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KASSILI G.N., prof. Voluntary and unvoluntery delusions. Zdorovle no.1:4-5 Ja '58. (HEALTH EDUCATION) (MIRA 11:2) N GisHmmm, xa, mGER, i.m., EASSIL, G.N., EAKMTSE:AYA, B.O. CRDYNETS, G.V. -? Principles of pitthogenic therapy in cerebrocranial injurie 8; neurohormonal reactions in acute cerebrocranial injuries Ivith m=ary in French]e Zhur.nevre i psikh- 58 no.10:1204-1209 158 (KIRA 11: 11) lo Klinika nervnvkh bolezney (zav. - prof. H-1. Grashchenkov) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey i neyrokhirurgicheisko- ye otdeleniye (sav, -.doktor med.nauk I.M. Irger) bollnitsy imeni S.P. Botkina). (BRAIN, wd-- & inj. adrenocortical reactions (Rus)) (ADREVAL CORTEX HORMONES, physiol. in brain Injo (Rua)) GRASHOMMOV, N.I.; USSILI, G.N. Neuro-humoral and neuro-hormonal correlates in certain forms of neural patholog7. Zhur. nevr. i poikh 58 no.12:110t6-1454 158, (NM 12:1) 1. laboratorivi klinichaskoy neyrofisiologii AN SSSR us, base kliniki nervzWkh bolesney I Moskovekogo ordena Imenins, meditainskogo iiistituts, (sav. "rof. N.I. Grashchenkov.), Moskra. (MVOTJSL SYSTIM, dis. Uepro-humoral & nouro-hormonal correlates (Ru (MIWCRM GIAM1q, pbysiol. neuro-endocrine & newo-humoral correlates in VS din. (Rus Am KASSILI#,.,; 307VA, YO.M.; VZYW, A.M, (Treatment by acupuncture (Chan-ohiu)l Lechenie igloukalvvaniam; chzhen'-tsiuterapiia. Koskvs, ZRanie, 1959. 30 P. (Vessoiuznoe obahchestvo po rasprostrazeniiu politicheskikh i nauchnykh znanii. Sor.8: Biologiia i meditsinao no.17). (MIRA 13;6) (ACUPUNCTURE) TV._V_.J1 -SOLOWYEVA, A. D.~ G mfm) Yu. N. "Functional State of the Suprarenal Cortex in Lesions of the Diencephalic Area,"' Theses of the Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions 23-26 March 1959 (All-Union Institute of Experimental Endocrinology) From the Laboratory of Clinical Nearophysiology of the Academy of Sciences USSR at the Clinic of Nervous Diseases (Heaa- -Professor 11. 1. Grashchenkov, active member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR) of the First Moscow Order of Lening Medical Institute GRASHCHEUKO, N.I. (Moskva),- IRGER, I.M. (Moskva); K-W-.ILI G No (Moskvaj~ GILIMANI, L.M. (Moskva)j FAMEMSKAYA., B.I. (Moskva Var.cular factor in acute craniocerebral tmuka. Trady Gos. nauch.- isol. psikhonevr. inst. no.20-1333-342 159. (KM 14:1) (BPA;F.WOUNM AND JNJWES) I KASSILI G.N., prof.; VAISFELID, I.L. (Moskva) Histamine metabolism in certain types of neural diseases. Pat. f1z1ol. i eksp. terap. 3 n0-3:16-22 Vq-Je 159. (KIRA 12:7) 1. Iz laboratorii klinicheskoy neyrofiziologii LIT SSSR na, baze kliniki nervnykh bolezney I Moakovskogo ordena Lenina meditstaskogo instituta. (sav. - chlen-korrespon'dent AN SSSR prof. N.I. Grashchenkov). (HISTAMINE, metabolism, in various dis. (Ras)) -U KASSILI, G.K., prof.;IUTLINA. 3.A.; SOKOLINSXAYA, R.A. (Moskva) Adrenaline-like substances and hiologleal activity of the blood in certain forms of diseases of the nervous system [with summary in Inglishl-o'.Probl.andoko i gorm- 5 no.1:70-79 J*a-F '59- (MIRA 12:3) 1. Jz laboratorli klinicheskoy neyrof iziologii AN SSSR na baze kliniki nernqkh bolezney I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinsko- go instituts (zav. prof.'N.I. Graehchenkoi). (SYHPATHONIMICS, in blood, in NS die. (Rua)) M VOUS SYSTIM, diseases blood sympathominetics & biol. activity (Rua)) -7- 71-5T- -44T 1-77 M., XASSILI, G.N.; RAPOPMT.,SiTa.; ROSIN. Ya.A. r--- Lina. Soloson*wna, Ghtern; 80th anniversary of her birth. Yiziol.zhur. 45 no.2:216-219 7 '59- (MIRA 32:3) (B IOMUM131S 9 Shtern, Lina S (Rus)) KASSILI, G.N.- MATLINA, B.A.; SOKOLINSIAU, R.A. Dynamic studies on adrenalielike substances and on the biologica-1 activity of the blood iuagrtain forms of diencephalic pathology. Blul.ekop.blol.i mod. 48 no.12:31-36 D 159. (MIRA 130) 1. Grappa ablena,-kDrrespondenta AN SSSR W.I. Grashchenkova pri Otdelenii biologichaskikh nank AN SSSR na. base kliniki ner7uykh bolezney I Moskovskogo meditainakogo inatituta. Predstavlena daystvitelInym chlenom ANN SSSR N.I. Grashchenkovym. (SMATHOMIMICS pbysiol.) (DMOITUWN physiol.) GRASHCH3NOV, N.I.; IRGIR, I.M.; USSILS, G.N.; VON, A.M.; YAMWIMKATA, B.I. Basis for pathogenic therapy of cerebrocranial injuries. Report no.l. Functional state of the hemato-encephalic barrier in acute closed cerebro- cranial injuries. Zhur. nevr. i psikh 59 no.3,'351-356 159. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Klinika. nervnykh bolezney (zaveduyushchiy - prof. N.I. Grashchenkov) TSentrallnogo instituta unovershenstvovanlya vrachey i neyrokhirurAtche- skoye otdeleniye (zav. - doktor pod. nauk I.M. Irger) bollnitsy imeni S. P. Botkina, MoBkva. (BRAIN, wds. & inj. hemato-encephalic barrier (Rue)) (IBMTOAMCVHALIC BARRIER, in var. die. brain iuj. (Rua)) GRASHCHENKOV, K.I.; KASSILI, G.N.; USOTA, M.K.; UPYN, A.M.; IVINA, N.A.; KAYM"TSrATA X.-')GM?NMVA Te. M. Application of acupuncture in certain dieeaees; clinical pbysiological inveBtigatione. Zhur.nevr.i psikh. 59 no-10:1159-1166 159. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Laboratorlya reflektornoy terapii Instituta psikhiatrii (direktor - Prof. D.D.-Yedotov)'Minioterstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR, Mosk7a. (AGUFMOTMUC) 17(4), 17(12) SOV/20-126-2-61/64 AUTHORS: KassilIq G. K., Matlinaq E. A.p Sokolinskayaj R. A. TITLE; Adrenaline-like Substances and the Biological Activity of Blood in the Case of Cold Essay Under Normal Conditions and Those of Diencephalic Pathology (Adrenalinopodobnyye veshabeltva. i biologicheskaya aktivnost' krovi pri kholodovoy probe v usloviyakh normy i dientsefallnoy patologii) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Fr 2, PP 446-449 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The state of the vegetative nervous system is to a certain extent characterized by the different forms of the adrenaline- like substances. On the other hand it is imposs--*Ule to gain by only one determination of the chemical composition and the biological properties of blood a conception concerning the "homeostase" boundaries or the structure of the pathological syndrome as the latter is always a combined expression of pathological processes and compensation phenomena. The main principle of the collective group of the authors is a dynami- cal investigation of the human organism: of a healthy, a sick, and a recovering one. The authors did not restrict themselves Card 1/4 to the determination of a physioloeical or biochemical final SOV12o-126-2-61164 Adrenaline-like Substances and the Biological Activity of Blood in the Case of Cold Essay Under Normal Conditions and Those of Diencephalic Pathology constant but tried to find the adaptation mechanisms of the organism and to separate the primary from the secondary re- actions which are so.important for the origin, course, and result of a disease. The authors used the method of the adrenaline-like substances and of the biological blood activity before and after the stress in order to characterize t'ae re- activity of the nervous system. In the present paper the re- sults are given which were obtained by cooling down the ex- perimental person's hand. Healthy persons (control) and such affected with different forms of diencephalic pathology (Refs 5, 6) served for this purpose. With practically healthy persons the cold essay lead to an increase in the sympathetic blood activity. It was expressed by an increase of the positive inotropic effect an an isolated frog heart (an average of 40-5V16). The acetyl-choline level in blood was reduced by an average of 40%- In most cases the content of reversibly re- duced adrenaline-like substances and more rarely of the specifity coefficient (SpC) increased. Thus the primary re- action of healthy persons is in the case of a cold stress Card 2/4 the activation of the sympathetic adrenal apparatus. The SOV20-126-2-61164 Adrenaline-like Substances'and the Biological Activity of Blood in the Case V of Cold Essay Under Normal Conditions and Those of Diencephalic Pathology sick persons can be divided into 4 groups according to the results: Ist g r o u p . The reaction does not differ con- siderably from the normal reaction. Often there occur, how- ever, considerable shifts which surpass the physiological fluctuations of the content of the investigated substances. Mainly persons with functional disturbances of the activity of the regulatory hypothalamus nerves were concerned. The disease is curable in spite of the patients' complaints and shows a favorable course. IInd g r o u p . The sympathetic activity (accumulation of I'sympathines") increa~-es here, the adrenaline-like substances increase, sometimes also the SpC in the case of a simultaneous increase in ace'uyl-chinoline. IIIrd- g r o u p . The sympathetic blood activity and the acetyl-chinoline decrease are reduced. An additional heat essay is recommended (Ref 4)- IVth S r o u p . The sympathetic blood activity is reduced. Reduction of the adrenaline-like substancest sometimes reduction of 3pC. Acetyl-chinoline in- creases (Fig 2). This occurs in severe diencephalic pathology and is scarcely curable. The increase in the sympathetic Card 3/4 blood activity can depend on the accumulation of the adrenaline- SOV/20-126-2-61/64 Adrenaline-like Substances and the Biological Activity of Blood in the Case of Cold Essay Under Normal Conditions and Those of Diencephalic Pathology like substances, on the transition of the oxidized formsto reduced ones, but also on the reduction of the "parasympathine" level. The increase in "parasympathinell level is often connect- ed with the red--iction of the sympathetic activity. There are 1 figure and 7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Gruppa chl.-korr. AN SSSR N. I. Grashchenkova pri Otdelenii biologicheskikh nauk Akademii nauk SSSR (Group of the Corresponding I.Tembei IS USSR N. I. Grashchenkov at the Department of Biological Sciences of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: December 4, 1958, by L. S. Shtern, Academician SUBMITTED: November 29, 1958 Card 4/4 KASSILI, G. ff.; LATASH, L. P. (Moskva) K voprosu ob uchastii retikulyarnoy formatsii stvola cheloveka v nekotorykh gomeostaticheskikh reaktsiyakh organizma report submitted for the First Moscow Conference on Reticular Formation, Moscow, 22-26 March 1960. KASS-ILI G*N* prof. VFYNq-A-,M,j-kand6med.nauk-- Central nervous system# Zdorovie 6 no.439-31 Ap 160. (MIRA 13:8) (NERVOUS SYSTEM) GRASHCHENKOVs N.I.* KASSIL19 0 N.; LATASH, L.P.1 ORDYNETSp G.V. Participation of the reticular formation and hypothalamic vegetative nuclei in man adaptive reactions caused by administration of small doses of adrenaline, Zhur. vys. nerv, deiat. 10 no. 1:10-18 Ja-F 160o (MIRA 14:2) lo N.I, Grashchenkov's Research Group Section of-Biological. Sciencesp U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences. (ADRENALINE) (HYPOTHALAMUS) (ADRENOCORTICAL HORMONES) GRASHCHENKOVp N.I.; KASSIL's G.N., Cl:fnical and phyoiologiqal analysis of some forms of diencephalle pathology. Vbst. Al-21 S'SSR 15 no. 100-18 160. (MIRA 14:4). 1. Laboratoriya neyro-gumorallnoy regulptaii Instituta, vysshey nervnoy deyatelinosti AN SSSR i nauchno-issledovatelfskaya.,gruppa MN SSSR, (~IENCEPHALON-DISUSES) KASSILI# G,N,t prof* Nasal electrophoresis. Sov. med. 24 no. 7:95-103 J1 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Iz laboratorii neyro-gumorallnoy regulaytaii Instituta vysshey nervnoy deyatellnosti Akademii nauk SSSR na Baze kliniki nervnykh bblezney (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AN SSSRg prof. N.I. Grauhchenkov) I Moskovskogo ordens, Lenin& meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M. Seebenova. (ELECTROPHORESIS) (NOSE) ~S ~K GRASHCHENKOV, N.I.; IRGER, I.M.; ~A ~SILI, ~G.N.; GIL21-lkl, P.M.; YJ24ENETSKAU, B.I. Pr inciples of pathogenic therapy in cerebrocranial injuries. Report No.3t Physiological mechanism of certain forms of therapy. Zhur.nevr. i psikh. 60 no.5:551-555 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Klinika nervnykh bolesney (zav. - prof. N.I. Grashchenko) TSentrall- nogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey i neyrokhirurgicheskoys otdeleniye (zav.' - doktor meditsinskikh nauk I.M. Irger) bolluitay imeni S.F. Botkinap Mosk-,ra. BRAINS--WOUNDS AND INMIES) BLOOD VESSELS-PERMEABILITY) KA:39IL, G. N., VANSFELD, I. L., MATLIVA, E. SH., SOKOLINSKAYA, R. A., UGOLrFVA, -93. 11. , and SqqEYBr,,R, 0 . L. (USISIR) "Biochemical Mechanism of Physiological and Pathological Reactions of an Organism on the Introduction of Certain Hormone "reparations.,' Report nresented at the 5th International Biochemistry Congress, Moscow, 10-16 ftLgl 1961 GRASI[CHENKOV,- N4 L, and -KASSIL) G. A (USSR) "The clinico-physiological analysis of some forms of the diencephalic region" Renort submitted to the 7th Intl. Congress of Neurology, Rcrne, Italy, 10-15 Sep 61 KOCIIERGJN, I.G., prof.; KASSILI, G.N., prof. Acupuncture. Zdorovle 7 no.3:14-15 bIr 161. (MICA .14-3) 1. Chien-korrespondent ANN SSSR (for Kqciergin). (ACUPUNTURE) IJN KASSILI G N - BOYETA Ye.M.; VEYN~ A.M.; KAII-ENETSKAYA, B.I.; MALIT=IA, V.S.; --:;~~~OVA, Ye.M.; FISHMANJI M.N. Mechanisms of therapeutic effects in acupuncture. Vest.AHN SSSR 16 no-,3:37!-47 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Iz laboratorii reflektornoy terapii (rukovoditell - deystvitellnyy chlen AliN SSSR N.I.Grashahenkov) Instituta.psikhiatrii (dir. - prof. D.D.Fedotov) AMN SSSR- (ACUPUNCTURE) KA.SSIL') G.N. Hemato-encephalic barrier under certain physiological and pathological conditions of the central nervous system. Fiziol.zhur. 47 no.3:301- 309 Mr 161. (MIPA 1415), 1. From the Laboratory of Neurohumoral Regulation, Institute of the Higher Nervous Activity U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Moscow. WAIN) KASSILI, G.N.; SOLOVIYEVA, A.D. Adrenaline test under norml conditions and in certain forms of diencephalic pathology. Zhur.nevr.i psikh. 61 no.28256-264 161. (MA 34:6) 1. Laboratoriya neyro-gumorallnoy regulyatPii Instituta vySshey nervnoy deyatel'nosti AN SSSR na baze kliniki nervnyk,,i bolezney (zav. - prof. N.I.Grashchankov) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinakogo Instituta. (ADRENALINE) (DIENCEPHALON-DISEASES) Mechanism of the action of mall doses of adrenaline on the human body under normal conditons and in case of certain lesions in the diencephalic regions Dokl. AN SSSR 136 no.2:504-507 161o (MM 1491) 1. Institut, vysohey nervnoy dayatellnosti Akademii nauk SSSR. Predstavlow-akabod N.N. Chernigovskim. (ADRENALIM) - (BRLIN-WOUNM AND INJURM) KASSIL19 GJVj_SOKOLINSKAYAj R#Ao Phenomenon of acetylcholine fixation by the human blood in vitro. Dokl. AN SSSR 140 no.4:959-962' 0 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Institut,vysshey nervnoy deyatel'nosti i neyrofiziologii 91 SSSR. Fredstavleno akademikom V.N.Chernigovskim. (CHOLINE) (BLOOD-ANALYSIS AND CHEMISTRY) V!..YSFj,,fT G.N, prof. .1, T.L.; UOMYVA, S.V. (Moskv;A- KASWL', ,orrelatir,n between adrenaline and his+amine in tho blood in r adrenaline load under nortrial corditioi.s and in some forms of neural patholcgy. Pat. fizi~'!. i eksp. terap. 6 no.41-,78-79 JI-Ag 162. (MIRA 17:8) 1. 1z laborator-ii nevr,-. gumoruilnoy regulyutsii (zav. - chlen- korrespondent kN SSSR prof. N.1. Graahchenkov) Instituta vysf;hey nervnoy deyatellnost-I (dir. - chlpn-korreopondant AW1 SSM prof. V.S. Rislnov) AN SSSR. KASSILI, G.N,, prof.; LATASH, L.R., Consciousnessp wakelVImesso sleep. Zdorovie 8 no.1:9-3-1 ja 162. (I-9RA 150) (MUN-LOCALIZATION OF FIRICTIOM) KASSILI Orl orl all ... 40,jrof.; GRASHCHWOV, U.1.9 prof., otv. red.; VEYN, A.M.p red.izd-va; XASHINA.. P.S.j, takha. red. (Hemato-oncephalic barrier; the anatomy, physiology, methods of examination, and clinical aspect] Gemato-entsefalicheakii barter; anatomlia, fisiologiia, matody issledova=Ua, klinika. Moskva., Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR., 1963. 407 p. (MIRA 160) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR, doystviteltnyy chlen Akademli meditsinskikh nauk SSSR i Akademii nauk Belorusskoy SSR (for Giashchenkov). (Heiatoencephalic barrier) GRASHCHENKOV, N.I., otv. red.; KASSILI, G.N,, prof., otv. red.; SHREYBERG, G.L., red.iz-d--Virj'-9- YYEVA, G.A., tekhn. red. (Physiology and pathology of the diencephalic region of the brain] Fiziologiia i patologiia dienteefallnoi oblasti go- lovnogo mozga. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 506 p. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. laboratoriya neiro-gwm6rallnoy reguliyatsii. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Grashchenkov). (DIENCEPHALON) KASSILsp GoVol prof* Brain barrier. 7odorovle 9 noe3t9-LI Mr 163. (KMA 1615) (stm) (CAPIMARTES-PERMBILITY) K-A-S-SILI G-JI.; BOYINA, Ye.M.; VEYN, A.M.; KAHENETSKAYA, B.I.; MALfTSINA, V.S.; I ----A ~-~~INILKOVA, Ye.M.; RAYT, M.L. Acupuncture s a reflex method of treatment and its specific characteristics. Vop. kur., fizioter. i lech. fiz. kul't. 28 no.5:415-419 S-0 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Iz laboratorii reflektornoy terapii A14N SSSR. BOYEVA, Ye.M., kand. med. nauk; GRASHCHENKOV, N.I..,,prof.; KAMENETSKAYA, B.I., kand. med. nauk; prof.; NELINIKOVA, Ye.M, FISHMANy M.N., kand. biolog. nauk (R-6akva) I Dysfunction of the hypothalamic region of the Insin in the acute stage of closed craniocerebral injuries. Klin. med. 41 no.9-0113-1-19 S163 (MIRA 17:3) 1. Iz laboratorii klinicheakoy neyrofiziologii ( zav. - day- stvitelInyy chlen ANN SSSR prof. N.I. Grashchenko) ANN SSSR i laboratorii ney-gumorallnoy regulatsii ( zav. - deystvitell- nyy chlen AM SSSR prof. N.I. Grashchenko) AN SSSR. KASSILI, GX. (Moskva) Catechol amines and their role in the regulation of body functioni. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 63 no.8:1255-1258 163. (MIRA 17:10) V KASSILI) G.N.; LATASH, L.P.; RUTMAN, E.M. Mechanism of the action of cholinergic substances introduced into the brain ventricles. Dokl. AN SSSR 149 no.2:464-467 Mr '63. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Laboratoriya neyrogumorallnoy regulyatsii AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V.N.Chernigovskim. (PARASYMPATH014IMETICS) (ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY) GRASHCHENKOV, N.I., prof., akademik, otv. red.; BANSTICHIKOV, V.M.l zasl. deyatell nauki, prof.., red.;J~��;Pl, G.N.) prof.s red.; KOVANOV, V.V., prof... red.; M lSJHkOV',-V-.'V.j kand. med. nauk, red.; SHRffBERG, G.L,p ved. red. [Adrenaline and noradrenaline; reports] Adrenalin i norad- renalin; doklady. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nauka," 1964. 310 p. (MIRA 27:6) 1. Nauchnaya konferentsiya "Katekholaminy i ikh roll v re- gulyateii funktsiy organizma (biokhimiya,, fiziologiya, klinika)* Moscow, 1962. 2. C.Uen-korrespondent AN SSSR i Akaden:iya nauk Belorusskoy SSSR (for Grashchenkov). 3. Dey- stvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR (for Kovanov). 4. Laboratoriya neyro-gumorallnay regulyataii AN SSSR (for Kassill). GJ..; V" AY,~)PELID, -[.L.; VEYN, E .4. r, RAY T, P1. L. ; !~. A. ; S I I I U,'~(BER , G. L. Analwis of neural, ~Jinoraj. and hormonal changeo In some for-ins of vigilance disorders. Vest. AMN S-c',",R 11) no.6:54-62 t64. (1411RA 18;4) 1. laboratoriya nervUl(b i. -Limorall-iykh reguiyatsiy A] SSSR. KASSILIS G N.,,p;-of., (14oikva) Hormone of danger. Priroda 53 no.4s77-79 164. (MM 17t4) 'S KYA A 60, K(.1 I, L N Mechanism of acetyleholl-ne binding with blc%ja ~~n vit-o. BiJul. sksp. b1ol. i med. 57 no.4:38-4-9 Ap 18:3) Laboratoriya neyro-gu moral I noy regulyatsii IzEvv. chlen- kirrespondent AN SSSR N.I. Grashchankov) AN S'S,S)11. Subm- ~ed iqpril 2, 1963. KASSIL'O G.N.; GEKHTO B.M.; SOLOVIYEVA, A.D.; UGOLEVA, S.V. Insulin test in the clinical aspects of diencep*halic pathology. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 64 no.9tl327-1333 164. .(MM 17.-12) 1. Laboratoriya neyro-gumorallnoy regu-1yatsii AN SSSR i laboratoriya klinicheskoy neyrofiziologii (zaveduyushchiy - prof. N.J. Gr'ashchenkov) AMN SSSR, Moskva. -G.N.; GRIGOPIYI-,.'V, M.Yu.; ISIXEYBLIRG, G.L.; VPiY,;I?ELlfj, I.L.; RAYT, M.L.; SHAGAL, D.I. Humoral mechanisms of reactiono caused by tho introduction of carbocholine into cerebrospinal fluid. Dokl. AN SSSR .1 156 no. 4:Q,64--967 Te 164. (miruk 17:6) 1. Prudstavleno akademikom V.N.Chernigovskim. KASSILI . MI.; MATLINA, E.Sh. Exretion of catechol amines (adrenaline, kf6radrenaline, dopasino-4- and dopa) with human urine. Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no. 5t1236-1238 Je--164. (mim 17:6) 1. Predstavleno akademikom V.N.ChernigovskizT. KASS-I'Ll, G.N.; GRASHCHRIKOV, N.I.; MATLINA, E.Sh.; BOYFVA, ~J'~ Syrpatheticoadronal sysluem in an acute cranjocerebral irl~llrf. j DoUl. AIN SSSR 158 no.6:1455-11+58 0 164. 1. Diboratoriya po izu-cheniyu ner-wrykh i gimorai'myk.'! regul- fltsiy AN SSSR. 21. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for, 'Ure--echenk--:,-v' KASSIL', Grigorly Ndumovich~- GRASHCHENKOV, N.I.,, otv. red. [PaLi and anesthesia] Boll i obezbolivanie. 2. izd., ispr. i dup. Moskvap Nauka, 1965. 316 p. (MIRA 18:5) VAYSFELID, !.L.; GRASHCHENKOV, N.T.; KASSIL',, G.N. Hilsl-,amine and its '-nac~l--4va-.'-ng systems, in acute cranlocerebrall t.-auma. rok---, . AN SSSR 164, nc'.2~ li612-465 S '65j. (ITRA, ---l .8 : 9) 1. Laboratoriya po izuchuniyu nervnykh gumorall-iykh regulyat8ly AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korret~pond en 11-1 AN o.- Grafihchenlkov KASSIL19 Lev I ------ Normal childr n. Rab. i sial, 37 nc.,102 I* (KIRA 34:3) ,,,- Mr IAesthetics) ldrenl~ls clothing) v Sj 1~ KASSIV, G.N., professor; I'ASSILIg T.G. The liver. Worm's 3 no.2:9-11 7 157. (MLRA 100) (LIVXR) WSILI, V.G. vrach -kvw~ww~,'w Herpes. Zdorovle 4 no.10:31 0 158 (MM 11:11) (HKRPES SIMPIXX) JKASSILI V.illso~lv~. I Teares' rdorovie 4 n0,9324-25 (LAGRIML MGANS) 158 (MIRA 11:10) 17 (1) AUTHORS: Kassill, V. G*, Ugolev, A. M., SOV/20-126-3-65/69 Th-er-_nFg-cvskiyp V. N., Corresponding Member AS USSR TITLE: Gastric Reception and Control of Food Behaviour in Dogs (Reteeptsiya zheludka i regulyateiya pishohevogo povedeniye, u oobak) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 3, pp 692 - 695 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The statement that an excess or lack of different substances in the inner part of the organism is able to influence speci- fically such a complicated behaviour reaction as the food se- lection is based upon the hitherto collected facts. The in- vestigation of the mechanisms which secure such influences is in this connection very necessary. The osmoreception and pos- sibly the reception of other blood components is caused by the carotid nodules (karotidnyye klubQohki) according to several present observations. It is, however, as well possible that a chemical analysis of the substances introduced into the organ- ism occurs already earlier in the bowel before they are absorb- Card 113 ed by the blood (Refs 1, 3-5). The authors tried to explain in Gastric Reception and Control of Food Behaviour SOV/20-126-3-65/69 in Dogs this connection the possibility of specifically reflex influ- ences of the intestine interoceptors of higher animals on - their food behaviour. Approximately 250 experiments were car- ried out with 8 dogs which had gastric fistulas. A soundproof chamber or an isolated room served this purpose. 15 ml solu- tion with an equal quantity of milk, however, with different sodium chloride concentrations were offered to the dogs in 4-8 containers. A cover was removed from the food containers before each experiment so that the dog could choosethe milk- -salt solutions. The taken solutions flowed out again through the gastric fistula which was opened during this interval. The stomach was rinsed with warm water after each experiment. First a salt concentration was detected above which the dogs refused the solutions. Only dogs were chosen in the case of which this maximum concentration remained constantly on the same level. NaCl, glucosev et al. were introduced into the stomach by the fistula. Already after the first experiments it became obvious that the food reaction changes after the introduction of 300 - 500 ml hypertonic NaCl solution (3-5%)- In 2 - 3 cases the Card 2/3 dogs refused the most concentrated HaCl solutions in milk (Fig Gastric Reception and Control of Food Behaviour BOV/20-126-3-65/69 in Dogs 1). Sometimes the reaction was so distinctly marked that the dogs drank pure milk. The selection reaction-was changed in almost all experiments in which a NaCl solution of 5 or 3% had been introduced into the stomach by the fistula. The re-- action occurred after only 3-5 minutesl sometimes 15-20 mi- nutes and more. The above mentioned reaction could be stopped neither by filling the stomach with 300-500 ml water nor by expansion by means of an introduced balloon. The change in the reaction vanished, howeverg after repeated experiments with water filling or expansion by means of a balloon. The mention- ed phenomena are of reflex nature. Figure 2 shows that the In- troduction of 300-500 ml glucose- or saccharose solution does not influence the selection of milk-salt solutions. The change in the selection is realized under the participation of affer- ent systems of the nervus vaguap although also other centri- petal ways play a certain Ale (in line with reference 2). There are 2 figures and 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: March 5, 1959 Card 3/3 KASSILI, V. G., Cand Med Sci.-- (diss) "Reflex effect in stornach re- ceptors on feeding behavior in dogs." Moscow, 1960. 19 pp; (Academy of Medical Sciences USSR); 250 copies; price not given; (KL, 18-60, 156) Te- UGOLEV, A.Mq XASSILI, V.G. (Mookva) Phyoiolog.v of appetitee- Usp.scvr.biol. 51 no.3s352-368 MY-Je 161* (MIRA 14:6) (APPETITE) CHEfWOOVSKIY, V.N., LRKIND, M.V., ~~nl V~-G-' UGOIZV, A.X. ornteroception and alimentary behaviour of the ardmal.11 Roport submitted, but not presented at the 22nd InternatIonal. Congress of Phwological Soleness. Leiden, the Hot * lands 20-17 Sep 1962 ARFUTD, II.V.; KASSILI V.G.; UGOLEV, A.M. Regulation of the water and salt apperites. Trudy Inst. norm. i pat. fiziol. AKIN SSSR 6:146-149 162 (MIRA 17:1) 1. Laboratoriya obshchey fiziologii ( zav. - akademik V.N. Chernigovskiy) Instituta normallnoy i patologicheskoy fiziolo- gii AMN SSSR. KASSILI V.G. Dl--Inking st.-Amulus and the T-af-p of" water passage from the vtomach to the intestine, Dc4LI. AN &SSR, 159 no.5c!194-~-a% D 164. (MIRA 18cl) I* Inst-Itat fiziolog."Li tqi. 1.".'~'avlnva AN ",SSP. Fredstaxlero akademikom V.11. Chernigovakimo KAF"'IL', V.G. Significance of gastric receptors for a differentiated alimentary behavior. Nauch.5oob. Inst.fiziol. AN SSSR no.3:59-63 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Laboratoriya obslichey fiziologii (zav. - V.N.Chernigovsk-Ly) i laboratoriya fiziologii pitaniya (zav. A.M.Ugolev) Itistituta fiziologii imeni Pavlo,,,a AN SSSR. KASSILI, V.L. ~hnagement of patients following tracheostomy for reanimation. Vest. khir. no.10:129-134 164. (MIIRA 19:1) 1. Iz tsentra reanimataii Moskovskoy klinicheskoy ordena Lenina boltnitsy imez-i Botkina (glavnyy vrach - dotsent Yu.G. Antonov, glavnyy khirurg - prof. B.S. Rozanov) i laboratorii eksperimen- tallnoy fiziologii po ozhivleniyu organizma (zav. prof. V.A. Negovskiy) At-IN SSSR. SHABANOV9 A.19.,, professor (Moskvai Navoslobodskaya, d,57-65p kv.10); KASSILI, V.L, Tracheostomy as a method of control in acute respiratory in- mSficiency. Vest.khir. no.5:122-128 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Iz protivoshokovogo teentra, otdeleniya, neotlozhnoy khirurgii (zav. - 'T.P. Bel'skaya) Moskovskoy klinicheskoy ordena Lenina, bol;nitsy im. S.P. Botkina (gl. vrach - prof. A.R. Shabanov). (TRACH&A-S'URGERY) (RESPIRATIO11) Control of insufficiency of external respiration in shock and terminal states. Ortop,, travm. i protez. no.12:17-22 61. (MIRA 153;) 1. Iz TSentra po lecbeniyu shoks. i terminaltnykh sostoyaniy Moskovskoy klinicheakok bollnitsy im. S. P. Botkina (glavnyy vrach - prof. A. N. Sbabanov,, nauchnyy konsul'tant - prof. D. K. Yazykov) i laboratorii eksperimentalinoy fiziologii (zav. prof. V. A. Negovskiy) AMN SSSR. - (SHOCK) (RESPIRATORY ORGANS-DISEASES) so RABINOVICH, B.N.; KASSILI, V.L. Casa of revival from a state of clinical death usin heart mosage. Khirurgiia no.9:130 162. IMMA 15:10). 1. Iz urologichaskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. A.P.Frumkin) i Mantra po lecheniyu ahoka i terminallnykh sostoyaniy (rukovoditeli - professors. V.A.Negovskiy i B.S.Rozanov) Moskovskoy klinicheakoy ordena Lenina. bollnitsy imeni S.P.Botkina (glavnyy vrach dotsent Yu.G.Antonov). (HEART FAILURE) (RESUSCITATION) KCRSMOV, Ivan Ivanovich; KASSIN, P,z,, redo; SAYTANIDI, L.D,, (He who doesn't work, doesn't eat] Ito ne raboteet, tot ne eat. Moskva, Izd-vo 14-va sell.khoz.RSFSa, 1960. 63 p. (Agricultural laborors) (KIRA 14:2) KASSIN, P.S., red.; SAYTANIDI, L.D., tekhn. red. (Put the resources of the land in the service of our country) Bogatstva zemli - na sluzhbu Rodine; materialy. Moskva. Izd- vo M-va sell.khoz. RSFSR, 1962. 131 p. (MIRA 15:2) 1, Soveshchaniye rabotnikov sellskogo khozyaystva Dallnego Vostoka i lAkutskoi ASSR, Khabarovsk 1961. (Soviet Far East-Agriculture) (Yakutia-Agriculture) _.4kSSIN, Ye.- Letts talk about your snapshots. Sov.foto 22 no-10:40-42 0 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Fotokorvespondent TASS. (Photography) wwo Qef 1 1. (Moscow) "Modern Problems of Clinical Picture and Pathomorphology of Erythremia." Report submitted for the Eight International Congress ct Hematology, Tokyo, Japan., 4-10 Sep 60. KAZIMIN, G.S.; KASSIROV, G.M.; KREYNDFII, Yu.Ye.; LAPTEVA, T.I. Some aspects of constructing accelerator tubes for high currents. Izv. TPI 122:108-115 162. (MMA 17:9) KALY-ATSKIY, I.I.; KASSIROV, G.M. Breakdown of a high vacuum by short voltage pulses. IzV. VY8. uchob. zav.; fiz. no-4:78-81 163. NIFA 16:9) 1. Tomskiy politeldinicheskiy institut imeni S.I.I.Kirova. (Breakdown, Electric) 'ACCESSION AMR. AP4013427 S/0057/64/034/002/0348/035.1 AUDHOR: Falyatslci,y, I.I.;,JFa~~sirov, G.M. TITLE: Investigation of the effect of electrode material on pulse breakdown of a high-vacuu: n gap SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhn.,fiz., v.34, no.2, 1964, 348-351 TOPIC TAGS: breakdown, pulse breakdown, high-vacuum'breakdown, electrode material, graphite electrode, lead electrode, copper electrode, aluminum electrode, steel electrode, aluminum steel electrode ABSTRACT: The breakdown of a 1 = high vacuum gap between a 20 = diameter hemi- spherical cathode and a plane anode was investigated with voltage pulses having rise times from 0.2 to 4 microsec. A pressure less than 2 x 10-5 mm H& was main- tained in the gap, and electrodes of graphite, lead, copper, aluminum and steel wore investigated. The pulses wore produced by discharge of a 100 W capacitor, and the rise times were7controlled by an R-C circuit. The potential across the gap was measured and the breakdown was observed with an oscilloscope. The breakdowns ocourr- ad during the riso of the pulse, and the earlier,. the steeper the pulse, Breakdown CWd ACCMICH MRS AP4013427 times of 0.1 microsec were achieved with all the electrode materials. The 0.1 =to-! rosec ttpulse coeffi cient", I.e., ths ratio of the breakdown potential at 0.1 micro-! see delay to the,stotic breakdown potential, ranged from 1.93 for copper to 2.9 for, 'graphite electrooes-. Except for the steel electrodes, which did not follow this rule, the pulse coefficient Increased with decreasing Young's modulus of the elec- trode material. 'The-,curves of breakdown potential versus delay time were convox,to the time axis, except for steel electrodes. The steel eLectrodecurve was slightly ~concave. Breakdown between aluminum and steel electrodes was investigated. each material -serving in tum as anode. The breakdown potential for very short delay times was approximately that characteristic of the anode material, and the shape of, -the delay time curves was reminiscent of that obtained when both electrodes were of; the cathode material. It is considered diflicult to reconcile the ob7served short delay times with-Cranberg's hypothesis concerning vacuum breakdown (L.Cranborg, J. Appl.Phys.23,513.,1952) because of the long time required for a material Particle to' traverse the gap,. "In conclusion, the authors express their gratitude to engineer B.M. Koval Ichuk for participating in the preliminary experiments.' 3 Tigures and 1 table. 2/3 Card ACCESSION NIZ: AP4013427 ASSOCIPMON: Tomskiy politelchnichoskiy institut ir.. S.1,11.Kirova (Tomsk Polytechnic .4nstitute) SM'.11ITTED: 12Doc62 DATE ACQ% 2GFab64 EXCL: 00 SUB CODE: PA NR REF SOV: 005 O-IAZR: 001 3/3 Card ACCESSION NR: AP4020577 S/0057/64/034/003/0484/0487 AIMIOR: Kassirov, G.M.; Kovallchuk, B.M. TITLE: Investigation of delay times for the electric brealtdown in vacuum gaps SOURCE! Zhurnal tokhniallaakoy fizi)(1, v.34, no.3, 1004, 484-487 TOPIC TAGS: breakdown, electric breakdown, vacuum breakdown, vacuum gap, breakdown' delay time ABSTRACT: The brealtdown of positive :;pliare (12 min diameter) to plane electrode gaps in vacuum was investigated. The cluatrodos were of copper and were carefully cleaned and polished. The gap length %va.-i varied from 0.1 to 1.0 mm% The vacuum chmn- ber was of metal; the gaps were thus prc.,;umibly in darkness. The residual gas pres- sure was between 10-5 and 2 x 10-5 min 11g. No cold trap was employed to remove the pump oil vapor. The voltage pulses were produced by discharging a capacitor bank through a pressure gap into a 75 ohm cable. A voltage doubler (not described) was employed at the open end of the cable. The rise time of the pulse is said to have been 4 or 5 nanosec. The oscillograms reproduced show, however, that the pulse rom in twoztages: the voltage rose in 4 or 5 nanocec to half its final value and re- C"dl/2 ACCESSION M-.' AP4020577. mained nearly constant at this value for 10 or 12 nanosec, after which it again rose-in another 4 or 5 nanosod to its final value. The delay times were measured from the instant the voltage pulse reached its full value to the time at which the gap potential had dropped by ~0%. The delay times wore measured at overvoltage co-,, efficients (ratio of pulse voltage to static breakdown potential) up to 1.7. They ranged from about 32 nanosec for the 1 mm gap at an overvoltage coefficient of 1.1! to about 6 nanosec for all gaps at an overvoltage coefficient of 1.7. The relation- between overvoltage and delay time was approximately linear. The relation between _ delay time and gap length at fixed overvoltage coefficient was nonlinear: tile delay time increased much more rapidly with gap length for Cap lengths near 0.4 mm'than for either longer or shorter gaps. This behavior is discussed very briefly in terms, of the rol'e of cathode field emission in the breakdown mechanism. ."In concluaion,'' the authors express-their gratitude to Assistant Professor-I.X.Kalyatakiy for his constant the work.". 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Tomskiy politeldinicheskiy institut im.S.M.Kirova Cromak Polytech.Inst.) 'XCCESSION XR: AP4042937 S/0057/64/034/008/1471/1475 ,AUMOR: Kalyatskiy, I.I.; Xassirov G.M., ~.TITLE: Investigation of pulse flashover of several solid dielectrics in vacuo ;SOURCE: Zhurnal teldinicheskoy liziki, v.34, no.B,"1064, 1471-1475 .TOPIC TAGS- insulating material, flashover, sparkover, dielectric, particle ac- ,colerator ~ABSTRACT: In order to obtain data that might be useful in the design of accelera- ;tors and other high-vacuum high-vo 'ltago equipment,.the authors measured the vacuum .pulse flashover (sparkbver) potentials of teflon, a vinyl plastic, an epoxy resin, and an acrylic resin for pulse durations from 0.1 to 3 microsec. The apparatus is described elsewhere (I. I. Xalyatskiy and G. M. Xassirov, Izv.VUZov,Fizika No. 4,1963). ,The flashover always occurxed during the rise of the pulse. The only information gi- ven concerning pulse shape is a single oscillogram; in this case flashover occurred, while the pulse was still rising at about half its initial rate. The specinens were .1.5 cm diaz-,ieter cylinders -from 0.5 to 2 cm long. The surfaces were worked with line' emery paper, polished, washed, with benzene and alcohol, and the specimens were placxd 1/3 ;AC(XSSION XR: AP4042937 ~in the dischnrgo chamber between 4.5 cm diameter aluminim electrodes..The specimens wore subjected to a cleansing,dischargo, and the flashover potentials were measured both with increasing and with 'decreasing pulse du~ption. The flashover potential increased with the length of the specimen, but not quite proportionately. Pulse fw- ;tors (ratio of pulse to steady spark potential) of 2 to 5 were obtained with 0.1 ;microsec pulses. At 1.5 microsee the pulse factors,, except for t6flon, were less ,than 1.65. These pulse factors are close to those,pbtained for c'Qramic materials .under similar conditions by M.'Kofoid (Power Apparatus and Systems No.6,999,1960). 'Although lor most of the materials the pulse factor decreased monotonically with in- -creasing pulse duration, for Plexiglas the pulse factor reached i minimum of 1.33 at about 1.5 microsec and increased to approximately 2 at 3 microsec. The authors :suggest that some of the other materials may have similar minima at longer pulse ;durations, beyond the range of their measurements. Measurements were made with po-1, lished aluminum, ground aluminum, and graphite olo~trodes; no differences were iound. Reducing the cathode d-iameter to 1.5 cm increased the flashover potential for short pulses by a :factor 2; reducing the anode diameter had very little effect. 'Specimens with carefully polished surfaces flashod over at a 30 to 4010 lower poten- tial than those whose surfaces had been worked with fine emorgy. 6 figures. 2/3 ACCESSION NR:. AP4042937 ASSOCIATION: Tomskiy politelchnichoskiy institut im. S.M.Kirova (Tomsk Polytechnic Tnstitute) SUBMITTLD: O9Jul63 ENTL: 00 :ISTJB CODE: EE, NP NR REP SOV: 002 -OTHER:003 3/3 .ACCESS ION NR: AP4042938 8/0057/64/034/008/1476/1481 AUTHOR- Kassirov, G.M.; Mesyats, d.A. ~TITLR: On the breakdown mechanism of short vacuum gaps .SOURCE: Zhurnal takhnicheakoy fiziki, v.34, no.8, 1964, 1476-1481 ;TOPIC TAGS: spark ignition, electric breakdown, vacuum breakdown ABSTRACT: The experimental work of G.K.Kassirov and B.M.Kovallchulc (ZhTF 34'No.31 11964) on the pulse breakdown of 0.1 to I mm vacuum gaps has been continued. New ex- perimental results are reported, and the earlier results are reviewed. The salient experimental facts adduced.are the following: 1) There is a delay of 5 to 30 nanot- sec between application of the pulse and initiation of the breakdown. This delay time increases nonlinearly with increasing gap length and decreases with increasing :overvoltage. 2) After initiation of the breakdown, the gap potential falls approxi- ,mately linearly to zero over a decay period of 3 to 40 nanosec. The decay period in- .creases with increasing gap length, and it also increases with increasing overvol- I stage. 3) The linear decay of the gap voltage is Interrupted In the case of the lorg- 9 ler gaps by fluctuations which, in the case of the Ion goat gaps, assume an almost os-. iACCESSION NR: AP4042938 icillatory character.with periods from 5 to 10 nanosec. The work of A.Maitland (J. it.J.Ap'l.Phys.13,122,1962) on pitting of vacuum gap elec-'. ,Appl.Phys.32,2399,1961; Br p ~trodes is reviewed briefly. An a .ttempt is made to provide theoretical'explanations 'I !for the experimental results described aboye with the aid of concepts derived from ;Maitland's findings. To explain the delay time, the authors assumo Thai Maitland's: ~electron beam issuing from a "micropoint" on the cathode has reached its critical ,intensity by the time the pulse has risen to it~ maximum, and,,they,calculate the time required for the beam to vaporize a portion of the anode and eject a puff of .anodo metal vapor. This time they regard as the delay time. For gaps of 0.3 = and .less the calculated delay times are of the same order of magnitude as the observed,: .and they behave similarly with varying overvoltage. For longer gaps the observed de- lay times are much longerAhan the calculated. The authors suggest that in these ,cases the electron beam does not reach its critical intensity at once, and that the time required for the development of the beam must be included in the calculation. ,:The explanation'.of the transition to the are dtichargo (decay time) is more involvecL .The suggestion of U. and A.Goldmann (Compt.rend.Acad.Sci.255,213,2654,1961) that the:--,- itransition Occurs when metal vapor traverses the gap as a result of its explosive Ojection from the anode is untenable, for the process In too slow, Iona, an the oth.~ .or hand, traverse the gap in a time much shorter than the observed decay times. The! 2/3 ACCESSION NR-. AP4042938 authors suggest that when Maitland's electron beam ejects a puff of anode metal va por, some ions are formed and a narrow conducting channel results. It is assumed that this channel somehow stimulates the development of other electron beams in its: vicinity. The process then continues as a chain reaction and thus accounts for the :Xluctuations of the electrode potential during the decay period. When the overvol- ~tage is increased, the electron beams become narrower and produce smaller electrode! pits and fewer conductive'channels. More channels are then required to lower the gap potential by a given amount, and their production.requires more time, Orig art.has: 10 formulas, 3 figures, and I table. ASSMIATION: Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy institut lm.S.M.Kirova (Tomsk Polytechnic Institute) '.SUBMITTED: 06AugQ3 EXCL: 00 SUB CCDE: EX HR REP SOV: 010 OTHER:009 3/3 L 22274-66 EWT(l) ACC NR: An6005l9l SOUROE'CODZ: UR/0058/65/000/009/0019/6016 AUTHOR: Kassirov, 0. M. 33 TITLE: On the pulsed electric strength of vacuum gaps' SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika Abs. 9GI49 REF. SOURCE: Sb. Proboy dielektrikov i poluprovodnikov., M.-L., Energiya, 1964, 91-93 TOPIC TAGS: dielectric breakdown, vacuum, spark gap 21, TRANSLATION: Results are described of experiments on the breakdown of vacuum g2ps up to 1 mm under the influence of voltage pulses of duration 0.1 3.0 ~tsec. It is shown that the prior conditioning of the gap, namely the number of pulses and the size of the current in each pulse, e-l'erts-an-appreciable influence. To obtain a rela-. 1tively stable value of the breakdown voltage, the gap must be broken down beforehand some 200 -- 300 times. Measurements of the volt- second characteristics of a preconditioned gap between a hemisphere Card L 28495-66 EWIM ACC MAMO04W SOURCE CODHt UR/0275/65/000/010/AO24/AO25 AUTHORj Kassirov~ 0. M. TITLEt MMulae electric strength of vacuum gaps Abs. 10A177 SOURCS::Ref. zh's Elektronika i yWe primenani", -93' MW SOURCE% Sb. Proboy dielektrikov.j poluprovodnikov. M.-L Energlya' 1964m, 91 TOPIC TAOSt el*otric currento glect ic br down, electrovacuum, electric., polarization, electric discharge ABSTRACT: The results are described of an experimental study of breakdown of vacuum gaps up to 1--em long with 0,1-3.0-microsee impulses. An essential effect of training (number of impulses and their currents) is shown. Relatively stable breakdown-voltage va:Lues were obtained only after the gap had been broken 200-300 times. A heavier-current training results in a lower breakdown voltage; hence, the heavy currant training was selected. A volt-second characteristic of a trained gap betweena hemisphere and a plane was measuredl the effect of hemisphere polarity was observed: with i positive-polarity#.the breakdown voltage was by 10-15% higher than with a negative polarity. The experiments corroborated some earlier data on the effect ofthe interelectrode distance upon the volt-second characteristic shape: -dth a 0.3-m gap, no discharge lag was abservedl with longer gaps (0-7 m), :higher breakdown voltage corresponded to shorter t1me of voltage application* nVe apres, Bibliography of 4 titl4s'6 1-.D6 Manslatl= Of abstract] III UDC:5 ..-CM1 09 ACC NR_iAP'_~661ii'J6 SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/5 /66/010/1883~1885 5 UTHOR: Kass iroV, G. none iTITLL: Effect of electkode material on the breakdown time of a vacuum gap SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 10, 1966, 1883-1885 TOPIC TAGS: spark gap, vacuum*electric discharge, electrode, steel, copper, graphite, aluminum, lead ABSTRACT: The author has employed high voltage square pulses and apparatus and techniques described elsewhere by himself and B.M.Kovallchuk (ZhTF, 34, 484, 1964) to measure the delay times in the breakdown of vacuum gaps with electrodes of steel, copper, aluminum, graphite, iand lead, The potentials giving equal delay times for 0.5 mm gaps with electrodes of graphite, aluminum, copper and steel increased in the order in which the electrode materials are named. This finding is in agreement with the results of N.B.Rozanova and V.L.Granovskiy (ZhTF, 26, 490, 1956). When the delay times were plotted against the overvoltage, the curves for the different elec- trode materials fell into three groups: for steel, copper,and graphite, the delay time at an overvoltage of 1.2 was 18-20 nanosec; for aluminum the delay time at the ~s ame overvoltage was about 8 nanosec; and for lead the delay time was less than 5 nanosee and could not be measured. The following semiempirical equation for the Card 1/2 UDC: 537.521.7 NRs delay time t in terms of properties of the electrode material, based on the theory of A.Maitland (J.Appl.Phys., 32, 11, 23999 1961)l is presented: t w (AcksT2d6/5)/ (LK2V3). In this equation, C is the heat capacity, k is the beat conductivity, s is the specific gravity, and T is the melting point of the electrode material, d is the gap length, V ij ~he pVlse breakdown potential, and K is a constant whose value is 6.8 x 10 erg/V .cm1'4 sec. Abstracter's-note: The author does not say what L represents.7 This formula is shown to be in very rough agreement with the experi- mental data. It is concluded that thermal processes at the anode play an important role in the process of vacuum gap breakdown, has: 1 formula, 2 figures, and 2 tables. SUB CODE: 20 SUM DATHs. 23S3-p65- ORTO REP: 003 OTH REF: 001 2/2 USSIROV, L.N.; X&MYSHU, 1*78*0 nauchwy rukovoditell , doktor ekon. nauk. [Boonomic accountability on state farms; authorls abstract of a die- sertation offered for the degree of candidate of the economic ciences] Khozraschet v sovkhozakh; avtoreferat dissertaiaii na : oiskanJa uchenoi stepeni kandidata ikonomichookikh nia*. Fauchnyi rukovadi.tell I.M. Kkntyahev. Koekva, Akad. nauk SSSR, 1957, 19 p, (State farms--Aecountiug) (MM U.-B) KASSIROV, Leonid Nikola e c kand.ekonom.nauk. nauchnyy sotradnik; ZUBRILINA, Z.P., [Business accounting on state farms] Khozioistvennyi raschet v sovkhozakh. Moskva, Goe.izd-vo sellkh02.lit-ry, 1959. 124 p. (KIRA 12:9) 1. Institut eko4omi)d Akademii nauk SSSR (for Kassirov). (State farzas--Accounting) KASS IROV.-.L~- Costs, prices and business accounting on collective farms. Yop. ekon. no.3:74-81 Mr 160. (MIRA 13:2) (Collective farms--Pinauce) SUVOR(YVA, Lidiya Illinichna; KASSIROV, Iaonid NikolaZ2yich; VA.RT-BARONYAN,V.y red.; KIEEPACH, IT., red.; SLMEVSKaA, M., tekhn. red. [Knowledge and know-how; collection of articles on the economics of socialist agriculture] Uat' i umet". sbornik statei po ekonomike ootsialistichesk-m sel'skogo khoziaistva. Moskva, Izd-vo TsK VLKS-1 "Molodaia gvardiiall 1961. 189 P. (MIRA 14:12) (Agriculture-E,conomic aspects) I ~ - I ., ~ I-II~ z -- USS IROV, Le Problems of working capital of collective farms. Vop. ekon. uo.1: 26-36 Ja 161. (KIM 13:12) (Collective farms-Finance) KASSIROV, L. "Utilizing the law of value in collective fam production" by V.G. Venzhor. Reviewod by L. KaBsirov. Vop. ekon. no.7:127- 133 J1 161. (MIRA 1-4:7) (Collective farms) (Value) J.D, starobiy qotr~~' LAPTEV r BUYANOV, F.S.,, starshiy nauchrwy sotr.;- 'Aarafdy naucWyy - setr.; TERYAYEVA) A.P., starshiy nauc sotr.; SUVOROVA, L.I.., sta-,Bhiy nauch- nyy sotr.; SIDOROVA, M.I., starshiy nauchnyy sotr.; M021, S.I., starshiy nauchnyy sotr.; Prinimali uchastiye: ARKHIPCVj A.I., mladshiy nauchnyy sotr.; VAZYULYA, P.F., mladshiy na- uchnyy sotr.; KARLYUK, I.Ya.,, mladshiy nauchryy sotr.; KA,OIAUKHOVA, Ye.I.,, mladshiy nauchrqy sotr.; KRYLOVA, T.N., mladshiy nauchnyy sotr.; RONANOVSKMA, L.S., mladshiy naacbnyy sotr.; CHISTOV, G.N., m-lad.shiy nauchnyy sotr.; POTAPOV, Kh.Ye.,, red.; GL9AS11-10VA, Ye.S., tekhn. red. (Com=al funds of collective farms and the distribution of col- lective farm income] Obshchestvennye fondy kolkhozov i raspre- delenie kolkhoznykh dokhodov. Moskva, Izd-vo ekon. lit-ry, 1961. 386 p. (MIIU 15:3) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut ekonomiki. 2. Sektor ekono- miki sellskogo khozyaystva. Instituta ekonomiki Alcademii nauk SSSR (for Laptev, Buyanov, Kassirov, Teryayeva, Suvorova., Sidorova, Semin). (Collective farms-Income distribution) -.,=SIROV-jF- Leonid .-Nikoleyevich, kani. ekon=. nauk; PYLAYEVA, A.P.p red.; DEYEVA, VAL, tekhn. red, (The working capital of collective farms] Oborotmye aredstva kolkhozov. Moskva Seltkhozizdat; 1962. 110 p. (KIRA 15:6) tdollective farms-Finance) A.-JR.- KASSIROV, L., kand.ekonomicheskikh nauk; ARKHIFOV, A. Now phase in the development of Soviet agriculture. Komm.Vooruzh.- Sil 2 no.9:53-58 Yq 162. (MIRA 15:5) (Agricultural policy) KASSIROV) L. Intensification is the main path for developing agriculture. Vop. ekon. no.3:10-21 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:3) (Agriculture) KASSIROV, L. N. "Mechanization of agriculture and improvement of labor production" report to be submitted for the United Natiom Owterence on the Application of Science and Technology for the Benefit of the Less Developed Areas Geneva, Switzerland, 4-2o reb 63- BADARIYAR, G.G.; TYIJTIW, V.A.; C101aUS11KP1, S.D.; ZUZIK.' D.T.; It KHODASEVICH, B.G.; FRAYER, S.V.; C;U.W-iCrV, Ye.I.; KAZANSKIY, A.M.; KARAYEV, S.A.; AWAFOV, V.A.; VASIL'YEV, N.V.; BUGAYEV, N.F.; SAPILINIKOV, N.G.; KASTORIN, A.A.; RUDNIKOV, V.P.; YAKOWHV., V.A.; PEMMI:111, V.I.; ISAYEV, A.P.; KUZIMICHEV, N.N.; WIN, S.A.; PRONIN, V.A.; L1UK'YA1,TOV,, A.D.; SHMiOV, Ya.K.; IL'ICIEV, A.K., kand. sell- khoz. nauk; KOGAN, A.Ya.; TSYNKOV, M.Yu.; BABIY, L.T.; GORBUOV, I.I.; KOVALEV, A.M.; ROW%!C1MNKOj G.R.; BRODSKAYA, N.L., red.; IVRIOVA, A.W.., red.; WREVICH, M.M., tekhn. red.; TRUKHINA, O.H.p tel:hn. red. [Economics of agriculture)Ekonomika sotsialisticheskogo sell- skogo khoziaistva; kurs lektsii. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1962. 710 p. (MIRA 15:10) (Agriculture-Economic aspects)