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KASIYANOV. Mikhail Ivanovich (Histology in medical jurisprudence] Ocherki sudebnomeditainakoi gistologii. Moskva, Kedgis, 1954. 209 p. (MIRA-14:2) (MICAL JURIMUDMICN) (HISTOLOGY) X KASIYANOV, Mikhail Iyanovich; VOLGARSVA,N.P.. redaktor; ZAXIUROV, A.I., [Medicolegal Investigation in cases of sudden death) SudabnomeditainskaLa ekspertiza v aluchaiakh skoropostithenoi emerti. Moskva, Gos. Izd-vo mad, lit-ry, 1956. 221 p. (MIRA 9:12) (AUTOPSY) ACCUSION tm I AT4*685 8/0000/63/boo/boo/0236/baho AUTHOR: Knelyanovo M. I. l Mirolyubovt 0. P. TITLE: Effects of impact accelerations on Internal organs SOURCE., Konfarontaiya po aviataiouncy i k0smicheskoy meditaine, 1963, Aviataionnaya i kosmicheakays; neditaina (Aviation and apace vedlcins)l materialy* konferentaii. Moscow, 1963, 236-240 TOPIC TAGS: impact acceleration, transverse acceleration, dog, rat, traumatic change, internal organ ABSTRACT: Dogs and white rate were subjected to impact accelirations of 35 g, and 100-870 gq respectively. Acdelerations were of the transverse type (back- chest), with the exception of three rate which were subjected to reverse accelera- tions (cheat-back). Impact accelerations caused injury to organ tissues# local hemorrhages in organs, fatty embolism, and dystrophic changes in gangleal cells at' the brain* Traumatic injuries of organs and local hemorrhages in them arose in definite areas depending on the direction and magnitude of impact acceleration. i Reactive changes around areas of injury and local hemorrhageaq as well &B destract-' Card 1/2 -ACCMION NRS ATW42685 ive changes in the lungs and kidneys require a certain time period for appearance and development* In all probabilityg destructive chanpe are trophic and appear to be related to the Oystrophic chaps in the central nervous system. ASSOCIATIONs nonG sumnm: 27sep63 INCLt 00 SUB COM TA NO RIW Say 1 000 000 Card 2~2 1. KASIYANOV, M.V. 2. USSR OW) 4. Geology, Structural - Stalinogorsk Region 7. Geological structure of the Stalinogorak-Don and Dolilovo-.7jzlovaya Districts (1940). (abstract) Izv. Glav. upr. gaol. fon. no.2, 1947 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953, Unclassified XLSIYANOV,H.V. I PI-I On pqtroleum and gas migration. Trudy Akad. neft. prom. no.2: 118-129 155. WMA 8.5 ) (Petroleum geology) (Gas, Natural-Geology) KAZARINOV, V.P.; KASOYANOV., M.V.; KOSYGIN, Yu.A.-, POSPELOV, G.L.; 54,S, V.N.; SOBOLEVO V-.S-.--,SOKOLOV, B.S.; FOTIADI, E.E.; YANSIIIN, ,.L. Academician Andrei Alekseevich Trofimuk; on his 50th birthday. Geol. i geofiz. no.9:124-126 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Trofimuk, Andrei Alekseevich, 1911-) GURAM, F.G.; KAZARINOV, V.P.j KASS Ov m .; NESTERO~, I.I.; ROSTOVTSEV, N'N ; ROVNIN-.-.I.,-, RUDKEVICHp M.Ya.; TROFIMUK., A.A.; En Im I YU.G: ;' MIRONOVJI, iu'. K. West Siberian Plain is a now oil andgas production center of the US,SeR, Geoloi geofiz. no.200-15 161, (MIR& 14*12) 1, Sibirsiiy nauchi~-:fssledovatellskiy institut geologUt geoftZiki i mineralinogo syrtyal, Institut geologii i geofiziki Sibirskogo otdelaniya AN SSSR, Novosibirskp Tymenskoye territoriallnoye' geologicheskoye upravleniye i NoVosibirskoye te=itoriallno.-e geologichaskoys upravleniye. - (West Siberian &in.-Fetroleum geology) (Wept Siberian-Gasp Natural) I KAS YAN 0V YERMOLINA, M.N. Basic problems relative to the method of testing~wwlln in the West - Siberian Plain..'-Trudy SNIIGGIMS no.18:6o.-165 161. (MIRA, 16:7) .(West Siberian Plain--Oil wells--Testing): LEBEDEV, I.V.t otv.r9d.vypuska,-.KAS.'.XAXOV, M, , glavnyy red.; GURARI, F.G., zamestitell glavnogo red.; AMSHINSKIY, N.N., red.; ARUSTAMDV, A.A., red.; DERBIKOV, I.V., red.; KAZARINOV, V.P., red.; KALUGIN, A.S., red.; MALIKOV, B.N., red.; MJKUTSK1Y, S.P., red.; ROSTOVTSEV, N.N., red.; SUKHOV, S.V., red.; TESLnKO, Yu.V., red.; UMANTSEV, D.F., red.; SAFRONOVA, I.M.,; RAGINA, G.M., vedushchiy red. (Biostratigraphy of Mesozoic and Tertiary sedimentsin Western Siberia] Biostratigrafiia mazozoiskikh i. tratichnykh otlozhenii Zapadnoi Sibiri. Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat. Vol. 1. 1962. 590 p. Vol. 2. [Atlas of paleontological plates and their explanations] Atlas Raleontologicheskikh tablits i ob"iasneniia k nim. 1962. 128.,platmas. (Its Trudy, no.22). (MIRA 17:41, AKULISHMA, Yo.P.; BGATOVj, V.I.; GUM.111, F.G.; GURGV-&, T.I.; D&RD-ROV, J.V.; 41 YEGARCV.1 B.A.; KAZANSKIY, Yu.F.; KAIRG111,, vVY.,KOV N.V.; HOSOLOBOV N.I.; YASYG11,11, Yu.A.; 11IMTSMY, S P-T- TROF31VJK, A.A.; U.Vkb'TSEV,, D.D. Professor Vladimir Panteleimonovich Kazarinov; on his 5Gth birthday. Geol. i geofiz. no.3:122-123 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Kazarinovp Vladimi Panteleimonovich, 1912-) KASIYANOV, N.H.; FUGIN, L.K. pparatus for studying elasto-viscous Proporties of disperse SvBtim3 with an automatic photographic recorder. Izv. vys. uchob. zav.; meft, i gaz 2 no.8:115-118 159. (MR& 12: U) l.Moskovskiy institut neftakhimicheakoy i gazovo7 promyshlonnosti im. akad. I.M. Gubkina.- (Viscosity) (Elasticity) ZHIGAGH, X.F.; KASIYANOV, N.M., -- ------- Method for determining' the'l Plast. andt,of drilling fluids in a rotary vieoosimeter. Xxv.vva.uchab.zav.: neft' i gaz 2 no.12:99-107 '59. (HM 13#.5) 1. Hookoveldy institut neftekhimioheskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti imeni akademika I.N. Gubldna. Oil well drilling fluids) ecosimeter). M KASITANOV, N.M.; MUKHIN, L.K. ,Viscosity of drilling fluids from petrole=* Uvayssuchebe zav.neft-I i gaz 3 no.2:33-38 16o. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Moskovskiy institut neftekbimichoskoy i gazovoy promy- ablennosti im. akaA. I.XaGubkinav (Oil well drilling fluids) INNER KAS'YANOV, N. M., Cand Tech Sci (diss) "Investigation of the rheological properties of new industrials liquids applied in boring. (For the example of solutions on a petroleum basis)." Moscow, 1960. 14 pp; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSkR$ Moscow Inst of Petrochemical and Gas Industry im I. M. Gubkin, All- Union Inst of Boring Technology); 200 copies; price not given; 25-60, 132) WIUNOV, N.M.; MUKHINP L.X,, Effect of tbraparature on the viscosity of oil-drilling fluids. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 3 no.407-41 160. UURA -15-6) 1. Moskovakiy Institut neftakhimicheskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti imeni akademika I.M. Gubkina. (Oil well drining fluids) Planning in medical industry, Ked. promyshl. SSSR no.6:9-15 Nov-Dee 1952. (GM 23:4) 1. Planning and Finance Administration of the Ministry of Pablic Health MSR. KASIYANOV, 11.11. - Sociallut competition at modicnl suppI7 plnnts in Moscow. lled.pron. 1P no.4:3-5 Ap l5q. (MIRA 11:5) (140SCO~--DRUG INDUSTRY) 1. 2. USSR (600) 4. Drug Industry 7. Planning in pharmaceutical and medical supplies industry. Med. Prom. no. 6, 29-5-1. 9. Mbnth3,v Russian Accessicns, Library of Congress, Februiry 1-53. UnclassifiEd- X&SIYANOV, O,R.. kand. arkhitekturi; IGHMIN, 1&0.. red.; LISMKO, F.K., [City of the future] Misto maibutn'oho. ll~riv, Tovarystvo dlia poehyTennia polit. i naukovykh znaul URFM 1957, 37 A(MIRA 110 (City plannjng~ A.IMIANOV.-- P.K. - ANDRIA11OV,-S.M. BE= IKOV, B.S.; GOLOVKO, V.G. [Holovko, V.H.]: DOBROVOLISKIY, A.V. [Doborovollo'4i, A.Vj; DOVGAL', N.Y. [Dov~a-11, M.P.]; YXLIZAROV, V.D. CIElizarov, V.D.3; ZHUIRIIISKIY, V.M. [Zhyzdr7no'kyi, V.M.1; ZVFIIIGORODSXIY, O.M. [Zvenigorods47i, O.H 1i ZAYCHRIKO, R.H. [Zaichenko, R.M.1; IVAN"OKO, Te.I. [Ivanenkci, Il.i. ; KOKAR. A.M.; KAZAKOV, 0.1.; KOSIMO. S.K.; KLIMMO, T.A.; KIROYAKOV, '0.P.; KALISHUX, O.L.; LELICHENKO, M.To; LIZIMICH, N.V.; MIKHAYWV, V.O, [Yqkhailovs V.0.1; MOROZ, I.I.; HOSHCHILS. V.Yu. [Hoshchill, V.IU.J; IIFJWOZIUIIY, P.S. CNeporozhnii, p S 1~ NMMATNIY, S.M. [Nezdatnyi, S.M.]; NOVIKOV. V.I.; POLVOY, S:K: Polevot, S.K.1; PER12HREST, M.So; PUZIK, O.Ye. (Pusik, 0.3j; RADIN K.S.; SLIVINSKIY, 0.1. [Slivinelkyi 0.1.1; STANISIAVSKIY, A.I. tSta nis lava 'k3ri, A.I.]; USPENSKIY, V.~. [UBpenolkyi, V.P.1; KHOMOT. O.ya,; KHILYUK, F.P.; TSAPMO, M.P.; SHVETS. V 1 91 )4AL%dM8X1Y, . [Mallchevulkyi, V.3, red.; ZFLNNKOVA. Ye: fZelen- kova, Xj,* [The Ukraine builds] Ukraine buduie. Kviv, Derzh.vyd-vo lit-ry z budivrqtatva i arkhit., 1957. 221 p. (MI&A 11:5) (Ukraine-Comtruction industry) 'd 1: IT! 3 A. 0 A 3 A n WU A 2-1 "-P 0 �- -~ -2 - - S. . I '1 1 1 ll~ im -..A 4 W 0 &0 Oh L x to 0 R v v z ~ ~ a M V VA 0 41' -- F-- --- - GRISHKO., Ya.A.; Y-ASOYANOV, O..N.; XOROLEV, F.K. How to prevent the breakdown of dril2s and power packs. Mashinostroitell no*7:32-33 Jl 164. (MM 17.8) KASIYAVOV, P.A. Introducing the 5525 semiautomatic deburring and chamfering machine. Biul. tekh.-ekon. inform. Gos. nauch.-issl. inst. nauch, i tekhe inform. 18 no.2:37-38 F 165. (MIRA 18: 5) W'YANOV, P, I., President of the Kolkhoz "Zavet Illicha"), and CIERINIGIC13, P.' A.* ~Main Veterinary Surgeon of the No-vo-Viatka Raion, Kirovsk Oblast'). "Role of the Veterinary Specialists in the Successful Achievements of the Kolkhoz". Veterinarya, Vol. 37, No. 9, p. 27, 196o. KASIYANOV, P.I.; CHEMMISKIN, P.A. Role of veterinary specialists in the aucceares of the collective farm. Veterinariia 37 no.9:27-30 S t60. (1,11IRA 14:11) 1. Predsedatell kolkhoza "Zavety Illicha". Kirovskoy obl. (for laslyanov). 2. Glavnyy veterinarnyy irrach Eovo-Vyatskogo rayona, Kirovskoy oblasti (for Cheremiskin). (Veterinarians) 77777777= KASLANOV, S. Mechanize all links of production more fully (Despite plan for mechanization of ferrous metal industry manual labor still used in some processes), by S. Kasyanov, Chief of Mechanization Bureau of Ukraine Metals Institute. Soviet Source: Pr. 19/2-550 Current Digest of the Soviet Press (in CIA Library), Vol, 3, No. 47, 1952, P. 37 33150 NP Mil fit pyt Vnedreniya Mokhanizatsii Na Oanove Obyazat.ellnykh Minimmov. (Metallurg. Prcm~stl). 0 Mekhanizetsiya Trudoyemkikh I Tyazhelykh Rabot, 1949., No 10, c. 40-45 SO: Letopial Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 45, Moskva, 1949 o V, STOGOV, Y.N., dnktor takhnicheakikh nmik. professor, radaktor; KASITANOV, S.F., redaktor; ANDRWAV, S.P., takhnichankly redaktor. [Mecbanixation of loadirk-, and unloading in the metallurgical industry; a collection of articles.] Mekbanizatella, pograzochno- raigrusochnykh rabot na predprHattiakh metallurgicheakoi. pro- tWohlenno9ti-, abornik statet. KharIkov, Gos.nwuchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernot t tevetnol metallurgit, 1955. 215 p.(MLRA 8:11) (Loadirk-, and unloadintg) (Metallurgy) XLSIYANOV,S.F., inzhener; OVCHARENKO,A.T., inzhener of loading and unloading in metallurgical plants. Mekh. trud. rab. 9 no.5:5-9 My '55. (KT2A 8:7) (Loading and unloading) 137- 58-4- 7043 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 4, p 106 (U5SR) AUTHOR: Kaslyanov, S. F. TITLE: Mechanization of Adjustment Operations in Rolling Mills (Me- khanizatsiya ad"yustazhnykh rabot v prokatnykh tsekliukh) PERIODICAL: Tr. Nauchno- tekhn. o-va chernoy metallurgii, 1956, Vol 10, pp 244-255 ABSTRACT: The state of mechanization (M) of adjusting operations in the rolling shops (S) of the USSR is studied. Progressive experience in the M of cutting, laminating, leveling, grinding, quality con- trol, and sorting of metal in section S, and also on the M of sepa- ration of welded sheets, turning, scribing, classifying of anneals, hardening, pickling, lubricating, and loading of sheets in sheet rolling S. The most practical methods of M are recommended. D. Zc 1. 11011ing mills-Mechani zat ion 2. Mechanisms--Adjustment methods Card 1/1 USITADDY S F&...,Inzhaner; OYCHAREM, A.I., inzhener; POLISHCWK, F.Ya., inzhener. Methods of improving the mechanization of work in netallurgical p1ant3. Nekh.trud.rab.10 no..4:8-13 Ap 856. (MLE& 9:7) (Metallurgical plants) 73TMOV, Yakov Mikha7lovich; IASIYA&L'5.2~, redaktor; VAGIN, A.A., redaktor Watel'stva; ININSON, I.M., tekhalcheekly redaktor [Comprehensive mechanization of plants manufacturing refractory materials) lomplekensta makhanizateita na ognsupornvkh sayodakh. Moskva, Gos.n&ucbno-tekhn.i%d-vo lit-ry po chernot i tavettoi metallurgil, 1957. 312 p. (MLRA 10:9) (Refractory materials) mmm--mma xAsly.4yov, S.F., Inshener. ~Mea=anlzation of labor consumin g operations in ferrous metallurq* Mokh.trud*rab. 11 no.3:25-29 Mr 157. (HM 10:5) 1.Ukrainskiy institut motallov. (Metallurgical plants--Equipment and supplies) KASI_YAUDX,S.P.. inzh. Hechnnizing finishing processes in rolling mills. Mekh. trud. rAb. 11 no.12:8-11 D '57. (MIRA 11: 3) (Rolling Mille) AUTHOR: Kaslyanov, S.F. 133-6-33/33 TITLE: Inv6stigations of the 'Ukrainian Institute of M.etals. (Issledovaniya Ukrainskogo instituta metallov). PERIODICAL: "Stall". (Steel)',' 1957t-No~.6, pp.574-575 (USSR). ABSTBACT: An outline of the work carried out by the Institute in 1956 is given. A. Iron making. On the Enakiyevskiy Works the production 6f -fru-xed sinter (basicity 0.8) was introduced. This in- creased the output of furnaces by 6'.9 - 7A% and decreased cake rate by 11.5-15~.6%~. The output of the sinter plant decreased by 5.9% in comparison with the best results ob- tained during the production of ordinary sinter. The size of limestone used for the production of sinter - 100% below 3 nm and that of coke breeze 92-93% of O~,3 mm. Sinter bed is ignited at 1200-1300 C'. On the Makeyevskiy, Works of Kirov the production of low manganese iron was i:Rtroduced. Slag basicity 1.28-1".321 magnesia content 6,,-7%p blast temperature - not lower than 800 C. B. Steel making. In the open hearth meltirg shop of the 71AzoVst3T,11 s a combined method of introducing oxygen J74 the bath and to flame was introduced on 9 furnaces. The Card 1/5 use of ore briquettes or sinter of basicity 4r.5-7.5 was 133-6-33/33 Investigations of the Ukrainian Institute of Metals.(Cont.) tested. This resulted in shortening of heats by 40 min. and an increase of P 205 in slag by 1'-.0-21.5%. Pretreatment of iron in ladle with oxygen and steam-oxygen mixtures. Using 5m3 of oxygent 5 kg of steam and an addition to ladle of 15 kg/ton of ore and limestonelsilicon content was de- creased from 6.5 to 0'.1% and manganese from 1.7 to 0'.75%. The temperature of the metal increases during blowing by 20-30 G. OptiTmun parameters for ingot moulds (6-9 ton) were established. The number of types of blooming and sheet ingots and ingot moulds usedL in the Ukrainian Works can be decreased from 40 to 20. Some general recommenda- tions on the improvement of t 'he organisation of work-on the 'Ukrainian works were made. C. Rolli A number of new economical profiles were developed ksome details are given). On the basis of theo- retical analysis, data -from experimental rolling and correspondence with 15 Works and 26 Ministries and other organisationsl a project of new standards for lightened beams, girders and some other profiles were prepared. TbA~ transfer to lightened profiles can, . duce an economy in Card 2/5 steel (beams - 13'.4%, girders 10','5 Ko 133-6-33/33 Investigations of the Ukrainian Institute of Metali.(Cont.) ]~. Imrovement of proverties of metal used for transtort. 'The Institute cooperated with.the "Azovsti7olt W6_rR_s_fn__ eEltablishing thexoduction of rails P-65 and in investi.- g4ting a mmber basic'problems (with the Andreyev and Novo Tagillskiy Works) in the production or railway wheel rims from carbon steel for.locomotivesp wagonsy etc. In t4e search for a rational, composition of rail steel a rumber of experimental melts in a high frequency furnace producing steels alloyed with manganese and chromium (up to 3%)v chromium and manganese and chromiump manganese a:pd silicon were carried out. For each alloying version the content of carbon was: O'.50j 0.65 and 0.80%i. Some rou S of melts were additionally alloyed with vanadium 0'.lKO'.25%) and titanium (0'.08-0'.15%). The types of 1 steels developed had high characteristics for static, dynamic and fatigue:strength'. Industrial experimental melts were carried out in a 40 ton open hearth furnace (steels: GOM, 40X3P 55XP and 65XPO and a Bessemer con-- vertor steels 60r2 and 40XN) in the Dzerzhinskiy Works. Mots ~460 t) were rolled into rails P42 (Dzerz-hinskiy Wo s) and P50 (Azovstall )~ Rails with the best proper- ties were obtained from op;n hearth steel containing 3% Card 3/5 133-6-33/33 Investigations of the Ukrainian Institute of Metals~,(Cont.) of Cr Rails were tested on traaks and some of the resulis obtained are given I. Projects of standards for railway wheel rims were based on data on chemical compos:L- tion and mechanical properties of rims produced by the Tagan.rovskiy and Novo-Tagillskiy Works, as well as on the results of studies of maximum possible increase of streNr,,th characteristics of railway rims from steel containing 0.50 - 0.6D% 0 and the influence of straightening of rims on cold with subsequent heating to 200-300 C on the impact strength of rims'* E. Methods of iftyestiGatim the quality of metal. An "Iliv-es-frg-a-flo-n--of-n6n-metai.:Lic Inclusions iso-Ta-ted from A's containing metal using luminescence, petrographic and microchemical methods was carried out ,a It was found that: silicates, glassest spinels and other oxide inclusions do not contain arsenical compounds.. Indiviclual inclusions of arsenous sulphide were not found. A small amount of very fine inclusions containing arsenic situated in two-phase crystals of mixed iron and manganese sulphides was found. Due to a high degree of dispersion of these inclusions in the metal, their chemical composition was not established. In the metal from experimental melts containing an increased Card 4/5 133-6-33/ Investigations of the Ukrainian Institute of Metals. Pont.) proportion of As - j the presence of intermetallic inclu- sions of As of the type of iron arsenide was established. However, the total amount of the finest arsenic containimg inclusions situated in crystals of iron and manganese sulphides as well as intermetallic inclusions of iron arsenide is so small that they apparently cannot have amy prabtical influence on the quality of the metal'. For the determination of unstable and stable inclusions in rimming steels the anode-iodic method was found to be most suit- able. If the conditions of temperature and duration of the decomposition processes of carbides and sulphides with iodine are accurately maintained, the method gives results for the calculated amount of oxygen similex to that deter.- mined by the vacuo-fusion method. AVAILAELP4: Library of Congress Card 5/5 POLISHCHUK, Froim Yakovlevich; KASIYANOT, S.F.,; BELINA, R.A., red,izd-va; ANIMM, 9.P., T3MVn'I.?We" [Load gripping devices in metallurgy; from plant practices] Gruzozakhvatnyo prisposoblenila v metallurgii; iz opyta 2avodov. Xharlkov, Gos.nnuchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tovetnoi metallurgii 1959. 109 P. (HIU 130) Wtallurdical plants-Rquipment and supplies) r7 /7 f7 f-,' V Hl JAI sail: Fit 1 91 S/1 18/6 1 IWO100 2/00 4/90 7 A16l/A1216 AUTHOR:' Kas'yanov, S.F., Engineer TITLE: Mechanization and automation practice in iron and steel works PERIODICAL- Mekhanizatsiya I avtomatizatsiya proizvodstva, no. 2, 1961, 32-35 MT: The Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metallov (Ukrain_ Ian S6ientific Research Institute of Metals) inspected many technical novelties introduced in some iron and steel works all over the USSR. The article presents a listing of the novelties with brief descriptions without givingtechnical de- tails. The plants mentioned include the Ukrainian "Zaporozhstal"', "Azovstal"', im. Il'iyoh, im. Dzerzhinskiy, as well as the Chelyabinsk, Nizhniy Tagil, Kuz- netsk plants, and others. It Is mentioned that about 300 new machines and de- vices worth mentioning bad been seen in the rolling shop* of only 0 plants. These include remote control of the soaking pit covers from cranes (at the Mag- nitogorsk blooming mill); -radio communication between crane operators and wel- ders at soaking pits (Krivoy-Rog); automatic heating process in soaking pits (Makeyevka works), with a central control board for all ten soaking pit groups; Card 1/2 Mechanization ... S11i'8/61/000/002/004/007 A161/Al.26 automatic control of the front and rear roll tables, main drive and screwdowns, and semi-automatic control of ingot bogies; TV in rolling mills; various sheet metal hahdling devices. There are 5 photographs. Card 2/2 KASIXANOV Sergey Fedorovich; ZAGALISKIT, L.N., red.; SALINIKOV, G.G., tekhn. red. (Mechanization and automatic control in ferrous, metallurgy) Mekhanizataiia i avtomatizatsiia v chernoi metallurgii.. Mo- skva, Metallurgizdat, 1963. 351 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Iron and steel plants--Equipment and supplies) (Automatic control) KASIYANOV, T.D., samestitell nachalinika. Correct employment and training of young specialists. Dar. i lesokhim. p;rom. 2 no.8:20 Ag 153. (MM 6--7) 1. Upravlenlye kadrov Miniaterstva leanoy i bumashnoy pron7ohlennosti. (Woodiorkiug industry) KMITANOV, T.D..,z~=t tell nachallnika. j?toper use of young specialists. B=.prom. 28 no.8:26 Ag '53. (XLR& 6:71) 1. Upravlenive iaovodyashchM kadrov Hinisteretva leanoy i bumazhnoy prorVehlonnesti SSSR. (Paper industry) KASIYII,IGV V - VASGYUKHNOV, S. -o~~ "Safe operation of"tower cranes" by I.IA.Kogan. Reviewed bi V.Kaslianc.v, S.Vasiukhnoy. Bezop.truda v prLM. 6 ni).4:35-16 Ap 162. (AURA 15:5) 1. Nachallnik otdela kotlonadzora upravleniya Nizhnevolzhskogo okruga Gosudarstvennogo komiteta pri Sovete Ministrov RSFSR po nadzoru za bezopasnym vedeniyem rabot v pramyshlennosti i g,)I-ncmu nadzoru (for Kaslyanov). 2. Starshiy inzhener-kontroler kotlonadzora upravleniya"Nizhnevolzhskogo okmiga Gosudarstvennogo komiteta pri Sovete Ministrov R,9FSR po nadzoru za bezopasnym vedenijem rabot v prmyshlennbsti i gornomu nadzoru (fcr Vasyukhnov), (Cranes, derrick6, etc.-Sifety regulations) (Kogan, I.IA.) r3(Frr,a--m ! 7.-hllw--1 I- , - - - fl-~IR alp~~u -PS6-umim-ation. A dLiaar= ; -Mu"#-of-tb4-rfft-ude maller ttm-the -rheatiot'-ftm the electrim- T? !No m1..4-1-. I a- W;IYAWA', V,.t STAHi'S,TTN, A. Thoory ei' brem-strahlung of alow alee tronn, on a tows. "Illir. e'ksf 3. toor. fiz. 48 no.1:295-302 Ja 165. 'MURA 1824) 1 . Mool-o7tikly energatichaskiy institut. KAS'-YAN-O%-V.A. [Kaslianov, V.0.); MHAKDV, V.V. Equations describing average turbulent motion for laminar electrohydrodynamic flow, Dop.'AN URSR no.lltl448-1451 164. I (MIRA 18:1) 1. Kiye-Fskiy institut Grazhdansk6ko-vozdushnogo flota, Predstavleno akademikom AN UkrSSR I.T.- Shvetsom [Shvets'Y I.T.]. KAS IYAIJOV, V.A. inzh. Device for end swit4hes of travel mechanisms of electric tower cranes. Becop.truda y prom. 4 no.2t29~-30 F 160. *#P"- - (NIa 13:5) 1. Upravlenlys Nizhne-Volzhekogo okruga Gougorteldinaftora RSFSR. (Cranes, derricks, etc.) KASOYAN,O.V- V.-A-.; STUKALKIN, A.N. Results of testing a P-7 pantograph-' I~Sbbr. nduch. trud. ElNII 3: 214-217 163. . (MIRA 17:4) 7 -1 77n, L I, -- - I I ~ I-- - I I - - - , -~ --- - - - I 141, . . , . .1 . - I .- - 11, 1 .. - I , r :]7- ~, --~ I : ;~j '.. j, ~. - -., I..., ..- - .- .. . I . -... . .., ~.,u 1 ;11 " ,I !~ L 334o8-66 EWP (m) /EWP W /VWIT (1) WW ACC NPt AP6015307 (A) N) souncE CODE,. UR/0057/66/036/005/0860/0.8(;7 AUMIOR: Mkhitaryan, A. M.; Knstyanov, V. A. 0,11G. Kiev Institute of Civil Aviation (Kiyevskiy institut grazhdanskay aviatsii) TITLE: Laminar elect rohydrodynamic flow-i a plane exit cone with barodiffusion of space charge taken into account SO1JRCE: Zhurnal tokhnicheskoy fizilki, v. 36, no. 5, 1966, 860-867 11 TOPIC TAGS: electrohydrodynamics, electrohAraulic effect, electric field, space charge, diffusion, dielectric material, nozzle flow A13STRACT: The author employs a method developed by S.M.Targ (Osnovnyye zadachi teori laminarnykh techenyy, Gostekhizdat, 1951) to calculate the two-dimensional electro- hydrodynamic flow in a plane exit cone. It is believed that the results may be of assistance in evaluating the possibilities of the electrohydrodynamic technique for influencing the flow of liquid and gaseous dielectrics. Among the simplifying assump tions employed in the calculations are the following: the vertex angle of the exit cone is small; the electrical Reynolds number is small; the azimuthal component of th electrin. current vanishes; the component of the radical electric current due to the space charge field is small compared with that due to the external radial electric field; and the plane dielectric walls of the exit cone are neither charged nor polar- ized. The :flowing medium is assumed to carry a space charge. The electrohydro- ACC NR, AP6015307 dynamic equations of motion are derived under these assumptions with barodiffusion - These equations are, linearized by the technique Of Tar& (Ioc.ciO taken into account and approximate solutions of them are obtained. Formulas for the total pressure drops and,the position at which the flow breaks from the wall of the exit cone are given in terms of the total flux and other parameters of the problem. Velocity profiles are presented graphically for two'spe6iflo oinseso Orig. art. has; 44 formulas and 3 figures. SUB CCDE: 20/ SUBM DATE- 14Jan65/ ORIG REFI. 001/ 0IM REF, 001 V-81YANOV, V.L,; SOLWJBI M.I. Microeloctrode atudy of intracellular potentials of t"~,~ xiferti-- lized egg cell in Rana tomporarJa. Ve5t, LOU 20 no.9.5-12 16:5. (1,URA 18:6) ORBELI L*A~ rodattor; B KOV. 1.F.. rodaktor; ANOXHIS, P.K., redaktbr ENKCHEYEV, K.KH, reduktor; KASUNOT,,V.M..rsdaktor; MUZY"'NTOV, V.A., redaktor; KIRSMVA, skly redaktor. (Joint session commemoratingthe tenth anniversary of the death of I.-P.Pavlov. ProceedingeJ Obledineunsia seseiia, posviashchen- nala desiatiletitu so dnia slerti I.P. lFavlova. Trudy; redakt9ion- nain kolleglia: kA.-Orbeli i dr.3; sekretarl rodaktsionuoi kollegii V.M. Kasll~hov i B.A. Muzykantov. Moskva, Ind-vo Akademii meditsinskikh nauk, *8- 326 p. (KI-RA 8:8 (Psychology, Physiological) -:1' ;.7 , t , ` 7 , " KASITANUV, ve M. 32728. m1. P. Pavlov"- koricey usuki. Novestj ne&itisiny, vyp. 14, 1949, s. 3-22 SO: Letopial Zhurnal'Aykh Statay, VoL 44, Moskmas 1949 XASIYANOV, V.M.;IRUKTOY, A.L# g.-S4' Effect of forcen of auditory signal on the rate of motor functions In man. Fisiol. zh. SSSR 38 no.6:681-688 Nov-Dee 1952. (CLML 23:4) 1. Department of nqsiology and Department of Light Athletics of the State Central Order of Lenin Institute of Physical Gulture imeni I. V. Stalin, Moscov. I KASITABDV Vasilly Hatveyevicb, professor; BlNnMV, O.M. redaktor; tekhnichookly redaktor (I.P.Pavloyls teaching regarding higher nervous activity is a very loportant basis for the scientific, atheistic pbilosopbyl Ucbsnis I.P.Pavlove. o vysshei nervnpi deiatellnosti-vashnsisbels. osnova iumcbno-atelaticbeekogo alrovoszroulia. Moskva, Ixd-vo 'Znanie,* 1955. 30 P. (Yessoinswe obabebeetvo po raerpostra- neniln politicbeekikh i nauebrqkh ananii. Ser.3. no-21) (ML'RA 8:9) (Nervous system) IKASIYANOT, V., professor; IVANOV, V.,.profesoor On Prof. V. 1. SukbA evto book, "Pbraical therapy and health r6sorts therapy of skin dissases.P Test.ven. i*derm. no.2:57-58 Mr-Ap 955. (SHN - DIMUSBS) (TMMAPNU!EICS, PUSIM-OGICAL) KASIYALNOVI Y.M. professor Jiole of the trophic function of the nervous system in muscular activity in man. Teor. I prak,fii,kulk. 18 no-101727-735 155. (MIRA 9:1) (MMYOUS SYSTrA, trophic funet. in muse. activity in man) (MUSCISS, physiology. 'trophic funct. of nervous system In muse. activity in mhn) KAS'TANDY, Y.M. Relation of unconditioned reflex modifications to conditioned reflex activity. Fiziol.shur. 41 no-3:3?1-325 MY-Je ~55- (KIRA 8:8) 1. Kafedra fisiologil Goeudaretyannogo Podagogicheekogo instituta in. V.I. Lenina. 14oskva. (Rxn , CONDITIOMM, off. on unconditioned reactions) (RMSEX., unconditioned, off.of conditioned reflex) ~,, . KASIYAROV, V.H.; GUHRM, P.I. Compensation mechanisms in developing working movements of artificial fingors formed from a human forearm stump. Uch.zap. MGPI 84:53-70 155. (MLRA 9:11) 1, Iz kafadr7 fiziologii Moskovskogo gosudaretvannogo pedagogichealcogo instituta imeni V.1.1anina, sav. kafe&roy prof. V.M.Kas'Vano.v. (ARTIFICAL LDCBS) (AMPUTATION STUMP) (CONDITIOURD RXSPONSE) JrAS'YANOVj Y.M.; GUMEM, ~P.I. Role of the visual anakyeor in compensatory processes In man following the operation of splitting the 84:71-83 455. (MLRA 9:11) 1. Iz lmfe&ry fiziologii Moskovskogo gosudarstvannogo pedagogicheakogo inatituta imeni V.I.Lehina, sav. Icafadroy prof.~ V.M.Xaslyanov. (ARM-SURGERY) (CONDITION RESPONSH) (SIGHT) XABOYANOV. V.H..- GUHINIR. P.1. "pNommop"11501- Role of the motor analysor at various stages of compensation following surgery for splitting the forearm. 84:85-93 155. (MLRA 9:11) 1. Iz kafedry fiziologil pedegogicha8kogo Instituta imeni V.I.Leuina, sav. kafedroy prof. V.M.4slyanov. (A"UTATION STUMPS-INNERVATION) EXCERnTA :-:YMCA Sec.2 Vol,10/6 Pkv.Biochem. June 5' 2615. KASPANOV V. M. Dept. of Physiol., V.I. Lenin Paedogog. Inst., Moscow. -tTrfTT-5-c-r1-6nbetween central and peripheral factors of nervous acttvity in heterogenous anastonioses(Russian t e x t ) FIZIOL. Z. 1956, 42/12 (1038-1045) Illus. 6 The phrenic nerve of dogs unqer morphine-ether annesthesia was sectioned. Its central end was sutured to the peripheral stump of the cubital nerve sectioned at a high level. Sutures were placed through the Schwann Whe, without damaging any nerve fibres. It was found, that under these conditions the phrenic nerve regene- rates at a rate of about 3-4 mm. a day. it conducts impulses from its centre to its new peripheral organ, i.e. to striated muscles innervated by the cubital nerve in the intact dog. A functional connection is thus established between centres of the phrenic nerve and muscles of the fore-leg. Tiey respond to efferent impulses by rhythmical contractions, synchronous with respiration (the tntisele 'breathes No functional adjustments take place in the centres of the phrenic nerve, due to the absence of any peripheral controlling influence on the afferent side. Some of the functional conditions determining nervous activity of the heterogenous anasto- mosis were studied by recording action currents at different levels of the regene- rated nerve. Stimulation at frequencies from 90-100 impulses per sec. evoke the respiratory' contractions of the m6scle. Frequency transformation takes place at peripheral levels. There is evidence of some selection of optimal impulse frequencies by different elements of the muscle. Even after 2 years' control by C ON T, the phrenic nerve, the striated muscle still retains some of its intrinsic proper- ties, e. g. tetanic contractility. Simonson Minneapolis, Minn. MINAYEV, Pavel Fedorovich;.,KA4.#YANOY,,.:-L-M-"rqf., otv. red.; GARIAN, B.V., red. izd-va; BENYUM)V, O.M., red. izd-va; DOROKHINA, I., tekhn. red.; POLENOVA, T., tekhn. red. [Effect of ionizing irradiation on the central nervous system] Vliianie ioniziruiushchikh izluchen:Li na isentrallnuiu nervnuiu sistemu. Moskva,, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 129 p. (MIRA 16:1) (RADIATION-PHYSIOLOGICAL EMCT) (NERVOUS SYSTEM) -ACC-9R-3- AP 026337 Sam. CODE: UR/0308/66/000/005/0036/0037 AUTHOR: Lubenov. R. (Candidate of technical sciences, Lecturer , Department head) Kaslyanov, V.~ (Aspirant) ORG: Waterways and Ports Department, OIIMF (Kafedra "Vodnyye puti i porty" OIIMF) TITLE: Improving efficiency in the utilization of gravitational docking facilities : Morskoy flot, no. 5, 1966, 36-37 IC TAGS: marine engineering, stress analysis, marine equipment ~IARBoR A901-trLl TRACT: Improved methods of calculation are used to show how gravitational docking ilities may be more effectively used. A formula is derived for the contact stresses erated in the dock by a uniformly distributed useful load which agrees satisfactor- with experimiental. data for most gravitational docking facilities. A theoretical lysis of the stress diagram for active pressure gives a formula for the effective e of a temporary load as a function of the angle of internal friction. It is nted out that the present standards for use of docking facilities have rigid re-- ictions on the loading zone with no consideration to variati6ns in the structural xacteristics and operational requirements of individual facilities. In particular, consideration is given to the characteristics and arrangement of the contact e4e, height of the structure, the physical and mechanical properties of the underlying UDC~ L-01097-67--.- C NRt AP6026337 ifoundation and other factors in establishing the zones of operational loading for gra- ~itational docking facilities. These standards should be corrected for more effective ~se of docking facilities. An expression is given in the two-dimensional approximation or the optimum level of operational use of docking facilities in terms of the active ressure from a uniformly distributed load. The results of this paper may be used in formulating standards for new dock facilities and for periodic adjustment of the op- 6rational data for existing facilities. Origrt. has: 2 figures, 4 formulas. CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: None vlr of higher rarvous --ictJvJty in 5cno,--,.pgo twins. ;h-ur. vys. clo-'At-. 14 no,.'i436-4.4-2 Ply-Te (r.IRA 17;11" I. IrE L I tut -2 (if ill-, ri t,' on, U ~S ~R. ~:mtimmy o'- Medical 5-lences, XKSIYANOV,V.X., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk , Effect of centrifugal forces on turbulence. Trudy MNI no.13: 145-151 '53. (HLPA 8:6) (Turbulence) (Centrifugal force) r OV,V.D.; KASOYANOV.V.M. Calculation of main gas pipelines. Trudy HNI no-13:202-213 153. (Gas, Natural--Pipelines) (MLRA 8:6) SHISFICHMO. R.I.; X&SIYANOV, V.M. kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk, doteent, ratsenzent; In zhe nor, retornzent. [Petroleum producing machinery and mechanisms] Neftepromyslovye. okepluntatsionnyo mashiny i mokhaniamy. Mookva, Goo. nauchno-takha. izd-vo neftianoi I gorno-toplivmol lit-ry, 1954. 343 p. (MLRA 7:8) (Petroleum industry-Nquipment and supplies) v AID P - 1342 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 5/30 Author Kaslyanov, V. M. and Vtyurin, A. I. Title Starting-stre8s calculation of sleeve couplings used for well casings. Periodical Neft. khoz... v-32, #12, 15-16, D 1954 Abstract The authors comment on V. I. Tarasevich's article published in this magazine, April 1953, concerning the use of F. I. Yakovlev's formula for the determination of the "starting stress" in the thread of sleeve couplings. Two drawings. Institution: None Submitted : No date A1113,'Y,41VO AID P - 495 Subject USSRAngineering Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 9/27 Author : Kaslyanov, V. M. Title : Supplementa"iy'"&6iinterbelancing of rocking beams accord- ing to the actual loads of the polished pump rod. Periodical : Neft. Khoz., V. 32, #6, 34-36, Ju 1954 Abstract : The author offers an equation for calculating the ap- proximate counterbalancing of the rocking beam on the basis of maximum load and equality of work of both halves 'of the pump cycle. The equation is illustrated with, numerical examples. One diagram and 3 Russian references (1946-1951). Institution : None Submitted : No date KAS YANOV.-V. M. Kinematics of a cone rock bit operating on a smooth bottom surface. Trudy MNI no.14.-264-280 155. MRA 8:11) (Boring) t KAS I YANOV, Vol. Graphic method for selecting intermediate speeds of draw works or hoisting blocks. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; neft' i gaz 1 no.10:103-106 '58. (MiRt. 12:4) 1. Hookovskly Institut neftekhimicheakoy i gazovoy promyshlen- nosti ineni akademike, I.M.Gubkina. (Hoisting machinery) KASIYANOV, Vanian'in Mik.haylovich;.SINDNYANTS. L.Ta., dotment, ratisensent,, Ye'.A.i; FEDOTOVA, I.G., E'rurboarillel Turbobury. Moskva, Go*. nauchno-takhn.ixd-vo nafti. i gorno-toplivnot lit-ry, 1959. 114 p. (MIRA 12:2) (Turbodrills) KASIYABOV, V.M., alektromekhanik Overhead communication lines should receive more attention. Avtom., telem. i eviazi 4 no. 12:30 D 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Atbasarskaya distantsiya signalizateii i avyazi Zazakhskoy dorogi. (Electric lines--Overhead) I KASUH-Z.kIE, D.S. (Baku); KULIYEV, S.M. (Baku); SHISHCHMO, R.I. (Krasnodar) SIDOROV. N.A. (Krasnodar); SIUSHIN, V.D. (Kazan')' Xh&LYAWY,,_V.H. (Hoskva); GUBRAO, T.P. (Llvov) Well bottom automatic device for turbodrilling; comments on 4.A. Hinin's article published in "Reftiance khosiaistvo," no.10 1959. P-ft.khoz. 38 no.2.-19-22 F 6o. (MIRA 13:8) (TurbiArillv) .MIYANOT, VA4. Basic theory of Erginear K.V. Fedotov's.pimp. Trudy IIINKHJGP no.31+::L28--156 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Oil well pumps) VOROFAYv P.I.; ZHUKOV,, G.V.;,KAS'YAh'OV,,v*M# Cooling of air piston compressors by -injecting water at the inlet. Mash. i neft. obor. no.6zll-18 163. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Moskovskiy institut n6ftekhimicheskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti im. I.M. Gubkina. VOROPAY, P.I.; ZHUKOV, G.V.; KASIMOV, V.M.; SPARPILO, I.G. Air cooling in piston compressors by feeding Qatar to an air flow. Mash. i neft. obor. no.7:30-33 163. (14IRA 17:1) 1. Moskovskiy institut neftakhimicheskoy i gAZOVOY.promyshlennoati ft. akademika Gubkina i Upravleniye "Krasnodarneft'O. VORWAY? P.1.; MUKOV, G.V., KASIYANOV, V.1-1. Investigating the efficioncy of cooling in f6edirg wator to an air flow compressed by a rotor-gear pump. Mash. i neft. obor. no.lN 21-28 163. (14TRA 17:4) 1. Yloskovskiy Institut neftekhimichaskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti im. I.M.Gubkina. KLS I TANOV, V. _P. Mining 21t00 tons Of coal per month per 'Donbass" cutter- loader. Ugoll Ulcr. 3 noi7:28-29 Jl 159. ~ (MIRA 12:11) l.Mashinist kombaym shakhty NO-3-bis tresta Chistyak-ovantratait. (Donate Basin--Coal mines and mining) PISIMAN, I.I.; DALIN, M.A.; MAMEOOVA, E.S.; NASIYAYQV, V,V, C-~ Production of 0(-butylene by the dehydration of n.butyl alcohol on A-1 aluminum oxide. Report No.l. Azerb.khim.zhur. no.6:67-72 161. (MIRA 15:5) (Butene) (Butyl alcohol) J. 7. * 1-131YANOV V V - DIA-114, M.A. " L I i '. Am of k-butylone by dehyaration of n-buty alcohol- on ,~,.humiwmi oxide, KA-na t kqt. 6 no.4:741-743 .Tl-,Ag 165, (1-11-RA 1839) 1. Vl-9E,(,-yuznyy muehn-c-issledovs-illsBy tekhnologicheskly Listi-tut, j,r) pol)iohani~-u I yerurabotko nizkc-nnoleR,,jl7arn),%kh eleflnov, PISIMAN, I.I.; DALIN, M.A.; KASIYANOV V.V.; MAMEDOVA, E.S. .9 Preparation ofoc -butylene by dehydration of n-butyl alcohol on aluminum oxide A-1. Azerb. khim. zhur. no.3t49-58 162. (MIRA 16:12) KALIMMON, V.A.; ZLO'TlilKGrV. G.G.; KAII-11YANOV, V.V. "Termokopir.0 a thermoc opying michins. NTI no.7:30-32 161, (MJRA 16:11) PISII~LAI!~ 1.4; KtStYAIiPV V 7 - TiAf,11-, M. "-.- Prinirrali uoYaeiye: - "i-i" ' SAI-10 T.'M. . ' ProductIon of 4-butylene by the dehydration of n-butyl alcohol on alunimm e. P.-II. Report Nc,.5,: ~Iu.,2e problems of kinetics. Azorb. OdmO 711117'. no-5-tP.5-92 1613 ( M I RA i 7 I.F )