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%!,si4 of the oejeEation cf C-eohcslovl~!~
Vol. ? I~o. 6, Jiine 1955.
i -1 1 11' 0 L? ~-y A G
rfu6arest, lliunEtry
So: ast Eurcpesn Accessicn, Vol. 55,
Dept. of Hyriene of the medical faculty,, Cli~-wlcs University (IC-itedra fly,-7ieny
ich,mrske f akulty KU), Hradec I~ralove; R-scarch Institiite for Fer-lotI7 mid
(Vyzk-uW, ustav Iasi-dho hospockwstvi a vy-slivosti) VS, O?ocno
.,uo, Coskoslavenslm hWana.9 No 2p 1963~ PP 70-77
"';'valuation of some Measures Against Harmful Exhalatims"
Evaluation of some measures against hju-mful embelations. Cesk.
hyg. 8 no.2&706~77 Mr 163.
1. Katedra hygierAy lekarske fakulty KU, Bradpo Kralove Vyskamny
ustav lesniho hospodaretvi a mysj*vosti,*,VS Opocno.
MUN, Bobuslav.. aka demik, laureat statni. ceny;ZAW4-Yjj,_inz.;
SVCRCOVA, S., HaDr.; TUSL, M . Mr.., C.Sc.; RABA, Jan.;
14ATMUU 9 Tan,, inz.; KLDMEK: R~stislav; BETTFJM114, Jan, inz.;
HAIA, Eduardp docop lnz*, dre; UHER, L., inz.; KOFOIK, E.;
MWOS, Emericho doo6j, inz., dr.; VOSOIZOLEp Jan. docf,, inz., dre;
UDENIKO 0.,, HRUDKAO JT.; HOSTALEK, Zdenek; inz.1 dr.;
RADL, K., inz.; FEKAREK, VI... Mro; BLISTAN, -T., inz.; STORCH, 0.
A national conference on protection against chemical fumes
from electric heat plants; a sumary of reports. Energetika. Cz
11 no.2alO9-111 F 161.
TUSL, Miloolav; SVOROOVAp Stq'Arika; KAUTp Vlantif)18V
The influence of exertion on the metabolism of irradiated rats.
Sborn. ved. prac. lek. fak. Karlov. univ.: Suppl. 8 no.4:471-
481 165.
1. Katedra hygiany (prednosta prof. WDr. V. Dvorak).
TUSL, Miloslav; SVORGOVA, Stepanka; K~~Tj~_Vlaqtimll
The influence or C02 on the respiration of irradiatecl rabbits.
Sborn.ved.prao.lek.fak.Karlov.U,nir.(Hrad.Kral.) 6 no.1t
95-97 t63. -
1. Department of General Hygiene,, Faculty of Medicine, Charles
University at Hradec Kralove (head: prof.Vladimir DvorakpM.D.)
SERCLt Miroslav; JECHOVA, Dagmar; KOMRSKA~ Milan; KOVARIK, Jaromir;
KRYAL, Vlastimil; LICHA, Helena; LICHY, Josef; NETTL, Sasa;
SIMKOVA, Dagmar; STOVICE~K, Jaroslav; VRCHA, Lubomir, ZDIUILkL,
Leopold; TUSL, Miloslav; SVORGOVA, Stepanka; J~XT ~qtiplqy
On the effect of I-centimeter electromagnetic waves on the-nervous
system in man (radar). Sborn. ved. prac. lek. fak. Karlov. univ.
(11rad Kral) 4 no.4:4.27-440 161.
1. Neurologiaka klinika; prednosta prof. DrSc. IIUDr. M. Sercl
Katedra obeene hygiony; prednosta prof. 14UDr. V. Dvorak.
TUSL, Miloslav; KAUT, Vlastislav; SVORCOVA, Stepanka
19~- - ~.~
Obanges in oxygen consumption and respiration equivalent in
irradiated rats, Sborn. ved. prao, lek, fak. Karlov. Univ.
9 no.lt241-2/+9 164.
A contribution to the problem of the relationship of age and
the adaptability of the organism to higher C02 concentrations*
1. Katedra obacne hygieny (prednostat prof. MUDr. V. Dvorak)
Karlovy University v Hradoi Kralove.
Name: KAUT, V, M.
Dissertation: Investigation of the process of absorption of nitrogen oxides
by concentralLed nitric acid
Degree: Cund Tech'Sci
aY Min Higher Education UkSSRj, Khurlkov Polyteclmic Inst lizeni
V. I. Leidn
erkTe Place; 1956, KharIkov
e .1
So,,,irce: Knizhnaya Letopis', No 45j, 1956
ACC NR: AP7008G64
AUTHOR: Kaut, V. M...; Tsarova, N. S.; Voroblyeva, N. Yo.
ORG: North Donets Branchp Stato Institute of the Nitrogen Industry (Soverodonstskiy
.filial Gosudarstvennogo instituta azotnoy promys~hlenriosti)
TITLE; Absorption of nitrogon.oxidos by coneontrated nitric acid at subzero tempor-
SOURCE: U-crainskiy khimichoskiy zhurnall V. 33, !no. 1, 1967, lio-ii4
TOPIC TAGS: nitric acid -de
nitrogen oxi
ABSTRACT: The possibility of a complete oxidatio'n of nitric oxide by concentrated
nitric acid at subzero temperatures was studied in three series of exporiments. In
the first, a study of the absorption of gaseous NO (0 to 45 g) in 75 g*o-, 98% IM03 at
~--20* showed the following-reactions to occur:
2NO + 4HNO
3 3N2Q~ + 2H20
4NO + 2HN 3N203 + H2 0 ~2j
2NO + N2C4 2N2C~-
In the second, the absorption of 0 to 22 g of NO in. 73 9of 93% liquid N2C4was
studied at -120; the amount of HN03 and water was found to remain practical.1y un-
changed in the single-layir four-component system HN03-N2Q~4203-H20 forvled, and
~LCord-112-- UDC 1 661.363: '3.074.321.001.~_____
ACC NRs AP7008064
the change of the other two components is described by reaction (3). At a I(rr
N kly and almost completely by 11 04 but As the
%203 concentration,, NO is absorbed quic
content reaches 55 wt. %j, the absorption of NO decreases. The t0d, series of
wcporimentsp set up to determine the absorption.,of nitrous gases in the range from
0 to 17 g.of NO + 114 g of N(~- in 75 g of 98% HNC~,, showed the absorption to occur
in two steps in this ranget firstl, the single-146r three-component system
is formed~ and then unmixing takes place.
MtN204- The reaction is describod
by 1). A ourth series of axneriments shwied that a 50% dilution of nitrogen oxidos
with nitrogen hais practically no effect on the change in the coMPOAtion of tho Sol'u-
1 tion. Or4-!. art. haal 3 figures and 9 formulas.
SUB COMI 071-- SUM DATE9~ Ma,45/ ORIG RW:.- OC4/ OTH REF: 002
Card 2 .2
IKI 4. - /-, ~ -,tl /?/ ,
Kinetics of nitrogen oxides being absorbed by concentrated nitric
acid. Zhur.prikl.khim. 31 no-3:352-360 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:4)
l.Kharlkovskiy politekhnicheskiy inotitut im. V.I. Lenina.
(Nitrogen oxides) (Nitric acid) (Absorption)
outline of patrolaiLa roseamah in tLe
Ilojt-lil-.1.1.~. Spia liult; rpol drazh 21,
USSR/General and Special Zoology - Insects. PO
Abe Jour : Rof Zhur Biol., No 7~ 1958, 3o62o
Author : Kautsis,
Inst :
Title : The Significance of Trophobiosis of Ants and Aphids in
Forest EcononW.
Orig Pub Sb. tr. po zashchite rast. Riga, AN LatvSSR, 1956, 139-
Abstract The food relations between the reddish forest ant and
aphids cohdiiioned-the relatively I stIeady nmbers of the
ants. The closer the trees were to the ant-hi" s, the
gTeater the concentration of aphids was on the trees.
In pine trees near the ant-hills the aphids depressed
the growth of individual trees, without, however, causing
their drying up entirely. Tatnl cutting of the trees led
to the dissapearance both of the aphids and of the re-
forest ant; selected cutting enabled the ants to
Card 1/2
thrd 2/2
L ~2092-66 ZJP(c) II . I
ACC NRP AP6020636 SOURCE CODEI cz76F4 5T6 576657663 /02 06/02 14
AUTHOR: Kautski. Yoset-Kaucky,_j. SBratiolava)
ORG: Depart*nt of Mathematics, SAVp Bratislava (Kabinet matematiki,~i
TITLE: Note on the cycle indicator of the symmetric go!j~<
SOUROM Matematicko-fyzikalny caaopie~ no, 31 19650 206-214
TOPIC TAGS: permutation, isobar, cambinatorial analysiso group theory
ABSTRACT: The article examines two problems of the theory of permutations.
~~Ono problem applies to the construction of pormutations of n
:different elements which have cycles with a proscribed number
~of elements. The solution of that essentially combinatory pro-'
!blem leads to a simple derivation of a formula for the number of.'
ithose pemutations. In the second problem it,is a matter of
~finding a method by which the cycle indicator Cn"+l 19t2#*6*9
;t is readily obtained from the ayole Indicator C (t
nttn+l n 19t2f
t ). The method Wbased on the proper of the latter cycle
1i;;i9c9tor that it In an isobaric function of the variables tjo
t2,---, of weight n. Orig. art. hast 23 formulas. (Based an authorts Ynk. abstract
.SUB CODE: 12 / SUBM DATM none / OTH REF., 003
Card 1/1 &J~'-
.' KAUTSKY, E. Y inz.
Some organization problems of preparing technical plans and
projects for underground mines. Uhli 6 no. 7047-250 J1 164.
1. Ministry of Fuel, Prague.
. ~Vus r--axT'll Ululpnu".L'.~ L.Lr-.L-a) 5VULlUt--LVa-L EMULLY-5101 narmunic E-ia-LYSIO;
I- -!I
~Jjl' t - L ; -- -1 -11 11 - ~ al- -V, - 1, : ~ .7,' 4- ~' 1~ - -
throe x*P-Y-wi-:24 anr-iawebentud -au F.-CDL%CtA!!nn 'n
". --'r
4 ;
ACC Me AP6019299
SOURCE CODE: UR/0203/65/005/004/(Y7414/0743~'
ORG: ggomimetic Institutem AN GDR (Geomagnitnyy institut AN GDR)
TITLE,. Analytical representation of secular variation
SOURCE. Geomagnetizm i,aeronomiyap v# 5s no* 4, 1965, 745-748
-TOP10 TAGS: 'geomagnatic fieldj, geopbyai00
ABSTRACT: This represents a continuation of earlier work done at the Geomagnetic
Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the German Democratic Republic (references
't d at the end of the article). In.thisjaper the analytical representation
are ci e
of the main part of the earth's magnetic fieWhas been expanded by a description
of the dependence of the field on time for the period approximtely from 1850 to
1950. Important components of.:secular variation are analyzed. Orig. art. hast.
10 formulas, and 2 tables. UMST,
SUB CODEt 08, SUBM DATE: 2lDec64 CRIG REF.- 001 CITH REF: -003
UDC% $50-383
Fluorosis as an stiopathogenetic factor in the develophent of
gastroduodenal lesions in newborn infants. Rozhl. chir. 42
no.6:379-382 -16 163.
1. Chirurgicke oddelenie OUNZ v Ziaru n. Hronom, veduci MUDr.
G, Kauzal,
Translation from: Referativny zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr 6,
P 150 (USSRT
AUTHOR: Kazanskaya,_Y_. G.
TITLE: Epidemiological Importance of the Altay Mole (Epidemio-
logicheskoye znacheniye altayskogo krota)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Tomskogo n.-i. in-ta vaktsii i syvorotok, 1956,
Vol 7, pp 212-214
ABSTRACT: The Altay mole, Talpa altaica, inhabits a wide section
of western and Central !71`beri~, Recent studies have
shown that it is a carrier of germs which produce a
number of infectious illnesses. Leptospyrites were
discovered on moles of the Altay district in 1950 and
1951; in 1954 Bact. tularense was removed from a mole
in one of the districts of the Tomsk district. Tula;-,
rense is also found-on the European mole. The Tlta~
Card 1/2 FFI-ehas commerical uses. This fact makes it quite
I Epidemiological Importance of the AltaY Mole (Cont.)
possible that it can infect humans directly.
Card 2/2 N. K. K.
Determination of small quantitiee of magnesium in solutions of common
salt. Kim. Inst. Zin7atnisk. Raketi, Latvijas PER Zin5,tnu Akad. 1, 058-
77 150.
(CA 47 no.1919852 153)
--~" 'r
r'~:~ . W. 'i~~- 7~_'
riAUPTSH I'f -- L. 1j;. - - - -- - - -- -- --- - -- --- - - - -- -
billdzhctnYi uchet i otchetno--ts fludratary rt-corcis and accomit2r. Y.0s)-va) '-'iniot-,r
stvo vy3sho.r?.o obrazovaniia -SSR, 1952. 350 P.
-'0: Yonthly List of hussian Accessions, Vol. 6 vo. 11 February 1954.
,KAUTSKY, Emil, inz.
Symposium on measuremnt of shifts in buildings. Uhli 4
no.4&120 AP 162o
1. Ministeretvo paliv a energetil~y4
quasi mear i
i The solution of a '1*
Paia&oIftWArIeCL-nWIJahcc_ t-
with an absolute mehiber of
the.-Method of finite -differences. API.
Mat. 2 (1957),. 327-341. ~(Czvch. Russian and En-lish
atithor deals with the system of differential equa-
au 0244
=g(x, 1, u) +h(.v, f, u) S1-I+/(X, t, t#, AV, 0)
CX ax
=/(X, 9. U, Y(i, t)), Y(X, 0)=O.
He proves (under certain assumptions on the.coefficients
and on the initial and boundary conditions) the existence
and uniqueness of the classical solution of this system in I
the rectangle Q=[Ojl)X(0,7]., T is a. functW of J& ' t,
is, y)j. 10glOul. jOh/Oul.~The solutioduth."js obtained by
the method of ".finite differences".. The convergence theoa-
Ir rem for the solutions Aju~,Ps is based on Arzela's theorem
and the estiniates of the differences of the.finite differences
solutions. AL Pint (Cologn~j_,~
KAUTSKY, Jaroslav (Praha )
"Tables of Weber functions" by I.Ye. Kireyeva and K. A. Karpov. Reviewed
by Jaroslav Kautsky. Gas pro pes mat 87 no.2:21il-2112
KAUTSKY, Jaroslav (Praha)
- L--~
"Tables of Weber functions" bY I-y6- Kir6Y6v& and K.A. Karpov.
RevLewed by Jaroslav Rautaky. Cas pro pes mat 87 no.2:241-242
AJTHORs Kauttelebsn,, Go
TiTLE: Derivation of an eVression for the potential of the main part of tho
geomagnetic field
~SOURCE: Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya, ve 4. no. 2, 19642 352-361
TOPIC TAGS: geomagnetio field., magnetic potential, approximation method
ABSTRACT: The author has undertaken this study because of the current inadequacies
in computing the goomagnetic potential. Observations of the geomagnetic field at
the earth's surface W be approximated by m- analytical expression of scalar
potential, If observations are made only eu discrete points., they rW be repre-
sented by a rather complex expression of potential., but this axpresaiva will, not
generally agree with the theoretical requirements. The author poir)ta oat that, an
expression for goomagnetio potential will be complete if it allows for the presence
of courses inside and outside the earth. Starting with a theoretically spherical
earth and an expression for potential on its surface# ho dwives a lengthy and
Card 1/2
involved expression., involving average approximation, for evaluating the potential
of the actual geomagnetic; field* 51noo the potential itself cannot be obaw7od.,
the desired coefficients are determined by approximations of observed field values.
And the-field values., because the full actual values lead to difficulties in compu-
tation, are generally resolved into their vector coordinates, three for each point.
This permits computations to be made without recourse to computers. Orig. art. b"i
34 formulas.
AS=IATIONs Institut geomagnetizma AN Germanskoy Demokraticheskoy Respubliki
(Institute of Geomagnetiam AN German Democratic Repalic)
SUBMTTEDs 21A:ug63 DATE ACQs 3OApr64 ENCM 00
Card 2
NO MV SOVS 001 OTHM: 008
On a sheep farm in the Habelachwerdt Mountains. p. 7. TURYSTA.
(Polskie Towarzystwo Turystyczno-Krajoznawese) Warszawa. No. 5.,
May 1955.
SOMCEt East European Accessions List, (EEAL), Library of
Congress, Vol./~, no. 12, December 1953
i vr i,_, i%-,o
-h.. In-Gr itut (ler Lipw. roLbuall
p;-65=2172- F-0
III mill
_~~~Yaua ~on of errors of the magnetic topnfrrer'W(-.a'i survey of
Czechoslovakia for the period 1958, 0. Studis r"~ t': .1 9 no.1!
80-84 165. . I
1. Opomagnatic Institute of the German Academy-of Sciences,
Potsdam, Telegrafenberg, German Democratic Republic. Submitted
March 13, 1964.
The malignant degenerated peptic ulcer and its prognosis. Bratial- Isk.
listY 35 uo.`I:~2-42 15 Jan 55.
1. Z Chirurgickeho ocIdelenia KM v Ziline, prednosta primar dr.
malignant, degenerated, Progn.)
rAUZ&L, G. (Zilim, Rauchova u1. a. 14)
Sensory denervation in arthroses.of the knee. Rozhl..chir. 38 no.4.-
262-267 Apr 59,
1. Z Chirurgickeho oddelenia KUNZ v Mine, pradnosta primar MUDr.
Gejza Thuzal.
(MM. din.
surg., Sensory denervation (0s))
KAVA, Vjkjor Ivanovich. GRIGO.RTJKp A.IjHx7horuk$ A.I.], red.;
YESSAULOVA, M.M.p tekbn. red.
[Our beacons; third meeting of grade 7-8114ashi maiaky; III
akhodynka VII - VII klavy. Kyiv, Derah.vyd-vo dytiachoi lit-
ry UM, 1962. 94 P. (MM 3.5; 8)
(Ukraine-Efficiencyp Industrial)
(Ukraine-Agriculture-labor productivity)
0 i 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *4 0009 -044 VJ 0`0 Ole 0 0 0 0 a 4 0 0 *so to 0
1 u Dun MPAIPORIP11 un m is v w
w if Is Itw 16 11 to 4
a A 1 6 ,
A.. J. A- A. 0N I. a I 1 11 1 11 --A . I I #A 0 01 Do 914
Ulpeftments On tne "Ceftembou Of b"ist-rumact g""
In woo&ps mvrvto~!-
fr"Itt Wrrr 1411*111"1 with thr im, of WMA vrith
SO &I;
0 Jill
ve 0
0 0 0 e
0 0 Sig 4, 0 0 0 0 0 od0
KLD 4 14
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
00 0 0 0 oLq 9 0 * 0 0.
00 0 0 0 * 4 9 4 0 0 0 0 SO 4000
- -- -FAVAb-IiwTv, A. V. - - - -
Individual industrial ims generators Sverdlovsk, metallurrizr-~it, 1,A5. 90 p.
UUMBUT. V.A.; KAVAINROV, A*V.. kandidat tokhniohookikh nauk, rodaktor;
KOVATiaNKO, N-. ~.. ~-V--
Lfteum6tio transportation of materials ins suspended state] Fney-
matichaskii transport materialay vo vsveshennom sostoianil, Sverd-
lovsk, Goo. nauchno-tokhn. lud-vo lit-x7 po chernoi i tsvotnoi metal-
lurglij 1952. 150 P. (MLRA 7:4)
(PneumRtio-tubs transportation)
re 9 PANPIWV, X.L. inshener, retsenzent.
[Thermal processes of open-hearth furnaces in rapid steel making]
Teplovye reshimy mairtenovskikh peohei pri skorostnom stalevarenii.
Sverdlovsk, GoB. nnuchno-takhn. ixd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tsvetnol
metallurgii. 1933. 140 p. (MLRA 7:6)
1. YNIIT. (Open-hearth process)
Name: KAVADIMOVI Aleksandr Vladimirovich
Disserbation; Thermal work of flaming metallurgical furnaces
Degree: Doe Tech Sei
Affiliation; nstern Soi Res Inst of Fuel Utilization
Defenze Date, Place4 6 October 55, Gouncil of the Inst of Metallurgy
imeni Baykov Acad Sci
CnrtLPication Date: 12 MaY 56
Source: BIAVO 4/57
KAVADIROV, Alok~Aqft u Ia. ktor tekhnicheBkikh nauk; TIMORYET.
''kedik' 'or: DLIBIK. V.P.. redaktor izdatelletya; KOTALMO.
N.K. tekhatcheekly redaktor
CReating performance of flame uetallurgical furnace@) Teplovaia
rabota plamenuykh notallurgicheakikh pechei. Sverdlovsk. Goo. nauchno-
takha. izd-vo lit-ry po chernot i tevetnot metallurgit, Byercllovskoe
otd-nie. 1936- 367 p. (NUU, 9:10)
(Metallurgical furnaces)
AUTHOR: Kavaderovj A.V. Doctor of Technical Sciences-133-5-27/27
TITLE: Summaries of some research and experimental work of
VNIIMT (Nekotoryye itogi issledovatellskikh i opytnykh
rabot VNIIMT). 11
PERIODICAL: "Stall" (Steel), 19570-No-5, pp. 477-479 (U.S.S.R.)
ABSTRACT: The All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the
Metallurgical Thermal Techniques (VNIIMT) was formed from
the reorganisation of the Eastern Institute of Utilisation
of Fuels and is mainly concerned with problems of the iron
and 5teel-industry, non-ferrous industry and industrial heat
and power. Industrial investigations werecarried out with
the co-operation of respective enterprises, other institutes,
universities, designing and repair organisations.
1) Work in the field of melting furnaces.
The following problems were investigated: conditions of
operation in stacks of blast furnaces, reduction processes
in a layer of ore and aerodynamics of a layer of burden
materials. The use of natural gas for firing open hearth
furnaces (50 ton furnaces on the "Krasnyy Oktyabr" Works).
The use of compressed air for open hearth furnaces (a rationbl
method of supply of compressed air was developed; the use
Card .1/7 of compressed air shortens the duration of a heat by 2-6cio').
Summries of some research and experimental work of
VNIIMT (Cont,) 133-5-27/27
A comparison of methods of changing over, proposed by Stall-
proyekt and Giprostall was carried out on a 500 ton open hearth
furnace in the Voroshlov Works. It was found that with both
methods a decrease in the heat transfer to the bath during
changeover is comparatively small 1.5 - 2.0,1Z. A large research
was carried out on the Novo-Tagiltsk Metallurgical Combine
(Novo-Tagillskiy Metallurgicheskiy Kombinat) with the co-oper-
ation of TsNIIChM, UIM and UOLNIIO on the operation of large
open hearth furnaces with oxygen enrichment of air up to 30,0:',.
A rational practice of supplying oxygen to flame was developed.
Insulation of basic roofs in order to prevent large heat losses
was tested on a 100 ton open hearth furnace in the Verkh-Isetsk
Works, the usefulness of this measure vras confirmed. With the
co-operation of Uralmetallurgaytomatika and Novotagillsk
Combine new methods of automation of the control of therml
conditions ij~ open hearth fumaces are being developed. For
experimental and theoretical investigation in the field of
radiation heat exchange dete:Lmining thermal work of high temp-
erature furnaces, a special test bed was constructed.
2) Work in the field of heating metal. Theoretical and exper-
Card 2/7 imental investigations of va'rious schemes of heating metal
Summaries of some research and experimental work of
VNIIMT. (Cont.) 133-5-27/27
were carried out. Industrial tests of a heating system of a
new design are being piepared-. New designs of heat, insulation
of resistance tubes wgre tested and found suitable up to a
temperature of 1 350 . Investigations of soaking pits on
models (1:3) desigaed by Stallproyekt were carried out using
burners of five different designs. The best results were
obtained with a VNIIMT burner in which the length of flame can
be controlled. Using the hydrostatic integrator of D.V.Budrin,
the heating of a plate and a cylinder was investigated and some
approximate methods for calculating some more complicated cases
of heating metal were proposed. For more accurate calculations
of the convective component of heat transfer in fumaces mean
and local coefficients of heat transfer in a uniform stream of
gas for plates, cylinders and parallelepipeds were determined.
Heat transfer in a non-uniform field of gas velocities (an
expanding gas stream) is being investigated. The experience
obtained in a large amount of experimental work carried out on
industrial heating furnaces was geneialised in a book on
methods of thermal-technical tests vbich is being prepared for
Card 3/7 3) Work in the f ield of heat exchange apparatus. Together
Slim ries of some research and experimental work of
VNIIMT. (Cont.) 133-5-27/27
with Gipromez, work is being carried out on a design of high
temperature stove for blast furnace blast. A more accurate
method of calculating heat transfer in a regenerative cycle was
developed. Determination of heat transfer coefficients and
resistances for now types of checker bricks were carried out on
special test beds. The aerodynamics of combustion in the stack
and of the space under the cupola of blast furnace stoves are
being studied. For the development of a design of a recuperator
type preheater, experimental investigations of local heat trans-
fer and wall temperatures along the perimeter of tubes during
an outside flow were carried out. A considerable difference
between local and mean heat transfer coefficient and foniulae
for the calculations were obtained. An apparatus for studying
the process of carbon decomposition on tubes at high preheating
temperatures of blast furnace and coke oven gases and their
mixtures was developed. A design of a vibrational recuperator
for preheating dust laden gases with the flow of waste gas
between tubes was developed in co-operation with the Urals
Copper Smelting Works (SUMZ). This preheater was tested on
waste gases from a reverbatory furnace with a high content of
Card 4/7 "Sticky" dust. An inclustrial preheater of the same type was
Summaries of, some research and experimental work of
VNIIMT. (Cont.) 2 133-5-27/27
built with a heating surface of Boo m
4) Work in the field of combustion techniques. During invest-
igat3.ons oX processes of flame combustion on a test bed (0.6 x
046 m) in a wide range of operating conditions using simple
burne rs, the field of temperatures, velocities and concentrat-
ions across and along the flame were determined. The similarity
of the velocity fields for "burning" and "cold" flames was con-
f irmed. A number of burners for various types of fuels were
developed. A special turbulent burner (VNIIMT-SUM") was designed
for reverbatory furnaces (operating on the Karsakpaysk Works)
which increased the furnace productivity by 20-40%. In the
field of combuston of solid fuel the work of fire chambers and
the possibility of increasing air temperature were investigated.
Conditions required for the minimum carryover of ash 0from the
combustion chamber at blast temperatures of 450-500 without
slagging of grates were established. The results obtained were
confirmed on the chain grates of boi ;ers in the Serov Works
with a blast temperature of 350-400 0. Improvements In the
methods of the removal of ash were also studied and as a result
a pneuhydraulic system of ash removal was designed (TETs NTMK)
Card 5/7 which operates automatically usLng excess air from blowers.
Summnries of some research and experimental work of
VNIIMT. (Cont.) 133-5-27/27
5) Work in the field of gasification of solid fuels.
Gasification of coal with oxygen enriched air was investigated.
The composition of the producer gas across and along the height
of a producer indicated a sharp decrease in the gas quality in
the peripheral zone (Sinarsk Tube Works) (Sinarsld7 Trubniy
Zavod). Installation of mechanical feeders with a charging -
distributor of the VNIIMT design was recommendedi, The use of
such an installation on the Seversk Works (Severskbr Zavod)
increased the calorific value of gas from 1 300 to 1 4?0 kcal/m~
The output of the feeder 100 tons of coal per hour. A method
of purifying effluent water from peat gas works was developeds
Further research on the composition of phenols in effluent,
effective methods of detarring of water, extraction of compon-
ents, etc, is being carried out.
6) Work in the field of fuel preparation.
De-watering of heavy fuel oils used in open hearth furnaces
was inveetig4ted and with.the co-operation of VUZ an evaporat-
ing installation utilising the heat of waste gas from open
hearth furnaces was designed. The installation decreases the
Card 6/7 content of water from 7-10% to 0.0 1.0;116 with a throughput of
4, 1_1`d;!
SATIPSTIN, Dmitriy Zakharavich;-KAVADIMOV, Alekiandr Vladimirovieh. red.;
KSLINIKg V.P., red,
[Operation of open-hearth furnaces with chromomagwaite crowns]
Rabota marteuovskM pechei 9 khroromagnezitov~mi Er#odWd. Sverdlovpk,
Goo. nauchno-tekhn. lzd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tovetnoi metallurgii,
Sverdlovskoe otd-ule,1958, 264 pe (MM 11:7)
(Open-hearth farnaceB)
TIMCFNYHV, V.11.0 Jcand.tqkhn.najjc;--P.VAMOV A.V., doktor tekhn.nauk,
3, ~-
prof.; NBVSKIYO A.B., )aLnd#tOj=ona
Gomplete automation of open-hearth furnaces. Izv*vyo*ucheb*
zav.; chern.mat. no.6:87-90 Je '58. (MIRA 12:8)
1. Vsesovusnvy nauchno-iseleaovateliskiy institut metallurgi-
cheakoy toplotekhniki.
(Open-hearth furnaces) (Automation)
KAVAIDMOV, Aj., doktor takhn.nauk, nauchnvy red.; SZ=INA, N.Y.,
[Utilization of secondary power resources in nonferrous
metallitrgy] Ispollsovanie vtorichnikh onergoresursov
v tavetnoi metallurgii. Sverdlovsk.-TSentr.biuro takhn.
informatslig~ 1959. 60 p. (mM 14t4)
1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Sverdlavskiy okonomichookiy
administrativnyy rayon, Sovet norodnop klmyaystva.
~Nonferrms metalp-Motallurgy)
(Heat regenerators)
USPENSKIY, Vladimir Aleksandrovich; KAVAIWR _r
N.N., red.izd-va; ZZY, Te.M., .bred.
(Pneumatic-tube transportation] Pnevmaticho8kii transport.
Izd.2, dop. Sverdlovsk, Gos.nauchno-takhnoizd-vo lit-ry po
chernoi i tsvetnoi metallurgii. Sverdlovakoe otd-nie, 1959.
231 p. (MIRA 12:11)
(Pne-amatic-tube transportation)
AUTHORS: Kavaderov, AN., Samoylovich, Yu.A.
TITLE: The Simultaneous Heating of "Thin" Bodies by Radiation and Convection
PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, 1959, Nr 7, pp 110 - 113 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In calculations of heating of bodies whose internal thermal resistance is
insignificant, temperature drop along their cross section can be neglected
and these bodies can be considered as "thin" bodies in the thermal sense.
Analytical solutions on heating "thin" bodies by convection or by radia-
tion at a constant temperature of the heat carrier are presented in Refe-
rences 1 and 2. The authors analyze the case of simultaneous heating a
"thih" body by radiation-and convection during the heat transfer with a
surrounding medium of constant temperature. The differential equation of
heat equilibrium for this case, Formula 1, is transformed into an equation
with dimensionless quantities, Formula 2, and integrated. The solution
is given by Formula 8. The authors show that the formula obtained by
Card 1/2 B.V. Stark Aef ?.7 for the case of heating by radiation and the well-known
The Simultaneous Heating of "Thin" Bodies by Radiation and Convection
formula for heating a "thin" body by convection L*Ref 17 are particular
cases of the result obtained by the authors in the present paper.
There are: I graph and 2 Soviet.references.
ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauahno-issledovatel'skiy institut metallwSicheskoy teplo-
tekhniki (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Metallurgical
Thermal Power Engineering), Sverdlovsk.
Card 2/2
NEVSKIT, Aleksandr Sergayevioh; TIMOFZTEV, V.N., kand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent;
KAVAMMOV, A.V., doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; SYRCHIIIA, K.M., red.
[Application of the similitude theory to the study of thermal
processes in heating furnaces] Primenenia teorii podobiia k izu-
chaniiu teolovoi raboty negravbtellnykh pachei. Sverdlovsk. Goa.
waahno-takhnoisd-vo lit-ry po chernol I tovetnoi metallurgii,
Bverdlovekoe'otd-nle, 1960, 126 P. (MIRA 13:5)
(Airnaces, Heating-Models) (Dimensional analysia) 4,
IVANOV, Nikolay Ivanovich; g~VAMQV,,A,V,, red.; KRTZHOVA, K.L., red.
i-xd-va; TURKINA, Ye*D*. takhnIred.
[Use of oxygen in open-hearth furnaces] Primenenie kisloroda v
martenovskikh Pechakh. Sverdlovsk, Goe,nauchno-takhn.izd-vo lit-ry
po chernoi i tavetnoi metallurgii, Svbrdlovskoe otd-nia, 196o.
215 P. i (MIRA 13:10)
(O~en-hesrth furnaces) (Oxygen--Industrial applications)
KAVADIRDV, A.V., doktor tekha.uauk
Keane of raising the economic efficiency of mettillurgical furmees.
Trudy NTO chern. met. 20:453-459 16o. (MM 13:10)
1, YeaeoMnyy nAuchno-tekhnicheskiy Institut
(Metallurgical furnaces)
AUTHORS: Kavaderovq As V.p Samoyloviohp Yu.
TITLE: The Influence of the Dependence 0 the Thermal Diffusivity,
Coefficient and the Heat Capaoit f steel on the Results of
the Calculation of Heating by Red ation
PERIODICAL: Inzhene'rno-fizichoskiy zhurnalg 19609 Vol. 3, No. 11 ppo 82 - 86
TEXT: With the major part of the steel a used in practice a considerable change
of the thermal diffusivity coefficient A and the heat capacity coefficient c
with temperature in heating.up to 8000 and more is found (Refs. 1-4)- in the
present~paper*the method of finite differences is uaed for the purpose of de-
termining the temperature field in the plate in consideration of the dependence
of the characteristics 4 and a on temperature during heat exchange with the
surroundingal this method has already.previously been used (Ref- 5)'for the pur-
pose of solving a similar task under different boundary conditions. The change
of the relative surface temperature 0 0"t and the average plate surface 0 59-c
with the time Fo for a radiation criterion of Sk - I for carbonaceous steel
Card 1/2
Sz 0a
S/179'/'6' 003/02/10/026
AUTHORSt Kavaderov, A.,V,, Samoylovioh, Yu. A.
TITLE: A Precise ormulation of the Laws Governing Heating by
RadiatiorAof an Infinite Plate
PERIODICALt Inzhenerno-fizicheakiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol,
pp. 57-60
TEXT:- The results of hydrostatic simulation of the heating of a plate by
radiation were checked by means of high-speed electronic computers of the
types "Strela" and "11-2". The task was solved by the method of finite dif-
ferences'. The heat balance equation for the outer layer (Fig. 1) was used tIX
for determining the surface temperature of the plate. A comparison of the
results obtained (Table 1) with Russel's quite reliable data checked by
D. V. Budrin (Ref- 4) showed good agreement. The heating of an infinite plate
by radiation was computed for a wide range of variation of the relative
005 015) and of the radiation criterion
initial temperatures (0
(RG = 0.5 10). The temperature values were recorded in 21 points along the
Card 112
A Precise Formulation of the Laws Governing S/170/60/003/02/10/026
Heating by Radiation of-an Infinite Plate B008/3005 .
oroz;s-section of the plate in the range of variation of the Fo criterion
startin& from zero up to 1---' 4 after each-0.1. The results are shown by
Fies. 1 and 2. A comparison of the values computed by the method of finite
diffe:,:ences with the results of hydrostatic simulation rhowed that the
JiveTgence did not exceed 1.0 ' 1.5%. Though tli6". latter nlitf'htly 11nder-
rated, they give, on the whole, a proper characteriatic of Vic hez~tinf; pro-
cess of the plate. The programming and computations were carried out by
A. Samoylovich. There are 3 figures, 1 tablet and 7 Soviet teferences.
ASSOCIATIONt Vsesoyi~znyy institut metallurgicheskoy teplotekhniki, g.
Sverdl'6vsk (All-Union Institute of MetalluKgical Heat
Engineerinet City of Sverdlovsk)
Card 2/2
:1 jr Cl t4 !4
lir P~ 1*,r
a i 9
~.q 0 0 0
'I p0 P, F,
"Heat trandi-r Open-hearth furnaces" by V.S. Xr-')-,
Val. Grankov;skii. RevieVed by B.V. FroiltinakiJ.3 A'r,-XavAjkLderov.
Stall, 2140.12,.1082-1084 D 161. 44)
1e Leningradskiy pol-1tekhnicheskiy institut (for Frontinakiy).
.2. Veenoyuznyy nauchno-issladotatellskiy institut metallurgichesby
teplotekhniki (for Kavaderov).
(Open-hearth furnaces)
Kochov V.Sj
ankovskii, V.I.)
BURYLEV, Nikolay Gerasimovich; V., prof., doktor
tekhn. nauk., reteenzeiii; BUOV, I.V., red.; BURIKOV, M.M..,
red, izd-va; MALIKOVAp N.T., %ekhn, red.
(Themal conditions of open-hearth furnaces]Teplovye rezhimy
martenovskikh pechei. Sverdlovskj MetaUurgizdat, 1962. 184 p.
(Open-hearth furnaces) (MIRA 15zn)
doktor tokhri. nauk.,
NEVSKIY, Aleksandr Sergeyevich;
red.; SHIROKOV, G.L. retsenzent; YAKOUNKO, N.N.p red.
izd-va; KARASEV, A.I.,, tekhn. red.
(Beat transfer in open-hearth farnaceal Teploperedacha v
martenovskikh pechakh. Moskvay Metallurgizdat, 1963. 2219 p.
(MIRA 17,.2)
-IrAVADFMT. V.V. "." ......
Shopping centers. Gor.khoz.Hook. 31 no-5:14-16 My '57.
(MIRA 12:3)
1, Zaveduyuahcbiy kafedroy gorodskogn aluroitelletva i khozyaystva
Uiallskogo politekhnicheskogo institute, Ime S*MqKirova*
(Shopping centers)
WADEROI~-w doteent, Imnd.takhn.nauk
(rganizing the residential areas of microdiatriots. Trudy Ural.
F!O:Litokh.jAvt. no.209slg-23 161. (MIRA 14:7)
(Oity f laming)
]KAVADnOVIff..~, doteent? kand.tekhn.nauk
Laying underground engineering communications in microdistricts and
residential blocks, Trudy Ural.politekh.inst. no.109:80-87 161.
(MIM 14:7)
(Ural Mountain region-Mmioipal enR'ineering)
(Underground construation)
Plagnostio significance of the roentgenology not employing contrast
media examining the alimentary tract in newborn infants.
Pediatrila no.3:42-46 My-is '54. (MIRA 8:1)
1. Iz Sverdlovskogo naucbno-iseledovatellakogo Instituta okhrnav
materinstva, i mladenehoetva (direktor R.A.Mal7shava)
Diagnostic_value of radiography without contrast media for
examining the gantroiutestinal tract of young children.
Padlatriia, no.6:21-25 X-D 155. MRA 9:6)
1. I&,Bverdlovskogo nauchno-looledovatellskogo Instituta okhrany
materinstva i aladenchestva (dir. R.A. Malysheva)
in young child., without contrast media)
KAVADEROVA, 0. G.: Master Med Sci (diss) -- "rhe diagnostic significance of
non-contrast X-ray investigation of the gastrointestinal tract in newborn
children". Sverdlovsk, 1958. 16 pp (Sverdlovsk State Med Inst) (KL, No 10,
1959, 128)
~O (Sverdlovsk, ul. Mira. d. 36/7, kv. 55)
Diagnostic sifnificance of the non-contrast method in an x-ray
stuEly of the gastro-Intestinal system in newborn infants. Vest. rent.
i rad. 34 no-1:33-37 Ja-]P '59. (KIA 12:3)
U Is Sverdlove)mgo nauchno-iseledovatel'skogo inetituta okhrany-mate-
idnetva i mladenchootva (dir. - RPA, Malyeheva, nauchuyy rukovodit-ell
raboty - )mnd mod. nauk R.Ye. Ieyehion).
(GASTROIN T33AL DIBBASXS,.'iu inf. & child
in newborn, x-ray diag, by uoh-contrast method (1he))
(_I?WANT(MWBW). dis.
'gaArointestinal Us.. x-ray d'iag. by non-conitrast
Diagnostic cignificance of roentgenoocopy and roentgenography
of the abdminal cavity in newborn Wants in the oolution of the
problem of emergency ourgical aide Veotakhir, 86 noo2s9l-93 t6lo
(MIRA 14t2)
la Iz Sverdlovskogo mambno-issledavateltskego inBtituta okbrany
materinstva i mladeichostra (dire - R*A. Malyshevat nauelm.
rukovod. raboty - dotsent R.Ye, Leyenson),
to Uffibs*~
ozid&WA Of af**)W*.
1. C.. M. C.&NrslttL.
W) Pr; of irt,ii wa t-aritrTt,' Lr.*,(; i ,Auuittri,
of 15 r-Al capatity and Q 5 nil off aniline
r,OhjtjC,n lpt!'I.ITed I,v IP -,i,1 --f
-75 nil of a 20"., hydr,'whioric a-id -lutaa-i ind `6,h~q
15 nil w;I1W .-MI'd 'IA)u,,t:ng On P11 ,( !h, !!,I~O!t,
to 4 7 ~Jth u: z
cif bronipberiol Wii- tn,li% 3t., L, ai I "I
0 75 g di-solved in "'f ... ! q Oh"Ili.i.
"r ~ ~ 1" , !~ :!,: .- - ) Ot,
a n
.cll~jtlrd rraclion. G A I m A s v ',I K 6 v i
). ~;., ., ~ c ial 77, fi
2 figs 2 *.bs
Awlint was not oxidized tv trori(Ijil ions Evan afitj
r I iged stamling hi; mild acid or neutral nu-di~
,Io`wIIr!v,r if alpha'alpha -dipyridyl was prfsprit In thr
sy6fein tht riormal pctcntiil of Llie iton(lil) mm.ll
systern wa5 incrtnxd aid ozidatl~z ocruared within
a abort time A r~d-calonrrd irori(11)-di, Tidy) Lour 1,,-x
and is purplecoloured oxidation jxrMct of Mine
cippeared during OdS QVVV2ted TCartiffn Thf! COI~Ul
intensItT a! the solution was increased to some xt~nt
by this cmidatiion product increasing a' the sanit- time
the accuracy of Le mi~th,,d R~vorurn,,nded cxlx-rbi-tal
Cooled A Pulirld, )"1- 7 ,It!,
and 50 nin, C-,Il wa, 1-1 f~- ni-O.,11-
cimm.a. 01,
Was i--,: t.
1013,asnrt OIL, u rt-az,l%t
ul t
~I;Nl '4"
-Wpla Mmffill
HUNGARY/ Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of Inorganic Q-2
Abs Jour- Referat. Zhur.-Khimiya, No. 8, 1957, 27186.
Author : Gyula Almassyj, Maria Kavai.
Title : Rapid Determination of Small.Amounts of Iron in
Natural Waters.. (Abridged Report),
Orig Pub: Magyar kem, folyoirat, 1956, 62, No. 9, 325-326.
Abstract: In the oninion of the authors, it is more ex-
pedient io use the methods based on the color
reactions of Fe-1-4 for the photometric determina-
tion of Fe in natural waters. Data are cited,
according to which the dipyridyl method with the
application of aniline as a reducer (RZhKhim,
1956, 22727) appears to be more sensitive than
other known methods of Fe'~-'~_determlnation (sen-
sitivitY limit 30 of Fe per -it). Results of
Card 112
Effect of chlorpromazine on passive anaphylaxis o`i"'g`uinsa'-pigB. Acta
physiol. hung. 14 no-2:187-194 1958.
1. Pathophysiologisches Institut der Medizinischen Universizat,
on nassive anaphylaxis in guinea pigs (Ger))
(ALLMGY, exper.
eff. of chlorpromazine on passive anapbylaxis in guinea pigs
KAUI Maria
Vistribution of I131-labialed ovalbuAin in normal and sensitized
guinea pigs. Kiserletes Orvostudomary 12 no.1:80-85 7 160,
1, Debrecent Orvostudomanyi 31gyeten Irorelettani Intesete,
(IODW raUcaotive)
(ALMOT wer) .4
Distribution of ovalbu'min-1131 In the organism of normal and
sensitized guinea pigs. Acta physiolehung, 17 no.3:309-315 160.
1. Pathophysiologieches IAtitut der Redizinischen Univereitat
(ALLIRGY exper)
The effect of x-ra,,,13 on anaphylaxis in the guinea pig. Acta
physiol. hung. 20 no.-1:61-69 *61.
1. Institute of Pathophysiology, and Section of Radiology of the
Department of Surgery No.1, Medical University, Debrecen.
KAVA1.,,M_, and KESZTYUS, L., of.-~the Institute of Pathophysiology (Di-
rector: L. MZTYUS) of the Medical Universi~y, Dabrecen ~Original version
not given].
"Modifiod Proceduro for the Labeling of Ovalbumin with Chromium"
Budapest, Acta MAcrobiplogica Agadgmiae Sclentiarum-Hunizaricae, Vol 9,
No 4, 196P-Tr3; PP 349-354.
Abstract [Article in German.;-authors' German summary]: A procedure is
described for the chromation'ot ovalbumin in alkaline medium. The authors
Invustigate the extent t *o which-the procodure leiLds to a denaturing of
albumin. Further, a comparison is made between the electrophoretic moti-
lity of native ovalbumin amd that of labeled bvalbumin. According to the
results 25 chromium atomz may be,introduced into the ovalbuminnolecule
in such a manner that no denaturing,takes loss of motility
sets in. [18 referencos, prodoxinaztly Wistarnlo .
KAVA11" ~~ri
- q,,KESZTYUS, lorand.
Comparison of antigenic properties of chromalbumin and native
ovalbumin by means of quantitative precipitation. Kizerl.
orvostud. 16 no,2029-125 Ap1!64
1. Debreceni OrvostudoManyi Egyetem Korelettani Intezete,
KAVAI,, Maria; BATORY. Gabriella.
Comparative gal diffusion analyoio of native and chromium-
labelled ovalbumin. Acts, physiol. acad. sci. FAmg. 21+ no.41
403-408 964
1. Institute of pathophysiologyp Medical Uhiversity.. Debrecen.,
and Institute for Serobacteriological production and research
"Human"'.. Budapest.
Studies on the antigenic properties and chemical structure
of irradiated protein. Acts. physiol. acad. sci. Hung. 24
no.4:407-417 164
I* Institute of Pathopbysiologyp Medical Univerait7y Debracme
.-.UVA1,-XRrZ-;-.JMSZTY-US, L.
Comparison of the antigenic propertlea of chrcneova.1b=in and
rlatiVe OValbumin On the basis of quantitat-1ve precipitation.
Acta physiol. acad. sei. Hung. 24 no.2-.171-178 163.
I* Institute of Pathophysiologyp Medical UniversIty, Debrecen.
KAVAI. MariajUszupoVA, Szaodat, CSABA, Bela; Feciical University of Debre-
9 s -jt-ute of Pathophysiology (Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyetem,
elettani Intezet).
"Isolation of Antibodies by Gel Filtration."
jan, 67, pages 61-66.
Budapest, Kiserletes orvostudomany, Vol XIX, No 1,
Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian summary] A method has been worked out for the
preparation of antiovalbumin-rabbit-antibody. The quantitatively precipitated
ovalbumin-antiovalbumin complex was dissociated in 1 N acetic acid, followed
by filtration through Sephadex G-200 gel. On the basis of ultracentrifugal
measurements and immune electrophoretic study, the antibody isolated in this
manner was fouhd to be a gamma G with a 6.4,S sedimentation value. Its,
readiness to precipitate with ovalbumin was almost 100 per cent retained.
In anaphYlactic ShOck, it ulas foiind to be 4 ti-mas more effective than the
immune serum. By the method reported, 66-80 per cent of the antibody con-
tent of the immune serum could be isolated in pure form. 3 Hungarian, 14
Western references. [Manuscript received 22 Feb 66.1
Recent trends in the development D201/D302
accuracy feed-b~~ devices have been developed for measuring vari-
ous parameters s1koh as pressure and vacuum gauge8t strain gwges,
thermometers and density meters. Nuclear resonance methods are be-
ing developed for contactleBs flow measurement. Ultrasonic and ra-
dio-interference methods are used for level measurements and recor-
dings. All new types of instruments are incorporated in new automa-
tic control systemsf developed around them. In 19619 400 types of
electrical measuring instruments were in production, varying from
laboratory standerds to high power distributing panel instruments.
High sensitivity miniature meters are under development (1 - 2 cm3
volume, 5 - 10 microcamps range). The accuracy of portable instru-
ments is being improved and their dijwnsions are reduced. Digital
instruments, both of continuous -~Lction and sampled data types con-
tinue to find more.and more applications. As far as analytical in-
struments are c6noernedp the main trend is to increase the number
of methods of analysis applicable in practice, to increase the dis-
driminating properties, sensitivity and speed of operation, to stan-
dardize the electrical output, to develop analytical instruments
suitable for automatic control processesp to develop automatic and
Card 2/4
Recent trends in the development D201/I)302
semi-automatic instruments, Thoseof interest are stated to be the
newly developed series of standardized galvanic gas analyzers based
on the mibro-concentration of oxygen. Another method has been used
in developing a spectrophotometric gas analyzer, with a sensitivity
10 times greater than that of the basic instrumentl the instruments
have ranges from 0 - 1*0 % volume of nitrogen in argon and 0 - 0.5%
volume of nitrogen in helium. The range of gas analyzers based on
infra-red absorption hasbeen increased by several new instruments.
Mention is made of a new instrument calibrated in 0 - 0-05 % C02P
with output adapted to an automatic control system. New types of
maBs-spectrometers have been developed~'with mass number ranges 1
to 600 MEt revolution 300 and sensitivity (argon) 0.002 %. All
spectrometers are being revised to form a single range of six in-
struments. A radiospeatrometer has been developed for the electron
para=gnetic particles: Its production has started. Blectrometric
methods of liquid analysis and control are under development. Of in-
terest is stated to be an industrial instrument for measuring and
controlling H01 concentration in wood pulp with a varying solid to
liquid phase. Other types of concentration meters were also develo-
Card 3/4
9,1,000 (161N,447110V E194/E355
AUTHORS: Damskiy, A.M. and Kavalerov. G.I.-
TITLE: Recent developments in electrical instruments
PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, no. 1, 1962, 4 - 8
TEXT: The principal scientific and technical problems
now arising in instrument-engineering are: the need to extend
the range of types to cope with all kinds of new applications;
the need for ever-greater accuracy; the need for multi-
channel instruments; the need for instruments to record high-
speed phenomena. Also, industrial indicating instruments are
becoming the measuring parts of controllers or the*informa'(ion
units of computers and reliability requires consideration. New
methods of organ1sing the manufacture of both one-off and
mass-produced units are coming into use. These main problems
are then considered in turn. Panel-mountin- instruments are
required that are resistant to vibration, shock and temperature
change. A modern trend in instrument- entrineering is the use
of "active" circuits which contain a source of energy SUC71 is
or rectifiers, giving greatly Improved sensitivity,
Card 1/3
Recent developments E194/E355
spet,-d and ruggedness. Multiplying, integrating and other
logical circuits are coming into use. These trends have
affected the familiar watt-hour meters. The use of compensation
b:t,idge methods is giving increased accuracy and there is a strong
t.endency to make the compensation automatic. When the measured
parai:icters chan.flo slowly instruments that take measurei;ients
periodically suffice, e.g. a clulti-position recording potentio-
meter. However, instrument inertia imposes limitations on speed
of operation and it is advantageous to use digital ropresen-
tation of the measured mainitude in compensation and bridge
circuits; in this -way, high-speed units are made that can inake
105 measurements pe'r second. Digital instruments can also be
made very accurate - for instance, current measurements to an
accuracy of O.Olo,(" can be made in one second and recorded~ Such
instruments are very valuable in conjunction with coz-~iputers.
Multi-channel'instruments are coming into use but it is essentia:L
to develop multi-channel information and lorical measuring equip-
rient incluCin, .,,ieasiirerient conversi
on units, memory units,
Card 2/3
Recent developments E194/E355
recording, analyzing and other components. Self-adjustment of
instruments to suit changes in the process being measured is
bein.- developed. A further promising development is the
processing of information during the actual measurement, for
which purpose logical devices are being built into autotiiatic
instruments or operate simultaneously with them in independent
units. Automatic control of manufacturing processes is setting
many new problems and the combination of instrument, control
and computer techniques gives rise to fundam ent ally neir systei:is,
Reliability, the importance of which has often been under-
estimated in the past, is discussed at length. The organization
of production is discussed in general terms. On the one hand,
the range is being cut by stan-lardization and, on the other,
it is being extended to meet the new requirements. This is
introducing new features into methods of manufacturing instruments
and production-line procedures must be adopted accordingly.
Card 3/3
Definition of the concept of mensuration. Izm.tekh no.8:3.-3
Ag .162, (mensuration) iKERA 16:4)
Ye.G.; V_VM0V-&.9~-qj NOVITSKIY" P.V-
Foremost trend-a,in tbo davO:Lopment Or a 91-11ral information
tbaory. of measureMenta. Izm. tekh. no.9:1-5 S,1630 17:1)
FYATIN, Yu.M.p doktor tekbn. nauk, prof.j KAVIALEROV, G.I.p kand.
inzu-.t red.
tekhn. naukp retsenzent; KHUKHLINp--.S.p --
(Desi of the electrical components of measuring instru-
mentsfRaschet elektricheskikh eleinentov iwieritellnykh pri-
borov; spravochnoe posobie. Moskva~ Mashinostroenia) 1965.
198 P. (MIRA 18-.6)
AUTHCR:. T..~(E6ginee.r)
ORG: none
TITLE: Scientific and technical trerds in the developtent of electrical-instrument
SOIJACB: Priborostroyeniyes no. 12., 1965., 25-26
TOPIC TAGS: e le6tric 'e-ering 6Dn-rerence, electric measuring instrument, bioniesp
automation eq,~dpmentp metrology
AKTRA': The second kll-Union Scientific and Techn~cal Conference on Devel-
Lenin~7ra(~', P-111 luly 1965. A total of 546 speciah,;ts
be the formation and in. pi-ementation of a State syst'in of inst-
and automation devices based on broad utilization of the so-called block-
unochilar pr4nciple in instrument making, N. N, Shumilovskiv (Acad~-re-
of Sciences, Kirgiz SSR) called for the development 01
of instrument making using up-to-date methods of statistical dynamics,
in_fonmnat~ion theory, and control theory. Another topic of the conferen'ce was new
Card 1/2
Acc NR, AP6001194
products in the field of "classical i.e.$- direct conversicn,, electric measin,ing
instruments and systems, such as oscillographs$ bridgesIand d-c and a-c compen-
-safors and comparators. V.-M..'Romanovskiy from the "Vibrator" Plant
drew attention to the fact that the technical and engineering level of
digital instruments being produced is far behind the advanced theoretical
.*works in this field. K P. Ts2penko (Institute of Atomic Ener
-De r~nent A~adem SR) spoke of new developments in
%bi-onics as applfe-dt~'measure-ms-nt problems. A decision was made at the conference
to ask the Presidium of the AcadmW of Sci6nces USSR to include in it plans the
development of an independent scientific disc* line termed "Measurements" and to
organize an appropriate scientifi a center. .2?TD PIMSS: 4lZ-5WJ--"--q
SUB CODE: 09, 13 SM DATB.--~-~'none
czrd 2/2 X~W
A,~.7 "4: v'A
BU=RLI/General Problems Df PatholoWr - Tumors. Imtu-Lity.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., W) 2, 1959, 8803
Authir Khadzhiyev, Sp., Knvakliyeva-Dinitrova, Ya.
Title Experience in the Dia&p)sis of Maligiant Tuujrs by Means
of Tubercle Bacilli. Preliminary Rep-)rt.
Ori,,; Pub S'vrem. ned., 1956, 7, No 12, 34-38
Abstract Human tuberculosis bacteria fixed on a _,lass slide were
put into a thcrrx:,stat in a neditin coataininC the blood of
the patient wder exami%liation. After 10-12 clays charac-
teristic differences were fovwid: in the blood of the can-
cer patients the colonies (Srew in small nests consisting
3f irre(,ralarly nrranL.,ed bacteria; in the blo3d of healthy
persons laree colonies gew out, and the bacteria were
arranf,ed ir parallel. The diagn-isis of the disease esta-
blished by means of this test differed from the clinical
dia!Siosis, in 8-4 of 134 cases.
Card 1/2
- 36 -
Iz Katedrata po mikrodiologila i serologiia pri M pavlov Ippavlov
BULGARLI/General Problems of PatholaMr - Tumors. Inauaity. U.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - BiA., Y; 2, 11059, 8803
3-4% if 191 healthy pers-)ns shoved a positive test.
Cultures on solid media and the injection :)f the blood
under exardnation into guinea pi,,,,s confirmed th-e fact
that bl,.)od fron maligiant tuxv)r cases exerted a bactcri-
ostatic affect on tuberculosis bacteria of the humn ty-
pe. These properties became less marked after X-ray
therapy or radical removal 3f the tumor. -- K.S. Ratner
Card 2/2
Strengthening the financial discipliney a factor for increasing the profitableness
of railroad transportation. p.23-
(TRANSPORTNO DELO, Vol. 9, no. 1, 1957, Sofia.. Bulgaria.)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC., Vol. 6,, no. 12,, December 1957 Uncl.
Vol. 10, no. 6) 1958-
KnvRkov, D. Chmn,ges in the balance of raibroad transpcrtation dw,inL~ the period,
11,53.rl957. D.6
Monthly Index of East Ewopean Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 1.
Jan. 1959.