICAL; Izvest-iya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khiricheski'r-lh nauk, 1959, Nr 3, pp 466-471 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper some reactions of the formation of new polymers with mineral chains of molecules containing aluminum, titanium, phoophorus, and oxygen atomq were investigated. By means of double decomposition of sodium ethyl silanolate with titanium-tetrachloride as wellas of sodium trimethyl silanolate with titanium tetrachloride and aluminum chloride dodecamethyl-titanoxy-tetrasiloxane, dodecaethyl-titanoxy- tetrasiloxane and nonamethyl alumoxy-trisiloxane were syn- thesized. In the investigation of the hydroly'ic stability of nonaethyl-alumoxy-trisiloxane it was foun-1 that during hydro7 lysis a nimultaneous formation of polyoyganoBilylalumoxanes - polymers with the elementary Croup of ~he for=ula Card 1/2 Y", Sy.r!thesis of New Polymers With Inorganic Chains of SOV/0'2-510-3-13/37 Molecules ASSOCIATION: SUB14ITTED: Card 2/2 - Al - 0 - takes place. On the interaction of nonaethyl- I ubi(C2H5)3 alumoxy-trisiloxane with tris-triethyl-ailylphosphate poly- organosilylphosphoralumoxanes with the elementary group of the formula Osi(C 11 ) 1 2 5 3 - Al - 0 - f, - 0 - Si (CP5~0 are formed. Similar polymers are also formed in the reaction of nonaethyl-alumoxy-trisiloxane with triethyl-silylphosphoric acid. There are 3 figures, 3 tables, and 5 Soviet references. Institut elementooreanicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) June 25, 1957 I S ljolecule 0110 5 (3) RS. ova 9 Jel~ul)- J~sjfos- kUT11O J~azalr -polymers With I 1~ tsepyaml "" Jmi (.,..FoljorganOsilO te neorgani Ches -~Sy~ntrov T -1 j)SR-jOD1CJ&Lt jBSTp,ACT, 'aril r , eBiS . aluminumoxans (Sintez Polimelolyphosyllo J.Yoljorganosi ) . Vol 292 lir 49 P9 1284 f oralYu"Oitsany 19591 1 obshch'By investiga- Zhurna rt (Ref 1) the phos- (1USSR) 10%yalum-Inum , the preceding roPo 11cylsil (trial- -in Contill'aation 0~ olya If the tris- vj()W Shov that the I" osilicon 0010pounds aO- re he VOIYOO"(ensation 0 ultine Poly' tions under obtained V1 t h f the re, hates arc num Vith orgallO-Phonsapture 0 in the sur- V lsiloxy)-alumi ) an,, 2). The or,anic T ion of tris- XY . chemes I oj the U naensat . . cording to 5 the ature 'By the 0 0 hoSphlTlIc acid (IS on xarle grouPs * noxyl) ge-re 01 iners aepell . triethYls' o Polymers iallrylsilo -with 200-220 lid Tou-nding t, ) - aluminum Itable, Dn& so iloy-~ )-Phosphate at t me 0 Ba-~Ie -(triethylo.ictli;flailyl l1ablc no -Under th r e .,ature. roaucts tris-(ti to an Unso temPI or. 'I . I cliallu"d ontione(l filid linsoluble P tallied hjc.l afore- state a~ ove tile (1, not meltablel Condi tionG Soli products which were, at the same time, ir-- --Au-ie in organic solutions resulted from the condensation of tris-(trimethylsiloxy)-aluminum with trimethylsiloxyphosphinic Synthesis of the Polymers With Inorganic Molecule SOV/79-29-4-53/77 Chains. I.Polyorganosiloxyphosphoaluminumoxans acid or with trio-(trimeth,,,Ioilyl.)-phosphato. There are 2 figures and 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: March 15, 1958 Card 3/3 S/079/61/031/001/019/025 15.SIILI 2U5 BO01/B066 AUTFORS: Andrianov, K. A., Khananashvili, L. Mk, Kazakova, A. A., and Ivanov, A. A. TITLE: Synthesis of Poly (phenoxy-me thy I -pho s phi noxy) Aluminum. Oxares PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1961, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 228 - 231 TEXT: Following their papers of Refs. 1 and 2, and in view of Ref. 3, the authors now studied the syntheses of some organophosphorus-aluminum com- pounds and tried to convert them to polymers with a principal chain of aluminum oxanes. The synthesis of these organophosphorus-aluminum com- pounds was made by esterification of the acid chloride of methyl phos- phinic acid with phenol, combined with a renction of the resultant methyl- phenoxy phosphinic acid chloride with aluminum-n-butylate, according to the equation: /Cl 'Cl CH3 Al(OC4R9)31(C H Al-O-P/~O~ C H Cl. CH3P_O+C 6H5OR ICH 34 ` 4 90)2 1 4 9 OC6H Cl 0C Ili, 5 Card 1/3 Synthesis of Poly(phenoxy-methyl-phoaphinoxy) S/079/61/031/001/019/025 Aluminum Oxanes B001/B066 Compound M, hitherto not yet described, was separated in pure condition by distillation of the reaction products (26.2 %). The low yield is due to the formation of compound CH 3PO(OC6R 5)2 and, presumably, of a mixture of condensation products of the organophosphorus compounds present. The yield of butyl chloride was 58 %. The reaction carried out at 80 - 900C yields phenoxymethyl-phosphinoxy-dibutoxy aluminum (II). Elevated temperatures give compounds insoluble in organic solvents. The'viscosity of the product of the hydrolysis of compound (II) rapidly increases. This hydrolysis probably gives; C H 0--A1- 0 -Al- 0 The increase in viscosity depends on the water 4 9 1 quantity applied, it is most pronounced at the U beginning reaction. The hydrolysis products CH- ~=O CH P, =0 separated from the solution are solid compounds 3 1 3 0C H H soluble in butyl alcohol. A study of the thermo- 6 5 6 5 mechanical properties of the hydrolysis products reveals that an increase on the water quantity in the above hydrolysis does not affect the flow temperature of the polymer considerably, but somewhat decreases the interval between the temperaturesof vitrification Card 2/3 Zz -N M :zz .`;':-~;,0I ANDRIANOV, Y~. J- I A 2~ itb iVvr9=i(' chains of zoleculeoe Synthesis Of polymrs v I plast. massy no.3:24-26 polyorganos jlmcypbcephomlUROx-ane' - (Wm 16: 4) 163o compounds) Silicon organic pounds) Phosphorus Organic c0" de) Iluxin= organic COIRPOun ~pcjMrization) !,ACCESSION NR: AP4037291 S/0190/64/006/'005/0940/094 AUTHORt Zhdanov,*'A, At; Andrianovq Ko A,; Kazakova, A. A.; Baksheyeva, To So TITLE; Polymors with inorganic backbono, Synthesis of polyorgeno-. phomphoroaluminoxance SOURCE: Vy*ookomolekulyarny*ye soyedinaniya, v. 6, no. 5, 1964, 940-944 TOPIC TAGS: polymers, inorganic backbone containing polymer, phos- phorus containing polymer, aluminum containing polymer, aluminoxane,'' polyorganophosplioroaluminoxane, aluminum containing polymethylphos- phonaw. aluminum ethylate, aluminum butylate, diathyl methylphos- phonate, dibutyl methylphosphonate, diphanyl methylphosphonate, polycondensation, mothylphosphonyl chloride ABSTRACTi The reaction of aluminum alcoholates with some deriva- tives of methylphosphonic acid, and the properties of the condensa- tion products obtained have been studied. Aluminum ethylate or: Card lt3 ACCESSION NR: AP4037291 aluminum butylate was condensed with either methylphosphonyl chlo ride or diethyl, d1butyl, or diphanyl mothylphosphonate, Solid polymers obtained iL the process of the progressing condensation contained the group [LO-AJ-0 H R 3 and, if mothylphosphonate chloride was used, the group 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4037291 confirmed in which P, 0, and Al were consecutively bound; this was i by the fact that phenetolo and not diphenyl or diethyl ether, was formed in the reaction between aluminum e'hylate and diphenyl. methylphosphonatee Polymer fusibility, glass transition tempera- ture T,.and solubility in organic solvents decreased with the in- cre age in the degree of condensation. Thus, for poly(ethoxyalumino-,' methylphosphonate) in the initial degree of condensation, T9 was 90-100C, while in the progressed condensation stage, T. was 130-150C; it is to be noted that T for poly(butoxyalumLnomethyl--. phosphonate) at a similar degree of condensation was 60-80C be- cause of thd steric hindrance of butoxy groups, which prevent closp packing of polymeric chains. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 7 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheakikh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute of Organoolemental Compounds, AN'SSSR) SUBMITTEDI 02Jul63 :W8 CODEt OC Card 3/3 DATE ACQ: 09Jun64 ENCLt 00 NO REF SOVt 006 OTHERt 001 BREZITEV, D.D., akademikj KAZIN)VA, A.Ao. kand. sellskokhoz. nauk Vdriability in the characters of onlons under the influence of growing conditions, Do~l. Akad. cellkhoz. nauk n0.3312-15 Mr 165. (MIRA 1815) 1. VaesoyuzW nauch-nc--issledova tell skiy institut rastenlyevodstva. g PICRTIGOVA, V.A.; ROZHKOV, A.M.; -KAZAKOVA, A.A. Tar acid eiters in resins from Siberian cedar. Trudy Khim.-met. inst. Sib. otd. AN SSSR no. 13r:41-45 159. (MIRA 14:1) (Wood tar) (oleoresins) (Cedar) KA71KOV, Ye. D.; LYUBUSHKIN, V. T. ; KAZAKOVA, A. F. Linua- div:ori-tions of corn kurtiol.- and tholr wo-Iiibility. I Zv. vys. ucheb.zanv.; piolich, 2:1G-15 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. \,ookovskiy teklinologicheskiy institut pishchavoy promyshler'llosti, kafedru promyshlonnoy pererabotki kukuruzy i kafedra biokhimii i zernovedonlyn. :i~;, L-,~ I ?U11 ZMOV. N.M.; GRICCHNIVA, L.V-!, KAZAICOVA, A.G. ,- " I . - 4 -- Result of moo two-stage therapy of ancariasio. Ked. paras. I po=s. bol. no.2:120-124 Ap-Je 154. (K= 718) 1. Is protivonalywriynoy stantsti, sanitarno-oplitesiologichoolcoy stantoll I detskogo sanatorlya Yrachabno~-mmitamogo otdola Moselektrotyagetroya Kinisterstva, putoy moobahchaniya SSML (ASCARIASIS. in infant and childt *ther., two-stage moo ther.) XAZAKOVA. A.N.; SIUCVCHICNKO, F.I., professor, saveduyushchiy. Further Investigations of the bactericidal properties of dry garlic; author's abstract. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid.i imman. no.8:17-18 Ag '53. (KLRA 6:11) 1. Kafedra mikrobiologii Samarkandskogo moditsinskogo instituta im. akademika I.P.Pavlova. (Garlic--Therapeutic use) KAU OVA, A.U.; SHETCHENKO, Jr.M., professor, saveduyushchiy. Rxperimental study of the effectiveness of dry garlic in the treatment of suppurative wounds; author's abstract. Zhur.mikrobiol.Gpid.i imrmn. no.8: 18-19 A& '53. (K6RA 6:11) 1. Xafedra mikrobiologii Samarkandskogo meditsinskogo instituta im. akad. I.P. Pavlova. (Garlic--Therapeutic use) (Wounds) USSR/.Xicrobiology Medical and Veterinary. F-4 Abs. J:)-Lir Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 7, 1957, 26375 Author Shevchenko, F.I., Kazakova, A.N., El'tekova, N.I. Inst SFkmrkand Medical Title The Appearance of Indications of Pathogenic Properties in Coliform Bacilli In Relation to the Composition of the Nutrient Medium. Orig 'nub ; Sb- nauch, tr, Samrkandsk. med. In-t, 1956, 11, 91-97 Abst : Cultures of coliform bacilli CB) were sowed in cups containing blood W, potato M), carrot (III) and sugar (IV) agar and, for control purposes, the usual meat-peptone agar (MPA). The strains selected showed varying indications of being pathoeenic (hemolysia, saccharose decomposition, negative trypaflavin reac- tion), while one lacked these Indications. CB cultu- res with pathogenic features, upon segmentation and two regenerations over a period of 33 to 511 dais, Card SHEVCHENKOO F.I., prof.; AMITAMOV, M.A.; ISHCHENKO, G.N.; KAZAKOVA, A.N.; SLITEKOVAp N.I. Biological characteristics of pathogenic serological types of Esoberichia coli. Mad. zhur. Uzb. no.2t22-25 F 162. (14IRA 15:4) 1. 1z kafedry mikrobiologil Soma kandskogo gosudari3tvennogo meditsin- skollo institute, imeni I.P.Pavlova. (ESCIERIGILIA COLI) f"Z I ~;l SHYWCHENKO, F.I.,prof.; AKHTAMOV, M.A.; ISHCHEN10, G.Vq-KAZAKOVA, A.N.; ELITEKOA, N.I. - Some reeults of a study of Escherichla coli in connection with the etiology of diarrhea in small children. Pediatria 38. no-4: 17-2) Apr260. (MIRA 16:7) 1. 1z kafedry mikrobiologli (z&~,.-prof. F.I.Shevchenko) Samac- kands)-ogo meditainekogo institAita imeni akademika Pavlova. (ESCHERICHIA CCLI) (DIARRIfEA) KCTYAKHOY, F.I.; MHLINIKOVA. Yu.S., TMM. G.Y.-, UZAKOVA, A.V. Determining water saturation and oil recovery factors of sands on the bnais of drill core analysis. Neft.khos.34 no.6:28-34 Je 156. (Oil well logging) (Petroleum engineering) - (MLRA 9:9) ZA /(0 Vj ~7 ?its -A F A- 11'.MIL IT _Its o ^I-ut fill,", N, At'd A."31 Vfl~ IWIAK11- Hish 40=111hull vallilative fr-olysle 61 took as lock. (h. W(I-1, III, .1"j. v# go "uptlo. 14 11) Wl`;~, ('11, 11 14. It, :I M, Cl 1 0 11. IL 11,11P W X), our Wil.". Me fledirr III .4 1 he 4 Is Is W" nw! 1 4 Sk. 1). M. Ruil- Min Mial"S Ulf to 1111"i (of the will. Ill "I"Ut, A AFAM ~,4 '4- I V. G. MarkwAth. J. JIM., fratilon It. bdour 31011 aromatic hydrormbitiom an man. 8 to als").-CrIt at the tie h Sjoe ry tily a do Val, 11 vikke Ow sibm olitimum tvitifillom. 0 to 2.b- a I ratio 0 - COH.MC4114 + 411.) in the vu.~ I a v in. Zo mim Pyrtilytils. mo. r (1-7. 0 to 1.7, rAm"alk-li 00 creating lineetty With the temp. lip to low . Jame aboec SA~ roe broulenic WW tolwaic tractioun an triativii go a tkat temp': 0 jullk-ative of MIM prMrM, d low ill Unruiltd. vomptio. (3.3 and 41.4~. crop., at swum bivinyl -tivitylleak 2 volimpood, to ,,=4 03' ?O.m13J-r,r" .. at "~AV. r 1.4). the xyienj, Pylolyti., largely to Woulatics; it fr;;t", bly "-Tbrr (450 arlil 2l.b7,. at mr. 1, 1-00 lively foalff dem"Pla. of C.11. "r .. - 1.4. trip.). example of Comp". of the ire 0 001 nd a; ~ 0.3 and r-v-u Is charactirrittrill by p to ". Asobtir mnmv of the Aromatic pan (optiMUM condition.)- C.1t. 4-k CJLM, degree of p"r.6 is the wt. ratio $ . C4jIj1C4jIoMt,'~ 1, Clit4mill 0.6% 1.( tin rmurut). Pyrolysis in flice" Sur zoo to the galificaltbon, of 1-krallov amellins mazut (d. 0.9m,' resulls in a vilintanikIly II14her yield of olfws M,% Coo sea Viscosity E. It I I- b W-7106 9% 270-M, 10%. 3(x)- under optimum conditions)- than nonolidiltive py",lyti.. coo coeff. a 0.1, the ykjd d too Of OXYVG, D. M. Rudkovskil, V, G. Markovich wild CIL remained fairly const. with the temp, .B. A. K"Ourva. Illid. 1391-M.-Ilettei yielits 4 ale- I Varying from "j, to (11(l), and the time of contact r froth. 11.41903avc.; ittallimarkedlyatlowc temp.. M)-7331 ,fulls and higher comell. in the &W go were mught by ad. V - I me. In cuntrast to "14 the ykM of C.114 4! adiA.dif.OwWbyumofOlinstewictai:,rftp. Intbe I CJI. (OWnly CJG. with WWN-"Ilt arld very little I.- PYIIQIYSIA Of kuwm* in Porcelain fracton. with a kirritievit Coils) falls diallactly with eWult temp. and with totig" r. water ratio 1:3, time of contact v we lr';~ntlvv Optimum ctinditinns, by the 4triterion of both to (ov 6) of CJ4 inarnotIll Willem 8W* and IWO' 16.3 to oust the total yield a of unutd. hydrocarbona (14-16%). 274 wt. % (of the brevnew conmied); the optimum temp.. not actually resew. seems to lie at about I W. an fairly broad. NOWW at r abiut I m. at UW* at r - d W",3 ove.: at 1XV. r 0.7, of riwo to 114%. 0 fans to 2; C6114 + Wit am about 14% at 11111113-0W, falling to92% at die "Imor AW. r 0.24 Simi %W1, P 0.0. a Win agai t 1080,; optimum y1eld 44 total olefini. 421-,,. fiell between ru~, M) to C11, irkyrio"... tr V in the $at Mae on account of diminWird PAifirsI=:. om 5.0 31 at in the 2nd caw owint to inami.sior rinlyinttiallikon. T,_, to 117 Ht h- 0.7 to 2.3. totai fu from 41.0 tv.Ws. tie 0 ,e be* resull;'12 Med reartan am close. Ultimate a , from O.U3 I CILASIMPKAT" to QJ am, 1 to only a Mijbi incrovan W Coll.. from "'L UT .2 too" too. %ONSAV 'roe 661111 " 0" In ill a is a ill it ig III it Q i i L S 8 fill 0 0 1 1 N a I a 4 3 6 9 0 000000 000*00000000000000000*00000*0 'a 00 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0_6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 to 0 0 * 0 07~,O _04 go 00 0 :9 0 00 00 , 00 00 00 go *0 *0 00 00 00 0001111181 0 0 i-461 lit VIA 41 or 114 tan 1 1. mili (of twill -. it .1. 1411i'll Q 21 00 ' 1. 64.1. 1-, U.11 1. W-1. . fill. 1411 V-stalle 1 014, 11. a. oat 1,.I.i Va.1.441un 6`0 , r JAIIII 1 111061 1: 1 ill 141, .61 UN I. T,r ft to It'll all) thsoas Imult I'l a ITIWIl low FVAW U1 C, Is but U &1141111 have a dl tfi il 00 (1.115 mat 0.14, Is".1mv.1 4 skov, ad tht tollital ent. ur iw"aw of 11-141 44orfins rnwhins a IR411. (",?%) the lirkin In C411,. C, s it y fix" IIWIor4 effect 11, Ivul twticularlY Colt, (W 00 at I, F I :I, a %&FT just bla-AMIT --I Call" fmas " - 11 lil a ll + C 4 C It A YI). At v - 2 anot 4. A.( Aloat 2.14. 5.111, 3 n- C,11 1 fol u in 1, It. III.,Aas a 1) Oil , 1.2 4.0 2 6and 0 7 I es 6 rese ".9w 9 ing a . 4 ,. an iw Z).6 to 26.4 * C k C1 l I C. 14 0. 1.1. 1.41 ;~,l 0 4) . . . . . .o. , 4.3 1,,. -Ut" Of ,6 4 00 e ill" o 1. W" I, no orkinpir its MAI. ill SIMI p, 1:. W t 4 405"'. 41 WW (F L., tiftindr fad n h l i ( . . 4 . 1 11, Into '-" It. 23,3 Simi 16.11. IA.R of a,- - rithl In hpinwu" * . ' ll t e ai firinam Willa low tfmp.. 1.. 2 3 Aml 3 14,;. ski total sold 1(1W. Iviap.. ir-A. (in 1.11(011. lawasill) VA ii .Lt. 47 Lot ' , 4-61 (h < AW) TJ 3 6 l U 0 0 -, 1~4. lafdl a t it Only a Tay ..16411 flactima -, Y '"U . . 0. .0 stah . I IA JI. 7.4; 3ft Ill I-OWHISO AS 41 0 of dial IIAJ It a will. . ill WAV11141011 with C *1141 hl"I",_ , I f COS at W) Stood 10W w i I Wool. .4*111. Ishattlaf. with x. h, N narpla " o . n clartialwo f"Wass flow W". h 0.8 OW 4 fe, , runiorquar"ll as But - li f l b l r . 00 ne y torittec e ivi it li salaird by Mottistoolon. 11#0 acts c y agalsoad pulywristatinn. 4sorMov lowat wAs sub)WIC41 90 4111.1. with its *I. a-( *lot". reaultins r6 =V"4. 1~ tu4sul , "' 4%. t - It I %111104.111141init Ill 00 (1114 Intianot Cal 1. VIA I rill-11114W 10 0 2.&4. at 710-VAP. r IIJI 41.3 Sec.; untler the given colas- 00 ditiax;~ or 0.2-4)-% the bilthest YkId in Call* arsal ~ CjIj 4%. bivinyl 376 orstbiout torwhing the 00 an - J" The William sum of '* 00 The weal. opti- 1 =0 1t 60 1101141.1 1 .3 mum raq i4 Call, 20, Calh S, Colle 2.11 00 ,*An' 2V-. C114 xi, 11, #a, Co 15, CA), 2). Coke ,, arntm"l. 10 3-4.11,-, 1 vil,the wt. of the routaout). it altoubles for r 1: 1- The cariewtval balsonove wilb resinvt to the .'estifully- runirmed nuizut (Wkh deduction of 10% buoriard)im: CjIt# 15.5. Colts 3.8, CsII.4.4. bivinYI3.3. total takfins 29. total survalivaticat 4.6. coke 4%. Ascuintauvoliarith 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 o 0 0 0 & 0 0 ISROPKIN. T.G.. Prialmali uchostiye: TUKEXBAYST, laborant. LATLIM, D.S.. red.; ANOXHINA, M.G., [Mechanization and electrification of collective farms in Kirghizistan] Makhanizatelia i elektrofilcataiia kolkhoznogo proizvodstva Xirgizii. Frunze, Akad.nauk Kirgizakoi SISR, Institut okonomiki, 1959* 128 p. (MIRA 13:7) (Kirghisistan-Blectrification) (Kirghizistan--Collective farms) SSMZLI, Te.B., kand. tekhn. nauk; KAZAKOVAi G.L., inzh. Ezperimental luminaires in classrooms. Svetotekhnika 5 no.8:13-18 Ag 159. (MR& 13:2) l.Vsesoy=ny7 evetotakhnicheakiy institut. (Schools--Lighting) K USSIR/Physics Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 11/45 Authors : Yurin, A. N.; Kazakova, G. N.; and Lurle, B. G. Title : Experiments with diffusion of bromine in solid argentum-bromide for purp'Oses of studying Periodical. : Dok. AN SSSR 99/4o 529-531, Dec 1, 1954, Abstract I Ecperiments with bromine diffusion in solid argentum-bromide are described. Bromine diffusion of pure bromine as well ag brominated samples were studied with the help of a radioactive indicator Br82. Two methods - the contact ant the adsorption methods - were used. The first one was used in the cases of pure bromine samples, the second, in the cases of brominated samples. Diffu. sion coefficients obtained by both methods are considered quite satisfactory and can be expressed as follows: D Br- = 0.50e-24000 RT cm2/sc . Coefficients of electric conductivity of bromine and brominated samples were also deter- mined. Ten references 7-USSR (1937-1954). Dia-rams. Institution : Leningrad State University im. A. A. Zhdanov F i esented by: Vcademici rski-A . June' 9, 1954 an P. 1. Luki ROSHKI14) V.G., kand. tekhn. nauk; GALAKTIONOV, A.A., kand. arkh.;. LARKINA, V.I.p inzh.; YANTIKOVA, M.P., inzh.; KAZAKOVA, G.N., teklm.; GUa!k:, M.A., red. izd-va; ShMT7;'EVA, N.V., tekhn. red. [Synthetic floor coverings) Sinteticheskie materialy d3-ia pok- rytiia polov. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit arkhit i stroit. materialam, 1961. 155 p. U111RA 15:;) 1. Veesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut novykh stroitellrqkh materialov. 2. Laboratoriya otdolochrqkh plant- mass Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatell:3kogo instituta novykh stroitcllnykh materialov Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Koshkir., Galaktionov., Larkina Yantikova, Kazakova). (Floor coverlngs~ i1747M77777 E- it:; Ov t~,- Central r.rige of t kit.I korploksllyy "Ta Levon libingkogo ot ul-,ravlerilye.- SHVACHKIN, Yu,P.: 511PRUMAt I.K.; KAZAKOVAr G.V. Synthesis of dauterated 2-thiouracils. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.11: 3846-3847 N 164 (mm 18:1) 1. Moskovskly gosudarstyennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. KAZAEWAg GoTes' Iffioient methods of preparing vigetable ingredients used in the vroduction. of vermouth, Izv- vyN, uchab' sav.; pishoh. tekh. no;l: 109-112 158, (MM 11:8) 1; Moskarskly tekhnologichesidy iustitut pishohavoy proavehlennosti, Kafedra vinodellya, (Termauth) Obsenoss and essential oils) M- 771777h N: W KAUXXOVA, G.Te. Role of amino acids in the making of vermautho Izv.vya. ucheb.sav.; pishch.takh. no.4:161-164 159. 0AIRA 13:2) 1. ?4oskovskiy takhnologicheokiy inatitut pishchevoy promy- shlennosti. KafecIra vinodeliya. (Wine and wine making) (Amino acids) 0 KAZAKOVA, G. Yo., Cand of Tech Sci - (diss) "InventiFation of DiT Ingredients and L~e Technology of Absinth," Moscow, 1959p 20 pp (Moscow fachno,ogical Institute of the Food Industry) (KL, 5-60; 126i) KAZAKOVA, I.I.; GORODNOV, V.D.; MDROZOVA, Ye.V. Effect of chemical reagents on the amount of centrifugate in clay muds. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 7 no.10:24-27 164. (MIRA 18t2) 1. MoO v.01v institut neftekhImicheakoy i gazovoy prouWahlennosti imeni a~ademlka I.M. Gubk1na. KULEBAKIN, P.G.; KAZAKOVA, I.P., in-Lh. Efficiency of using disc plow-harrows and cultivators. Zemlodelle 24 no.412&-30 Ap 162. (MMU 15:4) 1. Sibirskiy filial Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-isoledovatellskogo instituta mekhanizataii sel'skogo khozyzystva. 2. Rukovoditell laboratorii poclivoobrabotki Sibirskogo filiala Vaesoyuznogo nauchno issledovatel'skogo instituta mekhanizatsii sel'skogo khozyz-yetva (for Kulebakin). (Soil moisture) (Tillage) 'IRM V P. EL c aga cca~-.-Gs a-~c C.- .-.o of e:-,ce 3f '.n ra, tev,'.es T SOURCE: Sb- 3 vses. konf ore nt s i va po pe r a s or Z an C., - f - r a VF--, --a- z~onad, aomotra;-.zplaritat ion, L Synestrol, testLs 1017 : TRAN SLAT .1 Sexu&'-Iy mature Castrated male rats -lants in the scroturr. of half a teatis taken from rags recelvad a 0.1 7"' ~4ose o"L' a o.'! ~.a.'I-v for 6 mos, Cont:-o" ra--s recoived :~os~,cq f~-c)m day o1d rats cmd sexually mature r.Qt.9 who sYnastrol. The tranBplantod taste!i all died In a st&--e o f L CO~J 1/2 F-I ~SI Aiii, --------------- 7 -7-1 - -- -z -- 1, 157A-65 ACCESSION NR: AR4045769 sper-matog enesis aftor 25 days. Transplants from- 12 day old ra-~s underwent didifferentiation sand depleted tubule stn.;c7,,!-re L4tbl to "-'n,~,Ia tubules o,-. Z'-, -a SUB CGD~--: :,5 ENCL; 00 Cora 2/2 7 17- K0HTXV, A.I.,kandidat maditeinskikh nauk; TANTSYnYA, Ye.N.; Problem of listerellosis.Llin. mad. 35 no.1:102-104 Ja '57 (VI.RA 10:4) 1. Is kafedry infektsionnykh boleznev (zav.-zaalushannyv dayatell nauki prof. V.P. Petrov) Kuybyshevskogo maditainakogo instituta. (MONONUCLEOSIS) 7-777777~~~~, RABINOTIGH, YU.I.; KAZAKOVA, K.V. Luminosity distribution in the cloudless sky, expressed in absolute units, for selective radiation receivers. Trudy GGO no.125t58-61 162. (MBA 15:6) .(Atmoepheric.transp&renoy) (aolar radiation) BULG,'URIA Cuit~vatod Plants. Grains. Lo-imes. M-1 TroplOal Coroals. Aba Jour ;Rof Zhur - Bioloelyaw No 2, 1959, No. 6214 Author :Gotsov Kosta; Kazakova Xlera Inst Dobrud~ha scje~t.-re ' Title iCertain Problems in Wheat Sowing Orig Pub :Byul. nauchno-proizv. Inform. Dobrudzh. nauchno-izslad. in-ti No 2, 7-14 jAbstract :No abstract given Card 1/1 KAZAKOVA , L. , student; FEhir-R, L. , student; CSFANOVA, M. , student Dynamics of the blood pressure of pregnant women according to data from the Simipalatinsk Maternity Home during 1954 to 1955. Trudy Semipal. med. inst. 2:193-201 159. WIRA 15:4) 1. lafe-~ra gospitallnoy terapii (zav.kafedroy - doktor med.nauk, prof. II.Ya.Spivuk) i kafedra alnishoratva i ginokologii (zav.kafodroy - A.A.Kozbagarov) Somipalatinskogo gosudarstvennogo madits-inskogo instituta. (BIMD PRESSURE) (PREGNMICY) KAZAKOV, A... inzh.j KAZAKOVA, L. sh. in Ship lifter on the Charleroi - Brussels Canal* Rech. transp. 22 no.3: 45-46 Mr 163- % (MIBA 16:4) (Charleroi-Brussels CanAl.-Locks (Hydraulic engineering)) PAYLOY, Ivan Vasillyevich t L.A..-V. redektor, KkKAROVA, A.N., tekhnicheskiy redakt6r'-"wm41mR5Rwm" (Innovations in collective farm democracy] Novoe v kolkhoanoi demokra- tii. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo iurid. lit-ry, 1956. 38 p. (Hiah 9:10) (Collective farms) 4- "3 6'?~ f-) ~N C" v't I I " h SHMNOV. Attik Vleidimirovich; KAZAKOVA, L.A., redaktor; SHCHEDRINA, N.L., tekhnicheskiy re(taktox-, (Procedure in allotting plots to Industrial and nonindustrial workers in rural localities] Portadok otvods samellnykh uchastkoy rabochim I slushashchim v sel'skoi mestnosti. Moskva, Gos.ttd-vo iurid.lit-ry, 1957. 53 p. (HLU 10:9) (Allotment of land) POKROVSKIY, Ivan Yedornvich; PYATNITSKIY, P.P., kand.yuridicheakikh nauk, otvetetvann.vy red.; KAZAKOVA, L.A., red.; ASTAKHOVA. I.Y., [The machine-tractor station is the mainstay of State control of collective farms] KTS - opornyt punkt gosudaretvannogo rukovodstva kolkhozami. P.P.Piatnitskii. Hosk-,a, Gos.izd-vo iurid. lit-ry, 1957. 97 P. (MIRA 11:2) (Machine-tractor stations) GRIGORITIV, Serpy Timofeyevich; XAZALOTA, L.A., red.; IDSAW"A, Te.N., [Rights and obligations of inspection committees on collective fame] Prove i obiazannosti revisionnykh komisaii kolkhozoy. Moskva, Goo izd-vo iurid.lit-ry. 1957. 77 P. (MIRA 10:12i (Collective fame) F1 ZEDANOT, Andrey Andreyevich; LRTSHIN, Lev Vaoillyevich; KAZAKOVA, L.A., red.; BYKOVA, T.Y.,, I (Protection I forest and water resources in tile U.S.S.Rol Okhrans leanykh i vodnykh bogatety v SSSR. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo iurid.llt-r7p 1958o 49 pe (MIRA 12:2) (Forests and forestry) (Hunting) (Fisheries) LOZO, Ivnn Afnnnelyevich, DZAKOVA, L.A., red.; ASTAEJIOVA, I.Y., [Obligatory minimum'-Gum'ber of work days on collective fams] ObinzntelInyl minimum trudodnei v kolkhnznkh. Mo9kvn, Goa. izd-vo lurid. lit-ry, 1958. 25 P- (MIRA 11:9) (Collective fnrmp.) ON, Viktor Innokent Iyevich; UYBANg. Heylokh Iosifovich; KAZAKOVA, L.Ao. red.; ASTMMOVA, I.Ve, tekhn. red' [Amendivg the statutes of collective farms; Practices of collective farms in ratakhetan] Pralctika ismananiia nstavov kolkhozov; is opyta raboty kolk6zov Kazakhakoi SSX Moskva, Goa. izd-vo iurid. lit-rY, 1958. 54 P. (Kazakt.3tan-Colleotive farms) (MIRA lltgr) 'N" g2gzo Rk PANMTOV, Imn Perisanovich- KAMOTA, L.A.~ . rqd.; ASTAKHOVA, I.V., takhn. red, EPd-ghts and obligations of agriculturists, zootechnicians, and. veterinarians on collective farms] Frara i oblazannostl agronoma, sootakhnika i veterinarnogo vracha kolkhoza. Moskya, Goe, Izd--To iurid. lit-ry, 1958. 38 p. (MIR& 1197) (Collective farms) e N -M, M KHODUNOV, Mikhail Yevgrafovich; KAZAKOVA, L.A., red.; TIMOFEI-KVA. N.V., (Legal problems"bf through freight transportation) Fravovya voprosy perevozok priamogo soobahchaniia. Moskva, Goe.izd-vo iurid.lit-ry, 1960. 65 p. (HIM 13:6) (Transportation--Law and regulations) (Freight and freightage) TAZZV. Vasiliy Afrikanovich; KAZAKOVA, L.A., red.; TARASOVA, N.M., [Sala of goods to the population on credit] Prodazha tovarov naselonli-a v kredit. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo iurid.lit-ry, 1960. 43 P. (MIRA 13:7) (Consumer credit) RUBIN, Arkadiy Moneyevich; XAZAKOVA, L.A., red,; HAKAROVA, A.N., (Legal re"tion of centralized automotive cargo transportation] Pravovoe regulirovenis teentralimovannykh perevosok gruzov avtomobillnym ;ransportom. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo iurid.lit-ry, 1960. 172 p. (KM 14:4) (Transportation, Automotive-Preight) (Delivery of goods (Lev)) F Y" s/14o/63/000/001/002/oo6 E03l/E413 AUTHOR: Kazakova. L.E. T.ITLE: Existence and uniqueness theorems for the inverse problem of the Newton potential for star-shaped sets PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchabnykh zavedeniy. Mateinatika. no.1, 1963, 85-93 - TEXT: In the half-spaco z 0 there exists an angle y such that for a rotation about any axis through an angle less than y M Tr f (0, Y) f (0, Y)IP dw