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UUMAN, BA, -- - One summation method of impropar integral. Uch.2ap.Chkal.pA?J*~. -noog:47-54 '56. (Integrals) ~ (HLRA 16~i 3) 16(1) 05258 AUTHOR: Kaufman,B.L. SOV/140-59-5-14/25 1-6-iija-rison if the Strength of Some Summation Methods of Convergent TITLE: 0 Series With the Methods of Cesaro's Means PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uobo'bnykh zavedeniy. Matematika, 1959, Nr 5, PP 131-145 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The following notations are usedt X(o)= (k). x x(x-1) ... (x-k+l) (X>,~O, k=1f2p3,***) x B>O,..x ->, 0) x(x+s)(x+2s) .... (s>,0, x,>0, k=1,2,3, .... Let (a) . - n(k) for O-e-k-n (n,k-0,1,2,3,...,) n,k The series (2) ;=~a k card 1/2 0 13 05258 Comparison of the Strength of Some Summation Methods SOV/140-59-5-141125 of Convergent Series With the Methods of Cesaro's Means k with the partial sums Sk - :~-aV is called (P,s)-summable with the Vj= 0 number 1 if lim d(pls)- 1, where e(P's). 3.t9wa n n. 0 n,k k- n-ooo =0 Theorem 2: There exist series being (P,s)-summable (s> .,0) but not summable according to Abel. ,0) are stronger than Cesaro- Theorem 3: The.methods (P,s) (s> methods of arbitrary finite order. The first theorem asserts the regularity of the methods P(q,r,s) which are introduced as a generalization of the methods (p, The author mentions A.S.Sokolin, and I.P.Hatanson. There are 8 references, 4 of which are Soviet, 1 English, I American, I German, and I Italian. ASSOCIATION:Orenburgskiy pedagogicheskiy institut (Orenburg Pedagogical Institute) SUBMITTED: June 9, 1958 Card 2/2 36974 S/044/62/000/003/010/092 C111/C222 AUTHOR: Kaufman,'B..L. TITLE: Linear combinations of Cesaro integral transformations and summation of Fourimar integrals PERIODICAL: Referativnyy z'.,Iurnal, 'Idatematika, no. 3, 1962, 7, abstract ("Sb. statey po matbm. i fiz.", Orenburg, 1961, 259 2'-,3 TEXT: 41%ccor(1-.'.:.:- -.c, the author, the integral 00 0 is summable with the sum 1 usin- the itiethod (LC resulting from the systems of real numbers fof4vj, and 1 N > of v = 1, M, if lim LS(A) - 1,.where A'--~ 00 m L S Card 1/3 A -4 G P A), C 1 - U P (u) au S/044/62/000/003/010/092 Linear combinations of Cesaro ... C111/C222 The special case (,4 . 2, o4 ' -1, s = 3) was considered by 1 2 2 G. P. Safronova (Dokl. Ali SSSR, 1951, 28, no. 6, 1101-1104), who found that this method is equivalent to met-hod O~s,3~. The author proves that (LCS ) with L3(A ) = o4 cs( A ) - (01. -1). 0a PDA is equivalent to method C, s); this implies, in parti.cular, the results of G. P. Safronova.,Tha equivalence of raethods (LC ) and C, s) is not considered in a -,ore gene- s --al form. In the second part of the paper, the summation of Pourier --ntegrals with the method (LC2k-1)1's considered, where k + 1 it- k and Cx (-,)V-1 09 -1 (1 v-1 ~2k-l 1 1,2j .... k, 2k k Z7 7k V k IL:- 1)2k-1 k (_1)V 2k Cv (1 - k V=1 Card 2/3 0 cp Y- te6- -o- ec~ X) r,O te Alo &e 00 !, t5 7 cp 3 .q el~ cp tte ell Oil .?TO 'IV -t e e e f,.0 tes StT L 06503-67 ACC NR, M ORLOV: N. F., SOURCE CODE: UR/OC79/66/036/006/1155/li Institute of the Textile aid Light iy institut teRstillnoy :L leppy I'New Method of Producing'Bis(triorganylai?)rl)phosphites" Moscow, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimiis Vol A No 6, 1966, P 1155 Abstract: A new method was developed producing bie(triorganylailyl)- phosphites in pure form in up to 90% yield, 'without using an inert gas. The phosphites are produced by the reaction of phosphorous acid with triorganyl- silanes in the presence of a colloidal nickel catalyst-1 Bis(Methy1diethyl- silyl)phoaphiteo bie(triethy1si1y1)phos7p4-te) and bis(d1=thy,1pheny1qi1Y1)- ~hospate were prepared and characterized. 'EJPF8'- 37,0233 TOPIC TAGS: phosphorous acid, silane SUB-CODE: 07 SUBM DATE 20Dec0'5 OUG REF: C03 UDC*-- 547-245 + ACC NRs AP6021414 SOURCE CODIt UR/0413/66/000/011/0019/0019 INVENTOR: -Orlov, N. P.: Kaufman,B. L. ORG: vione TITLE: Preparative method or organic organosilicon'eaterai of acetylpboaghnnig acid6 lass 12, No. 1821464announced by Leningrad Institute.of the Textile and Light Industry =.S. 5i. Kirov (Leningradskiy institut tekstil'noy I legkoy pronyablennosti)-l SOURCE: Isobreteniya, procyahlennyye obraztey, tovarnyya anaki, no. 110 X9660 19 TOPIC TACS: organosilicon eateri. acetylphosphonic sc14 ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate,has been Issued for a preparative method of organic-.' organosilicon eaters of acetylpboophonic acid. The method involves beating of alkyl(aryl)dichlorophosphites vith trio .rgesoacetoxysilaties. (BO) SUB CODE: 07 SUBM DATE: O3Apr65j ATD PREM570 2 Card UDC: 547.419.51419.1.07 BBIN, L.Te.; GANALIN, A.M.; GILINSKIT, A.M.; GORNOVBSOV, G.V.; ZIAUOVSKIY, A.P,; N.A.; KULIWr, P.Te.; LEVIN, M*Ss; SLAVIN, M.P.; SHIBNOV, B.V.; SHIRNOT, V.I.; SM100VA, I.$.; TABASOVA- T.Te : OMOTARBY, V.I.; SHOS, Te.L.; FMIN, I.A.; IOSIPM: B.G,-. redaktor; RAIRK STA , A.M., redaktor-, SMIREWSKIT. M,D. redaktor; TAPLITSKIY, U.S. redaktor; KOMAROVA. V.M., redaktor; X.M..' tekbniche'okiy redaktor. [Rales for the operation of electric installations in rural areas] Pmvila tekhuicheskoi ekepluatataii seltakik-h elektroustanovok. Moskm. Goo. iad-vo sallkhos. lit-ry, 1957. 183 P. (MIRA 10:4) le-Rassia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glvanoye upravleniye aellokikh elektro- stantsil. (Blootrio'power plants) (Electricity in agriculture) URGOTANTSIV, Y.T., kand.tekhn.nauk; TOASOT, T.T., kand.tekhn.nauk; ALUXIR, Sh.M., kand.tekbu.nauk; AHMIANOT, T.N., doktor tekhn. nauk; ASTAFITBY, N.H., kand.teklm.navk; BUD2KO, I.A.,~akzidemik; BYVZRITSKIY, D.N., kand.tekhn.nouk: VHYAIIS, B.S.. kand.takhn. nauk; GIRSKMG, Y.Y.. inch.; GORSHKOT, Ye.M., Inch.; GRI- CHffMIT, S.Ta., inch.; ZAKHARIN, A.G., doktor tekhn.nauk; ZLATKOVSKIY9 A.P., kand.tekhn.navk; IOSIPTAN, S.G., inch.; ITSKOVICK, A.M., dotsent; KAIJMN,,B.Klf, Inch.; KVITKO, M.N.. inch.; KORSHUNOT, A.P., Imnd.takhn.nauk; IOBANOT, Y.N., dotsent; LITTINWO, A.F., in2h.; MMU3LOT, G.F., inch.; PIRKHATKA, P.Ta., kand.takhn.nauk; PRONNIKOTAO X.I., Imnd.takhn.nauk; SKMOT, B.V., kand.tokhn.nauk; FATTU- SHMO, S.G., inch.; KHOMM, Y.T., inzh.; SHCHATS, Ye.L., kand.takhn.nauk; ICBIN, L.Te., doktor tekhn.nauk; ENTIN, I'A" kand.tekhn.nauk; SILIN, Y.S.. red.; 3MTANSKIT, Y,A,, red.; BALWD, A,I.,; SMIRNOVA, Te.A., [Handbook pertaining to the production and distribution of electricity in agriculture] Spravochnik po proizvodetvu i raspredeldniiu elaktrichaskol energli v sellskom khozisistve. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1959. 900 p. (KIRA 13:2) I.Tsesoyusnaya akademiya seltakokhozMetvennykh nauk imeni T.I.Lenina (for Budzko). (Rural electrification) "'=SrAN, A.M.; WATAN, A.A.., XAjwX4N, B.X I Ellauftook for an nCIRNKIN, 1-Ves t8khn-red. OlektrikEi. goll agr1cultural Olectrician] kva# 1960, 377 P. PPravochalk aellakogo (Bleotricity j. griculture) (RUA 13:2) KAUFYANp B. N. 35251. PrOizvodstvo Legkobetonrlykh Steno Vsesojvuz t vy 'r KOnf- sii Po B etOnU lzhelazobet kh A=eY v Ssar. Trudy IV Lot .1949: 6 on. Konstruktsiyam. Cl- . 172 -79 '. I K. SO: .1etop'st-4hurnal 'nYkh Statev VO-1 34, Maskva, 1949 KAMIAN, B.N kand.tekbn.nauk; BUDYAIISKkYA, M.L. =A- Fibrobituminous best-inoulating slabs. Strol.pron. 27 no-10; 12-14 0 149. (MIRA 13:2) 1. TSentralInvy. nauchno-isslodovatellskiy in8titut proLVablonnogo stroitel'stva. (Bituminoun materials) (Inoulation(Hoat)) "Heat Conductivity of Construction Materials." Thesis for degree of Dr. Technical Sci. Sub 21 Jun 50p Central Sci Res Inst of Industrial Structures. SummrY 71, 4 Sep 52, Dissertations PK~~ p2gree~ in acience and gag1jeering in )scow in 125 . From h2h2rojUl Moskva, Jan-Dec 1956. . 0 MOSCOW* (R8,90arch In Insulation I arkldtekftro. 101 P. Materials) mogkva, (;094, T111715. H6 1951. . (52-36635) Isd-vo lit-r7 Po strottellstr )MCOW. Inv9stigations: roofing and waterproofing :L arkbitekturet 3.952. 14 p. (54-17517) FJOOkva,, 908. lzd-vojp lit-ry p0 Stroitellstvu MU31.M66 mit/ttgkiwering - construction, 15 Aug 52 Materials " Fibrolite on Bituninous Binders," B. N, Kaufmani .2and Tech Sai, TsNIPS Ck "Byal Stroit Tekh~')50 15, pp 14-16 Deacri"6es black fibrolite, a new heat'insula- tio'n material, giving its production technology a3la-- 1hysir-amech6nical. properties Therm~l in- 0 iulation of rool's of industrial bulldings is in- dicated as major use of product. ItJs fabricated "in aba-Pe of Dlates 1-2 a long, 0.5-0.7 m, wide 11nd 5-10 cm Requirement, of binder in 243T33 manufacturing process is only,half of that used in*tanufacturing magnesia or cemeut fibrolite. id43T33 1. KAUFMM3 B. N. 2. USSR (600) 4. BUilding Xaterials - Testing 7. Method Of examininS the thermal condu prom- 30 no. 1952 ctivitY of building materials. Str6j*I 9' 12~ ~hl List 2-f _R_Ussian Accessions# Library Of Congress, January 1953. Unclassified. KAUFMAN B. N. emetit to Pew 1953 73()S-:-The tr ur., Khin IqS3. Soln., Na silicat eating Of CxctjSJr wAj tested in, (: , a mixt, Of boti, q soln., in both varying the Seluence ttell qlllte SuIrlelent 3 mtjog tile wood -d In Cst results hbtr it, rm ' at. CACI, was ing ]a the aoj~ I Were obtitined b 'j, 4~tn Owed b Y -day st f tOp Sed, fre. y steaming for 16 h ee pre-,pd. r 9 jbrOII rs. 0 lw~- Stearntel for -.1 h ,e theets were "I'. "lluo he ure" Is. fit 45-51- R ' t the bulk wt. rXth of C'iucflt fibr I" "Lr%'thlug bdn, activity. fibrullted quamtity'D lte 3,eets dctcndW on ct' c"t Use~% and It., M. WN R hK "R K, ft,4;k. gg~%: -P, 1% WIN KA7JFW B. H. WSR/Engineering - Roof Iing Materials Sep 53 ."Cold Asphaltic Compositions for Roofing Papers," B. H. Kaufman, Cand Tech Sci Sbor Mater o Npv Tekh i Peredovom, Opyte v Stroi, No .9, pp 17-19 States 6xperience has shown tWit cold compns for roofing papers, mfr of which was begun in 1950- 1951, do not have expected advantages (no need for preheating, high adhesive quality,, economy) over .hot compne. Consequently many construction organi- zations have refused to use them. As verified by tests of-Cent Sci-Res Inst of Industrial Structures, during storage cold compns frequently ,thicken so nuch that they cannot by used without initial beating. Gives details of complaints and .tests. j'j. (6oo) S"imanite 7. Cement f1brolite. st-r0l- tekh. 10 1 NO. 21 1953. 9' LIsj .2f Russia 4:21~ Accessions Library Of Congress, 1953' Unclassified. B.N.olkandidat takhnicheskikh nauk. -Cold bitumen mastio for roofing material. Sbor.mat.o nor.tekh.v strol. 15 n0-9:17-19 153* (MLBA 6:10) (Roofing) KAUI%a, B.N., kandidat tekhnicheekikh nauk [reviewer]. "Special building materials.* Reviewed by B.N.Xaufman. Stroi.prom. 31 no.6:46 Jo '53. (KT-'R& 6-7) (Building materials) XAMUN, 13,N.. kandidat takhniche*kM nauk; RUDENSLLTA, I.H., kandidat tMITcheek1kh nwak. k Waterproofing matirlals for large-soale building oonstruation, Strol.prou.31 no,12137-39 D 153,~ (MM 711) (Sundt" materUls) (ftterproofb4) Kil v e m H NJ AKHVN OVI .1 N., kandidat takhnichasklih naulc; GWZIYEV, U.S., kmAidat t~ekhnidmskikh,nsuk; OVADOVSM# kandidat toichnicheakikh nauk-, Xi7owt, kandidai t;k~i1c"haskikh nauk, redaktor; ROSTOV'PqVA, 91 , PMISCK, M.N., tekhnichnskiv red.aktoi [Lightweight concrete] legkit baton. Moukva, Goo. isd-vo lit-27 PO stroltelletvu I arkhitakture 1955. 98 p. (MLRA 816) (Lightweight concretei KAIJFWO B.N., kandidat tokhrLicheakikh nauk; redaktor; DAITNOT. V.S. teMn"Meakly redWrtor, [Research studies-, atructural heat engineering] Iseledovantia; stroltelInaia teplotakhnika. Moskva. Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po stroitel I stvu i arkhiteIrture, 1955. * 116 P. (mm 8:8) 1. Noscowo jrseooyuzrqy rsuohno-iseledovatellskiy institnt po stroitalletvu. (Heat engineering) KAUFUN,_Borts Naumvich, kandidat takhnicbeekikh nauk; ROSTCVTSIVA, DAKHMOV, V.S., tekhnichaskiy redaktor: TAIR. A.M., tekhnicheskiy rodaktor - [Heat conductivity of building materials] Teploprovodnost' stroltel'afth materialov. Moskva, GosAzd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkbitakturs, 1955. 157 P. (MLRA 8:10) (Heat-4onduction) (Ihttlding materials) USHAKOV, F.V., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; PUMN, B.N., kandidat tekhni- chaskikh nauk, nanchny7 redaktor; TUHARUY.4"%'H'.~, radaktor Izdatell- stva; BORODINA, I.S., radaktor 12datOlIStV&; OSIVA.S.S., tekhnichs- skiy redalctor [Thermotachnical properties of large panel walls) Teplotakhnichookie evoistva krupnopunalinykh sten. Moskva, Goa. itd-vo lit-ry po stroit~ i arkhitakture, 1956, IOZ p, (KLRA 9:11) (Walls) SHKLOVER, Aron Hikhaylovich; VABILIYIV, Boris Yedorovich; USHKOV, Fedr vasillyevich;.KkInmAll 1-11-00 adidat takhnicheak1kch nauk, nauchayy redaktor; BORODINA, I.S., redaktor izdatellotva; PERSON, M.N.. tekhnichesIdy redaktor C~Principles of heat engineering as applied to constraction] Oonovy stroitelinot toplotekhaiki shilykh i boohohestvennykh zdanii. Hoskya, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkbitekture, 1956. 349 p.(KLRA 9:11) (Heat engineering) ,-, XALOW, B.N., kandidat tekhnichookikh Wk. - Decorative acoustical plastere..Stroi.prom.34 no.6:34-37 Jo 156. (9mg:9) l.TSantrallwy nauchno-Issledovatel'skly inetitut promy-ohlemWkh sooruzhaniy. (Acoustical materials) IPSHTM Samuil Aronovich; XAUFMAN, B.N., otvetstvenw red.; ZVORYKINA, L.H., redliaatevotiva-i-BERTHR, O.G., (Technology of manufacturing precast reinforced concrete] Tekhnologiia proizvodstva sbornogo zhelezobetona. Moskva, Ugletekhisdat, 1957. 203 P. (MIRA 10:12) (Precast concrete) KOW&N, B.)I.., kwAid&t tekhnicheekikh usuk; VOLIKIMSON, G.M. Using a material called OGruptolit" for the reinforcement of canal slopes. Rech.transp. 16 no-2029-30 7 '57. (MLRA 10:3) (Canals) (Building materials) XAUFUM. Boris Naumovich. kand.takhn.nauk: POVOLOTSKIY, Alsksandr Gemenovichp iusho; SHKIDT, Leonid Noyseyeirich, inxh.; SKOBLOV, Dmitriy Alsksayevich, insh.: NIZOLIM, L.I., insh., nauchnyy red,; MYORTSOVA, I,P,, red.; GILENSON, P.G.,, (Manufacture and use of particle board abroad] Proizvodstvo i primenenis drovesDo-strazhechnykh plit sa rubeshome Moskvag Goa* lid-vo lit-ry po stroit.. arkhit. i stroit.vaterialamg 1958, 195 pe 94 t (MIRA 12.4) (Wood, Compress"ed) Z~w el'-1-1 /y /V Ic. /I/ I AGALINA, H.S., insh.; AKUTIN. T.K., inzh.; APRESOV, A.'M., inzh.; ARISTOV, B.S., kand. t3khL. nauk,; BHLOSTOTSKIY. O.B., inzh.; BFMIN, A.Ya,,inzh.; BESSKIY. K.A., inzh.; BLYUM. A.M., in2h.; BRAUN, I.V., inzh.; BRODSKIY, I.A., inzh.; BURAKASO' A.I.,inzh.; WNW, I.Z., inzh.; VARSHAVSKIY, I.N.,inzh.; VASILI.YEVA, A.A.,insh.; VORONIN, S.A.,inzh.; VOYTSEKHOV--,'-!Y. LjK., inzh.: VMMLEVSKIY, A.A.,inzh.: GERSHKAN, B.G., insh.; GOL'UBYATHIKOV. G.A.,inzh.; GORLIN, M.Yu., inzh.-, GILAMMATIKOV. A.H., iazh.; DASHEVSKIY, A.P.,inzh.;DIDKOVSKIY, I.L., inzh.; DOBROVOLISKIY, N.L.,inzh.; DROZDOV, P.P.,kand. takhn. muk,; KOZLOVSKIY.A.A.,inzh.; KIRIT, 0 V.G.,inzh.; KOPELYANSKIT, G.D..kand. tekhn. nauk,; KORETSKIT, M.M:,inrh.; KUKHARCHUK, I.N.,inth.; KUCHF-R, M.G.,inzh.. KEMYAK. M.V.,inzh.; MIRONOV, V.V.,inzh.; NOVITSKIY, G.V.,inzh.; PADUN, N.M.,Inzh.; PANKRATIYEV, N.B., insh.; PARKHOMMO. V.I.,kand. biol. nauk,; PINSKIY. Ya.A.,inzh.; POIUUYY, S.A., inzh.; PORAZHENKO. F.F.,inzh..; PUZANOV. I.G..inzh.; REDIN. I.P.inzh.; REZNIK, I.S.,kand. takhn. nauk,; ROGOVSKIY. L.Y.,inzh.; BEERMAN, A.G.,inzh.; RYBALISKIY, V.I.,inzh.; SADOVNIKOV. I.S..inzh.; SEVERIYANOV, N.N.,icand. takhn. nauk.; SENESHKO., A.T..inzh.; SINKIN, A.Kh., insh.: SURDUTOVICH, I.N.,inzh.: TROFIMOV. V.I.,inzh.; FRYER. X.M.'.inzh.; FIALKOVSKIY, A.M.,inzh.; FRISHKAN. H.S.. inzh.; GHRRRSHNEV, V.A., insh.; SHESTOV, B.S., inzh.; SHIYK-:-. M.I., inzh.-, SHUMYATSKIY. A.F.,in2h.; SHCHERBAKOV, V.I.,inzh.; STANCHENKO, I.K., otv. red.; LISHIN, G.L.,inzhi,red.4.-KRAVTBOV,Te.P.1 inah.,red.; GRIGQR' UV. G.V.,rad.-, KAKINSKIY, D.N.,red.; KIASOVSKIY, I.P. red.;.LETTXAN. L.Z.. red.(dacessadj.; GUREVICH, M.S.,inzh.,rad.; ,DAliiLVSKIY, A.S..inzh.,rad.; DEMIN, A.M., inzh.,red.; IAGANOV, takhn. npuk, red:.LISTOPADOV, N.P..Wh.,red.; MENDELEVICH, I.R.. inzh. radAdecassed]; lcontinued on next card) AGALINA, H.S.... (continued) Card 2. FE97KOVSKIT, N.I.,fazh.,red.; ROZEDERG. B.M.,inzh.,red.; SLAVIN, D.B*,; imoRov, HoPe,insh, red,; TSYMBAL, A.V..inzh.,red.-, SMIRNOV, L.V., red. izd-va.; PROZOROVSKAYA, V.L., tekhn. red, tKining ; an encyclopedic handbook] Gornoe delo; antsiklopedichaskii Bpravochnik. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-takhn. imd-vo lit-ry po ugollnoil promyshl. Vol. 3.[Organization of planning; Construction of surface buildings and structures] Organizataiia proektirovaniia; Stroitel'stvo zdanii i aooruthenii na p,%Yerkhnouti shakht. 1958. 497 P. OIIRA 11:12) (Mining engineering) (Building) KAUFKU, B.P., lcandetekhnenauk Alkali-resiotance of paper roofing materials. Trudy 11IIZKB no.2:113-118 '58. (MIR& 11:9) (Roofing--Testing) (Corrosion and anticorrosives) KAUFMAN. kand.tekhu.nauk; SHMDT, L.M., inth. Selecting mothode for making cement sillimanite. Stroi.mat. 5 no.12:9-12 D 159. (MM 13:3) (Sillimanits) KAUFMAN. B.N.j, k". tekhn. naukj SMM, L.M,; SKOBIDVI D.A., inzh.,,,- 156V-OIDTSKIY, A.S., inzh.; ZARNITSKAYA, R.L., red, izd-va; GOLIBERG, T.M., tekhn. red. (Cement fibrolitel TSementrwi fibrolit. By B.NI.Xaufman I dro. Mo- okvap Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit,p arkhit. i stroit. materialam 1961. 158 P. (MIRA 1010~ 1, Akademiya stroitelle-bva ~ arkhitektury SM. Voesoyumvy nauchno- issledovatellskfy ilstitut Tbvykh stroitellrqkh materialov. (irmulating iaterials) SLIPCHENKO, P.A., inzh.,, red.; D'YACHKOV, G.D., inzh., red.; KAUFMAN B.N,__, kand. takhn. nauk, red.; SHITOVA, L.A., izd-va; KOMAROVSKAYA, L.A., tekhn. red. [Construction specifications and regulations]-Stroitellnye normy i pravila. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, Pt.l. Sec.V. ch.26.[Heat- insulating and acoustical materials and products (SNiP I-V. 26-62)] Toploizoliatsionnys i aktaticheskie materialy i izdeliia (SNiP I-V. 26-62). 1962. 22 p. (MIRA 16:5) 1, Rusela (1923- U,3,3,R,)Gjosudaratvennyy komitet po delam stroitelletva. 2. Gosudaretvannyy komitat Soveta Ministrov SSSR po, delam stroitel'stva (for Slipchenko). 3. Mozhduvedom- stvannaya komissiya po pereomotru Stroitoellnykh norm i pravil (for D'yachkov). 4. Vassoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy in- stitut novykh stroitelinykh materialov Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Kaufman). (Acoustical materials-Standards) (Insulating materials-Standarda) UU-IM,-BoriB.,,,[,de.clea~~dlI SHMIDT, Leonid ~Joiseyevichj KOSYREVA, zinoviya. Semenovna; YAKHONTOVA, Nina Yevgenlyevna (Structural expanded plastics] StroitelInye poroplasty. Mo- skva, Stroiizdat, 1965. 173 p. (MIRA 18:6) 3o8h-~66 Ew(m),/WP(J) RM 610 BDOK EIPIDITATION U R/ 4q, Kaufman-,-Boris Naumovich, Kopyreva Zinovin Semenma: Schmidt,, Ieonid e-Hoiseyevich; i;Wfi ff~~enwyevnaq#,_e5- _R-a "er tro '1965. 173- p. Allus. '(At htad'-'of- title iGosudarstvennyy komitet- po- pr'DMY- ahlenna4ti stroiteltnykh materialov pri Gosetroye SSSH* Vaesoyuznyy nauchno~ isaledovatell~dZ institut novykh stroltelvnj!~~_material6y)./ Erratin M~ inserted. 3,ODD copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: construction material, structural platiticp ,heaLt-resistant plastics chemical resistant material, solid mechanical pii-perty, s7nthetic material The book pres-2nta a ammary of Soviet and fareign produe- t PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: It presents tion experiments using various porous plastic building materials* a classification of po:mus plasticss, describes in detail their physico- mechanical properties and the possibility of using porous plastics as building materials. It describes the various porous plattics in detailq and also possible methods of using them in construction (in particular, large-panel) as heat-noAse isolation materials. The book is intended for engineering-technicalt- worzkero in the building materials and construction industry; it can 0 J used fbi designers and students of technologicalhigher education =Stitubttons Card 2/2 Cl" ~,V2 A g:( Po Akv 4 pool POOCIS&IS Amp 110100,14fits 1*012 48 CA. **'a 'W"a"d is dw POOMbia, 00 of Wor,"O.. B. lq~ apd V. & Vamys go Rawi-ati-I -11 . - .00 I UOWArexb. IM. 1 1229 -The km 113etbod -4 1rood.prodwt for sod N. M&M-02 of t conmele. Tdobe brick, contpvuw Un&f INTMI, Pff-AM and P(tdried to a mix. water cm. tcut of I %. cs -PWY heated to IIW12(m)* in 3 box. 00 4lAdtbtRMPiMYcO*d, Tbt9W$foM3edin the Interior I ago were umbk to c"Pe mod readcrW the pWwt highly poems. 0. Moore Lo 0 00 W 440 fee 04 a so 0 0 U* 0 . boo 119TALLONSICAL LMIATWI Cf."WICATION %AOKI VQWjfjV Koo sf-logo use owl 401 4111" OW 4" All *, 1 1 1 ; a, ; I ; I ; M I I a to 0 a 0 .1 , 1, 9 a a a v o 4:9fooo of 999900 goo 0000007" 0 00000900000000000660,ee -1. - IBALONOV,- L. - Y A. I KAUI-111.Aii, D. A-. -9 IJCIIKO, -A. - YE., TR-V~-A)TT, N 2. USSR (600) 4. SluchevsIdi, I. F. 7. On Prof. I. F. SluchevsUy's article "On some urgent Droblems in Dsychin-try." Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 52, no. 12, 1952. 9. Month-jy List of Russian Accessions, I&brar-y of Congress, March 1953. Uncla-:sified. 0 rAUFW, D. A. Pathophysiological dnta on the problf-ma of consciousness in schizophrenic dement I a [wi th summary in French3 e Zbur enerr,, i p a 1kh 5 8 no - 6:699-702 158 KIRA 1 1137) 1. Inatitut evolyutsionnoy fisiologii AN SSSR. Leningrad. (SCHIZOPHRENIA, physiology consciousness (Rua)) (GONSCIOUSNBSSD in pohizophrenta (Rua)) Comparative pathophysiolo i al. investigation of schizophrenia IC and-epiUptic dementias' Mth summary in French]; Zhurnevr. i psikh. 58 no;8.6964-970 158 Wu n:9) I*' Institut evolyutsionnoy fiziologii AR SSSR, Leningrad; (EFILYPSY, comparison of epileptic with schizophrenia dementia (Rue)), (SCHIZOPHMIAO same (Rua)) KAUVW, D.A. Some features of speech disorders in schizophrenia. Zhur.nevr. i Paikh. 59 no.4:422-427 159. (HIRA 12:6) 1. Institut evolyutsionnoy fiziologii imeni I.M.Sechenova (dir. akad. L.A.Orbeli [deceased]) Leningrad. CH DISORDERS, etiol. & pathogen. schizophrenia (Rue)) (SCHIZOFMMIA, compl. speech diaord. (Rue)) KAUFMA'N, D. A.; PEYMER, 1. A.; TRAUGOTT, N. Ill.; BALWTOV, L. Ya.; (Leninr-rad) K voprosu ob izmeneniyakh vysshey nervnoy deyatellnosti cheloveka obuslovlennykh ugneteniem voskhodyashchikh aktiviruyushchikb sistem mozga report submitted for the First Moscow Conference on Reticular Formation, Moscow, 22-26 March 1960. TRAUGOTT, Ne N*; BAWOVJ Jj lae~ KAUFM D A Data on the nature ok action of axvtal sodium and aminwin on the central nervous systhm in man. Active nerve sup* 3 no-4:381-388 161- 1. Institut evoIjutsionnoy fiziologii im, I. T. Sechenova AN SSSR "19irektor - chien-korr. AN SSSR Ye. T. Kreps) (AMORARBITAL plinrmool) (CHLORPRCKAZINE phFtrmacol) (CWMA NERVOUS SYSTEM phRrTnacol) (REFLEX CONDITIONS pbArnaeol) THAUGOTro N.N-; BALONOV, L.-fa.; KAUFMAN, D.A. Mechanism of the action of aminazine on higher nervous activity in man. Zhur. vys. nerv.doiat. 11 no.5t8lif,-822 S-0 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. The Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences Leningrad. (OHLORPROMAZM) (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) (MMOUS SYSTDI) D.A TRAUGOTT, N.I..; BALWV~ L-ja.; KAUMN Mechanism of the action of sodium apytal on higber nervous activitY in am Shur. new, i poikh. 61 no 12t1847-1854 t6l, ~MIRA 150) 1, Institut evolyutsionnoy fiziologii imeni I.M. Sechatova (dir. - prof. YeX Irepe) 0 SM, leni"d, (MOBARMAL) (NERVOUS SYSM TRAUGOTT, U.N.; BALONOV, L.Ya.- KAUFXAN, D.A. Clinical picture and physiologi6al mechanisms of some 4typical reactions to the adminiotration of aminazine. Zhur. nevr. i psikhIl' 62 no.5:746-754 '&!. (MIM 15:6) 1. Institut evolyutsionnoy fiziologii imeni.I.M. Sechenova (dir. - prof. Ye.M. Kreps) AN SSSR i 3-YA Psikhonevrologiches- kaya bollnitsa imeni Skvortsova-Stepanova (glavnyy vrach N.D. BuWn),, laningrad. (CHLORPROMINE) TRAUGOTT, N.N.; BAIDNOV, L.Ya.; T Electrophysiological data on the ei'f'ect of* -nn logical substances on various stnictures u., the hu-7,&n b-atin. Zhur. vys. nerv. deiat. 15 no-1:42-52 Ja-F 165. ( iL,!,- 11 1. Institut evolyutsionnoy fizinlogii im. I.:,. se"'t-'t~ncv% A.N SSSR i Tratlya psikhonevrologicheskeya boilnitsa im- KATJFMhN D.A. Localization of lesion in motor sysLms in some forms of stupor. Zhur. nevr. i poikh. 65 no.12:1847-1854 t65. (MMA 19: 1) 1. Laboratoriya patologii vysshey nervnoy dayatellnosti cheloveka (zaveduyushchiy - prof. Traugott) Instituta evolvutsionnoy fiziologii i hiokhiifili im. Sechenova, (direktor - prof. Ye. M. Kreps) AN SSSR i 3-ya Paikhonevrologicheakaya bollnitea im. Skvortsova-Stepanova (glavnyy vrach F.I. Sluchevskiy), Leningrad. Submitted August 31, 1964. "970 -~6 ACC NR1 AR6001059 :AUTHOR: Traugott., No N ; SOURCE CODE: UR/0299/65/000/019/PO04/FOO BD1nnnx,_J"_Y_a.._; Kaufman Do A-. -oft~ ! non-specific' TITLE: Role of the rotioular formation of the brain stem and systems of the optic thalamus SOURM., Rof, Eh, Blologlyas' Aba. 19PI8 REP SOURCE: Sb. Evolyutsi7a i*vnktsiy. M.-L., Nauka, i964, 18'-19" TOPIC TAGS: brain, conditioned reflex, chlorpromazine,, nervous system drug, drug effect, behavior pattern ABSTRACT: Cortex activity change induced by inhibition or intensifica- tion of the nonspecific system function of the brain stem or thalamus with the administration of adronalin (subcutaneously 0.75 to 1 ml of a 1*1000 sol tion), cblorpromazine (intravenously or intramuscularly 25 to 160 mg). our sodium amytal (intravenously 150 to 200 mg) was investigated in patients with.various psychic syndromes and also in convalescents. Conditioned reflexes were developed by preliminary verbal instructions, verbal reinforcement and also by defensive and kinestbetic reinforcement@ Despite sharp changes of unconditioned reflexes under the action of all the above drugs, the formation of new conditioned reflexes and the Card -L 46272-66 kft NRt AR6004359 performance of earlier developed conditioned reflexes were possible; thus, the synapse function basically was not offected,,*tbough certain cortical activity changes were noted. It was demonstrated that irradiation of excitation along the cortex is determined by the state of the nonspecific systems of the thalamus and irradiation of excitation in the vegetative centers depends on the reticular formation of the brain stem. Preservation of discriminatory inhibition is determined by the Interrelation of the reticular formation of the brain stem and the onspec ie systems of the thalamus (which is disturbed following sodium anytal, administration)o The function of impressing traces of stimuli striking the cortex improves with intensification of reticular formation activity and deteriorates with its inhibition. Under the action of these preparations, motor reflexes also changed and certain changes of mood were observed. Bibliography of 21 titles. R. Pavlygina. Or anslation of abstrac!7- CODE: 06 fv ~.D. B~. BffOct of Intersect"g forces 011 the equilibrium forms of compressed rods, "rudY LPI 110.208;195-206 s60. (MMA 13:9) (BlaStic rods and wires) -ICAUFmaN, D.I.; FEYGELIMAPI, S.V. L Automatic line for grinding boards. Biul. tekh.-ekon.inforz. Gos.nauch.-issl.inst.nauCh. i tekh.lriform. 17 nc)- 544'4-45 Vq 164. (KRA 17:6) KATJFI',--Ul, D.T.; I?L?YG:-:LII-IAII, S.D. Maebines for iLechanized production of wooden containers. Biul. takh.--ekon. infom. Gos. ratuch.-issl. inst. nauch. i tekh, inform. 17 no,4:47-50 Ap 264,, The FIGVS woodworking machine. lbid.:50-51 (IMU 17:6) MAYATIN, A.A.; KRUTGUS, 11I.D.; GITARSKIY, V.S.; V.S.; GORFLIK, M.M.; VINOGRADOV, N.P.; KAUV140-, D.I.; SUOV!N, L.S.; 60"LFASHVIL!, M.N.; KIRPENEV, N.K.; FOZ REARGER-,R.A.; NAPHANENKO, Z.S.; KIPUS, L~A.; ZAYCHENKO, I.V. Innovations. Bum. i der. prom. no.3:58-59 Jl-S 164. (14IRA 17: 11) 'HI"t; , V. 1). KA11FI-VT Y D. I . ; Cx(.;, ;, J, ~ Automatic linu for ruichining wocdeil idul. t(A-',,I.-r;Rcjn. inforin. Gos. much.-issi. inot. naixh. I tcllh. ln!'cn.-.. 3-17 no.6:59-60 Je 161, O"lli"'t KAILIF!"JIN, D.I.; I'll TA RSKIY J, V.S. AiAomatic mcldne fc',r f,cil. F-tlruc,~Itr-l frza:ilc~,. Diul. tel-h.-ekon. inform. Gos. naucli.--issl. inst. nunlcll. -1 telch. inform. 17 no.6:61-611 (rj lzz, --r7: -: a ) V.IIS.COSI.TY- IOF. I&UIING ~Lxs, Everey and&L. Kaufman. (Metallurgist, Russia, 1937, vol. 12, No. 5, May, pl,. 76-81). (In Russian.) The results are rejorted of-an examination of twenty- three slags fonned by coated electrodes. The composition of the slags was silica 20-40%, titanium dioxide 0.3%, oxides of iron 10-20%, manganous oxida 6-30%, alumina 5-15%, alkaline earth oxides in varying amounts, and chromic oxide (in six slags only). These slags were mostly acidic. The viscosity characteristics of the slags are discussed: certain.of them were of the crystalline type with a low viscosity (approximately 1 poise) above the point of crystallisation and high viscosity (40 poise) below this point. The remainder were glasses exhibiting a gradual change in viscosity (20-60 poise) A th variation of temperature. The viscosity of slags containing no chromic oxide is essentially a function of their silica content: chromic oxide increases the viscosity, and titan- ium dioxide decreases it when substituted for silica. This pro- perty oftitania is of some practical importance as evidenced, for example, in the use of ilmenite for electrode coatings. Immediate source clipping : KAUINAN~-, p.l.y FFYCE'l-IMAN, SODO . tekh. - rrq, 'rjUlD., to 1:~Q4'fdq, Biul semi F"t-om"i tic' z- -CII.J t6jt is no.lt49- - - it. ~ nf orm. ,:~ t I rlfli~ okon.;Lnf,c.;,-jr~.r,(-,.n,iu,:I,.-- 11 Z-A J (MIRt, iet4) 50 Ta 165- KAUFMAN, D.I.; YEIGELIMAN, S.D. Automatic line for machining edges of furniture boards. Biul. tekh.-ekon. inform. Gos. nauch.-isal. inst. nauch. i tekh. inform. 18 no.2:46-47 F 165. (MIRA 18:5) KAMM, D.I.; COPELIK, jautomitic tenon-cutd_rjg Manchlreo introdualng the ShM-3 sen b,-jrs3..jnst.naucb.i tckl,. inform, Blul..t.akh.-.ekojj.inf om.Gos.nau illIPA 18'.6) IS no.4:43-44 Ap 065- KAUFMAN, F.A. 0 Connections of the posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh in newborn infants@ Trudy KirpNOAGE noo2tI33-135 165- (WRA 18:11) 1. Tz kaf"edry normllnoy anatomii (zav. - prof. N.N.Iavrov) Kirgiza~.ogo gosudarntvennogo meditsinakogo inatituta. - -- - --- --- --- - -- --- - ---- -- -- - -- ------ ---- - - - -- --- -- XUASHNIKOV, N.M.; KAMAN, F.L. 4 In a modernized factory. Taket.prom. 20 no-5:886-89 My 160. OURA 13:8) 1. Zamestitell nueballnika tekhnologicheskDgo byuro Naro- Pominskoy fabriki (for Xalashnikov). 2. Nacballnik otdela tekhnicheskoy informatsii (for Kaufman). Olaro-Pominek-Textile factories) KRYTJCMUNA, S.B.; KAUMN, Y.P. .11conomic effectiveness of the introduction of drive methods in the Azerbaijan oil fields. Azarb.neft.khox. 35 no.M41-44 0 156. 1 (MIaA 1011) (Azerbaijan--,%condary recovery of oil) (Petroleum engineerin') 1. KAUFW, G. 2. USSIR (600) 4. Russia - Economic Policy 7. Extending the supply plan of the national efonomy to the factories. Za 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March, 1953-Unclassi-fied. . ... -'~- -11 -,2~ - -1 -111 ...: . . I -- - 11 - -1 ~511 - : . g, , . '" , - 1~ N- ~. M, I I 1-51',~,Il -T-ItS it-, I - IS il-..l-',- I MW W M W" RUDENSKIY, Lev Veniaminovich[deceased); MIC140y, RlIvim Samoylovich; LENKOV~ Aleksandr Yakovlevich, FAYNBERG., Yu1iy Konstantinovich; SALITp Yervoey Solomonovicb; K_UgM~G~riori E=ianuilorvich; KHIZHINSKIYy Leonid Yakovlevich; KaMOVp Vasil1y Ye o-Vic-b-I-TMULINIKOV, Abram losifovich; ROZENTSMG, Ya.D., red.izd-va; FIAIKRAYLOVA: V.V., tekhn. red. [Study of materialal Materialovedenie. By L.V.Rudenskii i dr. Ylosk7a., Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tsvetnoi metal2u.-gii, 1961. 476 p. (MRA 14:12) (materials) NDPMLTANSKIY, Grigoriy Danilovich, kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk;*KAUFM&N, G.N. redaktor; SAVIN, M.M., redaktor: NADJUNSDYA, A.A., eff"WW"'a cE-eokly redakt,)r; ALADDYA, Ye.I., tokhnlcheokiy redaktor. [Principal building materials and articles for large.scale construe- tion] 0snovars stroitellrys materialy i isdeliia dlia nassovogo strottel'stva. Hoskva, UgletekhIzdat, 1955. 315 P. (MLRA 8:11) (Building materials) KAMMM., I.; POGAFY Autonomic latent sy-aptpmatojogy.,.qf..the head injuries-.-Orv, hetil, 94 'o 36:99(p. (GrXL 25.-5) a -,~ooo 6 sept 1953. _artaput (Head FbXs 1.-D6otors. .2. O%OvAurojogy._ft -kqi~an Dro Odan Pogwwa-Gar4didate ge.dical Scienoes) of Czengorynutpai' .Metropolitaii Odunoil, Dispensary, (Head-Sead-ftsician, -- Dr. PaI SomjqnL Budapest* I - -- --UUEKO-, losif; LOWIRFELD, Viliam Driving gear of the-NEGIFT-1 computer. Probleme 4utomatiz 4%107-108 163, - KAUFMAN, Iosifl - LOWENFEU, Viliam Designed develgpmnt works for the MEGIPT-I'computer. Problems auiomatis 4:iOO'-U2 163. tAUFMAN9 fosl~ Mathematical baaeo of the MEGUT-l calculating machine. automatiz 4s101-106 163. Frobleme A/H It OVSHINA, 011ga Nikolayevna-, SHIASHOVA, Zcya Petrovne; LYAPUNOY , B.V., naucbrqy red.; ,KAUFKAA,, 14, red.; ZUBOV, Tu.S., red,; EHMMSKAYA. L.H.. [Artificial earth satellites and interplanetary flights; suggested readings] Isknastvannyo oputniki zemli. Hezbplanetnye polety; rekomendatelInyl ukazatell literatury. Hauchnaia red. BoVeLtapunovae Hook-va, 1958. 4.5 p. (MIRA 11:6) 1. Moscow, Publichnaya btblioteka. (Bibliography--Artificial satellites) (Bibliography--Space flight) VADIKOVSKATA, L.M.; XAUFKk&_j,,N,,_;__!:OKDRATOVA, N.A.; PETROV, S.A., kand.takhn.nEvdk__,__nauchuV red.., KRoviNsay, I.P.,, Nachins-tractor statione",constitute a deciaive factor in .collective farm prodaction. Bibliography on the mechanization of agriculture as an aid to workers in machine-tractor stations] KTS - reshaiushchaia isila kolkhotnogo proisvodetva. Rakomanda- tellnyi ukazatell literatury po maklianizateii sellskogo kho- siaistva v pomoshch' rabotnikam HTS. Nauchnsia red. S.A.Petrova. MGskva, 1954. 80 P. (14IRA-P-.4) 1. Koscow. Publicbnaya biblioteks. (Bibliography--Nachine-tractor stations) How our team achieved success. Bezoptruda v prom. 5 no-4:29-30 Ap 161. (14IRA 14:3) 1. Krasnodarskaya kompleksnaya ekspeditsilra Severo-Kavkazskogo geologicheskogo upravlenipe (Krasnodarsk Territory-Geological surveys) BELEMIKIY, I.E.; KAUFMA.N, I.M. Epidemic significance of atypical forms of dysentery. Zdrav.Bel. 8 no-5:19-20 YT.162. (MM 15:10) 1. Iz infektsionnoy bollnitsy Minska i kabineta kishechnykh infektsiy No.9. (DYSENTERY) ICAUMM,..., Some regularities of the emulsification process in jet systems. Khim prom. 41 no. 12*.920-922 D 165 (MIRA 19:1) -AL-EUZYENKO) F.P.; UUMAN) KA Roll forgijqg of fitting tools. Kuz.-shtam. proizv~;3;36.8:26-28 Ag 161. (MIRA 14: 8) (Forging) VOLIF, L.A.; XROS, A.I.; NAU?Aa, Kh.Ya. Refractometric determination of concentrations of polyvinyl alcohol solutions. Kbim.voloke no.1:22-23 160. OIIU 13:6) 1. Leningradskiy tokatil'Wy institute. (Vinyl alcohol) SHPITALINYY, A.S.; KHARITv Ya.A.; KAIM4ANj".lh6Ya*,---' Frocess of polyamide TortrAtione- Part 14: Composition and structure of salts formed by dicarboxylic fatty acids and piperazine. Zhur.- ob.ldiim,, 32 no*6: 1981-1984 Je 162. (14IRA 15:6) (Acidsj, Fatty) (Piperazim) (Folyamides) KSXMOVSKIY. I., insh. I KAUFMAN. L., inzh., IV.ASHCHMrO, A., inzh, Purda, M. 9 inthe ' Practices of the Yasinovka 71our Hill in produoing macaroni flour. )~h*.-elev.prom. 25 no.12:11-13 D '59- MR& 13:4) 1 1 , 1. Stalinskoye uprayledye 1-chlaboproduktov. (Yasinovka~-Ylour Mille) so**** **see a oes '00 I 1 0 f 4 1 a 9 W 11111314016 Stu 9 -A U-S AIM L -2-11, P. a a L-j -6- Y--A- 1-~-- 004 -:rMnl 4 A AW, vototollot 1%vk **a 00 )a M S 41 Q a M GX* -11-11 -60 00 1- 00 10 ?HT" 01mmil 004 il AVI )) WJI ll I ki h k Mi so A - ,,wx N. A- . l , c a , P gaillotann anti 4M,"t'fj-Vt in anti CO contenu In the brain. bmt Anti ty" -00 00 of the growins pl*rrous wete Md. by Wt ashinit with IIN(h and HA. 9 brinit drtd. the method of Krainer anti TMAII grit Cm by de Waard's method. I'lle trilkliotl b of ' t y K/C& increases durins powth in the WOW and in the heart and ekvrvams in the full- .00 0: it 0 Minty with Op. K. UrtjWjj hifil, *1111i, Ill Inc ryeji tA pigtijm this xtjAtIon tirclino unit ot 00 and I.- bclivvc, that 4 h4th RICO IHAY be CAUkd by one factor common both to talme d b etw"n function &nd quick growth an([ conclude that the direct rtlAtion aftv0shu otit 0 90 the nitio K.'Ca anti gvuwth faculty of piScou eyes and which oth-tr investigators have )r the i (h i h i Ze 0 0 e cause u tr s lic t found In-tween this ratio and truwth vtlocity of (union tr tures h d h d cra. s uc c ue to t e phys, an effect of ralAd Mwth, but it Is toost probably t m d K ago 0 e av u Characteristic of these ti"urt. jaro go* altALLUMCAL LITIMATift CLASSWK&tM* gee goo mee I low f0wili, U v &V 0 a-- 10 1 0 dM 040 0 9 0 0 0 411 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 a * * 0 0 a 0 * 0 Ill 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 IVT44 000*0 4 . - - 11 , , -- 1-11 - ~11111~-,., ~~ 0 : W W W V V W W-M-0 4--o 0-0 0 0,09 00009000000000 1.0.0-0-OW0 *Soo** 00 0 so Go 03 z 1 4 1 J, V If 11 1) 14 is Ia 11 16 to 11 IZ a R a b 1? 29 A 1) It M It V I? Is 4~ 4' 44 it 44 a 1" 0 P 9 0 1 a i I . Ii I 1-1-V I - - 00 00 06 4110, of 10jettlari W serum Ud of tissue sairlicts from old and ffm YOUPS hifluesce .00 Animate on the "is of growth of Mire. I AIII'M KIIIIIIIIAIIII. Ah M1, joist. Nall. P1,0104" Ayj . :it,-t1-,ATT10T: nitc Or gfowth tif Inice see tufalf Puldivio Ia. .7017-18 tit E hy jIjjfttAjnj Of tiAllic ext!a. iintl of -enilli (if (1111 allin 00, is not Acted rithei Isis tic Ify thoft =00 00 of USSUC Vlitll~ (Took fJW1 VMbVy0S, The iTIjctc4j Ittahtan"-fi, whi0i ultrr the rate of 00 gTowth of time culturet. do not have the Character 4 honowles. K. SOO 00 rj &Zoo it 1c:09 Wes U It 441ti, ~IK 'I., 'j, It too it 0 pr it it 0 nd 0 it 00 1 00 000-00 00 0 of 0 0 'Do s s 0 41, a 0 0096 0 0 0 0 0 0'0 0 0 0 6 0,04 0 0 0 0.- 0 0 ot 0 0 a 0 0 * 0 0 a 0 I I V it U U M is Is V 0 * a no Jilin Jl 0;lluniflim2a, 0 is a V a a P_ Q-A -I T-111-V -1-" a 0 Ing A-4 Vj_ I s ll J, A A..1- __Aj 4 1-9 _PsP I 00 -00 00 t -00 '10 so J1 Selmd" of timmird"t and ottainkof waslunit by -00 mug of pot M27!.iATI )' kPiench).- Frill acad. Ati. U. R. S., NO -00 Quadrivakrit U was detd. in mists. of U(SMoiHoO or -00 U(SO.4.41141 (prepd. from uranyl nitrate by a modi- ot &*JIM of poiesittilldilo method (C. A. 23, &OW with not Of .3 UOj or V#Os by dissolving the Mixt, In 25-4G. ml, of 4-57 & n. HSO.. add * an equal Vol. of hot I In 10%11 . AS. the talst. totwice Its"'ll.22"Aft soln. WEN In 2 fill W. Ing 7 MMIT cr.!Y,, a a4! the ppt, with hot M1.0 . dl vin ft. pig, the U as Nil# uranste with Nfl.011 and deti. as of AD pperalkimp except the pptn. of Nits uranatt were carried out In a cum-at of COit. Tht alexivalcal U was detd. in the filtraft by methods Involving (1) double pptn. with N11,011 and washing the ppt. witb N114NO. or (2) dremr. of the kdafte with otatic ticid and pp(n. of the Asexivatent 11 with tannin. The rimults obtained avee with those in which the quadrivallesit U was detd. by, the usual fitration method and the sexiiideut U by the a** dillemitt between The total U drtd. in theardinary manner i WOO Is suitabli asUtOlisrulthequildrivalralU. Tbemetl&W also for the dirta. of quadrivallent and texivaleut V hi Georse Avers tie a A I L A SIVALLURGICAlk U111111011111 (11,011FIC1110% be V~ I A 4.14, 0. Alto was %."ago 1%30#3 it G%~ dog 11"4A_aMi Ob. sit- %L 0 4v to 0 ~JA An t-% A'. zr o - -.1 ir ;- s- 0-4 3 a K= * 0 0 0 0 0 04 0 0 0 0 : * a 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 of 00 4 0 00 00 00 611111 00 00 00 -4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01) T 1` 04 "t, 14 91F 0 Fit ;I IT 7 22 19 11 U 11 M J, R Is ff v -1 42 4) Kare L JIL 11--K, j of cc Ip i -'40 p Ot -406 Agal 0: 0 It%, H. DW lm commi "WINS agp. lAurs KaWmati. Ann arair. motif CartioWadowAst UWN-P6I&iiA'8rct- It: 2. 19-V(1947)(UnSibb sumvisty),-JU hypothesis loss been advanced that the delayed growth SIMI tivitIrtality of embryus developing III eggs (41 Ittot-aft is dw to toidet Caused by the accumulation of 11A. Catalan was dti in va Volk and elm white CA (a) freshly UM "P. M C40 10 do" old. and (C) CM 30 days Old. RSg yolk Contains ftl&IIWIY small anits. of Catislaws and its amt. does not chance emnijally during storage (0.954).40 vc. 0 fiber- sted at 1. ol egg yulk). 111W cat6likse content of ;.blUiy laid eggs mind In CM 10 days old is egg while -1 at 25* .,W " the am. (?.&I and 7.10 cc. 0 liberate by I g. "I material. t"p.)* but a ciorisiderable demesift to OV l1v~j'17t.W-7 3-.e U 9 AT 00 1111i j it ji 91 Si It it jg j Is Cr it It of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 OTOO 0000 0000*0000*&.9 7- .190 -00 0 so noted In 30-day old eggs (2.oo cc. Unliff same Cost& 110115ABRIJOW). Ttwmi-switlcransrvufiatjiiqyintbe C$t&l&w COntelit C4 freshly laid eggs from various bens. I101110 and 00 relatianshiP between "-siptonce to st"gr and catAlaw content of eags could be aw affted. Thus. it crt Is doubtful that tlmvxw in catalaw content is fc1f)(Ingible for the imptilml dr%vlopliji-ni of the rmllryo (a on C-1wiLge the t Injectisall 44 111tt, (111.2 CC. 44 ON".) Al Into cill white of freshly laid eggs had no the ze 0 develoftment tithe embryo. SMn%.o(gIutAjhk,,- , Ajj&x) d A11/10D 0 an . rei n V VITIV I jected into sturrxi esp 10-14 days old, and 1 .o%r more than 14 da s 440 Th 0 ,. e egits y " - I in tin incubator 30 CI& l- ft r th i 1 a e ey Were la Y d :Td 4 Mbr e u mort lit ft 3 d 9 a et y y a ayti of intuhatitto astir otmerv,ft, . 1(9911(4 the same age injected with disM IltO I so 0 10 were used as controls. Glutathionereducciltber"irtality 2 i 10-14 d n ays old ego from K1.3 to 2 0.4r;. and a e . older then l4days from 60.0 to 41.11m.. 71irmortality ' beill etnbryminunt"tatc,leggtwas,900~. . Thus lutat e ttiluers the emitryo mortality In -orrd 30 e Or a " " locubittk. it It bi Injected during Tt second week of star- t** an- 11. H. too $poll 11a.." too o Ir I v rw a pi q 1 14 0 &a e IT 0 0 0 0 0 0 060000000 pi H KnQ 1-- POLAND Farm Animals. Domestic Fowls. U-10 Abs Jour :Ref Zhur Biologiya, No 16, 1957, 72197' Aix-U.or : L.., CInoszkiewioz, B. Title :The Effect of Ultraviolet Rays on Domestic Birds. Part II. Its Effect on the Growth of Duoklings. Orig Pub tAnn. Univ. M. Curie -Sklodowska, 1964 (1965) H9, No 6 89-101 Abstract :The eggs of Peking ducks were irradiatedwith ultraviolet rays during the first 5 days of inoubation. The average weight of the hatched duckling of 8.9 to 10 w"ks old was higher than that of control birds ( 12 paroent), due to the rate increase under irradiation. During the first days of incubation, the embryos Crow faster and hatch 0.5 days earlier. The inoreased rate of growth continues through the first three weeks of the ducklingst life after hatching. Card 1 1/1 - 62 OV NMI k"'. NVNIMIF 59A Wafficallou in ODOm infins thdr -trobn; =~&l dev- a,)-Dp- want L tjBgjq1aP U-a. Af 9h. 23- 4,, jUnw At. hwl t)Lvn 111110duced intp the air-chanlbcr f e&,:u '11cr N anA 48 la of inclabution. 13,xh o"lucts dr,-e)Dp In t1le Wmaic. tfic right Incomple20y, In rzWc4 the ciiducts di,velop anA the 10t 1"tk)c I, flatteml anti both t"fides -Amv am,phy of the flmt, Qw! hypermphy of intefstifial 0,011C. Motillut"al W1,111tc 13 dill. ILTN4 mid clmngos LKCUT in I-vx ghlv% 1,11d i~,XAUCN. cmvOllill in tlm male TSC !wx jinmilLwil of It-ather vijlourisy, chapul vl;51ic of Ow 030:5 used. a am equally it. the birds ItatrUil f. tIM " h1wTumniscif " eggs. Ville n'MIL.- Ivoil,cled ( Ili( 1.'3 have it -Strater glowth-Mte than the I~mal~-Ii,itherM hiA3 but tI,(,j not cruu or st!Dw Fx-ipstijict R T7.,Ilt N- Mom c4 t;p dm= 'immilri~kov - L. U-nsfaw"n, --NN% Wvwlvow.,~U and !.'Vba, - IL Wow Lk offtmwmp u6i"ntozinted man ~M U. Ctmtlkic"Ykt Unim."Fl. cum-sMadows-la. Il'S4, 1% F_ 69- )()1).- 1. ;rvuliatLiv, IA MO - 4DW A ) G Irs-d &"k4* cgj~s avi 5 mul dulty Ormig tbc tint ti- -9 unys 1 45 tic"I =i-3 hjtcr4rj; rtm by lip to 35~; ; 1hii elj~t h not IbKlv-vj w;0v cas irmdialcd oil the 9th-Mb ftyx il. Durklinp Inim cns 41lich had been'Inndizted (5 mir, -Jolly for tnt L-st six dhy3 t>f;iicuWlion) llplch,~d -12 hr. tx4me WA10a. amd zhaw (liner, ap to she at,) W 10 wftk!~- It. I ltv, ~w uUUNTI" s rvljjulv CATMORY i Goneral Biology. B lndivirWzal Development. anbryonic D-evelopnent. A Bs. J OUR, Rwiol" No. 2j, 1902- 1,10, r ,Xa Alu'rHOR PeST. , th TITLE investigntir-p- "0 Sax Converstion of Rnosters during Tho--'I-x- h7hibryonic Developmomb. op.jr,. Pui3. Ami. Univ. 1-4. Curia-Sklodowska, 1951--, No. 21. 25-1~O ABSTRACT Vo sbstract, CARD - " A KIUFWL_L,,; KRISZEWSKIP S. Mood serum viscosity in vertebrates at their respective minimum and optimum temperatures. In Inglish. Dul Ao Pol biol 8 no.91 523-525 160. (EFAI 10:7) 1. Department of Animal Breading Biology, College of Agriculture, Lublin Presented by L. Kaufman. ~BLOOW (VERTEBRATES) KAUFMAN,, Laura; PRUSKII Witold Roman Prawoche nski. Nauka Polska 11 n0,,3:93-96 My-je 163. 1. Zaklad Hodowli Doewiadozalnej Zwier!tatj, Polska Akademia NaukI Warszawa. 2. Cz1onek rzoozywisty Polskej Akademii Nauk, Warszawa (for Kaufman). PHAW I BOOK =WrTATION 746 GomAarstvennyy nauchno-Issledavatellakly i proyektnyy Institut azotnoY promyshImmsti Analltieheskiy.kontroll proizvods.tva. vazotuoy.promyokaginnosti., VYP 5: Koutroll protsessa, ochistki gIaza aktivirov~xwym. uglext (Analytic Control of Production in the Nitrogen Industry., Pt. 5: Control of Gas Parification by Means of Activated Carbon) Moscow., GosMJmJzdatj, 195,r. 99 P. 3.,000 copies printed. Ed.: Kaufman.,,jt.A.; Tech. Ed.:. Lurlye, MeS., PURPOSE: This book is intended for the use of technicians of chemical ana3,vtical laboratories ana. it may be allo used by students of colleges and technical colleges (telrb-4 COVERAGE: This symposium:vas compiled by the vorkers of the State Scientific Research and Development Institute of the Nitrogen Industry (GIAP) with the colleboration of.the workers ofeentral laboratories of nitrogen plants. G"&+,46