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xffs~ II.Ta.; KATS, S.V. -4 New data on Intarglacial sedl ants near Koranavo in Moscow Province. 'Blul. Kom. cbetv. par. no.22:;4-62 158. (lqRA 11:11) (Korenevo-Palsobotany) I AUTHOR: Kats, N.Ya. SOV-5-58-2-38/43 TITLE: The Change of Climate Since the Last Glaciation Period on the Continents of the Northern Hemisphere (Izneneniye klimata vo vremeni poslednego oledeneniya na materikakh Severnogo polu- shariya) PERIODICAL: Byulleten' Moskovskogo obshchestva ispytat.eley prirody - Otdel geologicheskiy, 1958,./Nr 2, p 162 (U'SSR) ABSTRACT: The author gives general well-known data on the various climatic zones, their precipitations and boundaries since the last glaciation period, in areas of West Siberia, Europe and North America. 1. Climate-4tatistical analysis 2. Meteorology Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Kats, N.Ya-. SOV/5-58-5-11/20 TITLE: New Articles on the Reconstruction of the Quaternary Period (Novyye stat,i po rekonstruktsii chetve"rtiohnogo periods) PERIODICAL: Byulleten, Moskovskogo obshchestva ispytateley priroly, Otdel geologicheskiy, 1956,.~Nr 5, PP 148 - 149 (USSR) e 13 ABSTRACT: This is a review of two articles by K.K. Markov, "The Origin of Contemporary Landscapes", (Proiskhozhdeniye sovreimenn,~kh geograf icheskikh landshaf tov) and "Concerning the Hist,_)ry of the Nature of the West Siberian Lowland in the Quaternary Per- iod" (11K iptorii prirody Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti v chetverti.ah~xom pqr#de"4. Card 1/1 KATS, N.Ya.; KATS, S.V. History nf the flora and vegetation of northwestern Siberia duriTLe the poatglacial and Into glacial periods (with summary In Englishl. Bot. zhur. 43 no.7:998-1014 J1 158. (MIRA 11:9) (Siberia, We8torn-Paleobotany, Stratigrl%phic) KATS, N.Ya.; KATS, S.V. ", Now data on Interglacial deposits near Grodno. Dokl.AN BSSR 3 no-2:56-60 F 159. (MIRA 12:5) 1-Predstavleno akademikom AN BSSR K.I. Lukaghevym.- (Gro4no Province--Geolo&T, Stratigraphic) KATS, N.Ya., .(Moskva) "Histoi-y of forests and paleogeography of the U.S.S.R- in the Holodene" by N.I.Noishtadt. Reviewed by N.IA.Kats. Bot.2hur. 44 no.9:1352-1354 S 159. (14IRk 13:2) Vorests and forestry) (Paleogeography) (Neislatadt. M.I.-) Swamps and peat bogs of North Amorica. Pochvovedenie no.10: 44-52 0 '59. (MIRA 13:2) (North America--Swamps) -J KATS, N.Ya., KATS, S.V. 0 Fbooll-flora and vegetation in Mindelian-Russian interglacial sediments in the Zhidovshchizna region near Grodno. Biul, Kom., chety. per. no.25133-49 1600 (HIM 14: 1) - - - -- --(Groduo region-Paleobotany) - - -- . I V.D. mAtlas of pbmt remins ocnwring in peat' b7 A.T. DDmbrovskaia, MAXoreneva, SAMuremnov. Reviewed by N.Ik.Xate. V.D.Iopatin. Bot.shur, 45 no,8tl237-1240 Ag 16o. (KMA 1318) 1. Institut biologli Karellskogo filial& Akademli nau SSSR PetrozavodAko tPeat) (DDidbrovelmis, A.T.) (Xoreneva. U.K.) (Tiure= v, S.N.) KATSx N.Ya.; KATSj S.V,; CHEMUCV., Yu.F. Totyukhe peat bogs and their importemce for Quaternary stratigraphy in the southern Soviet Far East. Geol, i geofiz. no-4:96-105 161. (MIRA 1415) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy gieglogi0heskiy izistitut,, leningrad. (Soviet Farlast,--Geology, Stratigraphic) (Tetyukhe region-Peat bogs) .~ KATSy Mao Classification of bogs* Bote zhur, 46 no,4:538-540 Ap 161. (Peat bogs) (IMIPA 14:3) KATS, N.Yac Obskva); KATS, S.V. (Wskva) Interglaeial deposits near the village of Sukhoy Poehinok in yelinyu District of Smolensk Province. Bot.zhure 46 no.6:847-853 Je 161. (KERA 14:6) (Yelinya Distriet-Glaciological research) IKATS; N.Ta. High moors in the coastal areao' of western seas Qf the U.SPSORO Biul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 66 no.2:44-64 Mr-Ap f6i. * (MIRA 106) (RUSSIA., NORTIVESTEM-PEAT BOGS) KATS.- Map; KATS, SIV, Se9do of Etryale from the Pliocene of the lower Kama ValleYe Dokle AN wsR 136' no.lt206-208 A t6le (MM 14:5) 1, pre&tavieno akademikom V.N.Sukachevym. (Man2elinsk District-Burplep Fossil) KATSv j*oIaV-X-asil!y-pvich; ARIZALITOV,, P.N... retsenzent; GEKHT, M.R., - retsenzent; KALIKINA, N.M., red.,: AKSEVOVA, I.I., red.; SHAPMOVAp T.A.p te-kh.n. red. [Metal3ization of textile fabrics]Metallizatsiia tkanei. Mo- skva, Rostekhizdat 1962 169 p. (MIRA 15:9) (Textile finishingi (Metal spraying) Z/011/62/019/011/003/003 E073/E535 AUTHOR: Kats N.V. TITLE. Some properties of metallized fabrics PERIODICAL: Chemie a chemicka' technologie. P~ehled technick4 a hospodArvsh4 literatury, v.19,.no.11, 1962, 527, abstract Ch 62 7119 (Izv,. vyash. ucheb. zav., Ser, Tekhnol. tekst. Prom., no.2, 1962, 75-83) TEXT: Some properties are described of fabrics which were metallized with aluminium, zinc, lead or steel. The results of tests on these fabrics are summarized in six tables and illustrated in three graphs. 6 figures, 6 tables, 10 refereAces. .[Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] ICard 1/1 KATS, N.Ya.; KATS, S.V. Inter acial sediments in the vicinity of Rozdol in.tbe Drogobych area. Trudy Kom.chetv.per. no.26:61-73 '61. : (FJRA 15:3) (Rozdol region--Glacial epoch) (Rozdol region--Paleontology, Stratigraphic) KAT,'3,-N.Ya- KATSO S.V. Flora and vegetation'of the. Pliocene in the lower Kama Valley. Biul.MDIP.Otd.bIol. 67 no.4:62-78 JI-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:10) (KAM VALLEY-PALF0130TANY, STRATIGRAPHIC) KATS, N. Ya. 171~~~~ Sme data on the bowAary between Tertiary and Quaternary sediments in the lower Kam basin. Trudy Kam. chetv. per. 20: 169 162. (MIRA 16-1) (Nm Valley-Geology, Stratigrapbic) KATS, N. Ya. "On the structure and development of interglacial peat bogs and saprophel deposits." Report sub~n~itted for the 2nd International Peat Congress, Leningrady 15-22 Aug 63- KATS, N.Ya. . In defense of some achievements of paleobotany, paleogeography and the pollen method. Biul.MOIP.Otd.biol. 69 no.2tl45-148 mr-Ap 64. (MIRA 17:4) KATS, N.Ya.; ILITS, S.V. Outc~rop noaz the village r,-" Kortme-vo, Mose-ow Provime, a geological montuawit of Vo Rios--Wum Age with plants extinct In L'uroW,. T-ructr Od. un. 152. Ser. gaoL i geog. muk no.901-60 262o (MMA 17, 6) KATPj_Njakolay Lgeo.7levich; KATS, Sof Iya Vasillyevna,- KIPWII, ffiYlYa- Georgiyevna; SUKACIXV, V.N.p akademik) otv. red.; ENDELIMANI G.N., red. [Atlas and guide to Quaternary plants and seeds found in the U.S.S.R.] Atlas i opredelitell plodov i semian, vstrechaiushchikhsia v chetvortichnykh otlozheniiakh SSSR. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 364 p. (MIRA 18:7) Kff-V~O-v RADLOVA, L. 1-1. KAf.*,S. Ot V, Mbr., State Astronomical Inst. im. P. K. Shternberg, -c10,48-. "Photographic Stellar Magnitudes of.Wolf-Rayet Stars". Astron. Zhur., 25, No. 6, 1948. ER-52085091 'A "TAtegral Photographic Astral Dbneabicm6' of artain Planetary Mistsi'" L. N. Fadl6va, Oi'V. Xu~s, 0. D. Dokuch'a 8v, State Astr Inet tbani P.I~ K. shtem-beri., 1.1 pp, -,Astron Zhur " Vo I XICFI, No 3 Discusses southern pl~anetary mists ph6tographad W1947 by L. X. Radlova and 0. V. U,te at iiaitu- Astropbys Obb. Photographing van done with'an 8-inch ~camera (ov.6 i"ter lengtb) 58/49T4 iuss~,/Astroaomy (Ccntd) ma7/JUU 4911- ~~=4,'a Schmidt nonaberration camera,:(D-~6 cz, Gives table of n=es of~~Iiutu, i6ir coordinatwfor the 7ear, 19P0, angular U4~wters ate. , of ve 239o8 RATTS, 0. V. Pokazatelt Tuveta 'Novkh Zvezl Posle llallcuivnina Soobshch. Gos. Astron. ill-TA T. SliternboorCa, 110. 30, J~illq, S. 23-29- Bibliogr: 7 ',',Iazv, SO: Le-topis, I-lo. 32, 19"40. KATS, F.; 1VjLNOV, V. Practices of the Voroobilovsk Buildirg Trust in making supports for electric transmission lines. Bud.mat.i konetr. 1 nn,l: 19-21 0 159. (HIM 13: 8) 1. Ruk-ovoditell brigady instruktorov tresta "Yoroshilovskstroy" (for Kato). 2. Starshiy Instruktor peredovykh motodov truda tresta "Voroshilovokstroy" (for Ivanov). (Prestressed concrete) (.Electric linos--Poles) I - e _i KATES.. P. D.: ~~ Mod Sci (dias) -- "~Jaterial on the study of cardiovascular disorders in acute bacterial dysentery in children". Baku, 1958. 19 pp (Azerb State Med Inst im 11. Farimamv),, 200 copies (KL, Tio 2, 1959, 125) AMIRDZWOV, A.N.,;-._X~ P.D. Clinical aspects of hemorrhagic vasoulitis in children. Azerb. mod. zhur. n0-2:70-74 7 159. (KMA 32:3) 1. 1z kliniki gospitallnoy pediatril (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatelc nauki, dots. A, N. Amirdzhanov) Azerbayfthilreskoo goaudarstvennogo maditsinskogo instituta, im. N. Marimanova (direktor - zasluzhenun deyatelt nauki prof. B. A. Xyvazov) na baze bollnitsy im. ShaunWana (glavvrach - Sh. S. Nasumov). (PURPURA (PATHOLOGY) AMD-ZHANOVt A.N.; BER~IAII, S.Ya.;. KATS, P.D. Colienteritis in young children. Azerb. merl. --hur. no. 7:7-14 n 16o. .1 ,( MIM -IA: 8) (INTI,STII,7-,1,4~.-DISF.P.SF,S) (ESGiiERICHIA COLI) a ABIYEV, G.S., k-and.meditsinskikb nauk; KATS9'F.D., kand.meditsinskikh naulc "Permeability of the eapillaries in diseases of the thyroid gland, tbyrotoxicosisp euthyroidsand hypothyroid-goiter, hypothyrosis and myxedema" by A.A.Mirzazade. Reviewed by G.S.Abievp F.D.Kats. Azerb. med. zhur. no.9:59 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. UchenVy sekretarl Soveta Azgosmedinstituta (for Abiyev). (CAPILL&RIES.-PEWMBILITY) (THYROID GLAND-DISEASES) (KW"DEP AOAO) LIVANOV., R.I.; KATSp P.D. Norms of the T-wave in.the electrocardiogram of children. Axerb. med.zbur. 40 no,ltl,15A-M is 163, (MA 16 t3) (BUkTROURDIOGRAM) 'P..,D-.; DZHAFAROVA, S.A. Dynamics of some peripheral blood indices and daily excretion of 17-ketosteroids with th-1, urine of healthy children under tha effect of a aingle achinlotration of AGTII. 1-,,v. AN A-,()rb. ~Zl(. Ser. biol. i med. nauk no.lilOCL115 163. 17: f,) ~% r- mim KATIS. P.D.; GAFJCHIYA, A.K. Cholinesterase activity of the blood in healthy children. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk no.5;109-111 164. (MIRA 18:4) Drop P,D,., kand, mod, nauk Dynamics of blood histamine and serotonin in experimental dysenterial intoxication in rabbits,, Azerb. &ad. zhur. 42 no.9:27-31 S 165. (MMA- 18,11) 1. Kafedra patologicheskoy fiziologii. (zav. - prof.' T.G. Pashayev) i gospitalinoy pediatrii (zav. - zasluzhenny7 deyatell nauki., dotsent A.N. Amirdzhanov) Azerbaydzhanskogo meditsinskogo instituta Imeni Narimanova (rektor prof. Kh.A. Khasanov). Submitted September 14., 1964. GL CA M4krix ed. pediats. Ing.). yoftev P"W. 0AI'any d- ' Dwstas 20. so. 1, Soz-XI952).-Gearrally erm In severe anemlis the WSM IMI remains within 'he limits v( normal vX112600, C40bullas tend to be low. In hypopmeinemia the Iml of pottift rim in cenvales, 0 the arbumin4lobula t*uo rctm to normal, The content ot prosclu in -atrAt WOW MA W"tes Parallels the hernniabla rmtext ci the htter. pevutims are obsertvd in cases of disturbed water ottabolism. 0. M. Ka"Pan KATS, P.S., kand.sellskokhosonauk Pffect of peat fertilizers on winter crop yields. Zemledelie 8 n6-7: 75-80 Jl 160. (MMA 13:9) (Grains- Fertlizers and matures) (Peat) NIKOIIOV M.'W.".. prof.; PATCHIKHINA,, 0.1e.,0 kand, sellkhoz. nauk; GORSEKOV.. L.A.; KOCHER, S.G.; KATS P.S., kand. sell- .khoz. nauk; CRIGORIYEVA, A.I., M-IOVA, V.N., tekbn. red. [Peat in agriculture]Torf v sel'skom I~hoziaistve. [By) M.11. Nikonov i dr. Moskva, Sel'Iehozizdat., 1962. 166 (MIMP15:1 1 (Fertilizers and manures) (Peat) Now procedure for paying, benefits earned through coopera- tive insurance to worldng pennioners. Prom.koop. 14 no.6:39 JS 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Rachallnik otdala pensiy i posobiy Rospromstrakhsoveta. (Pensions) MTSAROVA, T.N.; XATS, R.A. Nitrogen metabolism In Infantile dysentery. Vopr. pediat. 19 no.2: 3947 1951. (CLML 20:8) 1. Of-the Depar.'jwnt of Biochemistry (Head-Prof. L.T. Solev'yev), Leningrad State Pediatric Medical Institute and of Children's Infectious-Hospital imeni K. ldbknekht (Scientific Supervisor- Docent V.R. Ofitserova,'!Jaceasedl.. OFITSICROVA, V. N.;KLTS, R. A. Use of casein hydrolyzates in the treatment of dysentery in infants. Vopr. pediat. 19 no. 5:35-39 1951. (CLML 21:3) 1. Of the Department of Biochemistry (Read - Prof. L. T. Solovlyev), Leningrad Pediatric Medical Institute, and of the Children's Infectious Hospital imeni K. Libknekht (Scientific Supervisor - Docelit V.N. Ofitserova, deceased), AFANAWINVAl L.N., bibliograf; KATS, R.I., insh., redo; XUAGINA# TeAst tekhn. re d. [Production organization in the machinery and instrument industry; recomended list of literature] 11411tura proixvodetva us mashino- stroitellnykh prodpriiatiiakh; rokomndatellnyi spisok literatury. Pod red. R.I.Xate. Leningrad, 1959, 26 p. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Leningradskly don naruchno-tekhnichaskoy propegandy. Nauchno- takhnichaskays bibliotaks. (Bibliography--Industrial management) KATSI Rei. Conference on interfactory and external communications in enterprires of the Leningrad Economic Council. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.11: 86-87 161. (141RA 14:112) (Leningrad Province--Communication and traffic) MIERALEVlCHf Semen Iosifovich; NMARK, M.M., _Anzh., inzh. red.; FCHICHEV, A.G., red. izd-va.; BELOGUROVA, I.A., tekhn. red. [Technical reorganization and utilization of the production potentialities for increasing the output. capacity ofthe automati6 turret-lathe shop] Organizatsionno-tekhnichaskaia perestroika i ispoll- zovanie rezervov proizvodstva dlia povysheniia proizvodstvannoi moshch- nosti avtomatno-revollvernogo tsekha.'~,enltgradp 1961. 16 p. (Lenin- gradakii. Dom nauchno-tekbticheskoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriia: Organizatsiia i ekbnomikai proizvodstvaq na.2) (MIRA 14:7) (Loningrad,lndustrial management) PRAVEDNIKOV, N.K., inzh.;_LATA, inah. Considering tha characteristics of the performance of wells in line flooding when calculating the water encroachment of an oil layer. Nauch. zap. Ukrntiproekta no.9-111-124 162. (MM 16:7) (Oil field floodipg) M PRAVEDNIKOV, N.K.;. W4P.,.RI..M_.-;_~ " ~ Equations for the movement of the water-oil contact in systems of pattern flooding. Trudy VNII no-42:222-234 165. (MIRA 18: 5) GOFMM-ZAKHAROV, P.M., inzh.; KATS, R.M., inzli.; FRIDWI, A.M., inzh. Thermal field of the underground isothermal storage of liquefied ydrocarbon gases. Nauch. zap. Ukrniiproekta no.9-.130-1"6 t62. h .1 (MIRA 16:7) (Liquefied gases-Storage) Kos. R.P.. Appearance of hemorrhagic diatheels during the treatment of syphilis with arsenicals. Vent. vener., Moskva no.2:40-41 Mar-Apr 1953. (OLML 24:3) 1. Candidate Medical Sciences. 2. Of the Department of;Skin and Venereal Diseases (Head -- Prof, A, A. Akobyan ) of Tashkent Medical Institute and the Venereologtoal. Hospital (Consultant - Prof. A. A. ikobyan Read Physician -- 7. 1 . Otekhan). 1. POPOV, 1. V.: KAT3, H. S. 2. ussR (6oo) 4. Cartography 7. Methodical directions for compiling engineering and geological maps (scale 1:5000- 1:10,000) for civil and industrial construction. (Abstract). Izv. Glav. upr. geol. fon. no. 2, 1947. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions Idbrary of Congress, I-larch 1953. Unclassified. BAYBAKOV, Aleksandr Borisovich; KATS~ Revekka Samsonovna; O.WAFIM- A.I., red.; NOSAROV, A.A., ed.; GANN., Me, red.; SHIGM) YeJa.p.redej NOVIlp A.M,,, red.1 14ATW=CH,, S.1,41., tokhn. red. ["Leninakaia Knznitsa" Plmit] Zavad "Leninskaia kuznitsa." Kiev, Goa. izd-vo tekhn. lit-ry USSR, 1962. 172 p. (MIRA 15:3) (Kiev-Maeltinery industry) 77- DITACHMOI AvZ,; UTS, R.Z.; SHVJ=TA, M.N., Inzh. Casehardening of point rails and rail tongues. Put' i put.khos. no.12:35-36 D '59. (MM 13:4) 1. Glavw metallurg Novosibirskogo stralochnogo zavoda (for Dlyacheuko). 2. Bachallulk teentraltnoy savodskoy laboratorii Novosibirskogo'strelochnogo zavoda (for Xate). 3. TSentralInara. laboratoriva.Novosibirskogo strolochnogo zavoda (for Shvesova), (Railroads--Switches) (Steel--Hardening) KATS, R.Z., inzh. Wear and reinforcement of frogs with a G13L steel core. Vest.TSNII MPS 22 no.60-1-14 163. (MIRA 16s10) 1. Strelochnyy zavod Hinisterstva putey soobahcheniya, Novosibirsk. KATS, R.Z. -Ar"INt', Effect of the deoxidation method on the mechanical properties of high-manganese steel. Stall 24 no.8:700-701 Ag 164. (MIRA NO) L A6 ffa- H~mp -20737M kk) k -66- G ACC NRt AP6010133 SOURCE CODE: UR/01221 /000- 003100 AUTHOR: Xats, Rt__;. _(Candidate of technical sciences); Zamanskaya, F. F. M. V.; Khoroahko, V. P.; Kashkina, S. T. ORG: none -TITLE:- Explosive strengthening of'Gl3L steel SOURC~',: Vestnik mabbinostroyeniya, no-* -3. -1966, 671-69 TOPIC TAGS: high manganese steel, explosive,strengthening, austenitic steelp ate strengthening / G13L steel i~ 1~ ABSTRACT: \Exp-losive--strengthening-of C13Ltsteel (0.9-1.4% C, 11.0-14.0% n, * -1.0% Si, 0.2Z Cr. 0.2% NO used for railroad M 0~ frog-points has been Investigated. Strengthening was done either by detonation of a charge placed directly on the frog-point or by impact of a plate activ t d b an explosion. in both methods the frog-point had to be coate4w:th I layer of clay to prevent the formation of smal' surface cracks.k The explosion had a conside able effect on the physici and zecfi~a-nl-cs-l properties. It reduced the imensions of the tested articles and ine 5eased the tensile strength5from 62.4-82,4 to 103 17-110 kg/mm , and the-y-field-strength from 39.0-45.4 to 83-99.0 kg/;m at a satisfactory ductility. The surface hardness increased Card 1/2 C:---621.787,044t669.15174-194 WS.* 9*A* Gall Bladder Iosolated subcutaneous ruptures of the gall bladder. Vest. khir. 72 No. 2, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress,_ August -19512 Unclassified. KATS, S.k.; CHWASSKIT, S.A. Swards increased production. leg.prow. 15 no.5:43-.44 W '55. (MMA 8:7) 1. Direktor Klye*lwy sbastoy obuvnoy fabriki (for Rats) 2. Nachal3nik otAla organizatail truda (for' Cherkasskiy) (Kiev-shoe Infte*try) ,%-IKATS S A.! KIRILLOVSKIY, G.S,-. CHIRKAMY, SqA. OrgaulziDg a conveyer system in the punching shop of the Kiev Sioq Factory No 6. log. prom. 18 n0-1:42-45 A 158.. (MMA 11.-2) ZAssembly line methods) (I~mchlng mahinery) KATS, B*A*# ft"Mmi"W" doteent lxperimental anaerobio osteocValitis, n1rargila no.11:11-18 N 154. 1 (MLRA 8:3) I, Xx kafedr;r obahchey khtrurgUlpedlatrichaskogo, I sanitarno-0-078- alchaskogo fakulltata (env. kafadroy prof@ M.H.Lavin) Khaxlkovskogo, meditainskogo institute (dir. dotsent I.F.Konovanko) i anaerobnoga otdola (sav. dotedut H.R.NachWevokaya) Ukrainskogo institute epide- miologit i mikrobiologit Imeni 1.1'. Machnikova (dir. prof* V.M.2bdanov). (06290HULITIS. experimental, KATSO S.A.p professor Effectiveness of antibiotics in the compound treatment of perito- nitis. Vest.khir. 89 no.7:69-73 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. 1z kafedry obshchey khirurgii (zav, - prof,, S.A. Kato) Cherno- vitskogo meditsinskoeo instituta (dir. -- dotsent M.M. Kovalev). (PERITUITIS) (AFiTI190TICS) KIRILOVSKIYJ, G.S. [Kyr3rlovalkyi, H.S.]; IVANOV, O.F.; KATS, S.A. Standard shoes vith leather sole and rubber half heal. Leh.prom. no.4:28-29' O-D, 162. (MIRA 16: 5) 4 1. Kiyevskaya obuvnaya fabrika. No.6. (Shoe manufacture) (Rubber goods) M KAT.~, S,A. Dissemination of seismic waves in porous media, Trudy rallYTIOP no.25:394-402 159. WIPA 15.- 5) (Seismic prospecting) Le IV -'re, j 14 ag t ir 23398 S/169/6i/000/007/017/104 94 Aoo6/Alol AUTHOR: Kats, S.A. TITLE: Propagation of oscillations in a one-dimensional discrete medium PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Geofizika, no.7, 1,061, 13, abstract 7A125 Tr. In-ta fiz. Zemli, AN SSSIV, ig6o, no. 10, 112 - 117) TEXT: The author analyzes the propagation of oscillations in a system con- sisting of elements of different mass with linear forces acting between the ele, inents, when the wave length considerably exceeds the dimensions of non-homogene- ities. A formula was obtained for the phase velocity without and with taking in- to account decay (due to viscous friction). In heterogeneous media decay in- creases abruptly on account of friction. A case is considered when different elastic forces are acting between the elements; this corresponds to the perio- dic alternation of layers with different properties. It is noted that the pro- pagation velocity in a heterogeneous medium may be lesser than that in a homo- geneous medium. This type of phenomenon is, in the author's opinion, connected with the relative shift resonance of two adjacent elements. I. Khaykovich [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 GLOGOVSKIT, V.M.; KATSI_24& MA Computing theoretical vertical eleatrio sounding curves for sections containing a high-resistivity layer. Trudy HIHKMGP no-31: 197-201 6o. WRA 13:11) (Electric prospecting) MATS9 . . ~ The equivalence principle of interference system5. Izv. All SSSR, Ser. goofiz. no.11:1624-i632 N 61. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR, Institut fiziki Zemli. (Seismic prospecting) EATS# S*A* Methodology of a frequency analysis and synthesis based on an approximative calculation of Fourieria Integrals* Prikl. geofiz. no.33:85-96 162. (MIRA 15:10) (seian-ometry) (Fourierle series) BRIMZII,SKIY, A.M.; 4 b ~_,, Some charactpristies of the excitation of high-frequ,2ncy waves. Trudy SNIIGGIIIS no.27:127-131 162. 0-aRA 16:9) 1. Tyumenskoye territoriallWye olo~icheskoys upravleniye. (Seismic prospec ing) KATSp S.A. Method for calculdting o6iplex spectra of impulse functions with the aid of a pulse heighf~analyzer. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. eofiz. no.10s1544-1553 0 1630.", ~ZA'16:12) 1. Institut7fizlki zemlil,AN SSM. --L 32163-66 EWT(l) GW ACC NR1 AP6010064 SOURCE CODE: UR/0387/66/000/003/0044/0054 AUTHOR: Kats, ORG: Institute of Physics of the Earth, Academy of Sciences,SSSR (Institut fiziki Zemli, Aiiademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Resolving capability of high frequency seismics SOURCE: AN*SSSR. Izvestiya. Fizika Zemli, no. 3, 1966, 44-54 TOPIC TAGS: HF*k~,,free oscillation, seismic wavelp-pogeti-s, wave equation ABSTRACT: The mechanisms of seismic wave separation by high frequency filters were studied. The important parameters affecting seismic impulses and filtration were examined in order to determine the resolving capability of high frequency seismographs and establish optimum conditions for their use. A theoretical analysis is given for determining the resolution capability of high frequency filters, applicable to output signals of spectra wbich can be represented by algebraic functions. It was shown that oscillations registered on high frequency output filters had a superpositioned fre- quency for forced oscillations close to the frequency of the input signal, while the high frequency free oscillations of the filter weve close to the actual frequency of the process. All high frequency oscillations started at the time when the higher de- rivatives from the input signal underwent disruption; In this way the separations and UDC:. 550.834 7F- _711~_' L 321636." correlations of the high frequency waves were deduced from the separation and correla- tions of the signal disruptions. The lower the number of derivatives above which all of the higher derivatives began to undergo disruption, the greater was the absolute magnitude of the free oscillations and the more the free oscillations prevailed over ~the forced'ones. By increasing the natural frequency of the filter the intensity of Ithe free oscillations and of the registered high frequency wave decreased. The charp- ~est input signals always resulted in greatest clarity and intensity of the output sig- nal. The uscful range of filter operation was determined and this was related to R(w)=- frequency characteristic of the filter, w--rotational frequency. Orig. art. has: 9 figures, 29 formulas. ~SUB CODE: OB/ SUBM DATE: 27Dec63/ ORIG REF: 006/ CYTH REF: 003 1 Card 2/2 AJP PN 11 1 -~ ,.~ - - 1, ~- AVFMUKH, T.D.; KATS, S.D.; SIMBRY.411'11KOVAt H.T.; BAXIIIA, N.P.; TROPIMOVA, V.S. Absorbant for the extraction (,,f sulfur dioxide from industrial Patent U.S.S.R- 77J10, Dec. 31, 1949., (CA 47 no,19:10202 153) KATS) 0. 1. Cand. Tech. Sci. Dissertation: "Application of the Professor V. Z. Vlasov's Theory for Strength Calculation of Metal Thin-Walled Columns of Variable Cross-sectior.-" Central Sci Res Inst of Indstrial Struciures - "TsNIPS". 7,Oct 47. SO: Vechernyaya Moskya, Oct, 1947 (Project #17836) lk k. L ;v, Card I/, Authors Title t nc t i~~ns cof Periodical t kbetrnct Kul m Q j;o r ov OC KAI-Sy Sh. I*) "Schistose Type of Fracture in Chrome-Nickel -Molybdenum Steel," Forg-inE and Reat Treatment, Moscow., Mashgiz, 1958- P 103, with MWLICHIK, A. V., book prepared by members of NTOmashprom in connection With 25th enniv. Ural Heavy-machine-building Plant im. S. Ordzhonikidze. . SOV/137-59-3-6409 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya., 1959, Nr 3, -p 210 '.USSR) AUTHORS: Mikul~chik, A. V., Kats, Sh. I. TITLE- Cleavage Fracture in a Cr-Ni-Mo Steel I.Shifernyy izlom v khrornoni- PERIODICAL: Sb. statey. Ural'skiy z-d tyazh. mashinost.r. im. S. Ordzhoni- kidze, 1958, Nr 5,' pp 103-110 ABSTRACT- In order to evaluate the effect of technological factors of smelting and casting on the susceptibility of Cr-Ni-Mo steel 34KhNZM to cleavage fracture (CF), six forgings made of this steel (five of which exhibited GF) were investigated. The investigations dealt with the following factors: Macro and microstructure, the nature of the frac- ture, i'lcidence of nonmetallic inclusions, and the mechanical proper- ties of the forgings. It was established that CF is observed only in the upper and central portions of the forgings and that it is'independ- ent bf.the concentration of nonmetallic inclusions and gases in the steel. CF is caused by a coarse dendritic structure which had formed as a result of excessively high casting temperatures and Card 1/1 which had not been refined in the course of forging. Bibliography: 7 references. T. F. KATS, S.X,; BIRYUKOV, A.L. - Precise piston manometers. Ism. takh. (Manometer) no.4:51-53 JI-Ag '57. (MLRA 10:8) Cc; P. 0 1; '0 woUn 91 ~c ~1__ .0 2. 01 sa~' q ;55 z D 00 'J'5 M JV'r. a .0 W." U *U : 1.1 A: Cos- too 00 J. P, 31., 8 4., 4. 0019 0 *a I mill q Ohm ~ I I .5. 0 v 't E-5. 3 - MOU00 .0.420.00 Od.1401 . 10 : or pi :~.t - ge 03.4 A -N- .5 02400,60" PIZ Out 01vt aa 141 0. 0 u 10 is 0 0 ego JEH31 61 1-v al Is 9101 t .0 U 1o;4 "",Owes 1% H, Ail p i. HOU ~ 0 1 .0000 - a 'i uq ~.flf 11 0 so t. 0, c ON go a" a t or 8 VC Roo AN t. .4 0 0 26 1 A o i i M n . 6 d A r~* 31, 8 -, I 4 A . O : c UAR - 40 a- 0 -4 4. P~ U :1 ~!f . a P. -1 0 S; 14 1 ; O & 0 2 15 5 - - 0 r I I 1! U - 0 . c g. L. 9 g 14 9 g W; A 1'. - -*. , ir. al i o S 0 1 I .0 12 0 1 . KATS, Samuil Pikhaylovich; YEVAlIGULOV, L.B... red.; BULIDYAYEV, N.A., zexnn. r6-a-.-- - (Balance-tyW dynamometers for measuring torque]Balansirnye dinamometry dlia izmereniia vrashchaiushchego momenta. Moskva, Gopenergoizdatp 1962 142 P. (MIU 16, 1) iDynamometer) KATS 14632- of Tubt-S.) Pultuelle.40 trub. S11 llcstnik Masamostroenda, v. 3-3, no. 12, DLc 195arp~-!SR-M. Crup invesilgat ions of evIinders under Inturnst prum-tre. Tables, grapt5, pbotograph, diagram. OAA IV ax" uE,_-:R/E-nqineerin-7 Steel PiT-es Card 1/1 ;,ub- 12A - 5/32 Authors Leleev, N. S.; Troyanskiy, E. A.; Zalkind, E. E., Kats. Sh. 7: . A. :,.; aryi 1'achanov, L. 'T. Title Coim-;ents and critical revic-: of the article, "A Troble7, Stren-,th of Steel Pines for Hi7h--ressure Boilers" Periodical : Vest. mash. 11, 24-27, Nov 1954 Abstract t A discussion and rebuttal of the article, 11A Problem Concerninr: the Strc.-_T-th of Steel Pi-es for High-Pressure Boilers", written by 11~. Leelcev, ;7_--1,_` Troyanskiy, is presented. Graphs; table; diagram. Institution Stxbrdtted RIM 11--l- A AID F - 3688 Subject USSR/Power Eng. Card 1/1 Pub. 110-a - 9/17 Author : Kats, Sh. N., Central Boiler and Turbine Institute Title : Research on durability of carbide pipes Periodical : Teploenerg etika,A,11, 37-40, N 1955 Abstract : Results of experimental research on tensil strength of carbide pipes under internal pressure at 5000C are presented. Thirteen figures. Three Russian references, 1949-1954; 4 English, 1942-1952. Institution : None Submitted : No date KATS, 5h. N. Apparatus for studying the strength of tubes by long tests at high temperatures. Zav.IAb. 22 no.1:118-120 '56. (KLU 9:5) 1. Wentrallnyy nauchno-inaledovatellskiy kotloturbinnyy institut imeni I.I. Polxunova. (Tub6s--Testing) (Testing machines) AUTHOR: Kats. Sh.N., Engineer. 296 TITIZ: Rapture of austenitic pipes under the effect of an internal pressure under conditions of creep. (Razrushenie austenitnykh trub pod deystviem vhutrennego davleniya v uslovi-gakh polzuehesti.) PERIODICAL: '~i~nergomashinostroenie" (Power Machimry Construction), 1957, No. 2, pp. I - 51 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Investigations of long duration failures of austenitic pipes under the effect of internal pressure were carried out on tube specimens. The tubular and also non-hollow cylindrical specimens, intended for-uni-axial tensile tests specimens, were .produced from the sauie original rods of IX18H9T steel. The material for all the specimens was first subject to 4-at treat- ment in two batches, consisting of heating to 1 120 C and cooling in air, folloi,,ed by stabilisation at 80D for 10 hours. The heat treatment of one batch (A) was effected exactly accord- to specifications whilst for the second batch (B) this was hardened at a slightly reduced temperature. This was done because similar cases can easily occur in heat treatment uader shop conditions and, therefore, the test carried out on batch B isconsidered of great practical.,inter8st. The test results obtained at 650, 700 and partly at,600 C on tubes of the heat treatment batches A and B are given respectively in Tables 1 and 2. Thin-walled as well as thick-walled tubes wera tested 296 Rupture of austenitic pipes under the effect of an internal pressure under conditions of creep. (Cont.) for test durations of up to 7 000 hours with specific pressures of up to.460 atm. It was established that the equations (1) and (2), p.2, are the most suitable for practical cal3ilation of tho' rupture of austenitic tubes under creep conditions. 4 tables, 9,figuies, including 3 sets of photographs and 6 graphs. There are 4 Russian and 1 American references. AUTHOR: Kats- N- (Leningrad) 24-10-15/26 . ~t~~ TITIE: Creep and fracture of tubes under the effect of InternAl pressure. (Polzuehest' i razrusheniye trub pod deystviye,-,i vnutrennego davleniya). PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Otdeleniye Teldmicheskikh Nauk, 1957, No.10, pp. 86-89 (Usk) ABSTRACT: The problem of plastic flow of a tube at finite deformations has been dealt with by a number of authors (Refs.1-4). In this paper an attempt is made to determine the time until fracture on the basis of the analysis of the creep of tubes at finite deformations. The creep speed at finite deformations is determined according to the Hoff formula (Ref-7) Eq.(14); test results carried out by the author on the steels 20, 12MX4~ and 1X18H9T are in agreement with this formula. A formula for calculatinfr the time until rupture is derived and the results are compared with experimentally determined results in the graphs Figs.1-3. On the whole, the agreement between experimental and calculated results is satisfactory. The described solution characterises adequately the qualitative picture of fracture and is also suitable for a rough Card 1/2 quantitative evaluation. The difference between the 24-10-15/26 Creep and fracture of tubes under the effect of internal pressure. experimentally and theoretically determined times are approximately of the same order of magnitude as in the case of uniaxial tension; the slight divergence between experimental and theoretical data in the case of uniaxial tension is confirmed by the data of Hoff who evaluated the experimental results of Dorn and Tietz (Ref.11). The here considered rupture scheme during creep is based on the conception of continuous flow of the material of the tube maintaining fully the initial geometrical shape riSht up to the instant of fracture. There are 3 figures and 11 references, 5 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: June 22, 1957. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 2/2 K-A.T,~,') S *'; M, AUTHORS: Katsj. Sh. N. and Kachanov, L. M. (Leningrad) 24-11-22/31 TITLE: On plastic deformation in the case of complicated loading. (0 plasticheskoy deformatsii pri slozhnom nagruzhenii) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, 1957, No.11, pp. 172-173 ZUSSR) ABSTRACT: The results of various authors, for instance, of Neal, B. (Ref-5) relating to the determination of the torsion resistance of an initially bent rod prove indirectly the usefulness of the plastic flow theory. Therefore, the authors considered it of interest4o accumulate various experimental datEL on this problem and here results are described of torsion experiments on tubes which were first plastically deformed by internal pressure. Inside a special set-up a vertically disposed tube was fixed which was stressed by internal hydraulic pressure. The measurement of the pressure was accurate to a degree 0.3,9P/o. The change in the tube diameter under the effect of internal pressure was recorded in six points along the,pircumference of the tube with an indicator having scal&_"My~sions of 1 ~L. The torsion was effected by loads applied't',e_a'3~ms of 1 m length. Seven Card 1/2 tubes were investigated, all of-'..vy)~ich were produced from 24- 1'1 -22/31 On plastic deformation in the case of complicated loading.'~~,, Steel 20 which was first annealed to obtain given mechanical properties. The experimentally determined curves show that in presence of a plastic deformation in the tube, caused by internal pressure, the initial shear modulus will equal the elastic shear modulus as follows from the theory of plastic flow; thereby, the degree of plastic deformation caused by the internal pressure does not manifest itself greatly on the values of the shear modulus and torsion. The coefficient of proportionality between the torque and the twist angle is strongly dependent on the magnitude of accumulated deformation; these conclusions of the th~uory of elastic- plastic deformations contradict the above mentioned experimental data. There are one figure and 5 references, one of which is Slavic. SUBMITTED: May 22, 1957. ASSOCIATION: Central Boiler-Turbine Institute. (Teentrallnyy Kotloturbinnyy Institut). AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 2/a %W KATS, Sh.N., Cand Tech Sci (diss) Study of deformations and destruction of under conditions of cPceP Len 1958, 9 PP- (Len #~tech Inst im IA.I. Kalinin) 150 copies (n, 32-58, 108) 27 SOV/96-58-6-10/24 AUTHOR; Zakharov, A.A., Cand.Tech.Sci.. and Xats Sh.N., b2gineer. TITLEs The long-term strength of cylindrical c W-ilk ined by holes. (Dlitelluaya prochnost' tailindricheskikh kamer,oslablennykh otverstiyami) PER ODICAL..- Teploenergetika, 1958, V,~9. No.6. pp. 52-55 (USSR) ABSTRACT- The article describes the results of an experimental study of the long-term strength of drums and superheater chambers weakened by rows of holes. The tests were made on tubular models with blind holes drilled in the walls, as shown in fig.l.; with this arrangement leakage was, of course, easily prevented. Themodels were made of austenitic steel MMPT and of carbon steel St 20. The former were of 54 mm outside diameter, with a wall thickness of 9 mm, and were made in three formst without holes, with two longitudinal parallel rows each of five holes, and with two rows of holes arranged diagonally~ The hole diameter was about 10 mm and the depth 2.5 mm. 'Me models of steel St 20 were 46 mm outside diameter, with a wall thickness of &= and were variously made without holes, with two rows of five holes each and with other arrangements of holes, as indi2ated in fig.2. Using a suitable test rig, the long-term strength of tees under internal pressiLre was evaluated, and concurrent tests were made on specimens in tension. Tests on the models of austenitic steel were made at a temperature of 700 C and on thoae of carbon steel at 5000^v., The form lae used for stress determination are given for the various Card 1/2 SOV/96-58-6-10/24 The long-tern strength of cylindrical chambers weakened by holes. arrangements of holes. The results, for tubes with and without holes, are given in table.l., the strength factors and stresses being calculated by means of the formulae given. Purther test results appear in table.2. and the various data are plotted in figs.3. and 4. for steels lEhISNOT and St 20 respectively. The straight lines correspuud to test data for both tension and internal pressure and correspond to the usual relation-hip between stress and time to failurej it will be seen that the po~.nts for the weakened tubes are in line with the rest. The experimental and calculated strength factors for tubes weakened by holes are given in fig.5. and a formula is written for the strength factow. A photograph of an austenitic steel tube after failure appears in fig.6; the mode of failure is described, noting that for tubes weakened by holes there is more or less uniform stress-distribution over the load- carrying section. Thus, the tests show that when designing cylindrical chambers weakened by holesp the procedure established for low tenperatures can be applied at high temperatures, even when quite brittle steel is used. There are 2 tables, 6 figures and 4 literature references (Soviet). ASSOCIATION: Central Boiler Turbine Institute. (Tsentraltnyy kotlotulrbinnyy institut) 1. Cylindrical shells--Model test results 2. Cylindrical Card 2/2 shells--Mechanical properties 3. Heat exchangers--Test results AUTHORS: Zakharov, A.A., Kats, Sh.N. 3 2-2J+--4- -45/ 67 TITLE: The Simultaneous Investigation of Two Samples With Respect to Creeping- and Stretching Resistivity (oanovremennoye i ytanIye dvukh cbraztsov na polzuohest' i dlitel'nuyu prochnost' PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol. ?,?+, Nr 4, pp. 476-477 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The assembly scheme of the "chains" on the IFL2 machine is used, so that two samples can be tested simultaneously. It may be seen from a schematical drawing that the two samples under in- vestigation are oonaeoted at their central ends by way of a cyl- indeical disk, whereas the crater ends are fastenei to the machine holders by way of tensometers. The tensometers can be adjusted to 0.001 or 0.01 mm according to the tests carried out. Equality of temperature of the two samples %Yas easily obtain,,id, ar-3 this test system has been in use for more than three years, the efficiency of the testing machines being doubled. it is recommended to use different heavy gages for two samples in order -to obtain different tensions in the case of equal stress. When iwrestigating samples Card 1/2 of larger heavy gages interruptions are necessary in order to The Simultaneous Investigation of Two Samples With Respect to Creeping- ani Stretching Resistivity 32-24-4-45/67 exchange the destroyed samples, in which case practice showed that, in the case of noticeable tensile strasse3 3-5 interruptions take up to -12 hours. In investigation3 of lower tensile stresses, vAiich cause no de3tnuotion, no interraption is necessary. There is I f i1ral-a. ASSOCIATION: Tsentral'W kotlot-~,_rbinnyy institut Im, I.I. PoIzzurova (Central Institute, imeni I.I. Po2-,,unov for Boiler Turbines) 1. Metals--Mechanical properties 2. Metals--Test methods 3. Metals--Testing equipment Gard ~/2 AUTHOR: Katef Sh. 11. SOV/32-24-7-37/165 TITLE: An Attempt to Use the Machine of the Type IP-4 for Testing the Tensile Strength in a Multistressed State (Opyt ispollzo- vaniya mashin tipa IP-4 (Ilya ispytaniy na dlitellnuyu proohnost' v slozhnonapryathennom soatoyanii) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol. 24, Nr 7, pp. 86'17 - 868 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The tests of creep and of tensile strength under two-axial stress conditions were carried out with the IP-4 machine especially adapted for this purpose, with thin-walled tube-like samples under inner pressure being extended. From the schematic re- presentation and the description given may be seen that the axis creep is continuously measured during the test by means of a densometer of the machine IP-2, and that the circum- ferential creeD is measured by a periodical checking of the sample diameter. This machine is nominally rated at a stress exceeding 3 tons at an internal pressure of up to 500-550 atmospheres absolute pressure, with the change of the state of Card 1/2 stress being determined by means of the quantity k' P/pnr2 MI An Attempt to Use'the Machine of the Type IP-4 for SOV/32-24-7-3 7/65 Testing the Tensile Strength In a Multietressed State (r-inner radius of the tube). Four samples can be investigated at the same time and the four tubes can be investigated with different values of the quantity X. In order to secure the harmless character of the work during the destruction of the sample a protection wall is mounted to the front of the test stand. Besides the determinations mentioned also the tensile strength of thick-walled tubes may be measured where the stress varies with the radius. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Teentrallnyy kotloturbinnyy institut im.I.I.Po.'L'zunova (central Institute of Boiler Turbines imeni I.I.Polzunov) Card 2/2 OMI, G.S.; KOMAROV. V.M. TS1 S . I ~4 Use of MRShchY~-54 instruments in testing for creep and long-period no.11:1387-1388 139. (MIRA 13- strength* Zavalab, .4) l.TSentral'zWy kotloturbinnyy institut im, I.I.Polzunova. (Testing machines) it is. He 1; IH all Al S/179/60/000,404/020/027 E08l/ElI+1 AUTHOR: Aats, Sh.N. (Leningrad) TITLK: Rupture in Creep Conditions for a Complex Stress State , %k0 PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSRI Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 1Q.60 No 4, pp 160-162 TEXT: The paper is a continuation of previous work (Refs 2, 81 91 10). Hoff (Ref.1) has proposed a theoretical scheme for calculating time to rupture based on the non-linear creep lawt I = Acron (1) where I is the uniaxial creep velocity, ao is the stress in uniaxial extension, k and n are constanta. Hoff's method is applied in the present paper to solve the problem of-rupture of a thin-walled tube under the action of an internal pressure p and an axial tensile force P. The external and internal radii of the tube are b and a respectivelyt and 0 = b/as X, defined by Eq (3), is a-parameter characterising the ratio of the additional axial force P+ to the axial s.tress:eaused by the internal pressure. The development of the theory leads to Eq (21) for the time to rupture, with �(009 WO) given by Eq (19) and C by Card 1/3 S/179/60/000,tO4/020/027 .BOWE141 Rupture in Creep Conditions for a Complex Stress;State Eq (14). The equivalent rupture stress for the tube is obtained from Eq (22); Eq (23) is the time to rupture as found by Hoff for uniaxial extension with k obtained from Eq (24). The solution assumes flow of the tube material with complete conservation of the Initial geometrical form up to the point of rupture. It also assumes that the material is homogeneous and isotropic and that cracks are absent during the creep process. In practice, these assumptions do not hold, and rupture occurs earlier than predicted by Eq (21). The theoretical relationships have been compared with experimental data.obtained on tubes of 12 MKhF steel at 595 OC~ The internal diameter was 15-20 mm, length 100-130 mm, 00 1-19- 1.39 and duration of testing up to 3470 hours. The results are presented in Fig 1 as a logarithmic plot of oe against time to rupture, with calculated from Eq (22). Points 1, 2~ )+,4 51 Oe 6, 7 correspond respectively to X = 0.3, 0.5, 1.01 1-3~ 3-01 ~.851 4.0. The line in Fig 1 corresponds to uniaxial extensiont and some deviation of the points from the line is apparent. The solution therefore gives rather rough quantitative valuesq but gives a satisfactory qualitative picture of the rupture of a tube In complex stress conditions. Card 2/3